Phace - Physics-Based Face Modeling and Animation
Phace - Physics-Based Face Modeling and Animation
Phace - Physics-Based Face Modeling and Animation
Fig. 1. Physics-based simulation facilitates a number of advanced effects for facial animation, such as applying wind forces, fattening and slimming of the
face, wearing a VR headset, and even turning into a zombie.
We present a novel physics-based approach to facial animation. Contrary to ACM Reference format:
commonly used generative methods, our solution computes facial expres- Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly.
sions by minimizing a set of non-linear potential energies that model the 2017. Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation. ACM Trans. Graph.
physical interaction of passive flesh, active muscles, and rigid bone struc- 36, 4, Article 153 (July 2017), 14 pages.
tures. By integrating collision and contact handling into the simulation, DOI:
our algorithm avoids inconsistent poses commonly observed in generative
methods such as blendshape rigs. A novel muscle activation model leads to
a robust optimization that faithfully reproduces complex facial articulations.
We show how person-specific simulation models can be built from a few 1 INTRODUCTION
expression scans with a minimal data acquisition process and an almost
Accurate simulation of facial motion is of paramount importance in
entirely automated processing pipeline. Our method supports temporal dy-
namics due to inertia or external forces, incorporates skin sliding to avoid
computer animation for feature films and games, but also in medical
unnatural stretching, and offers full control of the simulation parameters, applications such as regenerative and plastic surgery. Realistic facial
which enables a variety of advanced animation effects. For example, slim- animation has seen significant progress in recent years, largely
ming or fattening the face is achieved by simply scaling the volume of the due to novel algorithms for face tracking and improvements in
soft tissue elements. We show a series of application demos, including artistic acquisition technology (Klehm et al. 2015; von der Pahlen et al.
editing of the animation model, simulation of corrective facial surgery, or 2014).
dynamic interaction with external forces and objects. High-end facial animations are most commonly produced using a
sophisticated data capture procedure in combination with algorith-
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Physical simulation; mic and manual data processing. While video-realistic animations
can be created in this manner, the production effort is significant
Additional Key Words and Phrases: 3D avatar creation, facial animation, and costly. A main reason is that complex physical interactions are
anatomical models, rigging difficult to recreate with the commonly employed reduced model
representations. For example in blendshape rigs, collisions around
the lip regions or inertial effects of the facial tissue are typically not
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or accounted for. To remedy these shortcomings, artists often introduce
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed hundreds of corrective shapes that need to be carefully sculpted
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM and blended to achieve the desired effect in each specific animation
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, sequence (Lewis et al. 2014).
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a Recent work (Barrielle et al. 2016; Ichim et al. 2016) proposes to
fee. Request permissions from
© 2017 ACM. 0730-0301/2017/7-ART153 $15.00 avoid these shortcomings by augmenting the generative approach
DOI: of blendshape animation with a simulation-based solution. A key
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:2 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
benefit of physics-based simulation is the ability to correctly han- • slimming and fattening of the face by adapting the volume
dle collision and contact, both for internal contact of facial tissue of soft tissue,
or bones, as well as for collisions with external objects. In addi- • simulation of corrective facial surgery, such as orthognathic
tion, secondary motion, such as inertial deformations or other time- surgery to correct for jaw malformations,
dependent effects can easily be integrated into the optimization • dynamic interaction with external forces (e.g. wind) and
pipeline. objects (e.g. VR headsets),
One major difficulty in simulation-based approaches is to achieve • artistic editing of facial expression dynamics by modifying
the required level of realism, which is particularly challenging for tissue stiffness or muscle behavior.
facial animation, due to the heightened human sensitivity for facial
motion perception (Bruce and Young 1986). Accurate simulation Overview. Figure 2 provides a visual summary of our physics-
requires building a detailed volumetric face model that faithfully based face modeling and animation approach. Central to our method
represents the shape and dynamics of the captured subject. However, is a face template model that combines volumetric and surface ele-
acquiring such a volumetric face model is challenging. Volumetric ments as shown in Figure 3. Physics-based optimization is performed
data produced by CT or MRI scanners is often difficult to convert on a tetrahedralized volumetric model composed of rigid bones and
into a simulation-ready representation. So far, successful pioneering deformable tissue. The latter is further separated into active muscles,
methods required a significant amount of manual editing (Sifakis and passive flesh and skin. Muscles actively deform to drive the dy-
et al. 2005), which makes them difficult to deploy at scale. namic motion of the face model. In order to control the animation,
We approach this problem by combining easy-to-obtain facial we augment the volumetric template with a surface blendshape ba-
surface scans with a template model that integrates rigid bone struc- sis that represents the facial expression space. This also provide an
tures, active muscle tissues and passive flesh, fat, and skin layers interface to the surface scans used to build actor-specific simulation
in a fully volumetric simulation model of the human face (see Fig- models.
