PrasadRajan JEP2008
PrasadRajan JEP2008
PrasadRajan JEP2008
y Eswar S. Prasad is the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy, Department of Applied
Economics and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Raghuram G. Rajan
is the Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, Graduate School
of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Their e-mail addresses are
具eswar.prasad@cornell.edu典 and 具raghuram.rajan@chicagogsb.edu典, respectively.
150 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Some recent studies based on data over longer time spans and using finer measures of financial
integration have turned up more positive evidence of the benefits of financial integration; for example,
see Quinn and Toyoda (forthcoming) and Bekaert, Harvey and Lundblad (2005). But these scattered
pieces of positive evidence are far from conclusive.
152 Journal of Economic Perspectives
both inflows and outflows) creates “collateral benefits” (Kose, Prasad, Rogoff, and
Wei, 2006) such as domestic financial sector development (also see Rajan and
Zingales, 2003a), which could enhance growth in total factor productivity.
For instance, international financial flows serve as an important catalyst for
domestic financial market development, as reflected in both straightforward mea-
sures of the size of the banking sector and equity markets as well as broader
concepts of financial market development, including supervision and regulation
(see the survey by Mishkin, 2006). Foreign bank presence is associated with im-
provements in the quality of financial services and the efficiency of financial
intermediation (Claessens, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Huizinga, 2001; Levine, 2001;
Clarke, Cull, Martinez Peria, and Sanchez, 2003; Claessens and Laeven, 2004;
Schmukler, 2004). Stock markets tend to become larger and more liquid after
equity market liberalizations (Levine and Zervos, 1998).
Financial openness has induced a number of countries to adjust their corpo-
rate governance structures in response to foreign competition and demands from
international investors (see the evidence surveyed in Gillian and Starks, 2003).
Moreover, financial-sector foreign direct investment from well-regulated and well-
supervised source countries tends to support institutional development and gover-
nance in emerging markets, providing a sense of direction for the complex super-
visory and regulatory challenges that developing countries face as they integrate
into the world economy (Goldberg, 2004).
Other collateral benefits could include, for instance, the discipline imposed on
macroeconomic policies. The logic is that financial openness acts as a commitment
device since policies that result in excessive government budget deficits or high
inflation could lead to foreign investors bolting for the exits at the first sign of
trouble. The evidence on this point is limited, however. Tytell and Wei (2004) find
that financial openness is positively correlated with lower inflation but uncorrelated
with the size of budget deficits.
If indeed collateral benefits are important and they come from the possibility
of two-way flows as much as from the actual inflow of foreign capital, then only
looking at the effects of inflows of foreign capital may be inadequate. The effect of
de jure openness—the existence or absence of formal capital controls—also needs
to be examined (see, for example, Arteta, Eichengreen, and Wyplosz (2003) and
Klein and Olivei (forthcoming)). The evidence here is rather mixed, in part
because the information content of measures of capital controls is limited— having
legal controls is one thing, enforcing them effectively is quite another. Using the
sum of the stocks of foreign assets and liabilities as the measure of financial
integration to capture the accumulated exposure to international capital markets
also yields at best weak evidence of the growth benefits.
Also, it takes time to build institutions, to enhance market discipline, and to
deepen the financial sector, which may explain why, over relatively short periods,
detecting the benefits of financial globalization is difficult. Even at long horizons,
it may be difficult to detect the productivity-enhancing benefits of financial glob-
alization in empirical work if the analysis includes structural, institutional, and
154 Journal of Economic Perspectives
macroeconomic policy variables. After all, these are the very channels through
which financial integration generates growth benefits.
transition countries also (Prasad, Rajan, and Subramanian, 2007; Abiad, Leigh, and
Mody, 2007). A number of papers also suggest that financial depth or the quality of
domestic institutions can affect growth benefits from capital inflows (for example,
Alfaro, Chanda, Kalemli-Ozcan, and Sayek, 2004; Klein, 2005; Chinn and Ito, 2006;
Klein and Olivei, forthcoming; Kose, Prasad, and Taylor, 2008).
