Distinctive Composition of Copper Ore Forming Arcmagmas

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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences

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Distinctive composition of copper-ore-forming


R.R. Loucks

To cite this article: R.R. Loucks (2014) Distinctive composition of copper-ore-forming arcmagmas,
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61:1, 5-16, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2013.865676

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TAJE_A_865676.3d (TAJE) 18-02-2014 17:23

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (2014)

61, 5–16, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2013.865676

Distinctive composition of copper-ore-forming

arc magmas

Centre for Exploration Targeting, School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA
6009, Australia.

Magmatic fertility to generate porphyry- and high-sulfidation copper ore deposits generally develops,
not at the scale of individual igneous complexes, but rather at the scale of petrochemical provinces
spanning hundreds of kilometres of arc length, and containing many igneous complexes. The extent
and duration of copper metallogenic provinces and epochs are apparently controlled by
geodynamically imposed compressive stress that commonly lasts ca 5–20 Ma and fosters entrapment
of mantle-derived basaltic magmas in chambers near the Moho where they cool very slowly and are
likely to last long enough to experience intermittent replenishment during fractional crystallisation of
layered ultramafic–mafic cumulate complexes on the chamber floor. Accumulation of dissolved H2O
through multiple cycles of replenishment and crystallisation in high-pressure magma chambers can
explain the distinguishing chemical features of copper-ore-forming calc-alkalic arc magmas. The
distinguishing features include unusually high contents of Sr and V, and unusually low contents of Sc
and Y. The distinction from ordinary andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic arc magmas can be enhanced by
using ratios of enriched elements to depleted elements. The ratios Sr/Y and V/Sc are shown here to be
effective in discriminating least-altered samples of ore-forming intrusions from ordinary,
metallogenically unproductive arc magmas.
KEYWORDS: porphyry copper, high sulfidation, metallogeny, arc magmatism, exploration, magma
fertility, adakite.

INTRODUCTION magmas. These two themes are the principal topics of

this paper.
It is enigmatic that large segments of some arcs become
richly mineralised during a brief epoch, but preceding
and succeeding igneous activity in the same region pro- FIRST-ORDER CONTROLS ON COPPER FERTILITY
duced little or no copper ore. Striking examples include: OF ARC MAGMAS
the rich porphyry copper provinces that developed ca
66–54 Ma in the southwestern USA and northern Mexico; Figure 1 shows the distribution of late Paleogene copper
the string of porphyry-copper deposits that formed ca 42– ( gold  silver  molybdenum)-bearing magmatic-
31 Ma in northern Chile; the many gold-rich magmatic- hydrothermal ore deposits in the central Andes. The
hydrothermal deposits that formed during the Miocene take-away messages from this time–space distribution of
epoch in northern Chile; and the swarm of copper and ore deposits are that: (1) the controls on metallogenic fer-
gold deposits that developed between 5 and 1 Ma in arcs tility operate not at the at the scale of individual mag-
bordering the western margin of the Philippine Sea matic centres, but rather over hundreds of kilometres of
Plate and along the New Guinea–Solomons–Fiji interval arc length including many magmatic centres; and (2) the
of the southwestern Pacific Plate (Sillitoe 2010, and refer- ability of certain arc segments to turn on and shut off
ences therein). metallogenic activity and migrate fore and aft while
Any model that purports to explain the origins of remaining magmatically active implies that copper met-
magmatic fertility for generating magmatic-hydrother- allogenic fertility is not due to recycling pre-existing Cu
mal copper ore deposits along convergent plate margins enrichments within the lithosphere, such as often
must account for: (1) the tendency of deposits to cluster appears to be the case for tin, molybdenum, uranium
in metallogenic belts and epochs that are transient in and fluorine ore provinces. It is evident from its tran-
space and time within much more extensive and longer- sient provinciality that magmatic fertility for copper
lived convergent-margin magmatic belts; and (2) the dis- metallogeny cannot be explained by serendipitous
tinctive lithophile-element chemical characteristics of crustal contamination scenarios, such as assimilation of
copper-ore-forming arc magmas relative to ordinary arc limestone, redbeds, coal or sulfidic black shales. Neither

Ó 2014 Geological Society of Australia
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6 R. R. Loucks

Figure 1 Distribution of Cenozoic magmatic-hydrothermal porphyry copper (–gold–silver–molybdenum) and copper-bearing

gold-rich epithermal and porphyry deposits in the central Andes. Green symbols represent deposits of Paleogene age, mainly
late Eocene and earliest Oligocene. Red symbols represent deposits of Neogene age. Squares are gold-rich intermediate- and
high-sulfidation epithermal deposits and porphyry gold (–copper) deposits; circles are porphyry copper ( gold  molybde-
num) deposits. It is striking that the latitude interval 19–26 S that was richly productive of giant porphyry coppers in the late
Eocene has continued to be magmatically active up to the present time, but has been metallogenically unproductive for the
past 25 Ma, whereas the latitude interval 29–34 S that was magmatically active but metallogenically unproductive in the Paleo-
gene became richly productive of copper and gold–copper deposits in the Neogene. In the interval 17–19 S, the metallogeny
switched from copper-dominant in the Eocene to gold-dominant in the Neogene, and migrated inland. South of El Teniente,
the Southern Volcanic Zone in the latitude interval 35–47 S has been magmatically active but metallogenically unproductive
for copper throughout the Cenozoic. The two Neogene ore provinces along the west side of the Neogene–Quaternary Altiplano
uplift and along the west side of the Sierras Pampeanas Neogene thrust and fold belt are coincident in time and space with lat-
itude intervals of strong orogenic deformation by agents illustrated in blue. Depth contours on Wadati-Benioff zone (Cahill &
Isacks 1992) flare eastward where the Nazca plate is buoyed up by the thick crust of the Nazca Ridge (top of map) and by the
young, warm Juan Fernandez Ridge (8.5 Ma at east end; < 1 Ma near the current location of the Juan Fernandez hotspot
(Farley et al. 1993; Flueh et al. 1998). Shaded areas on the seafloor are shallower than 4 km depth (von Huene et al. 1997). The
oldest ocean floor at the trench is Chron 23 (58 Ma) at the Peru–Chile bend (Arica orocline), where the slab dip is relatively
steep at 34 (Cahill & Isacks 1992). The relative-motion vectors of the Nazca and South America plates (78–81 mm/yr) are
from DeMets et al. (1990). The plate-convergence vector is decomposed into vector components perpendicular to (dashed light
blue arrows) and parallel to (dashed dark blue arrows) the trench on the north and south sides of the Arica bend at the Peru–
Chile border. North and south of Arica, the trench-parallel components of the plate-convergence vectors have opposing direc-
tions that converge to produce compression that has caused crustal thickening and uplift of the Altiplano region (Dewey &
Lamb 1992) and oroclinal bending by more than 30 during the past 20 Ma (MacFadden et al. 1995). Grey triangles schemati-
cally represent the distribution of Quaternary volcanic cones (Isacks 1988), which are absent above the flattest parts of the
slab in central Peru and in Chile at 29–33 S, where the South American Plate has over-ridden the buoyant Nazca Ridge and
Juan Fernandez Ridge.
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Copper-ore-forming arc magmas 7

can it be explained by serendipitous subduction of local magmas must be assessed from thermodynamic analysis
compositional anomalies in the oceanic lithosphere of mineral–melt equilibria, such as the plagioclase/melt
such as volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits or serpen- hygrometer (Housh & Luhr 1991; Rohrlach & Loucks
tinised fracture zones. Explanations of copper metallo- 2000; Lange et al. 2009) or inferred qualitatively from
genic provinces must invoke processes that transcend whole-rock element ratios. Rohrlach & Loucks (2005)
chemical heterogeneity in local environments. used the plagioclase/melt geohygrometer calibration of
Sillitoe (1998) noted that crustal thickening associated Rohrlach & Loucks (2000) to demonstrate that ore-stage
with compressive tectonism was synchronous with the dacitic magmas that produced the giant Tampakan high-
formation of giant porphyry copper systems in central sulfidation and porphyry Cu (–Au) deposits in southern
and northern Chile, southwest Arizona, Irian Jaya and Mindanao had accumulated 8 wt% dissolved H2O by
Iran. The late Eocene–early Oligocene ore belt (Figure 1) inheritance through several cycles of magma-chamber
developed during waning stages of a period of Cordille- replenishment and fractional crystallisation.
ran orogeny that appears to be related to the collision of It is useful to exploration geologists to be able to infer
Africa-Arabia with Eurasia, which closed the western the hydration state of arc magmas from commonly
Tethys, stalled the Afro-Arabian plate, and caused the reported major and trace elements in published whole-
full spreading rate on the mid-Atlantic Ridge to be trans- rock analyses. Formulation of whole-rock element-ratio
mitted as accelerated westward migration of the Ameri- proxies for the hydration state of magmas can be
cas, causing them to over-ride their Pacific-margin assisted by reference to experimental studies that show
subduction zones and induce a period of low-angle sub- how varying the hydration state of a magma affects the
duction and Eocene orogenic deformation at latitudes crystallisation sequence of minerals and hence the rela-
from Montana to central Chile (Silver et al. 1998). The tive rates of depletion or enrichment of major and trace
two Neogene metallogenic belts represented by red sym- elements in the residual melt during cooling and crystal-
bols on Figure 1 are coincident in time and space with lisation at any given pressure.
latitude intervals of Neogene strong orogenic deforma- Figure 2 illustrates how increasing the content of dis-
tion by stress-focusing into indentations in the over-rid- solved H2O in a silicate melt affects the crystallisation
ing plate, and by buoyant features (bathymetric highs) sequence of minerals. The effect of dissolving the first
in the subducting plate that drag along the base of the few percent H2O is to hydroxylate the bridging oxygens
over-riding plate, as described in the caption. It is there-
fore likely that the transient provinciality of copper met-
allogeny along convergent plate margins is due to
geodynamically imposed variations of tectonic stress,
which in turn affect the depth at which magmas are
trapped and chemically differentiate by fractional crys-
tallisation (Loucks 2000; Loucks & Ballard 2002; Rohrlach
2002; Rohrlach & Loucks 2005).


