Speaking Performance
Speaking Performance
Speaking Performance
This thesis is dedicated to:
1. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala who always blessing me to finish my thesis.
2. Prophet Muhammad shalallaahu alaihi wassalaam who gives the best role
model to do anything.
3. My beloved husband Agus Dwi Saputro, S.T who always accompanies
and support me in anything.
4. My beloved parents Mr. Edy Cahyono and Mrs. Hartini who always
support and pray for me in anything.
5. My beloved brothers and sisters Muhammad Ilham Cahyono, Ibrahimmovi
Dewantara and Isnaini Madewi.
6. My beloved friend Shofia Zain Akbar. Anisa Nur Rohmani and Dewi
Anggita who always support me.
7. All of my beloved friends who always support me.
8. English language department G 2018 class.
9. My self Aprilia Cahyono who always do strong and never give up until
10. My Almamater UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta.
11. All Lecturers of English Education Study Programs, especially Mr.
Sabariyanto, M.Pd and Mrs. Nestiani Hutami, M.A as my Examiners.
12. Drs. Sudibyo, M.Pd as the Headmaster of SMA N 1 Tawangsari,
13. Endang Wiyatni, S.Pd as the XI MIPA 4 teacher at SMA N 1 Tawangsari,
14. Dra. Sri Handayani as the XI MIPA 4 English teacher at SMA N 1
Tawangsari, Sukoharjo.
Allah wants ease for you, and does not want difficulty for you.
Be passionate about things that are useful to you. Ask Allah for help, don't
be weak.
(HR. Muslim)
If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic
sanction in the form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.
Aprilia Cahyono
Alhamdulillah, all praises to be Allah, the single power, the Lord of the
universe, master of the day judgment, God almighty, for all blessing and mercies
so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled The Implementation of
Shadowing Technique in Practicing English Speaking Performance at The
Eleventh Grade Students SMA N 1 Tawangsari Sukoharjo in The Academic Year
2021/2022. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad shalallaahu alaihi wassalaam, the
great leader and good inspiration of world revolution.
The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, supports, and suggestions, from several sides. Thus, the researcher would
like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:
1. Prof. Dr. Mudofir, S.Ag., M.Pd as the Rector of the State Islamic
University Raden Mas Said Surakarta,
2. Prof. Dr. Toto Suharto, S.Ag., M.Ag as the dean of The Faculty of
Cultures and Languages,
3. Elen Inderasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the head of Language Department of
UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta,
4. Wildan Mahir Muttaqin, MA. TESL as the coordinator of English
Language Education Study Program,
5. Furqon Edi Wibowo, M.Pd as the advisor for his guidance, permission,
approval, valuable advices, corrections, and helps to revise all mistakes
during the entire process of writing this thesis, also for the motivation
and encouragements to the researcher.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the
readers in general.
Sukoharjo, December 05, 2022
The researcher
Aprilia Cahyono
TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ i
ADVISOR’S SHEET ........................................................................................... ii
RATIFICATION ................................................................................................. iii
DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................v
PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. viii
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................x
LIST OF PICTURES .......................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................1
A. Background of the Study..............................................................................1
B. Identification of the Problems ......................................................................4
C. Limitation of the Problems...........................................................................4
D. Formulation of the Problems........................................................................4
E. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................5
F. Benefits of the Study ....................................................................................5
G. Definition of Key Term ................................................................................6
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................8
A. Theoretical Review ......................................................................................8
1. Speaking Performance ...........................................................................8
2. Shadowing Technique ..........................................................................14
3. Leaning Obstacles ................................................................................21
B. Previous Related Studies ............................................................................22
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................27
A. Research Design .........................................................................................27
B. Research Setting .........................................................................................27
C. Research Subject ........................................................................................28
D. Data and Source of the Data.......................................................................29
E. Research Instrument ...................................................................................29
F. Techniques of Collecting the Data .............................................................29
G. Trustworthiness of the Data .......................................................................31
H. Techniques of Analyzing the Data .............................................................32
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................47
APPENDICES .....................................................................................................51
Table 2.1 The Differences between Behaviorist Theory, Cognitivist
Figure 2.1 Speech Shadowing Session Setup .......................................................17
Appendix 1 Interview Results ......................................................................51
To make the title easily understood by the readers, the researcher would like
to give the definition and explanation of the terms used, they are as follows:
1. Speaking
Speaking is one of the basic language skills that is important for
communication. The researcher will explain the nature of speaking in order to
gives clear and complete information about what speaking is. Language is an
ability that controlled by humans to communicate with other humans using signs,
for example words and gestures or tools to interact and communicate in the sense
of a tool to convey thoughts, ideas, concepts or feelings. Without language we
cannot interact with other people, especially the people who are around us (Sari &
Lestari, 2019).
