Lithin's Medicine Cabinet
Lithin's Medicine Cabinet
Lithin's Medicine Cabinet
our players throughout there adventures will Sparsely Vegetated Land
come across a number of potions, poisons, and 1d100 Materials Found
other concoctions made from various
ingredients they'll come across as they travel. 0-50 Nothing
The following is a series of rules as well as 51-85 Common
resources that expand on the already existing
rules for potions and poisons within the Player's 86-97 Uncommon
Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide. All rules, keywords, 98-100 Rare
or otherwise that are not immediately referenced in this
document are sourced from one of those two books, and will Densely Vegetated Land
easily be found in one of either books index. 1d100 Materials Found
Crafting Concoctions 0-30 Nothing
A creature proficient in Alchemist's Supplies or a Poisoner's 31-75 Common
Kit can spend an hour of intense focus and precise work to 76-95 Uncommon
properly mix and prepare ingredients to create a concoction.
Both potions and poisons are considered concoctions for the 96-100 Rare
purpose of this rule. All concoctions have required recipes.
Recipes are decided by your dungeon master as appropriate, Bountiful Land
though this document suggests a number of recipes for 1d100 Materials Found
certain concoctions.
0-15 Nothing
Gathering Ingredients 16-65 Common
All across the land are plants and such that could easily be 66-90 Uncommon
used or utilized to make incredible creations. Those trained in
the art of herbalism are able to properly analyze and 91-100 Rare
recognize these properties when inspecting a plant.
Depending on the rarity of the ingredient, each ingredient
will have different DC's required for the nature or herbalism
kit check required to identify the ingredients properties. This
DC is 10 for common, 15 for uncommon, and 20 for rare.
It takes 1 hour of time to forage for ingredients. When
foraging for herbs, attempt a DC 15 Nature or Herbalism Kit
check. If you succeed, you will find different kinds and
different amounts dependent on the area you are foraging in.
This is usually up to the dungeon master, but there are
supplementary tables below which can help in this process
and making the decision. Keep in mind that even a successful
check can lead to no results if the land bears no fruit.
If you would find a reagent of some kind, roll 1d6 + your
Intelligence or Wisdom modifier, and receive that many of the
reagent in question.
Barren Land
1d100 Materials Found
1-95 Nothing
96-99 Common
100 Uncommon
Arid Land
1d100 Materials Found
0-80 Nothing
81-95 Common
96-99 Uncommon
100 Rare
Ingredient Types
There will always be different breeds of flora and fawna which
all have different alchemical and poisonous properties. Below
is a list of tables showing examples of different ingredients
listed under the locations you would find them. When using
the supplementary tables earlier to decide the abundance of
plants that your players may find, you may also roll here to see
which kind of reagent they manage to find.
Grassland Ingredient Tables Mountain Ingredient Tables
1d6 Common Ingredient 1d6 Common Ingredient
1 Axebeak Beak 1 Alchemist Bush
2 Belladonna Roots 2 Alpine Oak Seeds
3 Green Spike Roots 3 Black Stone Rose
4 Lion Bulbs 4 Misty Mountain Flower Petals
5 Mazdarr Flowers 5 Northern Pine Bark
6 Purple Spike Roots 6 Red Bugbear Feathers
1d4 Uncommon Ingredient 1d4 Uncommon Ingredient
1 Abjurant Onions 1 Dragon Bat
2 Nightweird Berries 2 Elemental Fragment
3 Pelorian Sunflowers 3 Magma Petals
4 Sachaddar Roots 4 Timberwolf Skull
1d2 Rare Ingredient 1d2 Rare Ingredient
1 Fethzar Flowers 2 Frostbane Claw
2 Roots of the Eldar 1 Shard of Anthracite
Using Ingredients as a DM
When creating recipes for your players it is important to havec
ommon ingredients create weaker concoctions, and rare
create more powerful varieties. The following is a list of
example recipes to use as a guideline.