A clue to the origin of magmatic fertility for copper ore
genesis is given by the distribution of hornblende along
the southern and central Andes. My survey of the exten-
sive literature on petrology of late Cenozoic igneous
centres in the unmineralised Southern Volcanic Zone of
Chile finds that the latitude interval 35–45 S contains a
larger proportion of basalts, and corroborates the report Figure 2 Varying the wt% H2O dissolved in the silicate melt
strongly affects the order of mineral crystallisation from the
by Hildreth & Moorbath (1988) that its andesites and
melt—and consequently the relative rates of depletion or
dacites are nearly all pyroxene-rich and hornblende- accumulation of various trace elements in the melt—as illus-
poor or -absent. During metallogenic epochs in the ore trated by this map of phase assemblages in a series of experi-
belts farther north, hornblende usually arrived in the ments on a basaltic-andesite arc magma of the composition
crystallisation sequence at a basaltic andesite or mafic shown in the inset. Each black dot represents an experiment
andesite (54–59 wt% SiO2) stage of magmatic differentia- in which the crystallising mineral assemblage was identi-
tion, and pyroxene-bearing dacites and rhyolites are fied by Moore & Carmichael (1998), and the melt’s content of
apparently absent. dissolved H2O (dotted grey contours) was determined from
Andesitic to rhyolitic magmas containing more than the composition of the quenced glass according to the
about 1–1.5 wt% dissolved H2O have more H2O than can method of Moore et al. (1998). At PH2O ¼ 0 (dry), the crystalli-
sation order of silicates from the cooling melt is plagioclase
be accommodated in hydroxyl sites of igneous minerals,
first, followed by olivine, orthopyroxene and then augite. At
so the rest migrates to country rocks or to the atmo- PH2O > 350 MPa and > 6.5 wt% H2O dissolved in the melt, pla-
sphere during crystallisation. The H2Oþ or loss-on-igni- gioclase is the last of those silicates to crystallise, and horn-
tion in a whole-rock chemical analysis does not blende is first. Saturation curves for magnetite and
represent the water content of hydrous magmas from orthopyroxene in the hydrous melts are based on lower-tem-
which the rock crystallised, so the hydration state of perature experiments by Blatter & Carmichael (1998).
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8 R. R. Loucks

