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Financial Globalization and Inequality:

Capital Flows as a Two-Edged Sword

Barry Eichengreen, Balazs Csonto, Asmaa El-Ganainy and Zsoka Koczan

We review the debate on the association of financial globalization with inequality. We show that the within-
country distributional impact of capital account liberalization is context specific and that different types of
flows have different distributional effects. Their overall impact depends on the composition of capital flows,
their interaction, and on broader economic and institutional conditions. A comprehensive set of policies –
macroeconomic, financial and labour- and product-market specific – is important for facilitating wider
sharing of the benefits of financial globalization.

Keywords: capital flows, capital account, remittances, and inequality

JEL Classification Numbers: F21, F22, F24, F41, F62, F63, F65, F68
Contact details: Zsoka Koczan, One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN, UK.
Phone: +44 20 7338 7083; email:

We thank Jaime Sarmiento Monroy for the excellent research assistance. We also thank Valerie Cerra,
Rupa Duttagupta, Rishi Goyal, Swarnali Ahmed Hannan, Olivier Jeanne, Amine Mati, Monique Newiak,
Marco Pani, Charalambos Tsangarides, Jiaxiong Yao, Jiae Yoo, as well as our colleagues at Banco de
México, and participants in the Inclusive Growth book seminar series organized by the IMF Institute for
Capacity Development, and at the 3rd Joint IMF-OECD-World Bank Conference on Structural Reforms
(Improving the Income Distribution Effect of Market Reforms in a Post-COVID-19 World) for their
comments. This is a draft of a chapter that has been accepted for joint publication by the IMF and Oxford
University Press in the forthcoming book titled: “How to Achieve Inclusive Growth”, edited by V. Cerra,
B. Eichengreen, A. El-Ganainy, and M. Schindler due for publication in 2021. The paper was previously
published as IMF Working Paper No. 2021/004, January 8, 2021. IMF Working Papers describe research in
progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views
expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of
the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.

The EBRD Working Papers intend to stimulate and inform the debate about the economic transformation of
the regions in which the EBRD operates. The views presented are those of the authors and not necessarily of
the EBRD.

Working Paper No. 252 Prepared in January 2021


1. Introduction
In this paper, we focus on the relationship of financial globalization to income inequality
and the implications for policy.1 Our point of departure is the contrast between trade
liberalization and financial liberalization. Standard logic suggests that trade liberalization will
have opposing effects on distribution in high- and low-income countries. The Stolper-Samuelson
theorem predicts that trade opening will increase demands for the services and therefore the
relative incomes of a country’s abundant factors of production, those used intensively in the
exportables sector. In high-income countries, these abundant factors are well-compensated
capital and skilled labour; in low income countries they are less-skilled labour. It follows that the
impact of trade liberalization on inequality will vary with economic development: income
inequality will increase in high-income countries, as the well compensated become even better
compensated, but fall in low-income economies, where opening disproportionately benefits low-
wage workers.2
A theorem in international economics, due to Mundell (1957), suggests that trade flows
and capital flows have the same distributional effects. Yet this does not appear to be the case in
practice.3 Recent studies suggest that inequality, as measured by the Gini Coefficient, has risen
with financial globalization in both advanced and developing countries.4 They show that
different kinds of capital flows can have different effects and that those effects are context
specific – multiple types of capital and multiple contexts of course not being part of the classic
Mundellian framework.
Evidently, even when financial globalization supports economic growth, it can be
unequalizing, depending on situation and circumstances. This creates a dilemma for
policymakers. Living standards can be raised by making the pie as large as possible, something
that financial globalization promotes in countries with strong institutions and effective policy and

Unless otherwise indicated, inequality throughout this paper is measured by the Gini coefficient (see Cerra et
al. 2021 for more details on various measurements of inequality). Although there exist alternatives, recent
research pointed to uncertainty about the accuracy of wealth inequality estimates, as well about alternative
income inequality indicators such as the top 1 per cent income share. For example, while Piketty et al. (2018)
find that the top 1 per cent income share increased by two-thirds since 1960 and doubled since 1980 in the U.S.,
Auten and Splinter (2018) show that there has been only a little change since 1960 and a modest increase since
1980 using a different allocation of underreported tax income.
A substantial number of early studies (reviewed in Krueger 1983) confirmed or were not inconsistent with
these predictions. The subsequent literature then qualified these findings, especially as they pertained to
developing countries. Wood (1997) showed that trade liberalization could be unequalizing rather than
equalizing for some emerging markets, notably middle-income countries whose labour-intensive export sectors
were squeezed by low-wage competition from China. (We would observe that this conclusion is by no means
inconsistent with the Stolper-Samuelson logic of the previous paragraph.) Pavcik (2017) showed that the impact
on developing countries varied by region or locale. The safest conclusion would appear to be that the impact of
trade opening in developing countries is not uniform. In contrast, recent work has reinforced the view that trade
openness has been a factor behind rising inequality in advanced countries. Autor et al. (2016) is probably the
most influential such study.
For a comprehensive discussion on the distributional impact of trade, see Cerra et al. (2021).
For developing countries in particular, this evidence differs, to a large extent, from that of trade (see Cerra et
al. 2021 for a full treatment of this literature).

regulatory frameworks. At the same time, it is desirable that the increase be widely shared,
something that is by no means guaranteed. It is important therefore to couple international
financial liberalization with other social and economic policies that help to level the
distributional playing field.
Distributional impacts also depend on initial conditions. Relevant conditions include the
level of human capital, the depth of financial markets, and the strength of institutional and policy
frameworks. Higher levels of educational attainment, stronger creditor rights, and more effective
rule of law in countries on the receiving end of capital flows can help to reap the benefits in
terms of growth while minimizing the costs in terms of distribution.
Moreover, different financial flows have different distributional implications:
FDI: The distributional effects of inward FDI will depend on its sectoral composition and
on the variation in labour intensity and skills across sectors. In general, the adverse distributional
effects will be greatest when FDI flows into sectors characterized by strong complementarities
between capital and skill. In this case, a better educated labour force will facilitate wider sharing
of the benefits.5
Outward FDI, which is sourced mainly from high-income countries and now increasingly
from middle-income countries such as China, tends to be associated with a decline in the demand
for less-skilled labour in the source country. Such effects diminish insofar as competitiveness
gains from the extension of global supply chains support growth and job creation in the sending
country. But there is growing evidence that adverse distributional consequences in the source
country persist. In addition, the threat of relocating production abroad may reduce the bargaining
power of labour and thus its income share, further accentuating inequality.
Portfolio financial capital flows: These may affect inequality through several channels,
including by accentuating macroeconomic volatility, which disproportionately hurts the poor.
Financial flows can also be vehicles for tax avoidance and other illicit flows that
disproportionately benefit high earners. But portfolio capital inflows can reduce inequality
insofar as they help to deepen and develop the financial sector and in so doing boost financial
inclusion and entrepreneurial opportunity for the poor. Strong institutions, policies to manage
capital flow surges and reversals, and well-developed financial markets that are capable of
efficiently intermediating funds are similarly important for mitigating the inequality-raising
effects of portfolio capital flows.
Remittances: Remittances affect inequality through their direct effects on income.
Empirical studies show that remittances have accrued increasingly to lower-income households
over time. Their inequality-reducing effects are more pronounced in countries with longer
migration histories, where the fixed costs of migration are lower, and where migration and
remittances are more accessible to poorer households. In addition, remittances will have

Over the long term, the inequality increasing effect of FDI tends to diminish with rising educational levels; see
for example Mihaylova (2015).

