© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
disclosed in the
14 Dividends stated to be If an enterprise No liability for
in respect of the declares dividends proposed
period covered by the to shareholders dividends
financial statements, after the balance should be
which are proposed or sheet date, the created now.
declared by the enterprise should Such
enterprise after the not recognize proposed
balance sheet date those dividends as dividends are
but before approval of a liability at the to be
the financial balance sheet date disclosed in
statements, should be unless a statute the notes.
adjusted. requires otherwise.
Such dividends
should be
disclosed in notes.
AS 14 3(a) Amalgamation means Amalgamation Definition of
an amalgamation means an Amalgamation
pursuant to the amalgamation has been
provisions of the pursuant to the made broader
Companies Act, 1956 provisions of the by specifically
or any other statute Companies Act, including
which may be 2013 or any other ‘merger’.
applicable to statute which may
companies. be applicable to
companies and
includes ‘merger’.
18 and In such cases the In such cases the Correspondin
39 statutory reserves are statutory reserves g debit on
recorded in the are recorded in the account of
financial statements of financial statutory
the transferee statements of the reserve in
company by a transferee case of
corresponding debit to company by a amalgamation
a suitable account corresponding in the nature of
head (e.g., debit to a suitable purchase is
‘Amalgamation account head (e.g., termed as
Adjustment Account’) ‘Amalgamation ‘Amalgamatio
which is disclosed as Adjustment n Adjustment
a part of Reserve’) which is Reserve’ and
‘miscellaneous presented as a is now to be
be recognized in
the statement of
profit and loss.
73 Transitional Discounting of
Provisions above existing
All the existing provisions and
provisions for similar
decommissioning, liabilities
restoration and should be
similar liabilities prospectively,
(see paragraph 35) with the
should be corresponding
discounted effect to the
prospectively, with related item of
the corresponding property, plant
effect to the related and
item of property, equipment.
plant and
IV. Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2019 – reg.
Debenture Redemption Reserve
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government made the Companies
(Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2019 dated 16 th August, 2019 to
amend the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014. As per the
Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, under principal rules,
in rule 18, for sub-rule (7), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely: -
“(7) The company shall comply with the requirements with regard to Debenture
Redemption Reserve (DRR) and investment or deposit of sum in respect of
debentures maturing during the year ending on the 31st day of March of next year, in
accordance with the conditions given below:-
(a) Debenture Redemption Reserve shall be created out of profits of the company
available for payment of dividend;
(b) the limits with respect to adequacy of Debenture Redemption Reserve and
investment or deposits, as the case may be, shall be as under;-
(i) Debenture Redemption Reserve is not required for debentures issued by
All India Financial Institutions regulated by Reserve Bank of India and
Banking Companies for both public as well as privately placed debentures;
(ii) For other Financial Institutions within the meaning of clause (72) of section
A company may file petition for winding up under section 272 of the Companies Act,
2013. Petition for winding up to Tribunal cab neb made by the company, any
contributory or contributories, the registrar, any person autho rized by Central Govt.
in that behalf or Ii case affairs of the company have been conducted in a Fraudulent
manner, by the Central Government or a State Government.
Petition by Contributory
A contributory should be entitled to present a petition for the winding up of a company.
Shares in respect of which he is a contributory were either originally allotted to him
or have been held by him for at least 6 months during the 18 months immediately
before the commencement of the winding up and registered in his name or have
transferred to him through the death of a former holder.
Petition by Registrar
The Registrar should be entitled to present a petition for winding up under section
271, except on the grounds specified in section 271 (a) or (e). The Registrar should
obtain the previous sanction of the Central Government to the presentation of a
petition. The Central Government should not accord its sanction unless the company
has been given a reasonable opportunity of making representations.
Petition by Company
A petition presented by the company for winding up before the Tribunal should be
admitted only if accompanied by a statement of affairs in such form and in such
manner as may be prescribed.
A copy of the petition made under this section should also be fi led with the Registrar
and the Registrar should, without prejudice to any other provisions, submit his views
to the Tribunal within 60 days of receipt of such petition.
A company may be wound up voluntarily [Section 304 1],:
(a) if the company in general meeting passes a resolution requiring the company to
be wound up voluntarily as a result of the expiry of the period for its duration, if
any, fixed by its articles or on the occurrence of any event in respect of which
the articles provide that the company should be dissolved; or
(b) if the company passes a special resolution that the company be wound up.
Liquidators’ Statement of Account
In case of Compulsory wound-up, the Company Liquidator should keep proper books
in such manner, as may be prescribed, in which he should cause entries or minutes
1Applicableuntil 31 March 2017; with effect from 1 April 2017, Section 59 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,
2016 is applicable.
passing of the resolution, and unless the Tribunal, on proof of fraud or mistake, thinks
fit to direct otherwise, all proceedings taken in the voluntary winding up should be
deemed to have been validly taken.
In any other case, the winding up of a company by the Tribunal should be deemed to
commence at the time of the presentation of the petition for the winding up.
Exclusion of Certain Time in Computing Period of Limitation [Section 358]
Notwithstanding anything in the Limitation Act, 1963, or in any other law for the time
being in force, in computing the period of limitation specified for any suit or application
in the name and on behalf of a company which is being wound up by the Tribunal, the
period from the date of commencement of the winding up of the company to a period
of one year immediately following the date of the winding up order should be
Statement of Affairs
In case of winding up by Tribunal, Section 272(5) of the Companies Act, 2013
provides that a petition presented by the company for winding up before the Tribunal
shall be admitted only if accompanied by a statement of affairs in such form and in
such manner as may be prescribed.
