Vagabonds Guide To Dalriada 5e Preview

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The document discusses fighter subclasses and provides details on the Laoch subclass abilities.

The Laoch subclass is a fighter subclass focused on inspiring and protecting others while vanquishing threats as champions of the people.

The Laoch subclass grants abilities like adding proficiency bonus to initiative, shield attacks, increasing damage on subsequent attacks, advantage on saves, and granting AC bonuses to allies.



Fighter Those that train on this path focus on inspiring and
protecting others while vanquishing threats. They train with
Laoch weapons and shields until the weapons feel like an extension
of their own body. These heroes seek to protect the people
Laoch’s are heroes of the people and champions of the realms. and the realms by protecting the innocent and vulnerable of
They are dedicated to the service of others doing all they the world. Some are simple champions of the people, while
can to protect those that cannot protect themselves. Often others are members of courts working to defend whole
they have trained as apprentices beneath the watchful eye of kingdoms from threats.
retired adventurers, who hope to raise a new generation of At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype
heroes that will be remembered in the legends and histories feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The
of the common folk. Others train alone, inspired by stories following option is available to you when making the
and songs of great heroes’ deeds. choice: the Laoch.
3rd level Laoch feature
You can add your proficiency bonus to any friendly
creatures’ initiatives within 30 feet as you shout out a battle
cry inspiring others to action.
3rd level Laoch feature
You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your
choice: Performance, Persuasion, or Intimidation.
7th level Laoch feature
When you take the attack action against a creature,
immediately after as a bonus action, you can make a shield
attack against the same target.

Name Damage Properties

Shield 1d8 bludgeoning Heavy
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses on a short or
long rest.
10th level Laoch feature
When you make a successful attack against a creature, each
subsequent successful attack against the same target adds
1d4 damage of the same type. This effect lasts until the end
of your turn.
15th level Laoch feature
You gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
saving throws. You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses
on a long rest.
18th level Laoch feature
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you
that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to give
the target a 1d10 bonus to their AC against the attack roll.
You must be wielding a shield.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses on a short or
long rest.


Barbarian • You add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls.
Anytime you start in range of an ally or move into range of
Path of the Riastrad an ally before using your action, you need to make a DC 12
The tribes of Dalriada are fierce warriors but the most feared Wisdom saving throw or use your attack(s) against your ally
of these warriors are those that are both blessed and cursed as you lose yourself to your rage. When making these attacks
with the gift of Riastrad—a violent battle frenzy as dangerous against an ally, the attacks are reckless. If there are multiple
to friend as it to foe. This frenzy, fuelled by the warrior’s allies within range, then the attack(s) are made against the
rage, transforms their bodies into monstrous mountains of ally with the lowest hit points.
undulating, inhuman muscle. Woe to all caught in the path WARP SPASM
of this devastating storm of flesh. 6th level Path of the Riastrad feature
However, while this transformation is undoubtedly
When you rage, your skin stretches and muscles bulge as
fearsome, those blessed with the gift of the Riastrad also risk
you transform into a savage avatar of destruction. Your
losing themselves to the madness, attacking friend and foe
size increases by one category and the reach of your melee
alike. Its ever-present risk makes some fear the power that is
attacks increases by 5 feet while you rage.
gifted to them, while others rush into battle seeking glory in
feats of wild rage. Many view the emergence of the power INHUMAN STRENGTH
as a portent of evil as the warriors are blessed and curse with 10th level Path of the Riastrad feature
this power to stand against such foes. While raging, your Strength score increases by 2, as does 5
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature, your maximum Strength score.
which offers you the choice of a subclass. The following
option is available to you when making the choice: the Path PREDATORY REFLEXES
of the Riastrad. 14th level Path of the Riastrad feature
While raging, you can make an opportunity attack expending
your reaction. However, you must make an opportunity
3rd level Path of the Riastrad feature
attack whenever a creature leaves your reach without taking
You gain the following benefits while you rage: the Disengage action, even if they are not hostile.
• You have immunity to psychic damage.
Among the creatures of the fey are the race of leprechauns
who live on the ever-shifting between the Material Plane
and Feywild, and living among the people of both worlds.
Many stories are told about this mysterious race that lives
between both planes, often expounding on their enjoyment
of collecting gold and their love of pranks and tricks.

Love of Gold
Leprechauns have a love of gold, building a small hoard of
coin squirrelled away, enjoying the status of being wealthy
within communities of their own kind. Though such wealth
is usually freely given away should another save their life.
Stories of such fortune have led to strange rumors among
the other races about gaining such treasure.

Tricky Nature
8 This race of the fey has a deep appreciation of tricks and
practical jokes, enjoying playing such pranks against others
but also appreciating the value of an well-executed prank
at their own expense. Most of the times such shenanigans
are harmless, made in good natured jest but can turn nasty
when their anger is roused.

Leprechaun Names
Leprechauns use a combination of their given names
followed by their clan names though generally they only use
their given names
Leprechaun Clan Names. Bryne, Fitzpatrick, Foley,
Healy, MacDermott, MacKenna, McGrath, O’Callaghan,
Regan, Sweeney
Leprechaun Male Names. Aidan, Alby, Blarney,
Conall, Declan, Fergus, Finn. Flannery, Mannix, Rian
Leprechaun Female Names. Biddy, Bree, Brianna,
Ciara, Fiona, Moira, Neve, Nora, Sloane, Sorcha

Leprechaun Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2
and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Leprechauns generally reach maturity around 30
and then are considered as adults. On average leprechauns
live about 300 years.
Creature Type. You are a fey
Size. Your size is Small. Most leprechauns stand between
3 and a half and 4 feet tall and average about 60 pounds.
Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades
of gray.
Fey Luck. You are blessed with luck of the fey, you can
reroll a skill check or saving throw a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses on a
long rest. You must use the second roll.


