Angel Ann - Research
Angel Ann - Research
Angel Ann - Research
Social media has changed the way we interact forever. It has proven itself to be a lasting
communication tool and has managed to capture a worldwide market. it offers users access to
a global audience with an amplified voice. Social media has the ability to connect with almost
anyone in the world, but it can also change the way brains form new social relationships.
Social media has some damaging effects on communication skills and, unfortunately,
lasting damaging effects when used in excess or obsessively. Social media and internet
interactions offer a veil between the person sending and the person receiving the message.
The interactions are no longer face-to-face, and this can lead to some unfiltered conversations
as people feel they can say anything with no repercussions. Social media has turned out to be
one of the most important means of communication in recent times. Despite the fact that
social media initially existed to provide communication among different people irrespective
of their location, it can easily share information, pictures, files, videos, and even send
This quantitative study purposely examine the impacts of social media on
communication skills of Grade 11 CSS students of Sta Fe Stand Alone Senior High School.
The significance of the study is the justification for its importance and its effects on
the field of research, its contribution to new knowledge, and how it can benefit others. The
DepEd The result of the study will let the school administrator know that grade 11 CSS
students of Sta Fe Stand Alone Senior High School has lack of communication skills due to
School Administrator The result of the study will let the school know and be aware of how
Two components of a research paper are the scope and delimitation of the research,
which tell the reader what information is used in the research and explain why the author
chose that information. This study focuses on the impact of social media on the
communication skills of Grade 11 CSS students at Sta Fe Stand Alone Senior High School.
Theoretical Framework
With regard to theoretic frameworks that address the phenomenon of social media,
this study adopted three theories that are closely related to the main subject. These theories
are the diffusion of innovations theory, the social network analysis theory, and the strong
media effects theory. Diffusion of innovations is one of the most important theories in
social framework. These innovations include new technological devices, ideas, channels,
innovations depends on a number of assumptions that explain and articulate the process of
adopting the new innovation by users and the development of its popularity over time.
▪ Survey
Rogers (2003), who developed the diffusion of innovations theory in the early 1960s,
▪ Data collecting
argues that most new innovations and technologies have been adopted based on certain
and processing
standards or criteria that determine the popularity and efficacy of these news or practices
▪ Data
among individuals.
interpretation and
Therefore, the first characteristic that should be taken into consideration is the ability
of innovation to achieve the special goals and needs of adopters. Each innovation is
distinguished from other competitors in terms of speed, efficiency, performance, cost, quality,
and ease. So it can be said that social media platforms are more popular than traditional
media outlets because these new platforms significantly allow users, whether individuals or
Input Output
social media on
▪ Conclusion
skills of Grade 11
4 CSS students of
Sta Fe Stand
The conceptual framework used input-process-output to process the study. The input
is the title of the study, The Impact of Social Media on Communication Skills of Grade 11
CSS Students at Sta Fe Stand Alone Senior High School. The next box is the process, which
includes survey distribution, data collection and processing, and data gathering. The last box
Definition of Terms
Social Media- Are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information,
ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. While
challenges to the differentiation of social media arise due to the variety of stand-alone and built-in
social media
Communication Skills - The ability to convey or share ideas helps people overcome
obstacles and feelings effectively. Several experts agreed that communication skills include
conveying messages without misinterpretation or misleading others. In addition,
communication skills help people overcome differences, build trust and respect, and create
computer, and the outside world, possibly a human or another information processing system.
Inputs are the signals or data sent from it. The term can also be used as part of an action; to
Process- A process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
Chapter II
This chapter provides a summary of the various articles, journals, and dissertations
used as references and guides throughout the study. The various documents serve as the
foundation for giving initial ideas and/or knowledge about related subject matter.
