HullOFOD11eSolutionsCh19 GE
HullOFOD11eSolutionsCh19 GE
HullOFOD11eSolutionsCh19 GE
Practice Questions
A short position in 1,000 options has a delta of 700 and can be made delta neutral with the
purchase of 700 shares.
In this case, S0 K , r 01 , 025 , and T 05 . Also,
ln(S0 K ) (01 0252 2)05
d1 03712
025 05
The delta of the option is N ( d1 ) or 0.64.
To hedge an option position, it is necessary to create the opposite option position
synthetically. For example, to hedge a long position in a put, it is necessary to create a short
position in a put synthetically. It follows that the procedure for creating an option position
synthetically is the reverse of the procedure for hedging the option position.
The strategy costs the trader 010 each time the stock is bought or sold. The total expected
cost of the strategy, in present value terms, must be $4. This means that the expected number
of times the stock will be bought or sold is approximately 40. The expected number of times
it will be bought is approximately 20 and the expected number of times it will be sold is also
approximately 20. The buy and sell transactions can take place at any time during the life of
the option. The above numbers are therefore only approximately correct because of the
effects of discounting. Also, the estimate is of the number of times the stock is bought or sold
in the risk-neutral world, not the real world.
The holding of the stock at any given time must be N(d1). Hence, the stock is bought just after
the price has risen and sold just after the price has fallen. (This is the buy high sell low
strategy referred to in the text.) In the first scenario, the stock is continually bought. In the
second scenario, the stock is bought, sold, bought again, sold again, etc. The final holding is
the same in both scenarios. The buy, sell, buy, sell... situation clearly leads to higher costs
than the buy, buy, buy... situation. This problem emphasizes one disadvantage of creating
options synthetically. Whereas the cost of an option that is purchased is known up front and
depends on the forecasted volatility, the cost of an option that is created synthetically is not
known up front and depends on the volatility actually encountered.
The delta of a European futures call option is usually defined as the rate of change of the
option price with respect to the futures price (not the spot price). It is
e rT N (d1 )
In this case, F0 8 , K 8 , r 012 , 018 , T 06667
ln(8 8) (0182 2) 06667
d1 00735
018 06667
N (d1 ) 05293 and the delta of the option is
e01206667 05293 04886
The delta of a short position in 1,000 futures options is therefore 4886 .
In order to answer this problem, it is important to distinguish between the rate of change of
the option with respect to the futures price and the rate of change of its price with respect to
the spot price.
The former will be referred to as the futures delta; the latter will be referred to as the spot
delta. The futures delta of a nine-month futures contract to buy one ounce of silver is by
definition 1.0. Hence, from the answer to Problem 19.6, a long position in nine-month futures
on 488.6 ounces is necessary to hedge the option position.
The spot delta of a nine-month futures contract is e012075 1094 assuming no storage costs.
(This is because silver can be treated in the same way as a non-dividend-paying stock when
there are no storage costs. F0 S0erT so that the spot delta is the futures delta times erT )
Hence, the spot delta of the option position is 4886 1094 5346 . Thus, a long position
in 534.6 ounces of silver is necessary to hedge the option position.
The spot delta of a one-year silver futures contract to buy one ounce of silver is
e012 11275 . Hence, a long position in e012 5346 4741 ounces of one-year silver
futures is necessary to hedge the option position.
A long position in either a put or a call option has a positive gamma. From Figure 19.8, when
gamma is positive, the hedger gains from a large change in the stock price and loses from a
small change in the stock price. Hence the hedger will fare better in case (b).
A short position in either a put or a call option has a negative gamma. From Figure 19.8,
when gamma is negative, the hedger gains from a small change in the stock price and loses
from a large change in the stock price. Hence, the hedger will fare better in case (a).
