HART b0400ff V

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Foxboro™ DCS

HART Communication Interface Modules

User’s Guide

*B0400FF* *V*

B0400FF, Rev V

January 2023

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As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, information
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This document contains standardized industry terms that some customers might find
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HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table of Contents
Preface ...............................................................................................................6
Revision Information.........................................................................................6
Related Documents..........................................................................................6
Schneider Electric Products Mentioned in this Document ....................................7
Global Customer Support .................................................................................8
We Welcome Your Comments...........................................................................8
Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................9
Overview .........................................................................................................9
HART Support in Foxboro DCS Control Software .............................................12
Upgrading 200 Series Analog FBMs to HART FBMs While Retaining Existing
Termination Assemblies..................................................................................13
Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example ..................................................................14
Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics .........................................................16
Functional and Environmental Constraints .......................................................16
Input/Output Cabling ......................................................................................17
Cable Type ..............................................................................................18
Cable Length ...........................................................................................18
Use of Baluns...........................................................................................18
Intrinsic Safety Considerations ........................................................................20
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation ................................................................21
HART FBMs and Termination Assembly Installation..........................................24
Redundant Adapter Installation..................................................................24
HART Device Connections........................................................................24
Connections to FBM215/218 .....................................................................36
Connections to FBM244/245 .....................................................................38
FBM244/245 Termination Assembly Connections .......................................39
HART Communication Interface Modules Entity Parameters .............................42
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information..................................44
ECBs and DCI Blocks Used with HART FBMs ..................................................44
Block Interconnections ...................................................................................44
Configuration Procedures ...............................................................................45
Inter Replacement and Operational Conflict Between the FBM214e and
FBM214b Modules ...................................................................................49
Configuring IOBAD Options.......................................................................57
Point Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals ......................................58
Data Type Conversions.............................................................................60
Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs) ...................................................................61
Creating and Editing FBM ECB (ECB200 or ECB202) .................................61
Configuring SYSOPT in FBM ECB (ECB200) for HART FBMs .....................62
Creating and Editing Device ECB (ECB201) ...............................................63
Configuring DCI Blocks...................................................................................64
Example for Reading Pressure Measurement .............................................65
DCI Block Processing .....................................................................................66
Key DCI Block Functions ................................................................................67

B0400FF, Rev V 3
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Periodic/Change-Driven Execution ............................................................67

Auto/Manual Mode Operation....................................................................67
Simulation Mode ......................................................................................67
Signal Conditioning and Linear Scaling ......................................................67
Input Limiting ...........................................................................................67
Confirmed Outputs ...................................................................................67
Output Clamping ......................................................................................68
Output Initialization ...................................................................................68
Cascade Initialization................................................................................68
Fail-Safe Actions ......................................................................................69
DCI Status Transformations ......................................................................70
Control Schemes Using DCI Blocks.................................................................70
Output Value Upon Redundant Output FBM (FBM218, FBM245) Going
Offline ...........................................................................................................71
Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays ........................................................72
Block Detail Displays ......................................................................................72
ECB200 Block Detail Display.....................................................................72
ECB202 Block Detail Display.....................................................................73
ECB201 Block Detail Display.....................................................................74
Chapter 7: Security for FBM214e.................................................................78
Vulnerabilities ................................................................................................78
Chapter 8: Maintenance ................................................................................80
Overview .......................................................................................................80
Operating Status ............................................................................................80
System Manager Displays and System Management Displays ..........................80
Display Applications .................................................................................80
HART FBM214/214b/214e/215 Equipment Status and Information
Display ....................................................................................................82
HART FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information
Display ....................................................................................................85
FBM214/214b/214e/215/244 Equipment Change Display ............................89
FBM216/216b/218/245 Equipment Change Display ....................................90
HART Slave Device Equipment Status and Information Display ...................91
HART Device Equipment Change Actions ..................................................94
FBM216/216b Redundant Power Supply Test (Internally Powered
Transmitter) ...................................................................................................95
Performing Status Checks.........................................................................95
FBM245 Redundant Power Supply Test ...........................................................97
Performing Status Checks.........................................................................97
HART FBM Indicators.....................................................................................98
Service and Support ..................................................................................... 105
Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log) ..................... 106
Glossary ......................................................................................................... 110
Index ............................................................................................................... 111

4 B0400FF, Rev V
Important Safety Instructions HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Important Safety Instructions

Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar with it
before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The following safety messages
might appear throughout this manual or on the equipment to warn of potential hazards
or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

The addition of this symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety message

indicates that an electrical hazard exists that results in personal injury if
the instructions are not followed.

This safety alert symbol that lets you know about potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety messages with this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Please Note
Electrical equipment should only be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained by
qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction,
installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has received safety training to
recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

B0400FF, Rev V 5
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Preface

This document describes the HART® Communication Interface Modules (FBM214/
214b/214e, FBM215, FBM216/216b, FBM218, FBM244, and FBM245).
It is intended for the use of process control engineers and operators, instrument and
maintenance engineers, and other qualified and authorized personnel involved in
setting up and configuring, and maintaining EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS equipment
to provide a HART communication interface.
Prior to using this book, be generally familiar with Foxboro™ DCS, and with Standard
and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA). Detailed information
relating to the various Foxboro DCS software and hardware elements is found in
these reference documents.

Revision Information
This revision of the document includes these changes:

Chapter 1: • Added Upgrading 200 Series Analog FBMs to HART

Introduction, page FBMs While Retaining Existing Termination Assemblies,
9 page 13.

Related Documents
These documents provide additional and related information.
• FBM214, HART® Communication Input Interface Modules (Legacy) PSS 21H-
2Z14 B4
• FBM214b, HART® Communication Input Module PSS 41H-2S214
• Compact FBM214b, HART® Communication Input Interface Module PSS 41H-
• Compact FBM214e, 16 Channel HART® Communication Input Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C214e
• FBM215 HART® Communication Output Module PSS 41H-2S215
• Compact FBM215 HART® Communication Output Interface Module PSS 41H-
• FBM216 HART® Communication Redundant Input Interface Modules PSS 21H-
2Z16 B4 (Legacy)
• FBM216b Redundant HART® Communication Input Module PSS 41H-2S216
• Compact FBM216b, HART® Communication Redundant Input Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C216
• FBM218 HART Communication Redundant Output Module (FBM218) PSS 41H-
• Compact FBM218 HART® Communication Redundant Output Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C218
• FBM244, 0 to 20 mA I/O Module with HART Support PSS 41H-2S244
• FBM245, 0 to 20 mA I/O Module with HART Support (Redundant) PSS 41H-
• Compact 200 Series I/O Subsystem Overview PSS 41H-2COV
• Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA)

6 B0400FF, Rev V
Preface HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

• 100 Series Fieldbus Module Migration User's Guide (B0700BQ)

• Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW)
• Intelligent Marshalling Fieldbus Modules - FBM247 and FBM248 User’s Guide
• Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User's Guide(B0700AN)
• Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR)
• Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
(Describes the four associated worksheets and Macrocycle Estimator)
• Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
• Integrated Control Software Concepts for CP270, FCP280, and FDC280 User's
Guide (B0700AG)
• Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
• System Manager User’s guide (B0750AP)
• Control HMI Application User's Guide (B0750AQ)
• Foxboro Evo Process Automation System Deployment Guide (B0750BA)
• Field Device Manager for HART Devices Installation Guide (B0750CN)
• I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
• Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
• System Definition User’s Guide (B0193WQ and associated on-line Help)
• Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
• System Management Displays (B0193JC and associated on-line Help)
• Control Core Services v9.3 Software Installation Guide (B0700SW)
• Computer Aided Engineering for I/A Series Control Station Databases FoxCAE™
Version 4.0 (B0193MR)
• FoxDraw Software User’s Guide (B0700FD)
• FoxView Software User’s Guide (B0700FC)
• Grouped Object Editor for Displays (B0193DV)
• Intelligent Field Device Configurator IFDC for use with I/A Series Systems
• HT991 Universal Hand terminal for HART Devices [MI EMO0110 A-(en)].
The following is a partial listing of the documents available at the HART website
• HART FSK Physical Layer Specification, HCF_SPEC-54
• HART Application Guide, HCF LIT 34
• End User Info
• Complete HART Guide
Most of these documents are available through our Global Customer Support at
Global Customer Support

Schneider Electric Products Mentioned in this Document

EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ Fieldbus Module (FBM)
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS FCP280
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS Control Core Services

B0400FF, Rev V 7
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Preface

EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS IFDC

EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS Control Software
EcoStruxure™ Field Device Expert
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ System Manager
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS Control Editors
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS FoxView
EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ DCS Control HMI

Global Customer Support

For support, visit https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com (registration required).

We Welcome Your Comments

To help us improve documentation, we want to know about any corrections,
clarifications, or further information you would find useful. Send us an email at
This email address is only for documentation feedback. If you have a technical
problem or question, contact Global Customer Support.

8 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 1: Introduction HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the HART™ Communication Interface Modules,
and the network configuration in which they are used.

The HART® Communication Input/Output Interface Modules (FBM214/214b/214e/
215/216/216b/218/244/245) provide analog and digital communications to and from
HART compliant field devices. They also support standard 4-20mA signals from
analog devices. Each of these Foxboro™ Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) contains eight
channels that are group isolated for the FBM214/216 and individually isolated for the
FBM214b/215/216b/218/244/245. The FBM214e module contains 16 input channels,
compliant with NAMUR NE43 signal range.
These HART FBMs are available as either Compact or standard 200 Series FBMs:
• FBM214/214b – Each channel provides bidirectional digital communications with
a field device, and performs analog to digital conversion on the 4 to 20 mA input
control signal on that device.
• FBM214e – Each channel provides bidirectional digital communications with a
field device, and performs analog to digital conversion on the 4 to 20 mA input
control signal from that device. The module also complies with NAMUR NE43
• FBM215 – Each channel provides bidirectional digital communications with a field
device, and performs digital to analog conversion to generate the 4 to 20 mA
output control signal to that device.
• FBM216/216b – These modules, used in pairs, provide a redundant version of
the FBM214/214b.
• FBM218 – This module, used in pairs, provides a redundant version of the
Compact 200 Series FBMs provide the same functionality as standard 200 Series
FBMs while utilizing a smaller footprint, as shown in the figure. While a standard 200
Series FBM baseplate supports up to eight standard 200 Series FBMs, a Compact
200 Series 16-slot horizontal baseplate supports up to sixteen Compact 200 Series
FBMs in a similar amount of space. Compact 200 Series FBMs have the same
software as their standard 200 Series FBM counterparts and Foxboro DCS Control
Core Services do not distinguish between them. The Compact 200 Series I/O
subsystem is described in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's
Guide (B0400FA) and Compact 200 Series I/O Subsystem Overview (PSS 31H-

B0400FF, Rev V 9
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 1: Introduction

Compact 200 Series Standard 200 Series Compact HART FBM

FBM (FBM214b Shown) FBM (FBM214b Shown) (FBM214e Shown)

These HART FBMs are available only as standard 200 Series FBMs:
• FBM244 – Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20
mA transmitter or a self-powered 20 mA source. Each output channel drives an
external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA output. It supports any mix of standard 4
to 20 mA devices and HART devices.
• FBM245 – These modules, used in pairs, provide a redundant version of the
HART FBMs communicate with the fieldbus I/O devices on a master/slave basis.
HART is a communications standard which supports digital communication between a
master (one of the HART FBMs) and a broad range of slave devices which include
transmitters and actuators. Each HART FBM can service up to eight slave devices in
a point-to-point network configuration; multidrop network configurations are not
supported. During normal operation, each communication is initiated by the HART
FBM, which serves as the primary master. The slave devices can only acknowledge
received messages, or send messages to the master when requested to do so.
The HART communication protocol is based on the Bell 202 telephone communication
standard and operates according to the frequency shift keying (FSK) principle. This is
in addition to the 4 to 20 mA normal analog input or analog output signal (depending
on the FBM model). The digital signal is made up of two frequencies, 1,200 Hz and
2,200 Hz, representing respectively the bits 1 and 0. The sine waves of these two
frequencies are superimposed on the direct current (analog) signal to provide
simultaneous analog and digital communications. The FSK signal allows
communication at 1200 baud. Burst mode of communication is not used by the HART
The FBMs operate in a point-to-point configuration. In this mode, the traditional 4-20
mA signal is used to communicate one main process variable. The HART
communication digital signal provides access to secondary process variables,
configuration parameters, and other device data that can be used for operations,
commissioning, maintenance, and diagnostic purposes.
The figure shows the relationship between the various equipment elements in the
subsystem. The HART FBMs provide a communication interface between the
Foxboro control station and the HART I/O field devices. Termination assemblies (TAs)
provide for physical connection of the field devices to the FBMs.

10 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 1: Introduction HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

To FCP280, FCP270, or 2 Mbps

To FCP280 only
ZCP270/FCM100E/Et Pair Module Fieldbus

FBM214 FBM216 FBM216

FBM214e or FBM215 or or FBM218 FBM218
FBM214b FBM216b FBM216b


Termination TA TA TA
Assemblies TA TA

... ... ...

... ...

Up to 8 Slave Devices per HART FBM

• Each HART FBM can service up to eight slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.
• FBM214e HART FBM can service up to 16 slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.
Physically, the FBMs mount on a baseplate that is DIN rail mounted. For detailed
information on the functional aspects of the FCMs and other DIN rail mounted
equipment, For more information, refer Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem
User's Guide (B0400FA).
The redundant adapter, used with the redundant FBM pairs (FBM216/216b, FBM218
and FBM245), provides a “Y” connection between the FBM pairs and the associated
TA. This allows either module in the pair to communicate with the field devices.
The field devices can be configured using any of these:
• Foxboro™ DCS Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC) version 3.2.1 or later,
which is an optional component of Foxboro DCS
NOTE: IFDC currently does not support FBM214e. FBM214e connects and
configures with FCP280 only. It does not interface with FCM.
• A hand held configurator connected to the active (operational) link between the
TA and the devices.
Software residing in the HART FBMs, control station, and Foxboro DCS workstations
provide full support of the HART communication protocol. On the Foxboro DCS side,
the HART FBMs interface with the control station and other hardware and software
elements of Foxboro DCS to provide proven control, alarming, trending, and display
capabilities. The major functional components of this software are:
• Run-time Software – Supports the reading and writing of data to and from the
field device, treating these data as standard field I/O values in Foxboro DCS. This
includes Distributed Control Interface (DCI) control blocks, which are specifically
designed to interface I/O signals from field devices.
• Foxboro DCS Software – Integrates the HART FBMs and connected field devices
into the overall Foxboro DCS equipment configuration. This integration is
consistent with the integration of other Foxboro DCS FBM types, and the field
devices to which they connect.
• Diagnostics – Startup and maintenance diagnostics are provided for the HART

B0400FF, Rev V 11
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 1: Introduction

HART Support in Foxboro DCS Control Software

HART support is provided as part of the software packages included in Control
Software v3.x or earlier. However, in Control Software v4.x or Control Software v5.0 or
later, additional functionality was added to the HART FBMs. This functionality is
supported by a separate software package called “Field Device Expert for HART”,
which is described in the Field Device Expert for HART Installation Guide (B0750CN).
This Field Device Expert for HART software must be purchased separately from
NOTE: Control Software v7.2 or later provides HART support for FBM214e.
If upgrading from Control Software v3.x to v4.x or Control Software v5.0 or later, or
installing a new version of Foxboro DCS with Control Software v4.x or Control
Software v5.0 or later, be aware that you must purchase and install Field Device
Expert for HART to support HART FBMs on your Foxboro DCS version.

12 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 1: Introduction HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Upgrading 200 Series Analog FBMs to HART FBMs While

Retaining Existing Termination Assemblies
In the certified configurations shown in this table, Foxboro DCS 200 Series FBMs can
be replaced with corresponding 200 Series HART FBMs while retaining Termination
Assemblies (TAs) from the existing analog FBM configurations. This enables Foxboro
DCS to leverage the HART technology of the HART FBMs while reducing the upgrade
cost by retaining the existing installed TAs.

200 Series 200 Series TA Signal Inputs/ Analog FBM Description

Analog FBM HART FBM Outputs TA Part
(Existing) (Replace- Number
FBM201 FBM214b Eight 0–20 mA Inputs P0916AA Compression Type (Legacy)
P0916AB Ring Lug Type (Legacy) (PVC)
P0916XG Compression Type, RoHS (PA)
P0917JK Ring Lug Type (PA)
FBM204 FBM244 Four 0–20 mA Inputs P0916AG Compression Type (Legacy)
Four 0–20 mA Outputs
P0916AH Ring Lug Type (Legacy) (PVC)
P0916XK Compression Type, RoHS (PA)
RH917QW Output Bypass, RoHS (PA)
FBM205 FBM245 Four 0–20 mA Inputs P0916AJ Compression Type (Legacy)
(redundant) (PVC)
Four 0–20 mA Outputs P0916AK Ring Lug Type (Legacy) (PVC)
P0916XL Compression Type, RoHS (PA)
P0917JP Ring Lug Type (PA)
RH917QW Output Bypass, RoHS (PA)
FBM237 FBM215 or Eight 0–20 mA Outputs P0916CC Compression Type (Legacy)
FBM218 (redundant ready) (PVC)
P0916QC Ring Lug Type (Legacy) (PVC)
RH916YE Compression Type, RoHS (PA)
RH917QZ Output Bypass, RoHS (PA)

Schneider Electric has evaluated these configurations and found them to comply with
relevant safety and EMC standards.
Be advised that in the subsequent releases of the HART FBM TAs, surge suppression
was added on the input lines to comply with current regulatory controls. This
suppression is not provided by the analog FBM TAs. If using the existing analog FBM
TAs, the inputs of the HART FBMs will be more susceptible to surge events on those
lines. Your Risk Management plan should account for the possibility of such an event.

B0400FF, Rev V 13
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example

Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example

This chapter provides an example configuration, which provides most of the
information you need to get your Foxboro DCS and HART subsystem up and running
in the shortest possible time.
A typical sequence for installing and configuring a HART subsystem in Foxboro DCS
is outlined in the image. After this diagram is the procedure, whose steps are keyed to
the diagram.
NOTE: This example assumes that the individual HART field devices have been
configured for the required process control operations.

Figure 1 - Typical HART/Foxboro DCS Integration Process


Install HART FBMs 1 Create and Edit 5 Enable 9

and anCreate
Edit Communication with
Associated Foxboro DCS ECB202
Each (if required)
FBM216/216b/218 Each Field Device

2 Create and Edit 6 Create and Edit 10

Connect Field
an ECB201 for DCI Blocks for
Devices to TA(s)
Each Field Device Control Strategy

Create and Edit 3 7 Verify Slave I/O Data 11

Configure Field
an ECB110 for Using Block Detail
FCM Hosting FBMs Displays

Create and Edit 4 8 12

Checkpoint the
an ECB200 for Place FBMs On-line Database
Each FBM214/214b/214e


NOTE: or
• FBM214e connects and configures with FCP280 only. Step 3 is not applicable
for FBM214e.
• This overview of procedures assumes that you are familiar with Foxboro DCS
concepts and HART concepts. Appropriate documents and sections herein
are referenced in each step.

14 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

• Install Foxboro DCS, including the HART FBMs.

