Study of Euglenophyta From Camaleao Lake Manaus BR
Study of Euglenophyta From Camaleao Lake Manaus BR
Study of Euglenophyta From Camaleao Lake Manaus BR
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1 author:
Visitación Conforti
Universidad de Buenos Aires
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il total of 85 faxa of Euglenophyfa from CumuleGo Lake (Marchantaria Island, near Manaus, Brazil) have been
sfudied, 20 belonging to the genus Euglena Ehr., 18 to Lepocinclis Perfy and d?’ fo Phacus Dllj. On fhe basis of fhese
observations we propose 5 new species: L. americana, L. claviformes, P. pygmaeus, P. rodriguesiae, P. tropic.alis; 9
new variefies: L. globula var. major, L. c.laviformes var. ornata, L. salina var. caudata, P. acuminatus var.
brasiliensis, P. balatonicus uar. minor, P. horridus var. major, P. meson var. minor, P. segret,ii var. major,
P. sesquit.ortus var. multiannulatus and 3 new forma: E. spirogyra var. fusiformis fo. minor, L. glabra var.
raciborskii fo. gigas and L. salina var. vallicauda fo. minor. Sevenfeen faxa haae been examined by means of
scanning elécfron microscopy.
(1) Dpto. Cs. Biokjgicas, Fac. Cs. Exactas y Naturales, 1128, Pub. II, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Ce11 131-160 pm long, 16-18 prn broad, tail piece
16-18 pm long. The organisms occurring in our sam-
The st-udy area, t.he material and methods have ples were morphologically similar to the taxon
bern described in the first paper of this series (CON- described by CONFORT~ and TELL (1989). Wide-
FORT~, 1993). We have recorded a total of 85
belonging to naked genera of Euglenophyta, Eu-
gkna. Lepocinclis and Phacus (see Annexe). Only new var. charkowiensis (Swir.) Chu (pl. 1, fig. 13; pl. VI,
taxa and t.hose whose ultrastructure was observed figs. 1-3, 7)
arr? described in the text. In some cases, addit.ional
comments on relevant morphological or distribution Ce11 111-134 prn long, 24-25 pm broad, tail piece
characteristics are provided. For S.E.M. obser- 16-18 prn long. The ultrastructure of the specimens
FIG. 1. -E. oblonga ; 2. E. communis ; 3 a, b. E. variabilis; 4. E. limnophila var. minor ; 5. E. limnophila ; 6. E. intermedia var. brevis ;
7. E. acus; 8. E. allorgei ; 9. E. gracilis ; 10. E. spiroides var. annulata; 11. E. tripteris; 12a, b. E. oxyuris; 13. E. osyuris var.
from Camaleao Lake was similar to the organisms dimensions of the ce11 70-79 prn long, 18-20 prn
described by CONFORT~ and TELL (1989). Wide- diam, tail piece 22-25 prn. The warts are very thin in
spread. the base (l-l.2 prn) and expanded to the free end
(3-3.5 pm).
EugZezzasp. (pl. VI, figs. 8-10) The variation of surface ornamentation in
E. spirogyra and related organisms in account of en-
We were unable to determine this taxon which vironmental conditions has been recognized by
was studied wit.h S.E.M., since its morphology differs LEFÈVRE (1934); SKUJA (1948); LEEDALE (1964);
from t-hose observed and determined under the optic LEEDALE et al. (1965) and has recently been con-
microscope. We nevert,heless consider interesting to firmed by DAWSON et al. (1988). Therefore it is inter-
show this mat.erial, because the disposit.ion of t.he esting that, in the same sample, organisms belonging
st,riae adopt during the metabolic movements cari be to same taxon present different development, and
observed. The body exhibits a torsion around its morphology of the warts. Undoubtedly much is left
main axis and a shortening in length, a central dis- to be known in this group of organisms and the
coid zone (13-14 pm diam.) and two conical ones, one causes which determine the presence of different
anterior and another posterior, being differentiated types of cuticular ornamentatidn.
(pl. VI, fig. 8). The cuticular bands which accom-
pany this deformation show at certain places (pl. VI,
fig. 10, arrow) a wider separat,ion (0.7-l pm), which is Lepocinclis Perty
net. maint.ained along the whole interband. L. americana n. sp. (pl. II, figs. 6 a-c ; pl. VII, figs. 7-
E. spirogyru Eh. (pl. II, fig. 8 ; pl. VI, fig. 17 ; Cellulae 49-58 prn long,, 23-30 prn lat., ovoideae, ad
pl. VIII, fig. 1) polum anteriorem rotundatae; ad posteriorem, grada-
tim in caudam longam restrictae. Cuticula striata
C~,ll 70-100 prn long, 10-15 pm broad, t,ail piece sinistrorsum, verrucis conicis ornafa, quae in cazzdam.
