Olfu Finals BSN Reviewer
Olfu Finals BSN Reviewer
Olfu Finals BSN Reviewer
At the end of the course unit (CU), learners will be able to:
1. Identify and understand the different alterations with infectious, inflammatory and immunologic responses
/ cellular aberrations in children.
2. Verbalize the importance and relevance of these topics to nursing practice
1. Listen attentively during class discussions
2. Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.
1. Participate actively during class discussions and group activities
2. Express opinion and thoughts in front of the class
A. Leukemia
B. Lymphomas
C. Wilms’ tumor
D. Brain tumors
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the name replacing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in the research
literature and now in clinical practice. The JRA nomenclature revision to JIA was partly attributable to the minimally
applicable reference to “rheumatoid” in JRA. Only a small percentage of children have a positive rheumatoid factor,
yet the name burdens the family with images of adult disfiguring rheumatoid arthritis, a distinctly different disease.
JIA is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease causing inflammation of joints and other tissue with
an unknown cause. JIA starts before age 16 years with a peak onset between 1 and 3 years of age. Twice as
many girls as boys are affected. The reported incidence of chronic childhood arthritis varies from 1 to 20 cases per
100,000 children with a prevalence of 10 to 400 per 100,000 (Cassidy and Petty, 2011). The cause is unknown, but
two factors are hypothesized: immunogenic susceptibility and an environmental or external trigger such as a virus
(e.g., rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus B19).
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: The disease process is characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovium with joint
effusion and eventual erosion, destruction, and fibrosis of the articular cartilage. Adhesions between joint surfaces
and ankylosis of joints occur if the inflammatory process persists.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: The outcome of JIA is variable and unpredictable. The disease, even in severe
forms, is rarely life threatening but can cause significant disability. The arthritis tends to wax and wane; however,
patterns of clinical remission indicate approximately 25% will obtain clinical remission off medication for a follow-up
duration of at least 4 years. Children with arthritis in four or fewer joints had the greatest likelihood for a sustained
remission. Children with extensive arthritis and a positive rheumatoid factor were less likely to have a sustained
remission (Wallace, Huang, and Bandeira, 2005). Their arthritis can cause significant joint deformity and functional
disability, requiring medication, physical therapy, and perhaps future joint replacement. Chronic and acute uveitis
can cause permanent vision loss if undiagnosed and not aggressively treated.
1. Systemic arthritis is arthritis in one or more joints associated with at least 2 weeks of quotidian fever,
rash, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and serositis.
2. Oligoarthritis is arthritis in one to four joints for the first 6 months of disease. It is subdivided to
persistent oligoarthritis if it remains in four joints or fewer or becomes extended oligoarthritis if it involves
more than four joints after 6 months.
3. Polyarthritis rheumatoid factor negative affects five or more joints in the first 6 months with a
negative rheumatoid factor.
4. Polyarthritis rheumatoid factor positive also affects five or more joints in first 6 months, but these
children have a positive rheumatoid factor.
5. Psoriatic arthritis is arthritis with psoriasis or an associated dactylitis, nail pitting, or onycholysis or
psoriasis in a first-degree relative.
6. Enthesitis-related arthritis is arthritis or enthesitis associated with at least two of the following:
sacroiliac or lumbosacral pain, HLA-B27 antigen, arthritis in a boy older than 6 years, acute anterior
uveitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Reiter syndrome, or acute anterior uveitis in a first-degree relative.
7. Undifferentiated arthritis fits no other category above or fits more than one category.
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a diagnosis of exclusion; there are no definitive tests.
Classifications are based on the clinical criteria of age of onset before age 16 years, arthritis in one or more joints
for 6 weeks or longer, and exclusion of other causes. Laboratory tests may provide supporting evidence of disease.
The ESR may or may not be elevated. Leukocytosis is frequently present during exacerbations of systemic JIA.
Antinuclear antibodies are common in JIA but are not specific for arthritis; however, they help identify children who
are at greater risk for uveitis. Plain radiographs are the best initial imaging studies and may show soft-tissue swelling
and joint space widening from increased synovial fluid in the joint. Later films can reveal osteoporosis, narrow joint
space, erosions, subluxation, and ankylosis.
THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT: There is no cure for JIA. The major goals of therapy are to control pain,
preserve joint range of motion and function, minimize effects of inflammation such as joint deformity, and
promote normal growth and development. Outpatient care is the mainstay of therapy; lengthy hospitalizations are
infrequent in this era of managed care. The treatment plan can be exhaustive and intrusive for the child and family,
including medications, physical and occupational therapy, ophthalmologic slit lamp examinations, splints, comfort
measures, dietary management, school modifications, and psychosocial support.
MEDICATIONS: Many arthritis medications are available, and most are effective in suppressing the inflammatory
process and relieving pain. These drugs may be given alone or in combination and are prescribed in a stepwise
manner dependent on arthritis severity.
NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) are the first drugs used. Naproxen, ibuprofen,
tolmetin, indomethacin, celecoxib, meloxicam, and aspirin are approved for use in children. They are effective with
few common side effects other than gastrointestinal irritation and bruising; with naproxen, skin fragility is a possible
side effect. NSAIDs must be taken with food. Aspirin, once the drug of choice, has been replaced by other NSAIDs
because they have fewer side effects and easier administration schedules.
METHOTREXATE is the second-line medication used in children who have failed with NSAIDs alone. It is started
in combination with an NSAID. It is effective, with acceptable toxicity, which requires monitoring of complete blood
cell counts and liver functions. Patient education about possible side effects, including discussions with teens about
birth defects and avoiding alcohol, is essential. Corticosteroids are potent immuno-suppressives used for life-
threatening complications, incapacitating arthritis, and uveitis. They are administered at the lowest effective dosage
for the briefest period and discontinued on a tapering schedule. Prolonged use of systemic steroids is associated
with significant side effects, including Cushing syndrome, osteoporosis, increased infection risk, glucose
intolerance, cataracts, and growth suppression.
BIOLOGIC AGENTS that work by several mechanisms to interrupt and minimize the inflammatory process are
used in children with severe or progressive arthritis. Biologic agents may be used in combination with
methotrexate. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved etanercept, adalimumab and abatacept
use in children with JIA.
Relieve Pain. The pain of JIA is related to several aspects of the disease, including disease severity, functional
status, individual pain threshold, family variables, and psychological adjustment. The aim is to provide as much
relief as possible with medication and other therapies to help children tolerate the pain and cope as effectively as
possible. Non-pharmacologic modalities such as behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques have proved
effective in modifying pain perception and activities that aggravate pain. Opioid analgesics are typically avoided in
juvenile arthritis; however, for children immobilized with refractory pain, short-term opioid analgesics can be part of
a comprehensive plan that uses multiple pain relief techniques (Connelly and Schanberg, 2006).
Promote General Health. The child’s general health must be considered. A well-balanced diet with sufficient
calories to maintain growth is essential. If the child is relatively inactive, caloric intake needs to match energy needs
to avoid excessive weight gain, which places additional stress on affected joints.
Encourage Heat and Exercise. Heat has been shown to be beneficial to children with arthritis. Moist heat is best
for relieving pain and stiffness, and the most efficient and practical method is in the bathtub with warm water.
Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mold or
flakes of skin from certain animals. Allergic rhinitis is caused by the immune system reacting to an allergen as if it
were harmful. This results in cells releasing a number of chemicals that cause the inside layer of your nose (the
mucous membrane) to become swollen and too much mucus to be produced.
Common allergens that cause allergic rhinitis include pollen (this type of allergic rhinitis is known as hay fever), as
well as mold spores, house dust mites, and flakes of skin or droplets of urine or saliva from certain animals.
Allergic rhinitis typically causes cold-like symptoms, such as sneezing, itchiness and a blocked or runny nose.
These symptoms usually start soon after being exposed to an allergen. Some people only get allergic rhinitis for a
few months at a time because they're sensitive to seasonal allergens, such as tree or grass pollen. Other people
get allergic rhinitis all year round. Most people with allergic rhinitis have mild symptoms that can be easily and
effectively treated. But for some people symptoms can be severe and persistent, causing sleep problems and
interfering with everyday life. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis occasionally improve with time, but this can take
many years and it's unlikely that the condition will disappear completely.
Treatment / Management. It's difficult to completely avoid potential allergens, but you can take steps to reduce
exposure to a particular allergen you know or suspect is triggering your allergic rhinitis. This will help improve the
symptoms. If the condition is mild, it can also help reduce the symptoms by taking over-the-counter medications,
such as non-sedating antihistamines, and by regularly rinsing the nasal passages with a salt water solution to keep
the nose free of irritants. A stronger medication, such as a nasal spray containing corticosteroids may be prescribed.
Eczema or eczematous inflammation of the skin refers to a descriptive category of dermatologic diseases and
not to a specific etiology. AD is a type of pruritic eczema that usually begins during infancy and is associated
with an allergic contact dermatitis with a hereditary tendency (atopy) (Jacob, Yang, Herro, and others, 2010).
AD manifests in three forms based on the child’s age and the distribution of lesions:
Distribution of Lesions
• Infantile form—Generalized, especially cheeks, scalp, trunk, and extensor surfaces of extremities
• Childhood form—Flexural areas (antecubital and popliteal fossae, neck), wrists, ankles, and feet
• Preadolescent and adolescent form—Face, sides of neck, hands, feet, face, and antecubital and
popliteal fossae (to a lesser extent)
Infantile Form
• Erythema
• Vesicles
• Papules
• Weeping
• Oozing
• Crusting
• Scaling
• Often symmetric
Childhood Form
• Symmetric involvement
• Clusters of small erythematous or flesh-colored papules or minimally scaling patches
• Dry and may be hyperpigmented
• Lichenification (thickened skin with accentuation of creases)
• Keratosis pilaris (follicular hyperkeratosis) common
Therapeutic Management The major goals of management are to (1) hydrate the skin, (2) relieve pruritus, (3)
reduce flare-ups or inflammation, and (4) prevent and control secondary infection. The general measures for
managing AD focus on reducing pruritus and other aspects of the disease. Management strategies include
avoiding exposure to skin irritants or allergens; avoiding overheating; and administrating medications such as
antihistamines, topical immunomodulators, topical steroids, and (sometimes) mild sedatives as indicated.
Enhancing skin hydration and preventing dry, flaky skin are accomplished in a number of ways, depending on
the child’s skin characteristics and individual needs.
• Assessment of the child with AD includes a family history for evidence of atopy, a history of previous
involvement, and any environmental or dietary factors associated with the present and previous
• The skin lesions are examined for type, distribution, and evidence of secondary infection.
• Controlling the intense pruritus is imperative if the disorder is to be successfully managed because
scratching leads to new lesions and may cause secondary infection.
• Fingernails and toenails are cut short, kept clean, and filed frequently to prevent sharp edges. Gloves
or cotton stockings can be placed over the hands and pinned to shirtsleeves.
• One-piece outfits with long sleeves and long pants also decrease direct contact with the skin. If gloves
or socks are used, the child needs time to be free from such restrictions. An excellent time to remove
gloves, socks, or other protective devices is during the bath or after receiving sedative or antipruritic
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by recurring symptoms, airway
obstruction, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (National Asthma Education and Prevention Program
[NAEPP], 2007). In susceptible children, inflammation causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness,
chest tightness, and cough, especially at night or in the early morning. The airflow limitation or obstruction is
reversible either spontaneously or with treatment. Inflammation causes an increase in bronchial
hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli (NAEPP, 2007). Recognition of the key role of inflammation has made
the use of antiinflammatory agents, especially inhaled steroids, a major component in the treatment of asthma.
The classic manifestations of asthma are dyspnea, wheezing, and coughing. An attack may develop gradually or
appear abruptly and may be preceded by An upper respiratory tract infection.
• Allergens
• Outdoor—Trees, shrubs, weeds, grasses, molds, pollens, air
pollution, spores
• Indoor—Dust or dust mites, mold, cockroach antigen
• Irritants—Tobacco smoke, wood smoke, odors, sprays
• Exposure to occupational chemicals
• Exercise
• Cold air
• Changes in weather or temperature
• Environmental change—Moving to new home, starting new
school, and so on
• Colds and infections
• Animals—Cats, dogs, rodents, horses
• Medications—Aspirin, NSAIDs, antibiotics, beta-blockers
• Strong emotions—Fear, anger, laughing, crying
• Conditions—Gastroesophageal reflux, tracheoesophageal fistula
• Food additives—Sulfite preservatives
• Foods—Nuts, milk or other dairy products
• Endocrine factors—Menses, pregnancy, thyroid disease
Drug Therapy. Asthma medications are categorized into two general classes: longterm control medications
(preventive medications) to achieve and maintain control of inflammation, and quick-relief medications (rescue
medications) to treat symptoms and exacerbations (NAEPP, 2007)
• Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat reversible airflow obstruction, control
symptoms, and reduce bronchial hyperresponsiveness in chronic asthma.
• β-Adrenergic agonists (short acting) (primarily albuterol, levalbuterol [Xopenex], and terbutaline) are
used for treatment of acute exacerbations and for the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm
• Salmeterol (Serevent) is a long-acting β2-agonist (bronchodilator) that is used twice a day (no more
frequently than every 12 hours). This drug is added to antiinflammatory therapy and used for long-term
prevention of symptoms, especially nighttime symptoms, and exercise induced bronchospasm.
• Theophylline is a methylxanthine drug used for decades to relieve symptoms and prevent asthma
attacks; however, it is now used primarily in the ED when the child is not responding to maximal therapy.
• Cromolyn sodium is a medication used in maintenance therapy for asthma. It stabilizes mast cell
membranes; inhibits activation and release of mediators from eosinophil and epithelial cells; and inhibits
the acute airway narrowing after exposure to exercise, cold dry air, and sulfur dioxide.
• Anticholinergics (atropine and ipratropium [Atrovent]) may also be used for relief of acute
bronchospasm. However, these drugs have adverse side effects that include drying of respiratory
secretions, blurred vision, and cardiac and CNS stimulation.
CANCER is a complex of diseases which occurs when normal cells mutate into abnormal cells that take over
normal tissue, eventually harming and destroying the host
• Branch of medicine that deals with the study, detection, treatment and management of cancer and
Characters of Neoplasia:
1. Benign
➢ Well-differentiated
➢ Slow growth
➢ Encapsulated
➢ Non-invasive
➢ Does NOT metastasize
2. Malignant
➢ Undifferentiated
➢ Erratic and Uncontrolled Growth
➢ Expansive and Invasive
➢ Secretes abnormal proteins
3. Borderline
Exposure to irritants
Exposure to sunlight
Altitude, humidity
Dietary ingredients
Leukemia is cancer that starts in the tissue that forms blood. Most blood cells develop from cells in the bone
marrow called stem cells. In a person with leukemia, the bone marrow makes ABNORMAL WHITE BLOOD
CELLS. The abnormal cells are leukemia cells. Unlike normal blood cells, leukemia cells don't die when they
should. They may crowd out normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This makes it hard for
normal blood cells to do their work. The four main types of leukemia are:
Genetic disorders
Down syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Patau syndrome
Ataxia telangiectasia
Shwachman syndrome
Kostman syndrome
Fanconi anemia
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Radiation exposure
Nontherapeutic, therapeutic radiation
Alkylating agents
Topoisomerase-II inhibitors
The symptoms of Acute Leukemia develop very quickly (within a few days or weeks ) whereas, Chronic Leukemia
can go unnoticed for years and is usually found in a routine blood test.
The following conditions can develop in Leukemia patients
• Anemia (a deficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin)
• Thrombocytopenia (a low blood platelet count)
• Enlarged liver or Spleen (leukemia cells build up in the liver or spleen )
• Leukopenia (A low white blood cell count
• Other Symptoms
o Leukemia can also cause vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control and seizures.
o Swollen Lymph nodes
o Fever or Chills
o Night Sweating
o Joint and bone pain
• This type affects the lymphoid cells created in the bone marrow. It is classified as chronic leukemia, because
the affected cells carry out some of their normal functions initially, making it difficult to detect.