Some say that a little bit of fey blood is a gift, others that it
is a curse. Such a mix of the material and fey are known as
feylings. Usually, these unions occur when a fey seduces a
mortal man or woman who has unwittingly stumbled upon
their dominion of the Feywild.

Of Both Worlds
Feylings stand with one foot in the realm of mortals and
another foot in the realm of the fey. Some are raised in
among the wild magic of the Feywild, while others among
the more mundane world of the Material plane. Either way,
a bit of both cultures seeps into their lives, giving rise to a
unique perspectives of both worlds.

Magic Of The Fey

This magic of the fey sings in the blood of those born of both
worlds. Feylings are capable of calling upon strange acts of 9
magic without study, although many need to practice before
they can reliably call on the gifts of their gilded tongue.
Some stories advise caution of feylings and their power with
words, whilst others celebrate them as children of destiny,
able to affect great change.

Feyling Names
Feylings use either human or fey naming conventions, often
mixing both to mark them as blessed child of both worlds
especially if raised in the Material Plane.

Feyling Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by
2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Feylings mature at the same rate humans do and
reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much
longer than humans, however, often exceeding 200 years.
Creature Type. You are a humanoid.
Size. Your size is Medium. Most feyling stand between
5 and 6 feet tall and average about 100 pounds, generally
being of slighter build.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades
of gray.
Fey Touched Magic. The blood of the fey flows in your
veins, allowing you to call on the magic of the Feywild.
You can cast charm person with this trait. Starting at 3rd
level, you can cast enthrall with it, and starting at 5th level,
you can also cast tongues with it. Once you cast a spell with
this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you
finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
these spells.


The Green Knight Wielders of Nature’s Wrath. Green knights hold
mastery over the forests in which they guard, wielding
Green knights are valiant knights from distant lands who powerful magics to bring forth the very limbs and leaves.
ventured too deeply into ancient forests in search of fame In place of a gilded sword, the green knight wields a club
and adventure. Here, they cross paths with the fey, and wrapped in poisonous vines growing from the very tree in
under the guise of a fated challenge, are bound to the service which they are trapped. Even in death, the spirit of the green
of the fey. knight nurtures the forest in which they once protected.
Guardians of the Forest. Green knights are noble Champions of the Fey. Within the fey courts, green
protectors of ancient forests and gilded groves, areas far from knights serve as champions and servants to the various fey
the corruptions of civilization. Green knights are fond of nobles. These nobles sometimes charge the green knight with
making their homes in the crumbling edifices of civilization, traveling to distant lands and testing the bravery and honor
long-forgotten temples and abandoned fortresses, places of mortal knights, challenging them to duels or elaborate
where the encroaching forces of nature have slowly begun contests. Those who fail this challenge are brought to serve
to reclaim. the fey as green knights.

Green Knight living tree within its reach and emerge from a second
living tree within 60 ft. of the first tree, appearing in an
Large Fey, Neutral Good unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the second tree. Both
trees must be large or bigger.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield) Verdant Growth. When the green knight dies in
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) direct sunlight, all nonmagical plants in a 20-foot
Speed 40 ft. radius centered on the green knight become thick and
overgrown. A creature moving through the area must
spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. This
effect lasts for 1 minute.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 11 (0)
Innate Spellcasting. The green knight’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to
Damage Vulnerabilities fire hit with spell attacks). The green knight can innately cast
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and the following spells, requiring no material components:
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities poison At will: druidcraft, thorn whip
Condition Immunities poisoned 2/day each: entangle, earth tremor
Senses passive Perception 13 1/day: spike growth, earthbind, grasping vine
Languages Sylvan
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Actions
Multiattack. The green knight makes three attacks: one
Magic Resistance. The green knight has advantage on with its branches and two with its club.
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Branches. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Speak with Beast and Plants. The green knight can one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
a language.
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus an
Tree Stride. Once on its turn, the green knight can additional 3 (1d6) poison damage.
use 10 ft. of its movement to step magically into one
Pooka Boon and Burden. The pooka are manipulators of fate,
nudging the flow of it subtly. Their innate magic enables
The pooka are creatures of both burden and boon, granting them to turn success into failure or failure into success. They
luck to those who treat it with kindness whilst cursing those often grant boons to those who have garnered favor with
who stand against it with misfortune. These creatures more them and curse those who have angered them. Although
than any other embody the dual nature of the fey. They are there is no predictable way to placate a pooka, sometimes
at once playful, yet mischievous and wise, yet capricious, offerings of food and drink or cherished personal affects can
and their nature makes them both feared and respected by return good fortune.
the common folk who will sometimes leave out offerings Change of Form. Pookas can change their form
to them. Yet at the same time, these fey creatures can also from creatures of light and luck to those of darkness and
be somewhat selfish and easily angered and as such, they misfortune their fur-covered bodies shifting from snow
will not hesitate to curse or punish those who they feel have white to pitch black in an instant. They can change from
wronged or insulted them. friend to foe and back again in the blink of an eye and thus
it is always best to treat these creatures with courtesy.

14 Pooka (Boon) Malleable Nature. As an action, the pooka can change

its form from boon to burden using all the stats of the
Medium Fey, Chaotic Good burden form and keeping its current hit points.

