Acs Jchemed 2c00794
Acs Jchemed 2c00794
Acs Jchemed 2c00794
org/jchemeduc Communication
KEYWORDS: Second-Year Undergraduate, Organic Chemistry, Laboratory Instruction, Alkylation, Ethers, Reactions, Synthesis,
Thin Layer Chromatography
In 2009, Esteb and co-workers published an article titled “A
These were exactly the reasons why we chose to incorporate
this simple SN2 experiment into our own first-semester organic
Simple S N2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic laboratory. As expected, the SN2 reaction of 2-naphthoxide and
Laboratory” in this Journal.1 That article detailed the successful 1-iodobutane proceeded smoothly, was well received by the
implementation of a new SN2 reaction (2-naphthol/sodium students, and hit the desired learning objectives.
hydroxide with 1-iodobutane) into their first-semester organic After performing the experiment as published for two
laboratory (Scheme 1). semesters, we modified the procedure by switching the
electrophile from 1-iodobutane to butyl p-toluenesulfonate
Scheme 1. SN2 Reaction of 2-Naphthol and 1-Iodobutane (butyl tosylate). Scheme 2 highlights the leaving group change
(Original Procedure1) in red. We have been very pleased with the results. Our
updates maintain all the fantastic qualities of the original
experiment and add the following advantages: (1) students can
monitor the reaction progress by thin layer chromatography
(TLC), (2) students can gain experience with a different good
leaving group (tosylate vs halide), and (3) butyl tosylate is less Sibbald describes a first-semester SN2 experiment in which
volatile and less toxic than 1-iodobutane. students react triphenylphosphine or tributylphosphine with a
variety of alkyl halides. The reaction requires only 30 min
Esteb and co-workers included a thoughtful review of
reflux, no workup, and a single scan 31P NMR spectrum.
Students compile data for product composition (unreacted
alternative SN2 experiments in their article,1 and we present phosphine relative to product phosphonium salt) and draw
a similar analysis of SN2 experiments that have been published conclusions about SN2 reactivity as a function of reactant
in this Journal since 2009. structure.10
The following experiments all feature a key SN2 reaction as
Ether Syntheses part of a multistep synthesis, appropriate for a second-semester
Multiple SN2 experiments employ the Williamson ether or advanced organic laboratory: conversion of lidocaine to the
synthesis. As noted in several of these articles, typical ether most bitter substances (denatonium saccharinate and
syntheses can be difficult because they require long refluxes denatonium benzoate),11 synthesis of R,R-tartrate salt of R-
and suffer from low yields. rasagiline,12 and a student-driven greenification of the synthesis
Baar and co-workers report two experiments that use of lidocaine.13
microwave acceleration. When potassium 2-naphthoxide is Other SN2 Options
paired with p-bromobenzyl bromide (an electrophile that
Mobley reports a first-semester experiment in which students
contains an both an sp2 carbon and an sp3 carbon attached to a
experimentally determine the rate law of the SN2 reaction of 1-
bromine leaving group), the recrystallized solid product is
bromobutane and iodide anion. Reactant and product
isolated in reasonable yields (∼30%).2 In the reaction of 2-
concentrations are measured as a function of time by collecting
fluorophenol/K2CO3 and 1-bromoethane to form 2-fluoro-
multiple 1H NMR scans.14
phenetole, students work to optimize the variables of the
When pentanols undergo competitive nucleophilic sub-
reaction (reagent equivalents, reaction time and temperature,
stitution in acidic solution, students can use a combination of
solvent choice), and the percent conversion is quickly 1
calculated by GC−MS.3 H NMR and GC data to identify the reaction mechanism(s)
There are three articles that describe ether based SN2 based on product ratios. Students must address how alcohol
experiments in which the alkyl halide or the alkoxide is varied. structure, solvent, and nucleophilic strength contribute to the
Yearty and co-workers pair 4-bromophenol with one of three reaction outcomes and to the likelihood of rearrangement.15
potential alkyl bromides. Students must determine which alkyl
halide was used based on the 1H NMR and FTIR of the ether
product. The reaction requires 1 h reflux or 25 min microwave
Sodium hydroxide, both as pellets and in ethanolic solution, is
heating and is performed during second-semester organic corrosive. 2-Naphthol and butyl p-toluenesulfonate are
chemistry.4 considered eye and skin irritants, are toxic, and are harmful
Curran and co-workers describe a competition setup in to the environment. Ethanol is flammable. Students should
which a single nucleophile (phenoxide anion from 2,6- always wear eye protection and gloves and should work
dimethylphenol/NaOH) can react with a mixture of 1- exclusively in a hood.
