Karstenia 38-1 1998-1

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Karstenia 38: 1-25, 1998

Genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Estonia and Finland


Jakobson, A., Kullman, B. & Huhtinen, S. 1997: Genus Octospora (Pezizales) in Esto-
nia and Finland.- Karstenia 38:1- 25. Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402
15 species of the genus Octospora have been found in Estonia and Finland. In Estonia 8
species have been found, of which 4 are new to Estonia: Octospora a.xillaris (Nees:
Pers.) M.M. Moser, 0. crosslandii (Dennis & Itzerott) Benkert, 0. rustica (Velen.) J.
Moravec, 0. wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) J. Moravec, and 4 species recorded earlier,
viz. 0. carbonico/a (Boud.) Yei-Zeng Wang, 0. humosa (Fr.: Fr.) Dennis, 0. leucoloma
Hedw.: Gray and 0. tetraspora (Fuckel) Korf. In Finland II species have been di scov-
ered. In addition to the earlier recorded 0. seaveri (Benkert) Yei-Zeng Wang and 0.
maireana (Seaver) Yei-Zeng Wang, the following species ha e been found: 0. alpestris
(Sommerf.) Dennis & Itzerott, 0. borealis (Eckblad) Caillet & Moyne, 0. humosa (Fr. :
Fr.) Dennis, 0. leucoloma Hedw. : Gray, 0. melina (Velen.) Dennis & Itzerott, 0. min-
iata (De Not.) Caillet & Moyne, 0. rubens (Boud.) M.M. Moser, 0. rustica (Velen.) J.
Moravec and 0. wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) J. Moravec.
Key words: Ascomycetes, Pezizales, Octospora, Lamprospora, taxonomy, morphology,
fungal anatomy, new records, vital taxonomy
Aivo Jakobson, Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu, 40 Lai St.,
EE-2400 Tartu, Estonia
Bellis Kullman, Institute of Zoology and Botany, 181 Riia St. , EE-2-100 Tartu, Estonia
Seppo Huhtinen, Herbarium, FIN-20014 University ofTurku, Finland

The genus Octospora is treated in sensu Caillet 1987, Caillet & Moyne 1980, 1987); 23 species
and Moyne (1980). They transferred all species are known from Nordic countries (Dissing
of the genus Lamprospora De Not. into the ge- 1981; Dissing & Sivertsen 1983; Huhtinen
nus Octospora. This treatment is also supported 1987; Schumacher 1979, 1993).
by Wang and Kimbrough (1992) who estab- Descriptions of several species of Octospora
lished, by cladistic analysis, that the genus from Estonia and Finland have been presented
Lamprospora forms a paraphyletic group if it is (Dietrich 1856; Dietrich 1859; Raitviir 1963;
treated separately from the genus Octospora. Benkert 1987; Kullman 1991, 1997). Four spe-
Several authors do not accept such a treatment cies were known earlier from Estonia: 0. car-
(Engel & Hanff 1985, 1987; Benkert 1987, bonicola (Boud.) Yei-Zeng Wang, 0. humosa
1990; Schumacher 1993). However, no differ- (Fr.: Fr.) Dennis, 0. leucoloma Hedw.: Gray
ences are found in the anatomy of apothecial and 0. tetraspora (Fuckel) Korf.
structure between the genera Octospora and This paper presents a survey of the species
Lamprospora. of the genus Octospora in Finland and in Esto-
More than 70 species have been described in nia.
the genus Octospora (ltzerott 1981, Benkert

