Formula Student Spain Rules v3.0 2022-Final
Formula Student Spain Rules v3.0 2022-Final
Formula Student Spain Rules v3.0 2022-Final
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29th August to 4th September 2022
Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
Changelog ........................................................................................................................ 4
List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... 5
ES 1 General Information ........................................................................................... 6
ES 1.1 FSS Competition ........................................................................................ 6
ES 1.2 Competition Dates and Location ................................................................ 6
ES 1.3 Competition Website .................................................................................. 6
ES 1.4 Competition Official Time ........................................................................... 7
ES 1.5 Competition Official Language ................................................................... 7
ES 1.6 Event Handbook ......................................................................................... 7
ES 1.7 Official FSS2022 Awards ........................................................................... 7
ES 2.1 COVID-19 Section ...................................................................................... 8
ES 3 Event Registration.............................................................................................. 9
ES 3.1 On-Site Team Registration Time................................................................ 9
ES 3.2 On-Site Team Registration ......................................................................... 9
ES 3.3 Dynamic Vests ............................................................................................ 9
ES 3.4 Driver/ASR/ESO Registration..................................................................... 9
ES 3.5 Faculty Advisor ......................................................................................... 10
ES 4 Important Dates ............................................................................................... 11
ES 4.1 Deadlines .................................................................................................. 11
ES 4.2 Document Size & Formatting ................................................................... 11
ES 5 Competition Site Organisation ......................................................................... 13
ES 5.1 Competition Site ....................................................................................... 13
ES 5.2 Welding ..................................................................................................... 13
ES 5.3 Tires .......................................................................................................... 13
ES 5.4 Fuel Station............................................................................................... 13
ES 5.5 Charging Area........................................................................................... 14
ES 5.6 [CV ONLY] Engine Test Area ................................................................... 14
ES 5.7 Team Briefing ........................................................................................... 14
ES 5.8 Drone Prohibition ...................................................................................... 15
ES 5.9 Removing the Vehicle from the Site ......................................................... 15
ES 5.10 Driving under power outside Dynamic Areas ........................................... 15
ES 5.11 Material Losses......................................................................................... 15
ES 5.12 Team Campsite Registration .................................................................... 16
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
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Release Date Article Modification
1.0 01/07/2022 NA First release
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29th August to 4th September 2022
Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
AAIR ASF Add Item Request
ABF Accommodation Booking Form
ADR Autonomous Design Report
ASF Autonomous System Form
ASR Autonomous System Responsible
ASRQ ASR Qualification
BOM Bill Of Material
BPES Business Plan Executive Summary
BPP Business Plan Presentation
CBOM Costed Bill of Material
CRD Cost Report Documents
CV Combustion Vehicle
DBC Database CAN
DBOM Detailed Bill of Material
DSS Design Spec Sheet
DV Driverless Vehicle
EAIR ESF Add Item Request
EDR Engineering Design Report
ESF Electrical System Form
ESO Electrical System Officer
ESOQ Electrical System Officer Qualification
ETC Electronic Throttle Control
EV Electric Vehicle
FSS Formula Student Spain
FTO Fuel Type Order
HIC Health Insurance Card
IAD Impact Attenuator Data
PreABF Pre-Accommodation Booking Form
SE3D Structural Equivalency 3D Mode
SES Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet
SESA SES Approval
TMD Team Member Designation
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 1.1 FSS Competition
ES 1.1.1 Three competitions will be organized in Formula Student Spain 2022.
These are for the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle class (CV), the
Electric Vehicle class (EV), and the Driverless Vehicle class (DV).
ES 1.1.2 Formula Student Spain 2022 Competition will comply with the Formula
Student Rules 2020 of FSG.
ES 1.1.3 Formula Student Spain Rules 2022 include some specific rule changes
and additions. Those changes and additions are located within this
document, which supersedes all other rules.
ES 1.1.5 Specific rules-related questions should be sent by the team’s captain via
a contact form provided in the Competition website. Formula Student
Spain Rules team will provide an answer via email.
ES 1.1.6 The officials reserve the right to revise the schedule of the competition
and/or interpret or modify the competition rules at any time and in any
manner that is, in their sole judgment, required for safe and efficient
ES 1.1.8 In case of Teams request a different vehicle number not according to the
point ES 1.1.7, Formula Student Spain organization will decide if there
will be exceptions or not.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
The time of the competition is the official time for all deadlines and
ES 1.7.2 2nd overall teams of each class (EV/CV/DV) will be rewarded with an
economic prize of 500€. They also:
- Will be invited for the next season event.
- Will not need to do the Registration Quiz.
ES 1.7.3 3rd overall teams of each class (EV/CV/DV) will be rewarded with a
recognition trophy. They also:
- Will be invited teams for the next season event.
- Will not need to do the Registration Quiz.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 2.1.2 Any team member, who tests positive in COVID-19 during the FSS
competition dates, must leave the competition site immediately.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 3.1 On-Site Team Registration Time
ES 3.1.1 Teams will have a time slot for the on-site registration time.
ES 3.1.3 FSS organisation will assign registration time slots to all the teams.
● HIC check.
● Driver license (only for drivers)
● ESO Qualification (only for ESO)
● ASR Qualification (only for ASR)
● Self-responsibility document
ES 3.3.2 The link to pay the deposits for Dynamic Vests will be
vests-energy-meter-transponder/). Cash will be accepted in exceptional
ES 3.3.3 The deposit for the dynamic vests will be returned through the same
payment method than the participant did the payment.
ES 3.3.4 The
E dynamic vests deposit will be refunded if they are given back in the
same conditions as they were delivered.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 3.4.1 Drivers registration will take place at the Event Control, where they are
required to show their valid driver’s license and their student ID.
ES 3.4.2 ASR registration will take place at the Event Control, where they are
required to show their valid ASRQ and their student ID.
ES 3.4.3 ESO
E registration will take place at the Event Control, where they are
required to show their valid ESOQ and their student ID.
ES 3.5.2 If the faculty advisor accompanies the team during the competition,
he/she will be considered by the competition officials to be the official
representative of the university and the responsible for the behaviour of
all team members during the event.
The Faculty Advisor is expected to ensure that wherever possible the
regulations are always followed, and their university’s Health and Safety
protocols are followed.
ES 3.5.3 If the Faculty Advisor is not present during the competition, the team
captain will be considered by the competition officials to be the official
representative of the university.
ES 3.5.4 Faculty Advisors may not design, build, or repair any part of the vehicle
or directly participate in the development of any documentation or
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 4.1 Deadlines
ES 4.1.1 All required documents and information must be uploaded to the competition
intranet website by the team captain by the deadlines. The documents not
listed in the table 1 are not required.
ES 4.1.2 The FSS Intranet will be available since July 5th. More information regarding
the FSS Intranet login will be sent to the teams via email.
ES 4.1.3 The FSS organization will give access to the teams between 48h and 72h
after the teams register on the intranet.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 4.2.3 The documents for Cost & Manufacturing event [BOM, CBOM and
DBOM] must be zipped in one file. The Cost Report Explanation file and
Supporting material should be zipped together with BOM documents.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 5.1.2 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Dynamic Area, all buildings, and the
Pit Area. Smoking areas will be defined in the FSS Event Handbook
ES 5.1.3 No open fires are allowed in the Pit Area as. This includes BBQ grilles,
oxy-acetylene torches, heaters, etc.
ES 5.2 Welding
ES 5.2.1 FSS
E does not provide a welding service for teams.
ES 5.2.2 Welding
E with own equipment will be possible in the welding area at
specific times as indicated by the FSS Event Handbook 2022. Teams
must use the appropriate safety gear.
ES 5.3 Tires
ES 5.3.1 FSS
E does not provide a tire changing service.
