Gardner Denver

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April, 1998






Gardner Denver@ and OPI@ genuine pump parts are gency parts by direct access to the Gardner Denver
manufactured to original tolerances and designed for Machinery Inc. Master Distribution Center (MDC) in
optimum dependability. Design and material innova- Memphis, Tennessee.
tions are the result of years of experience with Your authorized distributor can support your Gardner
hundreds of different pump applications. Reliability in Denver and OPI pump needs with these services:
materials and aualitv assurance are incorporated in our
genuine replacement parts. 1. Trained parts specialists to assist you in select-
ing the correct replacement parts.
Your authorized Gardner Denver and OPI distribu- Repair and maintenance kits designed with the
tor offers all the backup you’ll need. A worldwide necessary parts to simplify servicing your pump.
network of authorized distributors provides the finest
product support in the pump industry. Authorized distributor service technicians are factory-
trained and skilled in pump maintenance and repair.
Your local authorized distributor maintains a large in- They are ready to respond and assist you by providing
ventory of genuine parts and he is backed up for emer- fast, expert maintenance and repair services.

For the location of your local authorized Gardner Denver and OPI distributor refer to the yellow pages
of your phone directory or contact:
Distribution Center: Factory:
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.
Master Distribution Center 1800 Gardner Expressway
5585 East Shelby Drive Quincy, IL 62301
Memphis, TN 38141 Phone: (217) 222-5400
Phone: (901) 363-6100 Fax: (217) 224-7814
Fax: (901) 363-l 095


When ordering parts, specify Pump MODEL and per unit, quantity is indicated in parenthesis. SPECIFY
Number is also stamped on top of the cylinder end of
the frame (cradle area). DO NOT ORDER BY SETS OR GROUPS.

All orders for Parts should be placed with the near- To determine the Right Hand and Left Hand side of a
est authorized distributor. pump, stand at the power end and look toward the fluid
end. Right Hand and Left Hand are indicated in paren-
Where NOT specified, quantity of parts required per thesis following the part name, i.e. (RH) & (LH), when
pump or unit is one (1); where more than one is required appropriate.

3-l-605 Page i
Gardner Denver@ and OPI@ pumps are the result of advanced engineering and skilled manufacturing. To be assured
of receiving maximum service from this machine the owner must exercise care in its operation and maintenance.
This book is written to give the operator and maintenance department essential information for day-to-day opera-
tion, maintenance and adjustment. Careful adherence to these instructions will result in economical operation and
minimum downtime.

Danger is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which will cause severe personal
injury, death, or substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.


Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which can cause severe person-
al injury, death, or substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.


Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which will or can cause minor
personal injury or property damage if the warning is ignored.


Notice is used to notify people of installation, operation or maintenance information

which is important but not hazard-related.

3-l-605 Page ii

Maintain Pump Reliability and Performance with Genuine Gardner Denver@ Parts
and Support Services ..................................................................... i

Instructions for Ordering Repair Parts ....................................................... i

Foreword ................................................................................ ii

Index .................................................................................. iv

Section1,DangerNotices.. ............................................................... .

Section 2, Installation & Operating Instruct Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...7

Sectional View of PAH Put 1np With Block F uid Cylinder.. ...................................... 9

Section 3, Service Instruct Ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Section 4, Trouble Shooting ..............................................................

Section 4, Dimensions & Running Clearances .............................................. 27

Recommended Torques.. .............................................................. ..2 8

Warranty ........................................................................ Last Page

For Parts List see:

PARTS LIST # 3-l-522

3-l-605 Page iii

Bearing and Eccentric Assembly ............... 17 Lubrication ................................... 8
Connecting Rods ............................. 17 Lubricator ................................... 14
Covers and Guards, Danger Notice .............. 2 Main Gears .................................. 18
Crankcase Oil Requirements .................. 25 Moving and Lifting Equipment, Danger Notice ..... 2
Crossheads and Pins ......................... 18 Oil Filter ..................................... 10
Cylinder ..................................... 12 Oil Pump.. ................................... 9
DANGER NOTICES, SECTION 1 ............... 1 Oil Stop Heads ............................... 18
Danger Notices Ordering Instructions, Repair Parts .............. i
Covers and Guards ......................... 2 Piston Liners and Liner Clamps ................ 14
Equipment Moving and Lifting ................ 2 Piston Rod .................................. 14
Flammable, Hot, Cold or Corrosive Fluid Piston Washing System ....................... 14
Pumping ............................... 4
Pistons ..................................... 14
Hammer Lug Fasteners ..................... 1
High Pressure Liquid Jetting, Blasting and Plunger ..................................... 13
Cleaning ............................... 5 Plunger Packing, Lubrication Recommendation . . 26
Hydraulic .................................. 2 Rock Drill Lubricants ....................... 26
Pressurized Pump Systems .................. 3 Steam Cylinder Oils ....................... 26
Valve Seat Pulling .......................... 2 Plunger Stuffing Box Packing .................. 13
Wedge Puller .............................. 2
Power End .................................. 16
SECTION 5 ............................... 27 Pressure Relief Valve .......................... 7

Drilling and Well Service Valves ................ 12 Pressurized Pump Systems, Danger Notice ...... 3

Eccentric and Bearing Assembly ............... 17 Pump,Oil .................................... 9

Equipment Moving and Lifting, Danger Notice ..... 2 Push Rods .................................. 18

Figure 1 - Sectional View of PAH Pump ......... 11 Repair Parts, Ordering Instructions .............. i
Figure 2 - Block-Type Fluid Cylinder for Water Running Clearances, Recommended ........... 27
Flood Service ............................. 12 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS, SECTION 3 ........ 12
Figure 3 - Jackshaft Bearing Detail ............. 16 Service Instructions ........................... 16
Figure 4 - Jackshaft Bearing Installation ........ 16 Power End ............................... 16
Filter, Oil .................................... 10 Slow Speed Operation of Well-Servicing Pumps .. 9
Flammable, Hot, Cold or Corrosive Fluid Pumping, Starting a New Pump .......................... 8
Danger Notice ............................. 4
Suction System ............................... 7
Gears, Main ................................. 18
Torques, Recommended ...................... 28
Hammer Lug Fasteners, Danger Notice .......... 1
Heat Exchanger .............................. 10
Valve Seat Pulling, Danger Notice ............... 2
t high Pressure Liquid Jetting, Blasting and Cleaning,
Danger Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Valves .................................... 12

t hydraulic Puller, Danger Notice ................. 2 Drilling and Well Service ................... 12
Water Flood Service ....................... 12
Installation ................................... 7
Warranty ............................. Last Page
TIONS, SECTION 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Water Flood Service Valves .................... 12
Jackshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Wedge Puller, Danger Notice ................... 2
Lifting and Moving Equipment, Danger Notice . . . . . 2 Well-Servicing Pumps, Slow Speed Operation .... 9

3-l-605 Page iv

DANGER personnel to refresh their memories in safe procedures

and practices.
Keep in mind that full operator attention and alertness
Read and understand the following DANGER are required when operating high pressure pumping
NOTICES before moving or operating the pump or any equipment. Operators should not begin or continue op-
pump package unit equipment. erations when tired, distracted or under the influence of
Reciprocating pumps are machines capable of produc- alcohol or any type of prescription or nonprescription
ing high fluid pressures and flow rates and are de- drugs.
signed to be used with proper care and caution by The timely replacement of expendable parts and any
trained, experienced operators. TO AVOID PER- other worn or damaged parts can prevent equipment
SONAL INJURY, DEATH AND/OR EQUIPMENT damage and possible injury. The original parts used in
DAMAGE, READ AND THOROUGHLY UNDER- Gardner Denver pumps are designed and tested to ex-
STAND THE FOLLOWING DANGER NOTICES acting standards to provide high quality performance
PLUS THE ENTIRE OPERATING AND SERVICE and durability. Your best insurance in maintaining
MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO MOVE OR these characteristics is to use genuine Gardner Denver
OPERATE THE PUMP. Contact a Gardner Denver replacement parts.
Machinery service representative if you are unable to
comply with any of the danger notices or procedures A broad range of danger notices are covered on these
described in these documents. pages, however, they cannot substitute for training, ex-
perience and common sense in the safe operation of
Closely examine the data plate upon pump delivery to high pressure pumping equipment.
become thoroughly familiar with the operating limits for HAMMER LUG FASTENERS
this pump model. The pump must never be operated
at speeds, pressures or horsepower exceeding the dANGER
maximum values shown on the data plate or at
speeds below the minimum shown. Failure to ob-
serve the operating limits shown on the data plate On pumps or pump package units equipped with ham-
could result in personal injury, death, and/or mer lug connectors and/or hammer lug valve covers
equipment damage and will void the warranty. Al- the following precautions must be observed to avoid
terations to the pump, or application of the pump out- personal injury, death and/or equipment damage due
side the data plate limits, must not be made without to contact with the hammer, hammer bar, broken parts
Gardner Denver Machinery written approval together from the hammer, hammer bar or lugs or other objects
with a new data plate, as dangerous operating condi- propelled by hammer blows. When tightening or loos-
tions could result. ening hammer lug connectors and valve covers, opera-
tors or maintenance personnel should:
THE DANGER NOTICE AND DATA PLATES PRO- Inspect the hammer, hammer lugs and hammer
VIDED ON THE EQUIPMENT MUST NOT BE RE- bar, if one is used, to insure they are all in good
MOVED, PAINTED OVER, HIDDEN OR DEFACED. condition. Replace any of these parts which are
They must be replaced if they become damaged or un- cracked, damaged or badly worn.
readable. Provisions should be made to have the fol-
lowing written danger notices plus the pump operating Wear safety shoes and goggles.
and service manual readily available to operators and
Alert other personnel to move away from the
maintenance personnel. In addition, copies of all pump
system accessory component (e.g. pressure relief
valve, pulsation dampener, suction stabilizer, engine, Check to insure they have safe footing.
electric motor, etc.) operating and service manuals
Fully engage the hammer bar, if one is used, to
should be readily available for operator and mainte-
prevent it from disengaging violently from the
nance personnel use. Read and follow all the precau-
cover as a blow is struck.
tions and instructions contained in these manuals. If
any of these documents are lost or become illegible Wipe their hands and the hammer handle and
they must be replaced immediately. The danger no- maintain a firm grip on the handle to avoid losing
tices plus the operating and service manuals should be control of the hammer while swinging and strik-
reread periodically by both operators and maintenance ing.

