Diploma in Pharmac1
Diploma in Pharmac1
Diploma in Pharmac1
Table of contents
2 In patient Pharmacy 5
Sample Picture 6
Conclusion 20
References 21
Introduction of pharmacy services in hospital
The pharmacy profession comprising the industry and practice sectors is undergoing
a rapid change. While Indian Pharma industry has registered a spectacular progress ranking
3rd in volume and 13th in value in the global pharmaceutical market, the visibility and
recognition of pharmacists in health sector has still a long way to go. The pharmacist in
healthcare sector has to evolve from a mere dispenser of medicines to a more crucial role in
medicine management and as overall health care programmer. While community pharmacy is
largely dominated by mere dispensing of medicines without paying any attention to “patient
information while dispensing”, the hospital pharmacy offers an emerging opportunity for the
pharmacists to demonstrate their capabilities in view of the proliferation of corporate
hospitals along with private hospitals aspiring for accreditation from National Accreditation
Board for Hospitals & Healthcare (NABH) or JSI and by many accreditation boards in other
countries. Among many stipulated requirements for the accreditation, medication
management through a functional Drug and Therapeutics Committee (DTC) which is also
referred to as Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee (PTC), can provide an effective structure
and tool to bring together all the relevant people to work jointly for promoting more efficient
and rational use of medicines. Besides, playing a pivotal under the functioning of DTCs,
pharmacists can also provide relevant “patient information” related to medicines being
dispensed in the hospitals as a service. This would definitely lead to his recognition by the
society as “competent health professional”.
Guidelines (STGs) are not developed or used, over enthusiasm in using newer & expensive
medicines, rampant use of combination product, over use of antimicrobials and no system for
monitoring use of medicines.
• Formulary management
• Prescription audit
In patient Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical care is an area in the health care system which has yet to be fully
developed in Malaysia although it has generated tremendous impact worldwide. Since its
inception in the 1990's, Malaysian pharmacists have embarked on a bold and dramatic leap
forward to embrace its philosophy in all areas of pharmaceutical care services. Much effort
has been put into exploring ways in which to instil and initiate pharmaceutical care activities
in both the outpatient and inpatient settings.
Diagram shows the Inpatient pharmacy services in hospital
Outpatient pharmacy
An outpatient pharmacy is a pharmacy which fills prescriptions for patients affiliated
with the pharmacy's parent medical institution, typically a hospital or clinic. Usually, these
facilities will only fill prescriptions related to medical treatment at the parent facility or one
of its outpatient clinics, by contrast with a more conventional pharmacy, which fills
prescriptions for anyone. Hospitals usually offer outpatient pharmacy services as a
convenience to their patients, and sometimes to staff as well.
The rules about who may get prescriptions filled at an outpatient pharmacy vary,
depending on the pharmacy's policies. Usually, people who are hospitalized may fill their
prescriptions there, along with people who have just been discharged with prescriptions
which need to be filled. In addition, the pharmacy handles prescriptions from people
in outpatient therapy, and many also fill prescriptions for the staff of the hospital.
As with other types of pharmacies, an outpatient pharmacy can usually handle written
prescriptions as well as prescriptions which are phoned in. Due to the need to compound
complex drugs in a hospital facility, these pharmacies may also be able to offer specialty
drugs and preparations to their patients, rather than having to special-order them.
There are several advantages for patients who use an outpatient pharmacy as opposed
to a regular pharmacy. The first is that the pharmacy is on the same site where they receive
medical treatment, so they do not need to make an extra trip to the pharmacy to pick up
prescriptions. The second is that the pharmacy staff is usually very knowledgeable about the
patient's condition, and the staff can quickly catch potential drug conflicts and other issues
which may arise. The pharmacy may also offer discounts on prescriptions.
Hospital staffs may also take advantage of outpatient pharmacy services, picking up
the prescriptions they need at work. Pharmacy services may also be a part of employee
benefits, with employees receiving prescriptions at reduced cost as part of their health plans.
Employees who choose to fill prescriptions elsewhere may certainly do so, but they may be
obliged to pay full cost for the drugs.