ure 3). By scanning the subject in multiple facial poses, we obtain The core algorithmic components of our method are the inverse
a representation of the geometry and expression dynamics of the and forward physics simulation modules. Inverse physics is used
acquired person. We then solve an inverse problem to estimate the in a model building stage to create a simulation-ready anatomical
activation parameters of the registered template rest pose in order face model of a specific person. As input to this preprocessing stage,
to best reproduce the scanned expressions under activation. we assume a set of surface scans that are first transformed to a
We propose a novel muscle activation model in order to match the user-specific blendshape model. An anatomy transfer step warps
input scans more accurately. Unlike previous models that are con- the volumetric template towards the neutral expression of the blend-
strained by fixed fiber directions, our model introduces additional shape model. Subsequently, our inverse physics solver computes
degrees of freedom to support any deformation devoid of global suitable muscle activations of the simulation model to best approxi-
rotation (since a muscle cannot rotate itself). This generalized model mate each expression blendshape.
avoids the problem of relying on pre-determined fiber directions Given the person-specific simulation model and corresponding
which are often inaccurate. muscle activation patterns, we can apply forward physics simulation
Subsequently, we can create new animations driven by muscle to compute dynamic face articulations. This animation stage takes
activations using a forward physics simulation that incorporates as input a temporal series of blendshape weights that are mapped
collision handling, volume preservation, inertia, and external forces to per-frame muscle activations. External effects such as gravity or
such as wind forces or gravity. Muscle activations can be computed object collisions can be incorporated in the simulation to support a
from a temporal sequence of blendshape weights, which enables wide range of dynamic effects.
straightforward integration into existing animation environments. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: we first put our
work in context by discussing related work in Section 2. In Section 3
Contributions. The main technical contributions of our work are: we present our simulation template model. Then we introduce the
forward and inverse physics simulation algorithms in Sections 4
• a novel muscle activation model that offers more flexibility and 5, respectively. Section 6 explains how these components are
than standard fiber-based models, integrated into the model building and animation stages. In Section 7
• a physics-based simulation method that retains realism we analyze the behavior of our method and provide comparisons
even with significant external forces or substantial modifi- to previous work. We show several application demos in Section 8,
cations of the face geometry and tissue material properties, before concluding with a discussion of limitations and future work.
• an inverse modeling optimization to adapt the simulation
template to a series of expression scans of a specific person. 2 RELATED WORK
An important feature of physics-based approaches is that their Data-driven methods. A significant body of work in facial anima-
parameters can be controlled to achieve the desired effects. In our tion is based on data-driven techniques. Multi-view stereo acqui-
case, the parameters include the stiffness of simulation elements, sition systems are used extensively to acquire detailed geometry
their rest shape volume, the static bone structure, or the muscle and texture models, e.g., (Alexander et al. 2010; Amberg et al. 2007;
activation parameters. This detailed control facilitates numerous Beeler et al. 2010). Avatar creation based on simple cell-phone cam-
new applications that are difficult to achieve with existing methods. era acquisition was proposed by Ichim et al. (2015), while depth
Examples we show in this paper include sensors are often used to create 3D avatars suitable for realtime
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation • 153:3
the upper body (Lee et al. 2009), and combined with fluid simulation
to study swimming (Si et al. 2014).
Biomechanical modeling is a complex task and several software
platforms support soft tissue simulation, such as Sofa (Allard et al.
2007), ArtiSynth (Lloyd et al. 2012), or FEBio (Maas et al. 2012). An
important aspect of soft tissue modeling is the capture of material
properties (Bickel et al. 2009) and their reproduction using modern
fabrication methods such as 3D printing (Bickel et al. 2012).