2. Speaking Performance
According to Brown (1994), speaking is an interactive process of constructing
the meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information and
“Performance, denotes the production of actual utterances as a result of certain
psychological processes” (Hemerka, 2009).
3. Shadowing Technique
Shadowing is known as one of the training techniques used to improve
interpreting skills (Shiota, 2012). Shadowing helps follow fast speech, which is
one of the problems faced by non-native listeners. (Hamada, 2012). Shadowing
also known as the activity of following and repeating a sound from a recording.
Shadowing has been used as a lot of listening to learning material. Other than
that, shadowing turns out to be a practice method for beautifying pronunciation.
Shadowing was originally used for training interpreters. It is in the current decade
that shadowing has captured language instructors‟ attention and been incorporated
into teaching a foreign language. Lambert defined shadowing as a paced, parrot-
style auditory tracking task, conducted with headphones (Lambert, 1992).
A. Theoretical Review
1. Speaking Performance
a. Definition of Speaking Performance
Speaking is a skill, and as such needs to be developed and practiced
independently of the grammar curriculum. Speaking is not only about
producing words and sentences, it is a process that involves receiving
messages, processing them, and producing appropriate responses (Thornbury,
Harwood states that speaking is a unique form of communication which is
the basis of all human relationships and the primary channel for the projection
and development of individual identity. Particularly in literate societies and
cultures, its distinctive characteristics are sometime overlooked (Fitriah &
Anita, 2016).
According to Underwood, “speaking means a creative process, an active
interaction between speaker and listener that involves thought and emotion.”
(Akhyak & Indramawan, 2013). It means speaking is a complete process,
because speaking involves producing, receiving, and also processing
information which is delivered orally. Those three processes of speaking are
so important.
So it can be concluded that speaking is one of the basic language skills
that is important for human being to communicate in order to conveying
thoughts, ideas and concepts or feelings between the speaker and the listener
aims to produce an appropriate response. Speaking is used not only as a
means of communication but also as a means of relating and building up
relationship with other people.
5) Fluency
Fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write easily, smoothly and
expressively. In other words, the speaker can read, understand and respond
in a language clearly and concisely while relating meaning and context.
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately.
Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of
fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small
number of pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the
speaker does not have spent a lot of time searching for the language items
needed to express the message. From the ideas above, the researcher
concluded that another important component is fluency. Fluency means
the capability of someone speaks fluently and accurately with little using
pauses like „ums‟ and „ers‟, and so on.
c. Factors Affecting Speaking Performance
In order to help students overcome problems in learning speaking, it is
necessary for the teachers to figure out the factors that affect their speaking
performance. Here are some problems in speaking performance according
Nguyen Hoang Tuan:
1) Lack of Confidence
The students cannot think of anything to say, because they have no
motivation to express themselves in speaking. Actually, the students often
lack confidence and less of vocabularies in their speaking ability. And
they feel insufficient in language skills to express exactly what they want
to say.
2) Low Participation
The students have low participant when they speak, this mean that
they have only very little talking time. This problem is compounded by
the tendency of some learners to dominate, while other speaks very little
or not at all.
e. Teaching Speaking
Teaching speaking is very challenging. Before teaching in the
classroom the teachers should comprehend some theories dealing with
teaching speaking. Thornbury (2006) states that there have been at least
three theories of language learning that are relevant to the teaching of
2. Shadowing Technique
a. Definition of Shadowing Technique
Shadowing is a language learning technique developed by the American
Professor Alexander Arguelles, which means learners attempt to repeat, to
“shadow” what they hear as quickly and accurately as they hear it. Shadowing
is known as one of the training techniques used to improve interpreting skills
(Shiota, 2012).
