Preparation of Cationic Cotton Through Reaction With Different Polyelectrolytes
Preparation of Cationic Cotton Through Reaction With Different Polyelectrolytes
Preparation of Cationic Cotton Through Reaction With Different Polyelectrolytes (0123456789().,-volV)
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Received: 14 June 2021 / Accepted: 9 October 2021 / Published online: 26 October 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021
Abstract Cationization of cotton fabrics was per- estimate of the bactericidal effect. Cationic cotton
formed by exhaustion procedure utilizing four differ- treated with PDDACl and CHPTAC showed a higher
ent reagents provided with quaternary ammonium affinity for the reactive dye, with color strength (K/S)
groups: poly diallyldimethylammonium chloride values varying from 41 to 48, against 32 for conven-
(PDDACl), poly acrylamide-co-diallyldimethylam- tional dyeing. P42 presented competitive results with
monium chloride (PAcD), poly[bis(2-chloroethyl) K/S of 27–28. The cationic dyeing considerably
ether-alt-1,3-bis[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]urea] reduced the amount of effluent, especially for the
quaternized (P42) and 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl tri- CHPTAC samples, which requires a single washing
methyl ammonium chloride (CHPTAC). Pretreated bath for complete removal of unfixed dye. The
samples were dyed using Reactive Red 195 dye. The PDDACl and P42 samples presented bactericidal
cationic fabrics were analyzed by colorimetric and activity.
fastness properties, zeta potential, SEM, FTIR and an
J. Correia (&)
Postgraduate Program in Chemical Engineering and Food
Engineering, Federal University at Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
J. A. B. Valle
Department of Chemical Engineering and Food
Engineering, Federal University at Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
11680 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
Graphic abstract
Keyword Cationization Low-salt dyeing Poly 2002; Arivithamani and Giri Dev 2018; Abdelileh
diallyldimethylammonium chloride Polyquaternium- et al. 2019). Cationization of cotton has been exten-
2 Poly acrylamide-co-diallyldimethylammonium sively researched with the use of anionic dyes because
chloride 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl trimethyl they have a better affinity to materials with positive
ammonium chloride surface charges. One of the benefits of cationization is
the elimination of the salt feed from conventional
processes. It is estimated that the cationic process can
reduce at least 70% of the concentration of salt in the
Introduction reactive dyeing effluent (Arivithamani and Giri Dev
2018). Therefore, many authors refer to cationization
Cellulosic fibers, such as cotton, are essential mate- as a salt-free or low-salt process (Chattopadhyay 2001;
rials in the textile industry, because of the high Ma et al. 2015, 2020; Arivithamani and Giri Dev
availability and low price and its many applications 2017a; Sadeghi-Kiakhani and Safapour 2018; Dong
(Fu et al. 2013; Arivithamani and Giri Dev 2018). The et al. 2020). Even after extensive research and
cotton fabric is usually dyed with reactive dyes, which advancement in the field, cationization encounters
is considered the most important class of dyeing for barriers to industrial-scale applications due to nui-
cellulosic fibers (Shen et al. 2019). However, the sance odor (Farrell et al. 2015), high costs (Aktek and
major limitation of this process is that only 70–80% of Millat 2017), toxicity (Farrell and Hauser 2013) and
the reactive dye is exhausted due to the anionic limited commercial availability of the reagents
behavior of both cellulosic fibers and reactive dyes (Hasani et al. 2009). The cationization process has
(Arivithamani et al. 2014). To overcome the limited still not seen a significant industrial recognition
affinity between reactive dyes and cotton fabrics, beyond niche markets. The technique still needs to
additional electrolytes are essential for conventional be improved to meet the industrial requirements.
dyeing. Hence, cotton dyeing consumes a lot of The cationization of cotton has been researched for
chemical inputs, water and energy, which results in a more than 50 years (Correia et al. 2020) but has grown
large amount of effluent (Helmy et al. 2017). especially at the beginning of the 2000s, after the after
The anionic behavior of the cellulosic fabrics can process improvement by Hauser and Tabba (2001).
be changed by introducing new cationic groups that Besides, cationic cellulose is widely applied in other
increase the affinity for reactive dyes (Micheal et al. fields, such as papermaking (Gao et al. 2016; Odabas
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11681
et al. 2016, 2017; Aguado et al. 2018), cosmetics (PDDACl), Poly acrylamide-co-diallyldimethylam-
(Bujak et al. 2020), adsorbents (Pei et al. 2013; monium chloride (PAcD), Poly[bis(2-chloroethyl)
Lawchoochaisakul et al. 2021), flocculants (Yan et al. ether-alt-1,3-bis[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]urea]
2009; Sirviö et al. 2011) and antimicrobial agents quaternized, also known as Polyquaternium-2 (P42)
(Chaker and Boufi 2015; Kumar et al. 2016). Cationic and 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium
agents are also used to prepare fabrics with functional chloride (CHPTAC). Figure 1 presents the molecular
properties, such as UV protection, hydrophobicity, structure of each polyelectrolyte.