In accordance with Section 274(1), where a petition for winding up is filed before the
Tribunal by any person other than the company, the Tribunal shall, if satisfied that a
prima facie case for winding up of the company is made out, by an order direct the
company to file its objections along with a statement of its affairs within thirty days of
the order in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed. The Tribunal may
allow a further period of thirty days in a situation of contingency or special
The broad lines on which the Statement of Affairs is prepared are the following —
(1) Include assets on which there is no fixed charge at the value they are expected
to realize. Students should note to include calls in arrear but not uncalled capital.
(2) Include assets on which there is a fixed charge. The amount expected to be
realized would be compared with the amount due to the creditor concerned. Any
surplus is to be extended to the other column. A deficit (the amount owed to
the creditor exceeding the amount realizable from the asset) is to be added to
unsecured creditors.
(3) The total of assets in point (1) and any surplus from assets mentioned in point
(2) is available for all the creditors (except secured creditors already covered by
specifically mortgaged assets).
(4) From the total assets available, the following should be deducted one by one: -
(i) Preferential creditors,
the workmen’s portion in his security (if payable under the law), whichever is
less, pari-passu with the workmen’s dues:
Explanation: For the purposes of this section, and section 327 -
a) Workmen, in relation to a company, means the employees of the company,
being workmen within the meaning of Section 2 (s) of the Industrial Disputes
Act, 1947;
b) Workmen’s dues, in relation to a company, means the aggregate of the
following sums due from the company to its workmen, namely:
(i) All wages or salary including wages payable;
(ii) all accrued holiday remuneration becoming payable to any workman
(iii) unless the company is being wound up voluntarily merely for the purposes
of reconstruction or amalgamation with another company or unless the
company has, at the commencement of the winding up, under such a
contract with insurers as is mentioned in section 14 of the Workmen's
Compensation Act, 1923 (19 of 1923), rights capable of being transferred
to and vested in the workmen, all amount due in respect of any
compensation or liability for compensation under the said Act in respect of
the death or disablement of any workman of the company;
(iv) all sums due to any workman from provident fund, pension fund, gratuity
fund or any other fund maintained by the company.
The following payment should be made in priority to secured creditors:
(i) All wages or salary including wages payable;
(ii) all accrued holiday remuneration becoming payable to any workman
(iii) If the above payments are payable for a period of 2 years preceding the
winding up order then the same shall be paid in priority to all other debts
(including debts due to secured creditors), within a period of 30 days of
sale of assets and shall be subject to such charge over the security of
secured creditors.
c) Workmen’s portion, in relation to the security of any secured creditor of a
company, means the amount which bears to the value of the security the same
proportion as the amount of the workmen’s dues bears to the aggregate of the
amount of workmen’s dues and the amount of the debts due to the secured
Preferential Creditors
In a winding up there should be paid in priority to all other debts subject to the
provisions of section 326.
Preferential Creditors are as follows:
a. Government Taxes: All revenues, taxes, cess and rates due from the company
to the Central Government or a State Government or to a local authority at the
relevant date, and having become due and payable within the twelve months
immediately before that date;
b. Salary and Wages: All wages or salary including wages payable for time or
piece work and salary earned wholly or in part by way of commission of any
employee in respect of services rendered to the company and due for a period
not exceeding four months within the 12 months immediately before the relevant
date, subject to the condition that the amount payable under this clause to any
workman should not exceed such amount as may be notified;
c. Holiday Remuneration: All accrued holiday remuneration becoming payable to
any employee, or in the case of his death, to any other person claiming under
him, on the termination of his employment before, or by the winding up order,
or, as the case may be, the dissolution of the company;
d. Contribution under ESI Act: Unless the company is being wound up voluntarily
merely for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation with another
company, all amount due in respect of contributions payable during the period
of twelve months immediately before the relevant date by the company as the
employer of persons under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 or any
other law for the time being in force;
e. Compensation in respect of death of disablement: Unless the company has,
at the commencement of winding up, under such a contract with any insurer as
is mentioned in section 14 of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, rights
capable of being transferred to and vested in the workmen, all amount due in
respect of any compensation or liability for compensation under the said Act in
respect of the death or disablement of any employee of the company: Where
any compensation under the said Act is a weekly payment, the amount payable
under this clause should be taken to be the amount of the lump sum for which
such weekly payment could, if redeemable, be redeemed, if the employer has
made an application under that Act;
f. PF, Pension Fund or Gratuity Fund: All sums due to any employee from the
provident fund, the pension fund, the gratuity fund or any other fund for the
welfare of the employees, maintained by the company; and
g. Expenses of Investigation: The expenses of any investigation held in pursuance
of sections 213 and 216, in so far as they are payable by the company.
Where any advance payment has been made to any employee of a company on
account of wages or salary or accrued holiday remuneration himself by some
person for that purpose. The person by whom the money was advanced should
have a right of priority in respect of the money so advanced and paid-up to the
amount. The sum in respect of which the employee or other person in his right
would have been entitled to priority in the winding up has been reduced by
reason of the payment having been made.
The debts enumerated in this section should—
h. rank equally among themselves and be paid in full, unless the assets are
insufficient to meet them, in which case they should abate in equal proportions;
i. so far as the assets of the company available for payment to general creditors
are insufficient to meet them, have priority over the claims of holders of
debentures under any floating charge created by the company, and be paid
accordingly out of any property comprised in or subject to that charge.
The debts under this section should be discharged forthwith so far as the assets are
sufficient to meet them, subject to the retention of such sums as may be necessary
for the costs and expenses of the winding up.
