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Table of contents
Preface XI
Discussion sessions 1 and 2 linked to Theme lectures 1 and 2
Side-wall stability and side-shear resistance in bored piles constructed III
with high-molecular-weight polymer slurry
AAAta & M w.O' Neill
Performance of polymer slurries in large diameter bored pile 119
M Bustamante, L. Gianeselli, R. Boato & A Conedera
Large diameter slurry bored piles in tension 129
CE.Ho, CH.Lim & CG.Tan
Lateral loading tests on bored piles in cemented sands 137
Investigation of the behavior of pile foundation undergone cyclic lateral loading 145
by three-dimensional finite element analysis (DGPILE-3D)
M Kimura , F.Zhang & IInoue
Lateral split sock~t test in Franconia sandstone 151
R.E.Majano, MW.O'NeiU & G.Person
Pile foundation on gypsiferous marls for a 331 m. long bridge 157
A Serrano, E. Dapena & J M Villar
Experimental research on bearing capacity of belied piles 165
Shi Feng, Liu Chun & Cai Laibing
Effect of construction time and bentonite viscosity on shaft capacity of bored piles 171
N Thasnanipan, G. Baskaran & MAAnwar
Development and application of analytical technique for damage investigation of foundation 231
piles by sonic integrity test
T.Matsui. A Nanjo. F.Yasuda. YNakata & Klmada
Discussion session 4: Standard and codes related to bored and auger piles
Field tests of shaft resistance of bored piles 287
KGwizdala & A Tejchman
Statistical analysis on shaft friction of vertically loaded bored piles 293
F. Kuwabara & M Tanaka
The new European Standard EN 1536 "Execution of bored piles" 299
W-R.Linder & H-HSiebke
The safety requirement concept of large diameter bored in clay related to engineering practice 309
AX. Tavares
Discussion session 5: Dynamic versus static pile testing for bored and auger piles
Quality control of CFA piles by low-strain and high-strain dynamic testing 315
P Berzi. R. Skov & 1. Lorincz
Variable energy dynamic load test on a 1.0 m diameter CFA pile 321 MeZZo & S.CPara£so
The performance of large diameter bored piles used for a road project in Malaysia 335
AJamaludin & AN Hussein
The design and performance of bored piles in shales for the Australia Stadium project 341
The performance of CFA piles in residual clays 349
Load-settlement behaviour versus distinctive Q-pile execution parameters 355
WFVan lmpe, CViggiani, P.O Vanlmpe , G.Russo & M Bottiau
Augered pressure grouted piles for difficult conditions - A case history 475
M Durrani
A contribution to the analysis of negative skin friction on piles 481
G.B.Fenelli & G.Russo
Shear load transfer characteristics of drilled shafts in weathered rocks 489
S.lKim, s.s.Jeong & S.H.Cho
Load displacement performance of bored piles in weak rock 497
lP.Seidel, C.MHaberfield & S.Baycan
Discussion on the sudden failure mechanism oflong rock-socketed bored pile 505
Shu Xiang & Chen Zhuchang
Large diameter bored piles in multi-layered soils of Bangkok 511
N Thasnanipan, P.Tanseng & MAAnwar
Performance of bored piles in Lignite 519
W.l van Niekerk, 1 W. Rosingh & J. Y.Tonnisen
Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles, Van Impe & Haegeman (eds) © 1998 Balkema, 'Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 022 1
On a five-yearly basis and starting in 1988, the Bored and Auger Pile Seminars have been organized
in Ghent.
The intriguing complexity of the soil-pile interaction and its related load-settlement behaviour do
justify such specialized topic meetings, especially in case of bored and evenmore of screw piles.
Contractors, designers and academicians compiled once more in this proceedings their new
approaches and developments ofthe last five years, elucidating the today's state-of-the-art from pile
installation, pile testing and pile capacity-evaluation point of view.
This third Bored and Auger Pile Seminar hopefully will also contribute to a better and more
efficient professional interaction of specialized contractors, designers and academicians gathering in
the discussion sessions this week.
It's the main editor's pleasure to thank sincerely all members of the Scientific and the Organizing
Committee in preparing this 3rd BAP event. For the continuous follow up of the Seminar's
organizing details as well as the lay-out of the proceedings, the laboratory scientific staff Professor
P. Menge, Or W Haegeman, Or H. Peiffer, Ir P.Van Impe, Ir L.Areias and the technical-administrative
staffK.Crombeen, H.Oe Cooman, L.Van Cauwenberge, E.Bracke, L.Clerick and lCasteels should
be acknowledged.
The Scientific Committee equally returns thanks to all authors and discussion contributors
allowing for a high level proceeding edition and the undoubtfully related intriguing discussion
sessions pitching the expectations high.
