Anthony Walsh
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First published 2016 by Transaction Publishers
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Preface xi
References 269
Index 293
I would first of all like to thank executive editor Mary Curtis for her
faith in this project from the beginning. Thanks also for the commit-
ment of her very able assistant Jeffrey Stetz and the production team
of Allyson Fields, Stacey Daley, and Ellen Kane. This wonderful group
of professionals has done everything to make this book as presentable
as possible and have kept up a most useful dialog between author,
publisher, and excellent reviewers. The whole Transaction group are
a pleasure to work with. Special thanks also to my indexer, Hailey
Johnson, mother of three beautiful children, and still the gal with the
most intellectually courageous master’s thesis ever attempted at Boise
State University: The Epigenetics of Drug Abuse.
We would also like to acknowledge the kind words and suggestions
of those who reviewed this project. I have endeavored to respond to
those suggestions and believe I have adequately done so. Any errors or
misinformation that may lie lurking somewhere in these pages, however,
are entirely our responsibility. Last but most certainly not least, I would
like to acknowledge the love and support of my soulmate, Grace Jean;
aka “Grace the face.” Grace is drop-dead gorgeous and the pleasantest
of persons, as all who know her will attest. Grace’s love and support has
sustained me for so long that life without her is unimaginable. Being
married to Gracie is a perpetual pleasure that has never faded, and she
is, as they say in the commercial, priceless!
Love has been written about ever since the first human picked up a
stick to scratch a verbal utterance onto clay that someone else could
understand. Love is a little word that contains a universe of meanings.
Archeologists of the heart and soul have searched for it, excavated it,
and tried to convey to the rest of us it in their philosophy, religion, and
poetry, and many others have claimed to understand it emotionally
through such media. Love as long been considered too amorphous,
ineffable, paradoxical, and beautiful for it to be dissected by cold sci-
ence and reason. As the seventeenth-century French polymath Blaise
Pascal informed us: “The heart has its reasons, which reason does not
know. We feel it in a thousand things. It is the heart which experiences
God, and not the reason.”1 Pascal’s point was that you will know love
in your deepest recesses of your being in the same way that you know
God, so trust in your emotional intuitions.
Pascal was correct; the intuitions of the “felt life” can yield deep
insights. But, while love moved Solomon to write the sublime Song
of Songs and Shah Jahan to build the magnificent Taj Mahal, the folly,
hurt, and anger it can generate has ignited murderous feuds and wars
as well. A life filled with love is the answer to many of life’s predica-
ments, but a life bereft of it is at the bottom of many of life’s problems.
Nothing is more important to a meaningful and happy life than to love
and to be loved, making it of the utmost importance that we dissect
and understand with our minds as well as our hearts this gift of nature
that “moves the sun and other stars.”
It was not until the advent of the industrial revolution, when science
became something of a god in Western eyes, that scientists began to
poke around in love’s nest. The pioneers of the science of love were
psychoanalysts and psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and William
James, who concentrated on erotic love and left untouched so many of
its other features. Their theorizing was flawed in many ways. Theories
are immensely important for science because they gather accumulated
facts and arrange them in harmonious wholes that allow those facts to
speak coherently to us. Theories are useful, however, only to the degree
to which they are based on hard, reliable facts. The march of science
depends more on the invention of new observational techniques to
obtain such facts than on “armchair” theories unencumbered by solid
facts. Today we have the tools to go beyond emotional intuition to rea-
son about love in all its manifestations from the hard facts of science.
The invention of the telescope led to far greater progress in astron-
omy than all the theoretical squabbles that went before, and the inven-
tion of the microscope did the same for the progress of biology and
medicine. Advances in technology in the biological and neurological
sciences have created a revolution in the way we think about human
nature and behavior, and thus about love and its central place in our
lives. The wondrous inner workings of our brains and bodies are no
longer mysterious black boxes we can ignore. We can now see the
brain in action in real time, and our ability to collect DNA profiles
has opened up exciting new ways to examine cause and effect. The
behavioral sciences investigated human behavior (including love)
throughout the best part of the twentieth century as though biology
didn’t matter, but now these black boxes have been pried open and their
treasures investigated in depth we have to come to terms with what
has been revealed. Human behavior is the result of a constant two-way
dance between nature and nurture from conception to death. We are
designed to incorporate environmental experiences into our plastic
neural circuitry, and even into our genomes via epigenetic processes.
This is precisely why experiencing tender loving care in infancy, and
loving and being loved thereafter, is so necessary for human beings if
they are to enjoy the fullness of life.
I begin this journey by exploring the human yearning for connec-
tion and the many faces of love in chapters 1 and 2 through the eyes of
philosophers, theologians, poets, and scientists. But didn’t we say that
we have gone beyond the intuitions of philosophy, theology, and poetry
and entered the age of science? We did, and we have, but just because
we have cleared more forest, we do not abandon the first clearing upon
which we built our house. Philosophy is the home and hearth of all
knowledge. The great minds of physics, the ultimate science, such as
Ernst Mach, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, and Albert Einstein were
steeped in philosophy, and it affected the way they interpreted their
physics. Einstein declared that philosophical insight is “the mark of
distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker of
The last chapter explores the age-old quest for a perfect society
populated by perfect people obeying Jesus’s command to “love one
another.” We explore the thoughts of utopian thinkers—which are quite
appealing in theory—but which turn into nightmares when attempts
are made to put them into practice. I examine two contemporary works
trying to convince us that we can expand the circle of love to include all
humankind; the first based on rationality and the second on emotion.
As much as we would love to see universal love, it is not possible. Love
is a centripetal force that pulls us always to the center; its pull outward
gets ever weaker the farther from the center it travels. I look at what
Immanuel Kant called practical love that often arises spontaneously
as a better alternative to “planned intentional love,” just as capitalism
is a better solution than a command economy to expanding wealth
and well-being. Finally, I show how romance as the basis for marriage
arose under the umbrella of freedom and material abundance shaped
by democratic capitalism.
1. O’Connell M., Blaise Pascal: Reasons of the Heart, xi.
2. Howard, D., Albert Einstein as a philosopher, 34.
3. Boyd, B., Nabokov’s “Pale Fire”, 145.
What Is This Thing Called
I tell thee, love is nature’s second sun Causing a spring
of virtue where she shines.
—George Chapman, sixteenth-century English poet
Does the value of love really reside in our inability to understand it; or
does its value reside in the impact it has on our lives? There are those
who enjoy the mystery of a thing more than the thing itself, but surely
science enhances rather than diminishes the appreciation of the charms
nature yields to science. Newton’s unweaving of the rainbow’s prismic
charms aided scientists in the development of the Hubble telescope
that has produced images of far-off galaxies that are so exquisitely
beautiful that they would have sent romantic poets into raptures of
delight. Wordsworth eventually came to realize that rainbows are no
less beautiful when understood as refracted light, and he became an
ardent admirer of Newton.
We need to understand love as science reveals it to us, just as we
need to enjoy its blessings because the confusions, contradictions, and
misconceptions about its nature have cost humanity dearly. As long as
we consider love to be some syrupy spiritual mystery that either strikes
us or does not, we may search in vain for it. If we miss out on love, we
miss an aspect of human existence that is truly essential. Love is not
What Is This Thing Called Love?
just the icing on the cake of human existence; in a very real sense it is
existence itself. The human species might never have evolved countless
ages ago had not evolution injected the bounties of love into our bio-
logical inheritance. Families, bands, tribes, and nations have fractured
under the unbearable weight of lovelessness. Poor souls deprived of love
become emotionally barren creatures plodding aimlessly through their
joyless lives throwing dark shadows on the lives of others around them.
So, what is this thing called love? Sir Philip Sidney, sixteenth-century
English poet, courtier and soldier shouted in response to this question,
“Fool, look into thy heart, and write!” Sidney’s agitated reply implies
that somewhere in the deep recesses of the mind we should all know
the answer, and that it will be revealed to us if we will only engage in a
little free association poetry. Poetry has long been considered the only
true language of love and thus the only medium that can answer this
question. Poetry adds beauty to human understanding, but love is too
important a topic to be monopolized by romantics. Love is so much
more than the heart-pumping passion of two souls and four gonads
caught in a magical maelstrom. The nineteenth-century British poet
Percy Bysshe Shelley, in an insight more scientific than poetic, expressed
his thoughts on love thusly:
it. Perhaps it is like this with love; we all know what love is, but then
some philosophical curmudgeon comes along and demands that we
define it. Fortunately, we do not need a comprehensive and universally
agreed upon definition in order to explore the nature and effects of
love any more than we need a hard and fast definition of obscenity to
study it. Nevertheless, we do need a definition so that we are all reading
from the same sheet of music. I will simply say for the time being that
love is an emotionally driven force that motivates active concern for the
well-being of another. This definition ignores numerous nuances and
edits out many qualifiers, but be assured that they will all appear in due
course. My definition owes much to Shelley, but it is couched in terms
of love’s manifestations rather than its essence. It is a broad definition
of how we relate to others, which covers a wide range of subneeds,
attitudes, sentiments, and behaviors.
Passionate and Compassionate Love
We should differentiate between the two broad types of love discussed
in this book—passionate and compassionate. Passionate love and com-
passionate love are two parts of a coherent whole, each feeding on the
nourishment of the other. Stripped to the barest essentials, romantic
love is concentrated passion focused on a single target; various other
forms of love are compassion, which is more diffuse and less frenzied.
Both forms of love are parts of a more general love principle rooted
in our biology; a principle that moves us to exert physical and psychic
energies to move toward unity and growth. The Greeks viewed romantic
love as a combination of erotike (sexual passion) and eros, an ennobling
feeling, which Euripides said could make “a poet even of a bumpkin.”
In romantic love the needs and demands of the self and of the beloved
are emphasized to the exclusion of all others. On the other hand,
compassionate love acknowledges the needs and demands of others
outside the romantic love relationship. As I use the term here, com-
passion is a combination of the Greek terms agape (a selfless concern
for the well-being of others; a broad love of all humanity) and philia
(friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood, a warm feeling of we-ness).
My exploration of love presents the wisdom of many disciplines
and the thoughts of many authors who share a deep belief that love is
indeed the glue of human existence. Until relatively recently, love was
infrequently studied by researchers of human behavior, for the word
sits too uneasily on scientist’s tongues. Scientists who study human
nature and human behavior prefer to leave what they may consider
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Form of these things. Plato’s idea was that there is a (literally) perfect
love somewhere, but this is an ideal that can never be achieved because
if it ever becomes reality, it becomes a corrupt and imperfect copy of
its perfect and unchanging Form.
For Plato, love is the desire for the Form of beauty, a desire that
transcends any particular manifestation of beauty in a material body
or thing. Courtly love was “Platonic love”; the idealization of a love
that transcended the mere physical. It was an unattainable love that
existed between a man and a woman married to others, or otherwise
unavailable. The ideal of courtly love, if we are to believe its chroniclers,
was nonsexual. The deep idealization of and yearning for the loved
one, coupled with physical restraint, was supposed to be ennobling
and deeply spiritual. Physical consummation of any such love was
considered to be destructive of both the characters of the participants
and their relationship. This idea of love was a preoccupation of the
Japanese for centuries because most marriages in Japan were arranged
rather than love marriages. Many contemporary Japanese love stories
feature self-sacrificial men and women who love from afar, and with
such nobility that if this love is consummated it results in death for one
or both of the participants.
To believe that the ecstasy of the heart and the trembling below is
nothing more than a cultural invention, never to be experienced unless
we are lucky enough to live in a culture smitten with the remarkable
intellectual “discovery” of medieval songsters is to be blind to a cascade
of evidence to the contrary. Surely the touching love stories of the Bible
or the Arabian Nights provide ample evidence that romantic love is
far older, and far more universal than its putative origins in knightly
Europe. A Sumerian cuneiform contains a poem written by a bride of
King Shu-Sin written over four thousand years ago bears ancient witness
to the ubiquitous ecstasy of romantic love.6 The poem reads, in part:
Add to this the ancient Greek stories of the desperate love of Orpheus
and Eurydice and the patient and faithful love of Odysseus and
What Is This Thing Called Love?
without experiencing the sturm und drang that many western youth
experience during their adolescence.
Speaking of anthropologists, Bronislaw Malinowski, perhaps the
greatest anthropologist of the twentieth century, says this about the
universality of love: “Love and marriage are closely associated in day-
dreams and in fiction, in folk lore and poetry, in the manners, morals
and institutions of every human community.”7 Malinowski saw love as
one of the cultural universals, perhaps not readily recognized some-
times by anthropologists more interested in exotic cultural differences
than in universals, but there nonetheless. This assertion was supported
by a study of 79 collections of ancient folk stories from every continent
and containing many hundreds of stories. The authors of this study con-
cluded that: “‘Falling in love’ is described as a distinct and recognizable
process in tales from regions as diverse as West Africa, Japan, North
and South America, the Middle East, Polynesia, China, and Europe.”8
As natural targets for the yearly crop of new American anthropol-
ogists, more is known about Native American tribes than any other
aboriginal peoples in the world. The American Indian apparently rec-
ognized romantic love, but considered it nothing to write poems about.
Anthropologist Peter Farb tells us that the Indians liked to joke about
young people’s romantic enmeshments but believed that only an idiot
would base something as important as marriage on love.9 Compassion,
not passion, was the emotion that kept family, band, and tribe united.
Survival, both at the individual and at the group level, demanded unity,
closeness, concern, altruism, and cooperation to a greater extent than
is required in modem societies. Among early white settlers, the Indians
living in colonial territories had such a reputation for compassionate
love that many whites went to live with them. The number of whites
marrying Indians and going to live with them was so serious that the
Virginia colony enacted laws against such a practice.10
When Farb says that the Indians like to joke about romantic entan-
glements, he is making a broad generality; there are a great variety
of peoples we call Native American. More than one of these cultures
had romantic notions that we would recognize. The Cheyenne of the
Great Plains are perhaps the best example. Their code of sexual con-
duct would have met even Queen Victoria’s stern approval. Courtship
among the Cheyenne was a very romantic and protracted affair, often
lasting four or five years. Cheyenne women were coy creatures who
made their hapless swains sweat blood and tears to win their hand in
marriage. The brave had to shower her with presents and words of
What Is This Thing Called Love?
But why is romantic love not as readily recognized and valued among
preliterate cultures as it is in ours? Let me approach this question via
an analogy. Eighteenth-century German poet and philosopher Johann
Schiller wrote that “hunger and love move the world.” Love and hunger
are drives, and drives are the physiological experiencing of a need to
rectify some biologically important deprivation. Hunger is a drive to
eat so that the individual may survive. Love is a drive to unite so that
the species may survive. The pains of hunger remind us that we must
eat, and the pains of romance that we must love.
Wartime stories of prisoner-of-war camps tell of human reactions to
extreme hunger. Prisoners thought of little else but food; they dreamed
about it, fantasized about it, and covered pinups of Betty Grable’s legs
with pictures of steak and eggs. Food took on an inestimable value and
was gilded with an aura of almost holy desirability. When we are severely
deprived of something vital to our biological survival, nature demands
that we direct all our energies toward correcting the deprivation.
Have you ever rhapsodized about food like a hungry POW? Neither
have I. Those of us who eat when we please don’t expend much energy
idealizing our breakfast; rather, we take it “philosophically and without
sentimental embellishment.” This doesn’t mean that food deprived
POW’s invented hunger; we too would be passionate about our steak
and eggs were they not so readily at hand. The reason that the aboriginal
takes his sex as philosophically as we take our breakfast is because, if
we are to believe the anthropologists, sex is as available to him as food
is to us. Among the Eskimos and Aleut peoples, for instance, a man is
said to loan out his wife to a fellow hunter almost as nonchalantly as we
loan a cup of sugar to our neighbors. This custom does not extend to
any horny schmuck showing up on the igloo doorstep with a smile on
his face, however. It is a tit-for-tat arrangement that has many practical
(e.g., cementing intertribal relations) and mundane (keeping warm on
the hunt) functions that go way beyond sexual satisfaction.13 Anyway,
the custom has disappeared in the modern world, and the point is that
just because opportunities for partaking in sexual activity are suppos-
edly relatively abundant in many preliterate cultures, passion is not
dammed up to a breaking point by denial. The urge to copulate and its
fulfillment follow with as little delay for the aboriginal in a number of
cultures as hunger and eating follow for us. This being so, the native
sees little reason to brood over or idealize his passion.
This idealization, brooding, and longing, generated by the barriers of
denial erected by custom and morality in a society, are a good part of
the reason why passion is romanticized in poetry and song. Romantic
love grows strong when obstacles are placed between sweetheart and
suitor. Sexual intimacy is the feast that Nature promises and encour-
ages, but she insists it is best enjoyed after a prudent fast and a zealous
courtship. Jean-Jacques Rousseau makes the distinction between the
physical desire for sex and the more burning spiritual need for love: “If
the fire in my blood demands women, the emotion in my heart cries
more loudly for love.”14
Unfortunately, the “fire in the blood” trumps the “emotion in the
heart” into today’s raucous culture. Think back to the syrupy sweet
adjectives used to describe one’s lover in the songs of the sexually
restrictive 1950s and early 1960s, and compare them with the earthy,
and often obscene, descriptions in today’s songs. If popular music is a
barometer by which we can gauge cultural attitudes toward love and
sex, the ‘50s and ‘60s, were periods when women were valued and
respected, but today’s musical fare leave the distinct impression that
males consider them little more than appendages glued to a set of body
parts used to satisfy their lust. In the thumping cacophony that passes
for music today, we are just as likely to hear casual sex, or even brutal
sex, celebrated as we are to hear whispers of romantic endearment. In
1957 we had Pat Boone—hand on heart—crooning softly to his special
lady that “Every star’s a wishing star that shines for you,” in April Love;
and Elvis Presley serenading his sweetheart by telling her that “you
have made my life complete, and I love you so” in Love me Tender.
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Love as a Gift of the Gods:
The Yearning for Oneness
Love, at its deepest level, is the awakening to Oneness.
—Leonard Laskow, contemporary American physician
Love in Mythology
The human animal, in its more philosophical moments, has always
somehow known of the importance of love in the grand scheme of
things. It has been expressed in a variety of languages and modes of
thought from the time that humans first began to ponder themselves
and their place in the universe. The earliest writings that have come
down to us on love and on our deep yearning for connectedness have
been in the form of myths and legends. Myths are the stories humans
have used throughout history to explain our ultimate concerns: “What
is the nature of the universe? Who am I? Where do I come from, and
where am I going? What is the meaning of life, and how do I lead a good
one?” The answers given in myth and legends to these concerns express
the collective mentality of a given age. Myths are metaphorical stories
that support some ideology or theory about how things are; they are
not just fictional stories; they are projections of our hunger to know.
Some myths reflect the mentality of an age rather than a single
culture, for anthropology and history show us that myths seeking to
explain our most urgent concerns are remarkably similar across cultures
and across historical periods. This is hardly surprising, for ultimate
concerns would not be ultimate unless they were independent of
specific cultures. Myths encompass the species’ experience and make
it comprehensible. They organize our perceptions, tell us what is true
and reasonable, collect our diverse thoughts, and package them into
that coherent whole we call reality. Science, along with a smattering
of religion, accomplishes this task for us today. Although science and
with two appendages and organs arranged back-to-back for every one
we have today. To make things even more complicated, there were
three sexes—male, female, and hermaphrodite. Despite this bounty
of organs, reproduction was asexual, being joylessly accomplished by
“emission onto the ground, as is the case with grasshoppers.” Terrible
was the pride of these creatures, for they dared to storm the heavens to
challenge the power and authority of the gods. The lesser gods wanted
to destroy these rotund upstarts, but the compassionate Zeus merely
punished them by cutting them in half lengthwise, “like a sorb-apple
which is halved for pickling.”2
With this primal partitioning these creatures became incomplete
beings, literally “split personalities,” as it were. This was not a desirable
state of affairs. Each incomplete person began to yearn for its alter
ego. Whenever the parts encountered one another, “the two parts of
man, each desiring the other half, came together and threw their arms
about one another, eager to grow in union.” So strong was this desire
for reunion that once reunited the parts would not separate, even to
take care of survival needs. Zeus reasoned that if he was to continue
to receive the honors and sacrifices due to him, he had to devise a way
to assure the survival of humanity. He decided that it would be wise to
move the reproductive organs of his creatures around to the front so
that they could beget other creatures while still in one another’s fond
embrace (at least the former hermaphrodites could). Here then is the
beginning of love. It lies in the expression of the ancient need for unity,
the reason being that “human nature was originally one and we were
a whole, and the desire and the pursuit of the whole is called love.”3
Stated otherwise, true love is a way of loving oneself through loving
others, and we are only happy and whole when we love and are loved.
We may be excused feeling that this notion about the source of love is
nothing but the playful leg-pulling of a soused comedian more interested
in making us chuckle than think. However, there is a simple experiment
performed by a team of British psychologist with results that would have
made Aristophanes sober up. These folks morphed digitized photos of
subject’s faces into faces of the opposite sex and then asked them to select
from a series of photos which one of a number of faces he or she found
most attractive and trustworthy. You guessed it; even though subjects
didn’t recognize the morphed faces as their own in opposite-sex disguise,
they almost always preferred their own morphed face.4
Even if amused by Aristophanes’s depiction, you must remember
that Plato was using it as a metaphor, and let us not forget that science
itself tells us that we are all descended from little, round, unicellular
organisms that slithered and floated about in the primordial mud,
reproducing themselves as asexually and as joylessly as Zeus’s spheres.
Sexual specialization occurred some countess millions of years ago
with a chance mutation that separated complementary halves (cells
containing nuclei) of what was once a whole. This chance mutation
precipitated the eternal search for our “better half.” Those sexually
specialized halves that obeyed the nascent urging to complement
themselves by union passed on that urge to the products of that union.
As Ashley Montagu, anthropologist and one of science’s foremost
expositors of love, puts it: “I see the need—or urge, or drive—of organ-
isms to be with one another as originating in the reproductive process
itself. It is not only that every cell originates from another cell but also
that every cell has for some time been a part of another cell.”5 Thus the
origin of love lies in the reproductive process that accompanies the
union of complementary parts. Montagu tells the same story as Plato
using different terminology.
Love in Religious Myths
The similarity between the Platonic myth and the myth of the biblical
Adam and Eve is evident. The God of Genesis created Adam from the
dust of the earth. God loved his creation, and his creation loved him.
But recognizing Adam’s need for a more corporeal love, for “it was
not good that man should be alone,” God created Eve from Adam’s
rib. Adam and Eve were thus complementary parts of what was once a
whole: “At last this is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone,” exclaimed
Adam when he first beheld his mate. Even though our “first parents”
were separate beings, their maker knew reunification to be imperative:
“Therefore shall a man cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”
Judeo-Christian mythology had to explain humanity’s estrangement
from its Creator just as Greek mythology had to. Adam and Eve, just
like Plato’s spheres, committed the sin of pride by eating from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil, and just like the spheres they had to
endure the Almighty’s wrath. Since all great gods presumably think
alike, the JudeoChristian God also found it necessary to invent sex after
expelling his creations from his presence. Sex was necessary so that our
first parents could “be fruitful and multiply,” thus assuring humankind
would continue to offer God the love and homage he desired. God’s
sending of the Man-God, Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins provides
a nice twist to the story that speaks of the mutuality of love between
Love as a Gift of the Gods
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not
proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it
keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres. Love never fails.
This was taken from the New International Version of the Bible; It
sounds even better in the King James version. Corinthians 13:13
expands on this to say: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and
love. But the greatest of these is love.”
The Hindu myth of the Primal Being, or Brahman, is another story
indicative of the universality of the desire to love and be loved. In this
version of the human need for unity, we have a formless power sub-
stituting for an anthropomorphic god. For untold eons Brahman had
existed without self-consciousness. Brahman’s first conscious thought
was that he/she/it was alone in the universe and wished that it was
otherwise. This thought caused Brahman to split into two (yet another
ancient rending of a whole) to become the male and female parents
from whom sprang all life in the universe.