that bind Si–O–Al tetrahera together to constitute the hydrous or dry mafic-to-felsic differentiation series
polymerised framework of the silicate melt (Burnham (Loucks 2000).
1979; Stolper 1982). Hydroxylation breaks the polymeris- At high contents of dissolved H2O in the melt, horn-
ing bonds. Depolymerisation of the melt makes it more blende can saturate before titanomagnetite (Figure 2)
difficult for minerals such as feldspars and pyroxenes to and can deplete the melt of Fe3þ as well as Fe2þ and
assemble their crystal structures, so their saturation thereby delay and suppress production of magnetite. V4þ
temperatures decrease with increasing OH content of has a very high magnetite/melt partition coefficient on
the melt. Orthosilicates such as olivine and zircon that the order of 10 times larger than the hornblende/melt
use only silica monomers should rise in saturation tem- partition coefficient (Luhr & Carmichael 1984; La
perature owing to increasing supply of monomers upon Tourette et al. 1991), so to the degree that hornblende
addition of the first few percent H2O to dry melt (cf. oliv- supplants titanomagnetite as a sink for Fe3þ in very
ine-in curve in Figure 2), but further increase in dis- hydrous melts, vanadium can avoid much of the deple-
solved H2O dilutes the concentrations of all other tion from the melt that occurs in drier magmatic differ-
chemical components of the melt and thereby depresses entiation series. So, the ratio V/Sc can be expected to
the saturation temperatures of all anhydrous minerals, rise with rising SiO2 in very hydrous mafic-to-felsic dif-
including oxides such as chromite and titanomagnetite, ferentiation series (Loucks 2000). These expectations
as shown in Figure 2. Hydroxyl-bearing minerals such will be tested for relevance to copper-ore-forming arc
as hornblende and biotite rise in saturation temperature magmas in a following section.
during dissolution of the first 5–6 wt% H2O in the melt,
but with further additions of dissolved H2O, the dilution
effect takes over, and saturation temperatures of
hydroxyl-bearing minerals decline too (Holloway 1973; EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON MAGMATIC
Changes in the crystallisation order of these miner-
als, equivalent to those shown in Figure 2, have been Calculations by Loucks (2000), Loucks & Ballard (2002),
demonstrated in experiments with varied H2O contents Rohrlach (2002), and Rohrlach & Loucks (2005) indicate
on bulk compositions ranging from tholeiitic basalt (Hol- that magmas ascending from the asthenospheric mantle
loway & Burnham 1972; Feig et al. 2006; Pichavant & Mac- wedge into a lithospheric regime of horizontal compres-
Donald 2007), high-alumina basalt (Baker & Eggler 1983; sive stress during orogeny, have difficulty propagating
Foden & Green 1992), low-alumina andesite (Blatter & dykes to the upper crust and are likely to stall at or near
Carmichael 1998), siliceous andesite (Green 1972; Martel the Moho, where basaltic magmas lose much of their
et al. 1999), dacite (Rutherford & Devine 1988; Johnson & buoyancy at the density discontinuity between dense
Rutherford 1989; Scaillet & Evans 1999; Costa et al. 2004), mantle peridotite and less-dense lower-crustal mafic
to high-silica rhyolite (Scaillet et al. 1995). In all cases, granulites or gabbros. Where the roots of arcs are
the saturation temperatures of feldspars and quartz are exposed at various localities around the world, lower-
depressed more by increasing H2O than are saturation crustal layered ultramafic–mafic cumulate complexes
temperatures of ferromagnesian silicates. As shown by provide evidence of arc magmas stalling and crystallis-
the dotted grey contours in Figure 2, the melt’s H2O dis- ing at high pressure for long periods (e.g. Garuti et al.
solution capacity is very sensitive to decompression, but 1980; DeBari & Coleman 1989; Miller et al. 1991). Cognate
not very sensitive to cooling. All the experiments show xenoliths of high-pressure cumulates in volcanic and
that crystallisation of hornblende from basaltic and hypabyssal calc-alkalic rocks provide corroborative evi-
basaltic-andesitic melt compositions above  980 C dence (e.g. DeLong et al. 1975; Arculus & Wills 1980; Con-
requires > 5 wt% dissolved H2O in the melt (e.g. Feig rad & Kay 1984; DeBari et al. 1987; Lee et al. 2007).
et al. 2006); dacitic melts at 800–850 C require > 4 wt% Figure 3 illustrates the experimentally determined
H2O for hornblende crystallisation (Costa et al. 2004). effect of pressure variation on the crystallisation
The melt’s inability to dissolve that much H2O at low sequence of minerals at constant bulk composition
pressure destabilises hornblende. (including constant bulk H2O content) during solidifica-
The conclusion from Figure 2 is that whole-rock ele- tion of a magnesium-rich tholeiitic basaltic parental
ment ratios that reflect the modal ratio of plagioclase/ melt at any given depth. There are several important fea-
hornblende segregated from the magma during differ- tures to note. (1) At 0.1 GPa (upper blue horizontal band),
entiation up to the stage sampled should reflect the plagioclase is the second silicate to begin crystallising,
hydration state of the magma. Elements such as Al and whereas at 1.3 GPa (lower blue horizontal band), plagio-
Sr that partition strongly into plagioclase, but weakly clase is among the last; residual felsic liquid of dacitic
into hornblende, should accumulate in residual melts composition can precipitate ultramafic cumulates on
until plagioclase eventually saturates. Elements that the magma chamber floor. (2) Hornblende precipitation
partition strongly into hornblende, but not into plagio- begins at higher temperatures at lower-crustal depths
clase, should undergo strong depletions from residual than at upper-crustal depths. (3) Hornblende’s advance
melt as hornblende crystallises, e.g. Ti, Sc and Y. Thus, in the crystallisation sequence with increasing pressure
in more hydrous mafic-to-felsic magmatic differentia- occurs at the expense of titanomagnetite (as well as
tion series, the ratios Al2O3/TiO2 and Sr/Y in whole- pyroxenes and plagioclase), because high-pressure horn-
rock analyses may be expected to rise more strongly blende can accommodate most of the Ti and all the Fe3þ
with rising SiO2, whereas these ratios may be expected in a normal calc-alkalic composition (at ƒO2 around the
to remain flat or decline with rising SiO2 in weakly nickel metal þ nickel-oxide buffer, in these experiments).
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Copper-ore-forming arc magmas 9