Material and methods ta, hyphae 7- 21 f.!m in diam. , thin-walled, wall

79 herbarium specimens of the genus Octospora from H, up to 1 f.!m thick. In bigger apothecia vertical
OULU, TAA and TUR were studied. orientation of hyphae may occur in the central
In addition, fresh specimens were examined. For SEM part of medullary excipulum, analogous to t.
these were fixed in 4°/c glutaraldehyde in a phosphate porrecta . Marginal excipulum consists of t.
buffer (pH 7). Furter the specimens were moved, through porrecta, hyphae more regularly arranged, run-
a gradual ethanol series, into 100% ethanol, then they
were critical-point dried, coated with a 20 nm layer of ning parallel with the surface of receptacle, 7-
gold, and examined and photographed using a Tesla BS 21 f.!m in diam, obtuse end cells of long cylin-
301 scanning electron microscope. drical hyphae form the margin. Hypothecium
Cross-sections of apothecia, with a thickness of 10- 50-60 f.!m thick, consisting of t. intricata, hy-
40 !Jill, were prepared from fixed and dried apothecia
\ ith the freezing-microtome "Microm HM 500 OM". phae 3-5 flm in diam. Hymenium 145-190 flm
The working temperature was - 25° to - 20°C. The cross- thick .
sections were photographed using a "Leitz" Labourlux Mature asci with 4 matured and 4 aborted
microscope. ascospores. Immature asci contain 8 semima-
The fruitbodies were measured using the microscope ture ascospores. Ascospores cylindrical, hya-
"Amplival", and drawn by means of the drawing appara-
tus PA-6, (objective 40, immersion objectiYe HI 100). A line, with one or two guttulae, (12.6) 13.4-14.4
solution of cotton blue in lactophenol was used as there- (15 .8) x (7.2) 7.9- 8.5 (9.1) flm, excluding or-
search medium. namentation, Q= 1. 7. Ornamentation consists of
The length (L) and width (W) of spores are presented warts of an irregular size and shape. Paraphyses
in the following form: (Lm;,)Lm;,- Lm" (Lm,J X (W m;,)W m;o
- W m, (W m,) iJm, where Lm;"' Lm,, W m;, and W m" denote
straight or slightly curved, up to 3-5 f.!m in
the minimum and maximum mean values of 20 spore diamat the apex .
lengths and widths of specimens, and Lm; 0 , W m;o and Lm'" 0 . alpestris grows exclusively on leaves and
W m"' the minimum and maximum absolute values of stems of the moss of the genus Tetraplodon as-
length and width, respecti vely. The shape of ascospores sociated with animal remains . T. angustatus in
is presented as an average ratio of spore length to spore
width (Q). 9 specimens and T. mnioides in in 9 specimens.
Specimens collected between 23 July and 4
List of species Specimens examined: Finland. Varsinais-Suomi: Nauvo,
1. Octospora alpestris (Sommerf.) Dennis & 662:20, 1994 Huhtinen (TUR); Oulun Pohjanmaa:
Haukipudas, 7236:446, 1967 Ulvinen (OULU); Pudas-
ltzerott, Kew Bull. 28:10. 1973.- Figs. 6, 17, jarvi , 72871:5170, 1971 M. Ohenoja (OULU); Koillis-
18A-B maa: Kuusamo , 7366:604, 1977 Ulvinen (OULU);
7366:602, 1974 Ulvinen (OULU); 7366:602, 1983 E.
Peziza alpestris Sommerf., Suppl. Florae Lapponicae: Ohenoja (OULU); Posio, 7323:554, 1979 Ulvinen
290. 1826. (OULU) ; Sompion Lappi: Savukoski, 7484:558 , 1975
Peziza carneola Saut. , Mitt. Ges. Salzburger Landesk. Vuokko (OULU) ; Inarin Lappi: Inari, 7645:440, 1965
18(2):7. 1878. Makinen (TUR) ; 7675:453 , 1965 Makinen (TUR);
Humaria carneola (Saut.) Sacc., Syll. Fungorum 8: 123. 7653:449, 1965 Makin en (TUR) ; 760:55 , 1968 Makinen
1889. (TUR); Utsjoki, 774:49, 1961 Kallio; 7742:499, 1964
Octospora carneola (Saut.) Dennis, British Cup Fungi: Makinen (TUR); 7738:501, 1965 Makinen (TUR).
34. 1960.
Discussion. Octospora alpestris is easily distin-
Apothecium at first cupu1ate, later discoid, up guishable from the other species of the genus
to 4 mm in diam, concave, hymenium yellow- due to four aborted spores in the eight-spored
ish-orange when dry. Outside paler, base to- ascus.
mentose. Margin paler, distinct, dentate, fim- Excipular characters showed notable varia-
briate. bility. In one specimen the diameter of hyphae
Receptacle two-layered, with ectal excipu- in medullary excipulum was 7-10 flll, and in
lum, 40-65 mm thick, consisting of textura in- another specimen, 15-20 f.!m. Variation of the
tricata , hyphae 6-10 (30) f.!m in diam ., thick- same degree has been found also in hyphae of
walled, wall 1.5-2 f.!m thick. Medullary excipu- ectal excipulum and margin (see Figs. 17C-D,
lum 420- 960 f.!m thick, consisting oft. intrica- 18A-B).

2. Octospora axillaris (Nees : Pers.) M.M. Mo- sists of t. porrecta, hyphae more regularly ar-
ser, Gams, Kleine Kryptogamenflora 2A: llO. ranged, monilioid, running parallel with the
1963. - Fig. 10 surface of receptacle, 7-19 flm in diam, with
obtuse, cylindrical end cells. Hypothecium con-
Peziza axillaris Nees: Pers., Mycologia Europaea I: 314.
sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 30-40 f.!m thick.
Leucoloma axillaris (Nees : Pers.) Fuckel, Jahrb. Nas- Hymenium 225-260 flm thick.
sauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24:318. 1870. Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid
to subfusoid, hyaline, uniguttulate with some
Apothecium minute, discoid, up to 1.5 mm in small guttulae, smooth, (20.3) 23.0 (27.1) x (9.5)
diameter, reddish-orange when dried. Outside 10.5 (12.6) f.!m, Q=2.2. Paraphyses straight,
whitish, tomentose, margin indistinct. diam at the apex up to 3- 6 J.lm.
Receptacle two-layered, with ectal excipu- 0. axillaris grows on calcium-rich soil
lum, 30-55 f.llil thick, consisting oft. intricata, amongst mosses Bryum argenteum and Bryum
hyphae 8-14 flm in diam, walls 1.5-2 flm thick. sp. and Ceratodon purpureus.
Medullary excipulum up to 130 f.!m thick, con-
sisting oft. intricata, hyphae 6- 14 flm in diam, Specimen examined: Estonia. Tartumaa: Voldi,
wall up to 1 f.!m thick. Marginal excipulum con- 6.IX.1993 Kullman (TAA 117949a).

4 5 6

©Q§ 7 8

@g© @~(8 969 10 11 12

90~ :0
•0o Figs. 1-13. Spores.- I: Octospora sea veri.- 2: 0. car-
2011m bonico/a. - 3: 0. borealis. - 4: 0. leucoloma. - 5: 0.
melina. - 6: 0. alpestris. -7: 0. sp. (TAA 118091).- 8:
0. rustica. - 9: 0. tetraspora. - 10: 0. axillaris.- 11: 0.
13 crosslandii.- 12: 0. rubens.- 13: 0. humosa.

3. Octospora borealis (Eckblad) Caillet &

Moyne, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 3:179-226.
1987. - Figs. 3, 18C- D, 19A- B
Leucoscypha borealis Eckblad, Nytt. Mag. Bot. 15:52-
53. 1968.

