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Submitted by

R. GOKULPRAKAASH (1919103031)

P. HARISH (1919103035)

In partial fulfilment for the award of degree







MAY 2023

Submitted by

R. GOKULPRAKAASH (1919103031)

P. HARISH (1919103035)

In partial fulfilment for the award of degree







MAY 2023


Certified that this report “IOT BASED THREE PHASE POWER FAILURE
bonafide work of GOKULPRAKAASH R (1919103031) AND HARISH P
(1919103035) who carried out the project work under my supervision.


Department of ECE, Department of ECE,

Sona College of Technology, Sona College of Technology,

Salem-636005. Salem-636005.

Submitted for Project Viva-Voce examination held on



At this pleasing moment of the successful completion of our project, we

extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our parents and our beloved college

chairman Shri. C. VALLIAPPA, and our vice chairmen Shri. CHOCKO

VALLIAPPA and Shri. THYAGU VALLIAPPA who provided all the facilities

to us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our principal

Dr. S.R.R. SENTHIL KUMAR, for motivating us to do our project and for

offering adequate duration for completing our project. We are also immensely

grateful to our Head of the Department Dr. R.S. SABEENIAN, for his

constructive suggestion and encouragement during our project with deep sense of

gratitude, we extend our earnest and sincere thanks to our project guide

Dr. M. DHANASU, Professor, Department of ECE for his kind guidance and

encouragement during this project.

We also express us in debt thanks to our Teaching and Non-teaching staff

members of Electronics and communication Engineering, Sona College of

Technology. Finally, we take this opportunity to extend our deep appreciation to

our family and friends, for all that they meant to us during the crucial times of the

completion of our project.




Now-a-days technology has developed to a large extend. At the same time

the need for systems with robotization and high security are preferred. This is an

advanced system that monitors power failure. There are three phase when any

of the phases detects failure it notifies the concerned authority with the help of

announcement communication. This IoT system be connected with the Node

MCU and the wi-fi is connected for configuration purpose. When any of the

phase is dissociated due to failure, TV will indicate and an alarm will be given

by the buzzer. Our system sends announcement to the authorized number about

the disconnected phase. After the phase fault is remedied, the Node MCU and

IoT will stops transferring announcement to the stoner. This work presents the

advanced IoT grounded conception of power failure monitoring. It's used to

cover the failure of any of the phases of a three-phase power system and sends

an alert communication to a registered number in case of a fault. The monitoring

of the system done with the use of Node MCU and IoT. The system continuously

monitors each phase power of the three-phase power force and cautions the

stoner with an announcement, TV display, led, buzzer and blink monitoring app

is also set up therefore guarding the machines from single phasing and protects

it from damage of the windings and the machines.











3.1. Hardware Requirements 12

3.2. Software Requirements 12


4.1. Proposed System 13

4.2. Block Diagram 16

4.3 Block diagram explanation 17

4.3.1. Node MCU 18

4.3.2. Switch 20

4.3.3. Transformer 21

4.3.4. Connecting Wires 22

4.3.5. Battery 22

4.3.6. DC Motor 23

4.3.7. LCD Display 25

4.3.8. Buzzer 27

4.3.9. Relay 28

4.3.10. Blynk App 29

4.3.11. Arduino IDE 30

4.4. Existing system 31

4.5. Page of Coding 33









4.1 Block diagram 16

4.2 Node MCU 18

4.3 Switch 20

4.4 Transformer 21

4.5 Connecting wire 22

4.6 DC Motor 23

4.7 LCD Display 25

4.8 Buzzer 27

4.9 Relay 28

5.1 Hardware of the project 39

5.2 Indication in LCD display 39

5.3 Indication in Blynk IOT App 40




4.1 Components and its features 15

4.2 Node MCU Pin Description 19



A - Ampere

դ - Efficiency
GB - Giga Byte

Hz - Hertz

k - Kilo

kB - Kilo Byte
MΩ - Mega Ohm

mA - Milli-ampere

MB - Mega Byte

ms - Millisecond

V - Potential difference


AC - Alternate Current
DC - Direct Current

GPIO - General Purpose Input / Output

HDL - Hardware Descriptive Language

IDE - Integrated Development Environment

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LED - Light Emitting Diode

MCU - Micro Controller Unit

IOT - Internet Of Things

PLL - Phase Locked Loop

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication

VSI - Voltage Source Inverter



Because industrial and commercial operations rely on electricity, power outages

can cause significant downtime and financial losses. As a result of their manual
intervention and slow failure detection, conventional power failure diagnostic
and monitoring systems can delay corrective actions and make outages more
severe. An IoT-based three-phase power failure diagnostic and monitoring
system can be implemented to address this issue. This system monitors and
analyzes power system parameters, detects and diagnoses power failures in real
time, and predicts when they are most likely to occur. It also makes use of IoT
sensors, a gateway, a cloud-based platform, and machine learning algorithms.
The benefits of implementing such a system, which include reducing downtime,
increasing reliability, and minimizing the impact of power outages, are
highlighted in this important topic. It also demonstrates how the application of
Internet of Things (IoT) technology and machine learning algorithms can
enhance power system diagnostics and monitoring, allowing businesses to
swiftly implement corrective measures and lessen the financial losses brought on
by power outages.