3-l-605 Page 1
l Carefully swing the hammer to avoid striking Covers and guards are intended to not only protect
themselves, another person and objects other against personal injury or death, but to also protect the
than the targeted lugs or hammer bar. equipment from damage from foreign objects.
Avoid swinging the hammer above shoulder EQUIPMENT MOVING AND LIFTING

DANGER Heavy equipment including pumps, pump package

units and components should only be moved or lifted
by trained, experienced operators, who are physically
The following precautions must be observed by opera-
and mentally prepared to devote full attention and alert-
tors and maintenance personnel to avoid personal inju-
ness to the moving and lifting operations. An operator
ry, death and/or equipment damage from contact with
should be fully aware of the use, capabilities, and
the puller, hammer, wedge or broken parts from these
condition of both the equipment being moved and the
components when using either a hydraulic or wedge
equipment being used to move it.
valve seat puller:
Hydraulic Puller
Wear safety shoes and goggles.
l Chain or tie the jackdown as it will jump violently Failure to follow safe and proper
when the valve seat disengages from the valve pump, pump package or component
deck. lifting or moving procedures can lead
l Check to insure the pressure applied by the hy- to personal injury, death and/or
draulic pump does not exceed the hydraulic equipment damage from shifting, fal-
ram maximum pressure rating.
ling or other unexpected or uncon-
Wedge Puller trolled equipment movements.
l Grind off any mushroomed material from the
wedge before use.
Make sure the hoist, lift truck, ropes, slings, spreader,
Follow the danger notices listed above in the or other lifting equipment you are using is in good condi-
hammer lug section, but substitute the term tion and has a rated lifting capacity equal to or greater
wedge for hammer lug and hammer bar. than the weight being lifted. Lifting devices must be
checked frequently for condition and continued confor-
mance to rated load capacity. They should then be
tagged with the inspected capacity together with the
date of inspection.
Fully assembled pumps and pump package units are
DANGER heavy and should only be moved using the specified
lifting lugs or attachments. Many individual compo-
All pump covers must be securely nents have lifting eyes or lugs which must not be
fastened in proper position at all used to lift assemblies, as they are designed to
bear the weight of the component only. Before lift-
times when the pump is operating to
ing the individual component check to insure the lifting
avoid personal injury or death from attachment is firmly secured to the component with un-
moving parts. In addition, all moving damaged, properly torqued fasteners, sound welds, or
parts on the entire pump package, in- other secure attachments. Examine the lifting eyes,
cluding but not limited to engine or lugs, slots, holes or other projections to insure they are
not cracked, otherwise damaged or badly worn. The
motors, drive shafts, belts, chains,
repair of existing or addition of new welded lifting eyes,
pulleys, gears, etc., must be equipped lugs or other projections should only be performed by
with guards or covers, which must experienced, qualified welders.
also be securely fastened in proper Package units should be lifted with spreaders con-
position at all times when the equip- nected to the lifting attachments normally built into the
ment is operating. package unit support skid. Packages too large to lift ful-
ly assembled should be separated into smaller loads.

3-1-605 Paae 2
For these smaller loads the lifting devices should be The relief valve should be placed in the flowing dis-
fastened to the lifting attachments normally built into charge line and not at the opposite end of the discharge
the individual motor, engine, pump or transmission/ manifold in a dead end connection. The dead end may
torque converter, or their separate support skids. become clogged with solid material carried in the fluid,
which could prevent proper relief valve operation.
When lifting subassembled components, for example
a suction stabilizer attached to suction piping or a dis-
charge pulsation dampener attached to a strainer cross DANGER
and piping, use special lifting slings designed to safely
support the combined weight of the components.
Never place a shut-off valve or any
If a crane or hoist is being used to lift large components other component between the pump
or assemblies, one or more persons should assist the discharge connection and the pres-
operator from the ground with guide lines attached to
the equipment being moved to properly position it and
sure relief valve.
prevent uncontrolled movement.
When you start to lift a pump, package unit, subassem- Make sure the pressure relief valve is installed so any
blies or individual components and you observe the pressurized relief discharge from the valve is directed
equipment is tilting, or appears unbalanced, lower the away from possible contact with people or equipment.
equipment and adjust the lifting device to eliminate The relief valve must be set to relieve at a pressure
these improper lifting conditions before proceeding to equal to or below the maximum pressure values shown
move the equipment. on the pump data plate. However, if a component is
used in the discharge system with a lower rated pres-
It is poor practice and dangerous to allow the equip- sure capability than that listed on the pump data plate,
ment to pass over or close to your body or limbs. Be the pressure relief valve must be set to relieve at a pres-
prepared to move quickly out of danger if equipment sure equal to or below the rated capability of the lowest
starts to fall, slip or move unexpectedly toward you. rated component.
PRESSURIZED PUMP SYSTEMS Before starting the pump every time, check to in-
DANGER The pressure relief valve is in good operating
condition and has been set to the proper relief
Fluids under high pressure can pos- pressure.
sess sufficient energy to cause per- Any pipe line used to direct pressurized relief
sonal injury, death and/or equipment flow to another location, such as a collecting
tank, is not blocked.
damage either through direct contact
with escaping fluid streams or by con- The discharge system is not blocked and all the
tact with loose objects the pressur- discharge line valves are open.
ized fluid propels. Check all fluid end discharge system components
including pipe, connections, elbows, threads, fas-
teners, hoses, etc., at least once every six months
Operating a pump against a blocked or restricted dis- to confirm their structural adequacy. With time,
charge line can produce excessive pressures in the en- wear, corrosion and fatigue can reduce the strength of
tire discharge system, which can damage or burst dis- all components. Magnetic iron and steel components
charge system components. should be checked with magnetic particle or dye pene-
trant crack detection equipment. Nonmagnetic materi-
als should be checked for cracks with dye penetrants.
DANGER All metallic components should also be visually
checked during these inspections for signs of corro-
Never operate a pump without a prop- sion. If a component shows evidence of cracking or
loss of material due to corrosion it must be replaced
erly sized pressure relief valve lo-
with a new part.
cated in the flowing discharge line im-
mediately adjacent to the pump dis- Continually monitor suction and discharge hose as-
semblies when the pump is operating for leakage, kink-
charge connection. ing, abrasion, corrosion or any other signs of wear or

3-l-605 Paae 3
Worn or damaged hose assemblies should be re- controls are clearly tagged with warnings not to start
placed immediately. At least every six months ex- the pump while repair work is in process.
amine hose assemblies internally for cut or bulged Whenever the pump is operating, continually monitor
tube, obstructions and cleanliness. For segment style
the entire suction, discharge and pump lubricating sys-
fittings, be sure that the hose butts up against the nipple tems for leaks. Thoroughly investigate the cause for
shoulder, the band and retaining ring are properly set
leakage and do not operate the pump until the cause
and tight and the segments are properly spaced. of the leak has been corrected. Replace any parts
Check for proper gap between nut and socket or hex which are found to be damaged or defective. When a
and socket. Nuts should swivel freely. Check the lay-
gasketed joint is disassembled for any reason, discard
line of the hose to be sure that the assembly is not
the used gasket and replace it with a new, genuine Gar-
twisted. Cap the ends of the hose with plastic covers dner Denver gasket before reassembling the joint.
to keep them clean until they are tested or reinstalled
on the pump unit. Following this visual examination, Due to the high working pressures contained by the
the hose assembly should be hydrostatically tested, on fluid cylinder, discharge manifold and discharge piping,
test stands having adequate guards to protect the oper- welding on these components is not recommended. If
ator, per the hose manufacturer’s proof test procedure. welding on the discharge system cannot be avoided,
only experienced, qualified welders should be used. In
Fluid end component inspections should be per- addition, the welded part should be hydrostatically
formed more frequently than every six months if proof tested in the shop with water or hydraulic fluid to
pressures above 2500 psi are used in the dis- one and one half times maximum discharge system
charge system or if corrosive, flammable or hot working pressure, with no observable fluid leakage, be-
(over 110” F) fluids are being pumped. fore the part is reinstalled in the pump system.
Proper stuffing box packing selection is important for In summary, high pressure fluid streams can possess
safe pump operation. Contact a Gardner Denver Ma- sufficient energy to cause personal injury, death and/or
chinery service representative for assistance in select- equipment damage. These results can occur either
ing the proper packing before beginning operation. through direct contact with the fluid stream or by con-
tact with loose objects the fluid stream has propelled,
Before starting the pump for the first time and periodi- if the pump system is improperly used, or if the fluid is
cally thereafter check the pump, suction and discharge misdirected, or allowed to escape from defective or im-
system fastener torques versus the values listed in the properly maintained equipment.
Operating and Service Manual tables to insure proper
tightness. Over and under torquing can damage
threaded pipes, connections and fasteners, which may
lead to component damage and/or failure. Replace all
components found to be damaged or defective. On
pumps equipped with stuffing boxes, the gland must be
engaged by at least three (3) threads to hold the dis- DANGER
charge pressure of the pump.
Extreme caution must be exercised
by trained and experienced operators
when flammable, hot, cold or corro-
sive fluids are being pumped, in order
Do not attempt to service, repair, ad-
to avoid personal injury, death and/or
just the plunger packing or otherwise
equipment damage due to explosion,
work on the pump while the unit is op-
fire, burn, extreme cold or chemical
erating. Shut off the pump drive mo-
tor or engine and relieve the fluid
pressure in the pump suction and dis-
charge systems before any work or Never operate a pump which is pumping hydrocarbons
or other flammable, hot, cold, or corrosive fluids when
investigation is performed on the
any part of the pump, suction system or discharge sys-
pump or pump systems. tem is leaking. Stop the pump immediately if any leak-
age, other than a few drops per minute of packing
weepage, is observed. Keep all flame, sparks, or hot
Block the crankshaft fro m turning and make certain that objects away from any part of the pump, suction sys-
all pump drive motor or engine start switches or starter tem, or discharge system. Shield the pump, suction