It is obvious from the creation myths of these three cultures that
the fear of being alone, and the desire not to be, is at the heart of all
our motivation to move toward union with others. By projecting this
motivation onto some higher primal being, we affirm the truth of our
feelings and are somehow admitted to a sense of oneness with all of
creation. Mahatma Gandhi expressed this yearning for union and
inclusion when he wrote: “Love is basically not an emotion but an
ontological power, it is the essence of life itself, namely, the dynamic
reunion of that which is separated.”6
Paleontologist, philosopher, and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilard de Char-
din viewed humanity as evolving toward a mystical reunion with the
universe through a growing “hyperpersonal consciousness,” a sort of
collective consciousness that will in time superimpose itself above the
biosphere. Teilhard insists that humanity must evolve its intellectual
and ethical attributes and merge them into love, “a universal psychic
dissolves into some sort of guiding energy that Henri Bergson called
elan vitale and which Teilhard is free to call love. Think of it: we are
living organisms composed of molecules that are visible only under
the microscope. Those molecules are made of atoms, the atoms of
electrons, protons, and neutrons, and they themselves of still smaller
particles. There appears to be an almost infinite divisibility of matter.
In fact, matter really has no meaning at this level, such particles being
organizations of behavioral properties rather than specks of physical
matter. Solidity and mass are properties they attain only in aggregates
of trillions. To borrow J. B. S. Haldane’s quaint remark, “The universe is
not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose.”11
In the final analysis, what is the stuff of the universe? The great
astrophysicist Sir James Jeans once famously wrote that: “The stream of
knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe
begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind
no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter . . .
we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.”12
Theoretical physicist Allen D. Allen, commenting on the apparent infinite
divisibility of matter, states that he and his colleagues are on their way to
agreeing in principle with the opening line of the Gospel of St. John: “In
the beginning was the Word.”13 If Bergson chooses to call Allen’s “word”
elan vitale, or Teilhard chooses to call it a psychic love force or spirit
energy, of what do we compose arguments to tell them they are wrong?
So, the hard-nosed physicist and the mystical theologian sometimes speak
to one another in mutually intelligible terms.
Genetic Relatedness: Mitochondrial Eve
and Y-Chromosomal Adam
Let us move on from atoms, energy, and “star stuff ” to explore the
oneness of the human race. How closely are we really related to one
another? Let’s go back one thousand years to around the year 1015,
which is about thirty-three generations ago. If we trace our personal
ancestry back 33 generations by taking the 33rd power of 2 (2 par-
ents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, and so on), we arrive at
8,589,934,592 ancestors, a number larger than the number of people
on the planet today. Each of us can’t possibly have that many ances-
tors, so it is obvious that we share a far smaller number of common
ancestors before we go back very far, and the further we go back the
more certain this becomes. Using sophisticated genetic and statistical
techniques, a team of British scientists concluded that every European
Love as a Gift of the Gods
What about our male lineage? Searching the paternal line requires
looking at Y-chromosomal DNA, which is only passed down from father
to son. Two papers using Y-chromosomal data that were published
simultaneously in the prestigious journal Science in 2013 came up with
separate estimates. One estimated that our earliest common ancestor
lived between one hundred eighty thousand and two hundred thousand
years ago, and another between one hundred twenty thousand and one
hundred fifty six thousand years ago.18,19 There are a variety of reasons
that estimates vary so widely, but we need not get into that here.
What we do need to explain is that there are unintended images
conjured up by the appropriation of the Biblical names Adam and Eve.
Scientists are not saying that these ancient parents suddenly appeared
on the scene in an act of divine creation, that they were the first man and
woman, or that they were contemporaries. Thousands of generations
of hominid creatures preceded both. What is apparently unique about
the scientist’s Adam and Eve is that they alone among their brothers
and sisters had an unbroken line of sons or daughters to pass on their
Y-chromosome or mitochondrial DNA. Other males and females alive
at the same time contributed to our lineage via nuclear DNA, but some-
where along the way the lineage of these other males and females was
broken by the failure to produce a son to transmit the Y-chromosome
or a daughter to transmit the mitochondrial DNA.
It is possible that new samples of individuals from around the world
might discover previously unknown divergent lineages, but if that did
happen they would eventually converge on an Adam and/or Eve who
lived somewhat further back in time. The important point for us is that
regardless of the variety of estimates scientists come up with and wran-
gle over, it is indisputable that at some point we do all have a common
ancestor. This realization admits us all into a single brotherhood and
sisterhood despite our often fiercely maintained differences that so
often separate us. These natural (race, sex, ethnicity) and socially con-
structed (religion, nationalism) differences cause strife among us over
and over again. Perhaps, however, love needs strife to give it meaning,
as many scholars have argued.
Love and Strife
The notion that love and strife are the yin and yang of existence is not
new. Empedocles, a pre-Platonic Greek philosopher, saw the whole
cosmos as driven along its various paths by the forces of love and strife.
Love was seen as a great unifying life force functioning to bond all
Love as a Gift of the Gods
The Human Brain and Love
Love resides in the brain; it is the organ of love.
—Paul Chauchard, French physician and philosopher
lurking beneath our gray matter, but learn to love it, because we can’t
do without it. We can injure structures in other part of the triune brain
and still survive, but if we injure the reptilian brain, it’s curtains for us.
Ex–US President Ronald Reagan, likened the human newborn to big
government—“An alimentary tract with a big appetite at one end and
no sense of responsibility at the other.” Reagan got it right (definitely
about babies; and probably about big government); newborn infants
respond to their new world almost exclusively from this primitive
hardwired structure. Our breathing, grasping, suckling, and the satis-
faction of other survival needs depended on it. The automatic walk, the
support reaction of the legs, and crawling movement, behaviors which
many new mothers see tested in the pediatricians office, are reflexive
“reptilian” reactions. Infants live in their reptilian brains; doing nothing
more than breathing, eating, excreting, sleeping, and slithering around
in their nests all day. The reptilian system controls these infant motor
responses for about two to four months because the neuronal tracts
between the R-complex and the higher brain mechanisms require time
to functionally connect.7
The infant smile is an important reflexive behavior in the human
bonding process. A newborn infant’s smile is totally reflexive (nonelic-
ited) and indiscriminate. The reflexive smile has doubtless been selected
into the human behavioral repertoire to evoke caregiving behavior. We
know that the newborn’s smile is unlearned because even blind infants
smile during the period of R-complex control. A blind infant ceases to
smile after control of the smile response is transferred to other areas
of the brain. Being unable to see and no longer governed by reflex,
the blind baby has no basis for learning the so-called “social smile.”
The social smile, as distinct from the reflex smile, has to be learned
by sighted imitation in response to pleasant attention. The smiles of
sighted infants become much more discriminating, focusing mostly on
caregivers and providing them with a visible sign of the pleasure they
are experiencing from their love.8
The infant’s smile is a strong reinforcer for the caregiver to continue
to administer to its needs. In turn, the love and attention evoked by the
smile reinforces smiling behavior in the infant. This love-smile-love-
smile feedback loop provides the infant with its first lesson in human
relationships: “It’s good to smile, it’s good to affiliate, and it’s good to
love.” In short, “It’s good to be nice because when I am I feel real good,
and others are nice to me too.” If the feedback loop does not develop, the
infant receives no reinforcement for its smiles and consequently smiles
The Human Brain and Love
Figure 3.1. Major dopamine (white) and serotonin (black) pathways in the brain.
many there actually are. Neurons are units of communication and are
surrounded by the more numerous noncommunicating glial (“glue”)
cells that insulate, support, and nourish the neurons. As we see from
figure 3.2, projecting from the body of the neuron are axons, which
transmit information from one cell to another in the form of electri-
cal signals at infinitesimal gaps (they are about five thousand times
smaller than the width of a human hair) called synapses (“to clasp”).
The information being communicated is transmitted across the
the foundation, specifying the basic wiring, and supplying all the nec-
essary chemistry and materials, but the final form of this masterpiece
of evolutionary design is initially in the hands of an infant’s mother.17
We can view the infant brain as a kind of gigantic erector set piled
willy-nilly in a barrel being painstakingly assembled into a fully inte-
grated mechanism, partly by chemically coded genetic specifications
and partly by the guiding hand of the environment. The neonate’s brain
is very much “use dependent” with its wiring patterns determined
by sensory-driven events it encounters. The human brain is always a
work in progress, but infancy and early childhood are crucial periods
during which neural contours are laid down that are hard to deviate
from in later life. As two prominent brain researchers have pointed
out: “Experience in adulthood alters the organized brain, but in infants
and children it organizes the developing brain.”18 This is why limbic
resonance between mother and child is so crucial.
Experience-Expected and Experience-Dependent
Brain Development
Neuroscientists distinguish between two brain processes that physically
capture environmental events: experience-expected and experience-de-
pendent.19 Experience-expected processes reflect the wisdom of the
vast expanse of the evolutionary history of the species. The mecha-
nisms driving these processes are hard-wired features of the human
genome we all share. Although experience-expected mechanisms are
hard wired, they require specific environmental experiences to trigger
them. That is, there is an evolved neural readiness during “critical”
or “sensitive” developmental periods to incorporate environmental
information that is vital to an organism and which cannot be left to
the vagaries of learning. The newborn’s built-in expectation of love is
an example of an experience-expected process. Mother Nature has
recognized that certain processes such as sight, speech, depth per-
ception, affectionate bonds, mobility, various aversions, and sexual
maturation are vital, and has provided for mechanisms designed to take
advantage of experiences occurring naturally within the normal range
of human environments. Pre-experiential brain organization frames or
orients our experiences so that we (consciously or not) will respond
consistently and stereotypically when we encounter the appropriate
environmental triggers. Maturational processes will always occur “as
expected” in genetically normal individuals experiencing the normal
range of human environments. Put otherwise, our developing brain
Mother Love and Darwin’s
Sexual Selection Theory
Love is the increase of self by means of other.
—Baruch Spinoza, seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher
females), for instance, will sacrifice their lives to pass on their genes.
When an excited spider suitor approaches a female, he flips upside
down, places his head inside the female’s fangs and begin to mate. Once
inside the female and his seed is deposited, she bites off his head for a
postcopulatory snack.1
It is clear that a maternal instinct in this strong sense cannot exist in
human beings. Women do not experience some overwhelming, unalter-
able, and unreasoned tension which is only relieved by reproducing and
pouring love and attention on their offspring. Social constructionists
jump on this to deny the existence of any kind of biological differences
between the sexes apart from the plumbing fixtures. Randall Collins
offers a typical social constructionist account of why women and not
men “do the mothering:”
The reason that women do the mothering, then, is because the
maternal personality is simply a typical female personality. A woman’s
personality needs are to be close to other people and submerge
herself in the group. She surrounds herself with her husband and
children because she herself remains underseparated from her own
mother. Because she never broke her unconscious erotic ties with
her mother, she continues to need this kind of close and nurturant
relation with others. Women become mothers because their experi-
ence with their own mother has given them the kind of personality
that needs to mother.2
vital role of caring for the growth, development, and well-being of her
offspring. It turns out that the hormone cocktail accompanying moth-
erhood combined with the mothering experience actually reorganize
the brain to attune it to the motherhood role. This brain “rewiring”
makes mothers more efficient, resilient, motivated, and emotionally
perceptive to their infants. Forgetting the eggs or where they parked
the car is a small cost to pay for the benefit of becoming more caring
and sensitive mothers.
Noting the massive increases in a variety of hormones (such as a
4,000 percent rise in progesterone and an 8,000 percent rise in estra-
diol), Laura Glynn and Curt Sandman have conducted a number of
studies that, along with many others, led them to conclude that the
hormonal surges of pregnancy lead to what they call “maternal pro-
gramming.” There is a lot of evidence for this contention both from
animal and human subjects. For instance, high-resolution brain scans
of breastfeeding mothers taken at intervals of between two weeks and
four months after giving birth found that areas of the brain associated
with motivation, reward, and behavioral and emotion regulation grew
significantly. Moreover, the more mothers used positive adjectives to
describe their babies such as “awesome,” “special,” and “perfect,” as well
as to describe their thoughts on their mothering role such as “blessed”
and “proud,” the greater the growth in those areas. The authors spec-
ulated that the intense sensory-tactile stimulation of a caring for the
newborn baby triggers the maternal brain to grow in key areas to allow
mothers to “orchestrate a new and increased repertoire of complex
interactive behaviors with infants during early postpartum.”5 Simply
put, nature provides mechanisms by which pregnancy and birth trigger
canalized neurohormonal processes which lead to the growth of brain
areas that lead to prolonged nurturing which help babies to thrive
physically, emotionally, and cognitively. This might not be maternal
instinct as it is commonly understood, but it is far more profound
than saying maternal behavior is simply conforming to a set of socially
constructed rules of infant care.
Viva la Difference!: Sexual Selection Theory
There are a number of sex differences that are associated with offspring
care that have long been noted. If asked why these differences exist,
most people would simply reply that it’s “just human nature.” What
accounts for human nature? Evolution formed our nature the same way
it formed our bodies, but what about sex differences in attitudes and
Touching Hearts;
Touching Minds
The greatest gift I can conceive of having from anyone is to be seen by
them, heard by them, to be understood and touched by them.
—Virginia Satir, twentieth-century American psychotherapist
Someone wise and witty once said that: “There are three reasons for
breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes
in attractive containers; and the cat can’t get it.” Of course, there are
a lot of other reasons more important than keeping the cat at bay.
Touching Hearts; Touching Minds
Figure 5.1. Breastfeeding: mother nature’s health plan and baby’s ode to joy.
Courtesy of Amy Walsh.
connecting the skin to the central nervous system are better developed
than are the fibers of any other organ. The intimate connection between
the skin and the brain is attested to by many neuroscientists who have
found that even minimal levels of stimuli deprivation during the stage
of active cell growth results in reduced neural metabolism, reduced
dendritic growth, and the atrophy of neuron nourishing glial cells.28
It is of the utmost importance that infants be exposed to plentiful
loving tactile stimulation during this critical experience-dependent
period; the brain doesn’t get another chance. The positive effects of
tactile stimulation on brain development are probably due to its ability
to release the comforting features of oxytocin and the reward features
of dopamine.29
Many of the best studies examining the effects of early touching are
done on laboratory animals because scientists have complete control
over their subjects there. Some of the most exciting studies are in the
burgeoning and exciting field of epigenetics. The prefix “epi” means on
or in addition to the genes, and is defined as “any process that alters
gene activity without changing the DNA sequence.”30 Epigenetics leads
to the idea of genomic plasticity similar to the idea of neural plasticity
because it shows that genes are also calibrated to environmental events,
although the genome does not possess anything like the level of plas-
ticity that the brain does. Epigenetics can be viewed as providing the
software by which organisms respond genetically to their environments
without having to change the DNA hardware.
Epigenetic modifications of DNA affect the ability of the DNA code
to be read and translated into proteins by making the code accessible
or inaccessible.31 The epigenetic regulation of genetic activity is
accomplished by two main processes: DNA methylation and histone
acetylation. DNA methylation occurs when a group of methyl atoms
attach themselves to a strand of DNA. This prevents the RNA mole-
cules that read its instructions from doing so, and hence the protein
the gene codes for is not manufactured. This is illustrated in the top
half of figure 5.2 in which the methyl group (“repressor complex”)
results in “gene X off.” Acetylation involves a groups of atoms attach
themselves to histones (the protein cores around which the DNA is
wrapped) which has the effect of “loosening” or “relaxing” them, which
increases the likelihood of genetic expression.32 Note in the bottom half
of figure 5.2 that the DNA is relaxed allowing it to be transcribed into
messenger RNA (mRNA) and taken into the cell’s cytoplasm where
proteins are made.
Touching Hearts; Touching Minds
Figure 5.2. Illustrating the process of methylation (top) and acetylation (bottom).
to pick up the infants, cuddle them, stroke them, and generally to “love
them up.” After a number of “love sessions,” the infants became more
frisky and alive. They smiled, cooed, became reactive to all kinds of
stimuli, and they even began to thrive physically. Commenting on the
remarkable changes noted in the infants, Virginia Crosby, director of
hospital volunteers, remarked: “They began to react to the love, and
you could see a real difference.” This, and many other similar stories,
are truly uplifting demonstrations of the power of love.40
1. Anonymous Internet blog.
2. Bromage, T., The biological and chronological maturation of early hominids.
3. Hublin and Coqueugniot, Absolute or proportional brain size.
4. van As, Fieggen, and Tobias, Sever abuse of infants.
5. Mellen, S., The Evolution of Love.
6. Parente, Bergqvist, Soares, and Filho, The history of vaginal birth.
7. Perry, B., Childhood experience and the expression of genetic potential.
8. Montagu, A., Growing young, 93.
9. Gonzales-Liencres, Shamay-Tsoory, and Brune, Towards a neuroscience of
10. Farrow and Woodruff, Empathy in mental illness 51.
11. Agnew, Bhakoo, and Puri,. The human mirror system
12. Derntl, et al., Multidimensional assessment of empathetic abilities.
13. Young and Wang, The neurobiology of pair bonding.
14. Campbell, A., Sex differences in direct aggression
15. Herman, Putman, and van Honk, Testosterone reduces empathetic mim-
16. Domes, et al., Ocytocin improves “mind-reading in humans.
17. Kirsch, et al., 2005. Oxytocin modulates neural circuitry.
18. Montagu, A., Touching: The human significance of the skin, 63.
19. Huber, J., Reproductive biology, technology, and gender inequality.
20. Petherick, A., Development: mother’s milk, S7.
21. Hiller, Speculations on the links between feelings, emotions and sexual
22. MacDonald and MacDonald, The peptide that binds.
23. Morsbach and Bubting, Maternal recognition of their neonates.
24. Kramer, et al., Breastfeeding and child cognitive develoment.
25. Caspi, et al., Moderation of breastfeeding effects.
26. Freud, A., Normality and pathology in childhood 199.
27. Society for Neuroscience, Cells of the nervous system.
28. Penn, A., Early brain wiring.
29. Adams and Moghaddam, Tactile stimulation activates dopamine.
30. Weinhold, B., Epigenetics: The science of change.
31. Gottlieb, G., Probabilistic epigenesis.
32. Walsh, Johnson, and Bolen, Drugs, crime, and the epigenetics of hedonic
33. Weaver, et al., Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior.
Touching Hearts; Touching Minds
Father Love: The Right Hand
of the Equation
One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.
—George Herbert, sixteenth-century Welsh poet
a future mate, or that men with large cojones will necessarily make
worse dads in the long run.
Another team looked at how testosterone and prolactin levels are
associated with emotional responses to infant cries in fathers and
nonfathers. Overall, their findings indicated much the same thing as
the marmoset monkey studies did. That is, new fathers have elevated
prolactin and lower testosterone levels than nonfathers. The study also
found that second-time fathers have a greater hormonal response than
first-time fathers to infant cries. The authors of the study concluded
that: “These results indicate that, as with a number of other biparental
species, human fathers are more responsive to infant cues than are
nonfathers and fathers’ responses to infant cues are related to both
hormones and to caregiving experience.”13 Finally, in a review of brain
imaging studies using photographs of infants as stimuli, James Rilling
noted that: “What is most remarkable about results for picture stimuli
as a whole is that fathers . . . seem to activate most of the core parental
brain systems that are activated in mothers.”14
Father Love and Mother Love: Different but Complementary
Robert Browning tempered his earlier assertion that love begins and
ends with mother in a later poem: “The fact is, there’s a blessing on
the hearth, A special providence for fatherhood!” he calls fatherhood
a “blessing,” without telling us how or why it is. Some fathers can do
a better all-around job than some mothers, but in general the view
that fathers can function as easily as mothers as primary caregivers is
unsupportable. No known society replaces the mother as the primary
caregiver, but what about secondary caregiving, might that be just as
valuable in some respects? Father love is of great importance, but it
is different from mother love. Mother love is selfless, sacrificial, and
complete. A mother loves her child indiscriminately just because it is
her child, just like God is said to love us all simply because we exist.
This issue of her womb is both an extension and affirmation of herself.
Most new fathers are doubtless proud of their progeny and love
them. His baby is also an affirmation of himself, but his affirmation
will come later. A new father hopes his son will be the kind of man he
always wanted to be, and knows that to his daughter he will always be
king, no matter how many princes court her. If we liken mother love to
unconditional agape, we may liken father love to conditional eros. One
of the luminaries of child psychology, Erik Erikson, wrote some time
ago that mother and father love are qualitatively different, asserting that
Mother loves her children because they are her children, and not because
they are “good,” obedient, or fulfill her wishes and commands. . . . The
nature of fatherly love is that he makes demands, establishes principles
and laws, and that his love for the son depends on the obedience of the
latter to these demands. He likes best the son who is most like him, who
is most obedient and who is best fitted to become his successor as the
inheritor of his possessions.17
Father Love
Lovelessness and Lawlessness
Criminal, delinquent, neurotic, psychopathic, asocial
behavior can, in the majority of cases, be traced to a
childhood history of inadequate love.
—Ashley Montagu, British American anthropologist
One of the gang members then further comments via the spoken word:
“Hey, I’m depraved on account I’m deprived!”
Pundits on both the political left and right would agree with them.
The left blames criminal behavior on financial poverty, and the right
moral poverty. While it is true that most criminals have grown up in
conditions of financial and moral poverty, their real deprivation is of
love. This deprivation leaves empathy and altruism, the feeling and
action components of compassionate love, foreign to them. They feel
neither the joy nor the pain of others, nor do they feel pride in doing
right or guilt in doing wrong. Altruism, fed by empathetic feelings, sig-
nals a concern for the welfare and feelings of others, is the polar opposite
of criminality. The heartless and ruthless predation of criminals who
inflict physical and psychological harm on others for personal benefit
indicates only a concern for their own immediate self-gratification.
Before entering academia I worked in corrections and law enforce-
ment for a number of years during the course of which I became acutely
aware that the very worst criminals—those who kill, rob, rape, and
was the case for most of our evolutionary history.7 Unfortunately, such
an arrangement does not fit the economic and social requirements of
modern societies, and we are left with the nuclear family as that which
“works best to produce offspring who grow up to be both autonomous
and socially responsible, while also meeting the adult needs for intimacy
and personal adjustment.”8 Given that human infants were raised for
millennia surrounded by many kin who cared for them, such a rearing
environment may be experience-expected in the sense that we have
a set of biological mechanisms that demand affection for our optimal
development. If these deprived of these expectations we may “natch-
erly” become depraved human beings.
Not surprisingly, three decades of polling professional criminolo-
gists about their opinions about which theory in their discipline best
accounts for criminal behavior have found that theories centered in
the family to be paramount.9 Predictably, such theories are loathe to
use the word love—“unscientific and ineffable, don’t you see?” Yet love
weaves in and out of the narratives of such theories disguised as “attach-
ment,” “social support,” or social capital. Of course, some scholars use
the term unabashedly. Ashley Montagu, adding to the epigraph of this
chapter, writes: “Show me a murderer, a hardened criminal, a juvenile
delinquent, a psychopath, or a ‘cold fish’ and in almost every case I will
show you a tragedy that has resulted from not being properly loved
during childhood.”10
Social-Bonding, Self-Control, and Criminal Behavior
A theory of criminal behavior with a strong emphasis on the family
that has long been preeminent in criminology is Travis Hirschi’s social
bond theory. Rather than assuming that criminal behavior is learned
and asking what causes it, this theory asks why most of us behave well
most of the time. It tells us that we behave well if our ties to prosocial
others are strong, and that we may revert to predatory self-interest
if they are not. After all, children who are not properly socialized
hit, kick, bite, steal, and scream, whenever the mood strikes them.
They have to be taught not to do these things, which in the absence
of a loving cultivation of our wild natures, “come naturally.” Gwynn
Nettler said it most colorfully: “If we grow up ‘naturally,’ without
cultivation, like weeds, we grow up like weeds—rank.”11 Social bond
theory is thus about the role of social relationships that bind people
to the social order and teach them to behave responsibly and respect
the rights of others.
Lovelessness and Lawlessness
any, the control exercised by others has little influence on the child’s
behavior. Hirschi sums up the role of attachment in creating prosocial
humans thusly: “The essence of internalization of norms, conscience,
or superego, thus lies in the attachment of the individual to others.”12
Hirschi considers attachment necessary for the other elements of
the social bond to form: “If a person feels no emotional attachment to a
person or institution, the rules [of that person or institution] tend to be
denied legitimacy.”13 Acquiring a stake in conventional society requires
disciplined application to tasks that children do not relish but which
they complete in order to gain approval from parents. Attachment is
thus the essential foundation for commitment to a prosocial lifestyle.