• The more severe form of the disease is acute myeloid leukemia, which is characterized by faster
progression of the disease. This is the most commonly incident type among adults. If detected early,
statistics show that 20% to 40% of patients survive for at least 60 months.
• The most common form of cancer in children is acute lymphocytic leukemia. One-fourth of all cancers
in children belong to this type.
• It has a high incidence rate among adults, older than 45 years of age. Chemotherapy is the established
treatment method for this disease.
• Before chemotherapy and other cancer cure methods were invented, a patient with acute lymphocytic
leukemia could survive for 4 months at the most.
• However, thanks to modern treatment methods, about 80% of the affected children are completely cured.
Adults have been seen to have a 40% chance of complete cure.
• The prognosis for this type will vary, depending on the stage of disease progression, but children in the age
group of 3 to 7 seem to have the highest chance of complete recovery.
• Physical exam. Your doctor will look for physical signs of leukemia, such as pale skin from anemia and
swelling of your lymph nodes, liver and spleen.
• Blood tests. By looking at a sample of your blood, your doctor can determine if you have abnormal levels
of white blood cells or platelets, which may suggest leukemia.
• Bone marrow test. Your doctor may recommend a procedure to remove a sample of bone marrow from
your hipbone. The sample is sent to a laboratory to look for leukemia cells.
Most treatment plans for acute lymphoblastic leukemia have 3 steps. These are induction, consolidation, and
• Induction Therapy: Killing of leukemia cells in the blood and bone marrow. Treatments include
chemotherapy. Induction usually lasts for 4 weeks.
• Consolidation Therapy: Killing of leukemia cells that may be present even though they don’t show up in
tests. If these cells are not killed, they could regrow and could cause a relapse. Treatment include
chemotherapy and may include stem cell transplant (replacement of damaged bone marrow cells with
healthy ones).
• Maintenance Therapy: Preventing any remaining leukemia cells from growing by using low doses of
chemotherapy and intravenous treatment (the infusion of liquid substances directly into a vein).
Pediatric lymphomas are the third most common group of malignancies in children and adolescents. The
lymphomas, a group of neoplastic diseases that arise from the lymphoid and hematopoietic systems, are divided
into Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). These diseases are further subdivided
according to tissue type and extent of disease. Whereas NHL is more prevalent in children younger than 14
years of age, HL is prevalent in adolescence and the young adult period, with a striking increase between ages
15 and 19 years.
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma is a neoplastic disease that originates in the lymphoid system and primarily involves
the lymph nodes. It predictably metastasizes to non-nodal or extralymphatic sites, especially the spleen, liver,
bone marrow, and lungs, although no tissue is exempt from involvement. It is classified according to four
histologic types: (1) lymphocytic predominance, (2) nodular sclerosis, (3) mixed cellularity, and (4) lymphocytic
depletion. Accurate staging of the extent of disease is the basis for treatment protocols and expected
Asymptomatic enlarged cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy is the most common presentation of HL.
Other systemic symptoms may be manifested, including cough, abdominal discomfort, and anorexia. Because
multiple organs may be involved, diagnosis is based on several tests and the extent of metastatic disease.
Tests include a CBC, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum copper, ferritin level, fibrinogen, immunoglobulins,
uric acid level, liver function tests, T-cell function studies, and urinalysis. Radiographic tests include chest
radiography and computed tomography (CT) of the neck and chest; CT and magnetic resonance imaging of
the abdomen and pelvis; and positron emission tomography (PET), which is replacing the gallium scan and
bone scan to identify metastatic disease. A lymph node biopsy is essential to establish histologic diagnosis and
staging. The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is characteristic of HL. These large cells, which are
multilobed and nucleated with abundant cytoplasm and a typically halolike clear zone around the nucleolus, are
often described as having an “owl’s eyes” appearance (Metzger, Krasin, Hudson, and others, 2011). A bone
marrow aspiration and biopsy is usually performed in patients with advanced disease, B symptoms, or disease
recurrence (Metzger, Krasin, Hudson, and others, 2011). With the advent of CT and PET scans to identify
metastatic disease and multiagent therapy to eradicate metastatic disease, surgical staging involving a
laparotomy with splenectomy is no longer performed.
The primary modalities of therapy are radiation and chemotherapy. Each may be used alone or in combination
based on the clinical staging. Radiation may involve only the involved field (IF), an extended field (EF) (involved
areas plus adjacent nodes), or total nodal irradiation (TNI), depending on the extent of involvement.
Prognosis. Long-term survival for all stages of HL is excellent. The goal for pediatric HL’s curative treatment
is to provide minimal morbidity with the highest quality of life (Metzger, Krasin, Hudson, and others, 2011).
Nursing Care Management. Nursing care involves the same objectives as for patients with other types of
cancer, specifically: (1) preparation for diagnostic and operative procedures, (2) explanation of treatment side
effects, and (3) child and family support. Because this is most often a disease of adolescents and young adults,
the nurse must have an appreciation of their psychologic needs and reactions during the diagnostic and
treatment phases.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more frequently in children than HL. Histologic classification of childhood NHL
is strikingly different from that of HL, as demonstrated in the following statements:
Diagnostic Evaluation. Because the clinical presentation of most children with NHL is widespread
disseminated disease, thorough pathologic staging is unnecessary. Clinical manifestations depend on the
anatomic site and extent of involvement. These manifestations include many of those seen in Hodgkin disease
and leukemia, as well as organ symptoms related to pressure from enlargement of adjacent lymph nodes, such
as intestinal or airway obstruction, cranial nerve palsies, and spinal paralysis. Recommendations for staging
include a surgical biopsy of an enlarged node, histopathologic confirmation of disease with cytochemical and
immunologic evaluation, bone marrow examination, radiographic studies (especially tomograms of the lungs
and GI organs), and lumbar puncture.
Therapeutic Management. The treatment protocols for NHL include aggressive use of irradiation and
chemotherapy. Similar to leukemic therapy, the protocols include induction, consolidation, and maintenance
phases, some with intrathecal chemotherapy. Several antineoplastic agents used in the treatment of NHL
include vincristine, prednisone, L-asparaginase, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, cytarabine,
cyclophosphamide, anthracyclines, and teniposide or etoposide. Chemotherapy is the main component of
treatment for NHL in children (Gross and Perkins, 2011). Prognosis. The prognosis is excellent for children
with NHL. In developed countries, more than 80% of children with NHL are now cured with modern therapy,
even patients with widely disseminated disease (Gross and Perkins, 2011).
Wilms tumor, or nephroblastoma, is the most common malignant renal and intra-abdominal tumor of
childhood. The incidence is estimated to be 8.0 cases per million children. Approximately 500 new cases are
diagnosed each year in the United States, with 6% involving both kidneys (Cendren and Gomez, 2010).Wilms
tumor occurs about three times more often in African Americans than in East Asians in the United States. The
peak age at diagnosis is approximately 3 years, and occurrence is slightly more frequent in boys than in girls.
The majority of patients with Wilms tumor are diagnosed at younger than 5 years of age, with 1% to 2.5% having
a familial origin. Unfortunately, there is no method of identifying gene carriers at this time.
Manifestations resulting from compression of tumor mass Secondary metabolic alterations from tumor or
metastasis If metastasis, symptoms of lung involvement:
• Dyspnea
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain (sometimes)
Diagnostic Evaluation. In a child suspected of having Wilms tumor, special emphasis is placed on the history
and physical examination for the presence of congenital anomalies, a family history of cancer, and signs of
malignancy (e.g., weight loss, size of liver and spleen, indications of anemia, lymphadenopathy). Most children
with Wilms tumor are brought to the practitioner because of abdominal swelling or an abdominal mass. Specific
tests include radiographic studies, including abdominal ultrasonography and abdominal and chest computed
tomography scan; hematologic studies; biochemical studies; and urinalysis. Studies to demonstrate the
relationship of the tumor to the ipsilateral kidney and the presence of a normal, functioning kidney on the
contralateral side are essential. If a large tumor is present, an inferior venacavogram is necessary to
demonstrate possible tumor involvement adjacent to the vena cava. A bone marrow aspiration may be
performed to rule out metastasis, which is rare in children with Wilms tumor.
Therapeutic Management. Combined treatment with surgery and chemotherapy with or without radiation is
based on the histologic pattern and clinical stage
Nursing Care Management. Nursing care of the child with Wilms tumor is similar to that of children with other
cancers treated with surgery, irradiation, and chemotherapy. However, there are some significant differences;
these are discussed for each phase of nursing intervention
Brain tumors are the most common solid tumor in children and are the second most common childhood cancer.
In children, the use of reference terms benign or malignant is generally avoided because any tumor, despite its
nature, can be fatal or associated with significant morbidities in the developing brain of a child.
Diagnostic Evaluation. The signs and symptoms of brain tumors are directly related to their anatomic location
and size and, to some extent, the child’s age.
Diagnosis of a brain tumor is based subjectively on presenting clinical signs, objectively on neurologic tests,
along with surgical confirmation of the histologic diagnosis. A number of tests may be used in the neurologic
evaluation, but the most common diagnostic procedure is MRI, which determines the location and extent of the
tumor. Other tests that may be used include CT, angiography, EEG, and lumbar puncture. CT or MRI is routinely
performed before a lumbar puncture procedure to identify intracranial abnormalities that may cause a
contraindication to the procedure (Lin and Safdieh, 2010). Lumbar puncture is dangerous in the presence of
increased ICP because of the possibility of brainstem herniation after a sudden release of pressure. The
definitive diagnosis of a brain tumor is based on brain tissue specimens obtained during surgery.
Therapeutic Management. Treatment may involve the use of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy or a
combination of these treatment modalities. The optimum treatment is complete surgical resection of the primary
tumor with preservation of adequate neurologic function. Radiation therapy is an integral part of treatment for
many brain tumors but can cause significant neurocognitive side effects as well as endocrinopathies. Because
rapid brain development occurs during the first 3 years of life, radiation therapy, particularly craniospinal
radiation, is avoided in children younger than 3 years of age. Chemotherapy may be used as primary treatment
or in an effort to delay radiation therapy until patients are older and may experience fewer neurocognitive side
Nursing Care Management. If a brain tumor is suspected in a child admitted to the hospital for cerebral
dysfunction, establishing baseline data with which to compare preoperative and postoperative changes is an
essential step. It also allows the nurse to assess the degree of physical incapacity and the family’s emotional
reaction to the diagnosis. Vital signs, including blood pressure and pulse pressure (the difference between
systolic and diastolic pressures), are taken routinely and more often when any change is noted. Any sudden
variations are reported immediately. Observation for symptoms of Cushing triad—a hallmark sign of increased
ICP, which includes bradycardia, hypertension, and irregular respirations—is a crucial role of the nurse. It is
also important to note a change in vital signs during or after diagnostic procedures. A routine neurologic
assessment is performed at the same time as vital signs, and head circumference should be measured for
infants and very young children. The child is observed for evidence of headache, vomiting, and any seizure
activity. The location, severity, and duration of the headache are noted, as well as its relationship to activity,
time of day, and any associated factors. Behaviors such as lying flat and facing away from light or refusing to
engage in play are clues to discomfort in nonverbal children. The child’s gait is observed at least once daily.
Head tilt while talking or performing an activity as well as other changes in posturing should always be
• Aimed towards:
– CURE - free of disease after treatment → normal life
– Control - Goal for chronic cancers
– Palliative Care: Quality of life maintained at highest level for the longest possible time
• Surgery – surgical removal of tumors; most commonly used treatment
• Preventive or prophylactic
• Diagnostic surgery
• Curative surgery
• Reconstructive surgery
• Palliative surgery
• Chemotherapy – use of antineoplastic drugs to
promote tumor cell death, by interfering with
cellular functions and reproduction
• Radiotherapy – directing high-energy ionizing radiation to destroy malignant tumor cells without harming
surrounding tissues
– Teletherapy (external): radiation delivered in uniform dose to tumor; Teletherapy is external beam irradiation
and uses a device located at a distance from the patient. It produces X-rays of varying energies and is
administered by machines a distance from the body 31½ to 39 inches (80 to 100 cm).
– Brachytherapy: delivers high dose to tumor and less to other tissues; radiation source is placed in tumor or
next to it; In brachytherapy, the radiation device is placed within or close to the target tissue. Radiation is
delivered in a high dose to a small tissue volume with less radiation to adjacent normal tissue, but requires
direct tumor access.
• Immunotherapy – use of chemical or microbial agents to induce mobilization of immune defenses.
• Biologic response modifiers (BRMs) – use of agents that alters immunologic relationship between tumor
and host in a beneficial way
• Bone marrow peripheral stem cell transplantation – aspirating bone marrow cells from compatible donor
and infusing them into the recipient
• Gene therapy – transfer of genetic materials into the client’s DNA
• Antitumor Antibiotics:
– Action: non- phase specific; interfere with DNA
– Ex: Actinomycin D, Bleomycin, adriamycin (doxorubicin)
– Toxic Effect: damage to cardiac muscle
• Miotic inhibitors:
– Action: Prevent cell division during M phase of cell division
– Ex: Vincristine, Vinblastine
– Toxic Effects: affects neurotransmission, alopecia, bone marrow depression
• Hormones:
– Action: stage specific G1
– Ex: Corticosteroids
• Hormone Antagonist:
– Action: block hormones on hormone- binding tumors ie: breast, prostate, endometrium; cause tumor
– Ex: Tamoxifen (breast); Flutamide (prostate)
– Toxic Effects: altered secondary sex characteristics
Effects of Chemotherapy
• Tissues: (fast growing) frequently affected
• Examples: mucous membranes, hair cells, bone marrow, specific organs with specific agents, reproductive
organs (all are fetal toxic; impair ability to reproduce)
Chemotherapy Administration
• Routes of administration:
– Oral
– Body cavity (intraperitoneal or intrapleural)
– Intravenous
• Use of vascular access devices because of threat
of extravasation (leakage into tissues) & long term
• Types of vascular access devices:
– PICC lines: (peripherally inserted central catheters)
– Tunneled catheters: (Hickman, Groshong)
– Surgically implanted ports: (accessed with 90o angle needle- Huber needles)
• Devakumar (2019). Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents.
PB Publishing.
• Hockenberry (2019). Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 11th edition. Elsevier. Leifer (2019).
• Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 8 th edition. Elsevier. Murray (2019).
• Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing, 7th edition. Elsevier. Flagg (2018).
• Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Chilrearing Family. Wolters Kluwer
1. Create a summary table consisting of definition, etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and
management for the following: (100pts)
• Leukemia
• Lymphomas
• Wilms’ tumor
• Brain tumors
3 12 14
1. Identify the different signs and symptoms associated with GIT problems
2. Discuss the different GIT problem seen in pediatric clients
3. Describe the characteristics of infants that affect their ability to adapt to fluid loss or gain
4. Discuss the pathophysiologic processes associated with specific gastrointestinal disorders
5. Identify the nursing interventions necessary to provide education needed to care for a child
with gastrointestinal disorders.
6. Describe the common diagnostic tests used in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal
7. Identify and describe the different Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders.
8. Summarize signs and symptoms that may indicate a disorder of the endocrine system.
9. Differentiate among the various categories of diabetes mellitus.
10. Discuss the management and nursing care of the child with diabetes mellitus in the acute care
• Listen attentively during class discussions
• Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
• Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.
• Develop heightened interest in studying Nursing Informatics
1. Participate actively during class discussions and group activities
2. Express opinion and thoughts in front of the class
Hockenberry, M. and Wilson, D. (2015). Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children 1st Philippine
Edition, The Child with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction (Volume 2, pp. 1051-1121). Mosby.
