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The passage discusses the Open Game License and its terms for using open game content. It also describes the abilities and stats of the legendary creature Elthias the Dracofiend.

The Open Game License allows for the use of open game content, which is game mechanics that do not involve product identity. It covers definitions of open game content and its distribution, as well as terms of use and attribution for contributors.

Elthias has several mythic abilities including improving attack rolls with repeated use, emitting crushing magical darkness, and using legendary actions like attacks and breath weapons.


Ryan Servis


©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The 2CGaming logos and name and the book name (Epic Legacy Titan Magazine) are protected
by copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited without the express written
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Ryan Servis

Misty Bourne

Juan Arrabal, Ambrose Hoilman, Jason Strutz, BNE Design

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark
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License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. END OF LICENSE
ElthiaS The Dracofiend
“Every soul has its price.”

contamination is evident: Elthias’s heart has been dealt a terrible
The sinister nature of evil never fails to sink to new lows, and blow, leaving a gaping wound infected with demonic influence.
few beings approach the raw, unbridled malevolence of Elthias Elthias is more than just a fiend-possessed wyrm. The dragon
the Dracofiend. Those who behold the Dracofiend see a gigan- has brokered a terrible partnership with the demon within, and
tic, soot-scaled dragon bearing grotesque fiendish mutations. in doing so, he brings the demonic realms to all other worlds.
Combining the worst of what both demons and dragonkind When Elthias speaks, it is with two terrible voices. A horrific
have to offer, his once majestic, draconic form has been corrupt- stench of rotting meat and burnt flesh precedes his appearance
ed by the power of the abyssal realms, becoming a home for the by some distance, the least of the evils Elthias promises to all
legendary demon prince of balors, Gorgultha. The source of this who dare cross his path.

Personality: Spiteful Legend: Few dragons suffer total defeat and live to
talk about it. The average wyrm would rather die than
Ideals: Before his soul was merged with a demonic spirit, lose its hoard and centuries of planning to realize its
Elthias was as spiteful, cruel, and vain as any child of the ambitions. Like many up-and-coming red dragons,
Dark Dragonqueen could hope to be. After this union, what Elthias had countless schemes, a vast territory, a
little virtue was left in his heart vanished, leaving only an significant hoard, and even a worthy mate. Life was
endless capacity for cruelty and an unrelenting desire to re- good, full of tributes to his magnificence, conquered
duce all other beings to an existence as miserable as his own. foes, and supplicants to wait on his every desire. But, as
What is beautiful must be mutilated. What is peaceful must a life of tyrannical evil so often is, this was not meant
be slaughtered. What is prosperous must be brought to ruin. to last. A clan of silver dragons had been patiently
There is no logic to this outlook, only bottomless spite. plotting against him for more than a century, carefully
marshalling their forces into position. When the silvers
Bonds: Tying one’s soul so intimately to a demon prince struck, it was like a thunderbolt in a clear sky. In a single
has consequences. The source of Elthias’s misery is always day, Elthias lost everything, putting up just enough
close at hand, for the prince of balors ceaselessly speaks to of a fight to watch his empire burn to the ground. As
the dragon, demanding the proliferation of demons and the clan stood over their fallen foe, they decided the
general mayhem. Whether Elthias regrets his pledge to red dragon should live, as a fitting punishment for his
Gorgultha, none can say. But in a tragic turn of fate, the many crimes. Unable to cope with his loss, Elthias
balor is the closest thing the Dracofiend has to a friend, offered all that he had to any who could give him the
leading to a toxic relationship from which Elthias cannot power to defeat such a mighty foe. Of all who heard
escape. this cry echoing across the cosmos, only one answered:
Gorgultha, demon prince of balors. When the demon
Flaws: Spitefulness is the enemy of rational thought and demanded Elthias be his vessel in exchange, the dragon
reasonable discourse. No matter how small the slight didn’t even haggle. Their souls intertwined, forming a
or offense, Elthias responds with overwhelming malice. demonic horror the likes of which the world had never
It matters not if such behavior would compromise his seen. Within a week, the silver dragons were slain with
schemes, resources, or day-to-day life—the Dracofiend unspeakable brutality, not by a vengeful enemy, but by a
cannot resist the opportunity to visit cruelty upon those spiteful husk. Unable to reclaim what he lost and living
around him. This makes Elthias quite predictable. There is a cursed existence, Elthias became the Dracofiend, and
no bargain one could expect him to honor or scenario in the world shuddered in terror.
which he can be trusted.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

The Dracofiend Gorgultha is patient and cunning, aspiring to conquer the mate-
rial plane through demonic possession. His reasoning is simple:
in Your Campaign his invasion will succeed where others have failed. Instead of
fighting demons, mortals will mostly fight each other. To fur-
Making the Dracofiend a part of your campaign combines two ther this scheme, Elthias needs to subject powerful creatures to
categories of antagonists—dragons and demons—into one fear- demonic possession. Rulers, master wizards, other dragons—all
some whole. Elthias is a driven and industrious enemy, single- are suitable targets for the Dracofiend. As the campaign esca-
handedly committing many atrocities with terrifying consistency. lates, powerful beings should suddenly go missing, reappearing
Where other dragons are content to scheme and wait patiently later with different personalities and sinister natures. It is highly
for the right moment to act, Elthias has only to be provoked by likely the characters will encounter significant obstacles thanks
some perceived insult to embark upon a rampage. This behav- to this plague of possession. Should the heroes fight back against
ior makes the Dracofiend a dangerous enemy. While you don’t this demonic invasion, word eventually reaches Elthias and, by
have to start a demonic apocalypse every time Elthias gets mad, extension, Gorgultha. While the Dracofiend cares nothing for
his chaotic and furious nature is what makes the Dracofiend so the fates of the demonically possessed, Gorgultha knows a threat
threatening. Characters are famous for poking sleeping bears, when he sees it. Given enough pressure by the party, powerful
so when using Elthias, make his nature and motivations ex- possessed creatures and even demon hit squads may be dis-
tremely clear. Otherwise, your campaign may come to a swift patched to deal with them.
and indignant end as your heroes are torn in half or possessed by
demonic spirits. CONCLUSION

