3 Ideologies
3 Ideologies
3 Ideologies
In this discussion, we will talk about
your view regarding giving the
government a bigger role in the area of
your economic/financial life; whether you
are in favor, or opposed;
Classical Liberalism
Modern Modern
Conservatism Liberalism
Modern Liberalism was a reaction to the
defects of the laissez-faire system.
He concluded that Marx has been wrong about the necessity for
collapse of the system and revolution.
He was criticised as a revisionist
for revising Marxism in this way.
No longer advocate
nationalization of industries but
the use of welfare measures to
improve living conditions.
is the process
Such welfare measures include of transforming private assets
employment insurance, national into public assets by bringing
medical plans, generous them under the public ownership
pensions, and subsidized food of a national government or
and housing. state.
Social democracies are no longer socialist
states as much as they are welfare states.
Anarcho-individualist. One’s
protest may be in the form of
radical pacifism, renouncing
revolutionary violence against the
Anarcho-syndicalist. This praises the role of trade unions,
advocates general strikes and prefers civil disobedience.
Its basis is the supreme value and
importance of individual freedom.
• It began as a mass
movement with the French
• It generally arises when a
population perceives that
there is an enemy or an
“other” to despise and
struggle against.
• It is fired by the
passionate feeling that it
is wrong to be ruled by
It is weak on content as an ideology because it does not take
a definite ideological position on such issues as
unemployment, economic growth or mass poverty.
• In the past it was explosive as it sought to free a nation
from foreign domination; today it is implosive because
the more common thrust is to break up a state into
many nations.
The extreme form of nationalism is fascism which held
sway in Italy and Germany in the 1930s to the 1940s.
In both, it was identifiable by “the uniform, the flair for
spectacle, the hatred for democracy, the one party
state, and the single dictator.”
is a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race
above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government
headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and
forcible suppression of opposition.
Classifications of Ideologies
The radicals (who favoured The moderates were seated in the centre.
abolition) to the left.
Today, “left” means an ideology that
favors equality, welfare programs and
sometimes, government intervention
in the economy.
Favor Oppose
of the Favor Populist Conservative
in the area of
traditional values. Oppose Liberal Libertarian
Populism is an ideology
that favours an activist
government as a means
of promoting economic
security as well as the
personal values of
Libertarianism is an
ideology that rejects the
view of the government
as an instrument of
traditional values and of
economic security.
Political Spectrums