Figure 3 Experimentally determined liquidus phase relations of picritic tholeiite dyke RC158c from the Adamello igneous
complex, Italian Alps (Ulmer 1989; Ka € gi et al. 2005) and of similar magnesian tholeiite compositions, combined with lower-tem-
perature phase-relations in less primitive basaltic and andesitic bulk compositions having initial H2O contents and composi-
tions that lie on the chemical evolution trajectory of a picritic parent initially containing 2.5–3 wt% H2O. Shaded sectors in
the hexagons indicate the presence of the respective mineral in the quenched experiment, keyed to the enlarged, labelled
hexagon in the lower-left. Late-crystallising and accessory minerals are not represented in the hexagons. Mineral saturation
curves labelled ‘Olivine-in’ etc. represent the apparent temperature of first appearance of the respective mineral during cool-
ing and crystallisation at any particular depth. Some minerals stop crystallising (e.g. ‘Olivine-out’ curve) when their chemical
components in the melt are consumed by other, recently arrived minerals, such as hornblende. The 2.5–3 wt% H2O in the start-
ing composition exceeds the magma’s water solubility limit at depths less than  3.5 km (1 kbar), so the upper parts of the min-
eral saturation curves show a kink and rise in temperature as H2O exsolves with decreasing pressure. Mismatch of starting
bulk compositions causes minor discrepancies of mineral stability fields among the various experimental studies represented
by different colours on the diagrams. Mafic magmas with more than 1 wt% H2O finish crystallising at the wet solidus. The
mineral paragenetic sequence in a magma crystallising at any particular depth corresponds to the succession of saturation
curves crossed by horizontal paths extending from the liquidus on the right to the solidus on the left. The crystallisation
sequences during cooling along the light blue horizontal bands illustrate the contrast in mineral assemblage and crystallisa-
tion sequence in magma chambers at 1 kbar (3.5 km depth) and at 13 kbar (40 km depth, appropriate to the crust/mantle
boundary in continent-margin orogenic belts).

So, it is apparent that increasing pressure up to about controls on magmatic-hydrothermal ore-forming pro-
1 GPa has essentially the same effect on the relative sta- cesses, may be done more efficiently by thorough compi-
bilities of plagioclase, hornblende and titanomagnetite lation and imaginative analysis of the vast amount of
as the effect of increasing the content of dissolved H2O in extant petrochemical analytical data in published litera-
the melt. In the following sections, tests are made ture and student theses, than by embarking on a field-
whether the element ratios Al2O3/TiO2, Sr/Y and V/Sc based mapping and sampling and chemical analysis pro-
are effective in discriminating copper-ore-forming intru- gram of necessarily modest regional scope and duration.
sions from ordinary arc magmas in apparently unminer- For this study chemical analyses have been compiled
alised arc segments. For the purpose of mineral (major and trace elements) of petrographically fresh or
exploration, it is not necessary to discriminate the com- weakly altered intrusive rocks that are deemed by the
ponent of the chemical signal owing to elevated H2O con- respective authors to represent the magmatic source of
tent from the component of the signal owing to elevated exsolved hydrothermal fluids that supplied most of the
pressure and orogenic compressive stress. essential chemical components for formation of 135 por-
phyry-type, or high-sulfidation epithermal type, or exog-
enous skarn and manto replacement-type ore bodies of
STRATEGY AND METHODS mined or minable economic significance in which cop-
per is a principal metal of value. Because unaltered sam-
Formulation and testing of petrogenetic hypotheses, ples of ore-forming intrusions are in short supply in
regarding linkages between tectonic and petrochemical most studies of most districts (mainly from satellite
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10 R. R. Loucks

dykes emanating from ore-stage stocks), most deposits in

the compilation are represented by only one, two or
three ‘least-altered’ samples that retain nearly fresh pla-
gioclase. Igneous (not hydrothermal-alteration-induced)
chemical features of those ore-productive intrusions are
compared with chemical features of large and composi-
tionally diverse arc igneous suites from regions that are
relatively thoroughly explored and believed to have no
association with economically significant magmatic-
hydrothermal copper mineralisation. The barren suites
selected for comparison comprise 473 samples of Neo-
gene and Quaternary volcanics and shallow intrusions
in the latitude interval 21.2–25.7 S of the Chilean Central
Volcanic Zone (CVZ), 893 samples of Neogene and Qua-
ternary volcanics and shallow intrusions throughout
the latitude interval 35–46 S of the Chilean Southern Vol-
canic Zone (SVZ), and 1094 samples of Pliocene and Qua-
ternary volcanic rocks and epizonal intrusions
throughout the Kurile-Hokkaido and North Honshu
(Toyoha) arcs. Theoretically formulated chemical
parameters are tested for their efficacy in sorting analy-
ses of ore-productive intrusions from the unmineralised
rock suites in the CVZ, SVZ and Kurile-Hokkaido-Hon-
Figure 4 Red symbols are least-altered samples of intrusions
shu barren reference suites.
parental to major copper ( molybdenum) ore deposits;
inverted pink triangles are least-altered samples of intru-
sions that exsolved hydrothermal fluids that produced
Selection criteria for compiled analyses major gold-rich porphyry and high-sulfidation and skarn
Selection criteria for acceptable analyses are: deposits of Phanerozoic age worldwide. These ore-forming
suites are compared with all available analyses of volcanic
and hypabyssal intrusions in two latitude intervals of the
(1) Loss on ignition (LOI) or individually analysed H2O
Chilean Andes that lack known significant copper ore depos-
þ CO2 þ S sum to < 3.5 wt%. its in the 23–0 Ma time frame. Blue squares represent aver-
(2) Analytical totals in the 97.5–101.5 wt% range (vola- age continental-margin arc basalt, basaltic andesite,
tile-free basis). andesite, dacite and rhyolite from my compilations for Neo-
(3) Absence of significant plagioclase-destructive hydro- gene and Quaternary suites from the Andes, southern
thermal alteration according to the authors’ petro- Alaska, Kamchatka, Japan, Ryukyu arc, Sunda arc and New
graphic descriptions (in thin-section, plagioclase is Guinea. The data have been compiled from many published
often cloudy, but with visible polysynthetic sources.
(4) None of the utilised analyses represents crystal
Chilean Andes that lack known significant copper min-
cumulates to a conspicuous degree; in particular, no
eralisation in the age range 23–0 Ma.
whole-rock analyses have positive europium anoma-
Feiss (1978) presented empirical evidence that por-
lies Eu/Eu > 1.3, and none have > 20 wt% Al2O3—
phyry-Cu-productive intrusions in the southwestern
features characteristic of plagioclase cumulates.
USA and Greater Antilles typically have higher values of
(5) All analyses belong to the tholeiitic or the low-K to
the alumina saturation index (i.e. Al2O3/
high-K calc-alkalic magma series, as defined by
(CaOþNa2OþK2O) on a molar basis) than regionally
Irvine & Baragar (1971) and by Peccerillo & Taylor
associated, penecontemporaneous barren intrusions.
Mason & Feiss (1979) extended that observation to New
(6) None of the compiled analyses corresponds to feld-
Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Figure 4 shows that the
spathoid-normative alkalic rocks, nor to the ortho-
igneous differentiation trend leading to magmatic-
pyroxene-normative, strongly potassic-alkalic
hydrothermal Cu-ore-forming intrusions extends to
absarokite–shoshonite–banakite series as defined by
compositions that are significantly more aluminous
Peccerillo & Taylor (1976).
than the unproductive arc reference suites, and more
aluminous than average basalts, basaltic andesites,
RESULTS OF COMPARISONS andesites, dacites and rhyolites of continent-margin
arcs. As illustrated in Figures 2 and 3, higher dissolved
In Figure 4, the whole-rock Al2O3/TiO2 of fresh or weakly H2O contents and/or higher total pressure tend to shift
altered samples (as described in the preceding section on the relative positions of plagioclase and titanomagnetite
‘selection criteria’) of ore-forming porphyry intrusions and hornblende in the crystallisation sequence, and
parental to 135 major Phanerozoic copper ore deposits at thereby tend to delay and diminish plagioclase produc-
convergent plate margins are compared with all avail- tion and to advance and enhance hornblende production
able analyses of unaltered Neogene–Quaternary volca- at the expense of plagioclase, because hornblende con-
nic and hypabyssal rocks in two latitude intervals of the sumes plagioclase-forming components of the melt.
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Copper-ore-forming arc magmas 11

Figure 5 On a plot of whole-rock Sr/Y vs wt% SiO2, seemingly barren intra-oceanic and epi-continental Neogene and Quater-
nary volcanic and hypabyssal tholeiitic and calc-alkalic arc suites (Aleutian arc, northern Japan, central and southern Chile)
are compared with fresh or least-altered samples of intrusions parental to major Cu and Cu–Au deposits of Phanerozoic age
worldwide. Nearly all Au-poor giant porphyry Cu deposits (e.g. Chuquicamata, Rio Blanco, Escondida, El Abra, El Salvador
and Yulong) plot at Sr/Y ratios > 40 (mostly >70) and have SiO2 > 60 wt%. Most samples of most giant Au-rich porphyry Cu
deposits (Panguna, Bingham Canyon, Ok Tedi, Grasberg, Batu Hijau, Alumbrera) are less siliceous at 58–68 wt% SiO2, and
plot at Sr/Y > 35, tending to cluster in the lower half of the range for ore-productive intrusions. The Au-poor, low-grade subeco-
nomic Cu prospects (not shown) plot mainly or entirely at Sr/Y < 40. Barren arc suites plot at even lower Sr/Y in the SiO2
range > 55 wt%. The trends of large black symbols that represent average circum-Pacific arc basalt, basaltic andesite, andes-
ite, dacite and rhyolite do not significantly overlap the Sr/Y range of magmas that produced any giant porphyry Cu deposits.
For prospectivity assessments of igneous complexes, sites having Sr/Y > 35 at SiO2 > 57 wt% can be regarded as Cu-fertile.

