Movie Recommendations System Using ML
Movie Recommendations System Using ML
Movie Recommendations System Using ML
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- A recommendation engine is a type of data providesthe result and various other options like the user's
filtering technology that uses machine learning interest.
techniques to provide the most relevant
recommendations to a particular user or client. It For ex:- if a user wishes to watch a superhero movie,
operates by searching for patterns in client behavior then the recommendation system will recommend all top
data, which may be collected explicitly or implicitly. It movies related to superheroes.
first records a client's area of interest and then uses that
information to enable product recommendations for II. RELATED WORK
customers who appear to be shopping. For example: An
e-commerce website won't know anything about a visitor The research of recommender systems has expanded
if they are completely new to it. So how would the greatly during the past few years. Several methodologies are
positioning strategy advocate the product to the used by recommendation systems to provide useful
consumer in this situation? One practicalsolution may be recommendations. Both collaborative filtering and content-
to suggest the item that is in great demand, or the one based filtering are typically utilized. A user is given a
that is popular. Another practical option is to recommendation for an item via a content- based filtering
recommend the product that will likely bring more system based on their own preferences.
profit to the company. Recommendation engines can be
implemented by using 3 strategies: - Collaborative There are several movie recommendation algorithms
filtering (focuses on collecting and analyzing data about available nowadays. To provide the most accurate
user behavior, preferences, and activities to predict what suggestions, the developers of these systems collect data
a person would like based on how they are similar to from social media to determine consumerpreferences.
other users.), content-based filtering (which works on the
principle that if you like one thing, you'll like this other In this work, we provide a recommendation system
thing, too) and hybrid models. that evaluates the user's preferences to suggest the best
option. The quality and content are considered via
Keywords: Recommendation System, Collaborative Filtering collaborative filtering and content-based filtering. Our goal
Approach, And Content- Based Filtering Method. is to deliver suggestions to users by taking the search
experience into careful, organized consideration.
Technique Used
Recommendation algorithms are present everywhere Our movie recommendation engine employs content-
these days. Several of the biggest IT companies including based filtering as its method. The ratings and reviews that
Netflix, Amazon, Flipkart, Google engage with everyday users submit are used in a content-based movie
use recommendation systems. recommendation system. A user profile is constructed using
this data, and it is then used to suggest movies to both the
Recommender systems are commonly used in various existing user and new users.
fields including movies, music, news, books, articles and
various other products. This filtering technique provides more accurate and
better results if the user gives more inputs on the
The main objective of this system is to filter the data recommendation system.
and provide the result to user in terms of a particular item
with specified domain. The domain- specific item for this
particular system is movies, so our recommendation system
mainly focuses on filtering and predicting the movies based
on the interests and data provided by the user. There are
several methods to develop a movie recommendation
engine, but we built ours using a content-based filtering
strategy. With the help of content-based filtering our system
Proposed System
Fig 1 Content Based Filtering Basic architecture of our workflow in making this
system is:
Content-based method filtering utilizes Cosine angle
similarity and Term frequency to get the data as shown
in figure 1.
In machine learning, we use pandas and NumPy
libraries for preprocessing.
This website is deployed on the Heroku server. Three
files are created in order to run the Streamlit app on the
Heroku server those three files are ‘procfile’, ‘’ and
After the implementation and completion of all the steps the model is tested to check if its working properly or not.
Fig 16 Homepage
This is the homepage (landing page) of our website user can type the name of the movie in search box for getting
Fig 17 Search