In addition to an outpatient pharmacy, some hospitals also have an inpatient pharmacy, which
specifically fills prescriptions for people who are hospitalized. The inpatient pharmacy is
often in a different area of the hospital than the outpatient one, and it may only be open to
authorized personnel, with doctors and nurses picking up prescriptions for their patients. This
pharmacy also synchronizes its records with the outpatient pharmacy to ensure that the
patient's data is always up to date.
This unit was established in January 2000 to prepare safe and sterile chemotherapy
drugs for patients. Now, this unit has become the cytotoxic reconstitution center for
Daycare Hematology, Oncology, and Pediatrics Hematology /Oncology in HCTM. The
services includes patient review including body weight, height, allergy status, pre- and
post- medications history, and lab result monitoring for optimum dose of medication,
answering specific questions regarding cytotoxic drugs, collaborations with medical
specialists in developing trial protocols, providing patient counselling regarding
medication regimen and possible side effects, providing basic training and knowledge
to final year students attachment, organizing training programmes for local and
international trainee and annual audit for Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitutions in HCTM.
Pharmaceutical Services Division, Ministry of Health has developed the policy for CDR
service which is intended to safeguard patients and staff by defining standards of CDR practice
from pharmacists perspective. It is worth noting that all the local policies involving prescribing,
handling, and administering the cytotoxic drugs must be developed by a multi-professional
team and complies with the scope of the service:
1. The pharmacy department of the hospital will operate the CDR service providing
customised chemotherapy regimen suits to every patient's needs.
3. The reconstitution should take place in the pharmacy aseptic unit (qualified clean room).
4. However for those hospitals without the CDR facility on site, preparation may be outsourced
to any nearby hospitals with qualified clean rooms or option for the closed-system-drug-
transfer device.
Diagram shows the Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitute
TPN (total parenteral nutrition) unit
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), also known as parenteral nutrition (PN) is a form
of nutritional support given completely via the bloodstream, intravenously with an IV pump.
TPN administers proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It aims to prevent and
restore nutritional deficits, allowing bowel rest while supplying adequate caloric intake and
essential nutrients, and removing antigenic mucosal stimuli.
TPN is prepared by a pharmacy, where the calories are calculated using a formula,
and is usually mixed for a 24-hour continuous infusion to prevent vascular trauma and
metabolic instability (North York Hospital, 2013). TPN orders should be reviewed each day,
so that changes in electrolytes or the acid-base balance can be addressed appropriately
without wasting costly TPN solutions.
Diagram shows the total parenteral nutrition high resolution stock
Ward Supply/ Pharmacy satellite Unit
The in-patient pharmacy supplies drugs to patients in the wards and specialised units / clinics
in Hospital. The in-patient Pharmacy has its own store which is easily accessible and
spacious enough to hold adequate stocks of drugs. This unit is divided into two sections
namely Ward Supply Pharmacy and Satellite Pharmacy. These two sections use two different
supply systems known as 'traditional' system (as practised in the Ward Supply Pharmacy) and
'unit of use' system (as practised in the Satellite Pharmacy). In Hospital, the Ward Supply
Pharmacy section supplies intravenous solutions and disinfectants directly to all the wards
and clinics. This section also supplying medicine to the wards / units based on the requests in
the indent books.
The Satellite Pharmacy is a special unit located near the wards and practises 'unit of use'
supply system. Under this system, the supply of medicines is based on the needs of the
individual patient which is requested using patient drug profiles. Medicines for each patient
are kept in individual drawers and transported to the wards by means of a medication trolley.
Medicine is supplied for individual patient for a fixed period of time. The supply of
medicines will be faster and more efficient. Any query on prescription or any information
about the medication will be easily conveyed to the ward staff by the Pharmacy staff.
Whole blood, serum, and plasma specimens can be used to assess whether the drug dosage
achieved the targeted therapeutic range and to evaluate patient adherence. Urine drug and
metabolite concentrations do not correlate with signs and symptoms of drug therapy or
toxicity and should not be used for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).
Test results should be interpreted relative to the established therapeutic range, dose-related
range, or toxic range (if applicable); timing of specimen collection; specimen type; and the
patient’s clinical response to treatment. Results can be affected by several variables. Incorrect
timing of specimen collection relative to the therapeutic range can be misleading. Response
to drug therapy is also influenced by the patient’s pharmacogenetics (PGx), examples,
whether they demonstrate normal, rapid, or poor drug metabolism; physical conditions such
as pregnancy, comorbidities; and drug-drug or food-drug interactions that could lead to an
increase, decrease, or inhibited response to therapy.
