Exotic 2007 09

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Issue #11 • Volume 1 • Number 0
September 00

Copyright © 00
All rights reserved.
Published monthly by XMAG LLC.
Circulation: ,000 per month at fucking for the earth
00+ sites by samara t. pants
Mailing Address:
1 SW rd Avenue, Suite 1
page 1
Portland, Oregon 0
Telephone: 0.1.1
Fax: 0.1.0
Email: xmag@qwest.net


Exotic Online: www.xmag.com


General Manager
Bryan A. Bybee adventure with big red goad
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John R. Voge

Production / Design Guru



Graphic Design

Darkstar Graphics
Daniel “Rally Sport” Raffel
the go-go’s get some balls!
Contributing Photographers
Carl Geers • London Lunux by statutory ray
Adam (0) 0-
Mariah (0) -01 (ESCORTS)


Enrico Carrisco • Adam

Spooky X • Jim Goad
J Mack • Elektra Luxx • Rob Butler
Mark Wasyl • Samara T. Pants the art of mark wasyl
Amber S. • Statutory Ray
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Cover Photography

Cover Model
Victoria from Union Jacks

Exotic is not liable for any images of models used by advertisers to promote products
or services. Rights and releases are the sole responsibility of the advertisers. All
persons appearing in photos are over the age of 1. One copy of each edition of Exotic DRAG/ROCK PG. 
is available free to any person each month. Anyone removing magazines in bulk will
be prosecuted on theft charges to the fullest extent of the law. Any reproduction of
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is forbidden by law. In scientific case studies, reading Exotic magazine has caused
certain undesirable side effects. Possible side effects include headache, dizziness,
mild nausea, diahrrea, vomiting, rash, itching, hives, swelling of the lips and face,
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hair growth, hand tremors, gum swelling, higher blood pressure, increase in cho-
lesterol level, altered kidney function, swollen gums, acne, weight gain, blood in the
urine, fluid retention, drowsiness, irritability, behavior changes, oily anal discharges,
premature ejaculation, complete penile dysfunction, lupus, sleep apnea, lyme
disease and certain strains of knee-jerk, violent, right-wing republican behavior.
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Generally, ecosexuals are militant vegetarians or vegans who
live a pro-environment lifestyle. Some ecosexuals refuse to use
latex condoms because latex is made with a milk enzyme,
violating veganism. There are dating sites devoted to the
ecosexual love adventure, where some ecosexual vegetar-
ians claim that they taste better than normal humans.
Supposedly, their body doesn’t expel as many toxins as a
meat-eater’s would. You might find an ecosexual surfing
a website like vegporn.com while masturbating with
celery or flogging their partner with a leek in a dying
forest. (Publisher’s note: Since Captain Kirk fucked
green chicks….did that make him ecosexual?)
Green what? Green THAT? I know what you’re thinking and it’s not
exactly green. It’s dead and bloody, right? “Think green!” or “Green
The Tree Fucker
Somewhere out there exist people who love to stick it to trees.
[something]” may just be the definitive buzz phrases of the decade. What sappy hole doesn’t look appetizing? That’s not where this
You’ve seen these terms thrown into every sphere of human activity is going, though. What do exist out there as a force to be reck-
lately, thanks to the mass popularity brought on by “activists” such oned with are people who screw for trees. Like FuckForForest.com
as Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore. Even anti-hippies are on the band- (FFF), a porn site that sells porn to raise awareness of forest