Armor Class 14 Actions

Hit Points 136 (21d8 + 42)
Speed 40 ft. Multiattack. The pooka makes three attacks: one with
its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +6
Skills Perception +4, Persuasion +6 Reactions
Senses darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Sylvan Slight of Fate. When a creature within 60 feet of the
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 pooka rolls damage, the pooka can allow the creature to
reroll one of the dice.
Boon of the Fey. Any friendly creature within 60 feet of
the pooka can roll a d4 when making a skill check and
add the result to the check.


Few know the bodach in its true form. To the common
observer a bodach would appear as nothing more than
a kindly, if somewhat senile, old man. Spirited and
mischievous, while in this form the bodach delights in
telling elaborate, convoluted stories and playing harmless, if
somewhat infuriating, pranks. Many have even unwittingly
taken a bodach for a weary old man and willingly provided
it with a meal and a place to sleep, unaware that beneath the
visage of an old man lurks a dark and terrible creature.
The Trickster. Nothing delights the old man more than
a harmless prank. Those that offer the bodach shelter for the
night they may awake to find nothing more than a small
pile of brightly colored sand, or all their left boots missing.
The bodach will even use its innate magical ability to further
the scope of its pranks, making rude and off-putting noises
while it stealthily follows a passing patrol, or creating the
16 illusion of an angry monster to burst into a camp in the
middle of the night.
The Boogeyman. The other form of the bodach is dark
and terrible, a towering amorphous shadow, altering its
form to best suit the source of a creature’s fears. No one
knows what triggers the transformation of the bodach,
though some theorize that the presence of a person’s fear
might trigger the bodach’s insatiable hunger. While
in this form, cruel and ravenous, the bodach has
dominion over the shadows themselves, causing
them to deepen and reach for its victim like
ghostly hands. The bodach is especially fond of
the fears of children, many times revisiting the same
child repeatedly and even into adulthood.


Bodach At will: prestidigitation, thaumaturgy, minor illusion.
3/day each: darkness, detect thoughts, hold person,
Small Fey (Shapechanger), Chaotic Neutral or dissonant whispers, invisibility, silent image.
Chaotic Evil while in shadow form 1/day: dream, greater invisibility.
Weaknesses. The bodach has the following flaws:
Armor Class 16 Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The bodach takes 10 radiant
Hit Points 199 (19d6+133) damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While
Speed 30 ft. in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.
12 (+1) 23 (+6) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 16(+3)
Multiattack. The bodach makes two claw attacks or two
Skills Intimidation +7, Stealth +10 manipulate shadows.
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) slashing damage. While
slashing from nonmagical weapons in shadow form the bodach deals an additional 9 (2d8) 17
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened
Manipulate Shadows (shadow form). Ranged Spell
Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10
Attack: +10 to hit, reach 60 ft., one target in dim light
Languages Common, Sylvan, and Abyssal.
or darkness. Hit: 20 (5d6+3) necrotic damage and the
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple
ends, the creature is restrained by their own shadow.
Magic Resistance. The bodach has advantage on saving Frightening Presence (shadow form). While in its
throws against spells and other magical effects. shadow form, each creature of the bodach’s choice that is
Sense Fear. The bodach can magically sense the presence within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
of any creature frightened of it up to 5 miles away. throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
The Bodach knows the general direction but not the repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
exact location. ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
Shapechanger. The bodach can use its action to saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
polymorph into a large amorphous shadow, or back to creature is immune to the bodach’s frightening presence
its true form. The bodach’s statistics are the same in each for the next 24 hours.
form, except for its alignment, however, while in shadow
form the bodach cannot use its Innate Spellcasting Bonus Action
ability. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is
absorbed into its new form. It reverts to its true form if Consume Fear (shadow form, Recharge 5-6). While
it dies. in shadow form, the bodach can target one creature it
can see within 30 feet of it that is currently frightened.
Shadowed Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, The target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
the bodach can take the Hide action as a bonus action. saving throw against this magic or take 18 (4d8) psychic
While in shadow form and in dim light or darkness, the damage. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced
bodach has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. by an amount equal to the psychic damage taken. This
Innate Spellcasting. The bodach spellcasting ability reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The bodach can If this effect reduces the target’s hit point maximum
innately cast the following spells, requiring no to 0, the bodach regains 18 (4d8) hit points and the
material components: target falls unconscious but is stable. The target regains
consciousness in 1d4 hours.
War Goose
The magics of the Feywild can have strange effects on migrated from the Material Plane, magically doubled in size
creatures exposed to it for long periods of time. So it was within a few short weeks, before doubling again, growing to
that when a pair of young leprechauns stole a farmer’s flock 6 feet tall and possessing a vicious temper.
of geese as a prank and took them back to the Feywild, the Battlefield Mounts. The increased size of the geese
geese began to breed and grow to unlikely proportions. coupled with their temperament made them the perfect
Exposed to the magic of the Feywild, they reached sizes up mounts to ride into battle, and so leprechauns began the
to four times their regular size. Now the fey train them up as arduous process of training them into obedience, teaching
mounts, riding them into battle against their enemies. them to accept saddles and to viciously bite at their enemies.
Fey Magic. The plane of the Feywild is strongly infused Those who face them on the battlefield can sense the
with magic, so much so that the creatures living there often viciousness of these beasts, often finding themselves frozen
evolve in strange and unusual ways. These geese, which in place or backing away when faced with a war goose.

War Goose Charge. If the goose moves at least 20 feet straight

18 Medium Beast, Unaligned toward a creature and then hits it with a bite attack on
the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14
Armor Class 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) is prone, the goose can make another bite attack against
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. it as a bonus action.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Senses passive Perception 10 Honk. The goose targets one creature it can see within
Languages - 30 feet of it. If the target can see the goose, the target
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened of the goose until the end of the
goose’s next turn.




