b0400df S
b0400df S
b0400df S
User’s Guide
*B0400DF* *S*
B0400DF, Rev S
March 2022
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Preface ...............................................................................................................7
Revision Information.........................................................................................7
Related Documents..........................................................................................7
Global Customer Support .................................................................................7
We Welcome Your Comments...........................................................................7
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic ............................................................................8
Sequential Control Blocks .................................................................................8
Sequence Block .........................................................................................8
Monitor Block ........................................................................................... 11
Timer Block..............................................................................................12
Sequential Control Block States ......................................................................12
Application States.....................................................................................13
Sequence States ......................................................................................15
Transition States ......................................................................................17
Compound Sequence State ............................................................................17
Sequence Processing.....................................................................................18
Sequence Processing Overrun........................................................................19
Useful Practices for SBX Programming............................................................19
Operational Error SBXs.............................................................................19
HLBL and SFC Platform Compatibility .............................................................23
Chapter 2: Sequence Language ..................................................................24
Algorithm Structure ........................................................................................24
Subroutines .............................................................................................25
Standard Block Exception Handlers (SBXs)................................................30
Main Statement Section ............................................................................31
Data Types ....................................................................................................32
Declaration of User-Labeled Parameters .........................................................33
Character Set ................................................................................................33
Vocabulary ....................................................................................................33
Special Symbols ......................................................................................34
References ..............................................................................................36
Literals ....................................................................................................38
Labels .....................................................................................................39
Comments ...............................................................................................39
Operator Remarks ....................................................................................40
String Expressions ...................................................................................40
Arithmetic Expressions .............................................................................41
Operators ................................................................................................43
Arithmetic Functions .................................................................................46
B0400DF, Rev S 3
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
4 B0400DF, Rev S
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Wait/Wait Until ...............................................................................................77
Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages .......................................79
Run-Time Data Conversion Errors ...................................................................79
HLBL Semantics Violation Errors.....................................................................80
Environmental Interaction Errors .....................................................................81
Sequence Control Block System Errors ...........................................................81
CPGET/CPSET Error Messages .....................................................................83
B0400DF, Rev S 5
Preface High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
High Level Batch Language (HLBL) is a PASCAL type language that has been
designed to implement process control strategies. HLBL is used to build sequence
control strategies and structured text items that are needed for sequential process
This document describes the High Level Batch Language used to build sequence
blocks and Structured text (ST) items. It describes the HLBL language, HLBL
language preprocessor, sequence language and compiler, and sequence language
error codes. Sequence language is a synonym for HLBL.
Revision Information
This revision of the document includes these changes:
Appendix A
• Added new rows for codes 3212 and 3214 in
the table in Sequence Control Block System
Errors, page 81.
Related Documents
• Control Processor 270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280)
Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0700AG)
• Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
• Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control
Blocks (B0700EC)
B0400DF, Rev S 7
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
Sequence Block
Three Sequence block types exist:
• Independent (IND)
• Dependent (DEP)
• Exception (EXC)
IND and EXC blocks run independently of other Sequence blocks in the same
compound. DEP blocks pause when an EXC block in the same compound is active.
This relationship between DEP and EXC blocks allows you to separate a sequence
algorithm for handling normal conditions from a sequence algorithm for handling
alarm conditions. For example, if a Monitor (MON) block detects an alarm condition
and activates an EXC block to take corrective action, the DEP block pauses until the
corrective action is finished. When the EXC block is done, the DEP block can finish
executing its sequence algorithm.
A Sequence block contains a user-defined sequence algorithm. You can use a
Sequence block to:
• Manipulate parameters and shared variables
• Change the flow of execution based on the state of parameters and shared
• Activate other Sequence and Monitor blocks
8 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
• Measure time
• Report to the Historian
• Send information to logical devices, such as printers
• Call a subroutine and pass arguments, if any
• Make calculations
• Simulate a process for testing purposes.
A Sequence block is composed of:
• Standard Parameters
• Block Type Identification
• Symbolic Constants
• Local Block Variables
• User-Labels
• Include Files
• Subroutines (variables and statements)
• Standard Block Exception Handlers
• Block Statements, grouped into Steps.
Each statement, whether in the block’s main section, in its subroutines, or in its
standard block exception handlers, may optionally have a label.
Standard parameters show block operation details and allow you to control block
operation and connect the block in a control strategy that includes continuous blocks,
ladder logic blocks, and other sequence blocks.
Block Type identification is a small block of information at the start of the sequence
language file where you provide data such as block name, type, creator, revision level
and date.
Symbolic constants are identifiers which represent constant values. They are used to
indicate or illustrate the meaning of such values. The constants are an aid in compiling
sequence blocks.
Changing the value of a constant in an include file does not affect currently running or
already compiled sequence blocks automatically. After such a change, the blocks
containing source code in which the constants are used have to be recompiled to
effect the change.
Block variables are local and are not accessible from outside the block. You define
their number and their size. There are no user-labels for local block variables. Refer to
them by their declared names. You can use them in any HLBL expression and you
can assign them to each other, to user (array) parameters, and to external references.
Local block variables can be any of these types:
• Boolean and Boolean array
• Long integer and long integer array
• Real and real array
• String and string array
For local variables there are three string lengths: short (6 characters), medium
(12 characters), or long (80 characters).
The arrays in the local block variables (main section) and the local subroutine
variables may be multi-dimensional, with a maximum of 256 dimensions.
When specifying the types of main section or subroutine local variables, you may use
a comma-separated list of variables before the type specification.
B0400DF, Rev S 9
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
B = Boolean
I = Long Integer
R = Real
S = String of 80 Characters
S6 = String of 6 Characters
S12 = String of 12 Characters
Standard and user-labeled parameters are described in the Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX) document.
An include file can be any set of HLBL statements. Use include files to define specific
constructs such as sophisticated WAIT loops or complicated expressions of a set of
parameters, or to define objects with a global scope such as symbolic constants,
subroutines, or standard block exception handlers. You cannot compile include files
The subroutine allows you to specify a general piece of control logic just once and
apply it as often as needed in the block algorithm. A subroutine is a sequence of HLBL
user-defined statements that can be called from the sequence block’s main code or
from another subroutine. Subroutines can use any HLBL statement except for
standard block exception handlers.
10 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Monitor Block
A Monitor (MON) block contains up to 16 user-defined Boolean expressions called
cases. The result of the evaluation of a monitor case is stored in the associated
Boolean output parameter. When one of the cases evaluates to true, the MON
activates a sequence block (EXC, DEP, IND, or MON). In this way, up to 16 blocks can
be activated from the MON block.
A Monitor block is composed of:
• Standard Parameters
• Blocktype Identification
• Symbolic Constants
• User Labels
• Monitor Cases (up to 16)
User-labeled parameters can be referenced by the Monitor block’s user-defined
algorithm. There are a fixed number of each of the these types: real, long integer, and
Boolean. Each of the types can be linked with parameters in other blocks and
compounds and shared variables.
Standard and user-labeled parameters are listed and described in the Integrated
Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) document.
A monitor case consists of a monitor condition and an optional activation request that
is performed when the condition is true.
0001 WHEN level_hi DO :TANK_1:HI_LEVEL_EXC
• The case number is 0001.
• The condition is “level_hi”, where level_hi is a user-labeled parameter.
• The request is “DO :TANK_1:HI_LEVEL_EXC”. “HI_LEVEL_EXC” is the block
name for a sequence block in the compound “TANK_1”. This block will be
activated when the condition “WHEN level_hi” is evaluated true.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
Timer Block
A Timer (TIM) block keeps track of time while control strategies are executed. It is
composed of standard parameters and four timers. Sequence language statements
are not contained in the TIM blocks.
Standard parameters show block operation details and allow you to control block
A timer is composed of a real and a Boolean parameter. The Boolean parameter value
determines whether the real parameter is updated or not when the block is processed.
When the Boolean value is true, the real parameter is updated. When the Boolean
value is false, the real parameter is not updated.
The TIM block is processed when the compound in which it resides is On and the
block is in Auto. When a TIM block is processed, timers that have been started are
updated every scheduled Basic Processing Cycle (BPC). Timers are started by an
external source, such as a statement in a Sequence block.
The Sequence states and the Application states control sequential control block
algorithm execution and the operational state of block outputs.
12 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Application States
The Application states, Auto, Semi-Auto, and Manual, control the operational state of
a block’s outputs. In conjunction with the Sequence states, they also control
sequential control block algorithm execution.
The Application state is determined by the value of the block’s MA parameter. When
MA is true, the block is in the Auto state. When MA is false, the block is in the Manual
Another block parameter, RSTMA, controls the value of the MA parameter when the
compound changes from Off to On. When RSTMA is 0, MA becomes false; when
RSTMA is 1, MA becomes true; when RSTMA is 2, MA does not change upon the
compound switch. You set the value of RSTMA during block configuration.
Auto State
In the Auto state, a block’s output parameters are secured. This means that the block
algorithm is responsible for updating the output parameters. External sources (other
blocks and applications) cannot write values to block output parameters.
Sequential control block algorithms are processed as follows in the Auto state:
• TIM block timers that have been started are updated once every scheduled BPC.
A timer is started with a START_TIMER statement in an IND, DEP, or EXC block.
• MON block cases are evaluated each scheduled BPC. If a case trips, it may lead
to activation of an EXC block. If the EXC block activated is remote, tripping and
untripping may need several BPCs to finish.
• IND, DEP, and EXC blocks process the number of statements specified by the
block’s BPCSTM parameter each scheduled BPC. When a statement requiring
suspension such as WAIT or WAIT UNTIL executes, fewer statements may be
processed than the number specified by BPCSTM.
Since Sequence block algorithms vary in length, a block may execute completely in
one BPC or it may need several BPCs to execute completely.
Once the statements have been executed, the Sequence block is no longer
processed unless a statement in the user-algorithm causes it to repeat.
If the sequence block contains state change logic, that logic will be executed if the
block switches from the Active/Auto mode to the Inactive, Manual or Paused state.
The logic for the state changes are user-defined in SBXs 3, 4, and 5.
The order of statement execution can be altered while in the Auto state. An operator,
at a user-defined or default display, can redirect statement execution to a new start
location by writing the desired statement number to the STMRQ parameter.
Semi-Auto State
In Semi-Auto (or Step mode), the sequence block executes only the HLBL statements
that belong to a particular step. Statement execution stops when a step boundary is
passed. Steps can be requested in any order, at a user-defined or default display, by
writing the desired step number to the STEPRQ parameter. The block is divided into
steps by means of the step labels in HLBL.
If the sequence block contains state change logic, the corresponding logic will be
executed if the block switches from the Active/Step mode to the Inactive, Manual, or
Paused state.
The logic for the state changes are user-defined in SBXs 3, 4, and 5.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
Manual State
In the Manual state, output parameters are not secured. This means that external
sources (other blocks and applications) can write values to the block’s output
parameters. Unlike continuous control blocks, sequential control blocks may have
their own statements write to their own output parameters while the block is in Manual.
Sequential control block algorithms are processed as follows in the Manual state:
• TIM blocks are not processed.
• MON block cases are executed one at a time by user-request. You select a case
for execution, from a user-defined or default display, by writing the desired case
number to the CASERQ parameter.
If a requested case trips (i.e., the evaluated condition is true), a block activation
request is executed. After the case has been processed completely (tripped and
untripped), the standard parameter CASENO is set to indicate the number of the next
case. The next case is not evaluated unless requested. The TRPCHG parameter is
incremented each time a case changes to or from the tripped state.
The processing of EXC blocks already activated by tripped cases in the MON block
are not affected by other case evaluation requests to the MON block.
