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Geometry: A Comprehensive Course
Geometry: A Comprehensive Course
Geometry: A Comprehensive Course
Ebook1,033 pages10 hours

Geometry: A Comprehensive Course

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"A lucid and masterly survey." — Mathematics Gazette Professor Pedoe is widely known as a fine teacher and a fine geometer. His abilities in both areas are clearly evident in this self-contained, well-written, and lucid introduction to the scope and methods of elementary geometry. It covers the geometry usually included in undergraduate courses in mathematics, except for the theory of convex sets. Based on a course given by the author for several years at the University of Minnesota, the main purpose of the book is to increase geometrical, and therefore mathematical, understanding and to help students enjoy geometry.Among the topics discussed: the use of vectors and their products in work on Desargues' and Pappus' theorem and the nine-point circle; circles and coaxal systems; the representation of circles by points in three dimensions; mappings of the Euclidean plane, similitudes, isometries, mappings of the inversive plane, and Moebius transformations; projective geometry of the plane, space, and n dimensions; the projective generation of conics and quadrics; Moebius tetrahedra; the tetrahedral complex; the twisted cubic curve; the cubic surface; oriented circles; and introduction to algebraic geometry.In addition, three appendices deal with Euclidean definitions, postulates, and propositions; the Grassmann-Pluecker coordinates of lines in S3, and the group of circular transformations. Among the outstanding features of this book are its many worked examples and over 500 exercises to test geometrical understanding.
Release dateApr 2, 2013
Geometry: A Comprehensive Course

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    Geometry - Dan Pedoe



    This book is based on a course given for the past few years at the University of Minnesota to junior and senior students, to first-year graduate students and to a Year Academic Institute of College teachers of geometry who had returned to the University for a year to learn more geometry. The main purpose of the course was to increase geometrical, and therefore mathematical understanding, and to help students to enjoy geometry. This is also the purpose of my book.

    I believe, and in this I am supported by many reputable mathematicians, that a reasonable knowledge and appreciation of the scope and methods of elementary geometry is desirable for those who wish to study and to relish more abstract and advanced notions.

    By ‘elementary geometry’ I mean geometry as it is usually taught up to, but not including, a rigorous theory of algebraic curves. I include projective geometry of two and three dimensions, with some geometry of n dimensions in my definition of elementary geometry. The full scope of my definition can be initially realized by a look at the Table of Contents.

    In this book I discuss the algebraic methods available for a study of elementary geometry. I have tried not to be tedious, and on the whole only those theorems of elementary geometry are studied which are of significance for further study. Whenever possible, pointers to this significance are indicated, in the text or in the Exercises, of which there are more than 500. The algebraic approach, although it is the main thread of my discourse, is never over-stressed. If a theorem appears to be more attractive with a geometric proof, this is also given. In any case, geometric insights are stressed all through.

    The student reading this book is expected to have completed a course in linear algebra, of the kind indicated in my ‘Geometric Introduction to Linear Algebra’ (Chelsea, New York, 1978). That is, some acquaintance with the ideas of a vector space is assumed, including some theorems on the solution of linear homogeneous equations, and also some matrix theory. But in other algebraic matters the book is self-contained, and there is a Preliminary Chapter 0 with a summary of results the student will need.

    The chapters of this book need not necessarily be taken in strict sequence. There is ample material for a year's course, or selections can be made which can be covered in one, two or three quarters. The second half of the book, which deals with the projective space of 2, 3 and n dimensions can be used independently of the first part.

    Chapter I, which need not be taken first, shows what kinds of theorem in real Euclidean and affine geometry can be proved by using vectors. The student who has only come across vectors in a few sections of a book on the calculus may be surprised at the scope of the theorems which are amenable to the algebra of vectors. Later in the chapter the exterior algebra of Grassmann is introduced, and developed a little, and the power of the methods then available is demonstrated.

    Chapters II and III contain those parts of the theory of circles which are of importance for later developments in geometry. A fairly detailed study of coaxal systems is made. After all, these are the simplest linear systems of curves, after linear systems of lines, and in Chapter IV coaxal systems of circles are mapped onto lines in space of three dimensions, and we therefore need to know something about the systems which have such a simple map. Inversion is also studied, not only for its theoretical importance, but because it never fails to fascinate the student. The idea that geometry is an attractive study is not overlooked in this book.

    Chapter IV discusses the representation of circles by points in E3, real Euclidean space of three dimensions, and here the interplay between theorems in space of different dimensions (two and three in this particular case) first becomes clear. The ability to regard theorems from different points of view is probably the hall-mark of a geometer, and in this chapter a student may receive his first training in this desirable art. At the end of the chapter an algebra of circles is introduced. This is a further application of the ideas of Grassmann, and although the use made of the algebra is not new, the explanation is new and, it is hoped, no longer almost metaphysical. As in the preceding chapters, there are numbers of Exercises, not completely trivial, on which the student can test his understanding of the text. Nobody has, as yet, discovered a better way of learning mathematics.

    Chapter V deals with mappings of the Euclidean plane, especially isometries. These mappings have already appeared in earlier chapters, but are now considered from the point of view of the algebra of complex numbers. This algebra has many advantages, and some disadvantages, but it is important for the student to become familiar with the field of complex numbers. Wherever proofs using complex numbers are not completely satisfactory, aesthetically speaking, an alternative proof using Euclidean geometry is indicated. Some group theory is used in this chapter. Elementary mappings of the Euclidean plane have, of course, been an important part of elementary geometry for many years. Recently they have become important in the foundations of geometry.