Figure 1
Foreign Exchange Reserves Held by Nonindustrial Economies
(in trillions of U.S. dollars)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Sources: The IMF’s International Financial Statistics and authors’ calculations.
Note: This figure is based on data for 147 countries.
While foreign exchange reserves provide a useful cushion against financial and
balance of payments crises, thus making capital account liberalization less risky,
they also create problems of their own. Many of these economies are finding it
increasingly difficult to soak up or “sterilize” (using government bonds) the liquid-
ity created by inflows, so pressures for domestic currency appreciation are building.
Furthermore, governments are increasingly questioning the benefits of a policy
that, in essence, involves purchasing more low-yield securities from foreign govern-
ments financed by higher-yield domestic debt.
The surge in foreign exchange reserves has led to three types of responses.
One approach is to find creative uses for reserves—for instance, using them to
recapitalize domestic banks, to finance infrastructure spending, or to stockpile oil
reserves. China and India, for instance, have adopted some of these uses for their
A second approach has been to set up government investment corporations,
sometimes called “sovereign wealth funds,” that can recycle reserves into high-
yielding assets. Estimates of assets held by sovereign wealth funds, including those
of industrial countries such as Norway, come to about $2.5 trillion dollars, not
including the unreported size of wealth funds of oil-exporting countries in the
Middle East. (This total is separate from the foreign exchange reserves by sovereign
It is difficult to predict how much of the resources from these funds will flow
into international capital markets; for example, some of the resources of these
funds may be destined for domestic investment in strategic sectors or in infrastruc-
ture. But even so, such funds raise a number of questions: Do the governments of
these countries have the competence to choose profitable investments? Will the
sovereign fund be so risk adverse (because the domestic political consequences of
making losses could be large) that it simply joins the herd of institutional investors?
Will the governments exercise influence not motivated by commercial concerns,
over the foreign companies that they own? Will governments allow foreign corpo-
rations in which they invest undue influence over their own policies?
A third approach under consideration in some countries is to expand oppor-
tunities for private capital outflows with the hope that this will alleviate appreciation
pressures on the exchange rate by offsetting some of the inflows. Many countries
such as China and India have loosened the reins on capital that can be taken out
by corporations and individuals. We will discuss this option at greater length later.
A more basic concern is that the underlying distortions that often contribute
to rapid reserve accumulation, such as overly rigid exchange rates and repressed
financial sectors, could have long-term detrimental effects on the economy. While
policymakers in emerging markets often recognize this point, they are typically
under political constraints to restrain rapid currency appreciation, because this
could hurt export competitiveness. Consequently, policymakers are able to allow
only modest currency appreciations that, in the short run, generate expectations of
further appreciation. This pattern, in turn, tends to fuel further speculative inflows
and makes domestic macroeconomic management even more complicated.
158 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Table 1
The Changing Composition of Gross Inflows and External Liabilities
Gross inflows
Sources: Data for the top panel are taken from table 2 of Kose, Prasad, Rogoff, and Wei (2006), which
is based on data from the IMF’s International Financial Statistics and Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2006).
The lower panel is based on Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2006) and authors’ calculations.
Notes: “Debt” is defined as the sum of portfolio debt, bank loans and deposits, and other debt
instruments. “FDI” is foreign direct investment and “equity” refers to portfolio equity flows. Data are
based on averages of annual data over the relevant five-year period for each group of countries. The
sample covers 20 emerging markets and 30 other developing countries.
dence to focus on low inflation is the best way that monetary policy can contribute
to overall macroeconomic and financial stability (for discussion and some critical
perspectives, see Bernanke and Woodford, 2004). Rose (2006) provides empirical
evidence that inflation targeters have lower exchange rate volatility and fewer
sudden stops than similar countries that do not target inflation. He also notes that
this monetary regime seems durable—no country has yet been forced to abandon
an inflation targeting regime. Of course, emerging markets are only recently
beginning to adopt this regime in significant numbers and international capital
markets have been relatively calm during the 2000s (until very recently), so this
regime hasn’t really been tested much yet. However, flexible exchange rates do
offer an important shock absorber for an economy that is becoming more inte-
grated into international trade and financial markets.
