Pregnancy Embryo-Fetal Development and Nutrition P
Pregnancy Embryo-Fetal Development and Nutrition P
Pregnancy Embryo-Fetal Development and Nutrition P
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Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Human Anatomy and Histology Section, School of Medicine,
University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Department of Medical and Pediatric Sciences, Internal Medicine Division, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Physiology Section, School of Medicine, University of Catania,
Catania, Italy.
The purpose of this brief narrative review is to highlight the role of nutrition during the gestation period. We
focused on the possible effects of imbalance of some nutrients in normal course of pregnancy and embryonic
development. We discussed about changes in nutritional and/or hormonal embryonic microenvironment,
which represent the basis of a phenomenon known as “fetal programming”. We strongly believe that the
understanding of these events can be a valuable tool in order to prevent the onset of disorders and diseases in
postnatal life.
Keywords: Infant feeding, malnutrition, nutritional support, nutritional surveillance, pregnancy
© 2015 Musumeci et al; licensee Herbert Publications Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License
( This permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Musumeci et al. Journal of Histology & Histopathology 2015, doi: 10.7243/2055-091X-2-1
Musumeci et al. Journal of Histology & Histopathology 2015, doi: 10.7243/2055-091X-2-1
endocrine and paracrine factors, whose action is crucial in the an important role in the regulation of nutrient metabolism
control of reproductive processes, are involved [3]. Among (especially in the later stages of pregnancy). Instead, in the
these, a crucial role, not only during embryonic development immediate neonatal life they promote the use of energy for
but also in the course of postnatal life, is played by insulin growth and for the final differentiation of various tissues, es-
and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), which are considered, pecially those of musculo-skeletal and nervous systems, and
as amply demonstrated in the experimental animal, the most their progressive adaptation to extrauterine environment [26].
potent regulators of cell proliferation, apoptosis (especially Moreover, IGF-I is important for some essential functions such
programmed apoptosis), oogenesis, embryogenesis and ovar- as the increase of protein synthesis and, at the same time, the
ian secretion (Table 2) [2,3,16]. The role played by serotonin in limitation of catabolic process [29]. Alterations in the regula-
the diet of pregnant rats has been shown in recent data from tion of nutrients in prenatal life may be responsible for the
onset of short or long-term endocrine-metabolic disorders
such as postnatal insulin resistance, diabetes type 1, obesity
Table 2. Effects on fetal and placental weight in mice in the last
stages of gestation according to the distribution of genes that and disorders in puberty [7,30]. This is the pathophysiologi-
control the bioavailability of IGFs. cal basis for numerous and detailed clinical studies on adults
% of normal weight
[31-33]. These studies start to highlight the mechanisms
that are able to establish a link between the various critical
Gene target Effects Fetus Placenta
moments of the embryo-fetal development, which are also
Igf1 Absence of IGF-I in 60 100
represented by a rapid cell proliferation, and the eventual
tissues and plasma
Igf2 Absence of IGF-II 60 75 diseases of postnatal life.
reduction of placental
Placental PO Igf2 IGF-II 75 65 Fetal programming and immune system
normal fetal IGF-II Nutritional or/and hormonal changes in the embryo-fetal
IGF-Type I No response from the 45 100
microenvironment, can alter the fetal genomic expression
receptors for the IGFs
Receptor (IGFIr) IGF1r -- -- and exert permanent effects on a wide range of physiological
processes [34]. This phenomenon is known as “fetal program-
IGF-Type 2 No clearance of IGF-II 140 140 ming” (Table 3). Results from recent researches confirmed that
Receptor (Igf2r) Increase of plasmatic -- -- maternal-fetal malnutrition (both hypo- and hyper-nutrition)
exerts a suppressive effect on the immune response of both
H19 No suppression of 130 140
maternal IGF-II mother and fetus, with inevitable consequences on the deve-
Increase of tissue opment of the immune system of the latter [35,36]. Hyponutrition,
IGF-II in fact, evokes a significant hypotrophy of both primary and
Igf2 eH19 Increase of tissue and 200 230 secondary lymphoid organs. Also hyper-nutrition, especially if
plasmatic IGF-II
characterized by the abundance of fat, may have a suppressive
effect on the immune response [29,35]. The consequences of
literature [16,21-24]. Our recent studies showed that deficiency
or absence of L-tryptophan (L-Tp), the precursor of serotonin Table 3. Tissues and systems for which there is evidence, in
(5-HT), could be responsible for altered growth and possible humans, of fetal programming.
alterations in sexual development of descendants of pregnant Tissue/systems Examples of programming
rats fed with L-Tp free diet [8]. Even the excess of L-Tp in diet Cardiovascular Vascular compliance
of pregnant rats, showed adverse effects on their descendants system Thickness of the wall of the left ventricle
[25], in particular on muscle tissue development. Indeed, this
Endothelial function
amino acid has been shown to limit the production of IGF-I by
Respiratory system Volume of each lung
the liver [26], therefore, we could hypothesize the existence
Endocrine system Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis
of a real 5HT/growth hormone (GH)/IGF-I axis [27]. In humans,
there are numerous clinical observations in pregnancy, which Insulin metabolism of glucose
may confirm these experimental conclusions. It is known that GH-IGF-I axis
IGF-I significantly influences the secretion of ovarian steroids Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
(estrogen and progesterone) in human ovary [28]. Nucleo- Musculo-skeletal Insulin resistance
system Glycolysis during exercise
tides such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and
guanosine monophosphate (GMP), as intracellular second Bone Bone mineral content
messengers, may be responsible for mediation or control Kidney Renin-angiotensin system
of the pituitary gonadotropic cells, with obvious effects on Liver Cholesterol metabolism
ovarian function, and in particular on folliculogenesis. During Synthesis of fibrinogen and factor VII
the intrauterine life, in particular IGF-I, but also IGF-II, play Immune system Thyroid autoimmunity
Musumeci et al. Journal of Histology & Histopathology 2015, doi: 10.7243/2055-091X-2-1
malnutrition are more severe if present in particular stages restrict the provision of maternal-fetal nutrient and oxygen
of life. Malnutrition during pregnancy is a serious risk for the supply to the fetus (Figure 3). So much has been already done,
development of the immune defense of the fetus, both in the but further studies are needed to understand how the fetus
intrauterine life and in the postnatal one, when the infant is no adapts to the limited supply of nutrients from mother, how
longer protected by the maternal defenses [37]. Malnutrition
during weaning and in early childhood may result in lasting
effects that can affect important aspects of the entire postnatal Fetal Composition of Dietary and Utero-placental Placental
life, such as the somatic and stature growth and defense aga- genome mother’s body metabolic status blood flow transport
inst infectious diseases [35]. The gastro-intestinal immune
system develops mainly on the basis of the reports that it
contracts with the world of bacteria [38] and the development Fetal nutritional needs>maternal nutritional intake: fetal
of bacterial flora begins from the moment of birth and con- undernutrition
Musumeci et al. Journal of Histology & Histopathology 2015, doi: 10.7243/2055-091X-2-1
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