Pore Size
Pore Size
Pore Size
Received 31 October 2006; received in revised form 14 December 2006; accepted 18 December 2006
Available online 4 January 2007
Polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber membranes for kidney dialysis application were prepared by the dry-jet wet-spinning method. A dual-
coagulation bath technology was first time employed for fabricating the kidney dialysis membranes with a tight inner skin and loose outer
supporting layer structure. A weak coagulant isopropanol (IPA) was served as the first external coagulation bath, while water as the second bath.
Experiments demonstrate their advantages of better controlling both inner and outer skin morphology. The as-spun fibers have a higher mean
effective pore size (μp ), pure water permeation flux (PWP) and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) with an increase in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
(NMP) percentage in bore fluid (i.e., internal coagulant). After being treated in 8000 ppm NaOCl solution for 1 day, fibers show larger pore sizes
and porosity in both inner and outer surfaces, and thinner inner and outer layers than their as-spun counterparts. Among them, the bleached fibers
spun with 50 wt.% NMP in bore fluid have the MWCO (43 kDa) and PWP (40 × 10−5 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 ) suitable for kidney dialysis application.
Based on SEM observations and solute rejection performance, the further heat treated fibers in an aqueous solution is found to be an effective
way to fine tune membranes morphology and MWCO for kidney dialysis application. The solute rejection performance data of the hollow fiber
membranes spun with 55 wt.% NMP in bore fluid after heat treated at 90 ◦ C in water for 2 h were found to be very appropriate for the kidney
dialysis application.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Kidney dialysis membrane; PES hollow fiber membrane; Pore size and pore size distribution; Dual-bath coagulation; NaOCl treatment
1. Introduction Usually, the blood flows in the lumen side of the fibers,
while the dialysate is counter-currently through the shell side.
Kidney dialysis hollow fiber membranes used clinically in Blood waste diffuses from the blood to dialysate due to con-
the treatment of renal failure patients act to remove accumu- centration differences [4]. To reduce blood cell damage and
lated uremic toxins, excess ions and water from the blood and to enhance separation performance, kidney dialysis membranes
supply those ions that are insufficient from the dialysate [1]. In have been designed with a thin inner selective skin to remove
the preferred kidney dialysis process, low and middle molecular toxins from the blood stream and an outer loose supporting
weight uremic toxins such as uric acid, urea, creatinine, inulin layer taking care of secondary separation to reduce the pas-
and 2 -microglobulin have to be removed but proteins such as sage of cytokine-inducing materials from dialysate to blood
serum albumin (Mw : 67,000 Da) must be retained. The accumu- while retaining the proteins movement from blood to dialysate.
lation of 2 -microglobulin (Mw : 11,800 Da) in the human body A sponge-like asymmetric structure is highly favored because
may cause amyloidosis [2,3]. Therefore, the desirable kidney not only it may provide higher mechanical strengths but also
dialysis membranes must have a suitable pore size distribution prevent membranes from leakage, which might happen in the
which can remove the largest toxin molecule (2 -microglobulin) membrane structure with finger-like macrovoids after repeated
while retain the smallest protein molecule (serum albumin). usages. In dialysis asymmetric membranes, the structures of both
the inner selective skin and the outer supporting layer influence
the diffusive permeability and selectivity [5].