    Chapter VI continues the discussion of mappings by considering the Moebius transformations of the inversive plane, and ends with a detailed discussion of the Poincaré model of a hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry. There is not too much development here, since once the student is convinced that Euclid's parallel axiom can be dispensed with, the rest is not necessary for our purpose, and can be found in other texts. The Appendix lists the Propositions of Euclid, as a useful reference.

    Chapter VII introduces projective geometry, the treatment being algebraic. Examples are given in two and three dimensions, some important constructs appearing.

    Chapter VIII considers the projective geometry of n dimensions, but only essential topics are discussed. The main theorems of projective geometry are derived, and applied to geometric proofs of theorems treated algebraically in earlier chapters. At the end of the chapter the geometrical interpretation of the Jordan normal form for a projective transformation of Sn is discussed. The algebraic derivation of the normal form must be considered to require more algebra than the readers of this book are expected to have, and so stress is laid on the geometrical meaning of the form when it is presented.

    Chapter IX uses the material of the preceding chapters to develop the projective theory of conics and quadrics. This is a powerful and attractive theory, and there is constant interplay between theorems in two and three dimensions. Stereographic projection is one of the methods developed to show this interplay. Once the main theorems are established, the proofs and the thinking are geometrical.

    Chapter X, entitled ‘Prelude to Algebraic Geometry’, ventures to the threshold of the theory of algebraic curves, Bezout's Theorem on the number of points of intersection of two plane algebraic curves of given orders. Twisted cubic curves on a quadric are discussed, the curve of intersection of two quadrics is investigated, the theorem on eight associated points is proved, and applications made to theorems encountered much earlier, proved by different methods. The chapter ends with a discussion of oriented circles, and proves some attractive theorems which hold only for oriented circles.

    The Appendix lists the Propositions of Euclid and gives a brief account of the Grassmann-Pluecker coordinates of lines in projective space of three dimensions. These coordinates occur in the text, but are not used in the development. There is also a pulling together of various threads of the discourse, with an indication of developments which are beyond the scope of this book.

    Bibliography and References list some of the books which have influenced me during the time spent in composing the lectures on which this book is based, and details are also given of books and articles which the student may wish to consult for further information. (Bold-face numerals refer to the Bibliography, p. 442.)

    I wish to thank Prof. Erwin Engeler for drawing my attention to Henri Lebesgue's comments, (printed as a Frontispiece to this volume), on those he regarded as mathematical vandals. Readers of Felix Klein's ‘Hoehere Geometrie’ (9) will come across some tart comments there on the curious attitude of some mathematicians towards geometry. Without trying to explain why the teaching of geometry has slumped so badly in the United States during the past thirty years, and far more than in any other country, it is heartening to notice that there are signs of a revival, and I hope that my book may help in this.

    I also wish to thank Mr. Wolfgang Nauck, who helped me with some of the drawings, and Prof. W. Wunderlich, who used the resources of his Institut fuer Geometrie in the Technische Hochschule of Vienna to supply other drawings.

    Many of the Sections into which this book is divided contain at most one Theorem. If this is the case, the reference to the Theorem is given by the number of the Section containing the Theorem. If the Section contains more than one Theorem, the reference is to Thm p, § q.


    May, 1970

    School of Mathematics,

    University of Minnesota,

    Minneapolis, Minn. 55455.



    In this chapter we introduce some of the notions which the reader will need when he begins his study of the main part of this text. We go into rather more detail in some cases than in others, our aim being to proceed fairly informally at first, and to introduce more precise notions as we proceed, and where necessary. Some ideas will therefore be discussed more than once, but if the reader is already familiar with them, he will turn the pages until he comes across something new. The idea of a group, for example, is needed at the beginning of our work, but we do not go into more detail until Chapter V, when we need to know more about groups. Of course, we could assume that the reader is already familiar with all the algebraic concepts which we wish to use, or give references to another book, but we prefer to make this book fairly self-contained, and have inserted sections on algebraic topics where teaching experience has shown that the student needs to be reminded of these topics. This manner of presentation may be less elegant, but we hope it will make this book more useful than a completely stream-lined presentation might be.

    0.1The Euclidean plane

    This is the familiar plane of ordinary geometry, and we shall investigate it algebraically, using the real number system. The properties of the real numbers which we use are (a) that they form a field, which means that the ordinary processes of arithmetic are possible with real numbers, and (b) that they are ordered.

    The points of our Euclidean plane are given by ordered pairs of real numbers (x1, x2), these being coordinates with respect to a pair of orthogonal cartesian axes OX1, OX2 (Fig. 0.1) The distance between a pair of points P = (x1, x2), Q = (y1, y2) is given by the formula

    [d(P, Q)]² = (x1 – y1)² + (x2 – y2)².

    The lines of our plane are sets of points which satisfy equations of the form

    a1X1 + a2X2 + a3 = 0.

    We shall use upper-case letters P, Q, A, B, . . . for points and lower-case letters l, m, n, . . . for lines.

    We can set up a coordinate system on any given line m, so that if the point A has coordinate xA, the point B has coordinate xB, then

    | xB xA| = d(A, B)

    for all points A, B on the line.