Theme lecture 1
American experiences with large diameter bored piles
Oeep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles, Van Impe & Haegeman (eds) © 1998 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 022 1
UniversityojHouston , Tex., USA
ABSTRACT The current state of practice for large-diameter bored piles (LDBPs) in the United States is
discussed, from the perspective of the writer, and several brief case studies are examined . The use of LDBPs is
increasing in the United States primarily because of educational efforts and demands for foundations that are
scour-resistant, adaptable to over-water construction and economically advantageous in restricted construction
technical pressures to use LDBPs, known in the new research on reliability-based design of bored
United States as drilled shafts, their use has been piles for highway and power transmission structures,
significantly advanced by the technology transfer respectively (Barker et aI, 1991 , Kulhawy, 1998).
efforts of the Federal Highway Administration of the While ASD is still the norm in the United States, the
U S Department of Transportation, which has results of research aimed at producing resistance
sponsored the development of a series of manuals of factors derived systematically from reliability
practice focusing on the design and construction of concepts, in some cases involving variances of
bored piles and which has introduced these manuals geotechnical design parameters for construction
to practicing transportation engineers throughout sites, are beginning to find there way into design
the United States by means of formal training practice in the load and resistance factor (LRFD)
courses given at many locations . ADSC: The format (e . g. , AASHTO, 1994) This remains a
International Association for Foundation Drilling, controversial topic in the United States among
has also been very active in educating practicing civil geotechnical practitioners.
engineers from all sectors in the design and uses of
bored piles through lpcal seminars and publications. Policies and procedures for verification of the
structural integrity of LDBPs varies .considerably
The demand for LDBPs has fostered from agency to agency in the United States.
requirements for efficient and reliable designs, cost Caltrans (the California Department of
effective and environmentally sensitive construction Transportation) is perhaps the most aggressive
practices and dep'endable procedures to verifY agency in the use of post-construction integrity
structural integrity (Baker et aI. , 1993). testing, largely because of the importance of seismic
loading in that state. All large-diameter bored piles
Routine design of LDBPs in the United States constructed by direct displacement of either mineral
follows the normal practice of characterizing the soil or polymer drilling slurry by the fluid concrete are
or rock (geomaterial) by sampling cohesive surveyed by Caltrans for defects by using gamma
geomaterials and measuring their undrained shear gamma or cross-hole ultrasonic logging techniques
strengths by means of unconfined, VU triaxial or within cast-in-pile tubes spaced evenly around the
CIU triaxial tests and by performing dynamic reinforcing cage at the rate of one per every 0.3 m of
penetration tests (SPT, for example) in layers of pile diameter. Other governmental agencies follow
cohesion less soils. Values of limiting side and base similar practice, perhaps casting access tubes in all
resistances are then established through correlations piles but subjecting only those piles with suspicious
with these geomaterial properties. It is unusual for construction histories to integrity tests.
designs to be based on in-situ tests, such as the
PMT, CPT or DMT tests, but on occasion designs 2 EXAMPLES OF RECENT PROJECTS
are carried out in this way.
The remainder of this paper will focus on a few
Full-scale or partial-scale load tests are relatively specific examples of the use of large-diameter bored
common means of developing job-specific piles for projects in the U. S. on which the author
correlations between geomaterial properties has been a consultant. These include the
measured in the manner described above and unit
• St. Croix River Bridge, Oak Park Village,
side and base resistances in unusual soil or rock
Minnesota (interpretation of half-scale load tests
formations or in formations with which the designer
in soft, highly dilatant sandstone for use in
lacks familiarity . The availability of the ,Osterberg
design of production piles),
Cell and the Statnamic loading device has greatly
• GTE World Operations Headquarters, Dallas,
increased the frequency of load testing in recent
Texas (simple measures for enhancing side
years because of the reduced cost and increased
resistance and decreasing settlement in cJay
loading capacity.
Allowable stress design (ASD) techniques, using • Viaducts for Highway H-3 , Halawa Valley,
nominal loads and resistances and global factors of Hawaii (use of bored piles for seismic loading
safety (in the range of 2 to 3) are still prevalent. conditions in heterogeneous saprolite), and the
However, both the National Cooperative Highway • Fred Hartmann Bridge, Baytown, Texas (use of
Research Program (NCHRP) and the Electric Power bored piles at soft soil site to prevent
Research Institute (EPRI) have sponsored important environmental pollution of shallow ground
water) .