Commitment is the rational component of conformity and refers to
a lifestyle in which one has invested considerable time and energy in
the pursuit of a lawful career. People who invest heavily in a lawful
career have a valuable stake in conformity, and are not likely to risk it
by engaging in crime.
The third element is involvement, which is direct consequence of
commitment; it is a part of an overall conventional pattern of existence.
Structured time spent in socially approved activities means less time
available for antisocial activities. Individuals actively engaged in con-
ventional endeavors such as employment and sports have less time
and opportunity to engage in antisocial activities, even if they have the
inclination. The unemployed, on the other hand, have time to spare,
and “The devil finds work for idle hands.” Involvement in work, par-
enting, and healthy activities regimented discipline, which discourages
antisocial behavior.
The final element of the social bond is belief in the moral validity of
social values and norms such as respect for the private property and
for the rights of others. Persons lacking attachment, commitment, and
involvement tend not to believe in conventional morality and are con-
cerned only with narrow self-interest which they justify with a set of
antisocial values and attitudes. Control theory does not view a criminal
belief system as motivating criminal behavior. Rather, criminals act
according to their urges and then justify or rationalize their behavior
with a set of statements such as “Suckers deserve what they get,” and
“Do onto others as they would do onto you—only do it first.”
Hirschi further elaborated his theory by adding the concept of
self-control. With his colleague Michael Gottfredson, Hirschi defined
self-control as the “extent to which [different people] are vulnerable
to the temptations of the moment.”14 Noting that most crimes are
Lovelessness and Lawlessness
spontaneous acts requiring little skill and earn the criminal minimal,
short-term satisfaction, Gottfredson and Hirschi conclude that crim-
inals are oriented to the present rather than to the future, and they
lack patience, persistence, and diligence. Crime affords such people
immediate gratification, exciting and risky adventures, quick and easy
ways to obtain money, sex, revenge, and so forth without experiencing
pangs of guilt.
For Gottfredson and Hirschi, low self-control is the result of incom-
petent parenting. Children do not learn low self-control; rather it is
the default outcome that occurs in the absence of adequate parenting.
Parental warmth, nurturance, vigilance, and the willingness to practice
“tough love” are necessary to forge self-control in their offspring.
These things are difficult (not impossible) to establish in fatherless
homes. Indeed, the impact of a fatherless upbringing is noted across
cultures. It breeds increased risks for hypermasculinity, violence, and
hypersexuality: “Societies in which children are reared in mother-child
households or the father spends little time in child care tend to have
more physical violence by males than do societies in which fathers are
mostly around.”15
Creating Criminals
The downside of the brain’s wonderful plasticity is its vulnerability to
early stressful experiences. Experiences with strong emotional content
are particularly likely to be physically captured in the brain, and in an
infant’s brain these experiences organize it. Abusive and neglectful treat-
ment indexes a deficit in secure attachments to important caregivers.
Well-grooved synaptic pathways established in early life become a “pro-
cessing template” and are more resistant to detours than pathways laid
down later in life. These pathways have been stabilized, and thus they
become internal representations of how the world works which subcon-
sciously intrude into our transactions with others across the lifespan.
Children are fairly resilient creatures if reared in the normal range
of family environments, but tragically some children are born into
family environments that are far beyond the pale of species-expected
environments. Children in these environments are subjected to more
family and neighbor conflict and instability, abuse and neglect, and
numerous other stress-inducing problems than are the vast majority of
children. Such stressors are endemic in many inner-city environments
in which children simply find themselves and have done nothing to
create. Relentless stress can alter neurobiological stress mechanisms
for rumination than males, and the constant pondering of those expe-
riences increases their strength over time. Hypercortisolism signals the
failure of the system to adjust and leads to problems such as chronic
depression and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Underproduction of cortisol (hypocortisolism), on the other hand,
suggests an adaptive downward adjustment to chronic stress and leads
to externalizing problems. It is adaptive because frequent stressful
encounters habituate the HPA axis to them, and as a consequence it
does not react to further encounters as it had previously. Habitua-
tion means that both HPA axis and ANS response mechanisms have
turned down low such that it requires very high levels of stress to
activate them. Hypocortisolism is linked to early onset of aggressive
antisocial behavior, to criminal behavior in general, and is more likely
to be found in maltreated males than in females.18 Danish psychiatrist
Wouter Buikhuisen writes at length about the process by which the
stress-regulating systems of an abused and unloved child respond:
“After some time he feels rejected and no longer loved by his parents.
The continuous stress he is experiencing makes it necessary to look for
defense mechanisms. To avoid being hurt, he develops a kind of flat
emotionality, a so-called indifference with its physiological pendant:
low reactivity of the autonomic nervous system.”19
The process of upward or downward regulation of the ANS and HPA
axis is an example of allostasis. Whenever a bodily system is aroused
it is necessary for it to return to homeostasis; that is, to its normal
physiological set points. Allostasis is “stability through change,” and
refers to mechanisms that enable a bodily system to adjust to potentially
harmful stimuli by retuning the system to different (rather than the
same) set points. Chronic abuse and neglect influence the function of
these systems and change their set points. Changes made are adaptive
in the short term, but the cumulative cost of long-term adjustment
leads to what is called “allostatic load.” Allostatic load is essentially
the failure of a system to habituate to repeated stressors, and in the
case of downward regulation of the stress systems, the production of
individuals with low levels of anxiety and fear—very useful traits when
contemplating and executing criminal behavior.20
Numerous studies find that males high in criminal traits lack
stress-induced increases in cortisol displayed by males low in criminal
traits. Blunted arousal means a low level of anxiety and fear, something
quite useful for those committing or contemplating a crime. It is largely
through these changes to the ANS and HPA axis in conjunction with
and distrust of others, which resulted in his ordering the arrest, torture,
and executions of even the most loyal party members.29
Saddam Hussein’s father died before Saddam was born, leaving his
mother so distraught that she tried to abort him and to kill herself.
When Saddam was born, his mother sent him to live with an uncle. At
the age of three Saddam returned to his mother’s care after she remar-
ried. His new stepfather physically and emotionally abused him, and
like Hitler (whom he admired) Saddam grew up bitter, self-absorbed,
paranoid, and fearless. Saddam “made his bones” as an enforcer for
the Baath Party that was later to rule Iraq. Saddam was more sadistic
than Hitler, actually killing people himself (there is no solid evidence
that Hitler ever personally killed anyone outside of his WW I serviced)
and enjoying watching torture.30
After reviewing the life histories of many tyrants and serial killers,
Colin Wilson was led to conclude in his A Criminal History of Mankind:
“And so insecure social bonds prevent a capacity for love and affection
from being channeled into stable relationships, and the resentment
lies dormant, like a volcano, waiting to be detonated into violence by
stress.”31 Violence is the frustration of love, and sooner or later we all
pay for the loveless lives led by far too many children. Children are the
heirs to our tomorrows; as long as we allow them to suffer today there
is little cause for optimism for the future.
1. Smith, M., Evolution and developmental psychology, 232.
2. Hazard, Butler, and Maggs, The Soviet legal system, 470.
3. Hosking, G., The First Socialist Society, 213.
4. Fletcher, R., Mating, the family, and marriage.
5. Santayana, J., The life of reason, 104.
6. Lancaster and Lancaster, The watershed, 188.
7. Sear and Mace, Who keeps children alive?
8. Popenoe, D., The family condition of America, 94.
9. Cooper, Walsh, and Ellis, Is Criminology Ripe for a Paradigm Shift?
10. Montagu, A., A scientist looks at love, 46.
11. Nettler, G., Explaining crime, 313.
12. Hirschi, T., The Causes of Delinquency, 18.
13. Ibid, 127.
14. Gottfredson and Hirschi, A general theory of crime, 87.
15. Ember and Ember, Facts of violence, 14.
16. Narvaez and Vaydich, Moral development and behaviour.
17. van Voorhees and Scarpa, The effects of child maltreatment.
18. van Goozen, Fairchild, Snoek, and Harold, The evidence.
19. Buikhuisen, W., Aggressive behavior and cognitive disorders, 214.
20. Walsh and Yun, Epigenetics and Allostasis.
21. Walsh, A., 2011, Feminist criminology through a biosocial lens 124.
22. Wechsler, D., The measurement and appraisal, 176.
23. Walsh, A., Intelligence and antisocial behavior.
24. Naude, Du Preez, and Pretorius, The impact of child abuse, 10.
25. Walsh, A., Illegitimacy, child abuse and neglect.
26. Baron-Cohen, S., The science of evil.
27. Dillingham, S., Manual on catching ones who kill and kill, 24.
28. Waite, R., The psychopathic god: Adolf Hitler.
29. Stal, M., Psychopathology of Joseph Stalin.
30. Coolidge, and Segal, Was Saddam Hussein Like Adolf Hitler?
31. Wilson, C., A criminal history of mankind, 623.
Love and Physical Health
and Illness
The main reason for healing is love.
—Paracelsus, sixteenth-century Swiss physician
poor infant to an early grave, many other unloved souls have lived out
their threescore years and ten. This observation does not diminish the
status of love as a basic human need one iota. Few human beings are
totally deprived of warmth and affection throughout their entire lives.
Nevertheless, as Plato once commented: “He whom love touches not,
walks in darkness.” The results of such a pointless and lonely journey
are numerous and tragic.
In apparent agreement with St. Augustine, Howard Whitman, in an
article entitled “The Amazing New Science of Love,” saw love as a kind
of panacea for all that ails when he wrote:
The psychiatrists, in their lurid battle against mental illness have
finally concluded that the great taproot of mental illness is love-
lessness. The child psychologists, wrangling over scheduled versus
demand feeding, spanking versus non-spanking, have found none of
it makes much difference so long as the child is loved. The sociolo-
gists have found love the answer to delinquency, the criminologists
have found it the answer to crime, the political scientists have found
it the answer to war.2
is not a new idea. It is rather the resurgence of an old idea buried for
over two centuries by the spectacular successes of the germ theory
and the infectious model of disease. According to the germ theory,
illness is the result of some pathophysiological activity exacerbated
by unhealthy physical habits such as smoking, poor hygiene, poor
diet, lack of exercise, and so forth. This is a great model of disease,
and most of us have all been beneficiaries of its remarkable fruits. The
only problem with it is that it doesn’t go far enough in recognizing the
human factor in disease.
We now know that stress, the kind of people we are, how we interpret
and evaluate the world, and how we interact with others, have con-
sequences for our health. These things can alter brain chemistry, and
even our genomes via epigenetic modifications, making us susceptible
to numerous pathologies. Stress can also suppress the functioning of
the immune system, thus impairing our ability to fight off all manner
of infections, and it can affect the level of fatty lipids in the blood,
leaving us open to a number of cardiovascular ailments. In short,
modern medicine is catching up with the genius of Freud, who wrote:
“A strong ego is protection against disease, but in the last resort we
must begin to love in order that we may not fall ill, and we must fall ill
if, in consequence of frustration, we cannot love.”4
The annals of medicine contain numerous studies which point to
the importance of love for healthy human functioning. The lack of love
in its various manifestations is seen largely in terms of either inducing
stressor exacerbating it. Chronic or intense acute stress has damaging
effects on the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and endo-
crinal systems. This is not to say that love deprivation “causes” illness
in the same sense as say, an invading virus. Rather, it is a major stressor
which generates harmful biochemical changes in the body. Exposure to
stress over an extended period may eventually lead to the exhaustion
of the body’s defensive capacity, thus weakening its capacity to deal
with future stressors.
One of the earliest studies of the tragic consequences of early love
deprivation was Rene Spitz’s work in the 1940s with institutionalized
infants. Spitz was concerned with the high mortality rates of infants in
foundling homes. Abnormally high numbers of infants were dying of no
apparent organic causes in these institutions, despite high standards of
hygiene and nutrition. In an effort to determine the cause, Spitz com-
pared conditions in a foundling home with those existing in a nursery
in a female penal institution. While the medical care, hygiene, and
boys with different genotypes. Boys from advantaged homes with high
genetic sensitivity (to positive environments) had longer telomeres than
boys from advantaged homes with less genetic sensitivity. This is what
geneticists call gene-environment interaction, a phenomenon summed
up by the old saying that “The heat that melts the butter hardens the
egg.” Nevertheless, it was stressful environments that most directly
affected telomere length; genetic differences simply made boys more
or less sensitive to them.
Another study of childhood stress gauged by parental quality found
similar results. That is, children in lower nurturing environments had
significantly lower telomere length than children with responsive,
nurturing parents. These researchers hypothesized that HPA axis
dysregulation (discussed in the previous chapter) is the mechanism by
which this occurs. They propose that the increased levels of cortisol
produced by frequent stress result in increased production of what is
known as “free oxygen species” (ROS).23 ROS are chemically reactive
molecules containing oxygen that can cause irreparable breaks in
telomeres. ROS comprise both the more familiar “free radicals” and
the less familiar nonfree radicals.
Of course, we need oxygen to live, but too much of a good thing is
toxic. We get our energy by combining the food we eat with oxygen,
but this metabolic process generates nasty byproducts called free
radicals. As you might remember from chemistry class, atoms have a
stable number of protons and electrons. A free radical is an atom that
has an unpaired electron in its outer shell, and is thus unstable. Like an
unstable human radical running amok in the social world, the molecular
counterpart frantically searches the molecular terrain looking to plun-
der precious electrons from others. Free radicals in the atomic world
strip electrons from any other atoms or molecules they run into in order
to gain electrical stability. In doing so they create instability in other
atoms or molecules making them unstable in turn, causing molecular
chaos. By the time the riot subsides, these molecular malcontents may
have caused quite a bit of damage if they have reacted with vital cellular
components such as DNA or cell membranes.
Fortunately, the body has a special task force called antioxidants
to battle them. Antioxidants are molecules that interact with free
radicals and put a stop to the molecular riot before they can infect
too many other molecules with their discontent. Unhappily, the body
cannot recruit sufficient enzymatic resources to do the job by itself; it
needs help from a diet rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin
C. Sadly, the typical diets of poor, neglected, and abused children are
not likely to include the fish oils, fruits, and vegetables that contain the
necessary antioxidants. To the extent that this is the process by which
telomere shortening occurs in response to stress, we can say that the
lack of loving care has deleterious consequences all the way down to
the atomic level.
Love and Immunology
A breed of scientists calling themselves psychoneuroimmunologists
recruit insights from many scientific fields to investigate how real
organic diseases can be linked to how we feel and think about our-
selves and our relationships. These scientists have published a cascade
of research showing that loneliness, loss, bereavement, and other life
stresses are associated with sometimes dramatic decreases in immune
system functioning, leaving us susceptible to a wide range of diseases.
Their growing ability to outline precise mechanisms linking our experi-
ences and how we relate emotionally to them has given a new respect-
ability to holistic medicine. They have gone beyond the psychobabble
of earlier holistic theorists by opening the “black box” to discover the
“nitty-gritty” of the mind-body relationship.
Imagine you are peacefully fishing by a stream, only dimly aware of
the throbbing in your thumb where you stuck yourself with a dirty fish
hook thirty minutes ago. Unknown to you, a virus has entered your
blood stream via your wound. As it moves swiftly through the veins and
arteries carrying blood throughout your body, a life and death drama is
taking place. If the virus is allowed to live and multiply, you will soon
be as dead as the fish in your basket. Doing its best to see that no such
fate befalls you is a vast army of chemical creatures that collectively
comprise your immune system.
The body’s immunological system is a fascinating one with a
complexity approaching that of the brain itself. Unlike other bodily
systems such as the central nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive
systems, the immunological system exists as subsystems scattered
throughout the body. We often use the analogy of machines, pumps,
and pipes to describe the physically connected cardiovascular system.
The immunological system is more analogous to a society of separate
but interrelated families. It is a society of well-knit subsystems that is
constantly on a war footing. Its many enemies (antigens) include invad-
ing bacteria, viruses, pollens, and genetically unrelated human fluids
and tissue. Unfortunately, like a Central American army, it sometimes
Love and Physical Health and Illness
revolts and attacks its own host body. When it runs amok it produces
a number of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and
multiple sclerosis.
Since chemical foreign substances can invade the body at many
different sites, nature wisely dispersed the immune system throughout
the body. The lymphocytes, the masterminds of the immune system,
come in two varieties: T-lymphocytes, which are under the influence of
the thymus, and B-lymphocytes, formed in the lymph nodes scattered
throughout the body. Other components of the immune system such
as natural killer cells, granulocytes, and complement proteins are man-
ufactured in the bone marrow and the liver. These chemical defenders
destroy invaders in several ways. For instance, lymphocytes work in
concert with antibodies to combat viral infections; the lymphocytes
cause cells containing viruses to disintegrate, and the free-floating
viruses are then destroyed by circulating antibodies. Most relevant for
our discussion is the discovery that receptors for a variety of chemical
messengers—hormones, endorphins, and neurotransmitters—have
been discovered on the surface of lymphocytes. This discovery demon-
strates that the mind-body connection is more intimate than previously
thought, and strongly suggests that since there are receptors for these
molecules on lymphocytes, they must influence immune system activity
in terms of where to go and what to do.24
Macrophages (“big eaters”) are giant circulating white blood cells
that look like a nightmare from some science-fiction movie. They are
slimy, slithery, scavenging blobs, but they are the “shock troops” of the
immune system. They reach out and gobble up cells damaged by foreign
invaders and release protein fragments from the invaders that are then
recognized and attacked by T-cells. Macrophages themselves release
neuropeptides, which leads some to speculate that macrophages may
be free-floating nerve cells able to engage in two-way communication
with the brain either directly or via hormones.25
The discovery of chemical links to the brain may be the key to
explaining how the immune system remembers encounters with invad-
ing antigens so it can mount a stronger and more speedy attack in future
encounters. The brain encodes chemical memories of our conscious
day-to-day experiences so that we can more efficiently deal with similar
experiences in the future. Because the brain and the immune system
both have receptors for the same molecules, it is entirely possible that
both memory processes (the conscious brain and the unconscious
immune system) are intimately linked. Because these system “talk” with
Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates, the father
of medicine, emphasized the importance of the laying on of hands:
“for where there is love of man, there is also love of the art. For some
patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover
their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of
the physician.”29 How very modern was his recognition that touch
conveys concern and reassurances to patients and turns an anatomical
technician into a physician.
1. Barnaby, J., Amar dei, 95.
2. Whitman, H., The amazing new science of love, 76.
3. Terris, M., Approaches to the epidemiology of health, 1037.
4. Freud, S., On narcissism, 42.
5. Spitz, R. Hospitalism.
6. Haidt, J., The happiness hypothesis, 108.
7. Montagu, A. A scientist looks at love.
8. Young, M., The Rise of the Meritocracy, 30.
9. Bouras, Bourneuf, and Raimbault, La relation mere-enfant dans le nanism.
10. Green, Campbel, and David, Psychosocial dwarfism.
11. Ibid., 46.
12. Gardner, L., Deprivation dwarfism, 107.
13. Lynch, J., The broken heart, 13.
14. Phipps, Long, and Woods, Medical surgical nursing, 1177.
15. Holmes, and Rahe, The social readjustment rating scale.
16. Walsh, and Walsh, Social support.
17. See Hull, D., Migration, adaptation, and illness, for a review.
18. Walsh, A., The prophylactic effect of religion on blood pressure.
19. Lynch, Ibid., 113.
20. Dreschner, Whitehead, Morrill-Corbin, andCataldo, Physiological, 99.
21. William Knaus study cited in D. Holtzman, Intensive care nurses, 56.
22. Mitchell, Hobcraft, McLanahan, et al., Social disadvantage.
23. Asok, Bernard, Roth, Rosen, and Dozier, Parental responsiveness.
24. Ziemssen and Kern, Psychoneuroimmunology.
25. Kumar and Yeragani, Psych and soma.
26. Bartop, Lazarus, Luckhurst, Kiloh, and Penny, Depressed lymphocyte
27. Kiecolt-Glasser, Ricker, George, et al., Urinary cortisol levels.
28. Pearsall, P., Superimmunicy, 287.
29. Hippocrates, Hippocrates. Precepts VI, 5.
Mental Health and Illness
He whom love touches not walks in darkness.
us, it restores what was lost and mends what was broken. It lets us
feel whole and alive, a part of something bigger than ourselves. So
when we talk about mental health, when we speculate on how it is
built and rebuilt, we should probably talk more about love.3
and take them back to the presynaptic knob for repackaging and reuse.
As their name suggest, SSRIs prevent this reuptake from occurring by
blocking reuptake sites, thus boosting the concentration of serotonin
at the synaptic gap.
Although SSRIs increase serotonin immediately, patients typically
don’t feel relief from their depressed state for several weeks, and about
40 percent of SSRI users do not experience any relief at all. Thus,
depression cannot be primarily caused by low levels of serotonin if all
patients do not experience remission as levels of the neurotransmitter
increase. Clearly, the problem is not just a serotonin deficit. If your
car doesn’t run, you don’t necessarily blame it on an empty gas tank.
Likewise, when something goes awry in the brain causing depression,
the fault may be found in many places. It may be that serotonin recep-
tors are oversensitive or insensitive to serotonin, or the sending axon
may pump out too little of it. An overly efficient reuptake system may
clear away too many serotonin molecules before they have the chance
to bind to postsynaptic receptors on other neurons, or serotonin may
not be performing its downstream functions on other brain systems.
In other words, the answer to the conundrum formed by both the
long delay before SSRIs have their effect, and why they don’t work on
a large proportion of people who take them, may lie in indirect rather
than direct functioning of serotonin. Neuroscientists now believe that
mood improves only after new neurons grow and form new connec-
tions, and that SSRIs are instrumental in making this happen. It appears
that the increased serotonin made available by the actions of SSRIs
spurs the growth and branching of new neurons and the also func-
tioning of their circuits in the amygdala, thalamus, and hippocampus.
This process is called neurogenesis—the birth of new brain cells, and
the birth and growth of fresh cells has a major impact on depression
relief. Many of these newborn neurons die shortly after birth, but the
survivors become functionally integrated into their neural neighbor-
hoods. Fresh neurons are more excitable than older ones and function
in the hippocampus (and perhaps in the amygdala) to better control
the stress responses of the HPA axis.7
Clinical Depression and the Triune Brain
Psychotherapist Arthur Janov, who has been treating depression for
over forty-five years, has developed a novel theory of depression. For
Janov, depression is not a “feeling,” it is a defense against feeling a
person’s lifetime accumulation of imprinted pain. He believes that the
Mental Health and Illness
approach system cares not (or is oblivious to) whether the means
used to satisfy them are appropriate or injurious to self or to others.
The watchful avoidance system is driven by serotonin and is activated
when the search for pleasure exceeds reasonable limits. Brain receptors
habituated to too little serotonin that is now getting a lot means that
serotonin’s avoidance function can dominate dopamine’s approach
function. When this happens the motivation for seeking pleasure,
including sexual pleasure, is dulled.15
If a person is suffering from debilitating depression, a subpar sex
drive is preferable to crippling enervation. It is estimated that between
30 and 50 percent of SSRI users report reduced libido, but by the same
token it also means that at least half of SSRI users still manage to enjoy
their sex lives.16 Switching to other antidepressant medications such as
Wellbutrin may help those with reduced libido. Wellbutrin is dopamine
and norepinephrine inhibitor, and may also work to make the recep-
tors of these neurotransmitters more sensitive to them. Although this
drug works well to alleviate depression, some people get too much
energy and get jittery to the point of trebling and some people report
a worsening of their depression. The lesson is that all drugs have their
negative side effect except the one true health and healing elixir—love.
Many are the immediate conditions that lead people to take their own
lives. Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy revels the pain he feels
from his father’s murder and his mother’s marriage to the murderer.
