Final Report Headgear

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in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree







MAY 2023



Certified that this project report “Shrewd Headgear For Worker’s Safety
Using LoRa Technology” isthe bonafide work of

NAVEEN KUMAR S (953619106049)

SARAVANAKUMAR S (953619106063)
VIJAYARAMMSEN A (953619106078)

who carried out the project work under my supervision.

Dr.C.Arunachala Perumal Dr.S.Vairaprakash
Professor, Associate Professor,
Department of ECE, Department of ECE,
Ramco Institute of Technology, Ramco Institute of Technology,
Rajapalayam-626117. Rajapalayam-626117.

Submitted for Viva-voce Examination held on …………………



We are greatly indebted to our Chairman Shri.P.R.VENKETRAMA

RAJA for providing excellent facilities to pursue our study and to carry
out our project work successfully.

We sincerely thank our Principal Dr.L.GANESAN for his

continuous support and advice.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dr.C.ARUNACHALA
PERUMAL, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering for his support and encouragement for the
completion of this project work.
We would like to thank our project coordinators Mr.R.DEIVA
NAYAGAM, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering and Dr.K.RAGAVAN for their support and

We are grateful to project guide Dr.S.VAIRAPRAKASH,

Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering for his insightful comments and valuable suggestions which
helped us to complete this project work successfully.
Our sincere thanks go to our revered faculty members and lab
technicians for their help during the course of this project work.

Last but not least, we extend our indebtedness towards our beloved
parents for their support which made this project a successful one.



The industry death rate at the location is rising daily. However, there

are still no opportunities to lower this fatality rate. Therefore, this system

suggests a smart flexible helmet for the construction workers to provide

security and rescue measures in case of any panic circumstances. This

helmet is intended to provide constant observation of the labours and to

prevent them from any health threats while working. The suggested

solution outlines a smart, reasonably priced helmet for construction

workers. Particularly when you think about the industrial and construction

industries, safety becomes a major concern. The project's goal is to make

construction sites safer and more secure for workers, hence lowering the

number of fatalities. Temperature, gas and buzzer sensors, as well as

Internet of Things (IoT) components like the ESP32 microprocessor

controller and LoRa to transmit signals over Wi-Fi, are all included in the

helmet. The purpose of this project is to describe a prototype system that

combines multiple IoT technologies and safety precautions for an industrial


No. No.
2.1 Problem Identification 3
2.1.1 Fires 3
2.1.2 Injuries 4
2.1.3 Carbon Monoxide Gas 4
3.1 Description of IoT 5
3.2 Architecture 5
3.2.1 Layers of IoT Architecture 6
3.2.2 Stages of IoT Architecture 8
3.3 IoT Technology and Protocol 11
3.4 IoT Software 13
3.5 Characteristics of IoT 14
3.6 Benefits of IoT 15
3.7 Motivation and Objectives 16
3.8 Advantages of IoT 16
3.9 Application 17
3.9.1 Smart Agriculture 17
3.9.2 Smart Vehicles 18
3.9.3 Smart Home 18
3.9.4 Smart Pollution Control 18
3.9.5 Smart Healthcare 19
3.9.6 Smart Cities 19
3.9.7 Smart Retail 19
4.1 Existing Method 21
4.2 Proposed Method 21
4.3 Block Diagram 22
4.4 Flow Diagram 25
4.5 Schematic Diagram 27
5.1 Hardware Requirement 31
5.1.1 ESP 32 31
5.1.2 LoRa 34
5.1.3 MQ - 3 Sensor 35
5.1.4 MPU6050 36 Gyroscope 36 Accelrometer 37 Temperature Sensor 37
5.1.5 Limit Swich 39
5.1.6 USB Connector 40
5.1.7 LCD 40
5.1.8 Buzzer 41
5.2 Software Requirement 42
5.2.1 Thing Speak 42 Things Speak Feature 43
5.2.2 IFTTT Software 44 IFTTT Feature 45
5.2.3 Ardino IDE 45 Specification of Ardino IDE 46
6.1 Results 47
7.1 Conclusion 52
7.2 Future Scope 52


No. No.
5.1 Specification of ESP 32 33
5.2 Specification of LoRa 34
5.3 MQ – 3 Pins 35
5.4 I2C to ESP 32 Interfacing Pins 40


No. No.
4.1 Block Diagram for Transmitter 22
4.2 Block Diagram for Receiver 24
4.3 Flow Diagram for Transmitter 25
4.4 Flow Diagram for Receiver 26
4.5 Schematic Diagram for Transmitter 27
4.6 Schematic Diagram for Receiver 29
5.1 ESP 32 33
5.2 LoRa 35
5.3 MQ – 3 Sensor 36
5.4 MPU6050 38
5.5 Limit Switch 39
5.6 Lcd 41
5.7 Buzzer 41
6.1 Shrewd Headgear for Transmitter 47
6.2 Shrewd Headgear For Receiver 48

ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter
API - Application Programming Interface
CO - Carbon Monoxide
CSV - Comma Separated Values
DAS - Direct- Storage Attached
ESP 32 - Embedded System Processor 32
GPIO - General Purpose Input/Output
IDE - Integrated Development Environment
IFTTT - If This Then That
IoT - Internet Of Things
I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit communication protocol
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation
LCD - Liqufied Crystal Display
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LTE - Long-Term Evolution
MATLAB - Matrix Laboratory
MPU - Motion Processing Unit
MQ - Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) type sensor
PC - Personal Computer
PPM - Parts Per Million
RSSI - Reserved Signal Strength Indicator
SDA - Serial Data
SOM - System on Module
USB - Universal Serial Bus
VCC - Voltage Common Collector



We started our research for the Shrewd Headgear For Worker’s Safety
project while working as interns in the industrial sectors. We all understood
the importance of safety because several members of our group worked in
the industrial sector. Workers frequently put their helmets away from their
heads when hiding from safety engineers and security cameras,
compromising their own safety.

The purpose of this research project is to create a smart helmet

prototype for workplace safety. Accidents that result in injuries frequently
occur in today's culture on the factory floor and at construction sites, and
they are almost always caused by bad illumination, poor visibility, and
noise. Helmets must be provided to employees in industrial settings in
order to reduce injuries and promote safety.

Mining and construction are two of India's most important economic

sectors. But for these industries and the people who work there, the
potential of events like fire breaks or gas leaks is a continual worry. The
workers face numerous problems and difficulties on the workplace as a
result of the wrong balancing of their work and safety. They suffer mental
distress in addition to physical harm.



Fan Zihhong [1] claimed that the "Quality and safety management of
construction" projects are inconsistent and nonsensical. To ensure safety, it
is first necessary to strengthen the construction engineering safety
management system. Because of this, we thoroughly investigated the
theory and application of construction safety management and added IoT
technology to it.

