3238576-5E Plant Harvesting Guide
3238576-5E Plant Harvesting Guide
3238576-5E Plant Harvesting Guide
Introduction: This guide provides a list of herbs, weeds, leaves and other tree parts, including aquatic
plant life that can be harvested and used. The guide includes a remake of the herbalist tool kit and
skill, and many item cards and imagery.
The guide includes the name of localized herbalist NPCs to be used, along with an adaptable herbalist
NPC sheet.
Harvestables can be used as craftables as the DM sees fit or be included in rare search quests.
DM Tool
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 1
Table of Contents
Finding Plants ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Variant simplified rules ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Identifying Plants....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Herbalist kit................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Notes on Alchemy....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Buying / Selling Plants.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Common Plants........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Notable Trees .............................................................................................................................................................................................14
Uncommon Plants ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Rare Plants................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Special Plants ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix A – Farming plants..............................................................................................................................................................33
Appendix B – Rolling Tables for Plants ..........................................................................................................................................36
Appendix C – Plant loot table..............................................................................................................................................................48
Appendix D – Special Plant Legends ................................................................................................................................................50
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 2
Regional Flora
Note that a plant that is common in a region isn’t necessarily
1492 DR, logging this information is Ardanian common in another. A prime example is the Underdark.
Plants commonly found in the Underdark are uncommon or
Pulveneck, wizard tower scribe; Waterdeep. After
rare anywhere else as they only grow underground.
gathering a collection of tomes and pocket books from
travelers, alchemists, enchanters and scholars, we have
combines single works into a massive illustrated guide Variant simplified rules
to chronicle the use of local and exotic plant life.
If instead of finding the plants by their name and uses,
to craft or use raw, you can follow this simplified set of
Do note that we will skip most culinary obvious flora,
such as common fruits and vegetables.
Once you know your player has found common or
—Ardanian, Waterdeep Scribe
uncommon plants, roll (D4) on this table to know the
use of the plants:
Finding Plants
When players go into the wilderness during their Roll Plant Use Value
adventures, they may want to scavenge for plants. Have Common Uncommon
them roll a survival check. You can use the following 1 Cooking / Brewing 1s/lb 2s/lb
table to see what they find: 2 Crafting 1s/lb 2s/lb
3 Spell component 2s/lb 5s/lb
Roll Find Description 4 Alchemy See below
1 Nothing
2-5 1d4 Common Plant Bundles For cooking/brewing, crafting and spell components,
6-9 2d4 Common Plant Bundles they can just be added to the player’s inventory to be
10-14 1d4 Common Plant + 1d4 Uncommon Plant
sold at any market. For alchemy, then roll on the
15-19 1d4 Rare Plant
20-24 1d4 Common, Uncommon, Rare Plant (each) following table to know the type of effect the plant has.
Nat 20 2d4 Common Plant, 2d4 Rare plant
30 1 specimen of a special plant Roll Alchemy effect Value per bundle
Common Uncommon
You can choose a different plant for each bundle, or 1 Healing 1s 2s
have it be several bundles of the same plant. 2 Poison 1s 2s
3 Alteration 2c 4c
In the instance that the players are looking for a specific 4 Elemental 5c 1s
type of plant, the DC is as follow: 5 Explosive 5c 1s
6 Environmental 2c 4c
Plant Type DC
Common DC10 For crafting, just use a plant of the right effect in potion
Uncommon DC15
making. Healing, explosive and poison are self-
Rare DC20
Special* DC30
*Special plants are usually part of a quest, but allow Alteration: Changes in a state, such as invisibility and
legendary finds for high level players who honed their stone skin.
associated survival stat.
Elemental: Any effects related to elements, especially
For items found in treasure, see Appendix C. resistance.
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Rare and Special herbs don’t have a general form and of three small shears used to cut plants, a small hand
remain specific. shovel to dig roots and a pair of gloves are kept in the
compartment, resistant to spines and offering full
Healing plants protection from poisons. A small cloth piece is also
For healing plants, you can use them as is, without any folded, to wear on one’s face to protect from spores
potion making. They can restock a healing kit or be and other vapor some plants may have. The main
consumed as is. compartment is used to store collected plants.
Common plants give 1 hp back. Uncommon plant give Proficiency with the herbalist kit can be granted by the
1d4 hp back. DM at will or acquired during intensive studying with
an herbalist for at least 1 month (use downtime or split
Poison plants with small studies over a longer period to achieve).
For poisonous plants, you can use them as is, without
Formula: INT + Prof (double proficiency score if player
any potion making. They can restock a poisoner’s kit or
has proficiency with the kit). In interpretation, this will
be consumed as is (best mixed in food/drink for
equal having nature proficiency for anyone without
proficiency with the kit.
Common plants take 1 hp away. Uncommon plant do
Proficiency with herbalist kit gives advantage to plant
1d4 damage and set the poisoned condition for 1d4
identification and when using survival to find specific
TIP: Have fun in roleplay by being inventive on the
The herbalist kit is 5gp and weighs 3lbs when emptied
plant’s taste, smell and texture, or even adding a non-
of plants.
invasive side effect, like a mild voice change.
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Seed: When a seed is used in alchemy, it is either Environment: Woodland / Tundra
ground into a powder once dried, or boiled and then Description: A small to medium sized nut that grows on
collected as a concoction. Oak trees. This bland nut gains taste when roasted, and
can be eaten as is or powdered for flavor. It is also used
Rare: This pertains to rather specific plants that have in decorative crafts, especially by kids. Once gilded, it
other components. Some may have milk stored in the does hold properties to channel nature magic.
stem, or some carnivorous plants may have venom Uses: Component, Food
pustules to be harvested. Alchemical property: None
Price: 1c / 10 acorns
Additionally, some plants will have an effect if
consumed or even touched without any alchemical Algae
manipulation. Environment: Aquatic – Ocean / Sea
Description: Looks like sea moss.
Any non-edible plant consumed regardless will give the Uses: Reagent
consumer no nutrition benefit (won’t avoid starvation Alchemical property: Base
exhaustion) and a bad belly ache, resulting in Alchemical part: Flesh
disadvantage on all checks until your next short or long Alchemical effect: None
rest. Price: 5c / lb.
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Barrelstalk Uses: Food
Environment: Underdark Alchemical property: None
Description: A barrelstalk is a large, cask-shaped fungus Price: 2s / lb
that can be tapped and drained of the fresh water
stored within it. A single barrelstalk contains 1d4 + 4 Cabbage
gallons of water and yields 1d6 + 4 pounds of food. 2 Environment: Farms / Any region
Uses: Edible / Water Description: Green slick leaves bunched in a ball. Grows
Alchemical property: None close to the soil.
Price: 1s / lb. Uses: Cooking – vegetable. Used in the Stinking Cloud
spell. In medicine, leaves can be used to help reduce
Beucephalandra swelling and pain of bruises.
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water Alchemical property: None
Description: This plant had deep green leaves with Price: 1s / lb.
purple highlights and a bright orange spiked flower at
the center. Cactus
Uses: The flower is edible (sweet) / Alchemy Environment: Farms / Desert
Alchemical property: Paralysis Description: Large spiny plants holding water in their
Alchemical part: Flesh core.
Alchemical effect: Hinders movement (Disadvantage on Uses: Cooking – fruit and flesh can be used in exotic
DEX saves) if consumed recipes.
Price: 1s / lb. Alchemical property: Vitality
Alchemical part: Flesh / juices
Bluecap Mushroom3 Alchemical effect: Consumed as is, this can reduce one
Environment: Underdark level of exhaustion. While harvesting, roll a D20 luck
Description: Bluecap was inedible in its raw state, but it die. On a critical failure, the harvester takes 1 point of
could be ground into a bland flour and baked into damage. This can be avoided by using a herbalist kit to
nutritious sporebread (also called bluebread). harvest.
Uses: Edible – Powder makes bread Price: 1s / lb. (Flesh) / 5s / lb. (Fruit)
Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s / lb. Carrots
Environment: Farms / Any region
Blyxa Grass Description: Tubal root, most often orange (sometimes
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water yellow or purple) with dense green leaves.
Description: This looks like a vibrant patch of lime Uses: Cooking – vegetable. Used in the Darkvision spell.
colored grass. It has a tangy flavor. Alchemical property: Sight improvement
Uses: Edible – Usually in salads Alchemical part: Root
Alchemical property: None Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s / lb. Price: 1s / lb.
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Description: Bush with small black round berries. Alchemical effect: Consuming these will cause nausea
Identifiable by the fact that this bush grows very few and numbness of extremities for 1d4 hours.
berries at a time. Disadvantage on all DEX rolls.
Uses: Cooking / Alchemy. Price: 5c / lb.
Alchemical property: Healing (curative)
Alchemical part: Fruit / Flesh Dancing Monkey Fruit4
Alchemical effect: None Environment: Jungle (Chult)
Price: 1s / lb. Description: This bumpy red magical fruit produces
enough tasty juice to fill a vial.
Collards Uses: Juice.
Environment: Tundra Alchemical property: Poison
Description: Collards are a deep green and tolerate Alchemical part: Juice
freezing temperatures, and can even be harvested Alchemical effect: DC 14 CON save or for 1 min. feel the
throughout the winter. Collards will taste sweeter if compulsion to comically dance. All movement is to be
harvested after a frost. used in this dance each turn.
Uses: Cooking / Vegetable Price: 1c Each
Alchemical property: None
Price: 2c / lb. Deadly Nightshade
Environment: Mountains / Temperate
Corn (Wild Corn) Description: Bush that produces dark-purple, slightly-
Environment: Woodlands / Farm sweet berries and pale-green, oval leaves.
Description: Grows on tall sturdy stalks, with the fruit Uses: Poison.
wrapped in leaves. It is a grainy white and yellow cob. Alchemical property: Poison
Eating as is (boiled) or dried and ground into flour to Alchemical part: Fruit
bake into things like cornbread. Dried grains also serve Alchemical effect: Consuming these will cause 1d4 dmg
for livestock feed. It is very easy to grow. It the wild, per berry ingested
you usually find 3-5 stalks of these together in sunlit Price: 1c / berry
Uses: Cooking Devil’s Ivy
Alchemical property: None Environment: Underdark
Price: 5c / lb. Description: Bright green leaves with a striped pattern,
growing on crawling vines.
Cranberry Uses: Decorative
Environment: Farms / Woodlands / Mountains / Alchemical property: None
Temperate Price: 2s / plant
Description: Red berry growing on a leafy bush. This
berry looks like dark red circle the size of a thumb. Sour Dwarf Baby Tears
to the taste. Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water
Uses: Cooking – popular in baking and juices. Description: Tiny bright green leaves growing on a thick
Alchemical property: Base in common healing potions. bush. Resembles water thyme.
Alchemical part: Juice Uses: Alchemy / Cooking (Tastes a bit like fish sauce)
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: Shrink
Price: 3s / lb. Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: None
Creeper berries Price: 3c / lb.
Environment: Fields / Mountains / Temperate
Description: These bright blue berries grow on creeping
thorny vines, often set on a rocky surface.
Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Numbing / Analgesic 4Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1, 2017).
Alchemical part: Juice Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
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Elderberries Description: Blueish-green moss that emits a dim light.
Environment: Fields / Temperate Uses: Used in the Light spell.
Description: A shrub 3 to 13 feet tall with showy white Alchemical property: Light
flower clusters. The raw berries are often too rank and Alchemical part: Dry flesh
tart for direct consumption. The large white flower Alchemical effect: If harvested without gloves or
clusters, dipped in batter and fried, make superior herbalist kit, it makes your hands glow until washed
fritters. When the berries are dried in the sun, they lose thoroughly with water. Stealth checks are impossible.
their bitterness and store well. They can also be Price: 5s / lb.
reconstituted in boiling water for use in muffins and pie
fillings. Gooseberry
Uses: Cooking / Baking / Alchemy Environment: Farms / Woodlands / Fields / Temperate
Alchemical property: Suggestion Description: Red or green berry growing on a leafy bush.
Alchemical part: Fruit / Flesh This berry looks like a large juicy circle. Sweet to the
Alchemical effect: None taste.
Price: 2c / lb. Uses: Cooking – popular in baking.
Alchemical property: Reagent in healing potions. Often
Flax used in perfumes.