Hirschsprung disease, also known as congenital aganglionic
megacolon, is a congenital anomaly in which inadequate motility
causes mechanical obstruction of the intestine. The disease
occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 live births, and is more
common in males than females. Hirschsprung disease can occur
as a single anomaly or in combination with other anomalies such
as congenital heart defects, Down syndrome, and urinary tract
Hirschsprung disease is the congenital absence of ganglion
cells (nerve cells) in the wall of a variable segment of rectum and
colon. The absence of autonomic parasympathetic ganglion
cells in the colon prevents peristalsis at that portion of the
intestine, resulting in the accumulation of intestinal contents and abdominal distention. In most cases, the
area lacking ganglion cells is limited to the rectosigmoid region of the colon.
Clinical manifestations of Hirschsprung disease vary depending on the child’s age at onset.
Symptoms in newborns generally include abdominal distention, feeding intolerance, bilious vomiting, and
failure to pass meconium within the first 24 to 48 hours after birth. Enterocolitis (inflammation of the
intestines) is a complication of Hirschsprung disease that can be fatal if not recognized and treated early.
Symptoms of enterocolitis include fever, foul smelling and/or bloody diarrhea (frequent, watery stools),
abdominal pain, and vomiting. The older infant or child may have a history of failure to gain weight,
malnutrition, and chronic severe constipation (difficult and infrequent defecation with passage of hard,
dry stool).
Diagnosis is made on the basis of the history, bowel patterns, radiographic contrast studies, and
rectal biopsy for presence or absence of ganglion cells. The rectum is small in size on palpation and does
not contain stool. Abdominal radiographs generally show a distended bowel with dilated bowel loops
throughout the abdomen. Water-soluble contrast studies reveal a transition zone between the normal
and aganglionic bowel.
The primary repair of Hirschsprung disease is to remove the aganglionic portion of the bowel using a
pull-through procedure. A primary repair may not be possible in the presence of extensive dilated
proximal bowel, enterocolitis, or bowel perforation. In that case, a temporary colostomy is created and is
closed when the definitive surgery takes place. nger, 2013). The return of normal bowel function depends
on the amount of bowel involved. Some fecal incontinence and constipation may persist following surgery.
Enterocolitis is a serious complication that can occur before or after surgery, resulting in ischemia and
ulceration of the bowel wall. Treatment for enterocolitis associated with Hirschsprung disease includes
rectal irrigations and antibiotics.
Nursing care includes monitoring for infection, managing pain, maintaining hydration, measuring
abdominal circumference to detect any distention, and providing support to the child and family.
Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal
obstruction in children between the ages of 3 months and 3 years.
Intussusception is more common in boys than in girls and is more
common in children with cystic fibrosis. Although specific intestinal
lesions occur in a small percentage of the children, generally the
cause is not known. More than 90% of intussusceptions do not have
a pathologic lead point, such as a polyp, lymphoma, or Meckel
diverticulum. The idiopathic cases may be caused by hypertrophy of
intestinal lymphoid tissue secondary to viral infection.
Intussusception occurs when one segment of the bowel
telescopes into another segment, pulling the mesentery with it. The
mesentery is compressed and angled, resulting in lymphatic and
venous obstruction. As the edema from the obstruction increases,
pressure within the area of intussusception increases. When the
pressure equals the arterial pressure, arterial blood flow stops,
resulting in ischemia and the pouring of mucus into the intestine.
Venous engorgement also leads to leaking of blood and mucus into
the intestinal lumen, forming the classic currant jelly–like stools. The
most common site is the ileocecal valve (ileocolic), where the ileum invaginates into the cecum and then
further into the colon. Other forms include ileoileal (one part of the ileum invaginates into another section
of the ileum) and colocolic (one part of the colon invaginates into another area of the colon)
intussusceptions, usually in the area of the hepatic or splenic flexure or at some point along the transverse
Frequently, subjective findings lead to the diagnosis (abdominal pain, abdominal mass, bloody
stools), which can be confirmed by ultrasonography. Spontaneous reduction occurs in up to 10% of
Conservative treatment consists of radiologist-guided pneumo-enema (air enema) with or without
water-soluble contrast or ultrasound guided hydrostatic (saline) enema, the advantage of the latter being
that no ionizing radiation is needed. Intravenous fluids, NG decompression, and antibiotic therapy may
be used before hydrostatic reduction is attempted. If these procedures are not successful, the child may
require surgical intervention. Surgery involves manually reducing the invagination and, when indicated,
resecting any nonviable intestine. Laparoscopic surgical repair is commonly performed.
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix, the small sac near the end of the cecum,
and is the most common cause of emergency surgery in children. The condition occurs most often in
children and adolescents ages 10 to 19 years. While the overall rate of perforated appendix is 20% to
35%, the rate in children less than 3 years of age is 80% to 100% as compared to 10% to 20% in children
10 to 17 years of age (Minkes & Alder, 2014).
Appendicitis almost always results from an obstruction in the appendiceal lumen. It can be caused by
a fecalith (hard fecal mass), parasitic infestations, stenosis, hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, or a tumor.
Continued secretion of mucus following acute obstruction of the lumen increases pressure, causing
ischemia, cellular death, and ulceration. The appendix may perforate or rupture, resulting in fecal and
bacterial contamination of the peritoneum. Peritonitis spreads quickly and if untreated can result in small
bowel obstruction, electrolyte imbalances, septicemia, and hypovolemic shock.
At onset, symptoms include periumbilical cramps, abdominal tenderness, anorexia, nausea, and
fever. As the inflammation progresses, pain in the right lower abdomen becomes constant. Pain is often
most intense at the McBurney point, halfway between the anterior superior iliac crest and the umbilicus.
Symptoms progress to include guarding, rigidity, nausea, vomiting, onset of pain before vomiting,
anorexia, and rebound tenderness following palpation over the right lower quadrant. As appendicitis
progresses, the child remains motionless, usually in a side-lying position with knees flexed. Sudden relief
of pain usually means that the appendix has perforated.
Diagnosis of appendicitis in young children can be difficult because their pain may be less localized
and their symptoms more diffuse than in the older child. Continuing evaluations over several hours are
often needed to establish the diagnosis. The presence of an elevated white blood cell count (above
10,000/mm3 ), increased neutrophil ratio, and an elevated C-reactive protein combined with the
symptoms supports a diagnosis of appendicitis. A white blood cell count greater than 15,000/mm3 in a
patient with appendicitis is a strong indicator that the appendix has perforated. Abdominal ultrasound is
preferred as the initial screening tool in the diagnosis of appendicitis; however, CT scans are more
sensitive and may be used, especially when the appendix cannot be seen well on ultrasound or the
results are inconclusive.
Treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis involves immediate surgical removal (appendectomy),
generally through a laparoscopic appendectomy. Preoperatively, the child is kept NPO. Intravenous fluids
and electrolytes, and antibiotics are administered. Postoperatively, the child has an abdominal incision
with a dressing covering the incision. Antibiotics may be administered. The child is generally discharged
within 24 to 36 hours as long as they have adequate oral intake, are afebrile, and receive effective pain
relief with oral pain medication. With perforated appendix, laparoscopic appendectomy is generally
performed. Postoperatively, the child with a perforated appendix may have a nasogastric tube to
decompress the abdomen and will remain NPO until signs of bowel function return. Bowel function is best
indicated by the passage of flatus or stool. The child will also have a peripheral or temporary central line
for administration of intravenous fluids and medications. After surgery for a perforated appendix, the child
will receive antibiotics for several days. Morphine is generally given for pain.
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) occurs when the
circumferential muscle of the pyloric sphincter becomes
thickened, resulting in elongation and narrowing of the pyloric
channel. This produces an outlet obstruction and
compensatory dilation, hypertrophy, and hyperperistalsis of
the stomach. This condition usually develops in the first 2 to 5
weeks of life, causing projectile nonbilious vomiting,
dehydration, metabolic alkalosis, and growth failure. The
precise etiology is unknown. The reported incidence is 1 to 3
per 1000 live births with a male-to-female ratio of 4 to 6 :1.
There is a genetic predisposition, and siblings and offspring of
affected persons are at increased risk of developing HPS. It is
more common in full-term than in preterm infants and is seen
less frequently in African-American and Asian infants than in
white infants.
The circular muscle of the pylorus thickens as a result of hypertrophy (increased size) and hyperplasia
(increased mass). This produces severe narrowing of the pyloric canal between the stomach and the
duodenum, causing partial obstruction of the lumen. Over time, inflammation and edema further reduce
the size of the opening, resulting in complete obstruction. The hypertrophied pylorus may be palpable as
an olivelike mass in the upper abdomen. Pyloric stenosis is not a congenital disorder. Substantial
evidence supports decreased expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the nerve fibers of the
pyloric circular muscle in infants with HPS.
Symptoms usually become evident 2 to 8 weeks after birth, although onset may vary (Taylor et al.,
2013). Initially, the infant appears well or regurgitates slightly after feedings. The parents may describe
the infant as a “good eater” who vomits occasionally. As the obstruction progresses, the vomiting
becomes projectile. In projectile vomiting, the contents of the stomach may be ejected up to 3 feet from
the infant. The vomitus is nonbilious and may become blood tinged because of repeated irritation to the
esophagus. The infant generally appears hungry, especially after emesis; irritable; fails to gain weight;
and has fewer and smaller stools. The child may present with dehydration and metabolic alkalosis
depending on how long the child has been vomiting. On physical examination, peristaltic waves may be
observed across the abdomen as the stomach attempts to move contents past the narrowed pyloric
canal. An olive-sized mass in the right upper quadrant may be evident.
An abdominal ultrasound to determine the diameter and length of the pyloric muscle is the preferred
method performed to confirm the diagnosis. Blood tests will determine if the child is dehydrated or has
an electrolyte or acid–base imbalance. Infants with pyloric stenosis are at risk for hypochloremia,
hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis; however, recent studies show that normal laboratory values are
found most often. This could be attributed to earlier diagnosis and the increased use of ultrasound to
confirm the diagnosis.
Surgery is performed as soon as possible after the infant’s fluid and electrolyte balance is restored.
Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy is the preferred surgical method to correct pyloric stenosis. The prognosis
is good. The infant is usually taking fluids within a few hours following surgery and discharged on full-
strength formula within 24 hours after surgery.
Nursing care management includes meeting the infant’s fluid and electrolyte needs, minimizing weight
loss, promoting rest and comfort, preventing infection, and providing supportive care for parents.
Imperforate anus includes several forms of malformation without an obvious opening. Frequently a
fistula leads from the distal rectum to the perineum or genitourinary system. The fistula may be evidenced
when mecomium is evacuated through the vaginal opening, the perineum below the vagina, the male
urethra, or the perineum under the scrotum. The presence of meconium on the perineum does not
indicate anal patency. A fistula may not be apparent at birth, but as peristalsis increases, meconium is
forced through the fistula into the urethra or onto the newborn’s perineum.
The anus and rectum originate from an embryologic structure called the cloaca. Lateral growth of the
cloaca forms the urorectal septum that separates the rectum dorsally from the urinary tract ventrally. The
rectum and urinary tract separate completely by the seventh week of gestation. Anomalies that occur
reflect the stage of development of these processes. Rectal atresia and stenosis occur when the anal
opening appears normal, there is a midline intergluteal
groove, and usually no fistula exists between the rectum
and urinary tract. Rectal atresia is a complete obstruction
(inability to pass stool) and requires immediate surgical
intervention. Rectal stenosis may not become apparent
until later in infancy when the infant has a history of
difficult stooling, abdominal distention, and ribbonlike
The diagnosis of an anorectal malformation is based
on the physical finding of an absent anal opening. Other
symptoms may include abdominal distention, vomiting,
absence of meconium passage, or presence of
meconium in the urine. Additional physical findings with
an anorectal malformation are a flat perineum and the
absence of a midline intergluteal groove. The appearance
of the perineum alone does not accurately predict the extent of the defect and associated anomalies.
The primary management of anorectal malformations is surgical. After the defect has been identified,
take steps to rule out associated life-threatening defects, which need immediate surgical intervention.
Provided no immediate life-threatening problems exist, the newborn is stabilized and kept NPO for further
evaluation. IV fluids are provided to maintain glucose and fluid and electrolyte balance. The current
recommendation is that surgery be delayed at least 24 hours to properly evaluate for the presence of a
fistula and possibly other anomalies.
The surgical treatment of anorectal malformations varies according to the defect but usually involves
one or possibly a combination of several of the following procedures: anoplasty, colostomy, posterior
sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) or other pull-through with colostomy, and colostomy (take-down)
closure. The first nursing responsibility is assisting in identification of anorectal malformations. A newborn
who does not pass stool within 24 hours after birth or has meconium that appears at a location other than
the anal opening requires further assessment. Preoperative care includes diagnostic evaluation, GI
decompression, bowel preparation, and IV fluids. For the newborn with a perineal fistula, an anoplasty is
performed, which involves moving the fistula opening to the center of the sphincter and enlarging the
rectal opening. Postoperative nursing care after anoplasty is primarily directed toward healing the surgical
site without other complications. A program of anal dilations is usually initiated when the child returns for
the 2-week check-up. Feedings are started soon after surgical repair, and breastfeeding is encouraged
because it causes less constipation.
Hypothyroidism is a disorder in which levels of active thyroid hormones
are decreased. It may be congenital or acquired. Congenital
hypothyroidism occurs in approximately 1 in 3000 to 1 in 4000 live
births worldwide. It is twice as common in females as it is in males.
Thyroid hormones are important for growth and development and
for metabolizing nutrients and energy. When these hormones are not
available to stimulate other hormones or specific target cells, growth is
delayed, and intellectual disability develops. Congenital hypothyroidism is usually caused by a
spontaneous gene mutation, an autosomal recessive genetic transmission of an enzyme deficiency,
hypoplasia or aplasia of the thyroid gland, failure of the CNS–thyroid feedback mechanism to develop,
or iodine deficiency. Intellectual disability is irreversible if the disorder is not treated. Acquired
hypothyroidism can be idiopathic or result from autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis), late-onset
thyroid dysfunction, isolated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) deficiency caused by pituitary or
hypothalamic dysfunction, or exposure to drugs or substances such as lithium that interfere with thyroid
hormone synthesis. In the case of Hashimoto thyroiditis, the thyroid is infiltrated by lymphocytes that
cause an autoimmune reaction and an enlarged thyroid. A genetic predisposition to autoimmune
thyroiditis and an autosomal dominant inheritance of thyroid antibodies has been identified.
Infants with congenital hypothyroidism have few clinical signs of the disorder in the first weeks of life.
Symptoms may include jaundice, thick tongue, hypotonia, umbilical hernia, hoarse cry, dry skin,
constipation, and large fontanelles. Children with acquired hypothyroidism have many of the same signs
as adults: decreased appetite; dry, cool skin; thinning hair or hair loss; depressed deep tendon reflexes;
bradycardia; constipation; sensitivity to cold temperatures; abnormal menses; and a goiter (a nontender
enlarged thyroid gland). Manifestations unique to children include change in past normal growth patterns
with a weight increase, decreased height velocity, delayed bone and dental age, hypotonia with poor
muscle tone, and delayed or precocious puberty.
Congenital hypothyroidism is usually detected during newborn screening. A decreased T4, normal
T3, and elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone level indicate hypothyroidism. An elevated TSH level
indicates that the disease originated in the thyroid, not the pituitary.
Levothyroxine is the drug of choice for newborns with congenital hypothyroidism. The recommended
starting dose is 10 to 15 mcg/kg per day. The dose is increased gradually as the child grows to ensure a
euthyroid (thyroid hormones in appropriate balance) state. A pediatric endocrinologist monitors treatment.
To ensure an adequate growth rate and prevent intellectual disability, the hormone must be taken
throughout life. Periodic evaluation of T4 and TSH serum levels, bone age, and growth parameters is
necessary to assess for signs of excess or inadequate thyroid hormone.