These relations cause initially tholeiitic, mantle-derived Figure 5 shows that the ratio of Sr/Y in 291 least-
basaltic magmas to differentiate by crystal-liquid segre- altered samples of ore-stage intrusions, parental to 135
gation along a more strongly calc-alkalic differentiation major Phanerozoic porphyry copper (–gold) ore deposits,
trend, which corresponds to a trend of more strongly is usefully effective in discriminating copper-ore-forming
increasing Al2O3/TiO2 in the melt as magmatic differen- magmas from ordinary andesites, dacites and rhyolites in
tiation proceeds. Copper-ore-forming arc magmas are apparently unmineralised arc segments around the
the most extreme representatives of the calc-alkalic dif- Pacific margin. Thie blemont et al. (1997) compiled chemi-
ferentiation trend. cal analyses of intrusions related to 28 porphyry copper
TAJE_A_865676.3d (TAJE) 18-02-2014 17:23

12 R. R. Loucks

deposits worldwide and reported that most of them are Corgne 2002). But to the degree that hornblende takes
associated with ‘adakites,’ which are calc-alkalic rocks of over from titanomagnetite as a sink for Fe3þ, as shown
andesitic to dacitic composition that have high Sr/Y as in Figures 2 and 3, more vanadium can remain in resid-
one of their distinguishing characteristics. Thie blemont ual melt, while scandium continues to be efficiently
et al. (1997) followed the interpretation of Defant & Drum- extracted from the melt into hornblende.
mond (1990) in attributing their genesis to partial fusion
of mafic protoliths at high pressure in the eclogite or gar-
High magmatic K2O destabilises hornblende
net-granulite facies. Loucks (2000) and Loucks & Ballard
(2002) showed that more than 80 porphyry copper deposits Experimental evidence shows that at a specified pres-
worldwide are genetically related to felsic intrusions hav- sure and H2O content in calc-alkalic magma of nominally
ing Sr/Y > 35, and they attributed the genesis of those constant composition, increasing the melt’s Na2O con-
magmas to fractional crystallisation of ordinary arc-basal- tent or Na2O/K2O ratio causes hornblende to saturate at
tic magmas at high pressure in slow-cooling, long-lived, higher temperature, earlier in the crystallisation
Moho-level magma chambers in which intermittent sequence (Cawthorn 1976; Sisson & Grove 1993). The Na-
chamber replenishments during continuous fractional bearing pargasitic–hastingsitic hornblende is stable to
crystallisation led to accumulation of exceptional con- substantially higher temperatures and pressures than
tents of dissolved H2O in residual melts after several crys- alkali-poor amphiboles (Holloway 1973; Thomas 1982).
tallisation-and-replenishment cycles. Detailed petrological Although some marginally shoshonitic magma com-
study of the long-lived (ca 8 Ma) Tampakan igneous com- positions are shown in Figures 5 and 6 (e.g. from Goo-
plex in Mindanao, Philippines, field-tested and validated numbla, Cadia, Grasberg-Ertsberg, Bingham Canyon,
this petrogenetic model (Rohrlach & Loucks 2005). Cham- etc.), the reason for excluding more strongly potassic-
befort et al. (2008) reported that the Cu–Au high-sulfida- alkalic arc magma series from the compilations shown
tion epithermal and porphyry deposits at Yanacocha, in Figures 5 and 6 is that highly potassic magma series
Peru, developed late in the history of a long-lived (ca tend to crystallise biotite þ pyroxenes  titanomagnetite
6 Myr) igneous complex from very hydrous hornblende- in lieu of hornblende over a greater interval of the differ-
phyric magmas that had undergone magmatic differentia- entiation sequence. In strongly potassic members of the
tion at 6–9 kbar before migrating to subvolcanic ore- orthopyroxene-normative absarokite–shoshonite–bana-
forming depths. Least-altered samples of ore-stage horn- kite clan and in feldspathoid-normative leucite tephrites
blende-andesite at Yanacocha were reported by Turner and leucite phonolites etc., hornblende is commonly
(1997) and Longo et al. (2010) to have Sr/Y > 50. Chiaradia absent throughout the differentiation sequence. The
et al. (2012) have updated the literature survey of ore- effect of elevated activity of an orthoclase (or leucite or
related igneous suites having elevated Sr/Y, and they kalsilite) molecular component in the melt is to destabi-
describe evidence at Pilavo volcano, Ecuador, for exsolu- lise molecular components of hornblende by reactions of
tion of Cu-rich hydrothermal fluid from ascending H2O- the following types:
rich magma at 15 km depth.
The plagioclase/melt partition coefficient of Sr is pargasite melt

around 3–5 in calc-alkalic hydrous melts of andesitic and NaCa2 ðMg4 AlÞðAl2 Si6 ÞO22 ðOHÞ2 þ SiO2 þ
dacitic composition (Blundy & Wood 1991), whereas the melt

plagioclase plagioclase augite
hornblende/melt partition coefficient of Y is around 2– KAlSi3 O8 ! CaAl2 Si2 O8 þ NaAlSi3 O8 þ CaMgSi2 O6
6 in melts of andesitic and dacitic composition (Ewart & biotite
Griffin 1994; Sisson 1994) and is substantially higher þ KMg3 ðAlSi3 ÞO10 ðOHÞ2
than that of augite/melt. So, the trend to high Sr/Y in
copper-ore-forming arc magmas is readily accounted for and
by early and prolific crystallisation of hornblende and
by delayed and diminished production of plagioclase, ferri-pargasite melt

both in response to elevated contents of dissolved H2O in NaCa2 ðFe2þ 3þ
4 Fe ÞðAl2 Si6 ÞO22 ðOHÞ2 þ 0:5 Fe2 Si2 O6
the melt and lower-crustal pressure on the order of 0.6–
melt plagioclase