In this case, S0 080 , K 081 , r 008 , rf 005 , 015 , T 05833
ln(080 081) 008 005 0152 2 05833
d1 01016
015 05833
d 2 d1 015 05833 00130
N(d1)=0.5405; N(d2)=0.4948
rf T
The delta of one call option is e N (d1 ) e00505833 05405 05250 .
1 d 2 1 000516
N (d1 ) 03969
e 1
2 2
so that the gamma of one call option is
r T
N (d1 )e f 03969 09713
S0 T 080 015 05833
The vega of one call option is
r T
S0 T N (d1 )e f 080 05833 03969 09713 02355
The theta of one call option is
r T
S0 N (d1 ) e f r T
rf S0 N (d1 )e f rKe rT N (d 2 )
2 T
08 03969 015 09713
2 05833
005 08 05405 09713 008 081 09544 04948
The rho of one call option is
KTe rT N (d 2 )
081 05833 09544 04948
Delta can be interpreted as meaning that, when the spot price increases by a small amount
(measured in cents), the value of an option to buy one yen increases by 0.525 times that
amount. Gamma can be interpreted as meaning that, when the spot price increases by a small
amount (measured in cents), the delta increases by 4.206 times that amount. Vega can be
interpreted as meaning that, when the volatility (measured in decimal form) increases by a
small amount, the option’s value increases by 0.2355 times that amount. When volatility
increases by 1% (= 0.01), the option price increases by 0.002355. Theta can be interpreted as
meaning that, when a small amount of time (measured in years) passes, the option’s value
decreases by 0.0399 times that amount. In particular, when one calendar day passes, it
decreases by 00399 365 0000109 . Finally, rho can be interpreted as meaning that, when
the interest rate (measured in decimal form) increases by a small amount, the option’s value
increases by 0.2231 times that amount. When the interest rate increases by 1% (= 0.01), the
options value increases by 0.002231.
Assume that S 0 , K , r , , T , q are the parameters for the option held and S 0 , K , r , ,
T , q are the parameters for another option. Suppose that d1 has its usual meaning and is
calculated on the basis of the first set of parameters while d1 is the value of d1 calculated on
the basis of the second set of parameters. Suppose further that w of the second option are
held for each of the first option held. The gamma of the portfolio is:
N (d )e qT N (d1 )e qT
S0 T S0 T
where is the number of the first option held.
Since we require gamma to be zero,
N (d1 )e q (T T ) T
N (d1 ) T
The vega of the portfolio is
S0 T N (d1 )e q (T ) wS0 T N (d1 )e q (T
The fund is worth $300,000 times the value of the index. When the value of the portfolio falls
by 5% (to $342 million), the value of the index also falls by 5% to 1140. The fund manager
therefore requires European put options on 300,000 times the index with exercise price 1140.
p c S0e qT Ke rT
This shows that a put option can be created by selling (or shorting) e qT of the index,
buying a call option and investing the remainder at the risk-free rate of interest. Applying
this to the situation under consideration, the fund manager should:
1. Sell 360e00305 $35464 million of stock.
2. Buy call options on 300,000 times the index with exercise price 1140 and
maturity in six months.
3. Invest the remaining cash at the risk-free interest rate of 6% per annum.
This strategy gives the same result as buying put options directly.
c) The delta of one put option is
e qT [ N (d1 ) 1]
e 00305 (06622 1)
This indicates that 33.27% of the portfolio (i.e., $119.77 million) should be initially sold
and invested in risk-free securities.
d) The delta of a nine-month index futures contract is
e( r q )T e003075 1023
When the value of the portfolio goes down 5% in six months, the total return from the
portfolio, including dividends, in the six months is
5 2 3%
that is, 6% per annum. This is 12% per annum less than the risk-free interest rate. Since the
portfolio has a beta of 1.5, we would expect the market to provide a return of 8% per annum
less than the risk-free interest rate; that is, we would expect the market to provide a return of
2% per annum. Since dividends on the market index are 3% per annum, we would expect
the market index to have dropped at the rate of 5% per annum or 2.5% per six months; that is,
we would expect the market to have dropped to 1170. A total of 450 000 (15 300 000)
put options on the index with exercise price 1170 and exercise date in six months are
therefore required.
