Schrödinger Wave Equation and Function: Basics and Concise Relations With Consciousness/Mind

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Scientists used to believe until recently that the consciousness/mind/thought is a
recentscientificresearchboththeoreticallyand experimentallystronglyimplythat
by scientific means. This very exciting and revolutionary approach recently
attracted much interest to the subject. However, the nature of the subject needs
physicists and also possibly psychiatrists, philosophers and more. This paper is
therefore organized and prepared in order to serve to bridge the gap between
especially neuroscientists and quantum physicists. The present work in particular
spine of the entire quantum physics and must be understood clearly before any
generalization of the wave function and finally general remarks on the relation
between consciousness/mind and quantum physics. Scientific and philosophical
background is momentarily fulfilled in advance to enhance the emotional

Key Words: quantum physics, Schrdinger wave equation, wave function,


1. Introduction1
Scientific research on relation between
consciousness/mind or brain and quantum
mechanics has not been progressed
sufficiently even though the roots go down to
1925s (Lotka, 1925; Bohr, 1928, Neumann,

1932; Whitehead, 1933; Bohm, 1952; Eccles,

1973; Walker, 1970; Bass, 1975). One of the
founders of the quantum physics, Bohr
himself, underlined the possible link
between quantum mechanics and human
nervous system/consciousness, however
even very fundamental topics are still left to
be unresolved. Its now excitingly promising
that the scientific research has recently been
increased dramatically, especially following
the apparent interest of the quantum
physicists to the subject and recent research
giving very strong positive signals about the


sparkle future of the subject (Beck, 2008;

Conte, 2008; Stapp, 1991; Hameroff &
Penrose, 1996; Vitiello, 2003; Jibu & Yasue,
1995; Stapp, 1993, 1995; Khrennikov, 2005,
2006a, 2006b; Tegmark, 2000; Penrose,
1994; Conte et al.,, 2008, 2009a, 2009b;
Eccles, 1994; Beck&Eccles, 1992). The
previous research has not been able to
resolve the mind/consciousness due mainly
to that neuroscientists tried to resolve the
mind/consciousness and also brain within
the discipline by purely considering the
neuroscientific/biological principles and also
some classical principles of physics.
However, it is a solid reality that any matter,
including the living matter hence the brain,
must be comprised of tiny particles at nano
scales such as molecules, atoms and sub
atomic particles, and all those particles are
governed purely by quantum mechanical
laws and needed to be treated accordingly.
The other point is that the subject
seems to be too outsized to just handle with
purely scientific view so, to our view, it also
metaphysical concept through the centuries
both scientifically and philosophically.
Philosophically approaching to the subject
concludes well known anthropic mechanism
and it doctrines that the behavior of living
matter can completely be understood by
mind/consciousness is actually disqualified
in that approach. However, recent scientific
work very strongly suggests that human
mind/consciousness can also be fully
explained by the physical laws. This
approach can be considered as extended
anthropic mechanism. Based on this
approach, we hypothesize the following by
considering the present scientific research
and adding a fragment of philosophy.
Hypothesize 1. Consciousness/mind/thought
is a pure physical concept and energy,
establishes at a time level of about 0.1s,
space level of about 10-15 m and energy level
of about 10-15 eV. Therefore it is well in the
quantum regime and must be treated
accordingly. Hypothesize 2. Brain and
mind/consciousness/thought are identical
and no separable (same) concepts at that
energy and space levels and there is no
binding problem as such.


One of the most apparent outcomes

of the quantum theory is the discreteness of
the energy and some other physical concepts.
Hypothesize 1 emphasizes that the
consciousness/mind is essentially a physical
energy so must be quantized and there must
previously named as psychon by Eccles,
which could more conveniently be named as
thoughton or may be abbreviated as Ton
(Eccles, 1986; De and Pal, 2005). Therefore,
the readers are supposed to study the text by
atomic article or quantum particle by
thought quanta-Ton.
The rest of the paper briefly
underlines the fundamental laws and
principles concerning Schrdinger Wave
Equation and Wave Function which have
a central role in quantum mechanics in order
2. Schrdinger Wave Equation (Eisberg
and Resnick, 1970)
Quantum physics is the theoretical
framework with in which it has been found
possible to describe, correlate and predict
the behavior of a vast range of physical
systems from molecules, atoms down to
subatomic particles. Matter at the atomic
and subatomic levels reveals the existence of
a variety of particles which are identifiable
by their distinct properties such as energy,
charge, spin and magnetic moment all of
these seem to be of a quantum nature in the
sense that they take on the certain discrete
values this discreteness of physical
properties persists when sub atomic particles
form atoms or molecules. At atomic and
subatomic levels, physical properties of any
particle is determined by a well known
second order differential equation that is
essentially confirming that any particle with
a mass of m and total mechanical energy of E
is accompanied by a wave function, (x, y, z,
t) where x, y and z denote physical positions
of the particle at normal space and t is the
time. This wave equation is, in terms of
functioning, similar to the Newtons Laws of
classical mechanics and has the central
significance in Quantum Physics. This wave
equation is called Schrdinger Wave
Equation (SWE) and any atomic or sub


atomic particle must obey to this equation

and any behavior of the particles has been
determined by this universal equation. SWE
can be established in simplest way by
considering Eigenvalue - Eigenfunction
equation that is mathematically well defined
for any operator. Operators are general
concepts that transform a mathematical
function to a different one. The equation is
mathematically formulated as,

f ( x ) = a. f ( x )


denotes the operator, f(x) is a onewhere A

dimensional mathematical function known
and a is
as eigenfunction of the operator A
the eigenvalue of the operator A
This elegant equation has very deep
influence on the physical universe since in
quantum physics any concept such as
position (x), time (t), momentum (p), kinetic
energy (K), potential energy (V) or total
mechanic energy (E) is represented by an
operator hence all those concepts can be
applied and must be satisfied the equation
(1). We also experimentally observed nearly
a century ago diffraction of electrons from
solid state crystals clearly demonstrating
that electrons are accompanied by waves
thus their behavior must also be described by
a wave function and wave equation. We now
want to discover this wave equation, namely
Schrdinger Wave Equation, as simplest as
possible by considering the arguments
mentioned above. Total mechanical energy
of any particle which is also classically
known as Hamiltonian is given by the
addition of kinetic energy (K) and potential
energy (V). Hence, considering only one
dimension that is x, and time that is t the
Hamiltonian of a particle is given by,


other hand, continuously interacts with the

environment and consequently the energy
sum for the consciousness quanta can not
be considered as constant. Note that in the
text below, the total energy of the quantum
particle is primarily considered to be
conserved and treated accordingly. The
simplest way to derive SWE is to define the
Eigenvalue Eigenfunction equation given
in the equation (1) for the Hamiltonian, that

x,t ) ( x,t ) = E ( x,t )



where (x,t) is the position and time

dependent Hamiltonian operator, E denotes
the total energy obtained by the
measurement of and finally ( x,t ) is the
mathematical expression of the wave
accompanying the particle at point x and
time t (Schrdinger, 1935). We now need to
establish the Hamiltonian operator for a
quantum particle. As we aim to launch a
wave equation and/or wave function for the
quantum particles, it is very convenient to
start with the position and time dependent
classical wave function expression that is

( x,t ) = A.e i( kx t )


where A denotes the amplitude of the wave,

e=2.718 is the base of natural logarithm,
i = 1 is the imaginary unity, = 2 f is
denotes the
the angular frequency, k =

wave number, f denotes frequency and

finally is the wave length. If we take the
first derivative of (x,t) with respect to time
t, we acquire


The equation above assumes that all

concepts are time and also position
dependant. It is very important to underline
at this point that the systems or particles in
the physical world is generally isolated from
the environment and the total energy is
conserved or the Hamiltonian is generally
independent of the time. The living matter,
such as brain or mind/consciousness, on the


( x,t )
= i ( x,t )

( 5)

and take the first derivative of (x,t) with

respect to position x, we catch
( x,t )
= ik ( x,t )

( 6)


denotes partial derivative with


denotes the partial

respect to t and
derivative with respect to x. Before starting
to establish the actual SWE, it is very
advantageous to mention the principle of
Planck which is energy quantization and
principle of Broglie which is wave-particle
duality both observed and proved solidly for
any phenomena especially at atomic or sub
Quantization: Planck formulized that any
particle/matter or radiation/light at atomic
or sub atomic levels must have a total energy
of E=nhf where n is a positive integer
(n=1,2,3,4.), f denotes linear frequency
and h is a universal constant known as
Plancks constant, numerically is equal to
h=6,626.10-34J.s. The energy quanta is then
given by