Nandhini, Mangala Padma, and V Priya G.V., Nandhini S., and Mr. K.
Dinesh suggested the "IoT based Smart Helmet for Ensuring Safety in
Industries" [3]. Industrial safety is a service to industry. Asphyxiation, gas
poisoning, and gas explosion are among the working risks. Consequently,
important considerations in industry include air quality and the detection of
hazardous events. In order to apply those safety precautions, the
recommended system provides a wireless sensor network for real-time
monitoring of the working environment from a monitoring station.

By V. Jayshree and M. Nivetha Kumari, suggested "IoT Based Smart

Helmet for Construction Workers"[2]. According to their approach,
employees should be constantly watched over to prevent any health
concerns while they are at work.In the event of an emergency, construction
workers can employ a smart, flexible helmet to provide security and rescue
operations. The recommended remedy calls for an inexpensive, sensor-
equipped smart helmet for construction workers.

K.M. Mehta, S.K. Shankar, Karthikeyan N, Nandhinee K, and Robin

Hedwig P suggested the "IoT Based Safety and Health workers" [5]. Safety
is the main problem in construction. There isn't a reliable solution to the
problem. Public safety is not assured while construction is underway. The
problem is frequently a result of strenuous professions or bad health.
Unreported falls from heights are one type of mishap that might result in
death from a lack of medical attention.

Leo Louis suggested the "Working Principle of Arduino and Using It

as a Tool for Study and Research" [4]. This essay looks at the workings and
potential applications of an Arduino board. This also looks at how useful it
might be in academic and scientific activities. The Arduino board is a
useful tool for creating a VLSI test bench, especially for sensors. A
straightforward interface and speedy processing are the main advantages.


The cement industry, like any other industrial sector, can face mishaps
that include fires, injuries, carbon monoxide (CO) gas incidents, and
infections. Here is some information about these specific issues and how
they can be addressed in the context of the cement industry.

2.1.1 Fires

Fires in the cement industry can be caused by various factors, such as

overheating of equipment, spontaneous combustion of stored materials,
electrical faults, or ignition of flammable substances. These fires can result
in property damage, production disruptions, and pose a significant risk to

employee safety. To prevent fires, cement plants should implement robust

fire prevention measures, including regular maintenance of equipment,
proper storage and handling of flammable materials, and effective fire
detection and suppression systems.

2.1.2 Injuries

The cement industry involves heavy machinery, conveyor belts,

moving parts, and work in confined spaces, which can increase the risk of
workplace injuries. Common accidents include falls from heights,
entrapment or crushing incidents, and slips, trips, and falls. To prevent
injuries, cement plants should prioritize workplace safety by implementing
safety measures such as machine guarding, proper signage, effective
lockout/tagout procedures, and providing adequate personal protective
equipment (PPE) to employees.

2.1.3 Carbon Monoxide Gas

Cement production involves high-temperature processes that can

generate carbon monoxide gas, which, if not properly controlled and
monitored, can pose health risks to workers. Exposure to CO can cause
symptoms ranging from mild headaches and dizziness to severe respiratory
problems or even death in extreme cases. Cement plants should have
effective ventilation systems, carbon monoxide detectors, and continuous
monitoring mechanisms in place to minimize the risk of CO gas exposure.



IoT stands for Internet of Things. It refers to the connectedness of

real-world items that have connectivity, software, and sensors built in to
enable communication and data sharing. This technology paves the way for
the creation of autonomous and more efficient systems by enabling the
collection and sharing of data from a vast network of devices.

The networking of physical objects with electronics incorporated into

their architecture to enable communication and the detection of interactions
between them or with the environment is known as the Internet of Things
(IoT). In the coming years, IoT-based technology will offer increasing
degrees of services, significantly changing how people go about their daily


IoT architecture can be seen in a variety of ways, and each IoT system
is distinct. But they all follow the same basic structure and progression.
The four main components of an IoT architecture are a processing system
(often a part of a cloud platform offering), a processing system to transport
data to and from the cloud, a processing system to store, manage, and
analyse the data locally or in the cloud, and connected hardware "things"
that collect and process data using sensors and controlling devices at the

3.2.1 Layers of IoT Architecture

For Internet of Things systems to function effectively, there are four

IoT architecture layers that each play a specialised role.

Device Layer

Devices, sensors, and actuators that collect data from their

surroundings and control items at the edge make up the sensing layer of the
Internet of Things architecture. Devices that observe or manage objects in
the physical world make up an IoT ecosystem's base layer. Businesses in
almost every industry are utilising the power of IoT, and new applications
are constantly being developed.

Communication Layer

Data is sent from the device layer to the Internet via the network layer,
which is the second layer. This is typically done through a gateway, which
frequently aggregates connections with several edge devices and may also
perform some further processing. Here, processing and decision-making
may be done in addition to security functions like malware prevention,
authentication, and encryption.The best way to further understand this layer
is to share a few distinct examples. After then, the gateway sends the data
to the cloud using cellular connectivity.The amount of cellular data utilised
each month and whether the majority of the data will be processed in the
cloud or on or near the device are typically determined by the use case,
even if many industries share a topology.

Cloud Ingest, Data Storage and Processing Layer

The data processing layer is in charge of preprocessing and data

analysis. Depending on the use and implementation, this layer may be
found in the gateway or the cloud. For use cases requiring real-time data,
such as driverless cars, applications for edge analytics can now access this
data. Data is handled and watched over while processing is being done.At
the data processing level, edge devices and gateways provide data such as
images and sensor readings.

In devices solutions refrigeration monitoring system, processing is

divided among many levels. Once every five minutes, a number of sensors
are sampled at the device level, and once an hour, these samples are sent to
the cloud via a gateway. If the device determines that the temperature is
outside of the parameters, it will send readings to the cloud via the gateway
immediately. Additional screening can be performed to eliminate false
alarms caused by events like a fleeting door opening before alerting end
users of a cloud issue. To uncover problems that require more samples,
data from several devices, or data from other sources like weather or
scheduling data, additional processing can be done on the cloud.

Application Layer

At the application layer, which resides in the cloud, data is used by

user apps. This is true even in the case of edge computing, which
frequently still interacts with the cloud for data that isn't required
immediately. Once the data has been processed in the cloud, it may be used
for a variety of purposes, such as tracking system performance, identifying
problems, and more, in industries like fleet management, smart cities,
manufacturing, healthcare, and smart farming.

3.2.2 Stages of IoT Architecture

Data is transferred from sensors attached to "things" through a

network to a business data centre or the cloud for processing, analysis, and
storage. This four-stage process is frequently described as the "IoT system
architecture.”In the Internet of Things, a "thing" could be a machine, a
building, or even a person. A process in the IoT architecture may provide
directives or commands to an actuator or other physically linked device
informing them what to do in order to regulate a physical process. An
actuator may take action that is as minor as turning on a light or as
important as shutting down an assembly line if it detects an impending

Stage 1 : Sensor and Actuators

A physical process or "thing" (in the case of actuators) is monitored or

controlled by connected sensors and actuators, which are the first two steps
in the process. In addition to many other things, sensors collect data on the
state of a process or the environment, such as temperature, humidity,
chemical composition, fluid levels in a tank, fluid movement in a pipe, or
the speed of an assembly line.