Algorithmic and numerical aspects of soft tissue simulation con-
tinue to be a topic of active research; recently, Fan et al. (2014)
proposed an Eulerian-on-Lagrangian method to simulate dynamic
musculoskeletal systems, while Saito et al. (2015) applied Projective
Dynamics (Bouaziz et al. 2014) to simulate hypertrophy or atrophy
of the muscles or fat.
More recently, Kadlecek et al. (2016) studied the inverse problem
of full-body modeling, inferring effects such as hypertrophy or
atrophy of skeletal muscles from input 3D scans. Despite certain
similarities to faces, a key difference is that full-body animation
is characterized by muscles moving the bones, e.g., biceps moving
the elbow. In facial animation, the skeletal articulation is limited to
the jaw bone and facial expressions are created mainly by muscles
pulling one another without any associated bone motion.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:4 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
Fig. 3. Our template model consists of a volumetric representation of the tissue and bones (a), and a surface blendshape basis to represent the expression
space (d). Muscles are embedded into a non-conforming tetrahedral mesh discretization (b). We explicitly model jaw kinematics with a 5 DoF joint (c) and
utilize low-resolution geometry proxies for faster collision detection for the teeth region (e). Dynamic skin sliding is supported by introducing both sliding
(green) and fixed (red) constraints for bone-tissue connections (f).
Alternative approaches to physics-based facial animation use the bones (the skull, the jaw, including teeth), skin (including a
mass-spring systems (Ma et al. 2012) or finite element modeling of realistic model of the oral cavity), and 33 facial muscles. Using the
the face as elastic thin shell (Barrielle et al. 2016). While these meth- winding-number method of Jacobson et al. (2013) we generate a
ods support certain types of physics-based effects, a surface-only tetrahedral mesh discretizing the soft tissue of the face. Our tet-
approach does not correctly handle collisions or support volumetric mesh conforms to the skin and the bones, but not to the muscles,
face modifications, such as visualizing the outcome of facial surgery. because a conforming discretization of the numerous thin facial
Modeling interior tissue and bones is also important when the face muscles would require prohibitively many elements. Instead, we
is subjected to inertial or external forces that visibly expose the use non-conforming discretization where every tetrahedron can
rigidity of the internal bone structure. represent multiple types of soft tissues. We distinguish between two
Volumetric blendshapes as proposed in Ichim et al. (2016) intro- types of soft tissues: active corresponds to muscles, while passive
duce energy terms attracting deformation gradients to their target corresponds to subcutaneous fat, connective tissue and the skin, i.e.,
values derived from input facial expressions of a given person. The tissue that is not voluntarily activated by neural signals (Figure 3-b).
volumetric blendshapes are translation invariant, but they lack ro- Up to the accuracy of the discretization, the active layer corre-
tation invariance, introducing similar artifacts as linear elasticity, sponds to the union of all facial muscles, while the passive layer
especially in situations with large external forces (Figure 10). In this forms the region between the active layer and the skin and fills in ar-
paper, we create a model compatible with traditional blendshape eas between the bones. Even though this model is not as accurate as
interfaces, but we push the anatomical realism further by utilizing modeling every muscle individually, it captures the key fact that the
a novel muscle activation model, separating active and passive soft shape of the skin is affected by facial muscles only indirectly, i.e., the
tissue layers, and introducing sliding constraints to attach soft tissue contracted muscles deform passive soft tissue, which consequently
to the bones. As a consequence, our model implements a variety induces skin deformations.
of advanced animation effects and supports significant modifica-
tions of the face simulation model, which enables a number of new Jaw kinematics. The relative motion of the jaw with respect to
applications as demonstrated in Section 8. the skull contributes significantly to the final articulation of the face.