Apothecium immersed, cupulate or discoid,

concave, 3-6 mm in diam, hymenium orange
when dried. Outside paler, slightly tomentose,
base covered with dense, tomentose mycelium
which anchors apothecium to the substratum.
Receptacle two-layered, diam of hyphae in
ectal excipulum smaller and walls thicker than
14 in medullary excipulum. Ectal excipulum 70-
160 11m thick, consisting oft. intricata, hyphae
6-22 11m in diam, wall 2.5- 5.5 11m thick. Med-
ullary excipulum up to 480 11m thick, consisting
of t. porrecta, hyphae parallel, 8- 32 11m in
diam, thick-walled, wall up to 3 f.!m thick. Mar-
gin consists oft. porrecta, hyphae 8-16 f.!m in
diam. Hypothecium 65-80 11m thick, consisting
of t. intricata, hyphae 2.5-4 11m in diameter.
Hymenium 200-270 11m thick.
Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid,
hyaline, with two guttulae, (18.3) 19.1-22.1
(23 .6) x (9.5) 10.4-11.6 (12.0) 11m, excluding
ornamentation, Q=l.9-2.1. Ornamentation
consists of fine ridges forming incomplete retic-
ulum which is denser on the ends of ascospore.
Fig 14A- D. Octospora wrightii: A) li ing and mature Paraphyses clavate, straight or slightly curved,
asci from the same apothecium in water, B) living para- diam at the apex 5-8 11m.
physes after being exposed for 2 h to high humidity, C) 0. borealis grows on sandy soil with Blepha-
living paraphyses immediately after collecting, D) para-
physes after herbarization. - !SA-B. 0. humosa: A) liv- rostoma sp. , Bryum sp. , Calliergonella cuspi-
ing paraphyse in water, B) herbarized paraphyse in wa- data, Ceratodon purpureus, Ditrichum sp.,
ter. - 16A- B. 0. rustica: A) living paraphyse in water, B) Mniobryum wahlenbergii, Pohlia sp., Polytri-
herbarized paraphyse from the same specimen in water. chum hyperboreum, Rhizomnium sp. and
Sphagnum sp.
Specimens collected between 28 July and 4
Specimens examined: Finland. Oulun Pohjanmaa: Pu-
dasjiirvi , 72742:5157, M. Ohenoja (OULU); Sompion
Lappi : Pelkosenniemi, 7450:510, 1985 E. Ohenoja
(OULU); Inarin Lappi: Utsjoki, 7742 :499, 1963 Maki-
nen (TUR); 7759:501 , 1965 Makinen (TUR) ; 7709:509,
Discussion. 0. axillaris is distinguishable from
1981 Kalamees (TAA 121985).
the other species of the genus by the shape and
size of its spores. 0. axillaris has clearly longer Discussion . 0 . borealis is similar to 0. humosa
spores. According to literature, 0 . axillaris is (size and shape of spores, shape of apotecium)
known to occur with mosses Phascum cuspida- but differs clearly from the smooth-spored 0.
tum and Pottia lanceolata (Itzerott 1981), and humosa by the fine ornamentation of spores.
Enthostodon fascicularis, Pottia rufescens, The ornamentation can be seen at higher mag-
Barbula unguiculata and Bryum erythrocar- nification (with an oil immersion objective)
pum (Caillet & Moyne 1987). when stained with CB .

Fig. 17. Octospora alpestris: A) margin of cup-shaped apothecium ( Vlvinen, 30. VIII.l977), B) margin of disc-shaped
apotheci um (Makinen, 22.VIII. l964). - C-D. Margin, t. porrecta: C) (Kallio, 18.VIII.l961), D) (Makinen,

Fig. 18 A-B. Octospora alpestris, medulla, t. intricata : A) (Kallio, 18.VIII.1961), B) (Makinen , l.Vl.1965).- C-D.
0 . borealis: C) cup-shaped apothecium ( Ohenoja, 6.VIII.1991), D) spore (TAA 121985).

Fig. 19 A- B. Octospora borealis: A) margin of disc-shaped apothecium (Ohenoja, 10. VIII.1985), B) ectal excipulum,
t. intricata (Ohenoja, 6.VIII.1991 ). - C-D. 0. humosa: C) cross-section of apothecium (Heinonen , 22-88), D) asci
and paraphyses from a living fruitbody in water (TAA 135658).

4. Octospora carbonico/a (Boud.) Yei-Zeng at obtuse end cells of long, cylindrical hyphae
Wang, Special Publ. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Tai- which form the margin. Hypothecium consist-
wan 4:41. 1992. -Fig. 2 ing of t. intricata, up to 50 11m thick, hyphae
3- 6 f.!ID in diam. Hymenium 220-260 f.!ID thick.
Lamprospora carbonico/a Boud. , Hist. Class. Discom.: Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores asym-
68. 1907. metrical, ellipsoid, hyaline, with one or two
Lamprospora polytrichi (Schum.) Le Gal , Bull. Soc.
Mycol. France 56:39. 1940. guttulae, smooth, (14.5) 20.6 (22.1) x (10.7)
11.6 (12.6) flill, Q=l.8. Paraphyses clavate,
Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores globose, straight, diam at the apex 6-12 f.!ID.
uniguttulate, with fine ornamentation consist- 0 . crosslandii grows on stems and leaves of
ing of ridges which form a complete reticulum, Tortella inclinata.
ridges up to 0.611m in height, (11.3) 12.0 (12.6)
11m excluding ornamentation. Specimen examined: Estonia. Saaremaa: Tagarand,
UTM 061 7, 12.IX.1993, Jakobson (TAA 135634).
Specimen examined: Estonia: Tartumaa: Lemmatsi,
7.X.l989 Kullman (TAA 117313). Discussion. 0. crosslandii is similar to 0. leu-
coloma but differs from this species by broader
Discussion. Because of insufficient material, spores. Some ecological differences can also be
Octospora carbonicola is described only by as- detected. 0 . leucoloma grows mostly with moss
cospore characters. Descriptions are based on a Bryum but 0. crosslandii has never been found
five-year-old slide. together with this moss species.
This specimen has smaller ascospores than
reported for this species in literature: 13-15 11m 6. Octospora humosa (Fr. : Fr.) Dennis, British
(Benkert 1987), 14-16 11m (Wang & Kim- Cup Fungi: 33 . 1960. -Fig. 13, 15, 19C-D, 20
brough 1992), but ornamentation is similar to
that described in literature. Peziza humosa Fr.:Fr., Mycologia Europaea I: 297. 1822
0. carbonicola is similar to many species by etFr., Syst. Myc. 2:71. 1822.
globose, reticulate spores, but has a specific, Humaria humosa (Fr.: Fr.) Que!. , Enchiridion Fungo-
rum: 289. 1886.
finer and denser reticulum.
Apothecium immersed, at first cupulate, later
discoid, up to 10 mm in diam. Hymenium con-
5. Octospora crosslandii (Dennis & Itzerott) cave, grayish-orange to orange when dried.
Benkert, Feddes Repert. 87(9-10) :618. 1976.- Outside paler, tomentose, covered with dense
Fig. 11 mycelium which anchors apothecium to the
Octospora leucoloma var. crosslandii Dennis & Itzerott,
substratum. Margin raised, dentate, fimbriate.
Kew Bull. 28:15. 1973. Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae in
ectal excipulum thicker than in medullary ex-
Apothecium minute, at first cupulate, with cipulum. Ectal excipulum 50-80 f.!ID thick, con-
thick, raised margin, later flattened, with indis- sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 10-24 f.!m in
tinct margin, 1-1.5 mm in diam, orange when diam, wall 2.5-3 fliD thick. Medullary excipu-
dried . Outside concolorous, glabrous. lum 550- 1090 f.!ID thick, consisting of t. por-
Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae recta, hyphae 13-24 fliD in diam, wall up to 1.5
thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary f.!ID thick. Margin consists of t. porrecta, hy-
excipulum. Ectal excipulum 30-50 11m thick, phae 6-21 fliD in diam. Hypothecium up to 55
consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 10-20 11m in f.!ID thick, consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 3-5
diam, wall 1.5-2 11m thick. Medullary excipu- f.!ID in diam. Hymenium 160-260 f.!ID thick.
lum 220-250 11m thick, consisting of t. intrica- Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores cylindri-
ta, hyphae 5-l 0 11m in diam, wall up to 1 11m cal, with rounded ends, hyaline, with one or two
thick. Hyphae are reoriented towards the mar- big and many small guttulae, smooth, (17 .0)
gin of receptacle, their cells becoming longer 18.5- 23.1 (25.9) X (9 .5) 10.5-13.2 (14.5) flill,
and more regularly arranged, running parallel Q=l.57- 1.92. Paraphyses clavate, straight or
with the surface of receptacle, 5-11 11m in diam slightly curved, diam at the apex 3- 8 flill·