◦ Plan the major elements of the current Foxboro DCS version, such as the 200
Series baseplates, HART FBMs, and their power supplies, as described in
Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
To set up your platform, see the Hardware and Software Specific Instructions
document that was shipped with your platform.
Plan and install any legacy I/A Series® system equipment as described in
System Equipment Installation (B0193AC).
◦ Perform the system definition by referring to Standard and Compact 200
Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
◦ Install the current Control Core Services software. refer the appropriate
Control Core Services installation document. All these documents are
available on the Global Customer Support website Global Customer Support
at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com (registration required).
◦ Install the HART FBMs and the associated baseplate, FCM(s), redundant
adapters, and TA(s) as described in the Standard and Compact 200 Series
Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA) and Chapter 4: Equipment Installation,
page 21 of this user guide.
• Connect field devices to the TAs.
◦ Connect the field devices directly to the FBM TAs as described in Chapter 4:
Equipment Installation, page 21.
• Create and edit ECB110 for FCM or FCM100E/Et that hosts the HART FBMs.
For more information, refer the appropriate document:
◦ Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
◦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
◦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
◦ Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
NOTE: FBM214e connects and configures with FCP280 only. This step is not
applicable for FBM214e.
• Create and edit ECB200 for each FBM214/214b/214e/215/244.
For more information, refer the appropriate document:
◦ Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
◦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
◦ Integrated Control Configurator(B0193AV)
Also see Creating and Editing FBM ECB (ECB200 or ECB202), page 61.
NOTE: IACC does not provide support for FBM214e. We recommend that
you use ICC or Control Software v7.2 or later to configure FBM214e.

B0400FF, Rev V 15
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics

Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics

This chapter addresses various requirements and constraints relating to the
connection of the HART FBMs to the field devices or HART I/O signals, and their
operation in conjunction with the control station.
When planning for installation and operation of the HART FBMs and the associated
field devices, you must consider these factors:
• FBM functional and environmental constraints
• Input/Output Cabling

Functional and Environmental Constraints

The HART FBMs are designed for use with Foxboro DCS hardware and software. The
FBMs communicate with Foxboro DCS via a 2 Mbps HDLC Module Fieldbus, and
coexist on this fieldbus with other FBMs.
HART FBM operation requires I/A Series software, version 6.4-v8.8 or Control Core
Services v9.0 or later, as described here.
NOTE: Control Core Services v9.0 or later supports all HART FBMs. For
FBM214e, you need Control Core Services v9.5 or later. For legacy systems with
I/A Series software:
• FBM214b and FBM216b require I/A Series software, version 8.2-v8.8.
• FBM244 and FBM245 require I/A Series software, version 8.6-v8.8.
• The Compact 200 Series FBMs require I/A Series software v8.8 or Control
Core Services v9.0 or later.
For more information, see these documents for functional and environmental
specifications relating to the FBM214/214b/214e/215/244, and the redundant
FBM216/216b/218/245 modules and the associated TAs:
• FBM214b, HART® Communication Input Module PSS 41H-2S214
• Compact FBM214b, HART® Communication Input Interface Module PSS 41H-
• Compact FBM214e, 16 Channel HART® Communication Input Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C214e
• FBM215 HART® Communication Output Module PSS 41H-2S215
• Compact FBM215 HART® Communication Output Interface Module PSS 41H-
• FBM216b Redundant HART® Communication Input Module PSS 41H-2S216
• Compact FBM216b, HART® Communication Redundant Input Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C216
• FBM218 HART Communication Redundant Output Module (FBM218) PSS 41H-
• Compact FBM218 HART® Communication Redundant Output Interface Module
PSS 41H-2C218
• FBM244, 0 to 20 mA I/O Module with HART Support PSS 41H-2S244
• FBM245, 0 to 20 mA I/O Module with HART Support (Redundant) PSS 41H-
HART FBMs are used in the configuration shown in image.

16 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 2 - HART FBMs used in a Typical Network Configuration

• Each HART FBM can service up to eight slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.
• FBM214e HART FBM can service up to 16 slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.
Factors to be considered when designing a fieldbus network configuration for your
particular application are:
• Input/output cabling – Type, length, and the use of baluns
• Intrinsic safety.
These factors are addressed in these subsections.
NOTE: These subsections apply only to HART FBMs when connected to HART
field devices.

Input/Output Cabling
The basic cabling scheme is shown in figure and the actual connections to the TAs are
addressed in Chapter 4: Equipment Installation, page 21. These paragraphs provide
additional information.

B0400FF, Rev V 17
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics

Figure 3 - HART FBMs used in a Typical Network Configuration

• Each HART FBM can service up to eight slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.
• FBM214e HART FBM can service up to 16 slave devices in a point-to-point
network configuration.

Cable Type
Cable Type A, standard shielded twisted pair (STP) cabling, is used to wire the field
devices to termination assemblies (TAs). Unshielded cable can be used only when it
has been conclusively demonstrated that ambient noise does not affect
communication. For details, see the HART FSK physical layer specification document

Cable Length
The maximum permissible distance from a HART FBM to a compliant field device is a
function of the device type. For details, see the HART FSK physical layer specification
document HCF_SPEC-54.

Use of Baluns
A cable balun module, shown in the figure, is used to maintain digital communication
line balance for Intelligent Field Devices connected in FBM loops that are powered
from a common external power supply. This powering method effectively connects
one line of each loop to a single point. Without the use of a balun, the multiple
common connections at the external power source would cause cross-talk between
the loops.

18 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 4 - Cable Balun Module

The figure shows typical hookup. The Cable Balun module helps provide protection to
the HART signal and removes cross-talk between the channels and disruption to the
HART signal. They are recommended when the HART protocol on the HART FBM’s is
being used and the customer is providing external power to the loop. The use of an
external power supply common to two or more loops requires a Cable Balun Module
to maintain communication signal line balance.

Figure 5 - Use of a Cable Balun (Externally Powered)

Each balun module supports four channels. Two balun modules are required for
eight channels of the FBM, while four balun modules are required for 16 channels
of the FBM.
There is no signal isolation circuitry in the Cable Balun that would provide any
isolation when used on the 4-20mA signal. However, if high frequency noise is present
on the lines, the baluns can also tend to cancel out this external interference noise.

B0400FF, Rev V 19
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 3: Functional Characteristics

Intrinsic Safety Considerations

The HART FBMs do not offer intrinsically safe operation. A safety barrier can be used
as shown in figure “Use of a Cable Balun (Externally Powered)” or for module
powered devices (see image). For additional information on intrinsic safety
considerations, see HART Application Guide, HCF LIT 34.

Figure 6 - Intrinsic Safety Barrier Usage, Module-Powered Device

+ Intrinsic +
Safety iP
T _ _
Barrier i+
(when used) i-

20 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

This chapter provides installation information for the HART FBMs, redundant
adapters, and associated termination assemblies (TAs).
Before installing the HART FBMs, you must install the major elements of Foxboro
DCS [for more information, see Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's
Guide (B0400FA)]:
• Perform the system definition by referring to Standard and Compact 200 Series
Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
• Install the current Control Core Services - refer to the appropriate Control Core
Services installation document. All these documents are available on Global
Customer Support at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com (registration
• Install the HART FBM’s associated baseplate, if it is not already installed, as
described in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide
A typical standard HART FBM installation including an FBM214, FBM215, and a
redundant pair of FBM216s is shown in this figure.

Figure 7 - Example Standard HART FBM and Termination Assembly Baseplate


Module Fieldbus
To Fieldbus To Next
Communications ® ® ®
Baseplate (If
Modules, Operational Status Operational Status

IR Active 01
Operational Status

IR Active 01
IR Active 01

FCP270, or Master









FCP280 05






08 08 08

FBM216 FBM216 FBM215

Baseplate I. D. Channel Isolated
8 Communication,
No. 1 2
8 Communication, 8 Communication,
Redundant HART
0 Input
ON ON Redundant HART Input HART Output
P0917TN 1 OFF ON P0917TN P0917TQ
3 OFF OFF ® ® ®


IR Active

08 03









i- i+ iP
i- i+
i- i+ iP

i- i+ iP
i- i+ iP
i- i+ iP

i- i+ iP

C 07 08
i+ iP

C 06
C 07
C 04 05

C 02 03

B 07
B 08
08 Fieldbus
B 06
B 02
B 03
B 05
B 04
A 08
A 07 unication
8 Comm ut

A 03
A 0
A 05
A 04
Q ® (FBM214b)
A 02


NOTE: For diagrams and installation instructions for the Compact 200 Series
FBMs, see Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide
As shown in figure “Example Standard HART FBM and Termination Assembly
Baseplate Installation”, the HART FBMs mount on their appropriate baseplate, and
the termination assembly (TA) connects to the baseplate by means of a Type 1
termination cable. The image shows the available FBM mounting slots in the
horizontal and vertical standard baseplates.

B0400FF, Rev V 21
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 8 - FBM Mounting Slots in Standard 200 Series Standard Baseplates

Horizontal-Mount Baseplate
Slots for Non-Redundant HART FBMs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2


Baseplate I. D.
No. 1 2


Slots for Redundant Pairs

Vertical-Mount Baseplate



Baseplate I. D.
1 2

4 Slots for
Slots for Redundant Pairs Non-Redundant


NOTE: For the available Compact FBM mounting slots in the Compact 200 Series
16-slot horizontal baseplate, for more information, refer Standard and Compact
200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).

Table 1 - Part Numbers for HART FBMs, Redundant Adapters and TAs

Equipment Part Number

FBM214 P0914XQ/P0922VT
FBM214b (Standard) RH927AH
FBM214b (Compact) RH101AB
FBM214e (Compact) RH101RP
FBM215 (Standard) P0917TQ/RH922VU

22 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 1 - Part Numbers for HART FBMs, Redundant Adapters and TAs (Continued)

Equipment Part Number

FBM215 (Compact) RH101AC
FBM216 P0917TN/P0922VV
FBM216b (Standard) RH927AJ
FBM216b (Compact) RH101AD
FBM218 (Standard) P0917XK/RH922VW
FBM218 (Compact) RH101AE
FBM244 RH927AK
FBM245 RH927AL
Redundant Adapter for FBM216 P0917XQ
Redundant Adapter for FBM216b RH924DT
Redundant Adapter for FBM216b RH101AX
Redundant Adapter for FBM218 RH916QD
Redundant Adapter for FBM218 RH101AY
Redundant Adapter for FBM245 RH924DU
Compression-type TA for FBM214/216 P0916BX
Compression-type TA for FBM214b/216b RH924JH
Compression-type TA for FBM214e RH101RT and RH101RY
Compression-type TA for FBM215/218 RH926SP
Compression-type TA for FBM244/245 P0924QU and P0924QZ(a)
Ring lug-type TA for FBM214/216 P0926EA
(a) P0924QZ has output bypass jacks.

For the available termination cables, refer Standard and Compact 200 Series
Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
For general instructions on installing the FBMs and TAs, refer Standard and Compact
200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA). The non-redundant FBM214/214b/
214e/215/244 can be located in any slot on the appropriate standard or Compact
baseplate, with the associated TAs connected to the associated cable connectors.
The redundant FBM216/216b/218/245 require a redundant adapter. They must be
located in adjacent positions on the baseplate:
• For the Compact 200 Series 16-slot horizontal baseplate, positions 1 and 2, 3
and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10 (the second 1 and 2), 11 and 12 (the second 3
and 4), 13 and 14 (the second 5 and 6), or 15 and 16 (the second 7 and 8)
• For standard 200 Series FBM baseplates, positions 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, or
7 and 8.

B0400FF, Rev V 23
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

HART FBMs and Termination Assembly Installation

Install and wire the FBMs’ TAs and redundant adapters.

Redundant Adapter Installation

The redundant adapter provides a redundant I/O connection to a single termination
assembly (TA). Contained in the adapter are the input sense resistors and output
diodes required for operation of a redundant FBM216/216b/218/245 pair with its
associated TA.
For a redundant pair of HART FBMs, attach their redundant adapter onto the two I/O
connectors which correspond to the FBM pair’s slot position on the baseplate. The
figure shows installation of a redundant adapter for the FBM216. The redundant
adapters for the FBM216b, FBM218 and FBM245 are similar in construction.

Figure 9 - Redundant Adapter Installation on Standard 200 Series Baseplate


® ®

Operational Status Operational Status

IR Active 01 IR Active 01

Master 02 Master 02

Tracker 03 Tracker 03
04 04

05 05

06 06

07 07

1 2 08 08


Baseplate I. D.
No. 1 2 8 Communication, 8 Communication,
0 ON ON Redundant HART Input Redundant HART Input
1 OFF ON P0917TN P0917TN
3 OFF OFF ® ®

FBM216 01 02 03 04

Redundant Adapter

Input (P)
08 07 06 05
Input (P)

Input (-)
® 01 04
P0917XQ 05 08

NOTE: For the redundant adapters used on the Compact 200 Series 16-slot
horizontal baseplate, refer Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's
Guide (B0400FA).

HART Device Connections

HART device connections to the TAs are made in accordance with the labels on the
TAs (see images). Each HART FBM has eight/sixteen separate communication
channels as shown on the TA labels. Type A, shielded twisted-pair cables (for making
the device connections to the TAs) are available from Foxboro and have these part
• P0170GG (flame retardant)
• P0170GF (non-flame retardant)

24 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Connections to FBM214/214b/214e/216/216b/244
Make the cable connections to the FBM214/214b/216/216b/244 TA as shown in
Figure. For reference purposes, schematic representations of the input signal flows
for the FBM214/214b/216/216b is shown in Figure. Cable Balun Module connections
for 2-wire devices are shown in Figure. Cable Balun Module connections for 4-wire
devices are shown in Figure. Also, a simplified schematic of the FBM214/214b/216/
216b input circuitry is shown in Figure.

Figure 10 - FBM214/216 or FBM214b/216b TA Field Device Connections

FBM214/216, HART Input

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

iP iP iP iP iP iP iP iP
i+ i+ i+ i+ i+ i+ i+ i+
i- i- i- i- i- i- i- i-

Connection C
C = iP B
B = i+
A = i- A

NOTE: Cable connections are shown for Channel 1. Other channels are
connected in a similar manner.

B0400FF, Rev V 25
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 11 - FBM214e Group Isolated External Power TA Field Device Connections

NOTE: Cable connections are shown for channel 1. Other channels are
connected in a similar manner.

26 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 12 - FBM214e Group Isolated Internal Power TA Field Device Connections

Figure 13 - FBM214/214b Input Signal Flow

B0400FF, Rev V 27
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 14 - FBM214e Input Signal Flow with Group Isolated External Power
Supply TA

28 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 15 - FBM214e Input Signal Flow with Group Isolated Internal Power
Supply TA

B0400FF, Rev V 29
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 16 - FBM216/216b Input Signal Flow (1 of 2)

Safety (This side) Safety (This Side)

Class I, II, III; Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Div. 2; Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
Groups A-D, To
F and G; FBM216/216b
Zone 2, IIC (primary
Hazardous Internally (FBM) Powered Transmitter module)

+ iP+ Cx* i+
i+ Bx* 280 i-
- Test
Transmitter iP
Termination Assembly i-
(P0916BX, P0926EA, Cable Type 1
Field Connections To
FBM216 or (redundant
FBM216b module)
Redundant Adapter

Internally (FBM) Powered Transmitter with Intrinsic Safety Barrier module)


+ iP+ Cx* i+
Safety 280 i-
i+ Bx* Test
- Barrier iP
Transmitter Ax* i+
Termination Assembly
(P0916BX, P0926EA,
Cable Type 1
Field Connections To
FBM216 or (redundant
FBM216b module)
Redundant Adapter

(Figure continued on next page.)

30 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 17 - FBM216/216b Input Signal Flow (2 of 2)

Safety (This Side) Safety (This Side)

Class I, II, III; Div.2 Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Groups A-D, Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
F and G;
Zone 2, IIC To
Hazardous FBM216/
Externally Powered Transmitter with Intrinsic Safety Barrier
Termination Assembly
(P0916BX, P0926EA,
RH924JH/P0924JH) Cx* i+
Field Connections
i+ Bx* 280 i-
- i- Ax*
Field System
Intrinsic - 1 Cable 1 i+
2 2
Safety + 3 Balun 3 Test i-
4 Module 4
+ Barrier 5
Transmitter 7 CBM-4 7
8 Refer to Note 2
P0903SV Termination To
Cable Type 1 FBM216/
Cable Balun Module External Power FBM216b
Supply (redundant
FBM216 or
Redundant Adapter

1. Field circuitry must have entity parameters compatible with those of FBM216 (TA Part No. P0916BX
and P0926EA) or FBM216b (TA Part No. P0924JH) as listed in the table “Entity Parameters for
HART™ Communication Interface Modules” for hazardous location applications.
2. Each input requires separate connections to the power supply.
* x indicates FBM channel number.

Figure 18 - Cable Balun Module, Externally Powered HART Input Channels,

Wiring Diagram

B0400FF, Rev V 31
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 19 - Cable Balun Module, Internal and Externally Powered HART Input
Channels, Wiring Diagram

32 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 20 - Cable Balun Module with Intrinsic Safety or Zener Barriers, Internal and Externally Powered HART
Input Channels, Wiring Diagram

B0400FF, Rev V 33
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 21 - Cable Balun Module with Transformer Isolated Barrier, Internal and Externally Powered HART
Input Channels, Wiring Diagram

34 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 22 - Cable Balun Module, Group Isolated Externally Powered HART Input Channels, Wiring Diagram
for FBM214e

Figure 23 - Cable Balun Module with Transformer Isolated Barrier Internal and Externally Powered 4-wire
Devices, Wiring Diagram

B0400FF, Rev V 35
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 24 - FBM214/214b/216/216b Field Device Input Interface, Simplified


LP_PWR Current Limiter +24 V dc

Transmit Enable
26 V

Transmit Driver
5.5 V +7.5 V Transmit Signal
4.7 mF 51 Ω

CHPOS Receive Filter

5.1 K Ω
Receive Signal
+5 V
680 pF
220 Ω

7.5 K Ω
61.9 5.5 V A to D Converter

7.5 K Ω

2.5 V Ref. +5 V dc

Figure 25 - FBM214e Field Device Input Interface, Simplified Schematic

Connections to FBM215/218
Make the cable connections to the FBM215/218 TA as shown in the figure. For
reference purposes, schematic representations of the output signal flows for the
FBM215/218 are shown in figure “FBM215 Output Signal Flow” and “FBM218 Output
Signal Flow”, respectively. Also, a simplified schematic of the FBM215/218 output
circuitry is shown in figure “FBM215/218 Field Device Output Interface, Simplified
Schematic”. Entity parameters for the FBM215/218 are listed in HART
Communication Interface Modules Entity Parameters, page 42.

36 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

FBM215/218, HART Output

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Signal o+ o+ o+ o+ o+ o+ o+ o+
Connection o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o-
B = o+ B
A = o-

NOTE: Cable connections are shown for Channel 1. Other channels are
connected in a similar manner.

Figure 26 - FBM215 Output Signal Flow

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Groups A-D, F and G; Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations

+ Bx* Baseplate
(to FBM215)
- o- Ax*

Termination Assembly
(RH926SP) Termination
Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)

NOTE: Field circuitry must have entity parameters compatible with those of
FBM215 (TA Part No. P0917XV, and P0926EK) as listed in the table “Entity
Parameters for HART Communication Interface Modules” for hazardous location
* x indicates FBM channel number.