ES 5.3.2 FSS will indicate the tire changing services closest to the Circuit
Parcmotor Castellolí and their time schedules.
ES 5.4.3 Refuelling
E is only allowed at the fuel station.
ES 5.4.4 Waste oil must be taken in the corresponding area as it will be indicated
in the FSS Event Handbook 2022.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 5.5.2 If a team needs to charge with the 400V–32A CEE socket, it should be
specified when requesting the charging slot.
ES 5.5.3 Each team could request a maximum of 4 charging slots per day. Each
charging slot allows half an hour access to a charging point.
ES 5.5.4 Inside the charging area, team members must not wear any conductive
jewellery or objects of any kind which could touch the accumulator.
ES 5.5.5 Only three members per team may enter the charging area at the same
time. One of them must be the Electrical System Officer (ESO) or the
Autonomous System Responsible (ASR), respectively.
ES 5.6 [CV ONLY] Engine Test Area
ES 5.6.1 Engines may only be run in the designated engine test area during the
opening times and only after passing the tilt test.
ES 5.7.2 [EV ONLY] All ESOs that are planning to take part in a dynamic event of
a specific day must attend the team briefing of this specific day. ESOs
who have not attended a briefing cannot participate at the dynamic
events of this specific day.
ES 5.7.3 [EV
E ONLY] If a team wants to participate in the dynamic events of a
specific day, at least one ESO must attend the team briefing.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 5.7.4 [DV
E ONLY] All ASRs that are planning to take part in a dynamic event of
a specific day must attend the team briefing of this specific day. ASRs
who have not attended a briefing cannot participate at the dynamic
events of this specific day.
ES 5.7.6 Team captains must attend all the team briefings. Team captains not
attending the briefings will be penalized and the team will not be able to
run any dynamic event of that specific day.
ES 5.11.2 If it is proved that a team has stolen or caused any material damage in
any of the above-mentioned cases, it will be penalized in the current
competition as well as in future competitions.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 5.12.3 After FABF deadline, teams may enroll up to 5 more team members for
120 € per member for the entire week, depending on availability. The
enrollment order will be based following a first in first out criteria. Payment
must be performed within 1 week after confirmation from the
ES 5.12.4 If a team does not come to the event, the team will be refunded with 90
% of the campsite fee. If at least one member of the team comes to the
event, the refund will not be granted.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 6.1 Pre-Inspection
ES 6.1.1 Pre-inspection will be conducted in the pit, where the technical inspectors
will visit the teams according to the order published on the FSS Event
Handbook 2022.
ES 6.1.2 A team which is not present or ready at the first visit must contact the
technical inspectors in the pit for a new appointment.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 7.1 Business Plan Presentation
ES 7.1.1 The Business Plan Presentation event will comply with article S 1 of
Formula Student Rules 2022. Nevertheless, specific changes are
included in this section for FSS 2022 event.
ES 7.1.2 Teams are required to submit two documents before the competition:
The Business Plan Executive Summary and the Business Plan Pitch
ES 7.1.3 The Business Plan Executive Summary should contain a brief description
of the team’s Business Plan. The Business Plan Executive Summary
must not exceed one page. Any portions of the Executive Summary that
exceeds one page will not be evaluated.
ES 7.1.4 The Business Plan Pitch Video (BPPV) should be considered the first
impression of the business idea and must contain the relevant
investment figures. The objective is to convince the potential investors or
partners that the team’s presentation is worthy of their time.
The Business Plan Pitch Video must not exceed a length of 30 seconds
and must be in a common video format, e.g. .avi, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 7.1.5 At Formula Student Spain 2022 the Business Plan Presentation judging
will consist of three parts:
ES 7.1.6 Formula Student Rules 2020 article S 1.4 is excluded for FSS
Category Points
Content 20
Organisation 10
Visual Aid 10
Delivery 10
Questions 15
Executive Summary 10
Deep Dive Topic 10
Total 85
Table 2 - Business Plan Presentation Scoring.