The kinematics of the temporomandibular joint is non-trivial, con-
sisting of both rotational and translational motion. In our model (see
3 TEMPLATE FACE MODEL Figure 3-c), we define the major rotation axis (x-axis, corresponding
Our approach starts from a generic face model – an anatomical face to mouth opening) as the axis passing through the centers of the
template corresponding to an average human subject (see Figure 3). mandibular condyles. Halfway through the condyles, we define a
We created this model from a commercially available anatomical perpendicular axis (y-axis) corresponding to vertical jaw rotation.
data set (Zygote 2016) that contains polygonal representations of The jaw does not normally rotate about the third orthogonal axis
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
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ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:6 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation • 153:7
where i sums over all active tets and m over all muscles. Since our tet
The previous section explains how to compute face articulations
mesh does not conform to the muscles, some tets may be occupied
for given bone positions and muscle activations. In this section we
only partially by a muscle, or be occupied by several muscles. We
discuss the inverse problem. For a given target shape of the skin, we
calculate the fraction fi,m ∈ [0, 1] of tet i occupied by muscle m
want to compute the corresponding bone parameters b and muscle
by Monte-Carlo sampling (if an active tet contains some amount of
activations a, which, when used in the forward simulation (Eq. 3),
passive tissue, we get m fi,m < 1 and the regularization strength
will produce a skin surface close to the input shape.
is proportionally reduced as expected). The contraction parame-
Optimization formulation. Let t denote the target vertex positions ters γm ≥ 0 are auxiliary variables representing the contraction of
of the skin. The inverse modeling problem can be written as muscle m. Recall that S(a) is our symmetric muscle activation ma-
trix introduced in Section 4. Intuitively, R act (a) encourages all tets
min. ∥Sx − Tt∥ 2 + R act (a) + R sparse (a) corresponding to a single muscle to contract in a uniform, volume
x,a,b −1 √γ √
(4) preserving way (because γm γ
(i ) m (i ) m(i )
= 1).
subj. to c(x, b) = 0, p(x) ≥ 0
In addition to the muscle-activation regularization term R act , we
∇x E pass (x) + ∇x E act (x, a) + ∇x E grav (x) = 0 found it beneficial to also include the following term to promote
where R act (a) and R sparse (a) are regularization terms discussed be- sparse muscle activations:
low. The objective term ∥Sx − Tt∥ 2 measures how close state x is to X sX
the target t. The matrix S selects the simulation nodes correspond- R sparse (a) = fi,m ∥ai ∥ 2 (5)
m i
ing to the skin surface. In addition S and T encode both position
(point-to-point) and point-to-plane distance terms (Rusinkiewicz Specifically, this is a group sparsity term similar to L 1 regulariza-
and Levoy 2001). The point-to-plane terms enable some amount of tion, but applied to entire groups – in our case, muscles. This term
sliding (tangential motion) which is useful if we do not completely encourages all activations corresponding to one muscle to remain
trust the correspondences represented by t. The last vector equal- zero unless contributing significantly to the result. We introduced
ity constraint describes the condition of quasi-static equilibrium, this term to avoid small spurious activations of remote muscles,
i.e., the sum of all forces (gradients with respect to x) is zero. Even which is justified when our target shapes t correspond to traditional
though x is also an optimization variable, the desired output are the FACS-type blendshape models which isolate individual action units.
optimal values of muscle activations a and bone parameters b. Figure 7 shows that compared to a naive L 2 regularization approach,
our method leads to sparser activations that are better aligned with
Regularization. Without regularization, the optimization of Eq. 4
the geometric structure of the muscles.
can lead to over-fitting and anatomically implausible activations a.
To provide an appropriate prior on activation patterns, we exploit the Numerical solution. As in Section 4, we use interior-point methods
geometric structure of the muscles by estimating an approximate (Wächter and Biegler 2006) to solve the constrained optimization
preferred contraction direction. Following Choi et al. (2013) we problem in Eq. 4. Our implementation of the Hessian of the La-
compute these directions by solving a Laplace equation and encode grangian of Eq. 4 ignores third-order derivatives of E (pretends
the corresponding orientations for the i-th tet as Qi ∈ SO (3). The they are zero), amounting to the commonly used Gauss-Newton
regularizing prior softly penalizes deviations in muscle contraction approximation of the Hessian (Bickel et al. 2012; Sifakis et al. 2005).
from the preferred direction and is defined as: We alternate the interior point solver with collision detection that
determines the non-penetration constraints p as in Section 4.
γ −1 0 0 2
Even though including the regularization term R act could be di-
X m(i ) √
R act (a) = fi,m QiT γm (i ) 0 Qi − S(ai ) rectly incorporated into our optimization objective (adding γm as
i,m 0 0 γm (i ) auxiliary variables), we found that this significantly increases the
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:8 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
process the generic face model can deform freely, i.e., the shape
and/or volume of all cells can change, including the bones (in con-
trast to the deformation model considered in Section 4). We then use
Example-Based Facial Rigging (Li et al. 2010) to convert the regis-
tered expressions sk to subject-specific blendshapes cj , j = 1, . . . , 48.