INTRODUCTION Eventually Elthias’s usefulness ends and Gorgultha seizes con-

trol of the Dracofiend. It is then the situation evolves from dan-
The best way to introduce Elthias is to have him destroy some- gerous to apocalyptic. The prince of balors only takes this action
thing or someone. Given his short temper and violent demeanor, when he can no longer afford mistakes or Elthias’s impulsivity,
this should not be difficult to accomplish. Tales of a demonic either due to external threats or because his plans have reached
dragon spreading mayhem and woe will reach the characters al- a highly delicate state. By utilizing legions of possessed mortals,
most anywhere. If Elthias attacks populated areas, an inevitable the cosmic forces of good will be forced to sit back and watch as
consequence are vast quantities of demonically possessed crea- the material plane is conquered by fiends. After all, who would
tures. Many survivors may be harboring demonic spirits, provid- dare slaughter so many innocents by storming demonic portals?
ing some hints as to the Dracofiend’s nature as well as raising When the time is right, the hordes of demonically possessed
the stakes of his attacks. Elthias isn’t just de- creatures will fall under Elthias’s banner, offering the
stroying and killing, he is robbing people chance for unconditional surrender to
of their souls. Another approach involves
a subtler Dracofiend with a more calculat-
ing approach. While still spiteful, Elthias
doesn’t address trivial matters per-
sonally, instead deploying demonic
agents on dark errands. These en-
voys promise fiendish power to
the desperate, bringing them be-
fore Elthias for possession. To get
the characters hooked deeply
into a campaign featuring
the Dracofiend, demonically
possess NPCs close to them.
A trusted ally or beloved rel-
ative suddenly turned sinister
is a great way to make things
personal early in the story.

For a campaign featuring Elthias
to escalate, there must be a para-
digm shift. In this case, the machi-
nations of the balor Gorgultha serve
as the perfect catalyst. He is the only
being that can keep the Dracofiend
in line, reining his impulses in when
it suits the demon prince’s interests.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

any who stand in their way. This promise of mercy is a trick, for Regional Effects
any who attempt to broker peace with the Dracofiend quickly The region around the Dracofiend is warped by his spiteful power,
join the demonic legions. The only way to stop the invasion is to which has created the following effects within 10 miles of him:
defeat the Dracofiend. Gorgultha wisely guards his vessel with
powerful lieutenants, including his favored balors, making this Fiends within the affected area cannot be banished, magically
final confrontation a struggle of truly epic proportions. teleported, or exiled from the affected area unless the
Dracofiend allows it.

Challenges Demons may be ritualistically summoned within the affected

area. To summon a demon in this manner, a willing flesh-
The Dracofiend can pose exploration, social, or combat challenges and-blood creature must spend 8 hours of strenuous activity
to characters who interact with him. inscribing Abyssal runes onto its body, at the end of which
it dies instantly. When the creature dies, its body vanishes,
EXPLORATION and in its place a demon with a CR equal to or less than the
creature’s CR appears in the nearest unoccupied space. If the
Few worlds, even the abyssal realms, tolerate the presence of the creature utters the true name of a specific eligible demon
Dracofiend. Unless the wyrm is willing to risk constant conflict, when it dies, that fiend appears instead.
he wisely lays low. However, his malevolent nature cannot
be contained. His evil essence corrupts both flesh and land, The alignment of creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower
transforming even the most pleasant environments into demon- changes to chaotic evil.
infested hellscapes. While the grand design of the Dracofiend
is to stage a demonic invasion of the material plane, demons If the Dracofiend is destroyed, these effects fade immediately.
are not known for their restraint. The very thing that attracts
demons to the mortal realms—plentiful prey, mayhem to wreak, The Dracofiend’s Lair
and good to exterminate—are swiftly extinguished by a force as Where can a demon-possessed dragon find a place to live?
powerful as the Dracofiend. Almost nowhere. Elthias is too powerful and dangerous to be

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

tolerated even among other evil creatures and far too malevolent Stars of Redemption. In response to demonic infestation upon
to be accepted anywhere but the lower planes. To escape the in- the mortal realms, celestials have bestowed a great gift. Streaking
evitable crusade against him, the Dracofiend found the deepest, from the sky like glittering meteors, magical crystals appear ev-
darkest hole on the material plane to make his lair. There his evil ery night, landing all over the material plane. These jewels are
festered, creating a wound in the planar boundaries between the more than just beautiful gifts from the upper planes. They can
abyssal and mortal realms. Known only as the Pit of Evil, here a purge one’s soul of evil influence. With demonic possession run-
forecast of what is in store for the material plane can be observed. ning rampant, all manner of folk begin collecting these stars of
The wailing lamentations of demons can always be heard, eager redemption to sell, trade, or cure loved ones. They are a fantastic
to pass through and gleefully rend the mortal realms asunder. opportunity for an adventuring party to do some good…or make
Few can survive the Pit of Evil without supernatural assistance, some cash.
leaving only a retinue of depraved demons and possessed crea-
tures attending Elthias’s needs. The Dracofiend has long since
lost any of his draconic affinities and pleasures, leaving the sod-
den caverns devoid of any aesthetic or comfort.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Dracofiend can
take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. If the
Dracofiend is using his mythic statistics, he can instead choose to
take a mythic action or lair action, but not both. The Dracofiend
can’t use the same effect twice in a row.

