Astm D5766-D5766M
Astm D5766-D5766M
Astm D5766-D5766M
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 5766/D 5766M – 02a
3.2.2 principal material coordinate system, n—a coordinate common aerospace practice to develop notched design allow-
system with axes that are normal to the planes of symmetry able strengths based on gross section stress to account for
inherent to a material. various stress concentrations (fastener holes, free edges, flaws, Discussion—Common usage, at least for Cartesian damage, and so forth) not explicitly modeled in the stress
axes (123, xyz, and so forth), generally assigns the coordinate analysis.
system axes to the normal directions of planes of symmetry in 4.2 The only acceptable failure mode for ultimate open-hole
order that the highest property value in a normal direction (for tensile strength is one which passes through the hole in the test
elastic properties, the axis of greatest stiffness) would be 1 or specimen.
x, and the lowest (if applicable) would be 3 or z. Anisotropic
materials do not have a principal material coordinate system 5. Significance and Use
due to the total lack of symmetry, while, for isotropic materials,
any coordinate system is a principal material coordinate 5.1 This test method is designed to produce notched tensile
system. In laminated composites the principal material coordi- strength data for structural design allowables, material speci-
nate system has meaning only with respect to an individual fications, research and development, and quality assurance.
orthotropic lamina. The related term for laminated composites Factors that influence the notched tensile strength and should
is “reference coordinate system.” therefore be reported include the following: material, methods
3.2.3 reference coordinate system, n—a coordinate system of material fabrication, accuracy of lay-up, laminate stacking
for laminated composites used to define ply orientations. One sequence and overall thickness, specimen geometry, specimen
of the reference coordinate system axes (normally the Carte- preparation (especially of the hole), specimen conditioning,
sian x-axis) is designated the reference axis, assigned a environment of testing, specimen alignment and gripping,
position, and the ply principal axis of each ply in the laminate speed of testing, void content, and volume percent reinforce-
is referenced relative to the reference axis to define the ply ment. Properties that may be derived from this test method
orientation for that ply. include the following:
3.2.4 specially orthotropic, adj—a description of an ortho- 5.1.1 Open hole (notched) tensile strength (OHT).
tropic material as viewed in its principal material coordinate
system. In laminated composites, a specially orthotropic lami- 6. Interferences
nate is a balanced and symmetric laminate of the [0i/90j]ns 6.1 Hole Preparation—Due to the dominating presence of
family as viewed from the reference coordinate system, such the notch, and the lack of need to measure the material
that the membrane-bending coupling terms of the laminate response, results from this test method are relatively insensitive
constitutive relation are zero. to parameters that would be of concern in an unnotched tensile
3.3 Symbols: property test. However, since the notch dominates the strength,
3.3.1 A—cross-sectional area of a specimen. consistent preparation of the hole, without damage to the
3.3.2 CV—coefficient of variation statistic of a sample laminate, is important to meaningful results. Damage caused
population for a given property (in percent). by hole preparation will affect strength results. Some types of
3.3.3 D—hole diameter. damage, such as delaminations, can blunt the stress concentra-
3.3.4 h—specimen thickness. tion because of the hole, increasing the load-carrying capacity
3.3.5 n—number of specimens per sample population. of the specimen and the calculated strength.
3.3.6 N—number of plies in laminate under test. 6.2 Geometry—Results are affected by the ratio of specimen
3.3.7 FxOHTu—ultimate open hole (notched) tensile strength width to hole diameter; this ratio should be maintained at 6,
in the test direction. unless the experiment is investigating the influence of this
3.3.8 Pmax—maximum load carried by test specimen prior ratio. Results may also be affected by the ratio of hole diameter
to failure. to thickness; the preferred ratio is the range from 1.5 to 3.0
3.3.9 sn−1—standard deviation statistic of a sample popula- unless the experiment is investigating the influence of this
tion for a given property. ratio.
3.3.10 w—specimen width.
6.3 Material Orthotropy—The degree of laminate orthot-
3.3.11 xi—test result for an individual specimen from the
ropy strongly affects the failure mode and measured OHT
sample population for a given property.
strength. Valid OHT strength results should only be reported
3.3.12 x̄—mean or average (estimate of mean) of a sample
when appropriate failure modes are observed, in accordance
population for a given property.
with 11.4.
3.3.13 s—normal stress.