    Definitions. A point B is between A and C, where A C if

    d(A, B) + d(B, C) = d(A, C)

    Fig. 0.1

    Fig. 0.2

    Note that this definition implies that B lies on the line AC (Fig. 0.2). The points A and C together with all points B between A and B form the segment AC. The half-line m′ with endpoint O is defined by two points O, A in line m (A O) as the set of all points A′ of m such that O is not between A and A′. A half-line is sometimes called a ray.

    If A, B, C are three distinct points the three segments AB, BC and CA are said to form a triangle ABC with sides AB, BC and CA and vertices A, B and C. If A, B and C are on the same line the triangle is said to be degenerate. A non-degenerate triangle is a proper triangle.

    If ABC is a proper triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides is always greater than the length of the third side, and so we have

    This inequality is often referred to as the triangle inequality. In fact, we can say that if A, B, C are any three points,

    d(A, B) + d(B, Cd(A, C),

    with equality if and only if the point B lies on the line AC between A and C, that is in the segment AC.

    An angle is formed by three ordered points A, O, B, where A O, B O. The point O is called the vertex of the angle. The half-lines m = OA, n = OB, through any point O can be put into 1:1 correspondence with the real numbers so that if am corresponds to m, an to n, then the measure of AOBAOB, is an am (mod 2π).

    This can be done, for example, by drawing a circle, center O, and putting the half-lines through O into 1:1 correspondence with the points in which half-lines through O intersect the circle (Fig. 0.3).

    Fig. 0.3

    AOB BOAAOB BOA. We call such angles sensed or oriented angles. We can also call them signed angles.

    We know that in Euclidean geometry, for any triangle ABC,

    Similar triangles occur frequently in our work. Triangles ABC, A′B′C′ are said to be similar if for some constant k > 0,

    d(A′, B′) = kd(A, B),d(B′, C′) = kd(B, C),d(C′, A′) = kd(C, A)


    when the triangles are said to be directly similar; or corresponding sides are proportional, but corresponding angles are the negatives of each other, when the triangles are said to be indirectly similar.

    If in two triangles ABC and A′B′C′ we have d(A′, B′) = kd(A, B), d(A′, C′) = kd(A, CB′A′C′ BAC, then the triangles are either directly or indirectly similar.

    If, in the above definition, k = 1, the triangles are congruent.

    The theorem that, if in two triangles ABC, A′B′C′ we are given d(A, B) = d(A′, B′), d(A, C) = d(A′, C′BAC B′A′C′ the triangles are congruent, is often referred to as the side-angle-side theorem, or SAS-theorem, for short.

    A point O on a given line m is the vertex of two half-lines. We may assign positive coordinates to the points of one half-line, taking O as origin, and negative coordinates to points of the other half-line. If A, B are any two points on m, we define the sensed, or directed segment AB as

    , and for any three points A, B, C on m we have

    If A, B, P are distinct points on m (collinear points), we define the ratio in which P divides the segment AB . This ratio is independent of the position of the origin of coordinates O on the line, and independent also of which of the two half-lines vertex O is chosen to have positive coordinates. If P lies between A and B the division is said to be internal; otherwise the division is said to be external. We note that for external division the ratio is negativeby r, we note that if P , then –1 < r < 0; if P lies between A and B then 0 < r < ∞. If P then – ∞ < r < –1. If A and B are distinct and P coincides with A. If A and B are distinct and P coincides with B .

    We note that for any given r, where – ∞ < r < +∞, the point P is uniquely defined, so that there is a 1:1 correspondence between the positions of P on the line and the real numbers. As P moves along the line in either direction, the position-ratio r tends towards the value –1. This suggests that the line has a unique point at infinity.

    Of course points at infinity have no place in Euclidean geometry, but it is very useful to extend our ideas of points so as to embrace this concept.

    In Euclidean geometry of the plane a unique line can be drawn to contain two given distinct points, and two distinct lines either intersect in a unique point, or they do not intersect at all, in which case they are said to be parallel. Through a given point which does not lie on a given line there is a unique line parallel to the given line.

    We introduce a new kind of point, which we call an ideal point. This is defined to be the set of lines parallel to a given linelies on a given line l if and only if l . If now Q is an ordinary point of the plane, there is a unique line which contains Q , since there is a unique parallel through Q . Two lines now always intersect, either in an ordinary point, or in an ideal point. We say that the set of ideal points lie on an ideal line ω, and we sometimes refer to this as the line at infinity in the plane we are considering. We see that any line l intersects ω , and so it is reasonable to call the set of ideal points an ideal line. These ideas are discussed algebraically in §80.1.

    Finally, it is sometimes convenient to assign a sense, or orientation to the areas of triangles lying in the Euclidean plane. A triangle ABC will be considered as positive or negative according as the tracing of the perimeter from A to B to C to A is counter–clockwise or clockwise. Such a signed triangular area is called a sensed or signed , in contrast to the unsigned area ΔABC.

    We note that the area of triangle ABC is given by the determinant

    where A = (x1, x2), B = (y1, y2) and C = (z1, z2), and this determinant is positive if the sense of rotation from the axis OX1 to the axis OX2 is counterclockwise, that is in the same sense as the tracing of the perimeter of triangle ABC. This determinant is a function of the vertices of a triangle which enables us to compare the orientation of different triangles. It will appear again when we consider geometries as the set of properties unchanged by linear transformations of the plane.