Environment: All land based region (surface) Alchemical part: Juice
Description: Flax is a tall flower with a violet set of Alchemical effect: None
petals and seeds set to its core. The seed is edible and Price: 3s / lb.
very nutritious, while the plant fibers can be weaved
into light fabrics. Holly Berry
Uses: Cooking / Textile (Fabric) Environment: Mountains / Temperate
Alchemical property: None Description: Bright red small berries bundled on the
Price: 1s / plant branch of a small bush furnished with waxy green leaves.
Uses: Used to cast Conjure Woodland Beings.
Frogbit Alchemical property: None
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water Price: 3s / lb.
Description: These large cup leaves float to the surface
of the water. You often find frogs on them. Hops
Uses: Alchemy Environment: Farms / Fields / Any region
Alchemical property: Speed Description: Green bud on a hops plant. Looks similar
Alchemical part: Flesh to a closed pinecone.
Alchemical effect: None Uses: Cooking – yeast and brewing.
Price: 1s / lb. Alchemical property: Helps with the potency of a potion
Alchemical part: Dry flesh
Garlic Alchemical effect: None
Environment: Farms / Woodlands / Temperate Price: 1s / lb.
Description: White fragrant bulbs grown in ground with
vibrant green stems. Hot Peppers
Uses: Cooking – spice. Environment: Farms / Desert
Alchemical property: Oil can serve as a base for Description: Vine plant with small tubal fruit (red,
alteration potions. Protection from evil / Purification yellow, orange)
Alchemical part: Oils / Flesh Uses: Cooking –vegetable / spice (spicy). Used in the
Alchemical effect: Eating 1lb or more of raw garlic gives Dragon’s breath spell.
you disadvantage on all charm or persuade attempt for Alchemical property: None
1d4 hour (you stink). Price: 5s / lb.
Price: 1c / 5 bulbs
Java Moss
Glow Moss Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water
Environment: Farms / Underdark
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Description: Vibrant green moss growing on a branch- Alchemical property: None
like stalk. Price: 1s / lb.
Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Energy Menga Bush
Alchemical part: Flesh Environment: Jungle (Chult)
Alchemical effect: Removes 1 level of exhaustion Description: The dried leaves of a menga bush can be
Price: 3c / lb. ground, dissolved in a liquid, heated, and ingested. A
creature that ingests 1 ounce of menga leaves in this
Kelp fashion regains 1 hit point. A creature that ingests more
Environment: Farms / Aquatic than 5 ounces of menga leaves in a 24-hour period gains
Description: Green plant living under water. no additional benefit and must succeed on a DC 11
Uses: Cooking – vegetable for sea dwellers. Feed for Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 hour.
fish. The unconscious creature awakens if it takes at least 5
Alchemical property: Water breathing damage on one turn. 5
Alchemical part: Flesh Uses: Cooking – spice.
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: Healing
Price: 2s / lb. Alchemical part: Leaves / Flesh
Alchemical effect: See above
Lavender Price: 5c / Bundle (1 Plant = 1 Bundle)
Environment: Farms / Coastal
Description: A shrub-like perennial with purple flowers. Mint
Uses: Cooking – spice. Environment: Farms / Fields / Temperate
Alchemical property: Suggestion. Often used in Description: Green fragrant leafy stems cluttered in a
perfumes. small tree-like bush.
Price: 2s / lb. Uses: Cooking – spice.
Alchemical property: Cold / Healing
Licorice Alchemical part: Flesh and Dry flesh
Environment: Coastal / Marshes Alchemical effect: None
Description: Flowering green twig type plant with dark, Price: 5c / Bundle (1 Plant = 1 Bundle)
fragrant roots.
Uses: Used in cooking as a spice or to create candies. It Mother-in-law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)
is also used to caste the Haste spell. Environment: Underdark
Alchemical property: Speed / alteration Description: These look like large blades of glossy grass
Alchemical part: Root and provide much oxygen. They are found nearer to the
Alchemical effect: None surface and close to cave entrances. Nobility often has
Price: 2s / lb. several potted versions in their home.
Uses: Decorative / Clean Air / Alchemy
Lime Alchemical property: Air, Purification
Environment: Farms / Jungle Alchemical part: Flesh
Description: Small green fruit with a sour / bitter taste. Alchemical effect: None
Uses: Cooking – the juices are used for flavor. Also Price: 1g / plant
used in the Flesh to stone spell.
Alchemical property: None Mulberries
Price: 1s / lb. Environment: Temperate / Fields
Description: Small green bush with bundled red and
Lithop deep purple berries.
Environment: Underdark Uses: Cooking / Baking / Alchemy
Description: This mushroom often is overlooked, passed
over for looking like a flat pebble.
Uses: Cooking – Eaten raw or ground dried as a spice, 5Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1, 2017).
tastes salty Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
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Alchemical property: Physical Strength Description: A bioluminescent green moss that grows in
Alchemical part: Fruit warm and damp areas, ormu is particularly common
Alchemical effect: None near steam tunnels and vents. It sheds dim light in a 5-
Price: 1s / lb. foot radius, and can be harvested, dried, and made into
a phosphorescent powder or pigment.8
Nightlight Uses: In paint or as light
Environment: Underdark Alchemical property: None
Description: A nightlight is a tall and tube-shaped Price: 1c / g. of powder
bioluminescent mushroom that grows to a height of 1d6
+ 4 feet and emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and Oyster Mushroom
dim light for an additional 15 feet. A nightlight that is Environment: Coastal / Marsh / Farm
uprooted or destroyed goes dark after 1 round. If a Description: These button-like mushrooms grow on top
living nightlight is touched, either by a creature or an a long-curbed stalk, usual in bundles of 20-30
object, its light goes out until it is touched again.6 mushrooms. They have a hint of fishy taste to them.
Uses: Torch / Light Uses: Cooking
Alchemical property: None Alchemical property: None
Price: 1c Each Price: 3s / lb
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make one nauseous and feverish for 3d4 days. Aloe and Uses: Used in graves or mass graves to compost flesh
other healing ointments make the itch tolerable, but and keep undead scavengers away.
there is no cure for the ailments when eating the plant. Alchemical property: Stench
Price: None, no one wants this thing. Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: None (but it tastes awful, gag-
Pumpkin worthy)
Environment: Farms / Any region Price: 1c / lb.
Description: A large vine fruit that grows a bright orange,
circular. Ryath9
Uses: Cooking – baking (especially pies). Environment: Jungle (Chult)
Alchemical property: Divination Description: A colorful tuber plant with thick deep roots.
Alchemical part: Seed Uses: Medicine
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: Healing / Poison
Price: 2c Each Alchemical part: Root
Alchemical effect: Any creature that ingests a ryath root
Raspberry gains 2d4 temporary hit points. A creature that
Environment: Farms / Woodlands / Fields / Temperate consumes more than one ryath root in a 24-hour period
Description: Red berry growing on a leafy bush. This must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
berry looks like an agglomeration of tiny round berries. suffer the poisoned condition for 1 hour.
Sweet to the taste. Price: 2g / bundle
Uses: Cooking – popular in baking and jellies.
Alchemical property: Base in common healing potions. Sea Grass
Often used in perfumes. Environment: Aquatic – Ocean / Sea
Alchemical part: Juice Description: Looks like land grass but underwater.
Alchemical effect: None Uses: Bitter food used as sea ration – very nutritious
Price: 3s / lb. Alchemical property: None
Price: 1c / bundle
Environment: Farms / Fields / Woodlands / Temperate Sea Lettuce
Description: Bush of long fuzzy stems topped with a Environment: Aquatic – Ocean / Sea
large leaf. Description: Looks like an underwater viscous bush of
Uses: Cooking – vegetable. Used in the Merf’s Acid roman lettuce.
Arrow spell. Uses: Cooking - Raw
Alchemical property: None Alchemical property: None
Price: 2c / lb. Price: 1s / lb.
Roses Seaweed
Environment: Farms / Fields / Any region Environment: Farms / Aquatic
Description: Delicate thorny flower growing in a bush. Description: Green plant living under water.
Comes in a variety of colors but most often pink or red. Uses: Cooking – vegetable for sea dwellers / used in
Uses: Cooking – spice. Used in the Sleep spell. sushi.
Alchemical property: Seduction / Suggestion / Alchemical property: Immunity
Relaxation. Often used in perfumes. Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical part: Oil Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical effect: None Price: 2s / lb.
Price: 3c Each
Rot Moss
Environment: Underdark
Description: Dark brown or green mushy moss with a 9Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1, 2017).
strong stench of rot. Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
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Skunk Cabbage Sumac
Environment: Coastal / Marshes Environment: Temperate Plains, Hills and Fields
Description: This reddish, gnarly plant grows in very Description: Flowering plant in warm colors, growing in
moist areas. It has a think shell and you can feel heat a cone-like shape. Found mostly in the shade.
coming off it. Though nutritious, it is very foul tasting. Uses: Leaves are used in the flame blade spell
Uses: Emergency food - Alchemy Alchemical property: None
Alchemical property: Heat / Fire Price: 1c / bundle
Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: None Sweetsop
Price: 1s / lb. Environment: Temperate Plains, Woodlands and Fields
Description: Light green kidney shaped fruit that grows
Sinda10 on a short leafy tree.
Environment: Jungle (Chult) Uses: Cooking / Baking
Description: A bush with many dark brown, bitter Alchemical property: None
tasting berries. Price: 5c / lb.
Uses: Cooking (dulls bitterness of a drink)
Alchemical property: Resistance to poison / disease Timmask
Alchemical part: Fruit Environment: Underdark
Alchemical effect: Gives advantage during saving throws Description: Also known as “the devil’s mushroom,” a
against poison / disease for 24 hours. timmask is a two-foot-tall toadstool with orange and red
Price: 2s / bundle stripes across its beige cap. Uprooting or destroying a
timmask causes it to expel a 15-foot-radius cloud of
Snowberries poisonous spores. Creatures in the area must succeed at
Environment: Tundra a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. While
Description: Birds also love Snowberry shrubs. While poisoned in this way, the creature is under the effect of
these shrubs are known for their white bulbs and a confusion spell with a duration of 1 minute. When the
berries, they also come in different colors, like pink and spell effect ends, the poisoned condition also ends.11
red. The berries grow in autumn and last into the Uses: Scent enhancer
winter. Alchemical property: Poison
Uses: Cooking – light tart flavor Alchemical part: Spore powder
Alchemical property: Cold Resistance Alchemical effect: See above
Alchemical part: Juice Price: 1s / g. of spore powder
Alchemical effect: None
Price: 5c / handful OR 2s / lb Torchstalk
Environment: Underdark
Strawberry Description: A one- to two-foot-tall mushroom with a
Environment: Farms / Woodlands / Fields / Mountains / combustible cap, a single torchstalk burns for 24 hours
Temperate once lit. There is a 1-in-6 chance that a torchstalk
Description: Red berry growing on a leafy bush. This explodes when lit, bursting into a cloud of fiery spores.
berry looks like a seedy heart. Sweet to the taste. Creatures within 10 feet of an exploding torchstalk take
Uses: Cooking – popular in baking and jellies. 3 (1d6) fire damage. 12
Alchemical property: Reagent in common healing Uses: Explosive
potions. Often used in perfumes. Alchemical property: None
Alchemical part: Juice Price: None
Alchemical effect: None
Price: 3s / lb.
11 Christopher Perkins, Adam Lee, Richard Whitters (September 1,
2015). Out of the Abyss. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 22. ISBN 978-0-7869-6581-6.
10 Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1, 12 Christopher Perkins, Adam Lee, Richard Whitters (September 1,
2017). Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of 2015). Out of the Abyss. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
the Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3. Coast), p. 22. ISBN 978-0-7869-6581-6.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 12
Trilimac Wasabi
Environment: Underdark Environment: Farms / Coastal / Marsh
Description: A trillimac is a mushroom that grows to a Description: Bush of long stems topped with a large
height of four to five feet, and has a broad gray-green waxy leaf.
cap and a light gray stalk. The cap’s leathery surface can Uses: Cooking – spice paste.
be cut and cleaned for use in making maps, hats, and Alchemical property: Fire / Heat
scrolls (its surface takes on dyes and inks well). The stalk Alchemical part: Root
can be cleaned, soaked in water for an hour, then dried Alchemical effect: DC5 CON save (optional) if consumed
to make a palatable food akin to bread. Each trillimac normally, else it burns the tongue and is too spicy for
stalk provides 1d6 + 4 pounds of food..13 the player (RP effect only). If consumed in large amount,
Uses: Edible / Water a gob / handful etc., roll a CON save with a DC 15, else
Alchemical property: None suffer severe indigestion (1 exhaustion point).