Antithyroid antibodies are measured in children with a goiter and suspected Hashimoto thyroiditis
because increased titers of antithyroglobulin and anti-microsomal antibodies are often found. Children
with congenital hypothyroidism that are diagnosed before 3 months of age have the best prognosis for
optimal mental development. Children with acquired hypothyroidism usually have normal growth following
a period of catch-up growth. Many adolescents with Hashimoto thyroiditis have a spontaneous remission.
Nursing care focuses on teaching the parents and child about the disorder and its treatment and
monitoring the child’s growth rate. Explain how to administer thyroid hormone (e.g., tablets can be
crushed and mixed in a small amount of formula or applesauce if the child gets all of the medication).
Advise parents that the child may experience temporary sleep disturbances or behavioral changes in
response to therapy. Teach the parents how to assess for an increased pulse rate, which could indicate
the presence of too much thyroid hormone, and advise them to report problems such as fatigue, which
could indicate an improper drug dose that needs to be adjusted.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when thyroid hormone levels are increased, resulting in excessive levels of
circulating thyroid hormones. Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children,
occurring more often in females and in children ages 11 to 15 years.
Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder. Immunoglobulins produced by the B lymphocytes
stimulate over secretion of thyroid hormones, resulting in the clinical symptoms. It has a high familial
incidence. Other less common causes of hyperthyroidism result from thyroiditis and thyroid hormone–
producing tumors, including thyroid adenomas and carcinomas, and pituitary adenomas. Congenital
hyperthyroidism can occur in infants of mothers with Graves disease as a result of transplacental transfer
of immunoglobulins. This condition generally resolves by 6 to 12 weeks of age but can last longer.
Signs and symptoms are caused by hyperactivity of
the sympathetic nervous system and may include an
enlarged, nontender thyroid gland (goiter), prominent or
bulging eyes (exophthalmos), eyelid lag, tachycardia,
nervousness, increased appetite with weight loss,
emotional lability, moodiness, heat intolerance,
hypertension, hyperactivity, irregular menses, insomnia,
tremor, and muscle weakness. The thyroid gland may be
slightly enlarged or grow to 3 to 4 times its normal size;
feel warm, soft, and fleshy; and have an auditory bruit on
auscultation. Onset is subtle, and the condition often
goes unrecognized for 1 to 2 years. Children with Graves
disease usually have difficulty concentrating, behavioral
problems, and declining performance in school. They
become easily frustrated in the classroom and overheated and fatigued during physical education class.
Children with this disorder find it difficult to relax or sleep. These symptoms usually prompt parents to
seek medical treatment for the child. The most serious complication of hyperthyroidism is severe
thyrotoxicosis, also called thyroid crisis or thyroid storm. It is a life-threatening emergency resulting from
extreme hyperthyroidism, in which elevated circulating levels of TH result in a hypermetabolic state.
Symptoms include muscle weakness, diaphoresis, tachycardia, tremor, palpitations, diarrhea, irritability,
nervousness, and anxiety.
Diagnostic studies include laboratory evaluation of serum TSH, T3, and T4 levels and a thyroid scan.
T3 and T4 levels are markedly elevated, whereas the TSH level is decreased. Serum studies are also
performed to detect thyroid autoantibodies anti-TG (antithyroglobulin) and anti-TPO (antiperoxidase),
usually present in Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis. A thyroid scan is performed to identify
nodules or to confirm the high uptake of radioactive iodine associated with Graves disease.
The goal of clinical therapy is to inhibit excessive secretion of thyroid hormones. Treatment may
include medication therapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. Medication therapy is most often the initial
treatment, but compliance is often a problem because of side effects. Methimazole (Tapazole) and
propylthiouracil (PTU) are antithyroid drugs that are used in children with hyperthyroidism. Because of
the concern for severe liver disease with the administration of PTU, current recommendations are that
children with hyperthyroidism receive methimazole instead.
Symptoms usually improve within weeks of starting treatment. Adjunct therapy with beta-adrenergic
blocking agents such as propranolol or atenolol may be administered to relieve symptoms of tremors,
tachycardia, lid lag, and excessive sweating.
Less than 30% of children achieve remission after a 2-year course of treatment with medication.
Radiation therapy or thyroidectomy are other options if medication therapy is not effective. Thyroidectomy
(removal of most of the thyroid) provides an immediate cure and avoids radiation and possible long-term
complications of radioactive iodine. Removal of the thyroid gland results in hypothyroidism. Complications
of thyroidectomy include hemorrhage, hypocalcemia, and damage to the laryngeal nerve paresis.
Nursing care focuses on teaching the child and parents about the disorder and its treatment,
promoting rest, providing emotional support, and, if the child needs surgery, providing preoperative and
postoperative teaching and care. Promote increased caloric intake by providing five or six moderate
meals per day. Encourage the child and family to express their feelings and concerns about the disorder.
Pointing out even slight improvements in the child’s condition increases adherence with therapy.
Cushing syndrome, also called adrenocortical
hyperfunction, is characterized by a group of
symptoms resulting from excess blood levels of
glucocorticoids (especially cortisol). The most
common cause of Cushing syndrome is the
prolonged administration of glucocorticoid hormones.
Cushing disease is a type of Cushing syndrome and
is caused by a pituitary tumor. During infancy most
cases of endogenous Cushing disease are caused
by a functioning adrenocortical tumor. The most
common cause of endogenous Cushing syndrome in
children older than 7 years of age is Cushing disease in which a pituitary tumor (adenoma) secretes
excessive ACTH. This leads to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. The remainder of this discussion will focus
on the child with Cushing syndrome caused by a pituitary tumor (Cushing disease).
Obesity is common in children with Cushing syndrome. Excessive weight gain is followed by slowed
linear growth. The child develops the characteristic cushingoid features, which include a rounded (moon)
face with prominent cheeks. Additional manifestations include hirsutism, acne, deepening of the voice,
and hypertension. Older children may also experience delayed puberty, irregular menstrual periods,
headaches, weakness, pathologic fractures, emotional problems, and hyperglycemia.
Diagnosis is based on characteristic physical findings and laboratory values, including increased 24-
hour urinary levels of free cortisol and elevated nighttime salivary cortisol level. The child will also have
an abnormal glucose tolerance test.
The adrenal-suppression test using an 11 p.m. dose of dexamethasone reveals that adrenal cortisol
output is not suppressed overnight as would occur normally in children. Computed tomography (CT) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to detect the specific location of tumors in the adrenal and
pituitary glands.
Surgical removal of the pituitary adenoma is the current treatment of choice when this is the cause of
Cushing syndrome. Irradiation of the pituitary is performed when surgical removal of the adenoma does
not substantially reduce cortisol levels. Bilateral removal of the adrenal glands may be necessary in some
cases to stop the excessive secretion of cortisol. Lifelong hormone replacement is required when both
adrenal glands are removed.
Nursing assessment includes monitoring the child’s vital signs, fluid status, nutritional status, and
weight. Additional assessment includes monitoring muscle strength and endurance. Teach the child and
family about the disorder and its treatment. For children undergoing surgery, provide preoperative and
postoperative teaching and care.
Diabetes mellitus, the most common metabolic disease in children, is a disorder of hyperglycemia
resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both, leading to abnormalities in carbohydrate,
protein, and fat metabolism. There are two main types of diabetes. Most children have immune-mediated
type 1 diabetes, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes results from destruction of pancreatic islet beta cells, which fail to secrete
insulin. The body becomes dependent on exogenous sources of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is a
multifactorial disease caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells in
individuals who are genetically predisposed. Type 1 diabetes has familial tendencies but does not
show any specific pattern of inheritance. The number of autoantibodies helps predict the risk of
developing type 1 diabetes. For children with one antibody, the risk is only 10% to 15%, while those
with three or more antibodies have a risk of 55% to 90%. The child inherits a susceptibility to the
disease rather than the disease itself. It is believed that an event such as a virus or other
environmental factors trigger the inflammatory process, resulting in development of islet cell serum
antibodies. These antibodies can be detected in the blood months to years before the onset of beta
cell destruction.
Insulin helps transport glucose into the cells so that the body can use it as an energy source.
It also prevents the outflow of glucose from the liver to the general circulation. Environmental factors
such as enteroviruses or toxins are believed to lead to an autoimmune destruction of the beta cells
in the islets of Langerhans. Antigens are generated, leading to production of antibodies that indicate
ongoing destruction of the islet cells. Chronic immune-mediated destruction of the beta cells
continues over a period of time. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes are evident when approximately 90%
of the beta cells have been destroyed. As the secretion of insulin decreases, the blood glucose level
rises and the glucose level inside the cells decreases. When the renal threshold for glucose (180
mg/dL) is exceeded, glycosuria (abnormal amount of glucose in the urine) occurs as a result of
osmotic diuresis. Fluids follow the highly osmotic glucose and water is excreted in large volumes of
urine (polyuria). When glucose is unavailable to the cells for metabolism, free fatty acids provide an
alternate source of energy. The liver metabolizes fatty acids at an increased rate, producing acetyl
coenzyme A (CoA). The by-products of acetyl CoA metabolism (ketone bodies) accumulate in the
body, resulting in a state of metabolic acidosis, or ketoacidosis.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes usually arises because of insulin resistance in which the body fails to use
insulin properly combined with relative (rather than absolute) insulin deficiency. People with type 2
can range from predominantly insulin resistant with relative insulin deficiency to predominantly
deficient in insulin secretion with some insulin resistance. It typically occurs in those who are older
than 45 years of age, are overweight and sedentary, and have a family history of diabetes. The
symptomatology of diabetes is more readily recognizable in children than in adults, so it is surprising
that the diagnosis may sometimes be missed or delayed. Diabetes is a great imitator; influenza,
gastroenteritis, and appendicitis are the conditions most often diagnosed when it turns out that the
disease is really diabetes.
Insulin is needed to support the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, primarily by
facilitating the entry of these substances into the cells. Insulin is needed for the entry of glucose into the
muscle and fat cells, prevention of mobilization of fats from fat cells, and storage of glucose as glycogen
in the cells of liver and muscle. Insulin is not needed for the entry of glucose into nerve cells or vascular
tissue. The chemical composition and molecular structure of insulin are such that it fits into receptor sites
on the cell membrane. Here it initiates a sequence of poorly defined chemical reactions that alter the cell
membrane to facilitate the entry of glucose into the cell and stimulate enzymatic systems outside the cell
that metabolize the glucose for energy production.
With a deficiency of insulin, glucose is unable to enter the cells, and its concentration in the
bloodstream increases. The increased concentration of glucose (hyperglycemia) produces an osmotic
gradient that causes the movement of body fluid from the intracellular space to the interstitial space and
then to the extracellular space and into the glomerular filtrate to “dilute” the hyperosmolar filtrate.
Normally, the renal tubular capacity to transport glucose is adequate to reabsorb all the glucose in the
glomerular filtrate. When the glucose concentration in the glomerular filtrate exceeds the renal threshold
(6180 mg/dl), glucose spills into the urine (glycosuria) along with an osmotic diversion of water (polyuria),
a cardinal sign of diabetes. The urinary fluid losses cause the excessive thirst (polydipsia) observed in
diabetes. This water “washout” results in a depletion of other essential chemicals, especially potassium.
Protein is also wasted during insulin deficiency. Because glucose is unable to enter the cells, protein is
broken down and converted to glucose by the liver (glucogenesis); this glucose then contributes to the
hyperglycemia. These mechanisms are similar to those seen in starvation when substrate (glucose) is
absent. The body is actually in a state of starvation during insulin deficiency. Without the use of
carbohydrates for energy, fat and protein stores are depleted as the body attempts to meet its energy
needs. The hunger mechanism is triggered, but increased food intake (polyphagia) enhances the problem
by further elevating blood glucose.
Long-term complications of diabetes involve both the microvasculature and the macrovasculature.
The principal microvascular complications are nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy. Microvascular
disease develops during the first 30 years of diabetes, beginning in the first 10 to 15 years after puberty,
with renal involvement evidenced by proteinuria and clinically apparent retinopathy. Macrovascular
disease develops after 25 years of diabetes and creates the predominant problems in patients with type
2 DM. The process appears to be one of glycosylation, wherein proteins from the blood become deposited
in the walls of small vessels (e.g., glomeruli), where they become trapped by “sticky” glucose compounds
(glycosyl radicals). The buildup of these substances over time causes narrowing of the vessels, with
subsequent interference with microcirculation to the affected areas.
With poor diabetic control, vascular changes can appear as early as 2 1 2 to 3 years after diagnosis;
however, with good to excellent control, changes can be postponed for 20 or more years. Intensive insulin
therapy appears to delay the onset and slow the progression of retinopathy, nephropathy, and
neuropathy. Hypertension and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease are also major causes of morbidity
and mortality in patients with DM.
Other complications have been observed in children with type 1 DM. Hyperglycemia appears to influence
thyroid function, and altered function is frequently observed at the time of diagnosis and in poorly
controlled diabetes. Limited mobility of small joints of the hand occurs in 30% of 7- to 18-year-old children
with type 1 DM and appears to be related to changes in the skin and soft tissues surrounding the joint
because of glycosylation.
Three groups of children who should be considered as candidates for diabetes are (1) children who
have glycosuria, polyuria, and a history of weight loss or failure to gain despite a voracious appetite; (2)
those with transient or persistent glycosuria; and (3) those who display manifestations of metabolic
acidosis, with or without stupor or coma. In every case, diabetes must be considered if there is glycosuria,
with or without ketonuria, and unexplained hyperglycemia. Glycosuria by itself is not diagnostic of
diabetes. Other sugars, such as galactose, can produce a positive result with certain test strips, and a
mild degree of glycosuria can be caused by other conditions, such as infection, trauma, emotional or
physical stress, hyperalimentation, and some renal or endocrine diseases. An 8-hour fasting blood
glucose level of 126 mg/dl or more, a random blood glucose value of 200 mg/dl or more accompanied by
classic signs of diabetes, or an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) finding of 200 mg/dl or more in the 2-
hour sample is almost certain to indicate diabetes. Postprandial blood glucose determinations and the
traditional OGTTs have yielded low detection rates in children and are not usually necessary for
establishing a diagnosis. Serum insulin levels may be normal or moderately elevated at the onset of
diabetes; delayed insulin response to glucose indicates impaired glucose tolerance.
The management of the child with type 1 DM consists of a multidisciplinary approach involving the
family; the child (when appropriate); and professionals, including a pediatric endocrinologist, diabetes
nurse educator, nutritionist, and exercise physiologist. The definitive treatment is replacement of insulin
that the child is unable to produce. However, insulin needs are also affected by emotions, nutritional
intake, activity, and other life events such as illnesses and puberty. The complexity of the disease and its
management requires that the child and family incorporate diabetes needs into their lifestyle. Medical
and nutritional guidance are primary, but management also includes continuing diabetes education,
family guidance, and emotional support.
Nursing care focuses on teaching the child and parents about the disease and its management,
planning dietary intake, providing emotional support, and planning strategies for daily management in the
Cushing syndrome - is characterized by a group of symptoms resulting from excess blood levels of
glucocorticoids (especially cortisol).
Diabetes mellitus - is a disorder of hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin
action, or both, leading to abnormalities in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism.
Ball, J.W., Bindler, R. C., Cowen, K. J., Shaw, M. R., (2017). Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring
for Children, 7th Edition, (pp. 655-697). Pearson Education, Inc.
Rudd, K., Kocisko, D.M. (2014). Pediatric Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing Care, 1st
edition, (pp. 313-349). F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia.
Study Questions
• Formulate a nursing care plan for a 14-year-old adolescent client with Diabetes Mellitus Type
1. The client is very active in school and loves playing basketball.
1. What nursing diagnosis and goal of care will the nurse come up with this client?
2. What nursing interventions will be identified to meet the nurse’s goal for this client?
3. What is the expected outcome for this goal?
Baker S, Barlow S, Cochran W, and others: Overweight children and adolescents: a clinical report of
the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, J Pediatr
Gastroenterol Nutr 40:533–543, 2005
Ball, J.W., Bindler, R. C., Cowen, K. J., Shaw, M. R., (2017). Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring
for Children, 7th Edition, (pp. 655-697). Pearson Education, Inc.
