Inactivated Rabies Virus Vaccine
All medicines, including vaccines, For vaccination against rabies Untreated rabies infection can
have risks and benefits. Your you need a course of 3 to 5 be fatal. Therefore, even if you
doctor has weighed the risks of you injections. may be allergic to an ingredient
or your child having RABIPUR of this vaccine and you have
against the benefits they expect it After this course, most people been bitten or scratched by an
will have. produce enough antibodies animal
against rabies. However, as which has/is thought to have
If you have any concerns about with all vaccines, RABIPUR may rabies, it is essential to have
this vaccine, ask your doctor, not fully protect all people who are the rabies vaccine. Your
nurse or pharmacist. vaccinated. doctor will be able to manage
any allergic reaction you may
Keep this leaflet. For people at risk, further have.
You may need to read it again. booster injections of rabies
vaccine may be needed every
few years to ensure enough Do not have RABIPUR after the
What RABIPUR is used antibodies are present. expiry date printed on the pack.
for Do not have RABIPUR if the
The vaccine will not give you or
your child rabies. packaging is torn or shows signs
RABIPUR is a vaccine used to help of tampering.
prevent rabies infection in people The chance of a severe
who either: reaction from RABIPUR is very If you are not sure whether you
• have been; or small, but the risks from not or your child should have
• are at risk of being being vaccinated against rabies RABIPUR, talk to your doctor or
bitten, licked or may be very serious. pharmacist.
scratched by an animal
infected with rabies Before you or your child
virus. Before you are given are given RABIPUR
Rabies is a very serious infection.
Tell your doctor if you have, or
The rabies virus attacks the nerves have had, any medical conditions,
and the brain. Rabies infection can When you or your child especially the following:
be fatal if not treated as early as
must not be given
RABIPUR • low immunity due to an illness
OR treatment with medicines
How it works such as corticosteroids,
Do NOT have RABIPUR if you cyclosporin or cancer
RABIPUR works by encouraging treatment (including radiation
your body to protect itself against therapy);
rabies. The body makes
• a severe allergy to chicken in your upper arm). If you miss a dose, talk to your doctor
eggs; and arrange another visit as soon as
• an allergy to antibiotics, RABIPUR should not be injected possible.
particularly neomycin, directly into the skin or a vein.
chlortetracycline or Overdose
amphotericin B How much is given
(amphotericin). Overdose is most unlikely because
• fainting, feeling faint or other Each injection of rabies vaccine is your doctor or nurse gives the
stress-related reactions can 1.0 mL. injections.
occur as a response to any If you have any concerns, ask your
needle injection. Tell your Your doctor will decide how many doctor
doctor or nurse if you have injections of RABIPUR you will
experienced this kind of need.
reaction previously. After having RABIPUR
Tell your doctor if you are When it is given
pregnant or intend to become Things you or your child
pregnant. “Post exposure” must do
Your doctor will discuss the
possible risks and benefits of RABIPUR may be given to people
after they have been exposed to Keep an updated record of your
having RABIPUR during
rabies infection. vaccinations.
• flu-like symptoms effects. Tell your doctor or (amphotericin).
• chills pharmacist if you notice
• increased sweating anything related to RABIPUR Diluent
• swollen glands in the that makes you or your child • Water for Injections
neck, groin or armpit feel unwell.
• muscle ache, The manufacture of this product
weakness, joint pain includes exposure to bovine derived
• nausea or vomiting Storing RABIPUR materials. No evidence exists that
• stomach cramps or pain any case of vCJD (considered to be
• rash RABIPUR is usually stored in the the human form of bovine
doctor’s surgery or clinic, or at the spongiform encephalitis) has
These are common side effects of pharmacy. However, if you need resulted from the administration of
RABIPUR. Mostly these are mild to store RABIPUR: any vaccine product.
and short-lived.
• Keep it where children Contains no antimicrobial agent.
Tell your doctor immediately if Product is for single use in one
cannot reach it.
you notice any of the following: patient only. Discard any residue.
• Keep RABIPUR in the
original pack until it is
• fast or irregular heartbeat
or hot flushes
time for it to be given. Sponsor
• Keep it in the refrigerator,
• problems with vision
between 2°C and 8°C. Do RABIPUR is sponsored in Australia
• tingling or numbness
not freeze RABIPUR. by:
of the hands or feet
• dizziness or light-
Freezing can lower the Seqirus Pty Ltd
headedness, feeling
faint or fainting effectiveness of the vaccine. ABN: 26 160 735 035
• weakness that 63 Poplar Road
restricts Product description Parkville VIC 3052
movement Australia
• inability to move or loss of
• feeling in some parts of the What RABIPUR looks like Telephone: 1800 642 865
Each pack of RABIPUR contains www.seqirus.com.au
If any of the following happen, • one vial of vaccine powder
tell your doctor immediately or • one pre-filled syringe of
go to Accident and Emergency at RABIPUR is sponsored in New
sterile water for injections
your nearest hospital: Zealand by: