D&D Unleashed - The Guardian Prestige Class (v1 - 0)
D&D Unleashed - The Guardian Prestige Class (v1 - 0)
D&D Unleashed - The Guardian Prestige Class (v1 - 0)
Mark Ability
Levels Features Attacks Marks
l st Guardian's Calling, 2 2
Guardian's Mark
2nd Protection Sdecialty, 2 3
Withstan Pain
3rd Powerful Reprisal, 3 3
4th Ability Score Improvement 3 4
5th Powerful Reprisal, 4 4
2nd-level abjuration (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Paladin)
Casting lime: l reaction, which you take when a
creature other than you within range that you
can see is hit by an attack or targeted by the
magic missile spell
Range: l 5 feet
Components: V, S, M (a bead bracelet)
Duration: l round
A shimmering barrier of magical force appears
and protects the attacked creature. Until the start
of your next turn, the target has a+ 5 bonus to AC,
including against the triggering attack, and it takes
no damage from magic missile.
D&D UNLEAS \ . , ~- j BY BENEVOLENT EVIL (@EvilBenevolent)
furious, your speed increases by 10 feet and you have In addition, you can always find the vigor needed to aid and
advantage on weapon attacks made against the triggering protect. You gain the following benefits at all times.
enemy. If they are melee weapon attacks, they also count as
• While you are carrying a friendly creature, you add your
opportunity attacks.
Constitution score to your Strength score for the purposes
If you have the Rage class feature, you can enter your rage
of determining your carrying capacity.
when you use this technique, consuming a use as normal If
• When you make a Strength check or Dexterity check to
you are raging and furious when you make a melee weapon
rescue a friendly creature from imprisonment, you gain a
attack against the triggering enemy, you score a critical hit on
bonus to the roll equal to your Constitution modifier
a roll of 18-20.
(minimum+ 1). Examples: Lifting a portcullis, picking the
lock on a cage, freeing an ally from a net or web, etc.
Prerequisite: Step of the Wind feature or a base flying speed • While you are traveling or standing watch with others, you
gain a bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score
When you use this technique, you can jump up to 60 feet and
equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum + 1) for the
up to 20 feet high to a space within 5 feet of the triggering
purposes of noticing hidden threats.
enemy, or fly up to 60 feet to that space if you have a flying
speed Then you make a melee weapon attack against the
triggering enemy with advantage and a bonus to the damage
roll equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum + 1). When you reach 4th level you can increase one ability score
of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of
MARTIAL REPRISAL your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability
When you use this technique, you can draw or stow up to two score above 20 using this feature.
extra weapons. You make one melee weapon attack or up to
two ranged weapon attacks against the triggering enemy. UNYIELDING
These attacks have advantage and deal bonus damage equal
Starting at 5th level whenever you hit with an opportunity
to your Constitution modifier. Finally, you can draw or stow
attack and deal damage to the target, you gain an additional
one more weapon at any time that turn.
bonus to the damage roll equal to your proficiency bonus, and
If you hit with a melee weapon attack using this technique,
you regain the use of your reaction at the end of that turn.
the target must make a Strength saving throw. The DC is In addition, when you finish a short rest and roll a hit die to
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution regain hit points, you can choose to reroll the die and use the
modifier. The target falls prone on a failed save.
new result instead You can use this to affect up to a number
of hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
PLANAR REPRISAL expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Finally, when you roll initiative and have no uses of the
When you use this technique, you teleport up to 30 feet to an special attack granted by your Guardian's Mark feature
unoccupied space you can see, then make a weapon attack remaining, you regain one use of the special attack.
against the triggering enemy. This attack deals bonus force
damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum + 1i
and it counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming
resistance or immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell
When you use this technique, you can immediately cast a
spell that normally requires a bonus action or an action to
cast, as long as the expended slot level is not higher than your
Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The spell must affect the
triggering enemy and affect no other creatures except you.
When you use this technique, you glare and shout at the
creature fiercely. If the triggering enemy can see and hear
you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. On a
failed saving throw, the creature is frightened until the end of
your next turn. While frightened in this way, the creature can't
take actions, reactions, or bonus actions, and it can't make
attacks unless the attack is granted by a legendary action.
UNWAVERING l - "Oppian Nevilindor", © Paizo; & "Citadel", by Dave Greco
Starting at 3rd level whenever you gain temporary hit points, 2 - "Lion Guard Strategist",© Bethesda Softworks LLC
you increase the temporary hit points gained by an amount 3 - "Back to Back", by Michael Komarek
equal to half your proficiency bonus.