The processing steps so far essentially rely on existing methods
to align the volumetric template to the neutral expression and to
create the subject-specific blendshape model. We refer to the above
cited papers for implementation details on these algorithms. After
this geometric preprocessing, we now solve for activations aj and
jaw bone parameters bj that correspond to each of the blendshapes
cj using the Inverse Physics optimization of Section 5.
Fig. 8. Inverse physics finds jaw transformation and muscle activations that corresponds to neutral activations, i.e., each activation S(aj,i ) =
accurately reproduce the target blendshapes. I ∈ R3×3 . Linear blending of the activation parameters is justified
because there is no rotational component in symmetric matrices
(Shoemake and Duff 1992). Similarly, we compute the blended jaw
non-linearity of the problem and forces the non-linear solver to take kinematics parameters b = j w j bj . While blending of rotation
many iterations, each making only slow progress towards the solu- angles is in general not recommended, we found that for the limited
tion. To avoid this problem, we instead use a local-global approach range of rotations of the jaw this simple scheme does not produce
(Sorkine and Alexa 2007). In the local step, the activations a are any visible artifacts.
fixed and we compute optimal γm by finding roots of a 6-th order
polynomial using the method of Brent (1971). In the global step, we Dynamics. Adding inertia corresponds to a minor change of Eq. 3.
call the interior point solver to optimize a for fixed γm , which is an We use the popular backward Euler integration, which in its op-
easier optimization problem exhibiting fast convergence. timization form (Liu et al. 2013) corresponds to augmenting the
Figure 8 shows an example of an inverse physics solve for two objective of Eq. 3 with the term: 12 ∥x − (xn + hvn )∥M 2 , where x and
blendshapes of a user-specific blendshape model, visualizing sepa- vn are positions and velocities in the previous frame, h > 0 is the
rately the effect of the jaw motion and the effect of muscle activa- time step, and M is the mass matrix. We use a diagonal matrix M
tions. (mass lumping) with a soft tissue density of 1д/cm3 . The minimizer
x of Eq. 3 then becomes the new state xn+1 and the new velocity
6 PHACE MODELING AND ANIMATION is vn+1 = (xn+1 − xn )/h. The main difference from the quasi-static
In this section we explain how we integrate the optimization al- solution is that the dynamic solution depends on the previous state
gorithms presented above into a complete system for creating and (xn , vn ), i.e., we need to execute the time steps in sequence. To add
animating subject-specific face simulation models. non-conservative external forces, such as wind, we proceed as in
Projective Dynamics (Bouaziz et al. 2014) and change the additional
Model Building. We start by 3D scanning the face of our subject
term to 12 ∥x − (xn + hvn + h 2 M−1 fext )∥M 2 . Here f 3
ext ∈ R is the ex-
in neutral expression and about 5-10 additional premeditated facial
ternal force vector, e.g., a wind force is a function of triangle normal,
expressions using a multi-view stereo setup as described in Ichim
area, and wind direction.
et al. (2016). Each of the scans is approximately aligned with the
Plasticity. To support effects such as fattening or slimming, we
skin of our template model (Section 3)
use a standard model of plastic deformations. Specifically, each total
using rigid registration (plus uniform
deformation gradient Ftotal (x) is assumed to be composed of an elas-
scale). Then we apply non-rigid ICP
tic deformation component and plastic deformation component, i.e.,
(Rusinkiewicz and Levoy 2001) to find
Ftotal (x) = Felast (x)Fplast or, equivalently, Felast (x) = Ftotal (x)F−1
dense correspondences between the tem-
plate skin and the target scan, guided with Note that Fplast does not depend on the current deformed state x.
a few manually chosen markers as shown The deformation gradient Fi (x) used in Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 corresponds
in the inset. We denote the registered skin to the elastic deformation component, because plasticity is a sep-
surfaces as sneut for the neutral and sk for arate process, e.g., tissue growth, which is decoupled from elastic
k-th expression. deformations. Therefore, the only modification we need to make to
Next, we deform our volumetric template model such that its account for plasticity is to replace the Fi (x) in Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 by
boundary (skin) aligns with sneut . This is accomplished with Anatomy Fi (x)F−1
, where Fplast,i describes the plastic deformation of the
Transfer (Dicko et al. 2013; Ichim et al. 2016). Note that during this i-th tet. In our system, we use only uniform scaling, i.e., Fplast,i = si I,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation • 153:9
Fig. 10. A boxing punch to the nose results in artifacts with an elastic model
lacking rotation invariance as in Ichim et al. (2016) (left). More realistic
deformations are obtained with our rotation-invariant model (right).