and conductive textiles (Wang and Hauser 2010; P42 and PAcD are polymers with potential as novel
Kamal Alebeid and Zhao 2015; Sahito et al. cationic agents for the pretreatment of cotton. PAcD,
2015, 2016; Abd El-Hady et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020). also known as PAD, PAADDA or P(AAm-co-
The most common way to prepare cationic cotton DADMAC) (Lian et al. 2016; Qi et al. 2018; Ao
fiber is by incorporating quaternary ammonium groups et al. 2018) is a copolymer provided with a quaternary
into the cellulose molecule (Roy Choudhury 2014; ammonium group. One of the PAcD copolymer
Aktek and Millat 2017). CHPTAC is the most monomers is diallyldimethylammonium chloride, the
common reagent for cotton cationization applied in same PDDACl forming monomer. Some recent pub-
textile dyeing (Hauser and Tabba 2001; Wang et al. lications already testified PDDACl’s capacity as a
2009, 2018; Fu et al. 2013; Acharya et al. 2014; cationic agent (Kim et al. 2016; Peng et al. 2016;
Arivithamani and Giri Dev 2016, 2017b, 2018; Abde- Helmy et al. 2017; Oliveira et al. 2017; Bessa et al.
lileh et al. 2019). However, CHPTAC faces some 2019; Meng et al. 2021). PDDACl has been recently
concerns over the safety of the product (Farrell and researched as a cationic agent for textiles due to the
Hauser 2013; Farrell et al. 2015). Some researchers low cost and environmentally safe properties.
studied novel cationic agents to overcome the con- PDDACl is the first polymer approved by the United
cerns regarding the use of CHPTAC. States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for
Farrell et al. (2017) used various quaternary
ammonium compounds for cotton cationization using
reactive and disperse dyes. The long-chain cationic
agents increased the hydrophobicity of the cotton,
making it dyeable with disperse dye. Dong et al.
(2020) improved the dye uptake, dyeing levelness, and
color fastness for fabrics cationized with the poly-
electrolyte 2-(N, N-dimethylamino) ethyl methacry-
late. Ma et al. (2015) prepared cationic cotton with
(a) (b)
2-methacryloyloxyethyltrimethyl ammonium chlo-
ride. The proposed method increased about 24% the
fixation of the reactive dyes into cationic cotton,
besides reducing the chemical oxygen demand, color,
and nitrogen content of the effluent.
Chitosan, a biopolymer derived from chitin, is an
example of a possible natural substitute for cationiza-
tion of cotton as it has been studied by many (c)
researchers (Chattopadhyay 2001; Ibrahim et al.
2010; Oliveira et al. 2017; Sadeghi-Kiakhani and
Safapour 2018; Pan et al. 2020). Other studies include
keratin, betaine, and ovalbumin as natural cationic
agents (Arivithamani et al. 2014; Ma et al. 2016;
Giacomini et al. 2020).
In this paper, four cationic reagents with quaternary (d)
ammonium groups were used for cationization of Fig. 1 Molecular structure of the polyelectrolytes used in the
cotton: Poly diallyldimethylammonium chloride present paper: a PDDACl, b PAcD, c CHPTAC and d P42
11682 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
use in the treatment of potable water (Helmy et al. Materials and methods
As CHPTAC is the most common cationic agent for Materials
textiles, it will be used in the present paper for
reference purposes. PDDACl has a smaller number of A 100% greige cotton single jersey knitted fabric
publications regarding dyeing processes. Jareansin (weight = 160 gsm) was used in this paper and was
et al. (2019), Helmy et al. (2017), and Meng et al. supplied from Pemgir Malhas, Brusque, Brazil.
(2021) prepared cationic cotton fabrics with the PDDACl solution (20 wt% in H2O), PAcD solution
PDDACl’s monomer diallyldimethylammonium chlo- (10 wt% in H2O) and P42 solution (62 wt% in H2O)
ride and dyed with acid or reactive dyes. The polymer were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Commercial
PDDACl has been used as a cationic agent with meta- CHPTAC solution (65 wt% in H2O) was supplied
aramid and a blended fabric composed of 50% from Werken Quı́mica (Brazil). C.I. Reactive Red 195
polyester and 50% cotton to dye using acid dyes was the dye used in this paper. The supplementary
(Oliveira et al. 2017; Bessa et al. 2019). The novelty of material contains additional information about the
this paper is concentrated on the other two cationic dye, among auxiliary chemicals used.
agents: PAcD and P42.