B0400FF, Rev V 37
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 27 - FBM218 Output Signal Flow

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Groups A-D, F and G; Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations

Redundant Adapter (P0916QD)

(mounted on baseplate)

+ o+ Bx*
o+ FBM218
Ax* o- (primary
- o- module)

Termination Assembly
(RH926SP) Termination
Actuator Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)

o+ FBM218

NOTE: Field circuitry must have entity parameters compatible with those of
FBM215 (TA Part No. P0917XV, and P0926EK) as listed in the table “Entity
Parameters for HART Communication Interface Modules” for hazardous location
* x indicates FBM channel number.

Figure 28 - FBM215/218 Field Device Output Interface, Simplified Schematic

Loop 24 v p-p 200 KHz
OUTPOS Squarewave
33 V
OUTNEG Current

Converter Logic

Transmit Driver
1.96 KΩ
123 Ω 1 mF Transmit Signal

5 KΩ
Receive Filter
Receive Signal
33 V 680 pF

Connections to FBM244/245
Make the cable connections to the FBM244/245 TAs as shown in figure. For reference
purposes, schematic representations of the output signal flows for the FBM244/245
are shown in figure “FBM244 Output Connections” and “FBM245 Output Connections
with Redundant Adapter Connections”, respectively.

38 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

NOTE: The FBM245 has four HART-compatible inputs and four HART-compatible
outputs. The test points provide a measurement check of the FBM derived loop
supply voltage for input channels 1-4. These test points do not reflect the loop
supply voltage when loops are externally powered.
TA P0924QZ has four output bypass jacks for use with the Output Bypass Station,
and is not suitable for use in any hazardous locations - ordinary locations only. For
more information on the Output Bypass Station, see Standard and Compact 200
Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).
Also, simplified schematics of the FBM244/245 output circuitry is shown in figure.
Entity parameters for the FBM244/245 are listed in HART Communication Interface
Modules Entity Parameters, page 42.

Figure 29 - FBM215/218 Field Device Output Interface, Simplified Schematic

Loop 24 v p-p 200 KHz
OUTPOS Squarewave
33 V
OUTNEG Current

Converter Logic

Transmit Driver
1.96 KΩ
123 Ω 1 mF Transmit Signal

5 KΩ
Receive Filter
Receive Signal
33 V 680 pF

FBM244/245 Termination Assembly Connections

Figure 30 - FBM244/245 TA Field Device Connections
RH924QU/P0924QU RH924QZ/P0924QZ
FBM244/245, HART I/O FBM244/245, HART I/O Bypass
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Customer Customer
Labeling Labeling
Area Area

Bypass jacks under cover

Signal iP iP iP iP sh sh sh sh Signal iP iP iP iP sh sh sh sh
i+ i+ i+ i+ o+ o+ o+ o+ i+ i+ i+ i+ o+ o+ o+ o+
Connection Connection
i- i- i- i- o- o- o- o- i- i- i- i- o- o- o- o-
Points C = iP Points C = iP
B = i+ B = i+
A = i- A = i-

B0400FF, Rev V 39
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Groups A-D, F and G; Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations

+ Bx* Baseplate
(to FBM244)
- o- Ax*

Termination Assembly
(RH924QU/P0924QU) Termination
Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Ordinary Locations
Groups A-D, F and G;
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations

+ Bx* Baseplate
(to FBM244)
- o- Ax*

Termination Assembly
(RH924QZ/P0924QZ) Termination
Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)

1. Field circuitry must have entity parameters compatible with those of FBM244 (TA Part No. P0924QU)
as listed in the table “Entity Parameters for HART™ Communication Interface Modules” for hazardous
location applications.
2. TA P0924QZ has 4 output bypass jacks for 0-20 mA supplied by Output Bypass Station.
3. Each input requires separate connections to Power Supply.
* x indicates FBM channel number.

40 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Class I; Div. 2; Groups A-D;
Groups A-D, F and G; Zone 2, IIC; Hazardous Locations
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations
Redundant Adapter
(P0924DU) (mounted
Cx* on baseplate)
+ o+ Bx* o+ FBM245
o- (primary
- o- Ax* module)

Termination Assembly
(RH924QU/P0924QU) Termination
Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)
o+ FBM245

Safety (This Side): Safety (This Side):

Class I, II, III; Div. 2; Ordinary Locations
Groups A-D, F and G;
Zone 2, IIC
Hazardous Locations
Redundant Adapter
(P0924DU) (mounted
Cx* on baseplate)
+ o+ Bx* o+ FBM245
o- (primary
- o- Ax*

Termination Assembly
(RH924QZ/P0924QZ) Termination
Field Connections Cable Type 1
(25 pin to 37 pin)

o+ FBM245

1. Field circuitry must have entity parameters compatible with those of FBM245 (TA Part No. P0924QU)
as listed in the table “Entity Parameters for HART™ Communication Interface Modules” for hazardous
location applications.
2. TA P0924QZ has 4 output bypass jacks for 0-20 mA supplied by Output Bypass Station.
3. Redundant Adapter (P0924DU) must be used with the FBM245.
4. Each input requires separate connections to Power Supply.
* x indicates FBM channel number.

B0400FF, Rev V 41
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 4: Equipment Installation

Figure 31 - FBM244/245 Module, Channel Isolated Output Circuit, Simplified


Loop 24 v p-p 200 KHz
OUTPOS Squarewave
33 V
OUTNEG Current

Converter Logic

Transmit Driver
1.96 K Ω
123 Ω 1 F Transmit Signal

5 KΩ
Receive Filter
Receive Signal
33 V 680 pF

HART Communication Interface Modules Entity Parameters

Table 2 - Entity Parameters for HART Communication Interface Modules

FBM Type TA Type (P/ TA Field Entity Parameters(c)

N)(a) FieldTermi- Circuit
nal Type(b)
(S) Um(R) (S) Io (R) Ii (S) Co (R) (S) Lo (R)
Ui Ci Li
FBM214 P0916BX, i+ to iP Input (S) 25 33 3nF 0
i+ to i- Input (R) 60 34 0 0
FBM214 *, P0926TD i+ to iP Input (S) 25 33 3nF 0
i+ to i- Input (R) 60 34 0 0
FBM216(d) P0916BX, i+ to iP Input (S) 25 64 3nF 0
i+to i- Input (R) 60 34 0 0
FBM216(d) *, P0926TD i+to iP Input (S) 25 33 3nF 0
i+ to i- Input (R) 60 34 0 0
FBM214b/ P0924JH i+ to iP Input (S) 25 64 3nF 0
i+to i- Input (R) 60 34 0 0
FBM215 P0917XV, o+ to o- Output (S) 33 21 3nF 0
FBM215 *, P0926SP o+ to o- Output (S) 33 21 3nF 0
FBM218(d) P0917XV, o+ to o- Output (S) 33 21 3nF 0

42 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 4: Equipment Installation HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 2 - Entity Parameters for HART Communication Interface Modules (Continued)

FBM Type TA Type (P/ TA Field Entity Parameters(c)

N)(a) FieldTermi- Circuit
nal Type(b)
(S) Um(R) (S) Io (R) Ii (S) Co (R) (S) Lo (R)
Ui Ci Li
FBM218(d) P0917XV, o+ to o- Output (S) 33 21 3nF 0
FBM244 P0924QU, iP to i+ Input (S) 25 35 0.4 65
iP to i- Input (S) 25 35 0.4 65
i+ to i- Input (R) 6 21 0 0
o+ to o- Output (S) 32 21 0.18 180
FBM245(d) P0924QU, iP to i+ Input (S) 25 70 0.4 16
iP to i- Input (S) 25 70 0.4 16
i+ to i- Input (R) 6 21 0 0
o+ to o- Output (S) 32 21 0.18 180
(a) The TA part numbers are listed as: compression type, ring lug type. “*” indicates that there is no compression-
type equivalent for this TA.
(b) (S) = the FBM terminals supply energy; (R) = the FBM terminals receive energy. This defines whether to use
Um or Ui, Io or Ii, Co or Ci, and Lo or Li in the entity parameter columns.
(c) Units are expressed as: Um and Ui in dc Volts; Io and Ii in dc mA; Co and Ci in mF; Lo and Li in mH.
(d) Requires redundant adapter mounted on baseplate to support redundancy.
(e) Ii for the case of i+ to i- is the current at 6V input.

B0400FF, Rev V 43
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

This chapter provides information necessary for configuring the control blocks
associated with the HART FBM I/O functions. You can use this information with the
quick-start example presented in Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example, page 14

ECBs and DCI Blocks Used with HART FBMs

With regard to the HART FBM I/O functions (reading/writing data to/from the HART
devices), control block configuration involves configuring the associated equipment
control blocks (ECBs) and Distributed Control Interface (DCI) control blocks. Table
lists the ECBs and DCI blocks used with the HART FBMs. For detailed descriptions of
the ECBs and DCI blocks used with the HART FBMs, see Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX).

Table 3 - ECBs and DCI Blocks Used with HART FBMs

ECB/DCI Block Description

ECB110 Fieldbus Communications Module (FCM) for DIN rail subsystem
ECB200 Parent ECB, representing the FBM214, FBM214b, FBM214e,
FBM215, FBM244
ECB202 Parent ECB, representing a pair of redundant FBMs: two
FBM216s, two FBM216bs, two FBM218s or two FBM245s
ECB201 Child ECB representing a field device
RIN Real Input DCI Block
ROUT Real Output DCI block
IIN Integer Input DCI block
STRIN String Input DCI block
PAKIN Packed Input Block

Block Interconnections
In order for process control operations to be performed, you must create and
configure ECBs, DCI blocks, and other Foxboro DCS control blocks for control
scheme implementation. The figure shows the ECB hierarchy.

44 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 32 - ECB Hierarchy

Control Station


215) or
(FBM216/218) ECB201 ECB201

HART Devices
* Each ECB202 block represents a pair of redundant FBMs: FBM216s, FBM216bs,
FBM218s or FBM245s.

Configuration Procedures
As indicated in figure “ECB Hierarchy”, an ECB200 must be configured for each
FBM214, FBM214b, FBM214e, FBM215, or FBM244 and an ECB202 must be
configured for each FBM216, FBM216b, FBM218 or FBM245 redundant pair. For
each device associated with the FBMs, a child ECB201 must be configured and
connected to the (parent) ECB200 or ECB202. In addition, a DCI block must be
configured for each HART FBM parameter that is connectable. (Table ECBs and DCI
Blocks Used with HART FBMs, page 44 lists the DCI block types used in HART data
transfer operations for the HART FBMs.) The DCI blocks can be configured anywhere
in the Continuous List hierarchy (List 1 or 2), in any compound in a control station.
This image shows the user-configured connections between the various elements of a
typical control scheme using an FBM214/214b with HART input devices. In this figure,
a RIN block is used to process a real input from HART devices.

B0400FF, Rev V 45
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Figure 33 - Typical Block Interconnections for FBM214/214b with HART Input




Channel#1 NAME PT_101 NAME PT_101
(See Note 3)

Channel#8 ECB201 RIN Block
(See Note 3)

1. A DCI block (such as RIN) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each HART signal/value that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. Certain DCI block parameters (PNT_NO, in this case) must be configured to contain a point
address which indicates, to the HART device, the I/O operation to be performed. See “Point
Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals” for details.
3. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.

Figure shows the user-configured connections between the various elements of a

typical control scheme using an FBM214e with HART input devices. In this figure, a
RIN block is used to process a real input from HART devices.

46 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 34 - Typical Block Interconnections for FBM214e with HART Input




Channel#1 NAME PT_101 NAME PT_101
(See Note 3)

Channel#16 ECB201 RIN Block
(See Note 3)

1. A DCI block (such as RIN) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each HART signal/value that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. Certain DCI block parameters (PNT_NO, in this case) must be configured to contain a point
address which indicates, to the HART device, the I/O operation to be performed. See “Point
Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals” for details.
3. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH16 of the associated device.
4. NAMUR43 is the only applicable DVOPTS for FBM214e. It operates the FBM214e always in
HART enabled mode.

Figure on shows the user-configured connections between the various elements of a

typical control scheme using an FBM218 with HART output devices. In this figure, a
ROUT block is used to process a real output value directed to HART devices.

B0400FF, Rev V 47
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Figure 35 - Typical Block Interconnections for FBM218 with HART Output




Channel#1 NAME VP_101 NAME VP_101
(See Note 3)

Channel#8 ECB201 ROUT Block
(See Note 3)

1. A DCI block (such as ROUT) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each HART signal/value that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. Certain DCI block parameters (PNT_NO, in this case) must be configured to contain a point
address which indicates, to the HART device, the I/O operation to be performed. See “Point
Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals” for details.
3. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.

Figure on shows the user-configured connections between the various elements of a

typical control scheme using an FBM214/214b with 4-20 mA input devices. In this
figure, a RIN block is used to process a real input from 4-20 mA devices.

48 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 36 - Typical Block Interconnections for FBM214/214b with 4-20 mA Input



Input ECB201 RIN Block

Channel#1 NAME FT_101 NAME FT_101
(See Note 2)

Channel#8 ECB201 RIN Block
(See Note 2)

1. A DCI block (such as RIN) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each signal that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.

• A DCI block (such as RIN) must be configured and connected to the device’s
ECB201 for each signal that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
• DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.
Configuration for other types of device I/O parameters and corresponding DCI blocks
is similar, with similar interconnections between the ECBs and DCI blocks. Inter
Replacement and Operational Conflict Between the FBM214e and FBM214b
Modules, page 49 lists key parameters, which either specify the linkages between
ECBs and DCI blocks or contain information relating to the transfer of I/O values.
The ECB200, ECB201, ECB202, and DCI block parameters are defined in Integrated
Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

Do not insert the FBM214b module in the slot configured for FBM214e or the other
way round. When replacing the FBM214e module, keep the TA cable (Type 4)
connected. See Inter Replacement and Operational Conflict Between the FBM214e
and FBM214b Modules, page 49
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

Inter Replacement and Operational Conflict Between the FBM214e

and FBM214b Modules
If you insert the FBM214b module in the slot configured for FBM214e, the FBM214b
might go online (unless there is a TA cable mismatch).

B0400FF, Rev V 49
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

The FBM214b module uses the Type 1 TA cable and FBM214e uses the Type 4 TA
However, if you insert the FBM214b module without a TA cable in the slot configured
for FBM214e, the FBM214b goes online and enables communication with channels 1
to 8. If you replace the FBM214b with an FBM214e module, the FBM214e module
goes online too. However, it can only enable communication with channels 1 to 8.
Channels 9 to 16 are not serviceable, and display an unresolved connection state.
To resume operations for all 1 to 16 channels for the FBM214e module, you need to
undeploy the module, and then re-deploy the FBM configuration using Control
Software, or by rebooting the FCP.
See Control Software Control Database Deployment (B0750AJ) for more information
on the undeployment and deployment procedures.



Channel#1 NAME VP_101 NAME VP_101
(See Note 3)

Channel#8 ECB201 ROUT Block
(See Note 3)

1. A DCI block (such as ROUT) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each HART signal/value that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. Certain DCI block parameters (PNT_NO, in this case) must be configured to contain a point
address which indicates, to the HART device, the I/O operation to be performed. See “Point
Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals” for details.
3. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.

50 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 37 - Typical Block Interconnections for FBM214/214b with 4-20 mA Input



Input ECB201 RIN Block

Channel#1 NAME FT_101 NAME FT_101
(See Note 2)

Channel#8 ECB201 RIN Block
(See Note 2)

1. A DCI block (such as RIN) must be configured and connected to the device’s ECB201 for
each signal that is to be interfaced to Foxboro DCS.
2. DVNAME contains the channel number CH1-CH8 of the associated device.

This table lists key parameters, which either specify the linkages between ECBs and
DCI blocks or contain information relating to the transfer of I/O values.

Table 4 - Key Parameters

ECB or DCI Block Parameter Usage Typical Syntax

ECB110 NAME A user-configured name :SLOT00
used for communications
between the control
station and DIN rail
ECB200/ECB202 NAME A user-configured name SLOT03 for ECB200
used by the control station
to access this ECB. If a :SLOT0C for ECB202
ZCP/FCM pair control this
(See Note below)
FBM, the first 4 characters
must match first 4
characters of FCM name.
DEV_ID User-configured letterbug :SLOT03 for
of the FBM. It is copied
into the DEV_ID ECB200
parameter of each DCI I/O
:SLOT0C for
block connected to this
ECB200/ECB202. ECB202
(See Note below)
FSDLAY Must be greater than the 1000 ms
BPC of the CP to give the
CP adequate time to
respond to FBM. If

B0400FF, Rev V 51
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Table 4 - Key Parameters (Continued)

ECB or DCI Block Parameter Usage Typical Syntax

FSDLAY is shorter than
the CP’s BPC, the FBM
times out the CP and takes
the configured fail-safe
DESCRP User-defined string of up 1 to 32 chars
to 32 characters that are
used to describe the
ECB’s function (for
example, “PLT 3
PERIOD Indexed configuration 1
parameter that dictates the
block's scanning
frequency and allowable
PHASE values. see
Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX)
for allowable values.
Be aware that the fastest
allowed ECB period for the
HART FBMs is 100
milliseconds (PERIOD =
0). However, it is
recommended that you
see the Sizing Guidelines
and Excel Workbook
appropriate for your
Control Processor to
determine the optimal BPC
for this ECB in order to
help prevent overloading.
PHASE Configured integer input 0
that causes the ECB to be
scanned at a specific BPC
in the time determined by
the PERIOD. For instance,
an ECB with PERIOD of 3
(2.0 sec.) can be scanned
in the first, second, third,
or fourth BPC of the 2-
second time period,
assuming the BPC of the
control station is 0.5 sec.
HWTYPE Hardware Type is 214
configured based on the
type of connected FBM.
See ECB200 Information
Pane/Faceplate, page 72
for the list of available
SWTYPE Software Type is always 214
identical to the hardware
type (HWTYPE) in the DCI
family of ECBs.

52 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 4 - Key Parameters (Continued)

ECB or DCI Block Parameter Usage Typical Syntax

SYSOPT (ECB200 Only) see 0
Configuring SYSOPT in
FBM ECB (ECB200) for
HART FBMs, page 62for
toIntegrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX).
SYSCFG (ECB200 Only) see 1000ms
Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX).
ECB201 NAME A user-configured name PT_100
used by the control station
to access this ECB.
PARENT Contains the user- :SLOT03 for ECB200 :
configured pathname of SLOT0C for ECB202 (See
the parent ECB (ECB200/ Note below)
ECB202) hosting the
associated HART field
DVOPTS(a),(b) Specifies the behavior of HART
the FBM for the I/O
channel specified in
DVNAME. See footnote
below for recommended
DVNAME Specifies the channel CH1
number (CH1 to CH8/
CH16) of HART field
device, the associated I/O
signal source, associated
with this ECB201.
DESCRP User-defined string of up 1 to 32 chars
to 32 characters that are
used to describe the
ECB’s function (for
example, “PLT 3
PERIOD Indexed configuration 1
parameter that dictates the
block's scanning
frequency and allowable
PHASE values. see
Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX)
for allowable values.
Be aware that the fastest
allowed ECB period for the
HART FBMs is 100
milliseconds (PERIOD =
0). However, it is
recommended that you
refer to the Sizing
Guidelines and Excel
Workbook appropriate for

B0400FF, Rev V 53
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Table 4 - Key Parameters (Continued)

ECB or DCI Block Parameter Usage Typical Syntax

your Control Processor to
determine the optimal BPC
for this ECB in order to
help prevent overloading.
PHASE Configured integer input 0
that causes the ECB to be
scanned at a specific BPC
in the time determined by
the PERIOD. For instance,
an ECB with PERIOD of 3
(2.0 sec.) can be scanned
in the first, second, third,
or fourth BPC of the 2-
second time period,
assuming the BPC of the
control station is 0.5 sec.
HWTYPE Hardware Type is 214
configured based on the
type of connected FBM.
SeeECB201 Information
Pane/Faceplate, page 74
for the list of available
SWTYPE Software Type is always 214
identical to the hardware
type (HWTYPE) in the DCI
family of ECBs.
All DCI Blocks: IOMID Contains the user- CP6SG5_ECB:PT_100
configured pathname of
RIN, ROUT, IIN, STRIN the ECB201 (device ECB)
associated with the HART
device to be accessed by
this block.