Beaty TH: Invited commentary: two studies of genetic control of birth weight where large data sets
were available, Am J Epidemiol 165:753–755, 2007
Cavataio F, Guandalini S: Gastroesophageal reflux. In Guandalini S, editor: Essential pediatric
gastroenterology and nutrition, New York, 2005, McGraw-Hill.
Hannon TS, Gungor N, Arslanian SA: Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: a review for the
primary care provider, Pediatr Ann 35(12):880–887, 2006
Hockenberry, M. and Wilson, D. (2015). Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children 1st Philippine
Edition, The Child with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction (Volume 2, pp. 1251-1317). Mosby.
Hockenberry, M. and Wilson, D. (2013). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatrics, 9th Edition, The Child with
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction. (pp. 762-816). Mosby
Khan S, Orenstein SR: Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. In Kliegman RM, Stanton
BF, St. Geme JW, and others, editors: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, ed 19, Philadelphia, 2011,
Muscari, M. E. (2005). Pediatric Nursing, 4th edition, (pp. 220-252). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Wolters Kluwer.
Rudd, K., Kocisko, D.M. (2014). Pediatric Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing Care, 1st
edition, (pp. 313-349). F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia.
Waseem M, Rosenberg HK: Intussusception, Pediatric Emergency Care 24(11):793–800, 2008.
3 13 15
1. Identify and describe the different neurologic, cognitive, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders.
2. Differentiate between the signs of a seizure and status epilepticus in infants and children
3. Formulate a plan of care for pediatric clients with seizure disorders
4. Demonstrate an understanding of manifestations and management of child with neurologic,
cognitive, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders
5. Discuss the nursing role in helping parents care for the child who has cerebral palsy.
• Listen attentively during class discussions
• Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
• Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.
• Develop heightened interest in studying Maternal and Child Nursing
1. Participate actively during class discussions and group activities
2. Express opinion and thoughts in front of the class
Hockenberry, M. and Wilson, D. (2015). Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children 1st Philippine
Edition, The Child with Cerebral Dysfunction (Volume 2, pp. 1425-1490). Mosby.
Febrile Seizure
Febrile seizures are one of the most common neurologic conditions of childhood, affecting
approximately 2% to 5% of children between the ages of 6 and 60 months. Febrile seizures are classified
as simple or complex. Simple febrile seizures occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years
with no preexisting neurologic abnormality and consist of a general tonic-clonic seizure that occurs with
a fever (>38.0° C) and resolves within 15 minutes with a return to alert mental status after the seizure
and no further seizure occurring within a 24-hour period. On the other hand, complex febrile seizures can
occur in children of any age usually with a previous neurologic impairment and consist of a prolonged
seizure lasting more than 15 minutes that can reoccur within 24 hours and can result in neurologic deficits
after the seizure. Most febrile seizures occur between 6 months and 5 years of age, with the peak
incidence occurring at 18 months of age.
The cause of febrile seizures is still uncertain. Risk factors for simple febrile seizures include viral
infections and a family history of febrile seizures. Associations with chromosomal mutations, premature
birth, and developmental delay have been evaluated but have not demonstrated any conclusive
evidence. Most febrile seizures have stopped by the time the child is taken to a medical facility and require
no treatment. However, if the seizure continues, treatment consists of controlling the seizure with IV or
rectal diazepam and reducing the temperature with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Antiepileptic prophylaxis
is usually not indicated. Antipyretic therapy may lower the child’s temperature and provide symptomatic
relief but will not prevent a seizure. Tepid sponge baths are not recommended for several reasons: they
are ineffective in significantly lowering the temperature, the shivering effect further increases metabolic
output, and cooling causes discomfort to the child. Parental education and emotional support are
important interventions, and information may need to be repeated depending on the parents’ anxiety and
education level. Parents need reassurance regarding the benign nature of simple febrile seizures.
Several large studies show no difference in neurologic deficits, cognitive functioning, or memory
impairments in children with simple or complex febrile seizures compared with population control
Long-term antiepileptic therapy is usually not required for children with simple febrile seizures.
Whereas children with a simple febrile seizure have only a 1% risk of developing epilepsy, children with
a complex febrile seizure along with a preexisting neurologic abnormality and a family history of afebrile
seizure have a 10% risk of developing epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a condition characterized by two or more unprovoked seizures and can be caused by a
variety of pathologic processes in the brain. A single seizure event should not be classified as epilepsy
and is generally not treated with long-term antiepileptic drugs.
The process of diagnosis in a child suspected of having epilepsy includes (1) determining whether
epilepsy or seizures exist and not an alternative diagnosis and (2) defining the underlying cause, if
possible. The assessment and diagnosis rely heavily on a thorough history, skilled observation, and
several diagnostic tests. It is especially important to differentiate epilepsy from other brief alterations in
consciousness or behavior. Clinical entities that mimic seizures include migraine headaches, toxic effects
of drugs, syncope (fainting), breath-holding spells in infants and young children, movement disorders
(tics, tremor, chorea), prolonged QT syndrome, sleep disturbances (night terrors), psychogenic seizures,
rage attacks, and transient ischemic attacks (rare in children).
After the child’s first seizure, a thorough history is taken from the parent, primary caretaker, or
witnesses to the event. The description and length of the seizure, presence or absence of an aura, and
whether the child lost consciousness are noted. This information helps to identify the type of seizure
according to the International Classification of Epileptic Seizures. Based on the physical findings and
history, diagnostic tests ordered may include a complete blood cell count, blood chemistry, and urine
toxicology. A urine culture, blood culture, and lumbar puncture are performed if meningitis is suspected.
A lead level and tests for inborn errors of metabolism may be considered. Radiologic tests such as CT
scanning or MRI and angiography may be performed to identify a cerebral lesion or metabolic disorder
in the brain. An EEG is often performed at a follow-up visit between seizures. If the child is taking any
anticonvulsants, a serum drug level is obtained. Many seizures are self-limiting and require no emergency
intervention. When the seizure is prolonged, emergency therapy includes airway management,
supplemental oxygen, intravenous benzodiazepines, and careful monitoring of vital signs. Serum
electrolytes, glucose, and blood gases may be monitored. The postictal period ranges from 30 minutes
to 2 hours. When the child’s seizure does not stop as expected with emergency intervention, treatment
for status epilepticus is initiated.
Care of the child with epilepsy involves physical care and instruction regarding the importance of the
drug therapy and, probably more significant, the problems related to the emotional aspects of the
disorder. Nursing care is directed toward educating the child and family about epilepsy and helping them
develop strategies to cope with the psychologic and sociologic problems related to epilepsy.
Most seizure disorders are treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). A single (monotherapy) AED is
preferred for seizure control to minimize the side effects such as sleepiness, decreased attention and
memory, difficulty with speech, ataxia, and diplopia. A low dose is used initially and gradually increased
until seizures are controlled. An alternate AED may be tried if seizure control is not achieved with a high
therapeutic dose of the first medication or when unacceptable side effects occur. Some children have
refractory or intractable seizures, requiring two or more AEDs. Medication dosage adjustments are often
needed as the child grows. Blood tests to monitor for liver and hematologic problems and therapeutic
drug levels are often performed.
Status Epilepticus
Status epilepticus refers to a seizure that lasts continuously for longer than 30 minutes or a series of
seizures from which the child does not return to the previous level of consciousness. This is an
emergency requiring immediate treatment. Otherwise, exhaustion, respiratory failure, permanent brain
injury, or death may occur. Oxygen may be necessary to relieve cyanosis. An IV benzodiazepine such
as diazepam (Valium) or lorazepam (Ativan) halts seizures dramatically. This may be followed by IV
phenobarbital or phenytoin (Dilantin). Diazepam must be administered with extreme caution because the
drug is incompatible with many other medications, and any accidental infiltration into subcutaneous tissue
causes extensive tissue sloughing. When a benzodiazepine (diazepam or lorazepam) is ineffective,
fosphenytoin followed by phenobarbital is given as the next line of treatment. This combination of therapy
places the child at high risk for apnea; therefore, respiratory support is generally necessary. Children may
also receive an antiepileptic medication, intravenous valproate, which does not cause respiratory
compromise. Children who continue to have seizures despite this drug treatment may require general
anesthesia with a continuous infusion of midazolam, propofol, or pentobarbital. In this situation, the
patient may need to be intubated and continuous EEG monitoring is typically done to monitor for and
treat electrographic seizures.
Nursing care of a child with status epilepticus includes, in addition to the ABCs of life support,
monitoring blood pressure and body temperature. During the first 30 to 45 minutes of the seizure, the
blood pressure may be elevated. Thereafter, the blood pressure typically returns to normal but may be
decreased depending on the medications being administered for seizure control. Hyperthermia requiring
treatment may occur because of increased motor activity.
The cause of spina bifida is unknown, although environmental factors have been implicated, such as
chemicals (excessive use of alcohol), medications (e.g., valproic acid and carbamazepine used for
seizures, isotretinoin for acne), genetic factors, and maternal health conditions (diabetes mellitus,
gestational diabetes, folic acid deficiency, and maternal obesity). The increased incidence of the condition
in families points to a possible genetic influence.
The pathophysiology of SB is best understood when related to the normal formative stages of the
nervous system. At approximately 20 days of gestation, a decided depression, the neural groove,
appears in the dorsal ectoderm of the embryo. During the fourth week of gestation, the groove deepens
rapidly, and its elevated margins develop laterally and fuse dorsally to form the neural tube. Neural tube
formation begins in the cervical region near the center of the embryo and advances in both directions—
caudally and cephalically—until by the end of the fourth week of gestation, the ends of the neural tube,
the anterior and posterior neuropores, close.
A saclike protrusion on the infant’s back indicates meningocele or myelodysplasia
(meningomyelocele). The clinical manifestations (paralysis, weakness, and sensory loss) depend on the
location of the defect. The higher the defect on the spinal cord, the greater the neurologic dysfunction:
• Thoracic level—paralysis of the legs, weakness and sensory loss in the trunk and lower body
• Lumbar 1–2 level—some hip flexion and adduction, cannot extend knees
• Lumbar 3 level—can flex hips and extend the knees: paralyzed ankles and toes
• Lumbar 4–5 level—can flex hips and extend the knees, weak or absent ankle extension, toe
flexion, and hip extension
• Sacral level—mild weakness in ankles and toes
Sensory loss is more pronounced on the back of the legs, and the loss of lower extremity motor and
sensory functioning may not be symmetric. Bowel and bladder incontinence occurs with all but the sacral
level lesions, but bowel and bladder function may still be affected at the sacral level. Renal damage may
result from neurologic impairment and urinary retention (neurogenic bladder). Hydrocephalus is usually
present in children with a myelomeningocele defect above the sacral level, along with the Arnold Chiari
type II malformation.
Children with myelodysplasia have mobility problems, intellectual disability, and visual impairment.
Additional complications include spinal curvatures, musculoskeletal and joint abnormalities, skin sores,
precocious puberty, and sexual dysfunction.
The diagnosis of Spina Bifida is made on the basis of clinical manifestations and examination of the
meningeal sac. Diagnostic measures used to evaluate the brain and spinal cord include MRI,
ultrasonography, and CT. A neurologic evaluation will determine the extent of involvement of bowel and
bladder function as well as lower extremity neuromuscular involvement. Flaccid paralysis of the lower
extremities is a common finding with absent deep tendon reflexes.
Ultrasonographic scanning of the uterus and elevated maternal concentrations of α-fetoprotein (AFP,
or MS-AFP), a fetal specific γ-1-globulin, in amniotic fluid may indicate anencephaly or
myelomeningocele. The optimum time for performing these diagnostic tests is between 16 and 18 weeks
of gestation before AFP concentrations normally diminish and in sufficient time to permit a therapeutic
abortion. It is recommended that such diagnostic procedures and genetic counseling be considered for
all mothers who have borne an affected child, and testing is offered to all pregnant women.
Management of the child who has a myelomeningocele requires a multidisciplinary team approach
involving the specialties of neurology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, urology, orthopedics, rehabilitation,
physical therapy, occupational therapy, and social services, as well as intensive nursing care in a variety
of specialty areas. The collaborative efforts of these specialists focus on (1) the myelomeningocele and
the problems associated with the defect—hydrocephalus, paralysis, orthopedic deformities (e.g.,
developmental dysplasia of the hip, clubfoot; scoliosis), and genitourinary abnormalities; (2) possible
acquired problems that may or may not be associated, such as Chiari II malformation, meningitis,
seizures, hypoxia, and hemorrhage; and (3) other abnormalities, such as cardiac or gastrointestinal (GI)
malformations. Many hospitals have routine outpatient care by multidisciplinary teams to provide the
complex follow-up care needed for children with myelodysplasia. Many authorities believe that early
closure, within the first 24 to 72 hours, offers the most favorable outcome. Surgical closure within the first
24 hours is recommended if the sac is leaking CSF.
A variety of neurosurgical and plastic surgical procedures are used for skin closure without disturbing
the neural elements or removing any portion of the sac. The objective is satisfactory skin coverage of the
lesion and meticulous closure. Wide excision of the large membranous covering may damage functioning
neural tissue. Associated problems are assessed and managed by appropriate surgical and supportive
measures. Shunt procedures provide relief from imminent or progressive hydrocephalus. When
diagnosed, ventriculitis, meningitis, urinary tract infection, and pneumonia are treated with vigorous
antibiotic therapy and supportive measures. Surgical intervention for Chiari II malformation is indicated
only when the child is symptomatic (i.e., high-pitched crowing cry, stridor, respiratory difficulties, oral-
motor difficulties, upper extremity spasticity).
Initial care of the newborn involves preventing infection; performing a neurologic assessment,
including observing for associated anomalies; and dealing with the impact of the anomaly on the family.
Surgery to close and repair the lesion usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the infant’s birth to reduce
infection risk. As the child grows, braces are used to support joint position and mobility. Assistive devices
such as walkers, crutches, and wheelchairs are used to enhance mobility. To minimize the risk for
osteoporosis, the diet should ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D, and weight-bearing activities
should be encouraged. Surgery to release a tethered spinal cord may be needed. An orthotic jacket may
be prescribed to correct spinal deformities that affect lung capacity and interfere with mobility and sitting.
Interventions for a neurogenic bladder are initiated early to prevent kidney damage, to maintain bladder
function, and to promote urinary continence. Clean intermittent catheterization is performed on a regular
schedule (every 3 to 4 hours). A Mitrofanoff procedure that creates a reservoir for urine and a stoma for
catheterization in the umbilicus may be performed. Dietary fiber, stool softeners, and glycerin or bisacodyl
suppositories are prescribed for bowel evacuation and to promote bowel continence. Surgery to create a
channel between the skin and bowel using the appendix (Malone antegrade continence enema) is often
performed in children with fecal incontinence or severe constipation at the same time as the Mitranoff
procedure. This procedure enables a child or adolescent to infuse an enema into the ascending and
transverse colon to promote bowel evacuation to eliminate fecal soiling and incontinence. Prognosis
depends on the type of defect, the level of the lesion, and other complicating factors, such as renal
Hydrocephalus is a condition caused by an imbalance in the production and absorption of CSF in the
ventricular system. When production is greater than absorption, CSF accumulates within the ventricular
system, usually under increased pressure, producing passive dilation of the ventricles. The condition may
be congenital or acquired as a result of intraventricular hemorrhage, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, or
brain tumor. An estimated 1 to 2 infants per 1000 are born with hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus may be either communicating or noncommunicating. In communicating
hydrocephalus, the CSF flows freely among normal channels and pathways, but CSF absorption in the
subarachnoid space and the arachnoid villi is impaired. It may be acquired or caused by a congenital
malformation in the subarachnoid spaces. Noncommunicating hydrocephalus accounts for most cases
in children. It results from a blockage in the ventricular system that prevents CSF from entering the
subarachnoid space, resulting in enlargement of one or more ventricles. This obstruction can be caused
by infection, hemorrhage, tumor, surgery, or structural deformity. Congenital structural defects include
the Chiari type II malformation (found in children with myelomeningocele), aqueduct of Sylvius stenosis,
and the Dandy-Walker syndrome (includes hydrocephalus, a posterior fossa cyst, and hypoplasia of the
The Arnold-Chiari malformation (Chiari type II) involves a downward placement of the medulla and
lower cerebellum through the foramen magnum of the skull into the cervical vertebrae. This displacement
can cause sudden death, respiratory difficulty, swallowing difficulties, and the need for assisted
ventilation. Symptoms during infancy may include stridor, a weak cry, and apnea. An older child may
have an extremity weakness, difficulty swallowing, choking, hoarseness, vocal cord paralysis, and breath-
holding episodes. This defect is also associated with intellectual disability and epilepsy.