    Circles will figure largely in this book, and although we shall prove many of the properties we wish to use, we shall assume the fundamental property that if A, B, C, D are four points in the Euclidean plane, a necessary and sufficient condition that they are concyclic (that is, that they lie on a circle) is the equation

    These are directed angles, and the relation is to hold mod π.

    0.2The affine plane

    We consider a plane in which the points are given by ordered pairs of real numbers (x1, x2), and the line joining the points P = (x1, x2) and Q = (y1, y2) is defined as the set of points R where

    and k1, k2 vary over all real values, but k1 + k2 ≠ 0. If we eliminate the ratio k1:k2, we find that the coordinates (X1, X2) of R satisfy a linear equation of the form

    a1X1 + a2X2 + a3 = 0.

    If we take the values (0, 1) and (1, 0) respectively of (k1, k2) we see that the set of points R contains both P and Q, and the line can be described as the line PQ. Without introducing the idea of distance between a pair of points we can say that the point R is between P and Q if the ratio k1: k2 is positive, and we can also define the ratio of the signed lengths

    We do not compare lengths between points in general, that is we have no general formula for the distance between two points. But besides being able to compare signed lengths between pairs of points on the same line, we can also compare them on parallel lines.

    The two lines a1X1 + a2X2 + a3 = 0, a1X1 + a2X2 + b3 = 0, where a3 ≠ b3, have no point of intersection, and are said to be parallel. We can show that through a given point P which does not lie on a given line l there is a unique line parallel to l. Suppose that the points, P, Q lie on a line l and the points P′, Q′ lie on a parallel line l′. If the line PP′ is parallel to the line QQare equal. If PP′ intersects QQ′ at the point Vto equal either of these ratios.

    We do not define angle–measure in this geometry, which is called affine geometry, but we shall see in §§ 1.1–6.1, where we use vectors to prove theorems, that many theorems true in the Euclidean plane are also true in the affine plane.

    We can introduce ideal points into the affine plane exactly as we did for the Euclidean plane, and talk of the line at infinity. The affine plane will appear again (§80.2), considered from another point of view.

    Finally, we can compare areas in the affine plane, using the same formula for the area of a triangle ABC that is used in Euclidean geometry (§0.1). This involves the possibility of comparing the orientation of two triangles ABC, A′B′C′, the orientation being the same if the ratio of the corresponding determinants is positive, and opposite if the ratio of the two determinant functions is negative.


    It is, of course, desirable to have a consistent notation, but in geometry this is not always possible. The important thing is that the reader should always understand the notation used at any given moment! We shall refer to the unique line which contains the points A and B as the line AB, but we shall usually shorten d(A, B), which is the distance between the points A and B in the Euclidean plane to |ABimage for the signed length |AB| in the Euclidean plane, and we can compare parallel signed segments in the affine plane. If we refer to the angles of a triangle ABC BCACAB ABC, we shall sometimes, for brevity, refer to them as the angles C, A and B , Â .

    We shall denote points by upper-case letters, P, Q, R and so on, and lines by lower-case letters, l, m, n and so on. If AB and CD are two lines which intersect at a point V, we shall write V = AB CD. In three-dimensional space, Euclidean, affine or projective, we shall denote the plane through the points A, B and C by ABC, or, if it makes reading easier, by (ABC). We shall also do this in space of n dimensions. If we wish to refer to the plane defined by a point P and a line l which does not contain P, we shall write [Pl]. In all cases it is hoped that the text will amplify the notation, so that there is no misunderstanding.

    The situation with regard to coordinate axes is made troublesome by the fact that for centuries mathematicians have talked of Ox and Oy-axes, and Ox, Oy and Oz-axes in three dimensions. We shall use both this notation and a more modern one, talking about the OX1 and OX2-axes, or the OX1, OX2 and OX3-axes. We have tried to be consistent in using (X0, X1, . . ., Xn) to denote a variable point, and (x0, x1, . . ., xn) to denote a given point in projective space Sn, but purists will probably be able to detect lapses.

    0.4Complex numbers

    Associated with every point (a, b) of the Euclidean plane, where the axes are the usual orthogonal cartesian axes, there is a complex number a + ib, where we may regard i as an algebraic symbol which obeys the usual laws of algebra, but in addition the law i² = –1.

    This is one approach to complex numbers. We may also introduce complex numbers as ordered pairs (a, b) of real numbers, and say that two complex numbers (a, b) and (c, d) are equal if and only if a = c and b = d. This is sometimes called: ‘equating the real and imaginary parts of the two sides of an equation in complex numbers’. We define addition thus:

    (a, b) + (c,d) = (a + c, b + d)

    and scalar multiplication k(a, b), where k is real, thus:

    k (a, b) = (ka, kb).

    We define the multiplication (a, b) . (c, d) of two complex numbers as follows:

    (a, b) . (c,d) = (ac bd, ad + bc).

    With these rules, we soon see that the usual laws of algebra, the associative law, the distributive law and the commutative law, hold. There is an obvious zero complex number, the number (0, 0), and we have

    (a, b) + (0, 0) = (a, b), and (a, b) . (0, 0) = (0, 0),

    so that we can define –(a, b) to be (–a, –b), and

    (a, b) – (a, b) = (0, 0).