54 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 4 - Key Parameters (Continued)

ECB or DCI Block Parameter Usage Typical Syntax

RIN, ROUT, IIN, STRIN PNT_NO These parameters (PNT_NO, RI1_PT, RI2_PT, and
RI3_PT) must contain a specific point address
specifying the required data I/O operation. (See Point
Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals, page 58)
(a) At the present time, for the HART FBMs, there are several legitimate values for DVOPTS in the ECB201, some
of which are detailed here.
If the device is a HART device, one of these five settings must be used, depending on the desired OOS and system
alarm handling. With any of these settings the ECB201 block collects HART status and diagnostic information
which might be used for asset management purposes. With all four settings, the 4-20 mA analog current signal is
available for fast control by setting the PNT_NO parameter of the DCI block such as an RIN or ROUT to the point
address of CURRENT. See Point Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals, page 58 for valid DCI block point
address settings.
HART – Enables HART communication to the device and if the communication is interrupted for at least five
seconds, all points are marked OOS (Out of Service).
NOFAIL – Enables HART communication; however, the current input or output are always OK regardless of the
detected HART communication failure.
NOALARM – The same as NOFAIL with the exception that system alarms are also suppressed for detected HART
communication failures.
OCD – (Open Circuit Detection) Enables HART communication similar to NOFAIL but marks the current input or
output as OOS after at least 10 seconds of continuous detected HART communication failure. The OCD option is
valid for a HART instance under one of the HART FBMs.
POWER OFF – Disconnects the I/O channel from the device for troubleshooting or driving the device with an
external source. It is a software equivalent to a quick disconnect.
The POWER OFF option is valid for a HART instance under one of the HART FBMs.
IOBAD - Enables HART communication to the device and reads additional status information of the device from
HART Command 48. For information about configuring the IOBAD option, see Configuring IOBAD Options, page
As well, IOBAD is the same as NOALARM except that RIN/ROUT blocks BAD I/O indication are set by user-
defined bits that are set in the HART command 48 status instead of when the Field Device Malfunction bit is set in
the device status. This new IOBAD feature is only available in version 2.47B and later FBM software.
If the device or I/O signal source is not a HART device, this setting must be used:
• 4-20 - Disables all HART communication on that channel. When configuring the DCI block such as RIN, the
only valid point address is the CURRENT parameter. This setting is not recommended for HART devices as
the ECB201 block does not collect the HART device status and diagnostic information useful in asset
management of the device.
• If the DVOPTS parameter is left BLANK, the behavior will default to be the same as the HART setting.
(b) NAMUR43 - For FBM214e, the only valid DVOPTS value is NAMUR43. If the DVOPTS parameter is left blank
or configured with any other value other than NAMUR43, the module behavior will be the same as for value

B0400FF, Rev V 55
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

• The FBM214e module with DVOPTS NAMUR43 always operates in HART
enabled mode. In this mode, both HART and analog input field devices are
accessed. As the module operates in the HART enabled mode, the Device
Status Display parameter in the System Manager always displays the module
as a "HART Device", for both HART and analog input devices.
• For configurations in which a ZCP270 is connecting to the FBMs via an FCM,
the first four characters of the FBM letterbug (SLOT) are created per user
preference, but they must match the first 4 characters of FCM name. For a
non-redundant FBM, the last two characters (03) reflect the physical position
(slot 3) of the FBM and its associated baseplate (0). For a redundant FBM
pair, the last two characters (0C) reflect the physical position (slot C) of the
module pair and its associated baseplate (0). For more information, see figure
and Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).

Figure 38 - FBM Mounting Slots in Standard 200 Series Standard


Horizontal-Mount Baseplate
Slots for Non-Redundant HART FBMs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2


Baseplate I. D.
No. 1 2


Slots for Redundant Pairs

Vertical-Mount Baseplate



Baseplate I. D.
1 2

4 Slots for
Slots for Redundant Pairs Non-Redundant


• FBM214e communicates only with FCP280.

56 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Configuring IOBAD Options

The default HART configurations allow any device malfunction detected to mark a
channel “bad” and raise system alarms. This IOBAD option can be used to allow only
particular detected malfunctions to raise an alert, or even to help prevent/allow any
detected malfunctions to raise alerts at all.
This is the syntax for the IOBAD options allowing some detected malfunctions:
◦ “N” represents the decimal number indicating the byte location in the
command 48 response. Command 48 provides additional status up to 25
Valid range of “N” is 0 <= “N” <= 25.
Where “N” is a one-based byte location, with the exception of 0, when used
with 0.00.
◦ “MM” represents the hexadecimal bit mask to identify the valid IOBAD
Valid range of “MM” is 00 <= “MM” <= FF.
The IOBAD options have a minimum of one field and a maximum of five fields in the
form of “N.MM” where “N” is the byte number and “MM” is a hex bit mask. If more than
one “N” is greater than 9, the option can have only four fields due to the 32 character
limit in the DVOPTS string. The bit mask specifies bits that are to be used from
command 48 to generate IOBAD in the control blocks, independent of the setting of
the Device Malfunction bit. This allows flexibility to consider other status bits that are
unrelated to the Device Malfunction bit, thereby decoupling the two functions entirely.
• IOBAD 3.FF 4.FD 1.01 25.18
◦ “3.FF” field monitors all bits in the third byte and generates IOBAD if any one
of those bits of the third byte is active.
◦ “4.FD” field monitors all bits except the second bit in the fourth byte and
generates IOBAD if any one of that bit is active.
◦ “1.01” field monitors only the first bit in the first byte and generates IOBAD if
that bit is active.
◦ “25.18” field monitors only the fourth and fifth bits in the 25th byte and
generates IOBAD if any one of those bits is active.
Fields do not have to be in numerical order.
If the positioner has two bits that raise detected malfunctions - bit 4 on byte 7 says
there is a bad low limit, and bit 5 on byte 7 says the geographic location has not been
programmed - you might decide only bit 4 is important enough to raise an alarm and
would enter:
• IOBAD 7.10
NOTE: Every device has a different pattern of detected malfunction bits in the
twenty-five bytes returned by the “read more” status command. Consult your
device manual for choices particular to your device.
Example 2:

B0400FF, Rev V 57
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

• IOBAD 0.00
Using the special key of 0.00 shuts off alarms generated by any type of detected
device malfunction entirely. This must be used sparingly because it is hiding
potential problems. However, the operator can still tell a malfunction has been
detected by checking the top bit of device status 3 in the System Monitor. Identify
this device state by checking if the MSB is active in the System Manager, as no
system alarms are generated.
NOTE: When running IOM version 2.49D or later, configuring a DVOPTS of
IOBAD 0.00 helps prevent any detected device malfunctions and HART
blocks from transferring a “BAD” status to the 4-20 signal. System Manager,
the smon_log, and the “device status 3” continue to report detected device
malfunctions or update their status accordingly, or both.

Point Addresses for HART and Analog I/O Signals

Each DCI block used in conjunction with HART devices and other analog I/O
supported by the HART FBMs contains at least one parameter which specifies a point
address in the field device (see Table). This point address indicates, to the HART
device or other analog I/O source, the specific data I/O operation (command) to be
performed (see Table). The HART FBMs support the HART universal commands. For
specific commands supported by HART devices or the analog I/O source, refer to
literature from the device manufacturer.

Verify the dynamic variables your HART devices or other analog I/O source support.
Only with this knowledge can you identify when a seemingly good value is invalid
because it is associated with an unused variable.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

The values returned by HART devices or other analog I/O sources depend on the
dynamic variables they support. For example, in response to a “Read Dynamic
Variables and P.V. Current” command (PVCURR), some devices or other sources
return data only for the variables they support. Other devices or other sources return
data for all four possible dynamic variables supported by the HART protocol, with the
data for unused variables being zero.
The FBM knows that a variable is unused only if the device does not return a value for
it. For such (unused) variables, the data is marked out of service (OOS).
When the device or other source returns a value (such as 0) for unused variables, the
FBM treats this value as good (not OOS) because it has no way of knowing that the
variable is unused. In this case, you are responsible for knowing that data for unused
variables is invalid.

Table 5 - DCI Block Parameters Requiring a Point Address

DCI Block Connection Parameter(s) to be Configured


58 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 6 - Point Address Values for DCI Blocks

Point Address(a) Description DCI Block Signal Condition Device Type

UID Unique Identifier STRIN —— Input
CURRENT Current (analog RIN SCI = 1-10 Input
input current value)
CURRENT Current (analog ROUT SCO = 1-5 Output
output current
PV Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
PVUNITS Primary Variable STRIN —— Input
PVCURR Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
PVPCTRNG Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Percent of Range
SV Secondary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
SVUNITS Secondary Variable STRIN —— Input
TV Tertiary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
TVUNITS Tertiary Variable STRIN —— Input
FV Fourth Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
FVUNITS Fourth Variable STRIN —— Input
MSG Message STRIN —— Input
TAG Tag STRIN —— Input
DESC Descriptor STRIN —— Input
DATE Date STRIN —— Input
PVSENSER Primary Variable IIN —— Input
Sensor Serial
PVSENSUP Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Sensor Upper Limit
PVSENSLOW Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Sensor Lower Limit
PVSENSPAN Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Sensor Minimum
Span Value
PVSENUNITS Primary Variable STRIN —— Input
Sensor Limits and
Minimum Span
PVALMSEL Primary Variable IIN —— Input
Alarm Select Code

B0400FF, Rev V 59
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

Table 6 - Point Address Values for DCI Blocks (Continued)

Point Address(a) Description DCI Block Signal Condition Device Type

PVXFRFUN Primary Variable IIN —— Input
Transfer Function
PVUPRNG Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Upper Range Value
PVLOWRNG Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Lower Range Value
PVDAMP Primary Variable RIN SCI = 0 Input
Damping Value
PVRNGUNITS Primary Variable STRIN —— Input
Upper and Lower
Range Values Units
WP Write Protect Code IIN —— Input
PLDC Private Label IIN —— Input
Distributor Code
FINASSYNUM Final Assembly IIN —— Input
STATUS Status STRIN —— Input
(a) For standard 4 to 20 mA analog I/O devices (not HART devices), use point address CURRENT.

Data Type Conversions

The control station logic automatically converts HART I/O data from the data type
specified in the DCI input scan record (transferred from the HART FBM to the control
station) to the data type of the DCI block parameter when the DCI block is processed.
In the RIN blocks, the input value is converted to Foxboro DCS format before applying
signal conditioning and linear scaling to the data. The output value to be written to the
FBM is converted to HART format after the inverse scaling or inverse signal
conditioning has been applied.
In ROUT blocks, the readback value is converted to Foxboro DCS format before
applying signal conditioning and/or linear scaling to the data. The output value to be
written to the FBM is converted to HART format after the inverse scaling and/or
inverse signal conditioning has been applied.

60 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 7 - Data Type Conversions

DCI Block Parame- Foxboro HART Data Type

ters DCS Data
RIN RIN single- Signed or unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-
precision bit integer, or single precision float
ROUT OUT single- Signed or unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-
precision bit integer, or single precision float
IIN IIN 32-bit Signed or unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-
longinteger bit integer, or single precision float

NOTE: All other HART data types not specified in this table are converted by the
HART FBM to/from the appropriate Foxboro DCS data type.

Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs)

When modifying an ECB201configuration with changes that are related to DCI
connections (for example, when changing a device address), DO NOT wait for the
system to report any possible detected error(s) associated with that change. Rather,
monitor the ECB201 block detailed display while modifying the ECB201
configuration (see Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays, page 72. This helps
ensure that all possible errors are detected (and resolved) before starting process
control operations.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

NOTE: Be aware that the fastest allowed ECB period for the HART FBMs is 100
milliseconds (PERIOD = 0). However, we recommend that you refer to Sizing
Guidelines and Excel Workbook the appropriate for your Control Processor to
determine the optimal BPC for this ECB in order to help prevent overloading.

Creating and Editing FBM ECB (ECB200 or ECB202)

To support FBM214, FBM214b, FBM214e, FBM215, or FBM244 operation, one
ECB200 must be created and edited for each FBM. To support FBM216, FBM216b,
FBM218 or FBM245 operation, one ECB202 must be created and edited for each
redundant pair.
To create and edit an ECB using the Foxboro DCS Control Editors’ Block
Configurator, For more information, see Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH).
To create and edit an ECB using the ICC, see Integrated Control Configurator
To create and edit an ECB using the I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC), see
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0700FE).
NOTE: IACC does not provide support for FBM214e. We recommend that you
use ICC or Control Software Editor v7.2 or later to configure an FBM214e.

B0400FF, Rev V 61
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

To create and edit an ECB using FoxCAE software, see Computer Aided Engineering
for I/A Series Control Station Databases, FoxCAE Version 4.0 (B0193MR).
For the ECB200 and ECB202 parameter definitions, see Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX).

Configuring SYSOPT in FBM ECB (ECB200) for HART FBMs

This ECB200 parameter must be configured as described below for the HART FBMs.
SYSOPT = the analog and pulse input integration period for all channels; see the

Table 8 - ECB200 SYSOPT Parameter - Analog and Pulse Input Integration


SYSOPT Value Analog Integration Period

1(a) 100 milliseconds
2(a) 250 milliseconds
3(a) 500 milliseconds
4(a) 1 second
5(a) 50 milliseconds
0,6 or 7a 500 milliseconds (default)
Add Bit 3 to SYSOPT Value For FBM214, FBM214b, FBM214e, FBM215,
(+8) FBM216, FBM216b, FBM218, FBM244, and
FBM245 as well as the equivalent migration FBMs
(AHF214, H2214A, H2214B, DIO214, H2215A,
H2215B, DIO215, DIOSDM, AHF216, DIO216,

62 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 8 - ECB200 SYSOPT Parameter - Analog and Pulse Input Integration

Period (Continued)

SYSOPT Value Analog Integration Period

This bit shuts off basic messages to the System

Monitor (SMON) log.
For some of these messages, see Appendix A:
HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log), page
Add Bit 4 to SYSOPT Value For FBM214, FBM214b, FBM214e, FBM215,
(+10) FBM216, FBM216b, FBM218, FBM244, and
FBM245 as well as the equivalent migration FBMs
(AHF214, H2214A, H2214B, DIO214, H2215A,
H2215B, DIO215, DIOSDM, AHF216, DIO216,
This bit shuts off extended messages to the
System Monitor (SMON) log.
For some of these messages, see Appendix A:
HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log), page
Add Bit 6 to SYSOPT Value For FBM214e, this bit shuts off extended message
(+40) to the System Monitor (SMON) log. For these
messages, see Appendix A: HART FBM System
Messages (SMON Log), page 106.
(a) Valid for FBM214b, FBM214e, FBM216b, FBM244, and FBM245.

NOTE: Be aware that when making changes to the integration time for an FBM,
points can go Bad for a full integration period which could affect the operation of a
running process.
See Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for more information on
configuring the remainder of the ECB200’s parameters.
Be aware that for the ISCM214 and ISCM215, SYSOPT is used for power supply
monitoring, as described in the table “SYSOPT Bits in ECB200/202 for Power Supply
Monitoring” in the Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem User’s Guide (B0700DP).

Creating and Editing Device ECB (ECB201)

For each HART device associated with the FBMs, a child ECB201 must be configured
and connected to the (parent) ECB200 or ECB202. The ECB201 can reside in the
same compound as the ECB200, or it can reside in any other user-configured
To create and edit the slave device ECBs (ECB201s) using the Control editors’ Block
Configurator, see Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH).
To create and edit the slave device ECBs (ECB201s) using the ICC, see Integrated
Control Configurator (B0193AV).
To create and edit an ECB using the I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC), see
I/A Series® Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0700FE).
NOTE: IACC/FoxCAE does not provide support for FBM214e. We recommend
that you use ICC or Control Software Editor v7.2 or later to configure an

B0400FF, Rev V 63
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

To create and edit an ECB using FoxCAE software, see FoxCAE V4.0 Computer
Aided Engineering for Control Station Databases (B0193MR).
For the ECB201 parameter definitions, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions
• You can use the block name for the PARENT parameter whenever the child
ECB and the parent ECB reside in the same compound. For example, you
might enter ECB200BK15 for the PARENT parameter because the child
ECB201 and the parent ECB (ECB200 or ECB202) reside in the PRIMARY_
ECB compound (F41CP6_ECB).
• If the child ECB and the parent ECB are not in the same compound, you must
enter the full compound:block pathname for the PARENT parameter.

Configuring DCI Blocks

NOTE: This section applies to all HART FBMs.
In a control strategy, the DCI control blocks act as the interface between Foxboro DCS
and the HART slave devices. The DCI blocks used with HART devices are listed in
ECBs and DCI Blocks Used with HART FBMs, page 44.

64 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

The DCI blocks are created in the same general manner as the ECBs. For more
information, see Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV). For parameter
definitions, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
As part of the editing operations performed on the newly created DCI blocks, certain
parameters (PNT_NO, R11_PT and others) must contain a point address to specify
the particular HART universal command to be performed regarding the input or output
data handled by the DCI block. see Point Addresses for HART and Analog I/O
Signals, page 58 for detailed information.
In conjunction with creating and editing DCI blocks, you need to configure the various
blocks and compounds required for the desired control scheme. Refer to these
documents to perform these operations:
• Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA)
• Integrated Control Software Concepts for CP270, FCP280, and FDC280 User’s
Guide (B0700AG)
• Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
To create and edit a DCI block in an existing compound using the Control Software’s
Block Configurator, see Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH).
To create and edit a DCI block using the I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC),
see I/A Series® Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0700FE).
NOTE: IACC/FoxCAE does not provide support for FBM214e. We recommend
that you use ICC or Control Software Editor v7.2 or later to configure an
To create and edit a DCI block using FoxCAE software, see Computer Aided
Engineering for I/A Series Control Station Databases, FoxCAE Version 4.0
NOTE: The engineering units configured for the block detail display must match
the units configured in the device.
To verify operation of the DCI blocks and the HART device data using the block detail
• Access the appropriate application:
◦ For the Foxboro Console Software Block Select application, see Control HMI
Application User's Guide (B0750AQ).
◦ For the FoxSelect compound/block overview utility, see Process Operations
and Displays (B0700BN).
• Access the block detail display for each DCI block created, and confirm its data.

Example for Reading Pressure Measurement

A RIN block might be configured to read pressure from a pressure transmitter.
To create and configure a RIN block to read pressure measurement using the Control
Software’s Block Configurator, see Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH).
To create and configure a RIN block to read pressure measurement using the ICC,
see Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV).
To create and edit a RIN block using the I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC),
see I/A Series® Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0700FE).
NOTE: IACC/FoxCAE does not provide support for FBM214e. We recommend
that you use ICC or Control Software Editor v7.2 or later to configure an
To create and edit a RIN block using FoxCAE, see FoxCAE V4.0 (Computer Aided
Engineering for I/A Series Control Station Databases) (B0193MR).