The factors that influence the clinical picture in hydrocephalus are the time of onset, acuity of onset,
and associated structural malformations. In infancy, before closure of the cranial sutures, head
enlargement is the predominant sign, but in older infants and children, the lesions responsible for
hydrocephalus produce other neurologic signs through pressure on adjacent structures before causing
CSF obstruction. In infants with hydrocephalus, the head grows at an abnormal rate; fontanels are bulging
and nonpulsatile; scalp veins are dilated, especially when the infant cries; and skull bones are thin with
separated sutures, causing a cracked-pot sound (Macewen sign) when palpated. In severe cases, infants
display frontal protrusion (frontal bossing), eyes depressed and rotated downward (setting-sun sign), and
sluggish pupils. The signs and symptoms in early to late childhood are caused by increased ICP, and
specific manifestations are related to the focal lesion. Most commonly resulting from posterior fossa
neoplasms and aqueduct stenosis, the clinical manifestations are primarily those associated with space-
occupying lesions (e.g., headaches on awakening with improvement after emesis or being in an upright
position, strabismus, ataxia).
Hydrocephalus in infants is based on head circumference that crosses at least one percentile line on
the head measurement chart within 2 to 4 weeks.
In evaluation of a preterm infant, specially adapted
head circumference charts are consulted to
distinguish abnormal head growth from normal
rapid head growth. The primary diagnostic tools to
detect hydrocephalus in older infants and children
are CT and MRI. Diagnostic evaluation of children
who have symptoms of hydrocephalus after
infancy is similar to that used in those with
suspected intracranial tumor. In neonates,
echoencephalography is useful in comparing the
ratio of lateral ventricle to cortex.
In addition to routine postoperative care and observation, the infant or child is positioned carefully on
the unoperated side to prevent pressure on the shunt valve. The child is kept flat to avoid complications
resulting from too-rapid reduction of intracranial fluid. The surgeon indicates the position to be maintained
and the extent of activity allowed. Pain management can be achieved with acetaminophen with or without
codeine for mild to moderate pain and opioids for severe pain. Observation is continued for signs of
increased ICP, which indicates obstruction of the shunt. Neurologic assessment includes evaluation of
pupillary dilation (pressure causes compression or stretching of the oculomotor nerve, producing dilation
on the same side as the pressure) and blood pressure (hypoxia to the brainstem causes variability in
these vital signs). If there is increased ICP, the surgeon will prescribe elevation of the head of the bed
and allow the child to sit up to enhance gravity flow through the shunt.
Because infection is the greatest hazard of the postoperative period, nurses are continually on the
alert for the usual manifestations of CSF infection, such as elevated temperature, poor feeding, vomiting,
decreased responsiveness, and seizure activity. There may be signs of local inflammation at the
operative sites and along the shunt tract. The child is also observed for abdominal distention because
CSF may cause peritonitis or a postoperative ileus as a complication of distal catheter placement.
Antibiotics are administered by the IV route as ordered, and the nurse may also need to assist with
intraventricular instillation. The incision site is inspected for leakage, and any suspected drainage is
tested for glucose, an indication of CSF. The management of hydrocephalus in a child is a demanding
task for both family and health professionals and helping a family cope with the child’s difficulties is an
important nursing responsibility. Children with hydrocephalus have lifelong special health care needs and
require evaluation on a regular basis. The overall aim is to establish realistic goals and an appropriate
educational program that will help the child to achieve his or her optimal potential.
Soft-tissue injuries should be iced immediately. This is best accomplished with crushed ice wrapped
in a towel, a screw-top ice bag, or a resealable plastic storage bag. Chemical-activated ice packs are
also effective for immediate treatment but are not reusable and must be closely monitored for leakage. A
wet elastic wrap, which transfers cold better than dry wrap, is applied to provide compression and to keep
the ice pack in place. A cloth barrier should be used between the ice container and the skin to prevent
trauma to the tissues. Ice has a rapid cooling effect on tissues that reduces edema and pain. Ice should
never be applied for more than 30 minutes at a time.
Elevating the extremity uses gravity to facilitate venous return and reduce edema formation in the
damaged area. The point of injury should be kept several inches above the level of the heart for therapy
to be effective. Several pillows can be used for elevation. Allowing the extremity to be dependent causes
excessive fluid accumulation in injury, delaying healing and causing painful swelling.
Torn ligaments, especially those in the knee, are usually treated by immobilization with a knee
immobilizer or a knee brace that allows flexion and extension until the child is able to walk without a limp.
Crutches are used for mobility to rest the affected extremity. Passive leg exercises, gradually increased
to active ones, are begun as soon as sufficient healing has taken place. Parents and children are
cautioned against using any form of liniment or other heat-producing preparation before examination. If
the injury requires casting or splinting, the heat generated in the enclosed space can cause extreme
discomfort and even tissue damage. In some cases, torn knee ligaments are managed with arthroscopy
and ligament repair or reconstruction as necessary depending on the extent of the tear, ligaments
involved, and child’s age. Surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament may be performed in
young athletes who wish to continue in active sports.
Bone fractures occur when the resistance of bone against the stress being exerted yields to the stress
force. Fractures are a common injury at any age but are more likely to occur in children and older adults.
Because childhood is a time of rapid bone growth, the pattern of fractures, problems of diagnosis, and
methods of treatment differ in children compared with adults. In children, fractures heal much faster than
in adults. Consequently, children may not require as long a period of immobilization of the affected
extremity as an adult with a fracture.
Fracture injuries in children are most often a result of traumatic incidents at home, at school, in a
motor vehicle, or in association with recreational activities. Children’s everyday activities include vigorous
play that predisposes them to injury, including climbing, falling, running into immovable objects,
skateboarding, trampolines, skiing, playground activities, and receiving blows to any part of their bodies
by a solid, immovable object.
Aside from automobile accidents or falls from heights, true injuries that cause fractures rarely occur
in infancy. Bone injury in children of this age group warrants further investigation. In any small child,
radiographic evidence of fractures at various stages of healing is, with few exceptions, a result of
nonaccidental trauma (child abuse). Any investigation of fractures in infants, particularly multiple
fractures, should include consideration of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) after nonaccidental trauma has
been ruled out.
Fractures in school-age children are often a result of playground falls or bicycle–automobile or
skateboard injuries. Adolescents are vulnerable to multiple and severe trauma because they are mobile
on bicycles, all-terrain vehicles, skateboards, skis, snowboards, trampolines, and motorcycles and are
active in sports.
A distal forearm (radius, ulna, or both) fracture is the most common fracture in children. The clavicle
is also a common fracture sustained in childhood, with approximately half of clavicle fractures occurring
in children younger than 10 years of age. Common mechanisms of injury include a fall with an
outstretched hand or direct trauma to the bone. In neonates, a fractured clavicle may occur with a large
newborn and a small maternal pelvis. This may be noted in the first few days after birth by a unilateral
Moro reflex or at the 2-week well-child check, when a fracture callus is palpated on the infant’s healing
A fractured bone consists of fragments—the fragment closer to the midline, or the proximal fragment,
and the fragment farther from the midline, or the distal fragment. When fracture fragments are separated,
the fracture is complete; when fragments remain attached, the fracture is incomplete. The fracture line
can be any of the following:
• Transverse—Crosswise at right angles to the long axis of the bone
• Oblique—Slanting but straight between a horizontal and a perpendicular direction
• Spiral—Slanting and circular, twisting around the bone shaft
The twisting of an extremity while the bone is breaking results in a spiral break. If the fracture does
not produce a break in the skin, it is a simple, or closed, fracture. Open, or compound, fractures are those
with an open wound through which the bone protrudes. If the bone fragments cause damage to other
organs or tissues (e.g., lung, liver), the injury is said to be a complicated fracture. When small fragments
of bone are broken from the fractured shaft and lie in the surrounding tissue, the injury is a comminuted
fracture. This type of fracture is rare in children. The types of fractures that are seen most often in children
1. Plastic deformation—Occurs when the bone is bent but not broken. A child’s flexible bone can be
bent 45 degrees or more before breaking. However, if bent, the bone will straighten slowly but not
completely, producing some deformity but without the angulation seen when the bone breaks.
Bends occur most commonly in the ulna and fibula, often in association with fractures of the radius
and tibia.
2. Buckle, or torus, fracture—Produced by compression of the porous bone; appears as a raised or
bulging projection at the fracture site. These fractures occur in the most porous portion of the
bone near the metaphysis (the portion of the bone shaft adjacent to the epiphysis) and are more
common in young children.
3. Greenstick fracture—Occurs when a bone is angulated beyond the limits of bending. The
compressed side bends, and the tension side fails, causing an incomplete fracture similar to the
break observed when a green stick is broken.
4. Complete fracture—Divides the bone fragments. These fragments often remain attached by a
periosteal hinge, which can aid or hinder reduction.
The weakest point of long bones is the cartilage growth plate, or the physis. Consequently, this is a
frequent site of damage of childhood trauma. Growth plate fractures are classified with the Salter-Harris
classification system. Detection of physeal injuries is sometimes difficult but critical. Close monitoring and
early treatment, if indicated, is essential to prevent longitudinal or angular growth deformities (or both).
Treatment of these fractures may include surgical open reduction and internal fixation to prevent or
reduce growth disturbances. Immediately after a fracture occurs, the muscles contract and physiologically
splint the injured area. This phenomenon accounts for the muscle tightness observed over a fracture site
and the deformity that is produced as the muscles pull the bone ends out of alignment. This muscle
response must be overcome by traction or complete muscle relaxation (e.g., anesthesia) to realign the
distal bone fragment to the proximal bone fragment.
Bone healing is rapid in growing children because of the thickened periosteum and generous blood
supply. When there is a break in the continuity of bone, the osteoblasts are stimulated to maximal activity.
New bone cells are formed in immense numbers almost immediately after the injury and, in time, are
evidenced by a bulging growth of new bone tissue between the fractured bone fragments. This is followed
by deposition of calcium salts to form a callus. Remodeling is a process that occurs in the healing of long
bone fractures in growing children. The irregularities produced by the fracture become indistinct as the
angles and bone overgrowth are smoothed out, giving the bone a straighter appearance. A general rule
of thumb is that an angulated fracture in a growing child will remodel by one degree per month.
Fractures heal in less time in children than in adults. The approximate healing times for a femoral
shaft are as follows: Neonatal period—2 to 3 weeks, Early childhood—4 weeks, Later childhood—6 to 8
weeks, and Adolescence—8 to 12 weeks.
A history of the injury may be lacking in childhood injuries. Infants and toddlers are unable to
communicate, and older children may not volunteer information (even under direct questioning) when the
injury occurred during questionable activities. Whenever possible, it is helpful to obtain information from
someone who witnessed the injury. In cases of nonaccidental trauma, providers may give false
information to protect themselves or family members. The child may exhibit generalized swelling, pain or
tenderness, deformity, and diminished functional use of affected limb or digit. They may also demonstrate
bruising, severe muscular rigidity, and crepitus (grating sensation at fracture site). However, often a
fracture is remarkably stable because of intact periosteum. The child may even be able to use an affected
arm or walk on a fractured leg. Because bones are highly vascular, a soft, pliable hematoma may be felt
around the fracture site.
Radiographic examination is the most useful diagnostic tool for assessing skeletal trauma. The
calcium deposits in bone make the entire structure radiopaque. Radiographic films are taken after fracture
reduction and, in some cases, may be taken during the healing process to determine satisfactory
The goals of fracture management are:
• To regain alignment and length of the bony fragments (reduction)
• To retain alignment and length (immobilization)
• To restore function to the injured parts
• To prevent further injury and deformity.
Fractures are splinted or casted to immobilize and protect the injured extremity. Children with
displaced fractures may have immediate surgical reduction and fixation (internal or external) rather than
being immobilized by traction. Some conditions require immediate medical attention, including open
fractures, compartment syndrome, fractures associated with vascular or nerve injury, and joint
dislocations that are unresponsive to reduction maneuvers.
In children, immobilization is used until adequate callus is formed. The position of the bone fragments
in relation to one another influences the rapidity of healing and residual deformity. Weight bearing and
active movement for the purpose of regaining function may begin after the fracture site is determined to
be stable by the medical provider. The child’s natural tendency to be active is usually sufficient to restore
normal mobility, and physical or occupational therapy is rarely indicated.
Nursing care focuses on care of the child before and after fracture reduction, encouraging mobility as
ordered, maintaining skin integrity, preventing infection, and teaching the parents and child how to care
for the fracture. If sedation or pain blocks are used, nursing care for these procedures is needed.
Scoliosis is a lateral S- or C-shaped curvature of the spine that is often associated with a rotational
deformity of the spine and ribs. Many people exhibit some degree of spinal curvature; curvatures of more
than 10 degrees are considered abnormal. Curves are either idiopathic or compensatory, the latter
occurring as the spine curves to compensate for a structural deformity such as leg length discrepancy.
Idiopathic scoliosis occurs most often in girls, especially during the growth spurt between the ages of 10
and 13 years. From 1% to 3% of adolescents manifest with idiopathic scoliosis of greater than 10 degrees.
A smaller number of children manifest infantile scoliosis before 3 years of age or juvenile scoliosis from
3 to 10 years.
The cause of scoliosis is complex. Structural scoliosis may be congenital, idiopathic, or acquired
(associated with neuromuscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy or myelodysplasia, or secondary
to spinal cord injuries). In idiopathic structural scoliosis (the most common type), the spine for unknown
reasons begins to curve laterally, with vertebral rotation. The most common curve is a right thoracic and
left lumbar deformity. As the curve progresses, structural changes occur. The ribs on the concave side
(inside of the curve) are forced closer together, while the ribs on the convex side separate widely, causing
narrowing of the thoracic cage and formation of the rib hump. The lateral curvature affects the vertebral
structure. Disc spaces are narrowed on the concave side and spread wider on the convex side, resulting
in an asymmetric vertebral canal.
Scoliosis can also occur in congenital diseases involving the spinal structure and in the
musculoskeletal changes seen in conditions such as myelomeningocele, cerebral palsy, or muscular
dystrophy. Disturbances in platelet function, melatonin levels, and bone-related trace substances are
sometimes evident. Scoliosis can also be acquired after
injury to the spinal cord.
The classic signs of scoliosis include truncal
asymmetry, uneven shoulder and hip height, a one-
sided rib hump, and a prominent scapula. The child
does not usually complain of pain or discomfort.
Generally, observation and radiographic examination
are used to diagnose scoliosis. Additional diagnostic
studies include MRI, CT, and bone scanning, which are
used occasionally to assess the degree of curvature.
The goal of medical management is to limit or stop
progression of the curvature.
Early detection is essential to successful treatment.