In certain situations, a sensor may detect a condition or occurrence

that requires a virtually instantaneous response so that an actuator can
implement corrective actions in real time, such as changing the flow rate of
a fluid or the movements of an industrial robot. In these situations, there
must be very minimal time between the sensor and the analysis or triggered
actuator. This important processing is carried out close to the activity that is
being tracked or managed in order to minimise the time required for data
delivery to the server, failure detection using data analysis, and control
delivery to the "thing." This "edge" processing can be done by a system on
module (SOM) device such a Digi ConnectCore® module or a Digi
Cellular Router with Python.

Stage 2 : Internet Gateways and Data Acquisition Systems

A data acquisition system (DAS) collects raw sensor data and converts
it from analogue to digital format. The DAS gathers and formats the data
before sending it via a wired or wireless WAN (such as Wi-Fi or cellular)
to an Internet gateway for additional processing. At this point, the volume
of data has peaked.

Stage 3 : Pre-processing: Analytics at the Edge

To further reduce the amount of data before it is delivered to a data

centre or the cloud, IoT data must be handled once it has been digitised and
aggregated. Some analytics may be a part of the edge device's pre-
processing. Currently, machine learning can be very helpful in providing
input to the system and continuously refining the process without having to
wait for instructions from the corporate data centre or cloud. This type of
processing typically takes place on a piece of hardware near the sensors,
such as in a wiring closet.

Stage 4 : In-depth Analysis in the Cloud or Data Center

In Stage 4 of the process, strong IT tools can be utilised to assess,

manage, and securely store the data. This frequently takes place at the
business' data centre or in the cloud, where data from numerous field sites
and sensors may be merged to give a more complete perspective of the
overall IoT system and provide useful insights to both IT and business
managers. Regardless of where a company operates, IoT data analysis can
be utilised to find anomalies or spot significant trends and patterns.

Applications that are industry-specific can be used at this level to

carry out in-depth analysis and apply business rules to determine whether
action is necessary. The information received could suggest useful changes
to the device's settings or other methods to expedite the process,
establishing a feedback loop that promotes continual improvement. Stage 4
also includes data warehouse storage for additional analysis and record-


Networking and standard protocol technologies are primarily used in

IoT. The key IoT supporting technologies and protocols are LTE-A, WiFi-
Direct, NFC, low-energy Bluetooth, low-energy wireless, and low-energy
radio. These technologies support the specific networking characteristics
needed in an IoT system, as opposed to a normal uniform network of
common systems.


For connection bootstrapping, payments, and identity and access

tokens, near-field communication (NFC) and RFID (radio-frequency
identification) provide simple, low-energy options.RFID tracks and locates
tags attached to objects using 2-way radio transmitters and
receivers.Communication protocols for electronic devices, frequently for a
mobile smartphone and a traditional device, make up NFC.

Low-Energy Bluetooth

In order to meet the low-power, long-use needs of IoT function, this

technology makes use of a standard technology with built-in support across
systems.It is a wireless communication technology designed for power-
efficient data transmission in IoT (Internet of Things) devices. It is an
extension of the traditional Bluetooth technology, optimized for
applications that require low power consumption and intermittent data

Low-Energy Wireless

This technology replaces the most power-hungry part of the IoT

system. Wireless communication must always be in the listening state even
when sensors and other components can be turned off for extended periods
of time. Low-energy wireless not only reduces consumption but also
lengthens a device's lifespan due to reduced usage.

Radio Protocols

ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Thread are radio technologies for creating low-
rate private area networks. These technologies are low-power but offer high
throughput, in contrast to many comparable alternatives. This improves
tiny local device network performance without adding to the typical costs.


LTE-A, or LTE Advanced, provides a considerable upgrade over LTE

technology by extending coverage while reducing latency and raising speed
at the same time. It gives IoT a lot of power and considerably extends its
range. Its primary applications are in vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicle, and
related communication systems.


An access point is not required for a WiFi-Direct network. It allows

for peer-to-peer connections at WiFi rates with less latency. WiFi-Direct

gets rid of a network element that usually causes it to lag without

sacrificing speed or throughput.


IoT software addresses its two primary networking and action

domains via platforms, embedded systems, partner systems, and
middleware. These specific and master apps are in charge of data
collection, device integration, real-time analytics, and application and
process expansion within the IoT network. They take advantage of
integration with key business systems (such ordering systems, robotics,
scheduling, and others) when performing associated tasks.

Data Collection

Data aggregation, light data security, light data filtering, and sensing
are all under the control of this software. By utilising specific protocols, it
aids sensors in establishing real-time connections to machine-to-machine
networks. The information is then gathered from numerous devices and
distributed according to specifications. It also functions backwards by
distributing data among many devices. The system eventually transmits all
of the information it has gathered to a centralised server.

Device Integration

The software that supports integration links (creates dependant

relationships between) all system devices, forming the body of the IoT
system. It ensures that devices are consistently collaborating and

networking. These apps constitute the IoT network's distinguishing

software technology because the IoT network cannot function without
them. They manage the various programmes, protocols, and limitations on
each device to make communication possible.

Real-Time Analytics

These programmes convert information or input from various devices

into usable actions or recognisable patterns that humans can investigate.
They evaluate information based on a variety of settings and designs to
perform automation-related tasks or provide the data required by industry.

Application and Process Extension

These apps offer a wider, more functioning system by increasing the

capability of existing software and systems. For specific purposes like
allowing access to specific mobile devices or engineering tools, they
contain preset devices. It promotes greater output and more accurate data


The Characteristics of Embedded system are

 Self adjusting − One of the most crucial aspects of IoT is this. IoT
devices can update their software to meet standards with the least
amount of user involvement. They can also set up the network,
making it possible to connect new devices to an existing network.

 Security − Sensitive personal information may be jeopardised when

a user's devices are all connected to the internet. As a result, the user
can sustain a loss. Therefore, the key problem is data security. The
required equipment is also very large. IoT networks may also be at
risk. Therefore, it is crucial that the equipment be safe.
 Identity and Intelligence − It is crucial to extract knowledge from
the generated data. For instance, a sensor might produce data, but
that information won't be helpful unless it is properly evaluated. IoT
devices each have a distinct identity. The equipment can sometimes
be tracked using this identity, and its condition can occasionally be


IoT solutions will be developed expressly to serve those organisations

as more firms employ IoT devices to increase productivity and profitability.
Businesses' bottom lines are already being impacted by IoT devices, from
cybersecurity to workplace productivity. Maintenance costs can be
decreased when IoT devices and sensors are used to keep business
equipment operating at full efficiency.