Price: 1s / lb. Price: 1c / g.
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Uses: Alchemy saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Alchemical property: Water breathing effect on itself on a success.
Alchemical part: Flesh Price: 2s / bundle
Alchemical effect: None
Price: 2s / Bundle Notable Trees
Witches’ Butter Most trees are not used in anything special, other than
Environment: Underdark to identify a region, provide oxygen-rich air and add a
Description: Parasitic mushroom that grows onto other touch of green to a yard.
fungi. Its ondulations resembles that of a yellow brain,
earning it it’s nickname. As food, the extremities can be However, a few hold components that have proven to
heated up and melt into a butter-like substance that is be useful.
Uses: Cooking *Note: Fruits from fruit trees are listed in the regular
Alchemical property: None plants section.
Price: 1s / lb.
Cinnamon trees
Wolffia Druvia Environment: Jungle
Environment: Underdark Description: Large trees with waxy oval leaves and a
Description: These tiny red plants, which fully grow is spotted trunk.
the size of a small seed, tends to float on still water. Fruit: None
Uses: Alchemy Uses: The grounded bark is used as a spice, often in
Alchemical property: Acid baking.
Alchemical part: Flesh Alchemical property: Fire / Heat
Alchemical effect: If the plant is intact, the stomach Alchemical part: Dry flesh (bark)
acids can handle it. However, chewing it will cause the Alchemical effect: None
mouth to burn and cause 1hp acid damage. It does the Price: 1c / 5g. of bark
same to the skin if crushed in bare hands.
Price: 1c / g. Mistletoe trees
Environment: Temperate Mountains
Zabou Mushroom16 Description: Leaf tree with its leaves and flowers (small
Environment: Jungle (Chult) round white or red berries) growing in small bushes to
Description: Zabou mushrooms feed on offal and the the tip of its branches.
rotting wood of dead trees. If handled carefully, a zabou Fruit: Mistletoe berries – non-edible
can be picked or uprooted without causing it to release Uses: The bush is used to cast Goodberry and Pass
its spores. If crushed or struck, a zabou releases its without a trace. Also used decoratively during varies
spores in a 10-foot-radius sphere. A zabou can also be holidays.
hurled up to 30 feet away or dropped like a grenade, Alchemical property: None
releasing its cloud of spores on impact. Price: 5c / bundle
Uses: Sometimes used as an improvised poison grenade.
Alchemical property: Poison Oak trees
Alchemical part: Spores (seed) Environment: Temperate Plains, Hills, Woodlands and
Alchemical effect: Any creature in that area must Mountains
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be Description: Large trees with green spirally leaves.
poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature's skin They have variations based on their locations (sub-
itches for the duration. The creature can repeat the species), with some having some serration on the
Fruit: Acorns
Uses: Acorn can be used in some cooking but are
16 Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1,
tougher nuts to use, so are seldom demanded. The
2017). Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of shells however serve as a component for some spells
the Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 14
using nuts as a general items. The bark is also of use Description: Thick layered trunk, usually dark in color
for casting skin toughening spells. with soft needle-like leaves and red olive-looking fruits.
Alchemical property: Skin hardening These can have incredibly old lives.
Alchemical part: Dry flesh (bark) Fruit: Aril berry
Alchemical effect: None Uses: Leaves are used to cast Detect poison & disease.
Price: 1c. / 5g. of bark Alchemical property: Temporal / Alteration – Poison
Alchemical part: Dry flesh (bark); Fruit
Pine trees Alchemical effect: Consumed as is, each berry causes
Environment: Temperate Plains, Hills, Woodlands and 2d4 poison damage per hour for 1d10 hours, inflicting
Mountains the poisoned effect
Description: conifer tree with long needles and Price: Leaves are not sold / bought as they are needed
pleasant fragrance. fresh or else they won’t work. The bark sells for 5s / lb.
Fruit: Pinecone and seeds sell for 1g. per handful, but only to magical
Uses: Pine tar is used for casting skin toughening spells. tree nurseries.
Alchemical property: None
Uncommon Plants
Price: 5c / lb. of tar
Wukka tree17 These plants are found with a bit of searching. You can
Environment: Jungle (Chult) select the plants found when the player character rolls,
Description: A wukka nut rattles when shaken, causing or use the tables in Appendix B, based on where the
its shell to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim players are located.
light for an additional 10 feet. This magical light fades
after 1 minute, but shaking the nut again causes the Alinaes
light to reappear. If the shell of the nut is cracked open, Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean
it loses its magic. Description: This long solitary tendril is bioluminescent
Uses: Nuts emit light – makeshift lantern and looks like it comes from another world. It is found
Alchemical property: None. in the very deep areas of the Ocean, where light is rare.
Price: 1c Each (Nut) Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Blindness
Wychwood Alchemical part: Flesh
Environment: Temperate Mountains Alchemical effect: None
Description: Twisting tree with vibrant green serrated Price: 2s / plant
leaves and undulating branches. It has smooth pale
bark covering it. Allspice (Tree)
Fruit: None Environment: Woodland / Farm
Uses: A branch is used to cast Dancing Light. Description: These grow like little bunches of round nuts
Alchemical property: None ranging from deep red to dark purple in bright leafy
Price: 1c. per small branch. Dead Wychwood is also trees. They are dried and ground into a spice.
popular for fabricating wands, so piles of deadwood Uses: Cooking / Brewing
branches sell for as much as 2g. per branch. Must be Alchemical property: None
found on a tree that died naturally or was hit by Price: 1c / g.
lightning. A DC 15 deception check could trick a
merchant on that respect. Apple (Tree)
Environment: Woodland / Farm
Yew trees Description: These are commonly eaten fruit. They are
Environment: Jungle common in towns as many orchards grow them, but in
the wild, they are harder to find in forests. They are tart
in the summer, sweet in the fall.
Uses: Cooking / Baking / Raw
17 Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 1, Alchemical property: None
2017). Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of Price: 1c / each
the Coast), p. 205. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 15
Arrow Root petals, serving as sensor. It smells metallic and a bit of
Environment: Temperate rot, attracting its favorite prey: the stirge. When a
Description: These thick tubal roots are starchy and creature touches the opened plant, it snaps closed,
savory tasting. They are popular in sweets. sinking its thorns into any part that is too large to fit it,
Uses: Cooking / Baking grappling the create (no save), causing 1d4 acid damage
Alchemical property: None at the end of the creature’s turn. A STR Save of DC 10
Price: 1c / g. frees the creature (as long as it isn’t fully engulphed).
Uses: Alchemy
Arrowhead Balsamroot Alchemical property: Acidic
Environment: Temperate Alchemical part: Nectar (Red stick liquid)
Description: These grow in green patches, similar to Alchemical effect: None
clover. The leafy part looks like jagged arrowheads and Price: 2s / vial
the patches often give off a faint spiced scent.
Uses: Feed – Animals get more out of these then Basil
regular grass, and they prefer it, usually. Cooking – The Environment: Temperate Fields
green isn’t very nutritious for humanoid, however, Description: These flat jagged savory leaves grow in
renown foraging cook Germaine Laddlefoot has thick low bushes where they get a lot of sun.
discovered that the oily roots can be squeezed to Uses: Cooking
produce a rich flavored oil (Balsamic) or fermented into Alchemical property: None
a delicious variant of vinegar. Price: 2c / plant
Alchemical property: None
Price: 5s / lb (root) OR 5c / vial of oil Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom
Environment: Temperate / Mountains
Artichoke Description: This fungus looks like white limp tendrils,
Environment: Coastal / Marsh / Farm similar to the leaves of a willow tree. It needs little to
Description: These deep green vegetables look like small, no heat to grow. It has a bitter taste but is quite
spiky trees with a stumpy stalk. Their hearts are popular nutritious.
in fancier cuisine. Uses: Alchemy / Cooking
Uses: Cooking Alchemical property: Anti-parasitic
Alchemical property: None Alchemical part: Flesh
Price: 5s / lb Alchemical effect: None
Price: 2s / lb.
Environment: Woodland / Farm Beet
Description: These grow in bundles of deep green stalks Environment: Temperate Fields
with a tiny floret at the tip. They have a savory taste Description: These starchy, earthy purple vegetables
and smell to them and known to be quite nutritious. with staining juices.
Uses: Cooking Uses: Cooking
Alchemical property: None Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s / lb. Price: 1s / lb
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Alchemical part: Rare Description: These grow on thick stalks with large green
Alchemical effect: Dryness, CON Save DC 10 or take 1d4 grainy flowers on top, growing under a foot in height.
points of necrotic damage as the contact area looses They do look like tiny green trees.
moisture Uses: Cooking
Price: 2s / vial Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s / lb.
Bitter Pads
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water Brown Water Grass
Description: These orange leafy pads are found on still Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water
water. They are often used by bugs and amphibians as a Description: This is like giant grass with brown blades,
perch. It is softer than the green version and the middle looking similar to partially rotten grass, which grows at
is a bitter paste, making it chewable and surprisingly rich the bottom of deep freshwater bodies. It is viscous to
in protein. the touch and serves as a hiding spot for many a
Uses: Cooking creature.
Alchemical property: None Uses: Alchemy
Price: 1c / plant (Most shops don’t buy them unless Alchemical property: Dye
very far from points of civilization) Alchemical part: Oil
Alchemical effect: None
Black Blood Price: 1s / vial
Environment: Underdark
Description: This moss is often mistaken for mold, due Cacti of the North
to it’s brown, bloated appearance and stench similar to Environment: Woodland
mildew. It pulses and ooze black, thick tar-like liquid, Description: This golden flower has a rich red center,
that the locals often dilute in a bit of water to create ink. with small prickly thorns around it’s seed and nectar pod.
In cooking, this bitter liquid adds a boost of vitamins and Uses: Decoration / Alchemy
nutrients, and is often consumed in small parts so it can Alchemical property: Healing
be swallowed whole to avoid the taste. Alchemical part: Nectar
Uses: Alchemy / Ink / Cooking Alchemical effect: 1hp if a person pricks themselves on
Alchemical property: Dye the thorns (crit fail on harvesting)
Alchemical part: Oil Price: 2c. / plant or 1s vial of nectar
Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s / vial Cape SwordCoast
Environment: Temperate / Woodlands
Bottom Snag Description: This flower is a carnivorous plant, with long
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water curved green tendrils, each filled with spike-like tiny sap
Description: This plant grows in tendril bushes, with 5-6 covered arms. It slowly grasps insects landing on it’s
long whip-like deep green tendrils with jagged edges. surface and injects it with digestive juices.
When a creature swims too close, it wraps around it to Uses: Alchemy / Pest Control
grapple it (Dex Save DC 15 to avoid – 1 piercing damage Alchemical property: Poison / Stuns
/ STR Save DC 5 or be grappled). The Bottom Snag then Alchemical part: Juice / Flesh
absorbs the blood of the creature when its thorns pierce Alchemical effect: If consumed, the sap of the plant will
the skin. Some will cultivate the whole plant to use as a slow a person’s movement down to 5 speed for 1d4
trap in shallow channels. hours. Speaking and thinking will be difficult during that
Uses: Alchemy / Trap time.
Alchemical property: Strength Enhancement Price: 2s / plant
Alchemical part: Oil
Alchemical effect: None Cardamom
Price: 1g / vial Environment: Woodland / Farm
Description: Grows in leafy bushes. These bushes grow
Broccoli seed pods that are very washed out green with ridges,
Environment: Woodland / Farm
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with dark seeds in them. These are dried and used in Description: These small herbs or green bushy plants
cooking. grow bundles of light beige seeds. The plant is used as
Uses: Cooking / Alchemy cilantro in cooking, while the seeds is referred to as
Alchemical property: Reagent coriander.
Alchemical part: Oil Uses: Cooking
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: None
Price: 2c / g. or 1s / vial of oil Price: 2c / g.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 18
Cumin Description: Looks like regular hops but with a much
Environment: Desert / Farm thicker, yellowed stalk. The flesh is much toucher but
Description: Cumin is created from the seeds of a also seeps a clear bitter juice.
spindly and bush-like white flower that grows in the Uses: Brewing. Halfling are the only experts in
desert. The seeds are dried then ground. processing this tougher plant. However, the ale brewed
Uses: Cooking with Delect is far more flavorful (and stronger) than that
Alchemical property: None brewed with standard hops.