He ponders the issue of whether he should continue to live or:
To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to.
of the ties one enjoyed with other people. He showed that across Europe
suicide is higher in urban areas, where there is greater anonymity, than
in rural areas; it is also higher among the unmarried and the divorced
than among the married, higher in marriages that are childless than
among marriages that produce children, and higher among the lonely
than among the socially active. Loving relational ties to others ties one
to life itself. If one is sensitized to pathological reactions by love depri-
vation during the early years of life, subsequent rejections, breakups,
and the vagaries of life in modern society are less well coped with in a
nonpathological manner.
In an interview on the TV show Headstart, Maribel Dionisio of
Love Institute Philippines said that love, or lack of love, is usually what
causes a person to decide to commit suicide: “The number one reason
for suicide is love. The number two reason for suicide is no love.”18 In
the first instance, Dionsio is referring individuals who find that the
loss of someone near and dear, either through death or rejection, too
difficult to bear. Romantically, it is possible to be “hooked” so strongly
on some other person that the addicted person will attempt suicide at
the loss, or threat of loss, of the loved one. This is termed “manic love”
by sociologist John Lee (see chapter 13), and what Abraham Maslow
calls “D-[deficit] love.” The manic lover is extremely possessive and jeal-
ous, clinging to object of his or her addiction like a leech, and sinking
into deep depression at any hint of nonresponse from the loved one.
A person who loves this way seems to love so intensely because he
or she, ironically, is loved so little. D-lovers have been so deprived of
loving experiences that they crave love in the worst way. The partner
is valued for his or her ability to satisfy an intense hunger, resulting in
a growth-inhibiting feeling some call love but which is really a craving
to fill a deep psychological hole. Those who so singularly invest their
“love” are at greater risk for suicide in the event of a breakup than those
whose love is more freely given in an adult manner.
We are all, of course, deeply grieved at the loss of a loved one. But if
we are part of a wide circle of loving human beings, we can share our
tribulations with them. “A trouble shared is a trouble halved,” as an
old saying goes. Social support at a time of loss is crucial, regardless
of whether we are talking about a loss of a loved one or a fracture in a
relationship. Those unfortunate souls lacking wide social support are hit
with a cross that they may find impossible to bear alone. It was the lack
of a wide circle of loved ones that led the aggrieved to invest so much
of the self in the loved one in the first place. With the departure of the
Mental Health and Illness
love object, life is all the more lonely and brutal during the interlude.
For such people, it is not “better to have loved and lost than never to
have loved at all.”
A number of studies support the view that love functions as a shield
against suicide. This is particularly true for young people between the
ages of fifteen and twenty-four. Adolescence can be a trying period,
regardless of early childhood experiences. Psychologists Rosenthal and
Rosenthal found among a clinical sample of behaviorally disturbed
children that abused and neglected children were significantly more
likely to attempt suicide than nonabused and nonneglected behavior-
ally disturbed children.19 A study of juvenile delinquents found that
the 39 juvenile delinquents who had attempted suicide were signifi-
cantly more love deprived than those who had not and another study
conducted found that abused and neglected boys were 3.8 times more
likely to attempt suicide than a control group of nonabused boys; the
corresponding ratio for girls was 6.1.20 If parents demonstrate by their
abuse and neglect that they do not consider their children lovable and
worthwhile, this evaluation will be internalized by the child and become
his or her own evaluation. Suicide is often a cry for help: “Love me, value
me, respect me, treat me right!” Let me emphasize again that for any
number of reasons a deeply loved person may take his or her own life.
Chemical tags left in a suicide victim’s brain typically show profiles
indicative of abuse and neglect. One major review article examined
research across decades that looked into the role of neuropeptides such
as oxytocin in suicidal behavior and found molecules that function pri-
marily in the HPA axis and modulate emotional processing are present
at significantly different levels in suicides and suicide attempters than
in control subjects.21 We also see epigenetic markers of life stresses in
suicide victims. An autopsy study examined brains lodged at the Quebec
Suicide Brain Bank for epigenetic markers in twelve male suicide victims
with a history of abuse, twelve male suicide victims without such a his-
tory, and twelve male controls who died of other causes. Life histories
of all thirty-six individuals were thoroughly researched. Tissue samples
were taken from the hippocampus and centered on genes that affect a
person’s ability to deal with stress. The receptor sites of abused suicide
victims were found to be heavily methylated at the glucocorticoid
promoter region. The stress hormone cortisol binds to glucocorticoid
receptors and regulates its activity. This pattern of methylation was not
found in the brains of the twelve suicide victims who were not abused
or in the brains of the twelve nonsuicide control cadavers.22
thus make those of us with worries and who lack confidence relatively
carefree and confident, making it a very powerful reinforcer. The very
wise and with it Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin gave alcohol its
ultimate tribute when he supposedly remarked: “Beer is living proof
that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” It is no wonder that alcohol
is the world’s favorite way of drugging itself. Given what alcohol does
for us in social situations, it is difficult to think about what it might do
to us later on. This honeymoon phase with alcohol sometimes leads
to getting hooked into a horrendously bad marriage to it, and then to
a very painful divorce, a process that takes the rest of the person’s life,
with alimony being paid in blood, sweat, and tears.
Of course, most people who abuse alcohol do not become alcoholics.
Alcoholism is a chronic condition marked by progressive incapacity to
control alcohol consumption despite psychological, spiritual, social, or
physiological life disruptions. Most abusers of alcohol will not become
alcoholics unless they have the genes underlying the condition. Alco-
holism is strongly heritable; with the genes most involved being those
governing the dopamine, serotonin, and gamma aminobutyric acid
(GABA) systems. Although it is ultimately a brain-numbing depressant,
at low-dosage levels alcohol is actually a stimulant because it raises
dopamine levels. It also reduces anxiety, worry, and tension by increasing
GABA. Alcohol also reduces serotonin functioning. Increased dopamine
motivates us to do things we wouldn’t normally do, GABA reduces our
anxiety over doing those things when sober, and our behavioral avoidance
system is weakened by reduced serotonin—no wonder alcohol causes so
many problems. One-third of all arrests (excluding drunken driving) in
the United State involve alcohol, and about 80 percent of all homicides
and 75 percent of robberies involve a drunken offender and/or victim.26
Most of us, of course, drink happily without harming anyone or
ourselves. The difference between the alcohol abuser (no necessarily
an alcoholic) and the occasional imbiber, according to the President’s
Task Force on Drunkenness, is that the chronic drinker “has never
attained more than a minimum of integration in society . . . he is isolated,
uprooted, unattached, disorganized, demoralized, and homeless.”27 We
cannot say to what extent these characteristics are consequences rather
than causes of alcohol abuse. Nevertheless, the Task Force’s conclu-
sions again point to the importance of reciprocal love relationships for
healthy human functioning.
Having only minimal integration into society precipitates high levels
of stress and anxiety, which in turn, prompts such unfortunate souls to
turn to “the beast in the bottle” for comfort (the anxiety-stress reduction
action of GABA). Stress and anxiety have multiple causes, but some
people are more susceptible than others. We have considerable evidence
that high susceptibility to stress and anxiety, and thus to addictive
behavior, could have its origin in poor development of the oxytocin
system. The oxytocin system is not fully developed until a child is three
years old,28 and although genes play a large role in its development, early
childhood adversity can severely dampen it, as we saw in the orphanage
studies discussed in chapter 5. Research on rodents and on humans
has shown that intranasal dose of oxytocin blocks alcohol withdrawal
symptoms and is effective in reducing drinking.29 Commenting on
these studies, Arthur Janov noted that oxytocin release in the face of
social support may underlie the many success stories of Alcoholics
Anonymous: “Now we understand why such support groups such as
alcoholics anonymous work. They help raise the oxytocin levels and
by so doing suppress the pain. Conversely, if there had been love very
early on, the levels would be high and pain levels low and there would
have been no need to drink. So the support groups are patching up the
ugly hole generated early in life by the absence of love.”30
1. Vickers, G., Mental health and spiritual values, 524.
2. Fine, R., The meaning of love in human experience, 336.
3. Dayton, T., The Role of Love in Mental Health.
4. Liebowitz, M., The chemistry of love, 45.
5. Krishnan and Nestler, Linking molecules to mood.
6. Garrett, B., Brain and behavior.
7. Schloesser, Manji, and Martinowich, Suppression of adult neurogenesis.
8. Janov, A., The mystery known as depression. 82.
9. Quoted in Walsh, A., Science wars, 93.
10. Janov, A., 82.
11. Ibid., 92.
12. Ibid., 84.
13. Marazziti, Baroni, Giannaccini, et al., A link between oxytocin and serotonin.
14. Mottoles, Redouté, Costes, et al., Switching brain serotonin.
15. Prabhakar and Balon, How do SSRIs cause sexual dysfunction?, 30.
16. Ibid.
17. Tauser, R., Neurochemical basis of treatment in suicide, 73.
18. ABS-CBNNEWS.com, Love is number one reason for suicide.
19. Rosenthal, R. and S. Rosenthal, Suicidal Behavior by Preschool children.
20. Deykin, Alpert, and McNamara, A pilot study of the effect of exposure.
21. Serafini, Pompili, Lindqvist, et al., The role of neuropeptides.
22. McGowan, Sasaki, D’Alessio, et al., Epigenetic regulation.
Mental Health and Illness
Self-Love: The Basis for Love
of Others
This above all: to thine own self be true,/ And it must follow,
as the night the day,/ Thou canst not then be false to any man.
—William Shakespeare, Hamlet
life bitter and lonely, but we all love altruists and want to be part of their
lives. Ask yourself, which of these persons are truly serving their “selfish”
interests. Selfishness in the vernacular may be self-serving in the short
run because it satisfies some immediate want at little or no cost, but
it is self-destructive and very costly in the long run. Self-destruction
is surely not a sensible concern for one’s self-interest, so “selfishness”
as the layperson understands it is “unenlightened” self-interest, and is
not self-serving in any meaningful sense.
Selfishness as biologists understand it is morally neutral. They rec-
ognize that all organisms are designed to be principally concerned with
their own survival and reproduction, and will do what they have to in
order to realize these concerns.6 For the evolutionary biologist, altruism
and selfishness are not opposites; altruism is driven by concerns for
the self, although its self-serving nature is rarely consciously perceived
by ourselves or others. We benefit ourselves (intrinsically or extrinsi-
cally, immediately or later) by cooperating, behaving altruistically, and
acting justly. Because others benefit from nonexploitative selfishness,
selfishness is a positive thing, even highly desirable in a social species.
The great American biologist Edward O. Wilson saw self-interest as
the basis for civil society when he wrote: “Human beings appear to be
sufficiently selfish and calculating to be capable of infinitely greater har-
mony and social homeostasis. This statement is not self-contradictory.
True selfishness, if obedient to the other constraints of mammalian
biology, is the key to a nearly perfect social contract.”7
That selfishness is a good thing if “obedient to the other constraints
of mammalian biology” is not an insight specific to modern evolution-
ists. Moral philosophers and all three founding fathers of sociology
(Durkheim, Marx, and Weber) saw selfishness as a good thing when
properly cultivated. John Duns Scotus, perhaps the greatest mind of
the middle ages, saw all activities sparked by love, but insisted that this
love was necessarily self-centered because nature exhorts us to seek
above all things our continued survival.8 Although individual organ-
isms are adapted to act in their best interests, not to behave for the
good of the group, their goals are best be realized by adhering to the
rules of cooperation and altruism—by “being nice”—and that is “for
the good of the group” as well as for the good of the individual person.
Although altruism is ultimately rational self-interest (“enlightened”
self-interest), this fact does not diminish the value of altruism to its
beneficiaries one bit. That is to say, If you help another person in need it
is altruism regardless of whether it lights up your pleasure center, gains
you brownie points with God, puffs up your chest, or enhances your
status in the group.
Altruism was viewed for a long time as a fly in the ointment of evo-
lutionary logic because it involves extending a benefit to others at some
expense to the self. But altruism is only “expensive” in the short term: in
the long term it is beneficial to benefactors and recipients alike. Many
discussions of altruism begin with an examination of supersocial insects
such as ants. Soldier ants work and die selflessly for the colony, the very
epitome of noble altruism. Of course, these creatures have no choice;
their “nobility” is a hard-wired instinct. Being sterile themselves, they
cannot directly pass on their genes, so the colony as a whole represents
their nepotistic patch of DNA (this is called inclusive fitness). This
kind of sacrificial altruism is “biological” altruism because it is entirely
defined by its fitness consequences and is exercised without any sort of
conscious intentionality. Human altruism is obviously not like this, but
inclusive fitness and kin selection theory (the tendency to favor close
genetic relatives over others) does help to explain how altruism could
have been selected for in any species. Biological fitness-related theories,
however, do not explain altruism when its beneficiaries have no genetic
link to their benefactors, and who may even be total strangers to them.
The theory of reciprocal altruism accounts for intentional altruism
among nonkin. Reciprocal altruism is tit-for-tat back-scratching that
occurs when an organism provides some benefit to another without the
expectation of immediate repayment, although there is a subconscious
expectation of future reciprocity. A requisite condition for reciprocal
altruism is the ability to recognize reciprocators and nonreciprocators.
If someone reveals unwillingness to respond in kind to the good will of
others, it is not likely that they will continue to extend their good will
to such a malefactor. This notion is captured in the saying: “Fool me
once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” It is because of the
mutual benefits that accrue to reciprocal altruism that Homo sapiens
is a species with “minds exquisitely crafted by evolution to form coop-
erative relationships built on trust and kindness.”9
But reciprocal altruism per se does not explain acts of altruism
aimed at strangers (it could be anything from dropping a dollar in a
beggar’s hat to risking one’s life to save another). We call this kind of
altruism “psychological altruism.”10 Psychological altruism is apparently
motivated by internal rewards, such as the joy experienced when ben-
eficiaries express their gratitude for the benefactor’s largesse. In other
words, we act altruistically because we feel good when we do, and
(“what will this do for me”) nor by vanity (“everyone will think me a
wonderful person”), but from the pleasure they derive in the happiness
of others. But for Kant, wonderful as the consequences might be, they
do not perform these actions from moral duty but from their natural
inclinations. Can we praise people for following that which they have
a natural propensity to do? While most to us praise and blame actions
according to whether their consequences are good or bad, and praise
or blame those who perform them, for Kant any praiseworthy action
that comes from natural sources “lacks moral content” regardless of
their consequences.15
For Kant, a praiseworthy (moral) person is one who for various rea-
sons has “extinguished all sympathy for the fate of others” but “tears
himself out of this deadly insensibility and does the action . . . for the
sake of duty alone” is a person whose actions have “genuine moral
worth.”16 When acts are neither in our best interests nor in accordance
with our inclination, but we nevertheless perform them, then we are
truly acting from moral duty. Kant refers to the same biblical passage
from Matthew about love our neighbors that I opened this chapter with
to further illustrate his point. We cannot be commanded to love our
neighbor; it is not within our power to change our inclinations as such.
But it is within our power to will ourselves to be kind and respectful to
our neighbors and to those who we are not inclined to like from duty:
“it is this practical love alone which can be an object of command.”17
Kant believed that it is natural to want one’s own happiness, so it is
morally or ethically neutral to want it. At the same time, it is our duty
to seek happiness since we cannot fulfill our other duties adequately
if we are not happy, and we are not happy if we don’t love ourselves.
But he believed that rational self-love comes only from doing one’s
duty. It is a duty to love others “practically,” and that is a moral virtue.
In thinking this way, Kant is taking love from the reptilian and limbic
brains that demand physical and emotional fulfillment and placing it
solely in the neocortex that commands us to do our duty. This is a cold
and sterile position. I courted, married, and stay with my wife because
of the intensely selfish rewards, pleasures, and satisfactions I received
from being with her, and I know she loves me just as selfishly. I have two
guiding principles relating to my wife. The first is “Happy wife, happy
life,” and the second comes from a wall on the “man cave” of one of my
sons: “When the queen is happy there is peace in the kingdom.” These
little aphorisms make it plain that her happiness makes me happy; if
that makes me selfish, then I don’t want it any other way. How do you
think she would feel if I told her that although I feel no pleasure in her
company I nonetheless love her “unselfishly” from a sense of duty, and
that I stay with her only because I pity her and feel morally obliged to
seek her happiness, however painful it may be for me?
To Be Loved Be Loveable
Despite Calvin and Kant, romantic love is a wonderfully selfish expe-
rience in which two people bring sensual pleasure, emotional delight,
childish fun, and adult contentment into each other’s lives. Love is the
deepest positive emotional experience of humanity for those capable
of experiencing it in its fullness. It has its roots in many things: the
biological necessity to reproduce, the pleasures of sexuality, the human
need for affiliation and security, the unique sights, sounds, smells, taste,
and touch of the beloved, the need to feel worthwhile and wanted, and
the need to complement the self. These are the important determinants
of romantic love; no doubt others could be enumerated. But what if,
despite all these powerful motivators, we cannot love? “To be loved,
be lovable,” counseled the Roman poet Ovid.
What if we’re not lovable? Psychiatrist William Glasser’s theoretical
backdrop for his system of psychotherapy posits that all human beings
have two basic psychological needs: the need to love and the need to feel
worthwhile to themselves and to others.18 These needs are intimately
related, for it is rare indeed to find a person who loves and is loved
who does not have positive self-regard, and one who has amour de soi
is usually one who loves and is loved. It is obvious that to meet these
needs we require other people, so what we think of ourselves is, to a
great extent, the product of our interpersonal experiences. How we
think of ourselves is also the producer of experience, and as Nathaniel
Hawthorne once said, how a person thinks of himself contains his
destiny. If we think of ourselves as unlovable, it is difficult to accept
that someone else could love us. If we believe that we are inherently
lovable, we can gladly and joyfully accept the love of others. But how
do we come to view ourselves as inherently lovable if we have not been
loved? Let’s turn Ovid on his head and say, “to be lovable, be loved,”
and explore the meaning of this statement.
Willard Gaylin remarks that we must “turn to individual develop-
ment in childhood to find the main roots for the adult’s capacity for
love.”19 This observation brings us full circle to the early infancy and
childhood experiences. The old adage stating that “the child is the father
of the man,” is perhaps nowhere more true than in the area of romantic
tree becomes stunted in the shadow of another tree; their partner needs
a degree of separateness to grow in his or her unique way. Lebanese
American artist, poet, and writer Khalil Gibran expressed this thought
most poetically: “Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the
winds of the heavens dance between you.”21 And German philosopher
Georg Hegel likewise stated: “In love the separate does still remain, but
as something united and no longer as something separate; life [in the
subject] senses life [in the object].”22 It is important to connect, but it
is also important to be an individual. The balance between connection
and separateness is important to psychological well-being.
Two love hungry souls locked in a mutual admiration society will
soon grow weary of each other’s incessant demands for assurances of
love. The constant seeking of strokes from the other party precludes
loving the source of approval. He or she is valued as a source of fulfilling
their need, not for what they are. Energies are exhausted in eliciting
words and actions of approval rather than in loving. “Hungry” love is
Maslow’s D love, or the Buddha’s “love that leans,” in contrast to “love
that lifts.” Leaning love is destined to quickly fail because of the con-
stant strain on its human leaning post, for such folks forget that love is
what you give as well as what you get. You can only be enriched in love
to the extent to which you enrich the one you love. The affirmation of
worth of the woman is rooted in the strength of the genuine selfhood
of the man, and the affirmation and worth of the man is rooted in the
genuine strength of the selfhood of the woman.
Love, Self-Esteem, et la Petite Mort
The second of Kernberg’s developmental stages toward romantic love
involves the incorporation of “earlier body-surface eroticism” into the
context of romantic sexual eroticism. We humans have been called
the “sexiest animals,” and along with our cousins, the bonobo chimps,
appear to be programmed to enjoy sex more strongly than any other
species. As intelligent and creative animals, we have many pleasurable
activities to occupy our time. To compete with and maintain priority
over other pleasures, Mother Nature had to continually elaborate on the
components of sexual pleasure until it reached its present unassailable
position in the hierarchy of human pleasures; she cares not one whit
about the pleasures you get from your golf game, stamp collection, or
exotic cooking. Since we have been able to divorce our sexuality from
reproductive concerns, as far as we know, we humans and bonobo
chimps are the only creatures who engage in sex solely for the pleasures
it provides. But the act of making love goes beyond physical pleasures
of the buildup and release of sexual tension. When we make love to that
one special person we are quite literally “making” (i.e., creating) love.
Sexual intercourse is a tangible celebration of love; its sights, sounds,
and feelings infuse our beings with a profound feeling of spiritual union
with our partner. As Kernberg intimates, if we grow up alienated from
our sexuality and from ourselves, we will not create love in the process
of making love: we will simply be, to put it bluntly, fucking.
We know from many sources that abused women tend to report
little joy in sexuality, and only a few report ever experiencing orgasm.23
Why is that? Well, an area of the limbic system called the septum is
the center of the orgasmic experience; what the French call la petite
mort. The septum is another “pleasure center,” but unlike the nucleus
accumbens upon which it sits, the septum seems to specialize in sexual
pleasure. The septum works in tandem with the amygdala, which you
recall is the site of emotional memories, particularly memories of situ-
ations evoking fear and anxiety. One of the septum’s roles is to quieten
the amygdala, but the amygdala can also silence the septum, and as we
have seen, which one is the stronger depends on how frequently and
strongly each have been activated in the past.24
This arrangement between the septum and the amygdala can explain
how sexual desire can overwhelm fears and anxiety associated with
potentially dangerous sexual dalliances, or how particularly strong
memories of unpleasant events lodged in the amygdala can spoil the
feast promised by the septum.25 It is not surprising, then, to find that
women who were abused as children do not find much joy in the form
of orgasm during sexual activity. It is clear that love is a conjunctive
emotion we create anew when we move toward involvement with
another. The way in which an infant first experiences need-gratification
is critical to the later experience of romantic love. The foundation of
romantic love is built upon the gratification of pleasure we experienced
in our mother’s loving arms. If that foundation is not well laid, or it is
sabotaged by later abuse, we will have difficulty in loving. Romantic
love is indeed a straight-line progression “from skin love, to kin love,
to in love.”
Having stressed the importance of love to self-esteem, I should point
out that the effects of love on self-esteem are experienced somewhat dif-
ferently by males and females. I pointed earlier to Lord Byron’s famous
aphorism that while for men “love is a thing apart,” for a woman it is
her “whole existence.” A woman is deeply embedded in the emotional
1. Bouwsma, John Calvin.
2. Kolodny, The explanation of amour-propre.
3. Gaylin, Rediscovering love. . 213
4. Baldwin, George Herbert Mead.
5. Freud, Normality and pathology in childhood. 80.
6. Tang, Foundational paradigms.
7. Wilson, E. Human Nature, 157.
8. Vos, The philosophy of John Duns Scotus.
9. Allman, The stone age present. 147.
10. Kruger, Evolution and altruism.
11. Barkow, Happiness in evolutionary perspective.
12. Altruism is heritable, meaning that some people are more altruistic than oth-
ers for genetic reasons. A review of the literature reveals that the heritability
coefficient is around .50, which means that 50 of the variance (difference)
among people on altruism is attributable to genetics and 50 percent to the
environment. Thus we can become more (or less) altruistic by experience.
Reuter, et al. Investigating the genetic basis.
13. Brunero, Evolution, altruism and internal reward.
14. Moll, Krueger, Zahn, et al. Human fronto-mesolimbic networks.
15. Kant, Groundwork, 66.
16. Ibid., 66.
17. Ibid., 67.
18. Glasser, Reality therapy.
19. Gaylin, Rediscovering love note 3, 206.
20. Kernberg, Barriers to falling and remaining in love, 486.
21. Gibran, The prophet, 15.
Romantic Love: Its Origin
and Purpose
Between two people, love itself is the important thing, and that is nei-
ther you nor him. It is a third thing you must create.
—D. H. Lawrence, twentieth-century British poet, writer, and painter
The X, shared by both males and females, encodes for about one thou-
sand five hundred.1 Most genes on the Y do not code for proteins, but
are involved in interpreting and controlling other genes in the male
genome. The truly vital gene on the Y is the SRY (“sex-determining
region of the Y chromosome”). In mammalian species, maleness is
induced from an intrinsically female form by processes initiated by
the SRY at around the sixth week of gestation.