degradation and to create an uproar against nasty paper-pro-
wagon with campaigns, declaring their hatred for stinky, Earth-bred
duction industries. FFF was started by an eco-activist couple a
dryads, but love for the Earth. Save the Earth. The Earth is important. few years ago. Through their sexy eco-activism (eco-porn), the
But how? Check your pockets; you got some serious dough, power, or site has raised more than $100,000 for rain-forest protection.
a green thumb in there? No, me neither. Wait, but what do you have in Unfortunately, the couple has had a hard time giving the money
that pocket? Something long and hard. Yes, a cock might be useful. away to charities because of their extremely public sexual activi-
Let’s save the world with our sex! But first, the green-sex trifecta: ties. They were both charged $1,500 after preaching a pro-tree
platform at a concert, asking a 5,000-member audience how
The Disease far they would go to save forests, and then continuing to mate
Mother Earth is obviously pissed off at some humans if she’s openly while a heavy-metal band played in the background.
throwing diseases and cancer all over us plastic-advocat- Can hippies be metal, too?
ing destructives. It seems like we can’t even cook a plastic-
wrapped burrito without getting cancer these days. Sex toys Maybe these eco-problems don’t seem too important to you.
are having some similar problems. Reportedly, some of the That’s OK; we have the earth-given right to be complete ass-
materials, specifically the phthalates (FAY-lates) in sex toys, can holes. If you want to make some chang-
cause cancer and even impair your sex organs. Is that burrito es, here is a simple guide to follow.
looking good? Most sex toys (especially the jelly-like toys) are
made of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC). Phthalates are a family of Samara T. Pants’
compounds made from alcohols and phthalic anhydride that is green sex guide:
incorporated into PVC for pliability and softness—the reason
your dildo can hit that special spot. It is relatively well-known 1. Have sex with organic
that phthalates cause major damage to animals, but the poten- vegetables.
tial for human harm is still under some speculation. Because
of the controversy, some have made steps against its use, like 2. Eat the vegetarians.
the European Union, which recently banned the use of PVC in 3. If you don’t want to
baby products. PVC disposal and production has been an issue have kids and don’t
with humans and the Earth for a long time now because of a mind cancer, use jelly
harmful dioxin that is released when PVC is created, recycled, dildos.
or burned. Body heat, agitation, and shelf-life of PVC sex toys
could stimulate similar releases of phthalates. Phthalates are 4. Watch tree
also lipophilic, or attracted to fat. If this is of concern, you can porn, all porn is
find PVC-free sex toys at Ravens Gallery Erotic, which special- good porn.
izes in selling only green sex products.
5. Try to
The Ecosexual avoid
pissing off
Metrosexuals are out and ecosexuals are in. Ecosexual is a
recent term that implies completely organic dating standards; Earth.
a subculture of sexual adults who check meat-eaters and non-
exotic magazine
eco-friendly people off
| their Fuck List andexotic
xmag.com refusemagazine | xmag.com6. Screw,
to date anyone
that doesn’t follow their strict green lifestyle. If you don’t use for trees’
organic lube, you can forget about getting laid by an ecosexual. sake!
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September 2007 Saturday, Sept. 15th with a Texas-style BBQ buffet and prizes for the best bikini
bull riders and the guys who can ride it the longest (yes, guys, it’s all about how