Adequate treatment and follow-up maximize the child’s chances for proper spinal alignment. The
treatment regimen chosen depends on the degree and progression of the curvature and the reaction of
the child and family to medical management. Treatment of children with mild scoliosis (curvatures of 10
to 20 degrees) consists of exercises to improve posture and muscle tone and to maintain, or possibly
increase, flexibility of the spine. Emphasis is placed on building strength toward the outside of the curve
while stretching the inside of the curve. However, these exercises are not a cure, and the child should be
evaluated by a physician at 3-month intervals, with radiographic evaluation every 6 months. Medical
management of moderate scoliosis (curvatures of 20 to 40 degrees) includes bracing with a Boston brace.
The goal of wearing a brace is to maintain the existing spinal curvature with no increase. Brace wear
begins immediately after diagnosis. To achieve maximum effectiveness, the brace should be worn 23
hours per day. Brace treatment is lengthy, favorite sports may not be allowed, it can affect body image,
and it requires a high degree of compliance, all of which can be difficult for adolescents. Children with
severe scoliosis (curvatures of 40 to 50 degrees or more) generally require surgery, which involves spinal
fusion. Majority of spinal fusions are performed using segmental instrumentation of the spinal cord with
hooks, wires, rods, and screws. Examples of surgical approaches include Luque wires, Cotrel-Dubousset
(CD) instrumentation, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital system, and Moss-Miami system. These treatments
stabilize the spine well during surgery, may be accompanied by bone grafting to the spine, and require
no long-term therapy or postoperative casting; instrumentation remains permanently in the back.
Following surgery with wires or instrumentation, the child is on bed rest during a recovery period and then
is generally fitted with anteroposterior plastic shells (also called thoracolumbar sacral orthotics) that are
worn for several months to provide stability for the spine.
An important aspect of nursing care is client education. Client adherence to prescribed measures is
critical to the success of treatment. Children and their families need to understand the condition and the
stages of treatment; this is particularly true for adolescents undergoing treatment for scoliosis. Children
or adolescents facing surgery require education, reassurance, and support. Teach about pain control and
the patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump. Often children donate some of their own blood prior to
surgery, and the family may also donate so blood transfused in surgery is the children’s or a family
member’s. Teach the child the safety that this ensures. The adolescent will benefit from learning about
deep breathing, positioning, surgical incision, and all other aspects of postoperative care.
Most cases occur during the prenatal and perinatal periods. Risk factors include low birth weight,
placental abnormalities, birth defects, meconium aspiration, birth asphyxia, neonatal seizures, respiratory
distress syndrome, hypoglycemia, and neonatal infections. Postnatal cases are related to meningitis,
encephalitis, and traumatic brain injury.
Muscle growth is usually coordinated with bone growth, but muscle spasticity interferes. Contractures
can develop that limit joint movement or cause deformities such as scoliosis. Because of more limited
weight-bearing activity and potential nutritional problems with swallowing and independent feeding,
children with CP are at greater risk for osteoporosis and fractures.
Cerebral palsy is characterized by abnormal muscle tone and lack of coordination. Children have a
variety of symptoms depending on their ages, and the pattern or extremities involved may vary:
• Diplegia—both legs are affected
• Hemiplegia—one side of the body is involved the arm is usually more severely affected than the
• Quadriplegia—all four extremities are affected
All children with CP have motor impairment, with spasticity present more commonly than ataxia or
athetosis and dystonia. Even if both sides of the body are affected, the impairment is usually more severe
on one side. Spasticity is also associated with muscle weakness that interferes with gross motor activities.
Children with CP usually have delayed developmental milestones. The functional consequences of
motor deficits become more obvious as the child grows even though the brain injury is nonprogressive.
Other complications include intellectual disabilities, vision impairments, hearing loss, speech and
language impairments, and seizures. Feeding may be difficult because of oral motor involvement,
including hypotonia, with poor sucking and swallowing coordination that may result in aspiration or poor
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical findings of delayed development and increased or decreased
muscle tone. CP is difficult to diagnose in the early months of life because it must be distinguished from
other neurologic conditions and signs may be subtle. Ultrasonography can be used to detect fetal and
neonatal abnormalities of the brain, such as intraventricular hemorrhage. Neuromotor tests are used to
evaluate the presence of normal movement patterns, absence of common newborn reflexes, and
abnormal tone. Once CP is suspected, CT and MRI imaging provide information about anatomic
structures and help identify the cause of CP. Genetic and metabolic tests are performed if congenital
anomalies are present. Hearing and vision should be evaluated. Standardized tools, such as the
Functional Mobility Scale and Manual Ability Classification System, are used to describe the child’s
Clinical therapy focuses on helping the child develop to a maximum level of independence and to
perform activities of daily living. This involves promoting mobility, an optimal range of motion, muscle
control, balance, and communication with braces and splints, serial casting, and positioning devices
(prone wedges, standers, and side-lyers). Referrals are made for physical, occupational, and speech
therapy, as well as special education to improve motor function and ability. Orthopedic surgery may be
required to improve function by balancing muscle power and stabilizing uncontrollable joints. Surgical
interventions may include Achilles tendon lengthening to increase the ankle range of motion, hamstring
release to correct knee flexion contractures, procedures to improve hip adduction or correct spinal
deformities, or dorsal rhizotomy (cutting the afferent fibers that contribute to spasticity).
Medications are given to control seizures, to control spasms (skeletal muscle relaxants, baclofen, and
benzodiazepines), and to minimize gastrointestinal side effects (cimetidine or ranitidine).
Benzodiazepines affect brain control of muscle tone to help control spasticity. Dantrolene is a calcium
channel blocker that is a muscle relaxant. Baclofen is administered orally or by intrathecal pump to
decrease spasticity. Botulinum toxin injection into specific muscles is a therapy that helps to temporarily
control spasticity.
Nursing care focuses on providing adequate nutrition, maintaining skin integrity, promoting physical
mobility, promoting safety, promoting growth and development, teaching parents how to care for the child,
and providing emotional support.
Clubfoot is a congenital abnormality in which the foot is twisted out of its normal position. It occurs in
approximately 1 to 2 in 1000 births, affects boys nearly twice as often as girls, and is bilateral in about
half of affected infants. Clubfoot is a complex deformity of the ankle and foot that includes forefoot
adduction, midfoot supination, hindfoot varus, and ankle equinus. Deformities of the foot and ankle are
described according to the position of the ankle and foot. The more common positions involve the
following variations:
• Talipes varus—An inversion, or bending inward
• Talipes valgus—An eversion, or bending outward
• Talipes equinus—Plantar flexion, in which the
toes are lower than the heel
• Talipes calcaneus—Dorsiflexion, in which the
toes are higher than the heel
• Talipes equinovarus—Toes lower than the heel
and facing inward
The exact cause of clubfoot is unknown; however, several possible etiologies have been proposed.
Some authorities believe abnormal intrauterine positioning causes the deformity. Others suspect
neuromuscular or vascular problems as causes. There is a genetic component in some cases because
the risk of having a second child with clubfoot when an earlier child is affected is 25%.
Diagnosis is made at birth on the basis of visual inspection. Radiographs are used to confirm the
severity of the condition. Early treatment is essential to achieve successful correction and reduce the
chance of complications. Serial casting is the treatment of choice. Casting should begin as soon as
possible after birth. Timing is critical because the short bones of the foot, which are primarily cartilaginous
at birth, begin to ossify shortly thereafter. The foot is manipulated to achieve maximum correction first of
the varus deformity and then of the equinus deformity. A long leg cast holds the foot in the desired
position. The cast is changed every 1 to 2 weeks. This regimen of manipulation and casting continues
for approximately 8 to 12 weeks until maximum correction is achieved. If the deformity has been
corrected, the child may begin wearing a splint or reverse cast (shaped so that the foot turns outward
away from the body instead of the normal inward turn) or corrective shoes to maintain the correction. If
the deformity has not been corrected, surgery is required. Casting holds the foot in position until surgery
is performed. The age at which a child undergoes clubfoot surgery varies among surgeons. However,
most children have surgery between 3 and 12 months of age. The one-stage posteromedial release
procedure, which involves realignment of the bones of the foot and release of the constricting soft tissue,
is most common. The foot is held in the proper position by one or more stainless steel pins. A cast is then
applied with the knee flexed to prevent damage to the pin and to discourage weight bearing. Casting
continues for 6 to 12 weeks. The child may then need to wear a brace or corrective shoes, depending on
the severity of the deformity and the surgeon’s preference.
The goal of treatment for clubfoot is to achieve a painless, plantigrade, and stable foot. Treatment of
clubfoot involves three stages: (1) correction of the deformity, (2) maintenance of the correction until
normal muscle balance is regained, and (3) follow-up observation to avert possible recurrence of the
deformity. Some feet respond to treatment readily; some respond only to prolonged, vigorous, and
sustained efforts; and the improvement in others remains disappointing even with maximal effort on the
part of all concerned. A common approach to clubfoot management is the Ponseti method. Serial casting
is begun shortly after birth. Weekly gentle manipulation and serial long-leg casts allow for gradual
repositioning of the foot. The extremity or extremities are casted until maximum correction is achieved,
usually within 6 to 10 weeks. Majority of the time, a percutaneous heel cord tenotomy is performed at the
end of the serial casting to correct the equinus. After the tenotomy, a long-leg cast is applied and left in
place for 3 weeks. A Denis Browne bar with Ponseti sandals or straightlaced shoes placed in abduction
are then fitted to prevent recurrence. Inability to achieve normal foot alignment after casting and tenotomy
indicates the need for surgical intervention.
Nursing management involves providing emotional support, educating the family about home care of
the child in a cast and the importance of keeping appointments at the outpatient facility for cast changes,
preparing the family for the child’s hospitalization if surgery is to occur, and providing postsurgical care.
Cerebral palsy - a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture,
causing activity limitation, that are attributed to nonprogressive disturbances that occurred in the
developing fetal or infant brain.
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) - describes a spectrum of disorders related to abnormal
development of the hip that may occur at any time during fetal life, infancy, or childhood.
Epilepsy - is a condition characterized by two or more unprovoked seizures and can be caused by
a variety of pathologic processes in the brain.
Scoliosis - is a lateral S- or C-shaped curvature of the spine that is often associated with a rotational
deformity of the spine and ribs.
Spina bifida - refers to a defect in one or more vertebrae that allows spinal cord contents to
Ball, J.W., Bindler, R. C., Cowen, K. J., Shaw, M. R., (2017). Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring
for Children, 7th Edition, (pp. 739-788). Pearson Education, Inc.
Study Questions
• Jack, age 6 years, was admitted to the pediatric unit for diagnosis and treatment of a possible
1. What are the two major foci of the process of diagnosis in a child with a seizure
2. While the nurse is assisting with breakfast, Jack has a brief loss of consciousness. The
nurse noted that his eyelids twitched, and his hands moved slightly. He then needed to
reorient himself to previous activity. How would the nurse keep Jack safe?
Ball, J.W., Bindler, R. C., Cowen, K. J., Shaw, M. R., (2017).
Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 7th
Edition, (pp. 739-788). Pearson Education, Inc.
Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Leviton A, and others: A report: the definition and classification of
cerebral palsy April 2006, Dev Med Child Neurol 49(S109):1–44, 2007.
At the end of the course unit (CM), learners will be able to:
• Differentiate and understand the Care of a Child with Life
Threatening Conditions/ Acutely Ill/ Multi-organ Problems/
High Acuity and Emergency Situations
• Can easily assess patient Child with Life Threatening
• Listen attentively during discussion
• Develop interest in studying Nursing Care of a Child with Life
Threatening Conditions/ Acutely Ill/ Multi-organ Problems/
High Acuity and Emergency Situations (Acute and Chronic)
• Used the knowledge acquired into their OJT/ RLE
• Express opinions and thoughts during the discussions.
Each nurse develops her own routine for completing a basic nursing assessment. There is no right or wrong
way, although it should be consistent and complete. The following outline for basic assessment is a simple
approach to the assessment and one you may wish to adopt until you have established a good system for
The basic assessment is completed at the beginning and end of each shift. The assessment should take no
longer than five to ten minutes to complete. You should concentrate on the specific system that correlates
with the patient’s diagnosis.
The following outline will assist you in completing a basic physical assessment
1. Vital Signs
a. Temperature
b. Radial Pulse: rate, volume, rhythm
c. Respirations: rate, depth, rhythm
d. Blood Pressure: Korotkoff’s sounds
3.Emotional responses: patient behavior, reactions and demeanor, and general mood (crying/ depressed)
4.Skin: presence/ absence of abrasions, contusions, erythema, decubitus ulcers, incision line, color, turgor,
6.Neurological: pupil (size, response, equality), hand grip strength and sensation of all extremities; ability
to follow commands; level of consciousness.
7.Respiratory: breath sounds; sputum color and consistency; cough (productive/ non-productive)
9.Gastrointestinal: bowel pattern and sounds; presence of nausea/ vomiting; abdominal distention;
consumption of diet
10.Genitourinary: voiding, color, odor, and consistency of urine, dysuria; vaginal drainage discomfort;
penile discharge
TRIAGE is a method of prioritizing patient care according to the type of illness or injury and the urgency of
the patient’s condition. It is used to ensure that each patient receives care appropriate to his need and in a
timely manner.
Total score
Mental status assessment begins when you talk to the patients. Responses to your questions reveal clues
about the patient’s orientation and memory. Use such clues as a guide during the physical assessment.
Level of consciousness (LOC) is a measurement of arousability and responsiveness to stimuli from the
environment. An altered level of consciousness can result from a variety of factors, including alterations in
the chemical environment of the brain (e.g., exposure to poisons), insufficient oxygen or blood flow in the
brain, and excessive pressure within the skull. Prolonged unconsciousness is understood to be a sign of a
medical emergency. A decreased level of consciousness correlates to increased morbidity (disability) and
mortality (death). Thus it is a valuable measure of the patient’s and neurological status. In fact, some sources
consider level of consciousness to be one of the vital signs.
Classification Description
Alert • Follows commands &responds completely &appropriately to
GCS Score: stimuli
14-15 • Oriented to time, place, & person
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart
attack or near drowning, in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Ideally, CPR involves two
elements: chest compressions combined with mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing.
It is a combination of artificial respiration which supplies oxygen to the lungs and chest compressions which
causes blood to move through the heart and circulatory system that will contribute oxygen to the lungs and
vital organs.
CPRS is administered to prolong ventricular fibrillation which is the abnormal rhythm that causes cardiac
arrest. Effective chest compressions provide 16% oxygen content--, enough to sustain life.
Most people suffering a fatal heart attack die within 2 hours of the first sign and symptoms of the attack.
Activate the EMS (emergency medical services) system and start CPR as soon as possible. Victims have
a good chance of surviving if:
CPR is started as soon as possible after the heart stops beating or if breathing either stops or is ineffective.
They receive advanced cardiac life support within the next 4 minutes.
Any delay in starting CPR reduces the chances of survival. In addition, the brain cells begin to die after 4-6
minutes without oxygen that could lead to irreversible brain damage.
Adults: 2 inches
Child: (1 yr- puberty): approximately 1/3 to ½ depth of the chest or 1 in-1 ½
Infant: approximately 1/3 to ½ of the depth chest or ½ to 1 inch
Allow chest to recoil to increase preload and afterload of blood circulation. Do 30 chest compressions.
There are certain important precautions to remember in order to protect the victim and get the best result
from CPR. These include:
• Do not leave victim alone.
• Do not chest compressions if the victim has a pulse. Chest compression when there is normal
circulation could cause the heart to stop beating.
• Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
• Avoid moving victim’s head or neck if spinal injury is a possibility. The person should be left as
found if breathing freely. To check for breathing when spinal injury is suspected, the rescuer
should only listen for by the victim’s mouth and watch the chest for movement.
• Do not slap the victim’s face, or throw water on the face, to try and revive the person.
• Do not place a pillow under the victim’s head.
EMERGENCY CARTs are valuable hospital tools that are designed to store and transport critical emergency
equipment to be used for patients care. In the fast-paced medical field, it is crucial that tasks be performed
in a timely manner. Medical tools must be readily available and easily accessible so that no time is lost and
patients’ lives can be saved.