The Morrigan Most mortals turn to The Morrigan in times of fear. Before
battle, warriors offer prayers to her, asking for victory and
Great Queen. Phantom Queen. Nightmare Queen. The the courage to achieve it. Spellcasters, before enacting a
Morrigan rules over the battlefield, a goddess of war and the dangerous ritual, mutter to her for guidance and success.
fates of those who fight. By her will, armies are incited to The Morrigan teaches all her followers to embrace their
conflict and great warriors find their courage deserts them. fear. They must overcome it, look it in the eye and refuse to
Her appearance presages victory and death. Together with be cowed. Only by doing so can they be ready for the true
her sisters, she brings glory to those who invoke her name glories she offers.
and weaves mighty works of battle magic against any who Some consider her followers a morbid lot, forever
dare to challenge the Tuatha Dé Denann. looking for omens relating to their own deaths. However,
The Morrigan is a shape-changer, choosing many forms this is not the truth of The Morrigan’s ways. Death is the
and rarely appearing to the same person the same way. Her inevitable end for all things, both on and off the battlefield.
favorite appearance is that of a young, red-haired woman, No one can hide from this. The Morrigan would have her
dressed in the black and grey of a hooded crow. She rides followers embrace their ultimate destiny, take joy in those
across the land on her chariot, pulled by a one-legged horse things which make them feel most alive, in strength and
transfixed upon a pole, driving stolen cattle before her. At skill, in cunning and slaughter. Her assistance comes at
other times, she appears as a withered hag, proclaiming a a heavy price. Few are willing to give themselves utterly
hero’s coming death. A crow with grey and black plumage. to their own fear in this way. But for those who do, The
An eel. A wolf. A raven. The Morrigan wears all of these and Morrigan promises to guard their deaths. 23
many more besides, and warriors know to keep an eye for
her omens when they set out to fight. THE MORRIGAN’S GOALS
Like many gods of the land, The Morrigan does not The Morrigan cultivates battle as a farmer does their crop.
stand alone. Her name is both her own and a title she shares These are testing grounds, places where the fates of many are
with her sisters, Macha and Badb. If she has another name, decided and glory achieved. As such, she is one of the more
most believe it to be Annand, but it is wise to always address active gods among mortals. Together with her sisters, she sets
her as The Morrigan. Her sister Macha, wife of Nuada, is a events into motion which, generations down the line, create
queen of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She crowns the victor of grand conflicts designed to shape the destinies of thousands.
those who fight to claim the lands and oversees birth and She does not care for the reasons people use to justify their
growth. However, she is no less a warrior. Not for nothing wars. What matters is that they fight. Her followers often
are decapitated heads known as “Macha’s harvest.” Red- aid her in these endeavors, though they rarely see their part
mouthed Badb relishes the slaughter. In her crow form, in the greater narrative.
she settles upon the battlefield, claiming the fallen for her However, The Morrigan is not a simple warmonger.
own. Her eyes see far and her prophecies are respected by Slaughter can be glorious, but what point is there if the battle
all the Tuatha Dé Danann, presaging both times of peace is completely one-sided? Nor does she constrain herself
and strife for them and their followers. Together, they are to only battles, her interests reaching anywhere mortals
The Morriganae. They appear individually and together, and face their fate. She wishes for all mortals to rise beyond
each fulfills some aspect of the other. By their efforts, great themselves, to seek out conflict in whatever form it might
wars take shape, heroes gain glory, and legends are born. The take, and meet their destinies willingly. To this end, she sets
Morriganae cast their black wings over all. challenges before them, sometimes even working against her
champions in the very endeavors she tasked them with. This
The Morrigan’s Influence apparently contradictory nature means many mortals are
The Morrigan embodies warfare in all its glory and terror, reluctant to call upon her, for fear she will make things more
and by extension sovereignty and fate as decided through difficult for them. The Morrigan is not a caring god and
conflict. Just as a single warrior’s destiny is decided in battle, has little mercy within her. Her followers though know The
so are the fates of entire territories, rival kings fighting Morrigan gives nothing without a cost and that, ultimately,
for supremacy or clans clashing to take one another’s she knows the greatness they can achieve.
prized cattle. While even her fellow gods must pay for her assistance,
To The Morrigan, courage and acceptance of fate is The Morrigan is fiercely loyal to the Tuatha Dé Danann.
paramount. Those who try to deny fate, or her part in it, Those who challenge their right to rule find The Morrigan
may have to face her themselves. She relishes battle and a terrible enemy to face. It was thanks to the battle magic
should a conflict interest her, warriors may find themselves and fighting prowess of her and her sisters the Tuatha Dé
fighting alongside, or against, a red-haired warrior woman, overcame the Fir Bolg and Fomorians, and she stands
her face and weapons bloodied. Sometimes, she appears alongside them still, watching always for any threat to
dancing from sword point to spear tip to mark the army their rule. Anyone who goes against the gods must learn to
she favors, glee shining in her eyes, her laughter sapping the fear the Nightmare Queen and her followers, for she does
enemy’s will to fight. To flee, to try to escape fate, to cower not tolerate anyone who would upset the true order of
in the face of overwhelming odds, these things go against all their destiny.
The Morrigan is.
DIVINE RELATIONSHIPS healer, Dian Cecht killed him too, leaving the boy’s body in
The Morrigan works with her sisters, Macha and Badb, each the woods to turn into those herbs most prized by healers.
a queen of battle, fate, and slaughter. Respect and love exist Dian Cecht denies the ending of things, including his own
among the three Morriganae, though this is not to say they pre-eminence. This The Morrigan cannot stand and their
don’t occasionally test one another’s patience. enmity is shared by their followers.
The three have four more sisters. Banba, Fotla, and Eriu
form another triumvirate, goddesses who oversee rulership Worshiping the Morrigan
across the lands. Their relationship with The Morrigan is as Before a battle or cattle raid, warriors and chieftains give
complicated as any siblings can expect. Sovereignty is earned offerings to The Morrigan, hoping for her to look favorably
in battle, conflict deciding who holds the right to rule. This upon her efforts. These offerings range from the simple
is something The Morriganae hold dominion over, and their prayers of warriors, to grand animal sacrifices. Offering a
sisters respect this. However, sovereignty also means stability cow, particularly one known to be a steady milker, is thought
and The Morriganae’s plots to stir mortals into conflict to be her favorite. The Morrigan is, after all, a prolific cattle
upsets this time and again. Whenever this occurs, Banba, thief, and offering such a prized creature is a sure way to, at
Fotla, and Eriu send their followers against The Morrigan’s, the very least, attract her gaze. However, such animals are so
working to ensure the rightful ruler remains in place. The highly prized it is rare for a chieftain to order this. Instead,
Morrigan does not mind this competition. After all, all a sacrifice in effigy is sometimes offered in the cow’s stead.
conflict feeds her goals. Horses are used in those conflicts which determine
24 Nemain stands as the final sister. She and Badb share rulership, but this can be dangerous. The horse is sacred
their husband Net, and like her war goddess sisters she revels to Macha and there is every chance she will take such an
in battle. However, Nemain takes the glory of slaughter even offering as an insult. For the same reason, warriors are
further. Her screams inspire madness, causing all those who careful to ensure no crows or ravens are harmed. Seeing one,
hear them to either flee or fall into a frenzy. She is summoned or three, is taken as a sign The Morrigan is watching and the
by the battle cries of those who are overcome by their own wise person will bow and show respect to these creatures.
fury, appearing as a blood-slicked woman diving headlong When victory has been achieved, thanks is required.
into the fray, drenching herself in death. The other members The Morrigan never gives anything without a cost. Some
of The Morriganae treat Nemain with caution. She is chaos portion of what was gained is The Morrigan’s due. After a
on the battlefield, a presence not even fate can account for. successful cattle raid, for example, the first milking from a
However, she is still their sister and on occasion stands as one stolen cow is considered to be The Morrigan’s share. The
of the three, usually a sign a particularly bloody slaughter is heads of the fallen are also hers. They are Macha’s harvest,
about to take place. and a warrior may decapitate those enemies they consider
By all accounts, The Morrigan’s relationship with particularly worthy and offer them to the queen of the
her husband, The Dagda, is amicable. The two are not so Tuatha Dé Danann and her sisters.
different as they might first appear. The Dagda is a garrulous
god, a bringer of life as well as death, and he celebrates each The Morrigan’s Champions
moment with food and laughter. The Morrigan, on the other Alignment. Usually Chaotic, often neutral.
hand, appears cold and terrible, a signifier of coming death. Suggested Classes. Fighter, Rogue, Warlock, Wizard
But she is no less passionate than her husband, joining him Suggested Cleric Domains. Death, War
in relishing all life has to offer, and it was in return for their Suggested Backgrounds. Folk Hero, Criminal,
union The Morrigan helped the Tuatha Dé Danann gain Noble, Soldier
victory over the Fomorians. Though they each take other Many of The Morrigan’s champions are warriors, going
lovers, they never give any sign of disloyalty. To make an to battle with weapons and magic. They understand the
enemy of one is to make an enemy of both, although they futility of fighting destiny and instead choose to take joy in
also enjoy competition. Sadly, their one child proved to be each moment, stoically accepting their fate while rejoicing
the source of the greatest enemy The Morrigan holds among in those things which make them feel most alive.
her fellow gods.
Dian Cecht, the healer of the gods, holds The The Morrigan’s Favor
Morrigan’s eternal enmity. This is not due to him being a The Morrigan’s favor falls upon those who catch her eye
healer—healing from wounds is a sign fate has greater things through conflict. Warriors who face incredible odds with
in store—but because of the god’s own arrogant denial of bravery and acceptance, rulers who stand unbowed when
fate. When The Morrigan’s son was born with three snakes hard times come, anyone who faces death and looks it in
in his heart, it was Dian Checht who predicted the serpents the eye. Yet, she is also farsighted and may determine those
could one day destroy Ireland and argued for the boy to with a great destiny ahead of them long before it comes
be killed. In the end, he cut out the child’s heart with his to fruition.
own hand. Later, when his own son outshone his skills as a