ES 7.1.9 The scoring of the BPP is based on the average of the scores given by
each of the judges. The scoring for the non-finalists can be a maximum
of 70 points. The scoring of the BPP finalists will vary from 71 to 75 points
and is scored by all BPP judges.
ES 7.1.10 The scoring for the non-finalists can be a maximum of 70 points and is
calculated as follows:
𝐵𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 70 ( )
𝑃𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚 is the score awarded to the team.
𝑃𝑀𝑎𝑥 is the highest score awarded to any team not participating in the
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29th August to 4th September 2022
Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 7.1.11 Business Plan presentations will take place the 30th and 31st of August.
Teams taking part in other FS events during these days and cannot
participate in the Business Plan presentation, should contact the FSS
organization to agree an additional timeslot before FSS Starts.
ES 7.2.2 The BOM, DBOM and CBOM must be created following the FSS 2022
Excel templates provided to the teams by the FSS organisation.
Furthermore, FSS will accept BOM, DBOM and CBOM which have been
created with FSG or FSUK templates if teams put the appropriate car
number for that team in FSS competition.
ES 7.2.3 For FSS 2022 a DBOM (see article S 2.5 from Formula Student Rules
2020) for the “Chassis and Body System” must be submitted.
ES 7.2.4 For FSS 2022 a CBOM (see article S 2.6 from Formula Student Rules
2020) for the “Suspension System” must be submitted.
ES 7.2.5 At FSS 2022, the cost and manufacturing Event will consist of two steps:
I- Initial judging of all teams.
II- The judges will rank the teams for the Cost & Manufacturing
event regardless of the team’s vehicle class (CV; EV; DV).
III- From the ranked list, the judges will assign the finalist teams
(3-5 teams) independently of the team’s vehicle class (CV;
EV; DV).
ES 7.2.6 The scoring will comply with article S 2.10.4 from Formula Student
Rules 2020 with the difference that teams will be ranked together, no
matter what their vehicle class are.
ES 7.2.7 The scoring of the cost and manufacturing finalists will vary from 100 to
97 points.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 7.3.2 CV, EV and DV will each have a separate engineering design event.
ES 7.3.3 The overall engineering design event maximum scoring is 150 points for
CV/EV and 300 points for DV.
ES 7.3.4 Teams are required to submit an Engineering Design Report (EDR) with
no more than 5 pages of content and 3 pages of drawings as described
in section S 3.2 from Formula Student Rules 2020. If the number of
pages is exceeded a penalty of 10 points is applied in the final Design
Event Scoring.
ES 7.3.5 [DV ONLY] The EDR for teams competing in the DV category can have
two additional content pages that should be devoted to the Autonomous
Systems components. If a team uses a single vehicle to participate in
both CV/EV and DV the team only needs to submit a single EDR in
accordance with this rule.
ES 7.3.6 [DV ONLY] Teams do not need to submit an Autonomous Design Report
(ADR). Hence, article S 3.4 from Formula Student Rules 2020 is no
longer valid.
ES 7.3.7 The time duration for the Engineering Design Event will be 50 minutes.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 7.3.8 The maximum scores listed in the following table apply for the
engineering design event of CV, EV and DV Hence, article S 3.8.2 from
Formula Student Rules 2020 is no longer valid.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 8.1 Dynamic Events General Considerations
ES 8.1.1 Practice tracks are also considered dynamic areas.
ES 8.1.2 No tents, pavilions, tarps, and brooms are allowed in dynamic areas.
Only handheld umbrellas are allowed.
ES 8.1.3 “Ready to Race” means entering the area after inspection with driver
belted, car adjustments done, cameras on, no tyre protections, tyres
cleaned (if needed), etc. Vehicles which are not in “Ready to Race”
conditions will be sent back to the end of the queue.
ES 8.1.4 “Ready to Race” area will close at the Event End Time indicated at the
event entrance. Only cars that are inside the “Ready to Race” area will
be allowed to start the event after the Event End Time.