10-30 pi, ribbon-like, may present a torsion and dimensionibus minuurzt. Duo magni annuli paramyli.
helicoidal disposition of the striae (pl. VII, fig. 1). Numerosi chloroplasti discoidei. In Camaleao lacu,
The organisms from the Camaleao Lake present Manaus, Brasil. 1X/87, X11/87-1/88, I-111/88. Holo-
more developed warts than those described by DAW- typus tab. II, fig. fib.
SON et al. (1988), l-l.8 prn high, 0.6-l prn broad, con- Ce1149-58 prn long, 26-30 prn diam., ovoid, ante-
stricted in the base and expanded to the free end. rior end rounded, the posterior end gradually ta-
Widespread. pered to a long (13-16.5 prn) cauda. Pellicle striated
to the left, ornamented by conical protuberances,
which decrease in dimensions to the cauda. Two
var. fisca Klebs (pl. II, fig. 3; pl. VI, figs. 13-16)
large lateral rings of paramylon. Numerous discoid
Ce11 130-164 pm long, 21-24 prn broad, tail piece chloroplasts. Stigma and flagellum were not ob-
20-28 prn, ribbon-like, the cellular body may present served .
a torsion and a helicoidal disposition of the striae. This new species resembles L. spirogyra Korschik.
The ultrastructure of this species has been described in the ornamented pellicle but it differs mainly in the
by BCJURRELLY et al. (1976) and by CONFORT~ and shape of its cells, specially in the anterior end.
TELL (1989). Some specimens of the material from
CamaleFio Lake showed shorter warts (0.6-0.7 x 0.5-
L. cZzzvij&mes n. sp. (pl. II, fig. 12)
0.6 ~III) and are formsd by filaments arranged closer
than those found in mat.erials from Argentina or Cellulae 57-62 pm long., 21-23 prn lat., claviformes,
Europe. Widespread. in polzzm anferiorem planae, leviter in medio depressae,
in polum posteriorem gradatim constrictae in conicam,
var. fuszjôrnzis Defl. fo. minor n. fo. (pl. II, fig. 7 ; longam caudam. Cuticula striata sinistrorsum. Duo
pl. VT, figs. 11-12) annuli paramyli laferali. Chloroplasti multi discoidei.
In Camaleao laczz, Manaus, Brasil. X11/87-1/88.
t’ariefate a minoribus dimensionibus differt. Cellu- Holotypus tab. II, fig. 12.
lar TO-79 prn long, 18-20 prn lat. In Camaleao lacu, Ce1157-62 pm long, 21-23 prn diam. ; club-shaped,
Manaus, Brasil, 1X-X/88, X/87. Holotypus tab. II, anterior end flattened, slightly depressed in the cen-
fiY. 7. t,re; posterior end gradually tapered to a conical long
This new forma presented t,he same characteristic,s (13-15 prn) cauda. Pellicle spirally striated to the
as t-lie variety, the only difference being the smaller left. Two large lateral rings of paramylon. Numer-
FIG. 1. - E. ehrenbergii var., baculifera; 2. E. subehrenbergii ; 3. E. spirogyra var. fusra; 4. L. claoiformcs var. ornata;
5a, b. L. spirogyra; Ga-c. L. americana; 7. E. spiropyra Var; fusiformis fo. minor; 8. E. spirogyra ; 0. E. spirogyra var. marchica;
10. L. caudata; 11. L. playfauwna var. striata ; 12. L. clnuiformes; 13. L. piriformis.
ous, discoid rhloroplast,. Stigma and flagellum were decrease by undertucking process (GUTTMAN and
not observed. ZIEGLER, 1974), to the apical pore (pl. VII, fig. 4,
We considered this organisms as a new species, arrow). Widespread.
because the shape of its cells does not resemble that
of any other taxon.
var. but&& (Lemm.) Conr. (pl. III, fig. 7a, b;
pl. VII, fig. 6)
var. ornata n. var. (pl. II, fig. 4)
Ce11 35-40 prn long, 20-23 p.m diam., caudus
A specie differf cuticula ornata. Cellulae 56-59 pm 4-7 prn long. Pellicle helicoidally striated to the left,
long., 19-21 pm lat. In Camaleao lacu, Manaus, Bra- with characteristics similar to those of the typical
sil, IV/SS. Holofypus fab. II, fig. 4. species. Widespread.