6.4 Thickness Scaling—Thick composite structures do not
4. Summary of Test Method necessarily fail at the same strengths as thin structures with the
4.1 A uniaxial tension test of a balanced, symmetric lami- same laminate orientation (that is, strength does not always
nate is performed in accordance with Test Method D 3039/ scale linearly with thickness). Thus, data gathered using this
D 3039M, although with a centrally located hole. Edge- test method may not translate directly into equivalent thick-
mounted extensometer displacement transducers are optional. structure properties.
Ultimate strength is calculated based on the gross cross- 6.5 Other—Additional sources of potential data scatter in
sectional area, disregarding the presence of the hole. While the testing of composite materials are described in Test Method
hole causes a stress concentration and reduced net section, it is D 3039/D 3039M.
D 5766/D 5766M – 02a
7. Apparatus 8.2.2 Dimensions—The width of the specimen is 36 6 1
7.1 Apparatus shall be in accordance with Test Method mm [1.50 6 0.05 in.] and the length range is 200 to 300 mm
D 3039/D 3039M. Additionally, a micrometer or gage capable [8.0 to 12.0 in.]. The notch consists of a centrally located hole,
of determining the hole diameter to 60.025 mm [60.001 in.] 6 6 0.06 mm [0.250 6 0.003 in.] in diameter, centered by
is required. length to within 0.12 mm [0.005 in.] and by width to within
0.05 mm [0.002 in.]. While tabs may be used, they are not
8. Sampling and Test Specimens required and generally not needed, since the open hole acts as
8.1 Sampling—Sampling shall be in accordance with Test sufficient stress riser to force failure in the notched region.
Method D 3039/D 3039M. 8.3 Specimen Preparation—Special care shall be taken to
8.2 Geometry—The specimen geometry shall be in accor- ensure that creation of the specimen hole does not delaminate
dance with Test Method D 3039/D 3039M, as modified by the or otherwise damage the material surrounding the hole. Holes
following, and illustrated by the schematic of Fig. 1. Any should be drilled undersized and reamed to final dimensions.
variation of the stacking sequence, specimen width or length, Record and report the specimen hole preparation methods.
or hole diameter from that specified shall be clearly noted in Other specimen preparation techniques and requirements are
the report. noted in Test Method D 3039/D 3039M.
8.2.1 Stacking Sequence—The standard tape and fabric 9. Calibration
laminates shall have multidirectional fiber orientations (fibers
shall be oriented in a minimum of two directions), and 9.1 Calibration shall be in accordance with Test Method
balanced and symmetric stacking sequences. Nominal thick- D 3039/D 3039M.
ness shall be 2.5 mm [0.10 in.], with a permissible range of 2 10. Conditioning
to 4 mm [0.080 to 0.160 in.], inclusive. Fabric laminates
10.1 Conditioning shall be in accordance with Test Method
containing satin-type weaves shall have symmetric warp sur-
D 3039/D 3039M.
faces, unless otherwise noted in the report.
NOTE 2—Typically a [45i/-45i/0j/90k]ms tape or [45i/0j]ms fabric lami- 11. Procedure
nate should be selected such that a minimum of 5 % of the fibers lay in 11.1 Parameters To Be Specified Prior to Test:
each of the four principal orientations. This laminate design has been 11.1.1 The tension specimen sampling method, specimen
found to yield the highest likelihood of acceptable failure modes. type and geometry, and conditioning travelers (if required).
11.1.2 The tensile properties and data reporting format
NOTE 3—Determine specific material property, accuracy, and data
reporting requirements prior to test for proper selection of instrumentation
and data recording equipment. Estimate the specimen strength to aid in
transducer selection, calibration of equipment, and determination of
equipment settings.
11.1.3 The environmental conditioning test parameters.
11.1.4 If performed, extensometry requirements and related
11.1.5 If performed, the sampling method, specimen geom-
etry, and test parameters used to determine density and
reinforcement volume.
11.2 General Instructions:
11.2.1 Report any deviations from this test method, whether
intentional or inadvertent.
11.2.2 If specific gravity, density, reinforcement volume or
void volume are to be reported then obtain these samples from
the same panels being tension tested. Specific gravity and
density may be evaluated by means of Test Methods D 792.
Volume percent of the constituents may be evaluated by one of
the matrix digestion procedures of Test Method D 3171, or, for
certain reinforcement materials such as glass and ceramics, by
the matrix burn-off technique of Test Method D 2584. The void
content equations of Test Methods D 2734 are applicable to
both Test Method D 2584 and the matrix digestion procedures.