In the event of a landlord or other person distraining or having distrained on any goods
or effects of the company within three months immediately before the date of a
winding up order, the debts to which priority is given under this section should be a
first charge on the goods or effects so distrained on or the proceeds of the sale
thereof: Provided that, in respect of any money paid under any such charge, the
landlord or other person should have the same rights of priority as the person to whom
the payment is made. Any remuneration in respect of a period of holiday or of absence
from work on medical grounds through sickness or other good cause should be
deemed to be wages in respect of services rendered to the company during that
Explanations: For the purposes of this section,
• Accrued Holiday Remuneration includes, in relation to any person, all sums
which, by virtue either of his contract of employment or of any enactment
including any order made or direction given thereunder, are payable on acco unt
of the remuneration which would, in the ordinary course, have become payable
to him in respect of a period of holiday, had his employment with the company
continued until he became entitled to be allowed the holiday;
• Employee does not include a workman; and
• Relevant Date means in the case of a company being wound up by the Tribunal,
the date of appointment or first appointment of a provisional liquidator, or if no
such appointment was made, the date of the winding up order, unless, in either
case, the company had commenced to be wound up voluntarily before that date
under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
Effect of Floating Charge [Section 332]
Where a company is being wound up, a floating charge on the undertaking or property
of the company created within the 12 months immediately preceding the
commencement of the winding up, should be invalid unless it is proved that the
company immediately after the creation of the charge was solvent except for the
amount of any cash paid to the company at the time of and in consideration for or
subsequent to the creation of the charge together with interest on that amount at the
rate of 5 per cent per annum or such other rate as may be notified by the Central
Government in this behalf.
B List Contributories
(a) Persons: Shareholders who had transferred Partly Paid Shares (otherwise than by
operation of law or by death) within one year, prior to the date of winding up may be
called upon to pay an amount to pay off such Creditors as existed on the date of
transfer of shares. These Transferors are called as B List Contributories.
(b) Liability: Their liability is restricted to the amount not called up when the shares were
transferred. They cannot be called upon to pay more than the entire face value of the
share. For example, if Shares having Face Value ` 100 were paid up ` 60, the B List
Contributory can be called up to pay a maximum of ` 40 only.
(c) Conditions: Liability of B List Contributories will crystallize only (a) when the existing
assets available with the liquidator are not sufficient to cover the liabilities; (b) when
the existing shareholders fail to pay the amount due on the shares to the Liquidator.
VI Maintenance of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2A) of Section 24 read with
Section 51 and Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) and in
supersession of the notifications DBR.No.Ret.BC.14/12.02.001/2016-17 dated
October 13, 2016 BR.NDBR.No.Ret.BC.91/12.02.001/2017-18 dated October 04,
2017, the Reserve Bank hereby specifies that with effect from the dates given below,
every Scheduled Commercial Bank (including RRBs), Local Area Bank, Small
Finance Bank, Payments Bank, Primary (urban) co-operative bank and State and
central co-operative banks shall continue to maintain in India assets (referred to as
‘SLR assets’) the value of which shall not, at the close of business on any day, be
less than:
(i) 19.25 per cent from January 5, 2019
(ii) 19.00 per cent from April 13, 2019
of State Development Loans (SDLs) by the concerned state government shall also be
VIII Relevant Provisions of the Insurance Act [updated as per the Insurance
(Amendment) Act, 2015]
The provisions of sections 10 and 11 have been modified vide the Insurance Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2015. These amendments have necessitated changes to the
IRDA (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors' Report of Insurance
Companies) Regulations 2002. The significant provisions are as follows:
(1) Forms for final accounts [Section 11(1)]. Every insurer, on or after the date of
the commencement of the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015, in respect
of insurance business transacted by him and in respect of his shareholders'
funds, should, at the expiration of each financial year, prepare with reference to
that year, balance sheet, a profit and loss account, a separate account of
receipts and payments, a revenue account in accordance with the regulations
as may be specified.
(2) Audit [Section 12]: The balance sheet, profit and loss account, revenue account
and profit and loss appropriation account of every insurer, in respect of all
insurance business transacted by him, should, unless they are subject to audit
under the Companies Act, 2013, be audited annually by an auditor, and the
auditor should in the audit of all such accounts have the powers of, exercise the
functions vested in, and discharge the duties and be subject to the liabilities and
penalties imposed on, auditors of companies by Section 147 of the Companies
Act, 2013.
(3) Register of policies [Section 14(1)]: Every insurer, in respect of all business
transacted by him, should maintain— (a) a record of policies, in which should be
entered, in respect of every policy issued by the insurer, the name and address
of the policyholder, the date when the policy was effected and a record of any
transfer, assignment or nomination of which the insurer has notice; (b) a rec ord
of claims, every claim made together with the date of the claim, the name and
address of the claimant and the date on which the claim was discharged, or, in
the case of a claim which is rejected, the date of rejection and the grounds
thereof; and (c) a record of policies and claims in accordance with clauses (a)
and (b) may be maintained in any such form, including electronic mode, as may
be specified by the regulations made under this Act.
(4) Approved investments (Section 27B(1)): A company carrying on general
insurance business must invest its funds only in approved securities listed in this
NOTE: Chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the Intermediate Paper 5 Advanced Accounting Study Material have
been revised in line with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, Banking and
IRDA Regulations. These revised chapters have been uploaded on the BoS Knowledge Portal of the
Institute’s website. The students of Intermediate level (old course) who have either July, 2015 Edition
or prior Edition of the Study Material are required to ignore these chapters given in that material and
are advised to read the updated chapters uploaded on the BoS Knowledge Portal of the Institute’s
website at the below mentioned link: https://www.icai.org/post.html?post_id=12433
B. Not applicable for May, 2020examination
Non-Applicability of Ind AS for May, 2020 Examination
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Companies (Indian Accounting Standards)
Rules, 2015 on 16 th February, 2015, for compliance by certain class of companies. These
Ind AS are not applicable for May, 2020 Examination.