By utilizing IoT innovation and AI calculations, the framework can give constant
checking, investigation, and finding of force disappointments, permitting
organizations to make remedial moves rapidly and lessen the effect of blackouts.
Non-critical systems can be automatically shut down, power can be redirected,
or maintenance workers can be notified to do repairs. Additionally, the cloud-
based stage permits organizations to get to constant and verifiable information
on power framework execution and create reports to illuminate support and fix


2.1 IoT Based Three Phase Power Monitoring and Failure Using GSM

AUTHOR: Sathish Kumar D, Dinesh C, Hari Haran U, Kamalakkumar S

At the point when one among the three-periods of a framework gets lost, it might
cause a stage misfortune. A "single phasing" loss is caused by a lightning strike,
a downed power line, or mechanical malfunction in switching equipment. The
power outage is monitored by this sophisticated system. We have three phases:
R, Y, and B. When one of the three phases fails, this system sends an SMS to the
authorized person. For configuration purposes, this IoT-based system is
connected to the GSM module. This framework shows the power disappointment
by showing the worth of voltage on the LCD show.

The authorized person is then informed about the disconnected phase via SMS
by this system. A text message is sent to the authorized person's mobile number
when the power is reconnected to the system to notify them that the phase is
operating normally. This is the method by which the authorized individual is
informed of the power outage and is able to resolve the issue.

A high frequency is produced when a line fault in the three-phase transmission

line causes a change in current and voltage at the fault location. The fault current
is relatively high due to the low fault impedance, and the voltage becomes
unbalanced during the fault.

We discovered that IOT is a very potent and useful idea for the current situation.
This IoT-based technology enables devices to connect to the internet and
facilitates remote device monitoring and management. As the capabilities of
computers and smart phones continue to advance at an ever-increasing rate, so
does the number of people who use the internet.

2.2 A Phase Tracking System for Three Phase Utility Interface Inverters

AUTHOR: Se-Kyo Chung

For the phase tracking system of the three phase utility interface inverters, the
phase-locked loop (PLL) system analysis and design are presented. The
optimization technique is taken into consideration for the second order PLL
system as we investigate the dynamic behavior of the closed loop PLL system in
both the continuous and discrete-time domains. In particular, measurement
errors and nonlinear load conditions are used to examine the three-phase PLL
system's performance in distorted utility conditions like phase unbalancing,
harmonics, and offset.

These distorted utility conditions' tracking errors are also derived. The stage
global positioning framework is executed in a computerized way utilizing a
computerized signal processor (DSP) to check the scientific outcomes. Based on
the analytical and experimental findings, the phase tracking system's design
considerations are deduced.

The utility interface operation of power converters is frequently used in

advanced power conversion and conditioning systems like static VAR
compensators, active power filters, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and
grid-connected photovoltaic or wind power generation systems in response to
growing demands for high quality, dependability, and usability of electric power
sources [3]. The phase tracking system is one of the most crucial components of
these systems because controlling the power factor is a common objective and
necessitates precise utility voltage phase information. In electrical systems,
phase and frequency information have typically been recovered and synthesized
using the phase-locked loop (PLL) method [1, 2]. The PLL technique has been
utilized for electric motor speed control in power electronics [5, 6].

2.3 Internal Model Based Smooth Transition of a Three-Phase Inverter
between Islanded and Grid-Connected Modes
AUTHOR: Sara Yazdani, Mehdi Ferdowsi, Pourya Shamsi

Technical advances in control, protection and interconnection of distributed

power generation units imply that it is practically viable and economically
profitable to keep them as backup generators in isolated operating modes.
Therefore, along with the development of islanding detection techniques,
seamless operation in transition between islanded and grid connected modes is
required and more sophisticated control strategies are needed to recognize the
existing working condition and adjust the performance to meet the strict
standards of grid interconnection.

This paper presents a new adaptive control structure, based on internal model
control (IMC), which uses multiple models and an inherent islanding detection
method through an optimized switching mechanism to tune the operation of a
three-phase inverter under transitions between islanded and grid tied conditions.

By applying a power synchronization method, the system emulates the operation

of a synchronous machine which is needless to rely on a phase-locked loop to
synchronize during the transitions. Hardware co-simulation environment in
Simulink/PLECS and Xilinx System Generator have been utilized to evaluate
the transient behavior of the controller in discretized domain and verify its
robustness during parameter variations and load switching conditions. Various
switching rules have been applied and a comparison of their effect in transient
response is demonstrated. The results, taken from several case studies, confirm
the significant robustness of the proposed control methodology.

2.4 Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Three Phase Inverters during
Voltage Sags to Meet Grid Codes and to Maximize Power Delivery

AUTHOR: Miguel Andrés Garnica López Luis García de Vicuña Jaume Miret,
Miguel Castilla, Ramón Guzmán
Inverter-based conveyed age assumes an indispensable part in the solidness and
dependability of new power frameworks. These systems must adhere to the
stringent requirements of grid codes to remain connected to the electrical
network during voltage sags. In power electronics research, low-voltage ride-
through control strategies are becoming increasingly common.

Notwithstanding, past investigations of these control methodologies have not

managed the various potential situations introduced by new lattice codes, and a
considerable lot of them center on an extremely predetermined number of control
targets. An algorithm for maximizing the converter's capabilities was developed
and tested experimentally in this study under various voltage sags. Six distinct
instances of current injection are identified in this study using unbalanced
voltage drops of various severity levels and the restrictions imposed by grid
codes. The findings of the study represent a further step toward the creation of
flexible controllers that can adapt to the environments of intelligent electricity
grids that heavily integrate distributed generation.