B0400FF, Rev V 65
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

For parameter definitions for the RIN block, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions
If the RIN block PNT_NO parameter is set to CURRENT, the RIN block output will be
the Primary Variable (Pressure in this example), based only on the 0 to 20 mA dc
current signal coming into the HART FBM from the HART device, and this output will
be the raw counts of the 0 to 20 mA dc signal converted to the equivalent Engineering
Units in the exact same manner as an AIN block does the conversion with a 0-to-20-
mA-only FBM. If the PNT_NO parameter is set to the HART variable PV, the RIN
block reads the Primary variable from the transmitter (Pressure in this example) in a
digital response format which has the value already converted to engineering units by
the transmitter, and, therefore, the RIN block output is just this digitally-read value
without any additional conversions or manipulations applied to it.

DCI Block Processing

This is an overview of DCI block processing (and data read/write) operations.
NOTE: Scheduling of block processing depends on the period/phase of the ECB
or control block. For proper operation, you must synchronize the associated ECB
and control block processing, if required, by configuring these parameters
appropriately. It is recommended that you use the default ECB values and modify
only the DCI block periods and phase.
The control station processes the ECBs and DCI blocks as an integral part of its
compound processing, each basic processing cycle (BPC). The order of processing is
the same as the order of the compounds, ECBs, and blocks configured in the control
Processing of the ECBs and control blocks is performed in this sequence.
• ECBs scheduled to be processed are executed to read fresh inputs.
When a parent or child ECB is processed, its DCI linked list is examined. For
each DCI input or output block ready to be executed in that BPC, its DCI
connection requests are added to a read list for that ECB.
When the read list is complete, a Read_Data message is sent to the HART FBMs
to retrieve the current data contained in the DCI connection records in the FBM.
(If necessary, multiple messages are used to retrieve, from each FBM, all data
required by the DCI blocks for that BPC.) All read list data is moved into the DCI
connection records in the DCI blocks as it is retrieved.
• Control blocks scheduled to be processed are executed.
When all ECBs have been processed, the control blocks are processed. When
the DCI blocks are processed, all DCI connection data is processed. (See Key
DCI Block Functions, page 67Key DCI Block Functions for a description of the
common functions performed in the DCI blocks.) During this processing, the DCI
blocks set write request flags in the DCI connection records for any outputs that
need to be written to the field devices.
• ECBs scheduled to be processed, and containing fresh outputs to be written, are
When all control blocks have been processed, the ECBs are processed once
again to drive the field outputs (in the control output blocks) that have been
changed in that BPC. When a DCI parent or child ECB is processed, its linked list
is examined once again. For each DCI connection record with a pending write
request flag, a write list is generated.
When the write list is complete, a Write_Data message is sent to the HART FBMs
to write the current output data contained in the DCI output connection records in
the control station. (If necessary, multiple messages are used to write all data
requested by the DCI blocks for that BPC.)

66 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Key DCI Block Functions

Some key DCI block functions that can be selected by parameter settings are
described in these paragraphs. [For more specific information on these functions, see
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)].

Periodic/Change-Driven Execution
All DCI blocks are executed periodically according to their Period/Phase parameter
configuration. The ROUT block normally sets write requests to the HART FBM only
when the output value changes. If the secondary loop timer (SECTIM) is configured
non-zero, write requests are also set if the timer expires between output changes.

Auto/Manual Mode Operation

All DCI blocks except STRIN support the Auto/Manual mode of operation. This allows
the operator to manually substitute the inputs in the RIN, and IIN blocks, and to
manually drive the ROUT output directly.

Simulation Mode
Simulation mode is supported in all DCI blocks. When SIMOPT is set, the DCI
connections are not used. In the STRIN block, the string value can be written into the
block by an object manager (OM) write access command. In the RIN, and IIN blocks,
the input is provided by a separate, configurable input parameter. In the ROUT block,
confirmation of the output value change is simulated automatically. The simulation
mode can be used in conjunction with the Auto/Manual mode. The two features can
co-exist in any DCI block.

Signal Conditioning and Linear Scaling

Signal conditioning and linear scaling of analog inputs/outputs can be configured in
the RIN and ROUT blocks. The SCI and SCO parameters can be used to specify any
of the standard signal conditioning algorithms supported by the Foxboro control
station, except for thermocouple and RTD conversions. For a description of the SCI
conditioning algorithms, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX). For a
description of the SCO conditioning algorithms, refer to the ROUT block [also
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)].

Input Limiting
The input values of the RIN block are constrained by the engineering range (HSCI1/
LSCI1) configured in the block. If the input value is out-of-range, it is clamped to the
high/low range value, and the corresponding LHI/LLO status bit is set in the value

Confirmed Outputs
The output of the ROUT block is confirmed by a readback of the actual value written to
the HART FBM. When an output is changed in one of these blocks by Foxboro DCS, it

B0400FF, Rev V 67
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

is stored in a request location that is part of the output value record in the block. (In
Foxboro DCS terminology, this type of output is referred to as a “shadow” output and
is reflected in the shadow status bit (Bit 12) in the value record.) The actual output
value of the block is not updated until confirmation of the requested change at the field
device is received during the next processing cycle of the DCI block.
The request value is written to any output-capable HART FBM (such as FBM215/218/
244/245), which writes the value to the HART field device. If the write operation is
successful, the output-capable HART FBM stores the value as the readback value in
its DCI connection record.
On the next ROUT block cycle, the block output value is updated in the Foxboro
control station with the readback value from the HART FBM, thus completing
confirmation of the change.

Output Clamping
The output value of the ROUT block is constrained by the limit values (HOLIM/LOLIM)
configured in the block. The limit values are constrained by the engineering range
(HSCO1/LSCO1) configured in the block. If the output value exceeds its limiting
constraints, it is clamped to the high/low value, and the corresponding LHI and LLO
status bit is set in the value record. This feature can be enabled in Auto mode only or
in both Auto and Manual modes.

Output Initialization
The output value of a ROUT block initializes to the readback value in each of these
• When the compound containing the block is turned on
• When the block is installed and runs its first cycle
• When control station-to-FBM communication recovers from a detected failure
• When the Initialization Input (INI_PT), if used, is set
The readback value contains the most recent value written to the HART FBM by the
control station.
Whenever a ROUT block is initialized (such as when its compound is turned on), it
sends an initial value to the FBM and this value is sent by the FBM to the slave device.
The initial value used for the ROUT block is the value that you have configured into
the block’s fail-safe value parameter FSOUT.
The ROUT block output initialization is done whether fail-safe is configured for the
block; the default value for the fail-safe value for the ROUT block is zero. If you care
about what value is written to the ROUT block when it is initialized, you must configure
the fail-safe value for the block, even if the fail-safe option is not used.

Cascade Initialization
Upstream logic in a cascade is initialized by a ROUT block in each of these cases:
• When the DCI block initializes
• When the DCI block mode changes from Manual to Auto mode
• When control station-to-FBM communication recovers from a detected failure
• When the readback value transitions from Bad, Out-of-Service or both to Good

68 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

• When the Initialization Input (INI_PT), if used, is cleared

Fail-Safe Actions
Fail-safe actions are performed in accordance with specific parameters set in ECB200
or ECB202, and in the ROUT DCI block. In ECB200 or ECB202, these parameters
control fail-safe actions:
• FSENAB – Fail-Safe Enable, when true, activates the FSDLAY timer to detect a
communication failure from the control station, and start fail-safe action in the
FBM. The FSENAB setting is downloaded to the HART FBMs when the FBM is
rebooted. It is used by the HART FBMs to enable/disable the logic to assert fail-
safe action when a loss of control station communication is detected, or when a
control station fail-safe request is received.
• FSDLAY – Fail-Safe Delay is a communication fail timer. When enabled by
FSENAB, it specifies the length of time (in units of 0.01 seconds) that the FBM
can be without communication from the control station before taking fail-safe
action. If the Fail-Safe On Commfail bit is set in the FSOPTN parameter of the
output control block (ROUT), the FBM sets the Initialize Fail-safe bit in the status
of the OUT parameter of the associated AO function block. When this value is
next received by the connected device, the device asserts fail-safe and drives its
output to the fail-safe value. For example, the default value of 1000 in FSDLAY
causes the FBM to wait 10 seconds between read/write messages before going
to the Fail-safe state (provided FSENAB is configured true).
In the ROUT DCI block, these parameters control fail-safe actions:
• FSOPTN – Fail-safe Option is a configurable option that specifies the fail-safe
conditions and action to be taken in the FBM for an output point in a ROUT block:
◦ Assert fail-safe if an input/measurement error is detected.
◦ Set/clear fail-safe when a SETFS input is set/cleared.
◦ Assert fail-safe if a control station-to-FBM communication failure was detected
by the FBM.
Combinations of these conditions for fail-safe can be specified.
• SETFS – Set Fail-safe Request is a settable Boolean parameter that requests
fail-safe action to be set/reset by the FBM and field device for the specific output
value of the ROUT block.
• FSOUT – Fail-safe Real Output (ROUT block) specifies the real fail-safe value
that is to be used by the external device when any condition specified in FSOPTN
A Failsafe Enable (FSENAB) option can be configured by the user in an ECB200 or
ECB202. This option is downloaded to the HART FBM when it is rebooted or when
configuration of the ECB200 or ECB202 is changed. FSENAB is used by the HART
FBM to enable/disable logic to assert fail-safe action on the HART channels
automatically when a loss of control station communication is detected. It is also used
by the HART FBMs to override all explicit fail-safe request actions from the control
station for each DCI output connection.
If the FSENAB option is set, the Fail-safe Delay (FSDLAY) value configured in the
ECB200 or ECB202 is used to set the fail-safe timer in the HART FBM. The fail-safe
timer counts down and is reset to the FSDLAY value whenever a DCI message is
received. If the fail-safe timer expires, the HART FBM stops communication on the
channels, and sets the Fail-safe Active (FSA) status in the associated DCI output
connection records.
When communication with the control station is restored, the fail-safe timer is
automatically reset to full value by the first DCI message received, and the HART
FBM clears the FSA status in the associated DCI output connection records.
Fail-safe options (FSOPTN) can also be configured in each DCI output block. These
options are downloaded into the HART FBM when the DCI output connection is

B0400FF, Rev V 69
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information

established. If any of the fail-safe options are set, the HART FBM writes the
associated fail-safe value into the DCI connection record.
Fail-safe action can also be triggered by either of two events in a DCI output block:
• The Fail-safe Request parameter (SETFS) is toggled or, if the detected error
option (EROPT) is configured.
• The status of the primary input in the block goes bad (or becomes good).
When either of these events occurs, a Write_Data message is sent to HART FBMs
with the Fail-safe Request bit set (or cleared) in the message. If FSENAB is set, and if
the Fail-safe Upon CP Request option is set in the DCI output connection, the HART
FBM sets (or clears) the FSA status in the DCI connection record. If the Fail-safe
Request is set, the HART FBM writes the fail-safe value stored in the DCI connection
record to the HART field device.
For more information, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

DCI Status Transformations

The table shows the DCI parameter status (for example, the value record status for
MEAS in a RIN block), as implemented by the Foxboro control station. The bit
numbers in this table represent the bit numbers in the parameter status word, not the
Block Status bit of the DCI or other control blocks. User-written software applications
can access any of the 16 bits of the value record status word. see Control Processor
270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280) Integrated Control Software
Concepts (B0700AG).

Table 9 - DCI Parameter Status

DCI Parameter Status(a) Meaning

Out-of-Service (OOS) (Bit 11) FBM to HART device communication
loss detected, HART device disabled,
device/point connection is unresolved,
compound is off, or control station to
FBM communication loss detected.
Bad Value (BAD) (Bit 8) Detected transmitter or sensor
unavailability, detected valve or actuator
unavailability, detected I/O diagnostic
failure, detected device unavailability, or
control station to FBM communication
loss has been detected.
Error (ERR) (Bit 15) Set when the PV is out of limits or the
analog output is saturated.
Limited High (LHI) (Bit 13) Set when the PV is past its high limit.
Limited Low (LLO) (Bit 14) Set when the PV is past its low limit.
Fail-safe (FS) (Bit 4) Fail-safe has been asserted by the
(a) Standard Foxboro DCS status bits (used with all blocks).

Control Schemes Using DCI Blocks

The DCI blocks can be integrated into many different Foxboro DCS control schemes.
Examples of simple cascade and supervisory control configurations using DCI blocks
are illustrated in the figures.

70 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 5: Control Block Configuration Information HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 39 - Simple Cascade Configuration

Child ECB201 Child ECB201

(HART device) (HART device)

RIN Block PIDA Block

(1) PNT_NO
Block (2)

RIN Block
RIN Block (2) BCALCO

Notes: Block (2)
(1) PNT_NO = Point address of HART de vice
(2) MEALM blocks are used to perform BAD alarming.

Output Value Upon Redundant Output FBM (FBM218,

FBM245) Going Offline
When a single or fault-tolerant FBM218 or FBM245 is set offline, the output to a
channel is set to 3.85 mA for a HART device configuration (that is, an ECB201’s
DVOPTS = HART, NOFAIL, NOALARM, or IOBAD); otherwise (that is, an ECB201’s
DVOPTS = 4-20), the output to the channel is set to 0 mA. This action occurs
regardless of the failsafe-related configurations (for example, FSOPT, FSENAB,

B0400FF, Rev V 71
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays

Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays

This chapter provides references for information on the process operator displays
used with Foxboro DCS (and thus with the HART FBMs).
Foxboro DCS provides these types of displays for performance of process control
• Group Displays
• User-Generated Displays
• Block Detail Displays
• Compound Detail Displays
• Station Displays
For information on how these displays are used, refer to documentation for the
appropriate application:
• System Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP).
• Control HMI Application User's Guide (B0750AQ).
• Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN).

Block Detail Displays

Three ECBs (ECB200, ECB201 and ECB202) relate to HART FBMs and their
associated field devices. The block detail displays for these ECBs are described in
these subsections.
To access the block detail displays, use the appropriate application select the
appropriate compound and then select the ECB200, ECB201 or ECB202:
• View the Information Pane in the System Manager as discussed in System
Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP).
• Use FoxSelect as discussed in Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN).

ECB200 Block Detail Display

ECB200 Information Pane/Faceplate

ECB Description ECB200’s description as configured in the DESCRP

Compound Name Name of the compound that holds the ECB200.
ECB Name ECB200’s name as configured in the NAME parameter.
DEV_ID Device Identification (the text configured for the ECB200’s
DEV_ID parameter).
FBM Status (line 1) “DCI READY” or “DCI NOT READY” – The FBM is ready
or not ready for operation.
FBM Status (line 2) “FBM FAILED” – The FBM is inoperable.
FBM Status (line 3) “FBM OFF-LINE” – The FBM has been switched offline
using the SMDH display, or has never been placed online.

72 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

FBM Status (line 4) “UNRESOLVED” – A failure is detected whose source is

unknown. Potential exists for recovery from the detected
HWTYPE Hardware Type is configured based on the type of the
associated FBM.
For FBM214, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214b, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214e, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM215, HWTYPE is 215.
For FBM244, HWTYPE is 244.
SWTYPE Software Type is configured based on the type of the
associated FBM.
For FBM214, SWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214b, SWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214e, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM215, SWTYPE is 215.
For FBM244, SWTYPE is 244.

ECB200 Primary Data

The ECB200 primary data consists of ECB200 parameters, which are described in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

ECB202 Block Detail Display

ECB202 Information Pane/Faceplate

ECB ECB202’s description as configured in the DESCRP parameter.

Compound Name of the compound that holds the ECB202.
ECB Name ECB202’s name as configured in the NAME parameter.
DEV_ID Device Identification (the text configured for the ECB202’s DEV_
ID parameter).
FBM Status “DCI READY” or “DCI NOT READY” – The FBM is ready or not
(line 1) ready for operation.
FBM Status “FBM FAILED” – The FBM is inoperable.
(line 2)
FBM Status “FBM OFF-LINE” – The FBM has been switched offline using the
(line 3) SMDH display, or has never been placed online.
FBM Status “UNRESOLVED” – A failure is detected whose source is
(line 4) unknown. Potential exists for recovery from the detected failure.

B0400FF, Rev V 73
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays

HWTYPE Hardware Type is configured based on the type of the associated

For FBM216, HWTYPE is 216.
For FBM216b, HWTYPE is 216.
For FBM218, HWTYPE is 218.
For FBM245, HWTYPE is 245.
SWTYPE Software Type is configured based on the type of the associated
For FBM216, SWTYPE is 216.
For FBM216b, SWTYPE is 216.
For FBM218, SWTYPE is 218.
For FBM245, SWTYPE is 245.

ECB202 Primary Data

The ECB202 primary data consists of ECB202 parameters, which are described in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

ECB201 Block Detail Display

ECB201 Information Pane/Faceplate

ECB Description ECB201’s description as configured in the DESCRP parameter.

Compound Name of the compound that holds ECB201.
ECB Name ECB201’s name as configured in the NAME parameter.
DEV_ID Device Identification (the text configured for the ECB201’s
DEV_ID parameter).
Device Status “DCI READY” or “DCI NOT READY” – The device is ready or
(line 1) not ready for operation.
Device Status “DEVICE FAILED” – The device is inoperable.
(line 2)
Device Status “DISABLED” – Communication to the device has been
(line 3) disabled.
Device Status “UNRESOLVED” – A failure is detected whose source is
(line 4) unknown. Potential exists for recovery from the detected failure.

74 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

HWTYPE Hardware type (same as for parent ECB200);

For FBM214, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214b, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214e, HWTYPE is 214.
For FBM215, HWTYPE is 215.
For FBM216, HWTYPE is 216.
For FBM216b, HWTYPE is 216.
For FBM218, HWTYPE is 218.
For FBM244, HWTYPE is 244.
For FBM245, HWTYPE is 245.
SWTYPE Software type (same as for parent ECB200);
For FBM214, SWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214b, SWTYPE is 214.
For FBM214e, SWTYPE is 214.
For FBM215, SWTYPE is 215.
For FBM216, SWTYPE is 216.
For FBM216b, SWTYPE is 216.
For FBM218, SWTYPE is 218.
For FBM244, SWTYPE is 244.
For FBM245, SWTYPE is 245.

ECB201 Primary Data

The ECB201 primary data consists of ECB201 parameters, which are described in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

ECB201 Extended Status Support

NOTE: This section describes an enhancement that was added in EEPROM
Version 2.28B and later FBM software, and is not present in earlier versions.

Additional Device Status

The DDIAG1 (Device Diagnostics #1) parameter of ECB201 is a 32-bit packed
Boolean output which reports additional issues using Byte 0, Bit 4 (“More status
available” for HART devices only).
FBM214/214b/214e/215/216/216b/218/244/245/247/248 monitors the state of this
status bit from the device, and when this bit changes from 0 to 1, the FBM issues the
HART Common Practice Command 48 to the device to read the additional status. The
FBM stores the returned data as a 25-byte “additional status” value where it can be
read by the control processor. While this status bit remains at 1, the FBM reads this
additional status data from the device approximately every three minutes.