(b) One of the creditors took some of the patents whose book value was ` 6,000 at a
valuation of ` 4,500. The balance to that creditor was paid in cash.
(c) The firm had previously purchased some shares in a joint stock company and had
written them off on finding them useless. The shares were now found to be worth
` 3,000 and the loan creditor agreed to accept the shares at this value.
(d) The remaining assets realized the following amount: `
Plant and Machinery 17,000
Fixtures and Fittings 1,000
Stock 9,000
Debtors 16,500
Patents 50% of their book value
(e) The liabilities were paid and a total discount of ` 500 was allowed by the creditors.
(f) The expenses of realization amounted to ` 2,300.
You are required to prepare the Realization Account, Bank Account and Partners’ Capital
Accounts in columnar form. Also provide necessary working notes in your answer.
Conversion of Partnership firms into a company
2. The following is the Balance Sheet of M/s. Pratham and Kaushal as on 31 st March, 2019:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital Accounts: Machinery 54,000
Pratham 50,000 Furniture 5,000
Kaushal 30,000 Investment (Non-trading) 50,000
Reserves 20,000 Stock 20,000
Loan Account of Kaushal 15,000 Debtors 21,000
Creditors 40,000 Cash 5,000
1,55,000 1,55,000
It was agreed that Mr. Rohan is to be admitted for a fourth share in the future profits from
1st April, 2019. He is required to contribute cash towards goodwill and ` 15,000 towards
The following further information is furnished:
(a) Pratham & Kaushal share the profits in the ratio 3 : 2.
(b) Pratham was receiving salary of ` 750 p.m. from the very inception of the firm in 2012
in addition to share of profit.
(c) The future profit ratio between Pratham, Kaushal & Rohan will be 2:1:1. Pratham will
not get any salary after the admission of Rohan.
(d) It was agreed that the value of goodwill of the firm shall be determined on the basis
of 3 years’ purchase of the average profits from business of the last 5 years. The
particulars of the profits are as under:
Year ended Profit/(Loss)
31st March, 2015 25,000
31st March, 2016 12,500
31st March, 2017 (2,500)
31st March, 2018 35,000
31st March, 2019 30,000
The above Profits and Losses are after charging the Salary of Pratham. The Profit of
the year ended 31st March, 2015 included an extraneous profit of ` 40,000 and the
loss for the year ended 31st March, 2017 was on account of loss by strike to the
extent of ` 20,000.
(e) The cash trading profit for the year ended 31st March, 2020 was ` 50,000 before
(f) The partners had drawn each ` 1,000 p.m. as drawings.
(g) The value of other assets and liabilities as on 31st March, 2020 were as under:
Machinery (before depreciation) 60,000
Furniture (before depreciation) 10,000
Investment 50,000
Stock 15,000
Debtors 30,000
Creditors 20,000
(h) Provide depreciation @ 10% on Machinery and @ 5% on Furniture on the Closing
Balance and interest is accumulated @ 6% on Kaushal’s loan. The loan alongwith
interest would be repaid within next 12 months.
(i) Investments (non-trading) are held from inception of the firm and interest is received
@ 10% p.a.
(j) The partners applied for conversion of the firm into Karma Ltd., a Private Limited
Company. Certificate was received on 1 st April, 2020. They decided to convert
Capital accounts of the partners into share capital in the ratio of 2:1:1 on the basis of
same rights as regards interest on capital and the sharing of profit and losses as they
had in the partnership.
3. Before transferring the business, the partners wish to draw from the partnership
profits to such an extent that the bank balance is reduced to ` 1,00,000. For this
purpose, sufficient profits of the year are to be retained in profit -sharing ratio.
4. Assets and liabilities except Machinery and Bank, are to be transferred at their book
value as on the above date.
You are required to prepare:
(a) Statement showing the workings of the Number of Shares of each class to be issued
by the company, to each partner.
(b) Capital Accounts showing all adjustments required to dissolve the Partnership.
(c) Balance Sheet of the Company immediately after acquiring the business of the
Partnership and Issuing of Shares.
Limited Liability Partnerships
4. Differentiate on ordinary partnership firm with an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in
respect of the following:
(1) Applicable Law
(2) Number of Partners
(3) Ownership of Assets
(4) Liability of Partners/Members
Accounting for ESOPs
5. On 1st April, 2019, a company offered 100 shares to each of its 400 employees at ` 25 per
share. The employees are given a month to accept the shares. The shares issued under
the plan shall be subject to lock-in to transfer for three years from the grant date i.e. 30th
April 2019. The market price of shares of the company on the grant date is ` 30 per share.
Due to post-vesting restrictions on transfer, the fair value of shares issued under the plan
is estimated at ` 28 per share.
Up to 30th April, 2019, 50% of employees accepted the offer and paid ` 25 per share
purchased. Nominal value of each share is ` 10. You are required to record the issue of
shares in the books of the company under the aforesaid plan.