Demonic wails can be heard throughout the lair. Each non-

fiend creature in the affected area must succeed on a DC 25
Wisdom saving throw or drop what it is holding and fall

Elthias chooses a magic item of legendary or lower

rarity within the lair to become possessed by a demonic
spirit. While the magic item is possessed, its features are
suppressed. At the end of each of its turns, a creature holding
the item can attempt a DC 25 Charisma saving throw,
expelling the spirit and ending the effect on a success.
Star of Redemption
A cloud of sulfurous vapor appears in a 30-foot cube centered
y Wondrous item, rare
on a point within the lair. The affected area is heavily
obscured for creatures not immune to poison damage, and This glistening jewel of a thousand facets is fallen from
creatures not immune to poison damage in the affected area the upper planes and softly glows with a holy light.
cannot speak or breathe. The cloud lasts for 1 minute or until As an action while you hold the star of redemption, you
the Dracofiend uses this option again. can shatter it and unleash its light in a 20-foot-radius
sphere of bright daylight. Any creatures fully immersed
Exploration Encounters in the light when this occurs are cured of the charmed,
The corrupting nature of the Dracofiend has a profound influ- frightened, and poisoned conditions and are freed from
ence on the mortal realms. Whether it’s riling the local wild- any forms of possession. If an affected creature would
life into a demon-fueled bloodlust or desecrating the ground be afflicted with one or more levels of the demonic
into unholy ruin, Elthias’s presence can be felt. The Dracofiend possession special condition, it instead loses up to three
presents a unique opportunity to explore what happens when levels of that condition.
demons appear in force. While certainly the consequences for
people and societies are dire, the environment suffers far more.
Exploration encounters themed around the Dracofiend should The Survivor. It is discovered that one of the Dracofiend’s first
lean into this premise, exploring just how corrosive evil can be- victims, a great wyrm silver dragon, survived the encounter to
come and forcing the characters to confront its many faces. be imprisoned in the abyssal realms. Such an ally would prove
invaluable in the fight against the demonic incursion and may
The Empty Forest. An ancient and beloved forest has become even hold a secret to Elthias’s defeat. However, it is not known
contaminated with a demonic infestation. The treants and other on which of the infinite abyssal layers the dragon resides, nor
sentient plants that once guarded the grove are now possessed the precise location of its prison. Truly heroic adventurers are
and have abandoned their home. The local druids have devised required to track down this lost champion.
a potent ritual to purify the wayward plants, but first they must
be tracked down. Of particular note is the ancient guardian 1 Find more information about the midsummer medlar in 2CGaming’s Total Party
Rendrivious, a midsummer medlar1 of great age and power. Kill Bestiary: Volume 2.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

SOCIAL Demons are not known for their loyalty, and many may be turned
against Elthias if given the right incentive. After all, Gorgultha
The nature of a demonic incursion has a profound impact on the isn’t returning to the abyssal realms anytime soon, so most demons
societies affected. People start wondering who can be trusted, are protected against the most severe reprisals…in theory.
institutions are undermined by demonically possessed saboteurs,
and all the while the world is succumbing to the raw power The Prodigal Son. A princeling of a vast empire has returned
of chaos. This creates a highly sensitive and challenging social after being lost for many months. It is evident the prince went
dynamic, one that must be navigated carefully to ensure survival, through many trying experiences on his journey, for his demeanor
let alone one’s objectives. Even if you can trust an ally one day, and character are not remotely close to the kind, pleasant boy
there is no guarantee that within a few weeks they won’t be just the empire once knew. He has brought with him knowledge of
another puppet for the Dracofiend’s schemes. When running a strange, morbid cult promising spiritual salvation. Using his
the Dracofiend, consider how your world’s societies would feel great influence, the princeling begins sharing his “faith” with
about having to distrust their loved ones, neighbors, and leaders. new believers, causing suspicion and unrest. Requests for a quiet
Remember, the demons that possess these individuals are among investigation into the matter are called for, reportedly by the
the vilest beings in existence, capable of any number of villainous queen herself, to find out just what exactly happened to her son.
acts. What is more, some creatures willingly rush into the arms
of the demons, seduced by promises of power or nihilistic The Iron Tomb. A great demonic rival of Gorgultha lies im-
impulses. The Dracofiend’s true villainy comes from bringing out prisoned within a celestial jailhouse known as the Iron Tomb. As
the darkest in mortal races long before they become possessed. the Dracofiend’s plans advance unopposed, a radical suggestion
is proposed: free Gorgultha’s rival and enlist the demon prince’s
Social Encounters aid in combating Elthias. Unfortunately, the wardens of the Iron
Socially interacting with the Dracofiend is a hazardous proposi- Tomb are a tribe of celestials known for rigid and uncompromis-
tion. There are few scenarios in which Elthias’s best interests aren’t ing adherence to justice. Convincing them to release a demon
served by possessing or killing anything he comes across. However, prince will be an epic feat indeed.
direct interaction is not required to encounter the Dracofiend
in a social capacity. With his spiteful nature, it is relatively easy The Dread Slayer. A being known only as the Dread Slayer hunts
to bait or provoke Elthias into a course of action. Additionally, the Dracofiend with a ferocity beyond measure. He cuts down
there are many “allies” of the Dracofiend that are far more pliable. any possessed souls or demons that stand in his way, brutally

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

obliterating them with nothing but simple arms and armor. This either his draconic or demonic nature soon find themselves
single-minded hate has the Dracofiend’s allies running scared, overwhelmed by his perfect symbiosis of power. To truly stand
though the mortal races are faring little better. Perhaps someone against Elthias, one must be ready to slay a whole greater than
can direct the slayer’s wrath, or at least convince him to let the sum of its parts, not merely a demon or dragon.
civilians get out of the way before the carnage begins.
Combat Encounter Example: Rescue Mission
COMBAT The Dracofiend has demonically possessed a powerful tempest
cleric and is leveraging their influencers to attract more victims.
To battle the Dracofiend is to confront evil incarnate on the The characters are tasked with providing a suitable distraction for
battlefield. There are only a few possible outcomes: either the Elthias while a covert team extracts the cleric from the demonic
Dracofiend is slain, the Dracofiend flees, the characters are slain, temple nearby. With the Dracofiend openly operating in the
the characters flee, or the characters become puppets of demonic area, it falls to these heroic adventurers to get the Dracofiend’s
spirits. Having never been defeated in battle since his apotheosis, attention and buy as much time as possible. There is nothing
Elthias is loath to flee the battlefield. In a curious lack of self- to be gained from attempting to injure or defeat Elthias; he is
preservation, the Dracofiend may welcome his own death as a fi- in a good position to retreat or call reinforcements if seriously
nal recourse from the eternal suffering at the hands of Gorgultha. threatened. Instead, they must play the role of entertaining
If the Dracofiend views its enemies as useful puppets, he prefers victims, appealing to the Dracofiend’s spiteful nature while
to possess them rather than waste useful tools. This compara- surviving whatever he throws at them. Once that is all said and
tive benevolence extends only so far as Elthias’s patience. Should done, a handy scroll of teleport can provide an expedient escape,
those he fights prove overly resistant or particularly petulant, provided they haven’t succumbed to Elthias’s might.
he is quick to obliterate them. After all, his existence is eternal.
There will be new, more pliable mortal heroes eventually. The Tactics
Dracofiend combines the worst aspects of dragon and demon Battlefield Classification: Controller
in a fight. His defenses and abilities are a mighty mix and afford While the Dracofiend is dangerous in a variety of ways, his truly
him few comparative weaknesses. Those who overly emphasize fearsome powers lie in his ability to control others. Key to this

The Dread Slayer

Medium humanoid (titan), unaligned

Armor Class 18 (plate) he can expend one of his rage dice to change the result to
Hit Points 609 (53d8 + 371) a natural 20. Any unexpended rage dice are lost when the
Speed 50 ft. Slayer’s Rage ends.
24 (+7) 19 (+4) 24 (+7) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 1 (−5) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Str +13, Dex +10, Con +13, Wis +7 Multiattack. The Slayer makes five attacks. He can forgo
Skills Athletics +19, Perception +7 making two attacks in this manner to instead take the Dash or
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Disengage action or use his Burning Hatred Action.
evil creatures
Ancient Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, incapacitated
5 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) slashing damage. If the Slayer
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
reduces a creature to 0 hit points with this attack, he may
Languages understands all languages but can’t speak
immediately perform a Glory Kill attack.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)
Ancient Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
TRAITS reach 50 ft., one creature. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) piercing damage.
Glory Kill. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Dreadful Carnage. When the Slayer kills another creature, he
creature at 0 hit points. Hit: The target dies and its body is torn
regains 21 (6d6) hit points and gains a Rage Dice, as per his
Slayer’s Rage feature.
Burning Hatred. The Slayer gains three rage dice, per his
Fiendbreaker. The Slayer’s attacks are brutally powerful. Evil
Slayer’s Rage feature.
creatures are vulnerable to damage dealt by the Slayer, and no
creature can have resistance or immunity to damage dealt by the Unmaker (Recharge 5–6). The Slayer unleashes his ultimate
Slayer. weapon, firing a sphere of energy at a point he can see within
300 feet of him, which then explodes in a 60-foot-radius sphere.
Slayer’s Rage. When the Slayer rolls for initiative, he enters a
Creatures, objects, and structures in the affected area take fire
dreadful rage that lasts for as long as he is in combat. While
damage equal to half their hit point maximum. An affected
enraged in this manner, the Slayer can gain special rage dice
creature must attempt a DC 21 Constitution saving throw,
from his traits and features, up to a maximum of six rage dice.
taking half as much damage on a success, or taking double
A rage die is a d20 which always rolls a natural 20. When the
damage if they fail the saving throw by 10 or more.
Slayer attempts an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check,

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

strategy is the Soulbinder trait, which introduces the demonic possible to three levels of demonic possession, as that is where
possession condition as a unique tool in the Dracofiend’s arsenal. the serious mechanical penalties begin to manifest. If a character
This fearsome condition is extremely unique and difficult to proves resistant to gaining levels, pile on saving throw after sav-
prevent. Each level gradually escalates the effects from mild ing throw until they either have no choice or die of stubborn-
to severe, eventually causing a creature to lose all control as ness. Both are acceptable outcomes. Once a healthy distribution
it becomes fully corrupted by the demon within. Typically, of demonic possession has been established, prioritize the least
a character need only worry about this feature at the start of durable characters and ignore those who are particularly vulner-
each of Elthias’s turns, but there is a catch. Whenever a creature able to demonic possession. Nothing is worse for the heroes than
fails any saving throw against the Dracofiend, it can gain one having one of their comrades turn against them after a few too
level of demonic possession to succeed instead. This may seem many failed saving throws.
like a tempting deal at first, but things can get out of hand fast,
especially if the characters don’t know the effects of a level they The Mythic Dracofiend
have yet to experience. This can make the Dracofiend tricky As with any mythic, the Epic-strength Dracofiend is a cataclys-
to run, as the party can accidently put themselves in a losing mic force. Boasting a robust improvement to all his statistics,
position without any input from you. Be mindful of your players’ expect Elthias to deliver a brutally difficult fight. He is still reli-
skill levels and consider making the effects of demonic possession ant on his attacks for most of his damage, but that comes with
clearer so your players don’t accidently choose to lose control of a new factor to consider: his mythic actions. The first of these
their characters. formidable new tools is Fiendish Apotheosis. This is Elthias’s
Aside from this formidable ability are a standard array of escalation mechanic, allowing him to grow more powerful as
draconic-style attacks and actions. This includes strong Bite, the battle progresses. Each time he uses this feature, the capac-
Claw, and Tail attacks, along with a breath weapon that can ity of his attacks improves significantly. What was once never
devastate a party with the incapacitated condition. This breath rolling a natural 1 can quickly turn into the Dracofiend never
weapon is especially dangerous as the entire party can find missing on attacks, and eventually always scoring critical hits.
themselves at the Dracofiend’s mercy if positioned improperly. Only the mightiest heroes can hope to withstand more than a
For more damage, Elthias can use Chaotic Presence for more round or two of the Dracofiend scoring a critical hit on every
powerful attacks. Abyssal Power provides a more flexible ac- attack. The other mythic action option is Utterdark, which is a
tion option for when the Dracofiend needs to do something useful disruption tool. If Elthias is struggling against an offensive
other than damage, such as remove a magical effect or cause strategy and needs a reprieve, this is a perfect tool to achieve
problems for a particular character. However, there is one ability that goal. Many spells and features require the characters to see
you should consider carefully: Detonate. This incredible ability their target, and nothing allows you to surpass the restrictions of
effectively blows Elthias up, nearly (or actually) killing him while Utterdark. Combine these new features with Elthias’s existing
dealing catastrophic damage to everything around him. This ac- strategies, and you should have a fantastic encounter that feels
tion is best used before the Dracofiend’s Fiendheart ability is like a climactic struggle against overwhelming evil.
activated, but not too early so as to avoid sacrificing too many
hit points for the effect. This feature is extremely dangerous Mythic Effects
and can one-shot an unprepared party, so use it wisely. It is As a mythic creature, the Dracofiend causes the following effects.
even reasonable to assume Elthias will retreat after using it, as
he will be at his most vulnerable immediately after. Note that Demonic Possession. Elthias brings the spirits of the abyssal
Fiendheart provides Elthias with an “enraged” state in which realms to bear against those who oppose him, threatening to
he becomes extremely dangerous. Not only is he more power- steal their souls. This effect takes the form of a special condition
ful, but he can truly be killed, forcing the Dracofiend to fight known as demonic possession, which is measured in six levels.
with greater ferocity. Demonic possession cannot be removed by any means other
than those presented in this feature. When a creature finishes
Easier Tactics – Only use Detonate when Elthias’s Fiendheart a long rest or is affected by an effect that would free them from
has been activated. That way even if the characters go down, possession, it loses one level of demonic possession.
they still win. Save Breath Weapon for later rounds, as it is one If a creature would be immune to demonic possession, it los-
of the best ways to pile on levels of demonic possession, since es that immunity and instead gains Epic advantage2 on saving
characters are likely to favor that to being incapacitated. If the throws against effects that would cause it to gain levels of de-
party are gaining significant levels of demonic possession, focus monic possession.
saving throw effects and actions elsewhere. The characters still A creature suffers the effect of its current level of demonic
have to contend with the effects of the condition, which can be possession as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature suf-
more than enough for inexperienced players. Avoid focusing fering two levels of demonic possession only speaks in Abyssal
on characters who run the risk of being downed on unlucky and cannot grant other creatures advantage on attack rolls, sav-
roles, especially if Chaotic Presence is in play. It can be easy to ing throws, or ability checks.
accidently down a squishier character with a lucky critical hit Abilities, effects, or spells that would remove demonic posses-
or two. sion instead reduce its level by one. All effects end if a creature’s
demonic possession level is reduced below one.
Harder Tactics – The first round should involve the unleashing
of Elthias’s breath weapon, followed by positioning him to maxi- 2 Epic advantage and Epic disadvantage, two mechanics of the Epic Legacy system,
mize his Soulbinder trait. You want to get as many characters as are further explained in the 2CGaming supplement Epic Legacy Hero’s Handbook.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

Demonic Possession
Level Effect

1 The creature can only speak in Abyssal, even if it does not know the language.

2 The creature cannot grant other creatures advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks.

3 If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately gains one level of demonic possession.

4 The creature cannot cause other creatures to regain hit points.

5 The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks against chaotic evil creatures.

The creature is completely possessed by the spirit of a demon. While possessed in this manner, the creature cannot
control its body unless the fiend allows it, but it’s not deprived of awareness. Instead, the demon controls the creature,
forcing it to move and act as the demon sees fit. The demon is always a chaotic evil fiend and acts according to its own

Demon Prince. The Dracofiend is possessed by a demon prince, ALLIES

granting him the following benefits.
Calling a demon an “ally” is a dangerous proposition, but
The Dracofiend cannot be magically summoned or
y demon princes are the ones best equipped to do so. Their names
called from his home plane unless he allows it or unless alone inspires terror in most other demons, matched only by
the creatures responsible invoke the Dracofiend’s true that of another prince. While Gorgultha is not as well known
name when doing so. or respected due to his long absence, his name still buckles
knees and invokes terror. Even non-demons are drawn to the
The Dracofiend can spend 1 hour of strenuous activity
y Dracofiend’s power. Some may seek to emulate the symbiosis
to cast any necromancy spell or Epic spell without between demon and dragon, viewing it as a blessing. Others may
the need for any material components. When the simply view Elthias as the latest incarnation of the apocalypse to
Dracofiend casts a non-Epic spell that is not a cantrip in be embraced rather than opposed. Whatever the source of their
this manner, it is always cast as a 9th-level spell. When loyalties, only deluded fools would trust the Dracofiend to care
the Dracofiend casts an Epic spell in this manner, it is for their interests. All are simply tools in Elthias’s arsenal, to be
always cast as a tier 3 Epic spell. used and discarded as he sees fit.

Demons cannot willingly harm the Dracofiend unless

y The Five Atrocities. Mysteriously loyal to Gorgultha and ex-
explicitly told to do so by another demon prince. tremely lethal, these five balors are nearly identical and have
served the demon prince for as long as can be remembered.
Known as the five atrocities, there is little that can stand before
Resources their might. What is more, these balors are extremely intelli-
gent and cunning, displaying a level of organization and disci-
Since the red dragon Elthias lost everything in his fall, the prince pline thought to be beyond a demon’s capabilities. They are only
of balors Gorgultha has been carefully biding his time. While dispatched to lead essential missions or when no others can be
unable to manage affairs in the abyssal realms, this formidable trusted with a task.
demon prince has lent his full might and influence toward the
Dracofiend’s goals. Rarely has a demon prince been so influential Layer 199. Gorgultha once ruled over the 199th layer of the
in the mortal realms, as Gorgultha visits countless nefarious evils abyssal realms before merging with Elthias more than three
upon the material plane that should never see the light of day. centuries ago. The balor sacrificed much to exist in this state,
From strange horrors to mighty fiends to sinister items fit only leaving his home in disarray without strong leadership. However,
for demonic hands, the resources at the Dracofiend’s disposal are many there are still loyal to the prince of balors, providing a
disturbing, dangerous, and universally evil. steady stream of particularly militaristic fiends. The demons of
The many demons that come to possess the Dracofiend’s vic- this layer all possess a black, chitinous carapace that makes them
tims are quick to aid in the cause. There is great joy to be had for appear armored. Their prowess in battle is legendary, with many
a demon working toward the annihilation of the mortal realms, armies speaking in awe and fear of the “199th legions” that have
particularly in such a despicable fashion. While many choose not conquered many seemingly unstoppable foes.
to ally with Elthias, many more demons piloting powerful crea-
tures leverage their vessels’ powers in service of the Dracofiend.
From expendable pawns to priceless minions, these creatures can
fill pivotal roles in the grand effort that is a demonic invasion of
the material plane.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 40 ft., one target.
Hit Points 624 (32d20 + 288) Hit: 55 (7d12 + 10) piercing damage plus 35 (10d6) fire damage.
Speed 50 ft., fly 120 ft.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 38 (8d6 + 10) slashing damage.
30 (+10) 8 (−1) 28 (+9) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 28 (+9) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 55
Saving Throws Str +18, Con +17, Wis +10, Cha +17 (10d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller
Skills Deception +25, Insight +18, Perception +10 creature, it must succeed on a DC 26 Strength saving throw or be
Damage Resistances cold, lightning thrown up to 60 feet in a straight line away from Elthias, landing prone.
Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Abyssal Breath (Recharge 5–6). Elthias exhales a blast of evil,
from nonmagical attacks crimson energy in a 500-foot line that is 15 feet wide. Each creature
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned in the affected area must succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw
Senses blindsight 30 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20 or become incapacitated for 1 minute. While incapacitated in this
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic manner, a creature is also vulnerable to all types of damage. An
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on a success.
TRAITS Abyssal Power. Elthias exerts the power of Gorgultha, causing one of
Fiendheart. Elthias’s soul is merged with that of the prince of balors, the following effects within 300 feet of him.
Gorgultha, through his heart. While his heart is intact, Elthias cannot • Elthias ends a non-Epic spell or non-Epic magical effect within
be slain, nor can his body be destroyed. When Elthias is reduced to range.
0 hit points, his heart becomes exposed, he gains 300 temporary hit
• Elthias forces a creature within range that he can see to attempt
points, and he cannot regain hit points for 1 hour. These temporary hit
a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, becoming charmed or frightened
points last for 24 hours and cannot be replaced by another source of
(Elthias’s choice) for 1 minute on a failure. An affected creature can
temporary hit points. If these temporary hit points are reduced to 0,
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Elthias is slain.
effect on a success.
  When his heart becomes exposed in this manner, Gorgultha’s full
power is unleashed, granting Elthias the following benefits for as long • Elthias magically conjures a non-legendary fiend of CR 10 or lower,
as he has temporary hit points from this feature. which appears in an unoccupied space of Elthias’s choice within
range. The fiend follows Elthias’s commands (no action required) to
• Elthias has advantage on all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability
the best of its ability and acts immediately after each of his turns.
checks, and he cannot have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving
The fiend lasts for 1 hour or until Elthias uses this action again.
throws, and ability checks.
• Elthias is immune to the incapacitated condition. Chaotic Presence. Each creature of Elthias’s choice within 120 feet
of him that is aware of him must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution
• When Elthias scores a critical hit against a non-fiend creature, the saving throw or become charged with chaotic energy for 1 minute or
target gains one level of demonic possession. until it is affected by this feature again. While charged in this manner,
Immense. Elthias’s form is tremendous. He is 120 feet long from when a creature takes damage from Elthias, the charged effect ends
snout to tail and has a wingspan of 260 feet. On the battlefield, and the creature takes an additional 42 (12d6) cold, fire, or lightning
Elthias typically occupies a 60-foot-by-60-foot space. He can end his damage (Elthias’s choice).
movement in a Huge or smaller creature’s or object’s space and does Detonate (Recharges on a Long Rest). Elthias erupts with terrific
not treat such spaces as difficult terrain. chaotic energy in a 1-mile-radius sphere centered on him, reducing
  Additionally, on each of his turns Elthias can spend 20 feet of his current and temporary hit points to 0. Creatures, objects, and
movement to deal 100 bludgeoning damage to an unattended object or structures in the affected area take 165 (30d10) necrotic damage plus
structure within 5 feet of him. 165 (30d10) fire damage. An affected creature can attempt a DC 25
Mythic Resistance. When Elthias fails a saving throw, he can expend Constitution saving throw, taking half as much damage on a success.
one of his unspent legendary actions to succeed instead.
Soulbinder. Elthias is surrounded by the spirits of demons in a LEGENDARY ACTIONS
120-foot-radius sphere. When a non-fiend creature starts its turn in Elthias can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
the affected area, it must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the
or gain one level of demonic possession. end of another creature’s turn. Elthias regains spent legendary actions
  Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw against Elthias, it at the start of his turn.
can choose to succeed and gain one level of demonic possession.
Claw. Elthias makes a Claw attack.

ACTIONS Move. Elthias moves up to his walking speed or up to half his flying
Multiattack. Elthias makes four attacks: one with his Bite, two with
Abyssal Power (Costs 2 Actions). Elthias uses his Abyssal Power action.
his Claw, and one with his Tail. He can forgo making a Bite attack in
this manner to instead take his Chaotic Presence or Abyssal Breath Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Elthias makes a Bite attack.
Breath Weapon (Costs 3 Actions). Elthias uses or recharges his
breath weapon.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

Mythic Elthias
Gargantuan mythic dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 24 (natural armor) affected area must succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or become
Hit Points 2,070 (101d20 + 1010) incapacitated for 1 minute. While incapacitated in this manner, a creature
Speed 50 ft., fly 120 ft. is also vulnerable to all types of damage. An affected creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
34 (+12) 8 (−1) 31 (+10) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 32 (+11) Abyssal Power. Elthias exerts the power of Gorgultha, causing one of the
following effects within 300 feet of him.
Saving Throws Str +23, Dex +10, Con +21, Int +13, Wis +14, Cha +22
• Elthias ends a spell or magical effect (including Epic spells and magical
Skills Deception +33, Insight +25, Perception +14
effects) within range.
Damage Resistances cold, lightning
Damage Immunities fire, poison, vile; bludgeoning, piercing, and • Elthias forces a creature within range that he can see to attempt a DC
slashing from non-Epic attacks 30 Wisdom saving throw, becoming charmed, frightened, or stunned
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned (Elthias’s choice) for 1 minute on a failure. An affected creature can
Senses blindsight 30 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic on a success.
Challenge Mythic 6 • Elthias magically conjures a non-legendary fiend of CR 20 or lower,
which appears in an unoccupied space of Elthias’s choice within range.
TRAITS The fiend follows Elthias’s commands (no action required) to the best of
its ability and acts immediately after each of his turns. The fiend lasts for
Fiendheart. Elthias’s soul is merged with that of the prince of balors, 1 hour or until Elthias uses this action again.
Gorgultha, through his heart. While his heart is intact, Elthias cannot Chaotic Presence. Each creature of Elthias’s choice within 120 feet of him
be slain, nor can his body be destroyed. When Elthias is reduced to 0 hit that is aware of him must succeed on a DC 30 Constitution saving throw
points, his heart becomes exposed, he gains 1,000 temporary hit points, and or become charged with chaotic energy for 1 minute or until it is affected
he cannot regain hit points for 1 hour. These temporary hit points last for by this feature again. While charged in this manner, when a creature takes
24 hours and cannot be replaced by another source of temporary hit points. damage from Elthias, the charged effect ends and the creature takes an
If these temporary hit points are reduced to 0, Elthias is slain. additional 73 (21d6) cold, fire, or lightning damage (Elthias’s choice).
  When his heart becomes exposed in this manner, Gorgultha’s full power
Detonate (Recharges on a Long Rest). Elthias erupts with terrific chaotic
is unleashed, granting Elthias the following benefits for as long as he has
energy in a 10-mile-radius sphere centered on him, reducing his current
temporary hit points from this feature.
and temporary hit points to 0. Creatures, objects, and structures in the
• Elthias has advantage on all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability affected area take 330 (60d10) vile damage plus 330 (60d10) fire damage.
checks, and he cannot have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, An affected creature can attempt a DC 30 Constitution saving throw,
and ability checks. taking half as much damage on a success.
• Elthias is immune to the incapacitated condition.
• When Elthias scores a critical hit against a non-fiend creature, the target MYTHIC ACTIONS
gains one level of demonic possession.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Elthias takes a mythic action
Immense. Elthias’s form is tremendous. He is 120 feet long from snout to cause one of the following effects. Elthias can’t use the same effect twice
to tail and has a wingspan of 260 feet. On the battlefield, Elthias typically in a row.
occupies a 60-foot-by-60-foot space. He can end his movement in a Huge
or smaller creature’s or object’s space and does not treat such spaces as Fiendish Apotheosis. The spirit of Gorgultha stirs within Elthias, imbuing
difficult terrain. him with power for 1 hour. While so imbued, when Elthias would make
Additionally, on each of his turns Elthias can spend 20 feet of an attack roll of 4 or lower, he instead rolls a 5. If Elthias uses this option