• IND, DEP, and EXC block statements are executed one at a time by request. You
can select a statement for execution from a user-defined or a default display by:
• Writing to the parameter STEPRQ the step number which begins with the
requested statement.
• Writing to the parameter STMRQ the number of the requested statement.
• Setting NXTSTM to true.
A statement requiring several BPCs to execute, such as a WAIT statement, need only
be requested once to initiate execution.
Statement execution can be cancelled by requesting that another statement be
executed. The standard parameter STMNO indicates the number of the statement
currently executing. When the statement finishes execution, STMNO is set to the
number of the next statement dictated by execution flow. That statement is not
executed unless requested by:
• Writing its number to the parameter STMRQ.
• Setting NXTSTM to true.
When the requested statement calls a subroutine, the HLBL statements of that
subroutine (and any nested subroutine) are executed. The parameter SUBRNO
indicates in which subroutine, if any, the currently executed statements reside. The
parameter STMNO indicates the statement number within that subroutine.
The Subr-Trace and SBX-Trace modes enable you to single step through statements
of subroutines and SBXs. You can switch the block into one of the Trace modes only
when the block is in the Active/Manual state.
Subr-Trace is a substate of the Manual state that enables you to single-step through a
subroutine. You enter this substate by selecting the “SUBR TRACE” button in the ALL
CODE display. This enters the integer value “1” into the TRACRQ parameter which, in
turn, sets the block into the Subr-Trace mode when the block is in Manual. After
granting the request, the block resets TRACRQ to 0.
Once in the Subr-Trace mode, you “select” a subroutine by requesting a
callsubroutine statement in the block’s main section. The block is then idle before the
first statement in the requested subroutine. You can then single-step through the
subroutine statements by toggling the NXTSTM parameter. STEPRQ and STMRQ
cause the execution of a single statement in the block’s main section.
When you switch into the SBX-Trace mode, the block environment (i.e., step,
subroutine, statement number) is saved. The block returns to this environment when
you exit the SBX-Trace mode.
14 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Once in the SBX-Trace mode, you “select” an SBX by setting the SBXRQ parameter
to a value of 1 to 4. SBX5 (a switch to Paused) applies only to the DEP block (the
block ignores out of range values). When you select an SBX, the block idles at the first
statement within that SBX. You can then single-step through the SBX statements by
toggling the NXTSTM parameter. The block ignores step- and statement-requests
while it is in the SBX-Trace mode.
In the Manual, Subr-Trace, and SBX-Trace modes, the block does not secure its
output parameters. External sources (other blocks and applications) can write values
to the block’s outputs. While the block is in one of these modes, the EXC, DEP, or IND
block algorithm can update its output parameters after a step-, statement-, or next-
statement request.
To exit from the Trace mode, select the “TRACE” field in the faceplate.
Auto/Manual Transitions
You can change the block Auto/Manual state from external sources such as user-
defined and default displays, other blocks, and applications.
If a statement is in execution when you request a state change, the statement’s
execution is completed as if it had begun in the requested state. Then any statements
that follow are executed as appropriate for the requested state.
NOTE: If one or more cases are making a transition from Active to Tripped (for
example, the blocks to be activated are remote blocks) when you change a MON
block from Automatic to Manual, then the block activation is completed but the
cases do not trip.
Sequence States
The Sequence states, Active, Inactive, Paused, and Tripped, in conjunction with the
Application states, control sequential control block algorithm execution. The
Sequence states are determined by the values of the block’s ACTIVE, PAUSED, and
TRIPPD parameters. When ACTIVE is true, the block is in the Active state. When
ACTIVE is false, block is in the Inactive state.
Another block parameter, RSTACT, controls the value of the ACTIVE parameter when
the compound in which it resides changes from Off to On, or when the control
processor in which it resides undergoes a restart operation, as follows:
• RSTACT = 0: ACTIVE is false.
• RSTACT = 1: ACTIVE is true.
• RSTACT = 2: ACTIVE retains the value from the checkpoint file when the Control
Processor is restarted, or remains 0 when the compound makes a transition from
Off to On.
When a DEP block is in the ACTIVE state, it may also be in the PAUSED state. A DEP
block is Paused when the PAUSED parameter is true.
When a MON block is in the Active state, it may also be in the Tripped state. A MON
block is tripped when the TRIPPD parameter is true.
State Description
Inactive An IND, DEP, or EXC block is not executing any statements or a
MON block is not evaluating conditions.
Active An IND, DEP, or EXC block is executing statements or a MON
block is evaluating conditions.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
State Description
Paused A DEP block’s execution is suspended because one or more EXC
blocks in the same compound are Active. The DEP block remains
suspended until these such EXC blocks are done executing.
Tripped A condition evaluated by a MON block causes it to activate other
blocks. The MON block remains tripped until the activated blocks
are done executing.
Active State
In the Active state, an IND, DEP, EXC, or MON block is processed. (The TIM block
does not have an Active state. It is processed when the compound is On and the
Application state is Auto.) How statements are executed depends upon the
Application states Auto, Step, and Manual.
Inactive State
In the Inactive state, an IND, DEP, EXC, or MON block is not processed. (An Inactive
state is not present in TIM blocks. TIM blocks are not processed when the Application
state is Manual.)
Active/Inactive Transitions
You can change the block Active/Inactive state from external sources such as user-
defined and default displays, other blocks, and applications.
When a linkage to the ACTIVE parameter exists, it is secured. This means that you
cannot access the parameter directly. To activate or deactivate the block, you can:
• Access the ACTIVE parameter through the source of the linkage
• Write the number of a non-existing statement to STMRQ.
Writing the number of a non-existing statement to STMRQ directs statement
execution to the end of the algorithm. Although the block is in effect deactivated, the
ACTIVE parameter remains true until it has been released. When released, it is
automatically set to false.
Paused State
In the Paused state, DEP block statement execution is suspended due to active EXC
blocks in the same compound. The PAUSED parameter indicates whether a DEP
block is in the Paused state. When PAUSED is true, the block is in the Paused state.
Tripped State
In the Tripped state, a MON block has one or more cases tripped. A case trips when it
is evaluated as true and activates another block. The TRIPPD parameter indicates
whether a MON block is in the Tripped state. As long as at least one case is tripped,
the TRIPPD parameter is true; otherwise, TRIPPD is false.
16 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Transition States
The Transition states, To_Inactive, To_Manual, and To_Paused, are intermediate
states that the Sequence Control block assumes while the block is executing one of
the three standard block exception handlers (SBXs 3, 4, and 5) that are provided for
state change handling.
To_Inactive State
The To_Inactive state is an intermediate state that an IND, DEP, or EXC block
assumes while SBX 3 is executing. SBX 3 is the user-defined, user-enabled response
to an externally initiated change of block state from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step)
state to the Inactive state.
The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Inactive state since they do not contain
To_Manual State
The To_Manual state is an intermediate state that an IND, DEP, or EXC block
assumes while SBX 4 is executing. SBX 4 is the user-defined, user-enabled response
to an externally initiated change of block state from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step)
state to the Manual state.
The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Manual state since they do not contain
To_Paused State
The To_Paused state is an intermediate state that a DEP block assumes while SBX 5
is executing. SBX 5 is the user-defined, user-enabled response to an externally
initiated change of block state from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step) state to the
Paused state.
The IND and EXC blocks do not have a To_Paused state since they do not have a
Paused state. The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Paused state since they do
not contain SBXs.
B0400DF, Rev S 17
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
When a compound is switched OFF, the sequence blocks in that compound go to the
Manual state, thereby releasing their output parameters.
Sequence Processing
Sequential control blocks are processed every scheduled Basic Processing Cycle
(BPC) as defined for the Control Processor in which they operate. This image shows
the processing order within a scheduled BPC.
1 2 3 4 5
The scheduled BPC is determined by the block parameters PHASE and PERIOD. The
PHASE parameter specifies when a block is executed relative to the other blocks in
that PERIOD. The PERIOD parameter specifies how frequently a block is executed.
When a sequential control block is activated, it begins executing its block algorithm in
the next scheduled BPC as defined by the block parameters PERIOD and PHASE.
When a MON or TIM block is processed, its entire algorithm is executed each
scheduled BPC until deactivated.
When an IND, DEP, or EXC block is processed, a specified number of statements in
the algorithm are executed each BPC. The number of statements processed is
determined by the value of the block’s BPCSTM parameter. When the last statement
is executed, the block automatically deactivates itself.
Sequence language statements are executed in the order programmed by you.
Statement execution continues in a given BPC until:
• The number of statements specified by the BPCSTM parameter are executed in
Auto, or in Step mode
• The last statement of a step is executed in Step mode
• One statement is executed by request in Manual for an IND, DEP, or EXC block.
The number of statements executed in automatic can be less than the number
specified by the BPCSTM parameter if an executed statement needs more than one
BPC to finish. For example:
18 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
B0400DF, Rev S 19
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
OP_ERR 2314 “string type expected in string expression” does not go away after
retry. Remember that if you decide to continue you may end up with unexpected
STR1 := “:MAIN_LOOP.BO0001”;
STR1 is not a FPN (entire path name) for a string type parameter. In this case
LOC_VAR keeps its value unchanged and CONTROLLER_1 BI0001 parameter is set
to “TRUE”.
20 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
• In the last statement of the state change SBX unless the logic terminates the
• In the first statement after any label which is used as the “GOTO” statement
argument to change execution flow backwards or to jump from any type of SBX to
the block main section.
NOTE: To continue after unsuccessful retries, you can secure the results by
writing the default value into VAR. Example:
B0400DF, Rev S 21
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 1: Sequence Logic
Complex Statements
Avoid complex HLBL statements such as the following:
SAVED_STMNO := -1; {* the initialization is not needed for
the main code section. *}
This statement can produce OP_ERR “-1” twice and RETRY_CNT is not reset for the
second one. It is preferable to avoid usage of two or more external references in the
single statement. Use extra assignment statements instead:
You may also double the number of retries by setting a proper value for LIMIT (the
variable LIMIT was used in the above example for SBX programming).
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Chapter 1: Sequence Logic High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
B0400DF, Rev S 23
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Algorithm Structure
The block algorithm is composed of:
• The heading
• The subroutines section
• The standard block exceptions section
• A main statement section
The heading section contains:
• Block type identification
• Definition of constants
• Definition of block local variables
• User-labeled parameter declarations
The “Block Type Identification” is the identifier at the first line (Dependent_sequence,
Independent_sequence, or Exception_sequence).
Constants, variables, and user-labels can take any name normally used for standard
block parameters, for example, ACTIVE, PAUSED, BLKSTA, and so forth, except for
the following five names:
The “Definition of Constants” section of the sequence block definition enables you to
introduce names for numerical values. A constant is an identifier which acts as a
synonym for a value. The definition of constants is the introduction of such synonyms.
Constants are known throughout the whole block: in the statements of the
subroutines, standard exception handlers and the block’s statement section.
Constants are an aid in compiling Sequence blocks.
Changing the value of a constant in an include file does not automatically affect a
previously compiled sequence block. To effect the value change, you have to
recompile the block.
The values of the block local variables can be scalars, or arrays, of data type boolean,
real, integer, or string. Strings can be 6, 12, or 80 characters. See Sequence Compiler
Limits, page 57 for local variable related limits.
24 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Variables provide local data storage for values, or intermediate results, which are only
accessible from the block in which they are declared. Block local variables are known
throughout the whole block: in the statements of the subroutines, standard exception
handlers and the block’s statement section. It is recommended that the programmer
initialize local variables because they are not initialized by the run-time environment.
The “User-Labeled Parameters” section of the sequence block definition enables you
to attach a specific name to a “usable parameter.” A “usable parameter” is a
Sequence control block parameter that is available to you. See Sequence Compiler
Limits, page 57 for the maximum length of a user-parameter label.