This new variet,y presented the same c.haracter-
istics as the species, the only difference being the
pellicle dist.inctively ornamented with protuber- L. phyfairianu var. striata Conf. (pl. II, fig. 11)
The cells observed from the Camaleao Lake were
L. fusifirmis (Carter) Lemm. em. Conr. (pl. III, longer than the spec,imens described by CONFORT~
figs. Sa, b) (1991), 50-55.5 prn long. This variety was originally
reported in materials from Argentina, this is the only
Ce1130-35 pm long., 20-29 prn broad. Some speci- other record of it. in the world.
mens from Camaleao Lake presented four rings of
paramylon instead of t.wo (fig. 8 b). We do not con-
sider this character sufficient to create a new taxon. L. saZina Fritsch (pl. III, fig. 1 ; pl. VII/2, 3)
The organisms recorded from Camaleao Lake were
broader than those described by FRITSCH (1914); 54-
L. glubra var. raciborskii Drez. fo. gigus n. fo. (pl. II I> 60 prn long, 49-51 prn broad. Our observations of the
fig. 15) ultrastruc.ture of this species (pl. VII, figs. 2, 3) were
similar to those described by CONFORT~ and TELL
A variefate majoribus dimensionibus differf. Cellu- (1983). Widespread.
lae 30-37 prn long., 26-32 prn lat. In Camaleao lacu,
Manaus, Brasil, 1X/87. Holofypus fab. III, fig. 15.
This new forma showed charact.eristics identical to var. eaudata n. var. (pl. III, fig. 3)
the variety, the only difference being the larger
dimensions of the ce11 30-37 prn long, 26-32 prn A specie differf cellulis majoribus et polo posferiore
diam. rofundafo cum cauda recfa. Cellulae 43-45 prn long.,
32-34 prn lat. In Camaleao lacu, Manaus, Brasil.
X11/87-1/88. Holofypus fab. III, fig. 3.
L. gZobnZa Perty var. major n. var. (pl. III, fig. 14) This new variety presented the same charact,er-
istics as t,he specie, the difference being the large
A specie majoribus dimensionibus differf. Cellulae
dimensions (43-45 x 32-34 prn) and the posterior end
30-33 prn long., 31-33 prn lat. In Camaleao lacu,
Manaus, Brasil, X11/87-1/%3. Holofypus fab. III,
tapered to a short conical cauda (4-5 pm).
fig. I-1.
These organisms were copsidered as a variety of var. vallicauda Con fo. minor n. fo. (pl. 1II,
L. globula Perty bec.ause t.hey presented the same fig. 2a, b)
morphological characters, they only differed from
the type by the larger dimensions of the cell, 30- A variefate minoribus dimensionibus differt. Cellu-
33 prn long, 31-33 ~II’ diam. lae 43-45 (*rn long., 22.5-28 prn lat. In Camaleao lacu,
Manaus, Brasil. X11/87-1/88. Holofypus fab. I-II,
L. ovum (Ehr.) Lemm. var. ovum (pl. III, figs. 4a, b; fig. 2a.
pl. VII, figs. 4-5) This forma presented the same characteristics as
the variel.y, the only difference being the smaller
Ce1125-36 pm long, 15-22 prn diam. Pellicle heli- dimensions of the cell, 43-45 prn long, 22.5-28 prn
coidally striated to the left. The number of the striae broad, cauda 5-6.5 prn long.
FIG. 1. - L. salina ; 2 a, b. L. salina var. vallicazzda fo. miner ; 3. L. salina var. cazzdafa; 4 a, b. L. ovzzm ; 5 a, b. L. ovum var. globzzla;
6 a-c. L. ooum VBP. dimidio-minor; 7 a, b. L. ovzlm var. bufschlii ; 8 a, b. L. fzzsiformis; 9. L. fzzsiformis var. amphirhynchus ;
10. P. sfokesii fo. minor ; 11. P. acuminafus var. discifera ; 12. P. granum ; 13 a, b. P. balafonicus var. minor ; 14. L. globula var. major;
15. L. glabra var. raciborskii fo. gigas ; 16. P. incrassafus ., 17. P. curvicauda fo. robusfa; 18a, b. P. viguieri; 19. P. brachykentron;
20. P. fexfus ; 21 a, b. P. curvicauda ; 22 a-c. P. segrefii var. major ; 23. P. pygmaeus ; 24. P. anomalus.
P. curvicaudu var. robusta AU. et Lef. (pl. III, fig. 17) Ce1119-24 prn long, 21-25 prn broad. This species
was only found in mat.erials from South America :
Ce11 20.530 prn long, 18.5-26 prn broad. This Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela.
variety was only found in Europe, this is the first
time that it is recorded in America.
P. Zongicaudu (Ehr.) Duj. var. Zongicauda (pl. VII.,
fig. 10; pl. IX, figs. l-2)
P. ephippion Pochm. (pl. V, fig. 11)
Ce11 78-110 pm long, 24-39 prn broad, flattened
Ce1160-63 pm long, 30-33 prn broad. The identifi- with a median longitudinal swelling. Anterior end
cat.ion of t.his species was based on the shape and the broadly rounded, symmetrical, strongly overlapped.
dimensions of t.he cell; the greater number of para- Lateral margins entire. Posterior end tapering into a
mylon bodies rould be due to an extraordinary straight or curved, very long (30-40 prn) pointed
FIG. 1 a, b. - P. confortus ; 2. P. heimii; 3a-c. P. fropicalis, . 4 a, b. P. acuminafus var. brasiliensis ; 5a-c, P. rodriguesiae;
6. P. angulafus ; 7. P. undzzlafus ; 8. P. unguis ; 9C. P. indicus ; 10 a, b. P. raciborskii var. longzzs ; 11. P. orbiczzlaris ; 12. P. orbiczzlaris
fo. gigas; 13. P. hamafus; 14a, b. P. pleztronecfes.
cauda. In frontal view t.he pellicle shows 14 longit,u- the cauda. The organisms recorded from Camaleao
dinal striae. One central disc of paramylon. Wide- Lake were smaller than those described by POCH-
spread. MANN (1942), 74-75 prn long, 21-23 prn broad.
var. insecta Kocz. (pl. V, fig. 6; pl. IX, figs. 5, 6) P. orbiculuris Hübn. (pl. IV, fig. 11; pl. VIII,
figs. l-3)
Ce11 130-157 prn long, 35-45 pm broad, widely
ovat,e with a dorsal swelling that extends the full Ce1171-110 prn long, 40-60 pm diam., orbicular to
lengt,h of the cell, anterior end broadly rounded, globose, asymmetrical, with a central keel running
post,erior end t.apering into a straight or slightly longitudinally along the cellular body determining a
curved, very long cauda (50-70 prn long). Lat.eral triangular shape in polar view. Anterior end asym-
margins irregular, each bearing one or more conspi- metrically rounded, each lateral margin bearing one
C~OUSnot.c.hes (pl. IX, fig. 6). Pellicle longitudinally or more conspicuous notches (pl. VIII, fig. 3). The
striated (3-4 in 10 q). The striae run along the c.ell ce11is furrowed by longitudinal striae (5-6 in 10 p.m),
from t,he apex to t,he posterior end where they reduce they run along the ce11from the apex to the posterior
their number in the cauda. Widespread. end where they reduce their number in the cauda, by
undertucking process (GUTTMAN and ZIEGLER, 1974).
The pellicle also shows very fine transversal striae
var. major fo. insectu Hub.-Pest. (pl. V, fig. 12) very close to each other and forming a straight angle
with the longitudinal striae (13-20 in 10 pm). Wide-
The specimens observed from Latin America were spread.
bigger than those described by HUBBER-PESTALOZZI
(1955) from Hungary : for Argentina (CONFORT~, P. pseudonordstedtii var. minuscula Hub.-Pest. (pl. V,
1991) 193-198 prn long, 49-55 prn broad, cauda 101- fig. 8)
105 pm long; for Camaleao Lake 215-220 prn long,
68-70 prn broad, cauda 130-135 IJ-m long. Ce11 20-24 prn long, 10-12 prn broad, cauda
8-10 p.m long. This variety was described by HUBER-
var. rotundu Hub.-Pest. (pl. V, fig. 7) PESTALOZZI (1955) in materials from Sunda Island of
Sumbarva. This is the flrst time that it is recorded in
Ce11 120-126 pm long, 41-48 prn broad, cauda 54- America.