Conducting monetary policy with a framework of inflation targeting and
flexible exchange rates can still leave policymakers with a difficult set of options in
the short run if there are surges in foreign capital inflows. Inflows translate into
increases in domestic liquidity that result in inflationary pressures, which require
monetary policy tightening in the form of higher interest rates. This response, in
turn, can induce even more capital inflows. An appreciation of flexible exchange
rates can of course act as a shock absorber, reducing domestic inflation and
tamping down inflows. However, very rapid exchange rate appreciation can also
hurt external competitiveness because exporting firms have little time to boost
their productivity sufficiently to avoid becoming uncompetitive.
Thailand is an example of an Asian economy that allowed its exchange rate to
appreciate significantly to maintain its inflation target. India’s experience has been
similar, with the real effective exchange rate of the rupee appreciating by about
12 percent during 2007, notwithstanding a current account deficit. Exporters in
countries experiencing such rapid currency appreciation have complained loudly
of reduced competitiveness and job losses. In India, these pressures have led the
government to compensate exporters directly using fiscal transfers. However, a
country with an open capital market is probably better off dealing with the
problems of currency fluctuations, rather than attempting the risky policy mix of
fixed (or tightly managed) exchange rates and an open capital market.
Trade Openness
Many emerging market economies and developing countries have liberalized
trade flows by reducing tariff and nontariff barriers. Figure 2 shows that the volume
of total trade expressed as a ratio to GDP has increased significantly since the
mid-1980s for both emerging markets and other developing countries. Indeed, the
trade openness ratio for virtually every emerging market economy has increased
steadily and, for some economies, quite markedly over the last two decades.
Economies that are more open to trade are also more favorably placed for
capital account liberalization for two broad reasons. First, they face less risk from
sudden stops or reversals of capital inflows because they are in a better position to
service their external obligations through their export revenues and are less likely
to default (Calvo, Izquierdo, and Mejia, 2004; Frankel and Cavallo, 2004). Further-
A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization 161
Figure 2
Trade Openness
(the sum of imports and exports as a ratio to GDP, in 2000 constant prices)
Median for emerging markets
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Sources: Penn World Tables 6.2 and authors’ calculations.
Notes: The sample comprises 20 emerging markets and 30 other developing countries. The statistics
shown above are based on cross-sectional distributions of the openness measure, calculated
separately for each year.
more, more open economies have to undergo a smaller real exchange rate depre-
ciation for a given current account adjustment; hence, among countries that have
experienced sudden stops or current account reversals, those that are more open
to trade face smaller adverse growth effects and are able to recover faster (Edwards,
2004, 2005).
Second, expanding trade is in effect a form of capital account liberalization
because it provides a simple avenue to evade capital account restrictions. For
instance, by over-invoicing exports, an exporter can funnel money into its home
country—that is, by making the capital inflow associated with the exports greater
than the actual market value of exports. Of course, this procedure requires a willing
counterparty at the other end to facilitate such a transaction; the proliferation of
multinationals and foreign-owned subsidiaries has made this much easier. Similarly,
over-invoicing of imports provides a conduit for taking money out of a country.
In China during the late 1990s, for example, the “errors and omissions”
category of the balance of payments was large and negative, which was widely
believed to reflect capital outflows through unofficial channels (Prasad and Wei,
2007). As the renminbi has come under increasing pressures for appreciation
during this decade, the sign of the errors and omissions category switched and the
magnitude grew rapidly until 2005, indicative of capital inflows through unofficial
channels, notwithstanding extensive controls on inflows. As China’s government
162 Journal of Economic Perspectives
tightened up its capital controls to try and stanch speculative inflows, the errors and
omissions fell to near zero in 2006, but the trade surplus rose dramatically, buoyed
by remarkably high rates of export growth. A portion of this increase in reported
exports and the trade surplus is believed by some analysts to reflect speculative
inflows through the trade channel.