1.2 GPa, as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. þ KAlSi3 O8 ! 0:5 CaAl2 Si2 O8
In Figure 6 the ratio V/Sc in the same suite of least-
plagioclase magnetite augite
altered whole-rock samples of porphyry-copper-ore-
þ NaAlSi3 O8 þ 0:5 Fe2þ Fe3þ
2 O4 þ 1:5 CaFeSi2 O6
forming intrusions effectively discriminates most of
them from average, ordinary volcanic and hypabyssal biotite
andesites, dacites and rhyolites in apparently unminer- þ KFe2þ
3 ðAlSi3 ÞO10 ðOHÞ2
alised segments of circum-Pacific Neogene–Quaternary
arcs. The distinction in V/Sc ratio is accounted for by Whereas elevated Na2O activity as NaAlSi3O8 or NaAl-
the effects of elevated content of dissolved H2O in the SiO4 molecular components of the melt would cause
melt (Figure 2) and/or elevated pressure (Figure 3) in reactions of this type to run to the left, producing parga-
causing hornblende to advance in the crystallisation sitic hornblende at the expense of pyroxenes and plagio-
sequence relative to titanomagnetite. At melt redox clase, reactions (1) and (2) show that at constant
states ranging from about 6 log units of ƒO2 below to 2 hydration state of the magma (no water molecules con-
log units above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz reference sumed or liberated in these reactions), increasing the
buffer, vanadium is predominantly in the V4þ valence K2O content of the melt—as orthoclase or leucite or kalsi-
state and follows Ti4þ into titanomagnetite (Toplis & lite molecular components of the melt—tends to convert
TAJE_A_865676.3d (TAJE) 18-02-2014 17:23

Copper-ore-forming arc magmas 13

Figure 6 Whole-rock V/Sc is highly selective for Cu, not Au, ore-forming fertility. The ratio V/Sc is available for fewer samples
of fewer deposits than the ratio Sr/Y shown in Figure 5. The V/Sc has a different mineralogical basis than Sr/Y, and is rela-
tively resistant to disturbance by moderate hydrothermal alteration, so it can provide independent corroboration of the Cu
prospectivity of igneous suites. Average basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite in late Cenozoic circum-Pacific
arcs (heavy grey squares and circles) represent the usual magmatic-differentiation trend of igneous suites that are unprospec-
tive for Cu-dominant ore deposits. Magmas parental to gold-dominant deposits (not shown) generally plot at higher V/Sc
ratios than average unproductive arc magmas, but within the range of scatter of the unproductive suites that are plotted for
comparison. Many intrusions parental to major Au–Cu deposits (dark pink triangles) also plot within the field of scatter of
unproductive igneous suites. However, all of the Au-poor giant porphyry Cu deposits (Chuquicamata, El Abra, Escondida), as
well as some of the giant Au–Cu deposits (Bingham, Batu Hijau, Ertsberg, Bajo de la Alumbrera), are characterised by V/Sc >
10, which does not significantly overlap the scatter range of unproductive arcs or arc segments. All intrusive felsic porphyry
suites having V/Sc > 10 are unambiguously prospective (magmatically fertile) for large Cu ( Au) deposits. The cutoff can be
defined by the sloping line V/Sc ¼ 32.5–0.385  wt% SiO2.

pargasite, tschermakite, edenite, hastingsite, kaersutite plagioclase and augite began to crystallise, depending on
and related molecular components of hornblende solid pressure, temperature and K2O content of the melt, etc.
solution into plagioclase þ augite  magnetite. Biotite Owing to suppressed hornblende crystallisation by ele-
may crystallise synchronously with plagioclase, augite vated K2O content in the melt, highly potassic-alkalic
and magnetite, or ‘biotite’ can be retained in the melt as arc magmas characteristically have undepleted yttrium
a latent molecular component until it saturates after but experience greater magnetite-induced vanadium
TAJE_A_865676.3d (TAJE) 18-02-2014 17:23

14 R. R. Loucks

depletion as magmatic differentiation proceeds at mod- improving the clarity of presentation. The material has
erate oxygen fugacity, typically in arc magmas around 1– also been honed by discussions with exploration staff of
3 log units above the fayalite–magnetite–quartz refer- many companies that sponsored much of this research
ence buffer. Consequently, in strongly potassic magma and with academic audiences at many presentations.
series, the V/Sc ratio evolves to low values with increas-
ing SiO2, just as in tholeiitic magmas that are too H2O
poor to crystallise early and abundant hornblende. The
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