Lambert defined shadowing as a paced, parrot-style auditory tracking
task, conducted with headphones (Lambert, 1992). Rather than a passive
activity, however, shadowing is an active and highly cognitive activity in
which learners track the heard speech and vocalize it as clearly as possible
while simultaneously listening.
Shadowing can be said reproducing phrases right after listening to a
chunk of meaningful English without looking at the text. Thus, the listener
follows the speaker on the video, CD or MP3 like a shadow or an echo
(Yonezawa & Ware, 2008).
Luster (2005) pointed that “shadowing”, which means repeating what a
speaker says, may be well known as an exercise for simultaneous interpreting,
but this technique is also an excellent way of teaching English. The term
comes from “shadow” which means shades. It called shadowing because, just
as shadow does everything that when move, the shadowing voice says
everything that the original voice says.
It can be concluded that the shadowing technique is a language learning
training technique which means the learner tries to repeat or “shadow”
directly like a parrot what the speaker is saying on video, CD or MP3 by
looking at or without looking at the material script in order to improve
speaking and interpreting skills.
b. Classification of Shadowing Technique
In this study, the researcher used procedure which has been made by Lee
and Hasegawa (2017). They made innovation steps based on the instructions
d. Shadowing in Classroom
Shadowing was originally a technique for training interpreters and has
recently come to be used as a listening technique. In this respect (Hamada,
Kato, Kuramoto, Nishida, Isobe, Mochizuki, Oki) explored the mechanism of
shadowing and its influence on speaking skills, reproduction rate, and
pronunciation, along with an examination of working memory. This process
of repeating incoming speech and monitoring the shadowed material engages
many areas of the learners‟ brain, especially the language area. Kadota (2007)
asserted, with sufficient theoretical support, that shadowing is productive for
classroom language acquisition, especially with regard to speaking skills.
Classroom activities can be supported by the application of the shadowing
technique. Wiltshier (2007) states that “Shadowing is a cooperative learning
experience”. In this respect, shadowing might be a very motivating task for all
students in the classroom. This method fosters cooperation between students
and may involve mixing the levels, for instance advanced learners can
collaborate with beginner students.
e. The Advantage of Shadowing Technique
As a technique in English, shadowing has some advantages. Shadowing
makes participants' speaking skills in aspects of fluency, pronunciation and
intonation are increase (Puspita, Judiasri, & Herniwati, 2016). Kazuko stated
that shadowing affords students extensive listening practice. More
importantly, it enables them to concentrate on what they are listening to; as a
result, their listening comprehension will improve (Shiota, 2012). It is not
impossible to enhance this technique to increase students‟ speaking
performance, because listening and speaking are related.
Shadowing technique can boosting working memory, shadowing
techniques reinforces the working memory since it activates several areas in
the brain. “Firstly, it activates the echoic memory, “which stores the
information one hears for a short period” to grasp incoming sound
3. Learning Obstacles
a. Definition of Learning Obstacles
In this case, the obstacles that will be studied are the obstacles that occur
in learning. Obstacles in learning are several obstacles that hinder the course
of learning seen from human factors (teachers and students), institutional
factors (classrooms), and instructional (lack of teaching supports) (Hamalik,
The obstacles in learning are several factors that hinder learning both
from the factors of teachers, students, families, and facilities (Rohani, 2004).
Learning shows the students' efforts to learn the subject matter as a result of
the teacher's treatment (Sanjaya, 2008).
learning. The students are called success if 70% students get 68 mark or above
and the students speaking performance increased. The results of the study, the
researcher finds out that shadowing technique can be used as the alternative
technique in teaching learning especially speaking performance, shadowing
technique can make the students understand about how to pronounce and do
speaking as the native speaker, so the students can be easier to speak up in
English and shadowing technique can increase the students‟ speaking
performance and help the students accomplish the task.