Common to all of these projects was the support the eastern bents, where a medium dense
performance of full-scale load tests to verify the sand layer is present below the organic muck.
resistance and stiffness estimates at each unique However, the effect of driving piles into the
construction site; however, the results of the load sanpstone near the Minnesota shore on the
tests will not be discussed in all of the examples. resistance of the sandstone and on the structural
The availability of expedient loading devices such as co~dition of the piles was unknown, so a foundation
the Osterberg Load Cell and the Statnamic loading system consisting of LDBPs, drilled through the
device has made it possible to conduct load tests muck and socketed into the sandstone, was selected
much more frequently and to much higher loads than for that section of the bridge. Sockets were required
was feasible only a few years ago (O'Neill et ai , primarily because the foundations were to sustain
1997). In the United States, with its extremely substantial uplift loads caused by large overturning
variable subsurface conditions, routine design rules moments that would be applied to the bents by the
from CPT, PMT and other geotechnical tests, are construction cranes during assembly of the
not applied in any standardized manner. There is no superstructure.
doubt, therefore, that the capability to conduct
significant numbers of site-specific load tests at In order to assess the axial resistances of bored
relatively low cost has also encouraged the use of pifes in the heterogeneous sandstone, a field
more LDBPs. experiment was conductect on, the west bank. It was
assumed that the preponderance of the resistance of
Emphasis for the first three projects will be on the rock sockets would be developed in ,side shear,
the methods that were used to compute the nominal so side shear resistance was the focus of the
ultimate resistance and stiffness of production piles experiment and the associated interpretation of
for axial loading and the verification of the design results.
methods through load testing. In the fourth project,
the construction technique that was devised to affect A half-scale rock socket, 1.22 m in diameter and
environmental safety will be described . 3.66 m long, was tested axially on the west bank,
using an Osterberg Cell, in preference to testing a
2.1 St. Croix River Bridge full-scale socket, 2.44 m in diameter, in the river.
The same formation is present onshore and in the
O'Neill and Person (1998) explain the methodology river, but, as is evident in Fig. 1, the vertical position
used to design 2.44-m diameter bored piles for a of the test socket resulted in a much higher
major bridge spanning the St. Croix River near Oak magnitude of vertical effective stress at the test
Park Village, Minnesota, at the border betw.een location than at the locations of the production piles
Minnesota and Wisconsin. The methodology can be in the river. Therefore, it was necessary to scale the
summarized by the following. test results to the conditions of overburden stress
(and shaft diameter) at the locations of piers that
The western several bents of the planned would be supported by LDBPs in the river.
crossing of the St. Croix River traverse an area of Since the sandstone formations in eastern
s9ft to very soft, organic, normally consolidated clay Minnesota were know to be highly dilatant, scaling
(" organic muck") underlying approximately 10 m 'of
water and overlying a complex interbedded
formation of glauconitic (highly cohesive) and friable
(much less cohesive) sandstone, known collectively
as the Franconia formation., The friable member was
very difficult to sample, and little data on strength,
deformability and compressibility were available.
was accomplished with the method of analysis cell was oriented vertically in order to split the
developed at Monash University, using software socket and force the two halves laterally into the
denoted "ROCKET" (ROCK sockET) (Seidel, rock. Relative movement between the two halves of
1994). This method generates axial load-movement the socket was measured by means of sacrificial
relations along a plane surface or in a rock socket as L VDTs. The design of the lateral test socket was
a function of several variables, including the such that it would be split along a central vertical
plane when the Osterberg Cell was activated, so the
• roughness pattern at the interface between load that was registered by the Osterberg cell was
the concrete and the rock, whose general equal to the load applied to each half-socket.
shape is specified and whose specific shape is
computed using principles of fractal Final excavation of both sockets was executed
geometry, with a rock auger. Electronic caliper logs made
• elastic stiffness of the rock normal to the prior to concreting revealed that there were no
rock-concrete interface in response to major indentations or gouges (concrete asperities) in
dilation that occurs at the interface as it is the borehole wall. The wireline caliper was not
sheared, sensitive enough to measure small asperities (6 mm
• initial lateral stress between the concrete and height or smaller), which may be significant in
the rock (assumed to be the effective fluid modeling interface roughness in the sockets .
concrete pressure at the time of
construction), A potentially important construction detail is
• angle of material sliding friction between the that both test sockets remained open for nine days
concrete and rock, and between drilling and concreting. The prolonged
• angle of internal friction and cohesion of the stress relief may have affected socket performance.
rock mass. The boreholes had meanwhile filled with ground
water that seeped into the holes from the overburden
ROCKET considers dilation along the rough geomaterials to an elevation well above the test
interface followed by shearing through each of the sockets . The sockets were tested several days after
asperities according to a limit equilibrium rule. casting, as soon as the concrete reached the target
Parameters that were scaled for this project were the strength for testing. At that time the ground water
lateral concrete pressures (test socket vs. prototype had reached the surface of the boreholes.
socket), the normal elastic stiffness of the rock and
socket diameter. It was assumed that the interface Both sockets were loaded in increments of 450
roughness pattern, the angle of interface material kN every five minutes . Some cycling was
friction and the mass shear strength properties of the performed, but its effect was minimal.
rock were identical at the test site onshore and the
prototype socket locations in the river. Figure 2 shows the net load on the Osterberg
Cell (measured load less the computed buoyant
The test socket was segmented vertically with an weight of the test socket) versus the average upward
Osterberg Cell (26 .7 MN capacity). The part of the displacement of the top of the cell (bottom of the
socket below the Osterberg Cell, which was 5 m test socket) . The readings were those taken four
long, functioned as a reaction socket against which minutes after each load application. Figure 2 also
the cell pushed to mobilize the test socket above the shows the gross load (no correction for the weight
cell, which was 3.66 m long. of the test socket) versus average measured
downward displacement of the top of the reaction
A second test socket, which had a diameter 0 = socket. A net base resistance of 3.7 MPa was
1.22 m and a length = 2.14 m, was constructed nea~ measured in the reaction socket at the time the test
the first, primarily to provide lateral load-deflection was terminated (approximately 15 mm of base
data for the rock for use in lateral load analysis (see displacement). The load-movement relations for
companion paper by Majano et al.), but it also both the test and reaction sockets are remarkably
functioned effectively to provide in-situ information almost linear to a deflection of greater than 33 mm
on the stiffness of the rock normal to the interface in the test socket ("top of load cell" ), which
for conducting an analysis of the axially loaded developed all of its resistance in side shear. The lack
socket. That socket was also segmented by means of displacement recovery in the unloading cycle at
of ~n Osterberg Cell with 26.7 MN capacity, but the 13.4 MN indicates that most of the side shear
for side resistance for the prototype piles in the St.
Croix River (O ' Neill and Person, 1998). Table I
summarizes the rock properties at the test location,
and Table 2 summarizes the inputs to ROCKET.
Notations beginning with the word "Fractal"
indicate a particular general interface roughness
pattern. These shapes are constructed
mathematically of connected linear chords. It was
found through trial and error that a library fractal
pattern denoted "Fractal I c" with a chord length of
32 mm matched the measured load-movement
behavior better than other patterns when applied
along with kN = 400 kPa/mm and an initial normal
fluid stress equal to the pressure at the middle of the
socket developed by buoyant, tot~lIy fluid, concrete,
which extended 3.66 m above the load cell The
simulated roughness profile produced rock asperities
Fig. 2. Load-Movement Relations for Axial Test with a mean double amplitude of about 7 mm.
and Reaction Sockets, St. Croix River Test Site
Only a few rock cores could be recovered for
resistance was developed through plastic shearing unconfined testing, since much of the formation is
and was not related to elastic strain in the rock. highly friable The average value of qu was 4.32
Instruments within the test socket indicated that the MPa, which is likely an upper limit for the rock
load transfer to the sandstone was relatively uniform mass. An insufficient number of cores were
with depth, in both the glauconitic and friable available to permit triaxial testing to obtain ~' , so
members; therefore, all analyses were made using <1>' had to be estimated . The angle of interface sliding
the average values of unit side resistance (t) friction was not measured . The value of 38 degrees
developed along the entire test socket and the was selected by reasoning that the angle of interface
corresponding average movements (w) of the entire sliding friction should be approximately equal to the
socket. residual angle of internal friction in the sandstone.
The average value of the pressuremeter modulus for
The results of the lateral split socket test, in initial loading was 344 MPa. The value of E
terms of mean lateral pressure (average horizontal (Young' s modulus) for the rock mass deduced from
pressure on a vertical diametrical plane through the the split socket test was 380 MPa (secant value for u
cent er of the socket, O"hs, which is equal to the radial = I mm), which corresponds closely with the
normal pressure exerted by an expanding cylinder) average pressuremeter modulus.
versus the average one-way lateral displacement of
the half-sockets, u, are shown in Fig. 3. The radial The simulation considered the rock and interface
(normal) stiffness, kN, of the socket in the Franconia to be drained, such that the strength of the rock and
Sandstone, which was defined as tiO"hJ tiU at small the interface are dependent upon the normal
values of u, appeared to be about 400 kPa/mm up to interface stiffness, which is itself dependent upon
u = I mm, dropping to a secant value of 267 depth (effective ground stress) and socket diameter,
kPa/mm at u = 6 mm (0005 D) At larger and upon the roughness of and initial normal stress
displacements the normal stiffness again increased, at the interface.
suggesting crushing and densification of the rock,
possibly because the rock had been in a stress A comparison of a few of the socket shear
relaxed state prior to loading due to the long period response curves obtained using ROCKET are shown
that the socket was open before concreting. in Fig. 4, where the mean developed unit side
shearing resistance, f, is plotted versus the
In order to calibrate ROCKET for the local movement of the socket, w. All parameters are as
rock and borehole roughness conditions, the specified in Table 2, except where indicated .
behavior of the axial test socket was analyzed
parametrically, primarily to ascertain the appropriate The effect of the interface roughness pattern can
interface roughness pattern to develop design values be seen by comparing the upper three curves in Fig.
Table 1. S·ummarVO fRockD Test Site for F- - . Sand
. - - - -
Table- 2. I
-- - ~ -- - for Analvsis of St. Croix River Axial Test Socket for ROCKET
--- ---- -- - - - - - - - ---- -
4. Note that 1.8 m of concrete head was the other formal procedure, to design bored pile sockets
average value within the axial test socket, which directly without performing a site-specific calibration
produces 30 kPa of isotropic pressure in the fluid such as is illustrated here.
state at the middle of the socket. The effect of
normal interface stiffuess can be seen by comparing Although not shown in Fig. 4, ROCKET also
the results using the two "Fractal le" patterns. Both predicts decreasing maximum values of f as the
the interface roughness and normal stiffuess effects diameter of the socket increases, which must also be
are quite significant. In fact, the differences in the considered when the test results are scaled to
top and bottom curves are so great that it is prototype conditions.
probably not appropriate to use ROCKET, or any
Fig. 3. Lateral Pressure on 1.22 m X 1.63 m Plane Fig. 5. Average Measured Socket Shear Stress vs.
Surface vs. Lateral Deflection from Split-Cylinder Movement and Comparison with Numerical Model
Socket Test
appropriate for estimating limiting side resistance of
the prototype sockets. The results of the "Fractal
lc" solution with the parameters listed in Table 2
were used as the reference condition for scaling to
design conditions for rock sockets in the St. Croix
Details of the scaling process are described by
O'Neill and Person (1998). They can be
summarized in the following :
• Construction procedures for production piles
were assumed to be identical to the procedures
used to construct the test sockets (excavation by
rock augers, no drilling slurry); therefore, the
interface roughness pattern was assumed to
remain unchanged from test socket to
production socket.
• Because of the reduced effective vertical stress
Fig. 4. Analysis ofInterface Behavior for Constant (and by implication the horizontal effective stress)
Normal Stiffness Conditions Using ROCKET in the rock beneath the river, the lateral normal
stiffness, kN, was reduced to 0.33 X 400 kPaJmm
(= 133 kPaJmm) 0.61 m below the top of the
Figure 5 shows a comparison of the solution sandstone within the river and to 0.50 X 400
from ROCKET with the closest fit with the kPaJmm (= 200 kPaJmm) 9.15 m below the top of
relationship of average f to w from the loading test. the sandstone within the river. These distances
The analytical predictions of the f-w relation are not correspond to the top and bottom of the
highly accurate at values of w less than 8 - 10 mm. production sockets, respectively. This scaling
This effect may be due to the degraded condition of rule was established assuming that the normal
the interface caused by nine days of exposure to air stiffness scaled in the friable sandstone in the
and water prior to concreting, or it may have same manner as in a dense sand, which can be
resulted partially from the attribute of the version of described approximately by Eq. (I).
ROCKET employed at the time of the design, which
did not include elastic deformation of rock
asperities. But the ROCKET model replicated the k N prototype a'v ( prototype)
observed near-linear behavior to a large kN/oad test a'v (test)
displacement quite well and can be considered
where cr 'v = vertical effective pressure in the
geomaterial at the depth of interest
• Because of the increased diameter of the sockets
in the river, the lateral strain (and thereby lateral
stress) , induced at the interface by vertical
movement of the socket for a given asperity
height will reduce generally in proportion to the
diameter of the pile. Assuming linearity of the
normal stress-strain behavior in the sandstone at
the interface, k"l was reduced further by 50 per
cent in consideration of the requirement for
sockets of 2.44 m diameter in the river The final
values of kN for the prototypes were therefore 67
kPa/mm and 100 kPa/mm at the top and bottom
of the socket, respectively.
• 9 . 15 m of effective fluid (buoyant) concrete head
will exist above the middle of the sockets for the
prototype shafts. This ,. is based on the Fig 6. Relations for Design Based on Scaling of
consideration that the bored piles for this Interface Behavior from Axial Socket Test for
particular project will be constructed within Shallow Penetration of Rock and 2.44-m Socket
cofferdams and that the concrete will be placed Diameter Using ROCKET
bentonite, which was much softer than the clay cast at the base of the pile to inhibit the development
shale, as depicted schematically in Fig . 7. The site of base resistance, The void was vented to the
for one of the buildings required that the overburden atmosphere to prevent the buildup of fluid pressure
soil be excavated permanently to a depth of about in the void.
6.3 m. The geomaterial in the formation is , The second pile (Shaft 6, Fig. 7) was identical to
horizontally laminated, with lamination thicknesses the first except that the sides of the borehole were
of about I mm, and has a Unified Soil Classification rifled in a spiral pattern using a simple side cutter on
of CH . Two concerns dictated the performance of the auger. Rifling was performed to evaluate its
load tests at the site of the building in the effect on the minimization of the effects of bentonite
excavation (I) the process of excavating the smear. The two piles were installed within about 6
geomaterial above and below the zone with m of each other at a location at which the 6.3 m of
bentonite seams would smear the bentonite on the overburden had been excavated for only about one
sides of the borehole throughout the zones without week prior to constructing the test piles. The piles
bentonite seams, thus reducing the side load transfer; were load-tested in compression about two weeks
and (2) the rebound of the highly laminated clay after they were cast.
shale may require the piles to settle considerably
more than usual to develop the full side shearing The load-settlement behavior of the two test
resistance. piles is shown in Fig 8, Immediately after initial
loading, each pile was refoaded Fig. 8 shows the
load-settlement relations such that zero s~ttlement is
defined at the beginning of each loading for clarity in
comparing the results,
the first loading. Once the applied load exceeded
the value of the maximum load applied on the
previous loading, settlement increased abruptly. As
additional load was applied, further side resistance
developed as settlement increased rapidly, until the
base encountered the bottom of the borehole.
clay-shale with possible smeared bentonite), unweathered basalt. The elevation of the top of the
respectively, for the unrifled pile. basalt was almost unpredictable from the results of
an extensive boring program, so LDBPs, whose
The weighted average value of K was 5.2 along penetrations could be varied more easily than driven
the socket, which is generally consistent with piles, and which could penetrate the basalt at
Horvath and Kenney (1979) . That value was used locations where its elevation was higher than
for design, in which qu was taken as the average expected, were used. The LDBPs were 1.53 m in
value of the unconfined compression strength of the diameter and placed in groups, typically of six piles
clay-shale along that part of the socket along below each, beneath each pier in the viaducts, as shown in
7.9 m depth. It is of interest that K = 7.3 for the Fig. 11 . The most critical design loads were seismic
rifled pile. The clay-shale above a depth of 7.9 m loads.
was much softer than that in the socket, and
standard correlations for stiff clay were used to O' Neill (1997) discussed the strength design of
establish ultimate side resistance in that zone. the LDBPs for axial loading considering the extreme
variability of the geomaterial properties. Design of
As with the St. Croix River Bridge, ASD was the superstructure for seismic loading was
used to arrive at the final pile geometries, accomplished by the State of Hawaii' s structural
considering the ultimate limit state. Factors of engineering consultant using a mode superposition
safety of 2 on side resistance and 3 on base analysis technique. The LDBP group foundations
resistance were used, as is the custom in the were treated as constraints with linear stiffnesses at
geographical area when thorough subsurface the bases of each pier in the dynamic analytical
investigations and load tests are performed . method for the structure in order to compute
nominal forces in the superstructure components,
The geometry of the prototype piles varied deformations, and inertial "feedback" loads acting
slightly in some cases from that of the test piles. on the foundations .
Therefore, the service limit state was addressed for
those piles by simulating load-settlement relations The principal concerns for seismic analysis were
with a finite difference simulation method (Reese the rocking stiffness of each LDBP group, the
and O'Neill, 1988) using the f-w relation marked horizontal stiffness of each group, and the cross
"Shaft 5 (unrifled), Loading 1" in Fig 1O. A net coupling between the two. Cap contact stresses
unit base resistance, q, vs. base displacement, w,
relationship, which is used in that simulation, was
estimated conservatively by using the technique
suggested on Fig. 8 to separate base resistance from
side resistance. There, Q is the net base resisting
force, and q = Q / base area. qmax was taken to be
4.3 MPa for design purposes. For most building
columns, the service limit state (settlement under the
nominal, unfactored design load) did not control the
design, when the factors of safety were set as
described above, despite the fact that very large
settlement was required to develop fm•x .
were not considered because the design seismic • Geotechnical engineer
event was assumed to occur after the occurrence of I. Summed the El values from Step 5 to obtain
a scour event in the streams, which would leave the the El for the group so as to analyze it for lateral
pile caps exposed. The sequential process used to loading as a virtual, or equivalent, pile. No stiffness
analyze the LDBP groups is summarized below was assigned to the geomaterial within the group in
because it represents typical practice in the United this step.
States for seismic analysis of LDBP foundations in 2. Conducted a nonlinear lateral virtual pile
the mid-1990's. The process involved close analysis using a commercial laterally loaded pile
coordination between the structural and geotechnical code (similar to Reese et al, 1997), treating the
engineering teams. As 2000 approaches software group as a single pile assuming zero rotation of the
allowing more integrated approaches is becoming head (cap), and assuming pile penetration to be
available to designers. approximately 16 m below the scour line. Plotted
both head shear V, and moment M, vs. lateral head
• Structural engineer deflection y, and provided the structural engineer
I. Estimated nominal dead and live loads acting with a secant modulus to each relation at y, = 25
on each pile without seismic loads. mm, K ghh and KghM See Fig. 13 . These factors
2. Estimated pile-head shears from quasi-static contain no correction for group action at this point.
analysis of superstructure fo[> a design seismic event Separate pairs of factors were computed in cases
of Richter magnitude 6.5 on the island of Hawaii where the group was not symmetric about two axes.
(265 km distance), which induced horizontal 3. Conducted axial load tests on sockets
accelerations of 0.17 g at the base of the structure constructed in the saprolite with the same diameter
(top of pile caps). and having the same general depths as the
3. Used commercial software (similar to Reese production piles to obtain both the ultimate side
et al :, 1997) to estimate bending moment (M) vs. El resistance and the axial stiffness of each pile ksa
in a 1.53-m-diameter pile with nominal concrete corresponding to a secant modulus at an axial load
strength (27 .5 MPa) and 3.5 % longitudinal of 7.1 MN (applied load from dead plus ordinary
reinforcing steel for an increment of tensile load live load plus estimated rocking loads).
(from rocking motion) of7 .1 MN.
4. Assumed a depth of a "point of fixity," in • Structural engineer
cooperation with the geotechnical engineer I . Computed the rotational stiffness, K g0M, for
(approximately 3 diameters below scour line). each pile group (assuming a rigid, extended cap),
5. Estimated Mm• x in a typical pile in the group from
assuming the pile was fixed into the cap and into the
ground at the point of fixity and that the cap did not N N
rotate, using a simple double fixed-end beam model Kg(JM= .L k sa z2 + L 4EI (3)
1=1 ;=1 Le
(Fig. 12) assuming an arbitrary value of El, then
iterated until Mmax and El were compatible
according to the relation obtained in Step 3. This
where El was the reduced value described
ordinarily required El "" 0.5 El of the uncracked
Fig. 12. Double Fixed-End Beam Model for Pile Fig. 13 . Virtual Lateral Pile Analysis
previously, Le is as defined in Fig. 12, z is the maximum moments and shears were passed along to
perpendicular distance from Pile i to the axis of the structural engineer
rotation and N is the number ofLDBPs in the group. 2. Verified that the nominal factor of safety
2. Performed a linear dynamic modal analysis of against either compressive or tensile failure for any
the substructure - deck system using K ghh , K gh]' 1 and pile in the group was always at least 1.5. If not, k"
K g0M as constraints at the bases of the bridge piers. was reduced to reflect potential cyclic degradation
The vertical and torsional stiffnesses were assumed of the saprolite during the cyclic loading of the pile
infinite, and the complementary cross-stiffness K g0h during the seismic event.
was assumed to be equal to K gh.\I . A damping ratio
of 5% was applied to all components in the system, • Structural engineer
including the foundation. I Examined whether the maximum moments
3 Passed the following outputs to the computed by the geotechnical engineer exceeded
geotechnical engineer for further evaluation : G max significantly the moments assumed in selecting El or
(maximum rotation of the cap), y, ma, (maximum exceeded the allowable moments in the piles from a
translation of the cap), P, max (maximum axial load structural perspective (ASD criteria were used) . If
on any pile in the group computed from the either case occurred, the steel percentage was
maximum moment and vertical load at the base of increased to raise the ultimate moment capacity
the pier using the " PIA + MzlI" concept). 2. Determined the necessary shear steel
schedule .