macroeconomic effects insofar as they facilitate setting up businesses, resulting in employment

creation which tends to be pro-poor.
Official development assistance: Official flows have the potential to reduce inequality
where institutions are sufficiently strong. However, aid may induce officials and well-connected
individuals in the private sectors, who already enjoy relatively high incomes, to engage in rent-
seeking activities aimed at appropriating resource windfalls where institutional checks are
lacking (Svensson, 2000, Hodler, 2007, Economides et al., 2008). Moreover, donors may
allocate aid in a way that deviates from pro-poor growth rhetoric and rather serves their
politically-motivated self-interest. In addition, official flows tend to be procyclical, which can
amplify volatility that disproportionately hurts the poor. All this suggests that ODA will tend to
reduce inequality only when it is timed and targeted appropriately by the donor and when the
recipient has in place institutions adequate for limiting diversion and appropriation.
Other official flows include those associated with reserve accumulation – when a
government uses some of its resources to acquire foreign assets. Higher reserves could reduce
macroeconomic and financial volatility, thereby mitigating the disproportionate impact of
downturns on low-income households. However, reserve accumulation can be expensive, since
the opportunity cost of funds (the typical government’s funding costs) are a multiple of the
interest income earned from holding U.S. treasury bonds or other similar “safe assets” (Rodrik
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sections II and III discuss some stylized
facts about the evolution of capital flows and inequality, respectively, over the last few decades.
Section IV probes deeper with a discussion of the main channels through which different types
of capital flows could affect income distribution. Section V discusses the role of capital flows in
shaping developments in inequality in Mexico since 1970s. Finally, Section VI draws policy
implications for maximizing the benefits from financial globalization for all.

2. Facts about Capital Flows

In the early 1990s, the flow of capital across borders accelerated, rising faster than global
trade and output (Figure 1). On the policy side, the growth of financial flows was facilitated by
capital account liberalization, in emerging and developing countries (EMDC) in particular
(again, see Figure 1).6 There was a tenfold increase between 1970 and 2015 in cross-border
investment, which rose from 20 to 200 per cent of global GDP, with the bulk of the increase
following the liberalization waves of the 1990s and the early-2000s run-up to the Global
Financial Crisis (GFC).
Cross-border financial flows also responded to changes in technology and market
structure (Häusler 2002). New technologies, such as electronic trading, relaxed geographic
constraints and facilitated interaction among financial market participants (Allen et al. 2001).

Of 135 episodes of capital account liberalization over the last five decades, 95 took place in EMDCs. Most of
the EMDC episodes took place in emerging markets. Specifically, 69 and 26 episodes were identified in
emerging markets (EMs) and low-income developing countries (LIDCs), respectively.

Building out the global network of submarine fiber-optic cables allowed market participants to
communicate with global financial centres in real time (Eichengreen et al. 2016). Advances in
computer technology enhanced access to information while facilitating risk assessment and asset
valuation. Liberalization and development of domestic financial markets in EMDCs opened new
opportunities for market participants (Lane and Milesi-Ferretti, 2007; Levy-Yeyati and Williams,
2011).7 New technologies providing alternatives to bank wire transfers and traditional platforms
such as Western Union similarly encouraged remittance flows.

Figure 1. Capital account openness and financial integration

Capital account openness Composition of global external assets
and financial integration

Sources: Chinn and Ito (2006), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), and authors’ calculations.

Note: Similar to other studies (e.g., Furceri et al. 2018), we assume that capital account liberalization occurs when
the change in the Chinn-Ito index exceeds its average by at least two standards deviations. Our approach further
assumes that there is no reversal of liberalization over the following 10 years.

Meanwhile, regulatory changes allowed a broader range of financial entities, including

mutual funds, hedge funds and insurance companies, to engage in cross-border intermediation.
As Häusler (2002) argues, these investors sought to diversify their portfolios internationally, with
the aim of maximizing risk-adjusted returns. The emergence of additional investors and the
deepening of financial markets could thus have contributed to a decline in home bias (i.e., the
tendency for investors to hold a disproportionately high share of funds in domestic assets and
neglect foreign investment opportunities).8
Relatedly, production was increasingly fragmented across countries with the emergence
of global value chains, a process related to cross-border investments both directly and indirectly.

For example, since the late 1990s, a growing number of EMDCs participated as issuers on sovereign bond markets
(Presbitero et al. 2015).
Indeed, there is some evidence that home bias is smaller, the larger the assets managed by institutional
investors (Darvas and Schoenmaker 2017).

Cross-border FDI by multinational companies motivated by these outsourcing opportunities

could take the form of offshoring of portions of the production process or acquisition of host-
country firms. By positively affecting the domestic business environment (e.g., through higher
demand for local inputs and the transfer of knowledge to local suppliers), a country’s
participation in global value chains could also enable it to attract additional foreign investors
(Amendolagine et al. 2017).
Different types of flows dominated in different periods. In the 1970s, capital flows were
predominantly debt flows to the public sector, which accounted for the bulk of the increase in
cross-border positions (Figures 1 and 2). This was followed in the 1980s with an increasing
importance of FDI and portfolio equity. The share of portfolio equity in total flows then rose
further in the 1990s. The period between the GFC and the COVID-19 pandemic then saw a
decline in debt flows, offset by an increase in FDI (Lane and Milesi-Ferretti 2018).

Figure 2. External debt securities (per cent of GDP)

Sources: IMF and authors’ calculations.

Overall, from 6-10 per cent of world GDP in the 1970-80s, the stock of FDI reached
nearly 60 per cent of global GDP in 2015, at which point FDI assets amounted to 37 and 4 per
cent of GDP in AEs and EMCDs, respectively. Although some 80 per cent of the stock of global
FDI is held by investors in AEs, there has been some increase in the FDI assets of EMDCs since
the 1990s, driven by increased outward FDI by China.9
In AEs, the dominance of debt inflows in the 1970 and 1980s was followed by an
increase in portfolio equity inflows and derivatives in the 1990s and the 2000s, respectively. In
EMDCs, in contrast, there was an increase in private debt inflows in the 1970s, when the

Chinese cross-border FDI now accounts for fully 25 per cent of total outward FDI by EMDCs.

combination of abundant petrodollars, favourable global interest rates and deregulation of banks’
international activities led to an increase in cross-border bank loans—which constituted more
than half of all capital flows to emerging markets in 1973-82 (Eichengreen 2004). The Latin
American debt crisis, which erupted in 1982, interrupted debt inflows and prompted debt
rescheduling and restructuring. Private capital inflows then picked up again in the 1990 and
2000s following initiating the Brady Plan. In lower-income EMDCs, by comparison, the increase
in portfolio flows was more gradual, with an acceleration in non-FDI capital inflows and the
emergence of sovereign bond issuances in the 2000s (Araujo et al., 2015a; Presbitero et al.,
Official flows include official development assistance (ODA), comprised of aid,
concessional loans and debt relief, as well as transactions related to the management of
international reserves.10 Notwithstanding a moderate decline in the 1990s, net ODA, typically
directed at low-income EMDCs, has risen more than threefold expressed at constant prices, and
has been broadly stable expressed relative to the Gross National Income of the OECD
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) between the early 1970s and the late 2010s.11
Reserve accumulation has been a major “uphill” capital flow from EMDCs to AEs.
Foreign official holdings of U.S. Treasuries increased from some US$200 billion in the early
1990s to US$4 trillion (around 30 per cent of total marketable U.S. Treasury debt securities) in
the mid-2010s.12 The increase was driven by EMDCs, which accumulated reserves in two waves:
during the pre-GFC period with either precautionary motives or on the back of high commodity
prices, and during the post-GFC period as a result of foreign exchange interventions taken in
response to surging capital inflows (Csonto and Tovar, 2017).
In 2017, remittances accounted for less than 1 per cent of global GDP, although they had
more than doubled relative to global GDP since 1995 (Figure 3). But this low average disguises
their disproportionate importance for certain economies. Remittances exceed 10 per cent of GDP
in 31 countries, and in some countries account for over one third of GDP. They often constitute a
significant share of migrant household income, not least where the incomes of those working
abroad are multiples of those earned by individuals working at home. With flows of such
magnitude, remittances are likely to have a visible effect on within-country inequality.
Remittances are also the least volatile balance-of-payments flow. They co-move less with
recipient-country GDP than do portfolio flows and FDI. They therefore help to smooth
disposable income and cushion economic shocks. Insofar as such shocks disproportionately
impact the least advantaged, who are disproportionately on the receiving end of remittance
transfers, this aspect of financial globalization tends to be pro-poor.