B0400FF, Rev V 75
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays

When the status bit changes state from 1 to 0, as observed by the FBM, the additional
status is read once more. After this final reading, the FBM discontinues the additional
status read until the status bit transitions to 1 again.
The 25-byte “additional status” value is accessible with standard DCI input blocks. All
twenty five bytes can be read as a string of hex digits using a STRIN block and
specifying “STATUS” for the PNT_NO parameter. The bytes are presented by this
block least significant to most significant order; for example, 01 02 03 ... 24 25.
Additionally, the individual status bits can be read in groups of 32 bits using the PAKIN
block with PKIOPT set to 3, displayed in most significant to least significant order, as
shown in table

Bytes Configure PKINGP Example

4-1 STATUS1 04 03 02 01
8-5 STATUS2 08 07 06 05
12 - 9 STATUS3 12 11 10 09
16 - 13 STATUS4 16 15 14 13
20 - 17 STATUS5 20 19 18 17
24 - 21 STATUS6 24 23 22 21
25 STATUS7 00 00 00 25

Be aware of these with regards to the 25-byte “additional status” value:

• Not all devices provide additional status. It is assumed that a device that does not
support the Common Practice Command 48 will never set the “More status
available” bit in ECB201.
• A device that does provide additional status might not provide a full 25 bytes of
additional status. For this reason, before the FBM issues the first Command 48
after transition of the “More status available” bit from 0 to 1, the FBM clears (sets
to 0) the entire 25-byte storage area so that any unused bytes do not contain
misleading ones (1s). The STRIN block only displays the number of bytes
actually received from the device.
• The PKIOPT parameter of the PAKIN blocks must be set to 3 to avoid swapping
of the bits and bytes. The default setting of this parameter is 1.
• The PAKIN block detail display shows the PAKCIN parameter as in the examples
above, but the individual bits are displayed as most significant bit=1 (upper left)
and least significant bit=32 (lower right). This means that the top line displays the
bits in byte 4 and the bottom line displays the bits in byte 1.
For more information, see Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for
definitions of the additional bits in the DDIAG1 parameter of ECB201.

System Alarming
Whenever DDIAG1 Byte 0, Bit 7 (“Device Malfunction”) is 1, the FBM sets the System
Alarm bit for the device. On the transition from 0 to 1 of the System Alarm bit for a
device, a system message is sent to the SMON log and the System key on Foxboro™
DCS FoxView software flashes red. In addition, all I/O blocks connected to a device
with this bit set indicates BAD I/O (Red) and the data will not be used for control.
While the System Alarm bit for a device is set, the device icon in SMDH must be
yellow as a system alarm indicator.

76 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 6: Process Operator Displays HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

NOTE: FBM214e only:

• The FBM214e does not raise System Alarm for the Device Malfunction bit.
Instead a system message is sent to SMON log.
• The System Key does not flash for HART communication failure or Field
Device Malfunction.
• The System Manager does not show a detected Failed red cross icon at
channel for HART communication failure.
• The System Manager does not show a detected Warning yellow icon at
channel for Field Device Malfunction.
• The System Monitor log shows HART COMM FAULT detected or cleared for
HART communication failure status.
• The System Monitor log shows device failure detected or cleared for field
device NAMUR NE43 level detection status.
• The Detail Display’s Device Diagnosis (DDIAG) shows status of Field Device
Malfunction and detected HART communication failure status.

B0400FF, Rev V 77
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 7: Security for FBM214e

Chapter 7: Security for FBM214e

This chapter describes the vulnerabilities of FBM214e and ways to mitigate them.
As part of security for FBM214e, you need to inspect all pins and connections on the
FBM214e module and the FBM baseplate before mounting the module onto the
baseplate. After mounting, help verify that the FBM214e is properly seated and
verified. Verify that all pins on the FBM214e module have a consistent electrical
connection with the baseplate.
This section discusses the potential vulnerabilities which might affect the operation of

The possibility of these vulnerabilities exists for FBM214e. However, each can be
mitigated as described in the table.

Table 10 - Vulnerabilities and Mitigations

Vulnerability Mitigation
If there is a bad baseplate connection due to Inspect all pins and other connectors on an FBM214e before
missing or bent pins on the connector or if it is mounting FBM214e onto the baseplate. Help verify that the
improperly seated in its baseplate slot, the FBM214e is properly seated and verified in its baseplate slot.
vulnerabilities are, FBM214e;
FBMs execute a check to determine if there is a second FBM at
• Might not come online the same address. This causes the FBM214e to shut itself
• Could infer the wrong baseplate location. down and forget what it has already read. The operator sees
This could cause control issues (integrity two FBMs refusing to come online.
and availability) to be detected after a power
In addition, these preventative controls exist to mitigate this
cycle or other event which causes the
FBM214e to read its baseplate location.
• Input validation at receiving function for message size and
• Could exhibit undefined behavior during
operation. An intermittent electrical content.
connection could cause errors detected in • HDLC transport 2-byte CRC to help verify data integrity.
• Dual redundant HDLC bus to increase availability.
The HART Device Configurator (Second Master) Under these circumstances, FBM214e ignores all requests
could attempt to query or configure FBM214e, from a HART Device Configurator (Second Master). This
which could affect data integrity or availability if mitigation is preventive control, implemented in the
FBM214e does not ignore these requests. In all communication software.
cases, any interaction between FBM214e and
HART Device Configurator (Second Master) is
A HART Device Configurator (Second Master) FBM214e allows the hand-held configurator connected to the
could be used to help prevent or disrupt active (operational) link between the TA and the devices for the
communication between FBM214e and a slave HART device configuration.
HART device by holding the transmit line longer
than is legal. It might be possible to use more See Chapter 1: Introduction, page 9 and PSS_41h-2c214e for
than one configurator simultaneously to permitted use of hand-held configurator.
accomplish this same goal.
Follow the instructions for configuration and usage of the HART
Device Configurator as described in the documentation
accompanying the Configurator.
A HART Device Configurator (Second Master) Follow the instructions for configuration and usage of the HART
could be used to disrupt communication Device Configurator as described in the documentation
between FBM214e and a slave HART device by accompanying the Configurator.

78 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 7: Security for FBM214e HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 10 - Vulnerabilities and Mitigations (Continued)

Vulnerability Mitigation
changing the configuration settings of the
FBM214e is designed to communicate to one See Chapter 4: Equipment Installation, page 21 for instructions
HART device per channel, point to point. The on wiring the FBM214e’s baseplate.
HART specification allows multi-drop
configurations. However, this is not supported by
FBM214e. FBM214e might exhibit digital data
integrity issues detected if more than one HART
device is connected to a single channel.
FBM214e might exhibit data integrity or FBM214e is designed to ignore any extended headers for
availability issues detected if it receives a protocol versions above v5.0. This mitigation is a preventive
message in an unsupported format (that is, control, implemented in the communications software.
HART extended headers for protocol versions
above v5.0).
FBM214e is designed to communicate with one See Chapter 4: Equipment Installation, page 21 for instructions
HDLC Master (FCP280). If it receives messages on wiring the FBM214e’s baseplate.
from more than one HDLC Master it might
exhibit data integrity or availability issues
detected. Multiple simultaneous masters can
send conflicting commands or different
configurations because the FBM214e replies to
any device that sends it a message on the HDLC
The HDLC Master (FCP280) sends HDLC These preventive controls have been implemented in the
messages to FBM214e which contain product software to mitigate this vulnerability:
commands and configuration data. A malformed, • Input validation at receiving function for message size and
out-of-sequence or corrupt message could content.
cause FBM214e data integrity and availability
issues detected. • HDLC transport 2-byte CRC to help verify data integrity
These product features also work in conjunction to mitigate
this vulnerability as compensating controls.
FBM214e might exhibit data integrity and The A/D input function performs input and range validation in
availability issues detected if it receives values software. This mitigation is a preventive control.
from the A/D Converter that are out of range.
The specific effects are unknown, but an out-of-
range value might be misinterpreted by the
software, cause data corruption or cause the
software to branch to an untested routine.

B0400FF, Rev V 79
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Chapter 8: Maintenance
This chapter provides maintenance information for the HART FBMs.
NOTE: In general, maintenance includes periodic inspection and cleaning,
checking the status of LED indicators, and checking for loose cable connections.

To help prevent an explosion, install and remove cables, wiring, modules and other
replaceable components only when the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

The general Foxboro DCS system management philosophy applies to the HART
FBMs incorporated into Foxboro DCS. Through the System Management Displays,
you can receive status information on the HART FBMs, as well as send change
requests to the FBMs.
System management for the HART FBMs is supported on these system and display
management packages:
• System Manager - discussed in System Manager (B0750AP)
• SMDH - discussed in System Management Displays (B0193JC)
• FoxView software - discussed in Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
• Foxboro™ DCS Control HMI - discussed in Control HMI Application User's Guide

Operating Status
The operating status of the HART FBMs is reported by Foxboro DCS using on-screen
and printed messages. Refer to these documents for information on the reporting of
equipment operating status and detected errors:
• System Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP)
• System Management Displays (B0193JC)
• Control Core Services V9.x System Messages Reference Guide (B0700AF)
• Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN).

System Manager Displays and System Management

Display Applications
Operators view data regarding their control equipment using display applications such
as the System Manager or the System Management Display Handler (SMDH).

80 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

The System Manager allows you to access equipment information and status for the
Foxboro DCS, including the HART FBMs, HART slave devices, and their associated
Control Processor. This display reflects the system’s current operating status and
provide a valuable maintenance aid by allowing you to observe the current operating
status of the various system elements and intervene in system operations. For
information on navigating through the System Manager screens, see System
Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP).
For information on viewing the HART FBM and device runtime information in the
Control HMI, see Control HMI Application User's Guide (B0750AQ).
The figure shows an example System Manager display page for a HART device which
contains operational status, hardware and software information.

In Foxboro DCS, the System Management Display Handler (SMDH) obtains current
and historical information about the system, and displays this information in System
Management displays. With regard to HART FBMs and the associated HART slave
devices, the SMDH provides these displays:
• A Fieldbus level display (PIO Network), which shows the control station, FCM(s),
and any other Fieldbus devices
• A module Fieldbus level display (PIO Sub-Network), which shows the selected
FCM and associated FBMs
• A device level display (I/O Display), which shows the associated HART devices
for the selected FBM
• Detailed equipment information (EQUIP INFO) and equipment change (EQUIP
CHG) displays for each HART FBM and the associated HART devices.

B0400FF, Rev V 81
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

The term “Fieldbus” used here refers to the Foxboro DCS 10 Mbps Ethernet trunk
Fieldbus or the 2 Mbps module Fieldbus.
For detailed information on the first three items above (Fieldbus level display, module
Fieldbus level display, and I/O device display), see System Management Displays

HART FBM214/214b/214e/215 Equipment Status and Information

The table describes the available Equipment Information fields provided for FBM214/
214b/214e/215 in the order that they appear on the System Manager and SMDH
display pages.

Field Description
NAME User-supplied ECB name.
RUN MODE Online or Offline (default) appears. Set the RUN MODE using the GO
ONLINE and GO OFFLINE options in the Equipment Change Display. If the
FBM automatically goes offline:
• Verify hardware
• Verify related fields, such as FBM STATUS
• Download (restart) the FBM.
FAIL ACK STATE Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged appears. If the DEVICE STATE
value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE value changes
to Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition, and remains until you
acknowledge the detected FBM failure.
DB DOWNLOAD STATE Not applicable to HART FBMs.
LAST CABLE ACCESS Both Cables OK, Cable A Not OK, Cable B Not OK, or Both Cables Not OK
appears. This field indicates whether transmissions were successfully sent
the last time either Bus A or B was used. A Not OK status indicates a detected
PIO bus send failure. To resolve this:
• Verify the PIO bus.
• Change to the other cable if the bus is bad.
COMPOUND NAME Compound name containing the FBM ECB200.
BLOCK NAME Block name for the FBM ECB200.
HARDWARE TYPE Configured value for HWTYPE parameter in ECB200.
SOFTWARE TYPE Configured value for SWTYPE parameter in ECB200.
HARDWARE PART Hardware part number related to this FBM.
HARDWARE REV Hardware release level of this FBM hardware type.
SOFTWARE REV Release level of this FBM software.
EEPROM REV Firmware release for this FBM.
SERIAL NUMBER Serial number assigned to this FBM hardware module.
MANUF DATE Date of manufacture for this FBM. For MANUF DATE“180133”, the factory
number is 18, the year is 01, and the week is 33.
LOGICAL ADDR Logical Address is the number of the FBM, 1 through 120. FBMs are typically
numbered as they appear in the display (left to right).
TYPE Predefined FBM type from ECB200.

82 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Field Description
DEVICE STATE Failed or Not Failed (default) appears. This field changes to Failed if a
detected fatal hardware fault (including a possible communication cable
break) causes the FBM to fail.
ALARMING STATE Alarming State indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the
device. When alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate
overall system and network health (a green SYS BAR) while equipment is
Failed or Offline.
WARNING CONDITION Yes appears if the device has a non-fatal error condition detected; otherwise,
No is displayed.
DEVICE ATT Yes is displayed if the FBM has devices attached; otherwise, No appears.
FAIL DEV ATT Yes is displayed if one or more HART devices connected to the FBM have
failed; otherwise, No is displayed.
FAIL DEV ACK Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged appears. If any of the devices
attached to the FBM fail and become unacknowledged, Not Acknowledged
POWER 1 OK or Failed indicates the state of primary power to FBM.
POWER 2 OK or Failed indicates the state of backup power to FBM.
DIAG STATUS 1 Diagnostic Status 1 is a hexadecimal value related to the FBM status.
Typically this value is 4, indicating a non-fail-safe condition – typical status for
an FBM with a green status LED on.
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic
status field, call Global Product Support (GPS).
DIAG STATUS 2 Diagnostic Status 2 is a hexadecimal value indicating the FBM startup
condition. If the value is 0, there is no history of the last start condition due to
lack of communication. Hexadecimal values and the related conditions are as:
Value Condition
• 1 - Cold start (power up)
• 2 - Power fail recovery
• 4 - Watchdog timer failure detected
• 8 - Warm reset (equipment change download)
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic
status field, call the Global Product Support.
DIAG STATUS 3 Diagnostic Status 3 is a hexadecimal value relating to the previous detected
software or hardware error for the selected FBM.
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic
status field, call the Global Product Support.
DIAG STATUS 4 Diagnostic Status 4 is a hexadecimal value relating to the current detected
software or hardware error for the selected FBM. Normally, this value is 0 (no
error detected). Other values are detected fatal errors; the FBM is not
operational. Typical values and their meaning are as:
Value Condition
• 0 - No error detected
• 15 - Hardware type mismatch (FBM installed in the wrong slot)
• 16 - Software type mismatch (ECB configuration error detected)

B0400FF, Rev V 83
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Field Description

Corrective actions include:

• Installing the FBM in the correct slot
• Correcting detected ECB200 and ECB201 configuration errors
• Restarting the FBM using the DOWNLOAD function on the Equipment
Change display
• Reloading the FBM software using the EEPROM UPDATE function.
If the above actions do not correct the problem, call the Global Product
PRIM CMD STATE Primary Command Status is a value related to the status of communication
between the primary FBM and the HART FBM. Typically, this value is 0 or 1,
where 1 indicates that a successful retry took place and communication has
been restored to normal. Primary Command Status can have these values:
Value Condition
• 0 - Normal, no error detected
• 1 - Success with retry (this condition is very rare)
• 2 - FCM timed out FBM
• 3 - CP timed out FCM
• > 3 - Link level protocol error detected (this is very rare and transient)
IOM CMD STATUS IOM Command Status is a hexadecimal value associated with the return
status included in the header of every response from the HART FBM to the
primary FBM. Typically, the hexadecimal value is 0, indicating the command
was understood and action was taken.
Value Condition
• 1 - Command not understood.
• 2 - Command understood, but unable to take action.
• 4 - Invalid argument.
IOM STATUS IOM Status is a hexadecimal value related to the current FBM status.
Typically this value is 4, indicating the instructions are valid.
Value Condition
• 1 - FBM status has changed – requests CP to poll for extended status.
• 2 - Diagnostic Register is nonzero. This indicates a detected fatal error.
The FBM does not start if this value is set.
• 4 - Non-fail-safe condition. This is the typical status for a HART FBM
(green status LED on). This value is reset only if the output mode of
operation is fail-safe.
• 40 - FBM is offline. In offline mode, the software control is ROM-based. In
online mode, the software is RAM-based.
• 80 - Initialization is taking place – all channel and I/O data is initializing.
Also, indicates that the FBM has a delayed response message ready.
EXTENSION TYPE Not applicable to HART FBMs.
FILE REVISION Not applicable to HART FBMs.
FBM TYPE Type of FBM supported by ECB200.
VERSION NUMBER Version number of the FBM.
FILE ID Not applicable to HART FBMs.
PORT1 FAIL STATE Not applicable to HART FBMs.

84 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Field Description
PORT2 FAIL STATE Not applicable to HART FBMs.
FBM STATUS These can be displayed to define the FBM status:
• HART FBM — FBM On-Line
• DCI Not Ready — FBM Off-Line
• DCI Ready — Unresolved Connection
• FBM Failed — System Alarm
BUS ID Not applicable to HART FBMs.
PORT1 STATUS Not applicable to HART FBMs.
PORT2 STATUS Not applicable to HART FBMs.

NOTE: In System Manager, the RUN MODE is an Equipment Change Action

performed on FBM from System Manager. The FBM STATUS is the status of the
FBM which is reported by the CP. The DEVICE STATE is the present status of
FBM when FBM is connected. As the FBM STATUS depends on FBM health, the
RUN MODE and FBM STATUS displayed on System Manager might not match. If
RUN MODE and FBM STATUS are not same then check DEVICE STATE for more
information about the status of FBM.

HART FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information Display

The table describes the available text fields in the Equipment Status and Information
display pages for FBM216/216b/218 in the order that they appear on the System
Manager and SMDH display pages.

Table 11 - FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information Display Fields

Field Description
NAME User-supplied ECB name.
MAIN SLOT NO Baseplate slot number where the main FBM is installed.
MAIN STATE Main State indicates the main FBM operational state:
• Main Downloading — Main Offline
• Main EE Updating — Master
• Main Failed — Tracker
TYPE Predefined FBM type from ECB202.
FAIL ACK STATE Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged appears. If the DEVICE STATE
value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE value changes
to Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition, and remains until the detected
FBM failure is acknowledged by the user.
FAIL DEV ACK Yes (default) or No appears. If any of the devices attached to the FBM fail and
become unacknowledged, No appears.
ALARMING STATE Alarming State indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the
device. When alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate
overall system and network health (a green SYS BAR) while equipment is
Failed or Offline.
FAIL DEV ATT Yes appears if one or more HART devices connected to the FBM has failed;
otherwise, No appears.