Worldwide recognition of the difficulties brought on by the rapid expansion of

energy demand Current research is centered on concepts like energy transition,
dependable energy supply, sustainable energy resources, and a low
environmental footprint. Proof proposes that low-voltage ride-through (LVRT)
capacity is the main necessity for keeping up with network honesty and it is
characterized as a voltage-against-time profile at the association point for
shortcoming conditions .

2.5 Internet-of-Things Based Controller of a Three-Phase Induction Motor
Using a Variable-Frequency Driver
AUTHOR: Guo-Ming Sung, Yen-Shih Shen, Lelisa Teso Keno, Chih-Ping Yu
Using a variable-frequency driver and an ESP8266 Node MCU Dev Kit board,
this paper proposes an Internet-of-Things-based controller to control and
monitor the speed, vibration, and temperature of a three-phase induction motor

A mobile app can be used to control the IM's rotation speed by varying its source
current through IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi computer communication. Additionally, the
IM's temperature, humidity, and vibration can all be monitored simultaneously
with the help of the DHT22 and SW-420 sensors. The detecting information are
communicated to the cloud server in constant over the Web. As a result, the
mobile app can access and monitor the IM's status. After investigation, the IM
can be controlled off assuming an irregularity exists in the information. Through
a Wi-Fi network, all of the functions that were designed are tested and verified
remotely. The experimental results indicate that the IM's speed is successfully
controlled. As a result, controlling IM from a distance using Wi-Fi networks is
simple, dependable, and adaptable.

The ever-expanding technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to

connect, control, and manage intelligent objects that have an IP address and are
connected to the Internet. By 2025, IoT devices, according to the US National
Intelligence Council, could be found in everyday items like food packages,
furniture, and paper documents [1]. Industrial systems will soon be able to access
machines and devices thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT).Right now, IoT is
broadly used to upgrade our regular routines using savvy gadgets and to
mechanize enlistment engine (IM) control. This will turn conventional
businesses into "smart industries."

2.6 Monitoring Parameters of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using IoT
AUTHOR: Ekkawach Noyjeen, Chattapon Tanita, Nattha Panthasarn, Pakpoom
The Internet of Things (IoT), which keeps things connected effectively, is
rapidly advancing technology. In this paper, the plan of IoT innovation is
introduced to screen and analyze the execution of a three-stage enlistment engine
and recording basic working boundaries. An Internet of Things-based platform
is one of the options for gathering and analyzing induction motor parameters.

Sensors like voltage sensors, current sensors, temperature sensors, and vibration
sensors make up the parameters. Using the MIT application, this data can be
stored in the cloud, accessed through web pages, and displayed on a smartphone.
When performance exceeds limits, it will be informed promptly. An induction
motor can be examined immediately to prevent motor downtime and save money
and time. The benefits of checking acceptance engine by utilizing IoT are notice
for shortcoming ready and authentic information for prescient upkeep.

The industrial sector is currently using a lot of electrical energy, which is driving
up the price of energy. It likewise affects electrical gear. Particularly, huge three-
stage enlistment engine is the generally well known engine for driving modern
hardware what's more, creation framework. A three-phase induction motor's
advantages include self-starting, durability, a high power factor, and low cost
without sacrificing performance [1]. There is a three-phase power fault that is
not symmetrical, a voltage that is out of balance, an overvoltage, an overload, or
a mechanical fault like a broken rotor shaft, an air gap problem, or bearing
damage. This might cause a vibration and a boisterous which harms the stator
winding [2]. Therefore, electrical and mechanical factors determine an induction
motor's efficiency.

2.7 Real-Time Wireless Monitoring for Three Phase Motors in Industry: A
Cost-Effective Solution using IoT

AUTHOR: Talha Ahmed Khan, Faraz Ahmed Shaikh, Sheroz Khan, M Farhan
Performance capabilities and their requirements for corporate clients and the
industrial sector are rapidly expanding in today's modern environment.
Automation and evaluation in networks, artificial intelligence, data sensing, data
mining, and big data are all areas in which the Internet of Things (IoT) is an
innovative and rapidly expanding field. Different industrial processes are
frequently monitored and controlled by these systems.

Due to their flexibility and low cost, Internet of Things (IoT) systems are used
in a variety of industries. In this paper, we created a system that uses a wireless
network to monitor the current reading of a three-phase motor in real time. Data
can be saved, monitored, and transferred to cloud storage using this system. This
system is made up of an Arduino-UNO board, an ACS-712 current sensor, and
an ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module that sends data to an IoT API service called THING-
SPEAK, which acts like a cloud for monitoring data from various sensors.

The goal of this study is to develop an Internet of Things-based wireless

monitoring system for industrial three-phase motors. In [1-2] creators recorded
and caught different ecological variables like dampness, light force, temperature
and a few different boundaries were recorded, estimated and afterward data was
sent remotely to Thing-Talk with the assistance of Arduino UNO,
microcontroller and sensor organizations. The use of MATLAB for analysis and
visualization is the primary focus of this work. The data was sent to the cloud of
Thing-Speak. In contrast to the sensor LPC2148, this system's Arduino UNO is
cost-effective and simple to install.

2.8 A Review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC–DC Converters

AUTHOR: Bhim Singh, Brij N. Singh, , Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad

Power-factor correction, reduced total harmonic distortion at the input ac mains,

and regulated dc output in buck, boost, buck–boost, multilevel, and multipulse
modes with unidirectional and bidirectional power flow have all been developed
to a matured level in three-phase ac–dc converters.