The application of PAcD has become a research Pretreatment and dyeing of cotton
focus due to several advantages, such as high positive
charge density, safety, and stability of the cation unit Bleaching, cationization and dyeing of greige cotton
(Lian et al. 2016). Recently, PAcD has been fabric were performed by exhaustion method, in a TC
researched for the development of drug carriers 2200 dyeing machine (Texcontrol) with 250 mL steel
nanogels and nanofiltration membranes (Sana et al. cannons. All assays were performed with a material-
2019; Scheepers et al. 2021). Qi et al. (2018) prepared to-liquor ratio of 1:10. The greige cotton fabric was
hydrogel using PAcD to adsorption of methyl orange initially submitted to bleaching process. A solution
dye in aqueous solutions, for wastewater treatment. containing 1 g L-1 of nonionic detergent, 8 mL L-1
PAcD has been researched in different fields but the of NaOH 50% solution, 1 g L-1 of peroxide stabilizer
application of PAcD as a cationic agent for textile and 10 mL L-1 of H2O2 35% solution. The solution
fabrics has not been reported. and the greige cotton were heated at 2 8C min-1 until
P42 is a water-soluble polymer and has been used as 95 8C, remaining at that level for 45 min. After that,
a conditioning agent for skin and hair care products bleached cotton was washed using 1 g L-1 of non-
(Chen et al. 2016). It has two quaternary ammonium ionic detergent solution at 60 °C and 10 min. The
groups in its molecule structure. Hence, it may be a bleaching process scheme can be seen in Fig. 2a.
candidate for cotton cationization. P42 has antimicro- The cationization and dyeing procedure occurred
bial efficacy and non-toxic behavior reported (Kumar according to the recipe provided by the CHPTAC
et al. 2016). A sustainable approach with plasma supplier. The cationization process scheme can be
treatment and cationization of cotton at the greige seen in Fig. 2b. Cationization was performed from a
stage using P42 was recently reported by the same solution containing 2 g L-1 of nonionic detergent, 20
research group (Correia et al. 2021). In the present or 40 g L-1 of cationic agent and 10.5 or
paper, cationization was performed on bleached cotton 13.5 mL L-1 of NaOH 50%, respectively. The solu-
as bleaching is the conventional pretreatment for tion was mixed with the fabric sample and inserted
textile dyeing. into the equipment, heated at 3 °C min-1 until 75 °C,
The present paper focuses on the comparison maintaining at that level for 25 min. Two wash baths
between four cationic agents. The fabrics were treated were then carried out. The first was done by adding a
using cationic agents at 20 or 40 g L-1. The surface of neutralizing solution to the fabric, containing
the cotton fabrics was characterized by Fourier 0.5 g L-1 of formic acid 85% and remaining at
Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning 35 °C for 5 min. In the second, the fabric was
Electron Microscopy (SEM) and zeta potential. subjected to washing with deionized water.
Besides, the bactericidal efficacy was estimated and The reactive dyebaths were prepared by dissolving
the mechanism for cationization was proposed. 2 g L-1 of leveling agent and 0.4%owf (over weight
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11683
of fiber) of dye. For the dyeing of the non-cationic properties in the fabric. All samples were submitted
sample, 60 g L-1 of NaCl was also added. The dyeing to washing after dyeing.
occurred at 3 °C min-1 until 60 °C, maintaining that In the competitive dyeing test, all samples treated
level for 50 min. After 20 min, 4.7 g.L-1 of an with the same cationic concentration were dyed
alkalizing agent composed of sodium hydroxide and simultaneously into a single bath. The material-to-
sodium carbonate was added. Following the dyeing, liquor ratio was still 1:10, considering the sum of the
washing was carried out by adding the fabric with mass of all fabric samples. The objective of this
deionized water at 40 °C and 10 min. The second experiment is to estimate the competitiveness of the
washing bath was made with 1.2 g L-1 formic acid pretreatments with anionic dye. Therefore, the dyed
85% solution and 1.0 g L-1 of anionic detergent, samples were submitted to rinse with water after the
maintained at 75° C for 10 min. The last washing bath dyeing, without the washing procedure indicated in
was made with deionized water at 40 °C for 10 min. Fig. 2c. Besides, it was not possible to perform the
The samples dried at room temperature after each conventional dyeing due to the absence of salt in the
bleaching, cationization or dyeing step. The dyeing dyebath.
process scheme can be seen in Fig. 2c.