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +65 67791936. The membranes used in clinical dialyzers are most
E-mail address: chencts@nus.edu.sg (T.-S. Chung). made of cellulose or synthetic polymers [6]. The usage of
0376-7388/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
154 Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163
polyethersulfone (PES) for kidney dialysis application has 2.2. Fabrication of hollow fiber membranes
attracted attention since 1980 due to its excellent stability
under sterilization and minimal degradation in membrane per- To prepare the spinning dope solution, the PES (Ultrason®
formance over extended period of time [5]. However, due to E6020P) and PVP (average Mw 360,000 Da) powders were dried
the hydrophobic nature of PES, modifications to increase its at about 120 ◦ C in a vacuum oven overnight to remove the
hydrophilicity, lessen protein absorption and avoid blood clot moisture. Certain amount of dried PES was firstly dispersed
are needed. A combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic slowly into a chilled NMP according to the desired weight per-
domains rather than a uniformly hydrophobic or hydrophilic centage and stirred continuously with a high speed mechanical
composition favors membranes higher biocompatibility. Up to stirrer. Unless otherwise stated, PVP was then added to the poly-
now, the most common method used for increasing PES mem- mer dope solution to make its final composition constant at
brane hydrophilicity is by blending it with hydrophilic polymers, 16/10/74 wt.% PES/PVP/NMP. The high molecular weight PVP
such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) [3,7]. Not only is PVP a is chosen because it can form a strong interaction force between
pore former agent, but also is a water soluble polymer. Espe- PVP and PES polymer and the entanglement effect may provide
cially it has the capability to form miscible blends with PES an extraction-resistant PVP levels in membrane surface over an
[8]. The addition of PVP into PES during membrane fabrica- extended period of time [14]. The solution was then stirred con-
tion enhances solution viscosity and can potentially eliminate tinuously at least 48 h to let it dissolve homogenously. Then, the
macrovoids in the resultant membranes [9]. Furthermore, due solution was degassed for at least 1 day before spinning. The
to the fact that those immiscible (i.e., unblended) PVP can be viscosities of the spinning solutions were measured using a cap-
removed mostly from the membranes [10], it minimizes the pos- illary viscometry installed in the Viscosity Measuring Units AV
sibility of PVP leaching out during the in vivo kidney dialysis 360 from Schott–Geraete.
operation. The hollow fiber membranes were prepared by the dry-jet
In this work, PES kidney dialysis hollow fibers were fabri- wet-spinning process. The spinning conditions are tabulated in
cated by means of a dry-jet wet-spinning technique via dual-bath Table 1. Both dope and bore fluids were filtered by a metal filter
coagulation. Several authors have reported the usage of this (pore size: 15 m) before entering the spinneret to remove the
method in fabricating gas separation membranes [11–13]. How- impurities. The as-spun fibers were first contacted with bore fluid
ever, to our best knowledge, the dual-bath coagulation technique as well as air before immersed in the external coagulation bath.
has not been employed in the study of kidney dialysis mem- Unless otherwise stated, the external coagulant used was a dual
branes. Compared to the single-bath coagulation, the dual-bath coagulation bath which was aimed to form the membranes with
coagulation may have the advantages of better controlling both a porous outer and a dense inner surface. IPA was used as the
inner and outer skin morphology. The effects of dope formu- first coagulation bath and tap water was used as the second one.
lation, spinning conditions and post-treatment on membrane All nascent fibers were not drawn, that is, the take-up velocity
morphology, pore size distribution and solute rejection for kid- of the hollow fiber membranes was nearly the same as the free
ney dialysis application were systematically carried out and the falling velocity in the coagulation bath.
results are presented below. The resultant fibers were then immersed in tap water for sev-
eral days to let the solvent exchange process occur. To facilitate
2. Experimental the residual solvents removal as well as to prepare samples for
the X-ray photoemission spectrometry (XPS) study, the fibers
2.1. Materials were then immersed in fresh methanol for three times with half
an hour each and then continued with fresh hexane immersion
Polyethersulphone (Ultrason® E6020P, Ultrason is a regis- within the same period of time. The fibers spun at the same
tered trademark of BASF Aktiengesellschaft) with an average dope and bore fluid compositions were separated by two groups.
molecular weight (Mw ) of 98,170 Da was supplied by BASF One group was immersed in 8000 ppm NaOCl under stirring for
Company, Germany. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Merck, Singapore) 24 h to remove unblended PVP in the membrane matrix and
was served as an additive for hollow fiber membranes spin-
ning. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) (Merck, Singapore) was Table 1
employed as the solvent, while isopropanol (IPA) (Merck, Singa- Spinning conditions
pore) as the non-solvent. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) (Acros, Dope flow rate (ml/min) 2
Singapore) was used as the post-treatment agent to remove PVP. Internal coagulant Various weight percentages of
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Aldrich, Singapore) with molecu- NMP in de-ionized water (unless
lar weights varying from 600 Da to 35 kDa and polyethylene otherwise specified)
Bore flow rate (ml/min) 1.5
oxide (PEO) (Aldrich, Singapore) with molecular weights from Length of air gap (cm) 20
100 to 900 kDa were utilized as the solutes to characterize pore External coagulant IPA (1st), tap water (2nd) (unless
sizes and pore size distributions and measure the separation otherwise specified)
performance of hollow fiber membranes. Methanol (Merck, Sin- Spinneret dimensions (mm) 0.86/0.5 (o.d./i.d.)
gapore) and n-hexane (Merck, Singapore) were used to conduct Spinning temperature (◦ C) 26
Spinning humidity (%) 60
solvent exchange in order to remove the residual solvents from Take up speed (m/min) Free fall
as-spun hollow fiber membranes.
Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163 155
these membranes were coded “-aft”. The counterpart was not The analysis was carried out twice per sample and all the
NaOCl treated and coded “-bef”. Then both group fibers in their measurements deviations were found to be less than 5%.
wet conditions were then conducted freeze drying as follows:
the fibers were immersed in water for a short period before 2.6. Membrane module preparation for ultrafiltration
frozen in a refrigerator overnight. Subsequently, the frozen fibers experiments tests
were dried in a Thermo Savant ModulyoD freeze dryer (Thermo
electron Corp., USA). Freeze drying is a special form of dry- Ten freeze dried fibers having a length of 25 cm were bun-
ing that removes all moisture and tends to have less effect on dled together. Both ends were sealed by a common epoxy
changing the structure and morphology of the membranes [15]. resin mixture (EP Bond A and hardener B, Hua Sen enterprise
During freeze-drying, the membranes are first frozen and placed Ltd., Taiwan). After the epoxy was thoroughly solidified, the
in a strong vacuum. The water residing within the membranes membrane modules were ready to mount on the setup to be
will then sublimate. Having not involved in wet surface-tension characterized in terms of pure water permeation flux (PWP)
force for the evaporation process, freeze drying thus allows the and solute separation performance. Since the selective layer
structure of the membranes to be “locked in”. is the inner layer, the feed was pumped into the lumen at
100 ml/min and the permeate came out from the shell side form-
2.3. Heat treatment of hollow fiber membranes ing a cross-flow filtration mode. The corresponding Reynolds
number around 25,800 indicates the feed flow was in the turbu-
Hollow fiber membranes after NaOCl treatment with codes lent range and the concentration polarization was less happened.
“3-aft” and “4-aft” were kept in a glass flask with either hot The feed concentration (PEG or PEO) was around 200 ppm to
water or hot glycerol/water (50/50 wt.%) mixture at a preset further minimize the occurrence of concentration polarization.
temperature with certain period of time. The bath temperature Experiments were conducted at a trans-membrane pressure of
was controlled by a Heidolph hot plate (Model: MR3001K) about 0.8 × 105 Pa (gauge) at room temperature. Two modules
with a Heidolph temperature controller (Model: EKT3001). All were prepared for each hollow fiber membrane sample. The
fibers were heated in a stress-free condition. The fibers were PWP and solute rejection were taken as an average of these two
subsequently freeze dried unless otherwise specified. For those modules’ results. The measurement deviation for PWP was less
membranes immersed in the glycerol solution, they were dried than 2% and that for solute rejection was less than 1%. Each mod-
in air at room temperature before making membrane modules. ule was firstly subjected to the pure water permeation experiment
These modules were thoroughly flushed with de-ionized water in order to measure the pure water permeation flux. The nor-
to remove remaining glycerol before carrying out pure water malized pure water permeation flux (×10−5 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 ) is
permeation flux and solution rejection performance tests. calculated by the following equation:
PWP = (2)
2.4. Morphology studies of hollow fiber membranes by a A · P
field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) where Q is the permeate volume in a predetermined time period
(L h−1 ), A the effective membrane inner surface area (m2 ), and
The freeze dried fiber samples were immersed in liquid nitro- P is the trans-membrane pressure (Pa).
gen and fractured to obtain smooth cross-sections of the fibers Subsequent to the pure water permeation flux measurement,
and then sputtered with platinum using a JEOL JFC-1300 Plat- the solute rejection experiment was conducted: experiments
inum coater. The current used during the coating was 30 mA for were started by using a low molecular weight PEG and then
30 s. The cross-section, inner layer (IL), outer layer (OL), inner continued by other PEG or PEO with progressively increasing
surface (IS) and outer surface (OS) of the fiber samples were molecular weights. Each PEG or PEO solution was circulated
observed under a JEOL JSM-6700F FESEM. for about 1 h until the whole system reached steady state, then the
permeate was collected for a predetermined period and the vol-
2.5. X-ray photoemission spectrometry observations of the ume was measured before being analyzed. Two to three samples
membranes’ inner surface were taken for analysis. The modules were thoroughly flushed
with deionized water between runs of different molecular weight
An X-ray photoemission spectrometry was used to measure solutes. It was found the PWP in membrane module washing
membrane’s inner surface elements (C, O, N and S). Assumed between solute changes did not change, indicating no fouling
that the solvent NMP was completely removed and membranes occurred in the tests.