hat’s it, kids—summer’s over. Soon the rain returns, and long you last, that’s why she left you), plus a bare-bottom chaps contest. You can
also experience Oregon’s first Kava Bar (Kava is Piper Methysticum…piper is Latin
you’ll be ditching the beaches, the river-rafting trips, and for pepper and methysticum is
Sunday sailing expeditions to return to the sweet embrace Greek for intoxicating), which is an
of the blacklit sanctuaries of your neighborhood strip clubs. ancient crop of the Western Pacific.
Not to mention…it’s game on, bitches…football is back! Doesn’t And don’t forget…Monica Mayhem
will be appearing on Wednesday,
make the rain sound so bad now, does it? Don’t worry, though… Sept. 19th.
all the lovely and exotic ladies will forgive you for neglecting You can follow MONICA MAYHEM
them this summer; just don’t forget who’s always there for you, Monica to Stars
Beaverton for her show on
come rain or shine, in the City of Roses…the stripper is Queen Thursday, Sept. 20th, where you
all year long. Let’s get on with it, shall we? can “Fly Away Daily” with Stars
Cabaret as they offer airline-

IN THE CLUBS ticket giveaways to anywhere in

the USA. It’s always a hot time at
After weeks of competition at Cabaret I and II, it’s time to congratulate the “Friday Fire” shows by Miss
Miss Cabaret Oregon of 2007, Starlett. Stop by and see for yourself how Ty Fyre and Miss Germany. Plus
she earned that title, and while you’re there you can check out the return of shower shows every Saturday
Monday Night Football on their three all-new 50” plasma TVs at Cabaret II. with Reed McClintock magically
The Dolphin clubs have 80’s fever with an “80’s White Trash Night” on appearing for your viewing plea-
Thursday, Sept. 13th @ DI and Thursday, Sept. 20th @ DII. Come dressed sure. And if you somehow man-
in 80’s garb for free cover, beverage specials, and hamburgers and hot dogs aged to miss Monica Mayhem’s
at two for $2. The Dream On Saloon will be hosting their monthly ad girl first three Oregon appearances, get your ass down South quick to Stars Bend
competitions on Thursday, Sept. 20th through Saturday, Sept. 29th, where for one more show on Sept. 22nd.
the winner not only becomes the Exotic magazine ad girl, but she scores $100 Congrats to Victoria of Union Jacks for one badass cover this month.
cash to boot. Over at DV8, be sure to stop by for the birthday debauchery You finally got the damn thing, girl! Check her out in person along with all
in September starting on Saturday the 8th with “The King of Jager” and his the rest of Ilya’s Angels at one of the few strip clubs in Portland I actually
shot-glass posse @ 9pm, then on Friday the 28th, Jim and his friends cel- called home (’til they found out I was sleeping on the patio).
ebrate in the style of the flats starting @ 9pm. Also, look for their pool tour-
naments every Saturday starting @ 7pm with cash prizes and more.
One club I definitely miss come football season is Jody’s Bar and Grill,
where “Monday Night Football” starts on Monday, Sept. 10th @ 4pm with ELSEWHERE
a free buffet and prizes. Later in the month you can check out Wendy and Romeo’s V.I.P. Club is now open until 4am Fridays and Saturdays for your
Rachel’s NASCAR Sunday Schedule event on Sunday, Sept. 23rd @ 11am for late-night pleasures, with half-price specials on shows throughout September.
a free buffet and awesome giveaways. Soobie’s will be proudly displaying Be on the lookout for three new locations coming soon with investment, fran-
all the UFC fights on their new big screens, and you can check out the best chise, management, and modeling positions available—call (503) 990-9809.
lunch special in town from 11am-2pm provided by their revamped kitchen Welcome to Velour, an all-new lingerie modeling shop located at 17030
management. And down the way a bit you won’t wanna miss the Pallas’s SE McLoughlin Blvd open Sun.-Thurs. 10am-2am and Fri.-Sat. 10am-3am.
Princess of the Jungle Jell-O Wrestling tournaments on Friday, Sept. 28th Models wanted, call (503) 358-1334 for more info.
and Saturday, Sept. 29th. Come check out the largest selection of current magazine titles and mag
Speaking of jungles…Safari Showclub welcomes Australia’s finest hottie, packs in town at Area 69. While you’re at it, why not get an early start on
Monica Mayhem, appearing one night only on Friday, Sept. 21st. You can also your Halloween costume shopping by visiting FascinationsHalloween.com?
score yourself $6 filet mignon on Monday through Saturday from 11am-3pm plus Over at Taboo Video, September is Free DVD Month at all stores. Spend
a free Texas Hold ’Em and $6 buffet every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. $40 at any store and get a free DVD, and for the ladies only, mark your cal-
It’s kind of funny writing this stuff for me, for those of you who don’t know…I’m endar for The Taboo Toy Party and Heaven’s Closet Fashion Show at Ace of
a five-year veteran of the Portland skin trade that moved up north to start a new Hearts on Wednesday, Sept. 12th @ 7pm. Feeling left out, guys? Well, why
magazine, but for some reason, here I am like some ghost trapped in sinful limbo not check out the action at The Ace of Hearts Gang Bang Party Sunday, Sept.
still haunting you in this column. But even though I’m not there, I gotta tip my 9th from 6pm-1am and Thursday, Sept. 27th from 8pm-2am?
hat to the gang at Stars for coming up with an endless flow of ideas to keep you That’s all for now, Portland. I mean, Jesus, is that not enough? What more
guys entertained. Shit, sometimes,
exotic magazine | xmag.com the stuff I write here almost makes me miss
exotic magazine | xmag.comit! must we do to entertain you people, for crissakes? Actually, don’t answer
Stars Salem gives the Coyote Ugly treatment an X rating with “Boots N Babes” on that…you people scare me. Until next time, see ya at the rack.