The arrows pointing up in Fig. 2c indicate data Measurement of color properties
collection intervals. After the bath dyeing temperature
stabilized at 60 °C, fabric samples were collected at Color measurements of the textile samples were
intervals of 2, 8, 28, 38 and 50 min. The effect of time performed on a Datacolor 500 reflectance spectropho-
on dyeing was assessed by measuring the color tometer (Datacolor International, illuminant D65, 10°
11684 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
standard observer). The values were an average from in the work of Guild (1932). The visual appearance of
four readings taken at different points with the sample levelness followed the suggested interpretation of the
folded. The color strength (K/S) was measured using RUI values listed in Table 1.
the Kubelka–Munk equation (Eq. 1): One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test were per-
formed in the color properties of the fabric samples. P-
ð1 RÞ2 values lower than 0.05 indicate that the terms are
K=S ¼ ð1Þ
2R statistically significant. The analysis was performed
where R is the reflectance, K is the absorption using BioEstat 5.3 (Ayres et al. 2007).
coefficient, and S is the scattering coefficient. The Washing fastness tests were performed according
final value was calculated by a sum of 10 nm intervals to ISO 105-C06, procedure C1S, using a TC 2200
from the wavelength of 360–700 nm (Fu et al. 2013). dyeing machine (Texcontrol). Rubbing fastness tests
The whiteness of the fabric was measured by the were performed according to ISO 105-X12 using a
Berger degree (Puebla 2006), and colorimetric coor- Rubbing Fastness Tester of the brand Kimak, CA-11
dinates by the CIELab color space. The whiteness and model. The color change was rated according to the
color deviation (DE) were calculated using Eq. 2 and appropriate grey scale value, using a Datacolor 500
Eq. 3: reflectance spectrophotometer for measurement.
Liquid phase dye concentrations were measured
Whiteness ¼ Y þ 3:448 Z 3:904 X ð2Þ
with a UV-M51 transmittance spectrophotometer
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (BEL Engineering), with a 1.0 cm optical path quartz
DE ¼ ðDL Þ2 þ ðDa Þ2 ðDb Þ2 ð3Þ cuvette. The values were an average from three
readings. A scan was also performed to verify the
where X, Y, and Z are the coordinate values of the
wavelength of maximum absorption in the UV–
tristimulus system. DE is the CIELab color difference
Visible region, followed by the creation of a calibra-
between the sample and the control. DL*, Da* Db*
tion curve for absorbance conversion in concentration
denotes the difference between the pairs of samples at
according to Beer’s law.
the CIELab color space (Arivithamani et al. 2014;
Nakpathom et al. 2017).
Surface characterization
The levelness in dyed fabrics was calculated using
the Relative Unlevelness Index (RUI), as shown in
Streaming potential measurements on fabrics were
Eq. 4 and Eq. 5. For calculating RUI, ten randomly
performed with an electrokinetic analyzer (SurPASS,
selected locations on each sample had the reflectance
Anton Paar GmbH, Austria) using a measuring cell for
measured in the visible wavelength region (390–
solid samples (glass cylinder cell with filter disc
700 nm) at 10 nm intervals. The RUI takes account of
25 lm). 500 mg of cotton was used for each sample.
the reflectance measured over the visible spectrum,
Before starting the measurement, the samples were
with a correction function that considers the human
thoroughly rinsed with the measuring electrolyte. A
vision sensitivity (Chong et al. 1992).
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 10-3 mol L-1 KCl solution was used as the back-
Pn 2ffi ground electrolyte and the pH of this aqueous solution
i¼1 R i R
Sk ¼ ð4Þ was adjusted with 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH.
n1 The zeta potential of the dye solution was deter-
X mined by Zetasizer Nanosizer ZS (Malvern Instru-
RUI ¼ Vk ð5Þ ments). 0.01 g of dye was diluted in 20 mL of
k¼390 deionized water. The solution was placed in the
where Sk is the standard deviation of reflectance equipment under magnetic agitation. The solution pH
measured at a specific wavelength, n is the number of was varied with the addition of NaOH 0.1 M and HCl
measurements at each wavelength. Ri and R are the 0.5 M.