The second previous study has been conducted by Hamzar (State
University of Makassar, 2014) entitled “The Implementation of Shadowing
Technique to Improve Student’s Speaking Performance”. This study aims to
(1) identify, (2) analyze and (3) describe the implementation of shadowing
technique improves and motivates the students speak English or not in PIA
Monginsidi Makassar in 2013/2014 academic year. The research is focused on
the influence of shadowing technique to the aspect of accuracy, fluency and
comprehensibility. The method which is used by the writer is Quasi-
experimental design. This method used a treatment group and it had a
nonequivalent control group design that was given pre-test, treatment, and
post-test. The result of the study, the researcher stated that the implementation
of shadowing technique in teaching speaking class improved the speaking
performance of the students of PIA Monginsidi Makassar and the
implementation of shadowing technique motivated the students to speak
The third previous study entitled “The Implementation of Shadowing
Teaching Techniques to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at SMAN 2
Sidrap” has been done by Andri Tenri Bali Yahya (Makassar Muhammadiyah
University: 2020). The goal of this research is to finds out are shadowing
techniques can improve students' ability to speak English at the first grade of
SMAN 2 Sidrap, South Sulawesi. He used an experimental method, which
was a method that aims to test the effect of a variable on other variable or to
test how the causal relationship between one variable and another. For
collecting the data the researcher used three steps. They are Pre-Test,
Treatment, and Post-Test. The researcher conducted the test with treatment by
giving a narrative video text. In the result of the research, the researcher found
that the implementation of shadowing teaching techniques to improve
students speaking ability was significantly. It was proven by mean score in
terms of content in pre-test and post-test are different.
The fourth previous study entitled “Shadowing Technique for
Pronunciation Development” conducted by Eva Leonisa and Dhinuk Puspita
Kirana (IAIN Ponorogo, 2021) in which discusses the change of scores on
pronunciation for the students who are taught by the shadowing technique at
the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Jetis Ponorogo. They applied a
quantitative research design to measure the effectiveness of the shadowing
technique on students‟ pronunciation. The research designs is quantitative
research and classified as experimental, non-experimental, and quasi- or semi-
experimental. This research uses test instruments in data collection. The
researcher applied a set of tests: pre-test and post-test. They used statistics for
analyzing the data. Statistics are the physique of mathematical techniques or
methods for gathering, describing organizing, and decoding numerical data.
The result of this research, the researcher concluded that the shadowing
technique was proven to be effective and students of experimental class got
higher score than the control class since they taught by shadowing technique
that was proven improving their pronunciation by creating more practice
opportunities to them.
The last previous study entitled “Enhancing the Students’ Pronunciation
using Shadowing Technique at Senior High School Students” has been done
by Agus Salim, Terasne and Liza Narasima (IKIP Mataram: 2020). The goal
of their research is to find out is there any effect of shadowing technique
A. Research Design
This research is a qualitative field research. The definition of field research is
to study intensively about the background of the current situation, the interaction
of a social, individual, group, institution, and community (Usman & Akbar,
2006). Qualitative method is a research procedure, which produces descriptive
data in the form of written or oral words from people and their behavior that are
observed (Bogdan & Taylor, 2012). In qualitative research the data collected is in
the form of words or picture rather than numbers. This research only describes the
implementation and the learning obstacles of shadowing technique in practicing
English speaking performance at the eleventh grade students SMA N 1
Tawangsari Sukoharjo.
B. Research Setting
The research setting refers to the place where the data are collected. In this
study, data were collected at SMA N 1 Tawangsari where located in Jl. Patimura,
No. 105, Lorog, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah.
The time used in this study was several months, starting in December 2021
which began when looking for data at SMA N 1 Tawangsari and obtaining data
from one of the English subject teachers Mrs. SH.
Table 3.1 Time of Research
No. Activities Dec Jan Feb March- May- July-
April June August
1. Pre-research
2. Proposing the
design of the
3. Collecting
the data
4. Analyzing
the data
5. Writing
6. Consulting
thesis to the
C. Research Subject
According to Amirin, the research subject is someone or something about
which information or people in the research setting are used to provide
information about the situation and condition of the research setting (Fitrah &
Luthfiyah, 2017). The research subjects in this research are people who provide
information to researchers about what they need. Based on the title that has been
selected, the researchers will make respondents in this study are:
A. English Teacher
The researcher will use the English teacher of class XI MIPA 4 as the subject
of this research. In this study, the researcher interviewed Mrs. SH because from 4
teachers at SMA N 1 Tawangsari only Mrs. SH who has used shadowing
technique since a long time and she more experienced.