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was busy sorting through hate mail and money-transfer the legend himself, Paul has been “singing these songs since (he) was a little
boy in the shower” and needed zero assistance remembering even the most
scams when I noticed an email from my editor. “Hey, Ray, obscure Go-Go’s songs. But enough about little boys in showers. Practice after
there’s this all-male tribute band to the Go-Go’s called We practice, gig after gig, Paul proved that he was born to sing “Our Lips Are
Got the Meat and they’ve been messaging XMag online. Why Sealed” in drag.
For WGTM, destiny and fate are more than
don’t you find out more about them?” stripper names. Backstage after a perfor-
Initially, I planned on redeeming last month’s spite-filled column with mance in Las Vegas, WGTM was introduced
a more shallow, surface-level review of a few local bands. We Got the Meat to Belinda Carlisle of the Go-Go’s. Beads of
(WGTM) sounded gimmicky enough, and I figured that a “Steve plays bass, sweat poured out of David’s skin, each one
Ron plays guitar, the band has been around for six years...” type article, add with its own worry. Lawsuits? Criticism? A
filler, would work fine. I mean, there really can’t be that much to a Go-Go’s kick to the nuts? These are all things that
tribute band, and a few paragraphs would probably be pushing it. the Go-Go’s have never had to worry
Before I point out how ass-reamingly wrong my impression of “just about, and now the queen of the
another tribute band” was, I apologize to any other bands that were prom- pack is making her way into the
ised a spot in September’s Exotic (there’s always next month). Now that I’ve bar as David slowly sinks into real-
covered the basics, let me state in print that WGTM is not a tribute band; ity. Soon after, WGTM began their
they are the tribute band. Aside from becoming personal friends with Belinda downward spiral into drugs DAVID...RHYTHM
Carlisle from the Go-Go’s, being featured as an answer (question) on and depression.
Jeopardy, establishing an extremely devoted fanbase, and even Again, I’m fucking kidding.
scoring a spot in Spin magazine, WGTM has what so many local In an ironic twist, the meeting of WGTM and Belinda Carlisle ended
bands fail to achieve: success. In my fifteen years of sneaking up in a continuing close friendship between the two bands. From
into venues and throwing pennies at bassists, I have never met pet names in emails to shout-outs in liner notes, WGTM and the Go-
a more serious group. Go’s actually get along quite well. So far, not one lawsuit has emerged
By “serious,” I’m not talking (sans the 2002 school shootings in Lutz, FL, which were origi-
egos and coke habits (although nally blamed on the Go-Go’s but have since been pinned on
it is worth mentioning that, Bananarama), and there is now a two-way street of fandom
according to WGTM, one of the mem- between the masters and the apprentices.
bers of the Go-Go’s spent their
entire ten grand sign-on check
IAN...BASS Taking a few sentences to cover the dry, boring bases of
any music column, WGTM has
on blow, which may explain the performed dozens of shows
story behind Vacation). Formed by in their six-plus years of per-
guitarist David and a buddy forming. There are no WGTM
of his that is no longer associated albums available, but merchandise
PAUL...VOCALS with the band, WGTM has a history sells like crack-laced hotcakes.
that parallels even the Make sure to check out www.
most notorious wegotthemeat.com for the latest on
musicians. Dave WGTM. Clowns and hot dogs for
and friend started the kids, offer void in Kentucky.
the band to have As many Exotic readers know
fun. Supposedly, only the from last month’s article (or
current bassist Ian and drummer Jason will see in next month’s
have a history with “real” bands. However, Dave et al. Tales), I tend to come
quickly learned that Go-Go’s songs are quite complex. off as a complete prick
For instance, when the Go-Go’s first started, they thought who thinks he knows JEFF...LEAD GUIT
that songs of any genre require that all seven chords goddamned everything AR
be used. Even an “experienced” musician (more about music. Trust me, I
quotes?) such as myself will admit that the term was ready to rip these guys
“progressive rock” doesn’t associate itself with a a new one. However, WGTM
song that rotates between “yeah, yeah, hey” and
proves the jaded critic wrong in
“hey, yeah, yeah.” Apparently I couldn’t be any every aspect. Talent, respect from their elders, and
further from the truth. dedication. WGTM has what most other Portland bands will never see. Even
After crossing the first obstacle to infamy—that being talent—Dave and vegans will learn to love The Meat.
company realized that WGTM was more than a hobby. By this point, a couple
of lead singers had already come and gone. The first, according to Dave, was
“Ian Curtis does chick rock,” as the lead singer resembled Joy Division’s and
added a not-so-much-needed touch of wrist-slitting and clove cigarettes to
the band. Next up was a local Portland DJ who, according to the band, had
problems prioritizing his ego, personal drama, and band practices. He’d prob-
ably get a boner if his name was printed in Exotic, so we’ll save a zipper some
wear. After several other attempts at finding a lead singer proved worthless,
the band began its downward spiral into drugs and depression.
Well, not really, but it sounds like a fucking VH1 special, doesn’t it?
David decided to go online to the Go-Go’s website (which links WGTM on
the main page)magazine
exotic and posted|a xmag.com
bulletin in the message-board section. Within
exotic magazine | xmag.com
hours, “Paulinda” responded. Not just another casual Go-Go’s fan, Paul showed
up to practice ready to rock, and when Dave offered up the lyric sheets to him,
Paul replied with a look that defined the phrase, “bitch, please.” According to
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1: HOT