For instance, IoT plays a crucial role in the health industry. It can be
used to measure heart rate, check blood sugar levels, and monitor body
temperature.Medical professionals will save the results as big data or large-
scale data. To finish the task in accordance with the previously created
algorithm, the IoT machine just has to receive these checks.
A improved connection will allow the gadget system to perform more
rapidly and adaptably. Efficiency may grow as network connectivity gets
better. As a result, time is used to complete activities more

effectively.Connecting multiple devices or gadgets is made easier by it.

The gadget system will operate more quickly and flexible thanks to an
upgraded connection.Work efficiency is the second characteristic. Network
connectivity improvements could lead to increased efficiency. Time is
consequently utilised more efficiently to perform tasks.The final step is to
improve monitoring operations. IoT technology is also capable of
providing improved suggestions or ideas for job openings.


The goal of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to make it possible to

connect and integrate the physical and digital worlds. IoT has a wide range
of uses, such as the precise real-time sensing of our surroundings and the
integration of connected intelligence into commonplace products.

Consumer goods to state-of-the-art manufacturing automation systems

are just a few of the things that are impacted by IoT. IoT solutions
influence how companies create, manage, and support their goods as well
as how they rethink and improve their present business processes across the
whole value chain.


 Reduce human effort: IoT devices interact, communicate, and

perform a variety of tasks on our behalf, reducing our need to do so.
 Effective resource usage: We can use resources more efficiently if
we are aware of how each technology works and how it monitors
natural resources.

 Reduce human effort: IoT devices interact, communicate, and

perform a variety of tasks on our behalf, reducing our need to do so.
 Time is undoubtedly saved because less human effort is required.
Time is the primary resource that an IoT platform can conserve.


It is entirely possible for a network of interconnected "things" to be

created that can speak to one another online. IoT may be used for a
multitude of things, like connecting all the gadgets in your house to create a
smart home or even connecting all the public services in a city to create a
smart city! Who knows, we might even inhabit a smart planet in the future!

3.9.1 Smart Agriculture

Food is both necessary for survival and crucial to living. Sadly, even if
there is hunger in less developed countries, such as America and Chad, a
lot of food is wasted in affluent countries like America. One way to feed
everyone is to enhance farming practises, which can be done with the help
of IoT. This can be accomplished by first collecting data for a farm, such as
soil quality, sunlight levels, seed type, rainfall density, etc. from various
sources, such as farm sensors, satellites, local weather stations, etc., and
using this data with machine learning and the internet of things to create
specific recommendations for each farm that will optimise the planting
procedure, irrigation levels necessary, fertiliser amount, etc.

3.9.2 Smart Vehicles

The navigational sensors, multiple antennae, speed and braking

controls, among other parts of these autos, are interconnected and require

communication. Because self-driving cars need to be extremely precise and

have millisecond communication between all of their parts while operating,
the Internet of Things is essential in this case. Self-driving cars are being
developed by well-known Tesla Cars. The automobiles made by Tesla
Motors use the most modern advancements in artificial intelligence and the
internet of things.

3.9.3 Smart Home

Perhaps the most well-known application of IoT is in smart homes.

Who hasn't heard of the concept of having a single system that you can use
to control all of your home's appliances, including your air conditioner,
locks, thermostat, and lighting? These Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets are
becoming more and more popular because they provide you the freedom to
personalise your home anyway you choose. In fact, the enormous
popularity of IoT gadgets is causing 127 new devices to connect to the
internet every second. Devices like Google Home, Amazon Echo Plus, the
Philips Hue Lighting System, and others that are popular may have caught
your attention or perhaps been utilised by you.

3.9.4 Smart Pollution Control

Pollution is one of the major problems in most parts of the world. We

can't always distinguish if we're breathing in oxygen or haze. In this
situation, IoT can significantly contribute to bringing pollution levels down
to manageable levels. This can be done by using a number of sensors in
conjunction with IoT to collect data on urban contaminants such vehicle
emissions, pollen levels, airflow direction, weather, traffic volume, etc.
Machine learning algorithms can forecast pollution in different city sites
using this information, warning city officials of potential issues in advance.

3.9.5 Smart Healthcare

IoT is used in the healthcare industry for a variety of purposes,

including enabling clinicians to remotely monitor patients through a
network of connected tools and gadgets without having to be in their
immediate vicinity. This is quite beneficial if the patients don't have any
serious problems or communicable diseases like COVID-19 right now. One
of the most well-liked IoT applications is the use of robots in healthcare.
These include surgical robots, which can help doctors carry out treatments
more efficiently and with more control.

3.9.6 Smart Cities

By increasing their effectiveness, cities can become more resource and

energy efficient. This can be done by combining sensors that are dispersed
across the city and used for a number of tasks, including traffic control,
waste management, the construction of smart structures, and the
optimisation of streetlights. Many international cities, including Singapore,
Geneva, Zurich, Oslo, and many more, want to integrate IoT and become
smarter cities.

3.9.7 Smart Retail

Utilising cutting-edge technologies, like IoT, of course, can make

customers more eager to make purchases. Retail businesses may use IoT in
a number of ways to enhance the shopping experience for both customers
and employees.

Inventory management, improved business operations, reduced theft

and shoplifting, and fewer queues at the cash registers can all be achieved
with the help of IoT. An excellent example of this are the Amazon Go

stores, which provide an IoT-enabled purchasing experience. Customers

can just pick up what they need and exit the store without standing in line
at the register since these businesses utilise IoT to monitor every product
they sell.

In smart retail, IoT (Internet of Things) technology is used to improve

various aspects of the shopping experience. It involves the use of connected
devices and sensors to automate processes, monitor inventory levels, track
customer behavior, and optimize supply chain operations. IoT enables
retailers to manage their inventory more efficiently, provide personalized
services to customers, analyze data for better decision-making, and save
energy. By leveraging IoT solutions, retailers can enhance operational
efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall competitiveness in the retail




This proposed approach consists of developing a prototype for a

mine safety system using an Arduino microcontroller. This gadget consists
of both hardware and software elements. The android-based programme is
entirely made up of signals and a database where sensor readings are
displayed and added using hardware. For staff to maintain screen protection
and replace data at IOT websites, the use of Arduino, fuel sensors,
temperature sensors, and humidity sensors inside of sensors increases site

The engineers watched that different employees on the premises are

given a range of jobs. Making sure that everyone is working effectively and
efficiently is essential. A smart helmet based on the arduino is created in
order to achieve these goals. The continuous transmission of real-time
signals for monitoring will be made possible by the employment of several
installed sensors.


This system uses a LoRa and Wi-Fi module for implementation. MQ-
3, Buzzer, and Limit Switch are used. The processor keeps track of every
parameter. The on-site buzzer will activate if the sensor parameters limit
exceeds the specified limit. Additionally, the supervisor will also receive
notification of the worker's condition.

Limit switches are used to keep an eye on helmet wear. MQ3 keeps
an eye on the concentration of the hazardous gas.Additionally, the sensor
readings are kept in an internet database for future use.

In this experiment, the limit switch, MPU 6050, and MQ3 Sensor are
connected to an ESP 32 CPU.The sensor data is sent to the Lora transmitter
for useful purposes including long-distance transmission and private
networking.The Data Send to the receiver side processor has a buzzer for
notifications when the limit has been exceeded.The data is transferred to
the receiver Lora for user-purpose LCD display over a private
network.Data stored in the cloud for future use and manager notification
when it is exceeded


The figure 4.1 illustrate the block diagram of transmitter,

Figure 4.1 Block Diagram for Transmitter


To configure the MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensor, MQ-

3 gas sensor, and limit switch with an ESP32 microcontroller and transmit
the data through LoRa, follow these steps:
1. Connect the sensors: Establish the necessary connections between
the MPU6050, MQ-3, and limit switch with the ESP32, ensuring
correct pin connections for data and control.
2. Install libraries: Install the required libraries for the MPU6050,
MQ-3, and LoRa communication on the ESP32 microcontroller.
3. Initialize sensors: Configure and initialize the MPU6050 and MQ-3
sensors using the appropriate library functions to set desired
4. Read sensor data: Use library functions to read data from the
MPU6050 and MQ-3 sensors, and digital input to read the state of
the limit switch.
5. Prepare data: Create a data structure to store the sensor readings
and limit switch state, such as a JSON format or custom-defined
6. LoRa setup: Initialize the LoRa module on the ESP32 and configure
its settings, such as frequency, spreading factor, bandwidth, and
7. Transmit data: Convert the data structure into a byte array or string
and transmit it using LoRa communication methods, specifying the
destination LoRa module or gateway address.
8. Repeat: Implement a loop in the code to continuously read sensor
data, update the data structure, and transmit it via LoRa. Include
appropriate delays to control the transmission frequency.

The figure 4.2 illustrate the block diagram of receiver,

Figure 4.2 Block Diagram for Receiver

To summarize the steps involved in implementing the desired functionality:

1. Set up ESP32 as a LoRa receiver.
2. Receive data on ESP32 from the LoRa module.
3. Establish a connection with ThingSpeak.
4. Send the received data to ThingSpeak using HTTP or MQTT
5. Set up an IFTTT webhook applet for mobile notifications.
6. Define a data threshold for triggering notifications and alerts.
7. Compare received data with the threshold.
8. If the threshold is exceeded, trigger IFTTT to send a mobile
notification and activate the buzzer for an audible alert.

4.4 Flow Diagram

The following figure 4.3 shows the flow of transmitter,

Figure 4.3 Flow Diagram for Transmitter

1. Sensor Data Sensing: The sensor, which could be any type of

sensor such as temperature, humidity, motion, or light sensor, detects
and measures the physical quantity it is designed to monitor.
2. Data Transmission to ESP32: The sensor is typically connected to
an ESP32 microcontroller, which acts as the main processing unit.
The sensor sends the measured data to the ESP32 microcontroller
through a wired or wireless interface, depending on the sensor and
connectivity options available. The specific interface used will
depend on the sensor and the design of the system. Common
interfaces include I2C, SPI, UART, or GPIO pins.
3. Data Processing by ESP32: The ESP32 microcontroller receives
the data from the sensor. It can perform various operations on the

received data, such as data validation, calibration, filtering, or

formatting, depending on the application requirements. The ESP32
microcontroller has built-in computational capabilities to process the
received data efficiently.
4. LoRa Transmitter: Once the data is processed by the ESP32, it is
ready for transmission. The ESP32 is equipped with a LoRa (Long
Range) transmitter module, which enables long-range, low-power
communication. The LoRa transmitter uses a modulation technique
that allows for long-range communication with low power
5. Data Transfer to the Receiver Side: The ESP32 microcontroller,
using the LoRa transmitter, sends the processed data wirelessly to
the LoRa receiver. The LoRa transmitter converts the digital data
into a LoRa signal suitable for transmission.

The following figure 4.4 shows the flow of receiver,

Figure 4.4 Flow Diagram for Receiver


1. Set up ESP32 and connect it to Wi-Fi.

2. Configure LoRa for data transfer.
3. Collect data using ESP32's sensors.
4. Send the data via LoRa to the receiver.
5. Validate the received data for normal or abnormal values.
6. Display normal data on an LCD using appropriate functions.
7. Activate a buzzer if the data is abnormal.
8. Store all data, whether normal or abnormal, in an online data storage

4.5 Schematic Diagram

The pin connection of transmitter side is seen in the following figure

Figure 4.5 Schematic Diagram for Transmitter


To connect an MQ-3 gas sensor and MPU6050 accelerometer to an

ESP32 and configure a private networking using LoRa, you will need to
follow these steps:
1. MQ-3 Gas Sensor:
 VCC pin connects to a 5V pin on the ESP32.
 GND pin connects to a GND pin on the ESP32.
 AOUT pin connects to an analog input pin (e.g., A0) on the
2. MPU6050 Accelerometer:
 VCC pin connects to a 3.3V pin on the ESP32.
 GND pin connects to a GND pin on the ESP32.
 SDA pin connects to the SDA pin (e.g., GPIO21) on the
 SCL pin connects to the SCL pin (e.g., GPIO22) on the
3. LoRa Module:
 VCC pin connects to a 3.3V pin on the ESP32.
 GND pin connects to a GND pin on the ESP32.
 MOSI pin connects to the MOSI pin (e.g., GPIO23) on the
 MISO pin connects to the MISO pin (e.g., GPIO19) on the
 SCK pin connects to the SCK pin (e.g., GPIO18) on the
 NSS pin connects to the NSS pin (e.g., GPIO5) on the ESP32.
 DIO0 pin connects to a digital pin (e.g., GPIO26) on the

The pin connection of receiver side is seen in the following figure 4.6,

Figure 4.6 Schematic Diagram for Receiver

The ESP 32 connection for receiving data and transmitting it to the LoRa
receiver, as well as connecting a buzzer for abnormal condition indication
and an LCD display:
1. Receiving Data and Transmitting to LoRa Receiver:
 ESP32 receives sensor data from the MQ-3 gas sensor and
MPU6050 accelerometer.
 The data is processed and transmitted to the LoRa receiver
using the configured LoRa module.
 DIO0 pin on the LoRa module is connected to a digital pin on
the ESP32 for transmission completion or receive interrupts.

2. Buzzer Connection for Abnormal Condition Indication:

 Connect the positive terminal of the buzzer to a digital pin on
the ESP32.
 Connect the negative terminal of the buzzer to a GND pin on
the ESP32.
 Activate the buzzer in the ESP32 firmware when an abnormal
condition is detected.
3. LCD Display Pin:
 Connect the appropriate pins (VCC, GND, data/control pins)
of the LCD display to the corresponding pins on the ESP32.
 Initialize the LCD display in the ESP32 firmware and send
data or commands to display relevant information.




Hardware is the main resource of any IOT device, and the

requirements and standards of the designer choose which component to
utilise. Different types of hardware are used based on the applications.