B0400FF, Rev V 85
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 11 - FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
PRIM CMD STATE Primary Command Status is a value related to the status of communication
between the primary FBM and the HART FBM. Typically, this value is 0 or 1,
where 1 indicates that a successful retry took place and communication has
been restored to normal. Primary Command Status can have these values:
Value Condition
• 0 - Normal, no error detected
• 1 - Success with retry (this condition is very rare)
• 2 - FCM timed out FBM
• 3 - CP timed out FCM
• > 3 - Link level protocol error detected (this is very rare and transient)
IOM CMD STATUS IOM Command Status is a hexadecimal value associated with the return status
included in the header of every response from the HART FBM to the primary
FBM. Typically, the hexadecimal value is 0, indicating the command was
understood and action was taken.
Value Condition
• 1 - Command not understood.
• 2 - Command understood, but unable to take action.
• 4 - Invalid argument.
MAIN LOGICAL ADDR Logical Address is the number of the main FBM, 1 through 120. FBMs are
typically numbered as they appear in the display (left to right).
FBM DIAG STAT 1 Diagnostic Status 1 is a hexadecimal value related to the FBM status. Typically
this value is 4, indicating a non-fail-safe condition – typical status for an FBM
with a green status LED on.
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic status
field, call the Global Product Support.
FBM DIAG STAT 3 Diagnostic Status 3 is a hexadecimal value relating to the previous detected
software or hardware error for the selected FBM.
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic status
field, call the Global Product Support.
MAIN HDWR PART NO Hardware part number related to the main FBM.
MAIN HARDWARE REV Hardware release level of the main FBM.
MAIN EEPROM REV Firmware release for the main FBM.
MAIN SERIAL NUMBER Serial number assigned to the main FBM.
BKUP SLOT NO Baseplate slot number where the backup FBM is installed.
BACKUP STATE Backup State indicates the main FBM operational state:
Bkup Downloading — Bkup Offline
Bkup EE Updating — Master
Bkup Failed — Tracker
ACT CABLE ACCESS Both Cables OK, Cable A Not OK, Cable B Not OK, or Both Cables Not OK
appears. This field indicates whether transmissions were successfully sent the
last time either Bus A or B was used. A Not OK status indicates a detected PIO
bus send failure. To resolve this:

86 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 11 - FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
• Verify the PIO bus.
• Change to the other cable if the bus is bad.
WARNING CONDITION Yes appears if the device has a detected non-fatal error condition; otherwise,
No appears.
COMPOUND NAME Compound name containing the FBM ECB202.
BLOCK NAME Block name for the FBM ECB202.
HARDWARE TYPE Configured value for HWTYPE parameter in ECB202.
SOFTWARE TYPE Configured value for SWTYPE parameter in ECB202.
POWER 1 OK or Failed indicates the state of primary power to FBM.
POWER 2 OK or Failed indicates the state of backup power to FBM.
FBM DIAG STAT 2 Diagnostic Status 2 is a hexadecimal value indicating the FBM startup
condition. If the value is 0, there is no history of the last start condition due to
lack of communication. Hexadecimal values and the related conditions are as:
Value Condition
• 1 - Cold start (power up)
• 2 - Power fail recovery
• 4 - Watchdog timer failure detected
• 8 - Warm reset (equipment change download)
If the FBM is operating normally, this field can be ignored. For resolution of the
detected FBM hardware and software errors indicated by this diagnostic status
field, call the Global Product Support.
FBM DIAG STAT 4 Diagnostic Status 4 is a hexadecimal value relating to the current detected
software or hardware error for the selected FBM. Normally, this value is 0 (no
error detected). Other values are detected fatal errors; the FBM is not
operational. Typical values and their meaning are as:
Value Condition
• 0 - No error detected
• 15 - Hardware type mismatch (FBM installed in the wrong slot)
• 16 - Software type mismatch (ECB configuration error)
Corrective actions include:
• Installing the FBM in the correct slot
• Correcting ECB200 and ECB201 configuration errors
• Restarting the FBM using the DOWNLOAD function on the Equipment
Change display
• Reloading the FBM software using the EEPROM UPDATE function.
If the above actions do not correct the detected problem, call the Global Product
BKUP HDWR PART NO Hardware part number related to the backup FBM.
BKUP HARDWARE REV Hardware release level of the backup FBM.
BKUP EEPROM REV Firmware release for the backup FBM.
BKUP SERIAL NUMBER Serial number assigned to the backup FBM.

B0400FF, Rev V 87
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 11 - FBM216/216b/218 Equipment Status and Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
MAIN MANUF DATE Date of manufacture for this FBM. For MAIN MANUF DATE “180151”, the
factory number is 18, the year is 01, and the week is 51.
MAIN SOFTWARE REV Release level of the main FBM software.
MAIN FBM TYPE Type of main FBM supported by ECB202.
MAIN VER NO Version number of the main FBM.
FILE ID Not applicable to HART FBMs.
FBM STATUS These might appear to define the FBM status:
• HART FBM — FBM Online
• DCI Not Ready — FBM Offline
• DCI Ready — Unresolved Connection
• FBM Failed — System Alarm
BKUP MANUF DATE Date of manufacture for this FBM. For BKUP MANUF DATE “180133”, the
factory number is 18, the year is 01, and the week is 33.
BKUP SOFTWARE REV Release level of the backup FBM software.
MAIN STATUS Main Status indicates the operational status of the main FBM:
• Not Operational — HART Comm Fault(a)
• Offline — Slot Conflict
• Master — Power 1 Fault
• Tracker — Power 2 Fault
• HDLC Fault — Fatal Error Flash
• Interlink Fault — Non Spec Fatal
• A/D Converter Fault — Non Spec NonFatal
• D/A Converter Fault
BKUP STATUS Backup Status indicates the operational status of the backup FBM:
• Not Operational — HART Comm Fault(a)
• Offline — Slot Conflict
• Master — Power 1 Fault
• Tracker — Power 2 Fault
• HDLC Fault — Fatal Error Flash
• Interlink Fault — Non Spec Fatal
• A/D Converter Fault — Non Spec NonFatal
• D/A Converter Fault
(a) The HART COMM Fault text field appears if the FBM is unable to communicate with a HART device on any of
the eight/sixteen channels, even if this is due to the lack of an electrical connection to the device.

Do not attempt to use or power down the FBM while the EEPROM is being updated.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

88 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

FBM214/214b/214e/215/244 Equipment Change Display

The actions that are active for the Equipment Change display for the FBM214/214b/
214e/215/244 in the System Manager and SMDH are described in the table.

Table 12 - FBM214/214b/214e/215/244 Equipment Change Actions

Action Description
GO ON-LINE Connects the FBM to the Foxboro
control station, thus enabling
GO OFF-LINE Disconnects the FBM from the Foxboro
control station, thus disabling
EEPROM UPDATE Use this action to update the firmware in
an FBM with updated EEPROM Foxboro
software. You should use this action only
with an authorized and distributed
official Foxboro release.
To update firmware in an FBM with
updated EEPROM software, click
EEPROM UPDATE on the Equipment
Change display. The FBM becomes
inoperable. The update takes less than
one minute. When the update is
complete, the FBM is placed online. The
system displays a message in the
message line indicating whether the
update was a success or not.
ENABLE DEVICE ALARMING Allows device alarms to propagate
upward in the Foxboro system.
INHIBIT DEVICE ALARMING Inhibits device alarms from propagating
upward in Foxboro DCS.

Placing the FBM214/214b/214e/215/244 Online

After you have installed the equipment, configured the HART devices and ECBs, you
place the FBM214/214b/214e/215/244 online (see Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example,
page 14).
1. If you are using the System Manager, open the System Manager, and select the
FBM in the left pane.
– Click FBM to open its menu.
– On the Actions menu, open the Equipment Change submenu.

B0400FF, Rev V 89
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

2. Click Go Online.
More information is available in System Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP).
a. Access the System Management displays. For more information, see
System Management Displays (B0193JC).
b. On the PIO SUB NETWORK display, click the FBM and then click EQUIP
c. On the EQUIPMENT CHANGE display, click GO ON-LINE.
The FBM is now online.

FBM216/216b/218/245 Equipment Change Display

The actions that are active for the Equipment Change display for the FBM216/216b/
218/245 in the System Manager and SMDH are described in the table.

Table 13 - FBM216/216b/218/245 Equipment Change Actions

Action Description
GO ONLINE Connects the FBM to the Foxboro control station, thus
enabling communication.
GO OFFLINE Disconnects the FBM from the Foxboro control station, thus
disabling communication.
DOWNLOAD Restarts the FBM logic. This action does Not download the
FBM image.
EEPROM UPDATE Use this action to update the firmware in an FBM with
updated EEPROM Foxboro software. You must use this
action only with an authorized and distributed official
Foxboro software release.
After an EEPROM update of one or both FBM216/218
modules, the updated modules are placed in the state
(online or offline) that they were in prior to the EEPROM
update. Other 200 Series FBMs are placed online after an
EEPROM update.
To update firmware in a redundant pair of FBMs with
updated EEPROM software, click EEPROM UPDATE on
the Equipment Change display, and then click, BACKUP, or
Updating FBMs Offline
When you update the main or backup module, that module
becomes inoperable, is updated, and returns to the offline
state. When you update both modules, the main module
becomes inoperable, is updated, and returns to the offline
state. Then, the backup module becomes inoperable, is
updated, and returns to the offline state. The update takes
less than one minute for each module. The system displays
a message in the message line indicating whether the
module update was a success or not.
Updating FBMs Online
When you update the main or backup module, that module
becomes inoperable, is updated, and becomes the Tracker.

90 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 13 - FBM216/216b/218/245 Equipment Change Actions (Continued)

Action Description
When you update both modules, the main module becomes
inoperable, is updated and becomes the Tracker with the
backup module as Master. Then, the backup module
becomes inoperable, is updated, and becomes the Tracker
with the main module as Master. The update takes less than
one minute for each module. The system displays a
message in the message line indicating whether the module
update was a success or not.
ENABLE DEVICE Allows device alarms to propagate upward in Foxboro DCS.
INHIBIT DEVICE Inhibits device alarms from propagating upward in Foxboro
SWITCH ROLES Switches the Master/Tracker roles of the main and backup

Placing the FBM216/216b/218/245 Online

After you have installed the equipment, configured the HART devices and ECBs, you
place the FBM216/216b/218 online (see Chapter 2: Quick-Start Example, page 14).
1. If you are using the System Manager, open the System Manager.
2. In the left pane, select whichever FBM in the redundant pair is offline.
– Click FBM to open its menu.
– On Actions menu, open the Equipment Change submenu.
3. Click Go Online.
4. Repeat steps 2-4 for the other FBM in the redundant pair, if it is also offline.
More information is available in System Manager User’s Guide (B0750AP).
a. Access the System Management displays. For more information, see
System Management Displays (B0193JC).
b. On the PIO SUB NETWORK display, click the FBM and then click EQUIP
c. On the EQUIPMENT CHANGE display, click GO ONLINE and then click
d. On the EQUIPMENT CHANGE display, click GO ONLINE and then click

The FBM main and backup modules are now online.

HART Slave Device Equipment Status and Information Display

The table describes the available text fields in the Equipment Status and Information
display pages for HART devices in the order that they appear on the System Manager
and SMDH display pages.

B0400FF, Rev V 91
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 14 - HART Device Equipment Status and Information Display Fields

Field Description
NAME User-supplied ECB name.
COMMUNICATIONS Indicates the state (Enabled or Disabled) of communication to or from the HART
FAIL ACK STATE Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged appears. If the DEVICE STATE
value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE value changes to
Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition, and remains until the detected device
failure is acknowledged by the user.
DB DOWNLOAD STATE Downloading appears when the FBM is downloading its application image;
otherwise, Not Downloading appears.
FAIL DEV ATT Yes appears if one or more HART devices connected to the FBM have failed;
otherwise, No appears.
COMPOUND NAME Compound name containing the FBM ECB201.
EE UPDATE STATE Updating appears if the EEPROM in the FBM is being updated; otherwise, Not
Updating appears.
HARDWARE TYPE Configured value for HWTYPE parameter in ECB201.
PRIMARY STATUS Primary Status is a value related to the status of communication between the
primary FBM and the HART FBM. Typically, this value is 0 or 1, where 1 indicates
that a successful retry took place and communication has been restored to normal.
For HART FBM, Primary Status can have these values:
Value Condition
• 0 - Normal, no error detected
• 1 - Success with retry (this condition is very rare)
• 2 - FCM timed out FBM
• 3 - CP timed out FCM
• > 3 - Link level protocol error detected (this is very rare and transient)
FBM CMD STATUS FBM Command Status is a hexadecimal value associated with the return status
included in the header of every response from the HART FBM to the primary FBM.
Typically, the hexadecimal value is 0, indicating the command was understood and
action was taken.
Value Condition
• 0 - Command understood.
• 1 - Command not understood.
• 2 - Command understood, but unable to take action.
• 4 - Invalid argument.
FBM IOM STATUS FBM IOM Status is a hexadecimal value related to current HART FBM status.
Typically this value is 4, indicating the instructions are valid.
Value Condition
• 1 - FBM status has changed – requests CP to poll for extended status.
• 2 - Diagnostic Register is nonzero. This indicates a detected fatal error. The
FBM does not start if this value is set.
• 4 - Non-fail-safe condition. This is the typical status for a HART FBM (green
status LED on). This value is reset only if the output mode of operation is fail-
• 40 - FBM is offline. In offline mode, the software control is ROM-based. In
online mode, the software is RAM-based.

92 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 14 - HART Device Equipment Status and Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
• 80 - Initialization is taking place – all channel and I/O data is initializing. Also,
indicates that the FBM has a delayed response message ready.
FILE REVISION Not applicable.
DEVICE TYPE Type of field device represented by the ECB201.
VERSION NUMBER Version information returned by the field device in response to the HART command
Read Unique Identifier. Version Number has four parts that are separated by
semicolons (for example, “005; 001; 013; 016”):
• Universal Command Major Revision Number implemented by this device
• Device Revision Level
• Software Revision Level of this device
• Hardware Revision Level of the electronics in this device.
FILE ID Not applicable.
MANUFACTURER Manufacturer Identification Code for the field device. see HART Common Tables
Specifications (HFC_SPEC-183).
TYPE Field device (DEV 214, 215, 216 or 218) represented by the ECB201.
DEVICE STATE Failed or Not Failed (default) appears. This field changes to Failed if a detected
device fatal hardware fault (including a possible communication cable break)
causes the device to fail.
ALARMING STATE Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for the device. When alarming is
inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system and network
health (a green SYS BAR) while equipment is Failed or Offline.
WARNING CONDITION Yes appears if the device has a non-fatal error condition detected; otherwise, No
FAIL DEV ACK Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged appears. If any of the devices
attached to the FBM fail and become unacknowledged, Not Acknowledged
BLOCK NAME Block name for the FBM ECB201.
MANUF DATE Field Device date of manufacture.
SOFTWARE TYPE Configured value for SWTYPE parameter in ECB201.
FBM DIAG STATUS 2 Not applicable.
FBM DIAG STATUS 3 Not applicable.
FBM DIAG STATUS 4 Not applicable.
BUS ID Bus ID is not applicable for HART FBMs.
PORT NUMBER Not applicable.
MODEL Not applicable.
DEVICE NAME Name of the field device associated with the ECB201.
DEVICE ADDRESS Reflects the DVADDR parameter in the associated ECB201. This parameter is not
used by HART FBMs.
DEVICE OPTIONS Device Options reflects the DVOPTS parameter in the associated ECB201, which
controls the use of HART protocol or standard 4-20 mA communication.
see the footnote in the table “Key Parameters” for a description of the allowed
values of DVOPTS in ECB201.

B0400FF, Rev V 93
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 14 - HART Device Equipment Status and Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
MASTER ADDRESS Not applicable.
DEVICE STATUS These appear to define the slave device status:
• HART Device — Device Disabled
• DCI NOT Ready — Unresolved Connection
• DCI Ready — System Alarm
• Device Failed
DEV DIAG STATUS These appear to define the slave device diagnostic status:
• Field Device Malfunction — Non-Primary Out-of Limits
• Configuration Changed — Primary Out-of Limits
• Cold Start — A/D Converter Fault
• More Status Available — D/A Converter Fault
• Primary Output Fixed — HART Comm Fault
• Primary Output Saturated

HART Device Equipment Change Actions

The actions that are active for the Equipment Change display for the HART slave
device in the System Manager and SMDH are described in this table.

Table 15 - HART Device Equipment Change Actions

Action Description
ENABLE COMMUNICATIONS(a) Enables HART communication between the
device and FBM.
DISABLE COMMUNICATIONS Disables HART communication between the
device and FBM.
ENABLE DEVICE ALARMING Enables device alarms to propagate upward to
Foxboro DCS.
INHIBIT DEVICE ALARMING Inhibits device alarms from propagating upward
to Foxboro DCS.
(a) If the device parent FBM214/215 is offline, these key actions are not available. If
the device parent FBM216/218 main and backup modules are offline, these key
actions are not available.

Enabling Communications with Slave Devices

After you have placed the FBM online, you enable communication with each HART
slave device connected to the FBM.
1. If you are using the System Manager, open the System Manager, and select the
HART FBM in the left pane.

94 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

2. Do one of these:
– In the Information pane, click the Connections tab.
– Click Enable Communications to enable communication to the HART slave
– Click the FBM to open its menu and click Enable Communications for
Multiple Devices.
– On the Actions menu, open the Equipment Change submenu and click
Enable Communications for Multiple Devices.
For more information, see System Manager User’s guide (B0750AP).
a. Access the System Management displays. For more information, see
System Management Displays (B0193JC).
b. On the PIO SUB NETWORK display, click the FBM and then click NEXT
LEVEL to open the I/O DISPLAY.
c. On the I/O DISPLAY, click the device and then click EQUIP CHG.
e. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each additional slave device.

Communication with the slave devices is now enabled.

FBM216/216b Redundant Power Supply Test (Internally

Powered Transmitter)
NOTE: This status check pertains to redundant FBM216/216b inputs that are
powered from the FBM. It does not pertain to externally powered inputs.
The purpose of this test is to validate operation of the per channel power supply for
each module in the FBM216 or FBM216b module pair. The test must be performed
periodically. The more often the test is performed, the higher the reliability.
The power supplies of each input channel of a redundant pair are diode OR’d on the
redundant adapter associated with the input pair. Test points are provided on the
redundant adapter to measure loop power for each channel.
The FBM216 redundant adapter for the standard FBM, and the adapter for the
Compact FBM216b is shown in the figures. Along the bottom of the redundant adapter
are test point commons [Input (-)] for each channel. Along the top and right side are
positive test points [Input (P)] for each channel. Two test points are provided for each
channel, one for the left FBM216 module (1), and one for the right FBM216 module

Performing Status Checks

You require a voltmeter for this test.

B0400FF, Rev V 95
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

1. Place the negative probe of a voltmeter at test point common 01 [Input (-)], and
test the loop power (voltage) for channel 01, modules 1 and 2 (at Input (P) 01).
Both readings must be 24 V dc ±5%. A reading significantly below the
specification indicates the module is not performing to the best of its ability
(detected defective loop power).
2. Repeat Step 1 for the remaining seven channels (02 through 08), using the
respective common points and loop power test points.

Figure 40 - FBM216 Redundant Adapter Test Point Locations

Test Points

FBM216 01 02 03 04

Redundant Adapter

Input (P)

08 07 06 05
Input (P)
Input (-)
® 01 04
P0917XQ 05 08

Test Point Commons

Figure 41 - Compact FBM216b Redundant Adapter Test Point Locations

A Test Points
B Test Point Commons

96 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

FBM245 Redundant Power Supply Test

NOTE: The FBM245 has four HART-compatible inputs and four HART-compatible
outputs. The test points provide a measurement check of the FBM derived loop
supply voltage for input channels 1-4. These test points do not reflect the loop
supply voltage when loops are externally powered.
The purpose of this test is to validate operation of the per channel power supply for
each module in the FBM245 module pair. The test must be performed periodically.
The more often the test is performed, the higher the reliability.
The power supplies of each input channel of a redundant pair are diode OR’d on the
redundant adapter associated with the input pair. Test points are provided on the
redundant adapter to measure loop power for each channel.
The FBM245 redundant adapter is shown in the figure. Along the lower right of the
redundant adapter are test point commons [Input (-)] for each channel. Along the
upper right and right side are positive test points [Input (P)] for each channel. Two test
points are provided for each channel, one for the left FBM245 module (1), and one for
the right FBM245 module (2)].