s it just me, or does it seem like you plugged in! So MAJR D
the summer flew by quick as hell? many local artists
have some hot shit
Even though it went by faster than right now, but there
a crackhead running from a pit, there aren’t that many
were still some live-ass functions outlets for them to
poppin’! In this month’s column, I’ll give perform at. That’s
you the scoop on some of the jointz I all about to change!
Holla at ya boyeeee!
checked out. There’s also a new spot
for the grown & sexy folks in the hood
that’s a real breath of fresh air for
those that enjoy live music! Plus Mack’s MC Spotlight
This month it shines brightly on a true hip-hop hustler
I have an exclusive interview with by the name of MAJR D. This cat stays on the grind
MAJR D for y’all to peep. Not only that, 24/7, and I caught up with him the other day to get the
my Honey of the Month is a Full Tilt Rider! scoop on his career. Here’s how that interview went:
Roll it, seal it, spark it up, and let’s go….
J: For those out there that may not know you yet, where are you
First Up…“Highlights of a Fast Summer” from and how long have you been doing ya thang?
One of the shows that I gotta give props to was the live MAJR D: I’m straight out the 503 and I’ve been doing it real serious
performance that DJ Quik gave at the Greek Cusina. for the last five years.
Accompanied by AMG, Quik put on a stellar performance for the J: How did you come up with your name?
packed house. When he went onstage, there were still people in line MAJR D: Actually, man, my partner Tnutty from Sacramento gave
outside the Greek waiting to get in. He did some of his old-school me the name. That’s my homie and we both been doing thangs for
classics as well as his new joints! The crowd was rockin’ to every a while.
joint that he dropped! Even though there was half a million police in J: What do you feel separates you
front of the club, the evening jumped off without any incidents at all! from a lot of other MCs and hip-
Another highlight of my summer occurred at Stars in Beaverton. If hop artists out there?
my memory serves me correctly, it was a hot Thursday night, and I MAJR D: My music, ’cause I do it
was rollin’ with my to death! Then I advertise on televi-
partna’ Mohammad. sion and word of mouth! I’m origi-
We were posted nal and I give people real art!
DJ QUIK up in the VIP when J: What do you have coming
the DJ announced, up where people can check you
“Coming to the stage out at?
MAJR D: On September 14th, 2007,
next is our very
special guest, Little I’m doing it real big with my guy Celly Cell, 1st Degree, and Chris Ray.
Pixie!” When I looked It’s an all-ages show, and the ladies are free before 10:30pm. It’s goin’
toward the stage down at the Hawthorne Theater, located at 1507 S.E. 39th.
to check her out, I J: If my readers need any further info on you, your music, and your
tripped out that she shows, how can they get at ya?
was a midget. Not MAJR D: They can hit me at majrd.com or on myspace at www.
only that, man, this chick had ass! I had never in my life scene any- myspace.com/majrd. I also got beats and verses for sale!
thing like that before! Little Pixie stands a tad bit over three feet tall J: That’s whatz up man, and I’ll see you at the show!
and was workin’ the stage like it was nothing! She was on the pole MAJR D. 4sho, man and thanks for looking out.
and everything! Her whole rack was completely full with people that
were buggin’ out just as hard as I was! They were making it rain all
over her for the entire set. I was still trippin’ off the size of her ass! Honey of the Month
Everything was tiny except for that! 4Real! Little Pixie definitely had it This is the sexy Asia Voo, who happens to be a member of the
on and crackin’ that night…big ups, girl! motorcycle club “Full Tilt Riders”! I dig that a lot. Keep it poppin’,
love, and give ya boy a spin sometime, aiyite? Congrats on being
the September 2007 Honey of the Month!
Next Up …“P shaw’s Caribbean Grill”
This spot has it all, from a cool mixture of people to some of the best
Caribbean food in town! Then on top of that, the “Live Music” is the Whatz Crackin’ Sponsors
breath of fresh air that North Portland has been needing for a long 503girls.com…the flyest adult website in the whole damn town!
time! I’m currently hosting a night at P shaw’s called “Sound Stage” Keep doing ya thang, “B”! And thanks for hookin’ up whatzcrackin.
every Thursday with Twin Life. We both perform live each week and com for me, fam! … Heaven’s Closet…giving the ladies that sexy
open the stage to local artists that want to get down! On Friday night gear that us men love to see ’em in!
my fam Big Dubb aka William Travis has it crackin’ with “Music
& Martinis.” They give away free appetizers with every drink pur-
chased. That’s
exotic love! On| Saturdays
magazine xmag.comit’s a big exotic
phat dance xmag.comUntil next month, y’all keep it crackin’!
party| with
the Slushie Saturday Happy Hour from 4pm until 8pm, with DJ Socc
holdin’ it down with straight cutz! If you’re interested in performing One Love,
at P shaw’s, hit me up @ www.myspace.com/mrjmack, and I’ll get J.Mack
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02 The Miss U’s @ Dante’s
Les Flaneurs @ Ash Street
Kittie, It Dies Today, Silent Civilian, Bring Me The
Horizon @ Hawthorne Theatre
03 Sage Francis @ Aladdin Theater
04 Dirty Tuesdays @ Dante’s
Stereo Total with guest Octopus Project @ Wonder
Back Door Slam, Marcus Eaton @ Berbati’s Pan
05 Exotic Presents: Xotica-Go-Go @ Dante’s
Drumattica & Xotica Go-Go @ Dante’s
Rose Hill Drive, Titans of Oblivion & Mars Hall @
Berbati’s Pan
Evelyn Champagne King, Rose Royce, Tony Toni Tone Rezurex @ Dante’s Sham 69 @ Hawthorne Theatre
@ Crystal Ballroom The Randies @ Ash Street Party Killer @ Ash Street
Crowded House & Pete Yorn @ Alene Schnitzer Devendra Banhart @ Crystal Ballroom Ryan Shaw @ Lola’s