The assigning of a user-label to a usable parameter is called a “parameter
declaration.” User- labels are optional, and the labeled parameters can be referenced
by either the user-label or the parameter name.
User-labels cannot be used as labels of labeled statements or steps, to which you can
jump by means of a GOTO statement.
Subroutines are supported in Independent, Dependent, and Exception blocks. The
Monitor and Timer blocks do not have subroutines.
A Sequence subroutine is a sequence of user-programmed HLBL statements that can
be called from the Sequence block’s main code section, or from another subroutine.
Recursive subroutines, however, are not supported. Subroutines cannot call
themselves, directly or indirectly. See Sequence Compiler Limits, page 57 for
subroutine related limits.
Unlike control blocks, Sequence subroutines:
• Are not control objects
• Cannot be installed in a station as an independent identity
• It is not advised to have parameters that can be linked, connected, or accessed
from the outside in any way
Each subroutine name uses a number of bytes equal to one plus the number of
characters in the name (for example, SUBROUTINE TIMER uses six bytes).
The compiler numbers the subroutines in the order of their definition within the
Sequence block.
The structure of a subroutine consists of:
• A heading
• The local subroutine variables
• A body of HLBL statements
The heading specifies the subroutine’s name and formal arguments, if any.
A subroutine without arguments can be used for different actions upon the same set of
parameters or block variables.
A subroutine with arguments can be used for repeating the same action on different
sets of parameters.
Subroutine local variables are optional.
The body contains the HLBL statements that define the algorithm.
The subroutine allows you to specify a general piece of coded control logic, only once
within a block, and apply it repeatedly by simply referring to the subroutine name. This
reduces programming effort and gains reliability and consistency.
Subroutines can be used in equipment-oriented applications by using string type
arguments. The subroutine can then be called with the name of an object that
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Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Subroutine local variables provide local data storage for values, or intermediate
results. When a subroutine is called, the initial values of its local variables are
undetermined. It is recommended that the programmer initialize local variables
because they are not initialized by the run-time environment.
Subroutine local variables can be multi-dimensional and their number and size are
user-definable. Permitted data types of subroutine local variables are the same as for
block local variables: boolean, long, real, or string (scalar or array).
Subroutine local variables can use the names normally used for standard block
parameters, for example, ACTIVE, PAUSED, BLKSTA, and so forth, except for the
following five names:
Local subroutine variables are referenced by their declared names. There are no
user-label names for subroutine local variables.
Subroutine variables can take the same name as block variables. When they do, the
subroutine does not recognize the block variable.
Like the local Block variable, the local subroutine variable can be used in any
expression or assignment within the logic of the subroutine. You can transport the
value outside the subroutine by assigning it to a user-parameter, a local variable, or an
INOUT argument.
Subroutine Statements
HLBL statements can be used in the subroutine body. Their syntax and semantics are
the same as if they were used within the block code. Control flow statements such as
GOTO and EXITLOOP are restricted to the environment of the subroutine, that is,
“You cannot jump out of a subroutine.”
Within a subroutine, you can reference user-input, user-output, and user-array
parameters by their standard names or by their user-labeled names.
A subroutine has a single exit point. Multiple return statements within a subroutine are
not possible. The only way to leave the subroutine code is the ENDSUBROUTINE
HLBL statements are numbered from one for each subroutine, for each SBX, and in
the block’s main code section. You can execute the subroutine statements one at a
time when the block is in the Subr-Trace mode.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Actual Arguments
When called, subroutines are supplied with a list of actual arguments which are
substituted for the corresponding formal arguments. In most cases, the data types of
the actual arguments match the formal ones.
In most cases, the number of elements of an actual argument of type array (parameter
or local variable) match the number of elements of the corresponding formal argument
exactly. The corresponding formal argument represents this actual argument during
the entire execution of the subroutine.
When the CALL statement includes array references for formal arguments of the IN
category, every element of the actual array is physically copied into the subroutine’s
data space. If the reference is for a formal argument of the INOUT category, only the
address of the actual array is copied.
When a subroutine is defined as having a formal INOUT argument, the actual
argument included in the subroutine call has to be an identifier referring to:
• A block user-parameter (input, output, string, array)
• A local block variable
• In the case of nested subroutines, a formal argument
• In the case of nested subroutines, a local subroutine variable
An actual INOUT argument cannot be:
• An item of data type string with a subset specification
• An external reference
• A constant
• A literal
• An expression
Upon call, the actual counterpart of an IN argument can be:
• A constant
• A name of:
◦ A user-parameter (input, output, string, array)
◦ A local block variable
◦ In the case of nested subroutines, a formal argument
◦ In the case of nested subroutines, a local subroutine variable
• An external reference
• An expression that combines the categories listed above
Any arithmetic expression is allowed for actual IN arguments, including external
Full blown string expressions are not allowed. Only string literals can be specified as
IN arguments. When a string expression is used as an IN argument, the comma
denoting a concatenation of string elements cannot be distinguished from a comma
which separates the arguments of a subroutine.
The corresponding formal argument represents a local variable of the called
subroutine, and the current value of the expression is initially assigned to this variable.
If an actual argument is an array element, the index expressions are evaluated when
the subroutine is called.
28 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Subroutine Examples
Subroutine with No Arguments
From the subroutine definition part of a Sequence block listing:
* Purpose: Retrieve data from an identified compound *
* Arguments: - none *
* Global variables used in the Subroutine *
* COMP_ID - String containing the compound name for *
* the data to be retrieved - pre-assigned by the *
* calling program. *
* *
* Global variables modified by the Subroutine *
* CF - Compound Flow *
* Valve-Out - Compound valve output *
* LAI - Low Absolute Flow Alarm *
* Dev_Shut - Deviation Shutdown required *
Valve_Out:= :'COMP_ID':PID.OUT;
The Main STATEMENTS Section includes the Subroutine Call
for the DATA_IN subroutine.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Flow:= :'Comp_Id':FLOW1_PID.OUT;
ELSEIF Valve_No = 2 THEN
Flow:= :'Comp_Id':FLOW2_PID.OUT;
ELSEIF Valve_No = 3 THEN
Flow:= :'Comp_Id':FLOW3_PID.OUT;
Flow:= -1;
The Main STATEMENTS Section includes the Subroutine Call
for the RINSE_FLOW subroutine.
CALL RINSE_FLOW (ProcName, 2, 0);
In the first call, the formal argument, Comp_Id, takes the literal string, RINSE_1. In the
second call, Comp_Id takes the literal assigned to the string variable, ProcName. If
the actual argument, ProcName, has the value RINSE_1 when the subroutine is
called, the two CALL instructions perform identical operations.
String expressions such as PlantName,“RINSE_1” or PlantName, ProcName cannot
be used because the comma separating the entities is interpreted as a delimiter
between actual arguments.
30 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
specific event. Such an event can be an operation error (user-errors and system
errors) or a change of the block’s state to Inactive, to Manual, or to Paused.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Data Types
The Sequence language uses these data types: real, long integer, integer, Boolean,
string, and enumerated data type. The data manipulated in the Sequence language
has to be of one of these data types. The data type determines the type of values that
an object can be as well as the operations that can be performed on the value.
Real data can assume values that are approximations of the real numbers. Real
values have an accuracy of seven digits and they are limited to the range
Integer data can have values that express whole numbers. Operations that can be
performed are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and testing on relational
ordering of values. Integer values are limited to the range (–231)... (+231–1) that is, the
range between -2147483648 to 2147483647. Be advised that that -2147483648 is the
only number in this range that cannot be expressed as a literal, as described in
Literals, page 38
There is data conversion between real numbers and integers. Real values can be
written to long, short, or integer parameters. Conversely, integer values can be written
to real parameters.
Boolean data can assume two values: TRUE and FALSE. These values can be
manipulated by the operators AND, OR, and NOT. They can be compared for equality
with other Boolean values.
String data type variables and parameters can be used in string expressions and
assignments. There are, in addition to the standard 80 character string, the short (6-
character) and medium (12-character) length string data type.
Predefined data is enumerated data associated with a standard parameter. The
enumerated data has a range of symbolic values. Enumerated data can be compared
for equality. A standard parameter of the predefined data type is assigned symbolic
values in the predefined range of integer values that correspond to the symbolic
values in accordance with an ordinal numbering scheme (see the ORD function in
Transfer Functions, page 45).
Each predefined type is treated like a data type of its own; it is not considered a
variation of the integer data type.
The compound parameter SSTATE is the only enumerated data type supported in
HLBL. SSTATE has these values:
In a Sequence language statement, you can use either the symbolic or the
corresponding ordinal value. For example, the expression of an IF statement, looking
for the condition where the compound SSTATE is active, can be either:
The sequence compiler and sequence processor recognize the packed Boolean and
packed long Boolean data types as valid for assignments and subroutine call
arguments. Packed Boolean data types are treated as long integer data types.
32 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
user parm =
user_arithm_parm_name |
user_string_parm_name |
user_array_parm_name .
user arithm parm name =
BI00nn (where nn = 01 -- 24) |
II000n (where n = 1 -- 8) |
RI00nn (where nn = 01 -- 15) |
BO00nn (where nn = 01 -- 16) |
IO000n (where n = 1 -- 5) |
RO00nn (where nn = 01 -- 15) .
user string parm name =
SN00nn (where nn = 01 -- 10) .
user array parm name =
BA000n (where n = 1 -- 4) |
IA0001 |
RA000n (where n = 1 -- 2) .
A user-label cannot be one of the names of the standard parameters, of the block
local variables, or of the constants.
Character Set
The basic character set of the Sequence language consists of these letters, numbers,
and special symbols:
• Letters A through Z, a through z, and underscore
• Numbers 0 through 9
• Special Symbols + - * / = { } ( ) < > . , ; : “
Sequence language statements are composed of these lexical units:
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Special Symbols
Special symbols serve as operators and delimiters in Sequence language statements.
Some operators and delimiters are created by combining several special symbols.
Symbol Description
{ ... } Encloses comments. Comments are used to document the
(* ... *) Encloses operator remarks. Remarks describe the actions
performed by statement execution. Remarks can be seen on the
default displays.
“...” Encloses a string data type.
–> Means “to.” Assign the results of a Boolean expression to a
Boolean output parameter in a Monitor (MON) block MONITOR
CASES statement.
:= Assigns values to parameters.
; Ends a Sequence language statement.
: Begins an external reference to a block, compound or block
parameter, or shared variable. It also separates compound and
block names in a block or block parameter reference.
<<...>> Indicates a statement label. Labels can be referenced from other
statements such as the GOTO statement.
$$...$$ Step label.
(...) Establishes precedence when evaluating arithmetic and Boolean
expressions. It delimits messages sent with the SENDMSG
statement. It delimits activation requests in an ACTCASES
statement. It delimits TIMER statements.
* The arithmetic operator for multiplication.
/ The arithmetic operator for real division.
+ The arithmetic operator for addition; it is also a unary operator for
- The arithmetic operator for subtraction; it is also a unary operator
for sign inversion.
= The relational operator meaning equality.
<> The relational operator meaning inequality.
< The relational operator meaning less than.
> The relational operator meaning greater than.
<= The relational operator meaning less than or equal to.
34 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Symbol Description
>= The relational operator meaning greater than or equal to.
. Separates a compound from a parameter in a path or a block from a
parameter in a parameter reference.
, Separates a block reference from case activation requests in the
ACTCASES statement. Also, it separates lexical units that make up
a message in the SENDMSG statement – string concatenation
/*...*/ Comments in preprocessor directives
Keywords are reserved to specify actions carried out by statements when the block is
processed. Keywords are expressed in uppercase characters. Other lexical units,
such as literals and identifiers, cannot be given the same name as a keyword. The
keywords are:
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
A Sequence language algorithm can access data by specifying a path to the data in a
Sequence language statement. This data is called a reference. Any of these types of
data can serve as a reference in a Sequence language statement:
• Blocks
• Parameter status attributes (ON SECURED BAD)
• Compound parameters
• Block parameters (standard and user-labeled)
• Shared variables
• Timers
Before referencing user-labeled parameters in the statement section, you have to
declare the parameters in the heading section. It is not necessary to declare in the
heading section the standard Compound:Block parameters (SSTATE, MA, and so
Internal References
An internal reference is a reference to a standard block parameter, a user-labeled
parameter, or one of the status attributes (ON, SECURED, or BAD) associated with a
user-labeled parameter, that belongs to the block. In an internal reference, a user-
labeled parameter has to be referred to by the user-label assigned to the parameter in
the heading section.
A user-labeled parameter declaration in the heading of block1:
ERR_FLG : BI0001;
A reference to the user-labeled parameter in the statement section of block1:
A reference to a standard block parameter in the statement section of block1:
BI0001 := TRUE;
Internal reference formats are described in Reference Format, page 37
External References
An external reference is a reference to a standard parameter, shared variable, timer,
or user-labeled parameter that is specified by pathname. (It may or may not belong to
the block.)
When you make an external reference to a user-labeled parameter, use the path to
the parameter and the parameter name (not the user-label assigned in the heading).
36 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
When you use a string type external reference in an expression, precede it with the
keyword STRING. HLBL assumes the external references without the keyword
STRING are arithmetic data types (real, integer, or Boolean).
You can use relative specification in external references. You can omit the compound
name when referring to blocks (and/or their parameters) within the compound. The
compound name is pre-pended to the path name.
A reference to a Boolean input parameter in BLOCK1 from the statement section in
another block in the same compound:
::BLOCK1.BI0001 := TRUE;
A reference to a Boolean input parameter in COMPOUND1, BLOCK1 from the
statement section in the same compound or in another compound:
External reference formats are described in the next section.
NOTE: The HLBL External Reference Table (ERT) maximum size is 40 entries.
Reference Format
The path specified in a reference may contain spaces or comments, such as in this
External references are case sensitive. Compound names, block names, and
parameters have to be entered in uppercase.
Internal Reference Formats:
. = Separates parameter and status field names
PARAM = User-labeled parameter name (one to ten characters).
STATF = ON, SECURED, BAD parameter status field.
These status extensions have to be used only on the right side of the :=assignment. If
used on the left, a syntax error results.
External Reference Formats:
: = Precedes external references; separates compound and block
. = Separates compound and block names from parameter and timer
CNAM = Compound name (one to 12 characters) – not needed if
referenced block is in same compound
CPARAM = Compound parameter name (one to six characters).
BNAM = Block name (one to 12 characters).
BPARAM = Block parameter name (one to six characters).
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
Literals are values that are interpreted as they appear literally in a statement. A literal
can be a real, integer, Boolean, string, or enumerated value.
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Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
A label identifies a statement or a step. A labeled statement, or step, can be executed
by request from another statement, such as a GOTO statement in the same coded
programming entity (block, subroutine or SBX).
Labels are only recognized in the block in which they are defined. At run time, they
cannot be referred to from sources outside the block.
NOTE: It is not recommended for a label to be the last line in a subroutine or
program. Add a semicolon “;” following the label if this positioning is necessary in
the routine.
You can refer to a statement label, or step label, within the block’s main code section,
only from a statement within that same main code section, or, from a statement in one
of the block’s SBXs; that is, you can use a label reference to jump out from an SBX
into the main code section.
The HLBL compiler generates an error message if the program tries to use a label
reference to:
• Jump into a subroutine
• Jump out from a subroutine
• Jump into a standard block exception handler
<< >> = special symbol that encloses the label.
x = one to 12 characters (letters, digits, or underscores).
GOTO fill_vat2;
The fill_vat2 label is not enclosed in << >> symbols when referred to in a statement.
Only the actual label has to be so enclosed.
This is accepted by the HLBL compiler. If the label uses uppercase lettering, the
compiler rejects the label because REPEAT in uppercase characters is a keyword.
Comments, enclosed by the special symbols { and }, describe algorithm actions; they
do not affect the algorithm’s flow of control or any data operations. Use comments to
document your algorithm.
Comments can appear anywhere in the algorithm between identifiers, numbers, and
special symbols. A comment can occupy more than one line.
{ } = Special characters that enclose the comment
x = One or more characters (letters, digits, or underscores); there is no limit to the
number of characters.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
{Set alarm block used to activate annunciator light.}
NOTE: The backslash character (“\”) must not be added in comments sections of
HLBL code, or IACC throws an error during validation.
Operator Remarks
An operator remark tells the operator what the program is doing while executing. It is
not used to tell the operator to perform an action.
Operator remarks describe block algorithm procedures as do comments; however,
operator remarks are included in the Operator Representation Module and therefore
are accessible to the operator for guidance from displays during operation.
Remarks can appear at statement boundaries only. They can occupy more than one
line including carriage returns and the special symbols (* and *) used as delimiters.
See Table 3-3 for the maximum buffer size for each operator remark.
For MON blocks, operator remarks have to be placed between the case number and
the case statement.
(* *) = Special characters that enclose the remark.
x = characters (letters, digits, carriage returns, or underscores).
(* Fill tank to 50% *)
NOTE: If the next line is a label, you have to end the operator remark line with a
Expressions combine operands and operators according to rules of computation to
obtain new values.
There are two kinds of expressions in HLBL: string expressions and arithmetic
String Expressions
A string expression constructs a string from any mixture of:
• String literals
• Results of arithmetic expressions (including non-string external references)
• Internal references to a string item, optional with a subset specification
• External references of data type string
The comma (,) is the concatenation operator.
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Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Arithmetic Expressions
Arithmetic expressions include integer, real, and Boolean expressions.
Integer arithmetic expressions are those in which the operators operate on integer
operands only, and the results are integers.
In real arithmetic expressions, the operators operate on only real operands or a
combination of integer and real operands. In the latter case the integer value is
changed to real before the operator is applied. The results are real.
In Boolean arithmetic expressions, the Boolean result is derived by applying the
logical operator not to a Boolean value, or by applying the relational operators (=, <>,
<=, >=, <, or >) to compatible operands, either arithmetic or string.
Examples of Boolean expressions include:
BI0001 := NOT BI0002;
BI0003 := cycle_no = 6;
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
This assigns a value of TRUE (=1) to the parameter, BI0003, when the integer
variable, cycle_no, has a value of 6; any other value of cycle_no sets BI0003 to
FALSE (=0).
BI0004 := cycle_no <> last_cyc;
This assigns a value of TRUE (=1) to the parameter, BI0004, when the integer
variable, cycle_no, is not equal to the integer variable, last_cyc; if the two variables
are equal, BI0004 is set to FALSE (=0).
Boolean expressions (and IF conditional clauses) can also use string comparisons to
determine Boolean values.
You can compare these string items:
• String constants
• Local string scalars (block or subroutine variables, or subroutine arguments)
• Subsets of local string scalars
• Elements of local string arrays (block or subroutine variables, or subroutine
Any external string parameter to be used in a comparison has to appear on the left
hand side of the (in)equality sign and has to be preceded by the keyword STRING.
String expressions cannot be compared with each other because the concatenation
operator (,) cannot be used.
When entire strings are being compared, trailing blanks of the strings (on either the
left or right hand side of the comparison) are stripped away. As a result, these Boolean
expressions each yield the same result:
IF STRING :A:B.SN0001 = “COOL ” THEN ...
IF SN0001 = “COOL ” THEN ...
IF “COOL” = SN0001 THEN ...
When the expression is comparing string subsets, the trailing blanks are not stripped.
For example, these two statements do not yield the same result.
BI0001 := SN0002 ( 1 .. 5 ) = “COOL ”;
This assigns a value of TRUE (=1) to the parameter, BI0001, when the first five
characters of the string variable are C, O, O, L, and space. If any of the first characters
differ, BI0001 is set to FALSE (=0).
BI0001 := SN0002 ( 1 .. 4 ) = “COOL ”;
In this example, BI0001 cannot be true since the subset does not specify enough
characters, and since it is a subset that is being compared, the trailing space in COOL
is not stripped away.
Other examples of valid string comparisons include:
• BO0001 := LoopNamesArr[14] = SN0005 ;
• IF SN0003 ( 61 .. 72 ) = “TempLoop1988” THEN ...
• BI0001 := STRING :COMP4711:BLK0011.SN0010 = “COMP002” ;
SUBROUTINE PQR ( IN arg1 : S80; INOUT arg2 : S12[2] )
II0001 := 5 ;
BI0001 := (arg1[ II0001 .. 9 ] = arg2[1] );
strarr[1] := “FC101”
CALL PQR ( “ FC101”, strarr ); {this sets BI0001 True}
42 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
An operand is an internal or external reference that is evaluated according to the
operators in an expression. These references can be used as operands: a compound
parameter, block parameter, block status attribute (ON, SECURED, or BAD), shared
variable, or literal. References are described in more detail in References, page 36.
Reference formats are described in Reference Format, page 37.
When evaluating an expression, if the results of addition (adding operators: + and ) or
multiplication (multiplying operators: *, /, MOD, and DIV) cause an overflow, underflow
or dividebyzero condition, the appropriate minimum or maximum value is substituted
for the result. During translation the HLBL compiler detects division by zero in
constant expressions.
Operators combine operands to obtain a single value. The data type of operands and
operators have to be consistent. The table below lists each operator and its
appropriate operand data types.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
The Sequence language provides a set of functions that include transfer functions,
arithmetic functions, and array functions shown in this table.
Transfer functions convert values of one data type into another data type. They have
one parameter and deliver one result. A transfer function can be a simple expression
by itself or an operand in a more complex expression. HLBL transfer functions include
Arithmetic functions perform an algebraic operation on an integer or real value. An
arithmetic function can be a simple expression by itself or an operand in a more
complex expression. HLBL arithmetic functions include ABS and SQRT.
Array functions allow you to manipulate each of the elements of an array with a single
statement. An array function can only appear in the right hand side of an assignment
statement. HLBL array functions include SET_ARRAY, SUM_ARRAY, and
44 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Transfer Functions
Transfer functions convert values of one data type into another data type. They have
one parameter and deliver one result. A transfer function can be a simple expression
by itself or an operand in a more complex expression. HLBL transfer functions include
The TRUNC(r) function changes a real value into an integer value by truncating any
places to the right of the decimal point.
TRUNC(1.83 + 1.56) = 3
TRUNC(-3.7) = -3
The value r has to be an integer or a real value. If r is an integer, TRUNC(r) yields r.
If r is not within the range -3.1E10 to 3.1E10 (floating-point notation), TRUNC(r)
assumes the minimum value 80000001 hexadecimal (-231) or the maximum value
7FFFFFFF hexadecimal (+231-1).
The ROUND(r) function changes a real data value to an integer data value by
rounding to the nearest integer. Specifically, if r Š 0 then ROUND(r) = TRUNC(r + 0.5),
or if r < 0 then ROUND(r) = TRUNC(r - 0.5), where TRUNC truncates any places to
the right of the decimal point.
ROUND(3.2 + 1.3) = 5
ROUND(-4.5) = -5
The value r has to be an integer or real. If r is an integer, then ROUND(r) yields r.
If r is not within the range -3.1E10 to 3.1E10 (floating-point notation), ROUND(r)
assumes the minimum value 80000001 hexadecimal (-231) or the maximum value
7FFFFFFF hexadecimal (+231 - 1).
The ORD(v) function converts any enumerated type value into an integer value. The
integer value reflects the ordinal number in a list of symbolic values that defines the
enumerated type. The value v has to yield a Boolean, integer, or enumerated type
If v is boolean, then ORD(false) = 0 and ORD(true) = 1.
If v is an integer, then ORD(v) yields the value of v.
If v is enumerated, then ORD(v) yields the integer ordinal number in the range of
values for that enumerated type. See Data Types, page 32 for the enumerated data
types supported in HLBL.
In a Sequence language statement, either the symbolic value or the corresponding
ordinal value can be used. For example, the expression of an IF statement looking for
the condition where the compound SSTATE is active can be either:
The restrictions to the data types of the values r and v are enforced during compilation
when the data type is known. If r and v contain external references, data type
checking is done at run time and a violation yields an operational error.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
The Bad Status attribute associated with the operand of a transfer function is
propagated to the result.
Arithmetic Functions
Arithmetic functions perform an algebraic operation on an integer or real value. An
arithmetic function can be a simple expression by itself or an operand in a more
complex expression. HLBL arithmetic functions include ABS and SQRT.
The ABS(v) function yields the absolute value of the real or integer value v. The data
type of the result is that of v.
ABS(-26.37) = +26.37
The SQRT(v) computes the real, square root of the integer or real value v. The data
type of the result is real.
SQRT(4) = 2.0
The HLBL compiler generates an error message when the operand, v, of the SQRT
function assumes a value that, during compilation, is known to be negative. If v
assumes a negative value at run time, the function yields the square root of the
absolute value without any detected error message.
The Bad Status attribute associated with the operand of an arithmetic function is
propagated to the result.
Array Functions
Array functions allow you to manipulate the elements of an array with a single
statement. HLBL array functions include SET_ARRAY, SUM_ARRAY, and
An array function can only appear in the right-hand side of an assignment statement.
Only one array function can appear in a statement, that is, an array function cannot be
a factor within a more complicated expression.
The left-hand side of the statement is an internal reference to:
• An array item
• A user-array parameter
• A local-array variable
• An array IN argument
• An array INOUT argument
An array function cannot manipulate the elements of an external array.
46 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
The SET_ARRAY(expr) function assigns the value of the expression to the elements
of an array. The data type of the expression, and of the destination array, can be either
string or arithmetic.
RA0001 := SET_ARRAY (0) ;
BA0001 := SET_ARRAY (II0008 < 3 OR BI0024) ;
STR_A2 := SET_ARRAY (“Initialized String ”) ;
The SUM_ARRAY(expr) function adds the value of the expression to the elements of
an array. The data type of the expression, and of the destination array, has to be
arithmetic. The HLBL compiler generates an error if the destination array is data type
RA0002 := SUM_ARRAY ( -130.5 * Min_Level ) ;
The MULT_ARRAY(expr) function multiplies the elements of an array by the value of
the expression. The data type of the expression, and of the destination array, has to
be arithmetic. The HLBL compiler generates an error if the destination array is data
type string.
IA0002 := MULT_ARRAY ( 1 / AcidTempsArr [5] )
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 2: Sequence Language
48 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 2: Sequence Language High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Operational Errors
An operational error occurs at run time when a sequential control block encounters an
error that it cannot recover from by itself. Operational error codes are stored in the
block’s OP_ERR parameter and can be displayed during operation. Here are some
conditions that can cause operational errors:
• Data type inconsistencies in an external reference are discovered.
• A statement tries to set the value of a secured parameter. For example, an
ACTCASES statement cannot address a MON block if the block’s ACTPAT
parameter is secured.
• An external reference is defined to a compound, block, or parameter that is not
defined in uppercase.
• A statement references a parameter or block that does not exist. For example, a
START_TIMER statement cannot address a TIM block that does not exist.
• A statement cannot address a parameter or block due to communication errors.
For example, the ABORT statement does not deactivate a block.
SBX1, for errors (OP_ERR = 2000 ... 3000), enables sequence blocks to suppress
error messages and execute error handling logic. This logic can either re-execute the
erroneous statement, or move to the statement following the erroneous statement.
You can also define SBX1 to count errors and/or to output a user-specific message.
SBX2 provides the same capability for system errors (errors outside the 2000 to 3000
B0400DF, Rev S 49
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler
Preprocessor Commands
Preprocessor commands are lines of source code which start with “#”.
The “#” is followed by an identifier which is the command name. For example,
“#define” is the command which defines a macro.
Space characters are allowed before and after the “#”.
There is a fixed set of valid preprocessor command names (see Preprocessor
Commands, page 50). You cannot define new preprocessor commands.
Some of the command names need arguments. These make up the rest of the
command line and have to be separated from the command name by space
For example, “#define” has to be followed by a macro name and the intended
expansion of the macro.
A preprocessor command cannot be more than one line but may be split with the
backslash “\” character to force a new line for the sake of readability without changing
the semantics of the command.
This table lists the commands that the preprocessor supports.
Command Description
#define Define a preprocessor macro.
#undef Remove or cancel a preprocessor macro definition.
#include Insert text from another source file.
#if Conditionally include some text, based on the value of a constant
#ifdef Conditionally include some text, based on whether a macro name is
#ifndef Conditionally include some text, with the sense of the test opposite
that of #ifdef.
#else Alternatively include some text, if the previous #if, #ifdef, or #ifndef,
test did not pass.
#endif Terminate conditional text.
The /* and */ comment markers can also be used. Note that this comment is stripped
by the preprocessor and, therefore, it does not appear in the error and listing file nor in
the operator representation module.
NOTE: The { and } are invalid to enclose comments for preprocessor commands.
The /* and */ must be used for preprocessor commands.
The preprocessor commands are processed before the actual compilation. As a result
those directives do not appear in the error and listing file nor in the operator
representation module.
50 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Macros are a sort of abbreviation used for the substitution of code parts. They are
definable with or without arguments.
#define 1000
The name “TABLESIZE” then when used in source code would go through two stages
of expansion, at last resulting in “1000”.
The command name cannot derive from a macro expansion.
Thus, this example does not work:
Also the preprocessor does not recognize macros which are defined within another
macro like intended in this example:
#define DO_MY_DEFINITION #define FLAG 2
B0400DF, Rev S 51
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler
DO_MY_DEFINITION; (* error *)
Definition Rules
• A macro with arguments is defined with the “#define” command followed by a list
of argument names in parentheses.
• The arguments can be any valid identifiers, separated by commas and optional
space characters.
• The open-parenthesis “(” has to immediately follow the macro name, with no
space in between as shown in the example to calculate the distance between two
#define DIST(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) (SQRT ((X1–X2)*(X1-X2)+ \
• To use the macro that expects arguments, the name of the macro is written
followed by a list of actual arguments in parentheses, separated by commas. The
number of actual arguments has to match the number of arguments the macro
dist := DIST (10.1, 12.5, 5.3, 3.4);
dist := DIST (x + 10.0, y + 3.0, 40.0, 10.0);
• The expansion text of the macro depends on the used arguments. Each of the
argument names of the macro is replaced, throughout the macro definition, with
the corresponding actual argument.
dist := DIST (10.1, 12.5, 5.3, 3.4);
expands to
SQRT ((10.1–5.3)*(10.1-5.3)+(12.5-3.4)*(12.5-3.4)))
dist := DIST (x + 10.0, y + 3.0, 40.0, 10.0);
expands to
• IACC expands Structured Text (ST) templates.
Argument Rules
• Parentheses in the actual arguments have to balance.
• A comma within parentheses does not end an argument.
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Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
• Brackets as used in arrays need not be balanced and thus do not keep a comma
from separating arguments.
macro (array[x := y, x + 1])
The arguments separated by the comma passed to the macro are:
“array[x := y” and “x + 1]”.
To supply an appropriate argument the following syntax with parentheses has to
be used:
macro (array[(x := y, x + 1)])
• The actual arguments of a macro can contain calls to other macros, either with or
without arguments, or even to the same macro. The macro body can also contain
calls to other macros.
To supply an empty argument to macro “MAC(arg1)” it has to be called with at
least one space character between the parentheses, like this: “MAC( )”.
Calling “MAC()” is providing no arguments, which is an error as MAC expects an
But if a macro is defined like 'MAC0()' the correct way to call this macro to take
zero arguments is 'MAC0()'.
• Using the macro name followed by something other than an open-parenthesis
(after ignoring any spaces, tabs and comments that follow), causes the
preprocessor to leave the source code as is.
Undefining Macros
To undefine a macro means to cancel its definition. This is done with the “#undef”
command. “#undef” is followed by the macro name to be undefined.
#define MAC 4
x := MAC;
#undef MAC
x := MAC;
expands into
x := 4;
Redefining Macros
Redefining a macro means defining (with “#define”) a name that is already defined as
a macro.
A redefinition is trivial if the new definition is transparently identical to the old one.
That can happen automatically when a source file containing macro definitions is
included more than once (see Include Files, page 54).
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler
Include Files
An include file is a file containing declarations, macro definitions (see Macros, page
51) or common source code to be shared between several source files.
The file inclusion statement is a directive to the HLBL compiler to include the
characters of the named file into the source file of the block that is being translated. To
request the use of an include file the preprocessor command “#include” is used
together with a sequence of printable characters.
The include statement can appear anywhere in an HLBL source. The characters in
the include file need not be a correct compilation unit. The source file, resulting from
the combination of the include file(s) and the source file, is checked by the HLBL
compiler for syntax and semantic errors.
“#include” ['"']{<any printable character>}['"']
54 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
#include Command
The “#include” command has two variants:
• “#include” “filename”
The requested filename is identified within the configurator’s database. If it does
not represent an identifiable filename, the preprocessor generates a system
• “#include” macro_text
macro_text is checked for being a valid macro call and expanded to the above
version of “#include” command. This allows you to define a macro that controls
the file name to be used at a later point in the program.
This folder is used to search for the file:
• /usr/fox/ciocfg/sequeninclude (for ICC - VENIX)
• /opt/fox/ciocfg/sequeninclude (for ICC - Solaris)
• IACC puts them in the library for text objects
The “#include” command works by directing the preprocessor to scan the specified file
as input before continuing with the rest of the current file. The output from the
preprocessor contains the output already generated, followed by the output resulting
from the included file, followed by the output that generates from the text after the
“#include” command.
Included files are not limited to declarations and macro definitions; those are merely
the typical uses. You can include any fragment of a code program. The include file
could even contain the beginning of a statement that is concluded in the containing
file, or the end of a statement that was started in the containing file.
However, a comment or a string may not start in the included file and finish in the
including file. An unterminated comment or string constant in an included file is
considered to end (with an error message) at the end of the file.
The line following the “#include” command is treated as a separate line by the
preprocessor even if the included file lacks a final new line.
Example of a sequence source file using preprocessor directives:
#define TESTPHASE 2
#define ON TRUE
#define OFF FALSE
#define Switch_Motor2(s) :COMP_12:MTR_101.MA:=s
#include “constant.defs.2”
#include “vars_2.decl.org”
Nylon_Temp : RI0001 ;
#include “nylon2.subrs”
#if TESTPHASE == 2
#include “dral.sbxs.tst” { test version }
#include “dral.sbxs.fin { final version }
#include “polym.main” {main polymerization logic
#ifdef TESTPHASE { not in final version
SENDMSG (“Executing Motor switch logic”) TO MSGGR2 ;
Switch_Motor2 ( ON ); { <- parameterized
macro }
WAIT 30;
B0400DF, Rev S 55
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler
Switch_Motor2 ( OFF );
...#endif /* __MY_INC_FILE__ */
The macro __MY_INC_FILE__ indicates that the file has been included once already.
It is recommended that its name begin with “__” to avoid any conflicts with other
names used and includes the name of the file with additional text.
Conditional Commands
Conditional commands allow parts of the source code to be included or ignored during
compilation. The condition can be tested based on the value of a constant expression
or on whether a macro name is defined.
#if Command
The “#if” command in its simplest form consists of:
#if “expression”
controlled text
The “expression” part is an integer-type expression that is restricted to containing:
• Integer constants, which are regarded as long or unsigned long.
• Character constants, which are interpreted according to the character set.
• Arithmetic operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, “AND”, “OR”
and comparisons.
• Identifiers which are not macros. (These are treated as zero).
• Macro calls. Macro calls in the expression are expanded before any actual
computation of the expression's value.
The controlled source text inside of a conditional command can again include
preprocessor commands. The text can also contain other conditional groups.
The “#if” and “#endif” commands have to balance.
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Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
#else Command
The “#else” command can be added to a conditional command to provide alternative
text to be used if the condition is false.
#if expression
If expression is nonzero, and thus the text-if-true is active, then “#else” acts like a non-
succeeding conditional and the text-if-false is ignored and vice versa.
Limit Description
32000 Maximum size (in bytes) of a sequence block including
header, parameters, and interpretive code
30000 Maximum size (in bytes) of a sequence block in the CP30,
CP40, or CP60 including, parameters, and interpretive code
31200 Maximum size (in bytes) of a sequence block in a CP270 or
FCP280 including, parameters, and interpretive code
16 Maximum length of a constant identifier
B0400DF, Rev S 57
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler
Limit Description
16 Maximum length of an argument name
58 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 3: HLBL Preprocessor and Compiler High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Limit Description
20 Maximum levels of nested control constructs (for example if,
for, repeat, while, . . .)
4096 Maximum buffer size for all subroutine names in each
dependent, independent, or exception block
4096 Maximum buffer size for all external references
• in each subroutine or
• in the main code and all SBKs
4096 Maximum buffer size for all message strings
• in each subroutine or
• in the main code and all SBKs
1025 Maximum buffer size for each operator remark
(a).These strings may exceed 16 characters. However, their first 16 characters
HAVE TO be unique, as only these 16 characters are used (valid).
B0400DF, Rev S 59
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
Statement Syntax
The executable HLBL algorithm code in the IND, DEP, EXC, and MON blocks consists
of statements and statement_sequences defined below. The code enclosed by square
brackets [ ] is optional.
Executable algorithm syntax:
statement_sequence [ ; statement_sequence ; .... ]
Statement_sequence syntax:
labelled_statement [ ; labelled_statement ; .... ]
Labelled_statement syntax:
[ stmnt_label_def ] [ opr_remark ] statement
[ step_label_def ] [ opr_remark ] statement
Statement syntax:
60 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Algorithm_terminator syntax:
A statement can also be empty.
The Monitor (MON) block has only one type of statement, the Monitor Cases
statement. It is used to define up to 16 cases that can be monitored by the block.
Following the information on statement syntax and format conventions, statements
are listed in alphabetical order.
The semicolon separates statements in an algorithm. Additional algorithm terminators
When constructing a statement, adjacent lexical units have to be separated by
spaces, tabs, or lines.
Except for comments, operator remarks, and string literals, spaces or tabs are not to
be contained within lexical units.
Lexical units, except for comments and operator remarks, have to fit on a single line.
Otherwise, spacing is optional and used to make statements legible.
ABORT :compoundname:blockname
The ABORT statement deactivates an active Sequence (IND, DEP, or EXC) or Monitor
(MON) block by writing a false value to the ACTIVE parameter of the addressed block.
If another request is pending, the ABORT statement is retried once every scheduled
basic processing cycle (BPC) until no other request is pending.
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
ACTCASES (compoundname:blockname,“activate pattern”)
The ACTCASES statement can set the activity status of individual cases in the
Monitor Case statement of the specified Monitor (MON) block.
The activation pattern represents the new activity states of the cases belonging to the
MON block specified in the statement.
Each character in the activation pattern corresponds to a case in that block. The
characters allowed in the pattern are A, I, and -. The character A stands for Active, I
for Inactive, and - indicates no change in activity state.
The first character stands for the first case in the Monitor Case statement, the second
character for the second case, and so on. Any cases not specified in the pattern are
left as they are.
ACTIVATE :compoundname:blockname [WHEN ALREADY GOTO label]
The activation statement activates a Sequence (IND, DEP, or EXC) or Monitor (MON)
block by writing a true value to the ACTIVE parameter of the addressed block. If
another request is pending, the ACTIVATE statement is retried once every scheduled
BPC until no other request is pending.
An attempt to activate a block that is already active is treated as a successful attempt.
An optional WHEN ALREADY GOTO clause allows you to branch to a statement
specified by a label when the block is already active. The label can be either a
statement label or a step label.
An unsuccessful attempt to activate the block is treated as an operational error.
62 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Assignment, Scalar
Format 1
internal reference := expression
Format 2
external reference := expression
The assignment statement replaces the current value of an internal or external
reference (on the left hand side) with the value that results from evaluating an
expression (on the right hand side). The value of the expression’s Bad status bit is
transferred to the reference (refer to Bad Status Attribute, page 49).
The two categories of scalar assignments are the arithmetic assignment statement
and the string assignment statement. The data type of the left hand side of the
assignment statement determines the category of any given statement.
If the left hand side is a reference to a string type internal reference, the assignment is
a string assignment. In all other cases involving internal references the assignment is
If the left hand side is an external reference, the right hand side, if it is an internal
reference, determines the assignment category.
If both left and right sides are external references, the assignment is arithmetic unless
the keyword STRING precedes the external reference in the right hand side. See the
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
Assignment, Array
array reference := array reference
where an array reference can be: an external reference, a user array parameter, or a
local variable array name.
While scalar assignment statements can manipulate the individual elements of arrays,
array assignment statements can assign whole arrays, arithmetic or string, to each
other with one statement.
It is recommended that the right hand side of the statement be an internal or an
external reference; that is, the right side cannot be an expression of more than one
operand or operator.
Elements of external arrays cannot be accessed individually; that is, you cannot index
within an external array.
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Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
If the right hand side is an external array parameter, an operational error occurs at run
time because a whole array cannot be pushed onto the internally used evaluation
stack. As a result, elements of two external arrays cannot be moved from one to the
other with a single array assignment statement.
If the right hand side is a scalar and the left hand side is an array, no operational error
occurs, but only the first element of that array is assigned a new value.
The data types of the left and right hand side have the same compatibility
requirements as Scalar Assignment statements.
If the source and destination internal references do not have the same number of
elements, the compiler issues an error message. If the number of elements are equal
and the dimensioning is different, the compiler publishes a “warning” system
message. For instance, two arrays dimensioned [3, 2, 4] and [12, 2] can be assigned
to each other. Arrays are stored in memory with the last index moving fastest.
If either side is an external reference, the compiler cannot check its size. If the number
of elements differ, then:
• If the destination array contains fewer elements than the source array, an
operational error is raised and the elements in the destination array remain
• If the destination array contains more elements than source array, only
destination elements in excess remain unchanged.
As with the scalar assignment, the array assignment is in one of two categories:
arithmetic and string.
An external reference cannot be a string array. Therefore, the compiler does not allow
a string-type array assignment to have external references. If both sides of an array
assignment are external references, the compiler translates the assignment as an
arithmetic array assignment.
:COMP:BLK.RA0002 := IA0001
The number of array dimensions can be up to 256. There is no limit on the number of
elements you can define for an array.
Some examples for assignments to sequence logic array:
BA0001[3] := FALSE;
USER_BA[2, 2, 2] := BA0001[3];
USER_BA[2, 3, 4] := TRUE;
IA0001[16] := 100;
destination := BIT_PATTERN ( source )
The BIT_PATTERN statement enables:
• The packing of a set of Boolean values into a bit pattern
• The unpacking of a bit pattern into a set of Boolean values
• The bit pattern that can be stored in a single user-integer parameter (II000x or
IO000x) or in an integer variable, either block or subroutine
The set of Boolean values can consist of:
B0400DF, Rev S 65
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
When executed, the EXIT statement terminates the block algorithm. Any statements
following EXIT are not executed. You can use the EXIT statement in subroutines, in
SBXs, and/or the main code section.
SENDMSG (“Beginning New Batch”) TO status_stg;
WAIT 1.0;
WAIT UNTIL fill_act = FALSE AND fill_flg = FALSE
AFTER 600 GOTO fill_fail;
SENDMSG (“Fill time too long 1:Retry 2:Abort 3:Continue”) TO
66 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
NOTE: In this example, the statements after EXIT are not executed when
conditions are normal. However, if conditions specified in the AFTER clause of the
WAIT UNTIL statement are met, statement execution skips the EXIT statement
and goes to the statement labeled fill_fail. Then statement execution terminates at
The EXITLOOP statement directs control flow to the point right after the nearest
enclosing loop. It can only occur within a loop.
FOR batchno := 1 TO 5 DO
SENDMSG (“Beginning batch number,” batchno) TO status_stg;
IF a = 1 THEN
GOTO startcycle;
NOTE: The EXITLOOP statement terminates the FOR loop, not the ELSE clause.
FOR control variable := expression TO expression DO
FOR control variable := expression DOWNTO expression DO
The FOR statement executes a group of statements a specified number of times. The
control variable determines the number of repetitions.
The control variable is an integer. It can be a user output parameter (labeled or not) or
a local variable (either block or subroutine) known by the sequence block, or an
arithmetic user parameter name (II000n or IO000n).
The first expression in the statement is the initial value of the control variable, the
second expression is the final value of the control variable for which the DO statement
is performed. In most cases, both expressions yield an integer value. If they do not, a
compiler error is generated in case of internal references or a run-time error is
generated in case of external references.
Statements in the FOR loop are executed until the control variable reaches its final
value. After each repetition, the control variable is incremented or decremented by
one until the final value is reached. The keyword TO increments the value. The
keyword DOWNTO decrements the value.
B0400DF, Rev S 67
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
The control variable value is tested before statements in the loop are executed. If the
initial value of the control variable is equal to (or greater than) the final value, when the
keyword, TO, is used, the statements are not executed. Likewise, when the keyword,
DOWNTO, is used, the statements are not executed if the initial value is equal to (or
less than) the final value.
For a positive increment, the FOR statement terminates when the control variable
exceeds the second expression. Likewise, for a negative increment, the FOR
statement terminates when the control variable is less than the second expression.
These conditions are tested before executing the DO statements. Therefore, if either
of these conditions exist initially, the DO statements are not executed. The value of
the control variable, after leaving the FOR statement, is undefined.
If evaluating one of the expressions sets the Bad Status Attribute, the Bad Status is
ignored and the statement uses the value as if it were not marked Bad. This can occur
• One of the operands of the expression is an input parameter that belongs to the
block and is currently serving as a data sink of a linkage.
• One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input, or
output, parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
• If an operand is an external reference and its value cannot be retrieved at run
time, an operational error is raised.
FOR batchno := :REACT_COMP:DRAIN.IO0001 TO end_cntr DO
SENDMSG (“Beginning batch number,” batchno) TO MSGGR2;
This FOR statement
FOR i := 42 TO 50 DO
asciinr := i;
:'dcomp':V0'asciinr'.AUTOPN := FALSE;
can replace the following nine commands:
GOTO label
The GOTO statement provides transfer of the flow of control to any labeled statement
within the same coded programming entity (block main section, subroutine, or SBX).
Flow of control cannot be transferred to a statement inside another block.
You can refer to a statement label, or a step label, within the block’s main code section
only from a statement within that same main code section or from a statement in one
of the block’s SBXs; that is, you can use the GOTO statement to jump out from an
SBX into the main code section.
68 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
The HLBL compiler generates an error message if the program tries to use the GOTO
statement to:
• Jump into a subroutine
• Jump out from a subroutine
• Jump into a standard block exception handler
IF amount < REACT_COMP2:MIXER.RI0001
THEN GOTO drain_fail;
SENDMSG (“Draining too slowly 1:Retry 2:Abort 3:Continue”)
TO status_stg
IF expression THEN statement;
[ELSEIF expression THEN statement...;]
[ELSE statement;]
The IF statement provides conditional statement execution. Statements are executed
according to the evaluation of a conditional expression. The ELSEIF and ELSE
clauses are optional. When an expression in the IF clause or an optional ELSEIF
clause in the statement is true, the THEN statement following the expression is
executed. In an IF statement that contains an optional ELSE clause, or if the IF clause
expression and the optional ELSEIF clauses are false, the statement following the
ELSE clause is executed.
An IF statement can have multiple ELSEIF clauses and/or one ELSE clause.
If evaluating the expression sets the Bad status attribute, the block ignores it and
interprets the value as if it were not marked Bad. The Bad status attribute can be set
• One of the operands of the expression is an input parameter that belongs to the
block itself and the parameter serves as a data sink of a linkage.
• One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input or
output parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
An operational error is raised if one of the operands is an external reference and its
value cannot be retrieved at run time.
IF a <1 OR a >3 THEN
GOTO error_msg;
IF a = 1 THEN
GOTO startcycle;
GOTO stopcycle;
GOTO error_msg;
IF a = 1 THEN
GOTO startcycle;
GOTO error_msg;
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High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
When a CALL subroutine statement is the last statement of an IF/THEN clause, and is
executed, the STEPNO parameter indicates the step number of the CALL subroutine
statement. The parameter, STMNO, indicates the statement being executed, or to be
executed next, within the current subroutine.
Monitor Case
casenumber boolean expression --> output parameter label;
casenumber WHEN boolean expression [ --> output parameter
label] DO :compoundname:blockname;
The Monitor Case statement only applies to the Monitor (MON) block. Each MON
block contains one Monitor Case statement which can be assigned up to 16 cases for
evaluation. Expressions in the Monitor Case statement have to yield a Boolean value
when evaluated. The data type is checked at compilation time. No external references
are allowed in monitor expressions.
Each time a Monitor Case is evaluated the Boolean result is stored in the
corresponding Boolean output parameter. When a compound:block name is specified
it can activate any sequence block (EXC, DEP, IND, or MON).
The user-labeled Boolean output parameter is not declared in the heading section. It
is named in the case where it is used to save a Boolean value. That user-label is only
introduced to convey the Boolean result of a particular Monitor Case onto another
See Sequence Compiler Limits, page 57 for the maximum length of a user parameter.
The Monitor block heading has two forms:
• Only user-label declarations without any keywords
• Constants definition and the user-label declaration preceded by keywords
Before you have added any cases, the HLBL source of a monitor looks like this:
0001 ;
0002 ;
0003 ;
0004 ;
0005 ;
0006 ;
0007 ;
0008 ;
0009 ;
0010 ;
0011 ;
0012 ;
0013 ;
0014 ;
0015 ;
0016 ;
70 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
level_hi : BI0001;
level_lo : BI0002;
0001 level_lo --> level_rec1;
0003 WHEN level_rec1 DO :REACT_LOGIC:LO_LVL_EXC;
• Cases can be added after each of the case numbers listed.
• Case numbers need not have a case assigned to them, but the case numbers
have to be listed.
• If the Bad status attribute is set as a result of evaluating the expression, the
expression is interpreted as being false. The value of Bad status attribute is
sent to the associated Boolean output parameter.
• Only active cases, as determined by the parameter ACTPAT, are evaluated.
REPEAT statement... UNTIL expression
The REPEAT statement executes a series of statements repeatedly until the value of
a conditional expression is true. Statements in the REPEAT statement are executed at
least once.
time: = 0;
IF opr_res < 1 OR opr__res > 3 THEN
GOTO drain_fail;
time = time + 1;
UNTIL time = 50;
If evaluating the expression sets the bad status attribute, the block ignores it and
interprets the value as if it were not marked Bad. The Bad status attribute can be set
• One of the operands of the expression is an input parameter that belongs to the
block itself and the parameter serves as a data sink of a linkage.
• One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input or
output parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
An operational error is raised if one of the operands is an external reference and its
value cannot be retrieved at run time.
B0400DF, Rev S 71
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
The RETRY statement is an alternate exit point from the two error handling SBXs. You
can use RETRY only with the two error handling SBXs. Any other use produces a
compiler error.
When an error handling SBX is terminated with ENDEXCEPTION, statement
execution resumes with the statement following the one that caused the SBX to be
executed. The RETRY statement directs the logic to re-execute the erroneous
statement that caused the SBX to be executed.
NOTE: Use the RETRY statement with care. The execution of an error handling
SBX suppresses the generation of an alarm, and the switching of the block state
to Manual. The RETRY statement permits the repeated execution of the
erroneous statement, with no check, or indicator, of the number of retries. It is
advised that you build a counting mechanism (see Example) and/or a security
check into the SBX.
{ use this retry counting after all tests have passed }
IF Retry_Cnt < 3 THEN
Retry_Cnt := Retry_Cnt + 1;
SENDCONF (“Should”, COMPOUND103,”;”,BLOCK14,” do another 3
TO MSGGR1 AFTER 60 GOTO no_answer;
Retry_Cnt := 0;
SENDMSG (“No confirmation on retry, “, BLOCK14, “ de-
activated”) TO MSGGR1;
If evaluating the expression sets the bad status attribute, the block ignores it and
interprets the value as if it were not marked Bad. The Bad status attribute can be set
• One of the operands of the expression is an input parameter that belongs to the
block itself and the parameter serves as a data sink of a linkage.
• One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input or
output parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input or output
parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
SENDCONF ([literal, literal..], [expression, expression..]) TO
parameter AFTER expression GOTO label
The SENDCONF statement sends messages interactively to logical devices or
objects that act like logical devices (such as historians and printers).
Upon executing the SENDCONF statement, the standard block parameter SUSPND
(suspended on message) is set true and statement execution is suspended until
72 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
SUSPND is set to false again from outside the block, or until an optional time-out
value expires.
The message has to be less than 80 characters.
The message is a string composed of any combination of string literals and
Commas separate individual strings and expressions in the message.
The label can be either a statement label or a step label.
SENDCONF ( “Operational Error is”, OP_ERR ) TO MSGGR3;
SENDCONF ( “Suspension lasts for”, II0001, “sec.” ) TO MSGGR2
SENDMSG ([string literal, string literal...], [expression,
expression...]) TO parameter
The SENDMSG statement sends messages to logical devices or objects that act like
logical devices (such as historians and printers) and user-labeled string parameters.
• The message is a string composed of any combination of string literals and
• Commas separate individual strings and expressions in the message.
• The message has to be less than 80 characters.
• When an expression that is part of a message, is evaluated, the results are
converted into strings as follows:
◦ A real value is converted into a string of fixed length. The string format is:
B0400DF, Rev S 73
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
The Station block has eight alarm groups. These groups are available to the blocks in
any compound in that station as message group numbers 1 to 8.
Each control block has its own compound groups available as message groups 1 to 4.
You can send a message to any message group.
See Sending a Message to Message Group 5, page 74
status_flg : SN0001 ;
SENDMSG (“Beginning New Batch”) TO status_flg;
SENDMSG (“Beginning Batch Number = ”, batchno) TO MSGGR2
DV1 <logical_name>
DV3 <logical_name>
DV9 <logical_name>
DV15 <logical_name>
GR5 0xA082
74 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
You can also send a message to a user-labeled string parameter that belongs to
the block. The Operator Message Interface can then retrieve the message for
operator display. The standard parameter MSGNO belonging to the block is
incremented by one each time a new message is assigned to any of the user-
labeled string parameters.
• Using an out-of-range value for x in the MSGGRx entry clamps the value
at 1 or 8, whichever is nearest.
• When sent to a message group parameter, the message is appended to
a list of fixed message fields and sent to the logical devices associated
with the message group.
• To send messages to the Historian, assign the message to a MSGGRx
parameter that has the Historian in its group of associated devices.
• The compiler raises an error if the parameter name in the TO clause is
not one of MSGGRx parameters or a user-string parameter.
SET_SBXS (availability pattern)
The SET_SBXS statement uses its availability pattern to manipulate the five block
parameters DISBX1, DISBX2, DISBX3, DISBX4, DISBX5. When an SBX is “Enabled”
(DISBXx = False) the SBX is available, and the block executes the statements
specified in the SBX when the corresponding event occurs.
The availability pattern is a string literal whose only three valid characters are:
As long as an SBX is set “Disabled” (DISBXx = True) the SBX is unavailable and its
logic is not executed.
Two standard block exception handlers (SBXs) are supported for error handling and
three are supported for state change handling.
B0400DF, Rev S 75
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
This statement:
• Enables the “TO_SYS_ERROR” SBX (DISBX1 = False)
• Leaves the “TO_USR_ERROR” SBX as it was (DISBX2 is not changed)
• Enables the “TO_INACTIVE” SBX (DISBX3 = False)
• Disables the “TO_MANUAL” SBX (DISBX4 = True)
• Disables the “TO_PAUSED” SBX (DISBX5 = True)
START_TIMER (:compoundname:blockname.timername [, expression])
The START_TIMER statement turns on a specified timer in a Timer (TIM) block.
START_TIMER optionally initializes a timer to the number of seconds specified in the
expression. The timer is then incremented by the value of the block’s period each time
the block is scheduled to be executed. Timers are updated as long as the TIMER
block is in Auto and the compound is on.
If the addressed Timer block does not exist, an operational error is raised at run time.
NOTE: After starting a timer, suspend (for example, use a WAIT statement) before
testing the timer. Otherwise, the timer block does run and you receive an invalid
timer status.
WAIT 0.5 ;
WAIT 0.5 ;
STOP_TIMER (:compoundname:blockname.timername)
The SENDCONF statement sends messages interactively to logical devices or
objects that act like logical devices (such as historians and printers).
The STOP_TIMER statement turns off a specified timer in a Timer (TIM) block.
Specify the timer names as: TIMR1, TIMR2, TIMR3, or TIMR4.
If the addressed Timer block does not exist, an operational error is raised at run time.
76 B0400DF, Rev S
Chapter 4: HLBL Statements High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Wait/Wait Until
Format 1
WAIT time_period
Format 2
WAIT UNTIL controlling_expression AFTER time_period GOTO label
Statement execution can be delayed with a WAIT or WAIT UNTIL statement.
WAIT delays execution a specified number of seconds.
The optional AFTER – GOTO clause allows you to specify a time limit on the WAIT
period, and an alternate action, if that time limit is exceeded. Specifically, if the
controlling expression does not go TRUE within the specified number of seconds, the
statement specified in the GOTO clause is executed. If the controlling expression
does go true within the time limit, the statement following the WAIT UNTIL statement
is executed.
In both the WAIT and WAIT UNTIL statements, time_period is in seconds, and can be
a constant or an expression yielding an integer or real value.
For either statement, block execution is suspended until the next regular cycle (per
the block’s period) that equals or follows time_period. If time_period is less than 0.1,
block execution is suspended by one period, regardless of the value of the period.
This means that a WAIT 0.0; statement will still wait for one block period.