Price: 2c / g. Alchemical property: None
Price: 3s / lb. – only processed first. Non processed,
Darkness Breakers only bought by halfling brewers at 2c / lb.
Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean
Description: This tri-leaf plant grows in dark corners of Devil Tails
the sea / ocean and glows bright white through Environment: Field
bioluminescence. Description: These bushes of flexible black stalks end
Uses: Alchemy with a pointy triangle (not sturdy enough to cause harm).
Alchemical property: Light They are very light and sway in the wind like tentacles.
Alchemical part: Flesh Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: Flight
Price: 1s / lb Alchemical part: Dry flesh
Alchemical effect: None
Death Camas Price: 2g / g.
Environment: Mountains
Description: These long stalks grow a bunch of small Dragon’s Gold
white flowers at the tip. They give off a faint sweet Environment: Underdark
scent. It is nearly indistinguishable from its edible Description: Also known as Luminescent moss, this
cousin, except that the bulb of the flower has prickly underground moss grows near moisture and produces
yellow thorns. light when in the dark. It’s golden glow earns it its name.
Uses: Alchemy Uses: Alchemy / Light
Alchemical property: Poison Alchemical property: Light
Alchemical part: Oil / Flesh Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: If consumed, the person must do a Alchemical effect: If kept alive, it produces low light for
DC15 CON save or take 5d6 poison damage and is easy makeshift torches.
poisoned for 1 hour. Price: 2s / lb.
Price: 5s / bundle (must prove they are poisonous, so
keep the root system) – sells only in underbellies Echinacea
Environment: Field
Deep Sea Pods Description: These purple flowers have a thick, fuzzy
Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean maroon center.
Description: This plant looks like a plantation of small Uses: Alchemy
pearl-like pods sticking to hard surfaces, like coral and Alchemical property: Healing
rock. Merfolk use it as jewelry. Alchemical part: Wet Flesh
Uses: Alchemy / Jewelry Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical property: Reagent Price: 1s / plant
Alchemical part: Oil
Alchemical effect: None Eelgrass
Price: 1g / handful Environment: Aquatic – Ocean / Sea
Description: Looks like think grass with wide blades and
Delects a pasty taste. It can be dried and used as flour, on the
Environment: Farms / Temperate surface, often used to bake cake.
Uses: Cooking
Alchemical property: None
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Price: 5c / lb. summer. And then, in autumn and winter, they grow red,
orange, or yellow berries.
False Anemone Uses: Cooking – Spicy-Bitter
Environment: Farms / Aquatic Alchemical property: Cold Resistance
Description: Looks like an anemone with tubal tendrils, Alchemical part: Juice
but with bright orange flowers at the end. This plant is Alchemical effect: None
carnivorous and has concealed spines into each flower, Price: 1s / lb
that stabs and injects numbing venom in any creature
touching its petals. An unaware adventurer that toys Hemp
with this plant will need to roll a DC15 DEX save or take Environment: Farm – Any/All
1 point of piercing damage and be injected by the Description: This green plant with edgy leaves has a very
venom (see below). fibrous stalk that can be used in crafting fabrics and
Uses: Cooking – Merfolk delicacy. sturdy ropes.
Alchemical property: Numbing / Muscle relaxant Uses: Textile / Rope
Alchemical part: Venom Alchemical property: None
Alchemical effect: If stung by the plant, or the venom Price: 5c / lb.
ingested, roll a CON save with a DC 10 or be paralyzed
for 1d4 hours. Honeysuckle
Price: 2s / lb. Environment: Field
Description: These tiny golden blooms grow on tall leafy
False Sea Foam stalks. They give off a pleasant, sweet scent similar to
Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean honey.
Description: This plant looks like teal moss floating on Uses: Decoration / Alchemy
the surface of various seas and ocean. It has white lines Alchemical property: Calming
tigering it, looking like foam at a distance. Alchemical part: Nectar
Uses: Alchemy Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical property: Buoyancy / Floating Price: 2c / plant or 1s / vial of oil
Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: None Hyssop
Price: 5s / lb Environment: Temperate Fields / Tundra
Description: Violet, bundled flower. This herb can
Fire Lichen withstand the coldest winter months.
Environment: Underdark Uses: Cooking – Brewing – Flavor for tea and soups
Description: Recognizable by its stalks of pale orange- Alchemical property: Healing
white. When ground to powder and fermented, it Alchemical part: Flesh
formed a paste that was very spicy but edible, added to Alchemical effect: It helps clear bronchitis and mucus.
soups and stews or spread on sporebread for flavor. Price: 1s / bundle
Uses: Cooking – Brewing – Duergar specialty (hot
alcoholic beverage)18. Illusory Oyster
Alchemical property: None Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean
Price: 2s / lb. Description: This plant looks just like an Oyster,
attached to deep rocks, but is a rough moss like plant.
Firethorn Berries (Bush) Uses: Alchemy
Environment: Tundra Alchemical property: Illusion
Description: Firethorn shrubs add color to the landscape Alchemical part: Flesh
year-round. These shrubs flower from spring to mid- Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s / plant
18Christopher Perkins, Adam Lee, Richard Whitters (September 1, Environment: Temperate fields / Tundra
2015). Out of the Abyss. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 22. ISBN 978-0-7869-6581-6.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 20
Description: Small and white bell-like flower, bundled. impossible to see, but on a full moon, it is
This frost-resistant flower thrives in shady gardens and bioluminescent (bright green).
most soils and climates since it is hardy. It can invade a Uses: Alchemy
garden. Alchemical property: Invisibility
Uses: Gardening / Decorations / Alchemy Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical property: Expansion Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical part: Wet root Price: 1g / g.
Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s Each / 1g for pouch of seeds
Nuphar Lutea
Mandrake Root Environment: Coastal / Marsh
Environment: Jungle Description: This rich yellow flower looks like a golden
Description: Small green bushy plant with bright purple daisy protected by a barrier of petals, curled around its
flowers and large roots often shaped like a small center.
humanoid. Uses: Dye / Gardening / Alchemy
Uses: Used in the creation of Homunculus. Alchemical property: Dye (Overwrites any liquid’s color
Alchemical property: Control / Psychic and turns it bright golden)
Alchemical part: Root Alchemical part: Oil
Alchemical effect: If consumed as is, the consumer Alchemical effect: Stains
becomes dazed for 1d4 hours, having disadvantage on Price: 1c per plant
all WIS/INT checks.
Price: 1s Each Nutmeg
Environment: Woodland / Farm
Marrimo Moss Ball Description: Nutmeg grows in a short tree, fruiting into
Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water hard nuts. The flesh is then dried and ground for a rich
Description: Small green ball of moss, in a near perfect flavor, popular in baking.
orb shape. Uses: Cooking / Baking
Uses: Cooking – Those juicy balls are eaten raw as a Alchemical property: None
bitter snack. Price: 2c / g.
Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s Each Oregano
Environment: Temperate Fields / Farm
Milkweed Description: These rich crisp savory leaves grow in thick
Environment: Woodland low bushes where they get a lot of sun.
Description: This violet plant has small white blooms Uses: Cooking
and thick bulbous stalks, excreting white liquid if broken Alchemical property: None
or cut. Price: 2c / plant
Uses: Gardening (Attracts butterflies) / Alchemy
Alchemical property: Psychic / Disease Paprika
Alchemical part: Rare / Special (Milk) Environment: Desert / Farm
Alchemical effect: Undistilled, eating the plant can Description: Paprika is a rich red pepper growing on low
cause a bad belly ache as it is not easily digestible. CON plants. It is a sweet pepper that can be eaten raw, but
save DC10 or be diseased for 1d4 hours (disadvantage most often is dried and ground into a spice.
on all CON based rolls) Uses: Cooking
Price: 2c. / plant or 1s vial of nectar Alchemical property: None
Price: 2c / g.
Moon Froth
Environment: Aquatic / Fresh Water Parsley
Description: This moss like plant floats to water surfaces Environment: Temperate Fields / Farm
where the water is still, often at the end of a body of Description: These thick but short bushes have plants
rough water. It is near translucent and nearly with moss-curled & flat leaves. They have little scent
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 21
and taste, but they do have an absorbent property and flooded) fields. They are easy and fast to grow. The
rich green color. seeds (white - Farm or brown - Wild) are dried and then
Uses: Cooking re-hydrated during cooking.
Alchemical property: None Uses: Cooking
Price: 1c / plant Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s / Bag
Passion Vine
Environment: Coastal - Marshes Saffron / Safran
Description: This dark green vine grows bright purple Environment: Jungle dry patch
flowers with large yellow seeds at the center. It has Description: Red plant with thin leaves, fragrant.
vibrant violet tendrils around the center. Uses: Sought after cooking spice. Also commonly used
Uses: Alchemy in eye ointments.
Alchemical property: Charm Alchemical property: Healing
Alchemical part: Oil Alchemical part: Leaves
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s / vial of nectar Price: 2s / bundle
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . PLANT HARVESTING GUIDE 22
Uses: Alchemy Uses: Cooking / Brewing
Alchemical property: Protection Alchemical property: None
Alchemical part: Flesh Price: 5s Bushel (of sugar) / 1c / pack of 10 stalks
Alchemical effect: Will sprout patches of scales 3 shades
deeper than the creature’s natural skin tone for 1d10 Sunflower
days. Environment: Mountain / Fields
Price: 1s / bundle Description: This very large flower is yellow or orange at
the petals, with tall green stalks. It reminds most people
Silver Torch Cactus of how children draw a sun. When ready to wither, the
Environment: Desert soft center turns into a collection of hard shelled seeds.
Description: This tall, lanky cactus has deep pink growth Uses: Alchemy / Cooking (seeds/oil) / Gardening
on its sides resembling crystals. The flowers can be Alchemical property: Sunlight
grinded into a sugar that isn’t as heavy when baking or Alchemical part: Oil
cooking. It also contains water, like most cactus. Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical property: Oil / Coating (Oil of Sharpness) Price: Only the seeds have value. 1c / pouch
Alchemical part: Flesh
Alchemical effect: None Sweet Moss
Price: 1g / lb. Environment: Underdark
Description: This rare bright yellow moss looks
Spider’s Fang poisonous but is not and is actually very sweet when
Environment: Underdark dried and ground. It is used as a spice and highly sought
Description: This plant grows as a set of two curved after as a rare, sweet growth in underground lands.
thorns that pierces rock. Their wood-like flesh makes Uses: Cooking
them sturdy, with spindly roots creeping under the Alchemical property: None
surface. The protrusion can grow up to 6” in length. Price: 1g / pouch
When the tip is pressed, it leaks a white liquid that
burns to the touch. Sylvan Poppies
Uses: Alchemy Environment: Field
Alchemical property: Poison Description: These short blooms have a silvery blue
Alchemical part: Venom color. Under direct moonlight, they give a beautiful
Alchemical effect: Poison glow of the same color. Their spores are released at
Price: 1s / Set night, glowing as well.
Uses: Alchemy / Decoration / Gardening
Star Anise Alchemical property: Animal Influence
Environment: Jungle Alchemical part: Wet Flesh
Description: The star anise grows like light nuts on small Alchemical effect: None
leafy bushes. The shell looks like a many pointed star, Price: 5s / plant
hence the name. The seeds inside are edible and have a
scent and flavor similar to licorice. Taro Root
Uses: Alchemy / Cooking / Baking Environment: Coastal / Marsh
Alchemical property: Amplifier Description: These large green leaves grow in thick stalk
Alchemical part: Seed / Oil bushes. The root is a large savory tubular similar to a
Alchemical effect: None potato but less starchy.
Price: 1s / g. Uses: Cooking / Brewing
Alchemical property: None
Sugar Reeds Price: 2c / root
Environment: Coastal / Marsh / Farm
Description: This thick, light green stalk grows in marsh Tart Weed
or in shallow shores. They adapt to both salt and fresh Environment: Aquatic – Sea / Ocean
water. Their flesh is grainy and when dried, is turned Description: This seaweed is a bright orange with a
into sugar. yellow line in the center. It attracts small fishes and
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turtles for the scent it spreads in the water. These then Description: Tumeric is a prickly flower plant with a
spread the weed’s seed far and wide. It is eaten raw violet tip. The roots look like little hands… they are
and has a potent tart flavor. dried and ground, while the flower is usually not edible.