60 prn long. This variety was only found in tropical
and warm temperat.e areas: Argentina, Brazil, Java. P. pygmueus II. sp. (pl. III, fig. 23)
FIG. 1. - P. plafalea ; 2 a, b. P. plafalea VBP. fiszae ; 3 a, b. P. triquefer; 4. P. lismorensis : 5. Y. rudicula ; 6. P. longicauda var. insecfa ;
7. P. longicauda var. rofunda ; 8. P. pseudonordsfedtii var. minuscula ; 9. P. pseudonordsfedtii : 10. P. sesquiforfus var. mulfiannulafus ;
11. P. ephippion; 12. P. longicauda var. major fo. insecfa; 13 & 17. P. horridus var. major: 14. P. horridus; 15. P. suecicus;
16. P. margarifafus; 18. P. sesquiforfus.
FIG. 1, 2, 3, 7. - E. OXylwiS var. charkomiensis; d-6. E. oxguris; B-10. Euglenu sp il-IL>. E.
SPlrOggra var. fusiformis fo. minor ;
13-16. E. apirogyra var. fmca; 17. E. ,spiP&yra.
FORTI (1989) in materials from Argentina; 47-53 prn tioned (29-30 in 10 pm). The torsion originates in the
long, 12-15 prn broad. apical end, extends along the whole ce11 and pro-
duces two helicoidal rotations. The cellular edge is
strengthened by a broad rounded fringe of 1-15 prn
P. rodriguesiae n. sp. (pl. IV, fig. 5a-c) in width. The ultrastructure of the organisms from
Cellulae 32-34 prn long., 22-24 prn lat., fere qua-
Camaleâo Lake was similar to that described by
CONFORT~ and TELL (1989) in specimens from Argen-
drangulare, asymmetricae. Polus anterior late rotunda-
tina. Australia, Argentina, Brazil.
tus, sulco apicale breve. Margines, unus infegrus, aller
incisus vel uterque cum levi concavitate centrali. Polus
posterior gradatim restrictus in cauda recta, acuta. Cel- var. multiannalatas n. var. (pl. V., fig. 10)
lulae fusiformes a latere visae. Cuticula longitudinali-
ter striata. Granum paramyli, unum trochleare, unum Cellulae 85-90 prn long., 38-40 prn lat. Variefas dif-
disciforme, circundatum alteribus minoribus annulari- ferens praesentia duorum corporum paramyli latera-
busque. Chloroplasti numerosi, discoidei. In Camaleao lium, per quattuor vel quinque annulas superpositos
laeu, Manaus, Brasil. XI/87, IV/SS, 1X-X/88, XI- compositorum. In Camaleâo lacu, Manaus, Brasil.
X11/88. Hololypus tab. IV, fig. 5a. 1X/87. Holotypus tab. V, fig. 10.
Ce1132-34 prn long, 22-24 prn broad, trapezoidal, Ce11 85-90 prn long, 38-40 prn broad, cauda 36-
asymmetrical. Anterior end broadly rounded, 37 prn long. This variety is identical in a11respects to
strongly overlapped, with a short apical furrow. La- P. sesquitortzzs Pochm. differing only in the presence
t,eral margins, one entire and the other with a notch of two lateral paramylon body, each composed by 4
or both with a slight central concavity. Posterior end or 5 superposed rings.
tapered with a straight and acute cauda (7-10 prn
long). Ce11fusiform in lateral view. Periplast longitu-
dinally striated. One bobbin-like paramylon body, P. tortas (Lemm.) Skv. (pl. VIII, fig. 8-9)
and one discoid surrounded by smaller plates or link-
Ce11 66-75 prn long, 26-32 prn broad, cauda 15-
shaped. Numerous, discoid chloroplasts. 20 p,rn long, flat, broadly ovate to broadly elliptic.
We considered that the organisms described as
The cellular body presents only one torsion. On each
P. acuminatus var. acuticauda Pochm. by ALVES DA
face there are 14 to 16 longitudinal striae (5-6 in
SILVA et al. (1991 : 81’7-818, fig. 9) were erroneously
10 prn) which follow the cell’s torsion. Thinner trans-
named. They showed the same characters as this new versal striae extend between those above mentioned
species, therefore they should be determined as (20-22 in 10 pm). The ultrastructure of the specimens
P. rodriguesiae.
from Camaleâo Lake was similar to those observed
by CONFORT~ and TELL (1989) in materials from
P. segreti var. major n. var. (pl. III, figs. 22a-c) Argentina. Widespread.
FIG. l-2. - P. longicauda; 3-4. P. meson var. minor; 5-6. P. longicauda var. insecta; 7-9. P. horridus.