Buy Back of Securities
6. The following was the Balance Sheet of C Ltd. as on 31 st March ,2019:
Equity & Liabilities ` Lakhs Assets ` Lakhs
Share Capital: Fixed Assets 14,000
Underwriting of Shares
8. X Ltd. issued 1,20,000 Equity Shares which were underwritten as follows:
A & Co 72,000 Equity Shares
B & Co. 30,000 Equity Shares
C& Co. 18,000 Equity Shares
The above mentioned underwriters made applications for ‘firm’ underwritings as follows:
A & Co 9,600 Equity Shares
B & Co 12,000 Equity Shares
C& Co. 3,600 Equity Shares
The total applications excluding ‘firm’ underwriting, but including marked applications were
for 60,000 Equity Shares.
The marked Applications were as under:
A & Co 12,000 Equity Shares
B & Co. 15,000 Equity Shares
C& Co. 6,000 Equity Shares
The underwriting contracts provide that underwriters be given credit for ‘firm’ applications
and that credit for unmarked applications be given in proportion to the shares underwritten.
You are required to show the allocation of liability. Workings will be considered as a part
of your answer.
Amalgamation of Companies
9. P Ltd. and Q Ltd. agreed to amalgamate and form a new company called PQ Ltd. The
summarized balance sheets of both the companies on the date of amalgamation stood as
Liabilities P Ltd. Q Ltd. Assets P Ltd. Q Ltd.
` ` ` `
Equity Shares 8,20,000 3,20,000 Land & Building 4,50,000 3,40,000
(` 100 each)
9% Pref. Shares 3,80,000 2,80,000 Furniture & Fittings 1,00,000 50,000
(` 100 each)
8% Debentures 2,00,000 1,00,000 Plant & Machinery 6,20,000 4,50,000
General Reserve 1,50,000 50,000 Trade receivables 3,25,000 1,50,000
Profit & Loss a/c 3,52,000 2,05,000 Inventory 2,33,000 1,05,000
Unsecured Loan - 1,75,000 Cash at bank 2,08,000 1,75,000
(viii) Inventory was to be written off by ` 1,90,000 and a provision for doubtful debts is to
be made to the extent of ` 20,000.
(ix) Chennai works completely written off.
(x) Any balance of the Capital Reduction Account is to be applied as two-third to write off
the value of Bombay Works and one-third to Capital Reserve.
Pass necessary Journal Entries in the books of Star Ltd. after the scheme has been carried
into effect.
Liquidation of Company
11. Alpha Ltd. is under the process of liquidation. Liquidator is entitled to receive remuneration
at 2% on the assets realized, 3% on the amount distributed to Preferential Creditors and
3% on the payment made to Unsecured Creditors. The assets were realized for `
37,50,000 against which payment was made as follows:
Liquidation Expenses ` 37,500
Secured Creditors ` 15,00,000
Preferential Creditors ` 1,12,500
The amount due to Unsecured Creditors was ` 22,50,000. You are asked to calculate the
total Remuneration payable to Liquidator.
Calculation shall be made to the nearest multiple of a rupee.
Financial Statements of Insurance Companies
12. Prepare Revenue Account of M/s Jagan Insurance Co. engaged in marine insurance
business for the year ended 31st March, 2019:
Particulars Direct Business Re-insurance
(`) (`)
I. Premium
Received 3,60,000 38,000
Receivable - 1st April, 2018 10,000 1,600
- 31st March, 2019 16,000 1,800
Premium Paid - 24,000
Premium Payable - 1st April, 2018 - 1,000
- 31st March, 2019 - 2,200
II. Claims
Paid 1,54,000 14,000
Payable - 1st April, 2018 78,000 1,500
year end. However, the assets are fully insured and the books have not been
approved by the Directors.
(ii) A suit against the company's advertisement was filed by a party on 10th April,
10 days after the year end claiming damages of ` 20 lakhs.
AS 5 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting
(b) Explain whether the following will constitute a change in accounting policy or not as
per AS 5.
(i) Introduction of a formal retirement gratuity scheme by an employer in place of
ad hoc ex-gratia payments to employees on retirement.
(ii) Management decided to pay pension to those employees who have retired after
completing 5 years of service in the organistaion. Such employees will get
pension of ` 20,000 per month. Earlier there was no such scheme of pension
in the organization.
AS 11 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
18. (a) (i) AXE Limited purchased fixed assets costing $ 5,00,000 on 1st Jan. 2018 from
an American company M/s M&M Limited. The amount was payable after 6
months. The company entered into a forward contract on 1st January 2018 for
five months @ ` 62.50 per dollar. The exchange rate per dollar was as follows :
On 1st January, 2018 ` 60.75 per dollar
On 31st March, 2018 ` 63.00 per dollar
You are required to state how the profit or loss on forward contract would be
recognized in the books of AXE Limited for the year ending 2017-18, as per the
provisions of AS 11.
(ii) Assets and liabilities and income and expenditure items in respect of integral
foreign operations are translated into Indian rupees at the prevailing rate of
exchange at the end of the year. The resultant exchange differences in the case
of profit, is carried to other Liabilities Account and the Loss, if any, is charged to
revenue. You are required to comment in line with AS 11.
AS 12 Accounting for Government Grants
(b) How would you treat the following in the accounts in accordance with AS 12
'Government Grants'?
(i) ` 35 Lakhs received from the Local Authority for providing Medical facilities to
the employees.
(ii) ` 100 Lakhs received as Subsidy from the Central Government for setting up a
AS 26 Intangible Assets
20. (a) A company acquired patent right for ` 1200 lakhs. The product life cycle has been
estimated to be 5 years and the amortization was decided in the ratio of estimated
future cash flows which are as under:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Estimated future cash flows
(` in lakhs) 600 600 600 300 300
After 3 rd year, it was ascertained that the patent would have an estimated balance
future life of 3 years and the estimated cash flow after 5 th year is expected to be
` 150 lakhs. You are required to determine the amortization pattern under Accounting
Standard 26.