Fig. 20. Octospora humosa. -A) Margin, t. porrecta (TAA 135658), B) ectal excipulum, t. intricata (Makinen,
68-1497), C) medulla. t. porrecta, living hyphae in water (TAA 135658), D) spore (TAA 135672), E) spores (TAA

Grows amongst mosses Bryum sp. (in one Peziza leucoloma (Hedw.: Gray) Pers. , Mycologia Euro-
specimen), Calliergon sp. (in one specimen), paea I: 296. 1822.
Humaria leucoloma (Hedw.: Gray) Seaver, The North
Ceratodon purpureus (in 16 specimens), Di- American Cup-Fungi (Operculates): 129. 1928.
cranella sp. (in 5 specimens), Pogonatum urni-
gerum (in one specimen), Polytrichum hyper- Apothecium minute, immersed, discoid, up to 2
boreum (in 3 specimens), P. juniperum (in 6 mm in diam, orange when dried. Outside paler,
specimens), P. piliferum (in 6 specimens), P. tomentose, totally covered with mycelium
swartzii (in one specimen), Polytrichum sp. (in which anchors apothecium to the substratum.
one specimen), Pohlia sp. (in 10 specimens), Margin indistinct, fimbriate.
Oligotrichum sp. (in one specimen). Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae
Specimens collected between 20 July and 20 thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary
October. excipulum. Ectal excipulum 50-70 1-1m thick,
Specimens examined: Estonia. P5lvamaa: Taevaskoja, consisting oft. intricata, hyphae 7-10 (24) 1-1m
1985 Kalamees (TAA 124501); 1987, Kalamees (TAA in diam, walls 2-3 1-1m thick. Medullary excipu-
125706); Viljandimaa: K5pu,l993 Kullman (TAA lum 50-200 1-1m thick, t. intricata, hyphae 6-16
117924). Finland. Varsinais-Suomi: Poytya, Kontolan-
rahka, 6478:269, 1994 Jakobson (TAA 135658); Kemio, 1-1m in diam, wall1-2f.Lm thick. Hyphae are reo-
6688 :271, 1966 Kankainen (TUR); Koski , riented towards the margin of receptacle, form-
672703:28960, 1988 Heinonen 22-88 (TUR) ; Nau o, ing t. porrecta, their cells becoming longer and
6691:221, 1994 Jakobson (TAA 135672); Tenhola, more regularly arranged, running parallel with
6665:278, 1987 Saarenoksa 16987 (H); Etela-Hame:
Somerniemi, 6725:491 , 1968 Makinen 68-1479 (TUR);
the surface of receptacle, 5-11 1-1m in diam at
Pohjois-Hame: JyvaskyHi, 1978 Harmaja (H); Pohjois- obtuse end cells of hyphae which form the mar-
Sa o: Kuopio, 6985:547, 1983 Vauras 1567 (TUR); Kes- gin. Hypothecium 50- 60 1-1m thick, consisting
ki-Pohjanmaa: Pulkkila, 1979 Harmaja (H); Oulun Poh- of t. intricata, hyphae 3-5 1-1m in diam. Hy-
janmaa: Oulu, 7210:427, 1965 Ulvinen (OULU); Pudas- menium 160-200 1-1m thick.
jarvi, 72570:5181 , 1991 M. Ohenoja (OULU); Pera-
Pohjanmaa: Ylitornio, 7392:402, 1976 Kaakinen & Kar- Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores asym-
jalahti (OULU); Koillismaa: Posio, 1969 Ulvinen metrical, ellipsoid to subfusoid, hyaline, with
(OULU); Enontekion Lappi: Enontekib, 1979 Harmaja one or occasionally two guttulae, smooth 19.2-
(H); 763:36, 1971 E. Ohenoja (OULU); Inarin Lappi: Inari, 20.8 (21.7) X (8.5) 9.5-9.9 (10.4) f.Lm, Q=1.9-
7608:520, 1965 Pohjola (TUR); 1972 Makinen 72-639
(TUR) ; 7612:518, 1968 Kankainen (TUR) ; Utsjoki,
2.2. Paraphyses clavate, straight or slightly
770:50, 1962 Kallio (TUR); 7738:501 , 1965 Ulvinen curved, diam at the apex 4-5 f.Lm.
(OULU) ; 7741:501 , 1965 Ulvinen (OULU); 7742:499, Grows on calcium rich soil with mosses.
1962 Suominen (TUR); 7741:500, Makinen (TUR); Specimens collected between 25 July and 4
7742:500, 1965 Makinen (TUR) ; 770:50, 1964 Hulkko October.
(TUR) ; 7759:501 , 1962 Kallio (TUR); 7742:500, 1968
Kankainen (TUR); 77420:5004, 1963 Makinen (TUR) .
Specimens examined: Estonia. Tartu : Aardla, on Bryum
Discussion. Paraphyses studied in living state argenteum, Ditrichum sp. and Phascum sp. , 1991 Kull-
in water contained many small orange pigment man (TAA 117657); Lemmatsi, 1989 Kullman (TAA
117312). Finland. Varsinais-Suomi: Sarkisalo, on Bry-
guttulae among regularly distributed hyaline um sp., and Dicranella varia, 6672:270, 1994 Jakobson
guttulae forming perpendicular stripes. When (TAA 135664a); Satakunta: Siikainen, on Barbula con-
the same specimen was studied after herbariza- voluta, Bryum sp. and Leptobryum pyriforme 6867:222,
tion, no hyaline guttulae were found, while only 1990 Vauras & Huhtinen (TUR).
some orange guttulae were present (Fig. 15.).
A significant difference in thickness has 8. Octospora maireana (Seaver) Yei-Zeng
been detected between the older (central, 260 Wang, Special. Publ. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci . Tai-
1-1m) and younger (marginal, 160 f.Lm) parts of wan 4:41. 1992. - Figs. 22D, 23, 24A-B. De-
the hymenium. Accordingly, the thickness of scription see in Kullman (1997).
the hymenium (including ascus length) depends
on the age of the apothecium. 9. Octospora melina (Velen.) Dennis & ltze-
rott, Kew Bull., 28:17. 1973.- Figs. 5, 24C-D,
7. Octospora leucoloma Hedw.: Gray, Natural 25A
Arrangement of British Plants 1:667. 1821. - Humaria melina Velen. , Monogr. Discom. Bohemiae:
Figs. 4, 21, 22A-C, 31A 325 . 1934.

