Ashish Rana 12538..
Ashish Rana 12538..
Ashish Rana 12538..
Question No. 1
Constraint Analysis
Managerial accounting also involves reviewing the constraints within a production line or sales
process. Managerial accountants help determine where bottlenecks occur and calculate the
impact of these constraints on revenue, profit, and cash flow.
Question No. 2
Explain cost reduction and cost control methods. What are the differences between cost
reduction and cost control?
Ans- Cost reduction - Cost reduction is the process that concentrates on reducing the unit price
of a factory-made service or product. It is done without compromising quality through new and
better technologies.
Continual Research
Companies conduct numerous studies and research to determine the most optimal and cost-
effective ways to manufacture a product or provide a service. Then, to reduce the costs, they can
improve their existing manufacturing structures.
Value Chain Analysis
Businesses can analyse and identify activities that add no value to a company’s profit potential
and remove them. Conversely, this will strengthen activities that add substantial value to the
company’s functioning.
Cost control - Enterprises control the actual cost of the product with the help of several
practices. It guarantees that the total cost of operation does not exceed the budget.
With cost control, firms ensure that the product cost does not exceed the production cost. It is a
continuous process where variables are analysed to find the reason for high costs, and necessary
steps are taken at the final stage.
The steps followed while implementing cost control are:
Setting Predetermined Standards
Before beginning any operation, the company must make a performance goal or standard cost for
each cost centre. Then, further works are done with the help of these prearranged costs.
Assessing Actual Performance
Companies determine the actual cost of each product. Later, they measure the performance as per
targets. For example, if the target is operation-wise, you can calculate and collect actual costs on
an operation-by-operation basis to provide a standard benchmark for comparison.
Comparing Output with Initial Standards
After calculating the actual cost, we can compare it to the desired outcome. Any discrepancy
between the two is identified and communicated to the person in charge.
Analysing Action Variations
We review and identify discrepancies and their causes in the previous steps. Following that, we
take the necessary actions, and if necessary, we can incorporate standards into developments to
control the price.
The differences between cost control and cost reduction are as follows:
Cost control refers to keeping costs within prearranged limits. Cost reduction is about
lowering the cost per unit by implementing new production methods that do not
compromise product quality.