Number of taxa
19 22 24 27 31 45 58 67 70 89
Sample number
P. tropicalis tends to resemble P. pulcher Roll, but Five were only found in tropical and warm tem-
differs through its median longitudinal swelling perate regions: L. caudata, P. contortus, P. longicauda
instead a keel and the presence of its bobbin-like var. rotunda, P. pseudonordsfedtii var. minusculus
paramylon body. and P. raciborskii var. longus.
Three were recorded for the first time for S0ut.h
America: E. spirogyra var. marchica, P. acuminatus
P. viguieri AU. et Lef. (pl. III, fig. 18) var. discifera, and P. curvicauda fo. robusfa.
Ce1129-31 prn long, 26-28 prn broad. This species Forty three presented a widespread or cosmo-
was seldom founded, France, Argent,ina and Brazil. politan distribut.ion.
Six were examined and photographed by means of
a S.E.M. for the flrst time: E. spirogyra var. fusifor-
mis fo. minor, L. americana, L. ovum, L. ovum var.
CONCLUSIONS butschlii, P. meson var. minor and P. longicauda var.
insecta. The highest numbers of Euglena t,axa were
Among the 85 taxa described in this paper, 17 found in the samples number 22 and 67, presenting
were considered as new taxa: E. spirogyra var. fusi- each 12 taxa. Sample 27 contained 12 Lepocinclis
formis fo. minor, L. americana, L. glabra var. raci- taxa and 15 taxa of the genus Phacus were found in
borskii fo. gigas, L. globula var. major, L. claviformes, sample 67 (pl. X). These three samples 22, 27 and 67
L. claviformes var. ornata, L. salina var. caudata,, were collected during the low water period, pre-
L. salina var. vallicauda fo. minor, P. acuminatus sented high concentrations of dissolved oxygen
var. brasiliensis, P. balatonicus var. minor, P. horri- (10.2 g/l) and dissolved solids (105 mg/l), high con-
dus var. major, P. meson var. miner, P. pygmaeus, ductivity (762 S/cm), low transparency (0.10 m) and
P. rodriguesiae, P. segretii var. major, P. sesquitortus were slightly basic pH (7.6).
var. multiannulafus and P. tropicalis. Samples number 89 and 58 were the least diverse,
Seven taxa were only recorded for America: presenting 5 and 8 taxa respectively.
E. comunis, E. spiroides var. annulata, L. piriformis, Considering the 220 euglenophyt,a taxa recorded
L. playfairiana var. striata, P. contortus; P. incrassa- from the Camaleao Lake and described in parts 1, II
~USand P. raciborskii var. longus. and III of t.his work (pl. Y), 90 belong to the genus
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de Sao Jeronimo, Rio Grande do SUI, Brasil. Reu. Bra- 61-69.
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turc de la ruticule de quelques eugléniens : 1. Eugfena France 71 (4) : 1115-1129.
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Camaleao Lake (Manaus-Brazil) 1. Trachelomonas Ehr.
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ture and physiology of Euglena spirogyra I-II, III-VI.
(V.), 1994. - Study of the Euglenophyta Arch. Mikrobiol. 50 : 68-102, 133-155.
Camaleao Lake (Manaus-Brazil) II. Sfrombomonas Defl. LEFÈVRE (M.), 1934. - Recherches sur la biologie et la systé-
Reu. Hydrobiol. trop. 26 (3) : 187-197. matique de quelques Eugléniens. Reu. algol. 7 : 139-148.
COMFC)RTI (V.), TELL (G.). 1983. - Disposition de las bandas y PocHn%.4NN (A.), 1942. - Synopsis der Gattnng Phacus. Arch.
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(Euglenophyta) observadas en M.E.B. Noua Hedw. 38 :
SKUJA (H.), 1948. - Taxonomie des Phytoplanktons einiger
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CONFORTI (V.), TELL (G.), 1989. - Ult,rastructure of the pel-
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List of Euglena, Lepocitzclis and Phacus taxa from the Camaleao Lake (Manaus, Brazil).
Bold figures indicate sample number,
and the referenc.e to the illustration is given by plate and illustration number.
Liste des espèces collectées dans le lac de Camaleüo (Manaus, Brésil) des genres Euglena, Lepocinc.lis et Phacus.
Les nombres en gras indiquent le numéro des échantillons; l’illustration correspondante est donnée par le numéro de
la planche et de la figure dans la planche.