Interestingly, in the Jewish version of the creation story we find
echoes of Arisophanes’s account of creation in Plato’s Symposium. This
account, which is also found in some Christian Gnostic texts, maintains
that God created Adam as a hermaphrodite. Like Zeus, God concluded
that it was not good for Adam to be alone, and put Adam in a deep sleep
during which he separated the feminine from the masculine. With the
creation of Eve, God brings her to Adam to once again confirm their
oneness (“This at last is the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”).
The point is that we all began life as little hermaphrodites. A tiny
being gestating in its mother’s womb starts out sexually undifferen-
tiated; it is not until about five or six weeks that we can distinguish
between male and female embryos, and it’s all due to the SRY. All males
would develop as females without the SRY gene, which is why I said
Genesis got it backward. The major function of the SRY is to switch on
its downstream genetic partners on the autosomes to start building the
testes from the gonads—which are sex-neutral prior to the initiation
of this process—rather than the ovaries that would otherwise develop
in its absence.
When the testicles are in place they begin producing androgens
with a vengeance in order to activate androgen receptors in the brain
to masculinize it. Masculinization by the so-called “androgen bath”
bathes relevant parts of the brain, most notably the limbic system,
making them sensitive to androgen hormones such as testosterone. An
androgen-sensitive brain simply means that the threshold for firing the
neurons governing characteristic male responses to stimuli is lowered.
This brain sexing takes place during the second half of gestation, and
as a result “the structure and functioning of these regions become
altered, as are the behaviors they control . . . high concentrations of
prenatal androgens result in male-typical behavior . . . female-typical
behavior develops in the absence of androgens.”2 Sexual differentiation
of a female depends only on the absence of androgen. The testes also
produce Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) which causes internal
female reproductive organs such as the uterus and fallopian tubes in
Romantic Love
code) sequence more times than the short repeat. The upshot is that the
long repeat of the AR gene leads to less efficient testosterone function-
ing and to less brain masculinization relative to males with the short
repeat versions. It’s all very complicated and makes one wonder what
Mother Nature went to the trouble of inventing sex in the first place.
The Origin of Sex
Nature loves symmetry; it arranges things in pairs. If we envision Adam
and Eve in their naked splendor cavorting in the Garden of Eden, we
see two eyes and two ears behind which are two frontal lobes. Each has
two arms, two legs, two kidneys, two lungs, and Eve has two breasts;
Adam has two vestigial breasts and two testicles between his legs. It is
between the legs that nature departs from symmetry, providing Adam
with a penis and Eve with a vagina. But Adam and Eve themselves are
a pair just as necessary to one another as, say, the two frontal lobes
each of them possesses. The penis and the vagina are the instruments
that restore an apparent departure from symmetry to make male and
female parts a complementary whole.
Why do humans come in pairs? Why aren’t we complete in ourselves
as individuals? Why the perennial search for our “better halves,” a search
that generates a lot of jealousy, anger, depression, anxiety, suicide,
and even murder, as well as joy and pleasure? It is not simply that sex
is necessary for reproduction, because it isn’t. Asexual reproduction
abounds in nature and is more efficient and faithful to its template
than sexual reproduction, but not nearly as much fun. Earthworms,
for instance, house both sexes in a single body. To reproduce them-
selves earthworms simply do what unfriendly types with a fondness for
vulgarity tell us to do when we anger them—they fertilize themselves.
Then there’s the whiptail lizard, a female-only species that reproduces
only females. These creatures may be the icons of radical feminists
since they literally do not need males to reproduce, but they do need to
engage in “mating” behavior with other females to stimulate ovulation,
hence the nickname “lesbian lizards” for this species.
Sexual reproduction is messy and requires more energy that the
organism could spend in other pursuits. So the question is: why did
sex evolve in the first place? The answer to this lies in the necessity for
evolutionary adaptability. The genetic variation needed for adaptability
to new environmental challenges can only be achieved by the scram-
bling into new permutations of genetic material from two genetically
unrelated organisms. It is the constant shuffling of genes between
Does all this frivolous sex make our species sound “animalistic”?
It shouldn’t. The animal world is full of species that have sex only
The human female is the only mammal that has concealed ovulation;
even the randy bonobos retain estrus. Although the human female’s
sexual desire waxes and wanes slightly according to her monthly cycle, it
is never an “all or nothing” situation. This continual receptiveness makes
the human female continuously attractive to the human male. The evo-
lutionary advantage conferred by constant intersexual attraction may be
to some extent responsible for the human loss of estrus. Evolutionary
biologist Richard Morris speculates that there was undoubtedly a time
in history when human females experienced estrus. Some females must
have had a genetic mutation allowing them to enjoy (or endure) longer
periods of sexual receptivity than others. Males would naturally be
more solicitous to these women, providing them with extra food and
protection, thus enhancing their survival prospects as well as those of
their offspring. Over time, natural selection would spread the genes for
longer sexual receptivity throughout the population, eventually leading
to the disappearance of estrus altogether.20
This is a plausible speculation for the human loss of estrus. It has
been noted among primates that males are far more attentive to females,
and more generous in sharing food with them, when females are in
estrus. It seems that erotic after dinner expectations are not limited to
the tuxedoed “naked ape.” Why is it then, given the benefits accruing
to receptive females, that other species have not lost estrus? I would
argue that they have not done so for two reasons. First, the females
of other species are not so dependent on male protection and food
sharing because the short dependency period of their offspring soon
leave mother and infant free to forage for themselves. Second, human
females are intelligent and are aware of the advantages of continual
male support and protection. They were able to make the connection
between their sexual receptiveness and the attention they receive
when they were. They were then able to turn this awareness to their
advantage and to the advantage of their children. It is not difficult to
imagine prehuman females “faking” estral signals and copulating with
an ever-willing male in exchange for continued support. After all, the
literature tells us that it is not uncommon today for human females to
pretend receptiveness and orgasm for much the same reason.21
Romantic Love
Assuming our ancestors liked what they saw and given the change
in bodily configurations accompanying an upright stance (genitals to
the fore), the human practice of face-to-face intercourse could not be
far behind. Frontal intercourse involves far more skin contact between
lovers than the old impersonal method of seizing the female from
behind and staring out into space. Because of the intimate connection
between the brain and the skin, humans find tactile stimulation most
pleasing—the more skin contact the greater the pleasure. For our
ancestors sexual intercourse increasingly recalled the pleasures lovers
once found in their mothers’ arms. The sucking of the lover’s breasts,
the warmth of skin-skin contact, eye gazing, and the feeling of security
and that all is right with the world—all evoked deep memories of the
mother-infant bond, the fountainhead of all loving. As British writer
Jill Tweedy unabashedly puts it:
The Chemistry of
Romantic Love
I was nauseous and tingly all over.
I was either in love or had smallpox.
—Woody Allen, contemporary American comedian
least expect and want it, at least on a fully conscious level. It is different
from being in love, which is an ongoing process involving rational as
well as emotional components. Falling in love is a discrete event; loving
is a series of events taking place over time. “Love at first sight” is not a
very common phenomenon, although it does happen. “Falling in love”
is most often preceded by a steady buildup of acts, thoughts, gestures,
imaginations, and delicious fantasies. We meet someone, and some-
how his or her unique characteristics begin to have a powerful effect
on our hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes. For a woman, it may be
a man’s power, his intellect, and/or maturity (police officer, professor,
politician), the way he smiles, his confidence or athletic prowess, his
gentleness with children, his exotic foreign accent, or simply because
he is nice and courteous. For the male, more prone to visual than
emotional stimuli, it may be the way her ski slope nose turns up, the
delightful way her buttocks undulate as she walks, the creamy silkiness
of her skin, the whiteness of her teeth set between fleshy red lips or,
again, simply because she is nice and courteous.
No matter what the particulars leading up to the event might be,
when it happens it happens with a bang (often literally as well as fig-
uratively these days). The eighteenth-century Russian novelist Ivan
Turgenev likens falling in love to a revolution in its intensity:
Like the French Revolution, falling in love will often be followed by guil-
lotines slicing at the heart, but we will discuss this bleak prospect later.
Lust: The Red Flame of Life
Something as profoundly moving as the love experience necessarily
involves multiple processes that recruit all the complexities of our brain
structures and chemistry. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher and
her colleagues have investigated love anthropologically, chemically,
and neurologically.2 They define love as a three-stage interactive phe-
nomenon involving lust, attraction, and attachment, or what others
have called passion, intimacy, and commitment.3 As Fisher and her
colleagues explain the process: “The sex drive evolved to motivate
individuals to seek a range of mating partners; attraction evolved to
The Chemistry of Romantic Love
The negative connotation of the word “lust” as one of “the seven deadly
sins” makes it difficult to think of it as slipping easily into the attraction
phase. If we substitute less onerous words such as “passion,” “libido,” or
“eroticism” for “lust” it makes it easier for us to see the elision from pas-
sion to attraction (intimacy, or romantic love). Like Fisher, the Mexican
poet and writer Octavio Paz views lust—what he calls eroticism—as a
necessary ingredient for the emergence of romantic love, calling their
intermingling and blending “The double flame of life”:
The flame is the most subtle part of fire, moving upwards and raising
itself above in the shape of a pyramid. The original primordial fire
of eroticism is sexuality; it raises the red flame of eroticism, which
in turn raises and feeds another flame, tremulous and blue. It is the
flame of love and eroticism. The double flame of life.5
The attraction phase is more complicated than the lust phase, and is
driven by a much more complicated mixture of neurochemicals, par-
ticularly dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, in addition to the
sex hormones. The rewards of dopamine—cupid’s sharpest arrow—
are increased by the anticipation of the sights, sounds, and touch of
the loved one. Norepinephrine provides us with the added energy to
The Chemistry of Romantic Love
enjoy them to the fullest and gives us that Elvis “All shook up” feeling.
Serotonin (the “stop it; you’ve had enough” neurotransmitter) is quieted
because Mother Nature doesn’t want us to stop until we’ve pushed
our genes into the future. She wants us to pop the champagne and
imagine the possibilities and to cork the constraints of common sense.
The decrease in serotonin activity (foot off the brakes), an increase in
dopamine activity (foot on the gas), and increase in norepinephrine
(fifth gear) makes being in love literally an intoxicating experience. It
is made so by these and certain other stimulating and slightly halluci-
nogenic substances such as phenylethylamine observed bombarding
the pleasure centers in brain scans of people in love.
The neurons that synthesize and transport these chemicals also get
a turbo-charged tune-up by nerve growth factor (NGF) at the dawn of
love. NGF is a protein critical for the survival and maintenance of sen-
sory neurons and the sympathetic neurons of the autonomic nervous
system. These neurons are responsible for transmitting sensations of all
kinds, which takes us a long way to understanding why our sensations
and feelings of are particularly strong when we are in love. To get a han-
dle on the role of NGF on love, a team of Italian researchers measured
blood levels of NGF in fifty-eight men and women who reported that
were in the early throes of love and compared them with NGF levels
two control groups. Levels of NGF were almost twice as high among
the lovers than among controls, and the greater the intensity of the love
among the lovers the higher their NGF. When the researchers retested
members of the “in love” group who were still in the same relationship
more than a year later, their NGF levels had dropped to the same average
levels of the people who comprised the control group who were not in
a love relationship, so enjoy it while you can.7
But what differences are there in the brains of those experiencing
lust versus love? A team of neuroscientists led by Stephanie Caccioppo
surveyed all available brain scan studies that looked at the brain areas
involved in sexual desire and love. The team found that both sexual
desire (lust, eroticism) and love recruited similar areas of pleasure and
emotion, but that love recruited them more intensely and added fur-
ther brain circuits. They noted that sexual desired was a motivational
state with a specific embodied goal, whereas love is more abstract,
behaviorally more complex, and exists regardless of the immediate
presence of the beloved. Although sexual desire activates the reward-
ing effects of dopamine originating in the ventral tegmental area, love
The Chemistry of Romantic Love
wisdom has always told us that love is blind, and now science has yet
again vindicated the wisdom of ages.
Poets and philosophers may be aghast that neuroscientists have
discovered the biological basis for romantic love is a chemical soup
sparking up the brain’s pleasure centers, and you can bet that you’ll
never see a Hallmark Valentine’s card embossed with detailed diagrams
of the limbic system. Yet I believe that these discoveries in no way
reduce the wonder of love as it is experienced, and they even add new
wonders to it. Only incurable romantics who believe Wordsworth’s
assessment that science “destroys the beauteous form of things” would
see this as reducing the awesome whole of love to the “mere” soup and
sparks of brain activity. Let us acknowledge that brain scans do not
even come close to explaining why Romeo fell for Juliette. The brain
processes revealed by neuroscience, while necessary to experience
the wonders of love, did not cause Romeo to become love struck;
they only describe what happened in his brain when he did. Why he
fell in love is better explained at higher levels. I still maintain there
is more, not less, wonder in these brain scan studies of love because
as Bartels and Zeki opine, they bring us closer: “to understanding the
neural basis of one of the most formidable instruments of evolution,
which makes procreation of the species and its maintenance a deeply
rewarding and pleasurable experience, and therefore ensures its sur-
vival and perpetuation.”11
Attachment: The Sky Blue Flame of Life
With apologies to Octavio Paz for building on his metaphors, I want
to explore what happens the flame of mad passion is turned down to
a low intensity sky blue. Sky blue love has many aliases. Fisher calls it
attachment, but others have felt free to call it companionate love, being-
love, commitment, mature love, true love, or the horribly clinical yet
instructive phrase “communal responsiveness.” This phase of love may
or may not emerge when the elevated dopamine and norepinephrine
and the decreased serotonin neuroscientist observed befuddling our
brains during the attraction phase return to their normal set-points,
which typically occurs in everyone after about a year, give or take a
few months either way.12 Shakespeare realized this long ago when he
had King Claudius say in Hamlet: “There lives within the very flame of
love, A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it.”The brain areas involved
in making rational judgments also get reactivated, and sometimes
that person you thought was a beautiful butterfly morphs into an ugly
bat as all his or her faults and foibles suddenly become apparent. It’s
easy to fall in romantic love because it’s involuntary limbic magic, but
attachment love is something you grow into rather than fall into as a
couple’s experiences intertwine over the years.
If we believe that this crazy helter-skelter phase of romantic love is
all that there is to love, in our culture of self-absorption we may feel
entitled to abandon the former object of our desire and seek a new
source of natural chemical pleasure. This is perfectly normal; no one
is saying that couples who “do not love one another” once the rational
brain is reactivated and the partner is judged unsuitable. The tragedy
about all this emerges if children are involved. To many young folks
today have the notion that “true love” never fades, and when theirs does,
they leave that person and go searching for their “real” true love. Many
a relationship that may have evolved into a sky blue heaven has been
discarded because the parties have a fairy-tale belief in the eternity of
passion. It would be wonderful (but quite unromantic) if all couples
were instructed before they get married about the neurochemistry
of love. They would learn that what they are feeling in the attraction
phase cannot possibly last (it’s a biological impossibility), and so there
had better be other reasons to commit themselves to one another, such
as liking as well as loving the other person. Liking is a rational and
emotional motive rather than an entirely emotional motive for moving
toward and sharing one’s life with another person.
If one likes as well as loves one’s bonded partner, the attachment
phase will eventually emerge. With maturity and familiarity, the quiet
security of companionate love may be found to be emotionally more
satisfying than the mad, gonadal helter-skelter of the attraction phase,
just as they come to prefer the harmonious beauty of Beethoven over
the crotch raw cacophony of Bon Jovi, although this doesn’t mean
that attached lovers can’t indulge in a little Bon Jovi from time to
time. Attachment is underlain by a different suite of chemicals—the
neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin. If the chemical cocktail
associated with attraction is a mixture of natural cocaine-like stimu-
lants, the chemicals associated with the attachment phase are natural
morphine-like substances that soothe and calm rather than excite and
stress. These neuropeptides help to cement the male-female bond
and synchronize their limbic systems so that there will be “communal
responsiveness” in the relationship. This stage transports both partners
back in time to experience the kind of contentment with each other that
The Chemistry of Romantic Love
both felt in their respective mother’s arms because their bond shares
the exact same neural substrates of the mother-infant bond. But just
because this phase of love is more rational than the previous two does
not mean that passion is no longer a part of it. Absence is like the wind;
it fans the fire of a great love just as it douses the fire of a small love, so
a few weeks, or even days, apart can make long-term lovers anticipate
their reunion with warm loins.
Long-term marriages are often the butt of sarcastic puns by those
who cannot believe such things can happen: “Sir, a fiftieth wedding
anniversary is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done
well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.” Samuel Johnson,
actually made this observation about a women preaching the gospel,
but given his cynical views about marriage noting earlier, he may well
have found this additional use for it. Although it is true that passion
inevitably dims over time, it does not necessarily die in long-term
This fact was brought home by a brain scan study of men and women
married for an average of 21.4 years who responded to a newspaper
advertisement asking: “Are you still in madly in love with your long-term
partner?”13 The study showed that these people all showed patterns of
neural activity similar to those in early-stage romantic love when they
were presented with pictures of their partners as opposed to pictures of
a close long-term friend, a highly familiar acquaintance, and a person
of low familiarity. Brain areas related to attachment/bonding were also
activated, so these long-term lovers got the best of both the stimulant
and soothing cocktails. This and many other lines of evidence leads
me to happily agree with psychologist Jonathon Haidt’s assessment
of the relative intensities of attraction (which he calls passionate love)
and attachment (companionate love). He says that companionate love
looks weak when compared with the intensity of passionate love if we
make the comparison on a six-month time frame: “But if we change
the time scale from six months to sixty years. . . .it is passionate love
that seems trivial—a flash in the pan—while companionate love can
last a lifetime.”14
Figure 12.1 is a picture summing up the variety of chemistry involved
in Fisher’s three-stage model of love. The only molecule we have not
discussed are the pheromones, which are olfactory signals sent out
by many species of animal to entice mates. The reason we have not
discussed them is that the existence of these fragrant come-hithers in
humans is contested.
the romance addict moves on looking for a new swain to stoke the
furnace of desire. If the addict is not ready to end the relationship, she
(it’s usually a “she” in this case, as per SLAA) may feel sadomasochistic
pangs of persecution and resort to stalking (very much a he thing as
well in this case) the love object. Such a person is often “in love” with
the thought of love (or rather with the brain chemistry underlying the
thoughts) rather than the person, and may fall into the infatuated state
very quickly upon meeting a suitable person.
Attraction junkies are so addicted to the attraction experience that
becoming committed (attached) presents an impediment to their
lifestyle they subconsciously would rather avoid. They would rather
avoid it not only because it militates against further attraction expe-
riences but also because they fear attachment. These are the people
who learned during childhood that they couldn’t rely on anyone to be
there when needed. Just as some men may become addicted to por-
nography to help fill the void in their lives, some women may become
addicted to romance novels. Both porn and romance novels are based
on the illusion of perfection. Pornography provides men with images
of super-beautiful, aroused, and constantly willing partners who will
satisfy their every fantasy without the necessity of commitment.
Romance novels often fulfill the emotional relational needs of women
to the point that no real man could ever live up to the scripted per-
fection displayed by powerful, rich, handsome, and dashing heroes of
the novels. If a person comes to believe that the fictional creatures of
porn or romance novels are reality, they will never be satisfied with
real flesh-and-blood relationships for long.
The final love phase is attachment. When this very desirable and
healthy phase turns dysfunctional we call it codependence. Code-
pendency is a state in which one partner goes beyond the normal
kinds of self-sacrificial behavior in a relationship, and the other takes
advantage of it because of his or her need to control the relationship.
A deep attachment to one’s love mate is a necessary and positive thing;
becoming completely dependent for one’s well-being and feeling of self-
worth on one’s lover is not. Such intensity of attachment is patholog-
ical and can turn the person into a possessive, jealous, and untrusting
bore. Husbands refuse to allow their wives any independent social life
and may physically and emotionally abuse them; wives search their
husbands’ pockets and sniff their shirt collars. Even negative evidence
fails to quiet the fear that the spouse will leave him or her for another.
Being paralyzed by anxiety, there is tremendous reluctance to allow
the spouse any independent life at all, and “love” turns into a stifling,
growth inhibiting oppression.
Nineteenth-century novelist Marie-Henri Beyle (better known by
his nom de plume, Stendhal) sums up what love and its loss means for
the attachment addict after the loss of the love of his beautiful Metilda:
“Love is always haunted by the despair of being abandoned by the
beloved and of being left nothing but a dead blank for the remainder
of life.”21 Being a “dead blank” is the flip side of sex-love addiction
described by the SLAA as “emotional anorexia,” which they define
as “the compulsive avoidance of giving or receiving social, sexual, or
emotional nourishment.” Emotional anorexics have lost their appetite
for intimacy of any kind, which is truly a tragic state to be in. The
Beatles song, You Really Got a Hold on Me, highlights how unhealthy
and unpleasant addictive relationships are with lines such as “I don’t
want you, but I need you” and “I don’t like you but I love you.” These
lines bear striking resemblance to the relationship between cocaine
and its unfortunate addicts. Most of us are saddened by the breakup
of a romantic relationship if that relationship meant anything to us at
all, but if parting threatens leave us “dead blanks” the rest of our lives,
we had better reassess our relationships and ourselves.
1. Turgenev, I., Spring Torrents, 100.
2. See Fisher, Aron, and Brown, Romantic love, 2005 and Romantic love, 2006.
3. Sternberg, R., A triangular theory of love.
4. Fisher, Aron, and Brown, Romantic love, 2006, 2173.
5. Quoted in Perel, E., Octavio Paz, The Double Flame.
6. Marazziti and Baroni, Romantic love.
7. Emanuele, et al., Raised plasma nerve growth factor levels.
8. Cacioppo, et al., The common neural bases, 1052.
9. Esch and Stefano, Love promotes health.
10. Bartels and Zeki, The neural correlates of maternal.
11. Ibid., 1164.
12. Fisher, H., Why we love.
13. Acevedo, Aron, Fisher, and Brown, Neural correlates of long-term.
14. Haidt, J., The happiness hypothesis, 127.
15. Peel and Brodsky, Love and addiction, 17
16. Reynaud, Karila, Blecha, and Benyamina, Is love passion.
17. Beaver, Wright, and Walsh, A gene-based Evolutionary explanation, and
Guo, Tong, and Cai, Gene by social context interactions.
18. Garcia, J., et al., Associations between dopamine D4 receptor gene.
19. Walsh, Johnson, and Bolen, Drugs, crime, and the epigenetics of hedonic.
20. Grant, J., et al., Introduction to behavioral addictions.
21. Stendhal, On love, 160.
Love Styles: How Do You
Love Me?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning, nineteenth-century English poet
Love Styles
We see the deep emotional intensity in both Romeo and Juliet’s per-
sonalities, and we also see the fickleness and transiency in Romeo as he
quickly abandons the pursuit of the chaste Rosaline when he sees the
beautiful Juliet. Although supposedly in love with Rosaline (but dis-
couraged by her vow of chastity), Romeo spots Juliet at a party “across
the crowed room” and is instantly besotted, and Rosaline vanishes
from his mind. Romeo declares that he has never been in love until this
moment. He convinces Juliet that he is a sinner and that only her kiss
can absolve him of it (how’s that for a pick-up line?). Juliet lets him kiss
her, but now reasons that if her lips had taken his sin, it now resides on
her lips, so she must kiss him again (a great comeback!), and the pair fall
madly in love. Juliet, who is clearly smitten, tips us off to Romeo’s love
style when she observes his tendency fall in love with love itself rather
than with a real person, and wants to nudge him into loving just her.
