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European Journal of Applied Physics


The Physical Aura of Person during Life and after Death

in Physics with Real Magnetic Charges
Robert A. Sizov

The discovery and study of real magnetic charges, as well as true anti-
electrons in the structures of substance and their inclusion in basic physical Published Online: October 16, 2021
concepts, allowed the author to establish that two physical images ISSN: 2684-4451
correspond to a person: a real human body, i.e., his mass composition
DOI :10.24018/ejphysics.2021.3.5.108
(atoms, nucleons, etc.) and the spinor image in the form of its biofield,
displayed in the Energo-medium (Energo-ether) that and is the physical
Aura. The spinor image or Aura of person is not a simple “photograph” but Robert A. Sizov *
represents a system of real physical states or fractals in the Energo-medium, (e-mail: sizov.robert@gmail.com)
which, at the cellular level, are connected with the human body and interact
with it at all stages of its existence. It is the physical Aura that is responsible *Corresponding Author
for all the power reactions manifested by the body, providing, for example,
“force service” of the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system.
The article shows the conditions for the transformation of the Aura into a
dead state after the death of a person, and also notes some fractals in its
composition that are able to maintain former vital reactions for some time.
The external manifestations of such “long-lived” fractals of the Aura,
meeting the conditions of identity with a deceased person, can be perceived
by some sensitive people. It is the last circumstance that can explain the
numerous observations of ghosts and images of deceased people, emerging
both in a dream and in reality. At the same time, the ability to form the
marked fractals is not an exclusive property of the Aura of dying or deceased
people. Such fractals capable of emitting and the quite healthy people in
some of life situations. These latter fractals in the surrounding space can be
perceived by some people and showing in ordinary dreams.

Keywords: Real magnetic charges, True anti-electrons, Spinor fields, Vortex

electromagnetic (gravitational) field, Spinor image of a person, Physical Aura,
Biofield of a person, Energo-medium, “Dark energy”.

rot[E-H] and formed by the electromagnetic shells of atoms

I. THE PHYSICAL AURA OF A PERSON DURING LIFE AND and nucleons [1]-[5]. It is the gravitational fields emitted by
AFTER DEATH the atoms of the human body that form the basis of its
The concept of the human Aura in a number of different of biofield. In addition to the gravitational component, the
esoteric beliefs and oriental religions is explained by the human biofield includes electric, magnetic, and
manifestation of the soul and spirit of man. There are electromagnetic (the not gravitational) fields that accompany
numerous cases of using this concept in the framework of so, numerous physicochemical processes in the organism.
called pseudoscientific directions, for example, in of The author's research has shown that masses (bodies) do
representations biofields, dowsing or alternative medicine not exist empty outer space in but in an Energo-medium (E-
(see, “Human Aura” Wikipedia). M) that fills the entire space of the real world and is, for
In official natural science it is believed that the human aura example, the repletion and carrier of a physical essence called
is not a real physical entity and therefore is not a subject of the human Aura. The Energo-medium (Energo-phase,
study of any scientific disciplines. However, not everything Energo-ether) is a super - dense physical medium consisting
is so simple, and the above scientific conclusion is not the of its own ultra - small (massless and spinless) particles-
final verdict. energions moving in different directions at speeds close to
The discovery and study by the author of real magnetic light. It is the energion flows are the real physical filling of
charges, as well as true anti-electrons in the composition of spinor fields, that is, the fields of charged particles [6], [7].
atoms and substance (not recognized in existing physics), It is also important to note that the noted particles - energions
allowed him to establish that the gravitational field is of the have the impulse which manifests itself in the processes of
vortex electromagnetic field, which is written in the form force effects of on spinor particles and, consequently, on

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejphysics.2021.3.5.108 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 47