AS 29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
(b) With reference to AS 29, how would you deal with the following in the annual accounts
of the company at the Balance Sheet dates:
(i) An organization operates an offshore oilfield where its licensing agreement
requires it to remove the oil rig at the end of production and restore the seabed.
Ninety percent of the eventual costs relate to the removal of the oil rig and
restoration of damage caused by building it, and ten percent arise through the
extraction of oil. At the balance sheet date, the rig has been constructed but no
oil has been extracted.
(ii) During 2018-19 Ace Ltd. gives a guarantee of certain borrowings of Brew Ltd.,
whose financial condition at that time is sound. During 2019-20, the financial
condition of Brew Ltd. deteriorates and at 31 st Dec. 2019 it goes into Liquidation.
(Balance Sheet date 31-3-19)
1. Realisation Account
` `
To Plant and machinery 30,000 By Provision for doubtful debts 400
To Fixtures and fittings 2,000 By Loan on hypothecation of stock 3,000
To Stock 10,400 By Creditors (W.N.2) 500
To Debtors 18,400 By Joint Life Policy A/c (W.N.4) 12,900
Working Notes:
1. Ram’s Loan Account
` `
To Bank A/c 15,000 By Balance b/d 15,000
15,000 15,000
2. Sundry Creditors Account
` `
To Patents and Trademarks 4,500 By Balance b/d 17,800
To Realisation A/c 500
To Bank A/c 12,800
17,800 17,800
3. Loan on Hypothecation of Stock Account
` `
To Realisation A/c 3,000 By Balance b/d 6,200
To Bank A/c 3,200
6,200 6,200
Notes to Accounts
1. Short term borrowings
Loan from Kaushal 15,900
2. PPE
Machinery 54,000
Furniture 9,500 63,500
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of goodwill
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
` ` ` ` `
Profits/(Loss) 25,000 12,500 (2,500) 35,000 30,000
Adjustment for
extraneous profit
of 2014-15 and abnormal
loss of 2016-17 (40,000) - 20,000 — —
(15,000) 12,500 17,500 35,000 30,000
Add: Salary of Pratham 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
(750 x12)
(6,000) 21,500 26,500 44,000 39,000
Less: Interest on non-
trading investment (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
(11,000) 16,500 21,500 39,000 34,000
Total Profit from 2015-16 1,11,000
to 2018-19
Less: Loss for 2014-15 (11,000)
Average Profit 20,000
Goodwill equal to 3 60,000
years’ purchase
Contribution from Rohan 15,000
for ¼ share
Pratham and Kaushal should withdraw capital of ` 9,000 (` 79,800 – ` 70,800) and
` 11,500 (` 46,900 – ` 35,400) respectively and Rohan should subscribe shares of
` 20,500 (` 35,400 – ` 14,900).
3. (a) Number of Shares to be issued to Partners
Assets: Machinery ` 1,40,000 + Inventory ` 1,37,400 +Trade 5,01,400
Receivable `1,24,000 + Bank ` 1,00,000
Less: Liabilities taken over (1,69,400)
Net Assets taken over (Purchase Consideration) 3,32,000
drawings (W.N. 2)
(c) Balance sheet of MNO Ltd. as on 31 st March, 2019 (after Takeover of Firm)
Note no. `
I Equity and Liabilities:
(1) Shareholders Funds
Share Capital 1 3,32,000
(2) Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 1,69,400
Total 5,01,400
II Assets
(1) Non-Current Assets
Property, plant & equipment 1,40,000
(2) Current Assets:
(a) Inventories 1,37,400
(b) Trade Receivables 1,24,000
(c) Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,00,000
Total 5,01,400
Notes to Accounts
Particulars `
1. Shares capital
Authorised shares capital 20,00,000
Issued, Subscribed & paid up
6,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each 60,000
27,200 10% Preference Shares capital of ` 10 each 2,72,000
(All above shares issued for consideration other than 3,32,000
cash, in takeover of partnership firm)
Working Note:
1. Profit & Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31 st March, 2019
Particulars ` ` Particulars `
To Interest on Capital: By Net Profit 2,48,600
Mohit [` 1,36,000 x 10%] 13,600 (given)
Neel [` 90,000 x 10%] 9,000
Om [` 46,000 x 10%] 4,600 27,200
To Profits transferred to
Capital in profit
sharing ratio 5:3:2
Mohit 1,10,700
Neel 66,420
Om 44,280 2,21,400
Total 2,48,600 2,48,600
2. Statement showing Additional Drawings in Cash
(a) Funds available for Drawings
Total Drawing of Partners (given) 1,30,000
Add: Further Funds available for Drawings (1,78,600-1,00,000) 78,600
Less: Interest on Capital (27,200)
Amount available for Additional Drawings 1,81,400
(b) Ascertainment of Additional Drawings
Particulars Mohit Neel Om
As per above statement ` 1,81,400 (in 90,700 54,420 36,280
profit sharing ratio)
Add: Interest 13,600 9,000 4,600
1,04,300 63,420 40,880
Less: Already drawn (50,000) (46,000) (34,000)
Additional Drawings 54,300 17,420 6,880
4. Distinction between an ordinary partnership firm and an LLP
Key Elements Partnerships LLPs
Applicable Law Indian Partnership Act 1932 The Limited Liability
Partnerships Act, 2008
Number of Minimum 2 and Maximum 20 Minimum 2 but no maximum limit
Partners (subject to 10 for banks)
Ownership of Firm cannot own any assets. The LLP as an independent
Assets The partners own the assets entity can own assets
of the firm.
