Предметно-интегрированное обучение (Clil: Content And Language Integrated Learning) английскому языку на основе применения дистанционных образовательных технологий
Предметно-интегрированное обучение (Clil: Content And Language Integrated Learning) английскому языку на основе применения дистанционных образовательных технологий
Предметно-интегрированное обучение (Clil: Content And Language Integrated Learning) английскому языку на основе применения дистанционных образовательных технологий
Курс: 1
Предметно-интегрированное обучение (Clil: Content And Language
Integrated Learning) английскому языку на основе применения
дистанционных образовательных технологий
7M01703 Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка, Очная (2022, каз, 52
Тестовая база
1 What problem do not methods of foreign language of teaching 2
1. aims of teaching
2. curriculum creation
3. content of teaching
4. methods of teaching
5. techniques of teaching
2 Choose an odd rule of teaching vocabulary. 1
1. Recognition exercises
2. Drill exercises
3. Creative exercises
4. Formation exercise
5. Grammar tests
5 Choose an odd rule of teaching speaking. 3
1. Curriculum
2. Constitution
3. Syllabus
4. Educational act
5. Act of indemnity
9 These are teacher’s roles. Choose the wrong one. 5
1. Organizer
2. Prompter
3. Resource
4. Observer
5. Originator
10 These are learner’s roles and characteristics. Choose an odd one. 4
1. risk taker
2. motivated and enthusiastic
3. self-reliant
4. exaggerative
5. a good guesser
11 These are teacher’s roles. Choose the wrong one. 2
A) Controller
B) Spectator
C) Resource
D) Participant
E) Tutor
12 Which competence implies using correct stress and intonation to 2
express emotions
A) Linguistic competence
B) Pragmatic competence
C) Strategic competence
D) Discourse competence
E) Fluency
13 This role is often performed by a teacher when pupils are involved 3
in a piece of a group writing or preparation for a presentation or
A) Participant
B) Controller
C) Resource
D) Observer
E) Tutor
14 What type of exercise is not usually used in teaching pronunciation? 5
A) Imitative exercises
B) Drill exercises
C) Recognition exercises
D) Reproduction exercises
E) Creative exercises
15 Using imitation drills, choral repetition, tongue twisters are: 1
A) ideas for improving learners’ pronunciation
B) ideas for improving learners’ grammar
C) ideas for improving learners’ speaking
D) ideas for improving learners’ vocabulary
E) ideas for improving learners’ reading
16 These are the most common difficulties in assimilating Grammar. 4
Choose the wrong one.
1. word order
2. tense system
3. the use of articles
4. combining sentences in one utterance
5. the use of structural words
17 Which activity implies giving opinions, agreeing or disagreeing, 5
stating preferences, etc.?
1. Role-play
2. Gap activity
3. Game
4. Tongue twister
5. Free discussion
18 What is one of the main principles of selecting grammar material? 3
1. quality
2. fluency
3. frequency
4. quantity
5. usefulness
19 These are the most common difficulties that learners may experience 2
while listening. Choose the wrong one.
1. difficulties of confidence
2. difficulties of participation
3. difficulties of content
4. difficulties of perception
5. difficulties caused be the gaps in the message
20 Which principle implies being an active participant of the learning 3
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
22 What role does a teacher perform when he organizes pupils to do 5
different activities?
1. Controller
2. Assessor
3. Observer
4. Tutor
5. Organizer
23 What learners like studying grammar, reading English books, 2
studying alone finding their own mistakes?
1. concrete learners
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
24 What type of learners is odd in the classification given? 5
1. concrete learners
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
25 Find the wrong principle of selecting vocabulary. 5
1. Imitative exercises
2. Drill exercises
3. Recognition exercises
4. Reproduction exercises
5. Grammar tests
27 What does strategic competence imply? 1
1. concrete words
2. abstract words
3. structural words
4. nouns
5. verbs
31 What are the approaches to teaching grammar? 1
1. inductive, deductive
2. visual, verbal
3. translation, interpretation
4. listening, speaking
5. direct, conventional
32 What does pragmatic competence imply? 2
1. teacher’s book
2. textbook
3. practice book
4. audio materials
5. notebook
34 What cannot be referred to techniques of teaching pupils of 3
pronunciation and spelling?
1. imitation
2. analogy
3. evaluation
4. transcription
5. explanation of rules of reading
35 What does traditional grammar study? 2
1. mass work
2. group work
3. pair work
4. individual work
5. all variants are correct
37 What roles of the teacher are not mentioned in Harmer’s 5
1. inductive
2. deductive
3. personal
4. practical
5. different
39 What is PPP model in ELT? 2
1. People Please Pay
2. Presentation Practice Production
3. Pupils’ Positive Position
4. Pronunciation Presentation Practice
5. Project Planning Program
40 What subjects the Methods of FLT is closely connected with? 3
1. controller
2. tutor
3. observer
4. guesser
5. resource
47 What is syllabus? 1
1. Etymology
2. Didactics
3. Linguistics
4. Psychology
5. Physiology
49 What are the main pupils’ skills? 1
1. Concrete learners
2. Analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. Active learners
51 What difficulties do pupils have while learning grammar? 2
1. understanding and translation
2. in form, meaning and usage
3. reading and writing
4. listening and retelling
5. perception and comprehension
52 Confirm expectations, extract some certain information, general 1
understanding. These are the purposes of _______ activity.
1. listening
2. writing
3. speaking
4. understanding
5. describing
53 This principle of FLT implies organization of the learning material 5
in a logical way.
1. controller
2. organizer
3. manipulator
4. prompter
5. resource
56 Find the wrong principle of selecting vocabulary. 3
1.subjects to be studied
2.the number of hours allotted to the study of each subject
3.the sequence in which the subjects are introduced
4.the types of exercises that should obligatory by used by the
5. the number of periods allotted to the study of each subject
60 Choose the odd purpose of listening: 4
1. to confirm expectations
2. to extract some certain information
3. listening for general understanding
4. listening for uncertainties
5. listening for communicative task
61 The set of methods and principles that you use when studying a 1
particular subject or doing a particular kind of work is called…
1. Methodology
2. Approach
3. Syllabus
4. Technique
5. Program
62 To be an active participant of the learning process to master a target 2
language implies …
1. word order
2. tense system
3. intonation
4. the use of articles
5. the use of verbals
65 What competence involves knowledge of spelling, pronunciation, 1
vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
66 What type of learners likes games, pictures, films, using cassettes, 3
talking in pairs and practicing English outside the classroom?
1. concrete learners
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
67 The act of making a sound or speaking words is called… 4
1. intonation
2. discrimination
3. integration
4. articulation
5. automaticy
68 The way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add 1
meaning to what you are saying is called…
1. intonation
2. discrimination
3. integration
4. articulation
5. autonomy
69 What does the teacher check with the help of general questions? 5
Special questions, right/wrong statements?
1. speaking skills
2. learning ability
3. writing skills
4. erudition
5. comprehension
70 What stage does making up dialogues, speaking on the topic, 3
describing pictures be referred to?
1. creative
2. receptive
3. reproductive
4. pre-receptive
5. while-listening
71 This principle implies comprehension of linguistic phenomena of 1
the language material.
1. Organizer
2. Prompter
3. Resource
4. Observer
5. guesser
73 Which statement is true? 5
1. cultural
2. Developing
3. Facilitating
4. Educational
5. Practical
76 There are 4 kinds of teaching aims. Choose the odd one. 4
1. cultural
2. Developing
3. Educational
4. Natural
5. Practical
77 What does principle mean? 1
1. a guide to teaching
2. approach
3. method
4. issue
5. technique
78 What problems do pupils face in pronunciation? 5
1. Organizer
2. Player
3. Participant
4. Resource
5. Observer
82 What cannot be referred to basic skills in teaching a FL? 1
1. retelling
2. writing
3. reading
4. speaking
5. listening
83 What type of teaching aids do tape-recorders, projector, TV set, PC, 5
etc belong to?