matrix contains only PES and PVP, the PVP content in the inner The concentrations of feed and permeate were determined
membrane surface can be calculated based on N and S weight by a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC) (SHIMADZU
(N (wt.%)/14) × Mw of PVP repeat unit
PVP (wt.%) = (1)
(N (wt.%)/14) × Mw of PVP repeat unit + (S (wt.%)/32) × Mw of PES repeat unit
where Mw of a PES segment and a PVP segment shown in are
232 and 111 g/mol, respectively.
156 Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163
ASI-5000A). The solute separation factor was calculated by where R is the solute separation factor (%), ds the solute diame-
using the following equation: ter, μs the geometric mean diameter of solute at R = 50%, σ g is
the geometric standard deviation about μs , defined as the ratio of
Cp ds at R = 84.13% and R = 50%. When the solute separation factor
R= 1− × 100 (3)
Cf R (%) of an ultrafiltration membrane is plotted versus the solute
diameter on a log-normal probability coordinate, a straight line
where Cp and Cf are the solute concentration in the permeate
is obtained as:
and in the feed solution, respectively.
The solute rejection data were further used to estimate the F (R) = A + B (ln ds ) (7)
mean pore size and the pore size distribution of the selective
layer of the hollow fiber membranes. By ignoring the steric and hydrodynamic hindrance effects
of the pore on solutes, the mean effective pore size, μp , and the
geometric standard deviation, σ p , can be considered the same
2.7. Characterization of the pore size and pore size
as the μs and σ g . Therefore, based on μp and σ p , the pore size
distribution of hollow fiber membranes by solute transport
distribution of a UF membrane can be expressed as the following
probability density function by taking the derivative form of Eq.
Based on their mean pore size, membranes for kidney dialysis
(6) with respect to R:
application can be categorized as either nanofiltration or ultra-
filtration membranes. Ultrafiltration membranes have pore size dR(dp ) 1 (ln dp − ln μp )2
in the range of 10–100 nm, while nanofiltration is in the range = √ exp − (8)
ddp dp ln σp 2π 2(ln σp )2
of 1–10 nm [16]. Therefore, these membranes can be charac-
terized by the pore size and the pore size distribution obtained Furthermore, the molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of the
from solute rejection performed via ultrafiltration experiments. membranes, defined as molecular weight of solutes where the
This method provides a very simple technique for indicating rejection of membranes reaches 90%, can be determined from
the performance of a given membrane. For this reason, it is fre- the plot of Eq. (7).
quently used for the industrial assessment of membranes and
many researchers have reported this method for characterizing 3. Results and discussion
ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes [3,17–20].
The Stokes radii of the solutes were calculated based on 3.1. The optimizations of spinning conditions to fabricate
average molecular weights [21,22]. hollow fiber membranes with morphology suitable for
kidney dialysis application
For PEG r = 16.73 × 10−12 × M 0.557 (4)
For PEO r = 10.44 × 10−12 × M 0.587 (5) Normally the exchanges of the internal and external coagu-
lants with the dope solvent through the nascent fiber surfaces
where r is the Stokes radius of the solute (m) and M is the results in different precipitation fronts and creates different
molecular weight (kg/mol) membrane morphology. In some spinning conditions, when the
Michaels [23] showed that solute rejection can be expressed dope solution (PES/NMP 18/82%) comes in contact with tap
by a log-normal probability function of solute size, for both bio- water serving both as the internal (bore fluid) and external coag-
logical and synthetic membranes, as expressed in the following ulants, polymer precipitation takes place at the two fiber surfaces
equation: after leaving the spinneret. The fiber inner and outer surface
y structures are fixed very rapidly due to the instantaneous poly-
1 ln ds − ln μs
e−u /2 du, where y =
R = erf(y) = √ mer precipitation, causing the final three-layer structure after
2π −∞ ln σg the dope solvent is leaching out (Fig. 1A). In addition, the
(6) speeds of precipitation fronts from both inner and outer surfaces
Fig. 1. Cross-section of fibers spun via a single coagulation bath using water as bore fluid and external coagulant. (A) PES/NMP (18/82 wt.%), viscosity: 1.450 Pa s.