reflectance values of, respectively, the ith measure- The morphology of the pretreated fabrics was
ment and the mean. Vk is the photopic relative characterized by a scanning electron microscope
luminous efficiency function, these data are tabulated (JSM-6390LV, Jeol, Japan), using high vacuum
system, secondary electron detector, operating with
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11685
A simplified version of the Petrifilm Aerobic Count Dyeing, color and fastness properties
(AC) method was used to qualitatively evaluate the
bactericidal efficacy of the cationic cotton fabrics. The CIELab coordinates, K/S and whiteness degree of
Petrifilm AC (3M, USA) is a ready to use product, undyed cotton are in Table 2. The K/S non-cationic
containing culture media, cold water-soluble gelling sample is 0.73 ± 0.08 while the whiteness degree is
agent and triphenyl tetrazolium chloride, an indicator 75 ± 3. Cationization treatments did not produce
that colors bacterial colonies red. This product can be substantial changes in the coloristic properties of the
used for the enumeration of aerobic bacteria growth samples. Statistical analysis indicates small variations
over a surface (Fritz et al. 2015; Sjollema et al. 2018). in colorimetric properties, but imperceptible to the
1 mL of underground water was pipetted between human eye. This is corroborated by the statistical
the two foils of the Petrifilm AC plate. After 1 min analysis of the whiteness degree, which indicated that
interval for spreading the water, the fabric samples all samples are equal.
(size 1 9 2 cm) were placed. Then, the top foil was Table 2 also presents the color and colorimetric
lowered and the spreader was gently applied over the coordinates for dyed samples. From comparison with
entire surface to distribute the water evenly. The the undyed cotton, it is noticeable the increment in
Petrifilm plates were incubated at 35 °C for 48 h (3M coordinate a*, characteristic of red color. The lowest
2020). The control sample consists of a Petrifilm plate value was obtained for the Non-cationic (WS) sample
without the fabric, to assure the microbiological due to the limited interaction between bath and fiber.
growth with the raw underground water. Conventional dyeing (referred to as Non-cationic
The simplification of the method consists of using sample) reproduced the value of 50.1 ± 0.4 for a*
raw underground water as a source of bacteria, instead coordinate, slightly above that compared to samples
of a bacterial solution. Since the bacteria concentra- cationized with P42 and PDDAC1. The best results
tion was unknown and there were multiple sources of were obtained for the commercial CHPTAC. Pho-
microorganisms, it was not possible to enumerate the tographs of dyed samples are available in the supple-
bacterial colonies. Therefore, only a qualitative esti- mentary material.
mative of the bactericidal efficacy was performed. Conventional dyeing was used as a control sample.
Two colors can be optically distinguished by the
human eye if DE C 1. When DE [ 3 is perceived as a
significant color deviation and has commercial
11686 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
restrictions (Choudhury 2015). According to Table 2 Cationic cotton treated with PAcD resulted in poor
the color deviation changed substantially with the K/S. Statistical analysis indicated no difference in K/S
cationic agent. values for samples PAcD-20, PAcD-40 and Non-
The K/S values for dyed cotton are available in cationic (WS). It was expected that the cationic
Table 2. The best K/S values were obtained for the treatment would increase the dye-fiber affinity. In
cationic agents CHPTAC and PDDAC1. K/S values contrast, the steric hindrance in the PAcD molecule
for CHPTAC was 48 ± 2 and 41.2 ± 0.5, for may have caused a barrier in dye assembly to the fiber.
PDDACl was 45 ± 7 and 48 ± 6, respectively for Steric hindrance is the inability of a molecule to
40 and 20 g L-1 of cationic agent. These values are participate in a reaction due to the difficulty of
statistically equal. Results were above those obtained approach caused by the physical presence of the
for the conventional dyeing (K/S = 32 ± 1). The surrounding ligands (McMurry 2011).
pretreatment with P42 enabled dyeing with coloristic According to the correlation between the RUI
properties equal to conventional dyeing, but with values in Table 2 and the grade of levelness indicated
results inferior to CHPTAC and PDDACl. in Table 1, most of the dyeings presented good
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11687
levelness. Sample P42-20 exhibited poor levelness, cationic sample. A slight decrease in wet rubbing
while PDDACl-40 and PDDACl-20 resulted in bad fastness was observed for cationic cotton treated by
levelness. Conspicuous unlevelness in samples treated PDDACl, P42 and PAcD. The cationization process
with PDDACl is probably attributed to a strong probably forms a layer on the surface of the cotton.
interaction between dye and cellulose. A strong Once solubilized in water, this layer may be removed
interaction occurs between the dye molecule and the under the action of rub, carrying dye molecules.
cationic site at the external surface of the fiber. Therefore, a larger amount of cationic agent could
Therefore, the diffusion of the dye into the fiber pores form a thicker layer, being more susceptible to
is limited as most of the molecules interact with the removal by rubbing. This is the probable reason for
external surface of the fiber. CHPTAC and P42 presented better wet rubbing
The statistical analysis indicated no difference fastness at 20 g L-1.
between the K/S of the dyed samples pretreated with Similar results were obtained by other researchers.