1. Demonstrative
2. non-mechanical
3. visual
4. memorable
5. mechanical
84 What type of learners does not exist? 2
1. concrete
2. special
3. analytical
4. communicative
5. authority-oriented
85 What meaning relates to the attitudes and emotions of a language 1
user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener
reader’s interpretation of the word?
1. connotative
2. denotative
3. relative
4. expressive
5. no correct variant
86 If a word has reference to an object, action or event in the physical 2
world this can be described as its
1. connotative
2. denotative
3. relative
4. expressive
5. collaborative
87 How do we call relations between words as they occur in sequence 3
(E.g. collocations)
1. paradigmatic
2. syntactical
3. syntagmatic
4. systematic
5. no correct variant
88 What are factors (if any) affecting vocabulary acquisition? 5
1. frequency
2. pronunciation
3. contextualization
4. no correct variant
5. all variants are correct
89 Building word networks is an effective technique in teaching 3
1. speaking
2. grammar
3. vocabulary
4. reading
5. writing
90 What is a pre-writing technique, a variation on freewriting (writing 1
1. looping
2. cubing
3. clustering
4. brainstorming
5. interviewing
91 What problem does not method of foreign language of teaching 2
1. aim of teaching
2. curriculum creation
3. content of teaching
4. methods of teaching
5. techniques of teaching
92 The odd rule of teaching vocabulary is: 1
1. Encourage your pupils to explain new words to each other in a
2. When teaching vocabulary introduce words in sentence
patterns in different contexts
3. Present the word as an element
4. While introducing a word pronounce it in a context and ask to
pronounce it in chorus and individually
5. It is necessary to establish a memory bond between as new
word and those already covered
93 The odd rule of teaching grammar is. 3
1. Recognition exercise
2. Drill exercises
3. Creative exercises
4. Formation exercise
5. Grammar tests
95 The odd rule of teaching speaking is. 3
1. Curriculum
2. Constitution
3. Syllabus
4. Educational acts
5. Act of indemnity
99 These are a teacher’s roles. The wrong one is 5
1. Organizer
2. Prompter
3. Resource
4. Observer’s
5. Originator
100 These are a learner’s roles and characteristics. An odd one is. 4
1. risk taker
2. motivated and enthusiastic
3. self-reliant
4. exaggerativer
5. a good guesser
101 These are a teacher’s roles. Choose the wrong one. 2
1. Controller
2. Spectator’s
3. Resource
4. Participant
5. Tutor
102 What competence implies using the correct stresses and intonation 2
to express emotions
1. Linguistic competences
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
103 This role is often performed by the teachers when their pupils are 3
involved in a piece of a group writing or preparation for a
presentation or project
1. Participant’s
2. Controller
3. Resource
4. Observer
5. Tutor
104 Which type of exercise is not generally used in the teaching 5
1. Imitation exercises
2. Drill exercises
3. Recognition exercises
4. Reproduction exercises
5. Creative exercises
105 Imitation drills, choral repetition and tongue twister are: 1
1. word order
2. tenses system
3. the use of articles
4. combining sentences in one utterance
5. the use of structural words
107 What activity implies giving some opinions, agreeing or 5
disagreeing, stating preferences, etc.?
1. Role-play
2. Gap activities
3. Game
4. Tongue twister
5. Free discussion
108 What is one of the main principles of selecting the grammar 3
1. quality
2. fluency
3. frequency
4. quantities
5. usefulness
109 These are the most common difficulties that learners might 2
experience while listening. Choose the wrong one.
1. difficulties of confidence
2. difficulties of participation
3. difficulties of contents
4. difficulties of perception
5. difficulties caused be the gaps in the message
110 What principle implies being the active participant of the learning 3
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategics competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
112 Which role does the teacher perform when he or she organizes 5
pupils to do different activities?