B. XI MIPA 4 Students
There are 35 students in XI MIPA 4 class, 8 male students and 27 female
students. The researcher choose XI MIPA 4 because after the pandemic is over,
for this class is the first time they are introduced to shadowing technique.
E. Research Instrument
The main instrument of this research was the researcher herself because it was
a descriptive qualitative research. According to Moleong (2004) the characteristic
of qualitative research is using the researcher or with help of other people as the
instrument of the research. Moleong also states that in qualitative research, the
researcher ia a planner, data collector, analyst, data interpreter and reporter of
research result.
conducting the observation takes part or is in the state of the object being
observed). While non-participant observation is a process of observing the
observer without participating in the life of the person being observed and
separately domiciled as observers. And what the researcher use is non-
participant observation, so the researcher only observes the process of
teaching and learning activities.
This observation method, the researcher uses to get data about the
implementation of the shadowing technique in practicing English speaking
performance at XI MIPA 4 SMA N 1 Tawangsari for one week. To get data
such as: what preparations were made by the teacher before carrying out the
learning process, how the learning process was implemented and how to
evaluate it, and what are the learning obstacles faced by teacher and students
when implemented shadowing technique.
2. Interview
An interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and
ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be constructed in a
particular topic. There are three kinds of interviews, namely:
a. Structured Interviews
Structured interviews are used as a data collection technique, if already
know the information to be obtained.
b. Semi-structured Interviews
Semi-structured interviews are used to find problems more openly, those
who are invited to interview are asked for their opinions and ideas.
c. Unstructured Interviews
Unstructured interviews are used when preliminary research or even more
in-depth research on the subject under study.
The type of interview that the researcher uses is a structured interview,
namely an interview in which the interviewer arrangements his own problems
and questions to be asked. The questions in this type of interview are
a. Triangulation
William Wiersma (1986) said that triangulation in credibility testing is
defined as checking data from various sources at various times. Namely
triangulation of sources, and triangulation of time.
1) Source Triangulation
To test the credibility of the data, it is done by checking the data
that has been obtained from several sources. The data obtained were
analyzed by researchers to produce a conclusion then ask for an
agreement (member check) with two data sources.
2) Time Triangulation
Data collected by interview technique in the morning when the
interviewee is still fresh will provide more valid data so that it is more
credible. Furthermore, it can be done by checking with interviews,
observations or other techniques in different times or situations. If the
test results produce different data, then it is done repeatedly so that the
certainty of the data is found (Sugiyono, 2017).
1. Data Reduction
Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on
the things that are important, looking for themes and patterns and removing
unnecessary ones. Thus the data that has been reduced will provide a clearer
information, and make it easier for researchers to collect further data, and look
for it when needed.
2. Data Display
After the data is reduced, the next step is to display the data. Presentation
of data can be done in the form of brief descriptions, charts, relations between
categories, and flowcharts. The most commonly used to present data in
qualitative research is narrative text.
3. Verify
Conclusions in qualitative research can answer the problem formulation
that was formulated from the start supported by valid evidence when the
researcher returns to the field to collect data (Sugiyono, 2017).
A. Research Findings
Research findings will discuss the processing and analysis of data that has
been obtained from the results of research conducted at SMA N 1 Tawangsari
Sukoharjo, where the researcher obtained the data through observations and
interviews with Ms. SH, as an English teacher for XI MIPA 4 class. Based on
observations and interviews results were conducted at SMA N 1 Tawangsari
starting on Tuesday May 10th 2022, Thursday May 12th 2022, and Friday May
13th 2022. In the part of research findings, researcher will elaborate two things
namely the implementation of shadowing technique in practicing English
speaking performance and the learning obstacles in the implementation of
shadowing technique in practicing English speaking performance.