Performing Status Checks

You require a voltmeter for this check.
1. Place the negative probe of a voltmeter at test point common 01 [Input (-)], and
test the loop power (voltage) for channel 01, modules 1 and 2 (at Input (P) 01).
Both readings must be 24 V dc ±5%. A reading significantly below specification
indicates the module is not performing to the best of its ability (detected defective
loop power).
2. Repeat Step 1 for the remaining three channels (02 through 04), using the
respective common points and loop power test points.

Figure 42 - FBM245 Redundant Adapter Test Point Locations

A Test Points
B Test Point Commons

B0400FF, Rev V 97
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

HART FBM Indicators

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) incorporated into the front of the HART FBMs provide
visual indication of each module’s operational status, and communication activity of its
eight channels.

A All LEDs are shown in the On state for showing color and position.
All LEDs are clear in the Off state.

98 B0400FF, Rev V
Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Figure 43 - Compact HART FBM214b/215 LED Status Indicators

A Colored LEDs are in the On state for showing color and position.
LEDs indicate their channel is clear when in the Off state.

A Colored LEDs are in the On state for showing color and position.
LEDs indicate their channel is clear when in the Off state.

B0400FF, Rev V 99
HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

A All LEDs are shown in the On state for showing color and position.
All LEDs are clear in the Off state.

Figure 44 - Compact HART FBM216b/218 LED Status Indicators

100 B0400FF, Rev V

Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

A Colored LEDs are in the On state for showing color and position.
LEDs indicate their channel is clear when in the Off state.

On the front of all HART FBMs, two Operational Status LEDs (red and green) indicate
the operational status of the module. During normal online operation of the FBM with
communication enabled with the connected HART devices, the green LED is on, and
the red LED is off.
LEDs 01 through 08 indicate the operational status of the eight HART communication
channels. Each LED is on when the FBM is expecting and receiving valid messages
from the HART device on the channel. If the ECB201 is configured as “4-20” (4 to 20
mA analog channel), the LED is always off.
For FBM 214e, LEDs 01 through 16 indicate the operational status of the sixteen
HART communication channels. Each LED is on when the FBM is expecting and
receiving valid messages from the HART device on the channel.
On the redundant HART FBMs, the Master and Tracker LEDs indicate the master/
tracker status of the redundant module pair. The Master LED is on when the module is
controlling HART communication. The Tracker LED is on when the module is ready to
control HART communication.
The table lists the state of the FBM LEDs under various operating conditions. This
table assumes that you have properly configured the ECB201s for communication
with HART devices. It also assumes that you have placed the FBMs online and
enabled device communication using the appropriate displays (System Manager or

Table 16 - HART FBM Operational Status LEDs

Operational Status 01 to 08/16 Master Tracker Status

Red LED Green LED
Normal Operation
Off On On for channels On or Off On or Off FBM is online
with normal and functional
HART with device
communication communication
enabled. LEDs
01 to 08/16 are
on only for
channels with
normal HART
State of Tracker
or Master is
determined by
the appropriate
display (System
Manager or
Power Off
Off Off Off Off Off Power to FBM is
failed or
switched off.
Diagnostic Failure(a)
On Flashing 0.5 s Off Off Off RAM test –
on, 0.5 s off Green LED
flashing once
every 5 s

B0400FF, Rev V 101

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 16 - HART FBM Operational Status LEDs (Continued)

Operational Status 01 to 08/16 Master Tracker Status

Red LED Green LED
indicates a
failure detected
in the low byte
RAM chip.
Green LED
flashing twice
every 5 s
indicates a
failure detected
in the high byte
RAM chip.
On Flashing three Off Off Off HDLC, DMA,
0.5 s flashes Timer, and
every 5 s Interrupt
Controller tests –
Green LED
flashing 3 times
every 5 s
indicates a
detected failure
(an ASIC
On Flashing four 0.5 Off Off Off ROM test –
s flashes every 5 Green LED
s flashing 4 times
every 5 s
indicates ROM
checksum error
was detected in
the primary or
secondary ROM,
or in the ROM
copy of the
Product Data
Block. (System
message is
printed on the
system alarm
On On Off Off Off Startup
passed and FBM
is ready to be
brought on-line
by the CP.
On On Off On or Off On or Off FBM is off-line
but functional.
LEDs 01 to 08/
16 are always
off. Master LED
flashes if both
modules of a

102 B0400FF, Rev V

Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Table 16 - HART FBM Operational Status LEDs (Continued)

Operational Status 01 to 08/16 Master Tracker Status

Red LED Green LED
redundant pair
are off-line.
Download (Reboots the FBM)
Flashing Flashing Off On or Off On or Off Red and green
LEDs flash
together or
Master and
Tracker LEDs
flash (depending
on which module
is being
downloaded) to
show role
between the
Download action
completes in
less than one
Flashing Flashing Off Flashing Flashing Red and green
LEDs flash
together or
Master and
Tracker LEDs
flash (depending
on which module
is being
updated) to
show role
between the
Update action
completes in
less than one
Channel Communication Problem
Off On Any one LED off On or Off On or Off If any one LED
01 through 08/16
is off, this
indicates a fault
detected in the
associated field
device, cabling
or FBM channel.
Channel Communication Problem – Tracker Module
Off On Occasional On or Off On or Off If the Tracker’s
flickering of a LEDs 01 through
Tracker’s LED 08 mostly follow

B0400FF, Rev V 103

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Chapter 8: Maintenance

Table 16 - HART FBM Operational Status LEDs (Continued)

Operational Status 01 to 08/16 Master Tracker Status

Red LED Green LED
the Master’s
LEDs 01 through
08, but one
flickers, this
indicates a
problem in the
Tracker’s HART
hardware for the
channel. The
FBM eventually
declares a
detected fault
(after enough
errors have been
Redundant FBM Software Problem
Off On Tracker’s LEDs On or Off On or Off If the Tracker’s
are consistently LEDs 01 through
different than 08 are
Master’s LEDs consistently
different than the
Master’s LEDs
01 through 08,
this indicates an
FBM software
Fail Safe
Off Flashing On for channels On or Off On or Off During normal
with normal online operation,
communication experienced a
break in
with the Foxboro
control station
and reverted to
its fail-safe
mode. (see Fail-
Safe Actions,
page 69 for
Detected Module Failure
On Off Off On or Off On or Off Module failure
(a) Failure detected during startup diagnostics. Reboot the module to clear the detected diagnostic error. If the
problem still exists, remove the module from the baseplate and reinstall it in the same slot (see the DANGER
Safety table at the beginning of this chapter). If problem continues, replace the module. For installation instructions,
see Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).

104 B0400FF, Rev V

Chapter 8: Maintenance HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Service and Support

Technical support is available from the Global Customer Support, 1-866-746-6477 or
visit https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com (registration required).

B0400FF, Rev V 105

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log)

Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON

This appendix defines the complete list of system messages which can be generated
by the HART FBMs. For redundant HART FBMs, only the Master FBM posts these
messages to the System Monitor log (smon_log).
This is the format for HART FBM system messages in the smon_log:

Figure 45 - HART FBM System Message Format

These system messages might contain an “[M|B]” device type for messages reported
from a Main or Backup Master FBM:
• M indicates the Main Master FBM sent the message.
• B indicates the Backup Master FBM sent the message.
However, a Tracker FBM can record messages that need to be posted, but holds
them until it takes the Master role. Such messages are marked with “[m|b]” instead:
• m indicates the Main Tracker FBM sent the message.
• b indicates the Backup Tracker FBM sent the message.
The internal time of each message (the actual time of the event) is recorded in the
smon_log. This time represents the number of milliseconds since the last reboot of the
particular FBM. The recording of the message in the smon_log can be delayed. For
example, when an FBM is not in the Master role, and it is holding messages until it
takes this role, such a delay occurs.

This field rolls over every 1.8 hours. It is intended to provide relative timing to other
messages posted by the same FBM only.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

Some of these messages can be turned off by setting gating bits in the SYSOPT
register. Those gating bits are shown in the table.

Gated by Bit Detected Error Detected Error Text Corrective Action

08 21 A/D Reinitialized - Lockup These are notifications of recoveries
of operation by the FBM; no action
08 22 A/D Reinitialized - GI lockup is required.
08 22 A/D Reinitialized - Offset Error
08 22 A/D Reinitialized - Gain Error
08 23 Calibration O register changed to

106 B0400FF, Rev V

Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log) HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Gated by Bit Detected Error Detected Error Text Corrective Action

08 24 Calibration G register changed to
08 25 GIRUN stuck, recovering
08 26 Group sample time overrun/recover
08 44 AI Init Fail chN code 0xNNNN HARD FAILURE DETECTED: A/D
converter hardware – Replace FBM
08(a) 60 comms failure to valid config HART device communication is
unsuccessful on initial startup with
DVOPTS set to NOFAIL and not
NOALARM. No action required.
08(a) 61 comms timeout These indicate that the HART
device has communication timeouts
with DVOPTS set to OCD. HART
Device fault detected.
08(a) 62 Detected comms error cleared No action required. (code 60
cleared) for DVOPTS set to NOFAIL
or OCD
08(a) 65 Detected malfunction retry count FBM has set device malfunction
exceeded detected alarm
08(a) 66 Detected malfunction cleared FBM has cleared device malfunction
detected alarm (code 65 cleared)
08(a) 67 sys alarm cleared FBM has cleared system alarm for
new configuration (set for codes 60,
61, 63, 64, 65)
10 48 Power 2 detected fault cleared The FBM is no longer seeing power
issues (code 58) on the 2nd power
10 49 Slot conflict cleared The FBM pair is on the same page
regarding the interlink, (code 59) no
longer exists
10 53 HART fault detected ERROR DETECTED: One FBM of
pair has had HART issues for 4
health checks in a row and is
declaring a problem. Verify
connections, possibly replaced
10 54 Power 1 fault cleared The FBM is no longer seeing power
issues (code 57) on the first power
10 55 A2D fault detected ERROR DETECTED: The FBM is
reporting broken hardware. The
FBM must be replaced.
10 56 Fatal Error Flashed ERROR DETECTED: The FBM has
logged a detected error that is
tagged with the FATAL attribute.
FBM has to be rebooted before it
can be used again.
10 57 Power 1 Fault The FBM is seeing power issues on
the first power bus. Verify

B0400FF, Rev V 107

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log)

10 58 Power 2 Fault The FBM is seeing power issues on

the second power bus. Verify
10 59 Slot conflict ERROR DETECTED: Either
• The Master FBM and its partner
are not agreeing on the interlink
• The Master FBM‘s expectation
of the partner’s sending state
does not match the reported
Best to reseat the pair one at a time,
starting with Tracker.
These bits are for ECB202 Only
10 40 tracker; serious error detected ERROR DETECTED: The Master
FBM is becoming Tracker because
of a serious detected error (The
ErrorStopIO flag is set).
• Bad timer
• Bad HDLC
• Bad memory location
• Bad OpCode
• Bad Configuration
• Overrun of INT depth
If flashing detected error code,
replace module. Otherwise reboot
module. If problem recurs, replace.
10 41 master; partner faulted ERROR DETECTED: The Tracker
FBM is declaring a detected Master
FBM fault and asserting a takeover.
The type of detected fault can
generate additional messages.
10 42 master; partner offline Partner FBM has gone offline;
Tracker is asserting Mastership.
10 43 partner not answering ERROR: Tracker is noticing that
Master is not responding to CP
messages/requests for the last 10
requests. It would try to assert
10 44 Partner report err code 0xNNNN Tracker FBM sent over a problem
code. The NNNN is usually the
channel number.
10 45 master: no partner ERROR DETECTED: Master FBM
has lost communication with Tracker
across the interlink.
10 46 tracker: attempt master ERROR DETECTED: Tracker is
noticing that Master has a detected
fault. It would try to assert
10 47 warm reset of partner Master requested a partner reset
because of some issue, can be at

108 B0400FF, Rev V

Appendix A: HART FBM System Messages (SMON Log) HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

operator request. No action required

unless this is frequent – replace
10 50 Interlink fault detected ERROR DETECTED: Interlink is
having a detected problem. Push/
pull Tracker or force a warm reset.
10 51 Detected Interlink fault cleared Detected Interlink fault (code 50)
has cleared
10 52 3+ consec LRC errs ilink The interlink between the pair of
modules is experiencing problems.
As the interlink is very short, this is
usually a seating issue.
These detected error codes are applicable only to FBM214e
NA 90 Channel # DVOPTS Invalid, This is a notification message
Defaulting to NAMUR43(a) indicating an invalid DVOPTS
configuration and that the value is
defaulting to NAMUR43. You need
to fix the DVOPTS configuration.
0x40 91 Channel # device failure detected, Inspect the transmitter device.
Transmitter field device failure
detected as per NAMUR43 standard
0x40 92 Channel # device failure cleared, No action is required.
Transmitter field device failure
0x40 93 Channel # HART COMM FAULT Check the connection or replace the
detected, Transmitter field device device.
HART communication failed either
due to device disconnect or device
0x40 94 Channel # HART COMM FAULT No action is required.
cleared, Transmitter field device
HART communication fault recovered
(a) These were listed as n/a before v2.47.
# represents the channel number.

B0400FF, Rev V 109

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Fieldbus Communication Module (FCM): The Fieldbus Communications Module is
an interface that allows the HART™ Communication Interface Modules (and other DIN
rail mounted FBMs) to communicate with the control station via the Foxboro DCS 10
Mbps Ethernet trunk Fieldbus. It converts the 10 Mbps Ethernet signals used by the
control station to 2 Mbps signals used by the FBM, and vice versa.

Fieldbus Module (FBM): FBMs provide the interface between process sensors/
actuators and the Fieldbus in a standard Foxboro DCS. FBM214/214b/214e/215/216/
216b/218/244/245 are examples of the many types of FBMs offered as part of
Foxboro DCS.

Fieldbus Modules (FBMs): Distributed Control System (DCS) Fieldbus Modules,

control and interface modules to third-party control solutions, such as Fisher's
PROVOX Series 20 or Honeywell TDC 2000 systems.

Fieldbus: Typically applies to two specific buses: the 10 Mbps Ethernet trunk fieldbus
and the 2 Mbps Fieldbus Module (Fieldbus Module (FBM)). These optionally
redundant buses, conforming to the EIA standards’ general requirements for RS-485,
carry data communication on a twinaxial cable between control processors and
fieldbus modules.

HART: Highway Addressable Remote Transducer, a bi-directional industrial field
communication protocol used to communicate between intelligent field instruments
and host systems over 4-20 mA instrumentation wiring.

IFDC: The Foxboro DCS Intelligent Field Device Configurator, a software package
providing remote bidirectional communications with the Foxboro and Eckardt
intelligent field devices.

letterbug: Alphanumeric string that the user defines to identify a station in an
I/A Series control system

Parameter: Named element in the data structure of a device function block,
Equipment Control Block (ECB), or other control block.

redundant adapter: Provides a “Y” connection between the supported redundant
FBM pairs (Fieldbus) and the associated Termination Assembly (TA). This allows
either module in the pair to communicate with the field devices.

TA: Terminal Assembly, wiring points, and, in some cases, protection circuitry to
connect Fieldbus Modules (Fieldbus Module (FBM)s) to their field devices.

110 B0400FF, Rev V

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Index E
creating and editing......................................... 61, 63
A hierarchy..............................................................44
list of....................................................................44
Auto/Manual mode, DCI blocks .................................67 Entity parameters.....................................................42
Environmental constraints.........................................16
Equipment Change display
B FBM214/214b/214e/215........................................89
Baseplate ..................................................................9 FBM216/216b/218 ................................................90
Baseplate, FBM mounting slots .................................21 HART device ........................................................94
Block Detail Displays ................................................72 Equipment Information display
ECB 200 ..............................................................72 FBM214/214b/214e/215........................................82
ECB 201 ..............................................................74 FBM216/216b/218 ................................................85
ECB 202 ..............................................................73 HART device ........................................................91
Equipment installation Example.................................21

Cable balun module .................................................18
Cable Length ...........................................................18 Fail-safe actions
Cable Type A ...........................................................18 DCI blocks ...........................................................69
Cascade initialization FBM214/214b ............................................................9
ROUT block .........................................................68 FBM214e ..................................................................9
Configuration information FBM215 ....................................................................9
DCI blocks ...........................................................44 FBM216/216b ............................................................9
Configuration Procedures .........................................45 FBM216/216b redundant power supply test ...............95
Configuring DCI Blocks.............................................64 FBM218 ....................................................................9
Control schemes FBM244 ....................................................................9
DCI blocks ...........................................................70 FBM245 ....................................................................9
Creating and editing ECB
ECB 200 ..............................................................61
ECB 201 ..............................................................63 G
ECB 202 ..............................................................61 Group displays.........................................................72

Data type conversions Hand held configurator ...............................................9
DCI blocks ...........................................................60 HART communications standard .................................9
DCI blocks HART point addresses
block interconnection example ...............................45 DCI blocks ...........................................................58
Cascade Initialization ............................................68
configuration information .......................................44
configuration procedures .......................................45 I
configuring ...........................................................64
control schemes ...................................................70 Input limiting
data type conversions ...........................................60 RIN......................................................................67
fail-safe actions ....................................................69 Input signal flow
functions ..............................................................67 FBM 216/216b......................................................25
HART point addresses ..........................................58 Install Foxboro DCS .................................................14
input limiting .........................................................67 Installation
output clamping ....................................................68 Equipment............................................................21
output initialization ................................................68 FBMs and TAs ......................................................24
periodic/change-driven execution...........................67 redundant adapters...............................................24
signal conditioning and linear scaling......................67 Intrinsic safety considerations ...................................20
simulation mode ...................................................67
status transformations...........................................70
Device connections to TAs ........................................24 K
Device data verification.............................................14
Diagnostics........................................................ 12, 98 Key parameters .......................................................49

LED status indicators

B0400FF, Rev V 111

HART Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

Compact FBM 214b/215........................................98 FBM 214/214b/215 ...............................................25

Compact FBM 216b/218........................................98 FBM 215/218........................................................25
FBM operational status .........................................98 FBM 244/245........................................................25
FBM214/214b/215/244..........................................98 TAs
FBM216/216b/218/245..........................................98 device connections ...............................................24
Termination assemblies ........................................ 9, 21

Network configurations ...............................................9
User-generated displays...........................................72

Output clamping
ROUT block .........................................................68
Output confirmation
ROUT block .........................................................67
Output initialization
ROUT block .........................................................68
Output signal flow
FBM 215 ..............................................................36
FBM 218 ..............................................................36

Part numbers
redundant adapter ................................................21
periodic/change-driven execution
DCI blocks ...........................................................67
Process operator displays.........................................72
Product application...................................................16

Quick start example..................................................14

Redundant Adapter
Related documents ....................................................6
Revision information...................................................6
Run-time software ....................................................12

Signal conditioning and linear scaling
RIN and ROUT block ............................................67
Simulation mode
DCI blocks ...........................................................67
SMDH .....................................................................80
Station displays........................................................72
Status transformations
DCI blocks ...........................................................70
System Manager displays .........................................80

TA....................................................................... 9, 21
TA cable connections

112 B0400FF, Rev V

Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
70 Mechanic Street
Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035–2040
United States of America

Global Customer Support: https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com

As standards, specifications, and design change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

© 2007–2023 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

B0400FF, Rev V

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