    If (a, b) is not equal to (0, 0), we can find an inverse, that is a number (c, d) such that (a, b) . (c, d) = (1, 0). We choose (1, 0) as our unity because it is clear that (a, b) . (1, 0) = (a, b). The inverse of (a, b) may be calculated as (a/(a² + b²), –b/(a² + b²)), and it is immediately verified that this is indeed the inverse.

    If we consider the special complex numbers (a, 0), we see that since

    (a, 0 ) + (c, 0 ) = (a + c, 0 ) and (a, 0 ). (c, 0 ) = (ac, 0 ),

    the numbers (a, 0) are isomorphic to the ordinary real numbers a. We may therefore identify the numbers (a, 0) with the corresponding numbers a, and consider the complex numbers (a, b) as an extension field of the real numbers. If we call the special complex number (0, 1) by the name i (engineers use j), and note that (0, 1) . (0, 1) = (–1, 0), which we have agreed to call –1, we have i² = –1. We also have

    (a, b) = a(1, 0) + b(0, 1) = a + bi

    by our conventions and procedures, and we have returned to the point of view that the complex numbers are an extension of the real numbers, of the form a + ib, where a and b are real, and i obeys the usual algebraic laws, with the additional fact that i² = –1.

    0.5The Argand diagram

    The contemplation of a complex number as an ordered pair (a, b) makes the representation of a complex number immediate and non-metaphysical. We represent the complex number (a, b) by the point with cartesian coordinates (a, b), usually referred to orthogonal axes. This representation is known as the Argand diagram (Fig. 0.4). For historical reasons the number b is called the imaginary part of the complex number, and the OX2-axis in the Argand diagram, is called the imaginary axis, the OX1-axis being called the real axis. This does confuse some students, especially if their first introduction to complex numbers is via certain technical books. One is usually told that there is no number whose square is equal to –1, and subsequently asked to imagine a number i whose square is equal to –1. ‘Such numbers are imaginary’.

    Fig. 0.4

    Fig. 0.5

    We shall often use a single symbol, such as z, to represent a complex number, and we may write z = a + ib, or z = (a, b). If we represent the complex number not only by the point–pair (a, b) in the Argand diagram, but also by an arrow from the origin to the point (a, b), we are considering complex numbers as vectors (Fig. 0.5). We shall examine vectors in Chapter I.

    Since (a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + d), we see that the parallelogram law for the

    Fig. 0.6

    addition of complex numbers z1, z2 holds as it does for vectors, and in particular we deduce the important result that the join of the complex number z1 = (a, b) to z2 = (c, d) is a vector which represents the complex number

    z2 – z1 = (c – a, d – b).

    0.6The conjugate of a complex number

    If z = a + ib, we define the conjugate of z, as

    is the reflexion of z in the real axis. It is clear that

    corresponding to the fact that geometrical reflexion in a line is an operation of period two (Fig. 0.6).

    It is also clear that

    and it is quickly verified that

    We note that

    which gives the square of the distance of the point (a, b) from the origin. We define the modulus of z, written |z|, to be the length (a² + b²)¹/², so that


    we have the fundamental relation

    |z1 . z2| = |z1||z2|.

    We note that |z| > 0 if z ≠ 0, where the second 0 now stands for the complex number (0, 0). The introduction of the conjugate of a complex number enables us to find the inverse of a complex number z ≠ 0 with speed. We have

    and therefore

    0.7The triangle inequality

    In Fig. 0.5 the diagonal of the parallelogram represents z1 + z2, and since one side of a triangle is always less than or equal to the sum of the lengths of the other two sides, we have

    |z1| + |z2|

    This is the basic inequality connecting the moduli of complex numbers. It may also be written in the form

    |z1 + z2|– |z1|


    |z1 + z2| – |z1|

    If we rename our complex numbers, and write Z1 = z1 + z2, Z2 = z1, we have

    |Z1| – |Z2|.

    Since |Z1 – Z2| = |Z2 – Z1|, we also have

    |Z2| – |Z1|,

    and all this information may be put together in the inequality

    ||Z1| – |Z2||

    It should always be remembered that if z1 = (a, b) and z2 = (c, d), the distance between the points (a, b) and (c, d) is |z2 – z1|.


    0.1Show, by induction, that

    and that

    0.2Show that

    |z1 + z2 + . . + zn|z1| + |z2| + . . . +|zn|

    0.3Prove that |z1 + z2|² + |z1 – z2|² = 2(|z1|² + |z2|²), and give a geometric interpretation of this formula.

    0.4Verify the identity below which holds for any four complex numbers z1, z2, z3 and z4:

    (z1 – z4) . (z2 – z3) + (z2 – z4) . (z3 – z1) + (z3 – z4) . (z1 – z2) = 0.

    Deduce that if A, B, C and D are any four points in a plane,

    |AD||BC|BD||CA| + |CD||AB|

    (Compare the stronger result of § 24.1.)

    0.5Using the theorem |z1 . z2| = |z1| . |z2|, express the product

    (a1² + b1²)(a2² + b2²)

    of the sum of two squares as the sum of two squares. Prove that the product

    (a1² + b1²)(a2² + b2²) . . . (an² + bn²)

    may also be written as the sum of two squares.

    0.6Show that the equation of a circle, center z0 and radius r, may be written as |z – z0| = r, or as z – z z0 + |z0|² – r² = 0.