Fig. 21. Octospora leucoloma.- A) Cross-section of apothecium, B) margin, t. porrecta, C) ectal excipulum, medulla
and hypothecium, t. intricata (TAA 117657), D) spores (TAA 117312).

Fig. 22A-C. Octospora leucoloma.- A) Margin, t. porrecta (TAA 117657), B) fruitbody (TAA 117657), C) spores
and hyphae on moss leaf (TAA 117657). - D. 0 . maireana: fruitbody (TAA 11 7649).

Fig. 23. Octospora maireana.- A) Cross-section, B) spores (Fl. Seaver 29.X.1913, isotype), C) spore (TAA 117649),
D) medulla, t. intricata (isotype).

Fig. 24 A- B . Octospora maireana: A) margin, t. porrecta, B) margin (TAA 117649). -C-D. 0. me/ina: C) cross-
section of apothecium, D) ectal excipulum, t. intricata (Alho & A lava, 9.X.l969).

Fig. 25 A. Octospora melina: margin, t. porrecta (Alho & A lava, 9.X.1969). - B- D . 0. miniata: different ornamenta-
tion of spores from the same fruitbody (TAA 135663).

Apothecium minute, cupulate, up to 2 mm in forming t. porrecta, their cells becoming longer

diam, greyish-orange when dried. and more regularly arranged, running parallel
Receptacle two-layered, diameter of hyphae with the surface of receptacle, 6-10 flm in diam
smaller and walls of hyphae thicker in ectal ex- at obtuse end cells of long hyphae which form
cipulum than in medullary excipulum. Ectal ex- the margin. Hypothecium 45- 60 flm thick, con-
cipulum 50-65 flm thick, consisting of t. intri- sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 3-7 flm in diam.
cata, hyphae 5-10 flm in diam, wall 1.5- 2 flm Hymenium 260-270 flm thick.
thick. Medullary excipu1um 350-390 flm thick, Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores globose,
t. intricata, hyphae 10-15 flm in diam, wall up hyaline, uniguttulate; reticulate ornamentation
to 1 flm thick. Hyphae are reoriented towards may be incomplete on some ascospores, ridges
the margin of receptacle, forming t. porrecta, 0.6-0.9 flm wide and 0.5-0.9 flm high, (13.9)
their cells becoming longer and more regularly 14.7 (15 .8) excluding ornamentation. Paraphy-
arranged, running parallel with the surface of ses straight, diam at the apex 3-4 f1m.
receptacle, 6-11 flm in diam, at obtuse end cells Grows on leaves and stems of the moss Enca-
of long hyphae which form the margin. Hy- lypta streptocarpa.
pothecium 85-95 flm thick, consisting of t. in-
tricata, hyphae 3-5 flm in diam. Hymenium Specimen examined: Finland . Varsinais-Suomi: Sarki-
190- 210 flm thick. salo, 66721:2704, 23.IX.1994 Jakobson (TAA 135663).
Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid,
hyaline, uniguttulate, (12.6) 13.4-14.4 (15.8) x 11. Octospora rubens (Boud.) M.M. Moser,
(7.2) 7.9- 8.5 (9.1) flm, excluding ornamenta- Kleine Kryptogamenflora IIA, Ascomyceten:
tion, Q=l.7. Ornamentation consisting of small 110. 1963.- Figs. 12, 26C-D
warts. Paraphyses straight, up to 3- 5 flm in
diam at the apex . Humaria rubens (Boud.) Seaver, The North American
Cup-fungi (0percu1ates) : 127. 1928.
Grows on calcium-rich soil with mosses.