bromopropane and 2-bromopropane. The reaction is heated
for 40 min, and the crude product is an oil that is analyzed by
H NMR and/or GC−MS. Ultimately, first-semester organic
To a solution of sodium hydroxide in ethanol (0.5 M, 16 mL)
students conclude that the SN2 mechanism is at play.5 in a 100 mL round-bottom flask was added 2-naphthol (0.85 g,
Finally, Wharry describes an advanced experiment in which 5.89 mmol), and this was stirred at RT until the 2-naphthol
students untangle mechanism outcomes by performing multi- was dissolved (10 min). Butyl p-toluenesulfonate (butyl
ple combinations of alkoxide nucleophiles with alkyl halide tosylate, 1.12 mL, d = 1.120 g/mL, 5.50 mmol, 0.93 equiv)
electrophiles. Reactions require 1 h reflux. Then students was added to the round-bottom flask, and the mixture was
compile GC data for the different reactions to draw brought to reflux. The reaction was monitored by thin layer
conclusions about how the structures of both the nucleophile chromatography (TLC, hexane:ethyl acetate 60:40) for 40 to
and electrophile influence whether the operative mechanism is 60 min. After reaction completion, the hot reaction mixture
substitution or elimination.6 was poured over crushed ice and allowed to stand until the ice
SN2 Experiments That Focus on Stereochemistry melted. The tan crystalline solid that precipitated was collected
by vacuum filtration and washed with a 5 mL portion of ice-
There are two advanced experiments that focus on the cold water. If desired, the product can be recrystallized from
stereospecificity of the SN2 reaction.7 One experiment starts methanol−water and dried until the next laboratory period
with phenylalanine, and the other starts with glucopyranosyl before recording the melting point.
azide.8 In both cases, the product stereochemistry is analyzed
by 1H NMR, in addition to other techniques.
Amine and Phosphine Nucleophiles
The results of this experiment were highly reproducible over 3
A collection of experiments utilize amine and phosphine semesters, with each semester having 10 sections of 12 to 16
nucleophiles for SN2 reactions. The microwave assisted students. All students were able to complete the synthesis and
butylation of theophylline gives students the opportunity to TLC analysis in a single 3 h period (with optional
optimize the alkylation by varying reagent equivalents, reaction recrystallization in a single 4 h period).
time, and temperature. Reaction outcomes are evaluated by This experiment is generally performed as one of the last
HPLC, and the experiment is appropriate for first-semester two experiments in a first-semester organic lab. This is the first
students.9 time that our organic students are using TLC to monitor a
J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 376−379
Journal of Chemical Education Communication
reaction; however, students have already performed TLC Overall, this experiment accomplishes the following
multiple times prior to this experiment. Therefore, student objectives. First, students are introduced to various skills for
technique is generally good enough that the TLC data is the first time in their organic lab (reflux and monitoring the
relatively easy to interpret. progress of reaction by TLC). Second, students reinforce
When Esteb and co-workers utilized 2-naphthol as the techniques and skills they previously learned (recrystallization,
limiting reactant, the 2-naphthol spot did not completely mp, calculating percent yield). Finally, students make
disappear on the TLC due to its high UV-activity.1 We avoid important connections to the material that they are learning
that complication by using 2-naphthol as the excess reactant in their corresponding lecture course. As expected, this
and butyl tosylate as the limiting reactant. The butyl tosylate experiment improves students’ comfort level with sulfonate
spot does disappear completely upon reaction completion. leaving groups, and like Esteb and co-workers,1 we find that
Furthermore, this has the added advantage that excess 2- this experiment provides a valuable opportunity to emphasize
naphthoxide remains in the aqueous layer during the reaction both foundational concepts (identifying the electrophile,
workup. identifying the nucleophile, drawing a reasonable curved
An example student TLC plate is shown below (Figure 1). arrow mechanism) and more advanced topics related to
At time zero, both 2-naphthol (the excess reactant) and butyl nucleophilic substitution (choice of appropriate solvent, role of
the hydroxide ion, possibility of elimination as a competing
Nucleophilic substitution is one of the first and most important
reactions taught in first-semester organic chemistry classes. In
this article, we describe a simple implementation of an SN2
reaction that can be successfully completed in a 3 or 4 h lab
period, relies solely on standard organic chemistry techniques
(TLC, reflux, crystallization, mp), and affords a solid product
in good yields. The electrophile, butyl tosylate, is the limiting
reactant. This not only allows the reaction to be monitored by
TLC but also gives students experience with an important
leaving group. Furthermore, this reagent has an improved
safety profile compared to its halide analogue. Ultimately, this
experiment strengthens the connection between what students
Figure 1. Example of student TLC data monitoring the SN2 reaction are learning in their lecture and laboratory classes and serves as
of 2-naphthol and butyl tosylate. a gateway to more complex organic syntheses.
The authors would like to thank USD’s organic chemistry team
for helpful discussions in fine-tuning this experiment and the
2019−2021 organic chemistry students in the preparation and
testing of this experiment.
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