    0.8De Moivre's theorem

    The Argand diagram representation of complex numbers leads to an important representation in terms of polar coordinates (Fig. 0.7). Let z = a + ib, and let the modulus of z be written as r. Then if the radius vector from the origin to the point (a, b) makes an angle ϕ with the positive direction of the X1-axis, we have

    a = r cos ϕ,b = r sin ϕ,

    so that

    z = a + ib = r(cos ϕ + isin ϕ).

    If we are given a and b we may determine r without ambiguity as r = (a² + b²)¹/², but there is obvious ambiguity in the determination of ϕ. If we restrict ϕ to the values given by the inequalities –π < ϕ π, then ϕ is determined without ambiguity, and this value of ϕ is then called a principal value. We write this value of ϕ as am z (amplitude of z). It is also sometimes written as arg z (argument of z). We note that r is the modulus of z.

    If we multiply together the two complex numbers

    z1 = r1(cosφ1 + i sin φ1), z2 = r2(cosφ2 + i sin φ2),

    we find that

    z1 . z2 = r1r2(cos(φ1 + φ2) + i sin (φ1 +φ2)).

    Fig. 0.7

    Hence we obtain once more the theorem:

    |z1 . z2| = |z1| . |z2|,

    but we cannot say that

    am(z1 . z2) = am(z1) + am(z2),

    because of the definition of principal value. For a simple counterexample, take both z1 and z2 equal to –1. As a complex number,

    –1 = 1(cos π + i sin π),

    and the amplitude is π. Since (–1)² = 1, which has amplitude zero, and 2π ≠ 0, a simple additive relation between principal values of amplitudes does not hold. But we can say that the amplitude of the product of two complex numbers is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the two numbers, or differs from it by ± 2π.

    If zi = ri(cos φi + i sin φi), we find by induction that

    z1. z2 . . . zn = r1r2. . . rn(cos(A) + i sin (A))

    where A = φ1 + φ2 + . . . + φn.

    If we take all the zi to be equal to r(cos φ + i sin φ), we have

    [r (cos φ + i sin φ)]n = rn(cos + i sin ),


    (cos φ + i sin φ)n = cos + i sin ,

    and this is De Moivre's Theorem.

    This theorem also holds for negative integers, since


    (cos φ + i sin φ)–n = (cos(–φ) + i sin(–φ))n = cos (–) + i sin (–)

    We have also shown that if z = r(cos φ + i sin φ), the modulus of z–1 is r–1, and its amplitude is –φ, unless φ = π, when the amplitude of z–1 is still π.

    More generally, if z1 = r1(cos φ1 + i sin φ1), z2 = r2(cos φ2 + i sin φ2), z1/z2 = r1r2–1(cos (φ1 – φ2) + i sin(φ1 – φ2)), and the modulus of z1/z2 is r1/r2, and the amplitude is either equal to the difference of the amplitudes of z1 and z2, or differs from it by ±2π.


    0.7Express the following numbers in the form A + iB, where A and B are real numbers:

    (1 + i)², (1 – i)², (1 + i)²/(1 – i)², (1 – i)²/(1 + i)².

    Determine the modulus and amplitude of each of these complex numbers.

    0.8The complex numbers a, b and c are represented by the points P, Q and R in the Argand diagram, and the acute angle between the lines PR and QR is equal to θ. Show that am (c – a)/(c – b) may equal θ, π – θ, –θ or – π + θ, according to the relative positions of the points P, Q and R in the plane.

    0.9If (z – a)/(z – b) = r(cos φ + i sin φ), show that the curves r = constant, and φ = constant, for fixed complex numbers a and b and varying z, are circles of orthogonal coaxal systems, the one which has the points a and b as limiting points, and the other of circles which pass through these two points. (See Exercise 27.1.)

    0.10Show that the equation z³ = 1 may be solved by writing 1 = cos 2kπ + i sin 2, and observing that cos (2/3) + i sin (2/3) satisfies the equation. Show that the three distinct values obtained for z are the vertices of an equilateral triangle on the circle |z| = 1 in the Argand diagram.

    0.11Show that if the roots of z³ = 1 are 1, ω, ω′ then ω′ = ω², and 1 + ω + ω² = 0.

    0.12Show that x³ + y³ + z³ – 3xyz ≡ (x + y + z)(x² + y² + z² – xy – yz – zx) ≡ (x + y + z)(x +wy + w²z)(x + w²y + wz).

    0.13Solve the equation z⁴ = 1 by using De Moivre's theorem, and plot the solutions on the Argand diagram. Do the same for z⁵ = 1. Can you state a general theorem about the geometrical configuration formed by the solutions of zn = 1 when plotted on the Argand diagram?

    0.9Real and imaginary in geometry

    The geometric representation of complex numbers by means of points in a Euclidean plane, the complex number a + ib being mapped onto the point (a, b), leads to a number of embarrassing features in our terminology, different matters being conventionally described by the same word. The numbers a, b, . . ., are all real numbers, and these are also viewed as complex numbers which all lie on the real axis of the Argand representation. The purely imaginary numbers are associated with the points of another axis in this representation. But if we think of the points of a Euclidean plane, we think of the points (a, b), where a and b are real, as real points. We shall wish to consider real curves, such as lines, circles, conics, etc., and these are curves defined by equations with real coefficients. A real line a1X1 + a2X2 + a3 = 0 always contains real points, such as the point (–a3/a1, 0), if a1 ≠ 0, but it also contains the ‘imaginary’ point (–(ia2 + a3)/a1, i). A real circle, X1² + X2² + 1 = 0 has a real center at (0, 0), but contains no real points. What shall we call such a curve? Felix Klein suggested the adjective ‘nullteilig', which means ‘having no real part', since he wished to retain the adjective ‘imaginary’ for curves given by equations whose coefficients are complex numbers. We shall use the term ‘virtual circle’ for a circle, given by an equation with real coefficients, which contains no real points. The term ‘ideal circle’ has also been used. We note finally that a real circle can also contain both real and imaginary points. Thus the circle X1² + (X2 – 2)² – 1 = 0 is real, and intersects the real line X, which are imaginary points!