09 Gang Bang Party @ Ace of Hearts

Megadeth, In This Moment & The Confession @
Roseland Theater
Greasy Kid Stuff @ Wonder Ballroom
10 Monday Night Football @ Jody’s
Colbie Caillat & Dirty Martini @ Crystal Ballroom
Grayskul CD Release, Mr. Lif, Eligh @ Berbati’s Pan
Muse & Juliette and The Licks @ Theater of the
11 Dirty Tuesdays @ Dante’s
Cartel, The Honorary Title & Weatherbox @ Roseland Theater
Bebel Gilberto with Forro in the Dark @ Aladdin Theater
Deas Vail @ Hawthorne Theatre
12 Exotic Presents: Xotica-Go-Go @ Dante’s
Heaven’s Closet Fashion Show @ Ace of Hearts
Dinosaur Jr., Band of Horses @ Crystal Ballroom

Rum Rebellion @ Ash Street Clouds

Wolf Parade @ Crystal Ballroom The Richard Thompson Band @ Aladdin Theater
Megadeth in This Moment @ Roseland

16 Animal Collective, Wizard Prison & Eric Copeland @

Roseland Theater
The New Pornographers, Lavender Diamond @
Crystal Ballroom
17 Two Gallants, Blitzen Trapper & Songs for Moms @
Berbati’s Pan
18 Dirty Tuesdays @ Dante’s
Cannibal Corpse, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Red
Chord, Goatwhore & Aeon @ Roseland Theater
William Elliott Whitmore @ Dante’s
19 Exotic Presents: Xotica-Go-Go @ Dante’s
Australia’s “Monica Mayhem” @ Stars Salem
Biffy Clyro & Ra Ra Riot @ Berbati’s Pan
The Melvins, Big Business @ Wonder Ballroom
That 1 Guy & Sinferno Cabaret @ Dante’s Low Red Land @ Ash Street
NW Nerdcore @ Ash Street Peter Bjorn & John @ Crystal Ballroom