(B) PES/PVP/NMP (18/5/77 wt.%), viscosity: 14.926 Pa s. (C) PES/PVP/NMP (18/10/72 wt.%), viscosity: 67.703 Pa s.
Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163 157
Fig. 2. SEM images of fibers spun from PES/PVP/NMP (18/10/72 wt.%) dope via a single coagulation bath using water as bore fluid and external coagulant (A)
before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl treatment; IL: inner layer; OL-outer layer; IS: inner surface; OS: outer surface.
toward the membrane center are comparable (strictly speak- ing the dope viscosity [24] or by adding surfactants [25] or a high
ing, the inner one may be slightly faster than the outer one viscosity component [9]. The addition of PVP has increased the
because the inner surface came into contact with the internal dope viscosity as observed in our experiments as well as reported
coagulant earlier than the outer surface). This creates almost by other research groups [8,26,27].
symmetric finger-like macrovoids (but slightly toward the outer Fig. 1 shows the membrane cross-section morphology as a
skin) along the membrane middle. Both the external and inter- function of spinning dope viscosity. The dope viscosity increases
nal cross-sections contain fingerlike macrovoids, whereas the from 1.450 to 14.926 and 67.703 Pa s when the dope contains
central is full of big macrovoids. This is due to the fact that the 5 and 10 wt.% PVP, respectively. Fig. 1B shows that the addi-
fiber inner and outer surface structures and dimensions are fixed tion of 5 wt.% PVP is not enough to eliminate the macrovoid
very rapidly due to instantaneous polymer precipitation, caus- structure completely. Nevertheless, the finger-like macrovoid
ing the formation of middle macrovoids after the dope solvent is structure moves inward and the two edges of hollow fiber mem-
leaching out. brane are free of macrovoids. A further increase in PVP amount
The macrovoid formation mechanisms have been a big sub- to 10 wt.% results in the complete disappearance of finger-like
ject debated among membrane scientist. It is widely accepted macrovoid structure as shown in Fig. 1C. This is attributed to a
that the ends of macrovoid are prone to defect-happening due tremendous increase in spinning dope viscosity. With such a high
to their weak mechanical strength. One of the effective ways to viscosity, the intrusion of both internal and external coagulant
suppress the formation of finger-like macrovoids is by increas- (water) during the phase inversion is hindered.
Fig. 3. SEM images of the fibers spun via dual coagulation bath: IPA (1st) + H2 O (2nd) (A) before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl treatment (dope: PES/PVP/NMP
(16/10/74 wt.%); bore fluid: NMP/H2 O (40/60 wt.%)).
158 Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163
Fig. 4. SEM images of the fibers spun via dual coagulation bath with a bore fluid of 50/50 NMP/H2 O (A) before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl treatment; scale
bar: 100 nm.
In fact, the presence of PVP in the dope solution not only pro- tance during the kidney dialysis process. The formation of dense
motes the formation of sponge-like structure but also influences skin layers is mainly due to the fact that water is a powerful
the surface chemistry of pores (which will be discussed later). coagulant which induces rapid coalescence of polymer chains.
During the pore formation, the PVP is preferentially located in Thus, it is expected that by utilizing a mixture of solvent and
the pore surface [28] because PVP likes contacting with water. non-solvent as bore fluid would delay the demixing process and
This leads to the reduction of pore size or even pore blocking. retard the dense layer formation.
One of the easy and effective ways to remove the PVP is by Besides a thin selective inner surface, kidney dialysis mem-
using sodium hypochlorite [29] because the membrane forming branes prefer a porous outer surface to reduce the overall
material (i.e., PES) is fairly resistant to the hypochlorite solu- transport resistance of the solutes. Utilizing a dual coagulation
tion [10,29]. Compared the membrane morphology before and bath with different coagulant strengths appears to be a promising
after NaOCl treatment (Fig. 2), the pores can be visibly seen approach to fabricate kidney dialysis hollow fiber membranes
in the inner and outer surface after NaOCl treatment which is with a desirable porous outer surface. This is due to the fact that
attributed to the removal of PVP surrounding the pores. the chemistry of both coagulant baths can be tailored in order to
However, when using water as the internal and external coag- achieve the desired morphology. A low strength coagulant in the
ulants, an undesirable membrane structure for kidney dialysis first coagulation bath may result in a porous outer surface, while
application is formed with thick dense skins at both the inner a high strength bore fluid may produce a tight inner skin. Water
and outer membrane layer even after the fibers are treated with is used in the second coagulation not only to lower the cost but to
NaOCl. This structure generates a significant mass transfer resis- fully precipitate and stabilize the nascent membrane structure.
