Juramento Do Cavaleiro Negro
Juramento Do Cavaleiro Negro
Juramento Do Cavaleiro Negro
At 3rd level a Paladin gains the Sacred Oath Feature. The Wounded Beast
following options are available to a paladin in addition to the Starting at 15th level, you gain advantage on your first attack
ones in the Player's Handbook: the Oath of the Dark Knight. roll each turn if you are at or below half your maximum hit
Oath of the Dark Knight
"Who are you?!" Dark Marshal
At 20th level, as an action you can chill the hearts of your
"That's irrelevant to justice. Your vile deeds are not." enemies more than ever. For 1 minute, you gain these
Often hated by revolutionaries and despots alike, Dark
Knights are committed to stamping out corruption and evil You are immune to psychic damage, and are resistant to
wherever they may lurk. Abusive nobles, demagogues, corrupt bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
officials, and crime lords are all the same to them. You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that
If you're from an order, you might have hundreds of tenets, are Frightened of you.
but the most important are the following ideas. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can choose
Anonymity: The righteous choice will often be unpopular. to force its spirit to linger in anguish for a moment. Any
Do not concern yourself with celebrity. creature of your choice that sees this must make a DC 15
Action: The best thing to do in a crisis is the right thing, the Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of you.
next best is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is Additionally, if a creature is immune to the Frightened
nothing. condition, when you attempt to Frighten them they instead
Integrity: Hold to your principles even if it seems nobody have advantage on the saving throw.
would know- You will.
Volition: Your path is a hard one. By itself, refusing to
follow it is not sufficient grounds to condemn others.
Fear: Those who use fear against the innocent deserve to
be afraid themselves.
Oath Spells
You gain Oath Spells at the Paladin levels listed.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd zephyr strike, burning hands
5th hold person, detect thoughts
9th counterspell, fireball
13th banishment, dimension door
17th immolation, commune
Channel Divinity
Terrible Wrath: You can use your Channel Divinity to exude a
terrifying presence. As an action, you force each creature of
your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes
frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can
repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success.
Zealot's Endurance: As a bonus action, you can use
Channel Divinity to gain temporary hit points equal to twice
your Paladin level. This can also remove the Paralyzed,
Frightened, Charmed, or Petrified conditions from yourself.
Zealot's Fury
At 7th level, you deal extra damage with melee attacks equal
to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, your Divine Smites
count as both radiant and necrotic damage, ignoring
resistances and immunities unless the target is resistant or
immune to both. This manifests as energy resembling green
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