Example Recipes
Concoction Recipe
Potion of Healing Seafoam Lily x2
Potion of Fire Resistance Magma Petal x2, Dragon Bat x1
Myrden's Wrath* Roots of the Eldar x1
Expanded Concoctions Curse of the Blighted Merchant
The following is a list of new concoctions which have all Rare Poison
relevant details included within their descriptions. All Condition: Ingested
references to contact, ingests, inhaled, or injury refer to the Duration: 1 week
rules on poisons in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Recipe: Froghemoth Eye + Troll Foot + Purple Worm Hide
Bad Taste
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
Uncommon Poison duration. While this poison persists, the creature is unable to
Condition: Contact speak properly around merchants or vendors of any kind; it's
Duration: 1 hour actually the contrary. Whenever the poisoned creature speaks
Recipe: Black Toad Spores + Desecrated Marsh [x2] to a merchant or similar they are unable to go thirty seconds
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13 without saying something incredibly rude and disrespectful. It
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer is not uncommon for this effect to cause merchants to raise
disadvantage on Charisma saving throws for the remainder of their prices.
the poisons duration. Death's Sleep
Blinding Eye Rare Poison
Uncommon Poison Condition: Ingested
Condition: Contact Duration: 24 hours
Duration: 1 hour Recipe: Jellyfish Legs + Purple Worm Hide + Scorpionshell
Recipe: Ankheg Acid + Beholder Eye Berries + Scourge of the Dew
Woodland Leaves A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 15
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn 1d4 rounds
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer after consuming the poison, or become poisoned for the
disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws for the remainder of duration. They also suffer an additional effect based on their
the poisons duration. size. Small sized or smaller creatures instantly die, Medium
creatures fall into unconscious so long as they are poisoned,
Blood of Jordon and Large sized or larger creatures fall unconscious for the
Rare Potion duration of the poison or until they take damage or are shaken
awake with an action.
Condition: Ingested
Duration: 1 hour
Recipe: Frozen Mammoth Blood [x2] + Roots of the Eldar
When you drink this potion your physical form is enhanced
like that of great warriors before you for the duration. While
this potion is active whenever you hit a creature with an
unarmed strike or improvised weapon attack you deal an
additional 1d6 points of damage.
Bree Windrums Venom
Uncommon Poison
Condition: Injury
Duration: Up to 4 hours
Recipe: Sea Hags Skin [x2] + Blood of the Horseshoe Crab
A creature hit by a weapon or ammunition coated with this
poison must succed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
take 6d6 poison damage. If the creature fails the saving throw
by 5 or more they are also poisoned for 1d4 hours. Once
applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute or until a
creature is hit with the weapon.
Cobras Eye
Uncommon Poison
Condition: Inhaled
Duration: 1 minute
Recipe: Traveller's Petal + Magma Petals + Abjurant Onions
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
duration. When a creature poisoned in this way starts its turn
it takes 1d4 poison damage.
Death's Vomit Freezing Veins
Rare Poison Common Poison
Condition: Inhaled Condition: Injury
Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 Minute
Recipe: Fethzar Flowers + Leaves of a Treant + Shard of Recipe: Ice Spider Venom + Pixie Lichen
Obsidian A creature hit by a weapon or ammunition coated with this
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 15 poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
Constitution saving throw or provoke opportunity attacks from become poisoned for the duration. While poisoned in this way
every creature within range who did not also fail this saving the effected creature is also restrained.
throw, and become poisoned fur the duration. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute or
until a creature is hit with the weapon.