23 Wendy & Rachel’s Nascar Sunday @ Jody’s

Against Me, Matt and Kim & David Dondero @ Roseland Theater
Ike Reilly Assassination & Sinferno Cabaret @ Dante’s
Guster @ Crystal Ballroom
24 25 Dirty Tuesdays @ Dante’s
The Legendary Shack Shakers @ Dante’s
26 Exotic Presents: Xotica-Go-Go @ Dante’s
Paolo Nutini @ Roseland Theater

30 Elvis B-Day Party @ Ash Street

01 The Real McKenzies, Rum Rebellion, Holyshitrs,
Dynamite 8 @ Dante’s
School of Rock: Classic Metal @ Berbati’s Pan
Horror Pops, The Briggs, Steve E Nix & The Cute
Lepers @ Hawthorne Theatre
The Watson Twins with guest Dolorean @ Wonder

06 MFNW: Rocky Erickson, The Nice Boys, Pure Country

Gold @ Berbati’s Pan
B-Side Players & Salvador Santana @ Dante’s
Lima Charlie @ Ash Street
07 Music Fest NW: Brian Jonestown Massacre, Dimmer,
The Hugs @ Berbati’s Pan
MFNW: The Fucking Champs, Red Fang, Goddamn
Gentlemen @ Dante’s
08 Covergirl Poster Signing @ Union Jacks
The King of Jäger @ DV8
MFNW: Richmond Fontaine, The Minus 5, Patterson
Hood @ Dante’s
The Voodoo Organist @ Mt. Tabor Legacy Rilo Kiley @ Crystal Ballroom MFNW: Okkervil River, Jason Lytle of Grandaddy @
Spoon @ Crystal Ballroom Floater, Sky Cries Mary, Pistola @ Roseland Berbati’s Pan
MFNW: Aesop Rock, Blue Scholars & Sand People MFNW: Lifetime, Shook Ones, Sinking Ships, Thermals @ Crystal Ballroom

13 80s White Trash Night @ Dolphin I

Polly Panic, Lowen Bad, LKN, Merch @ Berbati’s Pan
Sixers @ Ash Street
The Paperboys @ Hawthorne Theatre
14 Major D + Celly Cell @ Hawthorne Theatre
Lily Allen with DJ Aaron Le Crate @ Crystal Ballroom
Thor & The Punk Group @ Dante’s
The Vibrators @ Ash Street
15 Boots ‘N’ Babes @ Stars Salem
Armor For Sleep & Sherwood @ Crystal Ballroom
School of Rock: Freedom Rock @ Berbati’s Pan
SmoochKnob @ Dante’s
Steve Vai & Zack Wiesinger @ Roseland The Academy Is… @ Crystal Ballroom
Medeski Scofield Martin & Wood @ Roseland Theater

20 Australia’s “Monica Mayhem” @ Stars Beaverton

80s White Trash Night @ Dolphin II
“Ad Girl” Contest @ Dream On Saloon (thru 09/29) 21 Australia’s “Monica Mayhem” @ Safari Showclub
No More Kings, Macadam & The Slants @ Dante’s
Snuggle UPS, Copy @ Berbati’s Pan
The Young Immortals @ Ash Street
22 Australia’s “Monica Mayhem” @ Stars Bend
The Miss White Trash 2008 Pageant @ Mt. Tabor Legacy
Prince Vs. Michael Jackson @ Berbati’s Pan
Magic Christians & The Nice Boys @ Dante’s
Mutemath @ Roseland Imperial Teen @ Lola’s
Jonathan Coulton, Paul and Storm @ Mission Theater Daniel Tosh @ Crystal Ballroom
Kathy Mattea @ Aladdin Theater