    We shall see later that there are great advantages in extending the real field of coordinates to the complex field, and in considering points whose coordinates are possibly complex numbers.

    The so-called ‘fundamental theorem of algebra’ is very relevant to this discussion. This says that any polynomial of degree n, with complex coefficients, factorizes over the complex field into n linear factors; that is:

    zn + p1zn–1 + . . . + pn–1z + pn ≡ (z t1)(z t2) . . . (z tn),

    where the ti are complex numbers. This means that an equation with complex coefficients can always be solved, with solutions in the field of complex numbers. The equation z² + 1 = 0 has no real solutions, but does have the two complex solutions z = ±i. Because of this fundamental theorem of algebra we know, for instance, that a line always intersects a given circle in two points, which may coincide. The points may not be real points, but if they are not, they are points with complex coordinates, which we may call complex or imaginary points.

    0.10Equivalence relations

    In a set S let there be defined a relation, which we write ∼, between any two elements of the set. This relation may be true or false. Suppose that this relation ∼ satisfies the following conditions:

    (i)The relation of reflexivity, that is x ∼ x for all x in the set S,

    (ii)The relation of symmetry, that is x ∼ y implies y ∼ x,

    (iii)The relation of transitivity: if x ∼ y and y ∼ z, then x ∼ z.

    Such a relation is called an equivalence relation. It is the natural extension of the relation of equality.

    Suppose that we choose an element x0 in S, and form a subset of all the elements of S which satisfy the relation x ∼ x0. Such a subset is called an equivalence class. Since x0 ∼ x0, this equivalence class contains x0. If y0 ∼ x0, so that x0 ∼ y0, and we consider the elements of S which satisfy the relation x ∼ y0, the relation of transitivity shows that all these elements satisfy the relation x ∼ x0, and so lie in the equivalence class of elements satisfying x ∼ x0. If we now take an element z0, if there is one, not satisfying z0 ∼ x0, and form the equivalence class of elements z of S satisfying z ∼ z0, this class has no elements in common with the first equivalence class, by the transitivity relation. We can continue thus, and eventually find that the equivalence relation ∼ has divided S up into mutually disjoint subsets, and every element of S lies in one, and only one such subset.

    Conversely, if a set S is covered by mutually disjoint subsets, an equivalence relation can be set up between the elements of S, by simply saying that x ∼ y if and only if x and y lie in the same subset.

    There are many examples of equivalence relations, some of which will be given in the Exercises which follow.


    0.14Show that in the set of integers 'x – y is divisible by m', where m is a fixed integer, defines an equivalence relation. If m = 2, show that the relation divides the set of integers into subsets of odd and even integers.

    0.15Show that in the set of integers "x and y are both even" is not an equivalence relation.

    0.16Criticize the following proof: if x ∼ y, then y ∼ x, by the symmetry relation, and if x ∼ y and y ∼ x then x ∼ x, by the transitivity relation. Does this mean we can dispense with the relation of reflexivity in our definition of equivalence relations? Consider the preceding Exercise as an illustration.

    0.11Mappings or transformations

    Let S and T denote two sets. We use the symbol ∈ to stand for the phrase ‘is a member of', so that s S means 's is a member of S'. The sets S and T may be the same set. If to every s S there is assigned a unique t T, we say that the set S is mapped or transformed into T, or we say that a function is defined on S, with values in T.

    If the mapping, transformation, or function is denoted by the symbol α, we shall use the notation

    α: S T, for the sets,

    α : s t for the points.

    We shall also write sα = t. Some authors use αs = t, and others = t, which is more difficult to print, but has some advantages.

    Since the sets S and T need not consist of numbers or points, it is clear that the definition of function given above is a generalization of the older definition.

    The element is called the image of s under the mapping α, and since this term is taken from the science of optics, we shall call s the object of t = sα. (Some authors use the term preimage). The set S is called the domain of α, and the set of images, which is the set of all sα( s S) is called the range of α, and denoted by .

    If the equation s1α = s2α implies that s1 = s2, which means that two distinct elements of S are never mapped onto the same element of , the mapping is said to be 1:1, or one-to-one, in words.

    If Sα = T, so that all the elements of T are images under α, the mapping α is said to be surjective, and we say that α maps S onto T, instead of into T. Of course, a mapping which is only known to be into, at first, can turn out to be onto. A 1:1 mapping which is onto is said to be bijective.

    In what follows we shall consider bijective mappings of a set onto itself. Every point of the set is mapped onto a unique point of the set. Every point of the set is image-point of a unique point in the set. It will be noticed that we have dropped the term ‘element’ of a set and use the word ‘point’. In most cases our elements will be points, but they need not be.