Liability of Unlimited: Partners are Limited to the extent of their
Partners/ severally and jointly liable for contribution towards LLP except
Members actions of other partners and in case of intentional fraud or
the firm and their liability wrongful act of omission or
extends to personal assets. commission by a partner.
By Balance c/d
(Balancing figure) 450
4,800 4,800
7. Debenture Redemption Reserve Account
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars `
1st April, By Balance b/d 1,25,000
31st March, To General reserve 1st April, By Profit and loss
20X2 A/c note 1 (Refer 20X1 A/c (Refer Note 1)
Note 1) 3,75,000 2,50,000
3,75,000 3,75,000
Bank Account
` `
March, To Balance b/d 37,50,000 31st
March, By Debenture 41,25,000
20X2 To Interest on DRR 56,250 20X2 Holders A/c
Investment (110% of 37,50,000)
(5,62,500X 10%)
To DRR Investment By Balance c/d 2,43,750
A/c 5,62,500
43,68,750 43,68,750
Working note –
Calculation of DRR before redemption = 10% of ` 37,50,000 = 3,75,000
Available balance = ` 1,25,000
DRR required =3,75,000 – 1,25,000 = ` 2,50,000.
8. Computation of liabilities of underwriters (No. of shares):
A & Co. B & Co. C & Co. Total
Gross liability 72,000 30,000 18,000 1,20,000
Less: Marked applications (excluding firm (12,000) (15,000) (6,000) (33,000)
60,000 15,000 12,000 87,000
` 7,75,000 less ` 4,25,000
Working Note:
Liquidator’s remuneration on payment to unsecured creditors
Cash available for unsecured creditors after all payments including liquidation expenses,
payment to secured creditors, preferential creditors & liquidator’s remuneration
= ` 37,50,000 – ` 37,500 – ` 15,00,000 – ` 1,12,500 – ` 75,000 – ` 3,375
= ` 20,21,625.
Liquidator’s remuneration
= 3/103 x ` 20,21,625= ` 58,882
12. (a) Form B – RA
Name of Insurer: M/s Jagan Co.
Revenue Account for the year ended 31 st March, 2019
Schedule Current Year
1. Premium earned (net) 1 3,29,000
2. Interest, Dividends and Rent – Assumed Gross 18,000
Total (A) 3,47,000
1. Claims incurred (net) 2 92,400
2. Commission 3 93,600
3. Operating expenses related to Insurance business 4 46,600
Total (B) 2,32,600
Operating Profit from Marine Insurance business 1,14,400
Schedules forming part of Revenue Account
Current Year
Schedule –1
Premium earned (net)
Total Premium earned 4,04,200
Less: Premium on reinsurance ceded (25,200)
Total Premium earned (net) 3,79,000
Adjustment for change in reserve for unexpired risk (3,50,000-
3,00,000) 50,000
Net Premium earned 3,29,000
Schedule – 2
Claims incurred (net) (1,52,000+18,300-78,100) 92,400
Schedule – 3
Commission paid
Direct 96,000
Add: Re-insurance accepted 5,600
Less: Re-insurance ceded (8,000)
Net Commission 93,600
Schedule – 4
Operating expenses related to insurance business
Establishment expenses 30,000
Rent, rates and taxes 14,000
Printing and stationery 1,800
Legal and professional charges ` (2,000-1,200) 800
Working Notes:
Direct Re-insurance
` `
1. Total Premium Income
Received 3,60,000 38,000
Add: Receivable on 31 st March, 2019 16,000 1,800
3,76,000 39,800
Less: Receivable on 1st April, 2018 (10,000) (1,600)
3,66,000 38,200
Total premium income ` 3,66,000 + ` 38,200 = ` 4,04,200
2. Premium Expense on reinsurance `
Premium Paid during the year 24,000
Add: Payable on 31 st March, 2019 2,200
Less: Payable on 1st April, 2018 (1,000)
3. Claims Paid
Direct Business 1,54,000
Re-insurance 14,000
Journal entry
Loss on change in production method Dr. 1,00,000
To Gamma Ltd. 1,00,000
(Loss due to change in production method)
Profit and loss A/c Dr. 1,00,000
To Loss on change in production method 1,00,000
(loss transferred to profit and loss account)
17. (a) According to AS 4 on ‘Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet
Date’, adjustments to assets and liabilities are required for events occurring after the
balance sheet date that provide additional information materially affecting the
determination of the amounts relating to conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
However, adjustments to assets and liabilities are not appropriate for events occurring
after the balance sheet date, if such events do not relate to conditions existing at the
balance sheet date. “Contingencies” used in the Standard is restricted to conditions
or situations at the balance sheet date, the financial effect of which is to be
determined by future events which may or may not occur.
(i) Fire has occurred after the balance sheet date and also the loss is totally
insured. Therefore, the event becomes immaterial and the event is non-
adjusting in nature.
(ii) The contingency is restricted to conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
However, in the given case, suit was filed against the company’s advertisement
by a party on 10 th April for amount of ` 20 lakhs. Therefore, it does not fit into
the definition of a contingency and hence is a non-adjusting event.
(b) As per para 31 of AS 5 ‘Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies’, the adoption of an accounting policy for events or
transactions that differ in substance from previously occurring events or transactions,
will not be considered as a change in accounting policy.
(i) Accordingly, introduction of a formal retirement gratuity scheme by an employer
in place of ad hoc ex-gratia payments to employees on retirement is not a
change in an accounting policy.