Dwarf's Plague
Uncommon or Rare Poison Juice of the Librarian
Condition: Ingested Uncommon Potion
Duration: Up to 1 week Condition: Ingested
Uncommon Recipe: Dragon Bat + Timberwolf Skull + Duration: 12 hours
Ormyne Petals Recipe: Ice Spider Venom + Pixie Lichen
Rare Recipe: Dragon Bat + Timberwolf Skull [x3] + Shard of A creature who drinks this potion has their mind enhanced
Anthracite [x2] for the duration. Until the effects end the creature has a +5
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13 bonus to any ability checks made when attempting to cast
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the from spell scrolls or scribe spells into a spellbook.
duration or until they complete a long rest. So long as a
creature is poisoned in this way they suffer a -2 to their King of Filth
Constitution score. Uncommon or Rare Poison
A rare version of this poison has an increased DC of 15 and Condition: Ingested
instead reduces their Constitution score by 4. Duration: Up to 1 week
Farmer's Back Uncommon Recipe: Lizardfolk Tail + Black Toad Spores [x2]
Uncommon or Rare Poison Rare Recipe: Lizardfolk Tail + Black Toad Spores [x2] +
Froghemoth Eye [x2]
Condition: Ingested A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13
Duration: Up to 1 week Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
Uncommon Recipe: Pelorian Sunflowers + Scourge of duration or until they complete a long rest. So long as a
Woodland Leaves [x2] creature is poisoned in this way they suffer a -2 to their
Rare Recipe: Pelorian Sunflowers + Fethzar Flowers [x2] Charisma score.
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13 A rare version of this poison has an increased DC of 15 and
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the instead reduces their Charisma score by 4.
duration or until they complete a long rest. So long as a
creature is poisoned in this way they suffer a -2 to their Kingsly Awareness
Dexterity score. Common Potion
A rare version of this poison has an increased DC of 15 and Condition: Ingested
instead reduces their Dexterity score by 4. Duration: 1 hour
Recipe: Oasis Water + Fresh Water Lily
A creature who drinks this potion has their senses enhanced
for the duration. Until the effects end the creature adds twice
their proficiency bonus to Wisdom (perception) checks.
Knights Weakness Myrden's Wrath Spell Changes
Uncommon or Rare Poison 1d4 Effect
Condition: Ingested
Duration: Up to 1 week The caster gains a +1 to hit with any spell attacks
1 required for the spell, and a +1 to the DC of any of the
Uncommon Recipe: Elemental Fragment [x2] + Lizardfolk spells saving throws.
Rare Recipe: Elemental Fragment [x2] + Shard of Anthracite 2
All of the spells damage dice size increase by one dice
[x2] category (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.)
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13 3 The spell fails and the spell slot is lost.
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the The magical energy overwhelms you. You must
duration or until they complete a long rest. So long as a 4 succed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become
creature is poisoned in this way they suffer a -2 to their stunned until the end of your next turn.
Strength score.
A rare version of this poison has an increased DC of 15 and Old Man's Stumble
instead reduces their Strength score by 4. Uncommon Poison
Megellon's Brew Condition: Ingested
Rare Potion Duration: 24 hours
Condition: Ingested **Recipe:**Ice Spider Venom + Freeze Dried Sabretooth Paw
Duration: 1 hour + Pixie Lichen
Recipe: Scorpionshell Dew + Frostbane Claw + Blue Lotus A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13
Petals Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
A creature who drinks this potion has their body enveloped in duration. In addition to this, a creature poisoned in this way
a glowing aura of righteousness. For the duration any undead misses the first attack it attempts after being poisoned. If the
that starts it's turn within 10 feet of the effected creature must creature succeeded the saving throw, it instead makes the first
succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be turned as per attack afterwords with disadvantage.
the Turn Undead cleric channel divinity. Poor Form
Miranda's Breakdown Uncommon Poison
Rare Poison Condition: Contact
Condition: Injury Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 1 Minute Recipe: Lizardfolk Tail + Magma Petals + Abjurant Onions
Recipe: Coast Anemone + Jellyfish Legs + Sea Hags Skin [x2] A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13
A creature hit by a weapon or ammunition coated with this Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer
poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or disadvantage on Strength saving throws for the remainder of
become poisoned for the duration and fall prone into a fit of the poisons duration.
