Puo Paeds Egypt
Puo Paeds Egypt
Puo Paeds Egypt
Lecturer of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Malnutrition Unit, Mansoura University Children's Hospital, Mansoura Faculty of
Medicine, Mansoura. Egypt. Email: rashahassan_74@yahoo.com
Lecturer of Pediatrics, Mansoura University Children's Hospital, 35516, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt.
Tel.: +20124295547 Fax: +20502262307 Email: ashraf_foda@mans.edu.eg
Lecturer of Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious Disease and Malnutrition Unit, Mansoura University Children's Hospital, 35516,
Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt. Email: Shimaakandel@mans.edu.eg
Background: Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is among the most conditions which poses challenge in diagnosis. The presence
of information on regional patterns of FUO will shorten the time for diagnosis and reduces health services costs. There are
almost no previous studies describing the etiology of FUO in children of Egypt or nearby countries.
Aim of the Study: To determine different causes of FUO and the possible diagnostic procedures.
Methods: Data of patients with FUO, presented to the Infectious Diseases Unit of Mansoura University Children Hospital, were
retrospectively collected in a 6 year-period from May 2006 to May 2011. The study included children with a fever of 38.3° C or
more documented by a health care provider and for which the cause could not be identified after 3 weeks of evaluation as an
outpatient or after a week of evaluation in hospital. Patients were then categorized into 5 groups.
Results: 127 patients met the diagnostic criteria. Infectious diseases were the commonest causes of FUO in 46 cases (36.22%)
followed by the miscellaneous causes in 38 cases (29.9%). Meanwhile, collagen vascular diseases and malignancy were
diagnosed in 13 cases (10.2%) and 10 cases (7.87%) respectively. While, 20 cases (15.75%) remained undiagnosed.
Conclusions: Infectious diseases are the commonest cause of FUO. The delay in diagnosis was due to atypical presentations
or inappropriate use of antibiotic prior to the referral. Non infectious causes, malignancy and collagen or vascular disorders were
diagnosed in rest of the patients. However, about 15% of our patients remained undiagnosed. The diagnosis was established by
non-invasive means in more than two-third of the cases.
Shaimaa M Kandil, MD
Lecturer of Pediatrics
Mansoura University Children's Hospital,
35516, Faculty of Medicine,
Mansoura University, Egypt.
Tel.: +20124295547
Fax: +20502262307
Email: Shimaakandel@mans.edu.eg
14 Rasha H Hassan et al…
provider and for which the cause could not be
After 60 years of the original description of identified after 3 weeks of evaluation as an
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) by Petersdorf outpatient or after a week of evaluation in
and Beeson in 1961, FUO remains among hospital). Patients with neutropenia (neutrophil
the most challenging clinical situations in count less than 500/mm ), patients developing
diagnosis for health care providers to approach fever after hospital admission and human
and often involves referral to subspecialists. immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients
The term FUO is best reserved for children were excluded from the study.
with a fever documented by a health care All cases are evaluated initially by thorough
provider and for which the cause could not be history, physical examination and the following
identified after 3 week of evaluation as an investigations: Complete blood count with
outpatient or after 1 week of evaluation in differential WBC, acute phase reactant: CRP
hospital. Patients with fever not meeting these and ESR, routine blood chemistry (serum
criteria, and specifically those who were not creatinine, liver enzymes, bilirubin and
admitted to the hospital with an apparent site albumin), urine analysis and culture, blood
of infection nor a noninfectious diagnosis, may culture, serology for typhoid (Widal test) and
be considered to have fever without localizing brucella (brucella agglutination test), Blood
signs. (4) smear, imaging studies: abdominal ultrasound
There is no diagnostic gold standard, the and chest X ray. Further investigations were
diagnostic approach in FUO should include a done according to the clues obtained during
thorough history taking and repeated physical the initial evaluation or otherwise dictated by
examinations. (5) There is no set of "routine" the clinical course.
investigations that patients with FUO should be After evaluation of children with FUO, the
subjected to. Instead, diagnostic testing should causes were categorized into 5 groups:
be individualized and guided by abnormalities infection, collagen vascular diseases,
found on clinical examination and simple malignancy, miscellaneous causes and
laboratory testing. (6) The presence of undiagnosed group. FUO is classified as
information on regional patterns of FUO would undiagnosed if no evidence of the cause of
provide several benefits, such as shortening fever is obtained and if there is complete
the time taken to establish a diagnosis and spontaneous recovery even though the fever
reducing hospital costs. (3) has persisted for several weeks or months. (7)
Our study aimed to determine the different Here our study was descriptive and
causes of FUO and the possible diagnostic retrospective in design, with no comparison of
procedures in a tertiary pediatric Egyptian data.
Subjects and methods The study included 127 patients. They were
Mansoura University Children Hospital is a 71 males and 56 females. Their mean age of
free of charge 400 bed tertiary hospital in the presentation was 5 years and 4 months [(65
North Eastern Nile Delta region of Egypt. We months (range 5 months to 14 years)]. The
receive and provide care for patients referred median duration of fever before admission was
from 5 nearby governments with a population 32 days (range 18 days to 5 years). The
of about 15 million. median time between admission and the
We reviewed the records of all children (age definitive diagnosis as infection, collagen
range from 1 month to 18 years) admitted or vascular diseases, malignancy and
referred to the Infectious Disease Unit in miscellaneous groups were 12, 29, 18 and 46
Mansoura University Children Hospital during days respectively. About 95% of patients had
the period from May 2006 to May 2011 for received at least one course of antibiotics
evaluation of prolonged fever. Only those prescribed before referral or admission.
