PolGov 9
PolGov 9
PolGov 9
2. Why is decentralization the trend among governments, not only in the Philippines, but
also in other countries?
1. Will local government units be able to think of and address their own issues instead of
the national government?
It was during the time of the Spaniards that a centralized system of governance was
introduced. The barangay or the barrio was retained as the most basic administrative unit while
other tiers were created: pueblos (municipalities), cabildos/ayuntamiento (cities), and provincias
(provinces). The governor-general was supreme over all affairs including local ones. While the
Maura Law of 1893 gave greater autonomy to towns and provinces in Luzon and Visayas, its
effects were not felt because of the Revolution that broke in 1896. Nonetheless, the Spanish
occupation had its influence on the development of local governments—the most important of
which was the high degree of centralization in Manila, which thereafter characterized central-
local relations. During the Malolos Republic, local governments were also created under
the Malolos Constitution. Among the important provisions of the said constitution were the
The post-1986 period saw the move toward greater decentralization. The 1987
Constitution (Article II, Section 25) provided that “the state shall ensure the autonomy of local
How did the past experiences of the country influence the course of decentralization
in the Philippines at present?
Reflect Upon
1. How important is history in shaping the political landscape of a country, with reference
to the structure of local governments?
2. Do you think your own local government is a product of the evolution of our society?
Explain your answer.
National Government
The 1991 Local Government Code decentralized functions and responsibilities to local
government units. The four major roles are:
1. Efficient service delivery
2. Management of the environment
3. Economic development
4. Poverty alleviation
1. How well does your local government unit perform in terms of the major functions
cited previously?
You are a journalist working for the country’s leading TV network and you will
be hosting a segment titled “The State of the Philippine Government: How’s My Local
Community Doing?” The segment intends to present the condition of the people in their
local governments based on the basic roles of the LGUs as presented in the discussion. You
are asked to do a three- to five-minute documentary featuring how your local government
performed in one of the four functions listed and how it could improve in these areas. An
interview with barangay officials and constituents is therefore necessary. Your segment
producer will rate you based on: content (clarity of points, production/discussion of evidence)
and technical and artistic considerations (video clarity, basic editing, etc.). Your outputs
must include:
1. Script/outline of the presentation
2. Video/documentary
The top three documentaries will be presented during the culminating/integration
activity of the Politics and Governance course.
Impacts of Devolution
According to Atienza (2006), devolution paved the way to further democratization
and had important impacts on the way politics is practiced in the country. She contended
that democratization and the progress made by the civil society became a counterweight to
traditional Philippine politics. She noted the following observations:
• Some LGUs have become entrepreneurial.
• LGUs have become sources of innovations in local governance.
• E-governance has brought opportunities for improved welfare delivery and
• LGUs have become more assertive.
• LGU-NGO partnerships have become stronger.
2. How did decentralization and devolution change the landscape of local governance?
Atienza (2006) noted that parts of the country are still governed by traditional politicians
who use coercion and patronage rather than platforms-based stance to encourage local
participation. While decentralization aimed toward democratization, such rule by traditional
politicians goes against what the 1987 Constitution and 1991 Local Government Code aimed
in the first place. Decentralization may have triggered more participatory and development-
oriented LGUs, but not all LGUs have become more democratic or economically developed as
a result of decentralization. Apart from this, Atienza (2006) held that some national government
officials and agencies still have centralist tendencies that prevented successful decentralization
efforts. There still prevails an unequal distribution of financial resources and this raises questions
as to whether or not national agencies are more favored than local governments. There are also
problems regarding personnel and human resource that persist in local government; this points
to problems on training and doubts on the competency to govern and provide welfare to the
So you may ask—what is the future of decentralization in the Philippines? The answer to
this question relies on a number of factors. First, you may look at the impact of the international
arena; after all, globalization (as discussed in module 4) has an effect on the course of local
governance. Second, you may want to observe the state of civil society in the Philippines. A
vibrant civil society that pressures or influences local governments to serve well may define
the future of how LGUs provide services to their constituents. Finally, you may try to assess
the degree through which people participate in local affairs.
Perhaps you are wondering how ordinary citizens could take part in affairs of
decentralization. The logic is simple: good governance (as presented in module 1) has
something to do with the inclusion of the people in the process of development. There might be
mechanisms that encourage popular participation but if individuals do not engage themselves
in such efforts, then such attempts of inclusiveness become futile. After all, welfare projects
are for the people.
Essential Learning
The national government consists of the machinery of the central government
(as discussed in the previous modules), as differentiated from the local governments,
which are political subdivisions that have substantial control over local affairs. Each
local government unit has a set of locally elected and appointed officers, their functions
being mandated by the 1991 Local Government Code. The post-1986 period aimed
at strengthening local governments for self-governance and sufficiency given the fact
that people are closer to their local governments than to the central government. The
idea of decentralization lies in the simple logic that local governments are expected to
better address issues since they can easily determine the problems of their constituents.
However, decentralization—specifically devolution—has its fair share of successes and
failures. While it has led to significant improvements, the prospect of decentralization
in the country is still confronted with issues and challenges. Local governments may be
able to identify problems instantly, but they are not equipped with both expertise and
resources to these problems. Nonetheless, the future of decentralization is determined
by a number of factors including, but not limited to, the context of globalization, civil
society, popular participation, and central-local relations.