Recent economic developments have generally created a more benign envi-
ronment in which countries can become more open. But the risks are not incon-
sequential. Many emerging market countries are still below the necessary threshold
levels of institutional and financial development. The capacity of these countries to
weather the volatility associated with foreign capital flows, especially surges in
inflows followed by sudden stops, is limited. An underdeveloped financial system,
which is typical of many developing economies, is more likely to channel foreign
capital to easily collateralized nontradeable investments like real estate, thereby
contributing to asset price booms (and the risk of disruptions from subsequent
busts). Similarly, foreign portfolio equity flows into shallow equity markets could
lead to disruptive sharp swings. In the absence of other financial assets in some
emerging markets, foreign investors may also use equity markets in these countries
to bet on currency appreciation, thereby distorting asset values and adding to the
risk of speculative bubbles.
Large capital inflows could also result in rapid real exchange rate appreciation,
which can hurt manufacturing exports (Rajan and Subramanian, 2005; Bhalla,
2007; Johnson, Ostry, and Subramanian, 2007; Prasad, Rajan, and Subramanian,
2007; Rodrik, 2007). Even a relatively short-term appreciation can sometimes lead
to longer-lived consequences like loss of market share in export markets and
reductions in manufacturing capacity.
In sum, while the environment is benign, countries may want to liberalize
more so as to reap some of the benefits of openness, such as financial market
development, but only if they can limit some of the costs, such as potential
exchange rate overvaluation. The need to consider a pragmatic approach becomes
all the more important because as trade expands the world over, the effectiveness
of capital controls is rapidly eroding, even in a tightly controlled economy like
China. It is becoming increasingly easy for capital to find loopholes and channels
for evading these controls. Is there a constructive way to make progress that does
not result in precipitous opening of the capital account and the attendant risks? In
the next section, we discuss what countries have tried to do; in the following
section, we offer some suggestions of our own.
Capital Controls
The measures that countries have put in place to control capital flows come in
various flavors. For example, controls can be imposed on inflows or outflows; on
different types of flows (like foreign direct investment, portfolio equity, or portfolio
debt); flows of different maturities; and flows into specific sectors. Kose, Prasad,
Rogoff, and Wei (2006, Appendix I) provide a detailed taxonomy of capital
controls. Do capital controls affect capital flows in the intended way? Do capital
controls lead to better macroeconomic outcomes? The answer to this second
question cannot be conclusive because the counterfactual is not clear, so our
discussion on this point can only be suggestive.
In recent decades, a number of countries have imposed capital controls,
usually in response to short-term problems with international capital flows. Some
Latin American economies imposed controls on capital outflows during the 1980s
and 1990s, but typically did not succeed in stemming capital flight by domestic
economic agents.
During the Asian crisis of 1997 through mid-1998, the Malaysian ringgit came
under severe depreciation pressures as foreign exchange reserves fell rapidly and
portfolio outflows surged. However, Malaysia declined IMF financial assistance and
in September 1998, the Malaysian government pegged the ringgit to the dollar and
introduced sweeping controls on portfolio outflows. The Malaysian experience is
sometimes touted as an example of the success of capital controls, although there
are different interpretations of how effective these were in practice and how
important they were in Malaysia’s recovery from the Asian crisis. Kaplan and Rodrik
(2001) argue that the imposition of controls had beneficial macroeconomic effects,
especially compared to the experiences of countries such as Korea and Thailand
that accepted IMF programs during the crisis. Dornbusch (2001) rejects this view,
noting that the capital controls came quite late, after the region had already begun
to stabilize. In terms of the efficacy of capital controls, one key difference between
Malaysia and the Latin American economies is that Malaysia had tight control of its
banking system, which meant that channels for capital flight could be shut off more
Countries have also attempted to control inflows. Chile, which faced massive
inflows during the early 1990s, is the canonical example. The authorities imposed
an unremunerated reserve requirement of 20 percent on short-term debt inflows in
1991. In subsequent years, as investors began to exploit various loopholes, the
authorities attempted to stay ahead of the game by increasing the reserve require-
ments and extending them to different types of inflows and by imposing a mini-
mum “stay” requirement on foreign direct investment and portfolio equity inflows.