ES 8.1.5 Cars inside the “Ready to Race” area at the Event End Time can make
two runs only if the driver decides to do the second run immediately after
its first run.
ES 8.1.6 Tool carts are not allowed after the inspection area.
ES 8.1.7 After any run, the driver must leave the course and drive slowly back to
the start line for the second run, to the driver change area or to the exit
ES 8.2.2 The Event Start Time will be published in the FSS Event Handbook
2022. The preliminary Event End Time will be notified by the organization
to the teams in the Team Briefing of the event day.
ES 8.2.3 The Event End time may be updated during the event if the number of
cars that passed the technical inspection increases. Updates will never
shorten the actual Event End Time
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 8.3.3 Teams will be allowed to mount lights on the vehicle just for this dynamic
event provided that the following requirements are achieved:
• Lights and its wiring must be securely attached to the vehicle.
• Lights should not be attached to the roll hoop or main hoop.
• Lights should be supplied from the LVS system or an auxiliary
supply system.
• Acceleration Event Pre-Inspection and Post-Inspection will verify
the security of the lights and its wiring.
ES 8.3.4 [EV ONLY] If a team obtains the LVS supply from the TS system an
additional auxiliary supply system must be mounted on the vehicle to
provide the supply for the lights. This applies to teams that only plan to
mount the lights during the Acceleration event.
ES 8.3.5 [EV ONLY] If a team obtains the LVS supply from the TS System and
cannot mount an auxiliary supply system will need to mount the lights
throughout the event and pass all the stages of the technical inspection.
ES 8.3.6 Special equipment may be used to notify each driver of the start of a run,
instead of using a green flag.
ES 8.4.2 The time to perform this course walk will be limited and it will be informed
during the event briefings.
ES 8.4.3 Failure to obey this course walk time limitation could end up in a
penalization at the discretion of the officials.
ES 8.4.4 The organization will clarify which equipment is allowed to use during the
autocross track walk on that day’s team briefing.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 8.5.2 The time to perform this course walk will be limited and it will be informed
during the Event briefings.
ES 8.5.3 Failure to obey this course walk time limitation could end up in a
penalization at the discretion of the officials.
ES 8.6.2 The Running Order will be classified in three different rounds per each
isolated group: slow, fast, and final. Rounds will start with the slowest
vehicle and end with the fastest vehicle that take part of each round.
ES 8.6.3 The number of teams that will run in each round will be notified in the
Teams Briefing.
ES 8.6.4 Teams that rated DNF or have not run the Autocross event will be
considered the slowest vehicles and will run at the beginning of the slow
ES 8.6.5 Teams must visit the Endurance Team Order Tool to know when they
must attend the Endurance Entrance. This tool is updated in real time so
that teams will be able to always know in which queue position they are.
Further information about the Endurance Team Order Tool and how to
access to it will be published in the Event Handbook.
ES 8.6.6 Teams must be present at the Endurance Entrance when they are in the
Upcoming Teams status. This means they can be picked to get into the
Endurance Queue area at any moment.
ES 8.6.7 The first 6 teams will get into the Upcoming Teams status automatically.
This means they must attend the Endurance Entrance at the Event Start
Time. The teams will enter the Endurance Queue area and will be
allowed to prepare the car to “ready to Race” status.
ES 8.6.8 The team must inform the Scrutineers when the car is in “Ready to Race“
Status. Scrutineers will tell the team when the car can proceed to the
Inspection Area.
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ES 8.6.9 If a team in Upcoming Teams status is not present when the Marshall
tries to inform them to proceed to the entrance, this team will be
rescheduled after the end of its own round and a penalty of 120 seconds
will be applied.
ES 8.6.10 Teams running later will be ordered according to the Autocross results.
ES 8.6.11 Teams must attend the Endurance in the scheduled session. The session
is concluded when the last team with no penalties ends the Endurance.