= 1 , 054.1034 J.s.
E=hf= = where = =

and known as reduced Plancks constant

(Planck, 1901).
Broglies Wave Particle Duality:
Broglie proposed that any radiation/light or
particle/matter moving with a momentum of
p accompanied by a wave length of , is
related to each other by the equation of


where momentum is a elementary property

of particles and is a universal property of
any wave. The expression above converted to
a different version by simply dividing by 2
(Broglie, 1924). We now
which gives k =

can obtain time dependent total energy

operator that is time dependant Hamiltonian
operator from the equation (5) as

= i=
i t


and by using the equation (6), the position

dependent momentum operator can be
found as

p( x ) =


i x

= i=

( 8)

In order to get the position dependent total

energy operator that is (x), we ought to
substitute the momentum operator (8) in the
general expression of the Hamiltonian given
by (2). It is important to note here that the
potential energy of the quantum particles is
considered to be only position dependant as
is true for almost all the physical systems
under consideration. However, similar to the
total energy argument above the quanta of
the brain or consciousness/mind, ton, is
continuously environment influenced and
can not be considered as a time independent
concept. Under the illumination of the
arguments above, the position dependant
Hamiltonian operator can be found as
(Schrdinger, 1935)
x) = K
( x ) + V ( x ) = p ( x )

+V ( x ) =
+ V ( x )
2m x 2

( 9)

The above equation assumes that the

potential energy for the quantum particle is
only position dependant; however, it should
be mentioned that in the case of
consciousness/mind it is likely to be time
dependant due to being interacting
constantly with the environment (Conte,
3. Time Dependent Schrdinger Wave
Time dependent SWE can, at this moment,
be obtained by substituting time dependent
Hamiltonian operator given by (7), in the
equation (3)

) (t ) = i= (t ) = E (t )


The wave function in the equation above is

expressed as only time dependant, because
the Hamiltonian is considered to be only
time dependant. This equation is commonly
known as the time dependant SWE.


Concerning the total energy of the quantum

particle, E, it is very important to separate
two distinct situations: firstly, E can be
considered constant (time independent) as
most of the physical systems and particles
convey. The solution of the time dependent
SWE for a particle with a constant total
energy of E=E0 is quite straightforward and
given by

(t ) = 0 .e


= 0 = 2 f0

denotes the angular frequency of the wave

for a constant energy of E0. This expression
has a very special meaning of being universal
and invariant; hence, this term is just
standard for any quantum mechanical
problem or state. Secondly, considering
specifically the quanta of the consciousness,
it is quite clear that as it continuously
interacts with the environment, its total
energy must be time dependant, in other
words, energy must be mathematically a
function of time, E=E(t). In this case the
solution for the equation (10) can be
expressed by

(t ) = 0 .e



E ( t )dt


where E(t) denotes time dependence of the

total energy. Time evolution of any quantum
mechanical particle is determined by this
equation. The equation is especially vital for
mental structures because just about all the
distributed and therefore should be obeying
the simple equation above (Khrennikov,

4. Time Independent One Dimensional

Schrdinger Wave Equation
Similarly, substitution of position dependent
Hamiltonian operator given by (9) leads to
the position dependent SWE. Hence, a
quantum mechanical particle with a mass of
m, potential energy of V(x) and total energy
of E accompanied by the wave function
( x ) must satisfy the time independent
wave equation given below (Schrdinger,


where 0 is the initial value of the wave

function at t=0, known as the phase
constant, and


x ) ( x ) = = ( x )
2m x 2
+V ( x ) ( x ) = E ( x )


where the total energy E=E0 is assumed to be

constant (position independent) as holds for
most standard physical systems. The wave
function here is thought to be only position
dependant due to be employing only position
dependant Hamiltonian. If the quantum
mechanical particle with a mass of m,
potential energy of V(x) and total energy of E
moves in one dimension, then both time and
position dependant wave function , ( x,t ) ,
can be written as the product of the time
dependant and position dependant wave
functions, that is