De Gregorio, Edwards, and Valdes (2000) argue that the controls did not affect the
volume of inflows but were successful in tilting the maturity structure of debt
inflows—away from short-term and towards longer-term loans. These authors argue
that the reasonable effectiveness of the Chilean controls on capital inflows is
attributable to an effective government with low corruption and to the nimbleness
of the authorities in clamping down on evasion. However, the Chilean experience
164 Journal of Economic Perspectives
also suggests that capital controls with more than the most modest objectives will
eventually lose effectiveness as the private sector finds ways to get around even the
most innovative regulators.
More recent examples include Thailand and India, which have tried to man-
age the frothiness in their equity markets that has been abetted by foreign capital
inflows. In December 2006, the Thai central bank imposed a tax on short-term
portfolio equity inflows. The announcement of this measure set off a 15 percent
one-day fall in the main stock price index, causing the government largely to retract
it. The government of India, fearing that foreign inflows were feeding house price
inflation and also feeding into upward pressure on the rupee, attempted in May
and August 2007 to limit external commercial borrowing by certain corporate
entities. However, firms have circumvented this restriction by disguising their
borrowing through other channels (for example, by delaying repayments on trade
finance and thereby effectively getting a temporary loan). One lesson from these
episodes is that when capital controls have previously been eliminated, reinstating
them can have substantial effects on asset prices and will thus be politically very
difficult. This irreversibility means that the opening of the capital account should
be driven by longer-term considerations.
These episodes suggest a few other general lessons about capital controls. First,
inflows are easier to control than outflows; once channels for outflows are opened
up, they can be much harder to shut down when there are large pressures for
capital to flee (Reinhart and Smith, 2002; Magud, Reinhart, and Rogoff, 2007).
Second, capital controls work better when the financial system is reasonably well-
regulated and well-supervised and domestic institutions are reasonably strong. This
point has an ironic tone because these conditions of course make it less likely that
controls will be needed in the first place. Third, new capital controls pose a
significant administrative burden—they need to be constantly updated to close
loopholes and, in any event, tend not to be effective beyond the short term.
Even when capital controls are effective in a narrow sense, they can have
significant costs. In the case of Chile, the capital controls penalized short-term
credit. As a consequence, small and medium-sized firms (and also new firms),
which typically find it harder to issue long-term bonds, faced much higher costs of
capital (Forbes, 2007). Capital controls can also affect overall economic efficiency
by conferring undue benefits to politically well-connected firms (invariably, quotas
on inflows are implemented in an arbitrary fashion by the government) and
protecting incumbents from competition. Johnson, Kochhar, Mitton, and Tamirisa
(2006) provide some evidence of this phenomenon for Malaysia. There is also
increasing microeconomic evidence of the distortionary costs of capital controls
(see the survey by Forbes, 2007). Desai, Foley, and Hines (2006) show that capital
controls distort the investment decisions of multinational firms. Finally, an accu-
mulating body of evidence indicates that capital controls by themselves do not serve
their main stated purpose of reducing the probability of financial crises, especially
banking crises. Edwards (2005) and Glick, Guo, and Hutchison (2006) find that
there is no relationship between de jure capital account openness and crises.
A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization 165
overvalued exchange rate, and as we have argued, there are limits to sterilization.
This leads to our third point: Rather than the central bank intervening and
sterilizing these inflows, and accumulating more reserves, a pragmatic approach
would focus on encouraging more international portfolio diversification by domes-
tic investors—that is, encouraging outflows. The easiest way is to push government-
controlled pension funds and insurance companies to invest more of their holdings
internationally. Less easy is to get households to diversify abroad at a time when
their own country’s markets are being buoyed by international interest. This step
may require an active education campaign on the benefits of international portfo-
lio diversification so as to reduce the existing home bias in investment choices. In
addition, the channels for households to invest money in other countries have to be
made more accessible and easier to use.
But this set of policies raises a difficulty— how to prevent possible capital flight
when times turn adverse? Shutting off international access for individuals in bad
times may be difficult and even impose costs if investors have entered into situations
where they have to put up further capital (for example, margin calls) to maintain
their investments. Thus, our fourth point of guidance is that in the early stages of
liberalization, it is best if these private sector outflows are easily controlled. We offer
a proposal next.
