I hereby declare that this thesis entitled “The Correlation Between Students’
Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Speed at the Second Semester of The Eight
completely my own work. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements
and theories from various sources and they are properly acknowledged in the text.
Ahmad Ad Dairaby
NPM. 1511040187
(It will be said to him): “Read your book. You yourself are sufficient as a
Ahadi, “Quran surah Al Isra 14 (QS 17: 14) in Arabic and English translation” (Online),
available at:
english-translation Accessed on: March 16th 2020)
From the deepest place of my heart, this thesis is dedicated to everyone who cares
and loves me. I would like to dedicate this thesis specifically to:
1. Allah SWT who always loves and keeps me everywhere and everytime.
bestowed me with loves and affections and pray for my life and
3. My beloved brothers: Putra Munawir Asy Ari and Misbahul Huda who
Ahmad Ad Dairaby was born in Kalianda on September 19 1997. Addai is
the first child of three sons of Mr. Sadjarwo and Khoroni S.Pd. He has also 7-
year younger brother namely Putra Munawir Asy Ari and 10-year younger
Mulya Kencana and finished on 2012. On the same year, he was accepted to the
nearby Senior High School which was SMA N 1 Tumijajar and graduated on
2015. Stepping to higher education, on 2015, he was accepted to one of the state
Thanks to Allah, the almighty, most merciful, beneficent, and exalted for
blessings and mercy during accomplishment of this thesis. May peace and
salutation also be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought and
guided us from the darkness to the lightness. This thesis entitled “The Correlation
Between Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Speed at the First
Semester of the Eighth Grade at SMP N 03 Mulya Kencana In the Academic Year
This final project will not complete without the assistance of others . It is
supported by a lot of people who has helped, supported and prayed this final
project in which the researcher cannot mention all of them. He wishes to give the
1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nirva Diana, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher
3. Rohmatillah, M.Pd, as the advisor for her advice, guidance, help, and
4. M. Sayid Wijaya, M.Pd, as the co-advisor who has patiently guided and
5. Satria Adi Pradana, M.Pd as the primary examiner who have taught his a
staff who have helped the researcher collecting the data needed.
8. Esti Novita Sari, S.Pd, as the English teacher who has been so kind and
Umi, Deni, Arif, Yogi, Agung, and others who cannot be mentioned all.
and criticisms for the goodness of this thesis are always open-heartedly welcome.
Ahmad Ad Dairaby
NPM. 1511040187
COVER.............................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT...................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL...................................................................................................... iii
ADMISSION..................................................................................................... iv
DECLARATION.............................................................................................. v
MOTTO............................................................................................................. vi
DEDICATION.................................................................................................. vii
CURRICULUM VITAE.................................................................................. viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. xi
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................ xiv
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................... xv
LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................. xvi
c. Kinds of Vocabulary ................................................. 17
d. Vocabulary Mastery .................................................. 19
2. Reading............................................................................ 21
a. Definition of Reading ............................................... 21
b. Reading Speed .......................................................... 24
c. Techniques of Reading Speed .................................. 28
3. Descriptive Text............................................................... 29
a. Definition of Descriptive Text.................................. 29
b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ..................... 30
c. Language Feature of Descriptive Text...................... 30
4. Vocabulary and Reading Speed in Descriptive Text ...... 31
5. Correlation Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Speed...... 32
B. Frame of Thinking .................................................................. 33
C. Hypothesis .............................................................................. 34
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................... 36
A. Research Design ..................................................................... 36
B. Variable of the Research ........................................................ 37
C. Operational Definition of Variables ....................................... 37
D. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ........................ 38
1. Population ....................................................................... 38
2. Sample ............................................................................. 39
3. Sampling Technique ........................................................ 39
E. Data Collecting Technique ..................................................... 41
1. Vocabulary Mastery ........................................................ 41
2. Reading Speed ................................................................. 42
F. The Instrument ....................................................................... 42
1. Vocabulary Test ............................................................... 42
2. Reading Speed Test .......................................................... 44
G. Scoring System ....................................................................... 46
H. Research Procedure ................................................................ 48
I. Try Out ................................................................................... 49
1. Validity of Test .................................................................. 49
a. Content Validity ....................................................... 49
b. Construct Validity .................................................... 50
2. Reliability of Test .............................................................. 51
J. Data Analysis ......................................................................... 53
1. Fulfillment of the Assumption ........................................... 53
a. Normality Test ......................................................... 53
b. Linearity Test ........................................................... 54
2. Hypothetical Test ............................................................... 54
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 56
A. Data Analysis ..................................................................... 56
B. Result of Test ..................................................................... 56
1. Result of Vocabulary Mastery Test ............................. 57
2. Result of Reading Speed Test ...................................... 58
C. Result of Data Analysis ..................................................... 59
1. Fullfillment of Assessment .......................................... 59
a. Result of Normality Test .......................................... 60
b. Result of Linearity Test ............................................ 61
2. Result of Hypothetical Test ......................................... 62
D. Discussion .......................................................................... 64
Table 3.1 The Number of the Students ......................................................... 39
Table 3.2 Blue Print for Vocabulary Mastery After Tryout ......................... 44
Table 3.3 Readibility Test for Reading Speed Instrument ........................... 45
Table 3.4 Classification of Reading Rate .................................................... 46
Table 4.1 Statistic of Vocabulary Score ....................................................... 57
Table 4.2 Result of Normality Test .............................................................. 61
Table 4.3 Result of Linearity Test ................................................................ 62
Table 4.4 Result of Hypothetical Test .......................................................... 64
Appendix 1 Result of Interview for the Teacher ........................................... 74
Appendix 2 Result of Interview for the Student ............................................ 77
Appendix 3 Instrument of Pre-Liminary Test for Reading Speed ................ 96
Appendix 4 Question of Pre-Liminary Test for Vocabulary Mastery ........... 97
Appendix 5 Key Answer of Pre-Liminary Test for Vocabulary Mastery .....102
Appendix 6 The Students’ Vocabulary Score ...............................................103
Appendix 7 The Students’ Reading Speed Score ..........................................104
Appendix 8 Instrument for Vocabulary Mastery Before Validation .............105
Appendix 9 Key Answer for Vocabulary Mastery Before Validation ..........113
Appendix 10 Instrument For Reading Speed ..................................................114
Appendix 11 Instrument For Vocabulary Mastery After Validation ..............115
Appendix 12 Key Answer For Vocabulary Mastery After Validation ...........121
Appendix 13 Tabel Nilai r Product Moment ...................................................122
Appendix 14 The Result from Validity Testing Item of Vocabulary Test ......123
Appendix 15 The Result From Reliability of Vocabulary Test Item ..............125
Appendix 16 Students’ Name of Sample Class ...............................................128
Appendix 17 The Score of Students’ Reading Speed ......................................130
Appendix 18 The Result of Vocabulary Test ..................................................133
Appendix 19 Score of Vocabulary Mastery Test ...........................................134
Appendix 20 Silabus ........................................................................................137
Appendix 21 Expert Validation from Vocabulary Test ...................................144
Appendix 22 Documentation ...........................................................................146