Local literature
Mass media in the present age play a large role in societies. They represent political,
economic, and social patterns in a way that can directly affect individuals. The new
communication systems have the ability to remarkably affect and influence the audience
receive information, opinions, and attitudes from the media that aim to shape selective
attention, interpretations, and perceptions. The media affect the cognitive process because
they provide information in a way that can convince the target audience of certain facts. In
other words, the media are one of the most important tools that contribute to manufacturing
the consciousness of individuals in a particular environment and making them able to acquire
information about the society they live in (Jakubowicz & Plamer, 2002). Also, Garbner et al.
(1979) discussed that mass media are the source of most images and widely exchanged
messages. The symbolic world presented by mass media is an important source of knowledge
and contributes to the development of meanings and behaviors among individuals. The
contribution of media to changing values is homogenous within the various social groups.
The media also change these perceptions of social reality and modify them with other forms
and patterns.
Mecheel's study (2010) aimed to identify the impact of the use of social networks on
social relations. The study was applied to a sample of 1,600 young users of social access
networks in Britain. The results showed that more than half of the adults who use sites
including Facebook and YouTube have admitted that they spend more time on the Internet
than they spend with their true friends or family members. The study also showed that they
talk less on the phone, do not watch television much, play fewer computer games, and send a
large number of text messages as well as mail. The study also found that about 53% of the
sample demonstrated that online social networks have already changed their lifestyles. Half
of Internet users in the UK are members of a social networking site, compared to 27% in
Kujath (2011) also conducted a study that aimed to reveal whether social networking
183 undergraduate students in Washington, DC, and all of them had a Facebook account. To
measure the degree to which this platform contributed to maintaining existing personal
relationships, specific questions were asked about the number of friends they did not meet
personally. The results indicated that individuals tend to use social networks to stay in touch
with people they already know. Oh et al. (2014) also selected a sample of 339 participants to
investigate the relationship between supportive interactions on social networking sites and
people's perceptions of social support, feelings of belonging, and satisfaction with life. The
study also investigated the relationship between social support and the direct impact of social
media on individuals over 5 days. The analysis revealed a positive relationship between
In addition, there is an important study aimed at revealing the relationship between
the use of the Facebook platform and self-esteem and satisfaction, as well as social and
emotional compatibility. The study used 70 students from Boston universities. The
Facebook, such as the number of friends and intensity of use, as well as measures of self-
esteem and social and interpersonal compatibility. The results of the study indicated that there
is a negative relationship between the number of friends on Facebook and the social and
academic compatibility of the first-year students, and that excessive time spent on the
platform is associated with low self-esteem. Also, the results of the study indicated that the
number of friends online among the master's students is positively associated with social
harmony, and this is due to the improvement of social relations among these students after
between the use of Facebook by students and attitudes and behaviors that improve their social
relations. The study sample consisted of 2603 university students in Texas, selected by
random selection. The researchers developed a measure of the use of Facebook. They also
used four criteria to check satisfaction with life, social confidence, and civil and political
participation and applied these measures to the study sample by using the survey analysis
method. The study found a positive correlation between the use of Facebook and the
satisfaction level of life, social confidence, civic participation, and political participation. The
researchers recommended ignoring concerns about the negative effects of Facebook.On the
other side, Karbinsiki (2010) conducted a study in New York to identify the impact of using
Facebook on the academic level of students. The researcher adopted the social survey method
and the questionnaire as a tool for collecting information. The study found that the grades
obtained by students who are addicted to use Facebook, the largest social network on the
Internet, are much lower than those obtained by their classmates who do not use this website.
The results also showed that the more time a student spends on the site, the lower his grades
in the exams, since the addiction to Facebook negatively affect their academic achievement.
On the other side, Karbinsiki (2010) conducted a study in New York to identify the
impact of using Facebook on the academic level of students. The researcher adopted the
social survey method and the questionnaire as a tool for collecting information. The study
found that the grades obtained by students who are addicted to use Facebook, the largest
social network on the Internet, are much lower than those obtained by their classmates who
do not use this website. The results also showed that the more time a student spends on the
site, the lower his grades in the exams, since the addiction to Facebook negatively affect their
academic achievement.