European Journal of Applied Physics

Note 1. The concepts of spinor particles and spinor fields accordance with the physical-biological program embedded
used in the article refer to fundamental particles with such a in the body, implements both behavioral and autonomous
physical property as spin (literally – “rotation”). It is the spin (vegetative) reactions.
or the so-called spinority is responsible for such a state of For example, muscle reactions (contractions) are realized
particles as their charged or charge. The physical essence of under the influence of commands of the central or autonomic
the spin of particles, in the representations of physics with nervous system. These commands activate the “power
real magnetic charges, as well as the electric or magnetic browser” and the latter, through the “Dark Energy” forces
properties of fields charges, determined by it, are described noted above, forces the corresponding muscles to contract.
in the author's publication (see [6]). The mechanics of muscle contractions described above is not
The Energo-medium is of the driving force or global force difficult to understand, given that the fragments of the Aura
factor that carries out all primary acts of force in the real responsible for force reactions in the body permeate all its
World. The primary source of the forces acting on particles cells, including muscle cells. Given the physics of the
and masses are the formations of “Dark Energy” (“DE”), formation of the human Aura described above, the behavioral
which in the form of oblasts of positive or negative pressure commands of the nervous system are most likely the
are realized in E-M under the impact of spinor fields. It is the corresponding complexes of spinor fields.
“DE” forces that are responsible, for example, both for the At the same time, as part of the Aura of a person, there may
dynamics of spinor (charged) particles in atoms and matter, be fractals that are weakly connected with its gravitational
and for the movement of galaxies. basis, which, depending on physical circumstances, can, “by
The close concept to the above-described representation of inertia”, function for some time after his death. For the
the Energo-medium is the Physical vacuum, i.e., the lowest reasons noted above, the destruction of a person's living Aura
(ground) energy state of the quantized field, which has zero and its complete transition to a dead mode can take some
momentum, angular momentum, and other quantum time, measured in days, and maybe, in some exotic cases, by
numbers. The space completely devoid of matter, filled with months or even years All this time, the marked “long-lived”
a field in the described state, is also called a physical vacuum. fractals in E-C can show physical activity and influence the
However, the representation of the Physical Vacuum is surrounding organisms regardless of the body of the deceased
fundamentally at odds with the author's concept of the person.
Energo-medium as regards the nature of the physical states or The last position raises a very significant question about
particles that fill the space, as well as the corresponding these the interconnectedness human images described above and
zero momentum and angular momentum. the possibility of preservation by individual fractals in the
The spinor fields emitted by the masses in the composition composition of the Aura of lifetime physical activity after a
of the human body and its constituent biofield, forming the person's death.
corresponding “prints” or a secondary physical image of a The main and closely related to the human body in a single
person in the Energo-medium, in much the same way how the geometric space are the fractals of the Aura which are formed
human body forms an imprint in the mass of beach sand. by the gravitational fields of atoms. At the same time, due to
However, the image of a person in the E-M, unlike a beach the different physics underlying the formation of the
print, is a system of physical states or fractals that correspond described primary and secondary images, their unity in space
to the original at cellular and even at the molecular level. and time is not physically obligatory.
These fractals are closely related to the human body and It should be noted that in nature there are cases of separate
accompany it at all stages of existence. Thus, two physical existence of the marked primary and secondary images. For
entities correspond to a person in the real world: a real human example, the physical stratification of images is realized in
body, including atoms, nucleons, charged particles and a photonic physics, in which a photon is an imprint (secondary
spinor image of a person, in the form of his biofield displayed image) in the Energy medium of a dynamic act of electric and
in the Energo-medium and constituting the physical Aura. magnetic charges in a substance, called the birth of a photon.
The above-mentioned conclusion about the unified nature The marked act of charged particles, which can be called the
of the primary acts of force in the real World carried out by primary image, is itself short-lived. As for its imprint in the
“DE” suggests that all the power processes that are realized Energo-medium, that is, a photon, it is known to be a very
in the human body, as well as its external actions, are long-lived fragment. Thus, in the example with a photon, a
ultimately realized by the forces of “DE”, i.e., through its physical situation is realized, which can be defined as the
Aura. Thus, it is the human Aura that carries out the entire separation of the primary and secondary images, or even “life
power program associated with human vital activity, both at after death”.
the level of internal physiological processes in the body, and Of course, a situation in which the Аura of a person after
all kinds of external reaction (muscle contractions). death continues to function in the mode of a full life cycle is
The most complex and functionally saturated part of the absolutely impossible. However, there is no prohibition on
human Aura is its area that performs force maintenance of the the existence and manifestation of independent activity of
activity of the human nervous system. It is this area that is some fractals that are weakly connected with the basis of the
responsible for the force implementation of both vegetative Aura. Such fractals can be, for example, the display in E-M
processes in the body and its external reactions induced by of spinor fields emitted by the human brain at moments of
the central nervous system. In addition, “video” of the most acute life situations, which, first of all, include the moment of
acute life collisions experienced by a person are reflected, his death. Such fractals can persist in the Energo-medium
encoded, and maintained in Aura. Thus, Aura of the human even after the death of a person, and even, likewise a photon,
brain can be defined as a kind of browser, which, in move in space. The noted long-lived fractals, meeting the