Although aid is in the current account (i.e., it is not capital flow), we discuss it as in many cases its behaviour
is similar to that of concessional loans.
ODA is measured here at constant prices. Based on OECD data. DAC is the international forum of major
providers of aid, with 30 members.
Based on data by Bertaut and Tryon (2007) and Bertaut and Judson (2014).

Figure 3. Trends in remittances

Global remittance flows Remittances, 2019
(per cent of world GDP) (per cent of GDP)

Sources: World Bank and authors’ calculations.

3. Facts about Inequality

Other more favourable effects of capital account liberalization notwithstanding, the
policy has been accompanied by rising within-country income inequality across a variety of
country groups.1314 Simply put, the increase in the Gini coefficient in newly liberalized countries
was higher than in countries that remained financially closed, as shown in Figure 4.
This increase was pronounced among AEs that liberalized their capital accounts, whereas
in EMDCs the picture was more mixed. About 40 per cent of newly liberalized EMDCs,
including Latin American countries in the early 2000s, experienced a decline in inequality
following capital account liberalization. In some EMs where inequality increased, particularly in
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), liberalization took place during the transition from central
planning to the market economy, so it is hard to know whether the observed increase is the
product of financial liberalization and opening or of other changes that accompanied enterprise
privatization and restructuring.

To be clear, financial globalization and financial liberalization are not one and the same. Our fundamental
concern in this paper is the effects of financial globalization, as indicated by our title. But financial
liberalization episodes may be particularly informative, as they allow for a before and after comparison. Hence
our focus here and elsewhere in the paper on the evidence they provide.
Of the 135 episodes mentioned earlier, inequality data were available for 111 episodes. Although the limited
number of episodes in LIDCs (only 13 episodes) does not allow for the breakdown of EMDCs into EMs and
LIDCs, it is worth noting that more than half of LIDC episodes were characterized by decreasing inequality.

Figure 4. Financial globalization and inequality

Change in the Gini index after capital account liberalization (per cent), 1970-2015

Sources: Chinn-Ito (2006), SWIID 8.1, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), and authors’ calculations.

Notes: The figure shows the median change in the average market Gini index during the 10-year periods before and
after capital account liberalization. Newly liberalized countries correspond to those liberalizing their capital
account according to the methodology described in Figure 1. Closed countries are those with Chinn-Ito Index that is
below the lowest value of the index at the time of capital account liberalization across episodes and those that do
not liberalize their capital account over the following 10 years. Creditor (debtor) countries are those with positive
(negative) average net foreign assets over the next 10 years. The sample includes 173 countries where a total of 135
episodes were identified (of which data were available for 111 episodes).

Income inequality appears to have risen following liberalization episodes in both creditor
and debtor countries.15 There is no clear relationship between the sign of net international
investment positions and inequality, in other words.16

4. Probing Deeper
We now probe deeper, looking more closely at the distributional effects of different
types of flows.

In the case of creditor countries, however, inequality also increased in closed countries over the same period.
There is no major difference, for example, in income inequality between a major advanced creditor country,
such as Germany (with a positive NIIP of 48 per cent of GDP, and Gini coefficient of 51), and the largest
advanced debtor country, the U.S. (with a negative NIIP of 41 per cent of GDP, and Gini coefficient of 52).
Similarly, two major EMDCs, China and Mexico, face similar outcomes in terms of income inequality (both
have a Gini coefficient of 0.47) against the backdrop of NIIP of +15 and -53 per cent of GDP, respectively.

a. Foreign Direct Investment

We identified 14 episodes since 1995 when EMDCs reduced restrictions on inward
FDI and calculated the change in the Gini index following each.17 The results suggest that
increased openness to FDI was followed by rising income inequality, absolutely and relative
to countries that maintained their restrictions (Figure 5). Many studies using more
sophisticated methodologies similarly find a positive relationship between inward FDI and

Figure 5. Openness to FDI, inequality and investment, emerging and developing

Change in inequality and investments after FDI liberalization (per cent), 1995-2015

Sources: Fernandez et al (2016), SWIID 8.1, IMF, and authors’ calculations.

Notes: The figure shows the median change in the average market Gini index and gross capital formation (as
share in GDP) during the 10-year periods before and after inward FDI liberalization in 68 EMDCs between
1995 and 2015. Inward FDI liberalization is defined on the basis of a decline in the direct investment inflow
restrictions sub-index of the Fernandez-Klein-Rebucci-Schindler-Uribe index. Change in Gini and gross capital
formation/GDP is shown on the left- and right-hand-side axis, respectively.

Of the 14 episodes, data for inequality and investment were available for 12 and 13 episodes, respectively.
The small sample does not allow for a breakdown into EMs (7 and 7 episodes with data on inequality and
investment, respectively) and LIDCs (5 and 6 episodes with data on inequality and investment, respectively).
See, for example, Tsai (1995); Gopinath and Chen (2003); Te Velde (2003); Te Velde and Morrissey (2003);
Lee (2006); Basu and Guariglia (2007); Jaumotte et al. (2008); Asteriou et al. (2014); Herzer et al. (2014);
Suanes (2016). Some, however, find mixed or even no such evidence. See, for example, Te Velde and
Morrissey (2004), Milanovic (2005); Sylwester (2005). Differences in methodologies, in measures of
inequality, in country sample and in period plausibly explain these differences.

A first possibility is that by raising the capital-labour ratio, inward FDI will increase the
return to labour relative to capital.19 As foreign and domestic capital compete for workers, there
will be upward pressure on wages. This reduces income inequality, insofar as ownership of
capital is concentrated in the hands of high-income groups (Wolff 2010).20
But if capital substitutes for unskilled labour and/or complements skilled labour, then FDI
inflows will increase the relative demand for skilled labour and thus the skill premium (Krusell
et al. 2000, Larrain, 2017, Jaumotte et al. 2008).21 Here it is important to differentiate between
horizontal and vertical FDI. Horizontal FDI means that firms undertake the same activities at
their foreign affiliates as in their home country, typically motivated by the promise of obtaining
improved market access. Since the FDI decision is not prompted by the promise of lower labour
costs, it is not clear that horizontal FDI will affect the skill premium.
Vertical FDI, in contrast, will almost certainly affect the skill premium, although in what
direction will depend on the context. Vertical FDI involves outsourcing segments of the
production process, typically to locations where costs, notably those of labour, are lower. The
impact on the relative demand for low-skilled labour and thus the skill premium in the recipient
country varies across countries, depending on, among other factors, the skill composition of
outsourced activities and that of the labour force in recipient countries. For example, the
outsourcing of skill-intensive activities by German and Austrian firms to cheaper skilled-labour-
abundant Central and Eastern European economies (CEE) in the 1990s raised the skill premium
in the recipient countries, aggravating inequality (Marin 2004). Similarly, Feenstra and Hanson
(1997) found that FDI, accompanied by rapid technological change that places a premium on
skills, increased the demand for skills and thus the skill premium in Mexico in the 1980s.22 In
contrast, vertical FDI flows following the advent of NAFTA in the mid-1990s contributed to the
decline in inequality observed in Mexico starting from the mid-1990s by raising the demand for