3-l-605 Paae 4
system and discharge system to prevent any flam- HIGH PRESSURE LIQUID JETTING! BLASTING
mable, hot, cold or corrosive fluid leakage from dripping AND CLEANING
or spraying on any components, flame, sparks, hot ob-
jects or people. Inspect the plungers, packing, gaskets
and seals for fluid leakage frequently and replace all
worn or leaking parts.
Extreme caution must be exercised if
Selection of the proper gaskets, seals and stuffing box any type of wand, gun, nozzle or any
packing is even more critical when flammable, hot, cold other pressure and flow directing de-
or corrosive fluids are being pumped than when other, vice is attached to the pump dis-
inherently less dangerous fluids are used. Contact a
charge system for use in jetting,
Gardner Denver Machinery service representative for
assistance in selecting the proper gaskets, seals and blasting, cleaning, etc. This type of
packing before beginning operation. equipment must be used with utmost
care by trained, experienced opera-
Since some packing seepage into the cradle area is in- tors. High pressure fluid streams can
evitable, the drain at the bottom of the cradle must be either by direct contact or by propel-
connected to a drain line which conducts the fluid leak- ling loose objects, cause serious per-
age to a collection container located in a protected
sonal injury or death to the operators
area. The entire drain system and container must be
constructed of materials resistant to attack from the and/or other persons.
pumped fluid or from explosion or fire of the pumped
fluid. Heavy duty cradle covers must be securely Pressure or flow directing devices often receive pres-
fastened in the proper position on the pump at all surized flow through flexible hoses, which can burst if
times when the pump is operating. If the pumped they are kinked, cut, abraded or are otherwise worn,
fluid releases harmful, explosive or flammable va- damaged or pressured above their rated capacity. Pro-
pors the covers must be vented to conduct the tect the hose and connections from damage by people,
fumes away from the pump unit to a nonhazardous objects and vehicles. A broken, cut or otherwise burst
area. hose can release pressurized fluid which may cause
personal injury, death and/or equipment damage.
Before beginning pumping operations or starting the High pressure fluid from hand held or hand directed
pump power source (whether an engine or electric mo- pressure and flow directing devices may overpower an
tor) check the atmosphere all around the pumping site operator’s ability to control or direct the device, which
for the presence of flammable or explosive vapors. Do could lead to personal injury, death and/or equipment
not begin operation and stop ongoing operation if flam- damage. The operator must brace against the back-
mable or explosive vapors are detected. Hot surfaces, ward thrust of a hand held device. In addition, a safety
sparks, electric current or engine exhaust could ignite harness or safety net must be used when working in an
flammable or explosive vapors. Each engine used as area where the operator could be injured in a fall. Stand
a power source on pumping units where flammable or to the side of any tubing or container being sprayed to
explosive vapors could form should be equipped with avoid back spray and never operate a hand held device
an air inlet shut-off. If flammable or explosive vapors above shoulder level.
are present in the pumping site atmosphere, an engine
could continue to run on these vapors even after the en- Never direct the pressurized fluid stream at yourself or
gine fuel line is shut-off if an air inlet shut-off is not any other person, control valves, the pump, pump
used. drive, suction or discharge systems. The pressurized
stream can cause serious personal injury or death and
can also change valve or control settings which could
In addition, on pumping units used where flammable or dangerously increase the delivery pressure to the pres-
explosive vapors could form, all electric motors used as sure and flow directing device.
power sources must be of explosion proof construction
and all electrical components and wiring must meet the When operating a pressure and flow directing device,
current National Electrical Code for explosive atmosp- use only equipment which automatically shuts off flow
heres. when an operator releases hand or foot pressure on the
pressurized flow trigger control to prevent injury if the
operator is overpowered or becomes disabled.
These precautions must be taken to avoid possible per-
sonal injury, death and/or equipment damage from ex- Check to insure this automatic shut-off equipment is
plosion, fire or burns. operating properly before every use and never circum-

3-l-605 Page 5
vent the automatic shut-off for any reason or by any guns, hoses, connections or any other pressurized
means when operating the equipment. system components.
When operating any type of high pressure liquid jetting, All pressure containing devices including wands,
blasting or cleaning devices the operators must always nozzles, guns, connections, etc., plus all automatic
wear protective clothing including, but not limited to, a shut-off, pressure and control equipment should be
hard hat with full face visor, heavy duty rain coat and treated with care. Protect them from damage by
pants, boots with nonskid sole and safety toe, rubber people, objects and vehicles. Never lay them in dirt,
gloves with rough grip surface and ear noise protection. mud, ice or other loose material which could plug the
fluid opening or interfere with their operation. Never
Full operator attention and alertness are required when
use the wand, nozzle, gun, etc. to pry loose material off
operating this equipment to avoid personal injury, death
items being cleaned.
and/or equipment damage. The operators should take
frequent rest breaks and cease operations when they Before starting operation in a cold environment, check
become tired or distracted. to make sure there is no ice in the fluid system and re-
Before the equipment is started, the work area must be peat this inspection each time before operation is re-
inspected and properly prepared to avoid personal inju- started.
ry, death and/or damage to equipment. Make sure the Before purchasing wands, nozzles, guns, connections,
work area is checked for hazardous fumes, has ade- and hose, etc., manufacturers of these components
quate ventilation for engine exhaust and sufficient should be contacted for detailed information on the de-
drainage for released fluid. Check the work area for sign and safety features incorporated in their products.
electrical equipment, connections, outlets, fixtures, or After careful study of various manufacturers products,
lines. If any are present they must be made water tight we recommend that only those wands, nozzles, guns,
and the electrical power to these devices must be shut connections and hose, etc., be considered for pur-
off to avoid electrical shocks from fluid contact. The chase that you judge to offer the highest quality of de-
work area should be clearly marked and roped off to sign, construction and safety, since these components
keep unauthorized people and vehicles from entering. are among the most critical to the safe operation of high
Remove all loose parts, tools and equipment from the pressure liquid jetting, blasting and cleaning equip-
work area before beginning operation. ment.
All pressure containing devices including wands, After you have selected and purchased these compo-
nozzles, guns, hoses, connections, etc., should be reg- nents, follow the manufacturer’s instructions complete-
ularly checked for condition. These components ly in their use.
should all be tagged with their tested pressure capabili-
ties together with the date testing was performed. Al- In summary, high pressure jetting, blasting and
ways be aware of the pressure level in the system cleaning are inherently dangerous, as the pressur-
and never connect any equipment to the system es and flow rates needed to remove scale, clean,
which has a rated or tested pressure capability be- etc. are sufficient to cause personal injury, death
low the system operating pressure. The equipment and/or equipment damage resulting from, but not
must be shut down and the system pressure released limited to, any of the conditions described in the
before changing or disconnecting wands, nozzles, above Danger Notices.

3-l-605 Page 6

tion or improperly fitted pipe. Any suction line shutoff

DANGER valve(s) must be full opening to avoid choking the
Always wear safety shoes and
goggles when operating and perform-
ing maintenance on a pump to help

prevent personal injury to eyes and If a suction line strainer is used, it

toes from pressurized fluids and fal- must be cleaned frequently, as a
ling or flying objects. clogged strainer can cause pump ca-
vitation and damage.
INSTALLATION - The pump should be located as
close to the fluid supply as possible. A short, straight Many potential pumping problems can be avoided by
suction line will provide the best pump performance reviewing the proposed pump layout and suction condi-
and reduces the possibility of cavitation. tions with Gardner Denver Machinery Marketing before
a pump is purchased.
The pump must be driven in the direction indicated by
arrows on the frame, that is, the eccentric must rotate PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE -The pump must be pro-
over center toward the crosshead oil trough. Rotation tected from excess pressure by a pressure relief valve.
in this direction is necessary to assure adequate cross- This valve must be properly sized to handle the full flow
head lubrication. of the pump and must be installed as close to the pump
discharge connection as possible.
Adequate space should be provided around the pump
for ease of inspection and service. The pump must be
leveled and checked for gaps under all frame feet. DANGER
Shim any gaps to prevent frame damage when the feet
are securely fastened to the foundation or base. Pump Never install a shutoff valve in the line
frame damage may also occur on truck mounted units
between the pressure relief valve and
due to truck frame flexing, unless a stiff base or isola-
tors are used between the pump and truck frames. the pump cylinder. Pumping against
a closed valve could produce pres-
The maximum allowable temperature of the pumped
fluid is 200' F. (93” C.). Any pump application over this
sures sufficient to cause property
temperature, or with a suction pressure over 50 psi, damage and/or serious personal inju-
must be approved in writing by Gardner Denver Ma- ry or death.
chinery Marketing.
SUCTION SYSTEM - Suction system conditions are
critical to proper pump performance and durability. Ad- DANGER
equate suction pressure must be provided at the pump
suction connection. Improper use or maintenance of relief
The suction pipe or hose should be the full size of the valves can cause excessive pressure
pump inlet opening. If the suction line is relatively long, which may result in property damage
the next larger size pipe or hose should be used. The
and/or serious personal injury or
suction line should have a very slight, constant upward
grade toward the pump to insure air pockets do not death.
form in the line. The suction line must also be air-tight.
Both air pockets and air leaking into the line will reduce
the pump volumetric efficiency and produce shock The relief valve should be set to operate at approxi-
loading inside the pump. Any bends in the suction line mately 1.1 times the discharge pressure, but MUST
should be long radius sweeps. All piping must be sup- NOT exceed equipment tolerances and ratings.
ported independently of the pump to insure that no Check the valve for proper functioning at least once a
strain is imposed on the pump by misalignment, vibra- month.