Specimens examined: Finland.Varsinais-Suomi: Parai- Apothecium cupulate, 2-3 mm in diam, orange

nen, 6696:234, on Aloina brevirostris, Bryum sp., Ditri- when dried.
chumflexicaule and Encalypta sp., 9.X.1969 Alava & Receptacle two-layered, ectal excipulum
Alho (TUR) ; Etela-Hame: Tammela, on Bryum sp. and 110-130 flm thick, consisting oft. intricata, hy-
Ceratodon purpureus, 27 .IX.1866 Karsten (H).
phae 10-15 flm in diam, wall 2.5-4 flm thick.
Medullary excipulum 420-960 flm thick, con-
10. Octospora miniata (De Not.) Caillet & sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 20-40 flm in
Moyne, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 96:180. 1980. diam, wall 1-2 flm thick. In the central part of
-Figs. 25B-D, 26A-B, 31C medullary excipulum vertical orientation of hy-
phae may occur. Margin consisting of parallel
Lamprospora miniata De Not. , Comm. Soc. Critt. !tal. running hyphae which form t. porrecta. Hy-
1:388. 1864. pothecium 50-65 flm thick, consisting of t. in-
tricata, hyphae 4-6 flm in diam. Hymenium
Apothecium minute, at first cupulate, later flat-
180-240 flill thick.
tened, up to 1.5 mm in diam, reddish-orange Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid,
when dried. Outside concolorous, glabrous. hyaline, with two guttulae, smooth, (15.1)
Margin dentate, fimbriate, at first raised, later 16.6-17.4 (18.6) X (9.8) 10.4-10.9 (11.6) flm,
backward turned. Q = 1.5-1.6. Paraphyses slightly clavate,
Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae straight or slightly curved, diam at the apex 5- 8
thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary
excipulum. Ectal excipulum 50-80 flill thick, Grows on soil with mosses.
consisting of t. intricata with interwoven epi-
dermoid hyphae, these 8-22 flm in diam, wall Specimens examined: Finland. Kittilan Lappi: Kittila,
1.5-3 flm thick. Medullary excipulum 130-160 with Ditrichum cylindricum, Pogonatum dentatum, Oli-
gotrichum sp, 76748:2530, 16.IX.1991 Viire (OULU);
flm thick, consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 5-8 Inarin Lappi: Utsjoki, with Ceratodon purpureus, Ditri-
flm in diam, wall up to 1 flm thick. Hyphae are chum sp ., Polytrichum alpinum, Pohlia sp. , 7735:503 ,
reoriented towards the margin of receptacle, 18.IX.1965, Pohjola (TUR) .

Fig. 26 A-B. Octospora miniata: A) cross-section of fruitbody, B) margin, t. porrecta (TAA 135663). -C-D. 0.
rubens: C) margin, D) ectal excipulum, t. porrecta (Pohjola , 18.IX.l965).

12. Octospora rustica (Velen.) J. Mora ec, Ces- Lamprospora seaveri Benkert, Zeitschr. Mykol. 53:241.
ka Mykologie 23 :226. 1969. - Figs . 8, 16, 27 1987.
Apothecium minute, cupulate, up to 1 mm in
Humaria rustica Velen., Monogr. Discom. Bohemiae: diam, hymenium orange when dried. Outside
372. 1934. concolorous, glabrous.
Octospora libussae Svrcek & Kubicka, Ceska Mykolo-
gie 17:65. 1963. Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae
thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary
Apothecium minute, cupulate to discoid, up to 2 excipulum. Ectal excipulum up to 60 J..tm thick,
mm in diam, orange when dried . Outside gla- consisting of t. intricata with epidermoid hy-
brous, concolorous. Margin indistinct. phae 8-13 11m in diam, walls 1.5-2 11m thick.
Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae Medullary excipulum 260-290 11m thick, of t.
thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary intricata, hyphae 10-14 11m in diam, wall up to
excipulum. Ectal excipulum 50-55 11m thick, 1 11m thick. Hyphae are reoriented towards the
consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 6- 13 11m in di- margin of receptacle forming t. porrecta, their
ameter, walls 1.5-2 11m thick. Medullary excip- cells becoming longer and more regularly ar-
ulum 160- 190 11m thick, oft. intricata, hyphae ranged, running parallel with the surface of re-
8-15 (23) 11m in diam, wall up to 1 11m thick. ceptacle, 10-22 iJffi in diameter at obtuse end
Hyphae are reoriented towards the margin of re- cells which form the margin. Hypothecium 45-
ceptacle forming t. porrecta, their cells becom- 65 11m thick, consisting of t. intricata. Hy-
ing longer and more regularly arranged, run- menium 210-250 11m thick.
ning parallel with the surface of receptacle, 5- Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores globose,
10 11m in diam at obtuse end cells which form hyaline, uniguttulate, (13.2) 14.7-14.9 (16.4)
the margin. Hypothecium 40- 55 11m thick, con- iJffi excluding ornamentation. Reticulate orna-
sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 4-8 11m in diam. mentation, ridges 0.6- 1.3 11m in diam. Para-
Hymenium 150-200 11m thick. physes straight, slightly clavate, diameter at the
Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores asym- apex 4- 7 11m.
metrical, ellipsoid, hyaline, with one or two Grows on soil with mosses.
guttulae, smooth, (13.2) 14.4-15.4 (17.0) x
Specimens examined: Finland. Uusimaa: Helsinki, on
(7.2) 8.0- 9.4 (10.1.) IJm, Q = 1.8. Bryum sp. , Ceratodon purpureus, 05.Xl.l860 Nylander
Paraphyses straight or slightly curved, in (H) ; EteHi-Hame: Tammela: Mustiala, 26.IX.l866
herbarized material slightly clavate consisting Karsten 2901 (H) .
of few orange guttulae, apex 4.5-7 11m in diam.
Living paraphyses, studied in water, are strong- Discussion. 0 . seaveri differs from the other
ly clavate, diameter at the apex 5.5-14.5 !lffi, species by globose spores with a more irregular
filled with orange guttulae. reticulate ornamentation. The specimens de-
Grows on fireplaces, on soils rich in calcium scribed in this paper were identified by Dr. D.
or on clay with mosses. Benkert.