1. Controller’s
2. Assessor
3. Observer
4. Tutor
5. Organizer
113 What kind of learners like studying Grammar, reading an English 2
book, studying alone finding their own mistakes?
1. concrete learner
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
114 Which type of learners is the odd in classification given? 5
1. concrete learner
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
115 The wrong principle of the selecting vocabulary is 5
1. Imitative exercises
2. Drill exercise
3. Recognition exercises
4. Reproduction exercises
5. Grammar tests
117 What does strategic competence generally imply? 1
1. concrete words
2. abstract word
3. structural words
4. nouns
5. verbs
121 Which are the approaches to the teaching grammar? 1
1. inductive, deductive
2. visual and verbal
3. translation, interpretation
4. listening, speaking
5. direct, conventional
122 What does pragmatic competence generally implies? 2
1. teacher book
2. textbook
3. practice book
4. audio materials
5. notebook
124 What cannot we refer to the techniques of teaching pupils of 3
pronunciation and spelling?
1. imitation
2. analogies
3. evaluation
4. transcription
5. explanation of rules of reading
125 What does the traditional grammar study as a rule? 2
1. mass work
2. groups work
3. pair work
4. individual work
5. all variants are correct
12 What roles of a teacher were not mentioned in Harmer’s 5
1. the inductive
2. deductive
3. personal
4. practical
5. different
129 What is PPP model in the foreign language (FL) teaching? 2
1. controller
2. tutor’s
3. observer
4. guesser
5. resource
137 What is a syllabus in FLT? 1
1. Etimology
2. Didactics
3. Linguistics
4. Psychology
5. Physiology
139 Which are main pupils’ skills in FLT? 1
1. Concrete learner’s
2. Analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learners
5. Active learners
141 What difficulties can the pupils have while learning English 2
1. understanding, translation
2. in form, meaning and usage
3. reading and writing
4. listening and retelling
5. perception and comprehension
142 Confirm expectations, extract the certain information and general 1
understanding. These are the purposes of _______ activity.
1. listening
2. the writing
3. speaking
4. understanding
5. describing
143 This principle of FL teaching implies organization of the learning 5
materials in logical way.
1. controller
2. organizer’s
3. manipulator
4. prompter
5. resource
146 Find one wrong principle of selecting vocabulary. 3
subjects to be studied
the number of hours allotted to the study of each subject
sequence in which the subjects are introduced
the types of exercises that should obligatory by used by the
5. the number of periods allotted to the study of each subject
150 Choose one odd purpose of listening in FLT: 4
1. Methodology
2. the approach
3. Syllabus
4. Technique
5. Program
152 To be the active participants of the learning process and to master a 2
target language implies …
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatics competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
156 What type of the learners likes language games, pictures, films, 3
using cassettes, talking in pairs and practicing English outside
1. intonation
2. a discrimination
3. integration
4. articulation
5. automaticy
158 The way in which the level of a speaker’s voice changes in order to 1
add some meaning to what you are saying is called…
1. intonation
2. the discrimination
3. integration
4. articulation
5. autonomy
159 What does the teacher check with the help of the general questions? 5
Special questions, right/wrong statements?
1. creative
2. the receptive one
3. reproductive
4. pre-receptive
5. while-listening
161 This principle implies the comprehension of linguistic phenomenon 1
of some language material.
1. Organizer
2. Prompter’s
3. Resource
4. Observer
5. guesser
163 Which of the statements given below is true? 5
1. a tape-recorder
2. A blackboard
3. Projector
4. DVD player
5. Computer
165 There are four kinds of Teaching aims. What is the odd one? 3
1. cultural
2. the developing
3. Facilitating
4. Educational
5. Practical
166 There’re 4 kinds of teaching Aims. Choose the odd one. 4
1. the cultural
2. Developing
3. Educational
4. Natural
5. Practical
167 What does a principle means? 1
1. a guide to teaching
2. approach
3. a method
4. issue
5. technique
168 What problems may pupils face in the pronunciation in FL? 5
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competences
5. Fluency
171 The teacher’s role which is not mentioned in Harmer’s classification 2
1. Organizer’s
2. Player
3. Participant
4. Resource
5. Observer
172 What can’t belong to basic skills in teaching a FL? 1
1. retelling
2. writing
3. reading
4. speaking
5. the listening
173 What type of Teaching Aids do tape-recorders, projectors, TV sets, 5
PCs, etc belong to?