1. The Implementation of Shadowing Technique
The researcher observes the implementation of the shadowing
technique, the researcher sees directly how the process of implementation
of shadowing technique in practicing English speaking performance XI
MIPA 4 class was taught by Mrs. SH. English learning is carried out for 2
meeting in one week.
Based on an observation with Mrs. SH as an English teacher for XI
MIPA 4 class in the implementation of the shadowing technique, the
teacher determines the theme that will be taught if it is applied with the
shadowing technique is suitable or not, because not all English material
can be applied using the shadowing technique, if the theme is appropriate
then the teacher explains what material will be studied and explains what
methods will be used by the teacher in learning at that time. The steps
taken by Mrs. SH as
an English teacher for XI MIPA 4 class using the shadowing technique are
as follows:
a. The Preparation Step
The first step is the planning of the session. The preparation step
was made by Mrs. SH before carrying out English learning at SMA N
1 Tawangsari XI MIPA 4 class, so that activities can run well and
achieve the learning objectives that have been fixed, good and detailed
preparation is needed. The things that Mrs. SH prepared, among
others, were preparing a Lesson Plan (RPP) which was concurrently in
a one-week meeting, by writing standard competence and basic
competence, subject, learning objectives, learning steps, learning
methods, preparing learning media that will be used in accordance
with learning objectives and materials, as well as arranging an
After the lesson plan is completed, the teacher prepares media that
is in accordance with the material being taught. The media used by
Mrs. SH are bluetooth speakers, audio explanation text, and printed
explanation text. After the media preparation is complete, the teacher
greets the students and check class conditions so students are ready to
learn. One of the students was asked to lead the prayer, namely Yoga.
The teacher reminds students about the previous lesson and relates it
to the lesson to be taught. The teacher explains the material for today's
learning activities along with the objectives of today's learning
activities, after that the teacher checks on student attendance. Then the
teacher explains the activities to be carried out, the teacher conveys the
lesson on page 109 of the student book. The teacher explains the
written material and exercises about Passive Voice material.
1) Subjects
Passive Voice English Learning
Contents: English
2) Media and Tools
Bluetooth Speaker
It is used for loudspeaker from audio containing explanation
text which will be imitated by students using the shadowing
Audio-Lingual Explanation Text
Used as a guide for students when speaking using the
shadowing technique.
Explanation Text (Printed)
Used as a student guide script when speaking using the
shadowing technique.
Teacher‟s Guide Book
The book used by the teacher to support the learning, the book
used is the 2013 Curriculum Integrated English book, published
by the Jakarta Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020.
Student Book
Books used by students for guidance in the process of
implementing learning in the classroom.
b. The Implementation Step
The following are the results of observations on the
implementation of shadowing technique in practicing English
speaking performance activities for XI MIPA 4 class at SMA N 1
Tawangsari. The researcher examines the use of shadowing technique
in learning English in XI MIPA 4 class at SMA N 1 Tawangsari,
among others:
1) The teacher explains the shadowing technique and give the
Types Steps
Awareness Listen to the audio: Do not shadow or
read the text but only listen quietly.
Mumbling: Students shadow, in a
whispered way, the incoming sounds.
Appropriation Synchronized reading: Students shadow
the audio, reading aloud the text or
script, emulating intonation and sound.
Complete shadowing: students shadow
everything the speakers say without
Act out: Students will act out the text or
script as they shadow it.
b. 02/(FNH)P7-11
Figure 4.2 Step 2 Synchronized Reading
c. 03/(SMB)P12-18
Figure 4.3 Step 3 Prosody Shadowing
d. 04/(MIC)P19-23
Figure 4.4 Step 4 Content Shadowing
class situation is not conducive and not all students can hear the audio
clearly. Especially the students in the back row. The class condition
became a bit noisy and hindered the learning that was taking place.
For the last obstacle is the low motivation of students when learning
English speaking. This is indicated by the presence of some students who
look unmotivated when appointed by the teacher to practice the speaking
performance itself. Sometimes there are also students who dare to refuse
with a little joke from the teacher when they want to practice speaking
conversation, being
afraid to speak, and
so on.