3-l-605 Page7
STARTING A NEW PUMP - Pumps are shipped from The oil level on PAH model pumps should be checked
the factory without oil in the crankcase. The hood with the pump running. The running level on these
should be removed and the power end examined and pumps should be between the middle and top of the
cleaned if necessary. The pump may have been in stor- sight glass in the oil level indicator, located on the side
age or in the yard for some time and as a consequence, of the pump frame. Add oil through the threaded open-
dirt or rust from condensation may have formed in the ing where the breather is mounted to the hood. The
crankcase. Also, parts may have been robbed from the pump may then be brought up to working speed and
pump during storage and not replaced. All nuts and pressure. Check for overheating and listen for abnor-
screws should be tightened. Fill the crankcase with the mal noise. Inspect all joints in the suction line to be sure
quantity of oil shown on the nameplate attached to the there are not air or fluid leaks. Check for excessive
pump frame. Refer to the lubrication data plate and this vibration caused by improper suction conditions. Be
manual’s LUBRICATION section for the proper oil sure the stuffing box packings are properly lubricated
specification. per the directions given in the packing lubricator sec-
tion. If equipped with piston and liner, be sure liner/pis-
Be sure all valves in the discharge line are open. No ton wash system is operating properly.
valves should be installed between the pump and pres-
sure relief valve in the discharge line. LUBRICATION -The eccentric, crossheads, connect-
ing rods and main bearings are lubricated by oil in the
To prevent excessive wear on the fluid pistons and crankcase.
packing when starting, remove a suction valve cover
plate on each side of the fluid end and prime the pump.
The pump should be started slowly, if possible, and
should be operated for several hours with practically no A l
discharge pressure.
Use only extreme pressure, API GL-5
Make certain the pump is rotating in the correct direc- gear oil, having the required additives
tion. The direction of rotation of the jackshaft is indi-
cated by an arrow on the frame. and viscosity, in the crankcase. The
use of motor oils in the crankcase
does not provide acceptable lubrica-
A WARNING tion and voids the warranty.

Pumps are shipped from the factory The selected API GL-5 oil must have anti-wear, anti-
without oil in the crankcase. foaming, noncorrosive and rust inhibiting additives. A
list of recommended grades vs. temperatures is lo-
cated in the back of this manual and on the pump lu-
brication data plate. The list is based on premium quali-
DANGER ty oils having viscosity values that do not exceed 7000
SSU at the minimum start-up oil temperatures listed
The cradle cover, all guards and in- and viscosity values between 1500 SSU and 200 SSU
for the crankcase oil temperatures listed. Oils with vis-
spection plates must be securely fas-
cosity values significantly different from these values,
tened in the proper position before at the temperatures listed, may be too thick at low tem-
the pump is started and must not be peratures to flow into close bearing clearances, or may
removed at any time when the pump be too thin at high temperatures to carry the required
is in operation, to avoid personal inju- loads. In either case, pump damage could occur.
ry and/or death from moving parts. If a 7000 SSU maximum viscosity at start-up cannot be
assured, a crankcase heater is required. Also, if crank-
case oil temperature exceeds 200’ F (93” C), an oil
heat exchanger with a circulating pump is required to
A+ WARNING prevent seal damage and oil break down.
For outdoor operation, the multiviscosity oils are pre-
The pump must be primed at start-up ferred to provide acceptable lubrication over wide tem-
to prevent damage to packing and perature ranges. However, when multiviscosity oils are
plungers. not available, straight weight oils should be acceptable,
if care is taken to stay within the listed temperature
ranges. Straight weight oils are also ideal in pumps

3-l-605 Paae 8
used indoors, when ambient temperatures are con- plugs over the crosshead oil reservoir. Clean and flush
trolled. the crankcase through these openings before adding a
fresh oil fill.
The oil level in the pump should be checked frequently.
Add oil through the breather opening. The breather can Some operating conditions and/or oil brands produce
be removed by rotating it counter clockwise. Keep the excessive oil foaming, even when the specified GL-5
breather tightly in place while the pump is operating to oils containing anti-foaming additives are used. Oil
prevent moisture and dirt from entering the crankcase. foaming can cause pump damage, as oil bubbles will
On pumps equipped with a replaceable filter element not lubricate moving parts properly. If significant oil
type breather, clean the element frequently and replace foaming occurs, contact Gardner Denver Machinery
the element every six months. When operating in very Marketing or Service for the current factory recom-
dusty or dirty conditions, more frequent replacement mended defoamant to be added to the lubricating oil.
may be necessary. When it is not possible to contact Gardner Denver
people, a small amount of kerosene added to the oil will
The pressure gauge must be watched and if it shows usually reduce foaming. One half of a fluid ounce of
lack of pressure, the oil level should be checked. The kerosene added to each gallon of oil should be suffi-
screen on the suction of the circulating pump might be cient to control foaming. The use of larger amounts of
stopped up so the pump cannot get sufficient oil to kerosene per gallon of oil will reduce the oil viscosity,
maintain pressure. This screen should be examined at which could result in rapid pump wear and failure.
rather frequent intervals and thoroughly cleaned. It can
be removed without draining the oil from the crankcase. OIL PUMP - The oil pump is the gear-driven rotary
type pump which provides filtered oil under pressure to
When overhauling the pump, check all oil connections connecting rod liners and crosshead pin bushings.
and clean the lines thoroughly. The oil relief valve Crossheads and guides are lubricated by flood from the
should also be inspected. gear. The pump is reversible and will deliver oil regard-
If the pump is to be stored or shut down for an extended less of the direction of rotation. All the oil pumped is fil-
period and if oil regularly used does not contain an addi- tered before it goes to the bearings.
tive for rust prevention, drain the oil from the crankcase Slow Speed Operation of Well-Servicing Pumps -
and add an oil base rust preventative, then turn the When a PAH well servicing pump is operated below
pump over a few times to coat working parts. This will 100 RPM, special auxiliary oil pump and piping must be
protect the power end parts against damage by rust. installed to maintain adequate lubrication. Oil pressure
Before the pump is again placed in operation, drain the of 25 PSI minimum must be maintained at all times.
crankcase and fill with new oil. The auxiliary oil pump should have a capacity of 15 gal-
The time between oil changes depends on the pump lons per minute.
location and operating conditions. Ordinarily, if the
crankcase is kept closed, the normal change interval is
1000 hours. However, the oil must be changed any A1l
time water or other contamination is found in the oil.
Do not operate PAH Well Servicing
Pump below 34 RPM.

The oil should be checked for con-

tamination whenever pumped fluid Af WARNING
sprays or splashes against an oil stop
head. This is especially critical when Do not operate PAH Drilling Service
the fluid contains salts or solids, as Pump below 60 RPM.
these contaminants can plug lubri-
cating passages and cause rapid OIL FILTER -A replaceable element oil filter is located
power end failure. inside the pump crankcase. The filter mounting flange
is on the outside, making it possible to replace the ele-
ment by removing the end plate. Only the oil within the
filter case will be spilled when the element is withdrawn.
On pumps equipped with a magnetic drain plug, check
the magnet for metal chips whenever the oil is drained. The filter element should be replaced each time the
If chips are found, remove the frame end plate and the crankcase oil is changed or every 1000 hours.

3-l-605 Page 9
The filter element is protected from excessive internal added, and the 275 HP drilling service ratings must be
oil pressure by a relief valve between it and the oil used.
pump. The relief valve setting is 110 PSIG (7.73 kg/

On heat exchanger equipped pumps, oil flows through A WARNING

the oil filter before going through the heat exchanger.
The pump must never be operated in
HEAT EXCHANGER - A bronze water/oil heat ex- reverse direction, at pressures or
changer is standard equipment on PAH pumps fur- speeds above the maximum values
nished for 275 HP drilling service. The heat exchanger shown on the nameplate, or at speeds
maintains crankcase oil temperature at 160’ F (71 C)
below the minimum value shown in
the back of the manual, without writ-
PAH pumps furnished for 310 HP well servicing do not ten permission from Gardner Denver
include a heat exchanger. Since PAH pumps are Machinery Marketing.
sometimes changed from one type of service to the
other, each pump is equipped with two name plates.
Failure to observe this warning could
One plate lists the 310 HP intermittent well service rat- result in severe pump damage due to
ings and the other lists the 275 HP drilling service rat- overloading and/or lack of adequate
ings. If a pump originally furnished for well servicing is lubrication.
used for drilling service, the oil heat exchanger must be

3-l-605 Page 10
3-l-605 Page 11

CYLINDER -Two different style cylinders are provided sive wear or cutting by the slush or mud has not im-
for the PAH pumps to suit the service. Both style cylin- paired their efficiency. Any worn or damaged parts
ders are the three-piece block type. Material is heat should be replaced.
treated forged alloy steel. The fluid end is provided with
This is especially true with regard to the inserts. Stan-
removable bolted-on suction and discharge manifolds.
dard inserts are made of urethane and are the part of
Cylinder is secured to the frame by high tensile strength the valve which should be changed most frequently.
connecting studs. It is important that nuts on these They are less expensive than the valves and seats, and
studs be checked occasionally for tightness. A loose if inserts are renewed as soon as they begin to fail, the
nut will cause a stud to break under pulsating load. See more expensive steel parts will last much longer. Rou-
proper tightening torque on page 28. tine inspection of valves every two or three days is rec-
ommended on drilling and well servicing units.
The connecting studs extend through the stuffing box
or liner clamp flanges to clamp the stuffing boxes or lin- To remove Water Flood Service Valves, remove the
ers tightly against the face of the cylinder. discharge valve cover stud nuts and valve covers. Re-
move discharge valve cage, spring and valve and pull
the seat from the taper bore with a puller. Repeat this
same procedure for the suction valves. The discharge
valves are larger than the suction valves to permit
installing and removing suction valves through the dis-
charge valve deck in the cylinder.
To remove Drilling and Well Service Valves, remove
suction and discharge cover locks and valve covers
and the suction valve guide retainer and guide and lift
valve and spring from seat. The seat may be pulled
from the tapered bore with a puller.