An interesting study conducted by Peter Jonason and Phillip Kava-
nagh linking what is termed “the dark triad”—narcissism, Machia-
vellianism, and psychopathy—to Lee’s love styles found that the Eros
style was the only one not linked to any of those nasty traits. Males
scored significantly higher on psychopathy than females, but no sex
differences were found on the other two traits. Once again Eros was
found to be the most endorsed love style for both men and women,
but there was no statistically significant difference between the sexes
on this style in this study.5
Part of the romantic process strongly involves physiological arousal
such as increased heart rate, sweatiness, and buckled knees. Catching
a glimpse of your beloved starts your heart racing due to an adrenaline
rush; this is identical to the stress response. A team of scientists led by
Kenta Matsumura studied the cardiovascular responses of study partic-
ipants whose love styles had been previously assessed using John Lee’s
love scales to see if responses differed by love style. To make the results
of this complicated study short and simple; as was hypothesized, sub-
jects scoring the highest on Eros showed the strongest cardiovascular
responses to experimental stimuli. This is exactly what we should expect
from people like Romeo whose hearts are quickly and strongly smitten
by real-life love stimuli—the sights and sounds of an attractive member
of the desired sex. Erotic lovers also had the quickest cardiovascular
criminal behavior. That is, a number of studies find that certain genes,
particularly those involved with the dopamine and serotonin systems,
predict high levels of both criminal behavior and sexual behavior. Cer-
tain variants of genes that lead to less efficient dopamine activity lead
to the need for higher levels of excitement and stimulation to activate
the reward system to the same degree of people with reward systems
more readily activated.11
In the Matsumura study of cardiovascular response and love styles,
cardiac response was negatively related to ludic types, meaning that
they had low levels of cardiovascular response to experimental stimuli.
Since psychopathy has been consistently linked with low arousal of the
autonomic nervous system which controls cardiovascular responses and
empathetic responses (see the discussion of this system in chapter 7) we
have further evidence of the link between ludic lovers and psychopathy.
Storge: Friendly Love
Storge is a Greek word for natural affection, referring typically to family
love, but also to couple-love, as in Fisher’s attachment phase. The storgic
lover makes a good companion; he or she loves peacefully, securely, and
affectionately, but not with much passion or intensity. According to Lee,
storge is “a style based on slowly developing affection and companion-
ship, a gradual disclosure of self, an avoidance of self-conscious passion,
and an expectation of long-term commitment.”12 Storgic lovers seem to
forego Fisher’s attraction phase and slide quickly into the attachment
phase. Sex is not overly important to storgic lovers and tends to take
place quite late in relationship. Marriage between two storgic lovers
has the best chance of lasting according to Lee.
Unlike the ludic, whose lack of passionate intensity is intentional,
the storgic lover does not seem to have the capacity for much passion.
Love evolves slowly for the storgic lover, who does not seem to com-
prehend the tumult of “falling” in love. This is the kind of love that
some refer to as “mature” love, as differentiated from the infatuation,
and passion of some of the other love styles. Storgic lovers yearn for
marriage and the settled existence; the passion of the erotic or the game
playing of the ludic seems uncivilized and immoral to them. No sex
differences are usually found in storgic love, although when they are it
is found that females are more storgic than males. As we would expect,
storgic love is negatively correlated with sexual permissiveness and
sexual game playing. The storgic love style was found to be weakly but
significantly related to narcissism in the Jonason and Kavanagh study.
Love Styles
Do I love you? For twenty-five years I’ve washed your clothes, cooked
your meals, cleaned your house, given you children, milked the cow.
After twenty-five years, why talk about love right now? I’m your wife!
For twenty-five years I’ve lived with him, fought with him, starved
with him. Twenty-five years my bed is his. If that’s not love, what is?
Amidst all the “biddi biddi bum bums,” it would seem that in love Tevye
was indeed the “Rich Man” he sings about who found a wealth of love
in his wife and five daughters.
Mania: Crazy Love
The term mania comes from the Greek for “madness” or “frenzy.” Manic
love is full of alternating agony and ecstasy. It is the kind of possessive,
obsessive, jealous love that Freud had in mind when he wrote about
neurotic love. As John Lee describes it: “Mania is an obsessive, jealous,
emotionally intense Love Style characterized by preoccupation with the
beloved and a need for repeated reassurance of being loved.”13 No one
has described manic love with more insight than Shakespeare, in Polo-
nius’s account of Hamlet’s experience of love. Hamlet, says Polonius:
Lee sees manic love as a combination of erotic and ludic love, walking
a tightrope beneath a cauldron of intimacy and detachment. Next to
the erotic lover, the manic lover shows the strongest correlation with
the “sex as communion” attitude. This indicates that manic lovers feel
the same intimacy as the erotic lover, but they are more jealous and
more readily crushed by disappointment. The manic lover seeks con-
stant reassurances of love and fidelity: “Tell me that you love me!”
“Where have you been?” “Is there someone else?” They lack confidence
and self-esteem, being the only style with significant negative self-
esteem. Manic lovers are the kind of individuals who will fall in love
with people whom they know will leave them unsatisfied and hurt. The
wife who does not leave an abusive husband and the husband who is
insanely jealous are examples of manic love in action.
Manic love is sometimes found to be significantly related to fem-
ininity in studies based on Lee’s love styles, but never with mascu-
linity. This provides some confirmation for other data indicating that
women are more likely to indulge in the euphoria of love but they
also experience greater degrees of depression when love goes awry.
Psychiatrist Donald Klein coined the phrase hysteroid dysphoria to
describe his patients who are extremely manic in their orientation to
love to emphasize the hysteric and dysphoric ups and downs of the
manic lover’s experience. Klein treats his manic patients with drugs
that inhibit an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO). MAO
degrades serotonin at the synapse, thus MAO inhibitors function to
maintain normal levels of serotonin at the synapse by preventing its
destruction. Just like SSRIs, these drugs have the effect of relieving
depression, reducing the patient’s sensitivity to rejection, and reducing
the craving for romantic entanglements.14
The tragic and unnecessary deaths of Romeo and Juliet illustrate
mania. Our obsessive lovers consummate their secret marriage in
Juliet’s bedchamber. Her father—who disapproves of Romeo and is
ignorant of her daughter’s marriage to him—wants her to marry some-
one “more suitable” and threatens to disown her when she refuses. To
escape from this dilemma, Juliet arranges to take a drug that will put
her to death-like coma for “two and forty hours,” and sends a message
to Romeo informing him of her plan so that they can be together when
she awakens. Her apparently dead body is discovered by her family
and taken to the family crypt. Romeo does not receive the message,
and believing her to be dead he drinks poison after uttering his final
praises to his one true love:
How oft when men are at the point of death
Have they been merry, which their keepers call
Love Styles
When Juliet awakes she finds him dead and kills herself with his dagger,
indicating her own mania and the terrible power of love to destroy
when it strikes the unstable, and few creatures are more unstable and
likely to commit suicide than love-struck teens.
In the Matsumura study, the mania love style was positively related to
cardiovascular responses at the same level as it was with erotic lovers,
but unlike erotic lovers, manic lovers’ physiological systems were slow
to recover. In fact, manic lovers’ stress-response systems were slower
to return to their normal set points than were individuals endorsing
any other love style. This goes a long way to explaining their lack of
confidence in themselves, their neuroticism, and their high levels of
generalized anxiety.
surprising since this cerebral love style loves with the head more than
the heart, and may see the attraction for one’s partner as a function of
his or her usefulness.
The character of Charlotte Lucas in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prej-
udice serves as a good example of the pragmatic love. Charlotte is an
intelligent but plain-looking woman of twenty-five years of age (an “old
maid” by the standards of the time) who desperately wants a husband,
but accepts the reality of her situation. Being the daughter of a knight
(albeit, not a very rich or respected one), she will not accept a social
“demotion” by marrying down the social ladder. On the other hand,
being neither beautiful nor rich, she is unable to attract a wealthy
man of higher social status. She thus can marry neither up nor down,
but only sideways to someone who is her social equal. She settles on
Mr. Collins, who is described by another character in the book as
a “conceited, pompous, narrow-minded, silly man.” Collins is also
“wife-shopping” and has previously been turned down by two attractive
women. Charlotte admits she neither loves nor respects Collins, but
because she wants security and reasons he is her best prospect given
what she has to offer in return. She says: “When you have had time to
think it over, I hope you will be satisfied with what I have done. I am
not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home;
and considering Mr. Collins’s character, connection, and situation in
life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as
most people can boast on entering the marriage state.”16 Charlotte’s
marriage supplies a great example of the “exchange and barter” nature
of the mating market—buying what your assets will permit—explored
in the next chapter.
Agape: Selfless Love
Agape is translated as “unconditional love,” and is usually seen as the
love God has for all humanity. Agapic love is the traditional Christian
ideal of selfless and spiritual love; the giving of the self to the loved
one without conditions, or as Lee describes it: “Agape is altruistic love,
given because the lover sees it as his duty to love without expectation
of reciprocity. It is gentle, caring, and guided by reason more than
emotion.”17 Predictably, Lee found no pure agapic types in his study;
few of us are saints. Most studies find that females were significantly
more agapic than males, but some find males to be more agapic.
The character of Queen Penelope of Ithaca in Homer’s Odyssey is a
literary example of Agape love. Penelope is married to King Odysseus
Love Styles
who, after fighting in the Trojan wars, struggles to return to his kingdom
in Ithaca. The god Poseidon frustrates his journey home at every turn,
so Odysseus’s journey and captivity lasted all of twenty years. During
this period, the patient Penelope—a paragon of marital fidelity—sits
awaiting his return while weaving the burial shroud of her father-in-law,
Laertes. She weaves each day, but secretly unravels it at night. She does
this to allay the constant pressure of her many suitors for her to remarry
on the assumption that Odysseus is dead because she has promised
that she would choose a new husband when she finished the shroud.
Despite the uncertainties surrounding Odysseus’s fate, Penelope
never loses faith in him. She often spent nights weeping and longing
for his return, and when she finally slept, the Goddess Athena reassures
and comforts her in her dreams. After Odysseus returns to Ithaca
disguised as a beggar, Penelope announces that she will hold a contest
in which she say she will marry the suitor who can string Odysseus’s
great bow and shoot an arrow through a dozen axes. This is a trick of
her husband’s. Penelope had recognized the beggar to be Odysseus,
so she knows exactly what she is doing, and realizes that only he could
win the contest. Odysseus strings the bow and completes the task set,
and then proceeds to kill Penelope’s suitors and then he speaks:
So he spoke, and her knees and the heart within her went slack
as she recognized the clear proofs that Odysseus had given;
but then she burst into tears and ran straight to him, throwing
her arms around the neck of Odysseus, and kissed his head.
Odysseus tenderly holds his faithful and ever-loving wife, who has
denied herself all sorts of comforts and pleasures awaiting his return,
in his arms as the lovers are reunited at last.
Putting the Styles Together: Queen Victoria
I want to emphasize once again that these styles of loving are “pure”
types, and that few, if any of us, can be characterized as following a
single type with all lovers. If we always operated with the same style we
would not experience that state of affairs known as “mixed emotions.”
Any relationship between human beings is a chemical mix that may
blend or explode. Although we all have a primary style of loving, we can
experience other styles, depending on our partners’ styles and when
during our lives we experience them. We can experience different styles
simultaneously or sequentially. For instance, a naval officer may select
a wife pragmatically according to her “suitability” as a navy wife. He
Love Styles
Monogamy and Promiscuity
Promiscuity is like never reading past the first page.
Monogamy is like reading the same book over and over.
—Mason Cooley, professor of American literature
On the other hand, almost all females will reproduce, but their variance
is much more limited by gestation, lactation, and time. Even if a female
mates with many males while in estrus, the result is still one pregnancy.
History tells us that when powerful males have had the opportu-
nity to run from cave to cave or build harems as temples to lust they
have done so. As the seventeenth-century British poet and dramatist
John Dryden put it: “In pious times ‘ere priest craft did begin, Before
polygamy was made a sin: When man, on many, multiply’d his kind Ere
one to one was, cursedly, confined; When Nature prompted, and no
law deny’d Promiscuous use of concubine and bride.” Dryden’s “nature
prompted,” is a simple matter of genetic logic. Over eons of evolution,
testosterone-pumped and easily aroused males with cheap and plentiful
sperm would have produced more offspring than less horny males, and
thus genes conducive to that behavior would have proliferated in the
human gene pool.
Historical examples of this male tendency abound. For instance,
based on a study of the Y-chromosomes of men from across Asia, the
genetic legacy of the great thirteenth-century Mongol emperor Genghis
Khan is such that about 8 percent of modern Asia’s male population
can be traced to him.4 Genghis Khan and his hoards ravaged Asia in
the tenth century, and the most desirable captive women were handed
over to him to vent his lust; apparently his six wives and five hundred
concubines could not slake his sexual appetite. Then there is Moulay
Ismael the Bloodthirsty, emperor of Morocco from 1672 to 1727. He
has the distinction of siring the most verified number of children in
history with his four wives and five hundred concubines. The record
shows that he had 600 sons and about 517 daughters, although the
exact number of daughters is not known because he had them suffo-
cated at birth.5 This number does not include children he sired prior
to becoming emperor at twenty-five, so he doubtless had more.
The Western world, perhaps because of Dryden’s “priest craft,” can-
not boast anywhere near the huge numbers of Genghis and Ismael, but
not for the want of trying. The legendary Italian Giacomo Girolamo
Casanova is the West’s prototypical womanizer. Casanova appropriated
the aristocratic title “de Seingalt” as an aid to seducing women and
impressing men, and it apparently did both. Most of what is known
about him comes from his Memoirs, written in his old age, a time when
memory fades and imagination runs wild. His writings portray him as
possessed of engaging wit, charm, intelligence, and a distinguished, if
not handsome, face. He claims to have earned a law degree and bedded
his first wench—“a pretty girl of thirteen” by the age of sixteen. Among
his other claims were that he met and enlightened the best minds of
the age, defeated the finest swordsmen, and broke all the casinos and
half the hymens in Italy and France. He made love without prejudice;
females from nine to seventy and of all classes and marital statuses
fell to his allure, and all, he claims, were eternally grateful. His naming
of 116 of his female conquests adds credence to many of his claims.6
We have our own American prophet of promiscuity in the form of
early Mormon leader Brigham Young. Not having the absolute power
of a Genghis or Ismael or the charm of a Casanova, he had to justify
his harem of 55 wives (with whom he had a “paltry” 56 children)as
divinely ordained. In The Deseret News of August 6, 1862, Young called
monogamy “a system established by robbers” (the Catholic Church)
and explained why polygyny is righteous: “Why do we believe in and
practice polygamy? Because the Lord introduced it to his servants in a
revelation given to Joseph Smith, and the Lord’s servants have always
practised it. And is that religion popular in Heaven? It is the only pop-
ular religion there.” Brigham Young’s fondness of the fair sex led to a
witty play on his name: “Bring ‘em young, bring ‘em old; just bring ‘em!”
Evidence of the male propensity to alight on many blossoms is
everywhere, even if they possess none of advantages of church, state,
or talents enjoyed by the Genghises, Ismaels, Casonovas, and Youngs
of the world. In cultures that allow males to take additional wives, those
whose finances permit it do so. Even in cultures where monogamy is the
legal norm, such as the United States, national data reveal that as many
as 40 percent of married males and 25 percent of married females admit
to extramarital copulation sometime in their marriages.7 As we scan
these figures we should not take them as indicating there is little differ-
ence between the sexes in their inclinations to engage in extramarital
sex. Women have a great advantage over men because they can obtain
sex simply by smiling seductively at almost any man. The availability of
willing males makes the acquisition of sex unproblematic for females
who desire it. If they don’t take advantage of easy opportunities then
it is because they don’t want to. On the other hand, males are often
prevented from having affairs because of a relative lack of opportunity,
not a lack of desire, because their desire frequently runs up against the
wall of female reluctance and discriminating tastes.
The erotic media tell us a lot about sex differences of interest in
impersonal sex. The semierotic magazines Viva and Playgirl (both now
defunct) were introduced at the behest of feminists who assumed that
Monogamy and Promiscuity
their sisters had a buried yearning to view naked beefsteak the way men
have a yearning to ogle naked cheesecake. However, most females found
these knockoffs of Playboy and Hustler about as stimulating as queuing
for pig’s liver at a Russian butcher shop. As William Gairdner explains:
“By 1976, after only two years on the market, Viva had eliminated male
nudes, and Playgirl had to backpedal on its content vigorously to stay
alive because it was discovered it was being purchased mostly by gay
men who were abandoning it for more explicitly gay material.”8
The introduction of male strip shows was also hailed as evidence
that women are as interested in viewing males wiggling their butts as
men to see bouncing female flesh. But a number of observers have
noted that these shows are more of a belly laugh and political state-
ment than a groin tickler and need statement. John Townsend writes:
“Strip shows for women attempt to create a fun, political atmosphere
in which women can defy social conventions and feel liberated by the
experience. The female audience is more amused than aroused by the
show, and the camaraderie and interaction with their female compan-
ions is more important than the interaction with the male dancers.”9
Similarly, it is often pointed out that the female ability to work night
after night in massage parlors without experiencing sexual arousal as
evidence of the continued influence of evolutionary selection for the
careful female sexual strategy.10 Needless to say, males would be highly
aroused by this sort of impersonal visual and tactile kneading of female
flesh. None of this, of course, explains why there a numerous females
who do not save their honey for just one man, which leads us to ask why.
Evidence of Promiscuity in Ancestral Hominids
It has long been known that sexual selection shaped animal bodies,
brains, traits, and behaviors, and that these provide vital cues about
the sexual histories of a species. Large differences in size between the
sexes reflect male energy dedicated to muscle-and harem-building,
decorative males reflect female mate choice and male energy devoted
to building these decorations. It is only over the past fifty years or so
that sexual selection theory has been applied to the evolution of male
genitalia and sperm.
Among promiscuous chimpanzees, males have evolved massive
testicles to manufacture greater gobs of sperm than the next guy so
they can have as many runners as possible in the race to fertilize the
female. They also have sperm that solidifies in the vagina that acts like
a plug to thwart late starters in the race. All the female has to do is
keep bending over and hope that the best chimp wins. Chimp females
do their unconscious part to help the best chimp (or rather his sperm)
win also. In common with other promiscuous species, female chimps
have evolved a lengthy oviduct that carries eggs from the ovaries to
the uterus. Length presents a more challenging race course for sperm
and helps to assure that the fittest of them will make their way first to
the egg.11
We saw in chapter 4 that a mighty gorilla has tinier penis than an
80-pound chimp; he also has much smaller testes. The reason why is
that mating competition among gorillas is precopulatory rather than
postcopulatory. Gorillas follow a polygynous mating strategy in which
alpha males guard their harem of females from other males by their
reputation for strength and ferocity. Other males in the troop have
no access to females unless they can defeat the alpha or sneak the
odd shag while his back is turned. Gorillas therefore have not needed
to evolve large testicles to manufacture large quantities of sperm in
postcopulatory battles.
Besides the chimpanzees “plug it up” strategy, there are other meth-
ods of sperm competition, such as sperm scooping. Sperm scooping is
the postcopulatory competitive process that takes place between the
spermatozoa of two or more males for the prize of fertilization. It has
been suggested that the human penis was designed, in part, to engage
in scooping, which suggests early hominid promiscuity. Scooping is
accomplished by the coronal ridge, that part of the penis that separates
the head from the shaft. In a paper entitled “The human penis as a
semen displacement device,” researchers describe their use of a variety
of dildos, artificial vaginas, and a homemade sperm recipe to test their
sperm competition hypothesis. The two anatomically correct dildos
they used scooped out 90 percent of the semen, while dildos without
the ridge scooped only 35 percent. An intact foreskin is also useful in
this regard because when the penis is withdrawn, the foreskin bunches
up against the coronal ridge and forms a seal to scoop out more sperm.12
Guys may now adopt another pet name for their favorite toy (“super
scooper”?), although given the “sloppy seconds” images it conjures up,
I don’t think they will.
Human testes are larger than those adorning strictly monogamous
species. This, plus the anatomy of the penis, is evidence of both a polyg-
ynous and promiscuous human evolutionary history. But the fact that
human testes are intermediate in size between a chimp and a gorilla
can be viewed as tending toward monogamy in our later evolutionary
Monogamy and Promiscuity
very special blossom and are content to stay there. Among the women,
22.4 percent of blossoms reported reserving their honey for just one
man. The median number of opposite-sex partners in this age category
was 6.4 for men and 3.4 for women. In this age group, 30 percent of the
men and 8 percent of the women reported 15 or more lifetime oppo-
site-sex partners. Thus among men ludics outnumber pragmas by about
three-to-one (30 percent having 15 or more partners vs. 10.3 percent
having just one), and among women pragmas (22.4 percent with just one)
outnumber ludics (8 percent with 15 or more) by almost the same ratio.
This survey did not assess the love styles of respondents; I inferred
them from their number of reported sex partners. How about going
in the opposite direction and inferring number of sex partners from a
respondent’s love style? One study of 480 college students did this and
found exactly what John Lee’s model predicts.16 The most frequently
endorsed love style was again the erotic style (33.5 percent) and the
least endorsed was ludus (8 percent of males and 3 percent females).
Ludic lovers reported the highest average number of sex partners (24
for males; 17.25 for females), with erotic males and females reporting
an average of 15.7 and 6.1 partners, respectively. Storgic love was most
popularly endorsed style (25.4 percent) after erotic love, with males
reporting an average of 7.48 partners and females 6.23. Agape was
endorsed most strongly by 14.4 percent of the sample, with agapic males
reporting an average of 2.8 partners and females 5.8. Manic lovers (12
males and 22 females) reported average number of partners as 11.8 for
males and 4.0 for females. As expected, pragmatic lovers (12 males and
32 females) reported the lowest number of sex partners, with males
having an average of 1.8 and females an average of 1.0. Although the
ludic and pragmatic styles were the least endorsed, they were the most
clearly defined in terms of sex differences with more than twice as many
males endorsing ludus most strongly and almost three times as many
females endorsing pragma most strongly.
Female Promiscuity
Although the evidence is overwhelming that males are much more
interested in “gathering honey” than females, but the exceptions to
the rule are more fascinating than those who abide by it. We find the
lives of famous promiscuous women such as the Empress Catherine
the Great of Russia or Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, more titillat-
ing than those of the chaste and saintly Blessed Mother Teresa or the
monogamous monarch, Queen Victoria Female promiscuity is thus
Monogamy and Promiscuity
Other Explanations
Some women find explanations of female sexual promiscuity couched
in terms of masculinization offensive because it emphasizes the atypical
nature of such promiscuity among women and preserves the double
standard feminists so abhor. It seems, however, that the double stan-
dard is still alive and well among both men and women. According
to a 2014 study, women who go bed-hopping severely compromise
their value as a friend, wife, or girlfriend. Of course, many men will be
attracted to loose women as a short-term sex partner for reasons Mae
West put in her ever witty way: “Men like women with a past because
they hope history will repeat itself.” Nevertheless, college-aged women
judge promiscuous female peers more negatively than more chaste
women, and view them as unsuitable for friendship. This has been
defined as “slut-shaming” and often leads to social isolation which,
according to the authors, “may place promiscuous women at greater
risk for poor psychological and physical health outcomes.” They fur-
ther add that “The acquisition of many sexual partners for a woman
like the marathon runner: a slow, almost casual start, a slow buildup
to a comfortable stride, and a decently paced canter home. She tends
to focus on the process of the activity. For her, sexual activity is less
a task to be brought to completion by climax than it is a pleasurable
interlude in which she seeks psychic as well as physical pleasure—a
time for closeness and reassurances of love. Happily, with increasing
sexual experience with each other these different speeds calibrate, with
men showing greater consideration for the needs of their partners and
slowing down. As far as the ability to satisfy their mates goes, nice guys
finish last.