Local Studies
In this digital age, everyone seems to make his or her presence felt in the virtual world
to validate his or her existence. Getting connected through social networks and blog sites
seems to be the norm, not just among individuals but also among companies, businesses, and
schools. There are 24 million Internet users in the Philippines, 51% of whom use social
networking sites. Social media is an effective platform for information dissemination and
As we move into the 21st century, more and more government agencies are working
to improve their web presence to include social networking, which is now more than just a
new buzzword thrown around in meetings. The information that was disseminated across
various demographics at EDSA II shows that it’s not just the students you can reach with
technology. Older generations will not be left behind. The sites are becoming increasingly
The internet is information, it is convenience, and it is here. You had better embrace
Foreign Studies
Management in Pune, Maharashtra, 412115, India, pointed out that from the beginning,
human beings have always associated themselves with some form of social structure that
community where people across the globe can develop networks with different organizations
or individuals for specific purposes. It creates a chain of connected entities like a tree with
multiple branches and nodes. These branches are the various groups, communities, forums,
etc. that an individual intends to join. Hence, a social network represents relationships
between nodes (people) and flows between branches (groups, communities, forums,
organizations, etc.).
Anambra State, Nigeria, Constance revealed that students have effectively keyed into the
capabilities and potentials of social media, especially Facebook. About 95 percent of the
sampled population uses the Facebook platform for social relationships and interactivity.
However, it is a matter of concern that only 28 percent of the respondents use Facebook for
academic Journal of Education and Practice purposes. In view of the fact that the platform
was created by a student and for the use of fellow colleagues, one would have expected
students to consolidate and expand the platform for the exchange of academic materials.
perceived effect of self-regulation, trust, and personality traits on student achievements. The
research suggests the negative mediating effects of social networking sites such as Facebook,
Twitter, Skype, etc. The concluding remarks are that a decrease in the student’s academic
Chapter 3
This chapter profess the discussion of the research methods and process that the
researchers will use in order to answer orderly the specific challenge engrossed for
investigation. This chapter contains the specific research method, population, and samples,
research instrument used, data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of the data
used for a precise data analysis and clarifications will be explained in this chapter.
Research Design
The research design is descriptive, and it will use survey questionnaires that focus on
the impact of social media on communication skills of Grade 11 CSS students at Sta. Fe.
The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 CSS students of Sta Fe Stand Alone
Senior High School, of which there will be 50 respondents. These respondents are the ones
who have enough knowledge to answer the problem posed in the present study. They
answered the questionnaire that the researchers gave them, which supplied the information
The researcher will conduct the study at Sta Fe Stand Alone Senior High School,
where the selected Grade 11 CSS students of the school will be the respondents to the said
study. The researcher will select respondents according to their academic strand. 10 students
per section will be selected randomly in order for the researcher to come up with 30
participants or respondents for the study. The respondents must have experience with a lack
Research Locale
This study was conducted at Sta. Fe Stand Alone Senior High School. This school
comprises senior high school and offers two tracks, which are academic and technical
vocational tracks. Under the Academic Track are the General Academic Strand (GAS) and
Accountancy and Business Management (AMB), and under the Technical Vocational Track
are Computer System Servicing (CSS), Computer Programming, Caregiving, and Organic
Research Instrument
This study was a quantitative type of research. The researcher used a survey
questionnaire that the selected respondents would answer. Those questionnaires are about the
impact of social media on the communication skills of Grade 11 CSS students at Sta. Fe.
The researcher made a letter of request asking permission to conduct the study.
The letter was forwarded to the Sta. Fe Stand Alone Senior High School Principal. The
researcher will distribute the letter of consent to 30 respondents, which comes from the
researcher. With the approval of the respondents, the researcher will give a 14-item survey
questionnaire to the respondents. Lastly, the researcher will gather data from the respondents.
Statistical Treatment
The following tools and techniques will be used in the study to identify the impact of
social media on the communication skills of Grade 11 CSS students at Sta. Fe. Stand Alone
%=F/n (100)
% - is the percentage
F – is the frequency
Method of Scoring
The scale used for weighted mean is: