Fever of Unknown Origin: Clinical Medicine (London, England) June 2015
Fever of Unknown Origin: Clinical Medicine (London, England) June 2015
Fever of Unknown Origin: Clinical Medicine (London, England) June 2015
40 2,134
3 authors:
Chantal P Bleeker-Rovers
Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc)
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Catharina Mulders-Manders on 19 August 2015.
More than 50 years after the first definition of fever of > temperature ≥38.3°C (101°F) on at least two occasions
> duration of illness ≥3 weeks or multiple febrile episodes in
Table 1. Characteristics and outcome of cohort studies on the etiology of FUO (≥100 patients published in
the last 10 years or from Western Europe).
Study and year Study characteristics Cause of FUO (% of total number of cases)
of publication Country Hospital Inclusion Design Patients, Infec- Malig- NIIDa Miscel- No
type period n tion nancy laneous diagnosis
Petersdorfb USA U 1952– P 100 36 19 19 29 7
19611 1957
careful physical examination with specific attention to the eyes, the skin and mucous membranes. Drug fever and factitious fever
temporal arteries, lymph nodes, liver and spleen, indicators of have to be excluded. Virtually all drugs can cause fever, even
previous invasive procedures, and a complete examination of after long-term use. As they may mask PDCs, all antibiotics and
Obligatory invesgaons: ESR or CRP, haemoglobin, platelet count, leukocyte count and
differenaon, electrolytes, creanine, total protein, protein electrophoresis, alkaline
phosphatase, ASAT, ALAT, LDH, creane kinase, annuclear anbodies, rheumatoid factor,
urinalysis, blood cultures (n=3), urine culture, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography and
tuberculin skin test
anti-inflammatory drugs have to be stopped at this stage. In PDCs, random microbiologic serology has a low diagnostic yield
virtually all cases, PDCs will be present.4,5 Further investigation and should therefore not be performed.3–5
should be guided by PDCs if present. Investigations should be When PDCs are absent or misleading, FUO should be further
selected based on local disease prevalence. In patients without evaluated following a standard diagnostic protocol (Fig 1).
Measurement of cryoglobulins and fundoscopic examination risk investigation, but false-negative results are often seen.26
should be performed in an early stage, because of the frequent FDG-PET/CT is a quick and non-invasive way to identify giant
absence of typical symptoms in diseases that can be found by cell arteritis.26 When FDG-PET/CT is normal, temporal artery
these investigations and their relatively low cost.4 When these biopsy should be performed in elderly patients with FUO even
tests do not lead to the fi nal diagnosis, one should proceed to in the absence of PDCs, as vasculitis limited to the temporal
whole body imaging,6 preferably with 18FDG-PET/CT.23 arteries may not be picked up by FDG-PET/CT due to the small
vessel diameter and high FDG-uptake in the brain.5,25–27
Bone marrow biopsy
FDG-PET is based on the increased uptake of FDG
(fluorodeoxyglucose) by activated inflammatory cells, which Although bone marrow aspiration can be diagnostic in some
occurs in infection, NIID and malignancy. In FUO, this non- cases,19 it is considered only helpful in FUO with PDCs for
specificity is advantageous, as all of these may cause FUO. a haematological disease or specific infection in the bone
The role of FDG-PET(/CT) in FUO was recently reviewed.24 marrow.4,5 Bone marrow biopsy is preferred over aspiration,
FDG-PET/CT is a non-invasive imaging technique with high because of its higher diagnostic yield. PDC-guided investigation
diagnostic yield and should therefore be performed early in and the use of FDG-PET/CT early in the diagnostic workup
the investigation of FUO. FDG-PET was helpful in 40% and of FUO will increase the diagnostic yield of bone marrow
FDG-PET/CT in 54% of cases. FDG-PET/CT is more specific, biopsy, as most bone marrow diseases that cause FUO will
as it allows exact anatomical location of an FDG-positive lesion. present with abnormalities at physical (eg lymphadenopathy,
Labeled leukocyte scintigraphy or gallium scintigraphy can be hepatosplenomegaly) or laboratory (eg cytopenia, elevated
used as alternatives when FDG-PET/CT is unavailable, but have LDH) examination, or lead to abnormal FDG-PET/CT findings
lower diagnostic yield.6,23,25 (in the case of lymphoma or metastatic tumours).5 Therefore,
bone marrow biopsy should not be performed in the absence of
PDCs for possible bone marrow diseases.
The diagnostic yield of CT alone is lower than the yield of FDG- Treatment
PET/CT.5 This is partly because specific anatomical changes
may be absent in inflammation, particularly early in the illness, When all previously described investigations do not lead to the
and CT cannot distinguish active infection from residual diagnosis, further investigations should only be carried out
anatomical changes. when the patient deteriorates, or when new PDCs are identified
by repeated history taking and physical examination. In stable
patients without a diagnosis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Temporal artery biopsy
drugs can be used as antipyretics.
The incidence of giant cell arteritis in FUO varies from When no cause for the fever is found and the patient
1% to over 10% in studies, and may become higher as our deteriorates despite extensive investigation, a drug trial should
populations age. Temporal artery biopsy is considered a low- be considered. Corticosteroids are an option, but they should
not be prescribed too early, as important diagnostic clues can
be altered or even disappear with steroid treatment, thereby
Key points delaying diagnosis and targeted specific therapy. In patients
with a suspected autoinflammatory disorder the interleukin-1
In developing countries infections remain the most common receptor antagonist, anakinra, can be tried. Remission of
cause of FUO, while non-infectious inflammatory diseases symptoms is expected within 24–48 hours. If anakinra is
or no diagnosis cause FUO in the majority of patients in ineffective after two weeks of treatment, a beneficial effect
developed countries. should not be expected and the drug should be stopped.
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Address for correspondence: Dr CM Mulders-Manders,
invasive procedures in diagnosing fever of unknown origin.
Radboud University Medical Center, Department of Internal
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1995;47:54–60. Email: karin.mulders-manders@radboudumc.nl