movement to deal 100 bludgeoning damage to an unattended object or again while he is being affected by it, its effects improve.
structure within 5 feet of him. If Elthias uses this mythic action a second time, when he would make
an attack roll of 9 or lower, he instead rolls a 10. If used a third time, when
Mythic Resistance. When Elthias fails a saving throw, he can expend one Elthias would make an attack roll of 14 or lower, he instead rolls a 15. If
of his unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. used a fourth time, when Elthias would make an attack roll of 18 or lower,
Soulbinder. Elthias is surrounded by the spirits of demons in a 120-foot- he instead rolls a 19. If used a fifth time, when Elthias would make an
radius sphere. When a non-fiend creature starts its turn in the affected area, attack roll of 19 or lower, he instead rolls a 20.
it must succeed on a DC 30 Charisma saving throw or gain one level of   Once Elthias has benefited from this feature five times within 24 hours,
demonic possession. he cannot benefit from it again until he finishes a long rest.
Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw against Elthias, it can Utterdark. Elthias emits crushing magical darkness in a 300-foot radius
choose to succeed and gain one level of demonic possession. centered on him. Creatures other than Elthias that can see within darkness
can only see up to 15 feet, and all sources of light within the affected area
ACTIONS are suppressed for as long as the darkness persists.
Multiattack. Elthias makes four attacks: one with his Bite, two with his
Claw, and one with his Tail. He can forgo making a Bite attack in this LEGENDARY ACTIONS
manner to instead take his Chaotic Presence or Abyssal Breath action. Elthias can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +23 to hit, reach 40 ft., one target. Hit: 116 Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end
(16d12 + 12) piercing damage plus 49 (14d6) fire damage. of another creature’s turn. Elthias regains spent legendary actions at the
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +23 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 57 start of his turn.
(13d6 + 12) slashing damage. Claw. Elthias makes a Claw attack.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +23 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 84 (16d8 Move. Elthias moves up to his walking speed or up to half his flying speed.
+ 12) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it Abyssal Power (Costs 2 Actions). Elthias uses his Abyssal Power action.
must succeed on a DC 31 Strength saving throw or be thrown up to 60
feet in a straight line away from Elthias, landing prone. Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Elthias makes a Bite attack.
Abyssal Breath (Recharge 5–6). Elthias exhales a blast of evil, crimson Breath Weapon (Costs 3 Actions). Elthias uses or recharges his breath
energy in a 500-foot line that is 15 feet wide. Each creature in the weapon.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

Defeating the Dracofiend rids the world of an unfathomably
evil, apocalyptic danger. While this does not end the outstand-
ing demonic possessions wrought by the Dracofiend’s power, it
does prevent the situation from escalating. Depending on the
severity of the invasion, this may leave few in a position to re-
ward such heroes with anything other than gratitude, at least for
now. However, those who work to dismantle the Dracofiend’s
resources and allies will find numerous demonic magics, tools,
and weapons best destroyed or returned to the abyssal realms.
Keeping such a corrupt and vile prize is a daring but feasible
task. The heartcarver item is one such example of the
kind of horrors to be found as “treasure” for defeating
the Dracofiend.

Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement)

This wicked-looking dagger is ideal for carving out

the organs of humanoids as efficiently as possible and
is inscribed with Abyssal runes telling of its many
victims. When you successfully hit an incapacitated
flesh-and-blood creature with the dagger, you can force
it to attempt a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On
a failure, you may carve out its heart, potentially killing
it instantly (provided it cannot survive without one).
A creature slain in this manner cannot be restored to
life until its heart is restored to its body, and the heart
remains beating and “alive” once it has been removed.
Additionally, the weapon confers a +3 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with it against non-evil creatures.
Cursed. When you attune to this weapon, a magical
Abyssal tattoo is painfully carved into your flesh,
labeling you a murderer. When you use this weapon to
carve out the heart of a creature, another similar tattoo
appears on your body, inscribing the name of the victim.
These tattoos cannot be removed or healed until the
heartcarver is destroyed.

Elt h i a s   •  T h e D r aco f i en d

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