Three-phase improved power quality ac–dc converters (IPQCs) configurations,

control strategies, component selection, comparative factors, recent trends,
suitability, and application selection are all thoroughly examined in this paper.
Its purpose is to inform researchers, designers, and application engineers
working with three-phase ac–dc converters of the most recent developments in
IPQC technology. Additionally, for quick reference, a classified list of
approximately 450 IPQC-related research articles is included.

Adjustable-speed drives (ASDs), uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), high

voltage direct current (HVdc) systems, utility interfaces with nonconventional
energy sources like solar photovoltaic systems (PVs), and other applications
frequently make use of three-phase ac–dc conversion of electric power.

Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in process technology like welding

units and electroplating battery charging for electric vehicles, and power supplies
for telecom frameworks [1]-[25]. Diodes and thyristors have traditionally been
used in the design of ac–dc converters, which are also referred to as rectifiers, in
order to supply controlled and uncontrolled unidirectional and bidirectional dc
power. Utilizing new solid-state self-commutating devices like MOSFETs and
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), a new breed of rectifiers has been
developed in light of their increased applications.

2.9 Grid Current Regulation of a Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter with
an LCL Input Filter

AUTHOR: Erika Twining, Donald Grahame Holmes,

A voltage source inverter (VSI) is connected to the supply network via a filter in
many grid-connected power electronic systems, such as STATCOMs, UPFCs,
and distributed generation system interfaces. The switching harmonics that enter
the distribution network are reduced by this filter, which typically has a series
inductance. A LCL network is an alternative filter that can reduce harmonic
distortion at lower switching frequencies and with less inductance, making it
suitable for higher power applications. Systems with LCL filters, on the other
hand, necessitate more intricate control strategies and are uncommonly discussed
in the literature.

A solid plan for controlling the grid current entering a distribution network from
a three-phase VSI system connected via an LCL filter is presented in this paper.
In order to maintain system stability, the strategy combines inner capacitor
current regulation with an outer loop grid current regulator. The outer grid
current control loop is implemented with a synchronous frame PI current
regulation strategy. The control algorithm's stability under a variety of operating
conditions is confirmed through linear analysis, simulation, and experimental

At last, articulations for "consonant impedance" of the framework are inferred

to concentrate on the impacts of supply voltage twisting on the consonant
execution of the framework. Typically, these converters are based on a voltage
source inverter (VSI) that is connected to the supply network commonly, basic
series inductors are utilized as the channel interface between the VSI and the
matrix organization.


AUTHOR: Carol S. Cheng, Dariush Shlrmohammadi

For real-time analysis of primary distribution systems, r presents a three-phase

power flow solution method. In order to model dispersed generation (PV nodes),
unbalanced and distributed loads, voltage regulators and shunt capacitors with
automatic local tap controls, this method is a direct extension of the
compensation-based power flow method for weakly meshed distribution
systems[ 11 from single phase to three phase.

While still maintaining the high execution speed required for real-time
application in distribution automation systems, the proposed method is able to
address these modeling issues. The paper likewise incorporates test results from
the utilization of a PC program created in view of the proposed technique to
enormous essential electric dissemination frameworks.

A robust and effective power flow solution method is needed for a lot of
distribution automation real-time application programs. A power flow solution
method of this kind needs to be able to accurately model the particular
characteristics of distribution systems. The most prominent characteristics of
electric distribution systems include: Structure that is radial or close to it Multi-
phase, unbalanced, grounded, or ungrounded operation Dispersed generation
Multi-phase, multi-mode control distribution equipment Distributed loads that
are not balanced extremely many branches Nodes. Some power stream strategies
that could manage ~ome of these elements have previously been created [l-51.
The system admittance matrix and an iteration scheme analogous to Newton-
Raphson power flow are the foundations of one type of these algorithms [4, 5].




5. LCD
8. LED






Smart switches that are installed at various points in the electrical system, such
as the transformer, circuit breakers, and distribution panels, could be used in a
proposed switch-based system for three-phase power failure diagnosis and

There are a number of advantages to the proposed switch-based system over the
current one. It can automatically switch to backup power and monitor and
analyze the electrical system in real time. This saves maintenance personnel time
and money by reducing the need for manual monitoring and inspection. Because
it does not require specialized knowledge or expertise in IoT technology, the
system is also relatively simple to set up and maintain.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to keep in mind. The system may
not have the same level of data analytics and reporting capabilities as an IoT-
based system and may not be as adaptable or scalable. The utilization of brilliant
switches may likewise require extra interest in new hardware or retrofitting
existing gear. Additionally, proper data privacy and security measures should be
implemented because the system may be susceptible to cyberattacks or other
security breaches.


• Real-time monitoring: The proposed system provides real-time

monitoring of the electrical system, allowing for quick detection and
diagnosis of power failures or abnormalities. This can minimize downtime
and improve system reliability.
• Automatic backup power switching: The use of smart switches can
enable the system to automatically switch to a backup power source in the
event of a power failure. This can reduce the impact of power outages and
help ensure continuity of operations.
• Reduced need for manual monitoring: The proposed system can reduce
the need for manual monitoring and inspection by maintenance personnel,
saving time and resources.
• Easy to implement and maintain: The system using switches is
relatively easy to implement and maintain, as it does not require
specialized knowledge or expertise in IoT technology. The use of wired
or wireless communication protocols such as Modbus or ZigBee allows
for easy connectivity with the central controller.
• Cost-effective: The proposed system can be cost-effective compared to
an IoT-based system, as it involves the use of smart switches and a central
controller, which are relatively affordable and readily available.
• Increased precision: Power failure detection and diagnosis accuracy can
be improved and false positives and negatives reduced with the use of
smart switches and advanced algorithms. The electrical system's overall
effectiveness and dependability may be enhanced as a result.


1. Node MCU (ESP8266) To do the programmed operations like to

trigger relays and to transfer data to GSM

2. DC Battery To provide power supply to the circuit in case

of a power failure

3. Bridge Rectifier To convert the ac source to dc source as the

node MCU works on only dc source

4. Relay Drive(ULN2003) To switch on/off the power supply

5. Resistors To limit the current to the circuit

6. LCD To monitor the current status of the project

7. Mobile Phone To monitor the power usage through IOT

8. Connecting wires To make connections between the components

9. Transformer To step down the high voltage to the lower


TABLE 4.1 Components and its Features







Fig. 4.1 Block diagram


4.3.1 NODE MCU:

Fig.4.2 Node MCU

There are designs for open-source prototyping boards and an open source
firmware for the NodeMCU. The term "NodeMCU" is a combination of the
words "node" and "MCU" (micro-controller unit). [Citation needed]
Specifically, the term "NodeMCU" refers to the firmware rather than the
development kits that are associated with it. Both the designs for the prototyping
boards and the firmware themselves are open source

[Citation needed] The firmware makes use of the Lua scripting language. The
Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266 serves as the foundation for the firmware,
which is based on the eLua project. It uses a lot of open source projects, like lua-
cjson [9] and SPIFFS[10]. Users have to choose the modules that are right for
their project and make a firmware that fits their needs. Additionally, 32-bit
ESP32 support has been implemented.

A circuit board known as a dual in-line package (DIP) is typically used for
prototyping. It combines a USB controller with a smaller surface-mounted board
containing the MCU and antenna.

Breadboard prototyping is made simple by choosing the DIP format. The Wi-Fi
SoC integrated with a ten silica Xtensa LX106 core, which is widely utilized in
IoT applications (see related projects), served as the initial basis for the design.
Node MCU was. Node MCU was launched on October 13, 2014, when
developer Hong committed the first file of node MCU-firmware to GitHub.

Two months later, Huang R committed the Gerber file of an ESP8266 board,
which was named devkit v0.9. Later that month, Tuan PM ported the MQTT
client library from Contiki to the ESP8266 SoC platform, and committed it to
the Node MCU project. Node MCU was then able to support the MQTT I One
more significant update was made on 30 Jan 2015, when Devsaurus ported the
u8glib [16] to the Node MCU project, [17] empowering Node MCU to handily
drive LCD, Screen, OLED, even VGA shows. The firmware project was taken
over by a group of independent contributors in the summer of 2015. The original
creators left the project in that summer. The Node MCU had more than 40
different modules by the summer of 2016.

Node MCU provides access to the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) and a
pin mapping table is part of the API documentation.

I/O index ESP8266 pin

0 [*] GPIO16





5 GPIO14

6 GPIO12

7 GPIO13

8 GPIO15


10 GPIO1

11 GPIO9

12 GPIO10

Table.4.2 Node MCU Pin description

D0 (GPIO16) can only be used for GPIO read/write. It does not support open-
drain/interrupt/PWM/I²C or 1-Wire

4.3.2 SWITCH :

Fig.4.3 Switch
The most common type of switch is an electromechanical device made up
of one or more sets of movable electrical contacts connected to external
circuits. In electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that
can disconnect or connect the conducting path in an electrical circuit,
interrupting the electric current or diverting it from one conductor to
another.[1][2] At the point when a couple of contacts is contacting current
can pass between them, while when the contacts are isolated no current
can stream. There are many different ways to make switches; they could
have a single knob or actuator that controls multiple sets of contacts, and
the contacts could work simultaneously, sequentially, or alternately. A
switch can be operated manually, like a light switch or a keyboard button,
or it can serve as a sensing element, like a thermostat, to measure the
temperature, pressure, or level of a liquid or machine part.
The toggle switch, rotary switch, mercury switch, push-button switch,
reversing switch, relay, and circuit breaker are just a few of the many
specialized types of switches. Controlling lighting is a common use, and
multiple switches can be wired into a single circuit to make it easy to
control light fixtures. High-powered circuit switches must be constructed
specifically to prevent destructive arcing when opened.
The most familiar form of switch is a manually operated
electromechanical device with one or more sets of electrical contacts,
which are connected to external circuits. Each set of contacts can be in one
of two states: either "closed" meaning the contacts are touching and
electricity can flow between them, or "open", meaning the contacts are
separated and the switch is non conducting. The mechanism actuating the
transition between these two states (open or closed) is usually (there are
other types of actions) either an "alternate action" (flip the switch for
continuous "on" or "off") or "momentary" (push for "on" and release for
"off") type.
A switch may be directly manipulated by a human as a control signal to a
system, such as a computer keyboard button, or to control power flow in
a circuit, such as a light switch.


Figure. 4.4 Transformer

The transformer in the simplest way can be described as a thing that steps
up or steps down voltage. In a step-up transformer, the output voltage is
increased and in a step-down transformer, the output voltage is decreased. The
step-up transformer will decrease the output current and the step-down
transformer will increase the output current for keeping the input and the output
power of the system equal.