• Geotechnical engineer 3. Based on Step I decided v,thether the
I Given the values of deformation in Step 3, geotechnical engineer needed to make a, new single
above, as inputs (head deformations) to a nonlinear, pile analysis. In most cases this was not necessary
commercial lateral single-pile analysis program 4. Decided whether additional dynamic analyses
(similar to Reese et ai , 1997), performed a detailed of the superstructure were warranted based on the
lateral pile analysis for critical individual piles. In revised pile group stiffness values provided by the
this analysis the lateral soil response relations ("p-y 'geotechnical engineer If so, such analyses were
curves") were estimated for the site geomaterlals . executed and the revised values of cap deflections
from weighted average values of laboratory strength and rotations were returned to the geotechnical
tests and then modified using "p-multipliers" .engineer for an additional iteration.
(Brown and Shie, 1991) to account for lateral group
action to obtain (a) maximum bending moment, (b) • Geotechnical engineer
maximum shear force, (c) pile-head shear, and (d) Verified that the LDBPs had a factor of safety of 3
revised values of K ghh = N V, and K gh." 1 = LM,/Yt. in under static dead load plus live loads. If not, minor
each pile group . The p-y curves that were used adjustments were made in the pile lengths at this
were those recommended for cyclic loading. point without reanalyzing for lateral loading.
[This is a controversial issue in the U S , as many This step concluded the design process for this
prominent foundation engineers argue that the project. An additional step is often performed by
effects of rapid (seismic) loading, group interaction the structural engineer -- a so-called " pushover"
itnd cyclic degradation counteract one another; so analysis, in which the structure and foundation are
that "static" p-y curves should be used . In this analyzed with a nonlinear code (or several codes) to
project the fundamental period of the structures investigate the degree of ductility that is available at
were large, such that an underestimation of the design loading to assure that there is an adequate
foundation stiffness resulted in larger motions and level of safety against tot~1 collapse of the structure
higher forces in the bridges, indicating that the during the seismic event.
conservative approach was to err on the side of
underestimating lateral soil stiffness. It is pointed out The piles for the Lower Halawa Valley viaducts
also that the geomaterials below the scour zone were designed so as to keep their toes above the
were not considered liquefiable.] most probable elevations of the surface of the basalt
(to reduce construction costs) Furthermore, most
Kg0~vl was not revised because it was reasoned that of the alluvium would have been scoured away for
relatively little group action occurred in the rotary the design conditions, so it was only necessary to
mode . The revised foundation stiffnesses and estimate the axial stiffness of LDBPs in the saprolite.
Therefore, the axial socket tests, similar to those
described for the St. Croix River Bridge
foundations; were performed in order to estimate the
unit axial stiffness of the LDBPs in the saprolite,
from which ks. could be estimated directly, assuming
no contribution of end bearing to stiffness.
underlying sand. This layer of sand communicated plastic clay whose purpose was to prevent minute
with adjoining sand formations that were pumped quantities of contaminated water that might have
from shallow wells for irrigation and for the been trapped within or below the berm from
watering of livestock. pelletrating the sand. The cohesive material was
ther excavated from inside this protective casing
In order to avoid the problem, LDBPs were and spoiled in an approved fill for hazardous
required to support the piers in the approach spans waste .
that traversed the lagoon . It was reasoned that
LDBPs could be installed without compacting the A second casing was then inserted inside the
sand to any significant degree . The construction protective casing through the very loose sand and
procedure was specified so as to prevent any sealed into the underlying stiff clay by using a
communication between the surface water in the combination of dead weight and vibration . The
lagoon and the underlying layer of sand . This was vibratory driver was activated only when the
accomplished as indicated on the right side of Fig. casing stopped penetrating under its dead weight
15. Samples of pore fluid in the sand layer were and that of the hammer. Once the seal was
secured from sampling wells in the sand· to provide achieved , the sand inside the casing was removed
an accurate baseline reading of the concentration with an auger , spoiled in the approved fill , and the
of hydrocarbons (~s total organic carbon) in the casing was filled completely and simultaneously
ground water. Then, a clay berm was constructed with bentonite drilling fluid.
at the location of each pier in the lagoon. This
provided a work platform for the drilling rigs and The slurry was needed because the stiff clay
also displaced the potentially contaminated free below the loose sand was submerged and contained
surface water from around the top of each pile . A sand seams and layers that would collapse without
heavy surface casing ("protective casing" in Fig. support. Once the borehole was clean and filled
15) was thrust downward through the berm and the with slurry, excavation proceeded carefully using
thin layer of plastic surficial clay. This casing had soil augers until the base elevation was reached
an outside diameter 0 .305 m larger than the design [approximately 30 m below the elevation of the
diameter of the LDBP. It provided a seal with the surface water]. In order to carry the heavy loads
of the piers, capped groups of six 1.53-m diameter
piles arrayed in a 3 X 2 pattern at 3-diameter
center-to-center spacing were installed beneath
each column .
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