Open-ended mutual funds could achieve much the same objective except that they may engender
more frequent flows and therefore complicate the licensing of fund flows for the central bank.
168 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Figure 3
Securitizing Foreign Exchange Reserves
(an example with dollars and the Chinese renminbi (RMB))
Inflows Investment
$ $
Central Bank
mutual funds
Liquidity Shares
alternatives would be inferior. For example, the central bank could itself create an
investment vehicle for purchasing foreign assets. But this approach would require
the central bank to acquire investment skills, and it is not clear why the central bank
would be able to do so better than the private sector, especially given the con-
straints on pay in the public sector (also, the problems associated with sovereign
wealth funds discussed earlier would apply here). The central bank could sell
shares in that investment vehicle to domestic investors. However, this approach
would create a direct link between the government and investors that could be
detrimental, especially because it could create pressures for a bailout if the invest-
ment vehicle were to generate poor returns or losses.
Our proposal would give domestic retail investors experience with interna-
tional investments and allow for gradual learning-by-investing while giving them
more choice and potential diversification in their portfolios of financial assets. In
countries with weak financial systems, this approach would give domestic banks
some breathing room to adjust to the new reality of their depositors having
alternative investment opportunities, and it would leave the recycling of foreign
inflows to the private sector rather than to the government. Private sector institu-
tions could gain expertise in investing in foreign assets. These developments would
improve the depth and efficiency of the domestic financial sector and better
prepare the ground for eventual fuller capital account liberalization.
Also, unlike proposals that would give open-ended mutual funds the right to
invest abroad up to an aggregate dollar amount (across all funds) that is deter-
mined every year, our proposal would remove the uncertainty about how much a
fund can invest, right at the outset. Similarly, the closed-end funds cannot be an
explicit channel for foreigners to repatriate money, so they are unlikely to prompt
greater inflows from foreign investors (unlike other channels liberalizing outflows,
which could prompt greater inflows).
A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization 169
Concluding Remarks
The main benefits of capital account liberalization for emerging markets
appear to be indirect, more related to their role in building other institutions than
to the increased financing provided by capital inflows. These indirect benefits are
important enough that countries should look for creative approaches to capital
account liberalization that would help attain these benefits while reducing the risks.
In fact, countries don’t have much of a choice but to plan for capital account
liberalization because capital accounts are de facto becoming more open over time
irrespective of government attempts to control them.
However, capital account liberalization is not an appropriate policy objective
for all countries and in all circumstances. For poor countries with weak policies and
institutions, capital account liberalization should not be a major priority. However,
even this group includes some poor but resource-rich countries that are having to
deal with capital inflows and their mixed benefits. These countries need a strategy,
rather than just coping in an ad hoc way with the whims of international investors.
Indeed, a key lesson from country experiences is that capital account liberalization
works best when other policies are disciplined and not working at cross-purposes
(Arteta, Eichengreen, and Wyplosz, 2003).
Ultimately, a framework to achieve capital account liberalization could help set
in motion broader reforms and break the power of interest groups that seek to
block reforms (Rajan and Zingales, 2003b). China’s commitment to open up its
banking sector to foreign competition at the beginning of 2007 can be seen in this
light. The Chinese government has used the prospect of increased competition to
spur reforms in the state-owned banking sector and used foreign strategic investors
to bring in not just capital but also knowledge about better risk-management and
corporate governance practices into domestic banks. Similarly, in India and many
other emerging economies, the entry of foreign banks has helped spur efficiency
gains in the domestic banking system and provided a fillip to banking reforms. In
this way, capital account liberalization may best be seen not just as an independent
objective but as part of an organizing framework for policy changes in a number of
dimensions (Kose, Prasad, Rogoff, and Wei, forthcoming).
y We are grateful to James Hines and Jeremy Stein for useful comments and to Timothy Taylor
for helping us sharpen the exposition. Yusuke Tateno provided excellent research assistance.
170 Journal of Economic Perspectives
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