Even though we hear much talk about an increasing awareness
among women of their sexual capacities and of their dissatisfaction
with the traditional “two-minute wonder,” orgasm does not seem to
be too terribly important to many women. When women were asked
in the Tavris and Sadd study: “Of all aspects of sexual activity, which
one do you like best?” only 23.1 percent chose “orgasm.” “Feelings of
closeness to my partner” was chosen by 40.3 percent, and 20.8 percent
chose “satisfying my partner.” While we don’t have comparable figures
for males, is there any doubt that the response ratings would be rad-
ically different? It seems clear that men and women attach different
but overlapping meanings to love and sexuality. Nonetheless, female
orgasms are more likely to be achieved with regularity in the context
of love. We might say that physiologically an orgasm is an orgasm but
psychologically its appreciation varies with the context in which it takes
place. Women who engage in casual sex are the least likely to achieve
orgasm according to the Tavris and Sadd survey, and women in long-
term relationships report greater emotional and sexual satisfaction.34
It seems that female orgasm is almost as much a product of the female
mind as it is of the clitoris. The potential is there in all females, but
things have to be “right” to actualize that potential. In highly religious
and sexually repressive cultures where sex is considered sinful, dirty,
and “male lust,” not to be enjoyed by women but rather to be endured,
the anxieties stored in the amygdala will overwhelm the septum, and
learned distaste will prevent autonomic nervous system responses to
sexual stimuli in women. “Lie back and think of England,” advised the
Victorian mother, and many of the daughters appeared to have done just
that. In cultures where women are viewed only as baby makers, cooks,
and as a means to relieve male sexual tension, efforts may be made to
limit female sexual pleasure. In many Islamic countries the practice of
clitorectomy (the surgical removal of the clitoris) is widespread. Such
male ego with fake “ooohhhs.” Yet it seems that men prefer deception
to truth if the Roman poet Ovid is any gauge. As he counseled women
in his books Ars Amatoria (“The Art of Love”):
So, then, my dear ones, feel the pleasure in the very marrow of your
bones; share it fairly with your lover, say pleasant, naughty things the
while. And if Nature has withheld from you the sensation of pleasure,
then teach your lips to lie and say you feel it all. Unhappy is the woman
who feels no answering thrill. But, if you have to pretend, don’t betray
yourself by over-acting. Let your movements and your eyes combine
to deceive us, and, gasping, panting, complete the illusion.36
Love as Exchange and Barter
If my love is without sacrifice, it is selfish. Such a love is
barter, for there is exchange of love and devotion in return
for something. It is conditional love.
—Sadhu Vaswani, Indian religious teacher and philosopher
special maiden. Stereotypes aside which of the sexes is really the most
romantic? The answer to this question depends on whether we are
talking about the rapidity or the robustness of romantic love. A large
research literature indicates that men tend to fall in love more quickly
than women, but love is more intense for women. The LoveGeist study
found that men were more romantic than women, and the Harrison
and Shortall study found that it was the almost always men who first
said “I love you.” Many other studies have confirmed that males tend to
experience feelings they interpret as love earlier in the relationship than
do females, but once females define what they are feeling as love, they
tend to indulge themselves more in its euphoria. At the more intense
levels of involvement, females are also more prone to idealization of
their lovers.
What could possibly account for this romantic asymmetry between
the sexes? We don’t need any surveys to tell us that males have an
abiding propensity to seek multiple sex partners, and that they are
much more ready and willing to abandon themselves to urgent sexual
needs than are women. The male sexual urgency may be the reason
for their greater haste to utter “I love you.” Men know full well that
this expression of love is music to a maiden’s ear and many a man has
voiced it falsely to advance the relationship toward the bedroom. “Oh,
wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied,” cried the anguished Romeo to his
Juliet in the balcony scene in Shakespeare’s famous love story. Can it
be any more transparent that Romeo was offering his verbal claim of
love in exchange for love of a more palpable sort?
Given a seductive situation, a male’s biological desire for sexual
intercourse is easily aroused, and it is not difficult to imagine many
males immersed in such a situation interpreting sexual urgency as
love. This is not necessarily a misinterpretation. Males generally place
a higher value on the physical aspect of love than females do. After all,
physical attributes are immediately perceived and evaluated in a way
that character and maturity are not. A man can also afford to “love
at first sight”; he doesn’t have to bear and care for any children that
might spring from what he may later interpret to be mere infatuation.
Physical intimacy usually precedes the emotional feelings of love for
males, while for the female the opposite sequence is usually the case.
That is, men tend to see sex as a means to develop a relationship while
women tend to view it as a way to express a relationship. “What sat-
isfaction canst thou have tonight?” replied Juliet to Romeo’s balcony
plea. The operative word is “tonight.” Juliet knows that, and proceeds
to bring Romeo’s craving to the boiling point before stipulating that his
satisfaction can only come after “puts a ring on it.” As in all economic
exchanges, restricting access to a valued commodity means that those
who own the commodity can demand a high price for it.
Let’s be clear here; women like sex too, and marriage eventually
appeals to men. There are two markets in the mating game—one for sex
and the other for marriage. Both sexes shop at both markets at different
times in their lives and may drift back and forth between them, but
men shop more in the sex market and women in the marriage market.
The more pragmatic selection process of females makes them wary of
dating the “wrong” male, although this may also be determined by how
many opportunities a particular women has to get into the store. Her
concern in choosing a mate may not be so much the intensity of the
feelings she has for him but rather the intensity of the male’s feelings
for her. It requires time for her to gauge the sincerity of a prospective
mate’s feelings for her, as well as to evaluate his fitness to provide for
her and her child. She is more concerned with being loved than lov-
ing at this point. Once the choice is made, the female can indulge her
emotions more fully.
The more pragmatic and careful mate selection strategy of women
is evident in a marketing concept known as the “framing effect.” This
principle looks at the different effects of identical information framed
in positive or negative terms. In a series of experiments with hun-
dreds of young men and women, Gad Saad and Tripat Gill provided
them with positively and negatively framed descriptions of potential
romantic partners.4 An example of a positively framed statement is:
“Seven out of 10 people who know him/her think that he/she is kind.”
A negatively statement is: “Three out of 10 people who know his/
her think that he/she is not kind.” Note that both statements convey
the exact same message and should therefore not affect how people
respond to them. But they do. Women were strongly susceptible to
negative framing effects in a potential partner’s ambition and earning
potential, while men were more susceptible to negative framing effects
describing physical attractiveness. Both sexes were more or less equally
susceptible to framing with statement about kindness and intelligence.
Overall, negative framing had more impact on female dating decisions
than on male decisions. Women are more attuned to negatively framed
information than men because making a bad choice has potentially
greater adverse consequences for them and for any offspring that may
result from a poor decision.
Love as Exchange and Barter
All this adds to the female complaint that men see them as sex symbols.
It can also be equally said, however, that women view men as success
symbols. This should not be taken negatively. Each sex viewing the
other the way it does is simply the result of sex-differentiated selection
will find things a lot more difficult for a variety of reasons. First, there
are very few eligible males around who are older than she is, and if
there are, they probably want someone younger. Second, some men do
not like the idea of a wife whose attainments surpass their own, nor do
women particularly want a mate less accomplished than themselves.
A male Ph.D. can marry a high-school teacher, or a male physician a
nurse, but we don’t see females “marrying down” like this very often.
The opposite marriage gradient is plainly visible in the Carnegie
Commission Faculty Survey of 326, 303 faculty members in US colleges
and universities. The survey found that only 8.5 percent of male PhDs
never married, but 46.4 percent of female PhDs never earned their
MRS (could be that some didn’t want it). Male marriage prospects
decline with a decline in the prestige of the degree earned, while female
prospects increase with a decline in the prestige of the degree. Among
the males with MA/MS and BA/BS degrees, 12.6 and 15.9 percent,
respectively, were never married. The corresponding figures for female
faculty were 41.6 and 32.6 percent.15 What are advantages for males
seem to be disadvantages for females in the mating market. A study of
personal advertisements in a Polish newspaper helps to clarify these
findings. The number of responses to an ad (the “hit rate”) tells us
unambiguously what people are looking for. Greater education, age, and
height (in that order) produced a higher hit rate for male advertisers,
while those same traits produced a lower hit rate for females. In other
words, women preferred older, more educated, and taller men while
men preferred less educated, younger, and shorter women, at least less
educated, younger, and shorter than themselves.16
Love to Order
If the current pool of women does not suit some eager men with cash to
burn, they can go shopping overseas without leaving home. The ultimate
form of market dynamics in the mating game is a man flipping through
a catalog to order a bride like he was ordering a new TV from Sears.
A quick Internet search of “mail-order brides” will yield endless picture
of young, sexy, smiling, and submissive Asian or Eastern European
women promising to be a goodwife to American men in exchange for
a way out of poverty and a much valued green card. Some men who
avail themselves of this quick but expensive way of securing a mate
may have succumbed to Gary Clark’s unflattering pun on American
women: “Heaven is having a Japanese wife, a Chinese cook, a British
country home and an American salary. Hell, on the other hand, is having
insisted that they got married simply because they were “in love.”20
Notwithstanding the social pressures to answer in this way, and the
unspoken and perhaps unrecognized instrumental reasons underlying
those decisions, these are large percentages.
Let’s take the Roper respondents at their word and explore romantic
love from a psychological point of view unsullied by market consider-
ations. What is it apart from the natural imperative to love and mate
that draws particular individuals to other particular individuals? The
closest thing psychology has to a law is the proposition that people
strongly tend to repeat behavior that has rewarding consequences and
not to repeat behavior that has negative consequences. So what is it that
lovers specifically find so rewarding in each other besides the evolu-
tionary biologist’s fixation on her beauty and his resources? Similarity
of interests, attitudes, and outlooks is a good candidate for the glue
that bonds. This certainly holds true in friendship relationships. It is
thus obvious in common sense terms that having things in common is
a hallmark of a fruitful relationship: “birds of a feather flock together.”
If similarity is useful in determining liking and friendship patterns, it
should also be useful in determining love patterns.
Hundreds of studies have documented the fact that husbands and
wives are more similar to one another in more ways than we would
expect by random chance. Scientists call this like-seeking-like process
“assortative mating.” The American literature shows that the strongest
assortment (in descending order) is for race, religion, education level,
IQ, social class, height, and personality traits.21 Note that personality
similarity is last on the list. A sophisticated study of happiness in
marriage conducted by Raymond Cattell and John Nesselrode found
that the happiest couples had opposite rather than similar personality
traits: “opposites attract.”22 A spouse who is nurturing will be happy
with someone who enjoys being nurtured; one who is dominating will
get along well with one who is submissive, and so on. Personal growth
is made more possible when two people in an intimate relationship
have different interests, and pleasurable pursuits. He can introduce her
to jogging, Beethoven, and Oriental religion; she can introduce him
to Agatha Christie, the piano, and Mexican food. If both parties are
open to new experiences, they have both contributed to the creative
growth of the other.
If we are lucky enough to have such a partner, psychologists refer to
this process of mutual self-affirmation as the “Michelangelo phenome-
non,” named after the Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo who chiseled
Ecstasy and Agony: Love
and Betrayal
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
—Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese American artist, poet, and writer
a fine (a paltry $10 fine in Maryland) or even jail time (up to three
years in Massachusetts), although in reality it poses very little threat
of prosecution.5
The Durex Global Sex Survey of 317,000 people from 41 countries
found that 22 percent of people globally admitted to straying from
the marital bed. The United States was below the worldwide average,
with 17 percent admitting an extramarital affair.6 A Pew Research
Center report based on over forty thousand respondents from forty
countries shows what hypocrites many of us are. Only 7 percent of the
respondents in this survey agreed that extramarital affair were morally
acceptable. Ninety-four percent of respondents from Turkey said that
such affairs were morally wrong, yet Turkey topped the charts for having
the most respondents (54 percent) admitting to an extramarital affair.
It seems worldwide that it’s a case of “Do what I say; not what I do.”7
There are certain ages when the risk of having an extramarital fling is
greatest. Psychologists David Atkins, Donald Baucom, and Neil Jacob-
son used structured interviews of 4,118 married men and women of
all ages to assess this.8 As expected, men of all ages were more likely to
engage in extramarital sex that women. With married men, the curve
rose steadily from the twenties until about the age of forty, and then
increased precipitously until reaching a peak in the mid-fifties before
dropping off to around the same level as in their twenties. Married
women’s peak age for flings was during their forties before dropping
off to levels lower than in their twenties. The good news is that only
544 (13.3 percent) reported ever being unfaithful. This is on the low
side according to other surveys conducted more anonymously, such
as the Durex study and the ABC News anonymous survey discussed
in chapter 14, in which 21 percent of men and 11 percent of women
admitted to extramarital sex.
Satisfaction with their marriages was a strong predictor of engaging
in extramarital sex in the Atkins, Baucom, and Jacobson study. Men
and women responding that they were “not too happy” were four times
more likely to stray from the marital bed than those who described
their marriages as “very happy.” Higher income and education were
also predictors of extramarital sex, although they were less strong than
marital satisfaction as predictors. Those who attended church regularly
were the least likely to betray their marriage vows.
Despite the Western condemnation of adultery, there have been
some cultural traditions in history that have viewed extramarital love
as more desirable, more spiritual, and more “real” than marital love.
the fact and learn to live with it: “Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more/
Men were deceivers ever/One foot in sea, and one on shore/To one
thing constant never.”
Let’s see how this works among animals unrestrained by moral codes.
Ask any farmer and he’ll tell you that rams and bulls are resistant to
copulating more than once with the same sheep or cow, and will only
do so if no alternative is available. This makes it profitable for breeders
because they only need a single ram or bull to service all the sheep
and cows on the farm. This is true of roosters too, as something called
the “Coolidge Effect” illustrates. The story is probably apocryphal,
but it is illuminating. Former US President Calvin Coolidge and his
wife were visiting a farm and were escorted around on separate tours.
Upon passing the chicken pens, Mrs. Coolidge asked her guide how
often the rooster was expected to perform his duty; “dozens of times
a day, ma’am,” the guide replied. Suitably impressed, Mrs. Coolidge
said, “Please tell that to the President.” When the President was duly
informed, he asked, “Was this with the same hen each time?” The guide
laughed and responded that it was with a different hen each time.
Nodding and smiling, the President said, “Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge!”
There is a lot of experimental evidence for the Coolidge effect. In
a study of rhesus monkeys, a number of female monkeys were made
constantly sexually receptive by daily injections of estradiol, and paired
with a male for a period of 3.5 years. This novel constant receptiveness
(recall that all female primates except bonobos and humans are only
sexually receptive when in estrus) was very well received by males at
first, but the period between copulations increased drastically over the
study period. When the researchers introduced new females into the
cages, male potency deterioration abruptly reversed and the lust for
love returned with renewed vigor.10 It was as though these simians had
been on a steady diet of meatloaf and sprouts for three-and-a-half years
and were now presented with filet mignon, truffles, and cheesecake.
The human appetite for sex follows the same trajectory. The appre-
ciation of sex is strongly influenced by the number of dopamine recep-
tors in the brain’s reward circuitry. If we overindulge in one thing that
provides us with pleasure, the brain soon habituates to the frequent
bombarding of its dopamine receptors. This includes having sex over
and over again with the same partner. The brain reacts to overstimu-
lation by producing fewer and less efficient receptors, with the upshot
being that we don’t get the same pleasure as when the delight was novel.
This is normal, and the respite from sex will gradually restore its former
sensitivity to its pleasures. This is why the ennui of marital sex receives
a welcome boost when a spouse returns from an extended absence. For
other people, the downgrading of their pleasure centers drives them
to search harder for satisfaction by seeking out more extreme sexual
experiences, including extramarital affairs. A new partner is a natural
aphrodisiac that will restart the dopamine machine. Unfortunately, once
a person travels down this road the more likely they are to compulsively
seek out new affairs.
What kind of man is most likely to have affairs and to have more of
them? We saw in the chapter on father love that human male biology
reflects a trade-off between investment in mating versus parenting
effort, and that males with large testes, high sperm counts, and high lev-
els of testosterone were least likely to make good nonstraying dads and
to be much more inclined toward mating effort. A team of physicians
specializing in men’s health studied 1,098 males to assess cardiovascular
health among men in stable relationships. These men, all in their fifties,
were followed over a period of eight years. They found that ninety of
these men were in a stable extramarital relationship. The researchers
described the typical marital cheater biologically one who “seems to be
an alpha male, a sort of super hero with a better hormonal milieu and
better vascular function.”11 They conferred these accolades on them
because they had higher testosterone levels, greater testis volume,
greater sexual desire, a greater craving for novelty, low frequency of
erectile dysfunction, and lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
In other words, these men were great physical specimens designed to
please any willing lady.
It has long been known that frequent sexual activity contributes
to psychological and physical health and aids in longevity. Since
extramarital affairs presumably involve having more sex, these alpha
“heroes” should be at less risk for cardiovascular problems. On the
other hand, numerous studies have shown that death due to heart
attack during coitus is far more frequent in the context of illicit sex
than in marital sex. Over the eight-year period, 12.2 percent of the
“super heroes” had a major adverse cardiovascular event versus 8.3
percent of faithful (or near faithful) men. Despite their superior car-
diovascular profiles, and despite the well-established relationship
between frequent sexual activity and health, jumping into the sack
with someone other than one’s betrothed represents a serious risk
for heart attacks.
Ecstasy and Agony
appreciate the sex. Unlike men, many women who have affairs left their
marriage emotionally some time before they take the plunge into the
sack with a new partner. Many may feel like the poor female monkeys
artificially rendered continuously sexually receptive in a cage with a
husband with dimmed dopamine receptors. They may be suffering
from disillusionment of their unrealistic hopes and dreams provoked
by fairy tale accounts of marital bliss, and are yearning for more than
grunts as their husbands flip through endless TV channels. Women
want to feel important and cherished by their husbands; they need to
feel that they are appreciated, and if they are not they just might look
for fulfillment somewhere else. But women in good marriages also
cheat on perfectly good men: women are sexual creatures too. The UK
Adultery Survey found 34 percent of the adulterous women said they
were “happily married,” as opposed to 56 percent of the males. Men
are apparently more willing to wander despite being happily married.
Affairs: The Long and the Short of Them
Evolutionary biologist propose that men and women adjust their mat-
ing strategies from short term to long term, and vice versa, at different
times in their lives and in response to different opportunities and
conditions when benefits outweigh costs. Because of the fundamental
differences in obligatory parental investment between the sexes, men
are more prone to pursue short-term mating strategies with multiple
partners, with their primary difficulty being gaining access to them.
The evolutionary benefits of such a strategy are obvious. The primary
problem face by ancestral women was not gaining access to quantity,
but to quality; that is, to a mate willing and able to provide them and
their children with the resources necessary for survival. Less clear are
the evolutionary benefits that might accrue to women pursuing short-
term mating strategies, especially women who have already secured a
long-term partner. For unmated women, short-term mating in ancestral
environments might yield them immediate resources and the opportu-
nity to evaluate a number of men as potential long-term mates, but for
mated women to adopt short-term tactics is fraught with risks (losing
what they have) as well as potential benefits (gaining something better).
Some evolutionary theorists claim, morality aside, that by selectively
engaging in short-term mating female infidelity can be advantageous
in the sense that it potentially enables them to secure the best of both
worlds; good genes from highly masculine cads and good caregiving
from less masculine dads.
Ecstasy and Agony
were more sexually active than both women in their most fertile years
and women who were postmenopausal. The findings were true for
both married and single women and regardless of whether they had
given birth or not.16 An alternative explanation that complements this
one is that women in the premenopausal stage experience decreasing
estrogen levels, and thus decreasing oxytocin levels. This may bring
them hormonally more in sync with males and make them more “me”
centered that “we” centered. The finding that “older women” (premeno-
pausal) have a stronger libido gives some credence to the cads dictum
about cougars: “They don’t yell, don’t tell, won’t swell, and they’re as
grateful as hell.”
Jealousy: Love’s Green Ey’d Monster
This is a good point at which to discuss jealousy, the emotion that Shake-
speare called a “green-ey’d monster which doth mock the meat it feeds
on.” These lines were spoken by Iago, one of the nastiest characters in all
of Shakespeare’s plays. Iago is an ensign to General Othello, but wants
to bring him down because not only has he been passed over for pro-
motion but also suspects that his wife has slept with Othello. He does
this artfully by convincing Othello that his beloved wife, Desdemona,
is being unfaithful to him, which is not true. Iago warns Othello not
to be jealous because it turns people into monsters, while knowing (or
at least hoping) that it will do just that. It succeeded because Othello
allows himself to be so tormented (PISD) by the imagined infidelity of
the innocent Desdemona, that he kills her and then commits suicide.
Almost everyone has experienced that deeply negative emotion
when we perceive a valued relationship is in jeopardy. Jealousy is a
highly combustible mixture of many feelings and emotions such as
sadness, hurt, fear, depression, anger, and vengefulness, and can have
deadly consequences, as poor Desdemona found out. Both sexes may
feel intense jealousy, but literature, history, and tons of academic stud-
ies leave no doubt that the green-ey’d monster bites men the hardest.
Self-report studies in which subjects are told to imagine their romantic
partners having sex or falling in love with someone else found that
men reported feeling more upset with the former and women with the
latter, although, of course, they are highly correlated in real life, and
both signal the danger of losing one’s mate. These studies have also
been conducted using measures of autonomic nervous system arousal
(heart rate, sweating, and rising blood pressure) which find the same
sex differences.17
disadvantaged” (CD).Such males have low mate value because they have
less to offer in terms of resources or prospects of acquiring them, which,
all other things being equal, should make their mates less desirous of
maintaining the relationship with them, and more likely to seek other
partners. Lacking alternative means for controlling their partner’s
behavior (i.e., of assuring sexual fidelity), CD males may turn to violent
tactics to intimidate them and to warn off male poachers.20 Females
may also resort to violence when confronted by their mate’s infidelity;
think of the fact-based American blues ballad Frankie and Johnny in
which Johnny “was her man but he done her wrong.” This story is an
amalgam of the stories of two women named Francis and Frankie who
both killed unfaithful lovers.
Jealousy is not necessarily pathological; even the Almighty admitted
to being a “jealous God.” If we are in love with someone, it is perfectly
normal to feel jealous pain when that person displays an amorous
interest in someone else. While the total absence of jealousy in a rela-
tionship probably indicates a lack of value for it, the depth of jealousy is
not a measure of the depth of love. It is more a measure of one’s sense
of insecurity and inferiority. An insanely jealous person is allowing the
real or imagined behavior of another to jeopardize his or her mental
and physical well-being. The madly jealous person does not love the
self, and therefore is incapable of loving anyone else. An ocean of
studies has documented a strong correlation between jealousy and low
self-esteem, and has also shown that excessively jealous persons have a
malevolent attitude toward the world in general.21 An individual with
feelings of negative self-worth finds it difficult to believe that anyone
else could find value in him or her, and may continually imagine that
no one could be faithful to such an undeserving soul. If a person feels
this way, the atmosphere of insecurity and possessiveness they create
in their relationships make it more probable that his or her mate will
eventually come to share the evaluation and go forth to seek someone
more deserving of his or her love. If such an event does occur, it merely
seems to vindicate what we’ve known all along—we’re no good. Jeal-
ousy is indeed the monster that destroys love relationships under the
illusion of preserving them.
1. Shackelford, LeBlanc, and Drass, Emotional reactions to infidelity.
2. Ortman, D., Post-infidelity stress disorder.
3. Pew Research Center, The World’s Muslims.
4. Walsh and Hemmens, Law, Justice, and Society.
Loving by the Numbers
The trouble with life is that there are so many
beautiful women and so little time.
—John Barrymore, early American movie actor
Guttentag and Secord show that low sex-ratio societies tend to be unsta-
ble, misogynistic, and licentious. On the other hand, in high sex-ratio
New York, writer Kate Bolic reveals the attitudes of some of the men
she has dated:
ratio. Rather than lauding love, family, and commitment, the popular
media regale us with highly sexualized content that glamorizes loveless
sex. Impressionable teenage boys and girls with eyes glued to the mass
of TV shows with high sexual content (the sexual content of TV was
virtually nil up until the 1970s) such as Sex and the City, come to think
of uncommitted sex as the “cool” and the “grown-up” thing to do. A 2008
nationwide study spearheaded by Anita Chandra found that girls aged
between twelve and seventeen who watched such shows regularly where
over twice as likely to become pregnant over the four-year duration of
the study compared with girls with less exposure.11
Culture and demographics thus conspire to produce a situation that
nobody wants and nobody knows how to prevent. In more traditional
societies with a strong cultural overlay of respect for secular and
religious authority, morality can hold down the fort a bit longer as it
is assaulted by a low sex ratio, but as tradition and religion wanes, so
will morality. When the overlay frays, committed love takes a back seat
to raw sex, as history has taught us over and over. Of course, there is
never an abrupt switch from morality to promiscuity (or vice versa) as
implied by the phrase “the sexual revolution.” Rather than a revolution,
we see a seamless transition as subsequent cohorts of young men and
women come to perceive the relative availability of prospective roman-
tic partners and respond to it.