( x,t ) = ( x ) (t )


where ( x ) is the only position dependent

wave function obtained from the equation
(13) and (t ) is the only time dependent
wave function given by (11) or (12). The
equation is strongly dependent on the
potential energy and total energy of the
particle. So any particle having different
potential energy would conclude different
solutions. Rearranging the time independent
one dimensional SWE and considering E=E0,
gives the most commonly known version of
it, that is

d 2 ( x ) 2m
+ 2 [ E0 V ( x )] ( x ) = 0
dx 2



It ought to be underlined that behavior of

systems or particles having position
dependant total energy, E=E(x), can be
simply analyzed by substituting E0 by E(x).
It is strongly believed that all the processes
concerning consciousness/mind or brain is
also determined by the spatial distribution of
the wave function and probability density
which is determined by this equation.
However, it should also be noted that unlike
most of the physical systems under
consideration so far, the total energy for
consciousness/mind quanta, is likely to be
position dependant and must be treated in
the view of that.
In generalization of this work, we see
that if the particle is confined spatially then
Schrdingers equation yields a set of
solutions n ( x ) which are complete in the
sense that any specific energy of En with a
corresponding n ( x,t ) must also satisfy the
original form of the wave equation that is
Eigenvalue-Eigenfunction equation,
( x,t ) = E ( x,t )
n n


where n indicates the relevant quantum state

and is known as principle quantum number.
According to this equation, any quantum
mechanical particle with a mass of m, total
energy of E and potential energy of V(x)
would physically have possible total energies
of En, specifically, E1, E2, E3, .., En. The
corresponding wave functions accompanying
the particle can be expressed as
1 ( x,t ), 2 ( x,t ), 3 ( x,t ),...., n ( x,t ) . Each
of the wave function n ( x,t ) is a particular
solution of the Schrdingers equation for the
same potential energy of V(x) and is said to
be a member of mathematically well defined
Hilbert Space that is expressed by,
H={1 (x,t),2 (x,t),3 (x,t),...., n (x,t),... } (17)
The Hilbert Space is comprised of Eigen
functions of the Hamiltonian operator,
which is a hermitic, commute and linear
operator, as all the operators used for
physical concepts must be. The Hilbert space
therefore is an orthonormal space which
means it satisfies both orthogonally and
normalization condition. This property can


mathematically be expressed by Kroenecker

delta function that is

m = n 1

m n 0

mn = m* ( x,t ). n ( x,t ).dx =


where m and n denotes different quantum

states or energy levels. Since the wave
equation and the wave function is linear then
we expect that any linear combination of
these functions will also be a solution of the
equation. This can clearly be extended to
show that an arbitrary linear combination of
all wave functions which are solutions to the
Schrdingers wave equation (SWE) can be
given as

( x,t ) = c1 1 ( x,t ) + c2 2 ( x,t ) + c3 3 ( x,t )

+... + cn n ( x,t ) + ... = cn n ( x,t )


n =1

superposition principle. In fact, this
expression, ( x,t ) , gives the most general
form of the solution to the Schrdingers
equation for a potential energy of V(x). Its
generality can be appreciated by noting that
it is a function, which is composed of a very
large number of different functions
combined in proportions governed by the
adjustable constants, cn.
5. Physical Meaning of the Wave
We at this instant want to discover what the
wave function of (x,t) physically means?
The wave function (x,t) has no physical
meaning on its own other than being a
mathematical expression however the
relation between the wave function and the
behavior of the associated particle must be
described. The quantum particle, associated
with the wave, must be at a specific time t
and location x where the waves are spread in
space and can only have an amplitude and
phase at that point and time. Talking about
the physical meaning of the wave function,
Borns interpretation also known as
Copenhagen interpretation, states that the
measurable physical quantity in this case is
probability density-P(x,t) and is defined as
the probability per unit length of x axis, of


finding the particle near the coordinate x and

time t. The finding probability must be real
and non-negative, whereas the wave function
(x,t) is complex and obviously not possible
to equate P(x,t). However *(x,t).(x,t) is
always real and non-negative and can be
correlated to probability density by P(x,t)=
*(x,t).(x,t). The wave function and so the
probability density P(x,t) must be continuous
in space then the probability P(x,t).dx is
defined as the finding probability of the
particle within dx , in other words, between x
and x+dx. The overall probability can then
be found by integrating the expression for
the all space that is

Total Pr obability = P = * ( x,t ). ( x,t ).dx

It is well known fact that the total finding
probability of any particle within all allowed
space must be equal to unity so

Total Probability = P = * (x,t). (x,t).dx = 1

can easily be written. In order to justify the
expression above, we consider the classical
definition of mean value given for any
variable. If the variable of position is given
for the state of n by xn and the probability of
being xn is given by Pn(x), then the mean
value is classically defined by Mean value
= x = x = n =1 Pn x n =


P( x )xdx



In the equation above the integral form is to

be employed in the case of continuous
variables and in that case instead of ,
integration form must be used. The situation
for the quantum mechanical particle is just
analogous to the classical situation. The
mean value of the position for a quantum
mechanical particle is called expectation
value and by using the equation (22), it can
mathematically be defined by

x = x = * ( x,t )x ( x,t )xdx


The description given above can be

generalized to any quantity or concept such
as energy E or momentum p.