(ii) Similarly, the adoption of a new accounting policy for events or transactions
which did not occur previously or that were immaterial will not be treated as a
change in an accounting policy
18. (a) (i) As per AS 11 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”, an
enterprise may enter into a forward exchange contract to establish the amount
of the reporting currency required, the premium or discount arising at the
inception of such a forward exchange contract should be amortized as expenses
or income over the life of the contract.
(ii) As per AS 12 ‘Accounting for Government Grants’, where the government grants
are in the nature of promoters’ contribution, i.e. they are given with reference to
the total investment in an undertaking or by way of contribution towards its total
capital outlay and no repayment is ordinarily expected in respect thereof, the
grants are treated as capital reserve which can be neither distributed as dividend
nor considered as deferred income.
In the given case, the subsidy received from the Central Government for setting
up a unit in notified backward area is neither in relation to specific fixed asset
nor in relation to revenue. Thus, amount of ` 100 lakhs should be credited to
capital reserve.
(iii) ` 10 lakhs grant received for installation anti-pollution equipment is a grant
related to specific fixed asset. Two methods of presentation in financial
statements of grants related to specific fixed assets are regarded as acceptable
alternatives. Under first method, the grant is shown as a deduction from the
gross value of the asset concerned in arriving at its book value. The grant is
thus recognised in the profit and loss statement over the useful life of a
depreciable asset by way of a reduced depreciation charge. Under the second
method, grants related to depreciable assets are treated as deferred income
which is recognised in the profit and loss statement on a systematic and rational
basis over the useful life of the asset.
Thus, ` 10 lakhs may either be deducted from the cost of equipment or treated
as deferred income to be recognized on a systematic basis in profit & Loss A/c
over the useful life of equipment.
19. (a) According to AS 16 “Borrowing Costs”, borrowing costs that are directly attributable
to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset should be
capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. The amount of borrowing costs eligible
for capitalisation should be determined in accordance with this Standard. Other
borrowing costs should be recognised as an expense in the period in which they are
It also states that to the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of
obtaining a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation
on that asset should be determined as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that
borrowing during the period less any income on the temporary investment of those
Thus, eligible borrowing cost
= ` 12,00,000 – ` 3,00,000
= ` 9,00,000
(b) As per AS 19 “Leases”, the lessee should recognize the lease as an asset and a
liability at the inception of a finance lease. Such recognition should be at an amount
equal to the fair value of the leased asset at the inception of lease. However, if the
fair value of the leased asset exceeds the present value of minimum lease payment
from the standpoint of the lessee, the amount recorded as an asset and liability should
be the present value of minimum lease payments from the standpoint of the lessee.
Value of machinery
In the given case, fair value of the machinery is ` 10, 00,000 and the net present
value of minimum lease payments is ` 10, 07,020 (Refer working Note). As the
present value of the machine is more than the fair value of the machine, the machine
and the corresponding liability will be recorded at value of `10,00,000.
Calculation of finance charges for each year
Year Finance Payment Reduction in Outstanding
charge outstanding liability liability
(`) (`) (`) (`)
1st year beginning - - - 10,00,000
End of 1 st year 1,60,000 3,50,000 1,90,000 8,10,000
End of 2 nd year 1,29,600 3,50,000 2,20,400 5,89,600
End of 3 rd year 94,336 3,50,000 2,55,664 3,33,936
End of 4 th year 53,430 3,50,000 2,96,570 37,366
Working Note:
Present value of minimum lease payments
Annual lease rental x PV factor
` 3,50,000 x (0.8621 + 0.7432 + 0.6407+ 0.5523) ` 9,79 ,405
Present value of guaranteed residual value
` 50,000 x (0.5523) ` 27,615
` 10,07,020
(c) Computation of basic earnings per share
Net profit for the current year / Weighted average number of equity shares
outstanding during the year
` 75,00,000 / 10,00,000 = ` 7.50 per share
Adjusted net profit for the current year
Computation of diluted earnings per share
Weighted average number of equity shares
In the first three years, the patent cost will be amortized in the ratio of estimated future
cash flows i.e. (600: 600: 600: 300: 300).
The unamortized amount of the patent after third year will be ` 300 lakh (1,200-900)
which will be amortized in the ratio of revised estimated future cash flows
(300:300:150) in the fourth, fifth and sixth year.
(b) (i) The construction of the oil rig creates an obligation under the terms of the license
to remove the rig and restore the seabed and is thus an obligating event. At the
balance sheet date, however, there is no obligation to rectify the damage that
will be caused by extraction of the oil. An outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits in settlement is probable. Thus, a provision is recognized for
the best estimate of ninety per cent of the eventual costs that relate to the
removal of the oil rig and restoration of damage caused by building it. These
costs are included as part of the cost of the oil rig. However, there is no
obligation to rectify the damage that will be caused by extraction of oil, as no oil
has been extracted at the balance sheet date. So, no provision is required for
the cost of extraction of oil at balance sheet date.
Ten per cent of costs that arise through the extraction of oil are recognized as
a liability when the oil is extracted.
(ii) As per AS 29, for a liability to qualify for recognition there must be not only a
present obligation but also the probability of an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits to settle that obligation.
The obligating event is the giving of the guarantee by Ace Ltd. for certain
borrowings of Brew Ltd., which gives rise to an obligation. No outflow of benefits
is probable at 31 March 2019.Thus no provision is recognized. The guarantee is
disclosed as a contingent liability unless the probability of any outflow is
regarded as remote.
During 2019-20, the financial condition of Brew Ltd. deteriorates and finally goes
into liquidation. The obligating event is the giving of the guarantee, which gives
rise to a legal obligation. At 31 March 2020, it is probable that an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
Thus, provision is recognized for the best estimate of the obligation.