Low Sex Ratios, Illegitimacy, Crime, and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
While it is obvious that low sex ratios have significant negative impact
on committed love, the notion that too few males pose a threat to the
social order sounds counterintuitive since the greatest single risk factor
for crime and any number of other social maladies is maleness. Fewer
males relative to females should translate into fewer social problems,
but because of the unbridled sexuality let loose by a low sex ratio, there
is more illegitimacy, more family abandonment, and more divorce
than is found in balanced of high sex-ratio environments. This leads
to young males being raised in fatherless homes with less monitoring
and supervision of their behavior. We have seen that being raised in a
fatherless home poses significant risks for many negative outcomes for
children, but in the present context it means that the attitudes, values,
and behavior of fatherless young males will likely default to those found
among street gangs composed of others just like them. These young
men will grow up and recycle the same social situation that forged
Loving by the Numbers
them; that is, they will “play the field” and avoid marriage, which is
may just be what they need to soothe their savage breasts and turn
down their testosterone faucets. Voltaire noted the civilizing effect of
marriage on men over two hundred years ago: “The more married men
you have, the less crime there will be. Look at the frightful records of
your criminal registers; you will find there a hundred bachelors hanged
or broken on the wheel for one father of a family.”12
Psychologist Daniel Kruger found a reluctance of men to marry and
become a “father of a family” in low sex-ratio cities across the United
States.13 Studying marriage patterns and sex ratios in the fifty largest
metropolitan areas in the United States, he found that younger men in
low sex-ratio cities (e.g., Philadelphia) had significantly lower marriage
rates than similar men in high sex-ratio cities (e.g., Phoenix), but higher
marriage rates when they were older. Men in high sex-ratio cities snap
up single women before anyone else does, but in areas where there
are an excess of women, men can, as Kate Bolic bewailed, bide their
time and sow their seed in many wombs. In other words, because the
low sex ratio favored their mating strategies when young, men in low
sex-ratio cites are reluctant to commit to one woman, but when they
are ready to commit in later years, the surfeit of women makes it easier
for them to obtain a long-term “quality” partner, thus they enjoy the
best of both male-mating worlds.
High rates of illegitimacy in a mating population is the most palpable
indicator of a focus on mating as opposed to parenting effort, and a low
sex ratio has been found to be the best predictor of illegitimacy rates
controlling for a number of other relevant variables in 117 countries
by Scott South and Katherine Trent14 and in 185 countries by Nigel
Barber.15 One of the reasons for the feminization of poverty noted
earlier is the epidemic of out-of-wedlock births we have experienced
since the beginning of the sexual revolution, and the major reason for
both the revolution and illegitimate births is the low sex ratio. Using
data from 153 large cities in the United States, criminologists Rob-
ert Messner and Steven Sampson found the sex ratio to be the most
powerful predictor of the rate of single-parent households of the eight
predictors in their statistic model for blacks, and in the white model (a
population with a less-skewed sex ratio) it was the third most powerful
predictor, behind per capita income and welfare availability.16
Messner and Sampson also found that the proportion of single
parent households in cities was also the best predictor of their crime
rates, especially violent crime rates. Another study of 240 rural US
wants what she wants, take her spot in some playboy’s harem, or rec-
oncile herself to spinsterhood.
The sad fact is that evolution has instilled in women an attraction
for men of high status, and in men a great thirst for such status, which
includes being the master of their own domains. Women’s slice of the
social status pie has grown, but their innate whisper for a higher status
mate has not diminished. As women gather ever larger slices of the
pie, finding a man with a larger slice becomes ever harder. Make no
mistake; the evolutionary push is still present in both sexes. As Mau-
reen Dowd explains: “Women moving up still strive to marry up. Men
moving up still tend to marry down. The two sexes going in opposite
directions has led to an epidemic of professional women missing out
on husbands and kids.”27 If a woman “marries down,” there is a danger
that her mate will eventually become intimidated by her success and
feel his manhood threatened, especially if she reminds him who the
house alpha is. Of course, some men who are confident in their mas-
culinity may accept the situation, but women should be aware of an
omega leech with little sense of self-identity looking for a woman to
will support him while he plays out an extended adolescence guzzling
beer and surfing the net all day.
Tables Turned: Too Many Men
What is the nature of the mating game when there is a high sex ratio and
females hold the upper hand? Given that women in such environments
hold the bargaining chips, if there were no profound sex differences in
reproductive strategies, we might see women doing exactly as men do.
They might engage in casual sex with as many men as possible because
they want to, not because they feel they have to. They might set up
male massage parlors, porn shops, and male “Hooters” bars (use your
imagination as to what they might call them) catering only to women,
engage male prostitutes, and get hot and bothered gawking at male
pole dancers, but they don’t. All other things being equal, when the
female mating strategy reigns society is a kinder and gentler place. Just
as a low sex ratio turns both sexes into libertines, a high sex ratio turns
them into romantics. As the sex ratio becomes more females favoring,
we may see bumper stickers on women’s cars proclaiming SO MANY
In high sex-ratio conditions, males who have gained access to mates
jealously guard them and provide them with valuable resources and
parenting effort. A young wife who moved with her husband to San
Loving by the Numbers
levels of crime, this is true only up to a point. When the sex ratio gets
excessively high, the effects begin to tilt in a negative direction. Where that
tipping point is depends on a variety of cultural factors such as a respected
system of law and its enforcement, degree of religious commitment, and
degree of pre-existing stability. If we have to put a number on the issue,
Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer find that “societies with young adult
male sex ratios of approximately 120 males to 100 females and above are
inherently unstable.”34 It was not for nothing that the old West, lacking
the civilized effect of womenfolk, was called the “Wild West.”
Sex and Shaheedism
A shaheed is an Islamic martyr, or suicide bomber. What could possibly
motivate a man to strap on a suicide vest and blow himself and dozens
of innocent men, women, and children to smithereens? We might
begin by noting that 97 percent of shaheed are young men from lower
socioeconomic families who cannot afford to marry. In most Muslim
societies there is a mandatory payment called mahr paid by the groom
or his family to the bride at marriage. This can be a considerable sum,
depending on the desirability of the bride, and is often beyond the
ability of poor families to obtain. Because being married and the head
of a family confers special masculine status in Muslim societies, those
left out are often ridiculed as unoussa (“old maids”), which is a mark of
deep shame and emasculation. As one Egyptian commentator noted:
“The youth are seeking death. They’re already dead at home.”35
Part of the problem is the practice of polygamy in many Muslim
societies, especially those where suicide bombers are likely to come
from. Islamic scholar Bilal Philips tells us that while most marriages in
Muslin countries are monogamous, 10 to 15 percent are polygamous.36
This does not seem a lot, but consider a population in with approxi-
mately one million unmarried members of each sex. If 10 percent of the
males (100,000) marry only two wives each, this leaves the remaining
90 percent (900,000 men) chasing 800,000 women, leaving in their
wake 100,000 desperate males confronted not only with a shortage of
women but also a shortage of cash for bride price should he be lucky
enough to find one. It would be worse if we took the larger figure (15
percent of marriages) and if some of these men garnered more than
two wives (the Koran sets a limit of four).
Having such a huge surplus of sexually frustrated men is a recipe
for disaster in any society, Muslim or otherwise. While there is a lot of
violence and unrest in other polygamous societies, suicide bombers is
Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis
of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that
you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this
world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint.
Each chosen one [i.e. a martyr] will marry seventy houris, besides
the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.
1. United States Census Bureau, America’s families and living arrangements.
2. Ibid.
3. Gross, M., The evolution of parental care.
4. Alcock, J., Animal behavior.
5. Guttentag and Secord, Too many women, 20.
6. Ibid., 19–20.
7. Campbell, Muncer, and Bibel, Women and crime, 487–488.
8. Pew Research Center, 2014. Record share of Americans have never married.
9. Bolic, K., All the single ladies, 9.
10. Guttentag and Secord, Too many women, 69.
11. Chandra, Martino, Collins, et al., Does watching sex on television.
12. Voltaire, F., The Portable Voltaire, 160.
13. Kruger, D., When men are scarce.
14. South, S. and K. Trent, Sex ratios and women’s roles.
15. Barber, N., On the relationship between country sex ratios.
16. Messner, and Sampson, The sex ratio, family disruption.
17. Osgood and Chambers, Community correlates of rural youth violence, 6.
18. Barber, N., The sex ratio as a predictor.
19. Plato, The Symposium, 92.
20. Guttentag and Secord, Too many women, 199.
21. Adimora, A., et al., Sex ratio, poverty, and concurrent partnerships.
22. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Estimated HIV incidence.
23. McCormick, Yeoh, and Gerety, The sex ratio and the out-of-wedlock birth,
24. Bureau of Labor Statistics, America’s young adults at 27.
25. Mulligan, C., In a first, women surpass men on U.S. payrolls.
26. Bolic, K., All the single ladies, 3.
27. Dowd, M., What’s a modern girl to do?
28. Guttentag and Secord, Too many women 1983, 114.
29. Ibid., 146.
30. Ibid., 149.
31. Wilen-Daugenti, T., China for businesswomen.
32. Trent and South, Too many men?
33. Griskevicius, Tybur, et al., The financial consequences of too many men.
34. Hudson and den Boer, Bare branches, 262.
35. Thayer and Hudson, Sex and the Shaheed, 55.
36. Philips, B., Islam’s position on Polygamy.
37. Kanazawa, S., 2007, The evolutionary psychological imagination 15.
38. Hoffman, C., Rethinking terrorism and counterterrorism, 305.
39. Victoroff and Kruglanski, Psychology of terrorism, 127.
Expanding the Circle: The
Ethics of Universal Love
A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
—Jesus Christ
the notion that we are blank slate creatures. Blank slates can have
anything written upon them, and the script is anything the anointed
ones who dream up utopias believe to be for the greater good. The
radicalness and the appeal to universal goodwill of utopian ideas easily
capture the imagination of the young and of the impressionable of all
ages, and few cannot help admiring such notions in the abstract. The
armchair engineers that dream up these utopias are abstract thinkers
in a concrete world who probably can’t fix the kitchen faucet yet believe
they can wangle a perfect society and mold human nature in accordance
with their dreams.
Erich Fromm lays out what he feels are the requisites for a healthy
and loving society:
Whether or not an individual is healthy is primarily not an individual
matter, but depends on the structure of his society. A healthy society
furthers man’s capacity to love his fellow men, to work creatively, to
develop his reason and objectivity, to have a sense of self which is
based on the experience of his own productive powers. An unhealthy
society is one which creates mutual hostility, distrust, which trans-
forms man into an instrument of use and exploitation of others,
which deprives him of a sense of self, except inasmuch as he submits
to others he becomes an automaton.3
He does not tell us how a society can create a capacity for love in its
members, and how it can assure them all creative work. The distasteful
truth is that it cannot. Only old-school Marxists such as Fromm who
deny that human beings have a nature believe in such a possibility. To
deny human nature, as utopians must, disconnects us from the sweep
of history and cultures other than our own. If human nature is simply
the content of culture it would mean that people from different cul-
tures and centuries would have nothing in common with people from
other times and places. If humans everywhere did not have similar
hopes, aspirations, traits, emotions, feelings, goals, needs, and moral
strengths and weakness, the stories from ancient and distant cultures
would mystify us, but they do not. Plato’s allegories and Shakespeare’s
plays resonate around the world, and the ancient precepts of Buddha,
Abraham, Jesus, and Mohamed tug at hearts and minds in all corners
of the globe. Our shared human nature make the ideas bequeathed
to us from the past just as potent and relevant today as they were in
their own time.4
A view of human nature that sees each person as a unique individual
born with a suite of biological traits with which to interact with the
Expanding the Circle
himself from the pinnacle of the temple. Had Jesus done so, reasoned
the Inquisitor, humans would have had unequivocal proof that he was
the savior. This would have assured Jesus of humanity’s devotion.
Dostoyevsky is telling us that Jesus respected humanity’s freedom
by refusing to capture its love by accepting the Devil’s offer. Had Jesus
accepted, he would have become an object in which “love” was com-
pelled, for who could not help “loving” one so demonstrably powerful?
But would the emotion be love? Dostoyevsky thought not: Fear, awe,
reverence, commitment, but not love, since the impetus would have
been forced upon us. Jesus refused to take advantage of our suscepti-
bility to myth, mystery, and authority because, unlike the old cardinal,
he respected human freedom and dignity. In a perfect paraphrasing of
Marx’s Utopian vision, he tells Jesus that freedom and dignity are myths,
and that: “We shall triumph and shall be Caesars, and then we shall
plan the universal happiness of man.” It is instructive that at the end of
the monolog, the Grand Inquisitor admits that although outwardly he
is on the side of the angels, he is really on the side of the Devil.
Two Contemporary Calls for Universal Love
There are two recent attempts to show that humans can rise above
nepotistic tribalism and become one global clan. One invokes ratio-
nality and the other emotion. In philosopher Peter Singer’s book The
Expanding Circle: Ethics and Sociobiology, he tells us that historians,
political scientists, and sociologists have long noted that altruism
becomes more expansive as societies become more democratic, with
less rigid distinctions being drawn between categories of people. It does
so because as others come to be considered more like ourselves, the
more readily we are able to understand and empathize with their con-
cerns and suffering. The scope of human altruism has been expanded
to the modern nation state, but Singer wants to further expand the
circle to include all humankind, which is admittedly a nice thought.
Singer’s philosophical basis is utilitarianism, the central dogma of
which is “the greatest good for the greatest number.” Utilitarianism
maintains that we have a moral duty to decrease the level of suffering
and increase the level of pleasure for the greatest number of people
possible. This sounds all very nice, but in Singer’s mind nothing, not
even killing, should be allowed to stand in the way of this goal—the
ends always justify the means. In many of his writings he expresses
“love for mankind merely as such,” but it is flesh-and-blood people
he doesn’t seem to be too fond of. He has advocated for infanticide
Expanding the Circle
disturbances to other clans to benefit his own clan. Each feudal lord
loves his own state and does not love other states, so he attacks
other states in order to benefit his own state. The causes of all
disturbances . . . lie herein . . . . it is always from want of equal love
to all.8
As few pages later they added moral dimensions to the material achieve-
ments of capitalism: “National differences and antagonisms between
people are daily more and more vanishing owing to the development
of the bourgeoisie, to the freedom of commerce, to the world market,
to uniformity of the mode of production and in the conditions of life
corresponding thereto.”11 This sounds very much like a strong dose of
Kant’s practical love.
None of the wonders Marx and Engels describe were the intentions
of any person or group of persons, nor were they envisioned in some
philosopher’s mind. It was the work of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”
operating the free market in which people, each working for their own
interests, created a better world for all. Acting in our own best interests
while respecting the rights of others, and expecting them to do the
same, is the moral basis of any successful society.
Yet, because it was “not intended” that individual enterprises would
ultimately benefit all, as well as the entrepreneur, capitalism is con-
sidered evil by hard leftists for whom good intentions trump good
consequences. Systems that fail but have good intentions are valued
more by lovers of the abstract than systems based on self-interest that
succeed spectacularly. The rescue of multiple millions from the depths
and degradations of poverty by capitalism is what I mean (borrowing
from Kant) by “practical love.” We should value this unintended “love” of
which we are actual recipients than the “intended” love of dreams that
led to brutality, gulags, and death wherever it has been implemented.
Erich Fromm’s vision of a “good” society, however, is the antithesis
of capitalism because: “The principle underlying capitalist society and
the principle of love are incompatible.” Fromm buys into a central idea
of Marxism that capitalism is the father of alienation, a condition in
which love cannot exist. The claim in a nutshell is that wage labor and
the competitive nature of capitalism drive wedges between people,
and between people and their “species being” (human nature). Fromm
explains the principle better than I could: “Modern man is alienated
from himself, from his fellow men, and from nature. He has been trans-
formed into a commodity, experiences his life forces as an investment
which must bring him the maximum profit attainable under existing
market condition.”12
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who Is the Most Alienated of Us All?
If capitalism breeds alienation, we should expect to see its conservative
supporters being miserable creatures filled with self-loathing, a low
sense of personal agency, and estranged from family ties and from any
system of transcendental meaning. As alienated beings, they should
Expanding the Circle
be less happy and generous with their time and resources than their
liberal counterparts who see through capitalism’s malevolence. This is
not the picture that the empirical literature presents, however. A Pew
Center survey reported that 47 percent of conservative Republicans
described themselves as “very happy,” compared with 28 percent of
liberal Democrats. This was true at all income levels, and according to
the report has been demonstrated consistently since such polls were
initiated in 1972.13 Similarly, we are told by other researchers that “In
surveys across the globe, conservatives report being more satisfied
with their lives than liberals.”14
Jaime Napier and John Jost also found that conservatives had greater
subjective well-being than liberals in three studies using nationally
representative data from the United States and nine other countries.
They also report that the relationship between political orientation
and happiness was mediated by what they termed “the rationaliza-
tion of inequality.” By that they mean that when they included a scale
measuring “rationalization of inequality” in their statistical models the
relationship no longer held. However, this scale measures the degree
to which one supports equity (the allocation of resources according
to one’s contribution), which is a belief that is a large part of what
defines conservatism. It is thus not at all surprising that it mediates
the relationship because political ideology and happiness because in
effect conservatism was being used as a statistical control for itself.15
Napier and Jost never say why belief in equity is a “rationalization,”
a term that denotes a distortion of reality, since almost all moral phi-
losophers since Aristotle endorse meritocratic equity as the epitome
of fairness. Why can we not say that liberals rationalize their unhappi-
ness by their distortion of reality that emerges when they perpetually
compare the accentuated inequities of an actual capitalist society with
a hypothetical perfect socialist society? To view the inequalities of
capitalism in terms of people getting their just deserts by dint of their
talents and effort is neither a justification nor a rationalization; it is
an explanation that coheres with the facts and with our deep instinct
for fairness.
Another team of researchers addressed the ideology-happiness issue
with four different samples totaling 78,854 subjects and concluded:
Conservatives score higher than liberals on personality and attitude
measures that are traditionally associated with positive adjustment
and mental health, including personal agency, positive outlook, tran-
scendental moral beliefs, and generalized beliefs in fairness [viewed as
Thus it appears that folks on the left have all the hallmarks of alien-
ation. Their lower scores on personal agency may be accounted for
by their belief that all negative behavior is the result of an unfair and
malevolent society rather than by poor individual choices. This may
well account for their negative outlook and lower self-esteem because
if society controls our behavior and destiny, there’s nothing we can do
about it save yearn for the revolution. Perhaps their alienation can be
accounted for by the fact that they are also less likely to be married, tied
to family, and much less likely to attend a place of worship.17 The Pew
Center survey found that 43 percent of married people reported being
“very happy” versus 24 percent of the unmarried, and that 43 percent
of churchgoers versus 26 percent on nonattenders were “very happy.”
Whatever the case may be, if we agree with Napier and Jost’s assess-
ment that liberals are less happy than conservatives because they lack
rationalizations that help them view society’s doubtless inequalities in
terms of meritocratic just deserts, we should expect liberals to try to
alleviate their state of relative unhappiness by providing a little Kan-
tian “practical love” by donating what that could of themselves to help
people in need. If you paint yourself as a person who cares for others
and not at all like those greedy conservatives who “oppose government
programs for the needy,” this is a reasonable expectation.
Again, the expectation does not pan out. Research on ideology
and charitable giving find that conservatives are more generous with
volunteering their time and providing resources such as monetary
and blood donations than liberals.18 This body of research prompted
Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof to
write: “Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous
government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad.
Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes,
liberals are cheapskates.”19 Kristof is a self-described liberal, and the
New York Times is at the top of everyone’s list as a liberal paper, so
Kristof is no conservative apologist. Another research team agreed
that “Households headed by a conservative individual donate more
money than households headed by a liberal,” but added an excusatory
“however” when they remark “when measuring a respondent’s support
of government spending on social programs, those with a relative liberal
political identity are more generous.”20 Liberals do indeed tend to feel
Expanding the Circle
that we owe a debt to our fellow man, but the rub is that they propose to
pay it with other people’s money. Being generous in with other people’s
money replaces altruistic actions with altruistic attitudes. Claims of
love for abstract humanity must be backed by love for concrete human
beings by something more than pious attitudes.
The 2011 World Giving Index survey of 150,000 people from 153
countries showed that concern for our fellow humans (“practical love”)
is also related to capitalism. This index asks people three questions
about their giving behavior the previous year. They are: (1) the amount
of money donated to a charity, (2) the amount of time volunteered
to an organization, and (3) whether they had helped a stranger, or
someone they didn’t know who needed help.21 The top five nations on
the index—the United States, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and
the United Kingdom—are arguably the most capitalist of the nations
surveyed. One can put a damper on the results by pointing out that the
people of these nations are not necessarily the most loving people on
earth; they are just lucky enough to have the most money, time, and
energy to give away. But that’s just the point; capitalism gives them the
resources to expand the circle and to try to live up to the injunction to
“love one another” in a practical way to the extent that they can.
Utopian dreamers thus tend to be more alienated and less generous
than those who cultivate their own gardens. Why might this be so? It has
been suggested that left-oriented intellectuals are resentful because they
feel unappreciated, not rewarded in proportionate to their educational
level, and suffer from status incongruence.22 Plato told them that philos-
ophers should be kings, but it is to practical beings in business, science,
medicine, and the law that society turns to for guidance, and to whom
go the accolades and most generous salaries go. Sociologist Lewis Coser
offers his opinion of why leftist academics suffer from alienation: “Intel-
lectuals are men who never seem satisfied with things as they are, with
appeals to customs and usage. They question the truth of the moment
in terms of higher and wider truth; they counter appeals to factuality by
invoking the ‘impractical ought.’”23 As partisans of the perfect lost in a
vortex of abstractions and ideals, they are plagued by disenchantment
because the world as it exists is never good enough and ought to be better.
Democratic Capitalism, Freedom, and Romantic Love
Capitalism, democracy, and the harnessing of love to marriage emerged
together with the historically crazy idea that people should be free to
forge their own destinies, pursue their own happiness, and treat their
open to all. As two early sociologists, William Sumner and Albert Keller,
noted: “Capital . . . as a store of supplies relieving men from anxiety
about maintenance, sets free the imaginations to find attraction in the
human form and so awakens sex emotion of a more refined order.”27
In a free-market the state has no need or desire to control the mar-
riage market. Just as a capitalist democracy (for the most part) leaves
individuals alone to develop and pursue their economic inclinations,
it leaves them alone to follow their emotional inclinations. We should
not forget that capitalism created the cornucopia at whose mouth we all
now sit, and without which love as the basis for marriage would prob-
ably not exist. It is true that marriage decisions are still determined to
some extent by many practical, nonemotional considerations as well as
by love. But the important thing is that whatever these considerations
may be, they are the private considerations of the individuals involved.
Free individuals may make unwise decisions in love and marriage just
as they do in their careers and financial matters. Modern marriages
are notoriously frail and brittle, indicating that many poor choices are
being made. But who among would give up the freedom to make their
own choices, for better or for worse?
1. Rohner, R. They love me, they love me not, 166–173.
2. Cairns, G., Philosophies of history, 472.
3. Fromm, E., Love and economic competition, 275.
4. Scottish Philosopher David Hume said it best when he wrote: “It is universally
acknowledged that there is a great uniformity among the actions of men, in
all nations and ages, and human nature remains still the same in its principles
and operations . . . would you know the sentiments, inclinations and course
of life of the Greeks and Romans? Study well the temper and actions of the
French and English.” Quoted in Trigg, R., Ideas of human nature, 83.
5. van den Berghe, P., Why most sociologists don’t (and won’t) think evolu-
tionarily, 179.
6. Lewis, C. S., God in the Dock, 292.
7. Singer, P., Ethics and Intuitions, 351.
8. Quoted in Sorokin, P., The ways and power of love, 459.
9. Quoted in Appiah, Cosmopolitanism, xviii.
10. Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 694.
11. Ibid., 701.
12. Fromm, E., Love and economic competition, 275.
13. Taylor, Funk, and Craighill, Are we happy yet?
14. Schlenker, Chambers, and Le, Conservatives are happier than liberals, 1.
15. Napier and Jost, Why are conservatives happier than liberals?
16. Schlenker, Chambers, and Le, Conservatives are happier than liberals, 14.
17. Ibid.
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