Recently Turn-And-Slip: Ball, Indicator
Recently Turn-And-Slip: Ball, Indicator
Recently Turn-And-Slip: Ball, Indicator
Turn-and-Slip Indicator:
The first gyroscopic aircraft instrument was the turn indicator in the needle and ball, or
turn-and-bank indicator, which has more recently been calleda turn-and-slip indicator.
Horizontai GyrO
******* **************
** 7************ ***********
Girbal rotation
Gyia rotation *******
- .
Standard Rate
Turn Index
... ..
The inclinometer in the instrument is glass ball sealed inside a curved glass tubee
a black
that is partially filled with a liquid for damping. This ball measures the relative strength
of the force of
there is
and the force of inertia caused by a turn. When the aircraft is flying straight-and-level,
Bravity between two wires. In a turm made
acting on the ball, and it remains in the center of the tube
no inertia
angle that is too the force of gravity is greater than the inertia and the ball rolls down
&Dank steep,
the inertia is greater tha
n e inside ofthe turn. If the turn is made witlh too shallow a bank angle,
gravity and the ball rolls upward to the outside of the turn.
Ihe inclinomcter does not indicate the amount of bank, nor does it indicate slip; ilunly
indicates the relationship between the angle of bank and the rate ot yaw: