Top Floor Magazine March 2021
Top Floor Magazine March 2021
Top Floor Magazine March 2021
March 2021
Gigi - Lesslee & London
Michelle renee
The players
Jeff Pobst
Deputy editor
IG: @jeffpobst
Craig Visionz
I absolutely love capturing beauty
on camera be it an awesome
landscape or a person.
Honey West
She was born in Hollywood,
california for real! yes,
Hollywood is a real place!), and
Grew up closely following the
entertainment world and the sexy,
wild people in it. she's had a blast
interviewing performers in the
adult industry, covering news,
writing reviews and much more.
General Offices: 7551 Ladywell Ct Worthington, Ohio 43085 Top Floor Magazine assumes no responsibility to return
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treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and material will be subject to Top Floor
Magazine’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. All persons were 18 years of age or older at the time of
creation of content. Records required by 2257 title 18 are maintained by the publisher at 7551 Ladywell Ct Worthington,
Ohio 43085. Top Floor Magazine and the TFM logo are marks of Top Floor Magazine. No part of this book may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying or
recording means or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publisher. Any similarity between the people and
places in the fiction and semi-fiction in this publication and any real people and places is purely coincidental. For credits,
see the back inside page of this publication. Published in U.S.A
19 basketball movies ii
20 The Y Factor
21 TFM Headliner
28 Jenny Talk
37 Jokes
38 Sexual Astrology
12 On the cover
Recently engaged
former Bachelor star
Lucy Aragon had a
little topless time on
the beach.
Following 78 666
Total 3 5
Past Playmates
Nicole Marie Lenz Playmate of the Month March 2000
Nicole was born in 1980, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Laura Lenz, a secretary and Theodore Lenz, a
contractor. She was raised in North Royalton and has a younger sister named Emilie. She's of mixed
Swiss, German, English, and Italian ancestry. Lenz was raised in a small town in North Eastern Ohio.
Lenz's great grandfather was responsible for the architecture of the Terminal Tower, a landmark
skyscraper located on Public Square in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. - wikipedia
Space Jam
The aliens steal the powers of NBA basketball
players, including Larry Bird (Larry Bird) and
Charles Barkley (Charles Barkley) -- so Bugs gets
some help from superstar Michael Jordan
He Got Game
After accidentally killing his wife, leaving his son,
Jesus Shuttleworth (Ray Allen), to fend for himself.
The prison warden approaches Jake with an unusual
offer: He'll be given a week of parole to convince
Jesus to attend the governor's alma mater, with the
promise of a shortened sentence if he succeeds.
Love and Basketball
Monica is ferociously competitive but sometimes
becomes overly emotional on the court. Over the
years, the two begin to fall for each other, but their
separate paths to basketball stardom threaten to pull
them apart.
Coach Carter
With tough rules and academic discipline, he
succeeds in setting the players on a winning streak.
But when their grades start to suffer, Carter locks
them out of the gym and shuts down their
championship season.
One on One
A small-town basketball star (Robby Benson) goes to
college and tries to impress his tutor (Annette
O'Toole), teammates and coach (G.D. Spradlin).
Failed college coach Norman Dale (Gene Hackman)
gets a chance at redemption when he is hired to
direct the basketball program at a high school in a
tiny Indiana town.
The Y Factor
Y would someone hire a gardening consultant Hunter Ray Barker said he climbed into the
wading pool filled with bean dip outside Los Toros
for Minecraft?
Mexican Restaurant in Chatsworth at 3 p.m.
Monday because he wanted to support the
March 11 (UPI) -- A British website that reviews
restaurant, which he described as one of his
garden sheds posted a job listing for an unusual
favorites for years.
$70-per-hour position: Minecraft gardening
Baker's 24-hour tenure in the pool coincided with
a block party at the eatery, which featured the
WhatShed said the consultants employed by its
stuntman receiving a tattoo of the restaurant's
Minecraft Gardening Service will lend their video
logo while sitting in the dip.
gaming and garden design skills to Minecraft
players seeking a little help landscaping in the
"Obviously, a stunt like this is ridiculous -- it's
virtual world of the game.
absurd, it's wild, but as with any stunt, I'm always
in favor of something that edges on the side of
"Consultants will be able to lend their expertise for
absurdity if it can celebrate and at least make a
achieving gardening excellence while sticking to
couple of people laugh," Barker told Patch before
the player's Minecoin budget (in-game currency),"
climbing into the bean dip.
the company said.
“If we can get more attention and turn a few more
The website said it is seeking candidates with a
people into lifelong customers, that's what I love
working knowledge of Minecraft and a "creative
about it, too."
Malcolm spent his adolescence living in a series of He was posthumously honored with Malcolm X
foster homes or with relatives after his father's Day, on which he is commemorated in various
death and his mother's hospitalization. He cities across the United States.
engaged in several illicit activities, eventually
being sentenced to 10 years in prison in 1946 for Hundreds of streets and schools in the U.S. have
larceny and breaking and entering. In prison, he been renamed in his honor, while the Audubon
joined the Nation of Islam, adopted the name Ballroom, the site of his assassination, was partly
Malcolm X (to symbolize his unknown African redeveloped in 2005 to accommodate the
ancestral surname), and quickly became one of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and
the organization's most influential leaders after Educational Center.
being paroled in 1952.
We might have been told in the past or it might have been In today's world of confident women, I was not surprised to
taught to us by our elders, that it was not lady like to be learn that many of them fantasize about having an audience
freaky or outspoken about our sexual desires. whilst engaging in sexual acts with a partner. I guess the
idea of knowing that others are getting excited by their
I’m here to tell you that they were wrong! "performance" provides them with a feeling of
A man, not all but most, love a freaky woman!
"Imagining that people are watching me while I'm taking my
You should be open and feel comfortable to communicate partner's manhood into my mouth gives me a feeling of
to your significant other your wants and desires! So send satisfaction because it makes me feel sexier." Perhaps these
your partner that dirty text, that freaky video, send those women feel as though they're participating in an erotic
pictures of your ass and tits! Be open and see how much of movie... speaking abstractly, of course.
a difference it could make to not only your partner but to
yourself! 6. Sexually ravaged
Let’s normalize freakiness! Although most women agreed that they fantasize about
having a master, their role in the scenario differed. Whereas
I’m excited to go through this journey with you and to see some women said that they would surrender to their master's
how we get you to open up and become happier in your demands, others opposed the idea and said that they would
relationship! resist and disobey his commands.
Women’s Top 10 Sexual Fantasies Vicky said, "Having him instruct me on how to lick and suck
his member or at what pace to ride him will make me
10. Strangers in the night orgasm faster than I can say Yes, Master." On the other hand,
Denise interrupted saying, "It depends. In some fantasies I
Many women relish the idea of meeting up with a mystery obey, yet in others I fight him and refuse to do anything he
man and going to some no-name motel with him for a wild says until he finally ties me to the bed and calms me with his
night of uninhibited sex. Sometimes women feel like the rhythmic penetration.”
only people they can truly let loose with are strangers
simply because they won't be judged. And who cares Whew, is it hot in here, or is it just me???
5. I taw, I taw a putty tat
They'll probably never see the beautiful stranger again.
Francine divulged her perspective, "The idea of sharing a Come on, guys, I'm sure you smelled this one coming from
passionate night with a stranger and behaving like a sexual miles away (no pun intended... seriously). Yes, virtually
predator doesn't just sound inviting; it sounds delicious. every woman wants or will share her body with another
And leaving after we're done without even knowing each woman. Are you jealous because you get left out? Don't be,
other's names is the best part.” most of these women want their man to watch them while
they work... or play, as the case may be.
9. The more the merrier
"The idea of touching another soft, hairless body and softly
Group sex was a popular one among the ladies. "The sucking her tongue, amongst other things, seems very
freedom of being nude in front of a bunch of people who erotic," said Sara. Actually that does sound pretty inviting,
are equally exposed, allowing different men and women to but won't it be difficult for you guys to sit in the corner and
touch and penetrate your body simultaneously is incredibly just watch? After all, these women don't want you to
erotic.” participate -- okay, one of them did.