The Morrigan’s favor is not something to be sought lightly. d6 Ideal
She expects those who follow her to be self-reliant, presenting
them with tests and temptations to sway them from their Might. By gaining strength, I can take what is
path. She has little time for those not willing to pay the due to me. (Evil)
price for greatness and those wishing for her favor may find Change. No ruler is stable forever. Through
her standing among their enemies as she determines their 4
conflict, the world turns. (Chaotic)
strength and resolve.
It can be difficult to know why The Morrigan chooses Courage. No fear or pain can turn me away.
her champions. Perhaps you performed some great feat of (Any)
bravery. Or perhaps you carry a glorious destiny, one which Destiny. It is pointless to struggle against destiny.
is only now beginning to unfold. The Morrigan Favor table In fighting it, we only fulfill it. (Any)
below offers some suggestions.
THE MORRIGAN’S FAVOR Earning and Losing Piety
You increase your piety score to The Morrigan when you
d6 Circumstance expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way
When you were born, a hooded crow, a wolf, through acts such as these:
1 and a grey mare were seen observing your • Inciting an army to battle.
family home. • Achieving a great victory. 25
While traveling to a battle, an old woman • Ensuring fate is fulfilled.
2 offered you a drink of milk if you would give • Inspiring others to meet death with courage.
victory to The Morrigan. Your piety score to The Morrigan decreases if you
3 You stared death in the eye. And death blinked. diminish her influence in the world, contradict her ideals,
or make her look weak or ineffectual through acts such
You were wounded in battle and woke to find
as these:
4 a young woman standing over you, her mouth
dripping with blood. • Fleeing from a battle.
• Disrupting destiny.
In a moment of thoughtless bragging, you made • Failing to give The Morrigan her due.
5 a promise to The Morrigan and she placed you
As you stood watch one night a red-haired Piety 3+ The Morrigan trait
woman appeared and challenged you to wrestle. As a follower of The Morrigan, you have called upon her
6 name when facing death and she now listens to your prayer.
You emerged victorious and the woman turned
into a raven. You can cast dissonant whispers with this trait a number of
times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once).
You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Devotion to The Morrigan Wisdom is your spell-casting ability for this spell.
Following The Morrigan means dedicating yourself to the
pursuit of glory, seeking those times which make your THE MORRIGAN’S VOTARY
blood sing, where death stands close at your shoulder. It Piety 10+ The Morrigan trait
also means accepting that nothing comes without its cost. You can cast fear with this trait, requiring no material
As a follower of The Morrigan, consider the ideals on The components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t
Morrigan’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your
your background. spellcasting ability for this spell.