If a seat puller powered by a hydraulic

jack is used, be certain to chain or tie
the jack down as it will jump violently
when valve seat lets go.
If it becomes necessary to resort to
the use of heat or cutting torch to re-
move a valve seat, the services of a
man experienced in this operation are

FIGURE 2 - BLOCK-TYPE FLUID CYLINDER Before putting new seats in the pump, the tapered bore
FOR WATER FLOOD SERVICE in the valve seat deck must be thoroughly cleaned of
mud or slush with a wire brush. Wire brush should be
used around the bore rather than up and down. Wipe
VALVES- In order to keep the pump in its best operat- the bore clean and do not use oil or grease. The bore
ing condition, it is necessary to examine the suction unit must be cleaned and dry or seat may not seat prop-
and discharge valves occasionally to see that exces- erly.

3-l-605 Paae 12
Place the new seat in the bore. Use an old valve or a gland as much as possible. Keep gland tight to prevent
block of hard wood and drive with a sledge to a snug movement of packing.
initial fit. The pressure load on the valve in operation will
drive the seat home.

A ARNING After removing the plunger to cross-

head extension coupling, do not use
Never reuse an old seat once it has a screwdriver or cold chisel to sepa-
been removed from a cylinder, as it rate the extension and plunger
may not fit solidly in the valve deck. flanges, as burrs may be formed
which could cause misalignment on
Do not put a used valve assembly on a new seat unless
reassembly. Instead, rotate the ec-
it is in practically new condition. Be sure to replace a centric slightly.
doubtful insert to protect seal and bumper. If the parts do not separate, carefully
Replace the upper valve guide if worn (drilling and well slip a pipe wrench around the plunger
service units only). Replace the valve spring if it is worn, neck and use a pulling and rotating
corroded, distorted or below normal tension. Valves are motion to separate the plunger from
provided with stainless steel springs for maximum op-
erating life. A broken spring will cause rapid wear of
the extension rod. Use caution to
valve guides (where used) and should be replaced - It avoid damaging the plunger wear sur-
will also cause wear on suction valve guide mounting face.
lugs inside the cylinder.
It requires experience and judgement to determine if
To replace the assembly in pump, reverse above pro-
valve parts should be replaced or not. Valves are
cheaper than down time.
Pumps are equipped with plungers made of materials
When installing valves put the gasket carefully in place as required for the service. Hardened steel and colmo-
in the valve chamber and install cover plate. Be certain noy plungers are available for the drilling and well serv-
gasket is not twisted or extruded. On drilling and well icing units. Colmonoy plungers only are available for
service units, tighten valve cover lock securely by using water flood pumps.
a bar and hammer. On water flood units, tighten each
valve cover stud nut to the proper torque to preload Tighten frame to cylinder and stuffing box studs to prop-
studs to 400 foot-pounds (55 kg-m) (542 N-m). Tight- er torque of 500 foot-pounds (69 kg-m) (678 N-m).
en cage valve cage to seat 4 to 6 turns to a torque of PLUNGER STUFFING BOX PACKING - Plunger
120 foot-pounds (16.6 kg-m) (163 N-m) for suction stuffing boxes are packed with non-adjustable pack-
and 140 foot-pounds (19.4 kg-m) (190 N-m) for dis- inG.
The life of the valves will be lengthened if the mud tanks
are kept clean. Foreign objects can be caught under DANGER
the valves, thereby holding them open and causing rap-
id cutting of the seats and valves. Regardless of the packing used, the
gland must be engaged by at least
PLUNGER - Water Flood and Well Servicing Units
- To remove a plunger, remove coupling bolt and cou-
three (3) threads to hold the pump dis-
pling which holds the plunger to the push rod. Turn the charge pressure. An improperly tight-
pump over until the plunger is in the stuffing box as far ened gland could cause personal in-
as it will go. Continue to turn pump till push rod is jury, death, and/or equipment dam-
backed away from plunger as far as it will go. Remove age. This can occur either through di-
stuffing box with plunger and packing in the box as a
complete unit. Pull plunger out of packing. The packing
rect contact with the pressurized flow
can be installed in THEbox over the plunger, but the pre- or by contact with objects the fluid
ferred method is to install the packing, then grease the stream propels.
plunger and push through the packing. Tighten the I I

3-l-605 Page 13
Always install a complete set when renewing packing. may result. Recommended tightening torque is shown
Clean stuffing box thoroughly before installing new in table on page 28.
packing. Install junk ring in bottom of stuffing box. Oil
each ring thoroughly and install one at a time, begin- Change the size of the pistons and liners as volume
ning with bottom adaptor ring. Make sure the lips of the and/or pressure requirements change.
packing face the pressure. Tighten gland bolt as much
as possible. Liners are replaced by removing the liner clamps. They
Be sure that the glands do not “back off” while the pump should be cleaned and oiled after removal to protect
is operating. Lock in place with lock pins. against rusting during storage, so they can be used
again if they are in usable condition.

Pump liners are to be clean both inside and out when

DANGER installed. Also clean the liner clamp bore and lightly oil
all surfaces.
Do not attempt to adjust packing
while the pump is in operation to Use new gaskets when installing liners and be sure to
avoid personal injury or death from clean all surfaces against which the gaskets fit. Liners
or fluid cylinders may be cut by leaking gaskets. If pis-
moving parts. tons are properly maintained there will be little or no cut-
ting of the liners.

Keep packing lubricated at regular intervals by adding

multipurpose grease NLGI Grade No. 2 at the grease PISTONS - The piston, with piston rods, can be re-
fittings located on the top of the stuffing boxes. A force moved or installed through the suction valve opening
feed lubricator is recommended. after the upper valve guide is removed by turning it 90’.
The valve spring must also be removed.
LUBRICATOR -A force-feed lubricator is available as
optional equipment to supply oil to the three stuffing It is recommended that a piston and rod assembly be
boxes. Lubricator is mounted on a bracket over the kept ready for replacement. This is a practical time sav-
frame and is driven by linkage connected to a cross- er.
head extension. Oil is delivered to the tapped opening
in each stuffing box through copper tubing. Lubricator
is equipped with a check valve at each outlet connec- PISTON ROD - Piston rods are manufactured of high
tion. carbon steel. They are electrolytically plated to protect
against corrosion. They are provided with a knurled
Use rock drill oil for normal conditions and steam cylin-
section so rod can be held while tightening piston nut.
der oil for high temperature fluids. Select an oil with the
It is important that piston rod nut be tightened to recom-
proper pour point for the ambient temperature. Some
mended torque shown on page 28.
acceptable oils are listed in the chart on page 26.
Initially set the lubricator to deliver eight (8) to ten (10) Piston rod to piston fit is straight. The piston fits against
drops of oil per minute to each stuffing box. More flow the flange on the piston rod with an “0” ring gasket to
may be required for large plungers and/or high speeds, prevent leakage. Removal of the piston is a simple op-
pressures or pumped fluid temperatures. Less flow eration since it is not driven on a taper. Keep piston rod
may be needed for small plungers and/or low speeds to push rod clamps tight at all times to prevent damage
or pressures. Flow can be controlled by backing off the to their flanges and pilots. DO NOT use a screwdriver
jamb nut that locks each plunger body in position on the or cold chisel to separate the flanges. Turn the pump
lubricator and rotating the plunger body. Rotate the slightly or use a puller screwed onto piston rod threads
plunger clockwise to increase flow and counter clock- where they extend beyond piston nut.
wise to decrease flow. Lock the jamb nuts down again
after making an adjustment. Increase the flow if the
packing starts to heat up. PISTON WASHING SYSTEM - The piston washing
system is vital to the satisfactory performance and life
of pistons and liners. The complete system must be
are reinstalled or replaced, it is advisable to check cylin-
kept in good operating condition. Washing fluid should
der to frame stud nuts and tighten if necessary. Refer
be maintained in good condition and should be re-
to page 28 for proper tightening torques.
placed when contaminated to the point where free cir-
Nuts holding liner clamps in place should not be over- culation is impaired. This is of utmost importance and
tightened as distortion of the liner clamp and liner bore should be impressed upon all operators of the pump.

3-l-605 Paae 14
Water supply lines should be permanently attached to of soluble oil per tank of water within the closed system.
the openings provided in the circulating pump suction A light oil gives good results under some conditions,
lines between the circulating pump and the tank. Water and can be used under severe freezing conditions.
is then quickly available as a washing fluid or to flush
The more fluid circulated, the better; however, it should
out the lines by operating the proper valves in the piping
be regulated by a valve in the discharge line of the cen-
trifugal circulating pump to prevent splashing and being
The piston washing fluid may be varied according to blown about by the wind. Besides making things messy
conditions and operator’s preference. Water makes a and wasting washing fluid, this could result in danger-
suitable washing fluid under most conditions. Good re- ous conditions around the pump when using any of the
sults can be obtained using water with one-half gallon oil based solutions.