B. Discussion
This subchapter is a discussion. It presents some findings that are gained
from all of the data that have been analyzed in the previous subchapters. The
findings are arranged based on the problem statements that are presented by
the researcher in the first chapter. Thus, the findings are the implementation of
shadowing technique in practicing English speaking skill at the eleventh grade
students SMA N 1 Tawangsari and the learning obstacles in the
implementation of shadowing technique in practicing English speaking
performance at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1 Tawangsari. Those findings
are described in the following explanation:
1. The Implementation of Shadowing Technique
The first step in English learning is preparation step. In this case the
preparation of the Lesson Plan used, is to use the 2013 curriculum. At
SMA N 1 Tawangsari, the teacher has made lesson plans based on the
2013 curriculum in every learning meeting. In order to achieve basic
competence and indicators, the teacher should adapt the method will use
to the learning material to be taught. The method planned by the teacher in
the lesson plan is in accordance with the method used during the learning
process. The use of this learning method is in the form of a shadowing
technique. Based on results of observation the implementation of
shadowing technique in practicing English speaking performance at
eleventh grade SMA N 1 Tawangsari after preparation step is completed,
the teacher greets the students, check class condition, pray together and
checks student‟s attendance. The teacher explains the written material and
exercises about Passive Voice material.
A. Conclusions
Based on the results of research conducted by the researcher on The
Implementation of Shadowing Technique in Practicing English Speaking
Performance at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 1 Tawangsari
Sukoharjo in The Academic Year 2021/2022, it can be concluded shadowing
technique is one method that can be implemented in learning English
speaking. Based on research conducted at SMA N 1 Tawangsari, the results
show that the implementation of the shadowing technique in practicing
English speaking performance XI MIPA 4 class at SMA N 1 Tawangsari has
been carried out with maximum effort by the teacher, because the teacher has
implemented it in accordance with the shadowing technique steps, such as
listen quietly first, shadow in a whispered way the incoming sounds,
emulating intonation and sound, shadow the audio, act out the text or script as
they shadow it. After finish the shadowing technique the teacher provides
feedback, evaluations and improvements to the students' speaking practice.
The learning obstacles in the implementation of shadowing technique
in practicing English speaking skill at the eleventh grade of SMA N 1
Tawangsari are several obstacles such as institutional factors (classrooms) and
human factors (teachers and students). The institutional factors is the lack of
adequate facilities. The human factors are a learning atmosphere that is not
conducive enough and lack of student‟s motivation in learning English
B. Suggestions
In order to achieve the objectives and the fluency of teaching and
learning activities in learning English speaking, it is necessary to be creative
from the teacher and from the school. Therefore, to further optimize the
implementation of the shadowing technique after the researcher conducted by
the researcher regarding The Implementation of Shadowing Technique in
Practicing English Speaking Performance at The Eleventh Grade Students of
SMA N 1 Tawangsari Sukoharjo suggested:
1. For Students
With the implementation of the shadowing technique, it is hoped that
from the results of this study students are more motivated in the learning
process, and can increase maximum learning outcomes.
2. For Teacher
Teachers should use the shadowing technique as an alternative in the
teaching and learning process, because this method has a positive effect on
improving students' speaking skills.
Provide information to teachers, about the implementation of
shadowing techniques in English subjects in improving student learning
outcomes. And the results of this study can be used as motivation for other
teachers to want to apply learning methods.
3. For Headmaster
The results of this study are expected to be used as input and
contribution of thoughts, especially regarding the application of the
shadowing technique.
4. For Other Researchers
Can conduct research on the effect of shadowing technique with
different subjects.
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Harchegani, M. K., Biria, R., & Nadi, M. A. (2013). The Effectiveness of Self
Directed-Learning Method in Teaching Speaking Skill to Iranian EFL
Lee, C., & Hasegawa, S. (2017). Speech Shadowing Support System in Language
Learning. The Ninth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-
Line Learning, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Nomi, 2.