5.1.1 ESP 32

The ESP 32 DevKit v1 was seen in figure 5,1 is one of the

development boards created to test the ESP-WROOM-32 module. The
ESP32 microcontroller, a single chip that supports WiFi, Bluetooth,
Ethernet, and Low Power, is the foundation of this system.The ESP32
already comes with filters, power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers, filters,
and a power management module. The answer takes up the least amount of
area overall on the printed circuit board.Because they have the best power
and RF characteristics and are safe, the TSMC 40nm low power 2.4 GHz
dual-mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chips are used on this board.Internal flash
memory for the ESP32 module is organised into a single flash area with
pages that are 4096 bytes long each. ESP 32 IDF SDK has reserved a
number of locations, but the flash initially starts at address 0x00000. There
are two different layouts based on the presence or absence of BLE support.

The ESP 32 DevKit v1 can be powered directly via either the "VIN"
pin or the on-board USB Micro B connector.

The device can be powered externally with voltages between 6 and 20

volts. The voltage is more than 12V, the voltage regulator could become
overheated and damage the device. The recommended range is 7 to 12
volts.The ESP32 DevKit v1 includes a serial-to-usb chip that enables
programming and opening of the UART on the ESP32 module. Drivers
may be necessary, depending on your operating system (Mac or Windows).
They are available on the Espressif documentation's official website. On
Linux machines, the DevKit v1 should work out of the box.

The following components are commonly found on the ESP32-

DevKitC development board's front side:

 ESP 32 Microcontroller: This component, which is the brains

of the board, controls software execution as well as a number of
other tasks, including as connecting to wireless networks and
interfacing with sensors.

 USB Connector: This connects the circuit board to a computer

so that it can be programmed and powered.

 On-board LED: Make use of this LED for debugging and


 Reset button: This button resets the microcontroller and is

useful for troubleshooting.

Table 5.1 Specification of ESP 32

Number of cores 2 (dual core)

Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz up to 150 Mbits/s

Bluetooth BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and legacy Bluetooth

Architecture 32 bits

Clock frequency Up to 240 MHz

RAM 512 KB

Pins 30, 36, or 38 (depending on the model)

Capacitive touch, ADC (analog to digital converter),

DAC (digital to analog converter), I2C (Inter-
Integrated Circuit), UART (universal asynchronous
receiver/transmitter), CAN 2.0 (Controller Area
Netwokr), SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), I2S
(Integrated Inter-IC Sound), RMII (Reduced Media-
Independent Interface), PWM (pulse width
modulation), and more.

Built-in buttons RESET and BOOT buttons

built-in blue LED connected to GPIO2; built-in red

Built-in LEDs
LED that shows the board is being powered


Fig 5.1 ESP 32


5.1.2 LoRa

Based on SEMTECH's SX1278 wireless transceiver, the Ra-02

wireless transmission module transmits data wirelessly. It has a
communication range of 10,000 metres and makes use of cutting-edge
LoRa spread spectrum technology. It has a potent anti-jamming feature and
the capacity to breathe wake-up air. Most often used for long-distance
spread spectrum transmission, the SX1278 RF module was shown in figure
5.4 can withstand minimising current consumption. With a power output of
+20 dBm, the SX1278 offers a high sensitivity of -148 dBm and excellent
dependability.In terms of anti-blocking and selection, LoRa modulation
technology has distinct advantages over conventional modulation
technology that address the problem that the previous design plan is unable
to take into consideration distance, interference, and power consumption at
the same time.It is especially suitable for smart homes, burglar alarms, and
the large population in the neighbourhood.

Table 5.2 Specification of LoRa

Sensitivity down to -148dBm
RSSI dynamic range 127dB
Working voltage 1.8-3.7v
Shipment Dimensions 8 × 7 × 1 cm
Shipment Weight 0.008 kg
Wireless frequency 433MHz
Programmable bit rates up to 300kbps
Communication distance 15KM

Figure 5.2 LoRa

5.1.3 MQ - 3 Sensor

The MQ-3 as illustrated in figure 5.3 module can detect alcohol,

benzine, CH4, hexane, LPG, and CO. SnO2, the sensitive element of the
MQ-3 gas sensor was described in figure 5.3, exhibits a lower conductivity
in clean air. When the target alcohol gas is present, the conductivity of the
sensor rises along with the gas concentration.

Table 5.3 MQ – 3 Pins

VCC This pin supplies power to the module and typically
runs at +5V.
GND Used as a connection between the module and the
system ground
Digital Out You may use this sensor to acquire digital output from
this pin by using the potentiometer to set a threshold
Analog Out This pin generates an analogue voltage that ranges from
0 to 5 volts, depending on the gas intensity.

Figure 5.3 MQ – 3 Sensor

5.1.4 MPU6050

The MPU6050 sensor was shown in figure 5.4 module is a complete

6-axis motion tracking system. It has a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis
accelerometer, and a digital motion processor in a small package. It also
includes an on-chip temperature sensor as an added feature. It has an I2C
bus interface for interacting with microcontrollers.It has an auxiliary I2C
bus for connecting to other sensor devices like a 3-axis magnetometer, a
pressure sensor, etc.A full 9-axis Motion Fusion output can be provided by
MPU6050 if a 3-axis Magnetometer is attached to an additional I2C
connection. Gyroscope

The 3-axis gyroscope in the MPU6050 utilises Micro Electro

Mechanical System (MEMS) technology. It is used to gauge rotational
velocity along the X, Y, and Z axes. When the gyros are spun around one
of the sense axes, a MEM inside the MPU6050 notices a vibration caused
by the Coriolis Effect.The resultant signal is amplified, demodulated, and

filtered to generate a voltage proportional to the angular rate.To digitise

this voltage and sample each axis, a 16-bit ADC is employed.Full-scale
tolerances for the output are +/-250, +/-500, +/-1000, and +/-2000.It
determines the angular velocity along each axis in degrees per second. Accelrometer

.The MPU6050 includes a Micro Electro Mechanical (MEMs) 3-axis

Accelerometer. It was applied to ascertain the X, Y, and Z axes' inclination
or tilt.Acceleration along the axis causes a deflection of the movable mass.
When the moving plate (mass) moves, it causes the differential capacitor to
get out of balance, which results in a sensor output. The relationship
between acceleration and output amplitude is inverse.A 16-bit ADC is used
to convert the output to digital format.+/- 2 g, +/- 4 g, +/- 8 g, and +/- 16 g
are the full-scale acceleration ranges.Gravitational force, or units of g, were
used to measure it.When positioned on a level surface, the instrument will
measure 0g on the X and Y axes and +1g on the Z axis. Temperature Sensor

ADC is used to digitise the output of the on-chip temperature sensor.

The sensor data register can be used to read the temperature sensor
reading.The 8 pins on the MPU-6050 module,

 INT : Digital output pin interrupt

 I2C Slave Address LSB pin is AD0 : This is the 0th bit in the
device's 7-bit slave address. It is viewed as logic one and the slave
address changes if it is linked to VCC.