Uses: Cooking Uses: Cooking / Dye / Alchemy
Alchemical property: None Alchemical property: Purification / Light healing
Price: 5c / lb Alchemical part: Root (Dried)
Alchemical effect: Dye (stains orange or yellow)
Thyme Price: 5c / g.
Environment: Temperate Fields / Woodland
Description: These small perfumed bushes have thick Two Moons
needle-like leaves that smell and taste delicious. Environment: Field
Uses: Cooking Description: These flowers grow on a teal stalk that
Alchemical property: None branch into a Y, with each of the two tips ended with a
Price: 2c / plant round fuzzy bloom that is white with blue highlights.
Uses: Alchemy
Tongue of Madness Alchemical property: Invisibility
Environment: Farms / Underdark Alchemical part: Dry Flesh
Description: Mushroom looking like a human tongue in Alchemical effect: None
shape. When eaten raw, can cause a person to speak all Price: 1g / plant
their thoughts aloud. DC 12 Constitution save.
Uses: Alchemy Vanilla (Bean)
Alchemical property: Impact on impulse systems Environment: Jungle
Alchemical part: Oil Description: Vanilla beans are grown on tall plants,
Alchemical effect: When consumed, any creature with along off-white flowers.
the power of speech who did not have sufficient Uses: Cooking
constitution to resist the mind-altering effects was Alchemical property: None
compelled to speak his or her every thought for the next Price: 5c / g.
hour. This compulsion could be cured by a lesser
restoration or similar spell.19 Welwitschia
Price: No price / Bartering required Environment: Desert
Description: This plant resembles a large dead fern with
Trout Clings
only two leaves. It is oddly moist for a plant living in
Environment: Aquatic / Fresh Water
such dry conditions.
Description: These tiny barnacles cling to the skin of
Uses: Alchemy
freshwater fish, most commonly, the trout. It feeds off
Alchemical property: Divination
the fish oil. They spread like a parasite and if too many
Alchemical part: Leaves
invade a fish, this one dies.
Alchemical effect: None
Uses: Alchemy
Price: 2s / leaf
Alchemical property: Stickiness
Alchemical part: Oil Wildberries
Alchemical effect: None Environment: Temperate Fields
Price: 1s / g Description: These dark berries grow on deep green
bushes, usually in midsummer. The small berries look
like little juicy clumps.
Environment: Desert / Farm
Uses: Cooking / Baking
Alchemical property: None
Price: 1s / lb
Yellow Onions
19↑ Christopher Perkins, Adam Lee, Richard Whitters (September 1, Environment: Temperate Fields / Woodlands
2015). Out of the Abyss. Edited by Jeremy Crawford. (Wizards of the
Coast), p. 23. ISBN 978-0-7869-6581-6.
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Description: These bulbous vegetables grow edible orange bud with a black stripe to the center,
underground and have a golden skin and white flesh. resembling a monstruous eyes. The bud is soft and
Their flavor is sharp and sweet. supple, and at the center is flavorful, sweet juice (or
Uses: Cooking nectar). Having one in your garden is a sign of prestige.
Alchemical property: None Uses: Cooking / Gardening / Alchemy
Price: 5c / lb Alchemical property: Psychic
Alchemical part: Nectar / Juice
Yellow Peppercorn Alchemical effect: None
Environment: Jungle / Farm Price: 10g per blossom or 100g per bulb
Description: These small little yellow round seeds grow
in bundles on tall vines. Bloodberry bush
Uses: Cooking Environment: Hills / Temperate
Alchemical property: None Description: Red berries and heart-shaped reddish-
Price: 2c / g. green leaves characterized this small bush.21
Uses: Poison
Rare Plants
Alchemical property: Poison
Alchemical part: Fruit / Juice
These plants are not frequently found in the world, in Alchemical effect: Poisoned / Death
special niches suited to their growth. In markets, it is Price: 1g per berry
only found in very specialized shops or stalls. You can
select the plants found when the player character rolls, Bottom-moss
or use the tables in Appendix B, based on where the Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water
players are located. Description: This brownish moss looks like mold and
mildew littering the floor of still water rivers or lakes,
Angel Touch especially where little light can reach. It’s oil when
Environment: Temperate - Woodlands pressed looks like black oil, but turns sticky like tar when
Description: These small flowers are white and on exposed to air.
length, looking like fluffy feathers growing on thin stalks. Uses: Alchemy / Lantern oil
Uses: Alchemy / Decoration / Gardening Alchemical property: Oily substance
Alchemical property: Flight Alchemical part: Oil
Alchemical part: Wet Flesh Alchemical effect: Sticky and really hard to clean
Alchemical effect: None Price: 1s / flask
Price: 2s / plant
Brusselberry Sprout
Arkas Environment: Temperate - Woodlands
Environment: Fields / Hills / Dambrath region only Description: These sprouts mix deep greens and purple,
Description: Hearty grass that could grow between 3 to with a sweet bitter taste. Each sprout is the size of the
4 ft. (0.9 – 1.2 m) tall.20. fist of a young halfling child.
Uses: Animal Feed Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: None Alchemical property: Potent amplifier
Price: 2s / Bunshel Alchemical part: Wet flesh
Alchemical effect: None
Beholder’s Eye Price: 2g / lb
Environment: Mountains / Woodland
Description: This plant is seen as a flower by some Camellia
schools of herbalism, and as a fruit by others. It is a long Environment: Mountains / Tundra
stalk, much like a flower, with large flowing leaves with
a single yellow line to their center. At the top, is a single
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Description: A beautiful light-pink flower with delicate Daze makers
petals. This beauty is resistant to cold and frost, but Environment: Underdark
grows in areas shielded from the wind. Description: These tiny pink mushrooms grow where
Uses: Decoration / Gardening / Alchemy plant matter is decomposing. They give a vinegar like
Alchemical property: Pheromone smell.
Alchemical part: Flesh Uses: Alchemy - Drug
Alchemical effect: Perfume (Rubbing petals on a surface Alchemical property: Illusion / Psychic
or skin creates a gentle and pleasant perfume) Alchemical part: Flesh
Price: 1g per blossom or 10g per bulb Alchemical effect: Stun – 10 min. (Con Sav DC 15)
Price: 2g / lb
Environment: Jungle Deepriver Sponge
Description: This melon fruit grows high on trees, Environment: Aquatic – Fresh Water
looking like rough, hairless coconuts with a juicy, light Description: This light green sponge is a plant that
orange center that is very sweet to the taste. grows in the deeper areas of rivers, where a lot of algae
Uses: Eaten Raw lives. It is slimy and feeds off loose algae particles.
Alchemical property: None Uses: Alchemy
Price: 5c / Fruit Alchemical property: Amplifier
Alchemical part: Oil
Coneflower Alchemical effect: None
Environment: Tundra Price: 3s / lb
Description: This pink flower grows on bright sunny
grounds, but needs only a little light. It has a few petals Doll’s Eye
and thick soft center of seeds. Environment: Temperate - Woodlands
Uses: Alchemy Description: Very easy to spot, the White Baneberry as
Alchemical property: Healing it is sometimes known, is about 1cm in diameter, is
Alchemical part: Flesh white and features a small black dot, making it look like
Alchemical effect: It is common to crush the flower and a rather sinister doll's eye.
slather under the nostrils, or eat raw to aid with Uses: Alchemy / Medical Sedative
congestion issues. Alchemical property: Poison
Price: 1g / lb Alchemical part: Juice
Alchemical effect: When ingested, DC 20 Con Save or
Corantheh take 10d10 poison damage
Environment: Aquatic - Ocean Price: 5g / g
Description: This teal-colored plant looks like simple
coral at first, but is spongy. Dragon Fruit
Uses: Alchemy Environment: Jungle
Alchemical property: Amplifier Description: This fruit has a hard pink skin, with green
Alchemical part: Oil spikes. Its flesh is juicy, white and seedy. It has a rather
Alchemical effect: None subtle sweetness to it.
Price: 2s / plant Uses: Cooking / Alchemy
Alchemical property: Fire (Inner fire, the fruit is not
Courage flammable)
Environment: Coastal / Marsh Alchemical part: Wet Flesh
Description: These plants look like small pinecones with Alchemical effect: None
a small soft orange flower to the tip. Price: 1s / Fruit
Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Anti-fear Fae Truffles
Alchemical part: Wet Flesh (flower) Environment: Temperate – Woodlands / Fields
Alchemical effect: None Description: This rare mushroom grows in patches
Price: 5s / plant touched by the fae, such as toadstool circles and the
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likes. They are more colorful than regular truffles but Glow-Void Mushroom
still need to be dug out. Environment: Underdark
Uses: Cooking / Fae Truffle oil / Alchemy Description: The grey toadstool have bright yellow and
Alchemical property: Planar shift orange dots over the top, and a deep black stalk. The
Alchemical part: Oil yellow dots glow in the dark, along with the orange dots,
Alchemical effect: A single truffle fill as much as a meal but they alternatively go on and off.
Price: 5g / plant Uses: Alchemy / Medicine – Dried and powdered, it is
used by healers as only a pinch sprinkled on an opened
False Mirage wound makes for local anesthesia.
Environment: Desert Alchemical property: Anesthetic
Description: This bright orange bloom grows in the most Alchemical part: Dry Flesh
arid places in the desert. It actually has thin yet very Alchemical effect: Numbness – Eaten raw, this
hard roots that reaches miles below the surface, mushroom removes all pain and sense of touch for 1
needing very little moisture to survive, but LOTS of hour.
sunlight. It’s shape is uneven, and in the heat, it looks Price: 1g / mushroom
like a mirage.
Uses: Alchemy Glow Fruit
Alchemical property: Strength Environment: Jungle
Alchemical part: Root (Wet Flesh) Description: This yellow fruit has a velvety, thin peel. At
Alchemical effect: None night, it glows from within, with right bioluminescence.
Price: 1g / each Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Light (Flesh); Potent amplifier (Dry
Fennel flesh – peel)
Environment: Mountains Alchemical part: Wet Flesh / Dry Flesh
Description: This light green stalk ends in needle-like Alchemical effect: None
bushy leaves with a rich licorice scent. It is popular in Price: 5s / Fruit
soups and stews.
Uses: Cooking Happy Berries
Alchemical property: None Environment: Jungle
Price: 5s / lb Description: This bright set of rainbow-colored berries
grow in bunches in blue leave bushes. They give a sweet,
Flash Bloom appealing scent.
Environment: Temperate - Fields Uses: Alchemy
Description: On low branches, these yellow buds bloom Alchemical property: Illusion / Hallucinations
a few seconds at a time, when light hits them directly. Alchemical part: Wet Flesh
The yellow bloom always has exactly 6 petals. Alchemical effect: CON Save DC 15 or be poisoned for
Uses: Alchemy 1d4 hours. The poison effects causes the person to feel
Alchemical property: Speed elated and see everything tinted in their favorite colors.
Alchemical part: Wet Flesh Occasionally, they will see things they see things they
Alchemical effect: None love and enjoy pass by and near them. While poisoned
Price: 5g / g this way, they are unable of lying and will answer any
answer, but they are also unable to go into deep ponder,
Frost Peach so will only reply with things pertaining in front of them.
Environment: Tundra It is said that the blind will hear music and voices instead
Description: This blue peach has a skin with a texture of pleasant sights.
that is reminiscent of sandpaper, with soft teal, juicy Price: 2s / lb
flesh inside and peculiarly sweet. They grow on the rare
blue pine tree. Hemlock
Uses: Cooking Environment: Temperate - Fields
Alchemical property: None Description: Very easy to spot, the White Baneberry as
Price: 1g / lb it is sometimes known, is about 1cm in diameter, is
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white and features a small black dot, making it look like Alchemical property: Poison / Corrosive
a rather sinister doll's eye. Alchemical part: Oil
Uses: Alchemy Alchemical effect: If ingested directly, the flavor is fishy
Alchemical property: Poison / Paralysis yet sweet, however, soon it burns to the throat. DC 15
Alchemical part: Dry Flesh CON Save or take 1d6 poison damage.