1. Demonstrative
2. a non-mechanical
3. visual
4. memorable
5. mechanical
174 What type of learners doesn’t exist as a matter of fact? 2
1. concrete
2. special
3. analytical learners
4. communicative
5. authority-oriented
175 What meaning is connected to attitudes and emotions of a language 1
user in choosing word and the influence of these on the listener
reader’s interpretation of the word?
1. connotative
2. denotative meaning
3. relative
4. expressive
5. no correct variant
176 If a word has a referrence to object, action or some event in the 2
physical world this can be described as its
1. connotative
2. denotative
3. relaitive
4. expressive
5. collaborative
177 How do we call the relations between words as they occur in 3
sequence (последовательности) (E.g. collocations)
1. paradigmatics
2. syntactical
3. syntagmatic
4. systematic
5. no correct variant
178 What are some factors (if there are any factors) affecting vocabulary 5
1. frequency
2. pronunciation factors
3. contextualization
4. no correct variant
5. all variants are correct
179 Building a word network is a rather effective technique in teaching 3
1. speaking skills
2. grammar
3. vocabulary
4. reading
5. writing
180 What’s a pre-writing technique (the variation on freewriting (writing 1
1. looping
2. cubinig
3. clustering
4. brainstorming
5. interviewing
181 What problem do not methods of foreign language teaching cover? 2
1. aims of teaching
2. curriculum creation
3. content of teaching
4. methods of teaching
5. technique of teaching
182 Can you choose the odd rule of teaching a vocabulary? 1
1. Recognition exercises
2. Drilling exercises
3. Creative exercises
4. Formation exercise
5. Grammar tests
185 Can you choose an odd rule of teaching how to speak? 3
1. Curriculum
2. Constitution act
3. Syllabus
4. Educational act
5. Act of indemnity
189 These are some of teachers’ roles. Can you choose the wrong one? 5
1. Organizer
2. Prompter
3. Resource’s
4. Observer
5. originator
190 These are some of learner’s roles and characteristic. Can you choose 4
an odd one?
1. risk taker
2. motivated and enthusiactic
3. self-reliant
4. exaggerative
5. a good guesser
191 These are some of teachers’ roles. Can you choose the wrong one? 2
1. Controller
2. Spectator
3. Resource
4. Participant
5. the tutor
192 Which competence can implies usage of correct stress, intonation to 2
express emotions?
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. Strategic competence
4. Discourse competences
5. Fluency
193 This role is frequently performed by teachers when pupils are 3
involved in piece of a group writing or preparation for a presentation
or project
1. Participants
2. Controller
3. Resource
4. Observer
5. Tutor
194 What type of exercise is not usually used in teaching of 5
pronunciation in FL?
1. Imitative exercises
2. Drilling exercises
3. Recognition exercises
4. Reproduction exercises
5. Creative exercises
195 Using imitation drilling and choral repetition, tongue twisters are 1
considered to be:
1. Role-play
2. Gap activity
3. Games
4. Tongue twister
5. Free discussion
198 What is one of the main principle for selecting grammar materials? 3
1. quality
2. fluency
3. frequency
4. quantity
5. usefullness
199 These are common difficulties that learner can experience when 2
listening. Can you choose the wrong one?
1. some difficulties of confidence
2. difficulties of participation
3. difficulties of content
4. difficulties of perception
5. difficulties caused be the gaps in the message
200 Which principle supposes being active participants of the learning 3
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. The strategic competence
4. Discourse competence
5. Fluency
202 Which role does a teacher performs when he or she is organizing 5
pupils to do different activities?