Fig. 5. SEM images of the fibers spun via dual coagulation bath with a bore fluid of 55/45 NMP/H2 O (A) before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl treatment; scale
bar: 100 nm.
Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163 159
Fig. 6. SEM images of the fibers spun via dual coagulation bath with a bore fluid of 60/40 NMP/H2 O (A) before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl treatment; scale
bar: 100 nm.
3.2. The influence of bore fluid compositions and dual inner layer thicknesses. This is understandable as the presence
coagulation bath on the morphology and solute rejection of more NMP in bore fluid helps delay the demixing. As a result,
performance of hollow fiber membranes the pure water permeation flux of the as-spun fibers increases
with an increase in NMP percentage in bore fluid as shown in
Table 1 summarizes the spinning conditions. Isopropanol Table 2.
is used in the first coagulation bath, while 16/10/74 wt.% Log-normal probability plots of solute separation versus
PES/PVP/NMP is the spinning dope composition. Various solute diameter both before and after NaOCl treatment are shown
NMP/water mixtures are employed as bore fluids. IPA and NMP in Fig. 7. The mean effective pore size (μp ) and the geometric
were chosen because both are biological and environmental standard deviation (σ p ) are obtained according to the method
friendly solvents. Fig. 3 illustrates the membrane morphology described in Section 2.7. The Stokes diameter of the solute that
when 40/60 wt.% NMP/H2 O was used as bore fluid. It can be achieves 90% separation can be obtained from Fig. 7 and the
seen that the desirable porous outer surface has been successfully corresponding molecular weight cut-off can be back-calculated
created but with rather thick dense layers in two edges. from Eq. (4). The resultant σ p , μp and MWCO are all given in
With NMP/H2 O as the bore fluid, the hydrophilic PVP dif- Table 2. The cumulative pore size distributions and the prob-
fuses towards to the interface between the nascent fiber and the ability density function curves of the hollow fiber membranes
bore fluid during the spinning process. The addition of NMP are given in Fig. 8. From Table 2 and Fig. 8, it is obvious that
in bore fluid delays the demixing, which makes the nascent the as-spun fibers’ μp and MWCO are increased with increasing
inner surface softer and thus more PVP diffuses toward the inner NMP in bore fluid. The pore size distribution becomes broader
membrane surface than stays in the bulk during the membrane after the NaOCl treatment.
forming process. This phenomenon is confirmed by XPS results Apparently, the FESEM images show that the fibers after
as shown in Table 3 where a higher PVP content was found in the NaOCl treatment have larger pore sizes and more porous struc-
inner surface (51.56%) than the theoretical PVP content in the ture in the inner surface. This is because the space originally
dope (38.46%). From FESEM observations (Ref. to Figs. 3–6), occupied by PVP becomes pores after PVP leaching out from
an increase in NMP in bore fluid results in a decrease in dense the membrane matrix. The removal of PVP entrapped in the
Table 2
Mean effective pore size (μp ), geometric standard deviation (σ p ), pure water permeation flux (PWP) and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of the hollow fiber
membranes spun with 16/10/74 wt.% PES/PVP/NMP as the dope and with different bore fluid compositions
ID Bore fluid Before NaOCl After NaOCl
Fig. 7. Solute separation curves plotted on a log-normal probability coordinate system of hollow fiber membranes (A) before NaOCl treatment; (B) after NaOCl
treatment. IDs 1, 2, 3 and 4 for correspondingly 40/60, 50/50, 55/45 and 60/40 NMP/H2 O used as the bore fluids.
Fig. 8. (A and B) Cumulative pore size distribution curves; (C and D) probability density function curves of hollow fiber membranes. IDs 1, 2, 3 and 4 for
correspondingly 40/60, 50/50, 55/45 and 60/40 NMP/H2 O used as the bore fluids.
Fig. 9. SEM images of “3-aft” fibers after heated in (A) 60 ◦ C; (B) 75 ◦ C; (C) 90 ◦ C water for 2 h.