Alchemical effect: When ingested, DC 20 Con Save or be Price: 1s / lb (More to Merrow-folk, who are immune to
paralyzed for 1d12 minutes the damaging effects)
Price: 5s / plant
Metal Bud
Icewind Dale Iris Environment: Temperate - Fields
Environment: Tundra Description: Tiny branches seem to grow right from the
Description: First discovered in Icewind Dale, this ground, covered in what looks to be like shiny metal
beautiful purple flower grows in the fields of Northern buds that never bloom.
territories all year around. Uses: Alchemy / Rust proofing grease
Uses: Decoration / Gardening / Alchemy Alchemical property: Acid Resistance
Alchemical property: Cold Damage Alchemical part: Dry Flesh
Alchemical part: Oil Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical effect: Direct contact with the nectar can Price: 2s / g.
cause immediate Frostbite (CON Save, DC 14 – 2d4 cold
damage) Mucal Bloom
Price: 1s per flower OR 10g for a bulb Environment: Underdark
Description: These red flowers grow in various types of
Kara-Tur Savory moss, favoring poisonous surfaces that it then consumes.
Environment: Temperate / Mountain If other mosses are near, this rare flower can crawl. It
Description: This leafy herb adds rich savory flavor to dangles and from its hanging mouth, it always has thick
any dish. It is recognizable by the long, smooth leaves. slimy brown dripping.
Uses: Alchemy - Cooking Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Potent Amplifier Alchemical property: Thick reagent
Alchemical part: Dry Flesh Alchemical part: Rare
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical effect: None
Price: 1s / bundle Price: 1s / vial
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Price: 20g / vial (raw) – 100g / vial (concentrated) Price: 5s / lb (rumors have it that underbellies will pay
handsomely for amounts of this delivered alive in a
Peak Daisy sustainable medium).
Environment: Temperate / Mountain
Description: This silver flower with a rich gold center is Portobello Mushrooms
known for both its beauty and healing potential. Each Environment: Woodlands / Farm
flower has 1d12 petals. Description: These large mushrooms are flat, with a
Alchemical property: Potent Healing velvety and striated deep brown underbelly. Their taste
Alchemical part: Flesh is prominent and highly sought after.
Alchemical effect: Each petal consumed restores 1hp. Alchemical property: None
Price: 15g / plant Price: 5s / lb
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Alchemical property: Adrenal Alchemical effect: None
Alchemical part: Venom Price: 1g / stalk
Alchemical effect: Hasted – 10 min.
Price: 5s / each Thayan Bloom
Environment: Desert
Star Fruit Description: This bright red bloom is most found around
Environment: Jungle cities of Thay, but reaches out to any desert. Finding
Description: This melon like fruit has a star like shell one indicates water near by (or underneath) as it needs
when looked from above. It has a sweet yellow flesh. it to survive.
Uses: Cooking / Alchemy Uses: Alchemy
Alchemical property: Interplanar connections Alchemical property: Anti-magic / weave absorbtion
Alchemical part: Nectar / Juice Alchemical part: Nectar
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical effect: Creates an anti-magic field 10ft
Price: 2s / Fruit around it.
Price: 5g / each
Summer’s Ice
Environment: Temperate - Fields Toril Forbidden Fruit
Description: These cone-shaped light blue blooms are Environment: Temperate / Mountain
cold to the touch and very beautiful. Description: This tree fruit is found in areas where
Uses: Alchemy / Decoration oxygen, and is a rich and juice blue and purple fruit,
Alchemical property: Cold resistance perfectly balancing sweet and tart.
Alchemical part: Nectar Uses: Cooking
Alchemical effect: None Alchemical property: None
Price: 2s / plant Price: 5s / lb
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Tubals Uses: Cooking
Environment: Aquatic - Ocean Alchemical property: None
Description: These look like tubes, or thick cones as Price: 25g / plant
those used to serve ice cream, except cream-white and
they grow only in the deep, deep ocean where there is
no light. They grow near volcanic steam vents and eat Special Plants
the bacteria coming from them. These plants are so rare that some are considered myth.
Uses: Alchemy All special plant has a special magical property (or many)
Alchemical property: Heat / Fire resistance and grows only in extremely specific conditions or
Alchemical part: Dry Flesh regions. For this reason, these have no rolling table and
Alchemical effect: None will only be found based on the area you are in.
Price: 5s / each
Caelesti Lumine Flos
Tundra Potato Environment: Rich Divine Ground – This flower must
Environment: Tundra soak in very potent divine magic from seed to flower
Description: Very similar to farmed potato, they have Description: This beautiful white flower has three large
more of a sweet potato shape and deep yellow flesh. petals and glowing blue seed stems at the center. The
Rare find in the wild, common in farming (but the stem and leaves are also teal and silky soft.
farmed version looks mildly different).
Uses: Cooking / Potato Flour This flower is mostly found in the most sacred corners of
Alchemical property: None the celestial realms. Though in forgotten history, it has
Price: 1s / lb happened that a god of nature would gift the flower at
the center of a powerful sacred ground. As of now, in
Void Berries the general populace, it is more a legend than a living
Environment: Coastal / Marsh plant.
Description: These dark blue berries look like small Uses: This plant can replace ANY component in a
rounded caltrops. They are just a bit bigger than a fully healing spell and even a resurrection. It can reduce the
grown raspberry. cost of diamond components in a true resurrection spell
Uses: Alchemy by half.
Alchemical property: Psychic Alchemical property: Healing / life
Alchemical part: Juice Alchemical part: Flesh / Juice
Alchemical effect: DC Con Save of 20 or gain 1 level of Alchemical effect: When consumed, the nectar and
Madness. Roll on the DM Guide madness table, or flesh of the plant (either part has the same effect), the
chosen by your DM. Consuming large amounts will target is healed for 6d6 hp. Any and all poison and
unbalance all of the fluids and signals in the brain, disease is also cured.
causing permanent insanity, cured only by a Greater Price: 5000gp for a picked plant. No price for a live
Restoration or higher. specimen, but most would fight to have it.
Price: 2g / lb
Diabolus est Spinam
Wild Delights Environment: Cursed or Desecrated Grounds
Environment: Temperate - Fields Description: This plant is but a deep red thorny vine. If
Description: This wild vegetables grow in wild in patches. you look to it long enough, you realize that it has a pulse
They look like a mix between broccoli and cauliflower, to it. When cut, it bleeds a blood red thick liquid that
with flesh mixing blue, green and violet colors. This tastes metallic.
nutritious plant is very healthy, but impossible to grow Uses: This plant can be consumed by vampires instead
in gardens or farms, to the mystery of many. In addition of blood. It is also very useful in the creation of
to its high nutritious value, it has a very rich, savory powerful curses.
taste that activates the pleasure center, without Alchemical property: Curse
overwhelming anything like some chemical components Alchemical part: Juice
do. It may very well be the most sought-after plant by Alchemical effect: Consuming this plant will not only
high nobility, for the few that know of it. leave a foul taste in the mouth, it will also cause the
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consumer to feel diseased for 1d4 hours (exception: This effect last for life, unless the person becomes
vampires). cursed by ignoring a warning, or offends Lady Tymora,
Price: 200gp / lbs. or 20gp per liquid vial (sells only on who gifted the plant to the world, in any way.
the black market, as curses are not legal in most places). Price: A dried flower sells for 500gp each.
Tymora’s Luck
Environment: Anywhere
Description: This golden flower grows on a thick green
bush. The buds resemble bells hanging on the bush and
are edible, and even produce a low chime-like sound
when blown by the breeze. A bush has 1d10 flowers at
any time.
Uses: Alchemy only, though many would love a dried
flower to keep as a good luck charm (faith).
Alchemical property: Luck
Alchemical part: Dried flesh
Alchemical effect: The dried and powdered plant does
boost a person’s luck. It must first be processed into a
liquid, with pure water as the reagent, giving a golden
liquid (liquid luck) as the result. Any who consume the
concoction will never suffer bad luck (reroll all nat 1)
and find good luck each day (once a day, the player can
ask for a reroll of any roll – ability checks / attack / saves
/ damage).
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Appendix A – Farming plants
These are plants used by farmers for crops and feed. Most have a culinary purpose. A DM can use the following list
for trading purposes, markets, downtime or even to purchase or sell some ingredients and components found on
Below gives a table of farmed plants per region. The “Wild” column is for whether or not these can be found in the
wilderness. The “Season” column is for indicating when the plant can reach maturity. Use your judgement to decide
if special conditions (simple greenhouse) are needed for plants available year-round. Please note that these don’t
match exactly our standards (real life) and are adapted and simplified.
Also not every food plant in existence is part of that list, feel free to make up and add your own if, as the DM, you
wish it or if your player asks (often occurs when having a cooking / brewing / baking player-character). The use
“Cooking” may imply regular cooking, grilling, smoking or baking.
Plant name (Common) Wild Season
Price Used in
RRegion: All land (might need green house / extra irrigation)
Barley No Summer 2s Cooking
(10 lbs)
Button Mushrooms (Requires shade /
Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Cooking / Medicine / Spell
Cabbages No Fall 1 lb 1s
Carrots No All 1 lb 1s Cooking / Spell Component
Corn No Fall 1 lb 5c Cooking
Flax Yes Summer 1 lb 3s Brewing / Cooking
Hay No Bail 2c Animal Feed / Bedding
/ Fall
Hemp Yes All 1 lb 5c Crafting (Rope, clothes, etc.)
Hops Yes Summer 5s Brewing / Cooking / Alchemy
(10 lbs)
Oats No Summer 2s Cooking / Alchemy (Base)
(10 lbs)
Other Squash No Fall 1 lb 3s Cooking
Potatoes No All 1 lb 1s Cooking
Pumpkin No Fall Each 2c Cooking / Alchemy
Decoration / Gift / Alchemy /
Roses Yes Summer Each 3c
Spell Component
Simple flowers Yes Varies Each 3/1c Decoration / Gift
Animal Feed / Bedding / Spell
Straw No All hot Bail 2c
Component (1c per handfull)
Sweet potatoes No All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Wheat No Summer 1s Cooking (cereal)
(10 lbs)
Region: Coastal or Marshes
Artichoke No Summer 1 lb 5s Cooking
Green Sage Yes Fall Plant 3s Cooking
Lavender Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Alchemy
Oyster Mushrooms Yes All 1 lb 3s Cooking
Rice No Fall Bag 1s Cooking
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Salted onions No Spring 1 lb 2c Cooking
Sugar Reeds No Summer 5s Cooking / Brewing
(10 lbs)
Wasabi No All 1g 1c Cooking / Alchemy
Cooking / Alchemy / Spell
White Sage Yes Fall Plant 5s
Region: Land- Temperate (might need green house)
Asparagus No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Basil No Summer Plant 2c Cooking
Beans Yes Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Beets No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Blueberries / Blackberries Yes Summer 1 lb 2s Cooking / Brewing
Broccoli No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Cucumbers Yes Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Eggplants / Zucchinis No Fall 1 lb 2s Cooking
Garlic Yes All 5 bulbs 1c Cooking / Alchemy
Grapes No All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Brewing
Lettuce (all types) / spinach No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Spring /
Mint (all types) Yes Plant 5c Cooking / Alchemy
Onions (all types) No All 1 lb 5c Cooking
Oregano No Summer Plant 2c Cooking
Parsley No Summer Plant 1c Cooking
Peas Yes Fall 1 lb 2s Cooking
Peppers (mild/sweet) No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Portobello Mushrooms No All 1 lb 5s Cooking
Red berries (Strawberries,
raspberries, gooseberries, Yes Summer 1 lb 3s Cooking / Brewing / Alchemy
Rhubarb Yes All warm 1 lb 2c Cooking / Spell Component
Rosemary Yes Summer Plant 2c Cooking
Thyme No Summer Plant 2c Cooking
Tomatoes No Summer 1 lb 1s Cooking
Region: Desert (might need extra irrigation)
Bananas Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Cactus Flesh Yes All 1 lb 1s Cooking / Alchemy
Cactus Fruit Yes All 1 lb 5s Cooking
Hot peppers Yes All 1 lb 5s Cooking / Spell Component
Melons No All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Oranges Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Palm Yes All 1 lb 1s Cooking
Region: Jungle / Tropical
Cinnamon Yes All 5g 1c Cooking / Alchemy
Cocoa Bean Yes All 1 lb 4s Cooking
Cotton No Summer 1 lb 2s Crafting (Clothes, etc.)
Lemon No All 1 lb 1s Cooking / Brewing
Lime No All 1 lb 1s Cooking / Spell Component
Mangos Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Passion Fruit Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Silk Yes All 1 lb 1g Crafting (Rope, clothes, etc.)