There is some evidence that FDI inflows into manufacturing lead to more total investment in developing
countries, especially in the case of investments by residents of advanced economies (Amighiani et al. 2017).
This means that any crowding out effect on domestic investment would be more than offset by the positive
impact of FDI. Amighiani et al. (2017) also suggest that the direct impact on investment, and thus capital stock
depends on whether FDI takes the form of greenfield investments, i.e. the establishment of foreign operations
by a company (e.g., by creating a new factory) that has direct positive impact on capital stock, or whether it is in
the form of mergers and acquisitions, which involve the transfer of the ownership of existing assets. FDI may
also exercise indirect effects on domestic investment, both positive and negative. It may create additional
demand for inputs provided by local suppliers, thereby encouraging investment, but also push domestic firms
out of the market, in an obvious sense discouraging investment.
Consistent with this premise, IMF (2017) finds a strong negative association between labour shares and
income inequality.
The mechanism is similar to that of skill-biased technological change, i.e. when advances in technology
favour high-skilled labour (Berman et al. 1998). Goldberg and Pavcnik (2007) provides a comprehensive
overview of the different channels through which globalization affects inequality, including the impact of
outsourcing on the skill premium.
They noted, however, that these outsourced activities are less skill-intensive in the US. As they point out,
even if relocated activities are low-skill intensive in the home country, they can still lead to an increase in the
relative demand for skilled labour in the recipient country, provided their skill intensity is higher than that of
domestic production.

low-skilled relative to high-skilled labour.23 Robertson (2007) provides some evidence that the
changing nature of foreign investments in the 1990s that favoured less skill-intensive activities
(e.g., an expansion of assembly activities made possible by NAFTA) led to higher demand for
low-skilled workers in Mexico, thereby reducing the skill premium.
The extent to which capital account liberalization leads to additional investment and
thereby affects the skill premium will also depend on external financial dependence. External
financial dependence varies widely across sectors, with manufacturing (especially chemicals)
and certain services (post and telecommunications, real estate, hotels and restaurants) having
large needs for external finance, in contrast to other services (such as education and health care;
see Larrain 2017). In economies where access to external finance is otherwise limited, inward
FDI can relax that constraint and allow the sectors in question and their derived demand for
factor services to expand. To the extent that FDI flows into sectors where both external financial
dependence and capital-skill complementarity are high (e.g., telecommunications), opening the
capital account do more to raise the demand for skilled labour, the skill premium, and thus wage
FDI may also affect inequality through its impact on product markets and prices. For
example, FDI has been one of the main drivers of the “de-fragmentation” of the retail sector in
EMDCs, i.e. of the shift to larger, centralized wholesale and retail markets (Reardon et al. 2003).
Although the presence of foreign retailers could put a downward pressure on prices via their
higher productivity and more intense competition, the crowding-out of local stores could also
allow foreign retailers to use their market power to raise prices over time (Durand 2007). To the
extent that the first factor dominates, and these goods constitute a larger share of the
consumption basket of low-income households, this would have favourable distributional effects.
In addition, however, against the backdrop of low levels of unionization in low-skilled services
sectors such as retail, entry by foreign firms could intensify competition in the product market,
thereby lowering the bargaining power of labour and encouraging race-to-the-bottom wage
dynamics. This was the case in Mexico, where real wages in retail fell by 18 per cent between
1994 and 2003 following the entry of Walmart (Durand 2007).24
Turning to outward FDI, some studies find that this is positively associated with
inequality because it lowers the capital/labour ratio, reduces the demand for less skilled labour
disproportionately, or weakens labour’s bargaining power (see e.g., Choi 2006; Jaumotte et al.
2008). The evidence suggests a negative relationship between outward FDI and the labour
income share in AEs (Figure 6). Analysing U.S. experience with outsourcing less-skill intensive
activities to Mexico in the 1980s, for example, Feenstra and Hanson (1997) find that the skill
premium increased in the U.S. as outsourcing such activities reduced the demand for less skilled
workers. In contrast, Marin (2004) shows that Austrian and German multinationals in the 1990s
outsourced skill-intensive stages of production to CEE region, thereby exerting downward
pressure on the skill premium in Austria and Germany (while raising the skill premium in CEE

See Section V for a more comprehensive discussion about the case of Mexico.
During the same period, however, overall inequality fell in Mexico, partly driven by FDI (see Section V).

region, as mentioned above).

Figure 6. Outward FDI and labour income share, advanced economies

Sources: Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), PWT 9.1, and authors’ calculations.

In addition capital account liberalization could lower the bargaining power of labour and
thus its income share, by creating a credible threat to relocate production and jobs abroad
(Rodrik 1998; Furceri et al. 2018; Ostry et al. 2019).25 As Rodrik (1998) argues, “employers can
pack up and leave, but workers cannot,” implying that workers “have to receive lower wages
and benefits whenever bargaining is an element in setting the terms of employment.” Consistent
with this observation, Blinder (2009) finds that “the 5.7 million most offshorable jobs seem to
pay a wage penalty – estimated to be about 14 per cent” in the United States.
FDI can also facilitate tax avoidance by multinational companies. “Phantom FDI,”
defined as investments with no real links to the local economy, accounts for an estimated 40 per
cent of global FDI (Damgaard et al. 2019). These investments pass through corporate shells with
a view to minimizing multinationals’ global tax bills.26 Such tax avoidance will likely raise
returns for capital owners, accentuating income inequality in source countries.27

Using a panel of 23 AEs and 25 industries over the period 1975-2010, for example, Furceri et al. (2018) find
that capital account liberalization tends to reduce the labour income share to a larger extent in sectors with
higher natural layoff rate with the mechanism possibly operating through the lower bargaining power of labour.
A few well-known tax havens host the vast majority of the world’s FDI through special purpose entities.
Globally, phantom investments amount to $15 trillion, or the combined annual GDP of China and Germany.
Despite international attempts to curb tax avoidance, the growth of phantom FDI continues to outpace that of
genuine FDI. Investments in foreign empty shells could indicate that domestically controlled multinationals
engage in tax avoidance that benefits the rich, with potential adverse implications for inequality in the source
countries (i.e., where the owners of these companies reside) (see also Cerra et al. 2021 on taxation).
At the same time, tax payments generate fiscal revenue in recipient countries. If such revenues finance
redistributive policies, they might help to reduce inequality. However, if the revenues are captured by the elites,
they will aggravate inequality

Finally, the inequality-increasing effects of inward FDI appear to less in countries with
higher levels of educational attainment. Mihaylova (2015) argues that this is related to the fact
that the technologies transferred by FDI often require the use of relatively skilled labour in the
recipient country. A higher level of human capital in the FDI recipient country will thus tend to
limit the impact on the skill premium. As we show in Figure 7, between 1995 and 2015, more
than 6 (slightly more than 2) per cent of the population completed tertiary education in EMDCs
that observed a decline (an increase) in inequality, with no major difference in terms of inward
FDI across these groups.28, 29

Figure 7. Inward FDI, education and inequality, emerging and low-income developing

Sources: Barro and Lee (2013), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), SWIID 8.1, and authors’ calculations.

a. Non-FDI Private Capital Flows30

Insofar as portfolio capital flows and FDI have similar impacts on investment in the
recipient country, they will have similar distributional effects. In addition, however, the impact
of portfolio flows is likely to reflect their implications for aggregate volatility. Several studies
find pronounced negative distributional consequences when capital account liberalization

It is worth noting that the first group also attracted higher FDI relative to the size of their economies.
Out of 53 EMDCs, there were only 14 LIDCs, with around 2.5 (1.7) per cent of the population having
completed tertiary education in countries with a decline (increase) in inequality.
Portfolio non-FDI private capital flows include portfolio debt and equity flows and other investments such as
bank funding, and trade credit/deposits. Portfolio debt flows include flows where the debtor is government and
the creditor is private sector entity as these flows are considered market-driven.

increases macroeconomic volatility (Chauvet et al. 2017) and especially when it is followed by a
crisis (Ernst and Escudero 2008; Furceri et al. 2018) (Figure 8).31, 32, 33

Figure 8. Capital account liberalization, crises and inequality

Gini coefficient, per cent change, before and after capital account liberalization, 1970-2015

Sources: Chinn-Ito (2006), SWIID 8.1, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), Laeven and Valencia (2012), and authors’

Notes: Newly liberalized, followed by crisis indicates those capital account liberalization episodes that are followed
by either currency, banking or sovereign debt crisis within 10 years. See Figure 4 for the country sample.