20 or 40 g L-1 of cationic agent. This is related to the Bessa et al (2019) considered that the pretreatment
concentration of cationic sites in the fabric. Cotton with PDDACl allowed dyed cationic cotton knitted
pretreated with 20 g L-1 of cationic agent is enough fabric with almost the same level of rubbing and
for providing cationic sites for dyeing with Reactive washing fastness when compared with the conven-
Red 195 dye. Therefore, 40 g L-1 of the cationic tional dyeing. Cotton pretreated with CHPTAC and
agent means a waste of chemicals. dyed with reactive dye by Arivithamani and Giri Dev
(2018) exhibited excellent color fastness properties.
Washing and rubbing fastness The washing and dry rubbing fastness were as good as
the conventional dyed fabric, while the wet rubbing
The color fastness of the dyed cotton fabric against fastness improved when used cationic cotton.
washing and rubbing are presented in Table 2.
Cationization performed by PDDACl, at 40 g L-1 Dyeing and washing baths
provided excellent washing fastness, superior to
conventional dyeing (Non-cationic sample). The exhaustion and washing baths data for each
CHPTAC-40 present the same washing fastness as cationic cotton are presented in Fig. 3. For compar-
conventional dyeing, while samples PDDACl-20 and isons, conventional dyeing (Non-cationic sample) is
CHPTAC-20 decreased a half degree. Samples treated present in each graph. Non-cationic (WS) curve is
by P42 decreased more substantially the washing presented only in the PAcD sample because both
fastness, with a decrease of 1 and 1.5 degrees below reproduced similar values. Three washing baths were
the conventional dyeing. This indicates that the dye- performed, to reproduce common dyeing industry
fiber interaction was more intense for samples treated practices. By the summation of the amount of dye in
by CHPTAC and PDDACl. each bath, the total residual dye mass was calculated
The PAcD did not show good washing fastness and and shown in Fig. 3e. Photographs of each bath,
presented the lowest fastness classification, lower than wavelength scan and calibration curve necessaries for
non-cationic sample dyed without feeding of salt. In measurement of Reactive Red 195 concentration are
this case, the dye interacted with treated cotton by available in the supplementary material.
weak forces, such as Van Der Waals, which was CHPTAC and PDDACl resulted in a higher reduc-
removed during the washing test. tion of dye concentration in each bath. For CHPTAC, a
The greater concentration of cationic sites single washing bath is enough for dye removal. In
enhanced the interactions between fiber and dye. PDDACl cationic samples, a small concentration of
Cationic cotton presented better washing fastness dye is present also in the third wash (2.9 ± 0.5 and
when treated by 40 g L-1 of cationic agent. This can 4.0 ± 0.2 mg L-1, respectively for 40 or 20 g L-1 of
be observed comparing each concentration of cationic PDDACl).
agents P42, CHPTAC and PDDACl. The cationic agent P42 presented similar results in
The dry rubbing fastness of treated fabrics was comparison with the conventional dyeing, but with a
equal in all samples. Wet rubbing fastness for higher waste of dye than CHPTAC or PDDACl. The
CHPTAC cationic cotton was superior to the Non- total mass of residual dye in the baths was
11688 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
120 120
Non-cationic Non-cationic
100 (c) 100 (d)
Dye (mg L-1)
Dye (mg)
Non-cationic Non-cationic P42-40 P42-20 PAcD-40 PAcD-20 CHPTAC-40 CHPTAC-20 PDDACl-40 PDDACl-20
Fig. 3 a–d dye concentration in the exhaustion and washing baths. e total mass of residual dye (summation of the exhaustion and
washing baths)
6.04 ± 0.5 mg and 8.4 ± 0.1 mg for P42-40 and P42- 40% increase in color strength. Then there was a
20, respectively, which were close to the conventional gradual decrease in K/S and part of the dye weakly
dyeing (5.8 ± 0.2 mg). The total mass of dye in the attached to the fiber returned to the dyebath.
effluent was smaller when 40 g L-1 of the cationic The PDDACl-20 sample showed an intense affinity
agent was used, except for PDDACl. In this case, the with the dye at the beginning of the process. Accord-
high concentration of cationic reagent may have ing to Figs. 4a, b, at the second minute of dyeing, there
increased the steric hindrance. was a high color strength and a low concentration of
dye in the bath. Then, some dye returns from the fabric
Effect of dyeing time to the dyebath. At the beginning of the process, there
may be some NaOH in the fabric, not removed in the
The progression of the dyeing process was evaluated cationization process. This residual may cause a
for samples pretreated with the cationic agent at difference between the pH of the dyebath and the
20 g L-1. Figure 4 shows the color strength of the fabric so that the dye would quickly interact with the
fabric, the dye concentration and the pH of the cotton. After a few minutes, the system is balanced and
dyebath. According to Fig. 4c, there is a sudden pH is part of the return to the dyebath. After a few
change between 18 and 28 min due to the addition of minutes, the system reaches equilibrium and some of
alkali. Most of the samples had significant properties the dye returns to the dyebath. The high alkalinity of
variation after changing the pH. the bath increased the affinity of the dye to the fabric.