 Auxiliary Serial Clock Pin, or XCL : Other I2C interface-capable

sensors' SCL pins are connected to MPU-6050 using this pin.
 Auxiliary Serial Data Pin, or XDA : Other I2C interface-capable
sensors' SDA pins are connected to MPU-6050 using this pin.
 Serial Clock Pin (SCL) : Connect this pin to the SCL pin on the
 Serial Data Pin (SDA) : Connect this pin to the SDA pin on the
 Ground pin, or GND : Connect the ground connection to this pin.
 Power supply pin: VCC : Connect this pin to a supply of +5V DC.
 When AD0 = 0 : the MPU-6050 module's slave address is, and it is
not connected to the Vcc, as follows:
 Address for Slave Write (SLA+W) : 0xD0
 Address for Slave Read (SLA+R) : 0xD1

Figure 5.4 MPU6050


5.1.5 Limit Switch

A limit switch was reflected in figure 5.5 in IoT refers to a type of

sensor commonly used to detect the presence or absence of an object or to
determine the position of a mechanism. It is often used in industrial
automation, robotics, and various IoT applications.A limit switch in IoT
refers to a type of sensor commonly used to detect the presence or absence
of an object or to determine the position of a mechanism. It is often used in
industrial automation, robotics, and various IoT applications. Limit
switches are commonly used in various IoT applications, such as industrial
machinery to detect the end positions of moving parts, home automation
systems for detecting door/window openings, and robotics to determine the
position of robotic arms or joints.By integrating limit switches into IoT
systems, it becomes possible to monitor and control physical events or
objects based on their position or presence, enabling automation and
enhanced functionality.

 The ordinarily open pin (NO pin) is used in the regularly open mode.
 This pin, often known as the NC pin, is used in the normally closed

Figure 5.5 Limit Switch


5.1.6 USB Connector

This USB printer port is used to upload an Arduino IDE programme to

the ESP board. Through this connector, you may also supply power to the

5.1.7 LCD

A liquid crystal display was following in figure 5.5, also referred to as

an LCD, is a type of video display that uses liquid crystals' ability to
modulate light to display images or text on a screen. LCD screens have
become more common in a variety of products since its invention in 1964,
including computer monitors, televisions, and instrument panels. An LCD
can be controlled by an ESP 32. By attaching an ESP 32 to the pins of an
LCD display, you may programme it to show a specified text or picture
string on the screen.

We will use a 16x2 I2C LCD display, although other sizes of LCDs
should work as well.An I2C LCD has the advantage of having relatively
simple wiring. SDA and SCL pins should only be connected.

Table 5.4 I2C to ESP 32 Interfacing Pins

I2C ESP 32






Figure 5.6 Lcd

5.1.8 Buzzer

A tool for sound-producing signals is a buzzeras indicated in figure

5.7 or beeper. It could be mechanical, electromechanical, or
piezoelectric.This piezo buzzer has mount holes that are 30mm apart and
23mm in diameter. It has a 100mm lead and can withstand voltages
between 3 and 20 volts. It produces a 3 kHz tone at an 85 dB level at a
distance of 30 cm.The basic premise of operation is based on the notion
that anytime an electric potential is applied across a piezoelectric material,
pressure fluctuation is generated. A piezo buzzer is made by sandwiching
piezo crystals between two conductors.

Figure 5.7 Buzzer


5.2 Software Requirement

Any IOT device's software is its most valuable resource, and the
designer uses it depending on their standards and requirements. Based on
the applications, several types of software are employed.

5.2.1 ThingSpeak

ThingSpeak users can create new, private channels to collect and

analyse data. Data can be moved to new channels that analysts create and
read from open channels. Customers can use the platform to write data to
their ThingSpeak channels in many different methods, such as through the
use of third-party applications, MATLAB, the REST API, or MQTT.
Professionals can exchange telemetry data thanks to these protocols.
Meteorologists can view temperature and humidity information from
several weather-related channels on their private channels. Using
MATLAB, they create histograms, view trends, estimate changes in
weather patterns, and compute dew points from raw data.

Using the IoT project ThingSpeak, users can share analysed data
across public channels. In the settings section, users can access a variety of
channel options. The user has the option to make their channel private,
public (so that everyone can see it), or shared just with particular users via
the sharing tab. Experts can input and export data on their channels.

ThingSpeak IoT software saves data in the cloud so that businesses

may evaluate it both online and offline. Data in CSV or JSON formats can
be accessed or downloaded straight from the cloud by users.

ThingSpeak's IoT software allows users to submit data to the cloud,

and that data is all kept online in one place. Analysts have access to data
for both offline and online use. Data from other websites can also be
imported by platform users. Businesses examine the connections or
interactions between objects and use the information gained to develop
predictive algorithms. ThingSpeak Feature

ThingSpeak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT) platform that

allows users to collect, analyze, and visualize data from sensors and
devices. Some of the key features of ThingSpeak include:

 Data collection: ThingSpeak allows users to collect data from a

wide range of IoT devices, including sensors, actuators, and other
connected devices. This data can be transmitted using a variety of
protocols, including HTTP, MQTT, and UDP.

 Data analysis: Once data has been collected, ThingSpeak provides

users with a powerful set of tools for analyzing and processing that
data. This includes tools for filtering, and smoothing data, as well as
tools for performing statistical analysis and machine learning.

 Data visualization: ThingSpeak provides a range of visualization

tools for data in real-time, charts, graphs, and gauges. Users can
customize these visualizations to suit their needs, and can also create
custom dashboards for monitoring multiple devices and sensors.

 Cloud integration: ThingSpeak can be integrated with a range of

cloud services, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft
Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. This makes it easy to store and
manage data in the cloud, and to integrate with other cloud-based
services and applications.

 Open-source: ThingSpeak is an open-source platform, which means

that users can modify and customize the code to suit their needs.
This provides a high degree of flexibility and control, and allows
users to build custom IoT solutions that meet their specific

 Overall, ThingSpeak is a powerful and flexible IoT platform that

provides users with a wide range of features and tools for collecting,
analyzing, and visualizing data from sensors and devices.

5.2.2 IFTTT Software

IFTTT draws its name from the logical conditional statement "if this,
then that" in programming. In order to launch one or more automations
involving those items, the company provides a software platform that
connects products from different developers. Applets, which operate
somewhat similarly to macros and connect many apps to do automatic
actions, are used to carry out the automations. You can activate or disable
an applet using the IFTTT website or mobile apps (and/or the IFTTT
widgets in the mobile apps). You may create your own applets or edit
already-existing ones thanks to IFTTT's simple, user-friendly interface.
45 IFTTT Feature

IFTTT, which has made connectivity the industry standard, is the low-
code alternative to building and maintaining integrations internally for each
organisation. By standardising how different API protocols interact across
our growing network of services, IFTTT enables you to interface with any
service in our ecosystem for a fraction of the cost.IFTTT's products provide
customers the freedom to choose how their data is connected, opening up
incredible possibilities that a single, standalone service could never offer.
IFTTT has created the industry standard for how complex API protocols
communicate with one another.Get access to a wide range of branding and
marketing tools that will help you position, promote, and raise awareness of
your service and Applets.You can get the technical support and replies you
require when you need them from our knowledgeable support and account
management teams.