The procyclicality of portfolio inflows in EMDCs is well established: net flows rise in
good times and fall in bad times, amplifying business-cycle fluctuations.34 Relatedly, there is a
literature linking financial liberalization and capital inflow surges on the one hand to crises on
the other.35 But the pro-cyclicality of capital flows differs across countries and borrowers.
Capital inflows into developing countries are less pro-cyclical than those into more developed
countries (Araujo et al. 2015b). This could be the result of the less pronounced financial
accelerator in developing countries, given smaller banking systems and a less pronounced

Specifically, Chauvet et al. (2017) finds that income volatility has an adverse impact on inequality for a panel
of 142 countries between 1973 and 2012. Ernst and Escudero (2008) finds the inequality-raising impact of crisis
in a sample of 102 countries between 1960-2006, while Furceri et al. (2018) examining a sample of 23 countries
over the period 1975-2010 show that the distributional impact of capital account liberalization is magnified
when liberalization is followed by crisis.
We identified 22 episodes, of which data are available for 16 episodes. There is only one crisis episode in
AEs in the sample. The EMDC group is dominated by EMs (11 episodes), whereas there are only 4 LIDC
The Committee on International Economic Policy and Reform (2012) similarly concluded that “the
procyclical nature of cross-border bank-intermediated credit flows have given rise to serious economic and
financial instabilities”.
See, for example, the literature on sudden stops (e.g., Calvo and Reinhart 1999) or Kaminsky et al. (2004).
See, for example, Eichengreen (2004); Reinhart and Reinhart (2008); Reinhart and Rogoff (2009).

leverage cycle (Geanakoplos 2009). The cyclical properties of inflows also reflect the type of
borrower: sovereign borrowing is countercyclical in EMs and acyclical in AEs, while borrowing
by banks and corporates is uniformly pro-cyclical (Kalemli-Ozcan et al 2017).
Gross flows are more procyclical than net flows, making them a better indicator of
financial vulnerabilities.36, 37 Both gross inflows by non-residents and gross outflows by residents
decline during crises (Broner et al. 2013), so their respective impacts on net flows offset one
another. This implies that the degree of global financial market integration (as proxied by gross
flows) is more important for inequality than whether a country is a net creditor or debtor.38
Aggregate volatility is associated with higher inequality, because poorer households
suffer more in economic downturns (see also Cerra et al. 2021).39, 40 The mechanisms here are

 Recessions disproportionately affect wages and employment for poor households, since firms
are more reluctant to lay off their skilled workers due to higher hiring and training costs
(Agenor 2001).
 Credit rationing by banks, which is more prevalent during downturns, disproportionately
affects poorer households, since their loans are considered riskier. For example, Choudhary
and Jain (2017) show that when facing an increase in their funding costs due to an exogenous
shock caused by flooding, banks in Pakistan disproportionately reduce credit to less-
educated, poorer borrowers.

 Poor households may be forced to interrupt the education of their children (Hausmann and
Gavin, 1996).41 Consequently, recessions may have long-lasting impacts on human capital
formation, resulting in an “asymmetric hysteresis effect on poverty” (Agenor 2001).
Negative distributional effects can thus be limited by policy frameworks that help
countries to effectively manage capital flows, and reduce the associated volatility. The IMF has
suggested a variety of capital flow measures (CFMs) that might be deployed in this connection,
though such measures should not be substitute for warranted macroeconomic adjustment.

See, for example, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2007); Forbes and Warnock (2011); Broner et al. (2013).
A higher degree of complementarity between gross inflows and outflows reduces the volatility of net inflows
in AEs, i.e., given relatively stable current account balance and reserve positions in these countries, changes in
gross capital inflows are typically mirrored by changes in gross capital outflows (Bluedorn et al. 2013).
This last implication is consistent with the earlier discussion pointing to the absence of a clear relationship
between income inequality on the one hand and countries’ net external positions as debtors or creditors on the
See, for example, Heathcote et al. (2010); Atkinson and Morelli (2011); Guillamont Jeanneney and Kpodar
(2011); Agnello and Sousa (2012); and Chauvet et al. (2017).
Financial crises however could reduce wealth inequality as bankruptcies and falling asset prices may have
greater impact on those who are better off (Atkinson and Morelli 2011).
For example, the 1998 crisis in Indonesia was followed by a decline in the school enrollment of young
children in the poorest households (Thomas et al. 2004). In contrast, children were found not more likely to
drop out from school during recessions in Brazil (Neri and Thomas 2000). Similarly, the Great Recession was
found to have a long-term negative impact on employment in the United States, with larger effects among older
and lower-income individuals (Yagan 2019).

Strengthening financial regulation and supervision are important here as well (IMF, 2012). 42 So
too are macroprudential policies, which can mitigate the impact of global financial shocks
(Bergant et al. 2020). Improved access to financial services can also allow households to borrow
as a way of mitigating the consequences of downturns.
Here the composition of flows again matters. While a surge in capital inflows increases
the probability of a banking or a currency crisis in immediately succeeding years, this effect may
be less when flows take the form of portfolio equity or FDI than when it takes the form of debt
(Furceri et al. 2011a). Again, capital flow and regulatory measure can be used to shape tilt the
composition of flows in more stable directions.
Capital flows may also affect inequality through their impact on financial
inclusion.43,44 The development of mobile money services, facilitated by foreign portfolio
investment, could enhance access to credit. For example, equity investment by the foreign-
owned Safaricom contributed to the introduction of M-PESA in Kenya in 2007, leading to a
significant increase in access to finance.45 Wider access to financial services (e.g., payments
services, savings accounts) helped make financial transactions more efficient, and facilitated
investment in small enterprise by households that did not previously have access to such
services. Improved access to loans also helped with the management of income shocks due to
loss of employment and thus protect households from falling into poverty (Demirguc-Kunt et
al. 2017).46
Portfolio capital flows may further influence inequality through their fiscal impact,
making it easier for the sovereign to finance its spending but also leading to rising debt. The
distributional impact will then depend on how the additional resources are used and additional
liabilities are managed: for example, on whether the resources are used to support pro-poor
programs and whether the debt is prudently managed (see Cerra et al. 2021).
Opening the capital account can also create a foreign demand for domestic assets (Azis
and Shin 2015, Kim and Yang 2009; Ananchotikul and Zhang 2014). For example, portfolio
equity, portfolio debt and net bank inflows may also be associated with a boom in housing prices
(Jara and Olaberría, 2013); the impact on distribution will depend on who owns the housing

Bumann and Lensink (2016) focus on financial depth as the main channel through which capital account
liberalization (a particular form of financial liberalization) affects income inequality. They find that capital
account liberalization only tends to lower income inequality if the level of financial depth, as measured by
private credit over GDP, is high, in excess of 25 per cent.
For example, the use of external funds by banks to lend to the private sector could enhance financial
inclusion. On the other hand, capital flows to countries where targeted lending by banks to specific groups of
interest is prevalent could result in higher inequality. In general, the literature on capital flows and financial
inclusion is scarce.
For an overview of the link between financial inclusion and inequality, see Cerra et al. (2021).
Ultimately, this technology spread to other countries in the region, reaching 30 million users, significantly
boosting financial inclusion (Sy 2019).
In their study of towns in Mexico where bank branches were rapidly opened, Bruhn and Love (2014) argue
that increased access to financial services leads to an increase in income for low-income individuals by allowing
informal business owners to keep their businesses open and creating an overall increase in employment.

stock. By comparison, an increase in equity prices driven by capital flows will almost certainly
increase wealth inequality insofar as stocks typically constitute a larger share of asset holdings of
high-income households.47
Portfolio flows may further alter net wealth through their impact on the exchange rate.
For example, currency depreciation due to outflows will tend to reduce the net wealth of
households with foreign-currency-denominated liabilities and raise the cost of repaying foreign-
currency-denominated debt. This effect was evident in Central/Eastern European countries where
the majority of mortgage debt was financed by foreign-domiciled banks and denominated in
euros and Swiss francs.
Finally, openness to capital flows can facilitate tax evasion and illicit financial flows,
much as in the case of the phantom FDI discussed above.48 An additional motive for turning to
offshore centres is to avoid prosecution for fraud and corruption.49 Comparing information from
offshore financial institutions with administrative wealth records in Denmark, Norway and
Sweden, Alstadsæter et al. (2019) find that offshore tax evasion is mainly engaged in by the rich.
They estimate that the 0.01 per cent richest households thereby evaded around 25 per cent of
their taxes.50
In sum, portfolio capital flows may raise inequality through their impact on volatility, tax
avoidance, illicit flows, and asset prices—all of which tend to benefit the rich. Such flows may
be inequality reducing, however, when they boost financial inclusion. Strong institutions and
pro-active policies help to mitigate the potential inequality-raising effects, however, and to share
the benefits more widely.

b. Official Capital Flows

Studies that analyse the distributional impact of ODA reach conflicting conclusions.
Chong et al. (2009), using cross-section and system GMM panel techniques, find no robust effect
of aid on inequality. Shafiullah (2011), in contrast, estimates fixed and random effects models
and finds that aid reduces income inequality. Calderón et al. (2006) find that foreign aid reduces
inequality so long as institutional quality exceeds a critical threshold. Conversely, weak
institutions in recipient countries enhance the ability of local authorities to engage in corruption
and rent-seeking activities aimed at appropriating resource windfalls and diverting aid funds,
resulting in greater inequality (Chong and Gradstein 2007). Herzer and Nunnenkamp (2012),

For example, in the context of the distributional impact of quantitative easing in the euro area, Lenza and Slacalek
(2018) discuss the potential role of the portfolio composition channel, highlighting that self-employed business and
stock market wealth constitute a substantially larger share of total assets in the top net wealth quintile of households.
Compared with tax avoidance in the case of FDI, tax evasion refers to illegal activities.
Relatedly, capital account openness could also encourage organized crime by providing opportunities for
money laundering.
Ndikumana and Boyce (2018) estimate that capital flight, inferred from capital flows not recorded in the
balance of payments, amounted to a cumulative US$1.4 trillion in 30 African countries between 1970 and 2015
According to estimates by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, money laundering was close to 3
per cent of world GDP in 2009 (UNODC, 2011).

using panel cointegration estimators to examine long term effects of aid, also find that aid
increases inequality on balance.
When foreign donors are not purely altruistic, they may use aid to buy political support
by the local elite, in which case aid benefits the rich rather than the poor in the recipient country.
Similarly, there may be a heightened risk that aid is diverted into inter alia foreign bank accounts
in countries where political institutions are weak. Two conditions thus must be met in order for
ODA to be effective in reducing inequality: first, donors must allocate aid in line with their
rhetoric on pro-poor growth; and both they and the local authorities must ensure that aid reaches
the poor—in this regard, strong institutions are a pre-condition for aid to reach those in need and
for it to reduce inequality.
Finally, there is the problem that official aid is procyclical (Pallage and Robe 2002). This
may reflect the fact that recipient countries may have less ability during downturns to meet the
matching requirements set by donors. This implies that instead of playing a stabilizing role, aid
flows can exacerbate aggregate volatility, with potential adverse effects for inequality, as
discussed above.
The second form of official capital flows we consider is reserve accumulation, when
capital flows out of countries, including EMDEs, seeking to augment their reserves and into the
safe reserve assets issued by, inter alia, the U.S. government. The rapid build-up of international
reserves by emerging market countries in the pre-GFC period, for example, had the potential to
affect inequality through two channels. First, larger reserves augmented the capacity of central
banks and governments to insulate the domestic economy from the effects of capital flow
reversals; this helped to help mitigate growth volatility associated with changing global financial
conditions, thereby also lowering possible adverse distributional consequences as discussed in
the previous section. Second, as “reserves were accumulated in the context of foreign exchange
interventions intended to promote export-led growth by preventing exchange-rate appreciation”
(Bernanke 2005), the impact on inequality also depends on how evenly the gains from the
export-led growth are distributed across skilled- and unskilled labour, as well as labour and
capital owners.51

c. Remittances
The literature reaches mixed findings on the impact of remittances on inequality. Most
early studies examine the distributional effects by simply subtracting remittance from income for
remittance-receiving households, computing Gini coefficients separately for non-remittance
income and remittance income.52 In contrast, recent studies have created counterfactual income
distributions. Such counterfactuals are designed to capture what a migrant’s income would be in
the home country in the absence of migration as well as what the participation decisions and
earnings of other household members would be in the absence of remittances.53 Most of these

For a comprehensive discussion on trade and inequality, see Cerra et al. (2021).
See, for example, Adams and Alderman 1992, Stark et al. 1988, and Taylor et al. 2009.
This provides more accurate estimates than simply comparing income distributions with and without
remittances, which implicitly assumes that there would be no behavioural changes in the absence of

studies use income in non-remittance-receiving households to predict what the income of

households who send migrants would have been in the absence of outmigration and remittance
Although relying on similar methodologies, these studies nonetheless reach different
conclusions. For example, Möllers and Meyer (2014) find that remittances increase inequality in
Kosovo, while Mughal and Anwar (2012) and Koczan and Loyola (2021) find that they lower it
in Pakistan and Mexico, respectively. These conflicting findings may be driven by changing
effects over time. As highlighted by Stark et al. (1988) and Taylor et al. (2009), pioneer migrants
who lack pre-existing migrant networks and therefore face higher costs of migration may come
from wealthier households. In contrast, later migrants, who come from poorer households, may
benefit from falling costs as migrant networks expand. If so, migration and associated remittance
receipts will first increase then reduce inequality in sending countries. Similarly, in a cross-
section one would observe a positive link between outmigration and inequality in sending
countries with a more recent migration history (Stark et al. 1988). This interpretation is
consistent with the findings of Acosta et al. (2008), who identify different effects across Latin
American countries depending on their migration histories, extent of migrant networks, and
proximity to migrant destinations. Migrant households are more likely to be from the bottom of
the income distribution in Mexico and Paraguay, with longer migration histories and lower costs
of migrating to their main migrant destinations, whereas migrants tend to be drawn from higher-
income portions of the population in Haiti, Peru and Nicaragua. Similarly, Brown and Jimenez
(2007) find larger poverty- and inequality-reducing effects of remittances and migration in
Tonga, an economy with a relatively long migration history and high remittances, than in Fiji, an
economy with a more recent migration history.
Margolis et al. (2013) similarly point to larger inequality-reducing effects in Algerian
regions with more migrants and remittance-receiving households. Further consistent with this
view, McKenzie and Rapoport (2007) analyse whether remittances have a more equalizing effect
in communities with higher levels of past migration, where the presence of migration networks
lowers the costs of migration, and makes migration a more accessible option for poorer
households as well. They examine the effects of past migration on inequality in sending
communities in Mexico and find that migration and remittances indeed reduce inequality in rural
Mexican communities with high levels of past migration. Along similar lines, Acharyaa and
Leon-Gonzalez (2012) argue that remittances from India (unlike remittances from elsewhere)
reduce inequality in Nepal due to the greater participation of the poor in the Nepal-India
migration process. Möllers and Meyer’s (2014) contrasting finding that migration and
remittances increase inequality in rural Kosovo similarly could be explained by the country’s
recent migration history and consequent high costs of migration.

remittances. It would, however, seem likely that given the drop in income, other household members would
start working, or increase their hours.
See, for example, Acharyaa and Leon-Gonzalez 2012, Acosta et al. 2008, Adams et al. 2008, and Barham and
Boucher 1998.