Now don't mistakenly assume that all women want to 4. Leave a good tip.
engage in group intercourse, and gather up all your
buddies for your next date (unless, of course, she asks you Keeping in mind that the women interviewed are
to). professionals with commendable careers, some of them
fantasized about being strippers, while others took things a
8. Who's your daddy? step further and imagined being prostitutes. Obviously, the
fantasy is romanticized beyond belief because the life of
If there's one thing that women are dying to do, it's either is not so glamorous that women would opt to have it
dominate a man like never before. The creative ideas that as a career choice.
flowed from this topic were quite interesting, to say the
least. They included:
"While I'm performing a lap dance for my customer, he 1. Ooh, my virgin ears
hands me a $100 bill and requests that I perform the lap
dance... minus his pants," Tina boldly stated. When I Although saying "rape fantasy" sounds somewhat
asked Amber about her prostitution fantasy, she said, unthinkable, that's exactly what most women call it. They
want to play the innocent, naive, unknowing little girl who
"The gentleman would pick me up in his expensive car
gets taken advantage of by the devious, predator-like man.
and I would ride him in the driver's seat in some dingy
back alley. He would pay me my fee and I'd be on my Forcibly pushing her against the wall and "pinning my arms
way.” above my head with one hand while the other hand has
made its way under my skirt and is fondling my vagina,"
3. Two can chew received nods of approval by all the women in the room.
Andrea went even further expecting the man to "rip off my
Most men enjoy being spoiled by two women who fawn clothes, force open my legs, penetrate me, and concurrently
over them simultaneously. In the same instance, women asmear my lipstick all over my face with his forceful kiss."
also fantasize about having two men all over their Hmmm, interesting.
bodies. Some wanted a more gentle erotic scene, while
Guys, please keep in mind that these are fantasies; don't
the rare few wanted porno-like sex.
read this article and take it as a reason to get medieval on
your women. The reason fantasies are so cherished is
One of the most interesting statements regarding two because the majority of them will never be realized.
men was having one penetrate her while the other licked
her clitoris. It sounds virtually impossible (especially if So have you ever heard any of these before? Or better yet,
the guys are not bisexual), but nevertheless intriguing. have you ever participated in any of them? Women of the
new millennium have established their position in this
Other good ones include having two guys perform sexually charged environment... and I mean that exactly
cunnilingus simultaneously, or having one guy perform how it sounds.
oral sex while the other sucks on her breasts. Oh, and
this goes on for hours by the way.
2. Strap me on
which operated flawlessly under
Boyfriend 5.0. In addition,
Husband 1.0 uninstalled many
other valuable programs, such as
Romance 9.5 and Personal
Attention 6.5 and then installed
undesirable programs such as NFL
A husband suspected his 5.0, NBA 3.0, and Golf Clubs 4.1.
wife was cheating on him. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs,
He explained his situation to and Housecleaning 2.6 simply
a pet shop owner who replied, "I crashes the system. I've tried
have a parrot that will let you running Nagging 5.3 to fix these
know daily what goes on in your problems, but to no avail. What
house. The bird has no legs, so he can I do?
holds onto his perch with his
penis." Reluctantly, the husband Signed, Desperate
brought the bird home. At the
end of the first day, the man Dear Desperate, First keep in
asked the bird, "Did anything mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an
happen today?" The parrot said, Entertainment Package, while
"Yes, the milk man came over." The Husband 1.0 is an Operating
man asked, "What did he do with System. Please enter the
my wife?" The bird said, "I don’t command "! http: I Thought You
know; I got hard and fell." Loved Me.html" and try to
download Tears 6.2 and don't
Stan is seconds away from forget to install the Guilt 3.0
receiving a vasectomy when his update. If that application works
brother and sister-in-law barge as designed, Husband 1.0 should
in holding their newborn baby. then automatically run the
"Stop! You can't do this!" applications Jewelry 2.0 and
exclaims the brother. "And why Flowers 3.5. But remember
not?" asks Stan. "Don't you want overuse of the above application
to have a beautiful baby can cause Husband 1.0 to default
someday? Like my wife and I have to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour
here?" Stan says nothing. The 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very
brother grows impatient, "C'mon bad program that will download
Stan, I want a nephew. Stan, the Snoring Loudly Beta.
make me an uncle." Stan can’t Whatever you do, DO NOT install
take it anymore. He gives his Mother-in-law 1.0 (it runs a virus
sister-in-law an apologetic look in the background that will
and asks his brother, "You're eventually seize control of all
sure you want a nephew?" "Yes," your system resources). Also, do
the brother replies. "It would be not attempt to reinstall the
an honor." "Well, Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are
congratulations, you're holding unsupported applications and will
Him.” crash Husband 1.0. In summary,
Husband 1.0 is a great program,
Dear Tech Support, Last year I You might consider buying
upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to additional software to improve
Husband 1.0 and noticed a memory and performance. We
distinct slow down in overall recommend! Food 3.0 and
system performance -- HotLingerie 7.7. good luck tech
particularly in the support
Sexual Astrology Libra - If you are sensitive or affected by the reaction
of a relative, a friend, a loved one or even your mate,
above all control your imagination, otherwise you run
the risk of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Don't
MarcH 2021 evade the situations or people responsible for your
sensitivity, but simply reflect on the real meaning of that
Aries - You will be direct, exempt and spontaneous in experience and how to respond to it.
expressing your emotional states and your feelings, but
don't go to extremes of ardor, fits of anger, or try to
impose on your loved ones. Try to be a little more Scorpio - If you project this psychic energy toward
respectful, amiable and affectionate in your emotional someone you love and have full confidence in him/her,
expressions, avoiding at all cost abruptness and then that energy is strengthened, exalted and sublimated.
cultivating amiability. If you soften your emotional In that way, your increased vital energy will allow you
expressions, it is much more probable that your family to have a clearer conscience.
and loved ones will be more receptive toward what you
say or suggest to them. On the other hand, if you act in a Sagittarius - During the time of this transit you are
hard way, they will close up and will be put on the going to have a great need for love, intimacy and
defensive. understanding. To channel these feelings properly it is
necessary to live, experience and practice that "to
Taurus - If you are married or have children, it is a receive one must give". In other words, don't take on a
good time to guarantee your personal individual passive attitude waiting for others to approach you and
integration with your family environment, living the fact kiss you, embrace you or express that they want you.
that "the personal path of evolution starts in the family".
You see that by emitting noble energies, the energies
returned to you are also of high and protective character. Capricorn - Perhaps you also want to show off your
It is a good time to try and make your household a mate socially, seeking personal grandeur. Without a
bright spot, full of warmth, conscience and protection. doubt, you are proud of your mate, but it is also
At least, at this time it is very clear to you that even advisable to apply the virtues of balance and simplicity
attempting it is worth the trouble, and that success can in this sense.
be achieved with a little effort.
Aquarius - Now it is vital for you, as well as your
Gemini - This astrological aspect lasts only a few days, companion, to have emotional stability in your intimate
but on occasion it's effect can be felt in a palpable way. relationship. You prefer serene and quiet emotional
Your sensuality and your ability to love are increased states, and deep inner concern. You don't want excessive
now, making you more intense with greater depth and passion at this time, as this could lead to scenes of
creative energy. It is a personal cycle that can serve you jealousy or flaws of character that are not yet surpassed.
to intensively fuse with your mate. You opt for a progressively evolving relationship,
making an effort to correct every flaw.
Cancer - This is a good time to openly express your
feelings so that you will be totally sincere with yourself Pisces - It is a good time to live, study and practice
and with your loved one. Sharing is being open to new total integration in your affectionate relationship, where
realities, and opening up is necessary for a confident and the body, the psyche and the mind collaborate toward the
respectful environment. Putting these qualities into same end: fusion, and as a result evolution. Enjoy
practice will prove that boredom and monotony do not yourself intensely and become aware of each instant,
exist in real love. since true love is bound to the full awareness of each
act, each gesture, each feeling and each thought.
Leo - Sensually, you now tend to be very passionate,
spontaneous and ardent in the manifestation of your
emotions, which will increase the level of energy
exchange between you and your companion. This
generates greater inner security in you as well as your
partner and greater ability to contend with the daily
• Pages 4 & 5 photos used for the purpose of commentary in compliance with copyright laws.
• Page 6 Model of the Month featuring Gigi courtesy of Jayberry Tech Photography
• Pages 9 -11 photos used for the purpose of commentary in compliance with copyright laws.
• Pages 18-21 photos used for the purpose of commentary in compliance with copyright laws.
• Pages 28-30 photos used for the purpose of commentary in compliance with copyright laws.
T O P F L O O R M A G A Z I N E March 2021