Specimens examined: Estonia. Viljandimaa: K6pu, on

Pohlia sp., 23.IIX.1993 Kullman (TAA 117888). Fin- 14. Octospora tetraspora (Fuckel) Korf, Myco-
land. Varsinais-Suomi: Poytya, on Ceratodon pur- logia 46 :838. 1945.- Figs. 9, 28, 29A-B
pureus, 6478 :269, 2l.IX.1994 Jakobson (TAA 135656;
TAA 135659); Sarkisalo, on Bryum sp. and Dicranella
Ascobolus tetrasporus Fuckel, Hedwigia 5:4. 1866.
varia , 6672:270, 23.IX. l994 Jakobson (TAA 135664);
Peziza tetraspora (Fuckel) Cooke, Grevillea 3:73. 1874.
Pohjois-Hame: Aanekoski , 29.VII.l982, Harmaja (H).
Humaria tetraspora (Fuckel) Sea er, The North Ameri-
can Cup-Fungi (Operculates): 134. 1928.
Discussion. 0. rustica is similar to 0 . rubens. 0.
rubens has bigger spores and bigger apothecia. Apothecium minute, discoid, up to 2 mm in
diam, hymenium orange when dried, somewhat
darker (brownish) than in Octospora leucolo-
13. Octospora seaveri (Benkert) Yei-Zeng ma. Margin not prominent, fimbriate, dentate.
Wang, Special Publ. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Tai- Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae
wan 4:41. 1992. - Fig. 1 thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary

Fig. 27. Octospora rustica: A) cross-section offruitbody (TAA 135656), B) margin, t. porrecta, C) medulla and ectal
excipulum, t. porrecta (TAA 135664), D-E) spores (TAA 135659).

Fig. 28. Octospora tetraspora : A) outer surface of hymenium (TAA 117656), B) cross-section offruitbody, C) margin,
t. porrecta (TAA 117226), D) spores (TAA 117 226).

Fig. 29 A-B. Octospora tetraspora: A) ectal excipulum , medulla and hypothecium, t. intricata, B) medulla and hy-
pothecium (TAA 117876).- C-D. 0. wrightii: C) cross-section of fruitbody, D) medulla, t. intricata (TAA 135661).

Fig. 30. Octospora wrightii:- A) Margin, t. porrecta. - B-E. Different ornamentation of spores: B) (TAA 135661),
C-E) (TAA 135675).

Fig. 31 A. Octospora leucoloma (TAA 135664A).- B. 0. wrightii (TAA 135661). - C. 0. miniata (TAA 135663).

excipulum. Ectal excipulum 20-30 f.!m thick, consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 5-11 f.!m in
consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 5-11 f.!m in diam, wall 1.5-2 f.!m thick. Medullary excipu-
diam, wall up to 1.5 f.!m thick. Medullary excip- lum 120-190 f.!m thick, of t. intricata, hyphae
ulum 150-180 f.lm thick, consisting of t. intri- 8-11 f.!m in diam, thin-walled, wall up to 1 f.!m
cata, hyphae 7- 15 f.!m in diam, wall up to 1 f.!m thick. Hyphae are reoriented towards the mar-
thick. Hyphae are reoriented towards the mar- gin of receptacle forming t. porrecta, their cells
gin of receptacle forming t. porrecta, their cells becoming longer and more regularly arranged,
becoming longer and more regularly arranged, running parallel with the surface of receptacle,
running parallel with the surface of receptacle, 8-10 f.!m in diam at obtuse end cells which form
6-11 f.!m in di am at obtuse end cells which form the margin . Hypothecium 45-65 f.lm thick, con-
the margin. Hypothecium 30-40 f.!m thick, con- sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 3-6 mm in diam.
sisting of t. intricata, 3-5 f.lm in diam. Hymenium 160-190 f.!m thick.
Asci with 4 ascospores. Ascospores asym- Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores subglo-
metrical, ellipsoid to subfusoid, hyaline, with bose to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, uniguttulate,
one or two big and some small guttulae, ornamentation consisting of warts, (12.3) 13.1
smooth, (18 .9) 22.0-24.4 (25.2) x (9.5) 10.9- (14.5) x (10.7) 11.5 (12.0) f.lm, excluding orna-
11.3 (12.0) f.!m, Q = 2.1. Paraphyses clavate, mentation, Q = 1.2. Paraphyses straight, slight-
straight or slightly curved, diam at the apex ly clavate, diamat the apex 4.5- 9.5 f.!m .
3.5-4 f.!m . Grows on sandy soil on stems and leaves or
Grows on calcium-rich soil, typically among among the moss Amblystegium serpens.
Bryum argenteum.
Specimens collected between 5 July and 14 Specimens examined: Estonia. Tartumaa: Tartu, UTM
November. 3316, 27.V.-10.X.1995 Jakobson (TAA 135675). Fin-
land. Varsinais-Suomi: Sarkisalo, 6672:270, 23.IX.l994
Specimens examined: Estonia. Raplamaa: Kohila, 1995 Jakobson (TAA 135661).
Jakobson (TAA 135682). Viljandimaa: Kopu , 1993
Kullman (TAA 117876); Loodi, 1989 Kullman (TAA Discussion. When measured in water from a
117226). Tartu: Aardla, 1991 Kullman (TAA 117656); living apothecium immediately after collecting,
Rani , 1989 Kullman (TAA 117353).
the diameter of the apex of paraphyses was 4.5-
Discussion. 0 . tetraspora resembles eight- 5.5 f.!m, after being exposed for 2 hours to high
spored 0 . leucoloma but differs from it by four- humidity in a box, the diameter was 7.5-9.5 f.lill
spored asci and bigger ascospores. (Fig. 14.).
The length of asci from the same apothecium
was found to be very variable. Differences in the
15. Octospora wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) length on matured living asci were almost two-
J. Moravec, Ceska Mykologie 23 :227. 1969. - fold , from 110 to 200 f.!m (Fig. 14). Such a dif-
Figs. 14, 29C-D, 30, 31B ference may be caused by the fact that the tips of
matured asci arise clearly above the level of the
Peziza wrightii Berk. & M.A. Curtis, Ann. Mag. Nat. hymenium. This effect can be seen only on a
Hist. III, 15:444. 1865. living apothecium.
Humaria wrightii Boud., Hist. Class. Discom. Eur.: 68.
0. wrightii is characterized by the subglo-
Lamprospora wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Seaver, bose spores and by their tuberculate ornamenta-
Mycologia6:15.1914. tion. 0. wrightii is always found with the moss
Amblystegium serpens. It is phenologically in-
Apothecium immersed or superficial, minute, teresting that the Estonian specimen was col-
at first cupulate, concave, with prominent, thick lected from the same place during a very long
margin , later flattened , convex, with thin mar- period (27.05 .-10.10.).
gin, up to 2 mm in diam, hymenium orange
when dried. Outside concolorous, glabrous.
Margin fimbriate, dentate. 16. Octospora sp., TAA 118091.- Fig. 7
Receptacle two-layered, walls of hyphae Apothecium semi -immersed, minute, discoid,
thicker in ectal excipulum than in medullary concave, up to 1.5 mm in diam, hymenium red-
excipulum. Ectal excipulum 65-100 f.!m thick, dish-orange when dried. Outside concolorous,

