Se 3
Se 3
Se 3
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 50 - 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 100 - 100
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course is to provide the basic knowledge of linear algebra, vector
calculus, Fourier series, linear programming by graphical and simplex methods. After the
completion of this course, students can use their knowledge in their professional course.
Course Contents:
1. Matrix and Determinant: (8 hrs)
1.1 Review of Matrix and determinant with their properties
1.2 System of linear equation with their solutions by Gauss elimination methods
1.3 Rank of matrix
1.4 Consistency of system of linear equation
1.5 Vector space and sub space
1.6 Linear transformation
1.7 Eigen values and vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem (statement only) and its
Text Books:
1. Kreyszig, Erwin.Advance Engineering Mathematics(8th edition). New
Delhi:Wiley-Easter Publication.
2. Paudel, Toya Narayan. Engineering Mathematics III, Bhotahity: Sukunda
1. Thomas, George B.& Finney,Ross L.Calculus and Analytical Geometry.
2. Swokoswski, E.W.Calculus with Analytical Geometry.
3. Singh, M.B.Vector Analysis.
4. Pant, G. D.Algebra.