External contents:
• Portable monitor/defibrillator unit with charged batteries, multi-function cable, multi-function pads
(pedia, adult or both as appropriate), pacer cable (if pacer capable machine), EKG electrodes,
appropriate sized paddles (adult, pediatrics), defibrillation gel, monitor paper, blood pressure cuff
(adult carts)
• Spo2 probe
• Sharps container
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation records
• Emergency crash cart check sheet
• List of cart contents
• Emergency drug information sheets as appropriate for unit
• Cardiac board
Acute- come on rapidly, and are accompanied by distinct symptoms that require urgent or short
term care.
Acutely Ill-These patient has typically developed life threatening ,neurologically and
cardiorespiratory instability.
Chronic- A long term health condition that may not have a cure.
Life Threratening- is very seriously dangerous , and it might even result in death.
A newborn boy get rushed in emergency department after 2 hours of life with respiratory distress and
He was born at term to a G1P0 mother who had an unremarkable pregnancy, protective serologies and no
diabetes. She tested negative for group B streptococcus, and had no history of maternal herpes simplex
virus infection. She denied smoking, alcohol and recreational drug use during pregnancy. The baby was
born at home following an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. At 2h of life, the baby was still grunting and
jittery, and was brought to the emergency department.
In the emergency department, he was in moderate respiratory distress. His respiratory rate was 76
breaths/min, with visible subcostal indrawing and nasal flaring. His heart rate was 150 beats/min,
O2 saturation was 92% on room air and his rectal temperature was 36.8°C. The infant was alert, appeared
warm and pink, but demonstrated fine tremor in all four limbs, which was suppressed by holding his limbs
firmly. There were no dysmorphic features, fontanelles were flat, and the infant’s cardiorespiratory
examination was normal. Neurological examination revealed normal primitive reflexes, but significantly
increased tone to all four limbs.
The infant’s bedside glucose level measured 0.34 g/L, which was normalized with a bolus of 10% dextrose
in water. Jittery movements and hypertonia persisted despite correction of hypoglycemia. Full septic work-
up was performed, and the infant was started on broad-spectrum antibiotics and admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit.
1. If you are the nurse on duty (NOD) what is your immediate interventions to the patient?
2. What is your diagnosis?
3. Make a Nursing Care Plan for your diagnosis.
Wong Essentials of Pediatric Nursing -Marilyn Hockenberry and David Wilson 9th Edition.
Essential guide for the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oxford handbooks of obstetrics and
gynecology 3rd Edition ( S. Kollins,S. et all. ).
1. Enhance the skills in managing illness in infants and children using case management process.
2. Check and identify the general danger signs prescribed by a child and use good communication skills in
assessing the general danger signs presented by a sick child.
3. Know the Major conditions/symptoms & routinely assess them using the IMCI procedure.
4. Check the child’s nutrition and immunization status & assess other problems that child may have.
5. Know the clinical signs and symptoms used in algorithm and know how to assess them.
6. Classify the illness and identify the appropriate treatments for infants and children.
7. Give important pre- referral treatments and referring the child to a specialist.
1. Listen attentively during class discussions
2. Demonstrate tact and respect when challenging other people’s opinions and ideas
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates on one’s opinions openly and graciously.
4. Develop heightened interest in studying Maternal and Child Nursing.
1. Participate actively during class discussions and group activities
2. Express opinion and thoughts in front of the class
Department of Health. (2011). IMCI chart booklet Integrated management of childhood illness. Manila :
Department of Health. F 618.92 I1 2011, c3
b. Assess for Main Symptoms:
C - cough/ difficulty breathing
D - diarrhea
F - fever
E - ear problem
2. IDENTIFY THE TREATMENT - write the treatments identified for each classification on the
reverse side of the case recording form.
3. TREATMENT - A curative method of treating diseases. This vary on the condition of the patient.
The IMCI chart titled TREAT THE CHILD shows how to do the treatment steps identified on the
ASSESS AND CLASSIFY chart. TREAT means giving treatment in clinic, prescribing drugs or
other treatments to be given at home, and also teaching the caretaker how to carry out the
4. COUNSEL - Providing health education to clients promotes health and avoid risk of infection.
These are important for parents/caregivers especially who lack knowledge on health practices
and risks factors that contribute to disease ailments. Recommendations on feeding, fluids and
when to return are given on the chart titled COUNSEL THE MOTHER. For many sick children,
you will assess feeding and counsel the mother about any feeding problems found. For all sick
children who are going home, you will advise the child’s caretaker about feeding, fluids and when
to return for further care.
5. FOLLOW UP - Several treatments in the ASSESS AND CLASSIFY chart include a follow-up visit.
At a follow-up visit you can see if the child is improving on the drug or other treatment that was
prescribed. The GIVE FOLLOW-UP CARE section of the TREAT THE CHILD chart describes
the steps for conducting each type of follow-up visit.
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Both bacteria and viruses can cause pneumonia. In
developing countries, pneumonia is often due to bacteria.The most common are Streptococcus
pneumoniae and Hemophilusinfluenzae. Children with bacterial pneumonia may die from hypoxia
(too little oxygen) or sepsis (generalized infection).
o Fast breathing – PNEUMONIA
o Chest indrawing – SEVERE PNEUMONIA
• Assessment
o > 30 days = chronic cough
o Fast breathing –
▪ Count the breath in one minute – Respiratory rate
▪ cut-off for fast breathing:
If the child is: Fast breathing is:
2 months up to 12 months 50 breaths/ minute or more
12 onths up to 5 years 40 breaths/ minute or more
o Chest indrawing – the lower chest wall goes IN when the child breaths IN
o Look or listen for stridor.
Stridor – harsh noise made when the child breaths IN that happens when there is
swelling of the larynx, trachea, or epiglottis.
• Classification
o Severe Pneumonia or Very Severe Disease (PINK)
Signs – at least one sign to classify it under the pink category or severe classification.
▪ Any general danger sign
▪ Chest indrawing
▪ Stridor in calm child
▪ Give the first dose of an appropriate antibiotic (give an intramuscular antibiotic:
ampicillin (50 mg/kg) and gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg)
injection every 6 hours, and the gentamicin injection once daily
▪ Refer URGENTLY to hospital
o Pneumonia (YELLOW)
▪ Fast breathing – 2 months up to 12 months (50 breaths/ minute or more)
12 months up to 5 years (40 breaths/ minute or more)
▪ Give an appropriate oral antibiotic for 5 days
▪ First line antibiotic: Amoxicillin
▪ Second line antibiotic : Cotrimoxazole
▪ Soothe the throat and relieve the cough with safe remedy
▪ Breastmilk for exclusive breastfed infant
▪ Tamarind, calamansi and ginger
▪ Advise mother when to return immediately
▪ Follow up in 2 days
o No Pneumonia: Cough or colds (GREEN)
▪ No signs of pneumonia or very severe disease
Home management:
▪ If coughing for more than 30 days, refer for assessment
▪ Soothe the throat and relieve the cough with safe remedy
▪ Advice mother when to return immediately
▪ Follow up in 5 days if not improving
• Assessment
o How long the child has diarrhea ?
▪ To determine the type of diarrhea
▪ Acute Diarrhea- diarrhea lasts for less than 14 days
▪ Persistent Diarrhea- diarrhea last for 14 days or more
o Is there blood in the stool?
▪ Diarrhea with blood in the stool, with or without mucus is called dysentery
▪ The most common cause of dysentery is Shigella bacteria
o Check for signs of dehydration
▪ Restless and irritable
▪ Abnormally sleepy or difficult to awaken
▪ Sunken eyes
▪ Child is not able to drink or drinking poorly or drinking eagerly , thirsty
o Slowly Pinch the skin of the abdomen. Does it goes back: Very slowly(longer than 2
• Classification
o Classifying Diarrhea:
▪ All children with diarrhea are classified for dehydration
▪ If the child has had diarrhea for 14 days or more, classify the child for persistent
▪ If the child has blood in the stool, classify the child for dysentery
o Classifying Diarrhea with Dehydration
▪ Severe Dehydration
▪ Some dehydration
▪ No Dehydration
o CLASSIFICATION: for diarrhea 14 days or more
▪ Severe Persistent Diarrhea (Pink) – dehydration present
▪ Persistent Diarrhea (Yellow) – no dehydration
o CLASSIFICATION: Dysentery (Yellow)
Signs : blood in the stool
▪ Treat for 5 days with oral antibiotic recommended for shigella in your area.
• First line antibiotic for shigella: COTRIMOXAZOLE
• Second-line antibiotic for shigella: NALIDIXIC ACID
▪ Follow up in 2 days
• Treatment
o Treat for severe dehydration quickly (PLAN C)
▪ If you can give Intravenous fluid immediately:
• Start IV fluid immediately
• If the child can drink, give ORS by mouth while the drip is set up.
• Give 100 ml/kg Ringer’s Lactate Solution (or, if not available, normal
saline), divided as follows:
o Infants (under 12 mos.)
▪ Give 30ml/ kg in 1 hour
▪ Then give 70ml/ kg in 5 hours
o Children (12 months to 5 years)
▪ Give 30ml/ kg in 30 minutes
▪ Then give 70ml/ kg in 2 1/2 hours
• Reassess the child every 1- 2 hours. If hydration status is not improving,
give the IV drip more rapidly.
• Also give ORS (about 5 ml/kg/hour) as soon as the child can drink: usually
after 3-4 hours (infants) or 1-2 hours (children).
• Reassess an infant after 6 hours and a child after 3 hours. Classify
dehydration. Then choose the appropriate plan (A, B, or C) to continue
▪ If IV treatment available nearby within 30 minutes:
• Refer URGENTLY to hospital for IV treatment.
• If the child can drink, provide the mother with ORS solution and show her
how to give frequent sips during the trip or give ORS by naso-gastic tube.
▪ Is the health care provider trained to use NGT for rehydration/ Can the child drink
• Start rehydration by tube or mouth with ORS solution : give 20 ml/kg/hr for
6 hrs ( total of 120 ml/kg)
• Reassess the child every 1-2 hours while waiting for transfer:
o If there is repeated vomiting or abdominal distension, give the fluid
more slowly.
o If the hydration status is not improving after 3 hours, send the child
for IV therapy.
• After 6 hours reassess the child. Classify dehydration. Then choose the
appropriate plan (A, B, or C) to continue treatment.
o Treat for Some Dehydration with ORS (PLAN B)
▪ In the clinic, give recommended amount of ORS over 4-hour period
• Determine amount of ors to give during first 4 hours
• Use the child’s age only when you do not know the weight. The
approximate amount of ORS required (inml) can also be calculated by
multiplying the child’s weight in kg times 75.
• If the child wants more ORS than shown, give more.
• For infants below 6 months who are not breastfed, also give 100-200ml
clean water during this period
• Show the mother how to give ors solution:
o Give frequent small sips from a cup
o If the child vomits, wait 10 minutes then continue - but more slowly
o Continue breastfeeding whenever the child wants
• After 4 hours:
o Reassess the child and classify the child for dehydration
o Select the appropriate plan to continue treatment
o Begin feeding the child in clinic
• If the mother must leave before completing treatment:
o Show her how to prepare ORS solution at home
o Show her how much ORS to give to finish 4-hour treatment home
o Give her instructions how to prepare salt and sugar solution for use
at home
o Explain the 4 Rules of Home Treatment:
▪ Give extra fluid
▪ Give zinc (age 2 months up to 5 years)
▪ Continue feeding (exclusive breastfeeding if age less than
6 months)
▪ When to return
o Treat for Diarrhea at Home (PLAN A)
▪ Counsel the mother on the 4 Rules of Home Treatment:
• Give Extra Fluid (as much as the child will take)
o Tell the mother:
Malaria is caused by parasites in the blood called “plasmodia”. It is transmitted through the bite of
anopheles mosquitoes. Four species of plasmodia can cause malaria, but the only dangerous one is
Plasmodium Falciparum. Fever is the main symptom of malaria. Other signs of falciparum malaria are
shivering, sweating, and vomiting.
In most areas in the Philippines where there is malaria transmission, malaria is a significant cause of
death of children. The child is considered to be MALARIA RISK if the child visited or stayed overnight in
a malaria area in the past 4 weeks.
• Very Severe Febrile Disease (PINK)
o Signs
▪ Any danger sign
▪ Stiff neck
o Treatment
▪ In giving the first dose of Quinine it should be under medical supervision or if a
hospital is not accessible within 4 hours
▪ Give first dose of an appropriate antibiotic.
▪ Treat the child to prevent low blood sugar
• If the child is able to breastfeed:
o Ask the mother to breastfeed the child
• If the child is not able to breastfeed but is able to swallow
o Give expressed breastmilk or breastmilk substitute
• If neither of these is available, give sugar water
o Give 30-50 ml of milk or sugar water before departure
• If the child is not able to swallow
o Give 50 ml of milk or sugar water by NGT
• If the child is difficult to waken or unconscious, start IV infusion
o Give 5 ml/kg of 10% of dextrose solution ( D10) over a few minutes
o Or give 1 ml/kg of 50% (D50) by slow push
▪ Give one dose of paracetamol in clinic for high fever (38.5 C or above)
▪ Refer URGENTLY to hospital.
▪ Send a blood smear with the patient
• Malaria (YELLOW)
o Treatment
▪ If no cough with fast breathing, treat with oral antimalarial
▪ If cough with fast breathing, treat with cotrimoxazole for 5 days
▪ Give one dose of paracetamol in clinic for high fever (38.5 C or above)
▪ Advise mother when to return immediately
▪ Follow up in 2 days if fever persists
▪ If fever is present every day for more than 7 days, REFER for assessment.
• Signs and symptoms include generalized rash, cough, runny nose, red eyes and corneal clouding
due to vitamin A deficiency that may lead to blindness.
Ear Problem
A child with ear problem may have ear infection. The main cause of deafness in low-income area which
leads to learning problems. Clinical Assessment include:
• Tender Swelling behind the ear - this is a manifestation of deep infection in the mastoid bone
in infants can also be above the ear
• Ear pain - can be seen in early stage of acute otitis causing the child to become irritable and
rub ear
• Ear discharge or pus - check for pus drainage from the ears. Find out how long the discharge
has been present.
• Classification
• Mastoiditis (PINK)
• Signs
• Tender swelling behind the ear
• Treatment
• Give the first dose of an appropriate antibiotic
• Give the first dose of paracetamol for pain
• Refer URGENTLY to hospital
• Acute ear infection (YELLOW)
• Signs
• Ear pain
• Pus is seen draining from the ear, and discharge is reported for less than 14
• Treatment
• Give an antibiotic for 5 days
• Give paracetamol for pain
• Dry the ear by wicking
• Follow up in 5 days
• Advise mother when to return immediately
• Classification:
Two of the following • Give fluid and
signs are present: food for some
• Restless, dehydration (Plan B).
irritable • If infant also
• Sunken eyes Some has Possible Serious
• Skin pinch Dehydration Bacterial Infection or
goes back Dysentery: Refer
slowly URGENTLY to
hospital with sips of
Stridor – harsh noise made when the child breaths IN that happens when there is swelling of the larynx,
trachea, or epiglottis.
World Health Organization (2005). Handbook: IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. Retrieved
at: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42939/9241546441.pdf;sequence=1. WHO
Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
Study Questions
• Assess, classify and make a treatment plan for the following cases:
1. A 6-month old boy does not have general danger signs. He is with fever, ear pain and ear
discharges for a week, no anemia, not very low weight.
2. A 7-month old girl with cough and cold, no dehydration, persistent diarrhea, no anemia, not
very low weight
3. A 9-month old boy is lethargic, with severe dehydration, no anemia, not very low weight
4. A 2-year old girl does not have general danger signs. She is with severe dehydration,
severe malnutrition and severe anemia.
Ang, Beverly. (2009). Easy IMCI for Nurses & student Nurses. Mla:
Educational Publishing. F 610.7362 A4 2009