sobbing and tears. While poisoned in this way the effected Quick Feet
creature is also incapacitated and their movement speed is Rare Potion
reduced to 0. A creature can reattempt this saving throw
whenever they take damage, removing the incapacitation and Condition: Ingested
restoring their movement speed on a successful save. Once Duration: 1 minute
applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute or until a Recipe: Troll Foot [x3]
creature is hit with the weapon. A creature who drinks this potion has it's walking speed
Myrden's Wrath increased by 10 feet for the duration. In addition, the creature
Rare Potion has the ability to take the dash action as a bonus action so
long as the effects of the potion are active.
Condition: Ingested
Duration: 1 minute Slow Learner
Recipe: Roots of the Eldar [x2] + Obsidian Shard [x1] Uncommon Poison
A creature who drinks this potion has arcane energy Condition: Contact
enhanced in a way that focuses their destructive power. When Duration: 1 hour
a creature under the effects of this potion casts an evocation Recipe: Satyr Horns + Arctic Cottongrass + Sea Hag Skin
spell they must roll 1d4 and have their spell augmented as A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13
shown below in the following chart. Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer
disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws for the remainder
of the poisons duration.
Soul Weakening Weak Legs
Uncommon or Rare Poison Rare Poison
Condition: Ingested Condition: Inhaled
Duration: Up to 1 week Duration: 1 minute
Uncommon Recipe: Sachaddar Roots [x2] + Scourge of the Recipe: Roots of the Eldar + Jellyfish Legs [x2]
Woodland Leaves A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13
Rare Recipe: Sachaddar Roots [x2] + Scourge of the Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
Woodland Leaves + Shard of Obsidian [x2] duration. While poisoned in this way an effected creatures
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 13 movement speed is reduced by 10.
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
duration or until they complete a long rest. So long as a Zook's Safehaven
creature is poisoned in this way they suffer a -2 to their Rare Potion
Wisdom score. Condition: Ingested
A rare version of this poison has an increased DC of 15 and Duration: 1 hour
instead reduces their Wisdom score by 4. Recipe: Blue Lotus Petals [x2] + Purple Worm Hide
Squeaky Joints A creature who drinks this potion becomes shrouded in anti-
Uncommon Poison magic for the duration or until this potions effects activate for
the first time. When you are targeted with a spell or a spell is
Condition: Contact cast that effects you, you completely ignore the effects of the
Duration: 1 hour spell. Once this has happened once, this potions effects end.
Recipe: Coast Hound Fur + Rust Carapace + Travellers Petal
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer
disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws for the remainder of
the poisons duration.
Blind Robber's Smell
Rare Poison
Condition: Ingested
Duration: 24 hours
Recipe: Rust Carapace [x2] + Blue Lotus Petal + Shard of
A creature who ingests this poison must succeed a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the
duration. In addition to this, a creature poisoned in this way
fails the first saving throw it attempts after being poisoned. If
the creature succeeded the saving throw, it instead makes the
first saving throw afterwords with disadvantage.
Thundercrack Gas
Rare Poison
Condition: Inhaled
Duration: Up to 4 hours
Recipe: Shard of Anthracite + Shard of Obsidian +
Froghemoth Eye
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the Credits
duration. While poisoned in this way an effected creature is
also deafened. Art Credit: All 6 pieces of potion art commissioned
by Lithin from Til-Beth-Do-Us-Art who can be found
Upset Stomach at
Uncommon Poison
Content Credit: Potion, recipe, and other content
Condition: Contact concepts written and created by Lithin, who also
Duration: 1 hour commissioned the formatting.
Recipe: Nixter Berries + Nightweird Berries + Ankheg Acid
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed a DC 13 Formatting Credit: Document formatted, edited, and
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned and suffer otherwise put together by Desmon Arnold,
Desmon#9507 on Discord or u/Mikazel on Reddit
disadvantage on Constitution saving throws for the remainder
of the poisons duration.