Measurement of time is independent of the state (Active, Paused, Inactive) of the
block in which the statement appears and the frequency at which the block is
WAIT 1.0;
WAIT UNTIL fill_actv = FALSE AFTER 600 GOTO fill_fail;
SENDMSG (“Filling too slowly 1:Retry 2:Abort 3:Continue”) TO
WHILE expression DO statement... ENDWHILE
The WHILE statement executes a series of statements repeatedly while a given
conditional expression is true. Statements in the WHILE loop are not executed if the
specified condition is not true initially.
WHILE count <= 5 DO
value := value * count;
count := count + 1;
If evaluating the expression sets the Bad status attribute, the block ignores it and
interprets the value as if it were not marked Bad. The Bad status attribute can be set
B0400DF, Rev S 77
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Chapter 4: HLBL Statements
• One of the operands of the expression is an input parameter that belongs to the
block itself and the parameter serves as a data sink of a linkage.
• One of the operands of the expression is an external reference to an input or
output parameter that has its Bad status attribute set.
An operational error is raised if one of the operands is an external reference and its
value cannot be retrieved at run time.
When a CALL subroutine statement is the last statement of a WHILE loop, and is
executed, the STEPNO parameter indicates the step number of the CALL subroutine
statement. The parameter, STMNO, indicates the statement being executed, or to be
executed next, within the current subroutine.
78 B0400DF, Rev S
Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
(mm-dd-yy) month-day-year
(HH:MM:SS) hour:minute:second
(PRI <subsystem>) the primary subsystem (for example, PRI
(IPC) the subsystem text string file
(-01071) the file code
“Invalid station address and/or the Message
Code Description
2101 attempt to assign a Boolean value to a user parameter or variable with a
data type of integer or real
2102 attempt to assign a non-Boolean value to a Boolean user parameter or
B0400DF, Rev S 79
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages
Code Description
2103 attempt to write to an array value(s) which cannot be converted to integer
or real
2116 more external array elements read than can be assigned to destination
Code Description
2301 in an arithmetic expression, the data type is unequal to BOOL,
LONG, or FLOAT encountered, OR in a string expression, the data
type is unequal to STRING encountered.
NOTE: External string parameters have to be preceded by the
keyword STRING in string expressions. For example,
SN0005: = STRING : CMP1: BLK1.SN0001
2302 only a Boolean data type is permitted in a logical expression
2303 a Boolean data type is not permitted in an arithmetic expression
2304 only an integer data type is permitted in a DIV or MOD function
2305 in most cases, operands are compatible for (in)equality
2306 in most cases, operands are integer or real for equality operator
2307 a Boolean data type is not permitted in a TRUNC, ROUND, ABS, or
SQRT function
2308 a real data type is not permitted in an ORD function
2309 timer value is not treated as a real value
2310 array index out of bounds
2311 array index expression not of data type long
2312 first subset position out of bounds
2313 second subset position out of bounds
2314 string type expected (in string expressions)
2315 first subset position expression not of data type long
2316 second subset position expression not of data type long
2317 input parameter is not writable: an attempt was made to write to a
linked input parameter; check reason for linkage and reconfigure, if
2318(a) tried to divide a floating point number by zero
2319(a) tried to divide a 32-bit integer by zero
2320(a) tried to perform a modulus zero operation on a 32-bit integer
(a) Returned only if “enhanced math checking” (Bit 9) is enabled in the CFGOPT
parameter in the Station block.
80 B0400DF, Rev S
Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Code Description
2401 Indicates an attempt to set the ACTIVE parameter to a value it presently
2402 Monitor case cannot activate block because the ACTIVE parameter of the
target block is the sink of the linkage or connection
Code Description
3001 bad SRC parameter detected by Monitor block
3002 deleted SRC block detected by Monitor block
3003 no input parameter located by Monitor block
3004 evaluation stack empty
3005 evaluation stack full
3006 invalid bit number
3007 invalid category number
3008 invalid constant type
3009 invalid function
3010 invalid message group index
3011 invalid message number
3012 invalid operator code
This indicates a statement has been made that executes an ILLEGAL
OPERATOR such as ADD, MUL, DIV, and so forth, with an ILLEGAL
OPERATION such as a WAIT, JUMP, SEND MESSAGE, and so forth.
This statement has to be located and corrected. The Standard Block
Exception Handler (SBX) can locate this statement, and is discussed
in section “Useful Hints on SBX Programming” in Control Processor
270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280) Integrated
Control Software Concepts (B0700AG).
3013 invalid operator
3014 invalid parameter number
3015 invalid path
3016 invalid return from IC (interpretive code) processor
B0400DF, Rev S 81
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages
Code Description
3017 statement request and IC-PTR null
3018 invalid data type on stack (stack may be corrupted)
3019 statement not implemented
3020 string corrupted
3021 (not being used)
3022 message not queued
3023 no message packet allocated
3024 error return from string pool function stripped
3025 invalid vector type
3026 invalid scalar type
3027 invalid argument type
3028 invalid return from SUBR processor
3029 invalid path indication
3030 no FPN (full path name) construct
3031 invalid return from SBX (standard block exception) processor
3032 HLBL statement not found
3033 FPN construct too long
3034 invalid array operation
3035 invalid array category
3036 invalid data type
3037 invalid length for CPGET
3038 invalid length for GETVAL
3039 statement not found
3040 STMNO out of bounds
3041 real value too big (real to ASCII conversion – conversion to ASCII
3042 real value too small (real to ASCII conversion – conversion to ASCII
3101 invalid parameter type
3102 data type of loop variable not integer
3103 no conversion to string
3201 ERH entry for ACTIVATION is not serviced
3202 invalid index of ERH-entry
3203 (not being used)
3204 not an ACTIVATION ERH-entry
3205 request type mismatch
82 B0400DF, Rev S
Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Code Description
3206 invalid data type CPSET
3207 invalid data type setconfirm
3208 invalid length CPSET
3209 invalid length setconfirm
3210 import table is full, import not possible, data returned
3211 too many external references exist, no free entries in table
3212 an external reference request from this block was in progress when
an EOLUG operation was initiated; its state is unknown after the
EOLUG operation completed
3214 An EOLUG operation was executed with a MON block activating a
remote (external) sequence. The MON block's omlist that was
monitoring the remote sequence Active parameter has been closed.
3301 data type of monitor expression is not boolean
Code Description
2 INACTIVE – the parameter ACTIVE already has the value you are trying
to write (this is a warning, not an error)
3 SECURED – attempt to set a parameter that is secured
4 NOT_SECURABLE – the point is not securable
5 NOT_SECURED – the point is not secured
6 NOT_RELEASABLE – the point is secured and cannot be released
7 (not being used)
8 (not being used)
9 TO_BOOL_CONV_ERROR – value cannot be converted into boolean
10 TO_STRING_CONV_ERROR – value cannot be converted into string
11 TO_INTEGER_CONV_ERROR – value cannot be converted into integer
12 TO_REAL_CONV_ERROR – value cannot be converted into real
13 TOO_BIG – attempt to write a real value greater than an integer
parameter can hold
14 NOT_CONNECTABLE – the point is not connectable
15 NOT_SETTABLE – attempt to set a parameter that is not settable
B0400DF, Rev S 83
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages
Code Description
16 TOO_MUCH – attempt to write too much data to parameter, or not
enough room available to read value from parameter.
17 OUT_OF_ENG_RANGE – the point was set beyond the engineering
18 LOCKED_ACCESS – locked access to the parameter
19 TO_CHAR_CONV_ERROR – to character conversion error
20 GETPTRP_ERROR – the string could not be retrieved from the string
21 PUTSTR_ERROR – the string could not be stored in the string pool
22 ONLY_LONG_FOR_ACTPAT – The ACTPAT parameter of the
Sequence Monitor block needs a data type of long integer; no other data
type is acceptable
23 TO_PACKED_CONV_ERROR – to packed Boolean conversion error
24 OUTPUTS_DISABLED – outputs are disabled
25 TOO_LITTLE – too little (for example, an attempt to write a large
INTEGER value into SHORT INT, or an attempt to write a negative value
into a parameter with the “non_negative” rule [refer to SPRATE of PIDA])
26 INVALID_REAL – Floating point representation of REAL data type is an
invalid IEEE754 floating point value (namely, a NaN).
Code Description
0 OM_SUCCESS – no error
-1 ENOTFOUND – top level name not found or internal time-out expired
-2 EBADTYPE – invalid data type argument
-3 ESECURE – attempt to write to a secured variable
-4 ENOTOPENED – invalid om_descriptor
-5 EREADERROR – inaccessible change-driven variable
-6 EREAD – om_descriptor has write-only access
-7 EWRITE – om_descriptor has read-only access
-8 EWRITEERROR – change-driven variable write
-9 ENOSPACE – memory allocation error or shared memory attach not
-10 EDUPLICATE – entry is already in table
-11 ELOCAL – name is local; cannot import
-12 EBADNAME – invalid full pathname
84 B0400DF, Rev S
Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide
Code Description
-13 EBADLEN – data not returned (receive buffer too small) for example,
SN0001 := ; SN0001 can accommodate 80 characters, but a shared
variable of the String type is good for 255 characters
-14 ESTRLEN – string length is invalid
-15 EOPENED – omopen list is already opened
-16 EBADLIST – bad variable list pointer
-17 EBADATBL – bad address table pointer
-18 ECONNBAD – omopen non-success; no connections
-19 EQNOTEMPTY – change queue is not empty
-20 ENOVALUE – object type has no value record
-21 EBADVREC – bad value record
-22 EIMPORT – not enough space for import table
-23 EOBJDIR – not enough space for object directory
-24 EADDRTBL – not enough space for address table
-25 ESCANDB – not enough space for scanner database
-26 EIMPFULL – import list is full
-27 EBADQTBL – not enough space for dqchg queue table
-28 EBADQUE – error creating a queue
-29 EOMWSIZE – invalid omwrite list size
-30 EQEMPTY – dqchg queue is empty
-31 ENOADDTBL – optimized omopen without address table
-32 ENOQUE – unable to get a queue for omopen
-33 ENOSEND – unable to send omopen requests
-34 ENOADRSP – caller’s address table is full
-35 ENOTACTIVE – caller not activated with IPC
-36 EBCONTBL – error creating connection table
-37 ENODISQ – error creating disconnect queue
-38 ENOOPNTBL – error creating open ID table
-39 EMAXOPNS – the omopen ID table is full
-40 ESCANFUL – the scanner database is full
-41 EIPCRET – error detected in IPC system
-42 EWAIT – remote scanner has not responded
-43 ESTATION – communications cannot be established with remote station
(remote station has not responded)
-44 EOBJPND – object with same name pending creation
-45 ENOCONFIRM – no setval confirmation
B0400DF, Rev S 85
High Level Batch Language (HLBL)User’s Guide Appendix A: Sequence Control Error Messages
Code Description
-46 ENOVENQ – unable to get omvenix queue
-47 ENOSCANTSK – unable to create scanner task
-48 ENOVENTSK – unable to create omvenix task
-49 ENOSRVTSK – unable to create server task
-50 EFABORT – a fabort was received from VENIX
-51 ESIZELST – invalid list size
-52 ENORECQ – error creating reconnect queue
-53 EBADRSZ – invalid users address table size
-54 ENORECTSK – error creating OM reconnect task
-55 OM_ECBSY – open condition; each of the connections busy
-56 EOMOSIZE – invalid open variables list size
-57 EBADINDEX – invalid open variables list index
-58 EBADMSK – bad status write mask
-59 EBADWKSTA – Workstation name length
-60 EBADPARM – parameter does not exist; for example, this error is
generated when a full pathname refers to a block that exists in the
control database, but the parameter with given name does not exists in
the block
86 B0400DF, Rev S
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
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Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035–2040
United States of America