Change Log
Change Log
Change Log
6 - Bufgix: Have I finally fixed the bug with alerts getting suck on the
screen? I think so! If not, please let me know. Thanks!
4.3.5 - Bugfix: Still working at Fingers of Frost. This re-code changed code to
Maelstrom Weapon and Serendipity... so hopefully those aren't bugged now too.
From what I have tested, things are working. But I need more reports if they
aren't. Thanks all!
4.3.2 - Bugfix: Fixed (hopefully) a problem with Fingers of Frost getting stuck on
the screen.
4.3.1 - Added: New option to show spell name and ID in the main chat window when a
buff or proc activates.
This is used when trying to figure out a spell ID to add as a custom spell
4.3.0 - Added: The ability to add/remove custom spell procs. Instructions will
show on first load after updating.
4.2.31 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the spell timer option bugging under certain
4.2.30 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the Warlock talent "Molten Core".
4.2.29 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the Mage talent "Fingers of Frost".
4.2.28 - Checked reports of events not working. As of now, they all have been
tested to work... if you are still having issues with particular items not
try closing WoW, deleting your EvenAlert saved variables file, then
restarting WoW. If you still have issues after that please let me know on
WoWInterface or Curse.
Added Warlock ability: Pyroclasm
Added Druid ability: Predator's Swiftness
Added Paladin ability: Light's Grace
4.2.27 - Updated TOC to current version. Please report any bugs and issues to
WoWInterface. Thanks!
4.2.26 - Change: More CPU load changes. This should be a pretty big improvement.
Let me know on WoWInterface or Curse. Feedback is important! :)
4.2.24 - Change: Added some code to help with CPU load. Should drop CPU load a
bit while the addon isn't showing alerts.
Bugfix: Fixed a problem with timers not showing on alerts that had procced after
an alternate alert had shown.
Bugfix: Hopefully fixed the problem of errors on initial load of the game.
(Note that I wasn't able to replicate this problem, and not everyone is
having the issue. If you are one of the people having this problem, please report
it! Thanks!)
4.2.23 - Bugfix: Fixed the FPS lagging bug as well as the error on loading. All
were related to alternate alerts. They are making me mad. This better be the last
bug damnit! :P
4.2.22 - Bugfix: Yet another issue with alternate alerts. Was causing errors on
initial game load, but not with a /reloadui. Go figure. Hope this is the
last! :P
4.2.21 - Bugfix: Fixed problem with alternate alerts that was causing overlapping
frames as well as frames not clearing when abilities were no longer active.
4.2.20 - Bugfix: Fixed a memory problem when alternate alerts were enabled. Was
causing quite a bit of UI lag. Shouldn't anymore! :)
4.2.17 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem in the class alerts menu that wouldn't allow
checkboxes to change when clicked.
Change: Changed the functionality of the Primary/Alternate alert options menu to
make it easier to use and understand.
4.2.15 - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with primary and alternate alerts causing problems
with each other.
The bug was causing frame errors as well as making primary alerts disappear after
proccing, when you had alternate alerts enabled.
4.2.14 - Added ability to track items that are activated due to a combat event and
do not put a buff on the player.
Note: These abilties are disabled by default!
Added Death Knight ability: Rune Strike
Added Hunter ability: Kill Shot
Added Paladin ability: Hammer of Wrath
Added Rogue ability: Riposte
Added Warrior abilities: Overpower, Execute, Revenge, Victory Rush
4.1.13 - Change: Serendipity will now only proc on the 3rd stack.
Bugfix: Trinket procs will now show properly without breaking the mod.
4.1.12 - Bugfix: Icon options frame was erroring when clicking on it to move it on
the screen.
4.1.11 - Remove old Death Knight buff: Sudden Doom. Was causing an error, and
doesn't fit the mod's focus any longer.
4.1.7 - Added option to change horizontal and vertical spacing of the alert frames.
Added Hunter Buff: Rapid Killing (Marksmanship)
4.0.5 - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with incompatablities with other mods. Let's hope
this is an end-all fix! :)
4.0.4 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem with major memory issues. EA shouldn't be such a
memory hog now.
Bugfix: Possibly fixed an issue with an error when opening the class events pane
in the options panel. (And maybe even fixes non-English clients. Let's hope!)
4.0.3 - Added a version check option to the slash commands. (/ea ver -or- /ea
Bugfix: Fixed bug where frames wouldn't close when using the ESC key.
Note: Because the mod can now show more than one proc, some people may
not like this function. It is now an option in the options pane. Note that it
requires a reload of the UI after changing the option.
4.0.2 - Bugfix: Pallies would get alerts on Holy Shield and Shadow Resist Aura.
Those are the skills I use to test the mod, and I forgot to remove them before
4.0.1 - Bugfix: EA *SHOULD* play nicely now with other mods that use the chat
Bugfix: Anchor frame and Alert frame now have same positions.
4.0.0 - EA will now show more than one frame per proc
Bugfix: EA Frame wasn't able to be clicked through and would not allow you to turn
the camera or your character if a proc was active.
Added Mage Buff: Blazing Speed (Fire)
3.4.9 - Made the Druid proc "Eclipse" more noticable as to which (Wrath or
Starfire) has procced.
3.3.6 - Added option to change the size and position of the timer to mimic the
OmniCC addon's timer.
3.1.3 - Added an elapsed time option that shows near the alert frame.
Enabled by default, but can be turned off in the options.
3.0.1 - Added Death Knight buffs: Rime [Freezing Fog] (Frost), Killing Machine
(Frost), Sudden Doom [Death Trance!] (Blood)
2.9.16 - Bugfix: Fixed problem with Death Knight abilities causing the mod to
2.9.15 - Bugfix: Fixed a problem with item procs working with class procs.
2.9.14 - Bugfix: Fixed problem with Rogue abilities causing the mod to error.
2.8.14 - Bugfix: Not all languages were working properly due to code changes in
the last version. Should be fixed now.
* Fixed bug in options that didn't show the sound notification dropdown on
EventAlert first install.
2.6.13 - Removed Maelstrom Weapon for now. Working on a way to track only the 5th
2.3.5 -
Bugfix: Alert frame wasn't closing on ESC.
Bugfix: Alert frame icon wasn't changing after opening it from the options menu.
2.2.5 - Created a "Dummy Frame" so that you are able to see the notification frame
without having a proc active. Useful for moving the frame.
2.1.5 - Added druid Balance procs "Eclipse", "Nature's Grace" and "Owlkin Frenzy".
2.1.2 - Added Mage Frost proc "Fingers of Frost", added Mage Fire proc "Hot
2.1.1 - Fixed a bug that wasn't allowing settings to save between sessions.