MWCO. This is especially true for those fibers spun with a bore (67 kDa) of the proteins to be retained. In addition, its PWP
fluid containing a high NMP percentage. For example, the mean (4.0 × 10−4 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 ) is reasonably high for the kidney
effective pore sizes of as-spun fibers are in the range of 1–3 nm dialysis application [3].
but they increase to 6.04 and 17.96 nm after NaOCl treatment if
the bore fluid contains 55 and 60 wt.% NMP, respectively. The 3.3. The influence of heat treatment on fiber morphology
MWCO of as-spun membranes is less than 10,000 Da but the and solute rejection performance
MWCO of bleached fibers increases to 43, 214 and 1350 kDa
if the bore fluid contains 50, 55 and 60 wt.% NMP, respec- Several researchers [3,20] reported the influence of various
tively. Among them, the fiber with a MWCO of 42,643 Da, heat treatment conditions on the PES UF membrane perfor-
sitting between the lowest molecular weight (12 kDa) of the mance. Heat-treated PES UF fibers in the air shrank as evidenced
toxic molecules to be removed and the highest molecular weight by a decrease in flux and an increase in solute separation. How-
Fig. 10. (A) Cumulative pore size distribution curves and (B) probability density function curves of “3-aft” hollow fiber membranes heated in water bath at different
temperature for 2 h.
162 Q. Yang et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 290 (2007) 153–163
Table 4
Summary of the μp , σ p , PWP, MWCO and remaining PVP in the inner surface of the “3-aft” hollow fiber membranes heat treated in water at different temperatures
for 2 h
Mem. ID μp (nm) σp PWP (×10−5 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 MWCO (Da) PVP in IS (%)
(L m−2 bar−1 h−1 ))
ever, water flux increased while MWCO remained the same (3) After being treated in 8000 ppm NaOCl solution for 24 h,
when the heat treatment was conducted in hot water at 95 ◦ C fibers usually show larger pore size and porosity in both
for 30 min. Clearly, heat treatment can change the morphol- inner and outer surface and thinner inner and outer layer.
ogy, especially the surface morphology, which will affect their As the result these fibers show much larger μp , PWP
performance. and MWCO than as-spun counterparts. The solute sep-
Since fibers spun with 55 wt.% NMP in bore fluid and then aration data reveal that the bleached fibers spun with
treated with NaOCl (code: “3-aft”) have a much larger MWCO 50 wt.% NMP have the MWCO of 43 kDa and PWP
(214 kDa) than the desirable one for kidney dialysis membranes, of 4.0 × 10−4 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 suitable for kidney dialysis
these fibers (referred as “3-aft”) were used in the heat treatment application.
study to tailor their structure suitable for the kidney dialysis (4) Heat treatment in a hot aqueous solution is an effective way
application. The study was carried out to investigate the effect to fine tune membrane pore size, porosity and MWCO. Hol-
of water temperature for heat treatment on membrane morphol- low fiber membranes spun with 55 wt.% NMP in bore fluid
ogy and performance while keeping the heat treatment period and heat treated in 90 ◦ C water for 2 h were found to be very
to 2 h. Fig. 9 shows the cross-section, inner and outer surface appropriate for kidney dialysis application with MWCO of
morphology. Some pores in the inner surface seem to somewhat around 67 kDa.
collapse or get closer. This leads to the MWCO decline with an
increase in water treatment temperature (ref. to Fig. 10). Table 4 Acknowledgements
summarizes a comparison of the effect of varying water treat-
ment temperature on membrane pore size, PWP and MWCO. The authors would like to thank BASF Company, Germany
The “3-aft” fibers after treated in 90 ◦ C water for 2 h have a for funding this research project with a grant number of R-279-
satisfactory MWCO of around 67 kDa and a reasonable high 000-188-592. The authors are indebted to Dr. Martin Weber and
PWP of 4.0 × 10−4 L m−2 Pa−1 h−1 suitable for kidney dialysis Prof. Volker Warzelhan both from BASF, Germany for their
application. This fiber has a high PWP and proper MWCO due invaluable technical suggestions and support throughout this
to the fact that the 90 ◦ C water treatment cannot only remove work. We are also highly appreciated Dr. Wang K.Y. for his
more PVP but also shrink pore size simultaneously as shown in help on the system design.
Table 4, and the former factor results in a more permeable inner
layer as shown in Fig. 9.
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