patients who fulfilled the following criteria were Infectious diseases were the commonest
included in the study: children with a fever of causes of FUO in 46 cases (36.22%) followed
38.3° C or more documented by a health care by the Miscellaneous causes in 38 cases
(29.9%). Meanwhile, Collagen Vascular
Fever of Unknown Origin in Children 15
diseases and Malignancy were diagnosed in remained undiagnosed. The different causes
13 (10.2%) and 10 patients (7.87%) of FUO are listed in Figure 1.
respectively. While, 20 cases (15.75%)
Figure 1: Final diagnosis in 1٢٧ children with FUO. *Others: Hyper IgD syndrome, Kawasaki
disease, Crohn’s disease, Diabetes insipidus, Sinus histiocytosis, Factitious fever,
Oesinophilic gastritis, Chronic granulomatous disease (one patient for each diagnosis)
Among the Infectious causes, Tuberculosis Typhoid fever was diagnosed in 5 cases
was diagnosed in 8 cases. Pulmonary TB was with a mean of 5 weeks duration of fever. The
diagnosed in 5 cases and had 12 weeks as a diagnosis was missed early in these patients
mean duration of fever before diagnosis. The as they had received several courses of
diagnosis was delayed despite a high index of antibiotics and was non-responsive to
suspicion because of absence of respiratory ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin and fever
symptoms, normal chest roentgenograms and continued to exist. Repeated blood cultures
negative skin test. They were diagnosed by the and rising titer for Widal test were clue for
presence of acid-fast bacilli in sputum sample diagnosis.
stained with Zeil Nelsen stain, culture on Respiratory tract infection was diagnosed in
mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) 7 cases. Two cases had retained foreign body
and PCR. in the respiratory tract which was removed by
16 Rasha H Hassan et al…
the bronchoscope. Three cases had chronic syndromes and was diagnosed in 20 patients
otitis media and two cases had chronic with mean age of presentation of 5 years and
sinusitis, in all of them the diagnosis was 18 months duration of fever before diagnosis.
delayed with previous inappropriate antibiotic The disease was considered after exclusion of
administration. all other causes of FUO and if the family
Urinary tract infection (UTI) was diagnosed history, clinical and laboratory findings were
in 6 cases with 7 weeks mean duration of suggestive. Cases were confirmed by genetic
fever. Two of them had previous episodes of study for MEFV mutation. Majority of cases
UTI. All patients had received antibiotics for had good response to colchicine therapy.
other presumed infections at the time of the Central fever was diagnosed in 3 cases, 2
first urine culture. Urine cultures yielded of them were known to have cerebral palsy.
positive results eventually (Klebsiella The third case was a 7 months old male who
pneumoniae in two, Escherichia coli in two, was macrosomic at birth with delayed mental
Proteus mirabilis in one, and Candida in and physical milestones. MRI brain showed
another). One patient had evidence of mild ventriculomegaly. He was diagnosed as
pyelonephritis in ultrasound and two patients Soto’s syndrome.
had evidence of vesicoureteric reflux Meanwhile, 20 patients remained
evidenced by VCUG findings. undiagnosed after investigations. Of these, 16
Partially treated meningitis was diagnosed patients had fever that ultimately resolved with
in 2 cases. Repeated lumbar puncture after no sequelae. These patients had an illness,
stoppage of antibiotics was positive for which best fits self-limited prolonged viral
Haemophilus influenza type b in one case and infection. While, the other four patients
meningococci in the other. continued to have fever.
Infective endocarditis was diagnosed in two The procedures by which the diagnosis was
patients after 39 days of fever by established for 107 patients are shown in
Echocardiographic examinations and positive Figure 2. Non- invasive tests were able to
blood culture (one was Staph. aureus and the establish diagnosis of the cause of FUO in 78
other was E. coli). cases (72.8%) while invasive methods were
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) was the required in 29 cases (27 %).
commonest cause of recurrent fever
Figure 2: The procedures by which the diagnosis was established for 107 patients
Fever of Unknown Origin in Children
FUO continues to be one of the most This study is the first of a large number of
challenging clinical situations for pediatricians. children with FUO in Egypt. The general
Comparison between series of patients with pattern of FUO in our study is similar to
FUO is difficult because of the large number of previous published studies of children in
possible causes and the influence of numerous developing countries (Figure 3). The
factors on the relative proportion of the various percentage of patients with FUO in whom it
diagnostic categories such as: Geographic was possible to establish a final diagnosis in
factors, referral patterns, time of the study and the present study was 84.25%. (8, 9, 10, 11, 3, 12)
age of the patients. (4)
Infectious disease was the most common using cultures, serology or PCR to avoid
cause of FUO (46 cases). This was also emergence of resistant strains. Available data
documented in many previous studies (Figure suggest that antibiotics resistance has reached
3). Specific infections especially tuberculosis, unacceptable and rising levels in the
typhoid and brucellosis are endemic in Egypt. pathogens which are most commonly reported
The diagnosis of these cases was delayed from developing countries. The antimicrobial
despite a high index of suspicion. This was agents most affected by resistance are
probably due to either atypical presentation or inexpensive, older antimicrobials, simply
inappropriate antibiotic use. Antibiotic use is because they are available or affordable. (15)
common and unrestricted in many developing Strategy for resistance control should be
countries including Egypt. About 90% of our adapted by developing countries, such as
patients had at least one antibiotic course unregulated drug availability, inadequate
before referral. This rendered the diagnosis antimicrobial drug quality assurance,
more difficult in those who had infectious inadequate surveillance and cultures of
diseases. Antibiotics should be used on firm antimicrobial. (16)
basis with confirmed causative organisms
18 Rasha H Hassan et al…
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