Hemosact A Bloodhunter Rules Expansion
Hemosact A Bloodhunter Rules Expansion
Hemosact A Bloodhunter Rules Expansion
Bloodhunter Expansion
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The Order of the Anti-Mage is a relatively new Order of and sensory overload. A creature branded by has
Bloodhunters, they have realized that the only true monster is disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws made to
man, and it's knack for arcane. Anti-Mage's range in their maintain concentration.
just recognize that magic in the hands of the wrong person is
a recipe for malice and destruction and they seek to prevent Starting at 15th level, your order pushes you to take magic
that. Other Anti-Mages however, have a deep primal disdain from the worthy and use it yourself. You gain the Blood Curse
for magic and become the monsters they hate the most in of the Rebuttal for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not
order to fight fire with fire, these Anti-Mages will go to the count against the number of Blood Maledicts you know.
ends of the multiverse and back to drive their blade into the
heart of any arcane practioner that comes across their path.
Upon reaching 18th level, you cause great pain and anguish
Order of the Anti-Mage Features to the poor soul that wronged you. When a creature is
3rd Rite of the Transmundane, Spell Preventer feature is used, it can't be used again until a long rest.
15th Blood Curse of the Rebuttal monstrous power and abandoned their pursuit of defeating
Rite of the Transmundane. Your rite damage is psychic frighteningly good leaders and lethal adversaries.
You have resistance to psychic and force damage.
When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, you can Level Feature
use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against
3rd Rite of the Transmundane, Spell Preventer
that creature.
You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast 7th Negate the Arcane
by creatures within 5 feet of you
11th Brand of Shattered Concentration
15th Blood Curse of the Rebuttal
Beginning at 3rd level, your order hones you to run the
18th Withering Negation
resources of a spellcaster dry. As an action, you can target a
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damaged to gain resistance to that instance of damage. yourself becomes very apparent. You gain the Blood Curse of
Furthermmore, you regain hit points equal to half the damage the Defiler for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn't
you took. This feature can be used twice between rests at 7th count against the number of blood curses known.
Upon reaching 7th level, you gain a grasp of the secrets of your skills to use. When you gain this feature, you can choose
hemomancy that were kept from you in your training. When to increase or decrease your size to any size category, you can
you use a bonus action to activate your Crimson Rite feature, also choose to stay as your current size category. You gain
you can choose to amplify it (no action required). Amplifying a two Eldritch Invocations of your choice from the Warlock
Crimson Rite causes you to take psychic damage equal to two Invocation list, if the invocation has a level requirement, you
rolls of your hemocraft die, this is on top of the damage taken use your level in this class. Furthermore, the Ankeg created
from activating your Crimson Rite. When a Crimson Rite is by your Brand of the Vicious feature can instead be any
amplified, it becomes stronger but more unstable and as Monstrosity of CR 4 or lower of your choice, it also lasts
such, your Crimson Rite lasts 1 minute or if you are not forever and no longer dies if your fall to 0 hp, however it does
holding the weapon at the end of your turn. While your active disappear if the monstrosity falls to 0 hp.
damage. Furthermore, you gain resistance to the damage Variant Rules and Features:
Rite damage.
Upon reaching 11th level, your outside begins to reflect your
aren't already higher than that, and your gain a climbing and
Starting at 15th level, you are immune to the charmed and
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Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Anti-Mage five, this movement speed does not get doubled and only lasts
As a reaction when a creature within 30 ft casts a spell, you for the duration of the haste spell or if your lose
affected by this Blood Curse once before the next long rest,
upon a long rest you lose the ability to cast the spell. The
creature affected by this Blood Curse loses the ability to cast
the spell again until a long rest is finished. Your spellcasting
(enhances the Hunter's Bane feature)
ability is Intelligence. You can only affect spells of a certain
level or lower, the level equals half your Intelligence modifier As an action, you may make an Intelligence (Investigation),
Prerequisite: 15th level, Betrayer (enhances the Fighting Style feature)
As an action, you can target a corpse within 120 ft. it rises The following fighting styles are added to the list of
as a Yestabrod under your control for an amount of rounds available fighting styles from which you can pick from at 2nd
you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover,
Prerequisite: 5th level, any Order an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature
As a bonus action, you empower your crimson rite to wrack successfully hides from you.
your next target with disorienting pain. The next target you
attack with a weapon that has your crimson rite activated on
it has to make a Constitution saving throw against your When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you,
Hemocraft save DC or be stunned until the end of your next within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction
Amplify. The target is stunned for a number of rounds proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be
equal to your Intelligence modifier. wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this
As a reaction when a creature within 60 ft. rolls an attack roll,
Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to
ability check or saving throw. The target must reroll it and
1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding
take the higher or lower number of the two rolls (your choice).
any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the
This blood curse can be used after the roll is made but not
d6 becomes a d8.
after the result of the roll has been said.
At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4
Amplify. You can add a bonus to the roll equal to your
bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.
Intelligence modifier
(enhances the Dark Augmentation feature)
As a free action when you hit a creature with a weapon
Beginning at 10th level, you can roll one additional
attack, you can choose to expend any number of Blood
Crimson Eite damage die when determining the extra
Maledict uses you want, dealing an additional amount of
damage for a critical hit with a melee attack while your
force damage to the target equal to 3d8 per Blood Maledict
Crimson Rite is active.
use expended.
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using GM Binder.