27 Gang Bang Party @ Ace of Hearts

They Might Be Giants @ Roseland
The Pink Snowflakes @ Ash Street
Paul Van Dyk @ Crystal Ballroom
28 Princess of the Jungle Jello Wrestling Tournament
@ Pallas
Science of Yabra, Drats, Lickety @ Berbati’s Pan
Dick Dale @ Dante’s
29 Princess of the Jungle Jello Wrestling Tournament @ Pallas
Saosin with Norma Jean @ Hawthorne Theatre
The Noisettes @ Dante’s
Fernando, Luther Russel @ Berbati’s Pan
Divining Rods/the Shiny Things @ Ash Street Black Mercies @ Ash Street
Dark Star Orchestra @ Crystal Ballroom The Black Crowes @ Crystal Ballroom
Elvis Perkins in Dearland @ Roseland Theater Bryan Adams @ Rose Quarter
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Guns, guitars, coffins, big boobs, “S”-line hips, and
rockets decorate some of the finest-looking girls
you’ll see in graphics. Mark Wasyl’s Drop Dead Sexy
Pin-ups tempt visually with Barbie-doll dimensions
and sassy attitudes. Dames can only be this hot in
print. Wasyl is based in LA, and his girls are inspired
by everything from Black Sabbath to lowbrow art. They’re sported on all sorts of things, including
skin and T-shirts. More from Wasyl himself:

Who and what inspires your style?

My style is a combination of my background in graphic design combined with my love and admiration for pin-ups, rock ’n’
roll, and street culture. The artists that get me off and inspire me (in no particular order) are Rian Hughes, Ragnar, Pushead,
Coop, J. Scott Campbell, Celia Calle, Shepard Fairy, Ashley Wood, Frazetta, George Petty, Gil Elvgren, Luis Royo, Ryan
McGinness, Olivia, Simon Bisley, and Simone Legno, to name a few.

How do you create your girls?

I used to start off with some pencil sketches, scan them into the computer, and finish them up using Illustrator. Over time I’ve
gotten more and more comfortable skipping the first step of the pencil sketch, and now I just start and finish them in Illustrator.

What is it about pin-up art that attracts you?

Pin-up girls are these unattainable ideals created to hint at all our hidden desires and to drive us crazy. I think at times
pin-ups are hotter than the real thing, except for my wife, of course.

Where are your pictures displayed?

I have my artwork in various art shows and events throughout the year. I just agree to do these shows as they come. I haven’t
made much of a push just yet to get my stuff into galleries. My goal is to at some point get my works printed onto skate
decks, posters, and other merchandise and make it available in retail shops and online stores.

Are your girls based off of real dames?

Most of my girls are just made-up. But when I do use a model as reference, it can be any one of the many fetish models and/
or inked girls out there. I love using girls with just the right amount of attitude, naughtiness, and devilish charm.

What sets your style apart from others?

My approach and choice of medium, possibly. Not that what I’m doing is entirely new, but it’s mixed into an arena where
most pin-up art that we are used to seeing has a more realistic quality. I think my artwork separates itself a bit from the
normal pin-up.

Do you think pin-up art loses something when it is digitalized?

In terms of the physical presentation, sure. You tend to lose the depth and texture of oil paints on a piece of canvas. However,
my canvas prints do look pretty rad in large sizes.

What inspires you to keep your girls so clean?

My clean approach has a lot to do with my graphic-design background as well as just having a great appreciation for simple
composition and clean lines.

Are there any other art mediums that you’ve dabbled in?
Let’s see. Pencils, pen, and ink, colored pencils, markers, and I just started working
with acrylic paints. Expect to see some of my paintings within the next year or so.

What are you working on right now?

I just finished up the designs and illustrations for my next round of shirts and tanks
which will be available through the SikWorld website as well as several retail loca-
tions, like the Hustler Store in Hollywood. Also, I just finished getting some artwork
together for a book that will be published later this year. I’ll be one of several artists
whose artwork will be featured. I’m always working on various pin-ups for my own
portfolio, which can in turn be licensed for mobile wallpapers, shirts, or anything else.

exotic magazine | xmag.com exotic magazine

Wasyl’s | xmag.com
just getting started, so be on the lookout of much to come.
If you like his stuff, you can see more of it at
www.dropdeadsexyPIN-UPS.com or visit his MySpace
at www.myspace.com/mwasyl.
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