covered with hyphae which anchor apothecium Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1987: Contribution a !'etude du
to the substrate. Margin not prominent, thin, genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F. Gray (Pezizales). Es-
peces a spores elliptiques ou fusiformes.- Bull. Soc.
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excipulum. Ectal excipulum 50-55 11m thick, Kurlnds , II ser., I :261-416.
consisting of t. intricata, hyphae 8-14 J.lm in Dietrich, H. A. 1859: Blicke in die Cryptogamenwelt der
Ostseeprovinzen. Zweite Abteilung. - Arch. Naturk.
diam, wall 2-3 11m thick. Medullary excipulum Liv-, Esth-, Kurlands, II ser., 1:487-538.
65-80 11m thick, of t. intricata, hyphae 8-13 Dissing, H. 1981: Four new species ofDiscomycetes (Pe-
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Dissing, H . & Sivertsen, S. 1983: Operculate Discomyc-
ceptacle forming t. porrecta, their cells becom- etes from Rana (Norway) 4. Octospora hygrohyp-
ing longer and more regularly arranged, run- nophila, Peziza prosthetica and Scutellinia mirabilis
ning parallel with the surface of receptacle, 8- spp. nov.- Nordic J. Bot. 3:415- 421.
13 J.lm in diam at obtuse end cells which form Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1985: In Nordwestoberfranken
gefundene Arten der Gattung Octospora Hedwig
the margin. Hypothecium 30-55 J.lm thick, con-
ex S.F.Gray. - Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens
sisting of t. intricata, hyphae 5-7 11m in diam. 9:3- 20.
Hymenium 275-300 J.lm thick. Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1987: In Nordwestoberfranken
Asci with 8 ascospores. Ascospores ellipsoid und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten (Unterfranken) ge-
to subfusoid, hyaline, with one or occasionally fundene Arten der Gattungen Lamprospora De Notaris
und Ramsbottomia W.D.Buckley emend. D.Benkert u.
two guttulae, smooth, (22. 7) 24.1 (26.5) x T.Schumacher. -Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens
(11.7) 12.4 (13.9) J.lm, Q = 1.9. Paraphyses cla- 11/A:3-3 1.
vate, straight, diam at the apex 3.5-4 J.lm. Huhtinen, S. 1987: New Svalbard fungi.- In: Laursen,
Grows on soil with Ceratodon purpureus. G.A. & Ammirati, J.F. (eds.).- Arctic and alpine my-
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Specimen examined: Estonia. Uianemaa: Palivere, Itzerott, H. 1981: Die Gattung Octospora mit besonderer
24.1X.l994 Kullman (TAA 118091 ). Beriicksichtigung der Pfalzer Arten. - Nova Hedwigia
34:265-283 .
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Discussion . This specimen is similar to 0. axil- 0. leucoloma?- Cryptog. Bot. 2:115-117.
laris but differs from it by broader spores. The Kullman, B. 1997: A very rare discomycete, Octospora
value of Q for spores of 0. axillaris is common- maireana, found in Finland.- Karstenia 37:27-33.
ly higher than 2 (2.2 in this work); however, the Raitviir, A. 1963: Notes on the taxonomy ofPezizales.-
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Schumacher, T. 1979: Operculate discomycete (Peziza-
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the les) on river banks in Norway. - Norweg. J. Bot.
Estonian Science Foundation grant No. 131 and Center 26:53-83.
for International Mobility (CIMO) as well as by the Uni- Schumacher, T. 1993: Studies in arctic and alpine Lam-
versity of Turku . We thank Dr. Mart Rahi (Institute of prospora species.- Sydowia 45:307-337.
Zoology and Botany) for assistance in work with SEM, Wang, Y.Z. & Kimbrough, J.W. 1992: Monographic
as well as Kimmo Sytjanen (University of Turku), Nele studies of American species of Octospora preYiousl
Ingerpuu (Institute of Zoology and Botany) for identify- ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). -
ing the mosses and Ms. Ester Jaigma for revisi ng the Special Pub!. Nat!. Mus. Nat. Sci. Taiwan 4:1 - 68.
English text of the manuscript.
Received on 10 January 1997

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globuleu ses . - Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 96:175- 211.

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