We now want to determine the

probability of Pn that is finding the quantum
particle at a the quantum state of n and
energy of En. In order to do so, we substitute
the expression (19) into the equation of (21)
and also employ the equation (18) then we

Pr obability = P = * ( x,t ). ( x,t )dx =

n =1

cn = Pn = 1


n =1

The equation shows that the constant cn has

a very important meaning of probability.
Specifically Pn= cn means total existence
probability of the particle at the quantum
state of n and energy of En. Since Pn= cn
physically means finding probability then the
sum of all the probabilities must be equal to
unity. The definition of the constant cn can
easily be formulated by substituting the
equation (19) within the equation (20) and
using again (18),

Pn = cn =


( x,t ). ( x,t )dx


which indicates the importance of the

interaction between any specific state of n
and the general wave function containing all
the possible states. This simple expression,
to our view, could be playing a central role in
analyzing consciousness/mind operations
because as it is clear from the equation any
specific decision or behavior of the
is very
consciousness/mind; n(x,t);
strongly related to the general state of the
consciousness/mind; (x,t); determined
primarily by the instant information input
via internal and external signals, previous
experience/memory and environmental
6. General Remarks

Physical properties of any quantum

mechanical particle with a mass of m, total
energy of E and potential energy of V(x) is
determined by the well defined SWE that is
(15). The solution of the equation gives us
possible n(x) and En values. Time


dependence of the wave function, for

constant total energy, is standard by

(t ) = 0 .e


Then finding the quantum mechanical

particle at a time of t and point of x for the
quantum state of n is given by Pn(x,t)=
n*(x,t).n(x,t). The state or energy
probability of the particle, on the other hand,
is given by Pn= cn . In order to give an
example, consider we have 100 identical
quantum particles with a mass of m,
potential energy of V(x) and total energy of
E0. We experimentally carry out 100
independent measurements and measure the
total energies with an experimental set up
100 times, and we get the following values; 8
times E1, 20 times E3, 10 times E5, 40 times
E8, and finally 22 times E9 then the
probability values for each quantum state or
energy level can be calculated by using the
equation (24) as;
, c3 =
, c5 =
, c8
, c9 =

c1 =

The sum of the probabilities must be equal to

unity as must be in any statistical situation
and it is clearly seen that the numbers above
satisfying the equation (24), hence
c12 + c22 + c32 + ..+ cn 2 + ..=1. If we
want to calculate finding probability of the
particle at a quantum state of say n=3 and
specific point of say x=L then we get the
product of the two, in other words, the total
probability is calculated by

3( L) .
It seems very clear that before doing
any measurement, the particle can be at any
state and position with certain probabilities.
However at the measurement instant, the



quantum particle is observed at a definite

state n and point x and we observe this as the
physical reality. Its is suggested that the
observed state is being reality due to
suggested by (Zurek, 1981; 1982; Paz and
Zurek, 1999) through the decoherence
principle and by the process of wave
function collapse/reduction (Tegmark,
2000). This situation can be thought
analogues to the tossing a coin experiment.
Before the experiment, the probabilities of
having head or tail are equal, that is
Phead = chead = 0, 5

Ptail = ctail = 0, 5 . The overall wave function

is then given by (19) as

( x,t ) = 0, 5 head + 0, 5 tail .

measurement, there are no probabilities, and
instead there are certainties as either head or
tail, then after the measurement either
Phead = chead = 1 and Ptail = ctail = 0 and the
observed state wave function is head or
Phead = chead = 0 and Ptail = ctail = 1 and the
observed wave function is tail. We classically
observe this final situation but no
Consciousness/mind seems to be
fitting very well to this very scientific
approach in the sense that we always have
choices in front of us to be selected. When we
have a decision, we obviously cause the
collapse/reduction of the wave function
mechanical particle that is Ton. This
process is then very likely to fire a specific
neuron at a certain time and position,
initiating whole sequence of processes of any
brain or consciousness/mind activity. The
basics of the subject attend but there seems
to be a long way to go, however, what we say
in Turkish Starting means half way to


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