Puspita, L. A., Judiasri, M. D., & Herniwati, H. (2016). Teknik Shadowing dalam
Pembelajaran Kaiwa (Penelitian Eksperimen terhadap Mahasiswa Tingkat II
Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang FPBS
UPI). Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang, 1, 48. Retrieved from
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Interview Transcript
Subject Identity:
1. Name : SH
Time : May 10th 2022
Duration : 20 minutes
Interview Transcription
SH : There are several obstacles, ada beberapa yang benar-benar saya rasakan
dan hal ini menjadi challenge tersendiri bagi saya selaku guru bahasa Inggris yang
sudah berkali-kali menerapkan this technique. For the first mengarah ke fasilitas
dikelasnya itu sendiri yaa. Bisa dilihat sendiri lab bahasa kami memang belum
siap untuk dipakai kembali I mean it under renovation. Jadi guru harus
mempersiapkan individually apa saja tools yang dibutuhkan. Contoh kalau saya
use Bluetooth speaker untuk pengeras suaranya, padahal to be honest ini kurang
efektif digunakaan saat menerapakan this technique. Karna memang shadowing
ini cocoknya diterapkan di laboratorium bahasa, which is students use headphones
it will make the sound more clear.
SH : Yes, of course I did it. Saat laboratorium masih layak untuk dipakai,
ketika I implemented this technique itu selalu di laboratorium Bahasa dan terbukti
lebih efektif.
volumenya sudah maksimal tapi masih kurang keras karna anak-anak susah
dikondisikan pada saat itu.
Me : For second obstacle ini berkaitan dengan first obstacle ya Mrs, jika
dilakukan di laboratorium pasti sangat kecil kemungkinan kondisi kelas yang
tidak kondusif?
SH : For the third or last obstacle is about student motivation jadi ini termasuk
kategori human factor yaa dari studentnya itu sendiri. Sampai sekarang level of
student motivation untuk belajar English speaking juga masih dibilang rendah yaa.
Permasalah ini dari jaman dulu belum bisa terpecahkan mbak pasti juga tuau
sendiri. Karna faktor nggak pede lah, nggak mudeng topik yang mau dibahas lah,
bingung cara ngomongnya, takut buat ngomong dan lain-lain.
Documentation Results
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Materi Pembelajaran Reguler
1. Fungsi sosial
Mendeskripsikan, memaparkan secara obyektif
2. Struktur teks
Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan).
3. Unsur kebahasaan
Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam passive voice.
Preposisi by
Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those,
my, their and sebagainya.
Menentukan S, V, dan O.
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan
tulisan tangan.
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Saintifik Learning
Model Pembelajaran : Discovery Learning & Shadowing Technique
Metode : Diskusi, Tanya Jawab, Presentasi
Alat/Bahan :
1. Bluetooth Speaker
2. Whiteboard
3. Spidol
G. Sumber Belajar
1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia : Buku
Bahasa Inggris
2. Kamus Bahasa Inggris – Indonesia
3. Internet/You-Tube
4. Bahan ajar yang relevan
H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama 2 Jam
A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)
Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa dengan peserta didik.
Peserta didik berdo’a sebelum memulai kegiatan.
Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
Pertemuan Pertama 2 Jam
Mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman peserta didik tentang passive
Mengajukan pertanyaan pendahuluan :
1. What do you think we are going to talk about?
2. What do we use the passive voice for?
Menginformasikan materi yang akan dipelajari.
Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari materi yang akan
Menyampaikan tujuan dan strategi pembelajaran.
Nilai Deskripsi
Sangat Baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan
percaya diri membaca/mencari informasi dari sumber lain.
yang Terbatas Memuaskan Mahir
1 2 3
1 Speaking Membaca script, Lancar dan Lancar
kosakata kosakata dan mencapai
terbatas,dan kalimat fungsi sosial,
tidak lancar berkembang, struktur
serta ada lengkap dan
transisi unsur
kebahasaan sesuai.
Pembelajaran Remedial
Bagi peserta didik yang belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal
(KKM) setelah melakukan Tes Sumatif, maka akan diberikan
pembelajaran tambahan (Remedial Teaching) terhadap IPK yang belum
tuntas kemudian diberikan Tes Sumatif lagi dengan ketentuan:
Pembelajaran Pengayaan
Guru memberikan nasihat agar tetap rendah hati, karena telah mencapai
KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). Guru memberikan materi
pengayaan berupa penugasan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca
dan / ataumenyusun kalimat passive voice.