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejphysics.2021.3.5.108 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 48

European Journal of Applied Physics

conditions of identity with a deceased person, can be physical theory. Physics, which is built on the vicious
perceived by some sensitive people. It is the last circumstance (electronic) basis described above, can be called electronic or
that can explain the numerous observations of ghosts, the even electrical physics.
appearance of images of the dead in a dream, and others. Of course, the ignored magnetic and electric particles were
It should be added here that the ability to form and emit the forced to replace by such theoretical surrogates as the
noted so-called long-lived fractals is not an exclusive magnetic moments of electrons and Dirac holes. However,
property of the Aura of dying or deceased people. Such this theoretical “trick” did not solve the problematic situation
fractals can also be emitted by quite healthy people in some in physics, but only incredibly complicated and confused its
action-packed life situations. These latter manifestations, theory.
filling the surrounding space, are selectively perceived by the Among the most famous theoretical “discoveries”
sensitive people and manifest themselves in ordinary dreams. generated by vicious electrical physics, one can name: the
It should be also understood that all these fractals that are global expansion of the Universe, a very big bang and a large
formed in the structures of the human aura are not fiction or gap, annihilation of a particle-antiparticle pair, the field and
illusion, as is commonly believed in the natural sciences, but Higgs boson, the representation of the gravitational field in
are based on a completely real physical basis. the form of a curved four-dimensional space-time and many
In addition to all of the above, a physical effect is known others.
that can be directly related to the existence of a person's It is the vicious electronic physics that is responsible for
physical Aura. This refers to the change in the frequency of the negative attitude that has developed in the natural sciences
optical photons (their reddening) when they pass through the to such a physical entity as the human aura and the reduction
area of the human aura, in our case through the layer of the of its notions to pseudoscience. The fact is that “thanks” to
secondary image of a person in E-M, protruding beyond the this vicious physics, all reasonable approaches to such an
geometric limits of the real human body (see Wikipedia important component of the real physical World as the
“Human Aura”). Energo-medium were closed whose own particles are the
It is also important to note that the complex of physical physical filling of the spinor fields. Meanwhile, it is the
imprints in the Energo-medium that determines the described spinor fields that make up the human biofield and are
physical Aura is not exclusively the prerogative of a person. displayed in E-M what represent such a physical entity as the
Everything that is capable of emitting a spinor field is human Aura. Here we note once again that the basis for
displayed in the E-M. Of course, the spinor imprint, which classifying the concept of Aura as a pseudoscience is the
forms the gravitational field of an ordinary stone in E-M, existing, so-called, electronic physics, which, as the author
cannot be attributed to the image of the Aura. It is appropriate shows, itself needs serious correction.