3-l-605 Page 15
Remove hood and crosshead inspection plates for ac- Remove all sheaves or other drive members from the
cess to working parts. Before working inside of crank- jackshaft. Support each end of shaft during removal.
case, it is necessary to drain the oil. Oil pump mounting
Remove bearing retainer from inner end of bearing
and piping connections are below the oil level.
housing. Remove bearing end plate from each side of
Mark all parts during dismantling so they can be re- the pump. Remove bearing housing from one side and
turned to their original position during assembly. pull jackshaft and bearing assembly through this open-
ing. Opposite bearing housing need not be removed
JACKSHAFT- It is advisable to remove eccentric and from the frame.
gear assembly before attempting to remove the jack-
shaft. Jackshaft bearings will not clear the gears. Jackshaft bearings are of the double spherical type
with end thrust in both directions taken on the right
hand bearing. Both bearings are identical.
The safest way to remove the bearings from the jack-
shaft is by the careful use of heat. Do not overheat to
the point where bearing is discolored.
When replacing jackshaft bearings it is necessary to
make a split disc to clamp on the shaft and against the
inner face of the outer bearing race to hold race square
with axis of bearing. See detail in FIGURE 3.
!P The jackshaft bearings should be replaced if any of the
rollers or races show damage or if they are excessively
worn. A noisy bearing indicates bearing damage, re-
DET. 1 - Two Reqd. - F.R.O.
quiring replacement. Check clearances by inserting
Mat’l: Flame Cut 10" Diameter feeler gauge between the roller and inner race with
from 1-1/4” H.R.S. Plate
Straighten - Stress Relieve bearing assembled on the shaft and in the housing.
This check can be made with the bearing assembled
out of the pump. See recommended running clear-






3-l-605 Page 16
To mount new bearings, install split disc (FIGURE 3, and frame. Coat inside of the oil seals liberally with
page 16) on shaft as shown in FIGURE 4, page 16. bearing grease. Each outer seal is to be installed with
Heat bearing in oil to about 300°F (149’ C) and slip it garter spring to inside, toward bearing. Seal bears on
on the shaft against the bearing shoulder and split disc. a replaceable wear sleeve shrunk onto shaft to prevent
The shaft can then be reinstalled in the frame, followed wear under the seal.
by the eccentric assembly.
CONNECTING RODS -The connecting rods are split
To reassemble the jackshaft in the pump, it is neces- and bolted together on shims used principally to absorb
sary to reverse the procedure of removal. The teeth of normal factory manufacturing tolerances. If the eccen-
the pinion can mesh in only one direction, therefore, the tric assembly is to be removed from the frame, the con-
jackshaft is not interchangeable end for end in the necting rods need not be unbolted. In this case the
pump unless the gear and eccentric assembly is also crosshead pins must be removed. Eccentric and rod
reversed. Reversal of the complete gear set is permis- assembly will lift out of the frame freely if left hand ec-
sible after gear or pinion teeth become badly worn. centric is positioned directly above the shaft.
When gear set is reversed it is necessary to install a Whether or not the connecting rods need be removed
new oil pump drive pinion to match the opposite spiral depends upon the nature of work being done on the
main gear.
Recommended direction of rotation of the pump pro- Connecting rod caps can be removed in case it is de-
vides that the outer ends of gear and pinion teeth lead. sired to remove eccentric assembly only in order to re-
This means that when viewing from the hood opening, place main bearings.
the outer ends of the gear teeth point upward toward
the jackshaft and the outer ends of the pinion teeth The connecting rods are provided with high lead bronze
point toward the gear. Gears may be reversed, but the liners which bear against the eccentric. The liners are
direction of rotation of the WELL SERVICING PUMP precision made in identical halves and are secured by
MUST NOT BE REVERSED. Inner ends of teeth will clamps held to the connecting rod and cap by cap
lead after gear set has been reversed. screws. They can be replaced by removing connecting
rod caps, but without removing connecting rod body
After the jackshaft is in place with the pinion in mesh from the pump.
with the gear, install the bearing housings. The housing
The shims between connecting rods and their caps can
is to be started on the bearing and in the bore of the
be used to adjust liner to eccentric running clearance
frame and lightly driven in. Be careful to keep dirt from
to a limited degree. In no instance should an adjust-
the bearings during assembly. Be sure the gasket is on
ment exceeding .006 inches (.152 mm) be attempted
the housing. Long threaded studs may be used to pull
by this means. The condemnable limit for this bearing
the housing into the frame bore. It is well to work both
is so high that replacement of the liners is preferable to
ends at the same time after they have been well started
the limited adjustment the shims provide.
over the bearing outer race. This will minimize end
thrust on the gear teeth. Permanently bolt jackshaft The bore in the liner is not round, but a compound bore
bearing housings and remove the split discs used for designed to give maximum bearing surface. Field shop
positioning bearings during assembly. When discs are reboring of the liners is not recommended for this rea-
removed, install the bearing inner retainer, with cap son.
screws and locking wire, on the right hand side of the Connecting rods are drilled to conduct oil under pres-
pump only. sure to crosshead pin bushings. These bushings are
Install the bearing end plate on the right hand side. Pull bored to size after they are factory assembled. When
the end plate up snug against the bearing with mount- installing repair bushings it may be necessary to hone
ing screws. Fit shims into the gap between the end to proper running fit over the crosshead pins as shown
plate and housing, then add .010” to .015” more to the in table on page 27.
shim stack. This .010” to .015" extra shims provides ECCENTRIC AND BEARING ASSEMBLY
proper running clearance. Remove the end plate, IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove oil pump drive pinion
install the shim stack, install the end plate and tighten when removing or replacing eccentric and gear assem-
screws securely. bly to avoid bending oil pump shaft when gear is
Install the left hand bearing end plate. Pull the end plate moved.
up snug against the bearing with mounting screws. Fit Eccentric runs on two double row spherical ro ller bear-
the shims into the gap between the end plate and hous- ings supported by the station ary main shaft.
ing. Remove the end plate, install the shim stack,
To remove the eccentric and gear assembly, remove
install the end plate and tighten screws securely.
hood, and remove the connecting rod caps. Be sure
The outer grease seals are to be placed in the bearing caps are marked so they can be replaced in their origi-
end plates after they are bolted to the bearing housings nal position. Keep shims in their original position.

3-l-605 Page 17
Remove clamps that hold the main, or eccentric shaft
to frame. Be sure clamps are identified so they can be CAUTION
returned to their original position.
Lift the eccentric assembly from the frame. Remove the Extension rods are plated and should
main bearing retainer plates from each end of the ec-
be protected when the pump is re-
centric and drive the shaft out with a block of wood and
a hammer. painted. Paint on the extension rods
will damage oil stop head seals when
Bearings are slip fit on the shaft and a light press fit in
the bearing bore in the eccentric.
the pump is operated.
Bearings are to be replaced if worn excessively or if
damaged. A damaged bearing will be noisy. Do not re-
move protective grease in new bearings. It will not Push rods are chrome plated and should be protected
contaminate the crankcase oil. when the pump is painted. Paint will damage oil stop
head seals.
When new bearings are to be installed, be sure to re-
place the rubber quad ring seals inside the bronze seal CROSSHEADS AND PINS - Crossheads are of one-
retainers pressed into the eccentric bore just inside the piece construction without removable shoes. They
eccentric bearings. These seals bear on the shaft and bear on slides bored in the frame.
prevent loss of oil pressure to the eccentric cams and
connecting rods. Crossheads are equipped with straight full-floating
pins secured each end by spring retainers in grooves
MAIN GEARS -After long wear the main gears can be near the ends.
reversed by changing eccentric and gear assembly
end for end, or by exchanging the gears on the eccen- The retainer rings can be reached from the main hood
tric. In either case it is also necessary to change the openings or through the crosshead inspection plates
jackshaft end for end. When gear set is reversed it is on the sides of the frame. It will be necessary to turn the
necessary to install a new oil pump drive pinion to pump over to locate each crosshead for accessibility
match the opposite spiral main gear. It is not possible while removing the crosshead pins.
to move the oil pump to opposite side of the frame in Crossheads may be removed by removing oil stop
this pump. heads, push rods and crosshead pins. Slide the cross-
In a new pump the gears are mounted so the outer ends heads through the oil stop bores in the frame and lift
of the teeth lead. If gears are reversed, the outer ends them clear. Be careful to protect the shoe surfaces from
of the teeth will follow. damage. Also protect the lower slide in the frame by
placing a wooden block beneath the small end of the
Gears are located on the eccentric flange by means of connecting rod.
one cap screw which is larger than the rest. It should
be inserted first, and all cap screws tightened evenly It is necessary to remove one outer crosshead before
and wired in pairs. the center one can be reached for removal. Contact the
factory for availability of oversize crossheads.
Lower the eccentric assembly, with main shaft
installed, into the frame after jackshaft has been OIL STOP HEADS-Oil stop heads keep crankcase oil
installed. Secure shaft to frame with saddles. See within the frame. They also keep mud and liner washing
torque table on page 28 for proper tightening of the water from entering the crankcase.
saddle stud nuts. .
0IL stop packing consists of two identical urethane
Reassemble connecting rod caps in original position. sea Is mounted in adaptors. They are not adjustable.
Be sure original shims are in place. See table on page
28 for tightening of the connecting rod bolt nuts. The inner seal lip is pointed inward toward the crank-
case to strip oil from the push rod. The outer seal lip
Check crankcase for tools or other parts and fill with
points outward toward the liner to strip mud and/or wa-
new oil before replacing hood.
ter from the push rod. Be certain seals are properly lo-
PUSH RODS - Push rods can be removed from the cated.
crossheads by working through handhole plates in the
The seal adaptors, with seals in them, can be slipped
sides of the frame and also through the oil stop open-
off and on the push rods by removing the clamp holding
ings after the oil stop head assemblies have been re-
piston rods against the push rods and separating the
two flanges. DO NOT use a screwdriver or drift to sepa-
Be careful not to damage the highly polished surface on rate the push rod and piston rod flanges. Turn the pump
which oil seals bear. slightly.