ES 8.7.2 The markings of all dynamic events will have the following
• The track is marked with cones.
• The left borders of the track are marked with small blue cones.
• The right borders of the track are marked with small yellow cones.
• Exit and entry lanes are marked with small orange cones.
• Big orange cones will be placed before and after start, finish, and
timekeeping lines.
• If not defined otherwise in chapter D of the rules, the maximum
distance between two cones in driving direction is 5 m. In corners,
the distance between the cones is smaller for a better indication.
• There are no track limits lines for acceleration and Emergency
Brake System (EBS)-test.
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Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
ES 8.7.4 The cones used at the competition are equal to the cones listed in the
table below:
ES 8.7.6 There are the following limitations mainly resulting from the track
conditions and organizational/authorization issues:
• The lines may not be perfectly and continuously drawn.
• There may be further markings, to those mentioned above, that
are not part of the track (e.g., markings, including cone position
markings, lines from other events or different coloured surface,
etc.) on or close to the track which will not be removed by the
• There may be (stacked) spare cones standing at the trackside
at distinguishable distance.
• No special artificial landmarks are provided by officials. The
team must not place additional landmarks on the track or inside
the dynamic area.
• No map data is provided by the officials.
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Figure 1: Acceleration
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ES 8.7.8 The final position of the cones may not correspond exactly to the figures
1, 2 and 3.
ES 8.8.3 Teams will be penalised if team members inside the dynamic area of a
dynamic event don´t follow the instructions of the officials, marshals, or
other organisation staff. This includes team members with a Media vest
inside the dynamic area, which must follow the instructions of the FSS
staff to guarantee the event safety. The final penalty will be decided at
the discretion of the officials.
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ES 8.9.2 [DV ONLY] DV teams need to register at least one driver for manual
brake test but may register up to three drivers for testing in manual mode.
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ES 9.3.2 At FSS article DE 7.3 of the FSG Competition Handbook 2022 will be
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ES 9.6.1 Teams will need to pay a deposit amount to receive their transponder.
Teams which have made the payment will be delivered the transponder
at a specified time and location as it will be indicated in the Event
ES 9.6.2 The link to pay the deposits for the transponders and data loggers will be
vests-energy-meter-transponder/). Cash will be accepted in exceptional
ES 9.6.3 [EV & DV ONLY] Teams will need to pay a deposit amount for the data
logger. Teams which have made the payment will be delivered the data
logger at a specified time and location as it will be indicated in the FSS
Event Handbook 2022.
ES 9.6.4 The transponder and data logger will be returned at a specified time and
location as it will be indicated in the FSS Event Handbook 2022.
ES 9.6.5 The deposit for the transponders and data loggers will be returned
through the same payment method than the participant did the payment.
ES 9.6.6 The transponder and data logger deposits will be refunded if they are
returned in the same conditions as in the delivery moment.
ES 9.7.2 Those teams who are not able to present the VSV before the deadline
will not be able to participate in the competition.
ES 9.7.3 The VSV must be uploaded before the deadline specified in article ES
4.1 of the Formula Student Spain Rules 2022.
ES 9.7.4 The FSS Organization will study individually the cases in which the video
uploaded by the team does not fulfil article A 5.6 in Formula Student
Rules 2020. It also reserves the right to decide whether the team can
ES 9.7.5 In the case that a team does not accepted the decision of the FSS
Organization related to articles ES 8.7.3 and ES 8.7.4 of Formula
Student Spain Rules 2022, the team will be de-registered and the
inscription to the event will not be refunded.
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ES 10.1 Static and Dynamic Events Scoring
ES 10.1.1 The scoring of both Static and Dynamic events will comply with Formula
Student Rules 2020, except for the specific changes of Formula
Student Spain Rules 2022 as presented in articles 0 and ES 8.
ES 10.2.2 Publication times will be presented in the FSS Event Handbook 2022 or
during the competition briefings.
ES 10.4.2 If the complaint does not proceed, the team will receive a 25 points
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