b) As in Problem 19.12, the fund manager can 1) sell $354.64 million of stock, 2) buy call
options on 450,000 times the index with exercise price 1170 and exercise date in six
months, and 3) invest the remaining cash at the risk-free interest rate.
c) The portfolio is 50% more volatile than the index. When the insurance is considered as an
option on the portfolio, the parameters are as follows: S 0 360 , K 342 , r 006 ,
045 , T 05 and q 004
ln(360 342) 006 004 0452 2 05
d1 03517
045 05
N (d1 ) 06374
The delta of the option is
e qT [ N (d1 ) 1]
e 00405 (06374 1)
This indicates that 35.5% of the portfolio (i.e., $127.8 million) should be sold and
invested in riskless securities.
d) We now return to the situation considered in (a) where put options on the index are
required. The delta of each put option is
e qT ( N (d1 ) 1)
e 00305 (06164 1)
The delta of the total position required in put options is 450 000 03779 170 000 .
The delta of a nine month index futures is (see Problem 19.12) 1.023. Hence, a short
position in
170 000
1023 250
index futures contracts.
a) For a call option on a non-dividend-paying stock,
N (d1 )
N (d1 )
S0 T
S N (d1 )
0 rKe rT N (d 2 )
2 T
Hence, the left-hand side of equation (19.4) is:
S0 N (d1 ) 1 N (d1 )
rKe rT N (d 2 ) rS0 N (d1 ) S0
2 T 2 T
r[ S0 N (d1 ) Ke N (d 2 )]
c) For a portfolio of options, , , and are the sums of their values for the
individual options in the portfolio. It follows that equation (19.4) is true for any
portfolio of European put and call options.
A currency is analogous to a stock paying a continuous dividend yield at rate r f . The
differential equation for a portfolio of derivatives dependent on a currency is (see equation
1 2 2 2
( r rf ) S S r
t S 2 S 2
( r rf ) S 2 S 2 r
Similarly, for a portfolio of derivatives dependent on a futures price, F (see equation 18.6)
2 F 2 r
We can regard the position of all portfolio insurers taken together as a single put option. The
three known parameters of the option, before the 23% decline, are S 0 70 , K 665 , T 1 .
Other parameters can be estimated as r 006 , 025 and q 003 . Then:
ln(70 665) (006 003 0252 2)
d1 04502
N (d1 ) 06737
The delta of the option is
e qT [ N (d1 ) 1]
e 003 (06737 1)
This shows that 31.67% or $22.17 billion of assets should have been sold before the decline.
These numbers can also be produced from DerivaGem by selecting Underlying Type and
Index and Option Type as Black–Scholes European.
After the decline, S0 539 , K 665 , T 1 , r 006 , 025 and q 003 .
ln(539 665) (006 003 0252 2)
d1 05953
N (d1 ) 02758
The delta of the option has dropped to
e00305 (02758 1)
This shows that cumulatively 70.28% of the assets originally held should be sold. An
additional 38.61% of the original portfolio should be sold. The sales measured at pre-crash
prices are about $27.0 billion. At post-crash prices, they are about $20.8 billion.
With our usual notation, the value of a forward contract on the asset is S0e qT Ke rT . When
there is a small change, S , in S 0 the value of the forward contract changes by e qT S . The
delta of the forward contract is therefore e qT . The futures price is S0e( r q )T . When there is a
small change, S , in S 0 the futures price changes by Se( r q )T . Given the daily settlement
procedures in futures contracts, this is also the immediate change in the wealth of the holder
of the futures contract. The delta of the futures contract is therefore e( r q )T . We conclude that
the deltas of a futures and forward contract are not the same. The delta of the futures is
greater than the delta of the corresponding forward by a factor of erT . (Business Snapshot 5.2
is related to this question.)