Various nuts (trees) Yes All 1 lb 3s Cooking / Spell component
Region: Underdark / Caves
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Bluecap mushroom Yes All 1 lb 1s Cooking
Glow moss Yes All 1 lb 5s Alchemy / Spell Component
Ripplebark Yes All 1 lb 1s Cooking
Sweet moss No All 1 lb 1s Cooking
Zurkwood mushroom Yes All 1 lb 1s Cooking / Crafting (wood like)
Region: Aquatic
Kelp Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Alchemy
Sea Kale No All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Seaweed (Salt Water) Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Alchemy
Water lilies Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Alchemy
Your DM can decide if a plant is available in a locale / marketplace outside where the plant is grown. Because this
means the plant is there imported, the price and value are doubled for that locale.
EXCEPTION: Aquatic plant sells at regional pricing in markets in or near a city or town that has a port equipped for
Plant name (Uncommon) Wild Season Price Used in
RRegion: All land
All spices (Cumin, Turmeric. Etc.) No Varies 1g. 1c Cooking
Region: Land- Temperate
Delects (halfling coarse hops) No Summer 1 lb 3s Cooking / Brewing
Pomegranate No Summer Each 1c Cooking / Alchemy
Region: Underdark
Fire Lichen (duergar) Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Brewing
Tongue of Madness (Myconid grove) Yes All Each None* Alchemy
Region: Aquatic
False anemone (merfolk) No All 1 lb 2s Cooking / Alchemy
Sea Cucumber (merfolk / sea elves) Yes All 1 lb 2s Cooking
Uncommon plant are only regularly sold in niche places as they need very specific conditions to grow. They are
more difficult to obtain in regular markets. A luck roll (plain D20, no bonus) is required to see if found. Above 10 is
a success.
*Myconids do not sell the Tongue of Madness, but visitors can barter for some. Gatherer can find some in the
wilderness as well. Price varies greatly.
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Appendix B – Rolling Tables for Plants
You will find below multiple rolling tables to help you select the plants your players are finding while foraging
certain areas. Note that these are limited to the wilderness. For the markets, assume that regional farming and
cooking plants are available. For loot, such as in a dungeon chest or NPC’s pockets, see appendix C.
**Special plants are very limited in their existence and variety. Select a special plant that would fit the player’s
location should their luck have them find one.
You can select when your group is identifying a plant. If you want to add flavor, when players mis-identify an edible
plant, roll on the alchemical plant table, to select what they have found, then select a plant from the cooking / edible
table that you think could pass instead.
For special purpose without plant knowledge by the characters (i.e. “I want to find healing herbs”), use the
alchemical tables. Luck will dictate if they find herbs useful in healing.
• Temperate Regions
• Coastal / Marshes Regions
• Desert Regions
• Aquatic Regions
• Jungle Regions
• Underdark Regions
• Special Plants
Field (includes yards, flat roadsides, hills) –
Woodlands – Cooking / Edible
Cooking / Edible
Roll D12 Plant name
Roll D20 Plant name
1 Button Mushroom 1 Button Mushroom
2 Acorn
2 Flax
3 Roses
3 Roses
4 Garlic
4 Hops
5 Gooseberry
5 Gooseberry
6 Cranberry
6 Mint
7 Raspberry 7 Raspberry
8 Rhubarb
8 Rhubarb
9 Strawberry
9 Strawberry
10 Blueberry
10 Yellow Beans
11 Kidney Beans
11 Green Beans
12 Sweetsop
12 Blueberry
13 Cucumbers
14 Green Peas Mountains – Cooking / Edible
15 Rosemary Roll D6 Plant name
16 Elderberries 1 Button Mushroom
17 Huckleberry (Sour blueberry) 2 Flax
18 Sweetsop 3 Cranberry
19 Chokecherry 4 Strawberry
20 Mulberries 5 Black-eyed Peas
6 White Beans
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17 Rosemary
Field (includes yards, flat roadsides, hills) – 18 Sumac flower
Alchemical 19 Elderberries
Roll D10 Plant name 20 Huckleberry (Sour blueberry)
1 Hops 21 Sweetsop
22 Chokecherry
2 Roses
3 Mint 23 Mulberries
24 Creeper Berries
4 Raspberry
5 Strawberry
6 Sumac flower
Woodlands – General
7 Elderberries
8 Chokecherry Roll D12 Plant name
9 Mulberries 1 Button Mushroom
10 Creeper Berries 2 Acorn
3 Roses
4 Garlic
Woodlands – Alchemical 5 Gooseberry
Roll D6 Plant name 6 Cranberry
1 Roses 7 Raspberry
2 Garlic 8 Rhubarb
3 Gooseberry 9 Strawberry
4 Cranberry 10 Primrose (simple flower)
5 Raspberry 11 Blueberry
6 Strawberry 12 Kidney Beans
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8 Basil
9 Thyme
10 Yellow Onions Mountains – Alchemical
11 Red Onions Roll D4 Plant name
12 Beets 1 Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom
2 Sunflower
3 Death Camas
Woodlands – Cooking / Edible 4 Avernus Stirge Trap
Roll D10 Plant name
1 Arrowhead Balsamroot Field (includes yards, flat roadsides, hills) –
2 Apples General
3 Yellow Onions Roll D20 Plant name
4 Thyme
1 Corpse Flower
5 Allspice 2 Hyssop
6 Nutmeg
3 Lily-of-the-valley
7 Cardamom
4 Arrowhead Balsamroot
8 Wild Corn 5 Sunflower
9 Asparagus 6 Biggy Blights
10 Broccoli
7 Arrow Root
8 Wildberries
Mountains – Cooking / Edible 9 Parsley
Roll D6 Plant name 10 Oregano
1 Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom 11 Basil
2 Arrowhead Balsamroot 12 Thyme
3 Sunflower 13 Yellow Onions
4 Common Camas 14 Red Onions
5 Crabapples 15 Beets
6 Arrow Root 16 Honeysuckle
17 Devil Tails
18 Sylvan Poppies
Field (includes yards, flat roadsides, hills) – 19 Echinacea
Alchemical 20 Two Moons
Roll D10 Plant name
1 Corpse Flower
2 Hyssop Woodlands – General
3 Lily-of-the-valley Roll D12 Plant name
4 Sunflower 1 Cape SwordCoast
5 Biggy Blights 2 Arrowhead Balsamroot
6 Honeysuckle 3 Apples
7 Devil Tails 4 Yellow Onions
8 Sylvan Poppies 5 Thyme
9 Echinacea 6 Arrow Root
10 Two Moons 7 Avernus Stirge Trap
8 Allspice
9 Nutmeg
Woodlands – Alchemical 10 Cardamom
Roll D6 Plant name 11 Cacti of the North
1 Cape SwordCoast 12 Milkweed
2 Red Dogwood
3 Avernus Stirge Trap
4 Cacti of the North Mountains – General
5 Cardamom Roll D8 Plant name
6 Milkweed
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1 Bear’s Head Tooth Mushroom
2 Arrowhead Balsamroot
3 Sunflower Mountains – Alchemical
4 Death Camas Roll D4 Plant name
5 Common Camas 1 Camellia
6 Crabapples 2 Beholder’s Eye
7 Arrow Root 3 Kara-Tur Savory
8 Avernus Stirge Trap 4 Peak Daisy
Woodlands – Alchemical
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Fae Truffles
2 Brusselberry Sprout
3 Doll’s Eye
4 Angel Touch
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COMMON Roll D4 Plant name
1 Passion Vine
Cooking / Edible
2 Cat Tail
Roll D10 Plant name 3 Sagittaria Latifolia
1 Button Mushroom 4 Nuphar Lutea
2 Flax
3 Roses
4 Hops General
5 Lavender Roll D10 Plant name
6 Oyster Mushroom 1 Passion Vine
7 Green Sage 2 Carmelian Bush
8 White Sage 3 Cat Tail
9 Licorice 4 Artichoke
10 Skunk Cabbage 5 Rice
6 Salted Onions
Alchemical 7 Sugar Reeds
Roll D6 Plant name 8 Taro Root
1 Hops 9 Sagittaria Latifolia
2 Roses 10 Nuphar Lutea
3 Lavender
4 White Sage RARE
5 Licorice
6 Slunk Cabbage Alchemical / General
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Void Berries
2 Plush Vines
Roll D10 Plant name 3 Courage
1 Button Mushroom 4 Silver Yarrow
2 Flax
3 Roses
4 Hops
5 Lavender
6 Oyster Mushroom
7 Green Sage
8 White Sage
9 Licorice
10 Skunk Cabbage
Cooking / Edible
Roll D6 Plant name
1 Carmelian Bush
2 Artichoke
3 Rice
4 Salted Onions
5 Sugar Reeds
6 Taro Root
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COMMON 4 Desert Bloom
Roll D12 Plant name
1 Button Mushroom
2 Flax
3 Roses
4 Hops
5 Cactus (Flesh / Fruit)
6 Banana
7 Oranges
8 Hot peppers
9 Coconut
10 Ab’i
11 Aloe Vera
12 Dry Grass (Animal Feed)
Cooking / Edible
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Silver Torch Cactus
2 Paprika
3 Cumin
4 Tumeric
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Welwitschia
2 Silver Torch Cactus
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COMMON 4 Algae
5 Sea Lettuce
Fresh Water – Cooking / Edible 6 Wire Weed
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Water Lilies UNCOMMON
2 Dwarf Baby Tears
3 Blyxa Grass Fresh Water – Cooking / Edible
4 Beucephalandra Roll D2 Plant name
1 Marrimo Moss Ball
2 Bitter Pads
Sea / Ocean – Cooking / Edible
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Kelp Sea / Ocean – Cooking / Edible
2 Seaweed Roll D4 Plant name
3 Sea Grass 1 Sea Cucumber
4 Sea Lettuce 2 Eelgrass
3 Coral Mousse
Fresh Water – Alchemical 4 Tart Weed
Roll D6 Plant name
1 Water Lilies Fresh Water – Alchemical
2 Water Fern Roll D4 Plant name
3 Java Moss 1 Bottom Snag
4 Dwarf Baby Tears 2 Brown Water Grass
5 Frogbit 3 Trout Clings
6 Beucephalandra 4 Moon Froth
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4 False Sea Foam
5 Illusory Oyster
6 Coral Mousse
7 Tart Weed
8 Deep Sea Pods
9 Darkness Breakers
10 Alinaes
Fresh Water – Alchemical / General
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Deepriver Sponge
2 Bottom-moss
3 Poissonidae Rae
4 Needle-in-a-stack
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COMMON 19 Vines (Rope crafting)
20 Bamboo
Cooking / Edible
Roll D12 Plant name
1 Button Mushroom UNCOMMON
2 Flax
3 Roses Cooking / Edible
4 Hops Roll D6 Plant name
5 Cocoa Bean 1 Saffron
6 Mangos 2 Cayenne Pepper
7 Passion Fruits 3 Vanilla (Bean)
8 Peanuts 4 Star Anise
9 Walnuts 5 Coriander / Cilantro
10 Dancing Monkey Fruit 6 Yellow Peppercorn
11 Sinda Berries
12 Bamboo Alchemical
Roll D4 Plant name
Alchemical 1 Mandrake
Roll D10 Plant name 2 Star Anise
1 Hops 3 Cayenne Pepper
2 Roses 4 Scale Flower
3 Cinnamon (Bark)
4 Aril Berry (Yew) General
5 Dancing Monkey Fruit
Roll D8 Plant name
6 Menga leaves
1 Mandrake
7 Sinda Berries
2 Saffron
8 Ryath Root
3 Cayenne Papper
9 Wildroot
4 Vanilla (Bean)
10 Zabou Mushroom
5 Star Anise
11 Poison Ivy
6 Coriander / Cilantro
12 Bamboo
7 Yellow Peppercorn
8 Scale Flower
Roll D20 Plant name RARE
1 Button Mushroom
2 Flax Cooking / Edible
3 Roses Roll D6 Plant name
4 Hops 1 Cantaloup
5 Cocoa Bean 2 Dragon Fruit
6 Mangos 3 Star Fruit
7 Passion Fruits 4 Plantain
8 Various Nuts
9 Silk Plant Alchemical
10 Yew Tree / Aril berries
11 Dancing Monkey Fruit Roll D4 Plant name
12 Menga leaves 1 Dragon Fruit
13 Sinda Berries 2 Star Fruit
14 Ryath Root 3 Glow Fruit
15 Wukka Nuts 4 Happy Berries
16 Wildroot
17 Zabou Mushroom
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Roll D6 Plant name
1 Cantaloup
2 Dragon Fruit
3 Star Fruit
4 Plantain
5 Glow Fruit
6 Happy Berries
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Cooking / Edible
Roll D10 Plant name Cooking / Edible
1 Button Mushroom Roll D4 Plant name
2 Bluecap Mushroom 1 Fire Lichen
3 Ripplebark 2 Tongue of Madness
4 Zurkwood 3 Sweet Moss
5 Barrelstalk 4 Black Blood
6 Trilimac
7 Waterorb Alchemical
8 Cave Pulp Roll D4 Plant name
9 Witches Butter 1 Tongue of Madness
10 Lithop 2 Dragon’s Gold
3 Spider’s Fang
Alchemical 4 Black Blood
Roll D4 Plant name
1 Glow moss General
2 Rot Moss Roll D6 Plant name
3 Mother-in-law’s Tongue 1 Fire Lichen
(Snake Plant) 2 Tongue of Madness
4 Wolffia Druvia 3 Dragon’s Gold
4 Spider’s Fang
General 5 Sweet Moss
Roll D20 Plant name 6 Black Blood
1 Button Mushroom
2 Bluecap Mushroom RARE
3 Ripplebark
4 Zurkwood Alchemical / General
5 Barrelstalk Roll D4 Plant name
6 Trilimac 1 Mucal Bloom
7 Waterorb 2 Speed Quills
8 Nightlight 3 Daze makers
9 Nilhogg’s Nose 4 Glow-void Mushrooms
10 Ormu
11 Timmask
12 Torchstalk
13 Glow Moss
14 Rot Moss
15 Mother-in-law’s Tongue
(Snake Plant)
16 Devil’s Ivy
17 Cave Pulp
18 Witches Butter
19 Wolffia Druvia
20 Lithop
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COMMON 3 Lily-of-the-valley
4 Firethorn Berries
Cooking / Edible
Roll D6 Plant name RARE
1 Button Mushroom
2 Winterberries Cooking / Edible
3 Mint Roll D2 Plant name
4 Acorn 1 Tundra Potatoes
5 Snowberries 2 Frost Peach
6 Collards
Alchemical Roll D4 Plant name
Roll D2 Plant name 1 Camellia
1 Snowberries 2 Icewind Dale Iris
2 Mint 3 Coneflower
4 Teal Catmint
Roll D8 Plant name General
1 Button Mushroom Roll D6 Plant name
2 Winterberries 1 Camellia
3 Mint 2 Tundra Potato
4 Acorn 3 Icewind Dale Iris
5 Snowberries 4 Frost Peach
6 Arctic Lupine 5 Coneflower
7 Snow Flower 6 Teal Catmint
8 Collards
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Appendix C – Plant loot table
When creating treasure for your adventure, you may want to add some plants in your list of goodies. You can use
the below tables.
