Inches Centimetres
Cu. Feet Litres
.393700 t 2.540
0.035315 28.3768
.787402 2 5.080 o.o70630
Length Mass
1000 picometres nanometre 1000
nanograms I microgrm
nanometres micrometre 1000 micrograms I milligram
1000 micrometres millimetre 200 milligrams I metric carat
10 millimetres centimetre 1000 milligrams 1gram..-._ taoc€,*gra,
100 millimetres decimetre 25 grams 1 metric ounce to dec gro-
10 centimetres decimetre 100 grams t hectogram
1000 millimetres ., metre 1000 grams 1 kilogram
100 centimetres 1 mette 100 kilograms 1 quintal
10 decimetres _,. a;ii_b. 1000 kilograms I megagram
100 metres I hectometre 10 quintals 1 megagram
1000 merres 1. kilomi) I metric ton
10 hecrometres I kilomitre
1000 kilometres 1 megametre Power
1852 nautical merres 1 international
1000 microwatts l milliwatt
nautical mile
1000 milliwatts I watt
1000 warts I kilowalt
1000 kilowatts 1 megawatt
Area 1000 megawarrs 1 gigawart
10 1000 gigawatts l terawatt
sq millimetres = I sq centimetre
10 sq centimetres = I sq decimetre
10 000 Time
sq centimerres = r sq metle
100 sq decimetres = I sq meare 1000 nanoseconds I microsecond
100 sq merres = rile 1000 microseconds I millisecond
10 ares = 1 dekare 1000 milliseconds 1 second
l0 0OO sq merres -l-T sq heciohetre - tOO0 -ssconds - - -- -a kiloserond
t (to m'n -
= hectare
100 ares = I hectare Velocity
10 dekares = t hectare 3.6 kilometres per hour 1 metre per second
100 sq hectometres = I sq kilometre 3600 kilometres per hour I kilomerre per second
100 hectares = I sq kilometre
Energy (W'ork & Heat)
1000 millijoules 1 joule
Density & Concentration 1000 joules I kilojoule
I I000 kilojoules l megajoule
gram per cubic merre = 1 milligram per
3.6 megajoules 1 kilowam hour
cu decimetre
1000 1000 megajoules I gigajoule
milligrams per = 1 Bram per lirre
I 000 gigajoules 1 terajoule
cu decimetre = 1 kilogram per cu
1000 kilograms per = I gram per cu
cu metre centimetre 1000 micronewtons 1 millinewton
= I gram per millimetre 1000 millinewtons 1 newton
1000 newtons 1 kilonewton
1000 kilonewtons 1 meganewton
Non-metric to metric Meffic to non-metric
To convert...,.... Multiolv by
square inches into square millimerres ......................... flS:5.rc
square inches into square centimetres,,,,,.......,..,......... 6.4516
square feet into square cenrimerres ......................... 929.0304 Force
square feet into square metres .............. .,.,.........,,,.. O.Og29O3 To convert,....... Multiply by
square yards into square metres ............... ....,.,,....... 0.836123 newtons into pounds force ....................................,,...0.22qA
square yards intoares .................0.0083613 newtons into pounds ,..,..........,,,.......7,2330
acres into square metres.... .......,.,4046,8564
acres rnto ares................... .,.......,40.468564
acres into hectares............, ..........0.4046856 Linear
square miles into hectares .............258.9988
square miles into square kilometres ....,......,,,,......... 2.i89988
To convert........ Muldply by
millimetres into feet .................3.281;'103
millimetres into inches ..........,........0,03937
Mass centimetres into inches ........--..........,0.3937
metres into yuds .................
To convert........ Multiply by metres into feet......-.-...........
........... 1.09361
grains intomilligrams ...................eq.7iA5t
kilometres into yards
grarns lnto metnccarats ......................1093.61
kilometres into miles .............,........0.621j7
grains into9rams................ ..........0.064799
pennyweights into grams 1.555124
drams into grams................ ..,,,.......1,77185
ounces into grams.....,.......... .......28.349523 fuea
ounces roy into metric carars................. 155,5174 To convert........ Multiply by
ounces into kilograms.....,.... ......,0,0283495 inches
sq. millimetres into sq. .. 1.550 x'103
pounds into kilograms.......... ......0.4535924 sq. centimetres into sq.inches ..........0.1550
stones into kilograms ..........,.........r............... ,,,,,...6,3i,02932 sq. metres into sq. feet....... ......,,..,..10.7639
hundred weights into kilograms .50.802345 sq. metres into sq. yards ................. 1.19599
tons inro kilogtams.......... ,..,.....,.1016.0469 sq. metres into acres ,............2.47105 x l\a
tons rnto metlc tonnes .................. 1.01604 sq. kilometres into sq.miles .............0.3861
sq. kilometres into acres .................247.105
hectares into acres.................. .........2.47105