11.2.3 Condition the specimens as required. Store the speci-
mens in the conditioned environment until test time, if the test
environment is different than the conditioning environment.
11.2.4 Following any conditioning, but before the tensile
FIG. 1 Schematic of Open Hole Tension Test Specimen testing, measure and report the specimen hole diameter to the
D 5766/D 5766M – 02a
nearest 0.025 mm [0.001 in.]. Inspect the hole and areas where:
adjacent to the hole for delaminations. Report the location and FOHTu
x = ultimate open hole tensile strength, MPa [psi],
size of any delaminations found. Perform other measurements Pmax = maximum load prior to failure, N [lbf], and
in accordance with Test Method D 3039/D 3039M. A = gross cross-sectional area (disregarding hole)
11.3 Tensile Testing—Perform other measurements, and the from Test Method D 3039/D 3039M, mm2
tension test of the laminate specimen, in accordance with the [in.2].
Procedure section of Test Method D 3039/D 3039M. If strain NOTE 4—The hole diameter is ignored in the strength calculation; the
response local to the hole is to be determined, attach either one gross cross-sectional area is used.
or two extensometers to the specimen edge(s) ensuring the hole
13.2 Width to Diameter Ratio—Calculate the actual width
is located within the extensometer gage section.
to diameter ratio, as shown in Eq 2. Report both the nominal
11.4 Failure Modes—Failures that do not occur at the hole ratio calculated using nominal values and the actual ratio
are not acceptable failure modes and the data shall be noted as calculated with measured dimensions.
invalid. The failure is often heavily influenced by delamination
and the failure mode may exhibit much delamination. Three- w/D ratio 5 D (2)
place failure mode descriptors for these modes, following those
given in Test Method D 3039/D 3039M and summarized in where:
Table 1, shall be used. This notation uses the first place to w = width of specimen across hole, mm [in.], and
describe failure type, the second to describe failure area, and D = diameter of hole, mm [in.].
the last to describe failure location. Failure mode codes for 13.3 Diameter to Thickness Ratio—Calculate the actual
valid tests for this test method are limited to *GM, where the diameter to thickness ratio, as shown in Eq 3. Report both the
second and third place holders are limited to “Gage Middle.” nominal ratio calculated using nominal values and the actual
The first place holder would normally be either L for Lateral, ratio calculated with measured dimensions.
A for Angled, or M for Multi-mode. Fig. 2 illustrates these D
three acceptable failure modes. The mode of failure may be D/h ratio 5 h (3)
found to vary on different sides of the hole.
12. Validation D = diameter of hole, mm [in.], and
h = specimen thickness near hole, mm [in.].
12.1 Values for ultimate properties shall not be calculated 13.4 Percent Bending—If two edge-mounted extensometers
for any specimen that breaks at some obvious flaw, unless such are used, edgewise percent bending may be calculated in
flaw constitutes a variable being studied. Retests shall be accordance with Test Method D 3039/D 3039M.
performed for any specimen on which values are not calcu- 13.5 Statistics—For each series of tests calculate the aver-
lated. age value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (in
12.2 A significant fraction of failures in a sample population percent) for each property determined:
occurring away from the center hole shall be cause to re- n
examine the means of load introduction into the material. x̄ 5 ~ ( xi!/n (4)
Factors considered should include the grip pressure, grip
alignment, and specimen thickness taper.
sn21 5 Œ(
x2i 2 nx̄2!/~n 2 1! (5)
D 5766/D 5766M – 02a
D 5766/D 5766M – 02a
between an individual observation and the average should be 15.2.3 The results, summarized in Table 3 indicate that this
within 2.0 standard deviations, while the maximum difference test method is relatively insensitive to minor variations in
between any two observations should be within 2.8 standard testing practices, but is sensitive to material type.
deviations. For brevity, only the magnitude of the latter is 15.3 Bias—Bias cannot be determined for this test method
reported; the former can be derived from the latter. Two types as no acceptable reference standard exists.
of precision can also be defined: within-laboratory (the repeat-
ability) or between-laboratory (the reproducibility); both of 16. Keywords
which are reported.
15.2.2 The within-laboratory conditions were essentially 16.1 composite materials; open hole tensile strength; ten-
single-operator, one-day, same-apparatus conditions, during sion testing
which time neither the apparatus nor environment was likely to
change appreciably.
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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