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:10 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
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Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation • 153:11
Fig. 12. Application Demos I: a) Body mass index changes and their impact on expressions. The original avatar is highlighted with dashed lines. More intense
red in the fat map means more volume change of the corresponding face region. b) Results of lip injection, where affected tets are shown in green on the right.
c) Effects of modifying the rigid bone structure of the chin.
Simulation of muscle paralysis. In Figure 13-c, we show how mus- final µ values vary between 0.7 − 5.7 and the density varies between
cle activations can be modified to simulate Bell’s palsy syndrome, 1 − 3д/cm3 , achieving artistic “undead” effects.
where the affected person is unable to activate certain facial muscles.
In this example, we marked the active muscles of the left half of
the face to behave like passive tissue, which simulates the effect of 9 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORK
partial facial paralysis. In our approach we rely solely on a generic volumetric template and
a set of surface scans of the modeled person to derive the interior
Extreme face modifications. To push the limits of facial modifi- facial structure. This inherently limits the accuracy of our approach
cations, we created a virtual zombie character in Figure 13-e. We in terms of the true facial dynamics of the scanned actor. Getting
designed two texture maps to modulate the mass and stiffness (see access to the internal structure through volumetric scanning devices
Figure 13-e) and extrapolated their values into the volume using would allow building more faithful simulation models, but incurs
our diffusion tool. The idea was to increase the mass of the cheeks a high acquisition cost. A potentially more practical approach for
to create a flesh sagging effect, while increasing stiffness around future work is to build a statistical model of the bone and tissue
the lips and the eyes to avoid excessive pulling of the flesh. The structures from a sufficiently large set of volumetric scans, similar
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
153:12 • Alexandru - Eugen Ichim, Petr Kadleček, Ladislav Kavan, and Mark Pauly
Fig. 13. a) Simulating inertia under sudden motion changes (e.g., jumping). b) Dynamic deformations in a wind force field. c) Simulating Bell’s Palsy affecting
half of the face of an actor. d) VR headset obstructing the full motion of expressions on the face. e) Artistic editing to create a zombie character by adapting
the mass and stiffness distribution as indicated in the color-coded maps.
to the morphable face models that have been successfully applied ways to combine our simulation model with procedural or data-
for the skin surface (Blanz and Vetter 1999). driven methods for wrinkle generation to further increase the visual
Detailed physical simulation is computationally involved and our realism of the animations.
method is currently not suitable for realtime animation. While com- Other avenues for future work include modeling and simulating
putational efficiency was not the main focus of our work, we believe hair, adding person-specific teeth models and a simulation of the
that significant speedups can be achieved, in particular by more tongue, and generalizing our model to full body simulations.
explicitly exploiting spatial and temporal coherence. In the context
of realtime animation, our approach could potentially be used to 10 CONCLUSION
automatically create corrective shapes for a given blendshape basis We propose a physics-based simulation approach to face animation
in an offline process. How to select an optimal set of such correc- that complements existing generative methods such as blendshapes.
tives based on a given simulation is an interesting avenue for future These purely geometric methods can produce artifacts such as self-
research. intersections in facial poses that were not specifically considered
Our tet-mesh discretization is currently too coarse to correctly during the modeling of the blendshape basis – ensuring consistency
model small-scale effects such as skin wrinkles. However, increasing in all possible linear combinations quickly becomes intractable. Even
the resolution to the appropriate scale would lead to prohibitive more challenging is the correct handling of dynamic effects such as
computation times. Therefore, in future work, we want to explore interactions with external objects or inertial deformations.
We advocate the use of physics-based simulation as a principled
solution to these issues. Our experiments validate that this approach
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36, No. 4, Article 153. Publication date: July 2017.
Phace: Physics-based Face Modeling and Animation • 153:13
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