Kitchen / Pantries
Roll D20 Plant name Amount
1 All spices (Cumin, Turmeric. Etc.) 1d4 g.
2 Button Mushrooms 1d4 plant
3 Carrots 1d4 lbs.
4 Bluecap Mushroom 1d4 plant
5 Hops 1d4 bundles
6 Varied Nuts 1d4 g.
7 Varied Red Berries 1d4 lbs.
8 White Sage 1d4 bundles
9 Garlic 1d4 bulbs
10 Cactus Fruits 1d4 fruits
11 Licorice 1d4 g.
12 Wildroot 1d4 pieces
13 Oats 1d4 lbs.
14 Potatoes 1d4 lbs.
15 Corn 3d4 Cobs
16 Dancing Monkey Fruits 1d4 fruits
17 Mangoes 1d4 lbs.
18 Mint 1d4 bundles
19 Cinnamon Powder 1d4 g. in a vial
20 Green Beans 1d4 lbs.
Treasure chest
Roll D20 Plant name Amount
1 Saffron 1d4 g.
2 Mandrake 1d4 roots
3 Icewind Dale Iris 1d4 flowers
4 Biggy Blights 1d4 bundle
5 Peak Daisy 1d4 plant
6 Delects 1d4 bundles
7 Tumeric 1d4 g.
8 Lily-of-the-valley roots 1d4 roots
9 False Sea Foam 1d4 lbs
10 Star Anise 1d4 g.
11 Box with Rot moss 1d4 lbs.
12 Beholder’s eye (with bulb) 1d4 plant
13 Kara-Tur Savory 1d4 plant
14 Ormu (Glowing) 1d4 lbs.
15 Moon Froth 1d4 g.
16 Two Moons 1d4 plants
17 Sagittaria Latifolia 1d4 lbs
1 Vial (200g up to
20 Caelesti Lumine Flos Nectar 2000g to an
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Roll D20 Plant name Amount
1 All spices (Cumin, Turmeric. Etc.) 1d4 g.
2 Saffron 1d4 g.
3 Pouch of Timmask spore powder 1d4 g.
4 Handful of peanuts 1d4 g.
5 Deadly Nightshade 1d4 bundle
6 Bundles of White sage 1d4
7 Water lily nectar 1d4 vials
8 Bluecap powder in pouches 1d4 portions
9 Wolffia Druvia in a pouch 1d4g.
10 Licorice in a pouch 1d4g.
11 Lithop 1d4
12 Acorn 1d4
13 Dried Hyssop Bundles 1d4
14 Arrow Root 1d4g.
15 Oregano 1d4g.
16 Basil 1d4g.
17 Carmelian Bush Sap 1d4 jar
18 Trout Cling Oil 1d4g.
19 Cat Tail 1d4
20 Kara-Tur Savory 1d4 bundle
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Appendix D – Special Plant Legends
Use the following box texts for legends about each special plant, found in history books, folk tales or journals.
They would carve dark symbols in the earth, steal the purest of nectars and chant to the open sky. Their altar they
used for sacrifice, rituals and summons.
One night, as they slept in their silken bedrolls embroidered with runes and wards, the very ground took revenge.
They did not hear the plants grow, from the rotted blood of their victims buried below, that had soaked the roots
and seeds of the land they claimed. Their wards, targeting creatures of will were of no use against this, as the vines
grew and crept, squishing and pulsing with the blood of the fallen. They awoke, wet and surrounded.
Still, these deformed souls took delight in the grisly sight and started to celebrate what they assumed to be their
creation. They cut through the flesh and thorns and watched the vines bleed, covering the soil again in red. But the
more they cut, the worse it got. They began to see their brothers and sisters turn on them. Eyes in the shadows
mocking them, but never able to find them. People with blank expressions, staring at them, refusing to scream, die
or even twitch as they cut through them. Ever staring. Why… why!!!??? No answer.
Cursed into madness, they fell to one another, as darkness remained and preyed over this tainted land.
If you ever cross a place so desecrated that you see pulsing vines. Run, and don’t look back. Diabolus est Spinam…
Vines of the devil, are protecting the desecration. You will be cursed. You will…..
He pillaged and stole and even dispatched of the pretty green dragons, of the bright young blue ones and the striking
red lizards, adding their hoard… and their scales to his own. He enslaved whole villages and made them glue and
sow every scale over his own, but the result… was ridiculous. Every time he was dissatisfied, he would eat all the
villagers and try with a new one.
But in Torks, a village deep in the Snow Peak Mountains, an old gnome with a keen ear for news and stories
prepared. When the dragon arrived and place orders to fix his scales and make him a colorful dragon, the old gnome
visited the dragon’s head.
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“You dare present yourself to me, morsel.” The dragon grumbled.
“Apologies, my liege.” The gnome started, politely. “I have information that I believed you simply must have. I have
learned of a way you can fill your scale with the very colors of the rainbow. Enough to become the envy of every
color of dragon out there.”
“There is this flower, that glimmers with all the colors of the rainbow and… oh… I forgot. I apologize, you probably
couldn’t pick it, given all the thorns.”
The dragon growled and scoffed. “Do you not see me puny fleshling! I am greatness made material! A few flower
thorns wouldn’t even make my toes itch. Fetch me this flower, immediately!”
“But my liege, I am but a small gnome, and this flower only grows to the summit of the tallest of mountains! I would
perish before reaching the top, and you wouldn’t get any of its magic!”
Grumbling and stomping, Krashtahat resolved to going there himself. As it was, he wouldn’t trust others with the
task either way. He took flight and threatened any who would dare touch his treasure in his absence. As it happens,
there is a tall mountain in this chain, one that stretches far above the cloud.
The gnome began to loot and pillage the moment the dragon’s wings were out of earshot, while others looked in fear,
no one daring to join in.
Krashtahat flew and just as the legend had it, there, at the very peak, was a beautiful flower, with petals gleaming in
all the colors of the rainbow. Excited, the dragon pluck the flower, thorns and all, and swallowed it whole. His
scales glimmered and reflected all the colors, as the flower’s magic went in his system. Overjoyed, Krashtahat
looked, his vision taking in all the colors… blurring them together… until there was nothing but a flash of colors…
and then, he fell. As the needles of the Thousand needles flower pierced his belly, filling his veins with the world’s
most potent poison, the dragon’s threat ceased to be.
Below the mountain, a happy gnome walked on the path, whistling and smiling as a loud thud shook the earth in the
distant mountains. He was going to live a long, rich life, as were all the people of this valley, now freed of
Krashtahat’s Tyranny, undone by his own greed and carelessness.
Tymora’s Tears
The Tale of Marey and Unfortunate Tears
Once upon a happenstance, a young and curious halfling by the name of Marey Armsgood crossed a most gorgeous
valley. The young halfling had shown but disregard to the townsfolk guidance about avoid Rockpath road outside
their village and fell in a landslide. Trying to get back uphill, he had to trudge through a vast thicket and lost his way,
never having spent a moment’s attention during his survival class as a lad.
Lost and hungry, he wandered for hours, following the prettiest sight rather than logical landmarks or cardinal
direction. Spotting a ray of golden sunlight piercing through brush in a most perfect way, he nudged forward to
investigate. There, bathed in the glimmering light chimed a bush of tiny gold bells. And chime it truly did, for the
musical flora was a sound most pleasant to the halfling’s jovial ears. He danced and sung to the natural tune, then
basked into the sun rays until they had passed. But then the music was buried by a rumble, that came from deep and
low in his belly. Lunch and dinner had both passed, with not even a berry for a snack. He tried a taste of the petal
but found nothing pleasant or satisfying to them. Still, he loved their look and their sound. Listening to instinct, he
snatched up a bundle and went on his way. A mere hour walking in no particular direction, he found himself
standing just outside of town! “What luck!” he sang and skipped back home, pouring himself copious amounts of
mead and indulging in the finest cuts of meat and juiciest fruits.
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He never parted from that luck charm after that, but soon it dried and hung sadly to his vest. He visited the local
temple of Lady luck to get advice from the priest there, a friend of his from his childhood. “A tear of lady luck herself
you have found my friend! A gift so rare to those who place their fate in the Lady’s hands. Ground it up and heat it in
a tea, then drink to keep her with you always.” Marey hesitated not and that night, made himself a warm honeyed
lucky tea, which he drank lazily watching the sunset on his porch swing. From then on the halfling found nothing
but good fortune: wealth abound, good food and good company never were in shortage.
However there came a day, in his elder years, where on the way to see his friend at Tymora’s temple, he saw a cane
carved in yew and masterly crafted and painted with silver and gold. He yearned for the stick but had not taken coin
on him. So he waited and talked to the merchant, but the cane was not gifted. “Perhaps later” he said to himself, but
he did not feel patient that day. During the mass at the Temple, a basket for coin and charity was passed and placed
on a table…. Right next to where he sat. Deciding luck would not get him caught, he took the coin and went on to
purchase the cane he so yearned for. Some say that Tymora’s statue frowned that day during mass, and it marked
the end of the poor halfling’s luck. By year’s end, he had not a coin to his name, his home burned by a terrible
cooking accident. All the things he had saved from the fire, burgled the following night. Marey died a few months
later, alone on the cold hard pavement of a dirty backroad, his remains eaten by rats.
His friend the priest buried him in the town cemetery, with a statue of Tymora for his tombstone. The plaque still
reads today: “Enjoy the gifts of Tymora should she grant them, but learn from Marey Armsgood buried here, that one
should always show gratefulness to Lady Luck and never abuse her, lest they wish a life devoid of any fortunate
moment.”. The tomb still stands to this day, next to the little halfling town or Greenhovel.
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