Piety 25+ The Morrigan trait
d6 Ideal You can cast locate creature with this trait, requiring no
material components. Once you cast the spell in this way,
Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself, my
1 you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
clan, and my god. (Any)
Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and CHAMPION OF CONFLICT
2 Piety 50+ The Morrigan trait
sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. (Any)
You can increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by
2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.
Myths of The Morrigan two boys. But the strain was too much. With her last breath,
The Morrigan appears in many myths, often acting as an Macha cast a curse upon the men of Ulster. They too would
instigator of events, or presenting herself as a challenge suffer her labour pains in the hour of their greatest need.
to overcome. Her motives are rarely given, even when all This left only the seventeen-year-old Cúchulainn to
three sisters are present within the story. Yet all highlight the defend the lands when the warrior queen Medb led her
dangers of attracting her attention, and the glories which armies to steal the Brown Bull of Cooley. A bull bred from a
await those who do. heifer belonging to The Morrigan herself.


Blood and Courage. The Morrigan is a mighty warrior. A Heart of Serpents. The Morrigan and The Dagda
Yet perhaps more terrifying is her skill in battle magic. It had one child together, and in his heart there lived three
is something the Tuatha Dé Danann have often relied serpents. It was foretold by Dian Cecht that these serpents
upon for victory. When the gods faced the Fir Bolg, the would one day emerge and by their power all the lands
first peoples they encountered in Ireland, the three sisters would end. The gods were frightened by this prophecy, but
of The Morriganae took up station on hills overlooking the none wanted to face The Morrigan’s wrath. In the end, it was
battlefield. There, they held up their arms and chanted songs the healer himself who took matters into his own hands. He
to the land and sky, summoning great fogs, storm winds, killed the child and cut out his heart. As the three serpents
and rains of blood, allowing the Fir Bolg no chance of rest. emerged, bloody-headed from their home, he took each
26 Later, when the two armies met, the goddesses conjured one between his thumb and forefinger and crushed it. Then
great pillars behind the Tuatha Dé Danann army, preventing he burned their bodies, stirring their ashes before burying
anyone from fleeing the battlefield. They then joined the even these beneath the soil, so no part of them could ever
fight themselves. threaten the land again. It is said nothing ever grows in this
Many years later, when the Tuatha Dé Danann rose up place and only The Morrigan and The Dagda dare approach.
against their Fomorian oppressors, The Dagda arranged to However, The Morrigan’s son and his serpents are not
meet The Morrigan on Samhain night. He found her by a entirely gone. Each serpent carried their own particular
river, her red hair pouring into the water like blood. She venom. One drop of the first would kill anything, even a
offered victory for the Tuatha Dé Danann if he agreed to god. A drop of the second caused endless pain. And a drop
sleep with her, to which The Dagda readily agreed. After, she of the third brought new life wherever it fell. Dian Cecht,
went to the Fomorian king Indech and took from him his ever jealous, took the venom of each before he killed it and
courage and will to fight. The king was killed the next day these he hid away from the gods, deep within a cave in
in battle, while The Morrigan gave heart to her fellow gods, Dalriada. The Morrigan has never forgiven the healer for his
urging them to fight fiercely. Thanks in part to her battle actions and knows some small part of her son remains still.
magic, the Fomorians were driven into the sea. The Crow-Cursed. One of The Morrigan’s greatest
Hour of Greatest Need. The future is not hidden to champions is said to still walk Dalriada, many years after
any of The Morriganae, and they each work to ensure fate he should have perished. This is no blessing of hers. The
plays out according to their understanding. Many events champion was at one time a warrior, fated to one day
which have shaped Ireland can find their origins in The outshine even Cúchulainn. But, when he at last faced the
Morrigan’s schemes. For example, when the Tuatha Dé final test The Morrigan set before him, he fled. There are
Danann found themselves oppressed by the Fomorians, it many conflicting versions of the story. Some say he was to
was The Morrigan who appeared to Lugh and encouraged fight a monster of The Other Lands, one which wore the
him to inspire his fellow gods into open war, while Badb face of his beloved. Others say his courage fled him before
delivered a prophecy of the days to come after. battle and he left his fellows to die. Whatever the cause of his
Yet it is in Cattle Raid of Cooley, the story of the shame, the champion failed to face his death with honor and
greatest war among Ireland’s mortals, her influence is most now The Morrigan denies him any other kind. Little more
apparent. The story goes that a farmer one day returned to than a shambling corpse, the champion is never able to rest.
find a beautiful woman living and working in his home. He appears on the edges of battles, a figure wrapped in grey
She told him she would now be his wife, and her name tatters surrounded always by black-feathered crows which
was Macha, but he was not to tell another soul about her. pluck at his skin, urging him into the battle. It is said that,
For a time, the farmer was content. Many years later, at should he ever join an army, that side is sure to lose, so the
a horse race staged by the king of Ulster, the farmer got former champion is chased away wherever he appears, even
drunk and forgot his promise. He boasted his pregnant wife though he promises to share word of a person’s future if they
could easily beat the king’s horse in a foot race. The king, ever help him achieve a warrior’s death.
an arrogant and cruelhearted man, accepted the challenge.
Macha was brought before the assembled men and, despite
her pleading, forced to race. Even heavily pregnant as she
was, the fleet-footed horse was no match for the goddess.
She crossed the finish line mere feet ahead of it, before
collapsing into labour. There on the grass, she gave birth to