    0.12Products of mappings

    Let α, β be bijective mappings of a set onto itself. We shall write αβ for the transformation which results if we carry out α first, and then β:

    s(αβ) = ()β.

    We call the mapping αβ the product of the mappings of α and β. We shall prove that αβ is a mapping of the set. It is sometimes called a composition of the two mappings.

    There is a special bijective mapping of a set onto itself, the identity mapping, which we denote by ι. This maps every point of the set onto itself

    ι : S.

    It is clear that for any bijective mapping of the set onto itself,

    αι = ια = α.

    The mapping α has an inverse α′, which is such that

    αα′ = αα = ι.

    For if sα = t, let α′ be the mapping which maps t onto s. Since t arises from a unique s, s is uniquely defined, given t. Since also the mapping α is onto, we may choose any element of the set S to be t. The mapping α′ is therefore defined, and it is clearly one-to-one and onto. We see immediately, since

    s(αα′) = ()α′ = ′ = s,

    that αα′ = ι. Again, we have

    t(αα) = (′)α = = t,

    so that α′α = ι. We denote α′ by α–1.

    The set of mappings we are considering obeys the associative law: in other words, if α, β, γ are three such mappings, then

    α(βγ) = (αβ)γ.

    To prove this result, we note that s[α(βγ)] means ()[(βγ)], and (βγ) means β(γ), so that ()[(βγ)] means ()(β)(γ), which can be written s(α)(β)(γ). In the same way we show that s(αβ)[γ] means s(α)[(β)]γ, which is the same as s(α)(β)(γ).

    If we now show that the product of two mappings α, β is not only one-to-one but also onto, we shall have shown that the one-to-one onto mappings of a set form a closed set under composition, and together with the existence of an identity ι, an inverse for any mapping of the one-to-one onto kind we have been considering, and the fulfilment of the associative law, we shall have established that one-to-one onto mappings of a set form a group under composition.

    Since (αβ)(β–1α–1) = α(ββ–1)α–1 = αια–1 = αα–1 = ι,

    β–1α–1 = (αβ)–1.

    Ifs1(αβ) = s2(αβ),

    multiplication on the right of each side of this equation by (αβ)–1 shows that s1 = s2. Hence the map αβ is one–to–one. If t is any element of S, and t(αβ)–1 = s, then

    s(αβ) = t,

    and so the map αβ is also an onto map.

    We shall be dealing with groups later, and we give the usual group axioms here.

    Group Axioms. There is a set of elements p, q, r, . . . and a binary operation which, applied to p and q, is written pq. The set is closed under this single-valued binary operation. We also have the following conditions satisfied:

    The Associative Law. p(qr) = (pq)r, for all p, q and r in the set.

    The Identity Law. pι = ιp = p for all p and for some ι in the set.

    The Inverse Law. For any p in the set there exists a p′ in the set such that pp′ = p′p = ι. (We denote p′ by p–1.)

    If the group axioms are satisfied for a set, we can show that ι, the identity element, is unique, and we can also show that the inverse of a given element is unique.

    For if ι′ is another identity element, ι′ = ι′ι = ι, by the properties of ι and of ι′.

    If p* is another inverse for p, then

    p* = ιp* = ppp* = pι = p′.

    Since the inverse is unique, and pp–1 = ι, we must have (p–1)–1 = p.

    If the group operation is commutative, so that pq = qp for all p, q in the group, the group is said to be Abelian, and the group operation applied to p and q is usually written p + q, instead of pq.

    The set of Exercises which follow give some idea of the general nature of the theory of groups. In the particular case we are examining, mappings of a set onto itself, the associative law is always satisfied, and it is therefore satisfied for the more restrictive bijective mappings. Hence, when we consider bijective mappings of a set onto itself, the group axioms will be satisfied if the composition of two mappings lies in the set of mappings, if the identity mapping of the set onto itself lies in the set of mappings, and if the inverse of any mapping lies in the set of mappings, the inverse being defined thus: if α is the mapping, and sα = t, then s = tα–1. In tabular form, the axioms to be satisfied are:

    I.If α, β lie in the set of mappings, so does αβ.

    II.The identity mapping ι given by sι = s lies in the set.

    III.If α lies in the set, so does α–1, where α–1 is defined thus:

    If = t, then s = –1.


    0.17We have associated the complex number z = a + ib with the point (a, b) of the Euclidean plane. Are the following mappings of points of this plane onto? Are they 1:1? Give reasons for your answers.

    (i) Z = z²,(ii) Z = x² + i y²,(iii) Z = |z|.

    0.18Show that the set of two elements {1, –1} form a group, the group multiplication being ordinary multiplication. What is the inverse of the element –1?

    0.19Which of the following sets are groups?

    (a)The rational numbers under addition.

    (b)The rational numbers under multiplication.

    (c)The rational numbers, with zero omitted, under multiplication.

    (d)The set of integers under subtraction.

    (e)The set of complex numbers z with |z| = 1, under multiplication.

    0.20Let n > 1 be an integer. Show that the n roots of the equation zn = 1 form a group under multiplication. (De Moivre's Theorem is not necessary.)

    0.21Over the set of all rationals distinct from –1, let an operation * be defined by a * b = a + b + ab (usual addition and multiplication).

    (i)Show that a * b is in the set, and that under the operation * the set forms a group.

    (ii)Do the integers ≠ –1 form a subgroup?

    0.13Linear algebra

    We shall usually recapitulate the notions of linear algebra

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