to associate this concept exclusively with the spinor images
of living organisms. At the same time, given the high status
of man in the natural hierarchy, as well as historical religious III. APPLICATION
traditions, this term can be assigned exclusively to homo
A. The Main Reasons for Ignoring Real Magnetic Charges
sapiens. As for the rest of living beings, their imprints in ES in Existing Physics
can be called, for example, by such a term as “spinor image”
(precisely, beautifully, and scientifically). Real magnetic charges, as well as true antielectrons, which
Note 2. It is important to note that the status of the photon make up 3/4 of atomic shells, were “buried alive” in existing
as a secondary image in the Energy Medium excludes any physics as a result of four basic physical and general human
possibility of its so-called materialization, which, according circumstances (see [5]-[7]).
to reports, is now an obsession. In addition, the very concept 1) The physics of rigid retention of magnetic charges in
of “matter” used in modern physics needs serious correction. a substance, which is fundamentally different from the
The fact is that the concept of matter or the material phase retention of electrons
refers exclusively to fundamental electric and magnetic It is the physics of rigid confinement, magnetic charges and
particles with a negative charge. The fundamental true antielectrons in matter, which is fundamentally different
representative of matter is the electron. In this case, positively from the retention of electrons, that is the main reason why
charged particles, both electric and magnetic, constitute the these particles are very difficult to experimentally isolate
antimaterial phase. Therefore, atoms, nucleons, substance from the composition of matter and thoroughly investigate.
are not matter at all. All these last structural states are However, the difficulties of experimental work with magnetic
masses which are formed by material and antimaterial charges in matter do not mean that these particles should have
particles. The fundamental physical property of mass is its been ignored. It should also be noted that the retention forces
ability to induce a gravitational field (see [5]-[7]). of the noted problem particles in the substance increase with
an increase in its internal energy. The latter circumstance
II. CONCLUSION explains the reasons for unsuccessful attempts to detect these
The tragic situation that has developed in physical science particles in high-energy experiments [10].
as a result of vicious ignoring, for almost 150 years, the true 2) The primitive-superficial perception of J. Maxwell in
sources of the magnetic field, magnetic charges, as well as 1873 of the results of well-known Oersted experiment
true anti-electrons, turned physics, and with it the natural It is precisely, J. Maxwell based on his primitive and
sciences into the “Kingdom of crooked mirrors” [8], [9]. As superficial impression of the famous Oersted experiment,
a result of the noted disregard, atomic shells which in reality introduced into physics the vicious myth that the direct
are electromagnetic, have been declared purely electronic in sources of the magnetic field are moving electrons. The so-

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejphysics.2021.3.5.108 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 49

European Journal of Applied Physics

called first Maxwell equation k Je = rotH, in fact, is http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2015.68106.