The transformer is basically a voltage control device that is used widely

in the distribution and transmission of alternating current power. The idea of a
transformer was first discussed by Michael Faraday in the year 1831 and was
carried forward by many other prominent scientific scholars. However, the
general purpose of using transformers was to maintain a balance between the
electricity that was generated at very high voltages and consumption which was
done at very low voltages.

Figure. 4.5 Connecting Wires

Connecting wires allows an electrical current to travel from one

point on a circuit to another, because electricity needs a medium through
which to move. In the case of computers, wires are embedded into circuit
boards, carrying pulses of electricity that are interpreted as binary signals of
zeros and ones.

A battery is a source of electric power that powers electrical devices
and is made up of one or more electrochemical cells with connections to the
outside [1]. The positive terminal of a battery is called the cathode, and the
negative terminal is called the anode [2]. The negative terminal is the source of
electrons that will flow to the positive terminal through an external electric

A redox reaction occurs when a battery is connected to an external electric load.

This process turns high-energy reactants into lower-energy products, and the
free-energy difference is sent as electrical energy to the load. In the past, a device
with multiple cells was specifically referred to as a "battery," However, the use
has expanded to include devices with a single cell [3].

Primary batteries, also known as "disposable" or "single-use," are used once and
thrown away because the electrode materials change irreversibly during
discharge; a typical model is the basic battery utilized for spotlights and a huge
number of convenient electronic gadgets.

Using an electric current, secondary (rechargeable) batteries can be discharged

and recharged multiple times; the first structure of the cathodes can be
reestablished by turn around current. Models incorporate the lead-corrosive
batteries utilized in vehicles and lithium-particle batteries utilized for convenient
hardware like PCs and cell phones.

From tiny cells that power hearing aids and wristwatches to enormous battery
banks the size of rooms that supply standby or emergency power to telephone
exchanges and computer data centers, batteries come in a variety of shapes and
sizes. Compared to common fuels like gasoline, batteries have a much lower
specific energy (energy per unit mass). This is partially compensated for in
automobiles by electric motors' superior efficiency in converting electrical energy
into mechanical work in comparison to combustion engines.

4.3.6. DC MOTOR

Fig.4.6 DC Motor

A DC motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy. It is a type of motor that runs on direct current (DC) and is
used in a wide range of applications, from household appliances to industrial

DC motors consist of two main parts: a stator and a rotor. The stator is the
stationary part of the motor that contains the magnetic field, and the rotor is the
rotating part that carries the electrical current. When electrical current flows
through the rotor, it interacts with the magnetic field of the stator, producing a
torque that causes the rotor to rotate.

DC motors come in different types and configurations, including brushed and

brushless motors. Brushed DC motors use a system of brushes and a commutator
to transfer electrical power to the rotor. Brushless DC motors, on the other hand,
use electronic circuits to control the flow of current to the rotor, eliminating the
need for brushes and commutators.

DC motors have several advantages over other types of motors, including high
torque and speed control, easy to use and control, and relatively low cost. They
are commonly used in applications that require precise speed control, such as
robotics, CNC machines, and electric vehicles.

In summary, DC motors are electrical devices that convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy and are used in a wide range of applications. They consist of
a stator and rotor, come in different types and configurations, and have several
advantages over other types of motors.


Fig.4.7 LCD Display

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronically

modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid
crystals combined with polarizers. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly [1]
but instead use a backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.
[2] LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as in a general-purpose
computer display) or fixed images with low information content, which can be
displayed or hidden. For instance: preset words, digits, and seven-segment
displays, as in a digital clock, are all good examples of devices with these displays.

They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images are made from
a matrix of small pixels, while other displays have larger elements. LCDs can
either be normally on (positive) or off (negative), depending on the polarizer
arrangement. For example, a character positive LCD with a backlight will have
black lettering on a background that is the color of the backlight, and a character
negative LCD will have a black background with the letters being of the same
color as the backlight. Optical filters are added to white on blue LCDs to give
them their characteristic appearance.

LCDs are used in a wide range of applications, including LCD televisions,
computer monitors, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and indoor and
outdoor signage. Small LCD screens are common in LCD projectors and portable
consumer devices such as digital cameras, watches, calculators, and mobile
telephones, including smartphones. LCD screens have replaced heavy, bulky and
less energy-efficient cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays in nearly all applications.

The phosphors used in CRTs make them vulnerable to image burn-in when a
static image is displayed on a screen for a long time, e.g., the table frame for an
airline flight schedule on an indoor sign. LCDs do not have this weakness, but are
still susceptible to image persistence.

The LCD uses technology called electro-optical modulation. This means it uses
electricity to change how much light passes through it.

Each pixel (block) of an LCD is made of a thin layer of molecules between two
electrodes and two polarizing filters. The electrodes provide electric power to the
liquid crystal layer, and don't block the light. Light travels with 'polarity' or
direction, and a polarizing filter only lets light with one kind of polarity to go
through it, like trying to slide a ruler through a narrow opening. Only when the
ruler is lined up right, will it fit.

These two filters are perpendicular to one another, so the narrow openings are in
different directions. This means that without the liquid crystals between them,
they would block all light from passing through – whatever light gets through the
first filter will not fit through the second filter.