Cliamh Solais
Artifact of Ascension (Longsword),
Artifact (Requires Attunement)
The legendary sword of light and one of the four treasures
of the Tuatha Dé Danann belonging to Nuada of the Silver
Arm. The blade is polished platinum with rays of light
engraved along its length, while the handle is gold with an
inset diamond as a pommel.

While wielding this sword in its Inert state, you gain the
following benefits:
You can at will cause the sword to glow brightly, emitting
bright light out to 20ft.
As an action you can cast gust of wind (save DC 13). Once
30 you do so you can’t cast it from the weapon again until the
next dawn.
Fall Before Me. If a creature is wounded by the blade, you
have +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
weapon against that creature for the next 24 hours.
Wind Walk. As a reaction to being in the area of effect of
a spell or ability you can call on the winds and move up to
10ft. If this movement allows you to move out of the area,
you are unaffected

While wielding this sword in its Enlightened state, you gain
the following benefits:
The sword now emits bright light out to 40ft.
As an action you can cast control winds (save DC 15 ). Once
you do so you can’t cast it from the weapon again until the
next dawn.
The spell save for gust of wind increases to 15.
The bonus of Fall Before Me increases to +2.
The distance for Wind Walk increases to 15ft.

While wielding this sword in its Ascended state, you gain
the following benefits:
The sword now emits bright light out to 60ft.
As an action you can whirlwind (save DC 17 ). Once you
do so you can’t cast it from the weapon until the next dawn.
The spell save for gust of wind and control winds increases
Cliamh Solais
to 17.
The bonus of Fall Before Me increases to +3.
The distance for Wind Walk increases to 20ft.


Cloak of Mists Enlightened
Artifact of Ascension (Cloak), While wearing this cloak in its Enlightened state, you gain
the following benefits:
Artifact (Requires Attunement)
The bonus to AC and saving throws increases to +2.
This mythical magical item is told of in stories and tales of
Mannan Mac Lir. The cloak appears to be woven from thin While wearing this cloak you can breathe underwater.
wool but has a shifting swirling pattern of white and blue Fog cloud can now be cast as a 2nd level spell.
and leaves a trail of fog in its wake. You have advantage on death saving throws.
Inert Ascended
While wearing this cloak in its Inert state, you gain the While wearing this cloak in its Ascended state, you gain the
following benefits: following benefits:
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing The bonus to AC and saving throws increases to +3.
this cloak.
Fog cloud can now be cast as a 3rd level spell.
As an action you can cast fog cloud centered on yourself.
Once you do so you can’t cast it from the cloak until the When casting fog cloud from the cloak you have the ability
next dawn. to see normally within the fog. 31

Cloak of Mists
Leprechaun’s Coin

Crystal of
Last Breath
Leprechaun’s Coin
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
(Requires Attunement)
Leprechaun’s love little more than playing tricks on others. One
Crystal of Last Breath of their favorite ways is to exploit people’s greed for gold using
Wondrous Item, Rare their magic coins. Occasionally they will gift one to a kindred
trickster, although this is largely because they enjoy watching the
This cloudy blue crystal is fastened to a leather cord so that it recipient being chased down by enraged merchants.
can be worn around the neck. A faint purple hue within seems This innocuous golden coin feels pleasingly weighty in
to gently pulse in time with the wearer’s breathing. your palm. The coin bears a Celtic knot symbol that, when
When a Large or smaller creature wearing the crystal is studied, is oddly captivating.
reduced to 0 hit points but isn’t killed immediately, the As a bonus action, you can will the coin to vanish from
crystal quickly grows and encases the creature. The crystal wherever it is and reappear in your closed fist. You have
is 1 ft. thick around the creature and anything they were advantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) checks to convince
wearing. The encased creature is suspended in time, unable others to accept the coin as payment, unless they have any
to act, think, or even perceive anything, however they also resistance or immunity to being charmed.
do not make any death saving throws. Creatures encased in
the crystal are considered obscured by the cloudiness of the The coin automatically returns to your palm after 6 hours
crystal and cannot be detected even by magical means. The and cannot be apart from you for longer than that.
crystal has an AC of 17 and 50 hit points, and is immune Curse. Once attuned, you are compelled to take out the
to all damage types except for slashing, piercing, and coin and toy with it whenever your mind is left to idly
bludgeoning. When the crystal is reduced to 0 hit points wander, rolling it over your knuckles or flipping it into the
it shatters, destroying the crystal of last breath and returning air. When you try to end attunement or attune to another
the flow of time to the encased creature, who remains at item instead, you must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving
0 hit points and must begin to make death saving throws throw. On a failure, you greedily refuse and cannot attempt
as normal. the save again until you finish a long rest.