3-l-605 Paae 18
When mud is found in the crankcase, the oil should be
A WARNING changed. Drain and clean out the crankcase before
putting in the new oil. Replace the mud scraper seals
in the oil stop heads before running the pump.
When installing oil stop head seal
rings, care must be taken not to dam-
age sealing lips. Damaged lips could
lead to excessive oil leakage and/or A WARNING
crankcase contamination and dam-
When mud or other foreign material is
found in the crankcase, the oil must
be changed before operating pump to
It is essential that the oil stop head seals be replaced avoid damage to moving parts.
at the first indication of leakage. Oil leakage will be indi-
cated by oil collecting on top of the liner washing water
in the reservoir. If rig water is used for washing, and run We recommend the oil stop head seals be changed ev-
to a waste area, it is difficult to check by the above ery six months of operation, even though leakage is not
method. evident.
If oil leakage is serious it will show up in a lower oil level Rubber baffles are provided as standard equipment to
in the crankcase. In this case oil must be added to the reduce the amount of abrasive fluid entering the power
crankcase as required, until a new oil stop seals can be end and must be installed on all three extension rods.

Leakage of mud and water into the crankcase will be

indicated by a milky appearance of the crankcase oil.
If excessive, the mud can be detected by reaching
through the oil with the hand, or by draining out a small
Failure to properly reinstall and main-
quantity of oil. tain baffles voids the warranty as they
are designed to help prevent mud and
Mud will also be seen below the oil stop heads on the other contaminants from entering
inside of the crankcase through the crosshead inspec- and damaging the crankcase.
tion plate openings.

3-l-605 Page 19


Pump Overloads Driver. 1. Excessive pump speed 1. Reduce pump speed and/or
and/or discharge pressu re. pressure.
2. Blockage or closed 2. Clean or open valve.
valve in discharge line.
3. Incorrect plunger size. 3. Install the correct
4. Improper bypass conditions. 4. See recommended system
layout, and correct error.

Fluid Not Delivered. 1. Pump not primed. 1. Prime pump.

2. Air or vapor pocket in 2. Remove pocket from line.
suction line.
3. Clogged suction line. 3. Clean out line.
4. Suction and/or discharge 4. Remove prop.
valves propped open.

Low Discharge Pressure. 1. Worn or fluid cut valve 1. Replace valve assembly.
2. Valve propped open. 2. Remove prop.
3. Pump cavitating. 3. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or Hammer problem.
4. Fluid leakage. 4. Replace plungers/packing
and/or fluid end seals.
5. Erroneous g auge reading. 5. Recalibrate or replace
Low Suction Pressure. 1. Low head (NPSH . 1. Raise fluid supply level.
Install charging pump.
2. lnsufficient chargING Pump 2. Increase charging pump
capacity. speed or size.
3. Retarded fluid flow. 3. Remove restrictions from
suction line.
4. Erroneous gauge reading. 4. Recalibrate or replace
Cavitation, Fluid Knock or Hammer. 1. Improper suction system 1. See recommended system
layout. layout in manual.
2. Low suction pressure. 2. See Low Suction Pressure
3. Suction stabilizer and 3. Install suction stabilizer
pulsation dampener not used. and pulsation dampener.
4. Defective stabilizer or 4. Repair and recharge or
dampener. replace.

3-l-605 Page 20

Cavitation, Fluid Knock or Hammer 5. High fluid temperature or 5. Redu ce pump speed per
(continued). viscosity. chart in manual.
6. High fluid vapor pressure. 6. Increase NPSH.
7. High acceleration head. 7. Increase supply line size.
Decrease supply line length.
8. Suction valve spring too stiff 8. Use more flexible
with low NPSH. spring.
Remove inner spring from
two spring valve.
9. Air/Gas in pumped fluid. 9. Allow more settling time
in supply tank.
Reduce pump speed.
10. Air entering suction line. 10 . Repair suction line.
11. Air entering charging pump. 11. Tighten or replace shaft
packing or seal.
12. Air entering or charge gas 12. Repair and recharge
escaping from suction stabilizer. stabilizer.
13. Multiple pumps operating in 13 . Use a suction stabilizer
phase. on each pump. Separate
lines may also be needed.

Suction or Discharge Line Vibration. 1. Line(s) not supported. 1. Install supports or hangers.
2. Pump cavitating. 2. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or Hammer problem.

High Crankcase Oil Temperature. 1. High ambient temperature. 1. Use an oil heat exchanger
with a circulating pump.
2. Improper type/grade oil used. 2. Use recommended oil.
3. Pump overloaded. 3. Reduce p ump speed and/or
4. Improper clearance in main or 4. Check and adjust clearance.
rod bearings, crossheads or Replace parts as required.

Knock In Power End. 1. Improper main bearing clearance. 1. Check clearances.

2. Incorrect pump rotation. 2. Reverse rotation.
3. Loose plunger coupling. 3. Check and tighten. Replace
if damaged.
4. Loose extension rod. 4. Check and tighten. Replace
if damaged.
5. Loose connecting rod cap. 5. Check and tighten. Replace
if damaged.
6. Loose bearing housings/covers. 6. Check and tighten. Replace
if damaged.
7. Worn crosshead pin. 7. Replace.

3-I-605 Page 21

Knock In Power End (continued). 8. Worn crosshead pin bushing. 8. Replace.

9. Worn connecting rod liner 9. Replace.
bearing eccentric.
10. Worn crankshaft. 10 . Replace.
11. Worn crosshead. 11. Replace.
12. Worn main bearing. 12. Replace.
13. Valve noise transmitted to 13 . See Excessive Valve Noise
power end. problem.
14. Cavitation noise transmitted to, 14. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or causing shock loading in, or Hammer problem
power end.

Excessive Valve Noise. 1. Pump cavitation. 1. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock

or Hammer problem.
2. Seal on inserted valve 2. Replaced seal or valve.
damaged or missing.
3. Broken or weak valve spring(s). 3. Replace spring(s).

Oil Leakage From Stop 1. Worn, damaged or corroded 1. Replace extension rod.
Head. extension rod.
2. Worn oil stop head packing. 2. Replace packing.
3. Oil level too high in 3. Reduce oil level.
4. Excessive crosshead wear. 4. Replace crosshead.
5. Pressure in crankcase. 5. Clean or replace air breather.

Oil Seal Leakage. 1. Worn sealing lip. 1. Replace seal.

2. Damaged sealing lip. 2. Replace seal.
3. O.D. not seated. 3. Clean and polish bore of
oil seal housing.
4. Shaft rough at seal lip. 4. Clean and polish shaft or
replace wear sleeve.
5. Pressure in crankcase. 5. Clean or replace air breather.

Stuffing Box Leakage. 1. Short plunger/packing life. 1. See Short Plunger/Packing

Life problem.
2. Worn packing rings/metal. 2. Replace packing rings/metal.
3. Gasket leaking at fluid 3. Check gasket, stuffing box
cylinder. groove and cylinder sealing

3-I-605 Page22

Pumped Fluid In Crankcase. 1. Worn, damaged or corroded 1. Replace extension rod.

extension rod.
2. Worn oil stop head packing. 2. Replace packing.
3. Stuffing box leakage. 3. See Stuffing Box Leakage
4. Extension rod baffles damaged/ 4. Install new baffles.

Short Valve Life. 1. Abrasives in pumped fluid. 1. Filter pumped product.

Use severe duty valves
with insert.
2. Valve not sealing. 2. Broken valve spring -
Worn valve guide - replace.
Worn valve/seat - replace.
3. Pump cavitating. 3. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or Hammer problem.
4. Corrosion. 4. Treat pumped fluid.
Use different materials
for valves/seats.
Install sacrificial anodes
in suction manifold.

Short Plunger/Packing Life. 1. Abrasives in pumped fluid. Consult G-D Customer

Service for plunger/
packing recommendation.
Filter pumped fluid.
2. Excessive plunger/packing Lubricate with rock drill oil.
Do not overtighten adjust-
able packing.
Use Gardner Denver
3. Metal parts or particles 3. Check stuffing box
wearing plunger. alignment.
Check gland alignment.
Check plunger alignment.
Check packing for foreign
Replace gland bushing.
Replace lantern ring.
4. Wrong plunger/packing for 4. Consult G-D Customer
pumping conditions. Service.
5. Wrong size packing. 5. Install correct size packing.

3-I-605 Page23

Short Plunger/Packing Life 6. Improper packing installation. 6. Check installation procedure

(Continued). and install correctly.
7. Excessive crosshead wear. 7. Replace crosshead.
8. Pump cavitating. 8. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or Hammer problem.
Catastrophic Failures Such As 1. Pump overloaded. 1. Reduce pump speed and/or
Broken Shafts, Bent Rods, etc. pressure.
2. Start-up against closed 2. Insure valve is open
discharge valve. before starting.
3. Main bearing failure. 3. Repair or replace.
4. Plunger striking valve or 4. Check valve condition and
valve parts. installation procedure.
5. Plunger striking cylinder. 5. Check plunger for proper
6. Frozen fluid in cylinder. 6. Do not start pump when
pumped fluid is below
freezing temperature.
7. Low oil level in sump. 7. Check oil level frequently,
and add oil as required.
8. Contaminated oil in sump. 8. Check oil condition
9. Cavitation shock loading. 9. See Cavitation, Fluid Knock
or Hammer problem.
Stud Failures. 1. Catastrophic failures. 1. See Catastrophic Failures
2. Improper nut torquing. 2. Check torque specifications
and torque to correct values.
3. Stud bending due to uneven 3. Check nut seat surface for
nut seating. flatness. Rework or replace
as required.
4. Corrosive attack by pumped 4. Treat fluid or use corrosion
fluid. resistant studs.
5. Studs damaged before 5. Check condition before
installation. installation, and replace if
6. Low strength studs. 6. Use Gardner Denver studs.