4.3.8 BUZZER:

Fig.4.8 Buzzer

An audio signaling device like a beeper or buzzer may be electromechanical

or piezoelectric or mechanical type. The main function of this is to convert the
signal from audio to sound. Generally, it is powered through DC voltage and used
in timers, alarm devices, printers, alarms, computers, etc. Based on the various
designs, it can generate different sounds like alarm, music, bell & siren.
The pin configuration of the buzzer is shown below. It includes two pins namely
positive and negative. The positive terminal of this is represented with the ‘+’
symbol or a longer terminal. This terminal is powered through 6Volts whereas the
negative terminal is represented with the ‘-‘symbol or short terminal and it is
connected to the GND terminal.

4.3.9 RELAY

Fig. 4.9 Relay

A relay is an electrical switch that is controlled by an electromagnet. It is used to

control electrical circuits by turning them on or off. The relay consists of two main
components, a coil and a set of contacts. When an electric current flows through
the coil, it creates a magnetic field that attracts or repels a metal armature, causing
the contacts to open or close.

Relays are used in a variety of applications, including industrial automation,

automotive systems, and home appliances. They can be used to control high
voltage and high current circuits, making them useful for switching power to
motors, lights, and other electrical devices.

Relays come in different types, including electromechanical relays, solid-state

relays, and reed relays. Electromechanical relays are the most common type and
use a physical moving part to switch the contacts. Solid-state relays use
semiconductor technology to switch the contacts without any moving parts, while
reed relays use a small magnetic reed switch.

Relays can be controlled using various types of input signals, including digital
signals, analog signals, and even other relays. They are often controlled by

microcontrollers, such as those found in the Arduino board, which can send
signals to the relay to turn it on or off.

In summary, relays are electrical switches that are controlled by an electromagnet.

They are used to control electrical circuits by turning them on or off and are
commonly found in industrial automation, automotive systems, and home
appliances. Relays come in different types and can be controlled using various
input signals.

4.3.10. BLYNK APP

Blynk is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that allows users to easily build and
control their own connected projects. It provides a mobile app and a cloud-based
backend infrastructure that enables communication between the app and various
hardware devices.

With Blynk, you can create custom interfaces on your smartphone or tablet to
interact with your IoT devices and sensors. The platform supports a wide range of
hardware, including Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, and many more. It provides
a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface builder, making it simple to design and
customize the control panels for your IoT projects.

The Blynk app offers a wide range of widgets and features that you can use to
control and monitor your devices. These include buttons, sliders, gauges, graphs,
and notifications. You can create buttons to turn devices on or off, sliders to adjust
parameters, and gauges to display sensor data in real-time. Blynk also supports
data logging, allowing you to store and analyze historical data from your IoT

One of the key features of Blynk is its cloud-based infrastructure. When you create
an account on the Blynk platform, you get access to a cloud server that acts as a

mediator between your app and your hardware. This means you can control your
devices remotely, even if they are on a different network or in a different location.
The Blynk cloud server securely handles the communication, ensuring your data
is transmitted safely.

Blynk provides an extensive library of code examples and documentation to help

you get started with your projects. It supports popular programming languages
such as C++, Python, and JavaScript, allowing you to write code for your
hardware devices and integrate them with the Blynk platform.

In summary, Blynk is an IoT platform that simplifies the process of creating and
controlling connected projects. It offers a mobile app with a drag-and-drop
interface builder, a wide range of widgets, and a cloud-based infrastructure for
remote access and communication. With Blynk, you can quickly prototype and
deploy your IoT projects without the need for extensive coding knowledge.


The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software

program used for programming and developing applications for the Arduino
microcontroller board. It is an open-source tool that provides a user-friendly
interface for programming and uploading code to the Arduino board.

The IDE consists of a text editor for writing code, a message console for
displaying messages and debugging information, and a toolbar for accessing
various programming and upload options. The text editor provides features such
as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code templates that make it easier
for programmers to write and edit code.

The Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of the Embedded C programming

language that is easy to learn and use. The code is written in a format known as
"sketches," which are collections of functions and code blocks that are used to
control the behavior of the microcontroller board.

Once the code is written, it can be uploaded to the Arduino board using a USB
cable or wireless connection. The IDE includes a built-in serial monitor that
allows the programmer to communicate with the board and display real-time data
and information.


The current framework for power disappointment analysis and checking

regularly includes manual observing and review by support staff. This entails regularly
inspecting the electrical system to look for unusual behavior or indications of a power
However, because it relies on human observation and interpretation, this method can be
time-consuming and error-prone. Because maintenance personnel are unable to be
present at all times, it is also challenging to monitor the system continuously and in real
The current system may make use of sensors or monitoring devices in some instances,
but these are frequently limited in their functionality and may not provide real-time data
or advanced analytics for the purpose of detecting and diagnosing power failures.
An IoT-based three-stage power disappointment conclusion and observing framework
offers a few benefits over the current framework. Utilizing cutting-edge sensors and
analytics, it detects and diagnoses power failures or abnormalities and provides
continuous and real-time monitoring of the electrical system. It can also send alerts to
maintenance workers or other stakeholders, allowing them to act quickly and
appropriately to fix the problem.