The Spear of Lugh Enlightened
Artifact of Ascension (Spear), While wielding this spear in its Enlightened state, you gain
the following benefits:
Artifact (Requires Attunement)
The spear’s additional fire damage increase to 1d8.
One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann, this
enchanted spear represented the element of fire, the blade The range of the spear has a short range of 40 feet and a long
and shaft often glowing with a burning inner fire. The range of 120 feet.
shaft of the spear is black ebony wood inlaid with rose gold As an action you can cast wall of fire (save DC 15). Once
flamelike patterns travelling up to the blade of platinum and you do so you can’t cast it from the weapon again until the
rose gold. next dawn.
Inert The spell save for burning hands increases to 15
The spell save for inner fire increases to 15 and the damage
While wielding this spear in its Inert state, you gain the
to 1d6.
following benefits:
The spear deals an additional 1d4 fire damage. Ascended
Attacking at long range doesn’t impose disadvantage when While wielding this spear in its Ascended state, you gain the
throwing the spear. following benefits: 33
As an action you can cast burning hands (save DC 13). Once The spear’s additional fire damage increases to 1d12.
you do so you can’t cast it from the weapon again until the
The spear has advantage on attacks made when being thrown.
next dawn.
As an action you can cast fire storm (save DC 17). Once you
Inner Fire. A creature hit by the spear must make a DC
do so you can’t cast it from the weapon until the next dawn.
13 Constitution saving throw or catch fire, taking 1d4 fire
damage at the start of each turn until they take action to The DC for burning hands and wall of fire increases to 17.
put themselves out or be splashed with at least a gallon of The DC for Inner Fire increases to 17 and the damage to
water. Creatures made of wood or who are vulnerable to 1d12.
fire damage or damage inflicted by The Spear of Lugh have
disadvantage on the saving throw

The Spear of Lugh


Aspect of the Fey Jacobereux’s

6th-level Transmutation Illusory Guard Frog
36 (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) 2nd-level Illusion (Ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 20 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Components: V, S, M (a small, petrified frog)
Until the spell ends, you take on an aspect Duration: 8 hours
of the fey (moth - or butterfly - like wings, You create the illusion of a tiny frog.
shimmering multicolored skin, furry goat legs, The illusionary frog takes on the appearance
etc), and you gain the following benefits: as determined by the caster and acts like
• You are immune to being charmed or an ordinary frog, croaking and moving as
frightened and magic can't put you to sleep. appropriate. While this spell is active, the
In addition, you have resistance to poison illusory frog will guard an area within range of
damage and advantage on saving throws the spell that is no larger than a 60-foot-radius
against the poisoned condition. sphere.
• You have advantage on saving throws against The illusory frog has darkvision out to
spells and other magical effects. a range of 60 feet and can make Wisdom
• While this spell is active, you can use your (Perception) checks using your proficiency
action to create a 15-foot cone of dazzling bonus plus your spell casting modifier. When
glitter extending from your outstretched the frog detects a creature in its area, it begins
hand in a direction you choose. Each to croak loud enough to awaken all creatures
creature in the cone must make a Wisdom within the area of the spell. When you cast the
saving throw or be blinded until the start of spell, you can designate creatures that will not
your next turn. alert the frog.


sounds at different times, even making it
Fey Touched Image carry on a conversation, for example.
2nd-level Illusion Physical interaction with the image
reveals it to be an illusion, because things
(Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) can pass through it. A creature who
Casting Time: 1 action physically interacts with the illusion releases
Range: 90 feet a burst of chaotic fey energy and takes 2d6
Components: V, S, M (a bit of fleece and a damage. Roll a d6 to randomly determine
leaf from the Feywild) the type of damage:
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create the image of an object, a d6 Type of Damage
creature, or some other visible phenomenon 1 Fire
infused with the magic of the Feywild 2 Cold
that is no larger than a 5-foot cube. The
image appears at a spot that you can see 3 Thunder
within range and lasts for the duration. It 4 Lightning
seems real, including sounds, smells, and 5 Poison
temperature appropriate to the illusion
depicted. You can’t create sufficient heat or 6 Acid
cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough Once the fey energy has been released
to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, the illusion is dispelled. In addition, a
or a smell that might sicken a creature. creature can use its action to examine the
As long as you are within range of the image and determine that it is an illusion
illusion, you can use your action to cause with a successful Intelligence (Investigation)
the image to move to any other spot within check against your spell save DC. If a
range. As the image changes location, creature discerns the illusion for what it is,
you can alter its appearance so that its the creature can see through the image.
movements appear natural for the image. At Higher Levels. When you cast this
For example, if you create an image of a spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
creature and move it, you can alter the image the damage increases by 1d6 for each spell
so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, slot level above 2nd.
you can cause the illusion to make different

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