Thus, while the findings of different studies are mixed, their differences may reflect
changing effects over time and indicate that any inequality-reducing effects of remittances are
more pronounced in countries with a longer migration histories, where the fixed costs of
migration are lower and migration and remittances are more accessible to poorer households.55

5. The Case of Mexico

In this section, we consider Mexico as a way of illustrating aspects of the capital flows-
inequality nexus.
Geographer and explorer Alexander von Humboldt, who visited in 1803-04, described
Mexico as “a country of inequality”.56 Nowadays, Mexico has one of the highest levels of
income inequality among OECD countries. The country’s modern history has encompassed
increasing levels of external integration, including joining the GATT in 1986 and adopting
NAFTA in 1994. Mexico also has a long history of out-migration, in particular to the United
States, shaped by both push (economic crisis in Mexico in the 1970-80s) and pull factors (new
industries in the U.S. Southwest in the early-20th century; and the family reunification programs
in the 1970-80s).57

Figure 9. Mexico: Income inequality and external liabilities, 1970-2015

Income inequality External liabilities (per cent of GDP)

Sources: SWIID 8.1, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), and authors’ calculations.

Trends in inequality since the 1970s fall into three distinct periods. Inequality first fell in
the 1970s from high initial levels (Figure 9). This was followed by an increase from the mid-
1980s through the mid-1990s, with both gross and disposable-income Ginis rising steadily.58

Given large cross-country income differences, the effects of international remittances are likely to be larger
than those of internal remittances, even if fewer poorer households receive the former.
“Mexico is a country of inequality. Nowhere does there exist such a fearful difference in the distribution of
fortune, civilization of the soil, and population.”
( )
Migration flows only slowed recently, as a result of a combination of demographic changes in Mexico’s
population (as the decline in fertility resulted in proportionally fewer young people), improved economic
conditions in Mexico, reduced work opportunities in the United States as a result of the Global Financial Crisis
and enhanced immigration enforcement by US authorities.
Disposable income refers to income after taxes and transfers.

Inequality then declined again from the mid-1990s (coincident with the implementation of
NAFTA) through the late 2000s (which closed with the Global Financial Crisis). This last phase
was especially evident in terms of disposable income, with the decline being widespread across
states (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Mexico: Income inequality, by states

Sources: CONEVAL and authors’ calculations.

The first period of declining inequality coincided with the end of Mexico’s post-World
War II period of “state-led development, rapid industrialization” (Bleynat et al. 2017). The new
economic policy announced in 1970, the start of Desarrollo Compartido (Shared Development),
had the express objective of reducing income inequality (Kehoe and Meza 2012). The discovery
of sizeable oil fields in 1978 then financed increased public investment. All this was strongly
However, given that the widening fiscal deficit was partly financed with borrowing from
abroad, external debt increased sharply during this period (Figure 9). When hit by tightening
global financial conditions and declining oil prices, the Mexican government was forced to
announce in 1982 that it could not service its debt. The economy entered a severe recession,
during which inequality worsened.
Mexico regained access to international markets following a debt restructuring agreement
with foreign lenders in 1990. FDI had already picked up in response to reforms in the second half
of the 1980s. This foreign investment together with skill-biased technological change contributed
to the increase in the relative demand for skilled labour, as noted above in section IV (Cragg and
Epelbaum 1996; Feenstra and Hanson 1997). The increase in the skill premium, reflected in the
relatively rapid rise of wages at the upper part of the income distribution, in turn contributed to
rising inequality (Esquivel 2010).

Foreign capital market access led in practice to the rapid build-up of short-term, dollar-
indexed debt, culminating in the 1994-95 crisis which resulted in devaluation of the peso and a
spike in interest rates, followed by a sharp economic contraction and significant rise in
unemployment. Income inequality fell between 1994 and 1996, as the top 10 per cent of the
income distribution comprised a large share of high-skilled workers in the non-tradable sectors
such as financial services, which were the hardest hit by the crisis (Lopez-Acevedo and Salinas
Several potential drivers of the post-NAFTA fall in wage inequality have been suggested.
The supply of skilled workers rose following an increase in college enrollment starting in 1995
(Campos-Vázquez 2013). In addition, wages rose at the bottom of the income distribution,
suggesting a role for demand-side factors (Esquivel 2010). In particular, the demand for
unskilled labour increased as a result of the expansion of assembly activities by foreign investors
(Robertson 2007). Chiquiar (2008) shows that wage developments in this period were in line
with the prediction of the Stolper- Samuelson Theorem. Specifically, the increase in low-skilled
wages was larger in states closer to the U.S.-Mexico border where there is a higher concentration
of manufacturing production and FDI. This spatial pattern reinforced the heterogeneous regional
impact of NAFTA.
These wage developments were linked in part to FDI inflows. Jensen and Rosas (2007)
find that Mexican states receiving larger FDI inflows experienced larger declines in inequality
between 1990 and 2000.60 Using industry-level data for the period 1994-2005, Waldkirch (2008)
also finds evidence that FDI into maquiladora industry (factories serving industries operating
under preferential tariff regimes established by Mexico and the United States) benefited
unskilled workers disproportionately. Our data for 2003-10, in Error! Reference source not
found., also indicate that inequality decreased more in regions that received higher inflows of
Also relevant is that Mexico is one of the world’s largest recipients of remittances.61 In
the early years, remittance-receiving households were typically in the middle of the income
distribution. But as the fixed costs of migration fell and migration opportunities became more
widespread, remittances became increasingly pro-poor. Remittance-receiving households are on
average poorer than non-remittance-receiving households, even when taking remittances into
account. Remittances also tend to constitute a larger share of income for poorer households.

Notwithstanding the decline in income inequality, the poor were seriously hit by the crisis, with a 24 per cent
increase in the poverty headcount during the crisis (Pereznieto 2010).
At the same time, Rivera and Castro (2013) find that FDI raised inequality between regions but not within
In 2014, households received on average about US$290 per month (US$140 median). See Koczan and Loyola
(2018) for a comprehensive treatment of the role of remittances on inequality in Mexico, employing household-
level data in Mexico, based on the National Survey of Income and Expenditure (ENIGH). (See footnote 74 for
more details about the survey.

Figure 11. Mexico: Income inequality and FDI, by states

Sources: CONEVAL, INEGI and authors’ calculations.

The Gini coefficient of households’ “no-migration” counterfactual income is higher than

that of actual income, suggesting that inequality would be higher in the absence of remittances,
even when taking into account that remittance-receiving households adjust their behaviour
(Figure 12).62 The behavioural response is also reflected in that the counterfactual inequality is
lower than that based on income excluding remittances. This pattern holds up over time and is
especially pronounced in rural areas, which are on average poorer and have more remittance
receiving households.

A simple comparison of Gini coefficients based on actual income (including remittances for remittance
receiving households) and income excluding remittances is not a measure of the true effect of remittances, as
‘missing’ remittances would likely be associated with behavioural responses affecting income: both of the
migrant and of family members. We thus construct counterfactual incomes for remittance-receiving households,
i.e. an estimate of what their income would be once this behavioural response (including the migrant’s
counterfactual income) is taken into account. Specifically, propensity score matching is used to estimate the
counterfactual income, i.e. it is assumed that their income would be similar to that of non-remittance-receiving
households with comparable characteristics.

Figure 12. Mexico: Remittances and income inequality

Sources: INEGI, and authors’ calculations.

Notes: Counterfactual income uses actual income for non-remittance-receiving households and an estimated
counterfactual income for remittance-receiving households based on propensity score matching. Based on the 2002,
2008 and 2014 surveys.