Overall, an IoT-based system provides a more efficient and effective method for
monitoring and diagnosing power outages. This can increase the electrical system's
reliability and safety while also cutting down on downtime and costs associated with


Cost: Implementing an IoT-based system can be expensive, as it involves installing

sensors, gateways, and other hardware, as well as developing software and cloud-based
platforms. The cost of maintenance and updates should also be taken into account.
Complexity: IoT systems can be complex, and may require specialized knowledge and
expertise to design, implement, and maintain. This can be a challenge for organizations
that do not have the necessary technical resources or expertise.
Data privacy and security: IoT systems involve the collection and transmission of
sensitive data, which can be vulnerable to cyberattacks or other security breaches.
Organizations need to ensure that proper data privacy and security measures are in place
to protect against these risks.
Compatibility: Integrating an IoT system with existing infrastructure and equipment can
be challenging, particularly if the equipment is older or not designed for IoT
connectivity. This may require additional investment in new equipment or retrofitting
existing equipment.
False positives: IoT systems can generate false positives if the sensors or analytics
algorithms are not calibrated correctly. This can result in unnecessary alerts and
notifications, which can be a nuisance and may distract maintenance personnel from
more critical tasks.

Maintenance: An IoT-based framework requires customary upkeep and updates to
guarantee that it keeps on working appropriately. This might necessitate investing in
hardware, software, and maintenance staff in addition to additional resources.


#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "3 Phase"
// Comment this out to disable prints and save space
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

int motor = D8;

int buzzer = A0;
int led = D4;
const char b1 = D6;
const char b2 = D5;
const char b3 = D3;
bool pressed = false;
bool b1v;

bool b2v;
bool b3v;
void btn_read();
String msg = "";
// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "wifi";
char pass[] = "123456789";
BlynkTimer timer;
char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 80);

pinMode(b1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(b2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(b3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Turn on the blacklight and print a message.
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:;
// Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, msg );
if (b1v != pressed && b2v != pressed && b3v != pressed ) {
Serial.println("Totally Power Off");
Blynk.logEvent("3_phase", "Totally Power Off");
msg = msg + "a";
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Totally Poweroff");
} else if (b1v == pressed && b2v == pressed && b3v == pressed ) {
// Serial.println("Totally Power Off");
// msg = msg + "a";
// Firebase.setString(firebaseData, "/mine/labour/temp", "a");
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("All Phase On");
digitalWrite(motor, HIGH);
Serial.println("motor ON");
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(motor, LOW);
void button_logic_a()
if (b1v != pressed ) {
Serial.println("Phase 1 Off");
msg = msg + "Phase 1 Off";
Blynk.logEvent("3_phase", "Phase 1 Off");
// Firebase.setString(firebaseData, "/mine/labour/temp", "a");
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Phase 1 Off");
digitalWrite(motor, LOW);
Serial.println("motor OFF");
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
void button_logic_b()
if ( b2v != pressed ) {
Serial.println("Phase 2 Off");
msg = msg + "b";
Blynk.logEvent("3_phase", "Phase 2 Off");
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Phase 2 Off");
digitalWrite(motor, LOW);
Serial.println("motor OFF");
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
void button_logic_c()
if ( b3v != pressed ) {
Serial.println("Phase 3 Off");
msg = msg + "c";
Blynk.logEvent("3_phase", "Phase 3 Off");
lcd.print("3 PHASE");
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Phase 3 Off");
digitalWrite(motor, LOW);
Serial.println("motor OFF");
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
void btn_read() {
b1v = digitalRead(b1);
b2v = digitalRead(b2);
b3v = digitalRead(b3);



Fig.5.1 Hardware of the project

Fig.5.2 Indication in LCD Display

Fig.5.3 Indication in Blynk IOT App


In conclusion, an IoT-based three-phase power failure monitoring system can

offer insights into power usage patterns and real-time power failure monitoring

and diagnosis. The system can identify power outages, notify relevant parties, and

gain insight into power usage patterns by combining sensors, microcontrollers,

and cloud-based platforms.

An important advantage of a power failure monitoring system based on the

Internet of Things is that it can facilitate proactive maintenance rather than

reactive maintenance. The system can anticipate potential issues and alert

maintenance teams to take corrective action prior to power failures, rather than

waiting for them to occur. By reducing downtime and avoiding the need for

emergency repairs, this strategy can result in significant cost savings. By

providing accurate and up-to-date information on power usage patterns, the

system can also assist businesses in meeting regulatory requirements regarding

emissions and power consumption. An IoT-based three-phase power failure

monitoring system can improve the reliability and effectiveness of power supply

systems, reduce energy waste, and optimize power usage for businesses.


An IoT-based three-phase power failure monitoring system may benefit from the
following future enhancements:

Prescient Upkeep: By analyzing previous data and identifying patterns that may
result in future failures, the system can be designed to anticipate power outages
before they occur. This may assist in minimizing downtime and repair costs.

Learning by machine: Analyzing the sensor data and identifying power supply
anomalies can be done with the help of machine learning algorithms. The
framework can be prepared to recognize the main driver of force disappointments
and give proposals to settling them.

Connectivity to the Smart Grid: The framework can be incorporated with shrewd
lattice innovation to improve power utilization and decrease energy squander.
Power consumption can be dynamically adjusted in response to supply and

Integration with Sources of Renewable Energy: The system can be made better to
make it easier to integrate with renewable energy sources like wind and solar
power. In order to maximize power use and reduce waste, this may include
monitoring storage and generation systems.

Security: The framework can be intended to integrate progressed security

elements to safeguard against digital assaults and guarantee information
protection. Encryption, access controls, and methods for detecting intrusions are
examples of this.


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R. GOKULPRAKAASH (1919103031)

P. HARISH (1919103035)


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