The delta indicates that when the value of the exchange rate increases by $0.01, the value of
the bank’s position increases by 001 30 000 $300 . The gamma indicates that when the
exchange rate increases by $0.01, the delta of the portfolio decreases by 001 80 000 800 .
For delta neutrality, 30,000 CAD should be shorted. When the exchange rate moves up to
0.93, we expect the delta of the portfolio to decrease by (093 090) 80 000 2 400 so that
it becomes 27,600. To maintain delta neutrality, it is therefore necessary for the bank to
unwind its short position 2,400 CAD so that a net 27,600 have been shorted. As shown in the
text (see Figure 19.8), when a portfolio is delta neutral and has a negative gamma, a loss is
experienced when there is a large movement in the underlying asset price. We can conclude
that the bank is likely to have lost money.
(a) For a non-dividend paying stock, put–call parity gives at a general time t :
p S c Ke r (T t )
The delta of the portfolio is
1 000 050 500 080 2 000 (040) 500 070 450
The gamma of the portfolio is
1 000 22 500 06 2 000 13 500 18 6 000
The vega of the portfolio is
1 000 18 500 02 2 000 07 500 14 4 000
(a) A long position in 4,000 traded options will give a gamma-neutral portfolio since the long
position has a gamma of 4 000 15 6 000 . The delta of the whole portfolio (including
traded options) is then:
4 000 06 450 1 950
Hence, in addition to the 4,000 traded options, a short position of 1,950 in sterling is
necessary so that the portfolio is both gamma and delta neutral.
(b) A long position in 5,000 traded options will give a vega-neutral portfolio since the long
position has a vega of 5 000 08 4 000 . The delta of the whole portfolio (including
traded options) is then
5 000 06 450 2 550
Hence, in addition to the 5,000 traded options, a short position of 2,550 in sterling is
necessary so that the portfolio is both vega and delta neutral.
Let w1 be the position in the first traded option and w2 be the position in the second traded
option. We require:
6 000 15w1 05w2
Therefore, the portfolio can be made delta, gamma and vega neutral by taking a long position
in 3,200 of the first traded option, a long position in 2,400 of the second traded option, and a
short position of 1,710 in sterling.
The product provides a six-month return equal to
max (0 04 R)
where R is the return on the index. Suppose that S 0 is the current value of the index and ST
is the value in six months.
When an amount A is invested, the return received at the end of six months is:
S S0
A max (0 04 T )
0 4 A
max (0 ST S0 )
This is 04 A S 0 of at-the-money European call options on the index. With the usual
notation, they have value:
04 A
[ S0e qT N (d1 ) S0e rT N (d 2 )]
04 A[e qT N (d1 ) e rT N (d 2 )]
In this case, r 008 , 025 , T 050 and q 003
008 003 025 2
2 050
025 050
d 2 d1 025 050 00530
c d d
e rT N (d1 ) e rT FN (d1 ) 1 e rT KN (d 2 ) 2
d1 d 2
it follows from the result in (a) that
e rT N (d1 )
c d d
e rT FN (d1 ) 1 e rT KN (d 2 ) 2
Because d1 d2 T
d1 d 2
From the result in (a), it follows that
e rT FN (d1 ) T
Rho is given by
Te rT [ FN (d1 ) KN (d 2 )]]
or cT .
Because q r in the case of a futures option there are two components to rho. One arises
from differentiation with respect to r , the other from differentiation with respect to q .
For the option considered in Section 19.1, S 0 49 , K 50 , r 005 , 020 , and
T 20 52 . DerivaGem shows that 0011795 365 4305 , 05216 ,
0065544 , 24005 . The left hand side of equation (19.4)
4305 005 49 05216 02 2 49 2 0065544 0120
The right hand side is
005 24005 0120
This shows that the result in equation (19.4) is satisfied.