5.2.3 Ardino IDE

The Arduino IDE is an application of open-source software that is

used to write and upload code to Arduino boards. The IDE programme can
be used with several operating systems, including as Windows, Mac OS X,
and Linux. Supported programming languages include C and C++. This
sentence makes reference to an integrated development environment.In the
Arduino IDE, writing a programme or piece of code is frequently referred
to as "sketching." We must connect the Genuino and Arduino board with
the IDE in order to upload the sketch that was developed in the Arduino
IDE programme. The sketch's file extension is ".ino".
46 Specification of Ardino IDE

 Upload - When you press the Upload button, a compilation and

execution of our on-screen code takes place. The connected board
is then updated with the new code. Before submitting the sketch,
we must make sure that the proper board and ports have been
selected.We also need a USB connection to connect the board to
the PC. After finishing the aforementioned procedures, click the
Upload option in the toolbar.
 Verify - The Verify button is used to check for compilation issues
in the written code or sketch.
 Serial Monitor - The serial monitor button is located in the right-
hand corner of the toolbar. It shows the serial monitor.




Figure 6.1& 6.2 show Shrewd Headgear for Worker’s Safety. The
entire safety of the site employees would be guaranteed by the
implementation of the proposed solution. With the aid of this smart helmet,
the Manager able to keep an eye on all of the workers engaged in the
Working process, as well as get notifications about their physical well-
being and quickly intervene to protect them from potentially life-
threatening situations in an emergency. By increasing their security, we can
decrease the number of fatal accidents involving employees.Through this
project, we created a smart helmet that was intended to help workers avoid
dangerous situations in workplaces.

Figure 6.1 Shrewd Heagear Transmitter


Figure 6.2 Shrewd Headgear Receiver

 Integration of Sensors with ESP32:
a. Connect the MPU6050 sensor to the ESP32 using the appropriate
pins. Ensure the power, ground, and data connections are properly
b. Connect the limit switch to the ESP32, making sure to connect it
to the appropriate input pin. Consider using a pull-up or pull-
down resistor if required.

c. Connect the MQ-3 sensor to the ESP32, ensuring the necessary

power, ground, and data connections are made. Implement any
additional circuitry required for proper sensor operation, such as
calibration resistors.
 ESP32 Configuration:
a. Set up the Arduino IDE or preferred development environment
for ESP32 programming.
b. Install the required libraries for the MPU6050, LoRa
communication, LCD display, and any other components used.
c. Write the code to configure and initialize the ESP32, including
pin assignments, sensor configuration, and LoRa communication
 LoRa Network Configuration:
a. Determine the required LoRa communication parameters such as
frequency, spreading factor, bandwidth, and coding rate.
b. Configure the transmitter-side ESP32 (worker helmet) and
receiver-side ESP32 with the same parameters to establish
communication compatibility.
c. Set up encryption or security features if necessary to protect the
transmitted data.
 Power Supply and Management:
a. Select a suitable battery to power the worker helmet. Consider the
capacity, voltage, and form factor based on the power
requirements of the integrated components.
b. Design and implement a power management circuit to regulate
the power supply and optimize energy usage. This may include
sleep modes, power-saving algorithms, and voltage regulators.

 Transmitter-Side Implementation:
a. Develop the code for the ESP32 in the worker helmet to collect
data from the sensors.
b. Read data from the MPU6050, limit switch, and MQ-3 sensor,
and format it for transmission over the LoRa network.
c. Implement error-checking mechanisms to ensure reliable data
 Receiver-Side Implementation:
a. Develop the code for the receiver-side ESP32 to handle LoRa
communication and data processing.
b. Configure the buzzer by assigning the appropriate pin and
implementing the necessary functions to trigger alerts based on
received data.
c. Integrate the LCD display, initializing it and creating functions to
show relevant information based on the received data.
 ThingSpeak Integration:
a. Sign up for a ThingSpeak account and create a channel to store
the collected sensor data.
b. Configure the receiver-side ESP32 to periodically send the sensor
data to the assigned ThingSpeak channel for storage and future
 Testing and Debugging:
a. Test the integrated system thoroughly, ensuring proper
functionality of each component and their interactions.
b. Verify the accuracy of sensor readings, LoRa communication
range, alert notifications, LCD display output, IFTTT triggers,
and data storage on ThingSpeak.

c. Debug and resolve any issues encountered during testing.

 Documentation and Deployment:
Create documentation that includes system architecture,
hardware connections, software implementation details, and user
instructions.Prepare for the deployment of the worker helmet,
ensuring proper training and support for end-users.Continuously
iterate and improve the system based on feedback.




Through this project, we developed a smart helmet whose goal was to

protect workers from hazardous conditions at work. It is essential to
develop and put into place a system that can provide security for workers
on building sites and mines, as well as to take the required precautions. The
suggested approach is used for both business and security-related reasons.
Because of this, the system is dependable and includes components that are
simple to use and readily available, making it lightweight and portable.
This product can be enhanced by adding additional features in the near


The future scope of smart helmets for industry is vast and promising.
Smart helmets are designed to enhance the safety and productivity of
workers in high-risk industries such as construction, mining, and

One of the key benefits of smart helmets is their ability to provide

real-time data and insights to workers and supervisors. For instance,
sensors embedded in the helmet can detect dangerous levels of heat, noise,
or toxic gases, and alert workers to take necessary precautions. This can
help prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace.

Smart helmets can also be equipped with augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) technologies, which can provide workers with
immersive training and simulation experiences. This can help them learn
new skills and procedures more effectively, and reduce the risk of errors
and mistakes on the job.

Another potential application of smart helmets is in the field of remote

assistance and collaboration. With built-in cameras and microphones,
workers can connect with remote experts and receive guidance and support
in real-time. This can help reduce downtime and improve the efficiency of

Overall, the future of smart helmets for industry looks bright, as more
and more companies recognize the importance of investing in innovative
technologies to improve workplace safety and productivity.



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DOI: 10.5121/ijcacs.2016.1203, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Gujarat echnological University,
Ahmedabad, India.
5. K.M. Mehta, S.K.Shankar, Karthikeyan N, Nandhinee K, Robin
Hedwig P, “IoT Based Safety and Health workers” Department of
Computer Science Engineering Hindustan Institute of Technology
and Science Padur, Chennai.


presented a paper tiled as ‘Shrewd Headgear For Worker’s Safety’, in
the ISTE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Latest Trends in
Science, Engineering and Technology (ICLTSET’23) organized by
Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.

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