[2] Robert A. Sizov, “The Experiments Detecting of Real Magnetic
erroneous, since it involves two different physical processes: Charges in Structures of Atoms and Substance,” Journal of Modern
Physics, vol. 11, pp. 1245-1261, 2020.
k1 Je = rotJg https://doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2020.118078.
[3] Robert A. Sizov, “Experimental Ferrogravitational Field around
Untwisting Closed Superconductor,” Journal of Modern Physics, vol.
and 11, pp. 1807-1826, 2020. DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2020.1111113.
[4] Robert A. Sizov, “The magneto-motive force, currents of magnetic and
electric charges in static superconductor and them vortex spinor fields,”
k2 rotJg = rotH, Journal Current Trend in Physics Research and Applications, vol.
2(1), pp. 1-10, 2021. https://katalystpub.com/jctpra-articles-inpress/.
[5] Robert A. Sizov, “Electromagnetic Shells of Atoms and the Periodic
where rotJg is the vortex orbital current of magnetic charges System of Elements,” Journal of Modern Physics, vol. 7, pp. 2374-
(a rotating magnetic dipole). The fact is that electrons in the 2397, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2016.716206.
composition of an electric current are exclusively mediators, [6] Robert A. Sizov, “World Physical Triad: Matter, Antimatter and “Dark
Energy” in the Processes of Climatic Changes on the Earth,” Journal
which are only capable of spinning magnetic dipoles that of Modern Physics, vol. 7, pp. 558-572, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/
actually exist in matter (see the first equation). As for the 10.4236/jmp.2016.76059.
magnetic field, its direct sources are real magnetic charges [7] Robert A. Sizov, “Real Magnetic Charges in the Substance,
Ferrogravitation and Technical Levitation,” Journal of Modern
which, in the compositions of rotating magnetic dipoles, form Physics, vol. 6, pp. 1591-1601, 2015.
the well-known vortex magnetic field rotH (see the second http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2015.611161.
equation) [11]. [8] R. A. Sizov, “The electrical magnetism of Maxwell (1873) is the
“crooked mirror” of physical science.,”Applied Physics Research, vol.
3) The inertia of erroneous human thinking 11, no. 3, pp. 49-55, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/apr.v11n3p49.
During almost 150 years of the dominance of Maxwell's [9] Robert A. Sizov, ““Particle of God” as insulting of the Divine
Principle,” International Journal of Theoretical & Computational
vicious electric magnetism, theoretical “Himalayas” were PhysicS, 2021. DOI: doi.org/10.47485/2767-3901.1010.
built in physical science, on which, starting from [10] Robert A. Sizov, ““Electrical” and “Magnetic” Worlds in Universe,”
“kindergarten”, many generations of scientists were brought Journal of Modern Physics, vol. 8, pp. 1072-1086, 2017. DOI:
up. The antagonism to real magnetic charges and true anti- [11] Robert A. Sizov, “Great Mistake of Great J. C. Maxwell,” Applied
electrons in the physical community is so strong that on all Science and Innovative Research ISSN (Print), Vol. 4, No. 1, 2020.
the so-called serious information levels, as they say, from the http://dx.doi.org/10.22158/asir.v4n1p32.
threshold, any movements of thought and even experimental
results, associated with the marked problematic particles.
Robert A. Sizov is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
4) The discriminatory policy of the leading physical specialist in the oblast of general physics with real magnetic charges.
publications Currently, he works as an individual researcher. Extended information about
his research on the topic: real magnetic charges in atoms and matter can be
For example, the articles of author with the results of the found by typing in Google: Robert Sizov physics.
study of real magnetic charges, sent to the so-called
prestigious journals (Phys.Rev, Nature, etc.) were
immediately repudiate, with expert opinions which, in
general, can be described by the expression: this can never
be. It is the leading physics publications they stand guard over
the existing theoretical physics, creating numerous
“chippers” that prevent the penetration of views on their
pages that are alien to official physical dogmas.
Of course, it is possible to understand the noted
“defensive” reaction of the Editorials and their experts, since
the introduction into fundamental physics of real magnetic
charges, as well as true antielectrons, presupposes a radical
revision of the entire theoretical arsenal of physics created in
150 years of ignoring these particles. By the way, this arsenal
accounts for at least 70% of the content of the leading
physical journals for all the years of the dominance of vicious
electric magnetism in the sciences, i.e., counting from 1873.
At the same time, as it usually happens in life, any
delusion, even such a grandiose one, as described above,
sooner or later passes. Therefore, in the future we still have a
very “fascinating” spectacle with the “fall” of modern
physical theory from the conquered “peaks”. Of course, only
those who can live up to this moment will be able to see this.

[1] Robert A. Sizov, “Real magnetic poles (magnetic charges) in the
Physics of magnetism, gravitation and levitation,” Journal of Modern
Physics, vol. 6, pp. 1013-1022, 2015.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejphysics.2021.3.5.108 Vol 3 | Issue 5 | October 2021 50

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