The fabric pretreated with P42 showed the greatest According to Table 2, the pretreatment with
variation due to the addition of alkali. The dyeing PDDACl resulted in dyeing with conspicuous unlevel-
stabilized quickly, with K/S at 17–19 at the beginning ness. This can also be seen in Fig. 4a. The treatment
of the dyeing. After the addition of alkali, more dye with PDDACl showed a relative deviation of 5–33%
molecules interacted with the fabric, resulting in a from the average. The greatest deviation occurs in the
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11689
60 400 13
(a) (b) (c)
55 12.5
50 12
45 300 11.5
40 11
35 10.5
30 200 10
25 9.5
20 9
15 100 8.5
75 Non-cationic (WS)
10 8
5 7.5
25 P42-20
0 0 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min) Time (min) Time (min)
Fig. 4 Variation of color strength, dye concentration and pH in the dyebath throughout the dyeing process
first measurement, caused by an instantaneous dye- concentrations of CHPTAC. The authors found that
fiber interaction. This may also be related to the alkali addition increased the exhaustion of Reactive
presence of residual NaOH in the treated tissue. Blue 235 dye with cotton pretreated with CHPTAC
In conventional dyeing (Non-cationic sample), solution at a concentration in the range
there is a slight increase in the K/S values at the firsts 4.4–13.1 g L-1. However, the addition of alkali
ten minutes of the dyeing. The dye uptake increases decreased the exhaustion with cotton pretreated at a
gradually after the addition of alkali, up to a K/S value concentration between 17.5 and 35.0 g L-1. The
of 33 ± 1. The Non-cationic and P42 samples author considers this effect is related to the unfixed
presented similar behavior over time. Electrostatic or weakly fixed CHPTAC molecules that return to the
repulsion and steric hindrance are the probable causes dyebath after the addition of alkali.
for the limited dye-fiber interaction for samples
PAcD-20 and Non-cationic (WS), consequently Competitive dyeing
resulting in low K/S.
The exhaustion of the CHPTAC pretreated sample Table 3 shows the color properties of competitive
increased quickly. The maximum K/S was observed in dyeing for cationic cotton treated with 20 or 40 g L-1
the first minutes of the dyeing. Then it drops signif- of cationic agent. Photographs of dyed samples are
icantly after 18 min. It occurred due to the rise in pH. available in the supplementary material. With this
This effect was only observed with the CHPTAC experiment is possible to evaluate the affinity that the
pretreatment. This may be related to the competitive- Reactive Red 195 has with each cationic sample. Each
ness between the dye molecule and the new nucle- sample competes for the fixation of the dye, which
ophilic groups added in the bath. The weakly fixed dye migrates primarily to the fabric with the highest
molecules return to the dyebath after pH elevation, affinity. In this sense, PDDACl cationized cotton
which raises the dye concentration in the liquid phase presented the highest affinity, observed by the best K/S
as shown in Fig. 4b. for 20 and 40 g L-1.
According to Acharya et al. (2014), alkali is only The cationic agent P42 stood out, obtaining the
necessary for cotton cationized with lower second highest K/S, at 20 g L-1. At 40 g L-1 P42 lost
11690 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
40 g L-1
Sample L* a* b* Color
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11691
-150 PAcD-20
-175 PDDACl-20
Reactive Red 195
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
cationic agents substantially increased the zeta poten- The higher the zeta potential, the greater the
tial of the cotton fabric. number of cationic charges present on the cotton
The surface of the Reactive Red 195 dye is surface, which increases the interaction between the
negatively charged at a solution pH of 3–11. The zeta anionic dye and the fiber. The highest zeta potential
potential of the Reactive Red 195 dye solution varied results were obtained for P42 and PDDACl cationic
from around - 34 to - 50 mV. The surface of the fabrics. The high zeta potential for P42 is attributed to
Non-cationic sample is also negatively charged across the presence of two ammonium quaternary groups in
the analyzed pH range. The interaction of the dye and each repeating unit of the polymer (Zhang et al. 2015;
fiber is limited as both have anionic behavior. Arivithamani and Giri Dev 2017b). The repeating unit
The pH value where the zeta potential is equal to of the PDDACl polymer has only one ammonium
zero is called isoelectric point. At this condition, the quaternary group. However, the repeating unit is
number of cationic and anionic charges is even considerably smaller than P42 and PAcD.