Koczan and Loyola (2021) also consider the effects of the GFC on the remittance receipts
of different deciles in Mexico. They find that, similar to the peso crisis, the likelihood of
receiving remittances and their amount as a share of income fell for the top income deciles
during the crisis. But for the lower income deciles, there was an increase in the likelihood of
receiving remittances and their amount as a share of income. This is in contrast to the peso crisis,
when they remained largely unchanged. The more pro-poor nature of remittances during the
GFC may reflect falling fixed costs of migration, which make migration accessible to poorer
households. Alternatively, the change could be driven by migrants’ better integration in the
United States (with higher incomes, more stable jobs, a regularized status), allowing them to
better cushion the shock in the United States. This insurance effect is quite striking in a context
where both the sending and receiving countries were hit by a common shock.

5. Policy Implications
Our survey points to seven sets of measures that governments can take in order to derive
benefits from financial globalization while mitigating adverse implications for income
Macroeconomic policies: Limiting the macroeconomic volatility associated with capital flows
through the application of countercyclical macroeconomic policies will have favourable
distributional consequences, since such volatility disproportionately hurts the poor. In practice,

this mainly means using fiscal policy to lean against the capital-flow-induced wind.63 Countries
opening the capital account should therefore first strengthen their automatic fiscal stabilizers.
Strengthening fiscal institutions (creating an independent agency to construct fiscal forecasts for
example) can similarly strengthen the conduct of discretionary fiscal policy.
Capital-flow management policies: CFMs could be deployed as part of a broader policy
package to limit the risk of capital-flow reversals and crises that disproportionately hurt the
poor.64 However, CFM measures should not be substitute for warranted macroeconomic
adjustment. In addition, distributional and social objectives could be considered explicitly, for
example by allowing for housing-related restrictions on non-resident investments could be
considered in countries where housing affordability is an issue (IMF 2020).65

Education: The adverse distributional effects of liberalization are smaller, or even absent, in in
EMDEs where the population has a relatively high level of educational attainment, such that the
increase in the skill premium resulting from inward FDI in particular is more widely shared.
Reaping the benefits of higher levels of education means avoiding skill mismatch. Achieving
those higher levels requires getting an early start – that is, aligning the pace of enhancing the
educational attainment with the capacity of the education system in order to avoid a decline in

Business Climate: Reliable contract enforcement and business-enabling regulation can help to
make EMDEs more attractive destinations for FDI. Promoting competition in product markets,
streamlining regulation, reducing bureaucratic discretion, and increasing transparency (e.g.,
through developing information portals to make laws and regulations publicly accessible) all
encourage long-term investors and help shift the composition of capital inflows toward forms
with more favourable distributional consequences (Furceri et al. 2011b). The activities of
investment-promotion agencies can further contribute to efforts to attract FDI by, among other
things, providing information and assistance in obtaining approvals, licenses, utilities, etc.
Morisset (2003) argues that political visibility of such agencies (e.g., a direct link of the agency
to the highest government official such as the president or the prime minister) and private sector
involvement (e.g., private participation in the agency’s supervisory board) are important for

Monetary policy is unlikely to be helpful in this connection. Raising interest rates to damp down demand
when capital is flowing in will only attract more capital, while lowering interest rates to damp down the capital
inflow will only aggravate the problem of excess demand.
The recent IMF IEO report on capital flows recommends that the IMF considers the distributional effects as
part of the strategy for capital account liberalization within the IMF’s Institutional View on CFMs (IMF 2012).
However, any changes to the Institutional View would need to be decided by the IMF Executive Board.
In response to the increased role of non-residents in the housing sector, a number of advanced economies that
generally maintain very open capital accounts have adopted policy measures to influence capital flows into the
real estate sector to mitigate concerns about affordability and financial stability. Since 2011, five advanced
economies—Australia, Canada, Hong Kong SAR, New Zealand, and Singapore—have all adopted or tightened
measures discriminating between residents and non-residents with respect to investment in domestic real estate,
mostly in the form of stamp duties and other transaction taxes. Some countries (e.g. Australia) have outright
prohibitions on non-residents’ purchases of real estate (e.g., Australia) or quotas and/or limitations on portfolio
investment in real estate (e.g., China, India, Indonesia, and Switzerland).

“strengthening the government’s commitment and reinforcing the agency’s credibility and

Financial sector policies, including macroprudential policies: Ensuring the prudent use of
external funds by banks through sound micro- and macro-prudential policies could enhance the
resilience of the banking sector, thereby enhancing financial stability, moderating business cycle
fluctuations and reducing the potential adverse distributional of economic and financial
volatility.67 68 Similarly, regulatory frameworks that foster competition in the banking and
finance can facilitate access to credit, and ultimately allow the benefits of more abundant credit
to be more widely shared. For example, abolishing credit and interest-rate controls and
strengthening banking supervision (e.g., higher powers for the banking supervisory authority,
more stringent capital regulation, more monitoring of bank activities) could positively affect
financial inclusion and reduce inequality (Delis et al 2012).69

Figure 13. Capital account liberalization and gross and net income inequality
Gini coefficient, per cent change, before and after capital account liberalization, 1970-2015

Sources: Chinn-Ito (2006), SWIID 8.1, Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2018), and authors’ calculations.

Also, a well-designed feedback process needs to be in place to assess the performance of the agency.
Some macroprudential policies could have direct distributional effects: e.g., loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-to-
income (DTI) limits on mortgages can, for instance, restrict the ability of households with limited financial
wealth to purchase a house, and to use a house as collateral for small business investment. This may prevent
low-income households from increasing their income or benefiting from price increases, adversely affecting
income distribution (Frost and Stralen 2018).
For example, imposing a macroprudential levy on bank flows could be considered to manage risk taking by
banks, particularly in the case of increased bank-led flows (Azis and Shin 2014).
Credit and interest-rate controls lower liquidity and work against the poor as higher restrictions tend to
produce less competitive markets. Under these conditions, it is possible that relationship lending or lending to
well-established firms with high levels of collateral and strong credit history prevails, constraining access to
credit for the relatively poor. As higher supervisory power is usually related to more effective supervision of
financial-intermediation services, this could facilitate more competition in banking sector, which could in turn
drive funds to the best investment ideas and thus provide equal opportunities to the relatively poor.

Redistributive policies and social safety nets: Inequality in disposable incomes increased by
less than inequality in market incomes following capital account liberalization episodes,
suggesting that redistribution mitigated some of the adverse effects (Error! Reference source
not found.). But because financial globalization shifts the burden of taxation from more mobile
factors (capital and highly-skilled labour) to less mobile factors (low-skilled labour), proactive
changes in tax and transfer policies may be needed to achieve the desired effect (Razin and
Sadka 2019).70 Strengthening social safety nets can also help consumption smoothing, thereby
mitigating potential adverse implications of crises for the poor.

Remittance-related policies: Given the broadly favourable distributional impact of remittances,

policy should focus on reducing their cost. Sending money across borders remains expensive.
Remittance costs vary widely across corridors and providers. They tend to be highest in small
markets with little competition, and when they are intermediated by commercial banks. Reducing
transaction costs, increasing competition and helping migrants compare costs across providers
can increase the net amounts ultimately received by migrants’ families. Mobile technology can
also help bring down remittance costs (see e.g. Cecchetti and Schoenholtz 2018, Schmitz and
Endo 2011).
To conclude, financial globalization has a tendency to foster economic growth but also to
raise inequality, where the first effect presumably is desired, whereas the second is not. But
neither result is foreordained. The tendency for capital flows to encourage growth is likely to be
evident only in countries that first make progress in strengthening policies and institutions,
thereby limiting the volatility of those flows and creating some assurance that they will be
directed toward appropriate uses and sectors. The tendency for capital flows to raise inequality
can be limited by policies that shape their composition and timing and thereby prevent any
associated rise in aggregate volatility and increased incidence of crises. That tendency can be
further limited or even reversed by taking ex ante steps to increase educational attainment so that
more workers benefit from foreign capital-skill complementarities, and by ex post measures that
redistribute income to the disadvantaged.

See Cerra et al. 2021 on taxation for a discussion on policies related to corporate income taxation and
multinationals, as well as tax administration issues related to tax evasion and avoidance as well as transfer

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