1. Controller
2. Assessor’s
3. Observer
4. Tutor
5. Organizer
203 What learners like studying English grammar, reading English 2
books, studying alone finding their own mistakes?
1. concrete learner
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learner
5. autonomous learners
204 What type of learners can be odd in the classification which is given 5
1. concrete learners
2. analytical learner
3. communicative learner
4. authority-oriented learners
5. autonomous learners
205 Can you find one wrong principle for selecting vocabulary? 5
1. Imitative exercises
2. Drilling exercises
3. Recognition exercises
4. Reproduction exercises
5. grammar tests
207 What does the so-called “strategic competence” usually imply? 1
1. concrete words
2. abstract words
3. mostly structural words
4. nouns
5. verbs
211 What are the aproaches to Teaching English grammar?
1. inductive, deductive
2. visual, verbal
3. translation and interpretation
4. listening, speaking
5. direct, conventional
212 What does a pragmatic competence usually imply? 2
1. teacher’s book
2. textbook
3. practise book
4. audio materials
5. notebook
214 What cannot be referred to the techniques of teaching students 3
pronunciation, spelling?
1. imitation
2. analogy
3. evaluation
4. transcriptions
5. explanation of rules of reading
215 What does the traditional grammar usually studies? 2
1. mass work
2. groups work
3. pair work
4. individual work
5. all variants are correct
217 What roles of the teacher are not mentioned in the classification by 5
1. inductive
2. deductive
3. personnal
4. practical
5. different
219 What is the so-called “PPP” model in ELT? 2
1. Physiology, biology
2. physics and arithmetic
3. psychology and pedagogy
4. history and linguistics
5. all variants are correct
221 Which principle of FLT can imply comprehension of linguistic 1
phenomenon and language material?
1. controller
2. a tutor
3. an observer
4. guesser
5. resource
227 What’s syllabus (choose from the statements given below)? 1
1. Etymology
2. Didactics
3. Linguistic
4. Psychology
5. Physiology
229 What are main pupil’s skills in language teaching (FLT)? 1
1. Concrete learners
2. Analytical learners
3. communicative learner
4. authority-oriented learner
5. Active learner
231 What difficulties do pupils mainly have when learning grammar? 2
1. listening
2. writing activity
3. speaking activity
4. understanding
5. describing
233 Choose one principle of the FL teaching implies organization of 5
learning material in a logical way.
1. number of class-periods
2. objectives
3. language material and skills
4. accessories and homework
5. all variants are correct
235 Which teachers’ role in the list which is given below is the wrong 3
1. a controller
2. an organizer
3. manipulator
4. prompter
5. resource
236 Can you find one wrong principle of selecting of vocabulary. 3
1. to confirm expectations
2. to extract certain information
3. listening for the general understanding
4. listening for uncertainties
5. listening for communicative task
241 The set of the methods and principles that you use when studying 1
particular subject or doing a particular kind of work is called
(choose from the list below): …
1. Methodology
2. Approach
3. Syllabus
4. Techniques
5. Programs
242 To be active participant of learning process to master a target 2
language implies (choose from the list below) …
1. Linguistic competence
2. Pragmatic competence
3. the strategic competence
4. the discourse competence
5. Fluency
246 What type of learners likes games, pictures, films, using cassettes, 3
talking in pairs and practicing the English language outside the
classroom (choose from the list given below)?
1. concrete learner
2. analytical learners
3. communicative learners
4. authority-oriented learner
5. autonomous learner
247 The act of making some sound or of speaking words is called 4
(choose from the list below)…
1. intonation
2. discrimination
3. the integration
4. the articulation
5. automaticy
248 The way in which level of people’s voices changes to add meaning 1
to what you are saying is called…
1. intonation
2. discrimination
3. integration
4. the articulation
5. the autonomy
249 What does the teacher checks with the help of general questions? 5
Special questions, right/wrong statements? (choose from the list