Community pharmacies, also known as retail pharmacies, play a critical role in the provision
of health services and function as a health centre which provides clinical interventions, drug
reviews, medical examinations, treatment of acute illnesses, lifestyle modification
counselling, and drug supply. Most of these facilities are located close to communities, have
extended opening hours, and are accessible to all. Community pharmacists in Malaysia are
involved in several regular health promotion activities such as weight-management, diabetes
counselling, as well as diet and physical activity counselling. Studies have shown that the
services provided by community pharmacies have led to better patient care and optimal
medical outcomes. Based on availability, access, convenience, and cost, some have suggested
that using community pharmacies to treat minor illnesses could help optimise health
resources and provide more healthcare options to the public. Public healthcare services are
often congested, and utilisation of community pharmacy for minor illnesses reduces the need
for medical care at the primary health clinics or hospitals.
In Malaysia, primary healthcare services are mainly provided by two sectors: the tax-funded
and government-run public primary healthcare sector and the non-subsidised, fee-for-service
private sector which includes the private clinics and community pharmacies. Traditional
healers, such as Chinese medicine practitioners, Indian ayurvedic healers and Malay
traditional healers also prescribe traditional medicine as part of their practice.
Roles of community pharmacists have evolved in many parts of the world, from dispensing
medicine to being healthcare professionals who are involved directly in patient care services.
Pharmacists have the ability to provide a comprehensive analysis of medication for patients,
recognise problems relevant to clinical treatment, as well as offer suggestions and alternatives
for drug administration and drug compatibility. However, the transition and evolution of the
pharmaceutical care practice towards a more dynamic role amongst the community pharmacy
in Malaysia were limited by the lack of dispensing separation policy in private primary
healthcare. In Malaysia, the 1952 Poison Act allows registered private general practitioners to
prescribe and dispense medication in their clinics.
Community pharmacies provide an alternative for the public to obtain medicines and get
access to basic, minor health related services, in addition to mainstream hospitals and primary
healthcare services in Malaysia. Previous study found that the general public in Malaysia
utilised community pharmacies to purchase a medication or health supplement and to seek
advice on minor health problems. However, national data on the prevalence of community
pharmacy utilisation among adults in Malaysia is currently unavailable and association
between community pharmacy utilisation and the demographic, socioeconomic and health
related characteristics of the population in Malaysia have not been explored from a national
perspective. Determining the prevalence and identifying the factors associated with
community pharmacy utilisation allows better planning of community pharmacy services
which may enhance the professional roles of community pharmacists in Malaysia.
Diagram shows the Community Pharmacists In Self-Care
Diagram shows the community pharmacy services
Overall, patient satisfaction is high across pharmacy services; however, this satisfaction is
related to prior patient exposure to services and their level of expectation. Pharmacists have
multiple opportunities to improve the services they provide, and there are additional services
pharmacists may consider offering to expand their role within the health care system.
Pharmacy services , the science and art concerned with the preparation and standardization
of drugs. Its scope includes the cultivation of plants that are used as drugs, the synthesis of
chemical compounds of medicinal value, and the analysis of medicinal agents. Pharmacists
are responsible for the preparation of the dosage forms of drugs, such as tablets, capsules, and
sterile solutions for injection. They compound physicians’, dentists’, and veterinarians’
prescriptions for drugs. The science that embraces knowledge of drugs with special reference
to the mechanism of their action in the treatment of disease is pharmacology.
This study has identified the current barriers towards the transformation of community
pharmacy practice in Malaysia. Future actions including planning, developing and
implementing new policies are much needed.
1. https://www.pharmacy.gov.my/v2/sites/default/files/document-upload/guidelines-
2. https://www.thehealthboard.com/what-is-an-outpatient-pharmacy.htm
3. https://hctm.ukm.my/farmasi/cytotoxic-drug-reconstitution-cdr-
4. https://opentextbc.ca/clinicalskills/
6. https://qehpharmacy.tripod.com/qehpharmacy6.html