3-I-605 Page 24
API-GL5 Ambient Operating Oil Minimum Startup
Oil Grade Temperature Temperature Oil Temperature

75w-90 -20’ F to 60’ F 60’ Fto 140’ F 20’ F

(-29” C to 16’ C) (16” C to 60’ C) (-7” C)

80W-140 100 F to 100’ F 90’ Fto 180’ F 50’ F

(-12” C to 38’ C) (32” C to 82’ C) (10” C)

80 -100 F to 45’ F 70’ Fto 125’ F 30’ F

(-23” C to 7” C) (21 C to 52’ C) (-10 C)

90 20 F to 80’ F 100’ Fto 160’ F 60’ F

(-7” C to 27” C) (38” C to 71 C) (16” C)

140 50 F to 115’ F 130’ Fto 195’ F 80’ F

(IO” C to 46’ C) (54” c to 90” C) (27” C)

* An 80’ F (27” C) crankcase oil temperature rise over ambient air temperature is typical for the pumps covered
by this manual when operating at or near rated horsepower.

Oil viscosity must not exceed 7000 SSU at start-up and must be between 1500 SSU and 200 SSU while operating,
regardless of the oil temperature or grade used. A crankcase heater and/or an oil heat exchanger may be needed
to meet these requirements.

Crankcase capacity is 30 gallons (113.6 liters).


Failure to follow these lubrication requirements will void the warranty.

3-l-605 Page 25


Source Type Pour Point Maximum

Amoco Amoco Rock Drill Oil - Light - 20 0

Amoco Rock Drill Oil - Medium 0 0

Arco Air Drill #147 0 0

Arco Trueslide #150 15
Chevron Oil U.S.A. Vistac #68X 10 0

Vistac #100X 5 0

Vistac #150X 0 0

Conoco EP Rockdrill #49, #17, #78 5 0

Gulf Oil (Chevron) Rockdrill #100 - 30 0

Rockdrill #32 - 35 0

Exxon Arox EP #46 - 20 0

Arox #150 - 35 0

Mobil Oil Co. Almo #525 - 20 0

Almo #527 - 20 0

Almo #529 - 10 0

Almo #532 0 0

Pacer Oil Rockdrill #150 - 10 0

Rockdrill #600 0 0

Phillips Petroleum EP #500 (Summer) or EP #300 (Winter) - 10 0

Shell Oil Co. Torcula Oil #32 - 50 0

Torcula Oil #100 - 20 0

Torcula Oil #150 - 15 0

Torcula Oil #320 - 10 0

Sun Oil Co. Rockdrill 500 (Light) 5 0

Rockdrill 1000 (Heavy) 5
Texaco Oil Co. Rockdrill Oil XL - 40 0

Rockdrill Oil XM 0 0

Rockdrill Oil XH - 20 0

Union Oil of Ca. Marok 150


Source TYpe

Amoco Amoco Cylinder Oil 460

Arco Modco Cylinder Oil 125, 175
Conoco Inca Cylinder Oil
Exxon Cylesstic TK-460 or TK-1000
Gulf Oil (Chevron) Senate #375 Compound
Security #460 Non-Compound
Mobil Oil Co. Mobil Cylinder Oil 600W
Pacer Oil Corn-Cyl Oil
Phillips Petroleum Hector Cylinder Oil
Shell Oil Co. Valvata J-460
Sun Oil Co. Occident
Gear Oil 7-X, Gear Oil 8-C
Texaco Oil Co. Pinnacle Cylinder Oil

3-l-605 Page 26

Inches mm
Min. Max. Min. Max.


Crosshead to Slide .010 .018 .254 .457

Main Bearing .002 .004 .051 .102

Jackshaft Bearing .002 .003 .051 .076

Crosshead Pin Bearing .0005 .0015 .0127 .0381

Connecting Rod Liner to Eccentric (On Horizontal Centerline) .008 .010 .203 .254

Oil Pump Pinion to Main Gear - Backlash .010 .020 .254 .508

Jackshaft to Main Gear - Backlash .010 .020 .254 .508


Jackshaft Bearing OD in Housing .0003 .0021 .0076 .0533

Tight Loose Tight Loose

Jackshaft Bearing on Shaft .0003 .0021 .0076 .0533

Tight Tight Tight Tight

Crosshead Pin Bushing OD in Connecting Rod .003 .005 .076 .127

Tight Tight Tight Tight

Main Bearing OD Eccentric .0026 .0008 .0660 .0203

Tight Loose Tight Loose

Main Bearing on Shaft .0004 .0015 .0102 .0381

Tight Loose Tight Loose

3-I-605 Page 27
Ft. Lbs. kg-m N-m

Cylinder to Frame Stud Nut (185 Lb. Man on 4-1/2 Ft. Wrench) ............ 800 111 1085

Connecting Rod Bolt (185 Lb. Man on 2-1/2 Ft. Wrench) .................. 440 61 597

Piston Rod Nut (185Lb. Man on 6Ft. Wrench). .......................... 1110 153 1505

Stuffing Box to Frame Stud Nut (185 Lb. Man on 3-1/4 Ft. Wrench) ......... 600 83 813

Liner Clamp Nut (185 Lb. Man on 3-1/4 Ft. Wrench) ...................... 600 83 813

Main Shaft Saddle Stud Nuts (Two 185 Lb. Men on 8 Ft. Wrench) .......... 3000 415 4067

3-I-605 Page28

GENERAL PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS Labor shall be limited to the amount specified in the
Company’s labor rate schedule.
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc. (the “Company”) war-
rants to each original retail purchaser (“Purchaser”) of its Labor costs in excess of the Company rate schedules
new products from the Company or its authorized distrib- caused by, but not limited to, location or inaccessibility
utor that such products are, at the time of delivery to the of the equipment, or labor provided by unauthorized ser-
Purchaser, made with good material and workmanship. vice personnel is not provided for by this warranty.
No warranty is made with respect to: All costs of transportation of product or parts claimed not
1. Any product which has been repaired or altered to be as warranted and, of repaired or replacement parts
in such a way, in the Company’s judgment, as to to or from such service facility shall be borne by the Pur-
affect the product adversely. chaser. The Company may require the return of any part
claimed not to be as warranted to one of its facilities as
2. Any product which has, in the Company’s judg- designated by the Company, transportation prepaid by
ment, been subject to negligence, accident, im- the Purchaser, to establish a claim under this warranty.
proper storage, or improper installation or ap-
plication. Replacement parts provided under the terms of this war-
ranty are warranted for the remainder of the Warranty
3. Any product which has not been operated or Period of the product upon which installed to the same
maintained in accordance with the recommen- extent as if such parts were original components.
dations of the Company.
4. Components or accessories manufactured,
warranted and serviced by others. A warranty registration form is provided with each ma-
chine. The form must be completed by the Purchaser
5. Any reconditioned or prior owned product. and mailed within ten days after machine start-up to vali-
date the warranty.
Claims for items described in (4) above should be sub-
mitted directly to the manufacturer. DISCLAIMER
The Company’s obligation under this warranty is limited TITLE, THE COMPANY MAKES NO OTHER WAR-
to repairing or, at its option, replacing, during normal RANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY,
business hours at an authorized service facility of the INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MER-
Company, any part which in its judgment proved not to CHANTABILITY.
be as warranted within the applicable Warranty Period
Except for the products or components listed below, the EDY AVAILABLE TO PURCHASER AND IN NO CASE
Warranty Period for all products is 1,250 hours of opera- SHALL THE COMPANY BE SUBJECT TO ANY
tion or three (3) months after start-up, not to exceed 120 OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES. UNDER NO
days after delivery to Purchaser, whichever occurs first. CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE COMPANY BE
1. Power end is warranted for twelve (12) months OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EXPENSES,
from date of start-up or eighteen (18) months LOSSES OR DELAYS HOWSOEVER CAUSED.
from date of delivery to the Purchaser, whichev- No statement, representation, agreement, or under-
er occurs first. standing, oral or written, made by any agent, distributor,
2. Forged steel fluid cylinder is warranted for 90 representative, or employee of the Company which is
days from date of installation. not contained in this Warranty will be binding upon the
Company unless made in writing and executed by an of-
3. Expendable fluid end parts, including, but not ficer of the Company.
limited to, valves, valve parts, packing, liners
This warranty shall not be effective as to any claim which
and pistons, are not covered by this warranty
is not presented within 30 days after the date upon which
due to variable abrasive nature of material
the product is claimed not to have been as warranted.
Any action for breach of this warranty must be com-
LABOR TRANSPORTATION AND INSPECTION menced within one year after the date upon which the
cause of action occurred.
The Company will provide labor, by Company represen-
tative or authorized service personnel, for repair or re- Any adjustment made pursuant to this warranty shall not
placement of any product or part thereof which in the be construed as an admission by the Company that any
Company’s judgment is proved not to be as warranted. product was not as warranted.

BE-13 R 10/96
For additional information contact your local representative or
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc., Customer Service Department,

Gardner 1800 Gardner Expressway, Quincy, Illinois 62301

Telephone: (800) 682-9868 FAX& 7) 2247814

Denver Sales and Service in all major cities.

For parts information, contact Gardner Denver,
Master Distribution Center, Memphis, TN
Telephone: (800) 2454946 FAX: (901) 542-6159
Specifications subject to change without no tice.
Copyright 1997 Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.

Litho in U.S.A.

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