(Wakelyn et al. 2006). The isoelectric point of samples As shown in Table 2, the dye-fiber interaction of the
CHPTAC-20 and PAcD-20 were, respectively, around P42-20 sample was lower than PDDACl-20 and
8.2 and 3.4. Below these values, the fabrics show a CHPTAC-20 samples. However, the zeta potential of
positive surface charge and above it behave negatively the P42-20 samples was basically the same as the
charged. That is the probable reason why the dye-fiber PDDACl-20 and higher than CHPTAC-20 sample.
interaction decreased after the alkali addition. The The reason for the lower dye-fiber interaction is
isoelectric point of the CHPTAC-20 was close to the probably due to the steric hindrance caused by the
pH at the beginning of the dyeing (around 9), as shown deposition of the P42 molecule into the cotton surface.
in Fig. 4. After the addition of alkali, the pH of the The zeta potential is a function of the surface
dyebath raised to around 12. chemical composition of the fiber, the type of the
The dyeings were performed above pH 9. However, cationic agent and the concentration of the cationiza-
the PAcD-20 samples must be dyed at pH below 3.4 so tion process. Cai et al. (2018) measured the zeta
that the positive surface charge would attract the potential for cationic ramie fibers. The authors
anionic dye. The inadequate pH is another reason for performed the analysis solely at pH 7, varying the
the low dye-fiber interaction, besides the steric CHPTAC concentration between 0 and 20 g L-1 and
hindrance. The PAcD cationic agent may be useful bath temperature of 40 or 60 °C. The temperature had
for dyeing at low pH, which is applicable to acid no effect on zeta potential, but the zeta potential
dyebaths (Mahapatra 2016). increased sharply with increasing the concentration of
11692 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
Fig. 6 SEM photographs of the a greige cotton, b Non-cationic, c CHPTAC-20, d P42-20, e PDDACl-20 and f PAcD-20
Fig. 7 FTIR spectra of the non-cationic fabric and after cationization using 20 g L-1 of each cationic agent
CHPTAC. After 14 g L-1, however, a stable zeta magnification. The comparison between each sample
potential value was obtained. indicates that no remarkable morphological difference
could be observed. Small particles were detected over
SEM the greige cotton and CHPTAC-20 fabrics, which may
be related to some impurities. For CHPTAC-20 fabric,
Figure 6 shows the SEM images of the (a) greige, it could be also related to the cationic agent deposition.
(b) non-cationic and (c–f) cationic samples at 1000X
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11693
Table 4 FTIR absorption bands obtained in this paper and comparison with the data available in the literature
FTIR signal (Wavenumber, cm-1) Functional group References
This paper Literature
11694 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
characteristic absorption bands of cellulose, the main Mechanism for cationization and dyeing
component of the cotton fabric. The cationic agents
have functional groups that are not in cellulose, but the Pretreatments with PDDACl, P42 and CHPTAC
quantity was too small to be detected in the spectra. significantly altered the behavior of the dyeing
Table 4 shows the absorption peaks of the spectra. process. Therefore, the mechanism of cationization
The peaks were compared with the data available in and cationic dyeing is proposed in Schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
the literature. Although the peaks were characteristic and 6. The cationic agent tends to interact with the
of the bands of cellulose, which may be overlapped primary cellulosic hydroxyl groups because they are
those belonging to the cationic agent. The spectra more accessible and reactive (Wakelyn et al. 2006).
show a broad peak at 1674–1538 cm-1. Absorption The cellulose reacts with the cationic agents by
bands between 1650 and 1633 cm-1 are usually different mechanisms.
attributed to O–H vibrations of the adsorbed water The mechanism of cationization of cotton with
(Chung et al. 2004). These bands are near the CHPTAC was already discussed by some researchers
characteristic bands of N–H deformations (1627and (Hauser and Tabba 2001; Wang et al. 2009; Farrell
1571 cm-1), which are present in the molecule of the et al. 2015; Arivithamani and Giri Dev 2016, 2017b).
cationic agents. In the presence of NaOH, the CHPTAC is firstly
converted into 2,3-epoxypropyl trimethylammonium
chloride (EPTAC). The EPTAC is very reactive so it
Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700 11695
forms a covalent bond with the cellulose anion. The cationization with diallyldimethylammonium chlo-
reaction mechanism is shown in Scheme 1. ride, the monomer of PDDACl. However, the authors
Despite the efforts dedicated to the literature used potassium persulfate as an initiator to create the
review, no publication was found regarding the cellulose radical and the PDDACl polymer. In the
mechanism of cationization with PDDACl or P42. present work the PDDACl polymer was directly
Jareansin et al. (2019) published the mechanism for applied and without the initiator.
11696 Cellulose (2021) 28:11679–11700
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